On the danger of false demography

On the danger of false demography

Recently, the authorities, speaking of their successes, do not forget to talk about the positive developments in the demography of the country. However, at the same time, they forget to say that this is not a steady increase in population, but fluctuations of a demographic character, which demographers are well aware of. They are of short duration and cannot be called sustainable population growth.

So, at the end of last year, the authorities reported that the number of people in Russia for the year grew by almost 294,5 thousand people and amounted to 143,6 million people. However, the authorities did not press on the fact that the growth of the Russian population by 92% was obliged to visitors. Mass immigration filled the demographic hole 2013 of the year and a number of previous years. Therefore, there is a small population increase in Russia, but it can hardly be called positive for the future of the country.

In addition, it is impossible not to notice a number of other indicators that show that “something rotted in the Danish kingdom.” In mid-February, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, 2014, at a meeting of the State Council Presidium stated that women of reproductive age in Russia had decreased. According to her, in 2006, 40 million women in the reproductive age lived in the Russian Federation; in 2013, there were already 36 million women in them. And the tendency to reduce the number of women of reproductive age continues. “The number of women in reproductive age will constantly decrease,” said Golodets. The vice premier also said that in Russia more and more often young women decide to abandon childbearing in order to get a higher education and make a career. Young people in Russia are increasingly postponing the birth of their first child. In addition, the age of women from 18 to 23 years now accounts for 250 thousand abortions in Russia. Many do abortions, being married. And abortions not only deprive Russia of hundreds of thousands of new citizens, but also undermine the reproductive functions of women.

The age structure of the population is deteriorating, it is aging. In 2007 — 2013 The age of potential parents included the generation of 1980-ies, when in the Soviet Union there was a positive trend (the reproduction rate of the population of the RSFSR was 2,2 child per woman). It is this generation that has given an increase in the growth of the birth rate in recent years. He played his role and a certain turn of the state to this problem. In particular, maternity capital has appeared. He provoked part of the parents to the earlier birth of the second child (as long as the state gives something). In general, the average Russian family did not want more children. The reproductive need that she had had - to have two children was realized. Maternal capital contributed to the earlier birth of the second child. However, this is not enough to create sustainable population growth. In order for the population of Russia to grow steadily, it is necessary to achieve the predominance of families with 3-4 children.

The increase in the birth rate was also affected by the external influx of the population, mainly from the former republics of the Soviet Union. For two decades, the citizenship of the Russian Federation has received 6 million. Thanks to the repatriation program, voluntary resettlement of compatriots - another 147 thousand people (for the fall of 2013 of the year). In addition, there is a factor of foreign citizens who give birth to children in Russia. On 2012 year, the number in 36 thousand was named. But these are only official data, which do not always coincide with real figures. A significant influx of immigrants, especially from the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, is fraught with social tensions. A revolutionary scenario in Russia is quite likely: “swinging” of the country along the line of “indigenous to outsiders”. The authorities, facilitating the opportunity for residents of the former Soviet "non-Slavic" republics to become citizens of the Russian Federation, create the basis for a serious conflict.

We must not forget that now the generation of 1990-s is entering the reproductive age. First, they are fewer than the 1980's generation. Secondly, they are qualitatively (on average) worse than the previous generation. In their mental and physical health, they are inferior to the last Soviet generation.

No wonder domestic and foreign experts still give a negative demographic projection for the future of Russia. The country not only does not come out of the demographic crisis, as some political and public figures were quick to say, but also approaches a “human resource crisis”. We are waiting for a sharp reduction in the working-age population, which may lead to a decrease in the role of Russia on the world stage and even a change in its political borders. Russia portends a decline in the population to 130,8 million by 2031 year. This is taking into account the influx of migrants - at least 200 thousand people a year. Without migrants, the population of the Russian Federation in 2031 will be even smaller - about 127 million.

The reason for serious concern is the very heterogeneous demographic dynamics in different regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the presence of hidden and obvious territorial claims to Russia almost along the entire line of our borders. Russian major cities continue to grow, attracting people. Both internal migrants and external migrants settle in them. The Russian “village” and a number of regions, such as the Far East, continue to become empty. Therefore, the CIA and other analytical centers have the ability to predict the Russian Federation demographic shocks, decay into several parts by the 2025-2030. There are grounds for such forecasts.

Over the past 20, the population in the Russian Far East has declined by more than 1,5 million. If at the beginning of 1990-ies the population of the Far Eastern regions exceeded 8 million people, by the beginning of 2014, this figure was a little more than 6,2 million people. The authorities have repeatedly discussed this problem, but have not been able to achieve fundamental changes. In 2012, a special department was even established - the Ministry for the Development of the Far East. However, there are no positive results and are not expected. Official rearrangements and beautiful promises will not solve the problem. The idea was right. Russia really needs a ministry that will deal with the development of the Far East. However, the regional development strategy has not yet been formed, and the agency has not received the appropriate powers and resources.

For two decades now, the Far East has been in a state of sluggish social and economic catastrophe. Due to the complete futility of the region, the population runs to other regions of Russia. In the medium term, we can already see the acute crisis of the Far East, and in the long term, just lose the region. In the current situation, China will sooner or later declare its rights to the Russian Far East. His competitors will be Japan and the United States.

High electricity and rail tariffs suppress economic activity. It is unprofitable to produce goods in the region, since it is expensive to drive them to the market. For the domestic market, goods are cheaper, easier and easier to bring from abroad than to develop local production. In general, the capitalist system makes the region economically unpromising. Only individual projects are developed that supply resources to other countries and in which the state invests capital. However, there is no systematic future-oriented economic development. As a result, the region becomes an economic appendage of China, and partly - other countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The resources necessary for the development of Russia are supported by other countries.

Raise the economy of the region can only large-scale government programs. Hopes for external and private domestic investment do not justify themselves. External capital does not make sense to develop the Far East. It is unprofitable economically. To the south, labor is cheaper, it does not need to be searched for, imported, and the costs are much less. Eastern countries need only resources. One of the signs that the Far East is becoming an economic colony of the PRC is the gradual relocation of Russian citizens to China. Already in 2013, the number of Russians permanently residing in Chinese territory was estimated at more than 100 thousand. China is more attractive by its economic conditions than Russia, although this is far from Germany.

This clearly shows the crisis situation in which the Russian Far East is located. It is also necessary to take into account the Russians, who are actively developing in other countries of the Asia-Pacific region. All this in perspective threatens the loss of the Far East.

Statistics is relentless. Even with the demographic positive “echo” of 1980's and a large influx of foreign culture, we are still in a demographic crisis (some experts talk about the ongoing state of demographic catastrophe). There is no reproduction in the country. The birth rate is 1,7 child per woman. And the minimum limit for the reproduction of the population with an extremely small increase is 2,1-2,2. And if by the year 2035, half of the families will not have 3-4 children (now there are about 7%), then by the middle of the century the indigenous population will decrease so much that it will not be Russia. We will lose a significant part of the territory, and in the second half of the 21st century, Russians will simply be erased from stories. Their remnants will be "ethnic material", which will improve and strengthen the gene pool of China, Islamic civilization and the Western world.

What to do?

Personally, every citizen of Russia must maintain his mental and physical health in good condition and create a healthy large family. Together we are responsible for the future of our Motherland. Our ancestors for thousands of years built, built our homeland, defended from enemies, strengthened the borders and moved their limits. They left us a legacy of a huge Russian civilization, the whole world, the universe. Our task is to improve this world and pass it on to next generations. We all have to “paint our bench” - improve this world within our space. Creating healthy and complete offspring is the most important task of every Russian person.

The demographic situation and large families should become the focus of attention of the entire state and society. Moreover, material incentives - maternity capital, benefits for large families, “maternal wages”, provision of housing and kindergartens, etc., of course, must be present, but not be the basis of the demographic policy. It has long been proven that the higher the welfare of society, the lower the birth rate. In a consumer society, children reduce their parents' consumption, so people generally abandon the family or create “childless” or one-child families. The basis of such a society is consumption and hedonism (pleasures). The Roman Empire went along this disastrous path; at present, the United States, Europe and Japan are following it. Russia has embarked on this path. The result will be tragic.

Russia should follow the path of building such a society where the spirit of creation, creativity and service permeates all spheres. Large healthy families should become a kind of elite of society, an elite social group. It is necessary for society and youth to give a “signal” that having many children is “fashionable”, “beautiful” and simply correct. In a healthy society, it is necessary to clearly and clearly define a specific program: if you want to become part of the elite, create a strong, large family. One of the ways to improve the status of large families can be an additional electoral vote. The imperative of the government and society for the long term should be the idea of ​​"Russian billion".

It should be noted that the fight against abortion should be part of this moral twist, the creation of a qualitatively different society. Only reducing the number of abortions in 2-3 times will allow us to emerge from the abyss and get 5-8 years to solve other problems. In the long run, abortion should be a rare exception.

At the same time it is necessary to develop a number of breakthrough projects. In particular, the re-creation of the Russian village. Creating hundreds of villages and townships for large families, where each family will receive a home-estate. This idea is promoted by the chairman of the Development Movement, Yuri Krupnov.

Another important project is the priority support of those regions of the country that are dying out. These are mostly “Slavic”, indigenous Russian regions. It is in them that depopulation occurs. Moreover, in these areas a separate approach is also needed. So, the state should stimulate not only the birth of her second child, but the third and subsequent ones. And this support should increase with the birth of each child. In particular, if the second child is now given maternity capital over 400 thousand rubles, then this amount should be doubled for the third child (it is the birth of the third child that solves the problem of population reproduction), and the fourth child three times. At the same time, expand the scope of application of this capital and make it also “paternal”. Excuses that no money is unacceptable. It's a lie. For the last Olympics, money was found, as well as they would be found for the World Cup. Population reproduction is more important than these recreational activities. It is about the survival of the nation, state and civilization. Population growth in the future will recoup all costs, both in military-strategic and economic terms.
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  1. +43
    April 15 2014 08: 47
    Thanks for the article, Sasha, recently, Ukraine and the Crimea took all the attention on themselves. We must not forget about other problems. In this regard, I do not understand the behavior of our government in the field of migration, and in particular, who needs the abolition of quotas for foreign labor force? hi
    1. +9
      April 15 2014 09: 19
      I suppose because quoting nifig does not work together with open borders. Perhaps there is also a political background to smooth the corners with neighbors whose loyalty is oh right now.
      1. +9
        April 15 2014 09: 26
        Quote: brainkiller

        Concessions for loyalty should not go to the detriment of the state itself. The maximum that you can sacrifice is lost profits. Migrants come here with an eye to obtaining citizenship, and this should be impossible, like the SA, Kuwait and the UAE. Well, or the Baltic states at worst.
        1. Ivan Petrovich
          April 15 2014 09: 50
          For the past Olympics, they found money, as they will find it for the World Cup. Reproduction is more important than these recreational activities.

          in principle, this line could be limited to
        2. +13
          April 15 2014 10: 25
          You assess the problem rather superficially. Yes, there must be a "sieve"! Without him, the indigenous will be swept away! But you have forgotten about the Russians in the former USSR countries, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Kazakhs, about other peoples who are close in blood. Don't give up on us. With REAL programs for the development of the same Far East, the Russian Federation can get a positive demography with incomparably low costs. The numbers of migrants can vary from tens of thousands to millions. Why not use this chance, for example, after the events in Ukraine ?!
    2. 225chay
      April 15 2014 10: 01
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      In this regard, I do not understand the behavior of our government in the field of migration, and in particular - who needs the abolition of quotas for foreign labor force?

      The Village, with its patriarchal basis, was destroyed, the industry was "bombed out", education was destroyed, the lack of kindergartens, a huge amount of alcohol, these are all the achievements of the village of perestroika after the 90s. How much effort and means now need to be poured in to recover
      1. Ensiferum
        April 24 2014 17: 19
        And most importantly, not a single infection in power wants to invest money anywhere but its own bottomless pocket.
    3. mishka san
      April 15 2014 10: 56
      Most likely, the moment plays here with a drop in industrial production. Migrants are needed to plug holes with a shortage of workers - not only the number of women giving birth, but also working men, is falling.
    4. w2000
      April 15 2014 11: 57
      The number of migrants will only increase. This is natural for a capitalist economy, where profit is at the forefront, and as Vladimir Ilyich said: "the capitalist will not stop at nothing for the sake of great profit, will go to any vileness and crime." After all, guest workers are a finished product that does not need to spend huge resources for 18 years, moreover, he does not need to pay a pension and he is ready to work for much less money than a local worker. In fact, the use of migrant labor is the legalized slavery of the capitalist system. To change the situation with demography, employment, migration, living standards, confidence in the future, you need to change the system to socialist, and the power from oligarchic to people's.
    5. +2
      April 16 2014 06: 05
      And I put the article "-". Prosralipolymers.
      I do not propose to consider the demographic situation in Russia as good. I suggest looking at things realistically.
      1. The author talks a lot about migrants. But, excuse me, are migrants counted among the population of the Russian Federation? Only if they received citizenship. And such, after all, a minority. If we take into account all the Khabarovsk Chinese and "representatives of the near abroad," then Khabarovsk has long been a city with a population of over one million. And so - 650 thousand. Those. migrants are not included in demographic statistics. The author cites official data on 36 thousand children born by migrants, who, as I understand it, automatically receive gradzhanism. Yes it is clear. But why then say that "these figures are only official"? After all, those who remained "behind the official figures" are not taken into account in the demographic statistics of Russian citizens.
      2. The author talks about the problems of "quality" of the population. That the generation of the 90s is worse than us - 80s physically and psychologically. Maybe. But not enough for the weather to do it. At work, I often had to intersect with young people, and I can't say that they are, on average, much worse than us in physical terms. Physical training standards are not worse and they are fulfilled at the same level. At school my son (although, of course, he is 2000), I would say, the requirements for physical education are even higher than we had. And they follow the implementation much more strongly. In terms of moral qualities - yes, more commercialism, less kindness, more impudence. But there is more fiction and technical sense, especially in the field of cheating on exams and tests, less naivety. Therefore, I do not think that the situation with the "quality" of the "reproductive population" is not bad in our country.
      They will tell me, but the doctors say the opposite. And I'll tell you that I was diagnosed with infertility. In this case, three children in a natural way. One had only to find out how much infertility treatment costs :). So it is very beneficial for doctors to make such diagnoses, because you can safely take money for treatment, and "cure" occurs naturally.
      1. +2
        April 16 2014 06: 24
        3. Young people do not want to have children. First, study, career, mortgage, fur coat, machine, etc. etc.
        Excuse me, gentlemen, but what did you want if for 20 years people had brains that you need to be a "successful consumer"? If for 20 years women were promoted to leadership positions, because they could be paid less than male leaders. And now you want the lady from the chair of the head of the department in the bank to move to the sofa, to retrain as a housewife, to lose salary and career prospects in order to change crumpled diapers? Yes figs would you, dear. Maximum 1 child aged 45.
        4. Far East. I live here. And he brought his wife here from Moscow. Yes, they are leaving. But not so critical. And some of them come back, and some will go "for exploration" and never leave. This is a common problem for Russia and it is called "it's time to blame" from "the ... th r.ashka", from the "Moscow-forgotten Chinese Far East", from the "dangerous Caucasus." So now, should everyone live within the Third Ring? Well, or in New Moscow. I had the opportunity to compare life in Moscow / Moscow region and in Khabarovsk. Yes, you can buy much more rags, fintiflyushek, different, certainly useful ones in Moscow for the same money. True, you need to be aware of where and what sales are taking place. But it needs to be changed twice a year, TVs, furniture every two years? I would not do this, and without this, with a good salary and we can acquire equipment and furnishings and make good repairs. The prices for food products are of high quality, not cheaper than ours. And I don't want to take it, as it were. Somehow, there was no big difference in the weight of the wallet when traveling to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Dolgoprudny MO, except that hotels are 2 times more expensive in the second case with the same quality. But most importantly, when my wife said to move to Moscow, the question arises. Where to find a job? There and so everyone is pushing their elbows and knocking down the salaries of each other. So the rest of the Far East should also not leave thoughtlessly, expecting that beyond the Urals there are milk rivers and jelly banks, but first go on exploration, try to find a good job, and then rip their claws.
      2. +2
        April 16 2014 06: 48
        "What to do"

        Author, throw the computer and go to bed with your wife. Here's what to do to correct the demographic situation. From experience I know that the later you get up because of the computer, the less you want to "make children".

        But seriously, as long as we have capitalism, we will not have a "baby boom". Because capitalism needs profit. This means consumers are needed. And the consumer will never have many children, because they reduce his personal consumption. I noticed this "phenomenon" on myself. Likewise, the manufacturer will never give up on profit. See how much baby products cost? Yes, children's clothes are more expensive than adults. What about toys? At the same time, for big money you buy a toy that will break after 10 minutes of play. After all, even with money it is difficult to choose something in our children's supermarkets. There are many goods, but nothing to take! Why does a child need a robot dog or a robot cat? Maybe it's better to have a dog or a live cat? Yes, it is problematic to keep in an apartment, but this is for a child, not for an "uncle-official". Why big plastic soldiers? They are, of course, beautiful and leg-arms move, and the weapon is removed. But at the same time, legs and arms after 3-4 times of movement tend to fall out. Not to mention, to arrange a fight between the "soldiers" in hand-to-hand combat or "bomb" them with something, as we did in childhood. If the girls can still look after something - a lot of different sets of dishes, furniture, dolls, then the kid doesn't know what to buy at all. And this is at unbelievable prices. I remember buying plastic tank cars for 1 kopeck each. Toy soldiers and plastic and pewter, wooden cubes, constructors. Set up fortifications and "shelling" begins, who will destroy the "base" faster from whom. And now a set of "Lego" is easier to hang on than to buy for that kind of money, and if you buy it, you will think ten times whether it is worth "bombing" that castle with "catapults". Because the second time you can't collect it. Look, our son has on the shelves and we just erase the dust. And in order to build those our "bases", you need about 20 such sets, and you will definitely go broke on them.
    6. 0
      April 17 2014 08: 39
      The author is well done, but no one cares about the birth of children, everyone prefers to live for his beloved (oh) and take everything from life. Well, others simply do not have the opportunity to give birth, because without having your own home you can’t give birth to children. Removing odnushka or even some room in a hostel 5 children you can not give birth.
  2. +19
    April 15 2014 08: 47
    Family support in "Russian regions" and regions with negative demographics, the first thing to do! Not all regilny under one comb. state-forming people! From this we must build on whether someone likes it or not!
    1. +33
      April 15 2014 09: 07
      You cannot force one to give birth with material help. We need a system, a set of measures. It is necessary to restore the Russian cultural space, to ban Western talk shows, cartoons that make cosmopolitan downs out of our children as undermining cultural foundations. China has banned, what are we worse? The same mortgage, make it available - just spit. Our education is free on paper only, and the casket just opens - distribution after graduation, for three years, similar to Belarus. If you don’t want to travel by distribution, reimburse the cost of training.
      Generally speaking, it’s not a hunt to talk about medicine. Seven years ago, in Togliatti, we had an interesting case - they sent two doctors for bribes, because in the whole city for about half a year medicine was as it should be, free of charge. Everything is solved, it would be a desire, we need working laws, and the will to implement them.
      1. +5
        April 15 2014 11: 01
        I just want to supplement it. Of course, it is impossible to do without financial incentives in our market time. But, since only women are giving birth so far laughing , then demography also depends on what’s in their heads. Now think for yourself what our women have in their heads? belay Eternal uncertainty about the future and everything around is bad ...
        But when you look at the Chinese, Hindus, the East, you understand that the solution is precisely in the feeling of well-being and happiness. Enough of this western "sugary blizzard" from TV. As the world's parasites live, we will never live, otherwise we will end up like the same Roman republic. Everything is relative. You just need to turn off the brainwashing: "If you listen to us (the West), you will live as sweetly as we do!" Here, somewhere like this
        1. +5
          April 15 2014 11: 04
          Quote: Donskoi
          Eternal uncertainty about the future and everything around is bad ...

          Programs like "I myself", "The Ex-Wives Club" add fuel to the fire. drinks
          1. +4
            April 15 2014 11: 18
            laughing Exactly. Such programs are therefore rating, since the female audience always wants to "survive" with someone as everything around is bad, and all men are k.A.zl.y ...
        2. +2
          April 16 2014 14: 35
          Quote: Donskoi
          then demography also depends on what’s in their heads.

          And in the minds of most young girls (women), only material and selfish thoughts ...
          I’m talking with my peer ... (I’m 28 years old) Do you know that she answered me a proposal to build a relationship? The approximate content of her words ...
          "I believe that a man by the age of 30 should achieve something. That she does not want to live in a rented apartment as a threesome. And she is not interested in having a rest only in the country. But you are, of course, a good guy! Economic, you can rely on ,but.."

          I do not want to say that all the girls are so bad, but many have such thoughts in their heads.
          And in principle, they are partly right ... It has always been like this ... They choose the more affluent ...
          And here there is a double factor ...
          1.Now it’s very difficult for a man to even provide himself ... when his salaries are just above the subsistence level ... you need to work without days off and rest.
          2. The stream of all go_V-Na from TV screens ... Type: I'm the best, why do I need a man! A man should ... !! If there is not a penny, then what kind of love can be ... etc.
          It's my personal opinion! I may be wrong in some ways! Excuse me! request
          1. +1
            April 16 2014 21: 22
            That's right, women are almost all without exception with such porridge in their heads. And how to create a family here. Now they want to fuss, hang out, fly to the resorts every year, but a lot of things. And if you can’t give it to a woman, you’re a bad man , and not a man at all, since you can’t provide her Wishlist.
          2. +1
            April 17 2014 08: 46
            And in the minds of most young girls (women), only material and selfish thoughts ...
            "A friend is known in need, and a wife in poverty." (from)
      2. +3
        April 15 2014 14: 01
        there will be no working laws, there will be no will to implement them until the SYSTEM works only for MYSELF — works uncontrollably — at best, it works in manual control mode. We are guilty in many ways — we don’t complain, we don’t want, we are afraid to complain about various structures -Media, for example, we give money to the same traffic cops (pay to the savings bank), etc.
        1. Ensiferum
          April 24 2014 17: 23
          And the system doesn’t look like a system, rather like an undifferentiated carcinoma.
      3. +4
        April 15 2014 17: 14
        I agree. But I would like to focus specifically on the relationship between a man and a woman: in fact, this is a matter of social culture.
        an extremely rough comparison, but the fact is a fact: a man buys a prostitute, pays, for example, $ 100. gets what he wants, leaves. What do you need now to develop a banal relationship with a woman? it's worth bringing to one restaurant, and there are flowers, and shampoos with tangerines and chocolate, a movie, a museum ... in the end, you spread even more than on the "girl of easy virtue" and it's not a fact that everything will work out))). men will understand!
        I mean, that everything is tied to grandmas, and if you do not pay for the lady of the heart, then you are not a man, but manure. Of course, that there are exceptions, but practice does not lie))).

        the question is extremely complex and lengthy to implement! you need to change your outlook on life and values ​​in general!
    2. +18
      April 15 2014 10: 08
      In addition to mat.capital, other incentives are needed. For example, the allocation of free sites for private housing to all families with children. It is possible to pay part of the pension contributions of children to their parents. The more children you have, the more they earn, the easier it will be for you in old age, although it is not easy in fashion.
      I have my own business, a small production. We are heavily credited, but we are developing. Four children. "As for evil" all smart, the eldest in her first year in Moscow in Baumanka, entered the budget, but they did not give a hostel, we rent a tiny room for about 20 sput with a communal apartment, plus for life approx. 15 per month. Laughter scholarship approx. 2000 RUR A year later, a second student enters, also an excellent student, already scary. I persuade her to enter at least St. Petersburg, it is cheaper to live there than in Moscow. The eldest entered Mozhaika, wants to serve, but wherever, all around her. Described in the article "Who will join the ranks?". Hopefully, by the time the younger ones grow up, they'll be free of credit bondage. That's such fun.
      1. +1
        April 15 2014 20: 08
        Based only on what you described, a deep bow to you and your family !!! without exaggeration I declare. I hope that the kids will not fail the folder and make you proud of them once again!
      2. DNR
        April 15 2014 22: 22
        God help you.
        With such clever women you will not disappear.
    3. 0
      April 17 2014 08: 43
      Russian state-forming people!
      Yes, Putin wanted to spit on the Russians. Ramzanke toss a couple of extra billion. This is always welcome.
  3. Stasi
    April 15 2014 08: 52
    Unfortunately, everything in the article is true. The population growth was created mainly due to those who came from abroad, both Russian and other migrants. The growth was also affected by the so-called maternal capital, which was the motive for the birth of the child. But the program of maternity capital is provided only until 2016, then it will be discontinued. So the incentive will leave to give birth to children, unfortunately there are no others. We have to admit that in addition to maternal capital, the state cannot create other incentives for its citizens to have children. If the state does not seriously deal with the demographic problem of Russia, it as such will simply simply disappear in the near future.
  4. -9
    April 15 2014 08: 54
    how these bookkeepers steamed! there is a natural increase, small, but there is. and consider it simply fertility-mortality. another question is that fertility is not growing, but stably kept at the same level. and growth has largely increased due to reduced mortality, although it is encouraging that child mortality has decreased significantly
    1. +8
      April 15 2014 09: 22
      you are fundamentally wrong, the current baby boom is provided basically with the same boom in 80x. If you look at the birth rate in the regions, the picture is generally depressing, the Russians do not want to give birth at all, and due to the boom, the population is on a small positive balance, and even the Tatars or Dagestanis are ahead of the rest.
      1. +4
        April 15 2014 10: 11
        I am from Siberia, my friend, Ph.D. resuscitator in the perinatal center, incl. I have first-hand data on fertility. baby is no longer there, I already wrote about it. the birth rate has grown and stabilized, which is important. those. this is not an accidental surge in fertility. natural growth is therefore called natural because it does not take into account all sorts of migration and other factors — the difference between fertility and mortality is stupid. and the fact that the Tatars and Dagis give birth, so what? aren't they people already? who prevents you from connecting to the solution of the demographic issue?
        1. +8
          April 15 2014 10: 52
          Quote: buzuke
          and the fact that the Tatars and Dagis give birth, so what?

          no, I don’t mind - let them give birth, it’s just unpleasant for me that under conditions that are sometimes much better than the Dagestanis or Tatars, our Russian compatriots are significantly behind in this matter.
          that it does not take into account all sorts of migration and other factors
          I try to circumvent the topic of migration because srach on this basis can even overwhelm the Ukrainian question =)
          who prevents you from connecting to the solution of the demographic issue?
          What is this transition to personality? No, of course you can straighten out demographics on business trips - but this is not mine. I’m all right, I have a wife and a child, and fortunately there are no debt obligations to others, so there will still be children, and I will fulfill my plan.

          An interesting point. Recently I was in Tyumen so the girls go crazy there - for one man 7-8 beautiful women, in Soviet times, such distortions were corrected by changing the locations of troops, why not remember the experience? To send there temporarily, for example, the Kantemirovskaya brigade - and in a couple of years the problem would be solved =))
  5. +1
    April 15 2014 08: 54
    Well, after all, not everything is so bad. In 90, schools barely recruited one first grade in 30 children, but now everything is different. But that demographic hole will respond for a long time.
    1. +10
      April 15 2014 09: 12
      This is where everything is different now? I agree, but in the villages, in small towns, where even in the 90s there were 2 classes each, now it’s not that half of what was not available, schools are closed, where 2-3 people in the classroom ..
      I agree with you, will be, and several generations
      1. DNR
        April 15 2014 22: 27
        So this is the problem.
        The village is dying, including from the fact that schools, first-aid posts, and cultural institutions are closing down.
        There is no economic feasibility.
        The state should create conditions when it will live better in the village than in the city (naturally, for those who want and know how to WORK).
  6. +4
    April 15 2014 08: 57
    The main reason for lowering demographics is the destruction of the foundations of the Russian house-building, the village. This policy began under communes. Destroying strong kulak families by collective farms and industrialization that began, destroying the Orthodox foundations affected fertility. They affected population growth and war during the first half of the 1th century, when we were practically destroyed as a culture. The Bolshevik government destroyed the people no less than the enemies from the West. How much Russia has lost the population is still not known for sure, it is clear that a lot. Modern youth accepts the Western way of life and their values. Most do not know the elementary history, a whole generation has grown up in American films. Until the spiritual and patriotic upbringing of children from the school bench changes, the best results from the younger generations of emo and free-chalders should not be expected.
    1. Artist
      April 15 2014 11: 19
      I fully agree with this comment. The collapse of Russia and, in particular, the destruction of demography began in 17 years.
    2. lars
      April 15 2014 13: 59
      The most complete information about the population size and its composition at a certain point in time is obtained from population censuses. In the Soviet Union, 7 censuses were conducted: 1926, 1937, 1939, 1959, 1979, and 1989.
      As a result of natural growth, the population of the USSR increased by 130 million people during the years of Soviet power, and the population of Russia by 56 million people.
      Take the trouble to double-check, and, in general, check the "emotional" information.
    3. +7
      April 15 2014 15: 52
      I absolutely do not understand why a person is minus. But he's right. The population depends on the number of women of childbearing age. But the childbearing age is characterized by the most important thing for women ... The birth of children. If this, no matter for what reasons, does not occur, the population decreases. Tell me, did anyone notice ...? Where the influence of modern "culture and its idols" is less, the population is larger. And where the influence of this "culture" is greater, respectively, the population is less and it is of a "different" quality. Men, fathers of girls of mothers of our descendants, at least once look at what ideals your daughters grow up. Look what cartoons and films they watch, look at whom they are trying to be like. I once asked what my friend's 10 year old daughter was watching. I was just horrified and incurred female grievances. "I have a great girl, she sits quietly in her room and does all the possible lessons." That was my mother's opinion. After viewing the history of Internet visits, the hair began to flicker even where it does not grow in the female sex. And it's not about a specific girl, it's about sharpening the brains of expectant mothers banal (reprogramming). Judge for yourself, the program "I will learn, I will earn my career and I will not depend on anyone" is far from the worst. And how do you like the program "good" is always "beautiful", "if you give birth and then no one will marry"? The husband, of course, must be one hundred percent oligarch, with "all deeds, no deeds." There are so many of them on TV showing how they suffer without their love .... Especially in Moscow there are a lot of them, there are generally millionaires at every step. Of course, all of them, one and all, hang out in nightclubs. All are looking for princesses. Those who think that nightclubs are a kind of modern format of "dancing 60 years ago" are greatly mistaken. Consciousness of young women such a pastime not only corrupts, but generally "unfolds". The remnants of the instinct of motherhood and nepotism will burn up in cigarette smoke under the dancing of naked raging girls. And the image of a woman is everywhere stronger and more attractive, always works as a pattern of behavior, programming both sexes. And since it is possible on the stage, then in life in general anything. Are comments superfluous? All these false ideals are artificially implanted with one single purpose .. To strike a demographic blow on the people, which cannot be defeated by force for centuries. By the way, this is the meaning of one of the theses of Mr. A. Dalles. So everything (strictly according to plan). But unfortunately, these are plans for the physical extermination of our Russian people, its culture and traditions based on harmony with nature, and the essence of the goodness of the human soul.
    4. The comment was deleted.
  7. +1
    April 15 2014 08: 58
    I believe in myself ... I look around and all friends and acquaintances have children, I look at the site from the window and there are children! and the soul rejoices
    1. +11
      April 15 2014 09: 14
      Quote: Clever man
      and all friends and acquaintances have children

      Usually one at a time. I also know many who are already in their 30s, and have no children yet, they say - we will have time. With such a "natural increase", the author correctly beats the alarm. hi
      1. 0
        April 15 2014 11: 52
        I believe myself too.
        And not one child in many acquaintances (two children in the majority, and three are far from rare). Age 30-45 (for parents).
        Russians are all.
        In our city, for 10 years already, a positive balance of fertility / mortality has been observed, although the standard of living is rather average, it is a typical single-industry town (there is no oil industry ...).
  8. +3
    April 15 2014 09: 09
    There is some truth in this and it is worth thinking about it ... Misrepresentations in the reports have never led to good ... In this case, after 2016, this problem should be treated differentially in areas with low population growth due to the extension of the maternity capital program there, otherwise, we can again return to where we started ...
  9. +2
    April 15 2014 09: 09
    Until the situation in the country normalizes, the support mechanism for young families and mothers is not debugged, the birth rate is not stimulated (not only financially), it makes no sense to talk about improving demography. Moreover, all conditions must be met. not just one thing. And yet - the education of expectant mothers and fathers should begin in childhood, including the example of parents. Even in the USSR, they could not really achieve this.
  10. +6
    April 15 2014 09: 17
    I am sure that descendants will talk about our time as a period of decline and the Sabbath of demons .....
  11. +7
    April 15 2014 09: 22
    A woman is forced to work because the husband’s salary is not enough, and since you have to work, then there is a desire to build a career, and here it’s not up to the children. It is necessary to change the way of life so that the mother can devote herself to children, at home while not feeling financially deprived.
    1. +3
      April 15 2014 12: 17
      They pay just enough not to die of hunger. Instead of the machine, 10 workers are hired, and then they save on them, this is our effective business. Look at the construction of roads - there were brigades where instead of a skating rink 10 Tajiks are tamped with manual means.

      As long as such a flawed approach holds, there will be a bunch of migrants, there will be no normal salaries. There will be few children.
      1. +1
        April 15 2014 17: 36
        It is by this approach that one can slowly calculate the true enemies of the Russian people.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      April 15 2014 17: 34
      Do many men have a salary that allows them to have a wife and 2-3 children in one hat?
  12. rereture
    April 15 2014 09: 23
    Let the authorities bring in more migrants, and already every morning near the metro I feel like a stranger, as if Tajikistan or Azerbaijan had fallen.

    But in essence, it is necessary for the state to begin to support the Russians, and not to exterminate them, mass propaganda work is needed, back from school, especially among girls and women (not so much about abortion, how much about children) there should be support for young families, and most the main thing the family should have its own angle.
  13. +1
    April 15 2014 09: 24
    if you systematically turn off the lights after 22.00 in all cities in residential areas - believe me the birth rate problem will be solved quickly =))
  14. +8
    April 15 2014 09: 27
    Well done of course. In Vladivostok, the cost of housing is comparable to St. Petersburg. Only here are the conditions below. Give affordable housing. Let not free, but really affordable. And not when you have to give half the average salary for rent. I am silent about the mortgage in principle, because it is better not to find a contraceptive. Again, the choice of jobs in a particular specialty is lower. The salary is lower than in the western regions. But the products are more expensive, yes. You want to motivate people to consolidate and reproduce, so motivate them realistically, not promises. They gave land to large families for housing. I’m HZ, maybe in the continental areas it will give a ride, but with our filthy climate and topography this is nothing. Immediately this land began to be put up for sale. For it’s not the age to build a house from scratch from scratch. Once again, you don’t need free, you need affordable. And affordable to most.
  15. +7
    April 15 2014 09: 27
    SLAVAN - multiply! There should be more good people!
  16. +15
    April 15 2014 09: 35
    I agree with the author, God gave a third child, we decided to give birth, I really wanted a daughter. As a result, the family is in a financial permanent hole. I have a small business in the field of construction, two sons of a student, a wife of 4 years with a child, all the savings have eaten up, mat. We will pay for senior education with capital, seeing the difficult situation in the family being transferred from the budget to correspondence and I also think that we live normally, for many the situation is much worse. I talk about working with people, so I know the situation in principle, the youth of children is mostly brought up on a flight, and then if the parents insist. Okay, at least they give a kindergarten, but they don’t have land, they clogged up for several years, the eldest for 18 years didn’t get on the lists. I thought I’ll get something from the state for free - yeah. Okay, this is all the lyrics, the conversation is not about me and people like me, there’s health fie-fie, I have money and experience, I need to help young families who have no stake, no yard or decent work, who are getting hardened now and then it’s difficult for them to demand something from the state. We have both Soviet hardening and hardening of the 90s, when we gave birth no matter what.
  17. +6
    April 15 2014 09: 36
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Thanks for the article, Sasha, recently, Ukraine and the Crimea took all the attention on themselves. We must not forget about other problems. In this regard, I do not understand the behavior of our government in the field of migration, and in particular, who needs the abolition of quotas for foreign labor force? hi

    The abolition of quotas is necessary for our poor oligarchs to get more profit. After all, RUSSIAN people have to pay, but migrants will manage. So it turns out that the RUSSIANs have no work and the migrants too. Our oligarchs are well settled. And they find money to promote these laws. hi
  18. Nikolaevich
    April 15 2014 09: 36
    He wants to believe that a shift in this direction will soon occur. There is reason to help that the current decisiveness and mobilization of power has led to radical changes in domestic policy in order to strengthen the country,
  19. +7
    April 15 2014 09: 38
    a number of regions, such as the Far East, continue to empty. Therefore, the CIA and other think tanks have the ability to predict the demographic upheaval of the Russian Federation, the disintegration into several parts by 2025-2030. There are grounds for such forecasts.
    Over the past 20 years, the population in the Russian Far East has declined by more than 1,5 million people.

    In one of the largest cities in the Far East, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the second most populous city in the Khabarovsk Territory, during the "years of reforms" the population decreased from 320 thousand to 270 thousand. At the same time, enterprises, including unique defense enterprises, continue to operate in Komsomolsk at the very least. The reduction in the number of residents in the city could have been even greater, people from nearby cities are moving to Komsomolsk: Amursk and Solnechny, as well as BAM villages where the situation with work and communal services is even worse.
  20. +7
    April 15 2014 09: 41
    Your article is a pleasant exception to the general choir. Very grateful.
  21. federal
    April 15 2014 09: 48
    First of all, in the Far East, I do not agree, I lived there for 15 years. After the 2000s, I did not see any Chinese in the streets. They expelled illegal migrants. There are many more industrial enterprises, factories (really working) than in the same Karelia where I live now. Khabarovsk, if not mistaken, was twice recognized as the most comfortable city in Russia. Secondly: I have two children. He wanted two, and they would not give me a difference in maternity capital or not. It’s about the mentality. In the Caucasus, it is customary to have many children, and they multiply. Is there an economic situation better? No. It is necessary to change the mentality and naturally so that parents do not have questions with kindergartens, schools, etc.
  22. +2
    April 15 2014 09: 51
    Personally, every citizen of Russia should ... create a healthy large family. Together we are responsible for the future of our country. For thousands of years, our ancestors have built, built our Motherland, defended against enemies, strengthened borders and pushed their limits. They left us a legacy of a huge Russian civilization, the whole world, the universe. Our task is to improve this world and pass it on to future generations. We all need to “paint our bench” - to improve this world within our space. Creating a healthy and full-fledged offspring is the most important task of every Russian person.

    Nothing to add, everything is correct. But to speak a little, it is also necessary to do. And WHAT and HOW to do so that the offspring is healthy and strong - ask Lisa Kameneva.
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 10: 52
      Quote: Kahlan Amnell
      ask Lisa Kamenev.

      She is well done, her vision of a woman’s problem is correct. drinks
  23. +7
    April 15 2014 09: 54
    These ur ... Dov in the State Duma you just need to shoot!
    Frightening that the number of workers is decreasing, and the number of pensioners is only growing, these ur..da prove that Russia needs to attract 10 million migrants in 40 years!
    40 million in 10 years !!!
    Shoot like dogs! It’s not a pity for anyone there - some oooh ... bq!
    1. federal
      April 15 2014 09: 58
      Yes, fine, in 10 years we will become an Islamic republic, unite with the Arab-France and choose a competent emir.
  24. +8
    April 15 2014 09: 56
    The capitalist system leads to depopulation. Let's say you have two workers, both men, each has a non-working wife (as it was in the old days) and some children. In order for each of your workers to support their families, you have to pay them, say, $ 1000 a month. Your employer's wage fund is $ 2000. Now look. Let's make women work too. Now you have one man working with his wife. They also need $ 1000 a month to live, and your salary fund is halved. And they (the West) are still promoting the idea of ​​gender equality, the motive of which is pure greed. As a result, Western countries (and Russia) are "littered" with immigrants, but they do not save from the lack of money in pension funds. There are not enough young people to feed the old. People don't retire.
    1. +3
      April 15 2014 10: 33

      Kinder, Küche, Kirche "Kinder, Küche, Kirche." (Kaiser Wilhelm II)

      Great words.
      Oh, our ... did not want to live happily. Wanted equality and democracy. Long live Rosa Luxemburg and Klara Zetkin !!! Receive - sign ...
      1. 0
        April 15 2014 10: 57
        Found extreme, remember the attitude towards women in Sparta, for example, complete freedom and great responsibility, however, no one refused to give birth, they were still proud that "we give birth to men." True, no Spartan woman had to be afraid that her children would grow up ignorant or die of hunger. The state took care of all the kids, but wisely, so that not spoiled sybarites but strong patriots would grow up.
      2. +1
        April 15 2014 11: 01
        Quote: Sma11
        . Long live Rosa Luxemburg and Klara Zetkin !!!

        The current ones are also not far behind -
        You are a woman, not a dishwasher!
  25. +2
    April 15 2014 10: 08
    That people began to laugh, they should have what is and where to live.
    1. +1
      April 15 2014 12: 34
      If this is all, people will live for pleasure, buy the best cars or relax in the Maldives. Spiritual values ​​have changed, they are focused on the Western lifestyle.
  26. -2
    April 15 2014 10: 12
    I overlooked or was it really never used the phrase "superethnos of the Rus"?
    1. +1
      April 15 2014 10: 23
      Decided to have fun? Oh well......
  27. +11
    April 15 2014 10: 21
    The author's opinion is absolutely correct. Russia in terms of demographic policy is in a complete ass. What should parents do to raise a child? Feed, dress, train. How does the state help them? No way. Children's goods, what food, what clothes, what shoes, are comparable in price to adults, or even higher. Parents spend the same amount of money in preschool and school education as in studying at a prestigious university. Maternity leave is one and a half years. No. You can have three, but at your own expense. Mortgage? Ha ha ha. The interest is such that you can't pay in twenty years. Maternal capital? Three times ha ha ha. Why is it given once? And why with the birth of a second child, if such a shitty demography? But our democrats advocate efficiency. There are few people in the clinic. NON-RETAILABLE-CLOSE. There are few people at the school. NON-RETAILABLE-CLOSE. There are few people in the village (village, village). NON-RETAILABLE - CLOSE EVERYTHING. Oh, there is no road, much less CLOSE. In words, they are all for improving demographics, but in fact, "fewer people - more oxygen." The result is not concern for the people, but a real genocide.
  28. +8
    April 15 2014 10: 30
    I'm 31 waiting for my second son and planning more children. The Russian patriot should not have children less than three.
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 14: 47
      Yes, even if you are a patriot in Cuba, and if your wife does not want anything you will not do laughing
  29. +7
    April 15 2014 10: 43
    Quote: Atash
    The capitalist system leads to depopulation.

    I forgot in a hurry to write the main thing. A working woman does not give birth to much, that’s the point. The policy of gender equality is a policy of global genocide.
    1. +2
      April 15 2014 11: 32
      I forgot in a hurry to write the main thing. A working woman does not give birth to much, that’s the point. The policy of gender equality is a policy of global genocide.

      Here to the point !!! One of the main Western values ​​is gender equality. We still have their same-sex marriages and "sushi oars" ... By the end of the century: where are the Russians? But no request
  30. Nikich
    April 15 2014 10: 44
    Quote: Sma11
    The author's opinion is absolutely correct. Russia in terms of demographic policy is in a complete ass. What should parents do to raise a child? Feed, dress, train. How does the state help them? No way. Children's goods, what food, what clothes, what shoes, are comparable in price to adults, or even higher. Parents spend the same amount of money in preschool and school education as in studying at a prestigious university. Maternity leave is one and a half years. No. You can have three, but at your own expense. Mortgage? Ha ha ha. The interest is such that you can't pay in twenty years. Maternal capital? Three times ha ha ha. Why is it given once? And why with the birth of a second child, if such a shitty demography? But our democrats advocate efficiency. There are few people in the clinic. NON-RETAILABLE-CLOSE. There are few people at the school. NON-RETAILABLE-CLOSE. There are few people in the village (village, village). NON-RETAILABLE - CLOSE EVERYTHING. Oh, there is no road, much less CLOSE. In words, they are all for improving demographics, but in fact, "fewer people - more oxygen." The result is not concern for the people, but a real genocide.

    Well, by the way, for a child, one or two months cost 100 rubles a couple. It's like 3 pairs of adults
  31. SBC
    April 15 2014 10: 47
    IMHO: 1. Differentiation of the amount of maternity capital by region (subsidized breadwinners)
    2. Termination of the policy of destruction of mono and small towns, "hopeless villages"
    3. Restoring ideology in the state: the people should have faith in a bright future
  32. Nikich
    April 15 2014 10: 47
    Just a capitalist system is thirsty for profit. They do not develop unprofitable production and production that will bring profit only in the future, and as a result of this, many are left without work, drink too much and die
  33. The comment was deleted.
  34. SAVA555.IVANOV
    April 15 2014 11: 02
    "Bowing down to the operas from UPNONS !!!" from Washington.
  35. +4
    April 15 2014 11: 04
    Quote: Monetniy
    I'm 31 waiting for my second son and planning more children.

    I wish you success. I am not in Russia, I have three children. Need more. But looking after three children is no longer so easy, especially in rural areas, where a woman has a lot of household chores other than children. There is also the effect of gender equality. With a natural lifestyle, there will always be helpers-nannies, relatives, aged 12 to 16, who just need to learn how to look after the child. And now what, for example, do I see? The newborn’s grandfather says about the eldest granddaughter, don’t disturb her, let’s say she’s doing her homework, or is preparing to enter a university ... If she hasn’t left to study at all. My brother also has a third child suffering from a lack of care, always unwashed, always crying, because they will not feed on time, will not put him to bed. On the mother is the whole house. There is a niece, as I already said - she left to study. Girls are being prepared for a career, not for motherhood, and young mothers simply physically cannot afford many children, even if they are ready for material problems. Hiring is expensive, and without that men are paid in the expectation that his wife works for him. Yes, and whom you hire, or your children are, or work, or study.
  36. -3
    April 15 2014 11: 13
    I don’t know who, like my loved ones, already have three kinder in the family .... and it’s better to have only THREE people, than a dozen or so stray, ill-bred rams. the author, instead of engaging in print masturbation, would get his own "demographer" better, shake the dust off him and go to raise the demography.
  37. w2000
    April 15 2014 11: 14
    Officials complain that the population is aging and that there is not enough workforce. And this despite the fact that in Russia enormous unemployment, especially among young people. There is no normal work anywhere except Moscow and St. Petersburg. Actually, without a good fight, you can get a job only as a security guard or seller at a salary of 8-10 thousand, and in small towns and in the countryside there is no work at all. All possible shabboks and kalyms that were in the 90s-00s, such as construction, decoration, installation, etc. they are occupied by migrant workers under the control of national diasporas, and the Russian cannot get in there. Who will give birth to children if the real average salary in the regions is 10 thousand, and the average rent for 1 room apartment is 4 thousand, and 6 thousand for a two-room apartment.
  38. +1
    April 15 2014 11: 22
    mm ... it seems that the tax on childlessness is short, in the short term.
  39. +2
    April 15 2014 11: 24
    Women should not be allowed to work. To levy taxes from low-income, from employers hiring women, and this money can also be sent for benefits. We must break this practice.
    There is still a moment with a monogamous tradition. By the way, nowhere in the Bible, nor in other Christian sources is there a ban on polygamy. On the contrary, there are precedents when patriarchs allowed polygamy. This world is so arranged that every woman will never get a man. No, the cult of romantic relations between the sexes is supported. Romance is good in itself, but one must not forget about raw-material reality, as they say. It is mandatory that the groom is young. If a girl marries a mature, materially held man, then she, of course, is calculated to have married. Love cannot be there, you see. And the young guy, of course, finds it difficult to support a large family. In the meantime, he earns, his wife is already beyond reproductive age. So much for age scissors cutting demographics.
    And from extramarital children, normal members of society rarely grow.
    1. wanderer_032
      April 15 2014 12: 07
      Quote: Atash
      Women should not be allowed to work.

      And in general, do not give them anything. Leave single mothers without livelihood, with small children in their arms.
      Quote: Atash
      And from extramarital children, normal members of society rarely grow.

      Here are the members. And no one else. Irresponsible people, with an inferiority complex in the head. And living as their ancestor.
      I tell you openly, you-go ... from or an animal. Once you promote this way of life to people.
      Nothing good will grow out of your "ideas", it is not enough to give birth to a person. He needs to be given upbringing and education. Only then will it be a full-fledged person.
  40. +1
    April 15 2014 11: 32
    If even Samsonov began to reveal the discrepancy between the declarations of the Kremlin's "successes" in correcting the demographic catastrophe in Russia, then one can be sure that common sense will prevail on this site as well.
    But seriously speaking, it’s not so easy to fix .... Families are somehow created, but somehow they quickly break up .... The first place is not love, but a cold calculation. Cold calculation and the state, which is more profitable to give out very limited payments as incentives, but not to deal with the CONDITIONS conducive to the creation, preservation and development of large families.
  41. 0
    April 15 2014 11: 37
    Dear writer
    write less, make more children and bring them up!
    there will be more benefit
  42. +1
    April 15 2014 11: 40
    Queues in Kindergartens and a general lack of seats, they say better than any numbers)))
  43. Voenruk
    April 15 2014 11: 43
    What to do? Ask Putin what he lives in the capital. He lays down with this question, he rises with this question.
    By demography:
    1.) Free housing for young families and an increase in square meters depending on the number of children
    2.) Kindergarten, secondary education, prof. education is free!
    3.) Prohibition and criminal liability for abortion.
    4.) Maternity capital for each child
    5.) At the birth of a child, an account is opened and interest is charged on the sale of resources.
    6.) Raise child allowance.
    7.) For mothers - enroll in the years of the decree.
    8.) Increase child support. Both mother and father must pay.

    Far East:
    1. Tax-free zone, from the Urals to Kamchatka for 20 years.
    2. Free housing and employment
    3. Cheap gasoline for 20 years.
    4. Taxes only for citizens of neighboring states
    5. Raise the tax for the export of round timber (forest).
    6. Total control by environmental authorities over the activities of foreign companies.
    7. Lower the cost of tickets for passengers.
    8. Control over the influx of Chinese citizens. Work for foreigners on quotas. Visa regime.
    9. Development of transport infrastructure.
    10. Taxes collected in the Far East are spent to meet the needs of the Far East itself.
    11. To oblige large transnational corporations to develop infrastructure for comfortable living of people, and not just for extraction of resources.
    12. Attraction of compatriots of Slavic origin.
    13. Huge fines for destruction, environmental pollution.
    1. +2
      April 15 2014 12: 26
      Add a waiver of offshore zones - for example, in the United States, offshore registration does not exempt from paying taxes. + payment of taxes for the geography of the enterprise, not the office in Moscow. This will be normal federalization. Moscow and St. Petersburg will unload, otherwise the imbalance in the concentration of money has a negative impact on the whole country. One symptom of a sucker "I want to go to Moscow" is worth something.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      April 15 2014 15: 14
      3.) Prohibition and criminal liability for abortion.

      Moves abortion underground with rising mortality.

      Increase child support.

      It certainly won’t increase the birth rate, because it will only increase the burden on men whose ex-wife took the children away.
      1. -2
        April 15 2014 15: 33
        Quote: EvilLion
        Moves abortion underground with rising mortality.

        Make a good deadline for clandestine abortion. Like a manslaughter. He didn’t do it alone, with a nurse - a group of people. Will many be willing?
        1. +1
          April 15 2014 17: 55
          Many will be willing to throw an unwanted newborn into a landfill.
          1. -1
            April 15 2014 19: 20
            Quote: Starina_Hank
            Many will be willing to throw an unwanted newborn into a landfill.

            There will always be exceptions, as will a certain percentage of degenerates who are ready to throw their child away. But demographics will still improve. In Poland, for example, abortion is prohibited, the birth rate has increased. hi
    4. 0
      April 16 2014 21: 29
      Oh, yes, your words to God’s ears. Who will do all this will be. There are no businessmen and is not expected.
  44. 0
    April 15 2014 11: 44
    Quote: w2000
    There is no normal work anywhere except Moscow and St. Petersburg. In fact, without a good pull, you can only get a security guard or seller at a salary of 8-10 thousand,

    Do not rush to marry, young people, do not rush. Work quietly, learn the mind, craft, profession, save up capital. It’s quite normal for a man to marry even after 40. I’ll say more - after 40 just right. By the time the money somehow settles down, do not worry, if not stupid, of course. In this life, patience is rewarded. I do not recommend extramarital sex, it often ends in a bad marriage. From problems with the reproductive system, dietary supplements with zinc and vitamin E are quite effective. And your peers will somehow settle down if they look for someone older without material problems. A woman, having given birth to a child, gets rid of the romantic ideas of youth, begins to think about the future of children, and what does she see? Helpless young husband. And she begins to drill his brain. laughing Do you need it?
    The family, of course, is a male duty, but this is for the reproduction of mankind. And besides reproduction, you probably need to do something else in this world. That's what you need to do up to 40. Well, at least up to 34. smile
    1. +4
      April 15 2014 12: 24
      It is quite normal for a man to marry even after 40. I will say more - just after 40.

      After 40 you’re a man down the aisle and you won’t drive wassat laughing
      And how many children will you put on their feet after 40? One? Well, a maximum of two. Again you understand the "demographic hole".
  45. Ser fuz
    April 15 2014 11: 52
    Yes, this is a big problem. And Russia must invest in its future. In my opinion, women just need to pay a salary for children. An example of 40 thousand a month for three children. And the woman will be in a hurry to give birth to a fourth child and get 55 thousand instead of pursuing a career.
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 12: 32
      Unfortunately, this will add 0,5 children to the Russian family, and will double the population growth of nat. republics, well, Russian women do not want to give birth. And at the same time empty the budget.
      Tax on childlessness, half for 1 child + symmetric allowance for the 2nd, + cancellation of personal income tax after the 3rd for an amount of not more than 60 thousand rubles. both spouses.
      It is possible to stimulate employers so that the state pays partly the social tax to large workers. Still, social tax is significantly thicker than the personal income tax on average in the country. If you take billionaires.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  46. +1
    April 15 2014 11: 57
    For the Far East, I will say this: here our valiant government solves the demographic problem by resettling the descendants of the Basmachi here. What can I say, to spit this power on the people.
  47. wanderer_032
    April 15 2014 11: 57
    Personally, every citizen of Russia must maintain his mental and physical health in good condition and create a healthy large family.

    And how to preserve this very health and create such a family (and also provide everyone with everything necessary, for starters), what kind of shisha to do it? Something from the author here did not write about it.
    Not everyone lives in cities. Those who live are not up to their children, they have other interests in life, which they cannot break, or have no financial opportunities. And in the village there is no money, no interest, no prospects.
    I won’t say about physical health, because it largely depends on the person individually, but for the mental, I can say that it is largely done by surrounding people and circumstances.
    And when a person constantly lives feeling on the verge of survival (and most people in our country live like this), then there can be no question of any mental health.
    See how many embittered inadequacies are everywhere. On roads, in homes, at work, on the street and in other public places. Because of any trifle, people are ready to kill or mutilate each other and I'm not joking.
    Life in our country is much like the FALLOUT game, with the only difference being that there is no general radiation and global post-apocalyptic ruins ... Not yet.
    The level of population degradation is growing every day. People unlearn to think independently, make decisions and bear responsibility for them. They live on the level of instincts, like animals. The only difference is that they realize their instincts in a more sophisticated form than animals.
    But this applies not only to our country. This applies to all of humanity as a whole.
  48. +2
    April 15 2014 12: 03
    Great article. Not only a diagnosis, but also a treatment. This is a guide to action for those in power. If the action does not follow - already this year - they have the right to have power only in their cells. Thanks to the author!
  49. 0
    April 15 2014 12: 29
    Give young families and housing and will give birth.
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 17: 59
      And also a lot of money and vodka, then they definitely give birth!
  50. 0
    April 15 2014 12: 33
    Quote: wanderer_032
    And in general, do not give them anything. Leave single mothers without livelihood, with small children in their arms.

    Quote: Atash
    this money can also be sent for benefits. We must break this practice.

    Quote: wanderer_032
    Irresponsible people, with an inferiority complex in the head.

    And so am I. What is left for a woman who does not have a husband in a monogamous society? Extramarital childbirth. But this will not have a good effect on the gene pool. And give her the opportunity to be a second wife, and the children are fine. There will be acceptable personal discomfort between wives, well, this life, by definition, is not sugar. In any case, it is better than when a child rushes in kindergarten to someone else's father, saying: "Daddy!" And that's not the worst part. I repeat, if you want to save the ethnos, you have to break the established practice. Well, if it's easier to put up with it - it's the master's business.
    1. Zenturion77
      April 15 2014 15: 25
      Quote: Atash
      So am I also. What remains of a woman who does not have a husband in a monogamous society? Extramarital birth. But this will not affect the gene pool well. And give her the opportunity to be a second wife, and the children are fine. There will be acceptable personal discomfort between wives, well, so this life is by definition not sugar.

      I’m afraid it just won’t succeed, historically in Russia (after baptism) - 1 husband and 1 wife.
      In principle, there is a logic here and for women there is a positive moment: the hostess of the house is not 1, but 2 or, for example, 3 - this is still better than 1 mother pulls both children and household chores on her "hump" frequent cases, still has time to work ... But here is one sick and big -NO- called jealousy and pride. And you cannot get off with simple lectures that it is necessary for the sake of saving the nation. Can Russia be Islamized in spite of its enemies?))
      1. 0
        April 15 2014 17: 40
        Quote: Atash
        By the way, nowhere in the Bible, nor in other Christian sources is there a ban on polygamy. On the contrary, there are precedents when patriarchs allowed polygamy.
  51. 0
    April 15 2014 13: 26
    Quote: Sma11
    And how many children will you raise after 40? One? Well, maximum two.

    Well why not? If by this time you have a good financial situation, what are the problems? Of course, you need to marry a young girl. God willing, you already have the money and stamp half of the football team. Nowadays, if people marry late, then they marry a woman closer to their own age, because it seems easier this way - this is wrong.
    1. +1
      April 15 2014 18: 04
      THE COMRADE PERSISTS IN HIS MISCONCEPTION. Look at Mishka Prokhorov, he has cut a lot after 40
  52. 0
    April 15 2014 13: 28
    According to official statistics alone, more than 2 million innocent babies are killed in the womb every year during abortions, and these could be future astronauts, builders, doctors and warriors....
    The reasons why this mortal sin is committed before God are different, but our state must do everything (financially, economically, touching on the moral aspects of this problem in the media) so that women and their men are interested in giving birth and raising babies! Then the demographic situation will change dramatically for the better!
    God save Russia and Holy Russia!
  53. +1
    April 15 2014 13: 37
    moral degradation is the reason for the decline in the birth rate. A chain goes on, they leave their parents and give birth to 1,2 children, who will also most likely leave them in their old age. The older generations do not actually participate in raising their grandchildren and see them, at best, on weekends. People have become lazy and selfish, that's the reason.
  54. +3
    April 15 2014 13: 53
    The article did not reflect another factor that significantly affects the birth rate - alcohol and tobacco. Where do healthy offspring come from if almost all girls smoke (on the contrary, there are more non-smoking guys). If you go to night shops on a Friday evening, there are queues for alcohol; after the ban on night trading, such establishments began to be called cafes. They put it on ban. They sell the bottle open at night, that’s the whole difference.
  55. +2
    April 15 2014 14: 18
    I live in the Far East! No new housing is being built in the village. Under the USSR, villages expanded, even the asphalt on the streets has been there since the 80s. My father received a new three-room apartment in the late 80s for the birth of his second son, while working as a shift driver!! Nowadays in the villages the housing stock is not being updated, much less expanded, and apartments for the birth of a second child are generally fantastic!!
  56. 0
    April 15 2014 14: 28
    Quote: piston
    Families are created, but for some reason they quickly fall apart.... What comes first is not love, but cold calculation.

    This very love is destroying demographics. Marrying for love is, in principle, immoral, because the so-called. marriages for love are less durable than marriages of convenience. Tolstoy says so in The Kreutzer Sonata. Marry first, love later. Each other of course. And the reason for marriage should be some kind of vital, “raw” reason. You can fall in love with a goat, but it’s clear what comes out of such a marriage. The reason for marriage may be the wishes of the parents. If parents really want their son to get married, then let him get married as early as he wants. Parental blessing will be a solid foundation for such a marriage. Or in the old days they got married so that someone could work in 15-20 years. This is no longer a whim, “oh, love is carrots!”, not a desire to simply satisfy physiology, but a vital necessity.
    1. +1
      April 15 2014 15: 03
      This very love is destroying demographics. Marrying for love is, in principle, immoral, because the so-called. marriages for love are less durable than marriages of convenience.

      Hmmm what Well, you bent it. Cool. They married for convenience. They made children. Dad has his own "love". Mom has her own “love”. And the children are still watching this.
  57. Ka3ak
    April 15 2014 14: 57
    No matter what they say... The growth of a people first and foremost depends on the moral qualities of people and on their value system.
    But social and economic measures are crutches. In principle, anyone who wants to walk again can rely on them. But YOU MUST HAVE THE DESIRE TO WALK.
    And if people are driven by GEDENISM and the desire for their own comfort, then this will eat up all economic crutches.
  58. 0
    April 15 2014 15: 11
    There is no reproduction in the country. The fertility rate is 1,7 children per woman.

    This indicator cannot be judged at short intervals. This time. In countries with a similar demographic structure like the former. In Ukraine the situation is much worse.

    Its competitors will be Japan

    The author should go and learn the materiel. Japan, with its fertility rate of 1.3, has a couple of generations left at most. China will be in a similar situation in 20 years.
  59. -1
    April 15 2014 17: 00
    I once watched a report that talked about Indian women, because of poverty, giving birth to rich Europeans, and the matter there is put on stream and pregnant women are kept in cramped conditions and not in very good conditions. We have recently been quite successfully resolving the issue for the resettlement of orphans in family shelters. The state can enter into contracts with women from poor countries, provide them with genetic material, create acceptable conditions for them, and then raise the resulting children in family orphanages. Of course it sounds like nonsense, but I think it’s no worse than the idea of ​​polygamy.
  60. 0
    April 15 2014 17: 31
    Even with abundant funding, no breakthrough in the demographic area will occur. This is an additional stimulating factor. It is necessary to promote a healthy lifestyle, historical family foundations, anti-advertising of tobacco and alcoholic fusel, give all homos and other talkers a geyrope. Death penalty for pedophiles, etc. Propaganda begins in kindergarten. Families with one child are subject to taxes, childless-single families are taxed for childlessness. In general, there are plenty of incentive options if desired.
  61. 0
    April 16 2014 15: 05
    Islam, for example, sets the following priorities:
    1. faith based on knowledge;
    2. good relationships in the family, including with the wife (no need to remember the atrocities in Islamic countries, this is due to ignorance of one’s religion). There is a hadith from the Prophet (pbuh) that the best people are those who treat their wives well;
    3. good relationships with neighbors (primarily) and other people, including those of other religions.
    In addition, Islam encourages polygamy and having many children; parents have clearly defined obligations to their children and children to their parents, and failure to fulfill them is a sin. Among the obligations of parents is good upbringing based on fear of God and calls to goodness. Both men and women should be raised to fear committing adultery. A stranger's woman and man should not be left alone in a closed room.

    What I mean by this is that the roots of all monetistic religions are the same, Islam recognizes the Bible as one of the books from Allah. Your ancestors also had such a moral upbringing, but now you have virtually lost everything and the people are dying out. We must return to Allah only then there will be demography and development and prosperity.
  62. Ghost
    April 16 2014 16: 49
    The current rulers of Russia do not need the indigenous population of the country. They don't need any population at all. If the oil and gas pipeline were in order, the Kremlin tower wouldn’t care about the rest...
  63. 0
    April 16 2014 17: 25
    Give "Russian Billion" to the masses!
  64. 0
    April 16 2014 20: 40
    Quote: Sma11
    This very love is destroying demographics. Marrying for love is, in principle, immoral, because the so-called. marriages for love are less durable than marriages of convenience.

    Hmmm what Well, you bent it. Cool. They married for convenience. They made children. Dad has his own "love". Mom has her own “love”. And the children are still watching this.

    Dad can do it, he’s a man, but mom should be stoned for adultery. And cancel love / so that nerds, beggars and other philanderers have at least some chance of getting a woman in bed
  65. fall
    April 19 2014 16: 59
    The population of Russia is only 143 thousand people, and there are already 6 million pensioners, the same as in Ukraine, but in any case the number of pensioners by 42 (at best) will be 2040%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The greatest achievement of the Russian people!!!!!!!!!!!!
  66. leo44
    April 21 2014 22: 46
    That's what they just can't come up with. The fat is drowned with the effort of one gyrus! It is not necessary to ban abortions, but to do everything to prevent them from happening - for example, radically change social policy: pay for kindergarten, pay for school, children's goods are more expensive than adults. A woman who is on maternity leave and on maternity leave receives cheap benefits and how can she live on them? This is not only for the mother, but also for the child, and even more so for the children. Not all of the men are conscientious, some of them start relationships and run away from alimony payments or hide their income. How many single mothers are there in the country? Maybe we should start by banning divorces when there are children? Or should drunk dads be banned from drinking? Or ban all kinds of crap from showing pornographic, immoral content? - (modern filmmakers have filmed a lot). Well, everyone knows this - it’s all on the surface, why reinvent the wheel? Medicine, whether paid or free, is worse than it was in the USSR, education is even worse. Agriculture was completely destroyed, the entire village moved to the city... Yes, we are living in trouble! Half of the State Duma should be dispersed for such bills, starting with Zhirinovsky! What demographics can we talk about when a State Duma deputy yells at a pregnant woman and insults her only because of his stubborn tyranny?!