The head of the SBU Nalyvaichenko was a CIA agent

Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, appointed by the Verkhovna Rada Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, was recruited by the CIA. The statement about this on the TV channel "Russia 24" was made by the former head of the SBU Alexander Yakimenko.

Nalyvaychenko was recruited by the US Central Intelligence Agency at the time when he worked as the Consul General of the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington. Recruitment data was obtained by Yakimenko’s subordinates during the investigation, which the SBU conducted together with the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office.

Nalyvaichenko maintained contacts with American intelligence after he left the diplomatic service. In particular, in the period from 2006 to 2010 years, when Nalyvaichenko had once led the Security Service of Ukraine.

“The connection between Nalyvaichenko and other heads of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine with the CIA determines the great influence that American intelligence services currently have on events in the country,” said Alexander Yakimenko.

Yakimenko noted that in the building of the Security Service of Ukraine in Kiev, one floor was transferred for the work of the CIA employees.

Alexander Yakimenko led the Security Service of Ukraine since January 2013. In February, 2014, he was persecuted by the new authorities and was forced to leave the territory of Ukraine. 10 April, the new Kiev authorities declared the ex-head of the Security Service on the wanted list: Yakimenko is accused of “excess of power or official authority, which caused grave consequences”.

The US Central Intelligence Agency responded to the accusations of the exiled President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. The politician told 13 on April that the decision on the military special operation in the south-east of the Republic of Kiev was made under the influence of the American intelligence chief John Brennan.

"Like other representatives of the US government, Brennan is convinced that only diplomatic methods are the only right way to resolve the conflict between Moscow and Kiev," said CIA spokesman Tod Ebitz.

However, Ebits declined to comment on Brennan’s trip to Ukraine itself, and left unanswered the question of whether it had a place or not.
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  1. +34
    April 14 2014 20: 31
    And who doubted? recourse
    1. infinite silence ...
      April 14 2014 20: 34
      Yes, no one doubted ... He is not alone ...
      1. +17
        April 14 2014 21: 05
        Nikolaev and Kherson - Your exit Brothers !!!!!
        Support your neighbors with at least peaceful mass meetings !!!
        There is a month left before the Maydanut elections, you are threatened to stay on the "Titanic" under the name "Square" am
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Stalker
          April 14 2014 21: 34
          You are threatened to stay on the "Titanic" called "Square

          About the Titanic ... laughing
        3. +7
          April 14 2014 22: 18
          Kryuchkov also had a daddy with evidence of the recruitment of Yakovlev and Kulagin, probably not only on them alone. Politics is a tricky thing. In his last interview, Gromyko shortly before his death said the last phrase sharply, very sharply: if I tell the truth, it will blow up the world, it seems so. What did he mean? What did Shevarnadze help Akhmad Shah? That the leaders of the Central Asian republics are mired in corruption and also helped Ahmad Shah?
          "The art of the possible" is about diplomacy, politics and medicine.
          1. WKS
            April 14 2014 22: 59
            And Rutskoi’s compromising suitcases? Where are they now?
          2. 0
            April 14 2014 23: 06
            I would very much like this freak with a chain to be caught and given to the guys from "Berkut"
            ! Well, they will figure it out with him there! angry
      2. 225chay
        April 14 2014 22: 47
        Quote: infinite silence ...
        Yes, no one doubted ... He is not alone ...

        Almost the entire elite of the current leadership of Ukraine is the recruited agents of the Western special services - both CIA and SIS and BND and MASSAD ...
        Our Kremlin also has
      3. 0
        April 14 2014 22: 57
        Yes, they have a competitive recruitment process there, about a dozen people, to take the place of an agent, informer, traitor. am
    2. +18
      April 14 2014 20: 42
      Successfully attached. He receives money on the CIA floor of the SBU building and at the national box office in the same building.
      You can congratulate the Ukrainian people on such a head of the SBU.
      1. +7
        April 14 2014 21: 33
        Successfully attached. He receives money on the CIA floor of the SBU building and at the national box office in the same building.
        You can congratulate the Ukrainian people on such a head of the SBU.

        Two flags hang at the entrance to the SBU building: ukrovsky and amerovsky! So whose is the SBU? wassat
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Stalker
          April 14 2014 21: 37
          Two flags hang at the entrance to the SBU building: ukrovsky and amerovsky! So whose is the SBU?

          Sleeping ... laughing
          1. +1
            April 14 2014 22: 24
            Yeah! The GRU worked thinner and more delicate:
            "Two crocodiles are lying on the banks of the Nile, surveying the surrounding landscape for something ...
            And one says to the other: "Not, comrade colonel! Don't talk, but our Dnipro garnish!"
        3. +1
          April 14 2014 22: 18
          A joint CIA-SBU enterprise with unlimited irresponsibility ....
        4. +1
          April 14 2014 22: 20
          SBU of Ukraine is just a CIA department!
        5. 0
          April 15 2014 01: 21
          Quote: oldstaryi
          Two flags hang at the entrance to the SBU building: ukrovsky and amerovsky! So whose is the SBU?

          Well, that means the CIA isn't wasting taxpayers' money. Their job is to find someone who's willing to sell out for a chunk of fat and take advantage of that.
          But why isn't there a GRU or SVR floor in that building? They didn't do a good job. Where was the management looking? Although... maybe that's why VVP recently made organizational conclusions.
      2. +2
        April 14 2014 23: 33
        He decided, since Well ... consists of two halves, will sit on two chairs. fool
        I just forgot that as soon as the chairs are scattered, just a break will occur in the crack. laughing
        I decided to work as a servant "two masters", "cut the cabbage", as they say in the mouth and in the well. Only the day is not far off, as "the piggy bank will burst"along the break line. crying laughing
    3. +5
      April 14 2014 20: 43
      And how many of them there are still such clowns))).
      1. +5
        April 14 2014 20: 54
        Quote: Stalevar
        And how many of them there are still such clowns))).

        Yes all. and this one
        former head of the SBU Alexander Yakimenko.
        think messy
        1. 0
          April 14 2014 21: 05
          I agree with you, colleague! Money works wonders, and when combined with meanness, it’s a terrible mixture!
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. Stalker
        April 14 2014 21: 39
        And how many of them there are still such clowns))).

        On this topic...
    4. +3
      April 14 2014 20: 56
      Quote: Monk
      And who doubted?

      I doubted ... it seemed to me that he was an agent of MI-6 .....
      1. 225chay
        April 14 2014 22: 36
        Quote: gispanec
        I doubted ... it seemed to me that he was an agent of MI-6 .....

        There is no big difference between them ...
    5. +1
      April 14 2014 21: 46
      Quote: Monk
      And who doubted?

      Around Vipers and SUPPOSITIONS - some kind of serpentarium.
      1. 0
        April 14 2014 22: 27
        there are benefits from reptiles, people are treated with snake venom! And from the poison of these ...... (well, as you like) people only get sick, and mentally ...
    6. 120352
      April 14 2014 23: 40
      So he is not alone there! The entire top of the junta is the CIA! Whose interests do they advocate? Ukraine? Where there! Everything is obvious. They work for the states! And for a good salary, because of which the conscience stops working.
    7. Shtyk
      15 June 2014 16: 37
  2. Smiles to you
    April 14 2014 20: 33
    lol Damn, the farther into the forest, the more firewood ... He is undercover, or a real stargazer? ...
    1. +2
      April 14 2014 22: 23
      Official! So the boss came with whipping, where is the Crimea? Where is SE?
  3. +4
    April 14 2014 20: 33
    This is to be expected.
  4. +42
    April 14 2014 20: 34
    The agent is useless.
    1. Smiles to you
      April 14 2014 20: 42
      Grunt! You have no pity. to forum users ... Why are you so us? You for IT Bold +... hi I really smiled .. Thanks ..
    2. +4
      April 14 2014 21: 14
      You can watch for a long time)))))))))))))))
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. Stalker
        April 14 2014 22: 42
        You can watch for a long time

        Watch and not recognize .... lol
    3. +3
      April 14 2014 21: 20
      laughing laughing laughing I haven’t laughed like that for a long time good
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. Stalker
      April 14 2014 22: 01
      Summer is coming, vacation .... lol
    6. The comment was deleted.
    7. +1
      April 14 2014 22: 47
      Bitch, take pity on people! good laughing
  5. +12
    April 14 2014 20: 35
    The head of the SBU Nalyvaichenko was a CIA agent
    And to see not ordinary, if the management personally makes visits
    1. +2
      April 14 2014 22: 14
      '' Valentin Nalyvaichenko, appointed by the Verkhovna Rada as the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, was recruited by the CIA. A statement about this on the air of the TV channel "Russia 24" was made by the ex-head of the SBU Alexander Yakimenko. ''
      And that only now his mouth opened about it, and not when he was in power. This is suspicious.
    2. +1
      April 14 2014 22: 14
      '' Valentin Nalyvaichenko, appointed by the Verkhovna Rada as the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, was recruited by the CIA. A statement about this on the air of the TV channel "Russia 24" was made by the ex-head of the SBU Alexander Yakimenko. ''
      And that only now his mouth opened about it, and not when he was in power. This is suspicious.
  6. +9
    April 14 2014 20: 35
    So they are all on the CIA staff, the entire top of Ukraine - pancake "patriots", hang them
    1. +4
      April 14 2014 20: 39
      You are a sadist, my friend. Nalivaychenko poured. But suffers for underfilling. feel
      1. +14
        April 14 2014 20: 41
        Nedolivaychenko agent mother of her majesty
        1. +3
          April 15 2014 01: 23
          And for some reason Pink Bandera liked me more than that dude .... well, with a car.
  7. +24
    April 14 2014 20: 37
    Also news to me. I only have a small question for citizen Sashko Yakimenko, why were you an eccentric with the letter "M" silent when he was in office ??? There was no time, you did business with Lousy and hoped that he would carry it?
    1. +6
      April 14 2014 20: 41
      Quote: Vladimir 70
      There was no time
      I saved up the material ... I thought to sell it to someone more expensive ... until I waited - I surrendered myself ...
      1. Smiles to you
        April 14 2014 20: 47
        My friend, everything is in front of you ... We are waiting, from you. fresh ... hi
    2. 0
      April 14 2014 22: 30
      Taki carried .... Interestingly, "soft papyr" was enough
  8. +5
    April 14 2014 20: 39
    Damn, practically not news. Usually judged by actions. And if we talk about the SBU, then probably he is not alone.
  9. +2
    April 14 2014 20: 42
    And who would doubt it! Only before the evidence was not enough ... or the mind to understand this?
  10. +5
    April 14 2014 20: 44
    In the Ukrainian SBU and the Latin alphabet of the CIA, Central Intelligence Agency CIA is not news.
  11. +3
    April 14 2014 20: 44
    Nazi bastard! this is Razlevaychenko ...
  12. +4
    April 14 2014 20: 45
    On the building of the SBU in Kiev, next to the Ukrainian, an American flag hangs! What other questions? !!!
    1. The Art of War
      April 14 2014 21: 33
      There's even one floor in the SBU building given over to the CIA.
  13. +2
    April 14 2014 20: 46
    However, Ebits declined to comment on Brennan’s trip to Ukraine itself, and left unanswered the question of whether it had a place or not.

    But as always.
  14. +2
    April 14 2014 20: 46
    "The relationship of Nalyvaichenko and other heads of the security forces of Ukraine with the CIA determines the great influence that the American special services currently have on events in the country,"
    Yes, this is not just an impact on events, they themselves create these events ...
  15. +3
    April 14 2014 20: 46
    The head of the SBU Nalyvaichenko was a CIA agent

    "And more! Dress fresh, and at the exhibition in the Manezh
    A man with a suitcase will approach you. He will say:
    - Would you like cherries? - You answer: - Of course! -
    He will give you a loaf of explosives - bring me a loaf. "
    1. +3
      April 14 2014 21: 06
      ... to measure in women and in "pyva"
      he did not know and did not want ...
      1. 0
        April 14 2014 22: 53
        Good song!
    2. +1
      April 14 2014 22: 55
      distorted by microfilm, GUM will become a small hut and indecent to imagine ...
    3. +2
      April 15 2014 01: 20
      Do you need explosives?
  16. +5
    April 14 2014 20: 47
    So you don’t even have to guess about it, it is displayed on his forehead in a running line !!!! Plus, look in the internet how he arranged graduation
    And this is an official fact, even on TV showed !!!!
    And now he is still conducting an investigation, who shot on the Maidan ... That fucking body is certainly not the owner !!!!
  17. storm wind
    April 14 2014 20: 48
    Everyone knows everything .. it's time to do the thing! Put the reptiles dead in the damp earth, otherwise they will still drink a lot of blood from people! Actions where? Or, again, help Russia? Here they are all out! What else is needed? The Nazis and the CIA are in power, and then what? Or again, everything is on polite people? No, let’s do it yourself, then we will help!
  18. +4
    April 14 2014 20: 49
    All banderlogs with remote control, amerikosovsky!
  19. +3
    April 14 2014 20: 49
    In the outskirts, only a cleaning lady, a public toilet is not recruited, and that is not a fact.
  20. Grenz
    April 14 2014 20: 51
    CIA agents voiced in Ukraine. And this was not surprising.
    But somehow it becomes boring from such revelations, because they are belated.
    But here, for example, everything is fine with the striped zealots.
    Navalny does not hide that he meets with important cones from the CIA, Nemtsov, Kasyanov (by the way, both prime ministers know sooooo many secrets) and the other bastard ...
    And here we will wait until Uncle Sam gives the command to these mongrels. You can't!
    Here is the output from this post.
    1. +2
      April 14 2014 23: 24
      Quote: grenz
      But here, for example, everything is fine with the striped zealots.
      Navalny does not hide that he meets with important cones from the CIA, Nemtsov, Kasyanov (by the way, both prime ministers know sooooo many secrets) and the other bastard ...
      And here we will wait until Uncle Sam gives the command to these mongrels. You can't!

      1. Only extremely narrow-minded people can rejoice - how smart they are, how "no one sees" their trips to instruct and buy 30 pieces of silver.
      2. It's easier to keep such narrow-minded people "under the hood".
  21. +5
    April 14 2014 20: 54
    The head of the SBU Nalyvaychenko turned out to be an agent of the CIA. Yah! Really? But seriously - and in Russia, corrupt rats can not be counted. Only recently has something been done on deratization. But, there is still no end ...
  22. +5
    April 14 2014 20: 56
    Friends, appreciate the "get on" Nalyvaichensky spill
    1. 0
      April 14 2014 22: 00
      I listened and cried .... crying laughing. laughing Ukrainians measure everything on their own.
    2. 0
      April 14 2014 22: 55
      "Konstantin Valerievich" ??? Why not Vladimir Vladimirovich ???
    3. 0
      April 14 2014 23: 49
      There is absolutely no ingenuity. And I want to laugh and cry ...
    4. +1
      April 15 2014 05: 10
      I can’t say for sure, but the conversation is very specific. There is a curator, there are literate performers.
      From Russia, the call, so forgive me, and Yanukovych is in Russia, so what's so strange?
      And what works together is good.
    5. ded10041948
      April 15 2014 06: 12
      Well, "linden"! At least the children's and women's voices were filtered out!
  23. Artem1967
    April 14 2014 20: 57
    No need to be seven spans in the forehead, looking at their policies. Any, the most lousy question, will first be discussed with Washington. A. Yakimenko does not need to share long-known information with us, but when he was the head of the SBU to make the right decisions. Something he and Yanukovych and Co. sharply wiser on the Russian side!
    1. 0
      April 14 2014 23: 31
      Quote: Artem1967
      Something he and Yanukovych and Co. sharply wiser on the Russian side!

      This is not Ukraine ...
      Here the climate is different ...
  24. russianskijbelarus
    April 14 2014 21: 03
    Yesterday I watched his interview on the Internet. Nothing is felt behind him ... I could not answer a few direct questions. In particular, the presenter asked why the SBU allowed civilians to seize a car with shells at the Grad. To which he answered about the need to support the local population to the security agencies, and other indistinct ... And it is clear that he was very worried. There were also questions: will they be able to bring order to the South-East and what will happen in Odessa. He replied that SE will certainly pacify, and in Odessa this will never happen. There is no rod ...
  25. 0
    April 14 2014 21: 03
    "Like other representatives of the US government, Brennan is convinced that only diplomatic methods are the only right way to resolve the conflict between Moscow and Kiev," said CIA spokesman Tod Ebitz.

    And where does Moscow? In my opinion there is a conflict between the Southeast and the West, led by the junta. And it did. Southwest Our Russian.
    1. +2
      April 14 2014 23: 27
      Quote: konvalval
      "Like other representatives of the US government, Brennan is convinced that only diplomatic methods are the only right way to resolve the conflict between Moscow and Kiev," said CIA spokesman Tod Ebitz.
      And where does Moscow?

      Russia, on the whole, refuses to conduct any business with the junta. It infuriates mattresses and geyropeytsev ...
  26. +1
    April 14 2014 21: 06
    I am surprised by this comrade A. Yakimenko, only women talk like that about enemies, but not people from your department! Or should I tell you how it's done! And the fact that this Nalivaiko invited TsRU members to the graduation of the SBU Academy was known to many pioneers and schoolchildren under Yushchenko. Only you caught the Markovs and Kostusevs. Then you yourself went to Russia.
    1. Instructor
      April 14 2014 21: 40
      There is nothing to be surprised at - as in the USSR of the 30s, one head of the SBU (NKVD, OGPU, etc.) changes another due to insufficient activity in the repressions. In the USSR then (the survivors) blamed them for having shifted all sins. The same thing happens here. And it all started with the French Revolution ...
      1. AVIATOR36662
        April 15 2014 03: 46
        Then it’s safe to say that it began in the Middle Ages during the split of our native Russian-Tatar Horde by penetrating Catholicism from the West (the upper strata of the state’s elite). The Jewish faith then added fuel to the fire! A split in Orthodoxy led to a split and the gradual fall (of the state) of our Horde. We will assume that our Horde is being restored.
    2. +2
      April 14 2014 23: 32
      Quote: 23424636
      only women say so about enemies, but not the people of your department! Or tell you how to do it! And the fact that this nalivayko invited TsrUshnikov to graduate from the SBU Academy was known to many pioneers and schoolchildren under Yushchenko. Only you caught Markov and Kostusevs. Then they themselves went to Rush

      Why !!! ++++
      Longing for extra break-in - Idea fix for ALL citizens of NizalEzhnoy. Work for "one salary", which is called a bastard. This is how the country was missed, while everyone in power arranged their PERSONAL gesheft to the detriment of their main occupation.
  27. +1
    April 14 2014 21: 07
    Regarding the agents of the CIA, they are all recruited there, or they stand in line at the door of the CIA. What do we want from them? Negotiating with them is useless.
  28. +2
    April 14 2014 21: 09
    I don’t understand.
    Toli Ukraine will soon become 51 US state
    Or will he achieve the USA - the United States of Ukraine ?!
    Security Service of Ukraine - CIA
    Sun and Special Forces - Negroes
    Yaytsenyuh in English more often than in Ukrainian speaks.
  29. +3
    April 14 2014 21: 13
    The head of the SBU is a CIA puppet!
    Well, is this not an indicator of the "independence" of the current clique. The junta lay under YuSerov and spread its legs wide in anticipation of "unspeakable bliss" ... Well, well ...
    US CIA Director John Brennan met with representatives of Ukrainian security officials in Kiev on Saturday before a special operation in Slavyansk and other cities of eastern Ukraine. Brennan came to Ukraine under a false name.
    "The deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Golub also announced the visit of the tsrushnik. According to him, he is not surprised, because when Valentin Nalyvaichenko headed the Security Service of Ukraine last time, "it was not so much the secret service of an independent country as a unit of the US CIA." According to Golub, all members of the Rada have such information. "Http://
  30. 0
    April 14 2014 21: 14
    Yes, the entire interim government of Ukraine, the agents of the Tsru. who treats the girl, he dances!
  31. onegin61
    April 14 2014 21: 15
    The west and south-east of Ukraine will never agree, as a result, a civil war will take place, which will result in the formation of paramilitary groups, formations, detachments, power structures subordinate to one or the other side. The existing confrontation will continue until finally the parties, seeing hopelessness the provisions do not agree on the division of Ukraine into the western part - Ukraine (Lviv, Ternopil and Rivne regional central part with Kiev) and Little Russia-south, southeastern part, with the definition of borders and all other attributes ov (following the example of the separation of Czechoslovakia). Here's how. Any force intervention in this process by the United States and the West will be sharply countered by the immediate deployment of the Russian military contingent to assist the Russian and Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine in their treatment.
    1. 0
      April 14 2014 21: 31
      Hello) everyone) I join, but with a little bit - "without Kiev))) hi
      1. +1
        April 15 2014 02: 18
        at the word Kiev, Crimeans have a tough reaction right away. no faith in this city. generally not and is not expected. and I understand that future generations are not even expected. it will surely never again be the capital for Southeast Ukraine as a whole. residents of the DPR - no less severe reaction than in the Crimea. sorry, but it's true. I understand that normal Kievans have nothing to do with it. but how did they prove themselves in difficult times, other than ignoring and doing nothing during the fascist coup? I do not, but do you have facts?
    2. Instructor
      April 14 2014 21: 52
      At the instigation of the main CIA agent, the Bandar-logs asked the UN (which has already shown itself to be a free supplement to NATO and the USA (although it is the same thing) for peacekeepers. Western peacekeepers have already "proven" themselves in Yugoslavia - having ensured the interests of the Kosovo bandits (hence - they themselves became bandits). The same will happen here - Russia will not be invited - no matter what! We can recall how the Georgian peacekeepers behaved and what hysteria the Westerners raised then. So the eastern Ukrainians will have to fight with the same bandits, but it will be difficult to count on Russia's help - the 4th world war in this case will begin here ... Why did these protests not begin on the Maidan - against the Bandar-logs??? Now the time is almost lost ...
  32. Orc-xnumx
    April 14 2014 21: 18
    I always said that the SBU is a branch of the CIA!
  33. +2
    April 14 2014 21: 18
    Yes, they are all smeared in one world. If tomorrow they say that Senya Yaytsenyuh is also an agent, then this will not be shocking news. Only here is something that Vitalik took off from the arena somewhere. Likely in Nimetchina his native went, to sit out the troubled times. In the course of the play, the measure of Kiev also broke off to become. He also became offended by his accomplices.
  34. wanderer_032
    April 14 2014 21: 41

    But this photo is interesting where the US ambassador gives epaulettes to the lieutenant of the SBU, at what head of the SBU was made? wink
  35. 0
    April 14 2014 21: 41
    Kiev itself in a month will drive don cook))) do not carry cookies to eat (Mr. Yanukovych, your way out ????
  36. +1
    April 14 2014 21: 48
    What do you mean turned out to be. SBU is the Ukrainian branch of the CIA, it has never been hidden by anyone. It is logical that his head is a CIA officer.
  37. +2
    April 14 2014 21: 52
    Quote: 1812 1945
    The head of the SBU Nalyvaychenko turned out to be an agent of the CIA. Yah! Really? But seriously - and in Russia, corrupt rats can not be counted.
    Well, this one is especially outstanding, textbooks are crying for him, I don't know, military or psychiatric, just a "fabulous idiot", under him the CIA agents "rented" an entire floor in the SBU during Yushchenko's time, if my memory serves me right, the 4th, diplomas for graduates of educational institutions of Ukraine (of the corresponding profile - SBU) were issued by the heads of the US CIA. During 80808 there was so much "snitching" that there was no doubt that the SBU had become a branch of the CIA. Only they didn't "suck" off the Americans and that's not a fact. Now in the SBU, which is not surprising, there has been a lustration, "unreliable" employees have been removed from the staff - they are awaiting their fate, some will be or have been criminally charged, some will simply be fired, and some have already gone on the run.
  38. +1
    April 14 2014 22: 14
    The poor one works at two bets, but, as they say, the frayer's greed will destroy.
    1. 0
      April 14 2014 22: 44
      "On two horses at once? The saddle won't be enough."
      Cagliostro x / f "Formula of Love"
  39. kelevra
    April 14 2014 22: 26
    Damn traitor! Such need to put on a stake!
    1. 0
      April 14 2014 22: 35
      No, no need for a stake, too easy. Now to make him a double agent, that's it. He'll... drain the mattresses and make up for the damage he caused. From him Americans They will make a Christmas turkey out of it themselves later.
  40. 0
    April 14 2014 22: 41
    I honestly I don’t see the point now.Who cares now? Those who stayed on the Maidan, wassat centurions who are like local kings?
    Or maybe on the PS? So they themselves were supervised from the CIA and this is no secret. Rebels against the junta? No, they just simply fight with all the junta and their team, including the PS!
    If anyone can explain to me what is the point of what they just said that the head of the SBU Nalyvaychenko turned out to be an agent of the CIA, I will be glad! hi
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 02: 34
      it makes sense for people to know the truth. open. is not it so?
  41. 0
    April 14 2014 22: 43
    I almost fell off my chair that they write on the "censor", I don’t namil:

    The head of the CIA visited Kiev on security cooperation

    John Brennan, head of the Central Intelligence Agency, visited Kiev last weekend.

    US White House spokesman Jay Carney confirmed information that the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) John Brennan visited Kyiv last weekend, Censor.NET reports, citing Zerkalo Nedeli.

    "As reported by the Russian media, CIA chief John Brennan visited Kiev last weekend," Carney said at a briefing. According to him, the visit was related to "expanding cooperation in the security sphere." At the same time, Carney noted that reports of any tactical operations "are completely untrue."
  42. +1
    April 14 2014 23: 01
    This is not news, it is a long-held fact!
  43. 0
    April 14 2014 23: 04
    They immediately turned on the "back" about the "disinformation" from Nalyvaichenko (see my first post in this thread) wassat

    The political leader and PR specialist Alexander Boroday turned out to be the Russian leader of the separatists from the SBU records.
    Oleksandr Boroday curious kerivnik separatists
    Alexander Boroday turned out to be the head of the separatists

    He owns the phone number indicated by the SBU in the records. There he is referred to as "Alexander from Russia".

    This number was given to us by several independent Russian journalists. About this writes UP.

    In addition, the voice of a person from the SBU records is very similar to the voice of Alexander Boroday, recorded in one of the videos that he made as a political scientist.

    One of these videos was dated February 21 this year, when after the execution on the Maidan, an agreement was signed between the opposition and Yanukovych.

    The video is called "How to Divide Ukraine". In it Boroday says that he knows Ukraine well and has traveled a lot around it. -
    skiy-piarschik.html wassat
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 09: 11
      Alexander Borodai is, at the very least, a windbag, "who knows and has traveled through Ukraine", whitewashing the Maidan and the people's right to revolt against the oligarchic Yanukovych. Or, more simply, a provocateur.
      Any overthrow of President Yanukovych, Putin, Lukashenko, Ivanov, Sidorov, Petrov or the Supreme Parliament of the state, which is not liked and disliked by the people, is the path to chaos and bloody rebellion.
      You cannot organize an overthrow legally elected authorityas if someone didn’t like her and who didn’t suit her. Otherwise, they all suck in blood. People should know and understand this.
      Only a legal change of power in elections and referenda, and no other way!
      An example of the Maidan of Ukraine, Russia in 1993, when Yeltsin carried out a coup d'etat, a lesson for everyone.
  44. 0
    April 14 2014 23: 14
    Quote: uizik
    This is not news, it is a long-held fact!

    The fact is that fact and this is not news in the United Nations and Lavrov voiced, but why would this be a sincere recognition?
  45. 0
    April 14 2014 23: 51
    SBU, generally called a branch of the CIA and Mossad.
  46. +1
    April 14 2014 23: 59
    The traitorous regime consists of traitors!
  47. +3
    April 15 2014 00: 55
    Well, whose ears stick out?
    There was no doubt, just somehow once again in a clumsy manner.
    Can the gentlemen from the CIA take us for an internship?
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 02: 01
      Yatsenyuk is the same. Like Tymoshenko. Like Turchinov. Like the others. All are somehow involved. The Ukrainian current government has no future. It’s not so tough that any, absolutely any presidential candidate is involved. They still want to hold elections in Ukraine and talk about the illegitimacy of the Crimean referendum. The real one. I personally witnessed.
      They can’t even hold the presidential election, these impotent current Ukrainian authorities. Really can not. Or it will be the apotheosis of the theater of the absurd such that Earth civilization has not seen.
  48. IGS
    April 15 2014 02: 07
    The head of the SBU Nalyvaichenko was a CIA agent
    Here it is "honor", "conscience", and avakov .... "virginity" wassat "the nation of ancient ukrov".
  49. 0
    April 15 2014 03: 23
    So they are there, in the board of Kiev, is it all ... What will the state be called? Uryupapa? bully
  50. 0
    April 15 2014 03: 45
    "Valentin Nalyvaichenko, appointed by the Verkhovna Rada as the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, was recruited by the CIA. The statement was made by the former head of the SBU Alexander Yakimenko on the Russia 24 TV channel."

    And what is there to be surprised? It’s clear that all the current leadership of Ukraine is on a salary from amers. And now they are working out their salaries.
  51. Nikolaevich
    April 15 2014 05: 40
    The fact that Yakimenko, sitting in Moscow, exposes the junta, is of course all good. But where was the SBU and what was it doing before that? By the way, where is Azarov or does he and Vitko have a military field headquarters in exile? Are they thinking about the Duma in Rostov?
  52. 0
    April 15 2014 06: 38
    The infa has passed. mattress covers gave 11,6 lemons for the elections. Nalyvaichenko hopes the CIA will save him at the last moment, a dreamer.