The myth of the "Ancient Ukraine" and "ancient ukrah"

The myth of the "Ancient Ukraine" and "ancient ukrah"

The “Ukrainian revolution” clearly showed how millions of people can be turned into “new barbarians” (“ukrov-ukraintsy”). These people live in a fictional world, with a completely fictional and mythologized history, corrected by political geography, and speak an artificial language.

Thanks to the twenty-three year-old triumph of “Ukrainians,” millions of people have lost all spiritual, intellectual, cultural and national orientation. If you follow the reports of the Ukrainian media, you will get the impression: there was a psychiatric "apocalypse" in Ukraine. The logic of the judgments of conscious "Ukrainians" (trapped in the networks of the Morocc Rus) is hopelessly broken, and the lack of full-fledged, complex knowledge is compensated by a collection of some wild fantasies and ideas. At the same time, the unshakable self-righteousness stands out in the painful state of the “Ukrainians”.

Already two generations of people have grown up who do not know any homeland except Ukraine. Their worldview and worldview is formed in independent schools. And if before the Russian people in schools studied in their native language, while remaining involved in the Russian world, now schools in Ukrainian completely dominate. In the west, they have already been brought to almost 100%, in the center of them, on average, to 70%, and in the east there are already more than half. The reprogramming of Russians (Rus), who are being transformed into the fictional "Ukrainian people", is proceeding at a rapid pace. Today, Russian parents send their children to school, and at the exit, especially if they have no time to engage in the self-education of children (and there are a great majority of such people), there is already a cultural and linguistic “blank”, “Ukrainian”. The press, TV and the surrounding reality (the dominance of the Ukrainian pseudo-language in state, educational, cultural institutions, etc.), especially given the sharply tightened censorship, which blocks access to the Russian media, completes the process of creating a "new matrix". Moreover, this “matrix” is extremely aggressive, illiterate and flawed. Its main goal is the narrowing of Russian space, the collision of one part of the Russo superethnos with another.

In Ukrainian schools, children are taught “Ukrainian history” (almost completely falsified and mythologized project) in Ukrainian textbooks and in Ukrainian. Many citizens of Russia were surprised when in recent months a wave of hatred, cave Nazism and Russophobia fell on them from Ukraine. Many still lived in the cultural and educational space of the USSR, they believed that the Russian Federation and Ukraine are now different states, but the peoples inhabiting them are still “fraternal”. However, the myth of the "two brotherly nations" (Russians and Ukrainians) was brutally destroyed. First, there are no two "fraternal peoples". There are Russes (Russians) who realize themselves as Russians and consider the Soviet Union, the Russian Empire, the Russian kingdom, Vladimir-Moscow Russia, the Old Russian state (Novgorod and Kiev Russia) Russian states. And there are Ruses who are deceived, “zombied”, turned into “Ukrainians” and “Russian cultural”, who have not yet become “Ukrainians”, but do not even realize themselves completely Russian.

Secondly, there is no “brotherhood” and there can be no. The project "Ukraine" was originally designed in the West in order to weaken the Russian civilization, to break away from it an extensive piece, making it "Nerusya" ("Non-Russian"). The basis of this project is hate and destruction. If you take the images of the “Lord of the Rings” by Tolkien, then the “Ukrainians” are a kind of spoiled elves (rus). They fell under the power of the enemy (the Catholic and Russophobic Rzecz Pospolita, then Austria-Hungary), they were mocked at them for centuries, killed the best representatives, grew up a layer of “national traitors”. The enemy also created the “language of the orcs” (the Ukrainian language) - a distorted Russian language, into which Polish borrowings were consistently introduced, simplified and alter the words.

There can be no “brotherhood” between Ukraine and Russia. It is necessary to clearly realize that “Ukraine” (“Outskirts”, one of the outskirts of Russian civilization) is Small Russia, temporarily occupied by the enemy. The enemy captured the Russian lands, including the ancient Kiev, planted their Gauleiter governors, gave all the power to the "national traitors" caste, the degenerate "ukrov" caste. And the rest of the Russians have been brainwashed for a long time and fairly successfully, forming a “Ukrainian identity”. Therefore, sooner or later we will return the West Russian lands, we will restore the integrity of the Russian civilization and the super-ethnos of the Rus. "National traitors" will have to leave the Russian lands, having gone to their Western masters, or to undergo a course of re-education.

Therefore, it is not worth surprising the crowds of Svidomo madmen, who at first demanded "European integration", and then switched to the massacre of their own corrupt and artificial statehood. Most of these people (on the Maidan prevailed young people) were released from independent schools. This led to the coming to power of the current Ukrainian politicians who are puppets of the West and the local oligarchy. And now Ukraine is also rolling back to neo-feudalism, when the power is seized by large feudal lords - oligarchs, and their directors (majordoms).

It is clear that in order to retain power in such a state, it is necessary to constantly work to destroy historical memory and the ability to think logically. Illiteracy and intellectual degradation are consciously cultivated. Even politically inactive people who are indifferent to politics, history and geography, still get some ideas about the world around them. Any Losers or dummy talker from Russia still know some scraps from the school program. That Ivan the Terrible took Kazan, Peter the Great shaved beards to the boyars and built Petersburg, the Russians defeated the Ottomans, the French and the Germans, etc.

However, schoolchildren in Ukraine endure completely different knowledge from educational institutions. As a result, they have a wild kaleidoscope in their heads: from the “ancient ukrov”, who fought with ancient Rome, and the “battle hopak”; the Russian ethnos, which was formed on the territory of the Golden Horde, is the genetic continuation of the Horde, when the Russians are a mixture of Finno-Ugric and Türks (Mongols) with a small infusion of Slavs; the constant pressure of Muscovy, which gradually "occupied" Ukraine; The “heroic struggle” of the Ukrainian people for liberation from the “colonial oppression of the Muscovites”; victories in 1991; "Heroic" fighters of the SS division "Galicia", etc.

This wild kaleidoscope of historical events, black myths, dirty gossip and frank deception is created by especially active individuals whose brain is hopelessly affected by “Ukrainians,” or unprincipled politicians, publicists and scientists deliberately deceiving people, receiving some material benefits from it. The created historical myths penetrate into scientific and artistic books, textbooks, articles, become an integral part of the information and cultural field of the country. They are imposed on children and adolescents, whose weak consciousness is most vulnerable to delirium.

It is clear that school history is inevitably state propaganda, which forms the fundamental historical myths that hold the whole state. However, these myths are usually based on real events, which somewhat embellish, omit sick questions and topics, etc. In the Ukrainian case, this degree is completely divorced from reality, turned into “historical fiction” (alternative history), and with extremely Russophobic overtones . Preparation Russophobes put on stream. The current effectiveness of propaganda is so powerful that in a few more years it is possible to almost completely “Ukrainize” the center of present-day Ukraine and to achieve predominance in the southeast. After that, the "Ukrainian Reich" can be thrown against Russia. It’s impossible to wait until everything “stabilizes”. A strategy and practical actions are needed to restore the “Russianness” of Little Russia.

In general, the entire current “historiography” of today's Ukraine can be divided into two categories. “Moderate”, which is based on the legacy of Mikhail Hrushevsky (1866 — 1934) and his followers. This concept began the offensive even at the time of the decline of the Russian Empire and during the USSR, but then it was done carefully. Hrushevsky in his time created the 10-volume monograph "History of Ukraine-Rus", which laid the foundations of the modern Ukrainian historical school. Grushevsky tried to bring the history of the Ukrainian people to the era of Kievan Rus (“the Ukrainian state”) and even to the previous period. He promoted the separate ethnogenesis and the difference between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. Grushevsky's followers are based on a standard set of historical facts, but attach quotations of various sources to them, their fragments, trying to bring the real story under their ideas. An illusion of science is being created. “Ukrainizers” are trying to prove that Kievan Rus was the cradle of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, and the Russian people was formed much later - on the basis of Vladimir-Suzdal Russia. According to their concept, Russians and Ukrainians are different nations. Moreover, the Finno-Ugric peoples and the Turks had a great influence on the ethnogenesis of Russians. Not every reader, especially children and young people, has a large knowledge base to recognize deception in the general outline of seemingly true facts, and as a result, many become victims of deception.

The second category of Ukrainian “historiography” is more or less skillful and generally crazy fantasy. Here, publicists and “historians” (like Valery Bebik, Doctor of Political Sciences) mold the history of “Great Ukraine” just on the knee. Claims on the scientific virtually no. But the scope of fantasy and the “heroization” of the history of the “Ukrainian people” is simply amazing by its delusional nature. However, among the illiterate, who have lost the remnants of the logic of the “new barbarians” this causes delight and awe. The main emphasis is on emotions. The antiquity and majesty of "Nenka", which went from the ancient Scythians, the Aryans, and even the Hyperboreans with the Atlanteans, gradually replaces other historical concepts.

For historians and people who are well acquainted with history, such “works” can only cause a grin. But for the semi-literate “new barbarians” and the Ukrainian “intelligentsia”, preoccupied with the search for “Ukrainian greatness”, they become almost a religious revelation.

A similar picture could be observed in the first half of the 20th century in Germany. When various clubs, researchers and orders searched for the roots of the Aryan (German) people in Atlantis, Tula (the legendary island in the north of Europe), Shambhala, etc. As a result, really great German history and culture were trying to bind to the mythical period of human existence. The Germans were declared the direct descendants of the Aryans, the "chosen people." In Ukraine, there is a similar situation. Only here the situation is somewhat different. “Great Ukraine” is generally created from scratch, from emptiness. "Ukraine" as a state, and not the "outskirts" of Russia and "Little Russia" (part of united Russia), did not exist in antiquity. For the first time "Ukrainian statehood" was established in Soviet Russia - the Ukrainian SSR appeared. And it was a purely political decision that had no ethnic basis. In antiquity there was no “ukrov-ukraintsy”. All sources, both Russian and foreign (Western European, Byzantine, Persian and Arabic) tell us about Russia, Russian Land, Rus, Dew, Rusyns, Russian Law, Russian Princes . But there is not a word about "Ukraine" and "Ukrainians."

There were no “Ukrainians” and in the lands seized by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, they were inhabited by Russians (Ruses). Only in the XIX century, a small group of intellectuals created a theory about the existence of "the three branches of the Russian people" (Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians). In Soviet Russia, these three branches were generally declared independent peoples (admittedly, "brotherly"). Although nothing has changed, the Russians still lived in Moscow, Khabarovsk, Kiev and Minsk. No mass migrations of some "Ukrainians" to the lands of "Little Russia" were recorded.

In the 19th century, other “branches of the Russian people” could be created in the same way, and then declare them “independent East Slavic peoples”. So, both Novgorod, and Ryazan, and tverichi, and Siberians, and Pomors, and Terek Cossacks, and many other territorial groups of the Superannos of the Rus, then had quite significant local features. Features were in the dialect, life, clothing, etc. If desired, and purposeful work could create dozens of "new nations." It was possible to write and "their" history of each region, focusing on the "enslavement" of Moscow.

An interesting fact is that in such pseudo-historical research in Ukraine, as in many other things, there is no originality. The Ukrainian pseudo-intelligentsia simply took over the developments of the Polish pancy. Ukrainian “researchers”, in fact, simply repeated and developed the ancient tales of the Pole-Russophobe Frantisek Duchinsky (1817-1893). It was he who first spoke about the “stolen Russian name,” establishing that the “Ukrainians” are in fact true Russians (Ruska), and the Russians are not Russians, but “Moskali-Asians”. According to this theory, before Peter I, all Russians were called “Muscovites” and were descended from Finno-Finns and Mongols. Russia was also called "Muscovy". And the Russians of Kievan Rus, like true Slavs and Aryans, were forced to give up their name and call themselves “Ukrainians” in order to differ from the “semi-Asians”. On the evidence, “Ukrainian historians” do not particularly “bother”, they say, “moskalskie” historians have perverted and falsified everything.

Duchinsky was born in a Polish-Russian family. Studying in Kiev, he accepted the idea of ​​the participation of the Western Russian population in the struggle with Russia on the side of the Poles. In 1846, he left Russia, lived in the Ottoman Empire, France and Italy. During the Crimean (Eastern) War, he was an occupant in the British Expeditionary Force. Then he settled in France and engaged in teaching. He taught history at the Polish High School in Paris. He played for the delimitation of "Rus" (Western Russian lands, formerly under the rule of Lithuania and Poland) and "Moscow". He proposed to exclude the history of Russia from the history of Moscow and include it in Polish history. According to him, Galich, Volyn, Podolia and Lithuania throughout the Middle Ages sought to unite with Poland. And they were inhabited by Slavs, kindred to the Poles, and the east-located lands inhabited the tribes of the “Turanian branch” (this was the name of the Finno-Ugric peoples and the Ural-Altai peoples).

On the basis of these provisions, Dukhinsky developed a theory, which he outlined in the work "Fundamentals of the history of Poland and other Slavic countries, as well as the history of Moscow" (three parts were published in 1858-1861). Duchinsky constantly pursues the idea of ​​a racial and civilizational unity of the Poles with the Ruthenians, opposing them to the "Finno-Mongolian Moscow culture." Moscow, in his opinion, is an “Asian” state, dangerous for Europe. These ideas were warmly received by the Polish intelligentsia. They found a positive response in France. Fortunately, Western Europe has long been struck by Russophobia.

Duchinsky made a few more "discoveries". So, “Muscovites”, in his words, could also be called “chudi” (from the word “monster”), “Scythians” (from “skits” - “wanderers, vagrants”). Also, the residents of "Muscovy" can be called "Turks", since the first, historically well-known Turkish state (Golden Horde) arose on its territory. Duchinsky believed that the foundations of "Moscow" lay in the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate.

Thus, the origins of the Ukrainian “historiography” lie in the rather weak works of the Polish XIX century Russian russophobe. Western Ukrainian "thinkers" practically could not enrich the "Ukrainian history" invented by the Polish panarians and Russophobic ideology. Is that added to the "Ukrainian history" and the Scythian and Aryan periods. And especially gifted wrote about 40-thousand-year or even more “ancient” history of “ukrov”. Although the disease called "Ukrainians" no more than two centuries.

To be continued ...
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  1. +77
    April 8 2014 08: 01
    "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !! Designed for downs from the sinking and written by themselves !!
    1. +63
      April 8 2014 08: 06
      If you stick the historical map of Russia with the same glue, then its borders will be from the Rhine to Colorado, inclusive. And this map will be a map of the province of Malorosia, such a Russia will include all the states of Eastern Europe, Germany and Italy, because Etruks lived there at one time, and in Germany there is the city of Rostock.
      1. +54
        April 8 2014 08: 07
        Quote: Canep
        the same glue, then its borders will be from the Rhine to Colorado, inclusive.

        Can you imagine if you still sniff this glue to where it will be possible to expand the borders wassat
        1. +20
          April 8 2014 08: 19
          Yeah-how BBC you look, everything seems to be correct, but there is always a hint that it was England who cared about the natives, Stonehenge is the most ancient, and the soldiers "theirs" fought heroically (although in West Africa the Indians were the most combat-ready troops), etc.
          That is from Nepal-300 fighters who were ready to jump from an airplane from 200 meters, and when they learned that they also had parachutes ....
          1. +8
            April 8 2014 10: 31
            And here we have Kostenki, where 25 years ago people dressed in clothes decorated with jewelry! And in Europe, by the way, Neanderthals lived, they are REAL ancestors of Europeans.
            As 10 years ago, films about Neanderthals portrayed them as wild, similar to monkeys, and as it became clear that they are the ancestors of Europeans in recent films (note how), Neanderthals suddenly became more humane, more human-like.
            1. +7
              April 8 2014 14: 14
              From Tse and Bula Ancient Ukrainians.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +22
                April 8 2014 18: 02
                Ancient Ukrainians - dill! They have survived to the present day and now they are fighting in the Rada, they are jumping under the ropes and are joining the nat. guard! Instead of taking their honorable places in zoos. Where is the scientific community looking ?! wassat
                1. +29
                  April 8 2014 20: 25
                  Nothing will begin and end summer and the first frosts to refresh their hot heads and will remind you of a fable with a dragonfly and an ant.
                  1. 0
                    April 9 2014 09: 33
                    I'm afraid the first cold will make them angrily look at the new PANS. And it will tell you that the ento Russian squeezed the gas, and that it must be taken away, because it is NATURAL, and therefore common!
                  2. Sinara70
                    April 10 2014 20: 42
                    That's right, Dilshat !!!!
                    My company foreman, by the way, Ukrainian-Pasha Kurakov, used to say — you don’t understand through your head — you will understand through LEGS — 6 hours drill, and this is in the Urals in December 1969 — on the street minus 42 degrees.
                    All DOP instantly disappears !!!!
                    Let them suck, for $ 1000, and gas, and oil, and gasoline !!!!
                  3. Sinara70
                    April 10 2014 20: 42
                    That's right, Dilshat !!!!
                    My company foreman, by the way, Ukrainian-Pasha Kurakov, used to say — you don’t understand through your head — you will understand through LEGS — 6 hours drill, and this is in the Urals in December 1969 — on the street minus 42 degrees.
                    All DOP instantly disappears !!!!
                    Let them suck, for $ 1000, and gas, and oil, and gasoline !!!!
                2. The comment was deleted.
                3. The comment was deleted.
                4. +6
                  April 8 2014 20: 57
                  something Sashko remembered
                  1. +13
                    April 8 2014 22: 01
                    Just -U-E-B-O-K-, not a child! You can’t cure him, only by the legs and the corner !!!
                    1. yakuza39
                      April 8 2014 22: 45
                      then such vegetables then make revolutions on the Maidan, in their heads everything is just like in computer games, therefore all such reckless
                    2. +2
                      April 9 2014 21: 28
                      Quote: Sanmak
                      Just -U-E-B-O-K-, not a child! You can’t cure him, only by the legs and the corner !!!

                      Agafya Lykova needs him, there is no internet, no cellular communication, no electricity, in a year, he will become a different person if he is provided with books, and there is enough manual labor there. And if he escapes, the mosquitoes will devour or drown in the swamp, the taiga is almost inaccessible in summer, and it is very frosty in winter. Good places for the treatment of diseases like "Ukrainians", the main thing is to give the right books.
                    3. 0
                      April 10 2014 18: 50
                      It's just dill belay
                  2. Fanat1984
                    April 9 2014 01: 22
                    Maybe this is his illegitimate son, because I, as I understand it, he grows up without a father ...

                    And to be honest, I would turn off the camera in the place of the presenter and show this geek what a good hook or uppercut is! No, no, I wouldn’t teach, but demonstrated !!!
                  3. +1
                    April 9 2014 23: 00
                    And unfortunately there are more and more such geeks, PC replaces and replaces parenting as a result of such dibiloids, and I doubt that this is just a transitional age
                  4. 0
                    April 11 2014 00: 22
                    It was necessary to educate while lying across the bench, now it is useless. At such moments, I think about how lucky I was with my parents. Thanks to MOM and DAD for being not like Sashko Fokin.
                5. +1
                  April 9 2014 07: 08
                  ... yes, and then the inscription in the zoo "Don't feed the lions" begins to be perceived differently ...
          2. +14
            April 8 2014 12: 26
            Now understand the pathos of the globe of Ukraine!
            It remains to recall Ukrainian Snickers, lard in chocolate. Oh, Ukrainians love to dream. laughing
            1. GDP
              April 8 2014 14: 27
              Some facts about the genetic difference between Russians and Ukrainians

              on average in Russia:
              East Slavic marker - r1a1 - 90-47% (he is Aryan or Indo-European)
              South Slavic marker - about 10%
              Balto Finnish marker - n1c1 - okloo 20%

              in Ukraine:
              East Slavic marker - r1a1 - 80-53%
              South Slavic marker - about 10%
              Balto Finnish marker - n1c1 - okloo 10%

              If we talk about the Turkic halogen group, then for Ukrainians it is 6% for Russians 3%

              moreover, if we take the genetic portrait not in Russia as a whole, but from Moscow to the Kuban, then there is a coincidence with the DNA structure between Russians and Ukrainians - almost 100%
              1. +15
                April 8 2014 20: 46
                moreover, if we take the genetic portrait not in Russia as a whole, but from Moscow to the Kuban, then there is a coincidence with the DNA structure between Russians and Ukrainians - almost 100%

                And the guys on the Maidan do not know! Here will be a blow for them!
                1. +6
                  April 8 2014 22: 36
                  This is a mustache of the Kremlin’s machinations. . am
              2. +4
                April 8 2014 21: 06
                uk, ry is not an ancient people, but mutants whose gyri are smoothed out during mutation. Today's ukromutants have an almost smooth brain, so only zombie information can fit on the remaining gyrus, the rest of the information simply slides off the remaining smooth parts of the "brain"! A couple more generations of ukromutants and "the brain will be absolutely smooth, unless, of course, one of them will live to see this after the imminent" grandiose nix "which they have already provided for themselves!
              3. +10
                April 8 2014 23: 13
                Quote: GDP
                coincidence with the structure of DNA between Russians and Ukrainians - almost 100%
                1. +11
                  April 9 2014 13: 03
                  Ancient UKR They say they were older than monkeys. Then monkeys came from them, and from monkeys - people ... Do not believe me, read Lkomorye)))
              4. 0
                April 10 2014 18: 53
                uh guys, we’ll measure the noses and skulls so soon ...
            2. +22
              April 8 2014 17: 02
              Quote: Ross
              Now understand the pathos of the globe of Ukraine!

              “As you don’t bend to it, gentlemen, you cannot gain recognition from Europe. In her eyes you will always be not servants of enlightenment, but slaves! ”
              The ingenious Fedor Tyutchev did not like the “political” lackeys who slavishly looked into Europe’s mouth in the hope of gaining an indulgent pat on the shoulder.
              More than a hundred years have passed, and the urgency of the problem is the same.
              And this is modernity - verses of the Ukrainian poetess Elena Lavrentieva
              "Eternal lackeys of Europe, its spiritual slaves,
              You have perverted ancestral experience and ancestors betrayed coffins.
              At the whim of the evil serfs, henchmen of others' ideas,
              You became a cattle of Europe, you fell in love with the whistle of lashes.
              You betrayed Russia a hundredfold, to a stranger - having entrusted - to the mind. Russia forgave you,
              but you pulled your neck back to the yoke.
              Miles to you is a foreign land, and you are destined because
              to know the will ... only the lord and bow forever to him. "
          3. +11
            April 8 2014 15: 37
            Well, like discovery, the USA has all the best and soldiers and weapons and fighting spirit and all. And they won 2MB in England, Normandy, the Atlantic, and the Pacific Ocean. Like the battles of the others were gone. fool Well, the main thing is that propaganda is doing its job, about 25% of young Japanese people think that the USSR bombed Herosima and Nagasaki. There you go.
            1. +5
              April 8 2014 22: 42
              They won WWII in the GREAT battle of EL Alamein. Everyone knows that. feel
        2. +77
          April 8 2014 08: 41
          Quote: avant-garde
          Can you imagine if you still sniff this glue to where it will be possible to expand the borders

          He is such a glue .... whoever you want will make it "ancient", so there is no such thing as ancient ..
        3. keylogger
          April 10 2014 09: 05
          In vain you are so.
          Initially, the Ukrosaurs and Salopiteki lol
      2. predator.3
        April 8 2014 08: 30
        No comments
        1. +15
          April 8 2014 09: 23
          Yes, you are joking! It’s pure insanity.
          1. +21
            April 8 2014 10: 56
            Quote: Djozz
            Yes, you are joking! It’s pure insanity.

            This is a map from their history book ...
            1. yur
              April 8 2014 14: 41
              Quote: Orik
              This is a map from their history textbook ..
              But I don’t understand (even if it were so belay ), what is proud of here? Was (aha) great Ukryandia, but 1/3 of it remained from it? Either Russia’s business has been growing from century to century, and now it’s a powerful, enormous power that, right before our eyes (thank God!), Is increasing even more!
              1. Fanat1984
                April 9 2014 01: 31
                But I don’t understand (even if it were belay), what is it proud of here? Was (aha) great Ukryandia, but 1/3 of it remained from it? Is it Russia

                The fact of the matter is that they are told that it’s possible they * stole * the lands from them, conquered them, etc. !!! am
                1. 0
                  April 9 2014 21: 48
                  Quote: Fanat1984
                  But I don’t understand (even if it were belay), what is it proud of here? Was (aha) great Ukryandia, but 1/3 of it remained from it? Is it Russia

                  The fact of the matter is that they are told that it’s possible they * stole * the lands from them, conquered them, etc. !!! am

                  Well, since they were either robbed or conquered, it means they (m_skali) are greater than the "great Ukrainians", again they (ukram) have nothing to be proud of. What is the "Glory of Ukraine"? Dialectics...
            2. +2
              April 9 2014 07: 22
              What will happen to their children ten years from now, after reading such "textbooks" ?!
              1. +1
                April 9 2014 09: 40
                We will fight, what remains. Who will come to us with a sword ...
          2. +8
            April 8 2014 14: 13
            -I-I-I. How much did I hear this stuff in Kharkov in the early 90's.
            1. +16
              April 8 2014 18: 29
              “Listen, baby cub,” said the bear to Balu, “I taught you the Law of the Jungle, but banderlogov has no Law.” Banderlog - outcast. They do not have their own dialect, they use stolen words. They are not our customs. They have no memory. They assure that they are great people, but a nut falls, and they all forget about it. Banderlog is a lot, they are evil, dirty, do not have shame, and if they have any desire, then it is the desire to be noticed in the jungle. They are all going to choose their leader, to draw up their own laws, to invent customs, but they never fulfill their plans. We do not drink where they drink Banderlog, do not move along their roads, do not hunt where they are, do not die where Banderlog dies.

              Well done Kipling
              1. Fanat1984
                April 9 2014 01: 32
                Respect and respect! good Elegantly remembered !!! laughing
            2. +2
              April 8 2014 22: 42
              Only this nonsense has been taught for over 20 years by people who studied back in the USSR, dusting their brains before the civil war. Educators are the authors of this blood and idiocy! There is no more prostitute science in modern times. Don't underestimate education!
              1. Fanat1984
                April 9 2014 01: 53
                Only this nonsense has been taught for over 20 years by people who studied back in the USSR, dusting their brains before the civil war. Educators are the authors of this blood and idiocy!

                Watch again the film "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath" the first episode from the 95th minute !!!
          3. +1
            April 9 2014 01: 35
        2. Fanat1984
          April 9 2014 01: 28
          B * l * me, BC ... fool

          Well, don’t delete anyone, these are the emotions of a Ukrainian who is shocked by this nonsense !!!
        3. stroporez
          April 9 2014 05: 51
          honestly --- brute force .......... well, never be this !!!!!!!
          1. 0
            April 9 2014 21: 55
            Quote: stroporez
            honestly --- brute force .......... well, never be this !!!!!!!

            It also turns out that this does not happen, especially in delirium with delirium tremens.
            Apparently, Polish fat is not compatible with the Ukrainian vodka, causing an accelerated development of alcoholic psychosis (delirium tremens). wassat
        4. 0
          April 10 2014 14: 16
          After looking at the map of this "Ukrainian-Hellenic" war of 331 (!) BC. e., laughed to tears! I am Ukrainian, but, thank God, I studied at the school of the USSR times, THIS moronism was not taught then ... Timid attempts to introduce such a "history" I remember began while studying at the university, a "specialist from history" came from Kiev to Dnepropetrovsk, and excellent only those who repeated his nonsense word for word received his marks. At school I went to the Olympiads on history, but here I had to make do with "trobans")).
        5. 0
          April 11 2014 00: 29
          What are YOU breaking my brain? It turns out that in the Soviet school I was taught incorrectly. It turns out that there was an Aryan volost in the country with a fork of Ukraine (especially with a small letter)? I am lost to society. I’ll go urgently plastering knowledge gaps in my granite.
      3. +16
        April 8 2014 10: 03
        Quote: Canep
        all states of Eastern Europe, Germany and Italy, as Etruks lived there at one time, and in Germany there is the city of Rostock.

        The Etruscans are, of course, strong, but East Prussia was inhabited by Slavs, there were also Polabian Slavs (Laba = Elba), this is, so to speak, a medical fact. So you are not far from the truth. Berlin is also located on the territory of the Western Slavs - this was reflected in any history textbook for a university back in Soviet times, before the birth of "Great Ukropia".
        1. +6
          April 8 2014 15: 48
          Quote: inkass_98
          East Prussia was inhabited by Slavs

          This is a great mystery ...
          Prussians lived at the junction of the Baltic and Slavic tribes. And if Lutich and Bodrichi (encouraged) are mentioned more than once in history (the Vendian Union), then there was Nothing left of the Prussians who could convey at least belonging to any language group, all the Teutons were cut out.
          1. +5
            April 8 2014 17: 54
            Quote: stalkerwalker
            Quote: inkass_98
            East Prussia was inhabited by Slavs

            This is a great mystery ....

            There is no secret. A.I. Chernyshev wrote that near Berlin (1812-1813, I don’t remember exactly), very many peasants speak the "Slovenian" dialect, close to the Great Russian language.
            And there are no cities in Germany with Slavic names, Dresden (thrushes), Leipzig (Lipetsk), Brandenburg (Bronigrad), Oldenburg (Stargorod) and many others. This topic was raised by Uspensky in the 60 of the last century.
            A big "thank you" must be said to the stinking Poles, when the lutichi and the vigorous people raised an uprising against the dominance of the Germans, these near the clan stabbed the Slavs in the back.
            1. +2
              April 8 2014 18: 42
              Quote: ele1285
              Quote: stalkerwalker
              Quote: inkass_98
              East Prussia was inhabited by Slavs
              This is a great mystery ....
              There is no secret.

              Take a look at the map - where is this Prussia, and where are the territories of the former Baltic Slavs. And do not miss - the Baltic is nearby ... laughing
              Quote: ele1285
              A big "thank you" must be said to the stinking Poles, when the lutichi and the vigorous people raised an uprising against the dominance of the Germans, these near the clan stabbed the Slavs in the back.

              The issue of the "anti-Slavic Drang nah Ost" at the beginning of the last millennium is too great to be discussed in two sessions.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          April 9 2014 22: 14
          Quote: inkass_98
          Quote: Canep
          all states of Eastern Europe, Germany and Italy, as Etruks lived there at one time, and in Germany there is the city of Rostock.

          The Etruscans are, of course, strong, but East Prussia was inhabited by Slavs, there were also Polabian Slavs (Laba = Elba), this is, so to speak, a medical fact. So you are not far from the truth. Berlin is also located on the territory of the Western Slavs - this was reflected in any history textbook for a university back in Soviet times, before the birth of "Great Ukropia".

          By the way, it was the Poles who were the first to fall victim to Russophobia after the split of a single Christian church organized by the Western (Catholic) heretical church on the basis of its self-exaltation (godly deed) and the desire for unlimited (legacy of ancient Roman paganism) secular and spiritual power. Remember, while traveling from rich and enlightened Kiev to provincial and barbaric Paris (according to the Western, mythological version of history, the opposite is true), the future Queen of the Franks Anna of Kiev did not even smell Russophobia among the Poles, they were then our brothers not only by blood, but and by faith ...
          This is what the long brainwashing does according to the methods of the Jesuit Order.
      4. +3
        April 8 2014 11: 36
        Absolutely agree with you.
        This, I wonder, how to have a sick imagination, what would such a thing come up with?
        1. +2
          April 8 2014 14: 37
          yeah, I don’t understand what cretinism should I have? I am constantly haunted by the phrase ,, were people like people, what happened ?,
          1. +1
            April 9 2014 07: 29
        2. mongoose
          April 8 2014 16: 06
          ask marx laughing
      5. +15
        April 8 2014 12: 32
        Quote: Canep
        If you stick the historical map of Russia

        Here is a fragment of one of the old maps. On it, Ukraine is a small region of the right bank of the Dnieper. But all the left bank is the OUTSIDE and it is called - Wild Field. It can be seen that the Wild Field is part of Muscovy (Russia). Our ancestors shed a lot of blood and sweat to raise and cultivate these lands, so should we give them to the "Westerners"?
        1. +9
          April 8 2014 14: 13
          Quote: TroN
          \ UKRAINE on it is a small area of ​​the Dnieper right bank.

          Well, I would not be so categorical. There was no Ukraine on the maps of a medieval geyrope. They did not know about it. As Zadornov said - "well, stupid."
          What to take from the wretched who have never washed themselves in life.
        2. +11
          April 8 2014 14: 42
          my ancestors are Don Cossacks. I know how our ancestors interacted with the Cossacks of Zaporozhye when they went to take swag from the Turks. So, to hell with them, and not our brothers, we are twin from ancient times. And we’ll erase Bender’s scum.
      6. rubik
        April 9 2014 02: 23
        I agree. there is a city. but initially it was not ours web
      7. +2
        April 9 2014 07: 17
        The Ukrainians did a good job! Where would they be with their "kingdom-state", if not Russia! After all, all and sundry tore their territory!
      8. -1
        April 9 2014 10: 37
        Etruсki. They have nothing to do with us, at least they are unknown to me.
        1. +2
          April 9 2014 22: 26
          Quote: Bezarius
          Etruсki. They have nothing to do with us, at least they are unknown to me.

          However, supposedly unreadable (not in any of the Western European languages), the Etruscan script turned out to be close to the Old Russian, and that was exactly how it was read ...
      9. koshh
        April 9 2014 19: 03
        Quote: Canep
        and in Germany there is the city of Rostock.

        And the town of Berlin was built by the Slavs and lived too ...
    2. +80
      April 8 2014 08: 14
      Quote: rasputin17
      "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !!

      A Council and the government in Kiev is not nonsense?
      1. +33
        April 8 2014 08: 36
        And with Rada even funnier !!
      2. +1
        April 9 2014 22: 33
        Quote: ele1285
        Quote: rasputin17
        "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !!

        A Council and the government in Kiev is not nonsense?

        When Turchinov speaks in Parliament or on TV, the impression is that this puffed turkey is sitting on his glasses and is struggling with constipation, saying that I am an orphan, an orphan! wassat
    3. +19
      April 8 2014 08: 56
      Quote: rasputin17
      "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !! Designed for downs from the sinking and written by themselves !!

      Not many have heard about this, but schizanut ukrucheny With the support of 3,14 scientists (well, without them!) In the early 90s, they actively picked the ground in Kiev as well. The task was to find at least some artifacts that were at least snot (there’s nothing to stick there!), one could stick Ukrov to the theory of antiquity.
      Do you know why this is unknown to the general public? That's right! They didn’t find it! (Like a cat in a dark room ....)
      I advise you to read A. Bushkov on the topic of Kievan Rus. He not only sculpts cheap militants, there the arguments are well-reasoned and supported by both the original sources and common sense!
      PSO antiquities Ukrov (how stupid it must be to not see this!)
      The fact that even the card they have "MAPA" speaks eloquently, now to prove their independence they will switch to the Latin alphabet! It's like a psychiatric patient to prove his normality will gobble up a piece of shit !!!
      1. +10
        April 8 2014 09: 36
        Greetings gentlemen - comrades, an interesting comrades situation turns out, yesterday on the branch:

        seller trucks RU Yesterday, 15: 23 | Yulia Tymoshenko: a rat cornered
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Yes, very, especially in relation to those like her.

        don't you like Ukrainians? however, me too.

        I was severely minus (count 52 votes) and "awarded" the title "mu.da.k", unfortunately the opponent's post was deleted, so I find it difficult to say the last figure, not the point.

        What I see today is clearly an ukrophobic article where the author in expressions and accusations is clearly not shy (put the article (+) with absolute support for votes for 9: 30, 62 votes, without a single (-). Can someone explain to me .. .. what kind of metamorphosis happened to the members of the forum over the course of the day, because there are definitely those who put me (-). Comrades, I don’t understand you, considering that the above article violates the Constitution of VO, with universal approval. Or do you think that the article doesn’t offend feelings that I don’t like, Ukrainians? However, I’m not a judge for you.
        1. +12
          April 8 2014 10: 10
          Quote: seller trucks
          the above article violates the Constitution of the

          Don't bother, I also ran into some amazing trends on the site last week, so I already scored on "double standards" am laughing ... For it is said in the Scripture: "And it will pass."
          1. +6
            April 8 2014 10: 38
            I have no questions about the moderation and administration of the site, for more than 10 years of "battles" in various forums, in my opinion, VO is the best, in any case, if nothing threatens to be within the framework of the constitution, but damn it, Yuri, I don't understand users, and as you correctly noted, "double standards" enrage
          2. mongoose
            April 8 2014 16: 09
            and Yoshkin's Cat, as the commies, the fans of the ukrovek ones "loved" feel
        2. sled beach
          April 8 2014 10: 19
          Real zapoentsi. Mongols cannot be distinguished from the Turks. Well, we need to think about a place. Praise the USSR for giving you the name Ukraine, your parent love the USSR!
          1. 0
            April 8 2014 10: 33
            What is your nationality?
          2. +2
            April 8 2014 11: 02
            Zapadloentsi. So it’s more correct.
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. +7
          April 8 2014 10: 25
          In this article there is no "fear of ukrobole", shows the game "ukrointeligentov" on the historical field. Don't you like Ukrainians? Have they salted you borscht?
          1. +15
            April 8 2014 11: 13
            Quote: balyaba
            Are they overdoing you borscht?

            I spoke about this yesterday, it’s not difficult for me, I will repeat myself. My parents, natives of Ukraine from Storozhinets and Donetsk, I myself was born in the USSR, on the territory of the present "U" in the Crimea. In secondary school I studied in the Crimea, studied incl. and Ukrainian. language and literature and the certificate I have the first number according to the estimates appears "Ridna mova" (Mother tongue), the teaching of which at school was compulsory, that we have from the Ukrainians Russian - the language of nat. minorities, what is it? I spent my childhood in "Artek" (gt. Gurzuf), there was such a camp in the USSR, probably remember? Tell me what that colossus was? surely many rested there, they can tell, I can tell what happened to him. It has decreased by 2/3 and fits on the campfire of one camp, before it was a full-fledged football stadium, a good half of the territory was given to private investors, if you look at the photo of the Morskoy camp, half of the buildings are privately owned. Nothing has been built, everything is so-called. "new" buildings after cosmetic repairs, which was accompanied by a huge corruption scandal, let me remind you about pedophilia in "Artek" with the participation of ukrochinovniki, I was there at that moment, it's true. Do you know what kind of park it WAS, 70-80% of the relict trees that are in the Nikitsky garden are now severely desolate (Viner Park) The situation is generally the same throughout Crimea. Have you ever visited Crimean peaches and grapes? And I remember this taste, in comparison with Turkish and Spanish it is "God's nectar", now, most of the land, a kind of private building is cut out. And this I take only a small component. There is enough material for an entire book. Reserves, industry, roads. You will not believe what kind of Ukrainians are pigs, the beaches are dirty, even throw garbage in the trash, I don’t claim that all Ukrainians are like that, but I’m talking about what I saw with my own eyes, Crimea was Ukrainian, wasn’t it?
            1. +6
              April 8 2014 16: 16
              You are a strange person. We read the article and decided that it was ukrophobic, and even referred to the Constitution, although it (the article) contains facts of fooling the RUSSIAN people.
              And now trying to whitewash your behavior, you are trying to prove that there are two nations - Russian and Ukrainian. That the Russians are white and fluffy, and the Ukrainians are shitty corrupt.
              I’m wondering what you write in the articles describing the USSR and what happened at that time? Soot, water shit to Russians, or praise? Given that the same Russians at first almost blew themselves up as a people, but somehow organized themselves.

              PS I am coming to Ukraine I see a people who are brainwashed every day. And this people is no different in ordinary behavior from the Russians.

              In short, a minus to you, and to those who benefit. You are "the same as everyone else", in one place yelling about brotherhood, and in the other you give a plus to a person who hates Ukrainians for the fact that the USSR collapsed. He himself, at the same time, he personally raised Russia from his knees after the 90s. 100% sure.
            2. The comment was deleted.
        5. +7
          April 8 2014 10: 32
          Not so long ago, I also said that with the shitty development of events in Kiev and Ukraine, Russia should make every effort to bring Crimea back !! So the same fate befell me !! and now here it is and as if everything is fine !!! Don’t worry you are so buddy !! Look easier at what happened because the main thing is YOUR PERSONAL conviction in your point of view and it's good that you have it !! But it’s not uncommon when your opponents don’t have it at all, or they use someone else’s or they reason and draw conclusions under someone’s influence !!
        6. +7
          April 8 2014 10: 39
          Quote: seller trucks
          clearly ukrophobic article
          The author writes about ukromif, which many years treat children in schools of Ukraine. I did not notice any hostility towards the Ukrainians. The mistake of A. Samsonov, nmv, is that he overestimates the influence of the school on the formation of the worldview. Otherwise, children studying in Soviet schools could have only a communist worldview, and Chubais, Gaidars, etc. a place in a mental hospital would be guaranteed.
          1. +5
            April 8 2014 15: 58
            Quote: Stanislav
            he overestimates the influence of the school on the formation of the worldview

            You think so in vain ...
            My niece was born in 1990, so she argued with full confidence that Crimea all my life (I suspect from ancient ukrov) was only Ukrainian ...
            And now relatives in the Crimea will have to get used to the ruble, I was very surprised that the ruble is not a new currency for them.
            The fact that the school did not have time to rinse, the telly washed up ... what
          2. 0
            April 9 2014 04: 52
            When they taught from kindergarten that Lenin was good and Hitler bad, it was right. And when the old, semi-paralyzed person was declared the genius of Marxism-Leninism and the head of the political department of the army was awarded the Order of Victory and, in addition to the development of socialism, the shelves in stores were empty, then we stopped Believe Soviet power. This is where the Gaidar grandchildren and Chubais arrived.
        7. dmb
          April 8 2014 10: 54
          Something is not enough minuses poked at you. Apparently due to the congestion of the brain, not everyone understood what was at stake. The most sensible thought in the article: "It is clear that school history is inevitably state propaganda, which forms the fundamental historical myths on which the entire state rests." It is clear that Ukrainian "historians" worked for the state of Ukraine., Or rather for its power. What she ordered them, they wrote. You might think that our "historians" write differently. So Mr. Samsonov once again distinguished himself. It is possible to consider the Ukrainian language artificial only with a drink. It turns out that it, and at the same time, apparently, the Belarusian one was invented by a "bunch of intellectuals" and "the Bolsheviks' oaths." One gets the impression that Samsonov never went outside his city and does not know that the language of the inhabitants of the Kuban is strikingly different from the language of Murmansk, and the presence of the same concepts in Russian, Polish and Czech languages ​​is not a reason to consider the last two diabolical inventions of the Anglo-Saxon villains.
          1. +5
            April 8 2014 11: 07
            Minor errors of polemic enthusiasm are excusable. The author is sounding the alarm bell for a completely correct reason.
            Probably it the main thing?
          2. +18
            April 8 2014 11: 19
            Quote: dmb
            It is only possible to consider the Ukrainian language artificial.

            Ukrainian medical newspeak:

            Nitrogen - soul
            Allograft - inshoperesadak, inshoperesadets
            Outpatient clinic
            Ammonia - Smorodets
            Anabiosis - knowledge, experience
            Analgesics - protybilnyky, knowable
            Analeptics - burns, pidnesnysky
            Analyzer - Rozslidnyk
            Analytical - rosled, rosled
            Pharmacy - comoros, monster
            Pharmacist - Likivnyk
            Arrhythmia - nelad, nirivnomirya
            Bacterial - toyizhovy, dribyankovy
            Anaerobic bacteria - non-cacenzi, acid-free, non-acidic
            Bacteriology - stigma, stigma
            Bactnriologist - Palychkavets, Palychkvych, Palichkoznavets, Drybyankoznavets
            Rabies - kaz, sayenivka
            Library - Knightsbaby
            Bilirubin - zhovcharvonvonobarven
            Biology - Livestock, Livestock
            Biologist - Zhyvnyk, Zhyvoznavets

            The Russian-Ukrainian Medical Vocabulary for Innsome Names, published in Kiev in 2000, “Thanks to the Tret Tisycholittya Foundation”, in an edition of 20 thousand copies. The author is S. Nechay. ISBN 966-7756-02-05.
            1. dmb
              April 8 2014 11: 41
              Write Samsonov about "Newspeak", I would only welcome, but Samsonov writes about the Ukrainian language. So with a drink, my friend, with a drink.
            2. +4
              April 8 2014 11: 51
              Vital! hi Somehow, several years ago, a peasant was sunbathing in the North. He worked in some organization related to oil refining (like ...). Himself from Ukraine. Former teacher on sopromaty (also sort of ...) at some university. I could not work on new textbooks, where all the terms were translated into mov. He spat and went to work in Russia. Although at an age, he was able to get along normally. Like this...
            3. +5
              April 8 2014 12: 02
              The Kazakhs, too, composed something similar, here in the Russian version 80% of the words were borrowed from Latin, Greek, etc. But Ukrainians have their own things.
              Library - knyzbirnya, Kazakhs have kitaphan (kitap - book, khana - room)
              Pharmacy - comora, (dәrіkhan)
              1. +3
                April 8 2014 14: 52
                Quote: Canep
                The Kazakhs, too, composed something similar, here in the Russian version 80% of the words were borrowed from Latin, Greek, etc. But Ukrainians have their own things.
                Library - knyzbirnya, Kazakhs have kitaphan (kitap - book, khana - room)
                Pharmacy - comora, (dәrіkhan)

                Kazakhs have everywhere in their names -HANA- and many people themselves laugh that we don’t dare to put one khan !! by the way, the difference between a pharmacy and a toilet in this word is one letter !!)) laughing
                1. 0
                  April 8 2014 19: 30
                  Not Khan, but Khona, Dorukhona-pharmacy, Oshkhona-pilaf house, non-Khona-bread house, etc.
                  1. 0
                    April 8 2014 20: 07
                    Quote: Anatolich
                    Not Khan, but Khona, Dorukhona-pharmacy, Oshkhona-pilaf house, non-Khona-bread house, etc.

                    This is the Uzbeks! But in principle, Turkic languages ​​can be understood if you know at least one well!
              2. 0
                April 9 2014 05: 06
                In Baku (back in the days of the USSR) they translated into the Azerbaijani textbook on electrical engineering. The idle current was translated as "unmarried current". Well, okay, corrected. But KNYGOZBYRNYA ... Thank you, I laughed so much for a long time
            4. +3
              April 8 2014 14: 26
              In 1992, at HIRE, teachers tried to adapt electronic terms to mov. It was funny. But who did they come to?
            5. +1
              April 8 2014 19: 04
              In this case, they have a rule, If the word is difficult to translate, write as it is written in the original source.
            6. 0
              April 8 2014 19: 04
              In this case, they have a rule, If the word is difficult to translate, write as it is written in the original source.
          3. 0
            April 8 2014 15: 39
            Quote: dmb
            that the language of the inhabitants of Kuban is very different from the language of the Murmansk people,

            What are you saying, in the early 90's I served and worked in Murmansk for the 4th time, 60% percent, fresh blood, these are people from Ukraine, in almost any incl. the civilian "steamer" (slang word) had its own, many stayed there, no need to breach. There is no indigenous population in Murmansk; it is a new building and a multinational city.
            1. +4
              April 8 2014 15: 43
              Quote: seller trucks
              There is no indigenous population in Murmansk; it is a new building and a multinational city.

              I wonder what "dialect" the inhabitants of the Kaliningrad region speak? laughing
              1. +2
                April 8 2014 15: 53
                hi Ilyich, according to the statements of dmb on deutsche sprache, no less, well, what?
                1. +2
                  April 8 2014 16: 38
                  Quote: seller trucks
                  according to the dmb statements on deutsche sprache no less, not what?

                  So what to do? I wonder how this Smile understands everything, and even participates in the forum? laughing
                  Greetings, Vitaliy hi
                  1. +2
                    April 8 2014 18: 16
                    Yes, in exchange a whole staff of Russian slave translators works, which the indigenous representatives of the Kaliningrad nation acquire from the Balts and Poles. :))) And I give them orders through a lipi ... drone translator. :)))

                    By the way, Kaliningraders have a slight accent - certain intonations that are somewhat different from the literary Russian. In some ways, for me personally, the accent slightly looks like a Moscow dialect, only softer. And where, one wonders, did this come from? :))) After all, people did not move here from Moscow. By the way, in terms of the degree of ambition, the rich Kaliningraders are no different from the ardent Muscovites, only the reasons are smaller. :))) We are, they say, the most western ... :))) Ugh .... We are sitting here, lawned, among "friends", and, his mother, we are proud of our geopolitical position. :)))) Well, at least recently the marsh supporters of the Baltic Republic have quieted down .... my grandma for some reason calls them Kuyvinbins :)))) (I never got the hang of what the hungweibins have to do with it). :)))
                    The first wife was a philologist - so in practice they plodded their philological gang around Kaliningrad villages and searched for various dialects and made maps. So many digged that I, frankly, went nuts - the Union card turned out. :)))
                    1. +4
                      April 8 2014 18: 45
                      Quote: smile
                      In some ways, for me personally, the emphasis is a bit like a Moscow dialect, only softer. And where, one wonders, did it come from?

                      At the technical school, where I managed to unlearn, history was taught by a former front-line soldier who fought there, and there he observed the process of "movement of peoples". According to him, mostly fire victims from the occupied part of the USSR were resettled to Kaliningrad.
                      That's the mix of dialects wassat
                      1. +1
                        April 9 2014 01: 12
                        Well, naturally.
                    2. yakuza39
                      April 8 2014 22: 51
                      Well, for example, I’m from Kaliningrad, I can say that they told me a couple of times that I have a slight accent. I probably did not pay attention to Muscovites, but it seems to me that they say the same as I. I think so in
                      In Kaliningrad, the language is emasculated, so to speak, cleared of the accent, for example, as in the Vologda region or in Belarus, the proximity of the Baltic states may affect
                      1. 0
                        April 9 2014 01: 10
                        No-no-no, the Kaliningrad accent is not fiction - although it is really light, it is clearly felt, though not at all, for some reason, when you come to the region. Although, of course, comparing it with Vologodsky is wrong - it is much less pronounced, and is felt only in intonations, and not in pronunciation and word formation. And this is definitely not the influence of the Baltic states - I came from Lithuania. Lithuanian Russians speak differently. There are few Russians who have a Lithuanian accent, and it is always clearly evident, it is very alien. This is how my brother, for example, who stayed in Klaipeda, lives.
                    3. +4
                      April 9 2014 01: 29
                      Quote: smile
                      By the way, Kaliningraders have a slight accent - certain intonations, which are slightly different from the literary Russian.

                      By the way, if you start from the topic of the article about ancient Urks (?), Then I, as a UKRAINIAN, would like to talk about dialect in the east (Donbass) and its almost complete identity in dialect in the Don of the Russian Federation.
                      Moreover, when I was a conscript in the Soviet Navy, my colleagues called up from the RSFSR "calculated" me only by "gibbering", which is also typical for the Cossack Don ...
                      And therefore, that in the Donbass, that in Rostov I am mine.
            2. dmb
              April 8 2014 15: 50
              Yes, well, and the concept of "Pomors", it arose exclusively after your service. By the way, what does the Ukrainians have to do with it? Since your "indignation" suffers from a lack of logic (it is not clear how the "newspeak" of the Ukrainian thugs is connected with the language of Gogol and Potemkin), I generously forgive you "breshete".
              1. +4
                April 8 2014 15: 56
                Quote: dmb
                Yes, well, and the concept of "Pomors", it arose exclusively after your service.

                uncle, what are you in the Dupu Pomors, you are not confused with Murmansk and Arkhangelsk?
              2. +5
                April 8 2014 16: 43
                Quote: dmb
                and the concept of "pomors"

                Have you tried to read Pisakhov's "Northern Tales" in an unadapted version?
                I will say more ... Even the tales of Bazhov to today's generation can not be defeated without an interlocutor ...
                History Slavic languages ​​- an integral part of science called Slavic.
                1. dmb
                  April 8 2014 22: 53
                  And you do not think that you and I agree, and your advice would be useful (if clear) to my opponent. This opponent is apparently in complete confidence that before his appearance in the North, the Murmansk region was "wasted", and "Grumant" is exclusively the Zvenigorod or Ryazan name, invented after his stay in the northern regions. The point is that even the Russian language is subdivided into three historically established main dialects, and they all differ from Ukrainian. Mr. Samsonov, whose apologist is obviously the opponent, most likely due to ignorance calls the language of Gogol and Shevchenko artificial, which is very similar to those Ukrainian "scientists" who discovered the proto-ukr.
                  1. +1
                    April 8 2014 23: 44
                    Quote: dmb
                    But doesn’t it seem to you that you and I agree

                    Yes, probably so ... fellow
                  2. 0
                    April 9 2014 09: 48
                    Quote: dmb
                    This opponent seems to be fully confident that before his appearance in the North, the Murmansk region was "wasted", and "Grumant" is exclusively the Zvenigorod or Ryazan name, invented after his stay in the northern regions.

                    I appreciated your statement about the Pomors good and it is absolutely nothing that the indigenous population of the Kola population of the Sami (Lapps) in the amount of a little less than 2000 people, with your "knowledge" I am clear.
            3. +2
              April 9 2014 01: 43
              Murmansk, aka Romanov, was officially recognized as a city in 1910. Before that, it was Kola in 1456. Initially, it was built by exiles, and the railway was built mainly by the Chinese in general. Murmansk is one of the most nationally tolerant cities in Russia, all thanks to the Northern Fleet and the harsh nature.
          4. +1
            April 8 2014 19: 31
            Quote: dmb
            It is possible to consider the Ukrainian language artificial only with a drink. It turns out that it, and at the same time, apparently, the Belarusian one was invented by a "bunch of intellectuals" and "the Bolsheviks' oaths."

            Language differs from adverb in the presence of a stable grammar.
            Can you reproduce them and compare them with their current state as an excellent pupil of a mobile language?
            It is clear that the current victims of the exam and paid higher education themselves have several times betrayed the rules of the Russian language.
            But still, these rules are more or less unambiguous.
            For example, a cat is a cat.
            My grandmother (from the same village where Petrusha girls rolled on a tractor and dismissed their pens, but that's another story, just below the light) knew at least five cat calls. And according to someone who called names like a cat, a friend came from the edge of the USSR.

            So about Petrusha - for this he was flabbergasted and poured with engine oil, but poured out in straw, and after that, soberly washed with kerosene and decided to smoke - here’s the villainous act of local fists and podkulakniks — which is why he himself was slightly burnt (thanks to the same lads he was repaid) and the tractor burned. But this womanizer Petruha was a hefty one and the girls were more wrinkled than taught to handle the tractor. So my grandmother to this Petrusha herself a couple of times with a Swedish key on the kumpol the fervor cooled.

            And she also told a lot of things about Old Man Makhno (after she blurted out "Anarchy is the mother of order" in her early childhood, she enlightened what anarchy is and how it differs from lawlessness).
            And about the Holodomor, after three consecutive years of dry, when the Komedovites from the former Petlyurevts, drenched to their eyebrows with a trowel, washed out all the grain in the first dry year to exceed the plan for grain delivery.
            She talked a lot about what was not in the textbooks.
            But here about the great ukrov she did not say anything.
            And she told about a downhole Komsomol member by the name of Shukhevych.
        8. +8
          April 8 2014 11: 31
          seller trucks
          I didn’t seem to snort minus (I don’t remember), but I also didn’t like your statement.
          The fact is that it is still worthwhile to distinguish between ukrov - schizunuty maydaunov and Ukrainians. Be that as it may, regardless of the reasons, but Ukrainians as a nation have already formed. By the way, I believe that it is you who you are perfectly aware of the difference between the Ukrainians and their independents, in view of the fact that everything is in order with sanity - God forbid everyone. So normal Ukrainians hardly liked your statement very much that you do not love them all ... why make friends of friends? By the way, the Bandarlog propaganda insists that we are not treating them badly, but namely to all Ukrainians.
          In this article, the author runs into precisely the ideologues of the self-styled, who claim that dinosaurs originated from the ancient ukrs, and not ALL Ukrainians. These are "two big differences". :)))
          1. +1
            April 8 2014 11: 43
            And you are right. Damn it. hi
          2. +7
            April 8 2014 12: 06
            Quote: smile
            Ukrainians as a nation have already formed.

            Vladimir, my respect, but you are wrong, there is no such nation and state. There is a population, there is a territorial formation, but there is no nation. How can we talk about a nation of Ukrainians, if eastern, western and central say so, the citizens are completely different. You are not say that Yakut or Udmurt is Russian. Yes, we live in one state, we are citizens, but we are different.
            So that my opinion is that there is no Ukrainian people, the myth is this. A different mentality, language, culture and much more. I do not agree with you.
            1. +7
              April 8 2014 12: 32
              my hi it is what you said, I will continue:
              Nation (from the Latin. Natio - tribe, people), historical community of people, emerging in the formation of a community of their territory, economic relations, literary language, some cultural characteristics and character that make up its features.

              wiki in the furnace, although there it is the same.

              what of this are we observing in Ukraine?

              PS. and it also amuses me when the fate of the "nation" is decided by Messrs. Lavrov and Kerry, while no one asks the "nation".
              1. +3
                April 8 2014 12: 50
                Quote: seller trucks
                and it also amuses me when the fate of the "nation" is decided by Messrs. Lavrov and Kerry, while no one asks the "nation".

                I categorically agree. If impudent Saxons pretend that they do not pay attention (but are very worried) to the opinions of the South-East, then they simply pump up the villagers from the Western Holodomor.
                Or supplies, this population for amers and geyrops or a new colony, as in Africa.
                1. -1
                  April 8 2014 22: 58
                  You know guys, I don’t know how the people are, but the language is definitely not artificial. Well, you can’t sing like that in artificial language. request
                  1. 0
                    April 9 2014 05: 25
                    KNYGOZBYRYA, ROZSPIZDNYK .. Try to sing this. And after liters you will not sing. But "my kohana" or "pidmanula-pidvila" is sung, and how great it is!
              2. +3
                April 8 2014 14: 37
                seller trucks


                Okay, okay, I give up, they kicked me, a little, two of us, hefty foreheads .... :))) And you can’t argue with you, those are bad :))) it wasn’t enough for me to justify self-made nonsense ....: )))

                But the thing is different. We recognized the existence of the Ukrainian people, and for seventy years the Ukrainian people have been, and here you say that they are not. :))) Many Ukrainians may not like this, even for those who seem to be for fraternity and being in a single state. I believe that such harsh statements to some extent play to the advantage of bandarlog propaganda, which will poke a finger at both of you and scream that you really don’t respect Ukrainians and don’t even consider people. It seems to me that it is worth being careful. :)))
                But +++ :))))
                1. +6
                  April 8 2014 14: 57
                  What do you think, if there is a question in the Crimean secondary school about the voluntary study of the Ukrainian language and the sovereign history of Ukraine, what will the parents answer? it is a foreign body that will be rejected for 2-3 of the year as non-viable, such Ukrainization has happened in Crimea. Mova and Ukraine are nasty to vomit.
                2. +3
                  April 8 2014 17: 08
                  Quote: smile
                  We recognized the existence of the Ukrainian people, and for seventy years the Ukrainian people have been

                  Who are we? And where was this people? At what point in geography? Let's not indulge hysterical teens in their quest for adulthood.
                  I also don’t like that Vlasov was Russian and 250 thousand more with him. But, I think that no one will draw a separate branch of the people who went for the National Socialists. And do not make a different people from the population of Little Russia from the Russians, it’s not worth it. To indulge idiots means to admit that they are right.
            2. yakuza39
              April 8 2014 23: 08
              this is just the answer to "5"
          3. +6
            April 8 2014 12: 17
            I didn’t seem to snort minus (I don’t remember), but I also didn’t like your statement.

            Vladimir, I have a diametrically opposite point of view towards Ukrainians in general. I believe that this is THEIR (Ukraine / Ukrainians) fiction and fantasy. there are several Ukrainian resources on the Internet from Vajra and Lunev and several other like-minded people. From time to time, their articles slip into VO. I share their opinion in almost everything, but in their place of residence they can also be called Ukrainians, but they do not consider themselves to be. So in their / my opinion "Ukraine" is a project created to separate / oppose the Slavs to each other. And you don't need to have seven spans in your forehead to understand that this is true. However, there is a whole article above, under which we are writing.
            1. +6
              April 8 2014 14: 40
              seller trucks
              I agree. No doubt it is. But we have already created quasi-statehood for them - the Ukrainian SSR. We recognized them as a people. There is no turning back. Rather, it is, but it must be done gradually and carefully. Otherwise, you can only harm our relationship with them.
              1. +4
                April 8 2014 15: 30
                But we have already created them quasi-statehood - the Ukrainian SSR. We recognized them as a people.

                and what came of it? Bebiki and Belinsky with their pseudo-history, is that not enough? I admit, I haven't read the article in full, nothing new, tons of similar material, this one is kind of convenient to make yourself readable. To whom I highly recommend "Ethnic Chimera. Origins of Hatred" from Sergei Rodin, this is a bomb !!!

                Article by Pavel Cheremis
                “Who founded Jerusalem when?”
                We are deeply perturbed by the attempts of the Jews, who celebrated the three thousandth anniversary of the founding of the city in 1996, to appropriate the Ukrainian glory!
                After all, in fact, this priority belongs to the hetids (Hyksos), the ancient immigrants from Ukraine. They are the ones in 1800 BCE. founded the promised land capital. Thus, Jerusalem is not 3000 years, as indicated by the anniversary, but 3796 years!
                Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Pavel Cheremis has a number of irrefutable evidence. First, an alabaster stone was found in the ancient Phoenician city of Knossos, on which is engraved the name of the king of the Hyksos, Kgyan, a Kiev resident or Kiyan. This scientifically demonstrates that the Hyksos originated from the Kiev region and that even then Kiev existed as the capital and symbol of the power structure, that is, no less than 4000 years ago. Next, the Hyksos Kiev residents went to Egypt, meeting the Samaritan Ukrainians in Palestine and for what time lingered here. It was then that they built in 1800 BC. the city, which was named Rusa-lel Mother Russ. Later, the Jews renamed it Jerusalem

                No way back.

                let me disagree, the border can go along the Dnieper or a little east.

                Rather, it is, but it must be done gradually and carefully. Otherwise, you can only harm our relationship with them.

                I wrote a little earlier about the Crimea, for the Southeast it will take a little longer, as for the West, briefly, in DUPU.
                1. +1
                  April 8 2014 16: 24
                  seller trucks
                  Damn, well, why are you convincing me, I already completely agree with you. In my opinion, this is obvious. :))) I am simply against the use of harsh expressions that can only harm our relations. Agree, if we Ukrainians do not poke a finger in the eye that they seem to be gone, given the conditions of access to adequate information, they will recover. It remains to provide this access. But you should act nevertheless, you should not wave your saber.
                  1. +2
                    April 8 2014 16: 40
                    Quote: smile
                    Damn, well, and what do you convince me, I already completely agree with you.

                    from the side it looks like belay ? pardon
                    1. +1
                      April 8 2014 17: 02
                      seller trucks
                      There’s nothing to be sorry for, yet you speak reasonably and interestingly. My prolapse - it seemed to me that you are convincing me, although our positions are almost identical. I repent. :)))
              2. +1
                April 8 2014 16: 13
                Quote: smile
                There is no turning back. Rather, it is, but it must be done gradually and carefully. Otherwise, you can only harm our relationship with them.

                Greetings, the remark is true if we consider Ukraine as something monolithic.
                Referring to what is happening now in the southeast, we can assume HOW events will develop without immediate intervention (in one form or another), and HOW people who cry for help will suffer without receiving it ...
                And what will happen to Ukraine after a VERY tiny historical gap.

                And a small gift lol :
                1. +3
                  April 8 2014 16: 38
                  Well, thank you .... :))) Have you figured it out and secretly made a shoot? :)))
                  1. +2
                    April 8 2014 16: 43
                    Quote: smile
                    Did you figure me out and secretly shoot? :)))

                    This is the point, you have to "calculate". Rarely intersect in topics request ...
          4. mongoose
            April 8 2014 16: 12
            do not be fooled, ukrointsy and Ukrainians are one and the same thing, called himself ukrointsev, signed in Russophobia
            1. +4
              April 8 2014 16: 35
              You know, sometimes it is necessary to think with your head, excuse me. My grandfather was Ukrainian. And he called himself Ukrainian. He treated the Banderaites worse than the Nazis. His strongest curse, worse than an abusive one, was “Bandera”. In your opinion, he was also a Russophobe? Do you understand that with such sweeping statements you make friends enemies? For comparison with your phrase, I will give a quote from MY yesterday's comment:

              "independence as an idea is based solely on Russophobia, Russophobia is its foundation .... therefore, any supporter of independence, willingly or unwillingly, is to some extent a Russophobe. This is unambiguous."

              Compare with your own words. Do you catch the difference? Please think, are you right? Think, did ALL Ukrainians deserve what you say?
              1. +1
                April 8 2014 17: 20
                Quote: smile
                My grandfather was Ukrainian. And he called himself a Ukrainian.

                Vladimir, don’t carry heresy. My grandfather (13 Rivne Guards Cavalry Brigade 46 Guards Cavalry Regiment, ended the war in Debrecen) was a Muscovite, but imagine, he considered himself Russian (idiocy, but by modern standards completely different people). Someone considered himself a Siberian and was also Russian. It does not matter what you call yourself, the most important thing is who you are.
                And if I stepped somewhere and they told me that I’m an eccentric with the letter Mu, then why should I be upset? So the people of Ukraine should not be offended by harsh statements, but not insults, it’s not worth it. With soul to them, and not turning our backs.
                1. +2
                  April 8 2014 17: 33
                  Alexander, well, what is heresy? Do you also think that a Ukrainian and a Russophobe should be equated? Like, as our colleague mongoose suggests, all Ukrainians who have not stopped calling themselves Ukrainians should be christened Russophobes? Of course, you are right - it does not matter what you call yourself, it is important who you are ... but the mongoose said literally the following: "he called himself an ukroinets, signed for Russophobia." Is this not heresy? :))) Isn't it too much, huh? :)))
                  1. +1
                    April 8 2014 22: 14
                    [quote = smile]
                    I don’t care who said anything. Mongoose himself is responsible for his words. But Vladimir, do not translate the opinions of others to me.
                    I affirm that there are no such people as Ukrainians. And nothing more. Glory to your grandfather, but I think if he lived in Great Russia, he would be the hottest supporter of UNITY of Russia with Ukraine
                    1. +1
                      April 8 2014 23: 31
                      Yes, he was already a supporter of unity, without any "if". No wonder I was raised as a Russian, and not a Ukrainian or a Pole ... or someone else.
                      And I cited the words of my colleague Mongoose only because you answered my comment, in turn, addressed to him. So I thought that you spoke in his support. And come on you-your people, this political correctness is sick of you. :)))
                      1. +1
                        April 9 2014 00: 33
                        Quote: smile
                        And come on you-your people, this political correctness is sick of you.

                        Do not mind, come on you Vladimir.
        9. +2
          April 8 2014 18: 58
          Quote: seller trucks
          Maybe someone will explain to me m .... what kind of metamorphosis happened to the forum users per day, because there are definitely those who put me (-) here. Comrades, I don’t understand you,

          "Echo of war .." (c) Brother 2
    4. +10
      April 8 2014 09: 24
      Quote: rasputin17
      "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !! Designed for downs from the sinking and written by themselves !!

      And I liked it. I'd love to read their historical dissertations. I think Zadornov nervously smokes on the sidelines. smile
      1. +6
        April 8 2014 12: 10
        [quote = Arhj] Yes to health
        Did Farion recognize everyone?
        1. gsg955
          April 8 2014 12: 27
          Is this a complete Ira Ira Farion?
      2. +1
        April 8 2014 15: 15
        Quote: Arhj
        And I liked it. I'd love to read their historical dissertations.
        I recommend reading here Article Detector!.
        1. +1
          April 8 2014 16: 12
          Quote: Tersky
          I recommend it here.

          “Ukrainians, according to legend, are the most ancient people on the planet Earth. According to the legends, monkeys descended from the proto-ukras, from which humans later descended. »- Lurkomorye
          1. yakuza39
            April 8 2014 23: 24
            Having read, I almost subscribed laughing
          2. 0
            April 9 2014 14: 54
            who were the provers, if you follow the theory of Darwin from simple to perfect? Have you tasted the topic yourself?
    5. 0
      April 8 2014 09: 32
      "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !! Designed for downs from the sinking and written by themselves !!
      The winners write the story and, unfortunately, they still win.
      1. +9
        April 8 2014 09: 38
        Here is an article about the winners: The less Americans know about the geographic location of Ukraine, the more willing they are for US intervention ("The Washington Post", USA)
        Survey participants were asked to locate Ukraine using a high resolution world map

        Approximately one in six Americans (16% of respondents) correctly indicated the geographic location of the country by clicking on a map on the map within the actual borders of the country. Most of the respondents thought that Ukraine was somewhere in Europe or Asia, but the average respondent was mistaken for about 1800 miles - roughly speaking, the distance from Chicago to Los Angeles - determining that Ukraine is located in an area that borders the west Portugal, to the south with Sudan, in the east with Kazakhstan, and in the north with Finland.
        So it goes...
        1. +1
          April 8 2014 10: 41
          Yes, it’s an axiom that Americans don’t know a damn thing — they have a different educational system — they don’t teach what is not useful, in their opinion.
          Why would a Houston bus driver know where Baikal is, or that Wallonia is part of Belgium?
          What is there to be surprised at? For such a "people" both Hollywood films are designed, and EVEN "History Channel" - such miserable "specialists" broadcast there, like those that tell in films about cat-dogs .... Ugh ... Disgustingly stupid ...
          1. +3
            April 8 2014 12: 16
            Quote: mirag2
            Yes, it’s an axiom that Americans don’t know a damn thing — they have a different educational system — they don’t teach what is not useful, in their opinion.

            I was always interested in how they communicate, for example in a bar or cafe. Let's admit the welded and the driver. One is not interested about electrodes, the other about roads. They retell the alphabet to each other or speak exclusively "tolerant" conversations.
            1. +1
              April 8 2014 21: 05
              I was always interested in how they communicate, for example in a bar or cafe. Let's admit the welded and the driver. One is not interested about electrodes, the other about roads. They retell the alphabet to each other or speak exclusively "tolerant" conversations.

              About women, exclusively about women and baseball! drinks
              1. 0
                April 9 2014 00: 39
                Quote: oldstaryi

                About women, exclusively about women and baseball! drinks

                Yes there are only fag, what women?
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. The comment was deleted.
    6. +10
      April 8 2014 09: 56
      Quote: rasputin17

      They are still modest !!! One "smart" scientist from Ukraine "proved" that Jesus Christ lived in Ukraine and was .... Ukrainian! And if you believe another "smart" scientist, then the first on earth were the "Trypillians" (Trypillians, ancient Ukrainians - paraphrased) and the whole civilization (European) went from them. Recently, they "proved" that the ancient Greeks were Ukrainians .... We have a lot of really sick people! And in the Verkhovna Rada - in general, cretinism and! So don't be surprised! We are already used to it! And in general, one must look into the present and the future, not into the past! And the Crimea is already RUSSIAN and this is real, not the delirium of the mentally ill !!!!! fellow
      1. +1
        April 8 2014 12: 24
        God was the same Ukrainian!
        Adam was Ukrainian!
        The first human language was mova!
      2. +2
        April 8 2014 12: 24
        God was the same Ukrainian!
        Adam was Ukrainian!
        The first human language was mova!
        1. 0
          April 9 2014 06: 27
          Quote: SarS
          God was the same Ukrainian!
          Adam was Ukrainian!
          The first human language was mova!

          Those who have seen God claim that he has a long hair and mustache.
      3. +5
        April 8 2014 12: 42
        Quote: TAMERLAN 7
        And if you believe another "smart" scientist, then the first on earth were the "Trypillians" (Trypillians, ancient Ukrainians - paraphrased) and the whole civilization (European) went from them.

        V. Bebik argued that the first people on the planet, it was the ancient Ukrainians who flew from Venus to western Ukraine, gave mankind an alphabet, fire, a plow and a wheel.
        It doesn’t matter that the Earth’s population has already used computers, internal combustion engines and conquered the atom.
    7. +4
      April 8 2014 09: 58
      It’s time to end with a misunderstanding under the name Ukraine-Lviv with comrades in Poland, the rest to Russia, if Russia does not fit the center, Belarus can be enlarged. Otherwise, I’m afraid every 10 years this crap will creep out.
      1. +2
        April 8 2014 11: 11
        The Poles will not accept them, and they have spoiled them there.
        There are two options left: Lithuania or Austria.
        In view of my sadistic inclinations, I am for Lithuania.
        1. 0
          April 9 2014 05: 46
          They will accept it, the grand pride will overpower, they have long been distributing the "Pole's card" on the square. Or maybe they just want to get even for what was previously unloaded.
      2. +1
        April 8 2014 16: 20
        The entire Western collective farm raves about the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The fact of the matter is that the whole problem is precisely in this very integrity. A state will not be territorial integrity without unity between people. Zapadentsy will not live together with the southeast in peace and harmony. So why keep this unity of territory. Disagree and live in peace. If you want to go west, live, if you want east. And everyone would be happy. But this is not beneficial to the Americans, they zapadentsy stupid and poor are not needed.
    8. mongoose
      April 8 2014 16: 03
      Thanks to the Bolsheviks for the Russian people
      1. +1
        April 8 2014 16: 27
        And thanks to all the kings and partocrats who gave away our Russian lands to "Ukraine"
        1. mongoose
          April 8 2014 19: 32
          a lying card, the kings didn’t give anything to Nenko, it’s a flesh from the flesh a Bolshevik project
        2. 0
          April 10 2014 08: 50
          Quote from comprochikos
          And thanks to all the kings and partocrats who gave away our Russian lands to "Ukraine"

          Judging by this map, all territorial gifts were made by the Bolshevik junta.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    9. 0
      April 8 2014 16: 06
      Quote: rasputin17
      "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !!

      I support - solid "abyr-valg"! am
    10. +2
      April 8 2014 20: 43
      "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !! Designed for downs from the sinking and written by themselves !!

      Nevertheless, Tuyeva Hucha people in Ukraine believes in this nonsense. Read the comments in youtube for stories about Ukraine. They call us, I am the Nazi face, ami and yami! The more monstrous a lie, the more easily Ukrainians believe in it!
    11. The comment was deleted.
    12. 0
      April 9 2014 05: 37
      Quote: rasputin17
      Designed for downs out of the west

      Those. maydaunov
    13. Starfighter
      April 10 2014 11: 31
      Of course, I completely agree with you. Such opuses are designed exclusively to raise the patriotic spirit of the Russians.
  2. +15
    April 8 2014 08: 02
    only one:
  3. +2
    April 8 2014 08: 04
    from the Don.
    I looked through the article ... I do not want to trash my brains.
  4. parus2nik
    April 8 2014 08: 06
    MAP Ukraine .. map (English) map .. And you can immediately see where the map of Ukraine came from .. you can not read further ..
    1. +1
      April 8 2014 14: 08
      Quote: parus2nik

      Well so they had a lot of things in the 90s that were invented by emigrants from the Canadian diaspora. hi
    2. The comment was deleted.
  5. torrr38_41
    April 8 2014 08: 09
    Ancient UKR wassat Well, well, and the ancient taught them to live wassat
    1. +26
      April 8 2014 08: 23
      There were no ancient laughing , there were ancient Ukrainians from whom all people descended, even Afro-Ukrainians, Ukro-Chinese, Ukro-Indians and even (it's hard to believe!) Ukrainian Jews! wassat They also built the pyramids, EVERYTHING and everywhere, they also created the terracotta army, and the ancient ukrokitaets Confutsenko wrote his treatises in Ukrainian mov! drinks About how! lol
      1. +32
        April 8 2014 08: 30
        Quote: major071
        were ancient Ukrainians

        And what makes you laugh so much ??? Here is the documentary evidence!
        So I don’t see anything funny (almost laughing laughing )
        1. +6
          April 8 2014 09: 51
          HOMOHOHOL - ha ha ha
          1. 0
            April 8 2014 10: 32
            HOMOHOHOL = HOMOSEC))))))))))))
        2. I am proud of Russia
          April 8 2014 10: 43
          Now it’s clear where such a nationalism comes from among young heads .... Those who still remember the true ancient history will not stay there soon ... because if a person is told every day: you are a dz.a.k.a., after which then he will start to think so fool . All competently calculated p.i.nd.s.os.s. 20 years ago and launched the ukrov project .... only the truth is the question, who then are they themselves ?? lol
          1. +2
            April 8 2014 14: 17
            Quote: I am proud of Russia
            Now it’s clear where such nationalism comes from in young minds.

            From Ukraine. History books were written [b] by the Institute of Historical Memory, a US grant [/ b]. By the way, then it was disbanded - you have to understand, he did his work and that was exactly what he sharpened for it. I give a few excerpts from Wikipedia - they are especially Do not hide your goals. READ OUT!
            [b] 1.Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance (UINP) (Ukrainian. Ukrainian Institute of National Memory) is a research institute of Ukraine, a central executive body that had a special status until July 23, 2008 [1].
            It was created at the initiative of V. A. Yushchenko with the main tasks of “re-creating a fair history of the Ukrainian nation” and “shaping and implementing state policy in this direction” [2] Acting head of the UINP I. Yukhnovsky called the consolidation of the Ukrainian nation the main tasks of this institution and "Appropriate respect for all those who fought for Ukraine." The main task indicated for UINP is the formation of the national consciousness of citizens of Ukraine. [3] According to the same Yukhnovsky, the main task of the UINP is "the deployment of measures aimed at consolidating and increasing state-building patriotism of the people of Ukraine." [4]
            2. [b] In accordance with the provisions of the UIP, he develops and submits proposals on the formation of state policy regarding:
            restoration of an objective and fair history of the Ukrainian people;
            propaganda of the antiquity of the Ukrainian nation and its language, study of the creative heritage of the Ukrainian nation in the field of politics, culture, education, science and technology, military art;
            the study of the famines, various forms of political repression, other crimes against the Ukrainian nation and national minorities in the twentieth century and resistance to totalitarian regimes;
            general public understanding of the struggle of the Ukrainian nation for the restoration of statehood and overcoming the remnants of totalitarianism in the minds of citizens;
            intensification of work on the formation of patriotism of citizens of Ukraine, especially those who work in public institutions.
            In addition to the above, the UIPP's tasks include "participation in the implementation of the state policy on international recognition of famines in Ukraine as acts of genocide." Also, UINP "determines the directions and methods of restoring historical truth and justice in the study of the history of Ukraine", "prepares proposals for ensuring the final elimination of the symbols of the former USSR", etc. [/ b]
            1. +1
              April 8 2014 14: 21

              3. At the round table held on February 6, 2009, the Institute's leadership formulated a number of promising areas of its activities. And so. about. the head of the institute I. R. Yukhnovsky once again confirmed the main goals of the institute - “the consolidation of the Ukrainian nation within the state”. As one of the tools was proposed "the conviction of society that the whole people took part in the fight against the Germans." He also expressed the following opinion:
              “In fact, Ukraine suffered the greatest human losses, we know, there were Ukrainian fronts, Ukrainian generals, marshals, Heroes of the Soviet Union - immigrants from Ukraine - but Russia ascribes all this to itself. I believe that we are losing in this and we need to find a form according to which we can say about the participation of Ukraine, Ukrainians, their weight in the victory over Germany. I also thought, from a material point of view, in particular about the fact that all the states that were destroyed in the war, the Americans provided assistance in the form of the Marshall Plan, which the Soviet Union refused, and now Ukraine could not abandon the Marshal's Plan ", Although it looks somehow fantastic, it is still not devoid of complete logic"

              4.According to the candidate of philosophical sciences, state expert of the National Institute of International Security Problems of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Viktor Alekseyevich Pirozhenko, the institute is engaged in “conscious mythologization, that is, the construction (re-writing) of the history of Ukraine” [24]:
              Based on historical material from the history of Ukraine and the USSR, this office designs new, convenient legends, symbols and historical values, invents historical plots for national heroization, adapting the results to the needs of the formation of a new national Ukrainian identity. At the same time, myths and legends are constructed in such a way as to destroy all historical and cultural values ​​that remained in the majority of the population since the time of the joint - the Russian and Soviet state past.
        3. +5
          April 8 2014 11: 19
          If they descended from him, then they descended from Homo Debilicus.
          And Novodvorskus served as a pair for this Debilikus.
        4. +2
          April 8 2014 14: 50
          This is what they, sickly, smoked ...
      2. +6
        April 8 2014 08: 36
        Quote: major071
        There were no ancient, there were ancient Ukrainians from whom all people descended, even afrokry,
        drinks good
        To paraphrase Bismarck: "When there is no history of its own, it must be invented ..."
      3. +4
        April 8 2014 08: 44
        Well, he laughed, right to the point - the unification of Dill and Ukraine is coming soon.
      4. +7
        April 8 2014 08: 44
        Quote: major071
        They also built the pyramids,

        No one argues, the Ukrainians built, and the Armenians were their foremen, and Moldovans painted inside.
      5. +11
        April 8 2014 09: 51
        That is, Alexander Makedonenko, Napoleon Bonapardenko and Adik Gitlerenko-are also Ukrainians ???
        1. I am proud of Russia
          April 8 2014 10: 50
          It turns out that it is so! wassat laughing God, what insanity ... Lord save us all and great ukrov! They are from delusions, and us from their insanity !!!
        2. +7
          April 8 2014 12: 40
          That is, Alexander Makedonenko, Napoleon Bonapardenko and Adik Gitlerenko-are also Ukrainians ???

          Trishechki ne so:
          Oleksandr Macedonia, Napole Bonaportyuk and Adul Gitlerenko laughing
      6. +8
        April 8 2014 09: 59
        Adam and Eve were Ukrainians, and the snake tempter - am
        1. +3
          April 8 2014 10: 48
          Quote: Uncle Lee
          Adam and Eve were Ukrainians

          Laugh: Ukrainian scientist Valery Bebik stated that Buddha had Ukrainian roots
          and belonged to the Scythian (Saki) people of the Budins, who lived
          in the II-I millennia BC on the territory of Ancient Ukraine. "The name of this people was preserved in the names of the settlements Seredina-Buda (Sumy region), Buda (Chernihiv region)," the scientist writes. According to him, the descendants of Budins still live on the territory of the Sumy and Chernigov regions, as well as the neighboring Belarusian and Russian lands.
          1. +4
            April 8 2014 12: 59
            I confirm 100%! Every month after the pay, all the men crawl around the city in nirvana! laughing
        2. mamba
          April 8 2014 10: 55
          Quote from Uncle Lee
          Adam and Eve were Ukrainians, and the serpent was a tempter

          Adamko and Evalka were proto-Ukrainians, and the serpent-tempter was a wise man. laughing
          1. +5
            April 8 2014 13: 58
            I wanted to write, but changed my mind
      7. +3
        April 8 2014 10: 04
        So, Alexander Makedonenko, Napoleon Bonapardenko and Adik Gitlerenko are also Ukrainians. wassat
        1. +5
          April 8 2014 10: 50
          Quote: Berkut-UA
          So, Alexander Makedonenko, Napoleon Bonapardenko and Adik Gitlerenko are also Ukrainians.

          Take it cooler, these idiots decided that:
          Jesus belonged to that wave of Gauls, who still retained the mother tongue spoken by the inhabitants of Western Ukraine. It was in this language that Jesus said his dying words: “And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a strong voice: Eli Eli lema sawakhfani (Matt 27.46), that is,“ Lele, Lele, lemme from me this stay ”, literally“ Dad, Tatu - only with stay me. " This phraseological phrase is answered by the Gellenic “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit! “(Luke 23.46), ie“ Dad, now everything is in Your hands! ”At the most critical and most difficult moment of his life, Jesus spoke the ancient Ukrainian language. From the point of view of language, Jesus is Ukrainian.
          That's where the clinic is, the treatment is useless.
      8. I am proud of Russia
        April 8 2014 10: 38
        Clear and concise! And most importantly, exactly how they came up with it !!! laughing hi
      9. +2
        April 8 2014 12: 09
        Quote: major071
        the ancient ukrokitaets Confutsenko wrote his treatises in Ukrainian mov! drinks About how! lol

        Good afternoon Vova !! hi
        Something you Dear Major lost sight of ukroellinov: Herodotenko, Evrepidenko and Archimedenko ... Not order! request I am sending a textbook on the history of the Ancient World. Study at your leisure. I’ll come and check. Bribe-not to offer! am
        1. +4
          April 8 2014 15: 56
          Quote: retired
          : Gerodotenko, Evrepidenko and Archimedenko ... Not an order! I am sending a textbook on the history of the Ancient World. Study at your leisure.

          In a dispute between Russians and Ukrainians about nationality BuratinО, the victory was won by the second ... laughing
      10. +4
        April 8 2014 14: 49
        In the open spaces of Nezalezhnaya, quite seriously, there is an opinion that Adam and Eve are also ho ... ol with a crest, how, and then Confucenko appeared!
    2. +12
      April 8 2014 08: 42
      Quote: torrr38_41
      Ancient UKR wassat Well, well, and the ancient taught them to live wassat

      What kind of psi are there? The United States is only 238 years old. And in general, as Poincare said: "America came to civilization, bypassing culture."
      1. +1
        April 8 2014 14: 58
        Quote: mamont5
        Quote: torrr38_41
        Ancient UKR wassat Well, well, and the ancient taught them to live wassat

        What kind of psi are there? The United States is only 238 years old. And in general, as Poincare said: "America came to civilization, bypassing culture."

        That's the whole problem with them! Culture determines the path of further civilization !! Hearing like this is equivalent to hearing wassat "The tail wags the dog" or "The fat eats the crest" !!)) laughing
  6. +1
    April 8 2014 08: 11
    I propose today's "advanced" layers of "ukrov" in the center of Kiev, called steals from the essence of the movement! Yes
  7. +3
    April 8 2014 08: 13
    God grant us all patience. In the course of time, teachers will again have to send to Ukraine., a people torn from their roots, rushes from side to side, well, we have a very big lesson if we do not want to end, like a great nation of ukrov.
    1. +4
      April 8 2014 09: 15
      Quote: igorra
      In the course of time, teachers will again have to send to Ukraine., a people torn from their roots, rushes from side to side, well, we have a very big lesson if we do not want to end, like a great nation of ukrov.

      So I say, we urgently need to reform education! No tests from the series "Is not electricity measured in volts?"
      And the basic knowledge and analytical thinking, we should not miss our children! The danger is too great and fatal!
      1. 0
        April 8 2014 13: 04
        Quote: dmitriygorshkov
        And the basic knowledge and analytical thinking, we should not miss our children! The danger is too great and fatal!

        sorry not many people understand this.
  8. +17
    April 8 2014 08: 13
    Looking at Bandera, you involuntarily think about the fact that dill probably existed and didn’t even disappear or even evolve.
    1. +4
      April 8 2014 09: 18
      Quote: Humpty
      dill probably existed and did not disappear, did not even evolve.

      It’s you laughing, and if without laughter it’s the Russians in Ukropia that have degraded (well, haven't they evolved?) Into dill!
      1. +4
        April 8 2014 09: 32
        [quote = dmitriygorshkov] [/ quote]
        "You are laughing, but if without laughing, then it is the Russians on Dill who have degraded (well, have not evolved?) Into dill!" [/ Quote]

        There is an eccentric theory, its essence is that in some way the first person appeared on earth. To develop, you need to make efforts, it is easier to degrade, it does not require efforts, therefore it is much more natural. Then a person degraded to monkeys, pigs, turtles, etc.
        There is a reasonable grain in this.
        1. +3
          April 8 2014 13: 06
          Quote: Humpty
          Then the person degraded to monkeys, pigs, turtles, etc.

          who do Ukrainians degrade further
  9. +4
    April 8 2014 08: 14
    In fact, Ukraine is a purely propaganda project.
    I don’t want to offend anyone. But history and logic put everything in its place.
  10. +4
    April 8 2014 08: 20
    With geography, it’s just a disaster. I’m not talking about history
  11. +4
    April 8 2014 08: 22
    I did not see any novelty in the article. Even in Soviet school history textbooks there was a topic about the Ukrainianization of Ukraine in the 20s of the last century. And it's time to rewrite our modern textbooks.
  12. +1
    April 8 2014 08: 26
    Quote: avant-garde
    Quote: Canep
    the same glue, then its borders will be from the Rhine to Colorado, inclusive.

    Can you imagine if you still sniff this glue to where it will be possible to expand the borders wassat
    Yes They have enough natural buzz, as I look !!wassat
    1. +1
      April 8 2014 10: 49
      Quote: ya.seliwerstov2013
      Yes They have enough natural buzz, as I look !!

      Naturally natural)))) They have the most thieves hemp growing on the planet, so the Americans also decided to take a look at the great civilization laughing
  13. +4
    April 8 2014 08: 28
    This is how one should not love one’s people, that in order to please one’s belly, one should propagate such dregs.
  14. +22
    April 8 2014 08: 33
    I want to add a little to the author. You will laugh, but here you have worked in the USA. Yushchenko's well-known wife was raised on the money of the community, which consists of Bandera, who fled to the United States after the Second World War. Hence the promotion both in college and further into the "guarding of the white house." The "patriarch" of this community, having picked up the above ideas, created "their own history", which the Yushchenko spouses began to implement. A special institute was opened - for the study of drkvnih ukrov. And the soul rushed to heaven. "The ancient Aryans are Ukrainians! Went to the west - created Germany, the Aryans, went to the east - created India" Evidence? But "In India, too, newlyweds are hung with garlands of flowers around their necks, just as Ukrainian girls wear wreaths on their heads!" Prizes, positions, dissertations, grants, writing textbooks that are compulsory on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education .... Understand what money? Naturally, there were venal skins for which, when submitting their dissertations to the old Higher Attestation Commission, nothing could shine, and then "freebie" !!! Moreover, Jesus was the first Ukrainian. And even in the churches of the Greek Catholics and the Kiev Patriarchate, instead of the usual answers they say "Glory to Isu!" All and sundry have used the convenient theory! I understand that it is disgusting, but IT IS NECESSARY TO KNOW! THIS IS SO THE ENEMY WORKS! DON'T MISS THE FIRST SIGNS AT YOUR HOME !!!!
    1. +7
      April 8 2014 09: 26
      I will try to disappoint Yushchenko. In 95, at a sports training camp, the Urals with a bang in our city bought a masterpiece of Kyrgyz science, written by some scientific professor, a book - "History of the Kyrgyz or all Turkic-speaking peoples". It very "lucidly" describes the origin of not only all the Turks directly from the Kirghiz, but also the Ukrainians. The Kirghiz there are still direct descendants of Noah. Think, the Svidomo and the Kirghiz have a lot in common in their behavior ((.
  15. +3
    April 8 2014 08: 34
    What kind of diploma is that? Maydan rams myths about past greatness dreaming?
    1. +2
      April 8 2014 15: 02
      Quote: KrSk
      What kind of diploma is that? Maydan rams myths about past greatness dreaming?

      No, they have voices! Waiting for the muse came schiz!)) laughing
  16. +5
    April 8 2014 08: 37
    History of Ukraine. Genre - Alternative History. The author is a stoned schizophrenic.
    1. mamba
      April 8 2014 11: 25
      Quote: AleksPol
      The author is a stoned schizophrenic.

      No no! The author of the history of Ukraine used mushrooms for inspiration. Hence the ukrogluks.
      [media =
      ;% 20frameborder = "0"> ]
  17. +15
    April 8 2014 08: 37
    Not long ago, representatives of UrFU (Ural Federal University) returned from Crimea - they established contacts there, looked at who and how they could help, both Crimea and how the Crimea could be useful for UrFU ... The teachers were "shocked", they were given a "history textbook" Ukraine ". As one of them put it - "so much and such nationalistic nonsense, he last read it when he was working with the documents of Nazi Germany." And to the question of local teachers: "How did you teach the children, after all, you are still in the majority of the" allied "leaven. We got the answer: "How, how ... While there was an opportunity, they explained how and what, then it became more difficult, since the SBU took many" on a pencil ", and there was a very strong" dilution "by teachers-graduates of Ukrainian universities, but how could everything tried equally ... "
    So that...
  18. johnsnz
    April 8 2014 08: 38
    And I feel sorry for them, especially the children who are being bullied
  19. +3
    April 8 2014 08: 40
    Ha, well, nonsense, the "great Ukrainians" are direct descendants of the Atlanteans. Couldn't think of anything more stupid?
    1. +3
      April 8 2014 09: 32
      Which Atlanteans, take it deeper. In Ukrainian textbooks, they clearly forgot to write that while people were descending from monkeys, ancient Ukrainians were descended from dinosaurs, and mammoths were from ancient ukrov.
      Bullshit of course, but why be shy. It won’t be any worse.
  20. +2
    April 8 2014 08: 51
    Yes, men, in the morning they lifted the mood :), I think it would be more appropriate to talk about ancient urks
    1. mamba
      April 8 2014 11: 29
      Quote: RuslanNN
      it would be more appropriate to talk about ancient lessons

      The lessons were also descended from the protoucre, but drunk ... wink
  21. +2
    April 8 2014 08: 51
    The saddest thing is that this is also our fault ... We also ruined the second Empire
  22. +3
    April 8 2014 08: 52
    Soviet ideologists and educators also failed to create a normal textbook on the History of Russia.
    Some idiot thought to divide school history into "History of the Ancient World" and "History of the Middle Ages", where there was not a word about Russia.
    And "History of Ancient Rus" is just a collection of stupid ridiculous fables that have nothing to do with reality. So the "History of Ukraine" was born from the Atlanteans and Hyperboreans to Shukhevych and Bandera.
    It is scary to imagine what new textbook on the History of Russia will be presented by the current Russophobes, anti-Sovietists and anti-Stalinists who have seized power in Russia.
    1. +3
      April 8 2014 11: 33
      And "The History of Ancient Russia" is just a collection of stupid ridiculous fables

      Yes, the guilt of our Soviet historians is undeniable in front of their people.
      Likhachev is one of them. In one of his works he gave the chronicler's slip of the tongue in the word "noritsi" as a region (!) On the territory of Austria, and called the inhabitants noriks! Good goose. And there all was written - Novgorodians!
      This one, if you may say "scientist", wrote and spoke imposingly, but why do you need to know about the old time, the history of Russia began in 988. And this is an academician! Ugh.
  23. +4
    April 8 2014 08: 53
    Quote: JIaIIoTb
    In fact, Ukraine is a purely propaganda project.
    I don’t want to offend anyone. But history and logic put everything in its place.

    Project written by the us state department
  24. +3
    April 8 2014 08: 53
    Quote: Canep
    If you stick the historical map of Russia with the same glue, then its borders will be from the Rhine to Colorado, inclusive. And this map will be a map of the province of Malorosia, such a Russia will include all the states of Eastern Europe, Germany and Italy, because Etruks lived there at one time, and in Germany there is the city of Rostock.

    In Ukraine, this is too convex, but a special case of an attempt to build a Nazi regime. What is characteristic of this ideology is to stick a hunchback about his history, rejecting the scientific approach and common sense. Hitler, for example, promoted "Aryan science" as opposed to "Jewish-liberal". Crazy maps and stories about the supposedly great past are a characteristic feature of all Nazi and nationalist regimes without exception mocking on the fragments of the COUNTRY. Those who have never before had their own statehood and have it now thanks to the semi-green conditions created by Russia have succeeded in this. At the same time, surreptitiously, such regimes are happy to make up where they can, assuring their friendship.
    On false foundations, repetitions of Ukrainian scenarios (which are unfinished) with a local accent are possible.
  25. +9
    April 8 2014 08: 56
    All this, of course, is ridiculous if it were not so sad.
    Brainwashing and processing of consciousness is really put on stream in Ukraine.
    About fifteen years ago, my relatives from the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. told about the great history of Ukraine, about the oppressed great people ... fool
    Some older people, who found the USSR at a conscious age, just shrugged and laughed, and who went to school already under Nezalezhnaya called us invaders so directly and celebrated Independence Day as a new year ... And note everything in one family. We were proud to receive Ukrainian passports without speaking at all in mov winked
    When trying to slightly open the eyes of the young, they came across a wall of incomprehension and complete denial of even the thought that we are two BROTHER nations, that we have a common past and a common future!
    As I remember now, there is a small piglet (aged 14-16) and says that we are Ukrainians, a free people, and you are slaves and children of slaves ... And the slave and the person will not have in common. am
    Now this piglet has its own children, so what can she teach them if from the kindergarten to the university they glorify GLOBUS OF UKRAINE? Even if he wants to? Which by the way is doubtful ...
    1. +1
      April 8 2014 11: 25
      Quote: operator_75
      a small piggy bank (years 14-16) stands and says that we are Ukrainians, a free people, and you are slaves and children of slaves ...
      One lost generation grew up in Ukraine. All the effectiveness of ukromif today rests on the conflict between fathers and children, which is sharply manifested in all adolescents. What remains behind the scenes: we, as it were, say to OUR PARENTS, these adolescents and young men under 23 years old, were born in a FREE Ukraine, and you, they say, grew up in slavery among the mos * aly. The children of these accursed people will be ready to destroy this myth, and their parents, who taught history from Soviet textbooks, will now “laugh” at them, and if Russia starts to rise, they will not hold on to it at all.
    2. mamba
      April 8 2014 11: 38
      Quote: operator_75
      from kindergarten to university, glorify GLOBUS UKRAINE

      Here you are ironic, but they have everything in a serious way:
      1. +1
        April 8 2014 14: 13
        Oh uterus bozka! belay
      2. The comment was deleted.
  26. -10
    April 8 2014 09: 00
    Whether we like it or not, there is Ukraine. And this is not a project of the USSR. Author read the story. Have you heard the name of Bogdan Khmelnitsky? Have you heard about the reunification of Ukraine and Russia? So Ukraine was, while there is, but will it be? It is a pity the people of Ukraine.
    1. +7
      April 8 2014 09: 24
      Free wind, pick up the story.
      The usual story that you can dig up on the Internet is about the reunification of Ukraine and Russia. About Bogdan Khmelnitsky.
      Pick up the documents. That time.
      And, find out for yourself - who and with whom reunited. Great Ukry with Muscovites ..or Russian people with Russian people.
      I will not specifically give a link to similar material here on the Military Review.
      And in general I will not give any links.
      The seeker, yes he will find.
      The truth.
      1. jjj
        April 8 2014 12: 53
        The Pereyaslovskaya Rada turned four times to Moscow with a question of acceptance. Our ancestors thought for a long time. And they didn’t really want to accept
    2. +4
      April 8 2014 10: 00
      The reunification of Ukraine with Russia is a historiographic and journalistic term that arose in Soviet historiography in the 20 of the XX century [1], which designates the event of the transfer of the registered Zaporizhzhya Army and part of the territories of modern Ukraine controlled by it (Hetman) to Russian citizenship [2 ] (Russian kingdom) in 1654 year.

      Hetman of the Zaporizhzhya Army Bogdan Khmelnitsky filed a petition for transfer to service to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The request was granted by the Tsar and approved by the Zemsky Cathedral in Moscow. The motive for the transition was the deliverance of the Orthodox population of Little Russia from religious and social oppression by the nobility and the Catholic clergy of the Commonwealth.
      Taken from Wikipedia.
      1. +6
        April 8 2014 10: 20
        Letter from Khmelnitsky to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
        The most exalted, noble and glorious tsar of Moscow, and for us, the lover of gracious Pan and goodness.
        It was similar to the contempt of God that it was for us, whom we ourselves had deigned and tried for, that, at the present hour, through our messengers of good health, you could see your tsar’s great dignity and give the lowest bow. God Almighty, having given us a mess from your royal majesty, wants not until us, until Mr. Kisel, he had planned for his needs, which our Kozaki comrades had drafted in dorozi, they wrapped us before the troops.
        Through which joyfully your royal greatness has come to us, we see that you will inform our old-time Greek viri, for which, from old times and from waves, I have my wry awkwardness, from the old kings, we don’t make peace from the godless Aryans.
        [Tv] Our deliverer Jesus Christ, stinging with crooked gods and crooked tears of the orphans, having looked at us with tenderness and mercy to his saints, looking like he had sent his holy word, he laughed us. The pit beneath us was beaten by a vikopal, they themselves collapsed in it, and the two troops with great camps helped us the Lord God and three hetmans took them alive with their sanators: first on Zholta Vody, commissar Shemberk and syn in the middle of the field Krakowski’s pan did not flow with a single soul. Then the hetman himself, the great pan Krakow, from an innocent good-natured pan Pan Martin Kalinowski, the hetman the full crown, under Korsun the city fell into captivity, and the army eats all their quartens to the mercy; we didn’t take them; people took them, who served us [in that world] from the king of Krimsky. Knowing that to us and that of your [tsarist] Majesty, recognize us, but the singing kind of bastard of us [prince] from prince Dominik Zaslavsky, who before us sent extortion for peace, and from Pan Kisel, govern Braslav, the king’s chanter, our pan, death she took it, so with rosemony, but for the reason of quietly ungodly enemies it was ours too, who eats a lot of kings in our land, for which the land is now completely empty. The bichmo of the autocrat reigned supreme because of such a thing in his land, like your Tsar’s greatness, the Orthodox king of Khrestia, the preliminary predicted prophecy from Christ our God was fulfilled, all in the hands of his holy mercy. Why should we remind your royal majesty if you beat the will of God, and hurriedly made the tsar’s infection at once, don’t disagree, step on the offensive, and with all the Zaporozkoy Army to serve your tsar’s great dignity, which you can’t find by any means lowering your services given away.
        But it will be too much for your royal majesty to change, if the Poles want to attack us again, at the same hour rush to the Borjans and attack on their side, and let us take them for God's help. And may God correct from the old Vicks the well-known prophecy, to which we ourselves have fallen foolishly, to the gracious nougat of your royal majesty, as though humiliated, humbly surrendered.
        Dates from Cherkasy, June 8, 1648. Your royal majesty have the lowest servants.
        Bogdan Khmelnitsky, hetman with the army of his royal mercy Zaporozky. ”
        - Under the banner of Russia: Collection of archival documents. M., Russian book, 1992.
      2. +2
        April 8 2014 19: 09
        Quote: Svetlana
        The motive for the transition was the deliverance of the Orthodox population of Little Russia from religious and social oppression by the nobility and the Catholic clergy of the Commonwealth.
        Taken from Wikipedia.

        The motive was the blackmail of Moscow by Khmelnitsky, who threatened to "surrender to the Poles, or even the Turks."
        Moscow heeded the pleas of the "workers oppressed by the Polish gentry" and immediately got another war with Poland ...
        Here is such ... little ones ...
        Wikipedia is also that "information source" wassat
    3. +2
      April 8 2014 15: 47
      Quote: Free Wind
      Whether we like it or not, Ukraine is. And this is not a project of the USSR. Author read the story. The name of Bogdan Khmelnitsky heard? And about the reunification of Ukraine and Russia heard? So Ukraine was still there, but will it be? The people of Ukraine are very sorry

      and you about that Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who on the Turkish caftan on the fur coat of the Moscow Tsar and who 6 once changed the oath, yes, was so.
    4. +1
      April 8 2014 16: 01
      Quote: Free Wind
      The name of Bogdan Khmelnitsky heard

      Of course they did. And so for the record, he NEVER called himself a Ukrainian - Cherkas, Zaporozhets, but not Ukrainian ...

      The most exalted, noble and glorious tsar of Moscow, and we have a gracious gentleman and kindness. It is similar to the contempt of God that we have become, of whom we ourselves have started talking and we have been trying for that, at the hour of the present grave, through the messengers of your good health their given away. God Almighty, having given us a hand from your royal sovereignty, wants not only us, but Mr. Kissel sent to his needs, whom our comrades Kozaks dodorized, they wrapped us before the army, through which your royal commandment was joyfully passed on to us Our old-timed Greek, for which, since ancient times and for its unrest, we have been covered with dignity, from the kings of old, we don’t rest from godless Aryans until we don’t rest at peace. [Tv] Our deliverer Jesus Christ, stung by the lies of wretched people and covered with slimes (note. tears), the syrup of the bidets, caressing and merciful to their saints, glancing back at us, like, having sent their holy word, they laughed at us. The vikopals were pit beneath us, they themselves fell apart, even two troops with great tabor’s were helped by the Lord God and the three hetmans were taken alive from their sanatoriums: the first one on Zholty Vody, in the middle of the field in the middle of the road, Zaporozko’s commissar Shemberk and son Krakowski’s pan didn’t flow with any soul. Then the hetman himself, a great pan of Krakówski, from an unappealing kind cholovik, pan Martin Kalinowski, a hetman full of coronas, under Korsun the city fell into captivity, and the army eats everything quartile to the point; we did not take them. Our people took them, who served us [in that world] from the king of Krimsky. Having known to us and about your [tsar’s] sovereignty, the same kind of song that we sang was from the prince Dominic Zaslavsky, who sent to us the world’s past, and from Pan Kisel, the governor of Braslav, our king’s song, our death took death , so with rosemony, but from the prychyn of the same ungodly nuisance of this and ours, who eats a lot of the king in our land, for which the land is now completely empty. If the autocrat ruled over such a thing in his land, like your tsar's dignity, the Orthodox king of Khrest, would have shown, the initial prophecy from Christ our God would have been fulfilled, all in the hands of his holy mercy. Why should we uphold your royal sovereignty, if it were God's will, and hurry, make the tsar’s contagion, not hindering your assault, and we, with all the Zaporozkiy Army, should ready to serve your tsar’s greatness, to which we can find all the necessary services given away. But change it, it will be heard to your tsarist sovereignty if the Poles want to attack us again, at the same hour rush to the Borjans and attack on their side, and we will take them from God for help. And may God correct from the old Vicks a well-known prophecy, to which we ourselves have fallen foolishly, to the gracious nougat of your royal sovereignty, as though demeaned, humbly surrendered.

      Dates with Cherkas, June 8, 1648.
      Your royal sovereignty is the last servant.

      Bohdan Khmelnytsky, hetman with the Troops of his royal grace Zaporozky. "
      1. +1
        April 8 2014 16: 45
        Quote: svp67
        Quote: Free Wind
        The name of Bogdan Khmelnitsky heard

        Self-isolation in terms of the history of its people is the path to the degeneration of this people.
  27. pallas
    April 8 2014 09: 01
    And I am sorry for those Ukrainians who are not being fooled by this nonsense.
  28. andrey903
    April 8 2014 09: 02
    Zapadentsy in appearance and mentality is a mixture of gypsies, Romanians and Poles
    1. +3
      April 8 2014 09: 12
      Quote: andrey903
      Zapadentsy in appearance and mentality is a mixture of gypsies, Romanians and Poles

      Not true. Almost all the peoples of Europe were noted there - Tatars, Turks, Swedes, French, Romanians, Germans, Slovaks, Jews, Hungarians and probably all the peoples of the Union who served there trampled on the local sabbaths
    2. +3
      April 8 2014 10: 25
      Quote: andrey903
      Zapadentsy in appearance and mentality is a mixture of gypsies, Romanians and Poles

      The other day I read a seemingly quite scientific study. There it is described that the Zapadents according to the GENOCODE are Celts mixed with Jewish blood. The historical reasons for this formation were also described. It seems to be true!
    3. +7
      April 8 2014 10: 46
      And the Hungarians. Hungaria.
      And their language is Galician dialect a mixture with Hungarian and Polish words NOT related to the Ukrainian dialect.
      I have long wanted to suggest to the administration of the Topwar website to reconsider the check of words for "tolerance" and to exclude the word Ж.и.Д. from the blacklist and here's why. In the German Jude and in the Polish railway. Why does the Polish word remain in the Polish language, but we are forbidden to write it? Where is the point? Or you can only do what the United States permits: "manager" instead of manager, "message" instead of message, message, etc. etc.?
      Can he turn to the UN to prohibit the Poles from writing a "bad" word?
      And then, after the poles will replace this word with "good", we forbid.
      By the way, Poles can consider the removal of the Polish word as another humiliation of the Polish nation and Russian chauvinism.
    4. gsg955
      April 8 2014 12: 28
      Typical untrue.
      1. +1
        April 8 2014 12: 59
        Quote: gsg955
        Typical untrue.

        For idiots from the Maidan, the most correct definition. For the Bundes they are dirt from under the nails, for the Empire - scum.
  29. +9
    April 8 2014 09: 04
    Yes, complete nonsense. But the reality of the story is independent.
  30. +1
    April 8 2014 09: 06
    The request to correct in the article "... Also the inhabitants of" Muscovy "can be called" Turks ", since on its territory the first, historically well-known, Turkish state (Golden Horde) arose ..." The Golden Horde has nothing to do with Turkey or the Turks, or rather it would be to write the Turkic state and the Turks. Because the indigenous people of Turkey were formed partly from the Oghuz (these are of course the Turks), but then most of them began to shift with the Bulgarians, Greeks and Serbs. Also, the Turks were partially assimilated by the peoples of the Caucasus. Thanks in advance if the amendments are implemented.
    1. +3
      April 8 2014 10: 28
      Quote: mackonya
      Please fix the article

      Erken! There is so much nonsense that you are tormented to correct, and this is not the most crazy!
      1. 0
        April 9 2014 13: 22
        It is strange why Erken, or rather Erkin (Per. Freedom) will be in Kazakh, but I like Erken more.
    2. 0
      April 8 2014 10: 56
      It's irony.
  31. +3
    April 8 2014 09: 10
    Accidentally, not from Merkel (she has already "presented" to the Chinese) and her owners this card ... but:
    1. 0
      April 8 2014 13: 00
      Quote: name
      Accidentally, not from Merkel (she has already "presented" to the Chinese) and her owners this card ... but:

      I want to ask the residents of Ukraine, do such crazy cards really exist in textbooks and manuals? And what are these "Ukrainian" enclaves in Transcaucasia and the Urals?
  32. +3
    April 8 2014 09: 12
    In delusional ukrov, there can only be a delusional story. Flocks of sheep and complete illiteracy.
    Dukhinsky - complete degenerate. Grushevsky dvoechnik and half-educated.
    Looking at the map, at the beginning of the article, we can say that the era of the darkest Middle Ages has come to Ukraine.
    Yatsenyuk, Zh.I. and Scientologist, CIA agent, like Tymoshenko, Poroshenko. All this rabble of the liquid ghosts leads its rams into the abyss. Dnepropetrovsk, this is the center of Hubbad, Ukraine will become New Khazaria and Israeli citizens will move there. And literate Ukraine will be led by very literate Jude.
    1. mamba
      April 8 2014 12: 10
      Quote: Turkir
      All this rabble of the liquid ghosts leads its rams into the abyss.

      There is such a term: a goat-provocateur. Previously, at every meat-packing plant, there really was a goat who accompanied a group of sheep and rams from a common pen to the room where they were slaughtered. After the delivery of this group, the goat followed the next one through a secret exit. The goat-provocateur calmed the herd and had an official position at the meat processing plant, funds were allocated for its maintenance. He was treated kindly and fed by the staff and perfectly understood the meaning of his work. How similar it is to the current Kiev "winners".
    2. 0
      April 8 2014 16: 46
      Quote: Turkir
      Grushevsky dvoechnik and undergraduate

      Is not his name a street near the Maidan? what
      1. +2
        April 8 2014 18: 48
        Quote: solaco
        Isn't his name near the street near the Maidan

        Historical incident ...
        Like the previous name of Maidan ...
        Like the favorite place of the Russian liberals ... wassat
  33. 3vs
    April 8 2014 09: 12
    Yes, this is a lost generation!

    Everyone forgot that Adam and Eve were Russian! :-)
    Humanity has torn off its roots!
    But the Rurik falcon will bite them in the dark!

    As many theologians predicted the imminent arrival of the antichrist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
    and now the thoughts of an approaching end are becoming ever more alarming.
    War, brother to brother ...
    Damn, even if I could stretch a thousand years, I do not want to witness the sunset of everything.
  34. +2
    April 8 2014 09: 19
    The Germans in the 30s had the same garbage. They invented everything. They drove a line of roofing felts from Hyperborea, or from Atlantis. How they all ended, everyone knows, but they also rewrote the story. It's dangerous to joke with this aunt.
  35. +9
    April 8 2014 09: 19
    And here is a fairy tale too ... but quite believable
  36. +1
    April 8 2014 09: 19
    I didn’t even read it, but anyway I put a plus
  37. Oleg Prophetic
    April 8 2014 09: 21
    The whole article is the true truth in us in Ukraine, this is really done, and the brains in the band_r are clearly out of order when my sister went to the 5th-7th grade, there was a kid who shouted the glory of Ukraine, wearing socks on his palm ..
  38. +3
    April 8 2014 09: 30
    Quote: Oleg prophetic
    The whole article is the true truth in us in Ukraine, this is really done, and the brains in the band_r are clearly out of order when my sister went to the 5th-7th grade, there was a kid who shouted the glory of Ukraine, wearing socks on his palm ..

    seventh grader putting socks on his palm. A cheerful young man. Yes, where is he now? Probably striving for Europe on the Euromaidan. There are such people in high esteem.
    1. Oleg Prophetic
      April 8 2014 09: 48
      he is according to the latest data in 11th grade. Since his sister is 11, only he is at home in Brovary.
  39. +16
    April 8 2014 09: 41
    Yes, that’s where the joke is and you can laugh, but where you want to cry, how did people fool their heads ...

    1. gsg955
      April 8 2014 12: 29
      It looks like a DOWN.
    2. 0
      April 8 2014 15: 41
      In one of the photos, instead of Vl. Belinsky (a pure historian), they showed M. Shaimiev, the former president of Tatarstan.
  40. waisson
    April 8 2014 09: 50
    myth of a green mare - nonsense of a sick person - cries of a drug addict
  41. +1
    April 8 2014 10: 08

    A bit of information from YouTube
  42. their
    April 8 2014 10: 16
    These historical fables were written throughout the CIS by Zionist organizations and the Soros Foundation. MAPA - literally translated from Hebrew - "card".

    Fortunately, they have experience writing fables about the Kingdom of Israel and 2000 years since they were gone. Where they occupy, they come up with history, format and zombify the population with pseudo-history. In today's people of Israel, they sacredly believe in all these fables.

    It is good that Stalin at one time did not give them Crimea for the Israel project, after which he lost his life, and after all they had other options for Uganda and Madagascar.
    1. 0
      April 8 2014 10: 50
      SOROS, worked in Georgia. Now in Ukraine. Only he is an American Jew and he has money from Jewish bankers.
  43. 0
    April 8 2014 10: 17
    Two generations of people have already grown up who do not know any homeland except Ukraine.
    Why two? Either 23, if by "generation" is meant a group of people born in the same year, or one, if we are talking about a stage, a step in descent from a common ancestor (grandfather, father, son, etc.), the length of time between these steps are usually calculated in thirty years. Where did you get such a meaning of the word "generation" to count two, "who do not know any homeland ..."?
    1. +1
      April 8 2014 11: 58
      The generation is 25 years old. This is a scientific term. Two generations, respectively, 50 years. Such things must be known. hi
  44. 0
    April 8 2014 10: 34
    Does nobody really know where Prince Vladimir, the baptist of Russia, ruled? recourse
    Then Moscow, too, wasn’t ...
    1. 0
      April 8 2014 10: 57
      The answer is simple: They do not know and do not want to know.
  45. +1
    April 8 2014 10: 39
    I did not understand at first thought urki
  46. +12
    April 8 2014 10: 58
    This should be Ukraine)
  47. +2
    April 8 2014 11: 15
    Oh, whoa, my God, and indeed, indeed, all without exception were Ukrainians, if such historians were imprisoned, did they bring up a generation of nehts, how can they drive reality now?
  48. Voenruk
    April 8 2014 11: 17
    "map" in the sense of a map - a map? Yes, the Ukrainian MOV is eloquent. Admit it already that we are one people.
  49. The comment was deleted.
  50. 0
    April 8 2014 11: 24
    Quote: Canep
    If you stick the historical map of Russia with the same glue, then its borders will be from the Rhine to Colorado, inclusive. And this map will be a map of the province of Malorosia, such a Russia will include all the states of Eastern Europe, Germany and Italy, because Etruks lived there at one time, and in Germany there is the city of Rostock.

    All these are our sought-after lands and this is not the whole list. I won’t write everything, otherwise they will fall and may start to move with the mind, but they don’t have it. drinks
  51. ren1999
    April 8 2014 11: 29
    To be honest, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about here. Russia from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean is and has been inhabited by Russians. But if you look at it, there is so much mixed in us that you are simply amazed, but no one cares about WE ARE RUSSIAN. And we don’t need anything else, no other self-identification.
    And our history has been rewritten many times. But now there is a storehouse of wisdom - Wikipedia. There is truth in it. )
    People of the older generation will not let me lie that before all this turmoil-perestroika, Ukrainians were Ukrainians in the same way as Moldovans were Moldovans, and Armenians were Armenians, but we all spoke the same language, because we all lived in one STATE - the USSR. Moreover, it didn’t matter where the Ukrainian was from Ivano-Frankovsk or Voroshilovgrad, the exception, however, was Crimea, Crimeans lived there.
    Do Ukrainians need a consolidating idea? Needed. As do we, especially now, when we need to unite. Where can I get it? This is where glorification and lies and fraud come from. And the removal of all sorts of fascist fetters from oblivion is done with the main goal of distancing Ukraine from Russia as far as possible. Here, all means are good for those who call the tune.
    Who orders it?...
    Therefore, what the hell does it matter who came from whom, as long as it was not needed for destruction, separation, dismemberment?
  52. +2
    April 8 2014 11: 30
    Hmm... I just saw the light. Ancient Ukrainians are strong. Now the hatred of Banderlogs for Russia is clear, they were taught this from the cradle.
  53. dimitro8757
    April 8 2014 11: 41
    Good article, upvote
  54. +3
    April 8 2014 11: 57
    One Maidan survivor from Khabarovsk presented me with a whole theory that the lands from Khabarovsk to the Pacific Ocean were previously inhabited by Ukrainians and these are their lands... What can you answer, including this article, just twist your finger at your temple!
  55. +3
    April 8 2014 12: 05

    planet ukraine
  56. +2
    April 8 2014 12: 47
    If the non-herbivorous dinosaur hissed in response to the growl of a predatory dinosaur, the lard-predator did not eat it. recourse
  57. +2
    April 8 2014 13: 17
    I wonder what awaits this.
  58. ANDI
    April 8 2014 13: 43
  59. Kostya pedestrian
    April 8 2014 13: 51
    Thanks to the author. I was especially amused by the “Ukrainian” grammar.
    So they write “Bilorusini” Because you want me to understand:

    -Are we blue, or are we still white?

    Well, put the .ru domain in the middle of the link. After this, it’s hard to believe that the parents of the founders of Google were Ukrainians, rather Russians or Belarusians.

    PiS: there is a proposal to rename Ukraine the Middle, as in Tolken’s book “The Lord of the Rings”
  60. +3
    April 8 2014 13: 52
    Adolf Aloizovich Hitler also spent a lot of resources on mythologizing German history and proving the exclusivity of the German people.... It’s a pity that the Ukrainians forgot what these efforts amounted to....
  61. +4
    April 8 2014 14: 31
    The more delusional the delirium, the more it becomes stronger in consciousness. And one more thing: the more flawed the people are, the more they think of themselves.
  62. Natulya
    April 8 2014 14: 35
    It would be funny if it weren't so sad. My three daughters studied at a Ukrainian school. It’s good that all my textbooks from school were preserved. We lived in Azerbaijan at one time and my parents bought all the textbooks for me. Naturally, no one asked me to turn them in at the end of the year. My girls read history books with interest. We wondered why they don’t go through all this in school now. The youngest is now in 11th grade. It’s good that the school is Russian. Teaching in Russian. You will read "At Lukomorye" in Ukrainian. My middle one studied at the lyceum and the education was in Ukrainian. Now my daughters are envied by their friends. They accepted Russian citizenship because I am a citizen of the Russian Federation. Oh, and we got on our nerves at the local OVIR. My residence permit expires in August 2014. Where to go? I can't imagine. I won’t renew - that’s for sure.
  63. Dromac
    April 8 2014 14: 43
    There is no Ukraine. There are former Poles in the West (those territories that the USSR inherited from Poland) and Polish Russians. Yes, these are, for the most part, strangers to us. The rest of the territory of Ukraine is Russians with their own dialect, dialect..... My goodness, in Krasnodar I was eating on a drunken bench, my wife’s acquaintance called me. Central Russia for almost all southerners is .
  64. +4
    April 8 2014 15: 28
    And they also have an “outstanding historian”, a certain Vl. Belinsky, who is so wet that even terry Western liberals fall from their chairs, I quote: “The world’s first Constitution was invented by the Ukrainians, and it was written by Palypa Orlik, in whose honor then they named Orly airport in Paris" - well, how do you like Pearl?
  65. ivachum
    April 8 2014 16: 19
    “As a result, they have a wild kaleidoscope in their heads: from the “ancient Ukrainians” who fought with Ancient Rome, and the “combat hopak”; the Russian ethnic group, which was formed on the territory of the Golden Horde and is a genetic continuation of the Horde, when the Russians are a mixture of Finno- Ugrians and Turks (Mongols) with a small influx of Slavs; constant pressure from Muscovy, which gradually “occupied” Ukraine; the “heroic struggle” of the Ukrainian people for liberation from “colonial oppression”; victory in 1991; “heroic” fighters of the SS division “Galicia” " etc."

    Just publish the “Ost” plan... There, a place was determined for “Svidomo”... am
  66. +1
    April 8 2014 16: 26
    It's time to order a globe of Ukraine! ))))
  67. +1
    April 8 2014 16: 28
    insanity grows stronger
  68. Arh
    April 8 2014 17: 14
    Ukraine is the outskirts of Rus', the Principality! Russians lived and live on the outskirts of Russia and they spoke Russian. There is no nationality: Ukrainian is Western Russian, the same thing is Macedonian is Greek! The Austrians forced Western Russians (Ukrainians) to speak with Polish words, and those who did not want to speak in a foreign language were punished, and this is how the Ukrainian language appeared! But still in the West the Russian language has been preserved, the example of Russina! ! ! * * *
  69. 0
    April 8 2014 17: 21
    if you look at it this way, the history of Russia was also rewritten by the same Germans. At the head of histographic science are the same Germans and Jews who tried to separate Rus' (Russia) as much as possible from the nomadic peoples who inhabited its territory (Sarmatians, Huns, Scythians). Meanwhile, Rus' was very close to the nomadic peoples inhabiting its territory.
    1. 0
      April 10 2014 09: 37
      Quote: Aldo
      if you look at it this way, the history of Russia was also rewritten by the same Germans. At the head of histographic science are the same Germans and Jews who tried to separate Rus' (Russia) as much as possible from the nomadic peoples who inhabited its territory (Sarmatians, Huns, Scythians). Meanwhile, Rus' was very close to the nomadic peoples inhabiting its territory.

      Do not talk nonsense. Rus' has nothing to do with nomadic peoples and it began from the sea and rivers and does not originate from the territory of modern Russia, Ukraine or Belarus.
      And the very presence of a clearly defined sedentary civilization and way of life indicates the impossibility of kinship with the nomadic hordes.
  70. +1
    April 8 2014 17: 25
    Quote: Canep
    If you stick the historical map of Russia with the same glue, then its borders will be from the Rhine to Colorado, inclusive. And this map will be a map of the province of Malorosia, such a Russia will include all the states of Eastern Europe, Germany and Italy, because Etruks lived there at one time, and in Germany there is the city of Rostock.

    You forgot to mention a small village (in ancient times) on the banks of a European river - Berlin was called (emphasis on the "e")....
  71. Artem1967
    April 8 2014 18: 14
    It’s like you have to be stoned to talk nonsense about “ukra”! It will be hard for them to wake up!
  72. +3
    April 8 2014 18: 36
    Quote: GDP
    Some facts about the genetic difference between Russians and Ukrainians

    on average in Russia:
    East Slavic marker - r1a1 - 90-47% (he is Aryan or Indo-European)
    South Slavic marker - about 10%
    Balto Finnish marker - n1c1 - okloo 20%

    in Ukraine:
    East Slavic marker - r1a1 - 80-53%
    South Slavic marker - about 10%
    Balto Finnish marker - n1c1 - okloo 10%

    If we talk about the Turkic halogen group, then for Ukrainians it is 6% for Russians 3%

    moreover, if we take the genetic portrait not in Russia as a whole, but from Moscow to the Kuban, then there is a coincidence with the DNA structure between Russians and Ukrainians - almost 100%

    I would like to clarify - N1c1 is a marker of the Novgorodians and Baltic Slavs. Not to be confused with eels!
    1. 0
      April 10 2014 09: 38
      Quote: Ross
      I would like to clarify - N1c1 is a marker of the Novgorodians and Baltic Slavs. Not to be confused with eels!

      This is a marker of the Finns and Scandinavians. In Finland itself, the vast majority of the population has this haplogroup.
  73. Gambit0
    April 8 2014 18: 49
    Excellent article. It’s all true, the enemy captured the ancient Russian city of Kyiv.
  74. +2
    April 8 2014 19: 39
    The article is good, truthful, that’s obvious. At the same time, reading materials on this issue and in connection with the return of our Crimea, I ask myself the question “Why was it not possible to fool the inhabitants of the peninsula?” After all, at least two generations appeared there too. Whose credit is it that they greeted the reunion with tears of joy?
  75. DMB-78
    April 8 2014 20: 02
    and after all, someone received academic titles for such nonsense. Did you even believe it yourself?
  76. 0
    April 8 2014 20: 17
    Some Ukrainian scientists have even agreed that Jesus Christ was Ukrainian! The Bible was written in Kyiv and Jerusalem was also not far from Kyiv.
    There would be a desire to turn it upside down, but “scientists” would immediately appear. A historian is an even more ancient profession than the one known to everyone.
  77. teod999
    April 8 2014 20: 27
    The author of the article is surprised by the Ukrainians’ desire to construct myths. Man lives by symbols; any territory, having acquired borders, first of all creates symbols - myths of “your dear and beloved self.” This is fine. And here in a strong, self-confident Russia, government agencies are working on this. But Russian myths are creative, they do not mainly seek enemies. Although, I don’t know how in the current textbooks of Russian history, but in my time the Mongol-Tatars - in full accordance with the imposed European myth - were turned into monsters devoid of all humanity. Thank God, L. Gumilyov was found and I was able to read him in adulthood.
    The problem is that the “Ukrainians” are weak, they received statehood unexpectedly, and the easiest way of self-identification is destructive: to smear all their close neighbors, especially the weakened empire, in crap and blame it for their pitiful present and unpromising future. In fact, it is a teenage inferiority complex. Scoffing in this case will only make the situation worse. It's better to sympathize and wait. The hormonal imbalance goes away and a hangover, gloomy morning sets in.
    1. ren1999
      April 8 2014 23: 54
      Continuing your comparison. A hangover morning can come in a cell, in captivity...
      I'm sorry and sympathize.
    2. 0
      April 10 2014 09: 47
      Quote: teod999
      Thank God, L. Gumilyov was found and I was able to read him in adulthood.

      Gumilev is a false historian, and his “peisania” is a mockery of historical science. Gumilevism is disgusting and extremely dangerous.
  78. tokin1959
    April 8 2014 20: 51
    the distortion of history began under the ghoul Yushchenko.
    God even marked this freak, but it didn’t reach the Ukrainians.
  79. The comment was deleted.
  80. Alexandr0id
    April 8 2014 21: 21
    There is trouble with history everywhere. Look, in the same Belarus they came up with a fairy tale about the Belarusian Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It seems like the Lithuanians are not involved there either. Everyone wants a great story for themselves; if there is no great story of their own, then why not appropriate someone else’s.
  81. Simonov
    April 8 2014 21: 29
    Quote: dmitriygorshkov
    Quote: rasputin17
    "Ancient Ukrainians" - GRAVE MALE !! Designed for downs from the sinking and written by themselves !!

    Not many have heard about this, but schizanut ukrucheny With the support of 3,14 scientists (well, without them!) In the early 90s, they actively picked the ground in Kiev as well. The task was to find at least some artifacts that were at least snot (there’s nothing to stick there!), one could stick Ukrov to the theory of antiquity.
    Do you know why this is unknown to the general public? That's right! They didn’t find it! (Like a cat in a dark room ....)
    I advise you to read A. Bushkov on the topic of Kievan Rus. He not only sculpts cheap militants, there the arguments are well-reasoned and supported by both the original sources and common sense!
    PSO antiquities Ukrov (how stupid it must be to not see this!)
    The fact that even the card they have "MAPA" speaks eloquently, now to prove their independence they will switch to the Latin alphabet! It's like a psychiatric patient to prove his normality will gobble up a piece of shit !!!

    You cannot even comprehend the entire abyss of “scientific” ukromaziness.
    The joke about bitten apples has deep historical, even prehistoric roots. Even biblical roots.
    Remember why Adam was expelled from Paradise?
    Yes, I bit all the apples in the Garden of Eden. Historical fact.
    So what is Adam's nationality?
  82. 0
    April 8 2014 21: 33
    Quote: Free Wind
    Whether we like it or not, there is Ukraine. And this is not a project of the USSR. Author read the story. Have you heard the name of Bogdan Khmelnitsky? Have you heard about the reunification of Ukraine and Russia? So Ukraine was, while there is, but will it be? It is a pity the people of Ukraine.

    But have you seen the borders of THAT UKRAINE? Then to the globe! Draw and find! I am for Ukraine within the borders of 1654!
  83. Litvin from Grodno
    April 8 2014 22: 19
    Quote: Alexandr0id
    There is trouble with history everywhere. Look, in the same Belarus they came up with a fairy tale about the Belarusian Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It seems like the Lithuanians are not involved there either. Everyone wants a great story for themselves; if there is no great story of their own, then why not appropriate someone else’s.

    I want to remind people like YOU a little historical truth. As my wife, a candidate of historical sciences, always says: “Ancient (or so-called at the suggestion of some “Moscow historians” of the 19th century - Kievan) Rus', ONE OF WHICH KIEV WAS ONE OF THE CENTERS, has NO relation to modern Ukraine, except for part of the territory.” This is one of the state formations (not even states in modern terms) of the Eastern Slavs who colonized this territory along with other tribes - closely related to the Baltic and Finno-Ugric Slavs. After the Great March of Genghis and Batu, the cultivated lands, conventionally related to modern Ukraine, were devastated - a colossal population loss, decline in productive forces, destroyed cities, tribute to the Mongols and COMPLETE ASS. The situation CHANGED ROOTLY after the prince of the Litvinians-Belarusians Olgerd, together with his nephews, defeated the Mongol army in 1362 at the Battle of Blue Waters and almost the entire territory of modern Ukraine became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Zhamoit. (Just do not confuse, PLEASE, the modern Republic of Lithuania with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which has practically NO relation to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, except in 1413 after the catastrophic defeat of the Teutonic Order by Vytautas near Grunwald, the local princes of Zhmudi (or Zhamoitia - this is the correct name of modern Lithuania and its people ) voluntarily and finally swore allegiance to Vytautas the Great, and the lands of Zhmudi (Zhamoitia) finally went to the GRAND DUCHY OF LITHUANIA, RUSSIAN AND ZHAMOITS with its capital in the city of Vilna (now Vilnius). The city is located near the junction of the rivers Viliya and Vilna (Vilnya, Vilenka , Vileika). The city received its name from the Vilna River, which the Krivichi meant, and then in the Old Belarusian language - free. The Slavic origin of the city's name is indisputable). Thanks to the inclusion of these lands into the VKLRZh, the population from the territory of the so-called Kievan Rus practically did not pay tribute to the Mongols, and although there were a few raids, they did not cause catastrophic damage. It was thanks to us, the Lithuanian-Belarusians, that the foundation was created for the revival of the population, the development of production and culture of the former Kievan Rus - and before UNITED UKRAINE in all respects it was like “like before the moon on a turtle.” By the way, MODERN LITHUANIA HISTORIANS ARE THE SAME SHAMELESS LIARS AND FATS AS THEIR “UKRAINIAN COLLEAGUES.” INSTEAD OF THE ZHAMOITS, THEY BEGAN TO CALL THEMSELVES LITHUANIANS AT THE END OF THE 19TH CENTURY, STEALING FROM US, BELARUSIANS, OUR TRUE NAME – “LITVINS” AND OUR GLORIOUS HISTORY, WHICH WAS NOT CREATED BY THE PETITE SMALL BALTIC TRIBES OF THE JAMOITS AND AUK SHTAITOV, AND KRIVICHI, RADIMICHI, DREGOVICHI AND ITS LIKE THEM DR. EAST SLAVIC TRIBES.
    And the whole question is that there have never been “BELARUSIANS”, and not “LITVINS”. The term Belarusians was coined by Catherine II during the division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the annexation of its eastern part - the VKLRZh - to the Russian Empire. That’s when they used the term “All Great Little and White Rus'...” in the title of your empress.

  84. Litvin from Grodno
    April 8 2014 22: 28
    And one more thing, dear Alexandr0id. The state-forming people or the titular nation of the VKLRW were precisely the Slavs, whose culture was dominant in all relations and spheres of human activity on the territory of this state, from culture to military affairs. The state language was the so-called Old Belarusian language, which, dear Alexandr0id, was one of the international languages ​​of Europe at that time; it was one of the languages ​​in which the Vatican corresponded with the rulers of Eastern European kingdoms and principalities. As for the Jamoits (modern Lithuanians), the WRITTEN LANGUAGE
  85. Grandfather Victor
    April 8 2014 23: 31
    “A strategy and practical actions are needed to restore the “Russianness” of Little Russia.” The project can be successful if only it is recognized and confirmed in practical politics that Russia is, first of all, a state of Russians!
  86. Litvin from Grodno
    April 8 2014 23: 40
    Quote: Litvin from Grodno
    And one more thing, dear Alexandr0id. The state-forming people or the titular nation of the VKLRW were precisely the Slavs, whose culture was dominant in all relations and spheres of human activity on the territory of this state, from culture to military affairs. The state language was the so-called Old Belarusian language, which, dear Alexandr0id, was one of the international languages ​​of Europe at that time; it was one of the languages ​​in which the Vatican corresponded with the rulers of Eastern European kingdoms and principalities. As for the Jamoits (modern Lithuanians), their WRITTEN LANGUAGE appeared in the second half of the 19th (nineteenth) century. Think about it!!! And Novogrudok (the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the second - Vilnya (in Russian - Vilno), not "Vilnius") was one of the 3 centers of formation of the Lithuanian-Belarusian ethnic group, along with Polotsk and Turov. One of the 3 (three) St. Sophia Cathedrals on the territory of the Eastern Slavs was built in Polotsk. I was also in Novgorod and Kyiv. And don’t immediately drag Novgorod into your picture - this is an independent state, conquered and annexed to Muscovy by Ivan the Terrible. So, St. Sophia was allowed to be built only by the Emperor of Byzantium, not even the patriarch. And the “Statute of the ON” (emphasis on the “U”) - in fact, the first constitution in the Western world was also written by Litvins. And about the Kulikovo field, which you Muscovites for some reason credit to your account. Read, for starters, where actually the third part of the army, led by several Olgerdovichs, came to you.
    And also, gentlemen Russians, please return to us, Lithuanians-Belarusians, our “historical heritage”, brought to the Russian Empire and the RSFSR at different times, which is now stored in your special storage facilities and archives. And also, give us back Vilnia, Kovno and Troki - cities founded by the Krivichi and Dregovichi, in which, until World War 1, Belarusians made up at least 70% of the population. On October 10, 1939, a national tragedy happened for us, Belarusians - Stalin signed a decree on the transfer of the Vilna region to the Lithuanian Republic, although there was no need for this. According to the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Lithuania was already assigned to the USSR and the issue of its occupation was a matter of time. For some reason, Stalin did not give Estonia its historical lands located in the RSFSR?
    You can talk a lot about the history of the All-Russian Communist League and the Moscow Principality, including about your Great Russian chauvinistic myths, which began to be written by the court clerks of Ivan III. But please don’t touch what you don’t even have a green idea about - I’m talking about the history of MY STATE, WHICH IS NOW CALLED BELARUS. Come to Belarus, visit museums in Grodno, Nesvizh, Mir, Novogrudok, Kamenets, Polotsk, talk to our professors from the Academy of Sciences, BSU, GrSU, BrSU - these are the smartest people who, unlike the “modern Ukrainian scumbag historians” they invent “the ravings of madmen,” but use purely scientific methods and describe historical facts recorded in material sources of antiquity.
    Goodbye, Alexandr0id. Nothing personal, I just don’t have much time to write.
    Greetings to all “Russian” tankers from a “Belarusian” colleague (started in the Western Civil War of the USSR and graduated from the Far Eastern Military District of the Russian Federation). As they say, victory follows the trail of tanks!!!
    1. ren1999
      April 9 2014 00: 13
      What do you mean? Yes, about the same thing as the figures of historical science of Ukraine, Russia and .... the Third Reich that you modestly criticize - about the exclusivity of the nation. Cool down, all of you! I repeat, all your research is needed in order to separate. And the “Russian” tank crews don’t need your curtseys, as from another representative of God’s chosen nation.
      Hello scientist wife.
  87. Litvin from Grodno
    April 8 2014 23: 42
    And one more thing, dear Alexandr0id. The state-forming people or the titular nation of the VKLRW were precisely the Slavs, whose culture was dominant in all relations and spheres of human activity on the territory of this state, from art to military affairs. The state language was the so-called Old Belarusian language, which, dear Alexandr0id, was one of the international languages ​​of Europe at that time. It was one of the languages ​​in which the Vatican corresponded with the rulers of Eastern European kingdoms and principalities. As for the ZHAMOYTS (i.e. modern “LITHUNIANS”), their WRITTEN LANGUAGE appeared in the second half of the 19th (nineteenth) century. Think about it!!! And Novogrudok (the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the second - Vilnya (in Russian - Vilno), not "Vilnius") was one of the 3 centers of formation of the Lithuanian-Belarusian ethnic group, along with Polotsk and Turov. One of the 3 (three) St. Sophia Cathedrals on the territory of the Eastern Slavs was built in Polotsk. I was also in Novgorod and Kyiv. And don’t immediately drag Novgorod into your picture - this is an independent state, conquered and annexed to Muscovy by Ivan the Terrible. So, St. Sophia was allowed to be built only by the Emperor of Byzantium, not even the patriarch. And the “Statute of the ON” (emphasis on the “U”) - in fact, the first constitution in the Western world was also written by Litvins. And about the Kulikovo field, which you Muscovites for some reason credit to your account. Read, for starters, where actually the third part of the army, led by several Olgerdovichs, came to you.
    And also, gentlemen Russians, please return to us, Lithuanians-Belarusians, our “historical heritage”, brought to the Russian Empire and the RSFSR at different times, which is now stored in your special storage facilities and archives. And also, give us back Vilnia, Kovno and Troki - cities founded by the Krivichi and Dregovichi, in which, until World War 1, Belarusians made up at least 70% of the population. On October 10, 1939, a national tragedy happened for us, Belarusians - Stalin signed a decree on the transfer of the Vilna region to the Lithuanian Republic, although there was no need for this. According to the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Lithuania was already assigned to the USSR and the issue of its occupation was a matter of time. For some reason, Stalin did not give Estonia its historical lands located in the RSFSR?
    You can talk a lot about the history of the All-Russian Communist League and the Moscow Principality, including about your Great Russian chauvinistic myths, which began to be written by the court clerks of Ivan III. But please don’t touch what you don’t even have a green idea about - I’m talking about the history of MY STATE, WHICH IS NOW CALLED BELARUS. Come to Belarus, visit museums in Grodno, Nesvizh, Mir, Novogrudok, Kamenets, Polotsk, talk to our professors from the Academy of Sciences, BSU, GrSU, BrSU - these are the smartest people who, unlike the “modern Ukrainian scumbag historians” they invent “the ravings of madmen,” but use purely scientific methods and describe historical facts recorded in material sources of antiquity.
    Goodbye, Alexandr0id. Nothing personal, I just don’t have much time to write. And “Belarus” is spelled “Belorussia”, “Grand Duchy of Lithuania” - Grand Duchy of Lithuania. For example, you won’t like it when ignoramuses or rabid half-pirates from the UPA, UNA-UNSO write “Russia” instead of Russia. Don’t be like them, because in reality you are already on the wrong path.
    Greetings to all “Russian” tankers from a “Belarusian” colleague (started in the Western Civil War of the USSR and graduated from the Far Eastern Military District of the Russian Federation). As they say, victory follows the trail of tanks!!!
  88. 0
    April 8 2014 23: 56
    Quote: Orik
    This is a map from their history book ...
    Oooh, maybe I should buy something as a souvenir lol You can read like an exciting blockbuster, how Ukraine bent everyone until 2014.
  89. Chapay
    April 9 2014 00: 25
    Alexander thank you very much for the article! Brilliant comparison with orcs!
  90. 0
    April 9 2014 06: 52
    How was it possible to squeeze the whole of UKRAINE into one CHAMBER No. 6??????
  91. NBN
    April 9 2014 12: 13
    Look at Ukraine and then at Russia. There are a lot of similar processes. Using Ukraine as an example, it is necessary to proactively eliminate the liberal mines that were laid in Russia. The same history, education, “reform” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, courts, the deputy corps, gubernatorial posts occupied by oligarchs. And in Russia we have formed a powerful pro-Western fifth column...
    We need to learn from the mistakes of our younger brother, otherwise we will get our own bumps.
  92. Conrat83
    April 9 2014 13: 11

    Nursultan Nazarbayev about borderless Ukraine

    For 23 years they were rushing around with their independence, but they forgot to register the borders!
    They wrote a bunch of historical waste paper, but they didn’t have the brains to write a piece of paper to the UN.
  93. rezident
    April 9 2014 13: 24
    It’s hard to say that all nations are not alien to exalting themselves; the Russians in the 90s also stood out for this if you remember all the leftists and Akhineviches. And you pulled out the most delusional thoughts from that region and are trying to denigrate a people who had the courage not to consider themselves Russian and behave independently of Russia.
    1. koshh
      April 9 2014 19: 33
      Quote: rezident
      And you pulled out the most delusional thoughts from that region and are trying to denigrate a people who had the courage not to consider themselves Russian and behave independently of Russia.

      Anecdotal story: Crimea. The Ukrainian military unit is surrounded by silent people in green uniforms. “Hey, Ukrainians, surrender!” In response, “The Russians don’t give up!”
  94. 0
    April 9 2014 16: 04

    The idea of ​​​​creating a country as a bludgeon for global Khazaria. No matter what you do, but still against Russia!
  95. vinik1996
    April 9 2014 19: 05
    Who left the madhouse unlocked? wassat
  96. gene
    April 9 2014 19: 47
    Countries that have emerged recently are urgently writing their own history. Azerbaijan also fought with Alexander the Great and Ancient Rome in ancient times, and they themselves descended from the Sumerians.
  97. 0
    April 9 2014 21: 13
    Quote: dmitriygorshkov
    Quote: andrey903
    Zapadentsy in appearance and mentality is a mixture of gypsies, Romanians and Poles

    The other day I read a seemingly quite scientific study. There it is described that the Zapadents according to the GENOCODE are Celts mixed with Jewish blood. The historical reasons for this formation were also described. It seems to be true!

    Here it is written about it
  98. 0
    April 9 2014 22: 29
    Thanks to the author of the article - he laughed so hard that you could probably hear it on the street. These “scientists” have had their places in the psychiatric hospital reserved for 10 years. Is it really possible to fool people like that? In short: not all the patients were taken away by the war. This is hilarious!!!
  99. electromatros
    April 9 2014 23: 54
    This article is a crazy bunch of letters. For those illiterates whose awareness begins and ends with the zombie box. There are no ukrov in textbooks. The Russian media made this up. And the map attached to the article was clearly drawn with humor. And I have never met fascists anywhere.
    Everything is more banal and simpler! Citizens of Ukraine do not want the POLICE model of the state that Yakunevich and Azirov built. And with which the citizens of the Russian Federation are satisfied. If you like it - good luck! But why grumble so maliciously when your neighbor’s house is on fire? After all, when we look at your floods, fires, terrorists and plane crashes, we sincerely worry. Everyone remembers Chechnya, and no one gloats. And then you read this...
    There is no anger towards Putin. The right politician would have acted the same way. But how can one reproach “our own people, Russians who have lost their way” with independence, when the people who destroyed the Union are still alive and occupy certain positions? Should we sell gas at unimaginable tariffs to our “brothers”? So they're not brothers...
    Your propaganda has not changed since the Soviet era. NATO, USA! Yes, on all strategic issues it is necessary to consult with the United States and the European Union. Because there is only one completely independent country in the world - the USA. All small states cannot conduct an isolated foreign and domestic policy, otherwise this (naturally) threatens to isolate the country, the laws and concepts of which do not correspond to world foundations and standards. Russia only recently expelled American experts and consultants on privatization, business and other topics. You can’t even assemble an engine for a Tu-204 or Duper-Super without consultations and technical cooperation.
    In short, I feel sorry for the people who are so easily confused and angry at the rest of the WORLD. Stay human, come and visit. No one offended a Russian either in Crimea or in the Carpathians.
    1. NBN
      April 10 2014 16: 13
      Quote: electromatros

      Everything is more banal and simpler! Citizens of Ukraine do not want the POLICE model of the state that Yakunevich and Azirov built. And with which the citizens of the Russian Federation are satisfied.

      For some reason, I can’t remember a single comment where it was said on behalf of the Russians that they like S. Ranukovich as the head of Ukraine, as a politician, or even just as a man. Please provide a link if you found it online.
      Quote: electromatros
      But why grumble so maliciously when your neighbor’s house is on fire? After all, when we look at your floods, fires, terrorists and plane crashes, we sincerely worry. Everyone remembers Chechnya, and no one gloats. And then you read this...

      In most comments (there is a black sheep in the family (goblin, troll)) they generally write that the threshold of our house is on fire and needs to be extinguished. Let me draw your attention - in our home, we still consider Ukraine our native land and therefore we discuss this topic so much and strongly, and sometimes too heatedly

      Quote: electromatros
      But how can you reproach “our own people, Russians but lost” with independence,

      I recently discussed this topic with my daughter. She is so independent, but she always needs my money for independence.

      Quote: electromatros
      Should we sell gas at unimaginable tariffs to our “brothers”? So they're not brothers...

      See line above. Independent people who buy goods pay money, not promises like: someday, at the price that I say, I may pay. For now, you are not buying, but taking gas.

      Quote: electromatros
      Russia only recently expelled American experts and consultants on privatization, business and other topics.

      This is our problem. They also gave us a hard punch in the gut, we just keep straightening up, it would be nice if the bros would help, but for now they are shouting “yayuk to gilyak.” Helps a lot :)
      Quote: electromatros
      You can’t even assemble an engine for a Tu-204 or Duper-Super without consultations and technical cooperation.

      For these engines you get 15 billion dollars and a lot of jobs and a lot of people feed on it. And the factories where you build them, after the war, oh how your brothers helped you build them, and oh how they taught you a lot. Read the materials of yesterday's meeting with Putin - we will build our own factories and make them ourselves. We are already making helicopter engines. What did the Independent gain from this?

      Quote: electromatros
      In short, I feel sorry for the people who are so easily confused and angry at the rest of the WORLD.

      Is this about Ukraine? You Ivans, who don’t remember your kinship. Or rather, those who forgot him in just 20 years.
  100. +1
    April 10 2014 02: 33
    You, brothers, are bursting with ecology! Read the author's article, there is also a lot of nonsense in there. Let's be objective! What does Ukrainian mean - the language of orcs? The Ukrainian language is more consonant with the Slavic than our modern one; if you want to be convinced, travel through the Slavic countries. It is a fact! Yes, one of the interpretations is that Ukraine is at the edge, at the border of the country. Those areas that were called Ukraine were on the border of Kievan Rus! Let's remember where Rus' came from!!! Huge blame for what is happening in Ukraine lies with us. Will explain. Through our fault (including) the collapse of the USSR occurred, and Yeltsin - this pro-American, with the no less bestial ruling elite of the republics at that time, as well as the still living, shitty bastard Gorbaty - took the country to pieces . Then, for 23 years, American agents of influence imposed on the youth their position and vision of the world. And we were silent again! During this time, an entire generation of young people was intoxicated by Ovish nationalist propaganda. And we have such people - Navalny and company (I almost forgot the toad Novodvorskaya)! Therefore, once again - UKRAINIANS ARE OUR BROTHERS! Oh, that cockerel that seized power and those like them are not our brothers, they are Ov’s!!!
    And yet, many of those crazy Maidan youth have fathers and mothers, and they are against the position (read jump) of their children! This does not justify anyone, but it is true!