Mikhail Zadornov: History and Latin

Mikhail Zadornov: History and LatinFirst of all, I want to express my deepest gratitude to Alexander Gordon, who with his desire to shame our history Awakened to her serious interest. I understand that he wanted to cringe over our Slavic past, which suddenly began to seep out of the ground, like living water. And it turned out the opposite! Although nobody really proved anything in this program, it is still being watched on You Tube. Parents write me thanks like: “Our son, thank you, became interested in the story!” The magic show! It seemed to hide some mystery. Nobody knows that she recorded three and a half hours, and only a third went on the air! All the most evidence was cut. And, frankly, for the better.

First of all, intrigue was formed by itself: it seems like Zadornov knows something, but what exactly is incomprehensible. Secondly, and I think Sasha Gordon is right about that - knowledge that I wanted to tell about then has a dangerous, reverse side. Once again, they can be misinterpreted and adopted by unprepared people. And such, unfortunately, while the majority.

The time has passed, many sincerely began to look for a way to the truth. They understood that democracy and business are false religions. Maybe for this the Soviet Union should have collapsed so that the curve would come out for everyone to see. And I think that some secrets can already be opened.
So, the first secret (however, for many it is no longer a secret). The history of Russia, which is studied in schools and in institutes, has been welded by a German academic even under Catherine II. The Empress was German. The German courtyard indulged her and honored everything German. The people, on the contrary, in honor of the Germans who flooded both Russian capitals, called cockroaches Prussians! Like, climb from all the cracks. Such worthy Russian people as Mikhail Lomonosov or Ekaterina Dashkova rarely broke through to the top of Russian science. But they could not do anything against the great Empress.
The first history textbooks in Russia were made by the Bayer Academy (it would have been better if he started inventing aspirin even then), without knowing Russia and the Russian people, Bayer, Schlözer and Miller were simply translated into Russian ... the German history textbooks they studied in Germany! Tarakany yard approved, "praised these works." That was the beginning of the official historical falsehood.
Lomonosov could not resist and at one of the meetings of the Academic Council he gave a scent to someone from this Prussian troika. Well done, Mikhail Vasilich! Our boy! The offender was afraid to answer him there in a manly way. Illegitimate! Sued. The lawsuit he wrote best proves how he knew Russian: he accused Lomonosov of breaking his nose! It is a pity that he did not add: “Mikhail gave in the haylo”. Here, perhaps, this was the only small victory of the Slavic truth in the matter of Germanizing Russian history. The great Russian historian Karamzin, a low bow to him for the “History of the Russian State”, was already forced to submit to the generally accepted point of view. The Romanovs by then were all Germans. Who does not believe, look at their family tree.
In addition to the German textbooks, Bayer, Schlözer, Miller also referred to the chronicle of Nestor. But they took from it only those passages that did not contradict their strategic plan. Such chronicles as Ipatievskaya, Novgorodskaya and others declared non-canonical. That is something like the television producers did with the recording of the Gordonkihot program: they cut out the essence that did not fit in the canon format. We must also take into account that Nestor was a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. He treated the pagan past as the Democrats today are of the Soviet time. Between the Muscovites and the Khokhlov, even then, disputes began because of the eternal problem - who is older and who should pay tribute to whom? Here is the result! We, Russians, are learning from the annals of the Ukrainians edited by the Germans! Fine? All the same, that today our history will be ordered by Americans to write to Georgians, and Fursenko will introduce it in schools.
Now add the following to what has been said ... In Russia, each new government has always cut out from the history what it does not please. How many such “abortions” have been done over the centuries? We, the Slavs, are special masochists - with special pleasure we scoff and cross out all the past. We demolish monuments, rename the streets, drown the gods in the rivers ... The Greeks - they are Orthodox too - all their pagan gods still feel great in museums. And tourists are pleased! Although no particular morality. They ate children and entered into intercourse with anyone, anywhere, and some even reproductive organs were bitten off from their ancestors ... And the Slavic gods on their background, like Soviet cartoon characters against the background of American comics.
Since the Second World War and the century has not passed. The participants in the war are still alive, and most in the world no longer know that the Americans entered the war only at the last stage, fearing that the Soviet Red Army itself would deal with Germany and, freeing all of Europe, would make it communist. But the most out of this rotten thing is that even our Slavs, and they believed in the programs and articles blackening the Soviet military leaders. Why are we surprised that our story is misleading if we don’t care about it ourselves? Over sixty years, it was rebuilt by Western PR specialists. And now think that with our byliu have done in the world for several thousand years. Yes, yes ... It is for a few thousand! The same Mikhailo Lomonosov asserted that the history of the Slavs is at least two thousand years older than the Germans claim.
Oh well. Lomonosov, Tatishchev, Shishkov and even Derzhavin can easily be accused of Slavophilism, and with this they should be erased from their history works. But ... you can hardly blame the ancient chroniclers for excessive love for the Russians.
The names of historians are well known - Tacitus, Pliny, Strabo, Polybius, the father of the history of Herodot ... For some reason, no one pays attention that even they mentioned our ancestors in their chronicles.
I am often asked the question: "Why is there no information about the Slavs in ancient manuscripts, if they are really an ancient people?" Only some do not want to carefully read these works, others do not want to read anything at all. Believe telegordon and showvidzam!
I cannot cite all the passages of the chronicles of each of these ancient history recorders. Whoever wants, he will find and read what interests him. I just try to summarize what I myself was pleasantly surprised. Yes, the word "Slavs" in those ancient times was not. But this does not mean that there was no people themselves. If, however, to summarize the information of the ancient chroniclers of Rome and Greece, we can draw the following conclusion:
Long before the formation of Greece and especially of Rome, different peoples lived to the north, which were called differently. But they all understood each other without translators, worshiped very similar gods ... They were blond, blue-eyed. We lived in wooden houses along the banks of rivers, on forest edges, engaged in fishing, farming, gathering berries ... So who are they? African Americans? Romans? About the Romans at that time in Europe still did not even guess. Yes, these people in history were called differently: Celts, Wends, Thracians, Illyrians, Dacians, Svans, Svens, Vanes, Goths ... One of the chroniclers wrote that, in his opinion, these are all - one people divided into different tribes . And they call themselves all differently by the name of their ancestors and leaders.
In other chronicles, the authors express surprise that all these peoples are not united by a single authority. They do not have one ruler. There is no army, palaces ... In today's, the Kremlin, the Ministry of Defense, the presidential administration ... Of course, the Greek-Roman rulers will consider such people savages. Even the army is not! Moreover, they do not recognize slavery! Sucks. Gay and no! Barbarians! And why did our ancestors need an army if they were not going to conquer and enslave anyone?
Now look at the modern textbooks.
In ancient times, people came to India from the north, brought their culture, created the written language of Sanskrit. Wrote the holy books of the Vedas long before the Bible!
Prior to that, an incomprehensible people moved to the territory of today's Iran from the north. There immediately occurred a cultural explosion, and the holy book Avesta was written.
In Mesopotamia, northerners descended even earlier, formed the Sumerian kingdom, in which people could count, write, knew that the planets circled around the Sun, and on one of the Sumerian tablets even the orbit of Pluto was marked - a planet that would be discovered much later. By the way, the Sumerian myths were written at that pre-biblical time and entered the Old Testament.
Greece from the north was first flooded with Pelasgians, later Dorian tribes. Sparta has long kept the traditions of this northern people for centuries.
On the territory of today's Italy fell red-haired blue-eyed Etruscans. And also from somewhere in the north. I especially like that these northern peoples always came from somewhere, as if somewhere in the north they had some kind of unknown secret nest.
North of Africa and that before the conquest by the Phoenicians was inhabited by white-haired, brown-haired newcomers-farmers from Europe.
This is what happens? From the north now and then the waves of immigrants splashed out to the south, and there were no people in the north?
The word "Arctic" is ancient Greek. “Πολική άρκτος” in Greek - “polar bear”. My question is: “How did the ancient Greeks know about polar bears?” The earth, according to their information, was flat without any poles. It ended in impassable swamps somewhere immediately behind the Scythian possessions. And on the ancient Greek vases you can see the reindeer! Exactly the same as today's Nenets breed on Yamal.
And where to dig in Tripoli (Ukraine)? Cities of twenty thousand people about five thousand years BC?
And kostenki? (Near Voronezh) Forty-four thousand years BC, according to estimates of American archaeological scientists! That is, Kostenki is forty thousand years older than the Egyptian pyramids!
And dolmens in Siberia? Arkaim in the Urals is a city built with the knowledge of the movement of all the luminaries across the sky. I would say figuratively: “A city reflecting the firmament!
How to explain the petroglyphs on the boulders of Lake Onega? These drawings are made before the glacier! They contain the Vedic knowledge of nature.
Enumerate that does not fit in the official history, I can for a long time. Yes, today science recognizes that some peoples lived in the space from India to Europe in those prehistoric times. And even the name came up - Indo-European community. Fine? Community! A bunch of homeless people. And the fact that all the great civilizations in the south were formed after the arrival of people from the north, no one pays attention to this, as well as the fact that all this community spoke the same language!
True, in any etymological dictionary there are references to Indo-European language. This scientists have specifically come up with such a term to erase from the history of the Slavs and the early Slavs. I like the name of the language - Indo-European! It seems like from India to Europe they spoke this language, but there was no people between them. The language flew from India to England by airborne droplets.
There is even a term - proto-Indo-European language. That is, they will think of anything, just to pick our ancestors from everywhere.
And only in some European etymological dictionaries, published in the pre-Hitler years, you can find the word "Aryan". However, it is clear that after the Second World War this word was equated to almost obscene language.
By the way, in the north of our country, swastikas were embroidered on the towels in tsarist times and were considered as a natural history symbol. At one time, swastikas were embroidered on the soldiers' sleeves in the Russian army.
Today, Latvians and Lithuanians - their languages ​​are especially similar to Sanskrit - proudly claim that their ancestors came from India. I answer them one thing: “Did you see yourself in the mirror? Well, of course, you are poured Indians! ”How could you hate Russians to consider yourself descendants of Indians?
In the north of today's Russia there are several rivers whose names are derived from the roots “-ind-” and “-gang-”. What, the Indians moved from India to the tundra, and so called the river in memory of their ancestral homeland? Do you imagine that some people from the south should move to our north? Traders - selling flowers, this is understandable. But then faster to get home to warm up. And to the whole tribe? Unlikely! They can not go crazy in one tribe all at once. It is like that today the bankers from Switzerland suddenly decide to go live in the Yenisei, to Yakutia.
Scientists and archaeologists refer to the excavations. They say that these communities had different cultures from India to Europe. So what? Is this proof? There, in Jurmala, three famous people built houses nearby: Lima has a very modern style - a real Californian villa, I have a wooden hut, and a businessman-banker has a mixture of the Byzantine palace and the St. Petersburg Hermitage. After a thousand years, archaeologists have unearthed our sites and wondered for a long time what people of each of us can be attributed to? This solution they will not be able to. Lima is Latvian, I am Russian, and the banker is Ukrainian. But we all are Slavs! And all the neighbors around us are Slavs too. Here and in ancient Europe, everything is confused. And on the whole continent - from India to the Atlantic. And confused, because this pranarod is afraid to give a name. Say, call the same Aryans. After all, the word "ariy" means a plowman. “Orat” - “plow”. Another thing is that the separation happened later. Those arias-tillers of the land, who remained in the north, multiplied and turned into many pre-Slavic peoples. Others went south and became herders, Scythians and a few nomadic peoples came from them. And the third - the most active - “looked through” absolutely to the south: they conquered someone, began to rule, and settled down, forming great civilizations.
Study, study and study again! Well, look at all the European nations! In the north of France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Iran and even in the north of Africa, the population is more blond and more often light-eyed than in the south of these countries. South Italy - Gypsy camp! And in the north - Florence, Venice, works of art, architecture, painting and science.
The first written languages ​​are Sanskrit, and, for Europe, Latin. These are dead tongues! No one speaks to them. They generally can not be considered languages. Even in Rome, Latin was divided into vulgar and literary. The people spoke on the vulgar, but no one spoke on the literary. She was invented to write sacred texts.
Both Latin and Sanskrit are derived from the living language of our ancestors, the Aryans. This gives rise today to some of our scholar-dreamers to declare that they are descended from Russian. So you can not say. There was no Russian at that time. The word "Slavs" was not there either, although the pro-Slavic nations bred a lot. That's why I say "praslavyane". Since scientists never came up with a single name for our ancestors. Well, what if the Aryans liked to be fruitful? And what else to do on the mainland for millennia? Take a closer look at the map! Most people in Europe speak Slavic languages! But nobody thinks about this either. Slavs and still in Europe more than others. According to today's history, the Slavs from the outskirts of Rome came to the Carpathians, and then bred to the East right up to the Pacific Ocean. Something I hardly believe in it ... Do not confuse us with the Chinese! Even now for the money promised as a reward by the prime minister, we don’t really like doing this business.
In the British Encyclopedia without any equivalents, it is written that Latin borrowed most of its words from Celtic origin. Herodot - the father of history, the fifth century BC - Slavs considered the Scythian people. Scientists recognize that the Scythians - the brothers of the Slavs - arias! It is considered that Latin is the basis of European languages. I would make an amendment: not the basis, but influenced European languages. And she was formed from the languages ​​of the pro-Slavic peoples. In addition to the Celts, the whole of Europe was also inhabited by the Wends. They were divided into western, eastern, northern and southern. Herodotus and other chroniclers have repeatedly mentioned that Venice was founded by the Venetians, the Baltic Sea was called the Venetian, and the amber was called the Venetian stone. Until now, the river flowing into the Baltic Sea is called Venta, on its banks stands the city of Ventspils. One of the main temples of the Wends was called Veneborg. Now in its place is the most beautiful city in Europe - Vienna. The remains of the Wends were mixed with the Ugrians who came, the Hungarians were formed. Estonians and Finns still call Russians ... veins!
Finally, in the TSB article "Venedy" (Slavs). Inhabited Europe already in 3
millennium BC! Even more 2 000 years to Rome!

Is all this information not enough to at least show an interest in its history? Do you really need to work only for grants and degrees within the format canon?
The difference between the Celts and the Germans was first described by Julius Caesar. In this case, the Celts called the Gauls, which finally confused everything. Before him, the Germans and Celtic tribes did not distinguish the Romans. Of course, the Germans were subsequently very upset that they came from the Slavs. In the thirties, Hitler organized archaeological excavations in Germany in order to find ancient German settlements. And I found ... Slavic! Maybe that's why he got angry at the Slavs, that he was notorious. Once again I will clarify that the word "Slavs" is quite late. It appeared when the German peoples gained strength. Mean those who continued to praise their gods. And those who are numb to the gods and native language, called the Germans. And German is a daughter language of Slavic, so Deutsch is from our “daughter”.
The most incredible thing is that today, German historians, unlike ours, do not hesitate to write articles about how the Slavs lived before the Germanic peoples on the territory of today's Germany: bodrich and lyutich. The latter were so called because they fought fiercely for their ancestral lands. But they were defeated by the Germanic peoples, went to the east, where they created a state - Lyutva!
Why our historians do not pay attention to these scientific works?

I understand that scientists will say that much of my reasoning is logical, but there is little scientific evidence. Therefore, there is one proof with which even the scientists who have been retrained cannot be argued for last. In America, there is a research institute that studies tags on chromosome sets. If a mutation occurs in history, and, say, one nation is reborn into another, there are marks on the chromosomes. I am not an expert, I explain how I understood it myself: in images, not in scientific terms. The time of such marks is detected accurately enough. So! Ready? Breathed air in the chest? The remains of a man were found in the north of Greece, they are four thousand years BC! They studied the tags, and it turned out ... Ready for sure? Sixty percent of the population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are the descendants of those people who lived then in the north of the Balkan Peninsula! Much less this percentage among the Germanic peoples. Even less in England and in France. Chromosomal labels of the Jews and those two thousand years younger! I do not want to offend anyone. Of course, Jews can make a fuss, they say, does not agree with the Bible. With the Old Testament. But the scientists who are engaged in this research, by the way, are also Jews. But at the same time they are real scientists. And the real scientist is international.
Of course, all this does not mean that we are descendants of the Balkans. After all, they still did not guess to study the chromosomal labels of our northern ancestors, from the Kola Peninsula, from Taimyr, or at least from Valdai, the Urals and Baikal. It will not occur to anyone today that people lived there in preglacial times. I think that many sensations await us in front of us, and soon the traditional point of view on the resettlement of nations will burst like a blown-out May Day ball. And God forbid!
People sometimes laugh at me, saying: “I see, Russia is the birthplace of elephants!” Why? Yes, Motherland! Elephants, by the way, mutated from mammoths. Where did the mammoths live? Throughout the territory of today's Russia. During the glacier, they reached as far as Voronezh. So excuse me, Russia really is the birthplace of elephants. It was then that in the south our mammoths shattered and began to serve as traders. They turned into slaves and shunned to elephants. A mammoth slave can not be!
That is why the languages ​​of our ancestors-Slavs are so interesting. Because it is the proto-language of the ancient languages, not Latin and not Sanskrit! When the famous Sanskritologist came to stay in the north of Russia, he was very surprised that the Russians speak some more ancient form of Sanskrit. For example, the word “when” is pronounced [kada] in Sanskrit. “Only you, the Russians, for some reason, have an extra letter“ g ”!” - the Sanskritologist almost resented. However, the fact is that she did not appear with us, but, on the contrary, fell out in Sanskrit. After all, "when" from the phrase "what year". “Never” - “no year”, “then” - “that year” ... Sanskrit “kada”, “tada” are no longer revealed. So, these are secondary words.
And, God bless him, that at that ancient time there was still no Russian language. Yes, and the Slavs have not been. But our Russian language has preserved the natural roots of the proto-language. I would even say: a natural shiver. After all, sound is a vibration. In a word, you can frighten a person, you can attract attention, warn and even fall in love with yourself. It is through the Russian language, as well as Belarusian, Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian and other today's Slavic languages, that the parent language of mankind can be restored. And Latin? What to talk about it? Late dialect of Celtic and other Proto-Slavic languages. Esperanto conquerors of the time. The language in which the words conquered by the Romans peoples. So not Russian is a gutter of other languages, but Latin! Later, under the influence of Latin, the most beautiful rational languages ​​of our time were developed on the basis of Slavic languages: German, English and French.
Unfortunately, Alexander Gordon is right that this knowledge can serve as the basis for the formation of some kind of chauvinistic youth organization. Like, we are great, we are ancient! And I believe that if we are great, it is only in our own laziness. So forget about their roots will not allow themselves no people except us. And no nation will so humiliate its past. So there is little reason to boast, to be honest with us. And the fact that our roots are deep and ancient is not our merit.

In general, I have to say thanks again to Sasha Gordon. Thanks to his broadcast, I receive letters from very clever Russian TV viewers, in which there are a lot of interesting facts about the “white spots” of our history. The program did the main thing - it excited and revived the generic memory. And about Latin ... Of course, it can be argued, as is customary, as if the old Russian words are Latin derivatives. Then, with the same success, we can assume that Chekhov wrote his humorous stories under the influence of the Anshlag program. If A is older than B, and B and C are of the same age, then A is obviously older. Latin, according to the British Encyclopedia, consists mostly of Celtic words, Celts by Herodot spun off from Scythians, Scythians, like Slavs, of Aryan origin, Venedy-Slavs, settled, like Celts, Europe long before Rome, and Slavs still keep the language Slavic Aryan peoples! Conclusion? Proto-Slavic languages ​​... - predecessors of Latin! Proof of? Next. Continuation, as always, follows ...
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  1. turnip
    April 15 2011 16: 43
    how the "common people" got it, even the satirist broke through.
  2. +1
    April 15 2011 17: 52
    the smartest person is a pity in government there are none
  3. Escander
    April 15 2011 20: 45
    Zadornov is right (although, as always, with excesses).
    Actually, there is no Indo-European language, there is an Indo-European language family from which they formed in the XNUMXnd millennium BC. e. the pre-Slavic language and the Italian branch are Latin (Latins spoke in the region of Lazio - hereinafter referred to as Rome)
    He studied Latin and ancient Greek professionally. I can say that with the history of the emergence of Latin, Westerners themselves are still confused and definitely can not say anything. More or less unraveled only the history of the emergence of modern Romance languages.
    I, too, have the opinion that the ethnic group of the northerners is more ancient.
  4. Yeah
    April 16 2011 01: 43
    Ruriks began to rewrite history to us, and maybe someone before them.

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