Leap into the sixth generation

Leap into the sixth generation

The world status of any state is the higher, the more highly skilled specialists capable of scientific breakthroughs are born and manifest in it. In the modern world, knowledge itself becomes weapons often as significant as conventional weapons.

Change the machine to the figure

The whole world, including our country, is entering the epoch of the sixth technological order. It was he who, according to specialists, through 25-30, will become the dominant years in the economies of developed countries. Technological structure is a certain level of development of the productive forces, a set of interconnected industries that have a single technological level and that develop in many respects simultaneously. This is the most important term of the theory of scientific and technological progress.

Let me remind you that today the main part of the production capacity of Russia is at the stage of the fourth technological order, the battle for which the USSR successfully won in its time. And if in the USA already about 60% of productions are operating within the framework of the fifth order, then in our country this figure is limited so far to only 10%. That is why it is precisely a qualitative breakthrough in the sixth DUT right away, bypassing the fifth generation technology, is a strategically important challenge for us.

Even today it is obvious that the basic branches of the sixth TU will be bio- and nanotechnologies, methods of genetic engineering, membrane and quantum technologies, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, molecular photonics, nanomaterials and nanostructured coatings and others. And the production of both the consumer goods themselves and the means of their production will be carried out by the so-called digital factories, which make it possible to individualize production as much as possible, adapting the goods to the needs of a particular person.

And here there are obvious questions: what kind of employee will be needed to service such digital factories and where to get it? It is already clear that it will be primarily about designers who are able to generate “production on demand”, programmers-translators of the designed product into a digital code, the introduction of which into the system will lead to the creation of the finished product. Others, especially technical specialists, who are able to efficiently serve the increasingly robotic, autonomous, and “smart” equipment, up to the interaction with artificial intelligence, will also be needed. And today I would like to talk in more detail about how our country could learn and find similar and other specialists that it urgently needed for sustained development in the framework of the sixth TU.

Cadres decide everything

These words, spoken almost 80 years ago by Stalin, became both a slogan and a guide to action. They kept their relevance today. In my opinion, the key to the prosperity of our country, our main strategic resource capable of leading Russia into world leaders is our fellow citizens, their abilities and talents, high intelligence, ability to think outside the box and not be afraid to solve the most complex tasks.

To create comfortable living and working conditions for our specialists, to stimulate those who left to return to the country is our top priority. Only by gathering all our strength into a single powerful fist, bringing our education system and science to the requirements of the time, we will be able to carry out our plans.

According to consulting agencies, today in the labor market in Russia there is an acute shortage of engineers and qualified technical specialists, especially characteristic of regions with developed industry. For example, industrialized Leningrad and Kaluga regions, where large Western auto giants opened their representative offices, are experiencing such hunger. Here (and not only here) there is a real “hunt for the heads” of qualified workers, future engineers are being dismantled from the second or third year of higher education. And this is despite the fact that technicians are usually offered a salary of 40-45% higher than the regional average, an expanded social package and wide opportunities for additional training and career growth. One of the main problems here is that only a third of the "techies" graduated from universities go to work in their specialty, the rest are looking to use their talents in other areas, including seeking to open their own business.

Serious concern about the growing shortage of technical specialists back in 2010 was expressed in an article published in the German Suddeutsche Zeitung, Vladimir Putin, noting that this is a problem not only in Russia, but also in the EU countries. In his opinion, less and less talented young people seek technical education because "they do not see prospects for themselves as engineers or skilled workers." As if echoing him, experts note a significant imbalance between popular professions and sought-after ones, and therefore - an imbalance in the preferences of applicants when choosing a future specialty. So, according to sociologists, the majority of Russians remain confident that having a law degree, economist or manager guarantees a high social status and a stable income in the future. In reality, the most promising today for a combination of factors is the profession of IT-specialist, in second place, oddly enough, - an engineer.

It would seem that the conclusion is simple: the Soviet experience of mass production of graduates of various engineering and technical specialties should be revived. However, here the obstacle arises the transition of domestic higher education to the system of bachelor-master.

According to reputable scientists (including Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR and Russia in the field of science and technology E.N. Kablova), from a bachelor’s degree, due to the lack of practice, it is unlikely that you can make a good “techie”. But the magistracy received not all. So why should we in this matter instead of copying Western models not always suitable for us not turn to our own quite successful past experience?

Soviet experience through the eyes of NATO

Before me is the report of Dr. TS.R.S. Menders "Scientific and Technical Education and Personnel Reserves in the USSR", sounded by him 22-23 April 1959, at a meeting of the Committee on Science of the Council of the Alliance. In it, he notes that when it was created, the Soviet Union faced “enormous difficulties”: there was a shortage of food, and illiteracy was widespread. “Forty years ago, there was hopelessly not enough trained personnel to lead the Soviet people out of a difficult situation,” said Dr. Menders, “and today the USSR disputes the US right to world domination.” "This is an achievement that knows no equal," he concludes.

It’s hard to disagree with an American expert. And not so much in his appreciation of the achievements of the young Soviet state, but in the main conclusion he reached after his analysis - the development of science and technology education in the USSR played a key role in the breakthrough that had happened.

The Soviet leaders understood perfectly well how much the country needed competent engineers, designers, inventors and developers. Our education was to prepare them, moreover, free of charge. And it coped with it. During the years of "stagnation," the talk of the town was the now silent fact that the average Soviet tenth grader in the knowledge of technical disciplines put his left hand on the shoulder blades of a third-year American student from a leading specialized university. It is not for nothing that US President R. Reagan once mentioned that "the most powerful weapon of the Russians is their education."

The assessment is not surprising if we recall that the American system is focused on training mainly "artisans" who are capable of not particularly thinking to carry out the required set of actions. Our system prepared specialists capable of thinking in a deep, wide and diversified manner, in various fields, often at their junctions. It was this preparation that contributed to the emergence of unparalleled global developments. Such developments are urgently needed by the country today. For this, the main thing is missing - the developers.

The return of non-stray sons

The task of educating new scientific and technical personnel for the Russian defense industry (and not only) has been set by me for the Advanced Research Foundation. Let me remind you that it was created at the end of 2012 of the year. Its main task: to promote the implementation of research and development in the interests of national defense and state security, associated with a high degree of risk. As well as the achievement of qualitatively new results in the military-technical, technological and socio-economic spheres.

In other words, the Foundation organizes the search, selection and testing of breakthrough defense technologies and dual-use technologies. This organization works according to a completely new method for our country - it implements its projects, creating its own laboratories on the basis of the largest research and production centers that carry out high-risk research in the main areas of scientific and technological progress. And the approach here is this: no matter how large a research institute or enterprise, no matter how many thousand people work on it, a small laboratory of several dozen people is engaged in the project of the Foundation, which directly locks in to the scientific director of the institute or the general designer of the plant.

Naturally, the work is conducted on the latest equipment, in the laboratories of the Foundation mainly young people are employed. Financing of laboratory activities is carried out absolutely transparently and fully accountable. This makes it possible to formulate for the scientists quite ambitious project assignments with the possibility for them to work for the future - from three years or more.

Today it is obvious that it will be extremely difficult or simply impossible to achieve a breakthrough in various technological areas without a powerful concentration of scientific and industrial resources. Therefore, one of the tasks of the Foundation is to find competence centers in various fields, to rally young scientists, designers, developers of advanced scientific and technical ideas on their basis, and try to translate their projects into prototypes.

The main driving force behind this process, as I said, should be the youth. Moreover, there were such precedents (highly effective solutions to the most difficult tasks in an extremely short time). Recall that in the 40 of the last century, our military industrial complex raised young people at the age of 30-35 years, whose names subsequently made up the world fame of the national defense industry. So, we have a real hope to bring up both new Korolevs, and new Keldyshs, and new Kalashnikovs.

The non-standard and attractiveness of the conditions offered by the Foundation can be illustrated by the fact that young specialists return to work in his laboratories from abroad, who have often lost hope of being in demand in Russia. In addition, working together in the laboratories of FPI allows you to accumulate knowledge and skills, share experiences with professionals who often worked in different parts of the world. And this can produce stunning results.

Let me give you a specific example. Young promising Russian physicist Alexander Baryshev, who began his research work as a junior researcher at the Physicotechnical Institute. A.F. Ioffe in St. Petersburg, having defended his Ph.D. thesis, ended up in Japan, where from 2003 he conducted an active research work at the Toyohashi University of Technology. Today, he is returning to Russia to head an experimental group to study the properties of plasmon structures for quantum amplification of radiation at a nanoplasmonics laboratory established by the Advanced Research Foundation based on the VNIIA them. N.L. Spirit. And this example, which is gratifying, is far from the only one.

In fact, it can be said that the Foundation is faced with the task of creating a kind of social and technological elevator for young and audacious teams who really want to engage seriously in a serious, promising business. In these matters, the Foundation actively cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For example, in February 2014, a cooperation agreement was concluded between them, paving the way for the widespread establishment of the Foundation’s laboratories at leading universities under the Ministry. I hope that this will be another step to attract our talented young people to the field of scientific research and technological developments.

We will study abroad

Of course, only by the activity of the FPI the problem of educating personnel for the sixth technological mode in Russia cannot be solved. Today it is obvious that the lion’s share of the work to break the country into new technological heights should and can be done by “practical techies” - graduates of the so-called vocational school system. The main task of the latter was and remains the training of skilled workers who could work successfully on modern technology, know the technology of production, and know how to manage complex technological processes. Constantly increasing technology leads to a constant increase in the requirements for professional workers. And here we are faced with another serious problem.

The existing, sectoral and in many respects tied to the needs of specific industrial enterprises (before most graduates of vocational schools and technical schools knew in advance that they would go to work for one or another plant), vocational education today is experiencing significant difficulties. In the current secondary specialized educational institutions often have to provide training for future skilled workers on obsolete equipment. It is clear that with such introductory our path to the sixth TU may take decades. And people who do not just know how to work on the newest equipment, create new models of it, but also understand the spirit and philosophy of new forms of production, are necessary for the country now.

It is obvious that such a large-scale problem cannot be undone in one fell swoop. Therefore, I propose to think about conducting a federal educational experiment. Its essence is the creation in the country of three or four (for example, one each in the Central, Ural, Siberian, and Far Eastern federal districts) "vocational schools of the sixth order." In other words, large educational and production centers of digital production, which would allow students not only to gain technological knowledge of the level of the sixth TU, but also practically to apply them here, in "digital factories."

We would not only begin to purposefully shape the social stratum of the “techies” of the new generation, but also get the opportunity to come closer to understanding that this will be in the future for the social group, what priorities and needs it will have, what place it can take in the social structure of society.

Within the framework of the tasks before us, we should not forget about such a form of practical training as immersion in the already created environments of the sixth TU. At one time, Peter the Great, by his personal example of teaching shipbuilding in Europe, gave a powerful impetus to the development of entire manufacturing industries in Russia, created an efficient fleet from scratch and brought the country to the level of a great maritime power. So why today we should not send our "techies" to study technologies of the sixth way abroad at the expense of the state, provided they continue to work in their homeland?

In my opinion, study abroad could be combined with the invitation of teachers from leading foreign universities in Russia. As well as an invitation to work for us the best foreign graduates with the issuance of Russian citizenship.

Math problems

All of the above does not negate the simple question: where do you start from? Even Rousseau said that "the most difficult is the beginning." And to begin here, as I see it, will have to start from school.

In today's school curriculum (especially compared to the Soviet period), the teaching of the main technical disciplines - mathematics and physics - has been noticeably reduced. At the same time, scientists came to the conclusion that it is the study of mathematics that forms the child's ability for logical thinking or, as programmers say, in its own way, "formats the brain." And physics classes are most conducive to the formation of the future scientific worldview. Not to mention the fact that just the physical and mathematical sciences are the basis of scientific and technological progress, including in the framework of the sixth TU. The overwhelming majority of the basic branches I listed at the beginning of the article are somehow connected with physics. So, it is in our fundamental interests to raise the study of physics and mathematics at school to a qualitatively new level.

And one could start here by increasing the number of hours of teaching natural sciences in the senior classes of Russian schools and, accordingly, modify the system of training and retraining of teachers - physicists and mathematicians. (The importance of the latter can be judged by the fact that only for 2014 year the US government allocates an additional 5 billion dollars for the retraining of school teachers - naturalists). This may also include the revival at the new level of the system of so-called specialized physics and mathematics schools (lyceums, colleges) - these issues within their competence could be addressed by the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. We need to think about how to stimulate the development of the school Olympiad movement in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology; to expand the number of bonuses received by their winners and prize-winners (from priority admission to specialized universities to remuneration, etc.). In other words, to do everything in order to study natural sciences deeply and objectively, has become, as is expressed by today's youth, "cool" since high school. Obviously, other measures will be required.

* * *

Of course, this article is not exhaustive for such a complex and multifaceted topic as the formation of human resources to ensure the sixth technological order in our country, and the author does not feel any illusions about this. Rather, it should be considered as a kind of introduction to the topic, an invitation to discuss the vital issue for all of us.

Dossier "RG"
Nanophotonics is one of the most promising areas of the new technological order. Replacing the transmission of information using electric or electromagnetic pulses to transmit them using light waves will become a truly revolutionary event. At the same time, nanophotonics will not replace electronics, it will significantly complement it and expand its capabilities.

The use of photons in the transmission and processing of information will allow you to create computers that are superior in speed to the most powerful of the current operating a hundred times. In this supercomputer will be a thousand times smaller in size.

The revolution will occur at the household level. An ordinary smartphone, for example, will have optical memory of tens of terabytes and a truly light speed of information processing.

Plasmonic - another direction of the new technological structure. Plasmon nanostructures will become basic when creating various sensors. They will also be able to create very compact and very powerful solar cells, in which the energy of our star is converted into electric current.

Genetic engineering of a new way of life will not try to improve a person - God's creation. Many consider it unnatural and even dangerous for people. The genetics of the future will allow to grow spare parts for the human body on the basis of the cellular material of the “primary source”. The fact that in the movie "The Fifth Element" was perceived as fiction, will become a reality.

Printer printing of virtually any engineering structures will become commonplace. There will be no need to build large plants that harm the environment. Several modern quickly assembled and equally quickly dismantled shells can be filled with equipment that will print any product, the need for which is here and now. Clothing to the size of a particular person, agricultural equipment, cars, equipment, including - combat.
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  1. +8
    29 March 2014 08: 48
    what is this - "nanophotonics", there is simply photonics, nanophotons are something new
    1. -11
      29 March 2014 10: 39
      Well so one is a balabol, nothing surprising. A 250 rolls, and not so much.
      1. -1
        29 March 2014 14: 27
        Quote: Max Otto
        Well so one is a balabol, nothing surprising. A 250 rolls, and not so much.

        As I see it, everything promised by Rogozin has already been fulfilled. now we are starting to jump through generations.
        How ? For Rogozin’s father, could grandchildren be born right away - bypassing such a talented deputy prime minister? I doubt it. but it’s like he could start with himself.
      2. +18
        29 March 2014 14: 55
        But wasn’t this the balabol the first time the State Defense Order could fulfill. Judging by the comment, the balabol is you.
        1. 0
          29 March 2014 19: 34
          more than 50% to the tree?
        2. +3
          29 March 2014 20: 13
          Quote: demel2
          But wasn’t this the balabol the first time the State Defense Order could fulfill. Judging by the comment, the balabol is you.

          You think about the title of his post. He goes with the flow, nor his merit that the defense order is almost fulfilled, the Shoigu factor played more here. Rogozin speaks with slogans, his place is the information service, so with Kiselyov he would have worked more fruitfully than they are now using him. Of the concrete cases of Rogozin - 3 poplar opposite the NATA headquarters - that's all. Oh yes, judging by the comments, you are also a balabol. hi
      3. Turik
        31 March 2014 01: 31
        Well so one is a balabol, nothing surprising. A 250 rolls, and not so much.

        Listen to this troll?
        A couple of days ago I spoiled one Bendery forum, I had to use the Google translator to use the truth, to simulate my magnanimity.

        And on our site there are also "guests" from the west of Ukraine. Admins need to sneak these.
    2. Ivan Petrovich
      29 March 2014 10: 41
      if there is no prefix "nano" then no one will give money. And so - it is not clear, but great. And then there will probably be more femto-photonics for greater coolness
      1. 120352
        29 March 2014 12: 35
        And now I call my kettle a nano-cup. Nothing has changed in it, but it’s fashionable ...
    3. shatu
      29 March 2014 12: 14
      Quote: saag
      what is this - "nanophotonics", there is simply photonics, nanophotons are something new

      You should at least look at Wikipedia before expressing your sarcasm:

      1. Nanophotonics - a section of photonics that studies the physical processes that arise when photons interact with nanometer objects.
      2. Nanophotonics is the field of photonics associated with the development of architectures and technologies for the production of nanostructured generation devices ...

    4. +4
      29 March 2014 12: 51
      Catching up There is no point in cutting it off, but it is unlikely that someone will buy a Russian washing machine or TV in our own country, and not on the world market, but if at all, if any. It's not even that we will make an order of magnitude worse, no. Just other countries have been doing this for a long time and manufacturers are known. No matter how it sounds, we need innovation and a breakthrough, in many industries, the staff is of course important, but money must be controlled.
  2. Dimych from Vanino
    29 March 2014 08: 55
    It will be .... I also did not think that I would go to school from grade 3 to 5 right away. Will certainly, but not soon ....
    1. anomalocaris
      29 March 2014 16: 25
      I remember this moment. Only I was a little older ... That's just it is not so simple to do ...
  3. Dimych from Vanino
    29 March 2014 08: 57
    Our rich uncles do not want to think in the future, now they would have to quack kosher kosher. And then .. And what’s most surprising, they know how to ... because they don’t want to, it remains to be forced.
  4. +1
    29 March 2014 09: 00
    "Printing almost any engineering structure will become commonplace. There will be no need to build large factories that harm the environment."
    And this is not just stupidity, but also underground sabotage stupidity
    1. Alexey Prikazchikov
      29 March 2014 12: 38
      And this is not just stupidity, but also underground sabotage stupidity

      Oh one more with communism of the brain.
      1. +1
        29 March 2014 18: 01
        Oh another liberal democrat :-)
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +3
      29 March 2014 15: 22
      Quote: saag
      And this is not just stupidity, but also underground sabotage stupidity

      Have you ever seen what these printers can do?
      There are at least three ways to 3D printing. There are at least three ways I know, but what they do is really fast, convenient and universal.
      From ordinary dishes to a lot of household items personally according to your requests and desires.
      The materials are different, similar to plastic and rubber, but in the future also metals may appear over time.
      3D printing is really impressive.
      1. +2
        29 March 2014 15: 28
        the key thing in his statements is not 3D printers, but "no need to build factories"
      2. anomalocaris
        29 March 2014 16: 35
        I saw, I know ... Now try to print on a 3D printer a part made of steel 15KHGN2TA or, at least, 38KHGN.
        1. +1
          29 March 2014 22: 33
          Quote: anomalocaris
          Now try to print on a 3D printer a part made of steel 15KHGN2TA or, at least, 38KHGN.

          Og, similar thoughts and visited me after reading this pearl. drinks
          1. 0
            30 March 2014 23: 04
            Well, a pistol was printed on a 3D printer, and not plastic. Formation of the workpiece, layer-by-layer laser sintering ... There is something in this. Yes, far from widespread industrial use, but if this is not sought, then we will never come hi
            And about education - everything is correct. "Mathematics is the queen of sciences, but the slave of physics." The number of "chatters" in the school curriculum should be reduced. (I speak as a physicist-mathematician by education).
            1. anomalocaris
              April 3 2014 15: 53
              I strongly advise you to take a marochnik of steels to read the properties of these TWO steels, and then you will tell how to print them.
  5. ilya_82
    29 March 2014 09: 50
    Dima, please! Bring back the old school education !!!! Cause you're not stupid, man
    1. +1
      29 March 2014 09: 55
      But also stupid.
      1. 0
        29 March 2014 11: 34
        I mean Medved, if that.
        1. anomalocaris
          29 March 2014 16: 37
          What the hell? There will be a lot of "strongly" smart ones who will ask unnecessary questions ... Do they need this?
  6. Dezzed
    29 March 2014 10: 42
    Eh, you had to immediately jump into the seventh generation. and even in the eighth.
    1. +4
      29 March 2014 13: 13
      Quote: DezzeD
      Eh, you had to immediately jump into the seventh generation. and even in the eighth.

      I respect Israel for many things, but I don’t understand this position - “the light didn’t come together like a wedge” on you, and with all the success of your industry, you still have not been able to make a military aircraft YOURSELF ...
      1. +1
        29 March 2014 14: 21
        Quote: svp67
        You still haven’t been able to do YOURSELF a combat aircraft ... So, that’s not necessary ...

        Not "could not", but "did not want". Once the transport workers did their own, but it turned out not to be profitable, they sold them all to Latin America. They also made their own fighter, but free F-16s also closed this project. Now flies in China.

        Regarding nanotechnology. Interested in this topic for a long time. It is not at all strange, but in this area Americans, Japanese and Europeans rule, moreover, in the sequence I mentioned. The Japanese government generally imposed a ban on any export of nanotechnology, they do not want to share with anyone.

        Rogozin’s statements about jumping through the generation can not cause anything but a smile. Try to explain to him that with the release of electronics on lamps, you can not jump over transistors directly onto microcircuits. request
        1. +1
          29 March 2014 14: 32
          Good afternoon hi
          Your name and surname are beautiful ... But this is not about the topic, I just noted ...
          As for Rogozin, he is a well-known "balabol", this is part of his image ... but what cannot be taken away from him, he keeps his nose well to the wind and now provides significant support to people and organizations who really want to do something.
          Quote: professor
          that with the release of electronics on lamps, you can not jump over transistors directly onto microcircuits.

          Yes, we don’t have to explain anything, as our defense industry has already taken these steps, and most of the microcircuits are not yet in our production, but this is already being solved, and most importantly, ways are being looked for and it seems they will find when the microcircuits are in museums ...
          1. 0
            29 March 2014 15: 09
            Quote: svp67
            Yes, we don’t have to explain anything, as our defense industry has already taken these steps, and most of the microcircuits are not yet in our production, but this is already being solved, and most importantly, ways are being looked for and it seems they will find when the microcircuits are in museums ...

            Lamps and microcircuits is an allegory. It is possible to jump over a generation only in one case, when a good uncle arrives, builds plants for you, prepares personnel, and supervises your activities for 10-15. Do you know such an uncle?
            1. +3
              29 March 2014 15: 43
              Quote: professor
              It is possible to jump over a generation only in one case, when a good uncle arrives, builds plants for you, prepares personnel, and supervises your activities for 10-15. Do you know such an uncle?
              You know, your words are certainly not meaningless, but ... factories are not so much being built, but mainly being modernized, staff are being prepared ... although there is still work and work, but there are already steps, necessary steps, there are foreign uncles, in particular, from Israel ... who are teaching new things, but the main thing is their own, trained in the West, who are returning ... We don’t need the military-industrial complex in the USSR, the Russian military-industrial complex is less, which greatly facilitates the whole work ... But of course the work is VERY VERY a lot and we will do it and will do it.
              1. -1
                29 March 2014 20: 59
                Quote: svp67
                Factories are not so much being built, but mainly modernized,

                I doubt it very much. Only Americans and Japanese can equip fabs.
        2. anomalocaris
          29 March 2014 16: 40
          Fool, hint at least one turbojet engine made in Israel ...
          1. -3
            29 March 2014 21: 02
            Quote: anomalocaris
            Fool, hint at least one turbojet engine made in Israel ...

            Young man, an article about Russia, not Israel. But I’m hinting to you, Laavey Iskar is doing shovels for Rolls Royce and General Electric. This I know for sure, maybe someone else too. Hint more?
            1. anomalocaris
              30 March 2014 00: 40
              I asked for a hint of a turbojet engine completely designed and manufactured in Israel. “We can, but we don’t want to” is the same that we cannot.
              1. 0
                30 March 2014 08: 39
                Quote: anomalocaris
                I asked for a hint at a turbojet engine that was fully designed and manufactured in Israel.

                And are you not interested in fully engineered and designed steam locomotives in Israel? There are railway trains, there must be steam locomotives. Icebreakers?
                Nevertheless, Bet Shemesh Engines once produced engines, it is now cheaper to get Pratt & Whitney engines for free. If necessary, they can make their own. There is a corresponding department in the Technion, specialists and production capacities too.

                Quote: anomalocaris
                “We can, but we don’t want to” is the same that we cannot.

                “We can, but we don’t want to” is the same that we cannot.
                Troll? Israel itself can, for example, cut a tunnel to Jerusalem, but attracted a Russian company to this, so it turns out cheaper. So under capitalism, "We can, but we don't want to" occurs at every step.
                1. anomalocaris
                  April 3 2014 15: 51
                  Well, you are not a professor, you are mud.ak, after such an answer. Baby tunnel, although I very much doubt the ability of an Israeli company to break through the tunnel under the Bosphorus, but all of a sudden ... So this tunnel doesn’t cost a damn compared to a modern turbojet engine. Which you cannot design and make.
        3. Shur
          30 March 2014 23: 01
          But what if everyone already produces microcircuits, and we still have lamps? Do you think it's worth mastering transistors?
  7. igor-pchelkin
    29 March 2014 10: 57
    Friends, you are from 4 technological backgrounds. Therefore, he does not understand what a person writes. I am for getting right into the seventh. Why do we need all sorts of nano? If man is the son of God, then he is God. Creator. And he creates his world with the help of images and thoughts. Not through materials and technologies, as now, but directly - he thought and became. That's where aerobatics!
    1. +9
      29 March 2014 11: 21
      Article plus. The road will be overcome by the traveler.
    2. 0
      29 March 2014 15: 34
      Quote: igor-pchelkin
      Friends, you are from 4 technological backgrounds. Therefore, he does not understand what a person writes. I am for getting right into the seventh. Why do we need all sorts of nano? If man is the son of God, then he is God. Creator. And he creates his world with the help of images and thoughts. Not through materials and technologies, as now, but directly - he thought and became. That's where aerobatics!

      I agree, but this is still very far away and above all, this work goes on in the minds and minds of people when thoughts and desires are positive and directed at all the good then this potential of the brain, psyche, and all the physical processes hidden in it from thoughts and images are revealed .
      Just Russia and other countries whose mentality and spirituality is higher than that of technocratic countries are closer to this seventh structure. But I suppose that the technocratic and technological path of development will develop in parallel supplementing and multiplying each other. Although a more universal and powerful spiritual path of thoughts and images.
      In vain minus the igor-pchelkin post, he is right - that you are far from the hidden truths of the universe and the universe and live Darwinism.
    3. +2
      29 March 2014 21: 10
      Here it is right!
      Or maybe right in the eighth? So that it was not necessary to think. :)
  8. VAZ-2102
    29 March 2014 12: 02
    Good article. They would return the old Soviet education. Starting from school to college.
  9. +7
    29 March 2014 12: 33
  10. +5
    29 March 2014 13: 25
    Figley is not clear here? All right, Rogozin says. Education first!
  11. wanderer_032
    29 March 2014 13: 53
    Education alone will do little.
    Where graduates go to work, that’s the question.
    While at obronki enterprises, (and indeed everywhere where production is associated with precision engineering, for example), production and economic "oaks" with the level of thinking of a village groom are sitting in the management, then there is no question of any 6th generation technologies.
    Here is a recent article about AMZ, which produces wheeled armored vehicles (BTR-80,82, BA "TIGER"), a vivid example of what I'm talking about.
    At the AMZ there is not even a modern normal tool and devices for assembling machines (everything is done manually, and this increases the cost of the assembly norm-hour for each unit of equipment and, as a result, increases the cost of each machine and slows down the process). And the assembly is going on (it’s specifically about the BTR) using outdated technology, and despite all the talk about upgrading the 80s to the 82nd, the BTR itself on technical equipment (ICE, transmission, electrical equipment, etc.) remained at the old level 80s.
    And it could have been much better, with minimal design changes.
    1. 0
      29 March 2014 16: 54
      Quote: wanderer_032
      Education alone will do little.
      Where graduates go to work, that’s the question.
      While at obronki enterprises, (and indeed everywhere where production is associated with precision engineering, for example), production and economic "oaks" with the level of thinking of a village groom are sitting in the management, then there is no question of any 6th generation technologies.
      Here is a recent article about AMZ, which produces wheeled armored vehicles (BTR-80,82, BA "TIGER"), a vivid example of what I'm talking about.
      At the AMZ there is not even a modern normal tool and devices for assembling machines (everything is done manually, and this increases the cost of the assembly norm-hour for each unit of equipment and, as a result, increases the cost of each machine and slows down the process). And the assembly is going on (it’s specifically about the BTR) using outdated technology, and despite all the talk about upgrading the 80s to the 82nd, the BTR itself on technical equipment (ICE, transmission, electrical equipment, etc.) remained at the old level 80s.
      And it could have been much better, with minimal design changes.

      You would have a designer and director to have the country healed.
      1. wanderer_032
        29 March 2014 17: 27
        Quote: Irokez
        Iroquois (1)

        Hurt? laughing
        Maybe you are one of these industrial and economic "oaks" with the level of thinking of a village groom?
        1. wanderer_032
          29 March 2014 17: 48
          If hurt then here is the link for you:
  12. +5
    29 March 2014 14: 51
    Today, the bulk of Russia's production capacities is at the stage of the fourth technological order, the battle for which the USSR at one time successfully won. And if Since the USA already has about 60% of production operations within the framework of the fifth structure, in our country this figure is limited so far to only 10%. That is why it is precisely a qualitative breakthrough immediately in the sixth technical university, bypassing the technologies of the fifth generation, that is a strategically important challenge for us.

    Who is against it !? Shiganut "immediately in the sixth TR, bypassing the technologies of the fifth generation" - no one!
    But!!! We do not live in a fictional in the real world where "the USA already has about 60% of industries operating within the framework of the fifth order, in our country this figure is limited to only 10%." And so that the "champions of democracy" do not have the temptation to return my country to the THIRD technological level, we, the practitioners, today need to think hard how to protect the sprouts of the 6th TU, to ensure the country's defense by developing production of the fifth level and building competitive means on their basis production, weapons and military equipment.
    Without group "A" we will not be able to build tools for assault on the 6th TR.
    Therefore, "a breakthrough immediately in the sixth TR, bypassing the fifth generation technologies" is a manilovism, a projection, for which there may not be enough money, technical and technological base, and --- right! - STAFF.
    Dmitry Olegovich! Prepare the BASE for the assault (see above), then raise the battalions to attack!
    And we have all learned to define tasks and "challenges" ... But there is no one to carry them out in full, and the Yankes are stepping on their heels, doing nasty things and weaving intrigues that it is time to stand on their feet. And you are concerned about the distant future. That's good, but you might be better off building ships and submarines. And then soon there will be no one to go to the ocean. IMHO.
    1. +2
      29 March 2014 17: 15
      Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
      for which there may not be enough money, technical and technological base and --- right! - FRAMES.

      You are infinitely right. The United States spends more than $ 900 billion a year on education, which is almost twice as much as on defense. More than three times more is spent on health care than on defense. What kind of "leap" through a generation can we talk about if we spend only 550 billion rubles on education, four times less than on defense, and this is the maximum reached by 2013? The trouble is that already not a great resource is spent on multiplying lawyers and financiers.
      the American system is focused on training mainly "artisans" who are able to perform the required set of actions without hesitation.

      Shameful lie. Without creativity and ingenuity, without the ability to think outside the box, it is impossible to create 21st century technique.
  13. 0
    29 March 2014 16: 45
    No one says that you only need to deal with new technology. But the problem is that you need to think about the future, and if you miss this direction right now, then again we will lag behind.
    Everything needs to be developed in parallel and not to lose sight of new directions and at the same time build ships and equipment using current technologies.
  14. driver
    29 March 2014 17: 25
    there will be no sixth until we return the school to the mainstream of education and failures of Amer’s tests, our institutes graduated from widely educated specialists, now they train mostly accountants and lawyers
    1. wanderer_032
      29 March 2014 17: 44
      Quote: mechvod
      there will be no sixth until we return the school to the mainstream of education and failures of Amer’s tests, our institutes graduated from widely educated specialists, now they train mostly accountants and lawyers

      And also we don’t smoke at least from the military-industrial complex all the swindlers, majors (stupid, inconspicuous children of bosses), opportunists, nomenklatura-paper-marauders, professional careerists (these are those who like to make a career for themselves instead of real work), chino-asses, fraudsters and many other characters that slow down the process.
      But when they stay there: competent intelligent engineers with creative thinking (who are able to think up, create and are ready to do everything for this), good organizers (who are able to organize production at a modern level and are ready to do everything for this), intelligent skilled workers (who able to do the job efficiently, without marriage and everyone is ready to do it), then you can talk about the high technologies of the 6th generation.
  15. typhoon7
    29 March 2014 17: 31
    Dmitry Olegovich, this is a very good thing, God help you. Dmitry Olegovich, we do not have a light, medium fighter, there are three of them in Europe and, unfortunately, they have good performance characteristics. Why don't the MiG-35s move, we have heavy and very heavy machines, and nobody canceled the massacre in the telephone booth, and light machines will have advantages there, they are more nimble and cheaper. I searched the internet and found some interesting information. It turns out the creators of "Raphael" wanted at one time to bring the traction characteristics of their engines to the MiG ones, but their weight increased, which crossed everything out. So the MiG is an ideal fighter, although our SMT loses this advantage with the increased weight of the car and fuel with old engines. Don't pay attention, I am writing this for myself. hi
  16. dmitrij.blyuz
    29 March 2014 17: 33
    Alyo! Namesake Olegovich! I’ve gathered far away! E-mine! Can’t you see: where are the specialists? Where is the preparation of the specialists? Maybe you don’t have to make people laugh? You see only what you are shown. And to look into the underwater part of the iceberg? Here scuba gear is not needed!
  17. +1
    29 March 2014 17: 55
    I join the opinion that it is necessary to plan an education program on the model of Soviet, not Western. No wonder the USSR was considered the most reading country, they read a lot, studied a lot, the profession of engineer was respected. How to jump through generations if you can’t even find the most ordinary electrician in the country, I mean, knowing work, some geniuses won’t stretch the industry how much money you don’t give, only scientific teams with equipped laboratories and workshops with modern machine tools can make and realize discoveries. This will not happen while the state hopes for the effectiveness of private managers, since they rely only on profit in the short term and with minimal investment
  18. pinarello
    29 March 2014 17: 59
    I agree with D Rogozin, of course, all this is necessary and all this has an integrated approach and the fact that with the collapse of the USSR our science has shed a bit. Personally, I believe in our Great and Mighty people, I believe that in its creative potential it surpasses everyone and the whole and the history of the Soviet Union has proved this. The main thing is that We remember that our fathers and grandfathers built this story, and we must continue what they did - to build a New History for the benefit of future generations ...
    1. 0
      29 March 2014 23: 55
      To do something, you need organization and incentive. In the country, people are left to their own devices and everyone survives as best he can. And to plow for pennies, seeing fat cats, not many will become even in the name of certain ideas.
  19. w2000
    29 March 2014 21: 11
    There are no technical orders. This term was invented by Rogozin's accomplice, Glazyev, and Rogozin is promoting this theory of technical order wherever possible. Untalented populists and pseudoscientists drank defense money. Everything is in the spirit of Chubais's nanotechnology and Medvedev's Skolkovo "innovations".
    1. +1
      29 March 2014 22: 42
      He's about technological ways. But they generally do not exist either. You can talk about patterns or generations in individual industries. For example, in transport - horses + sails, horses + steam, gasoline + steam, gasoline + wings. In industrial engines - steam, electricity, and all for now. In electronics - it’s clear: lamps, transistors, microcircuits. Etc. Lamps could not be used until they learned how to work with electricity. Computer science cannot get ahead of the generation of electronics that matches the size of tasks. But in many ways, all this is independent and is replaced by breakthroughs in individual relevant sectors.
  20. 0
    29 March 2014 21: 40
    Let me remind you that today the bulk of Russia's production capacities is at the stage of the fourth technological order, the battle for which the USSR at one time successfully won.

    He would also remind that it was the USSR that won.

    And if in the USA already about 60% of production operates within the framework of the fifth structure,

    He would remind that for the production in the United States. It seemed that everything was already in Mexico, Cambodia, China, etc.

    then we have this figure so far limited to only 10%.

    This is probably a screwdriver car assembly? Or all sorts of S-300?

    That is why it is precisely a qualitative breakthrough immediately in the sixth technical university, bypassing the technologies of the fifth generation, that is a strategically important challenge for us.

    What is he talking about? (As a joke - maybe he wants to transfer all production to Tajikistan? The Americans and the Britons got rid of the industry long ago, with rare exceptions, such as aircraft carriers, etc.) However, politicians may even be obliged to say something like that. Encourage and guide, anywhere. Even in nano, even in bio (and there were no bio-technologies before?), Even in the sixth way. When I hear the word "nano", I know right away - everything is rotten.
  21. Vlad1408
    29 March 2014 21: 59
    In the USSR there was a journal - "Science and Life", 30 years ago, it raised and discussed issues of nanotechnology in metal science, obtaining new materials, genetics, robotics, laser technology, generating energy at thermonuclear stations, etc., everything new well forgotten old.
  22. +1
    29 March 2014 22: 00
    "Unfortunately, the state is run by amateurs, because all people who know how to manage correctly are already busy at work as taxi drivers, cooks, etc." Only such emotions after reading the discussion. Imho.
  23. +2
    29 March 2014 23: 38
    I see around me a lot of IT specialists, engineers, designers who receive "the average salary for the region" plus or minus 30%, specialists of different ages, most of all 30-35 years old. As a rule, they are engaged in non-creative work, not work in their specialty, they are ready at any time to change their place of work according to their profile, to participate in design. But NO work! I am bitter to read this article, especially about the "shortage" of specialists. Yes, there are already ready-made engineers, IT-shniki who "administer LAN", repair office equipment, "accompany 1C" and so on. , although they could ... But it is almost impossible to get a job "in the specialty" without "cronyism", and the demand is MUCH LESS the number of engineers. Even if there is a vacancy, a specialist with 5 years of experience in a specific position in the subject area is required, completely ready - but such - the sea, since specialists are reduced everywhere. It's just that "experienced" no longer want a salary that is 1,5 times higher than the "regional average", but, say, 3 times higher ("break" and agree to 1,5). AND THIS IS A STAFF LACK ?? !!! This is hypocrisy. The employer wants a super-duper specialist, with at least 5 years of experience, willing to work hard for 5 kopecks. Already a graduate student to take him "in crowbar", he still have to train.
  24. +3
    29 March 2014 23: 53
    There is still a certain proportion of "blah-blah-blah" in the voiced "good intentions" ...
    While many of my acquaintances and unfamiliar "graduate students", instead of being employed and needed by the country, scribble millions of courseworkers, being essentially unemployed, and are not attracted with decent pay for the useful use of their abilities - everything Rogozin said is to a great extent nonsense.
    All smart and capable people today work for themselves. And the state does not really conduct any personnel policy and, simply speaking, does not calculate and does not attract active people. I have a lot of acquaintances that would have come into place in the intentions and productions voiced by Rogozin, tk. the "trick" of these people is precisely in the design and modeling on a PC, orientation in many sciences. But, all these people are unemployed or small entrepreneurs doing stupid and educational projects. And now you can't lure them, because a decent salary will never be offered. I am sure that less than 300-500 thousand rubles. in a month such people will not go somewhere to work ... For with their mind and work they are able to earn more. And there is no systematic approach in anything. Not in personnel policy. Not in the education system, which is at the level of the 60s, and even that is a fiction ... There is stupidity and indifference all around, in everything. First of all, Rogozin should have built a rational management vertical that could launch organizational processes. However, even A. Dugin criticizes Putin precisely for his personnel policy, with which I agree. Personnel policy is based on majors, nepotism, etc., and not on professionalism. I will never go to work subordinate to some major-tupar, put by dad, etc. to a leading and profitable position. I just can't stand stupid and arrogant bosses.
  25. +1
    30 March 2014 00: 13
    Please, the one who "minus" me, please explain what he disagrees with? Maybe what I see around me does not correspond to the general situation in the country, I would be grateful for clarifications. I will even be glad to know that I am mistaken.
  26. DimDimych
    30 March 2014 00: 23
    Olegovich should at least do fitness, otherwise God forbid, he’ll get stuck in the tank,
    will have to cut across Russia on a tank, because after the "sanctions" it will not be allowed anywhere,
    it's a pity... tank Olegitch face! they are just made for each other !! good
  27. equity
    30 March 2014 00: 37
    Mndaa, we won’t succeed in nanotechnology if Vekselberg and others do this ... because not so long ago, 120 billion disappeared in nani, well, this gaspadin certainly had nothing to do with it! laughing Remember the story when Vekselberg turned out to himself appointed a salary of more than two million rubles a month, and when the general public became aware of this, he defiantly lowered to 150 rubles in my opinion, these people would not be let down as managers and everything would be ok . But Rogozin is certainly well done, in his work the results are visible!
  28. 0
    30 March 2014 10: 31
    Genetic engineering of the new way will not try to improve man - God's creation. Many consider this an unnatural and even dangerous occupation.

    Come on, only the improvement of man will allow him to compete with artificial intelligence.
  29. Russkiy53
    30 March 2014 11: 48
    While the bureaucrats' right hand for theft and bribes will not start, we don’t jump anywhere ... we won’t jump !!! resources, stupidly, not enough!
  30. +2
    30 March 2014 17: 06
    Quote: Max Otto
    You think about the title of his post. He goes with the flow, nor his merit that the defense order is almost fulfilled, the Shoigu factor played more here. Rogozin speaks with slogans, his place is the information service, so with Kiselyov he would have worked more fruitfully than they are now using him. Of the concrete cases of Rogozin - 3 poplar opposite the NATA headquarters - that's all. Oh yes, judging by the comments, you are also a balabol.

    I don’t even know what to call your comment - blatant incompetence or is it just that he doesn’t report to you personally in the kitchen about what he did? A daily report is desirable?
    Rogozin put things in order in Oboronka, transplanted and fired several dozens of prominent officials and executives with subsequent landing, thereby forcing the rest to treat their duties with due diligence. He organized and took charge of several areas - by the way, that appearance and equipment of the Russian army that drove our Western partners into a stupor was entirely his merit ... Rogozin closed almost all of Serdyukov-Makarov's projects, strongly supported Putin in the war against liberals led by Medvedev What contributed to Putin’s nomination of Shoigu as Minister of Defense ... If you still think that in the upper echelons of power Putin’s full support and his absolute sovereignty - then you are deeply mistaken ...

    Without posters, Rogozin has been in Kaliningrad 6 times only in the last two months, I control the work of the Yantar plant, as well as some other "projects" ... Ah, again the media did not write and again did not report ... And what do you know about the flight 120 Russian combat aircraft and 2 A-50s over the Baltic to the Kaliningrad region and then back? The media did not write the same because, well, the Russians should not know that the West literally crap and limited itself to sending 6 planes to Lithuania and 5 to Poland ... Otherwise, they planned to drive them to Lithuania and Latvia and Estonia ... And such a flight had to be prepared ... As a military man I will say - in modern combat operations, 80% of success depends on military logistics ...
  31. +1
    30 March 2014 17: 32
    Meaningless chatter. What ends the clash in the life of the coolest engineering staff and the smallest, but independent businessman? Right. The engineer leaves, crying and recounting losses and exemptions.
    Everything, absolutely everything that Rogozin says, with the modern way of life, is a mumbling into the void. Young people will continue to receive an engineering education, but will not fill your vacancies. Living with a shy loser is a dumb fool! More precisely, fools are just ma, but smart ones do not agree. But do Rogozin need smart people? You won’t get it.
  32. 0
    30 March 2014 19: 14
    And we have an exam. In guessed, not guessed play.
  33. Egor.nic
    30 March 2014 22: 07
    With all due respect to Mr. Rogozin and his full support, there are some contradictions in the article, and partly far-fetched. Or is someone speaking on his behalf? I'd like to hope that a technological breakthrough will happen. But a breakthrough is possible only under the condition of a radical parallel reform in the administrative and legal sectors of science and production. The innovative activity of Russian nuggets can have a result if they are supported by the state and supported locally. At the same time, they are often counteracted for the most part locally. Comprehensive control over family clans, clever directors and other pseudo-scientists at the helm of research institutes, enterprises and organizations should be mandatory, regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise. Otherwise, we repeat the deplorable experience of the union - we will forever catch up, buying or stealing Western technology.
  34. Shur
    30 March 2014 23: 15
    All this "progress" goes all the same for the purpose of murder. Technologically, man will only commit suicide. Looking to the West with its manic-depressive model of a society that justifies "killing for the sake of peace" creates a feeling of disgust. Nothing will ever be a technogenic way, as the harm will outweigh and ultimately finish off this under-civilization. The possession of technologies of the future, which are as easy to destroy as to create, is directly related to the mind and growth of human spirituality.