Elimination of the "Wolf". How security officers conducted an operation to destroy Roman Shukhevych

Elimination of the "Wolf". How security officers conducted an operation to destroy Roman ShukhevychOn the bloody path of one of the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalists, the Hauptmann Roman Shukhevych, the deputy commander of the sabotage and terrorist battalion "Nachtigal" of the SS division "Galicia" and other police and punitive formations in the Lviv region, in Belarus and Volyn, and after the war - the head of the sub-militia Ukraine, at one time exalted to the heavens by President V. Yushchenko and elevated to the rank of Hero of Ukraine, is testified by quite a few documents, from one reading of which literally runs cold in the veins.

The souls of innocent victims cry out ...

As is well known, the villainous “career” of this monster began with the participation in the assassination of the Polish Seym ambassador Tadeusz Golówko as early as 29 in August 1931. In 1931 — 1933. R. Shukhevych was the technical organizer of several attempts on Polish officials and an employee of the Soviet consulate A. Maylov, in 1934, he participated in organizing the assassination attempt on Polish Interior Minister Bronislav Peracki.

But this executioner managed to put the slaughter of unwanted people and even entire nations "on stream" already under the Nazi regime, whose intelligence service the Abwehr, as well as the SS chief executioners saw in the "General Chuprynka," as his accomplices for the bloody craft, the natural resources of the organizer mass genocide.

The scale of the monstrous atrocities zealously serving the Fuhrer of Bandera, the “combat and political training” of which the unsecured head commander R. Shukhevych (“General Chuprynka”) was in charge of, were summarized by such generalized figures. During the years of the Great Patriotic War in Ukraine, at the hands of the fascists, a total of 5 million 300 thousand civilians were killed, 2 million 300 thousand able-bodied Ukrainians and Ukrainians were stolen to Germany.

850 thousands of Jews, 220 thousands of Poles, more than 400 thousands of Soviet prisoners of war and about 500 thousands of peaceful Ukrainians died at the hands of only punitive Bandera.

20 thousands of soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army and law enforcement officers were killed, and approximately 4 - 5 thousands of their own "warriors" from the UPA, who proved to be insufficiently "active and nationally conscious" ...

And here are some facts from the “combat” biography of “General Chuprynka”. 30 June 1941 The Nachtigall battalion under the command of Hauptmann Shukhevych brutally destroyed more than 3 thousands of Lvov-Poles, including 70 world-renowned scientists in the very first days, who, along with German advanced units, burst into Lviv. Before the terrible death of a professor at Lviv University and their families were subjected to abuse and unprecedented humiliation.

In total, the Nachtigall battalion brutally exterminated in Lviv about 7 thousands of civilians, including small children, women, and old people. And from the cathedral chair of St. Yura, the Uniate Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky offered prayers in honor of the “invincible German army and its chief leader Adolf Hitler”, and in advance released all the sins of the Bandera army, calling them bloody crimes a “godly deed”. With the Jesuit blessing of the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the mass destruction of civilians in Ukraine and other regions began with Bandera, Nakhtigalev, Opovets, who later joined the notorious SS division "Galychyna", and partly into other Hitler punitive-terrorist formations ...

At the beginning of 1942, the Nachtigall battalion was reorganized into the 201 th SS police battalion and led by German Major Dirlewanger and the same Hitler captain Shukhevych to Belarus to fight partisans. As it is known, not the Germans, but just their assistants from among the former “Nakhtigalevists” wiped out the Belarusian village of Khatyn, destroying all residents, and the Volyn village of Korbelis, in which civilians, mostly children, women, were killed and burned over 2800 old and sick.

In August, 1943, by order of Shukhevych, agreed, of course, with the German authorities, in the Kovel, Lyuboml, and Turin districts of the Volyn region several hundred UPA thugs, under the leadership of a full-time criminal Yuri Stelmaschuk, massacred the entire Polish population. They looted their property and burned the farms. For only 29 and 30 in August, 1943 Bandera massacred and executed more than 15 thousands of people, including many elderly people, women and children.

“General Chuprynka” was one of the authors of the “methodology” of the massacres that took place. According to her, the entire population was driven to the same polls in one place, and the executioners began to massacre all indiscriminately. “After there was not a single living person left, they dug large pits, dumped all the corpses into them and covered them with earth. - testified one of the participants of these crimes. - To hide the traces of this terrible action, we kindled bonfires on the graves. Thus, dozens of small villages and farms were completely destroyed ... ”

In the middle of September, 1943 of the UPA gangs in the Gorokhovsky and the former Senkivichesky districts of the Volyn region killed about 3 thousands of people of Polish nationality. It is characteristic that one of the groups of the UPA was led by a priest of the autocephalous church, who was in the OUN specifically to absolve the accomplices-executioners for committing atrocities.

“People were laid on the ground in rows, face down, and then shot,” confirms an eyewitness. - Laying down the people for execution once again, the Bandera fired at the 3-4-year-old boy. The bullet tore down the top of his skull. The child got up, began to scream and run now to one, then to the other side with an open pulsating brain. Banderav continued to shoot, and the child ran until another bullet calmed him down ... ”

Similar examples can be given endlessly. The same modern apologists for Bandera who refer to the atrocities of the atrocities perpetrated by the OUN-UPA at the fact that they were allegedly driven solely by the violated national feelings and concern for “cleansing the primordially Ukrainian territory” from all newcomers who are representatives of “alien” ethnic groups should recall the revelations R. Shukhevych himself: “OUN madi dyati so, scoop usi hto viznav radyansku vladu, buli znischenі. Not zalyakuvati, and fіzichno znischuvati! Do not be afraid, scho people proklent us for zhorstokіst. High із 40 miliyonіv Ukrainian population overpowered half - a new terrible thing for tsomu nema ... ".

Bandera, who improved the skills of executioners in the German police units and the SS troops, literally excelled in the art of torturing defenseless people.

An example of this was, first of all, the “General Chuprynka” himself, who strongly encouraged incense in its most monstrous manifestations ...

When the whole world healed the wounds inflicted on humanity by the most terrible of all previous wars, unleashed by Shukhevych's “deity” Adolf Hitler, Bandera in the Western Ukrainian lands in 40-50s killed even more 80 thousand people. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of the victims were far from politics by civilians in civilian occupations. Innocent children and old people made up a significant percentage of those killed by nationalist murderers. Among the brutally murdered in Lviv assistants of the “General Chuprynka” was the remarkable Ukrainian journalist and writer Yaroslav Galan. All his “fault” consisted in the fact that he dared to write the impartial truth about Bandera and its spiritual fathers from the Lviv cathedral of the Uniate Cathedral of St. Jura and the Catholic Vatican ...

In the village of Svatovo in the Lviv region, four girls-teachers who were tortured by Shukhevych's henchmen still remember. They died only because they were from the Soviet Donbass! Today, it does not resemble?

And nationalist accused teacher Raisa Borzilo (p. Pervomaisk) of propaganda of the Soviet system at school. For this, the Bandera gouged out her eyes, cut off the tongue, threw a noose around the neck of the wire and dragged it with a horse across the field until it, all bloody, lost its breath ...

In accordance with the norms of the International Tribunal, such acts can only be qualified as war crimes and crimes against humanity that do not have a statute of limitations!

Massive monstrous killings of innocent people, committed by Bandera during the period and after the Great Patriotic War, can only be called one word: GENOCID.

Yes, it was a real genocide, that is, a mass extermination of people, and it took place for a long time and in the most inhuman, most disgusting, undisguised form. By and large, in many Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian cities and villages it is necessary to install mournful memorials to the victims of the Bandera genocide, and not desecrate the memory of these people by blasphemous exaltation of executioners who shed innocent rivers of blood!

The main organizer of these mass atrocities, carried out by Bandera, was all the same "Chuprynka", obviously hoping in this way to curry favor with their Nazi masters and issued a special order, which claims to be even more bloodthirsty than those issued by Hitler's the occupied territories: “The Jews are treated the same way as the Poles and the Gypsies: destroy mercilessly, do not regret anyone ... Save doctors, pharmacists, chemists, nurses; to keep them protected ... The Jews used for digging bunkers and building fortifications, at the end of the work without publicly eliminate ... ".

And it’s not for nothing that many representatives of the public of Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Israel even today continue to demand the opening by the international tribunal of a criminal case against the military criminal organization of the OUN-UPA and its leaders, Bandera, Shukhevych, Konovaltsy, Melnik and others, due to numerous holocaust events against the Jews, and genocide against the citizens of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. In the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko is also brought to criminal responsibility for the exaggeration of the Holocaust and genocide committed by war criminals from the OUN-UPA, propaganda of frantic nationalism as a form of fascism, and contributing to the revival and formation of nationalist organizations in Ukraine bearing frankly pro-fascist, extremely misanthropic character. The souls of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims cry out about the fair trial of the brutal murderers - Ukrainian nationalists from the OUN-UPA!

And the last of the past “General Chuprynki”, having seized power as a result of an unconstitutional armed coup in Ukraine and thirsting for new blood in the south and southeast, would not be too refreshing to remember how a bloody executioner was destroyed by the KGB in 1950 - “exorcised” golovnokomuduyy Shukhevych-Chuprynka ".

And not in that fantastically improbable edition, which is multiplied in the “truthful” studies by some of the biased Ukrainian griefs, the “researchers”, concerned with how to whitewash and glorify this fiend of hell. And in the form, as well as all this looks story in fact.

How the KGB operation against the “General Chuprynka” was organized and carried out (initially, we emphasize that the aim was to take it alive to be given to the public court), we will tell, based only on the original documents and evidence of its direct participants, as well as sincere confessions of others involved in the events of individuals.

"Armed resistance and was destroyed"

Let's start with the most important, perhaps, document compiled by the KGB leaders on the results of the operation on the same day, March 5, 1950, and declassified by the Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

"Top secret.
Note on "HF"
The USSR Ministry of State Security Comrade VS Abakumov.
Minister of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR
Lieutenant General Comrade N. Kovalchuk

We report that as a result of a number of agent-operational activities and the conducted KGB-military operation 5 in March this year. in 8.30 in the morning in the village of Belogorsk, the Bryukhovetsky district of the Lviv region, while trying to capture, armed resistance was killed and the famous organizer and leader of the OUN gangs in the western regions of the USSR was killed Roman Shukhevych, known by the nicknames “General Taras Chuprynka”, “Tur”, “Bely”, “Old”, “Father”, and others, and his closest assistant in the underground Didyk Galina, who had in the underground the nickname “Lipa”, “Gassia”, etc., was captured alive.

In addition, 3 March this year. in 19 hours in the city of Lviv, the personal connection of R. Shukhevych Gusyak Darin, nicknamed "Darka", was captured.

During the active interrogation of 3 and 4 in March of this year. “Darka” refused to indicate the places of Shukhevych’s shelter and diverted our attention to the other side.
In this regard, a combination was developed and carried out in 22.00 on March 4 s. The village where Shukhevych and Didyk are hiding became known.

The 8.00 5 March with. The village of Belogorsk was surrounded, and the houses of Hrobak Natalia and her sister Anna were resettled.

In 8.30, Anna Shukhevych and Didyk, a resident of the village of Belogorsk, Hrobak, were found.

Our group, which entered the house, proceeded to the operation, during which Shukhevych was asked to surrender.

In response, Shukhevych put up armed resistance, opened fire with a machine gun that killed Major Revenko, head of the department of the 2-H MGB of the Ukrainian SSR, and, despite the measures taken to capture him alive, during a firefight he was killed by Sergeant 8 CP 10 SP JV VV MDB.

During the operation, Didyk swallowed a vial of poison that was in her mouth, but was saved thanks to the measures taken.

In the house where Shukhevych lived, a large number of documents of great operational importance were found: fonts and codes for communicating with the leaders of the OUN underground, a passport, military ID, and other documents addressed to Field Yaroslav.

Shukhevych’s body was presented for identification: to his son Yuri, who is kept in the UMGB inner prison in the Lviv region; his former cohabitant, one of the active participants of the OUN underground, Zaritskaya Ekaterina, and the former economic adviser of the Central “Provoda” OUN - Good Zinoviy.

All of them immediately and without any hesitation identified Shukhevych in the corpse.

Lieutenant-General Sudoplatov
Major General Drozdov
Colonel Maystruk

Submitted by 5 March 1950
Handed Drozdov
Accepted: in the MGB of the USSR, Chief of the 2 General Administration Major-General T. Pitovranov in the 13.00 h .;

in the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR Minister of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR Lieutenant General

t. Kovalchuk in 14.00 h. "

"First - to accumulate operational material"

And now - it's time to reveal the important details of that operation.

Since 1944, the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR, in connection with the active opposition of the OUN terrorists in the rear of the Red Army and in the liberated territory of Ukraine, has launched a centralized operational event "Berloga" aimed at finding members of the Central Wire (CP) of the OUN in Ukraine and Shukhevych personally.

October 31 1945. He was brought up with a special search "Wolf". The same investigative cases were opened to other members of the OUN central mission: “Rat” (D. Klyachkivsky - “Klim Savur”), “Badger” (V. Cook - “Lemish”), “Behemoth” (R. Kravchuk - “Peter ")," Jackal "(P. Fedun -" Poltava ")," Mole "(V. Galas -" Orlan ").

The most important materials of these cases were sent to the central office of the NKGB, and the UNKGB-UMGB of the western regions had their duplicates. In search cases, reports of operational sources, informational and analytical materials covering the gangster tactics of the nationalist underground, details of illegal activities and personal life of the OUN leaders, planning and reporting documents on the course of their search, detention or, as a last resort, were accumulated.

Since January 1947, another instance of these cases was also carried out by the Office of 2-H, specially created in the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR, formed as the main unit of the KGB anti-nationalist bodies.

2-H was headed by the Deputy Minister of State Security of the Republic, and he also led the Operations Group in Lviv, a special coordination center for all anti-Bandera events in the region.

The 2-H administration had a clear organizational structure, in which each body was responsible for a specific area: The first department searched for members of the OUN and the main boundary wires; The second led the development of the lower wires and the "legal grid" of the OUN, the Third was responsible for the whole range of measures to counter the OUN in the eastern regions of Ukraine; The fourth dealt with the Millerites OUN members and other nationalist organizations that were not subordinate to Bandera and Shukhevych. In addition, the Division had liaison, support and operational accounting units.

Rozysk Shukhevych, given the large number of gangster caches and stove benches in the western regions, can be compared with the search for needles in a haystack, the order of 700 - 800 operative workers were involved. Suffice it to say that the initial information about the liquidation of the "Wolf" came to the Office of 2-H three times, but every time it turned out to be erroneous, and therefore the search continued.

The search for Shukhevych - this seasoned conspiracy wolf, who learned how to escape whole from the Polish defenziv, was complicated by the fact that he very often changed the "hiding places" and mistresses. One of them, Galina Didyk, dared even twice (in 1948 and 1949) to go to Odessa resorts with fake documents. And while the security officers literally got out of the ground of his accomplices, the “unskilled Golovnokomuduyuky” bathed in the Black Sea and treated rheumatism ...

Nationalist thugs and Greek Catholic "shepherds" - in one team

Here is what a prominent security officer, Deputy Minister of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR, Major General Drozdov, wrote in the “Help for the liquidation of the head of the OUN underground in the Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR - Shukhevich RI” dated March 17 from 1950:

“During the activities of the MGB bodies to search for the organizers and leaders of the gang of the underground in the western regions of Ukraine, it was found that they often maintain contact with the Greek Catholic clergy and receive material support from it. Regarding the priests in the territory of the Stanislav region, the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR received specific data indicating that they hide liaison gang leaders, provide a communication line and, on the instructions of the underground, do a great deal of nationalist work among the parishioners. In this regard, the intelligence work of the clergy was strengthened, as a result of which specific data were obtained about Shukhevych’s connections and places of their stay with accomplices ...

Based on the data obtained at the direction of the Ministry of State Security of Ukraine in January A simultaneous operation was carried out, during which the most active accomplices of the gang of the underground, who remained in the Uniate positions, but formally converted to Orthodoxy, were arrested. These are the priests: Pasnak, Tchaikovsky, Vergun, Postrigach, Golovatsky and others ...

The arrested Vergun, as a confidant of Shukhevych, systematically hid at himself the closest assistants of Shukhevych - Didyk Galina (OUN's nickname “Anna”), Gusyak Darin (OUN's nickname “Nussia”) and other coherent Central OUN wires.

The testimonies of those arrested were received that in the village of Dugovaya, Rogatinsky District, an illegal was hiding from the priest Lopatinsky, the mother of Shukhevych’s personal contact, Nyusi, was Gusiak Maria.

Simultaneously with the use of agents, all the Nyus' safe apartments were taken under operational surveillance, and in some apartments ambushes were left to capture Nyusi if it appeared in Lviv ... ”

Shukhevych handed over his "own" ...

3 March 1950 in the UMGB in the Lviv region received important information from Polina, an agent of the Lviv UMGB, an active participant in the nationalist underground in the past, who realized the brunt of the crimes he committed and voluntarily surrendered. Having set the condition for the release of her brother, who was also implicated in Bandera, she offered to the KGB help in apprehending a confidant Shukhevych D. Gusiak (Nyusi, Darki).

"Polina" told counterintelligence officers that soon Gusyak should visit one of the fashionable houses on Lenin Street in Lviv. The staff of the operational group of the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR in Lviv, the Office of 2-H and the intelligence department of the Fifth (operational) department of the UMGB immediately went to the house.

Opposite the house, on the campaign site, the operatives staged an improvised observation post. A counterintelligence officer with the rank of lieutenant, who “worked” as an ordinary housewife, walked in front of the main entrance door with a package in her hands. Around 15.40 a woman entered the house, signs of which pointed to Darin Gusyak. An hour later, she came out with "Polina". They visited the knitwear shop on the central Lviv Mitskevich Square, then said goodbye, and Gusyak took the tram to the station. About 19 hours in the area of ​​the railway station, four operatives intercepted her ...

Major-General Drozdov, in the same “Help”, reported: “When“ Nyus ”a“ TT ”pistol was discovered, an ampule of poison, which she tried to swallow. During the active interrogation of 3 and 4 in March with. “Nussia” refused to indicate the place where Shukhevych was hiding, and distracted the attention of operational workers to the territory where Shukhevych was not. In this connection, a complex agent combination was developed and carried out, as a result of which it became known that Shukhevych and his close assistant Didyk Galina was hiding in the village of Belogorskcha of the Bryukhovetsky district located in the outskirts of Lviv ... "

Not torture, but cunning

The “complex agent combination” mentioned by Major-General Drozdov is presented by the current advocates of Bandera as cruel torture, which the security officers allegedly ruthlessly subjected Darina Gusiak to “Nyushu”. At the same time, they base their conclusions on the statements of D. Gusiak herself. Having safely survived to our time, that, in spite of old age, often flickers on the Ukrainian TV screen. TV makers engaged by Maidan eagerly replicate on air her tales of atrocities and torture to which she was allegedly subjected to “Muscovites”, seeking information about the place of Shukhevych’s hideout.

Meanwhile, if it is unbiased to study the chronology of the events connected with the arrest of D. Gusiak, it will become clear that the Chekists simply did not need any torture. 3 in March at 18.30 arrest her, conduct the first interrogation (rather fluent), and immediately send her to the infirmary.

The very same combination is being carried out, which, according to experts who are well-versed in detective affairs, is a classic example of an in-cell development, talented by UMGB operatives.

Given that Gusiak immediately tried to drive the operatives by the nose and, instead of real information about Shukhevych's location, she called the addresses of Lviv merchants she knew, that evening, taking into account her health complaints, she was placed in a prison infirmary.

In the hospital Gusyak - "Nussia" met with another arrested. This woman had the operational pseudonym "Rose" and was an experienced agent of the Soviet counterintelligence. During the war she collaborated with the Gestapo, for which she was subsequently arrested by the MGB. By agreeing to cooperate with security officers, she, in particular, helped to eliminate one of the major figures of the OUN, O. Dyakiva.

... "Rose" before meeting with "Nusya" was generously smeared with green, allegedly "after the beatings". “Recovering” in the infirmary, she began to diligently tap Morse's “message to her neighbors,” and then began to write a note, “hidden” with a pencil stub. Naturally, Gusyak was intrigued and tried to find out what the cellmate was writing. She excused herself. In the end, Gusyak could not stand it, and straight away asked if her “friend in misfortune” had any connection with the underground. "Rose" was silent for a long time, as if wondering if it made sense to open up, and then answered the question to the question: "Do you know Coin?"

"Coin" was the nickname of E. Zaritskaya, another mistress of Shukhevych, whom he, after the war, entrusted to coordinate the actions of his personal contacts.

However, E. Zaritskaya- “Coin” of the MGB arrested in 1947 year, when she was detained she killed an operative officer. And not without reason that the mention of “Coin” made a strong impression on Gusyak ...

"Coin" - in the next cell ", - apparently, having decided something about herself, Rosa reported. And in an ominous tone, she warned: "Hold your tongue." If you betray me, I'll strangle you at night! ”

And Gusyak, completely forgetting all the OUN conspiracy instructions, immediately "swam" ...

And the next day, March 4, “Rose” informed Gusiak that the investigation allegedly had no evidence against her, and they had to let her go, and in her own way offered the consignment to hand over the note “to the will” ...

It turns out that it’s not at all the “torture” and other “know-hows” of the KGB, and certainly not the mythical agent “Maria”, allegedly introduced, according to the claims of Ukrainian “historians”, in Shukhevych’s surroundings back in 1944 year, but the only trustfulness and, right for example, the obvious stupidity of D. Gusiak- “Nussy” itself became the main reason for establishing the exact location of the “commander-in-chief” R. Shukhevych.

"The operation is carried out by the method of blocking ..."

Immediately after receiving information about the lieutenant of “General Chuprynka” from D. Gusyak, the deputy head of the 2-N Department of the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR, Lieutenant Colonel Shorubalka, the head of the UMGB of Lviv region, Colonel Maystruk, and the head of the internal troops of the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian District, Major General Fadeev jointly developed the “Chekist-Army plan to capture or eliminate the Wolf. "

The plan of the operation, printed in a single copy, was approved by Lieutenant General P.A. Sudoplatov (Moscow curator of the most important operations to defeat Bandera and head of the illegal special operations of Soviet intelligence who are not replaceable until Stalin’s death) and Deputy Minister of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR, Major General V.A. Drozdov. The plan was: “To implement the incoming data in order to capture or liquidate the Wolf at dawn on March 5. to spend in the village of Belogorsk and the adjacent forest, as well as on the western outskirts of the village of Levanduvka, a KGB military operation ...

a) Collect all operational reserves of the 62 th rifle division of the internal troops of the MGB, the headquarters of the Ukrainian border district and the Lviv Police Department in Lviv.

b) Remove the military forces that take part in the operation at the junction of the administrative boundaries of the Glinyansky, Peremyshlyansky and Bobrkovsky districts of the Lviv region in the number of 600 people, and focus on March 5 by 5 o'clock. was in the courtyard UMGB Lviv region.

c) To carry out the operation by blocking the village of Belogorsk, the nearby farms, the western outskirts of the village of Levanduvka and the forest. ”

In total, as indicated by the map-plan attached to the plan, 60 operatives were involved in the operation, 376 soldiers of the internal and border troops of the MGB to cordon off the area of ​​active operations in four problem areas, 170 for inspecting objects, and 320 was in reserve.

Moreover, according to the plan, one company of the 10 Infantry Regiment of the 62 Division of the internal troops under the command of the highly experienced “bandol” captain Pickman was supposed to block not only the house Gusyak- Nyusya pointed to, but several houses in which could be Shukhevych, as an experienced conspirator, of course, every now and then changing his "chaise".

When everything was ready to seize the hardened "Wolf", her son Danil suddenly left Natalia Hrobak's house. The operatives called him, and he said that a housekeeper had appeared in the center of the village, in the house of his mother's sister, Anna Konyushek. The lad was asked to describe her appearance, and the description coincided with the signs of Galina Didyk's accomplice, Shukhevych ...

One, and without protection?

And what happened at these moments in the lair of Shukhevych himself? This (with a certain stretch) can be judged by the "memoirs" of Ms. Didyk herself, who after liberation settled in the Chernihiv region. Before her death in 1979, her relatives recorded her narration on tape. Here is what she said: “In 1950, the rotsi arereshtuali Odarka (i.e. Daria Gusiak). And before the aresht, I’m a little better than her. Usi was overwhelmed, boomed by I at Odarkoy in Pyatnytsya (3 tobto the birch), and on the Sabbath we became aware of aresht. They made their way to the monastery of Zalishati qiu hut. In Nіlіlyu in Bіlogorschі Mali vіdbuvatysya yakіs vibori. In the town hall, a comma

But here's the bad luck: each more or less significant "conductor" of the CP OUN necessarily had personal security in several people. What then to speak about the leader himself, the "head-commander" of the UPA? After all, it should have been guarded especially carefully. Meanwhile, 5 March in Belogorsk, according to the testimony of the very mistress of Shukhevych G. Didyk, for some reason, the “head commander” was left alone with her.

What was it: a mere coincidence, the desire of carnivorous greedy to the carnal, still not old, executioner to be alone with the “lady of the heart”, or the result of another clever combination of security officers, who were aiming to take the leader of the Bandera underground certainly alive?

Alas, the original documents that shed light on this until it is made public ...

Anyway, but around 8 in the morning of March 5, Colonel Maystruk, Head of the UMGB of Lviv region, and his deputy, Colonel Fokin, accompanied by a group of operatives and soldiers of internal troops approached the house of Belogorsk, the son of Natalia Hrobak, in which , most likely, hiding the "sweet couple" Shukhevych and Didyk.

The house where the gangster ringleader, hiding from justice, arranged his laying, was a two-story building, on the first floor of which the village council chairman lived, and the side room was occupied by a cooperative shop. On the second floor there were two rooms and a kitchen, as well as a staircase that led to the large attic.

Then it makes sense to listen to Galina Didyk again: “Rapt htos duzno knocking to the door. The Provider (that is, R. Shukhevych. - A.P.) suddenly jumped in before the meeting, and I wrote in the door. She shook up, there stood ozbroєnі people, one - іz instructed to the door by the muzzle. It became zrozumіlo, scho right naughty. We have agreed with the Provider: the situation is not clear, I’m waiting for the door, and you can spend time for an hour. I thought: if I’m one or two, then leave the stench to get away, leave the sheathing hut, then the Provider can get rid of it. Ale mene vіdrazu took hands. If Mene was led by gatherings in the mountain, I read out and say in a voice: “Do you want to know what you want?” I screamed with the help of my mayzhe, shabo dati nobility Provіdnikovі, hto sudi uvirvatsya. Mene zaphali in Kіmnatu, put on a stool і vimagali skazati, just like that at house. With buloh ıх tіlki dvoh. Ale, I feel, scho descended from there yde їх bіlshe - right on the side of the fugitive! ... ”.

An accomplice of Shukhevych first introduced herself as “Stefania Kulik, an immigrant from Poland,” but the operatives identified her instantly.

As the Deputy Minister of the Ukrainian SSR General-Major-General Drozdov wrote in the above-mentioned certificate, Didyk was further "strongly suggested that Shukhevych Roman, who was hiding with her, surrendered, and that she would contribute to this, then they would save their life."

Didyk quote again: “And I scream, I don’t know anything, I don’t know anything here. Madness, Provisional zrozumіv, scho progress ... "

Making sure that, on goodwill, this lady of her lover would not pass, the MGB officers began a search ...

Give himself up and save his life did not want the leader himself ...

Further Didyk told: “I felt one whistle. Vryva іz hands, threw a friend kіmnatu with a cry: "Oh, lagaymo! .. Infection will be streamed! .." ... doors I vidchula, so neztomnіyu vzhe ... I am just a chula postrіl, one, other, third ... Postrіli boulevard here on the street. I zrozumila, now tse vzhe kіnets.

Shukhevych at that moment, as it became clear later, was hiding in a specially equipped “room” - a small room fenced off by a wooden partition in the corridor of the second floor, which had two moving walls and a special exit to the stairs covered with a carpet ...

Events developed rapidly. Major General Drozdov describes them in his document: “During the search, shots were fired from behind a wooden partition at the landing. At this time, major Revenko, head of the 2-N Office of the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR, and Colonel Fokin, deputy head of the UMGB of Lviv region, climbed the stairs. In the resulting shootout Comrade. Revenko on the landing was killed. During the shooting from a shelter, a gangster jumped out with a pistol and a grenade in his hand and rushed down the steps, where he came across Colonel Fokin, who was going down. At this time, Sergeant Polishchuk, who was standing in the courtyard, ran up and killed a gangster with a submachine gun. The leader of the OUN underground in the western regions of the USSR was identified as Roman Shukhevych Roman Iosifovich, known by the nicknames “General Taras Chuprynka”, “Tour”, “White”, “Old” and others. ”

Speculation and Facts

In 8 hour. 30 min. the operation was completed, and it took the whole no more than half an hour. And it turns out that there was no fight “before the remaining patron of the Communist Committee of Chervona Armey”, which was “recreated” by modern Ukrainian biased “researchers”, and there was no mention of it, just as there was no mysterious “special group of the IDB” in Lviv.

A large-scale but quite ordinary (for post-war years in Western Ukraine) KGB military operation was carried out, as a result of which the leader of the gang underground, who did not want to surrender, was destroyed.

Some authors pay attention to the fact that in Shukhevych’s corpse, besides the three bullet holes from the gunfire in the chest, another bullet hole in the right temporal area was recorded, as well as hemorrhage from the left ear. From this, other experts, especially interested in maximal glorification of their “hero”, conclude that Sergeant Polishchuk could not inflict such injuries on Shukhevych in one line, and, most likely, mortally wounded Shukhevych himself shot a bullet in his temple.

What do you say here? It really matters, did Shukhevych die from Polishchuk's bullets, or, already stitched with an automatic burst, did he finish himself off? Moreover, in the dump between Shukhevych and Colonel Fokin on the stairs, after Polishchuk’s shots and Shukhevych’s fall together with Fokin down the stairs, another operative could have wounded Shukhevych in his right temple. By the way, the indirect proof of this version is the fact that in some reports about the operation in Belogorsk, instead of Polishchuk, the name of Sergeant Petrov appears ...

Other historians consider the outcome of the KGB military operation unsuccessful, citing the fact that Shukhevych was required to be captured alive, but this was not possible. Of course, it was desirable to end the operation in this way, however, the liquidation of Shukhevych was an important victory for the state security organs, because with his death the gangster underground in Ukraine was decapitated.

By the way, the very name of the operation, approved by Sudoplatov and Drozdov, testifies that the liquidation of the gangster “commander-in-chief” was by no means excluded.

By the way, this case in the post-war years was not at all isolated. In the same way, in the course of KGB military operations, it was possible to destroy the "conductors" of the Central OUN Wire D. Klyachkivsky ("Klim Savur") and R. Kravchuk ("Petro").

But the “last love” of R. Shukhevych, Galina Didyk, as the reader already understood, managed to be captured alive. After trying to poison herself, she swallowed a vial of strychnine (and not cyanide, as is sometimes said for more “heroization”), she was immediately taken to intensive care. Soviet doctors managed to save her, and she, along with her companions E. Zaritskaya (“Coin”) and D. Gusiak (“Nyusya”), gave the KGB addresses a total of 105 safe flats, three dozen of which were in Lviv.

Based on the testimony of these witnesses, according to the MGB documents, by August 1950 93 was arrested, 14 was recruited and was under construction by 39 members of the nationalist underground.

Bandpopol ties stretched to the West ...

Finally, we note that during the search in the village house, where Shukhevych and Didyk were hiding, according to the same documents of the Ministry of State Security, a complete espionage and terrorist set was found: personal weapon, a radio receiver, a camera with photographic devices, Shukhevych’s fictitious documents (in the name of Polevoy) and Didyk (in the name of Kulik), tools for making fake seals and stamps and a large number of these special tools already manufactured; ciphers and codes, OUN literature, records about the points and time of holding secret meetings, all kinds of medical instruments, as well as over 16000 rubles. In addition, the secret OUN instructions “Wasp-1” found during the search, instructions for the legalized participants of the OUN underground, instructions on the organization of the information service in the cities of Ukraine, and even Shukhevych’s personal notes, which dealt with serious differences between the foreign The wire (headed then by S. Bandera) and the leadership of the underground in Western Ukraine (that is, Shukhevych himself).

On top of that, the security officers seized the parachutes of one of the courier groups that arrived to Shukhevych from abroad, indicating an irrefutable connection between the Ukrainian underground forces and Western intelligence services.

By the way, Bandera in Ukraine, the Soviet intelligence services could have been eradicated much faster, and much more radical, if the bloody OUN terrorists were not supported by all possible means “democratic” America and certain circles in West Germany, who in the 50s of the last century still dreamed of military revenge against the USSR.

As you can see, history repeats itself. And the current followers of Bandera and Shukhevych could not have created their bloody maidan in Kiev and accomplished an armed coup if they had not relied on the support of the creators of Western, frankly, criminal, geopolitics.
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  1. +10
    27 March 2014 08: 49
    Competently worked, what specialists say!
    It was not for nothing that they doused the demshusher with mud. Only where is that shusher and who remembers them? Part rested, and part on the way, there and the road
    But people will always remember the masters of their craft and enemies too
    the leader of the gang underground in Western Ukraine, once exalted to heaven by President V. Yushchenko and elevated to the rank of Hero of Ukraine
    But I don’t want to believe that there is no succession, that I didn’t find my ice ax
    1. +8
      27 March 2014 08: 56
      Well done security officers, destroyed the fetid reptile. It’s a pity to write obscenities, otherwise I would give out a tirarad about Hitler’s bedding, led by hiroi such as Chmushkevish and his gang of scum and thugs.
    2. +1
      27 March 2014 22: 38
      There is a documentary story about the introduction of Chekists in a gang to search for and capture some particularly important Bandera. But I don’t remember either the name or the author — I read the book in the 60s of the last century. It would be interesting to flip through it again. I remember that agent preparation and a meeting at a safe house were well described.
  2. +14
    27 March 2014 08: 55
    Honestly, I feel sorry for Ukraine, but such scum they elevated to the rank of heroes. Is history repeating itself?
  3. +16
    27 March 2014 09: 25
    Once again I am convinced that at least two completely different people live in the territory of present-day Ukraine
  4. +6
    27 March 2014 09: 38
    And these bastards are now the heroes of Ukraine? Glory to the killers, Glory to the traitors?
  5. +5
    27 March 2014 09: 42
    Now these scum betray and sell themselves!
  6. +13
    27 March 2014 09: 44
    Ukraine has not yet died:
    1. jjj
      28 March 2014 00: 43
      Five or six years maximum left for "participants"
      1. +1
        28 March 2014 01: 21
        You could speed up!
  7. +5
    27 March 2014 09: 50
    I can not understand! that these zapadentsy pathological executioners! Is that what they have inherent in genetics? Is that a genetic predisposition?
    1. 120352
      27 March 2014 10: 23
      ONEG 67
      See how they were "made" in the film "Kill the Russian in yourself". He was on u-tuba. The film is professionally made and historically verified.
  8. 120352
    27 March 2014 10: 21
    This experience needs to be studied, summarized and disseminated! In order not to lose skills, it is necessary to apply it from time to time. Americans do such things all the time - and nothing! And what are we worse?
    The only question is: where to start? There are too many applicants for first place, but, it seems to me, this woman who wants to shoot us with nuclear weapons and wants not to leave a scorched field from Russia should be skipped without waiting in line.
  9. +7
    27 March 2014 10: 41
    A brief history of the shameful and filthy life of the commander-in-chief of the DUPA Shukhevych-Shlyukhevych:
    Various moral monsters from Russia and Ukraine like to tell that no one threatens Crimea and the southeast with anything, that peaceful protesters are in the "Euromaidan", and Russian propaganda is inventing fascists. Of course, all direct threats to kill, hang, suppress by force of arms the Crimeans and residents of the south-east of Ukraine, such victims of Oruelov's consciousness are ignored, demonstrating the sorrow of their minds. They like to tell similar tales about the Banderlog from the DUPA, about how they nobly fought against the Germans and the Soviet regime, and only exclusively with the NKVD officers, who allegedly robbed and deported the ukrainian peasants, and did not touch the Red Army in any way, well, just the forest elves. Especially the company of such nonsense expanded under the leper Yushchenko, under whom Shlyukhevych in 2007 received the title of Hero of Ukraine (poor Ukraine with such heroes), monuments were erected to him, and the post of Ukraine even issued a stamp with his portrait.

    monument to Shlyukhevych in the town of Kalush in Western Ukraine

    postage stamp with a portrait of Shlyukhevych

    commemorative coin dedicated to HERA
    Well, we pimples, and other Svidomo "istoregam" will not believe, but look carefully at the biography of this hero.
    1. +4
      27 March 2014 10: 53
      So, what was the so-called. "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" and its commander-in-chief Shlyukhevych. This "garny" lad first engaged in terrorism.
      In 1931 — 1933 was the technical organizer of several assassination attempts against Polish officials and the employee of the Soviet consulate A. Maylov.
      In the spring of 1941 he studied at the highest military command courses for the leaders of the OUN-R, organized by the Abwehr. He holds the post of deputy commander of the Ukrainian Legion, formed in the city of Brandenburg, the famous battalion "Nachtigall".
      During Operation Barbarossa, the Nachtigall battalion, where Shukhevych, in the rank of Hauptmann (captain), held the position of Ukrainian deputy commander, together with German troops took part in the invasion of the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, acting as part of the Brandenburg regiment. On the night of 29 on 30 of June, the 1941 battalion was the first to enter Lviv and staged a bloody massacre there that terrified even the Germans:
      "They took long daggers in their teeth, rolled up the sleeves of their gymnasts, holding their weapons at the ready. Their appearance was disgusting. Like possessed people, hiccupping loudly, with foam on their lips, with bulging eyes, they rushed through the streets of Lviv. Everyone who fell into their hands, was brutally executed. "

      One of the most terrible photos of Lviv pogroms of 1941

      The victim, apparently, refers to some executioners or a German photographer.

      Young Galicians stone Jewess.

      To the pogrom as a holiday - the Svidomo Galician put on a suit, tie and went to kick the elderly Jew.
      These are the most "decent" photos that I could select, the rest are here:

      I warn you in advance, the sight is not for the faint of heart. At the same time think nothing reminds?
      After these "glorious" exploits, the Germans sent a battalion to the front, however, fighting the Red Army is more difficult than exterminating civilians. In the very first battle with regular units of the Red Army, they were scared to death and fled to the rear - behind the backs of the German allies, so the Germans decided to use banderlog in their specialty - they renamed it to the 201st security battalion, after which it was transferred to Belarus where it was used to fight the partisans. In the battalion, Shlyukhevych held the position of deputy commander in the German rank corresponding to the rank of captain. That is, Shlyukhevych fought on the territory of Belarus for the "independence" of Ukraine.

      Hauptsturmführer Schluchevich (seated second, left) in the circle of "comrades in arms"
      1. +1
        27 March 2014 11: 00
        However, the Belarusian partisans regularly sent banderlog to their long-deserved graves, about which Shlyukhevych bitterly complained to the Uniate Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky, another HERO, about whom they also filmed "Khfilma", who blessed Shlyukhevych with a gang for "feats":
        In this so important chiliiny for us, we remember about you, our dear dad and opikun. I don’t know if our share is waiting there, all of us will remain alive, I ask your dad's blessing for us on our firm warrior's way, and for our homelands, who were left without care in our snowy, icy villages.

        On 30 day, I buried him twenty in the zombie’s grave twenty six naikrashchikh, most important boys from our kuren, with a couple Roman Kashubinsky at the table. For the whole reason, I was escorting our wounded from the battlefield until I’ve stood, hanged partisan warriors in the stump. The bulo [a] munits didn’t become anymore. It is terribly important and, more likely, the Bulo of men’s burial. Not such a finale of our zmagan mi ochkuvali. In addition, further upkoryuvannya, all those vitvoryu Stan psychic depressii so elders, as well as in the pages. Not bachimo kіntsya. I’ll embed our warrior’s nobility with birch crosses. Kochuочmo as much on the bugs of Belarus as it is already wasted, who should bring us to see the golden-domed [Kiev]; chi, may have to embed a young corpse in a foreign land, for a foreign stranger


        Realizing that the case smells of kerosene, Shlyukhevich, already awarded by that time with two crosses and a medal of Hitlerite Germany, deserts from the battalion, goes into an illegal position and is a member of the OUN Wire as an assistant on military issues. A number of sources indicate that upon his return to Lvov, Shlyukhevych was detained by the Gestapo, but was released (well, now imagine the situation, the NKVD or SMERSH are releasing a deserted Soviet officer in 1943!). and here Shlyukhevych found a less dangerous occupation for himself, the extermination of the unarmed, defenseless Polish population, organizing together with other leaders of the banderlog the so-called. "Volyn massacre", during which from 30 to 80 thousand Poles were killed.
        1. +4
          27 March 2014 11: 02
          I will dwell on several episodes:
          “In the alley of old trees, they“ decorated ”the trunk of each tree with the corpse of a child killed before that. According to Western researcher Alexander Korman, the corpses were nailed to the trees in such a way as to create the appearance of a“ wreath. ”Bandera called this alley“ the road to independent Ukraine ”- it was mockingly called "Bandera wreath".
          (Combat path of the UPA, s. Lozovaya, Ternopol district)

          monument to Polish children killed by Bandera
          "In connection with the successes of the Bolsheviks, one should hasten to liquidate the Poles, cut out at the root, burn purely Polish villages, mixed villages - only the Polish population should be destroyed"
          (from the UPA order)

          Knowing about the sadistic inclinations of Shukhevych, the oops people on the anniversary of the UPA decided to present their “general” with an unusual gift - 5 heads, cut off from the Poles. He was pleasantly surprised by both the gift itself and the resourcefulness of his subordinates.

          polka Maria Grabovsky with her daughter 3 years old (killed by Bandera 10.11.1943 in the village of Blazhev Gorna, Lviv region)

          the Polish family of Scheyer, a mother and two children, was carved in her house in Vladinopol in 1943.

          victims of the Bandera massacre in the Polish village of Germanovka, rn Lutsk, 28.11.1943
          I will keep silent about the rest of the "exploits", since this is already the occupation of criminologists and psychiatrists ... Anyone can type in the search engine the words "Volyn massacre" and get a complete picture of the horror that these beasts were doing in human form.
          However, Shlyukhevych did not shine with military leadership talents, again suffering regular defeats from the actions of Soviet partisans, especially as a result of the famous raid of a detachment of the real partisan general Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak. And the Banderlog themselves were not happy with the merits of their "commander-in-chief":
          “Klim Savur,” (another leader), indignant at the low level of command of the operation, publicly declared: “From Shukhevych, the same commander as a stallion from cancer!”

          1. +3
            27 March 2014 11: 07
            Shlyukhevych did not forget himself in the struggle for power in a pack of packers: So, on April 13, 1943, an internal coup took place in the OUN (b), as a result of which Shukhevych took the post of political leader of the OUN (b), displacing Lebed, who previously held this post. No less brutally Banderlog dealt with the rival gang-OUN (M), so they killed the wife of the head of a rival gang, the so-called. "Polesskaya Sich" Taras Bulba (Borovets) and all subordinate "field commanders" who opposed the genocide of the Poles.
            However, the Red Army was approaching Galicia and it was necessary to do something, and Shlyukhevych again returned to his former owners, whom he didn’t break ties with anymore: according to the documents of the SD seized by the MGB in 1944, Shukhevych had contact with the lieutenant colonel of the German intelligence service abverkomanda 202 Zeliger. In exchange, the Germans supplied the banderlogs with weapons:
            So, the head of the 2th department of the headquarters of the occupation forces of the Governor-General of Hauptmann, Józef Lazarek, after the war testified: “Throughout March-April of 1944, I personally sent three trucks with arms from Lviv to the Black Forest three times each from March to April. There were only 15 tons of various weapons. Approximately 700-800 rifles, 50 light machine guns and a lot of ammunition. At the same time that I supplied the UPA with weapons, the units of the second division under the first armored and 17 armies also received instructions to supply the UPA with weapons, and this task was carried out systematically, sending weapons in large numbers. "

            As a token of gratitude and respect, Colonel Waffen SS Shifeld presented “Klim Savur” (they, as it should be in the gang, all “drove” they wore) a full set of SS uniforms, a submachine gun and an officer's dagger with a silver handle. For Klyachkivsky's subordinates, the Germans immediately handed over 80 machine guns and 132 rifles "of Czech production with cartridges for them, and also accepted an application for the supply of 20 field and 10 anti-aircraft guns, 500 Soviet machine guns, 10 thousand grenades and 250 thousand pieces of automatic cartridges to the UPovtsy. Similar negotiations with the Germans were conducted by other leaders of the UPA.


            However, the Germans still left and the banderlogs were left face to face with the Red Army and the NKVD. I’ll keep silent about the ups and downs of this struggle ... However, the banderlogs here became famous for their bestial cruelty:

            About whom the Bandera nonhumans were "fighting" can be understood from this monument erected in Ukraine, in the village of Ulanovka, Sumy region ...
            1. +8
              27 March 2014 11: 11
              Well, by the way, everything comes to an end and soon these nice guys began to successfully crush Bandera scum, getting it out of the caches prepared in advance by them carefully:

              Shlyukhevych was hiding in the apartments of his mistresses, but the chief specialist in "bandarlogs" - Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov - arrived in Lvov - Well, then the end is known - March 3, 1950 Shlyukhevych was liquidated. The sergeant of the internal troops, a Ukrainian Polishchuk, who killed Shukhevych, received a commendation and a prize of 1000 rubles (the head of the parcel commander was inexpensively appreciated).

              A similar fate awaited other banderlogs ...

              30 August 1943 gang UPA under the command of Ivan Klimchak nicknamed "Lysy" cut out the Polish village of Volya Ostrovetskaya. The Rezuns killed 529 people, including 220 children. The Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and was mistaken for a dead man. Next to him, over the corpse of a resident of the village of Maria Yesinyuk, her 5-year-old son sat, and asked his mother to go home. 5-year-old child could not understand, then mom no longer. A Bandera man came up to the boy and killed him with a shot in the head. The leader of the Lysy gang, who had cut out the village of Volya Ostrovetskaya, was a policeman before joining the UPA. He served with the Germans in the 103 mth battalion of the schutzmannschaft (“security police”, punishers).
              In 1944. the former policeman and rezuna was overtaken by the well-deserved NKVD bullet. The corpse of “Lysy” was hung up for public viewing in Shatsk (Volyn region). His posthumous photo. As the saying goes, the dog - dog death ...

              OUN Security Officer Ivan Diychuk, nicknamed "Carpathian".
              In modern art, this is called installation. The installation with a dead Bandera and a stretcher was performed by the NKVD in the village of Tatarye, Transcarpathian region.
              However, as they say, "the apple tree falls not far from the apple tree." The son of Shlyukhevych, Yuri Shlyukhevych, another HEROY Ukoainy is the honorary chairman of UNA-UNSO and believes that the Kuban, Belgorod region and the southern Don are Ukrainian lands, which will sooner or later return to Ukraine. Yes, Iosif Vissarionovich was too kind that he did not suppress Bandera's dirt.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. Old Cynic
                  27 March 2014 14: 49
                  Sorry, put a minus to your post solely for versification.
              2. +1
                27 March 2014 14: 55
                the party is just beginning
    2. 0
      27 March 2014 11: 18
      And what is the coin in Russian? Not kosher! what
  10. +3
    27 March 2014 11: 00
    Kaaaak? Kaaaaaak? can the Poles support them ?? How can Ukrainians be proud of it? what can you talk about with them?
    1. +1
      27 March 2014 23: 39
      Pride is the gravest sin. Psheks with their ambition and "independent" maydauns DO NOT UNDERSTAND and DO NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT they are dealing with (((((However, psheks also differed in similar inclinations since the time of Khmelnitsky. But what they think now is a mystery)
    2. cobeleff
      29 March 2014 21: 02
      Poles all the way support those who yap at Russia.
  11. +1
    27 March 2014 12: 45
    Thanks to the author for the article. It seems that at least one more operation will be required to eradicate the new bandits. It would be very good to bring their patrons to justice.
  12. Seamaster
    27 March 2014 13: 11
    And I have long been told by knowledgeable people a slightly different version of this event.
    Well, his death cannot be called “heroic”.
    In the evening I went out of the woods to the village to visit my local mistress, the saleswoman of the local general store.
    And an officer and a soldier from the NKVD platoon stationed in this village already sat and drank moonshine — the woman was very loving, and here - the officer’s darling!
    Nobody recognized Shukhevych, they continued the booze with him.
    Then, "on the basis of personal hostile relations," a fight broke out and Shukhevych was bluntly beaten with tarpaulin boots and death.
    Sobering up a little from the deed (Beria forbade the killing of civilians), these two frames quickly drove the cart, took the body to the forest and dug it. All three agreed to be silent.
    But in the morning, a frightened woman ran to the local district police officer and told everything without mentioning the name of the victim (or maybe she didn’t know?).
    The precinct - to command, these two killers were arrested and they began to sew the case. Three days later they were taken to show where they buried the blind.
    Excavated - and Nichrome! - this is Shukhevych!
    What to do with these goats?
    They were quickly sent to Chukotka to drive away polar bears from yarang.
    Officially announced that Shukhevych was destroyed as a result of a brilliantly planned operation - glory to the NKVD workers!
    The banderlogs announced that Shukhevych heroically fell in an unequal battle, destroying three ... ... no, five ...., in total - 10 thousand enkavedists.
    Both sides were pleased with the explanations, actually acting at the same time.
    Well, do not announce to the public that the “hero” shook two drunken servants with a frying pan with crackers in an argument over who would be the first to fuck a rural saleswoman?
  13. +1
    27 March 2014 13: 15
    I read and wonder: okay, I did not know this ...
    But the Soviet and Russian authorities knew everything before!
    What kind of brotherly people have I heard about all my life?
    They sent HH O.H.L. into the hole from which their dill-cousins ​​got out!
    They remained the same creatures! Now they are at war with their own people, gnawing the defenseless ...

    What about these jackals, it would be better to talk about Sudoplatov ...
    Especially how his Motherland "thanked" him for his faithful service.
    1. 0
      28 March 2014 15: 10
      Comrade, do not comb everyone under one comb :)
  14. 0
    27 March 2014 13: 30
    History does not repeat itself, but develops - the IDF cooperates with the right sector: "" From the first days I communicate with the activists of the "Right Sector", UNA-UNSO - with all those people with whom I would hardly have found common ground in peacetime. I position myself solely as a Jew, and a religious one. http://www.israel7.ru/News/News.aspx/166616#.UzPvMM6oS9K
  15. bikoleg
    27 March 2014 13: 32
    The result is one, do not walk evil spirits on the earth! And how, then the map has laid down ...
  16. 0
    27 March 2014 13: 36
    MBG worked shitty, since this bastard not only hid in rat caches for so many years, but even insolently went for treatment to our sanatorium in Odessa with his mistress.
    The worst thing is that all the Bandera’s evil spirits weren’t sent away, they let it go to power in Khrushchev’s times, and this creep got out and destroys Ukraine to the ground.
    From such filth their lasts make heroes.
    WHICH COUNTRY IS SUCH HEROES. Therefore SUCH Ukraine has no future.
  17. +2
    27 March 2014 13: 57
    The softness of the Soviet regime towards traitors and their accomplices is surprising.
    The death penalty was extremely rare. Many simply received a term, served and sowed poisoned seed.
    n. Oct ... cue Ol ... whom R-on the Volgograd region. In the years 40-50 it was a labor camp, according to my estimates 40-50% of the prisoners were former Bandera. Many after leaving, left back, but many remained ... So, many were taken with weapons, in battle, etc.
    And 10 years of labor camp, in fact, warless !!!
    Here is the "bloody Stalinist regime" !!!!
  18. 0
    27 March 2014 14: 50
    Probably Khrushchev and other immigrants from Ukraine took revenge on Sudoplatova.
  19. +2
    27 March 2014 15: 47
    The humanism of the Soviet special services oppresses: the litter of Shukhevych, these Didyk, Gusyak and Zaritskaya, have lived and live for a long time now, poisoning the air, although they probably have a lot of blood on their hands, albeit indirectly, and maybe in real life! They had to be shot or publicly hanged after the trial. And now, now Bandera-Shukhevyevy inconvenience marching in the cities of Ukraine, instead of fertilizing the Ukrainian land for 70 years!
  20. hercog
    27 March 2014 16: 11
    Saakashvili, Yushchenko, Klitschko, Tymoshenko, Novodvorskaya - all these are sick people who are easier to control on their heads and the Yankees are betting on such people. The same patients as Bandera with their henchmen, unfortunately, humanity is not learning anything and bloodshed has been going on for centuries in the century
  21. 0
    27 March 2014 17: 56
    did not read completely. from the first pages everything is clear and so. The Right Sector has a very rich history. they have something to be "proud" of your mother. a gang without clan and tribe. Well, as soon as the Russian troops enter the territory of Ukraine, they will be blown away like the wind into the forests and swamps. what kind of warriors they are, if they can only fight with women, old people and children. no words, only emotions.
  22. Brother77
    27 March 2014 18: 18
    Lord, how I want to kill these banderlogs, I’m shocked by these animals and their antics,
  23. wrungel
    27 March 2014 18: 22
    It’s a pity, it’s a pity that some Russians become Ukrainian nationalists. And the ideas of Bandera become close to them.
    Crimea: evidence of the disgraced Major Nikiforov. Part 2
  24. +1
    27 March 2014 20: 55
    They’re sorry for the weapons and the opportunities are dumb, otherwise the brothers would pack up and go to Kiev to crush these reptiles, as our fathers and grandfathers crushed them am
  25. +2
    27 March 2014 20: 57
    Each thug who did not surrender must be destroyed, and those who surrendered are brought to trial, which will pronounce the highest sentence on them, and such pathological maniacs who hang children in trees should be destroyed on the spot without any hesitation, the fewer such freaks on earth, the calmer normal people, what a normal person can kill a child, in Berlin even a monument stands to a Soviet soldier who saved a German girl, and these bastards only a bullet in the forehead and a roadside ditch, scum.
  26. +1
    27 March 2014 21: 06
    Not a wolf but a jackal
  27. +1
    28 March 2014 01: 34
    Death to the banderlog!
  28. 0
    28 March 2014 10: 11
    We must send all these Maidan kovs in the wake of Sasha. I hope that the Ukrainian people will wake up soon
  29. 0
    30 March 2014 20: 49
    I put "-" to the article. I argue: "The Deputy Minister of State Security of the Republic headed the 2-N Department, and he also led the Operational Group in Lvov - a special coordination center for all anti-Bander measures in the region." So please tell me the name of this deputy minister. Can't you? The question is why? Maybe because his surname is Meshik and he was shot as an enemy of the people along with L.P. Beria.