Russophobia as a national idea

Russophobia as a national idea

For a long time, however, we harnessed with Ukrainian issues. And read that for a quarter of a century they pecked their noses on the bench. Meanwhile, all this time in Ukraine, there was a constant, vicious anti-Russian propaganda. Cynical, methodical and frantic.

I remember the late father. He was born in 1922-m - the year of formation of the USSR. In the early days of the Great Patriotic War was mobilized to the front. Got surrounded, but ran away home. Three years lived during the occupation, "under the Romanians." In 1944, he was mobilized a second time. Under Iasi, the old man was seriously wounded - he practically did not move for two months and did not speak, but somehow he survived. Then he was twice wounded and contused twice. We buried him with a Kruppov steel shard in the size of a passport photo 3х4. Doctors warned: we will begin to take out a piece of iron - the lethal outcome is possible. And the father just died of the disease. To his share the terrible post-war famine of 1947 of the year fell out (only in our village then three facts of cannibalism happened). Father spent a year in jail "from bell to bell" for banal moonshine. Then 33 worked as a teacher in the Doroshovskoy eight-year school in Vinnytsia region. Of these, 24 of the year aggressively made his way into the party. He was not let in by his fellow teacher. The former father's friend wrote in all instances: such bastards as Zakharchuk have no place in Lenin's party. He was under occupation, was in prison and in general - the anti-Soviet element. The father zealously sought to prove that he is a truly Soviet man. And, in the end, he succeeded with the support of the First Secretary of the Yampolsky District Party Committee of the Hero of Social Work Pavel Lukyanchikov. (Older people should remember him as the initiator of the all-Union initiative to grow 500 centners of sugar beet from each hectare). So, when my father got the party membership card, he started crying. The second time in my life I saw his tears. The first time was in 1958, when our house burned down, and my sister and I were saved by a miracle.

After leaving on the teacher's pension, his father worked for several years in the collective-farm construction brigade. And at the end of 80-x began to work only on their own garden. All summer, I was picking little by little on the beds, and without fail I was dragging the Ocean radio along, listening exclusively to Ukrainian radio. And a few years later he became a nationalist more abruptly than the then odious deputy Khmara.

For his father, Russia turned into an imperial monster, the Soviet power became a slave-owning one, and the native Communist Party, of which he passionately sought to become a member of half his life, became a hated Jesuit organization.

“Vse zhitya mani znyvechyly (disfigured), communists curse!” What can I say, if I, his own son, colonel of the Soviet, then the Russian army, became almost the personification of the invader, who sleeps and sees how to take the poor Ukraine, again turning it "into a colony of Russia." He said, not hiding his annoyance: “Bo yak you would be a spouse of Ukrainians, then you would have been in our army for a long time vzhe pereyshov, yak bagato hloptsiv te well-done.”

Teacher stories, by the way, not the worst teacher, the father, as if enchanted by someone, completely forgot all her bitter lessons, especially in the part of the past of Ukraine. In our disputes about this and did not bother with any evidence. More often, I retorted my arguments with a simple but fierce belief that “prysyaga is papiretz and the word is empty”, “the will of Ukraine is great, what you like”, “but you are a niyaky patriot, böné pyshaeshmym, scho ukrainets!”. He didn’t answer the logical questions when, where and who personally didn’t bother him. And when I once told him that it was foolish to be proud of nationality, for what the son of a Negro and a Chukchi girl should be proud of is also a possible creation of God, he spat and left the hut. On another occasion, I tried to prove to him that without the support of Russia, the Ukrainians as an ethnic group (and, more broadly, all the peoples adjacent to Russia) would never have survived due to the troglodytic aspirations of the countries around them. For example, we would have long forgotten about such a nation as a Georgian - the Turks would have simply erased it from the face of the earth if, in passing, they massacred more than a million Armenians. And that is why the concrete Bogdan Khmelnitsky is God sent hetman, who saved the Ukrainian ethnos under the mighty wing of Russia from physical extermination. And this great man is now "paplyuzhat and ganch" ("iznichtozhayut and despise" - my father and I communicated exclusively in Ukrainian) people unworthy of his fingernail on his little finger.

“You are their bilshe, rumor: ty pykhati (arrogant) Katsaps, just want to, te tepyshut in history” - “No, father, it was just written by our compatriot with you, full-blooded Ukrainian Nikolai Ivanovich Kostomarov in“ Russian history in the biographies of her most important figures ":" Meanwhile, the Poles found allies in the Crimeans. Islam Giray was no longer in the world: one Little Russian, taken in his harem, poisoned him in revenge for treason against her fatherland. The new Khan Makhmet-Giray, hater of Moscow, concluded an agreement with the Poles. In winter, in anticipation of the auxiliary Tatar forces, the Poles again broke into the Hem and began to slaughter the Russians. The Bush town (our Doroshovka - across the river Murafu - MZ) was the first to test their revenge. In this place, located on a high mountain and well fortified, crowded up to 12 000 residents of both sexes. No convictions of the Polish commanders Charnetsky and Lyanskoronsky did not act on them, and when, finally, the Poles drained the water from the pond and attacked the weak point, the Russians, seeing that they would not do anything against them, themselves lit their houses and started killing each other.

Women threw their children into the wells and rushed after them. The wife of the murdered centurion Zivisny sat down on a barrel of gunpowder, saying: “I don’t want to get a toy to Polish zholnera after my dear husband”, and flew into the air.

Seventy women took refuge with guns near the village in a cave covered with thick blackthorn. Colonel Tselariah promised them the life and integrity of the property if they left the cave; but the women answered them with shots. Tselii ordered to divert water from the source to the cave. The women all drowned; no one gave up. After the ruin of Bushes, the Poles went to other towns and villages; everywhere Russians of both sexes defended themselves to the last possible; everywhere the Poles slaughtered them, giving no mercy to either the old men or the babies. The terrible massacre of 14 000 of the Russian people died in the town of Demovka. The crown hetman wrote to the king: “It will be bitter for your majesty to hear about the ruin of our state; but by other means the indomitable servile rage, which is still only increasing, cannot be reconciled. ”

Having listened to the quote, my father silently flipped through a volume of Kostomarov, was convinced of my correctness, and wandered down into the yard. As usual, he had nothing to cover, but, as they say, he didn’t want to sacrifice principles ... Although he had to understand: even the most extravagant, malacholny and wild "explorers of the past" who are a dime a dozen in my homeland will not be found in the centuries-old the history of Ukrainians and Russians, even approximately of such examples as described by Kostomarov. However, Ukraine is now friendship with Poland - do not spill water. And with Russia - permanent war: on gas, on oil, on the fleet, during the famine, on holidays, on weekdays, along the border, along Gogol, along the Maidan, across the Crimea, Donbass and beyond, along the tongue ... Yes, no matter where you throw it - everywhere, like sticking potatoes out of the pot, it’s basically only the Ukrainian wedge in the neighboring relations with the Russians. In all the troubles of the past, present, and even possible for most of my fellow countrymen, an extremely evil Russia is to blame. Sinful, I think now that my dad went into the other world with a sad thought for himself: all the troubles of Ukraine from Russia arise. And our disputes with him absolutely did not solve anything here. I went to my hometown from strength two to three times a year. And local propaganda daily and fiercely hollowed his soul and head with the same shrill lamentations: drunk Russia hinders proud and freedom-loving Ukraine from becoming a full member of the Western world.

... Last summer I got into the company of fellow countrymen. Among us was a former member of the Vinnitsa Regional Party Committee. Asked for a third toast. Well, I think, for sure, the warrior-internationalist in the past, if such a glorious toast is baked. However, he raised his glass for ... "scoring Ukraine’s passage to a NATO warehouse." I had to be discouraged, delicately, to notice that Ukraine would never become the flesh of NATO ... What began here! In short, we had to wind down the table event. And I suddenly realized with horror for myself that my friends, all as one who grew up under Soviet power, brought up on the indestructible friendship of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, all served in the Soviet army or the Navy - all of them are ready to join "to the warehouse NATO". This is what it is, the power of total and continuous ideological influence, against which, hand on heart, we in Russia absolutely have not done anything over the past quarter century.

We are bothering the whole world about the national idea for the Russians. And until we find her. And in Ukraine such an idea has been working quite regularly for at least two decades (with no alternative at all). And it lies in outright hostility with "hated Russia."

No matter how and whoever denies it, today in Ukraine the highest political prowess of the overwhelming part of the so-called elite of the local society, the most ardent manifestation of patriotism (not to mention nationalism) consists, first of all, in all kinds of bullying with the great northern neighbor. A person can be a very mediocre specialist, a completely useless politician, but if he is a kosterit at every corner and carries Russia over the bumps, he will not be lost in Ukraine now.

And today, now let's call things by their names, otherwise there is no point - most of the ordinary population of Ukraine are firmly convinced: if it had not been for Russia's intervention, they would all have long since lived in a friendly and wealthy European family, received thousands of 2-3 euro salary and pension 1 thousand euro.

Today, many of my countrymen (and I communicate with them every day) in the blue eye believe that "all the people came out on the Maidan against the hated Moscow protege Yanukovich". The Americans and Europeans, who so vigorously cherish the pro-fascist Maidan, are “malicious invention and propaganda of Moscow”. “In fact, those fascists on Independence - on the strength of a couple of hundred. Well, on the edge - a thousand. But to you, your venal TV shouts that all of Kiev is under the rule of zapadensky fascists. ” “Maybe you are right,” I answered, “but if you throw a spoonful of shit into the pot of borscht, then there will be only shit already.” - “And yak tobi ne sorosno take govoryty about sviy people?” - “And you, such“ shyrym ”Ukrainian patriots are not ashamed to stand on the Maidan next to the Nazi rabble?”. However, it is pointless to discuss this matter with our fellow countrymen. Many of them in the eye, like that fabulous Kai, on the ice fragment when looking at Russia.

... I will return again to my own family, because in it, as in a drop of water, reflects the great tragedy of the entire Ukrainian people over the past quarter century. Our house in Doroshovka stood on a high mountain. With each passing year, the rapidly aging parents found it harder and harder to climb. Especially - in bad weather. Yes, and our village was quietly dying. Then I gave my sister money, she reported her money, and in 1998, my father and mother bought a large brick house in the village of Gruzevitsa, Khmelnitsky region. With her husband, Ensign Galya lived in the regional center, six kilometers from their parents. I was happy for them as seldom in my life. The problem, which has not been solved for years, suddenly appeared in such a wonderful way. The trouble, however, fell on our heads, from where no one could wait for it. My sister was inflamed by the crazy thought of going to work in America. “With my medical education,” she said with a fanatical gleam in her eyes, “with my ability to do massages, I’ll get it blue in a couple of years!” The father kept quiet while the mother, as if anticipating the grief, sobbing, warned: “Galya, beat God! You're there on aliens. That th we are Bez tebbe budemo robyty? ”My sister did not think about God. And about parents too. As well as she did not listen to my admonitions about the fact that overseas the heifer is a heifer, and the ruble is a carriage. She forced her husband to lay in the bank a magnificent three-room apartment for ... 6,5 thousand dollars! At that time, Soviet real estate valued so much in Khmelnitsky. 5 thousand paid, as it turned out, the banderovka-swindler, who promised to send her sister in transit to the United States with a job in a rich family. And - threw Galya, as an ordinary phytotox. The bank, of course, took the apartment that Ensign Gnatkov gave to the Soviet army.

It would seem that it was just the time for my sister to get down and settle down - such a terrible omen! Moreover, our father became very unwell. But Galya, like a demon, was already possessed by the “blooming and shining West”. And as soon as her father passed away at the beginning of the autumn of 2001, she went to Italy the next day after the funeral illegally in search of happiness. Then millions of Ukrainians went from Nezalezhnoy to Russia to earn money, the other millions went to Europe. My sister already could not stand Russia. Well, God bless her judge. And our mother was left alone. We called her regularly, so what's the use of those calls. My mother began to stifle the pressure, which she did not even suspect - her head aches and hurts. And once she caught a mortal blow. Which would never happen, I'm sure, if Galya were nearby. Before leaving for Italy, she was the head nurse in the first city hospital. And, of course, would not allow my mother to work with pressure in 220 in the heat in the garden. But at the same time, my sister was caring for the aged Italian matron, scooping out of that uncleanness.

Calls me on the day of the funeral: “T th Sho, Bear, mani vyizzhaty?” - “If you come tomorrow, you will see a fresh mound. And in a year he will wither slightly. That's the whole difference. So keep stocking your euros. ” For the last several years, she held her last, almost ninety-year-old, numbed old woman between life and death. Gali's son and even local doctors marveled at this skill. She boasted to me how unthinkable she was “to keep her job.” And I sadly and sinned, with anger, thought: “You would take care of your mother so much, she would still live. After all, her mother - our grandmother Dokunya - died in 96 years. ”

Two-room apartment Galya eventually bought, after serving a twelve-year-old "serfdom". And when she returned, she managed to remove zinc iron from our hut in Doroshovka, where we were born and raised. When, after some time, I saw the ruins of a house that I erected with my own hands, I burst into tears: Lord, why did you punish my sister so much ?! Now we do not communicate. I can not listen to the sister's clinical curses to the country where I live half a century myself ...

Alas, my Ridna Nenka Ukraine, too, seems to have somehow seriously sinned before the Almighty, if He rewarded it with Petlyura, Bandera, Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yushchenko, Timoshenko, Yanukovych, Tyagnibok, Klitschko, Yarosh, Yatsenyuk, Turchinov, Muzychko and Yyushko, Yushchenko and Yushchenko. . However, in their hatred of Russia, the current political gopniks in general have shown something beyond their wildness. And this is especially evident in the example of the semi-fascist Maidan. It is clear that not only the United States, but also the decrepit Europe, are launching against rabid, cave Russophobes against Russia. Thanks to such an insidious tandem, the final and complete gap between Ukraine and Russia is almost inevitable ... "Because if Russia did not interfere," a school girlfriend wrote to me on the Internet, "we would understand everything." “You have been unable to do this for a quarter of a century, for you do not know what you want. That for years they shouted for nezalezhnist, and then together they rushed into the arms of the European Union, - I answer. - And on your Independence there was, unfortunately, not a single Russian politician. But the Americans, Europeans and even a clinical tie walked in droves. You are no longer an independent country, but only a successfully developed overseas project against Russia. For it, and the price paid: 5 billion dollars. For only round idiots may think that Ukrainians-hicks need fed Europe. Exactly how Romanian Gypsies need Paris. ” - "You sold the guts to the Muscovites, that's why you say such things about your people." - "Do you have another and last argument - tell me: he is a fool."

To discuss the current situation with the majority of Ukrainians is meaningless. They are high quality, maliciously zombie. And they will reach the mind only when they finally undress them and Europe will let them all over the world.

But we in Russia must firmly ask ourselves: what did they oppose to the American project? And honestly answer yourself: nothing. Exactly. Hand on heart, we confess: nobody has seriously engaged in all post-perestroika years with our brothers and neighbors. We gave them, drunk from Nazism, at the mercy of the overseas insidious troglodytes and are nobly resenting ourselves: why are the "Ukrainians" so intractable, cunning and harmful?

After all, how do we see in general terms the current situation in Russian-Ukrainian relations? Yes, Russia, of course, would like to have on hand an obedient younger brother, or sister, or neighbor-partner - as it pleases - at least in the Belarusian version. Well, no, no. Our terrible bear, as a last resort, will easily manage without Ukraine. What it is. An appeal to a well-known statistician who proves mutual economic integration, the fact that “we cannot live without each other” is, in fact, a figure of literacy and has not worked for a long time. Ukrainian trappers first and demonstrated. In the early nineties, they drowned steam locomotives with firewood, but did not bow to the “klyatym Muscovites”. Russia, therefore, and even more spit on Ukraine from a high bell tower. Therefore, only its so-called statists (Zyuganov, Zatulin, Zhirinovsky, before Luzhkov, well, a hundred more, a maximum of a thousand people for the huge 150-million of Russia), something was bothering about Sevastopol and the Black Sea Fleet. The rest of the Russian population until the very dim light bulb was the whole crowd hohlatsky issues. What eloquently indicate domestic paper and electronic media. They covered this issue very, very poorly, sporadically. Basically, at the level of interstate protocol events or when younger brothers uchudut something: on the hryvnia a portrait of the ancient Russian prince will be printed, the street will be named after Dzhokhar Dudayev, some regular Sabbath with the participation of idiots from the odious UNA-UNSO will be organized that Noah, Buddha, for example, were purebred Ukrainians. (I must say, there is no shortage of such oddities on the Ukrainian side). Well, that's it! Further and deeper political and philosophical understanding of the obviously unhealthy, although the vital “Russian-Ukrainian question” did not develop during the above-mentioned period. Our establishment had, as they say, worries and more important. And the "Ukrainians", well, go crazy and calm down. Yes, and where they go with a hole in your pocket?

Even when we first got involved with the support of Yanukovych, it was clear: we were not counting on the wrong thing.

Well, well, he became a president in two sins. So I had to send him at least an intelligent ambassador. Alas, we have no one but Zurabov. No, it was even worse candidate - Serdyukov. And then we are surprised: why our affairs with Ukraine do not get along so well? Yes, if I were the ambassador, my tent would stand on the Maidan from the first day of its existence. And from my hands would eat donuts maydanutye. I will be reproached: so we singled out "some greenery" to the brothers. Yes, but already under the blazing Maidan. And where was this loot before? Why it did not work against the same 5 American billions? This is it ...

... During the years of "nezalezhnosti" from the Ukrainian side, so many insults, complaints, picky and angry indignations, reproaches, ambitious statements and even frank threats were printed and orally issued to the Russian side, that if all this is somehow mysteriously materialized from Russia on the map the world would be a wet place. If the Russian media and politicians had allowed themselves at least a hundredth of such Ukrainian zhlobstvo-the war would just blaze from Moscow to the Crimea. And at the same time from the shores of Dnepr, there is not a single act of encouraging, kind, heartfelt gesture, such that everyone can understand: the younger brother is not completely settled down, but at least he stopped being capricious and picky about it and without it. The saddest thing is that there are no encouraging symptoms in this sense. The balance of various political forces in Ukraine has long been supported, unfortunately, not by the idea of ​​an economic breakthrough, not by concern for the people's welfare and not by the search for some cardinal axial movement capable of restoring collective common sense in Ukrainian society. On the contrary.

It seems that Ukrainian society continues to dance to the tune of four or five percent of the so-called zapadentsev, who saddled the spiritual life of a huge nation and watered the country, repeatedly saving this nation.

It is with sadness and heartache that it is necessary to state that on the foreseeable political Ukrainian horizon and so far the most constructive forces that could lead the country along the right path cannot be seen. The Party of Regions, headed by the leader, received seats on the upper deck of the state ship, turned it into its feeder. About the camp of orange and say no. There, in general, the clinic, decorated in folk art, as “oranzhutans maydanutye”. As for the communists, they have never been in special honor in Ukraine. And the wise new social force of my long-suffering Ukraine is oh so necessary! Such a force that could calmly and without anguish show the Ukrainian people both the greatness and gravity of a very difficult, but still glorious, his joint history with the Russian people.

Yes, there were past mistakes and tragedies, very serious, like the same famine, for example. And before it happened: a revolution, civil war, collectivization. However, the entire Soviet people suffered from all these cataclysms, and the Russian people, more than others, had to bow to them for the rest of them to bow. But in the years of the Great Patriotic War, the Russian and Ukrainian walked shoulder to shoulder. And together they got the Great Victory. The results of which are not just blasphemous to revise, but sinful in this world - before the whole world, and then - before God. Because the price paid for it is cosmically inconceivable for the weak human mind — almost thirty million lives of Soviet people! Almost one third of them are Ukrainians. Mankind did not know such losses in its entire civilized history.

Of course, there were among Ukrainians and those who consciously or out of error went to serve the world evil Hitler. But even if in a Christian way we can forgive them all now (even if it is so!), Then all the same it’s impossible, ashamed in front of the same world and God to raise their unkind acts to the shield. As it is impossible to believe in valor and mazapstvo is the worst kind of betrayal, because it was done not because of weakness of character, when it could be forgiven, but according to a deliberate way ahead of evil intent. That can never be forgiven. And in general, it is impossible to build the history of the young Ukrainian state on permanent historical fly houses, overexposure, hypocrisy and dishonesty, on sheer worship and glorification of traitors, fascists.

It is in this respect that the “elder brothers” have done so little to “insinuate the younger ones”. And what the “elders” didn’t exactly point out, it’s because a full-scale ideological war lasted behind their fence for a quarter of a century. They slept, as already mentioned, sniffing. In general, what should be done in this situation, which itself never will resolve? As they say, there is a specific sentence: something must be done! To know more - what?

In this particular case, everything is further complicated by the fact that, as the eminent thinker and poet Lina Kostenko correctly noted, Ukraine’s current political elite is sorely lacking in conception - this is such a complex concept that includes nobility, height of thoughts, honesty and an active desire for good . Today, this very elite is very much like the Georgian times of Saakashvili, about which Merab Mamardashvili said: “The Georgian intelligentsia has not used the past five years to tell the truth to its people. Instead of struggling with already instilled bad qualities - with falsely understood patriotism, backwardness, self-infatuation, arrogance, conviction that we are the most good, the smartest, the most beautiful and no one needs us - the intelligentsia played up to the vices rooted in the people ".

What is called, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye and about my dear countrymen. But this, again, is just a statement, but what to do?

How to convey to the Ukrainians the uncomplicated fact that in the intellectually and mentally distant West they will always be what my own sister, who lived in Italy for quite, by the way, legitimate reasons, for 12 years in a row, was the servants of wealthy Aboriginal people.

And they will never be anyone else by definition. What measures, state and public actions are needed to convince Ukrainians again: only together with the Russians can they represent in Europe the strength they will be reckoned with, and sometimes they will always be considered second-class representatives of underdeveloped states? Finally, who will be able today to raise the banner of the unity of two great Slavic peoples, who have not only a common history, but should have, by definition, a prosperous common future? Questions what is called open.

... Russia is the Earth. Ukraine - the Moon, which was once part of the Earth, but detached from it. It is possible that the Moon would like to fly away from Earth. And the Earth, for certain, would like to get rid of ebbs and flows, provoked by the Moon. But this is impossible, due to the presence of the fundamental laws of physics and mechanics. And even if for some reason this happened, there would be a cataclysm of incomprehensible and terrible power.
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  1. +8
    27 March 2014 08: 22
    And we just wait for the winter)))
    1. +23
      27 March 2014 09: 45
      And I’ll just be silent. I do not want to comment on someone else's difficult, if not tragic, fate of the author of the article. And there are many
      1. +16
        27 March 2014 12: 08
        And I would have shook Michael's hand and hugged brotherly.
        I am Russian. Born and live in western Ukraine. It so happened that after the war, grandfathers and grandmothers remained in Ukraine to raise the destroyed n / a. Plants were built, people were treated, children were brought up.
        I remember, before the collapse of the USSR, everyone was one friendly family: friends, a Ukrainian school (because it is closer to home) ...
        But I remember the beginning of the 90s: I was walking in the center of the city, I saw a crowd and a poster in Ukrainian: "Shame! Russian surnames of police and prosecutors. Get out of the occupants", and among the list is my father's name! Like a butt then: "For what ?!" I raise my head, and in front of me my teacher of the Ukrainian language from the crowd is looking and grinning ...
        Since those troubled years, my father began to drink heavily and died a beggar, but until the end he remained a good and honest person, for all his work in the prosecutor's office did not take a bribe, and he brought me up like that. I will not forgive their father!
        And then, practically from the first days of "Independence" anti-Russian agitation rushed, many relatives from the USA and Canada began to visit the Ukrainians then, and ours "looked into their mouths", so until now God did not give up his mind ...
        1. +1
          27 March 2014 13: 09
          Quote: Donskoi
          And I would have shook Michael's hand and hugged brotherly.
          I am Russian. Born and live in western Ukraine. It so happened that after the war, grandfathers and grandmothers remained in Ukraine to raise the destroyed n / a. Plants were built, people were treated, children were brought up.
          I remember, before the collapse of the USSR, everyone was one friendly family: friends, a Ukrainian school (because it is closer to home) ...
          But I remember the beginning of the 90s: I was walking in the center of the city, I saw a crowd and a poster in Ukrainian: "Shame! Russian surnames of police and prosecutors. Get out of the occupants", and among the list is my father's name! Like a butt then: "For what ?!" I raise my head, and in front of me my teacher of the Ukrainian language from the crowd is looking and grinning ...
          Since those troubled years, my father began to drink heavily and died a beggar, but until the end he remained a good and honest person, for all his work in the prosecutor's office did not take a bribe, and he brought me up like that. I will not forgive their father!
          And then, practically from the first days of "Independence" anti-Russian agitation rushed, many relatives from the USA and Canada began to visit the Ukrainians then, and ours "looked into their mouths", so until now God did not give up his mind ...

          Here is what Georgy Sidorov writes about zapadents, explaining a lot of them with genetics alien to us:

        2. +6
          27 March 2014 15: 46
          I was also born and raised in Ukraine, only in its central part ... I lived most of my life in the Crimea ... and during recent events, my childhood friends living in my small homeland literally terrorized me with calls ... They were very concerned about the fate of Crimea. My arguments, they say that the people inhabiting Crimea should decide this fate themselves, were not convinced. Their counterarguments sounded: "this is our land ... at worst - Tatar or Turkish ... but not Russian" Often there were questions: how the Crimean Tatar population behaves (with a secret hope for an interethnic conflict in Crimea) ... To which I replied: “You won't wait.” So - they are all Russian-speaking, and half are ethnic Russians ... But the greatest I received moral support in this matter, among childhood friends, from a man who is now working in Italy. That would seem to be a paradox ...
          1. +4
            27 March 2014 18: 03
            Yes, the arguments are now useless for any patriotic Ukrainian - proven practice. Deja vu! Such hysteria was during the Orange Revolution. Then he let people go, some face-to-face even acknowledged my innocence, and respect returned to the present ... Then I almost lost my friends. Now there are no arguing nerves, I am silent more often ...
            Glad for you and the whole Crimea, very happy. It is like a breath of clean air, after 20 years of inhaling zapadensky fumes.

            Only anxiety doesn’t leave, only if it weren’t a delay ... what has begun. It is necessary to bring down to the end, just started!
      2. +1
        27 March 2014 13: 58
        Quote: smel
        And I’ll just be silent. I do not want to comment on someone else's difficult, if not tragic, fate of the author of the article. And there are many

        I agree with you, But if, suddenly, I see a yellow-black moon in the sky - I’ll go crazy.
    2. Corporal
      27 March 2014 09: 45
      So what? What will happen in winter? Hunger? And then the Ukrainians will crawl on their knees with repentance? And will they love the older brother?

      In my opinion, no, let hatred grow, but skillfully head against Russia.

      We need not gloat over the troubles of the evil brothers, but to strike at the root of all these troubles - the West. To create so many problems for them that the States and their satellites could not catch their breath and wipe the sweat.
      1. +9
        27 March 2014 10: 44
        Quote: Efreytor
        We need not gloat over the troubles of the evil brothers, but to strike at the root of all these troubles - the West.

        The best experience is your own experience. So, let the Zapadents drown the stove with wood, and the Southeast will finally get together and make itself a federal district.
        1. GDP
          27 March 2014 11: 29
          Not everything is so bad in Ukraine - there are millions of people remembering our common history, our great victories, our kinship and those wishing to integrate Russia and Ukraine - we need to use their help, use it as a lever to bring our countries closer, and defend their interests.
          If the west was able to use a miserable bunch of zapadentsev to change the minds of 45 to the millionth country we are related to, then why can't we also have millions of our supporters?
          We need to help them, to make sure that these people are heard and that their opinion is really significant in the political and cultural life of the country - we need to develop a true Ukrainian culture not only in Ukraine but also in Russia.
          Strengthen common ties ...
          Corresponding structures should be created and really capable people should work there ...

          Perhaps this would help federalization of the country. But this would be only the first stage, a kind of springboard for the return of a truly Great Ukrainian culture based on a common historical fate and friendship with Russia.
        2. +5
          27 March 2014 11: 59
          Quote: sledgehammer102
          The best experience is your own experience.

          And some even their own experience is not a decree, they have to correct -

          Whether because the musician himself with thirty years of experience, or the cards are so laid down, I perceive with particular pain the statements of individual assholes *, in which there is a clear disregard for "the homely slave cattle in love with his Tsar."
          As well as with special satisfaction, I observe how the presumptuous White Bone of the Blue Bloods is put into place.

          Well this is whatever. Thoughts aloud, so to speak.

          The collection of signatures began on the Internet for a petition addressed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to deprive the Russian musician Andrei Makarevich of all titles and the Order of Merit to the Fatherland.

          The authors of the document are outraged by the participation of a famous rock musician in an anti-war rally held in Moscow on 15 on March.
          "A. Makarevich, on March 15 of this year, together with the murderers from the Maidan, walked through the streets of Moscow, and shouted Bandera's slogans:" Bandera will come - he will bring order! "- the text of the petition says.

          This statement allows the authors of the appeal to conclude that the leader of the "Time Machine" "directly incites the murder of people in Ukraine, and therefore in Russia."

          "The Order for Merit to the Fatherland is awarded to the most worthy people of Russia! And the fact that Makarevich has this order discredits the order itself, its essence" - the authors of the appeal are indignant and invite all "people of good will and patriots of Russia and Ukraine" to sign a petition.

          "We all know that the events in Ukraine were prepared and carried out by the United States, with the assistance of the European Union," the petition says. "The Russian-speaking population of Ukraine must not be left to be torn apart by fascist coves," the authors urge.
          We will remind that earlier the name of Andrei Makarevich, along with Valeria Novodvorskaya and Boris Nemtsov, was included in the virtual list of "traitors to Russia" on the website. The list of collaborators is crowned by Alexey Navalny, who is sure that Russia should not support referendums like the referendum in Crimea

          Vox populi, so download, vox - deus. Nda-s.

          And after.
          Do you know such a place Udomlya? .. This is where Makar calves did not pass Kalinin NPP (to Jaff). So:
          The concert of Andrei Makarevich and the “Time Machine” group was canceled in Udoml, Tver Region

          So it goes.
          * Zasracul - Honored Worker of Culture

          petition Deprive Andrey Makarevich - all titles and orders: "Order of Merit to the Fatherland"

          Source -
          1. Irinaz1960
            29 March 2014 22: 37
            let's remember the Beatles drumsticks
        3. +2
          27 March 2014 14: 16
          quote: "Today, many of my fellow countrymen (and I communicate with them every day) with a blue eye believe that" all the people went to the Maidan against the hated protege of Moscow Yanukovych. "
          Quote: sledgehammer102
          The best experience is your own experience.

          quote again: "But we in Russia must ask ourselves harshly: what have we opposed to the American project?"
          To which I will say: People have a short memory that they didn’t remember at all a year ago, even in less time they manage to completely forget everything. What have we done? So we ourselves, only now have come to our senses, and even then not all, looking at the disintegration of Ukraine. Even now, a considerable part of us still dreams of living in the West, getting into America "even as a carcass, even as a stuffed animal," but getting there. Remember what happened before the presidential election? And how many percent of voters could turn the arrows to another path? But did we have an army with which we could risk contradicting the Amers and intervene for the Crimea? And how much effort did you have to spend to pacify the oligarchs?
          And respect for one’s own country, didn’t it become popular after the Olympics? And before that?
          There is no our fault before them, there is before our ancestors, children and ourselves! And many thanks to Ukrainians for the lesson, for science, for sobering us up! God have mercy on them, give them reason too!
        4. Irinaz1960
          29 March 2014 22: 34
          can send firewood to them?
      2. +3
        27 March 2014 13: 47
        And what the "elders" didn’t notice at point blank range was the fact that behind their fence over the course of a quarter of a century a full-blown ideological war continued against them.

        We were under the same dope, whose name is anti-Stalinism. We were given “ideological injections”, revelations of old myths began, new heroes appeared who professed open disdain for the Russian people and Russia, widespread oppression of Russians, condemning the history of Russia as a “prison of nations”. contrasting the nation and the state, the desire for the dismemberment of Russia - the separation of the "national republics" from it, the humiliating characteristics of the Russian people as the people of "vegetables" or of the Russians as conquerors, who should be required to "compensate" and special conditions for national minorities. Russophobia of the Ukrainian media was fueled and reinforced by the Russophobia (NOT) of the Russian liberal democratic media.
    3. +13
      27 March 2014 11: 45
      Author Mikhail Zakharchuk asked where Russia was when the West corrupted the minds of Ukrainians? I will answer. At this time, the West also corrupted Russia. The Nemtsovs, the Chubais (I would have killed them) actively contributed to this. BUT... For some reason, Russia has not disintegrated. Of course, the amers managed to educate the Makarevichs and Novodvorsk and other liberals in our ranks. But there are very few of them. In Ukraine, everything is exactly the opposite. And you shouldn't blame Russia for your troubles. In post-perestroika times, we were on an equal footing. No, though. It was "more fun" for us. Russia got all the debts from which you and the rest of the former republics have disowned. But we held out, and you SMOKE. When in 1991 (I don't remember exactly the date) Kuchma promised you that you would live better than Switzerland, and Russia would bend, that was a real prediction. There were all economic prerequisites for this. You had all the trump cards for this. You, on your own and independent, in the most unsightly way, took the pose of a drunk h.o.h.l. in anticipation of free carrots from overseas and free croissants of Europe. But your new "friends-allies" from both sides inserted their * you yourself understand what * organs and began to milk you for their pleasure, promising you membership in their society. And what is most striking is that you (Ukraine) got carried away with it so cheerfully and did not understand how you received this membership long ago, you receive it, and then you are going to receive from the West into everything you breathe, puff and swallow. Repeating the words of the Russian admiral: Put your head down and you will see four eggs at your feet. Only two of them are not yours, but the West, who politely settled behind you.
      Russia and the Russian people are not to blame for the fact that you wanted independence from us and that you took such an opportunity. I have always loved and no matter what I will love Ukrainians, but I will not allow blaming your guilt on us.
      1. +6
        27 March 2014 13: 31
        Quote: Native grandfather
        And do not blame Russia for their troubles

        You can add "Every person is a blacksmith of his happiness ...".
        Even from this article it is clear that the process of "Ukraine's withdrawal" to Russophobic positions did not begin in 1991, but long before that ... Exclamations about how well Ukraine would have lived if it had not fed the RSFSR were considered as a matter of course THEN reasonable.
        It did not grow together among the self-styled people. Although they still shout "We ourselves - with a Cossack mustache!" Not forgetting, at the same time, according to an old ingrained habit, to blame Moscow, the Kremlin, and Russia for their troubles. The example of Belarus for such leaders is not an example. In a bastard, as they say, admit his mistakes and delusions that the project of "East European Storage" not only collapsed, but failed miserably. Those who advocated "Ukraine is the whole Europe" will have to be responsible for this with their standard of living.
      2. Corporal
        27 March 2014 19: 53
        I support. The vast territory of Russia, full of natural wealth, the current development of our society, is not a reason, but a consequence of the characteristics of the Russian ethos. The same can be said of any other people.
    4. +9
      27 March 2014 13: 44
      Something like a grin. We galloped from ecstasy, forgot about rubles. IMF sent us right away Give pennies, money! Give pennies pray to God - cheaper, hurry up! And then we ask anyone, even if he is a Jew. Our muzzle we would immediately for a moment unravel. Give pennies, give pennies, give pennies, baits! We will build a NATO base and drive ships. In the meantime, give pennies! Give pennies, mockali! Kohl give, we will not swear Russia a couple of days. Belarusians, white people do not give you an abyss. Give me a penny, pennies! Do not pull on the knots! Give pennies ... Just know: all the same, you are all bastards! Insatiable katsapy, again you brought us! Do not pull your paws to Nenko! .. Give pennies, bast.
      1. +1
        27 March 2014 14: 11
        Quote: strannik595
        Give pennies.

        I'll put it up on Odnoklassniki, if you don't mind ... wassat
  2. tanker75
    27 March 2014 08: 23
    I would like to ask those who were on the Maidan, and supported them (wore money, food, etc.), WELL HOW, BETTER BECAME?
    1. +6
      27 March 2014 09: 05
      Quote: tanker75
      I would like to ask those who were on the Maidan, and supported them (wore money, food, etc.), WELL HOW, BETTER BECAME?

      Back swear spoiled everything.
      1. +6
        27 March 2014 11: 42
        "Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me!
        I’m glad to be deceived myself! "

        Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

        I agree with the author in many respects and fully share his emotional pain for the fate of his people. But I completely disagree with the author that Russia did nothing to direct the Ukrainians on the true path.
        1. Russia itself just got out of the complete train ... The complete chaos of the 90s, 2 Chechen wars, the Georgian incident, etc.
        2. Americans have allocated 5 billion for the development of "democracy" in Ukraine. green. In Russia, there was no such money and probably won't be for a long time to spread its democracy.
        3. Russia resisted as much as possible the closure of Russian-language schools and TV channels. Leadership nezalezhnoy slowly and faithfully moved in this direction and achieved success.
        4. See quote above. 45 million people completely obeyed the will and propaganda of 2 million Westerners, how can this be understood? Is Russia also to blame for this?
  3. +9
    27 March 2014 08: 26
    The revolution is over, now the gnawing for power will begin, they will clean up those who went to the parliament and cover Russia without hesitation, then they figured out what was going to end and they would go to us to ask for money and discounts, how to give drinks
    1. GRune
      27 March 2014 11: 10
      I repeat: "The struggle for the position of the Rat King of All Ukraine has entered an active phase, the vilest survives" ...
  4. +4
    27 March 2014 08: 32
    Being determines consciousness. When there is nothing, then Russophobia will not help.
    1. 225chay
      27 March 2014 08: 38
      [quote = Athenogen] When there is nothing, then Russophobia will not help.

      In the title of the article did the author use the word Russophobia (fear of Russians), or is Russo-hatred still?
      1. 0
        27 March 2014 13: 46
        In Greek there is no unambiguous designation of concepts. Because the language is synthetically borrowed, despite the "scientific" opinions imposed on us. Xenophobia, including "Russophobia", denote an irrational hatred of everything not one's own, but, in a specific case, Russian hatred.
  5. +21
    27 March 2014 08: 39
    Scary and sad.
    How easy it is to make people out of - UNBILL.
    To us, in Russia, and still from all sides, they blow our ears — what suckers we are, blue-legged, quilted jackets. We have no idea about the rights of minorities. And in general, they were not born from there.
    And we are used to, and spit on all this nonsense.
    Is it even amazing?
    What does this mean - about the GIANT PSYCHOLOGICAL STABILITY of the Russian people as a whole.
    And with Ukraine?
    What to do?
    But nothing - go to the websites of Ukraine and convince-convince-convince. What else can you do?
    1. +6
      27 March 2014 08: 54
      It is unlikely that this will be effective; Ukrainian moderators-trolls will get you yourself. We need a whole range of measures, and at the state level. After all, Russophobia was not the only textbook of history brought up in Ukraine.
      1. +2
        27 March 2014 09: 10
        Yes, you won’t bump into the sites there.
        But, at least a couple - three of the comments can be inserted and then it is possible.
        A drop wears away a stone.
        1. +6
          27 March 2014 09: 45
          Quote: Igarr
          a couple - three comments to insert and then you can.

          Oil to the fire. Logic is not heard there.
          1. +6
            27 March 2014 12: 58
            Unfortunately, dear Igor hi .

            Acquaintances near Kiev like henbane overeat - can not talk, only a spray of saliva in the phone and yelling. It turns out that I was ripping them off as best I could. And they received their sight after the Mosskalsky Yanukovich frightened Putin and did not go to Europe. And now we have to wait ten years again and all because of me. And they don't want to listen to anything.

            I invite you and others to look at the website MY POLITICS article "Ukrainian betrayal". Agree that Ukrainians have a very developed love for freebies and the search for the extreme at the same time. I tell you this as one who had many colleagues at work in Ukraine. The chief of the partners' shop, a Jew, behaved most decently. I also warned you - do not tell all the secrets, demand dividends from the implementation.
            1. +4
              27 March 2014 13: 28
              Quote: My address
              Ukrainians are already very developed at the same time love for freebies and the search for the extreme.

              The Doctrine of Creation Implemented a new Ukrainian state with an inborn inferiority complex, united by the image of an external enemy.Plus growing a generation that does not think in terms of compromise.
              EVERYTHING WILL NEVER GET IT! EVERYTHING WILL BE USED TO FIGHT AN EXTERNAL ENEMY - the bickering on TV between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Right Sector with winding snot on his fist about the death of the national hero Sashka Bily, who was buried next to the soldiers of the Heavenly Hundred, "was finished with the following phrase: we must not argue, but unite in front of the external enemy standing at the borders - Russia. "
    2. +5
      27 March 2014 11: 09
      Quote: Igarr
      And we are used to, and spit on all this nonsense.
      Is it even amazing?
      What does this mean - about the GIANT PSYCHOLOGICAL STABILITY of the Russian people as a whole.
      And with Ukraine?
      What to do?
      But nothing - go to the websites of Ukraine and convince-convince-convince. What else can you do?

      In fact, it’s extremely surprising as a history teacher, party member re-educated on the radio?
      What the hell is a communist and internationalist in a good way?
      Most likely, in spirit, an accomplice of Bandera and an opportunist, which explains his membership in the party. But Kravchuk, secretary of the Central Committee for ideology, who propagandized? Also on the radio? what
      And what, besides the local Russophobian media, there was no broadcast of Russian TV in Ukraine? Or was there no internet?
      It is good to propagandize those who are happy to be propagandized. Stubborn, self-righteous, looking high and angry at the Russian neighbor. And not wanting to listen to other information.
      It is not willing! And not having the opportunity to do this.
      And on the sites do not re-educate anyone. No.
      Re-education, i.e. repentance, is possible in this world only through suffering.
      And you have to go through it.
    3. +5
      27 March 2014 11: 33
      Quote: Igarr
      But nothing - go to the websites of Ukraine and convince-convince-convince. What else can you do?

      Alas, it is already useless to convince. The hatred of the Russians among the Ukrainians has already eaten into the spinal cord. One can give convincing arguments, present indisputable facts, their point of view will not change, although none of them can intelligibly explain what Russia has done so terrible to them. The Ukrainians were put into the minds of the installation - "Russia is the enemy" and gave the command face and they obediently carry out it. Mind you, none of the ruling elite or simply of the intellectuals did not even try to analyze what the break with Russia would cost Ukraine.
      1. +2
        27 March 2014 16: 07
        Quote: Grenader
        Alas, persuading is useless

        Belief is for realists adequately perceiving the world, in other words, perceiving logical arguments. But the main thing that they complain after talking with Svidomo Ukrainians of various kinds is precisely the lack of logic.
        1. +3
          27 March 2014 19: 51
          Right guys.
          Today I did not go to the Censor. No.UA ..... although I even registered.
          To read nonsense, to read a hash of an abnormal brain - please.
          Paste something ... no, not crawl. I’m not typing the password. The circus.
          Butt me a mosquito .... not only books and information. Curves, left.
          It creates a clear feeling of just some kind of quiet, consistent chemical treatment.
          Fast food? Pepsi? Energizers?
  6. +4
    27 March 2014 08: 40
    Yes, terrible power is propaganda. You can deal with it only by the same methods - explaining, persuading, showing by example. Maybe not all, but some Ukrainians will be able to convince.
    1. +1
      27 March 2014 11: 28
      ... but some Ukrainians will be able to convince.

      First you need to dispel the dope that they have been in for 20 years. Only then (maybe) they will become able not only to listen, but also hear.
  7. +1
    27 March 2014 08: 43
    For too long, Ukrainians citizens grew fleas and bugs in the barn and crossed the road with empty buckets. The payment for betrayal will come sooner or later.
  8. +7
    27 March 2014 08: 46
    Wonderful article! ..
  9. 0
    27 March 2014 08: 46
    Nothing "Stalin come, put things in order."
  10. +16
    27 March 2014 08: 51
    My sister doesn’t want to listen to anything either ... They only show nasty things about Russia on TV and bred cleverly on them - the pig died? Moscow is to blame ... By and large, there are already no brothers there ... It's a shame ... And what could Russia do? There, this national elite was already under the Soviet Union who remembers ... They just separated - and it started right away, well, remember .... After 1991 there was nothing positive, they didn’t tell us how their military captured the Russian troops in 1992 and women and children butts thrashed .... Someone even wrote here.
  11. +1
    27 March 2014 08: 52
    The article is correct in meaning. I can’t say anything in essence of the problem - I need to know exactly how the implementation of such propaganda as Russophobia is realized. After all, someone has implemented this set of measures. History books alone cannot change a person’s mentality, that’s the point.
  12. +5
    27 March 2014 08: 53
    Article 5+! That is exactly what it looks like in Ukraine. And even in the eastern and southern regions there are a lot of people duped by anti-Russian propaganda. And there are homegrown nationalists there ... There is a belief that a person bitten by a vampire himself becomes a vampire. It seems that Ukrainians were bitten by a herd of sheep ...
  13. +3
    27 March 2014 08: 54
    Yeah, it's worth making conclusions. And when Wahhabis or Bandera people begin to grow at the borders or inside the country, scalping gangrene in a timely manner.
  14. +3
    27 March 2014 08: 57
    Great article. I agree with the author on 200 percent. “Elder brothers” did insultingly little for “educating the younger ones”. And what the "elders" didn’t notice at point blank range was the fact that behind their fence over the course of a quarter of a century a full-blown ideological war continued against them. They were sleeping, as already mentioned, snoozing.
    Virtually no one denies Russia's blame for what is happening in Ukraine now. We were silent silently when Bandera’s remnants raised their heads. However, I will not be repeated, I already wrote about this.
    Thanks to the author!
    1. maturity
      27 March 2014 09: 17
      When it all started in Ukraine, the "older brothers" were also not doing well. We ourselves are just beginning to climb, but we are already helping the "younger" ones (Crimea). God willing and help the rest. Only the "younger" themselves should want this, so that again someone does not say that we are meddling in other people's business. And then again they will blame all the troubles, as it happens now.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. explorer
        27 March 2014 10: 34
        "Younger brothers"? Well, yes, only for about 10 years there was just getting rid of the influence of these very youngest. In the 90s, a mass of immigrants from Ukraine remained in the power structures of Russia, lobbying for the interests of Ukraine.
    2. Rost_a
      27 March 2014 21: 36
      Yes, how much can you. The article is good, but why does everyone think that we have had all these 23 years, everything was as it is now - some opportunities for influence in other states ???
      Just started to raise their heads, what the hell are the far-reaching plans for processing the public opinion of another state ten years ago? At first, at least the current internal problems should be solved, but we already blame ourselves for something. What kind of samoyed? Short memory?
  15. +5
    27 March 2014 09: 00
    To discuss the current situation with the majority of Ukrainians is meaningless. They are high quality, maliciously zombie. And they will reach the mind only when they finally undress them and Europe will let them all over the world.

    Even if they themselves admit it, but never admit it to others.
    The Zapadensky principle: "Yes, lackey. But with the Austro-Hungarian-Polish gentlemen!", They are ready to lick all their butts for a carrot and a gentleman's favor.
    And about the zombies - if the lion every day says that he is a donkey !, then he really will begin to eat grass!
    You must first of all respect yourself, and not blame your shortcomings on your "elder brother", be a man, and not a lackey for whom the master will decide everything, decide for yourself what you have to do in order to live better. Unfortunately, this quality of the Ukrainian people has degenerated into opportunism, I will sit quietly, be silent, maybe not touched. really will not touch. They will arrive immediately, in passing, and will not even notice. When were the lords and slaves considered?
  16. 0
    27 March 2014 09: 05
    The author is right, the stupid brainless Russian propaganda machine worked for the Nazis.
    The anti-Stalinists wanted to strike at Stalin and the Bolsheviks, and hit at Russia and Ukraine.
    There is nothing hopeless, in the 80 years Russia was almost convinced that the Bolsheviks, communists,
    Lenin and Stalin were the villains who destroyed the prosperous rich Russian empire.
    Now that the people have personally witnessed the monstrous brutal mug of the new Russian capitalism, few people believe in the good, good tsar and the villains of the Bolsheviks.
    The same will be with the faith of the Ukrainians in the good Bandera and the holy prophet Hitler.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +6
      27 March 2014 13: 57
      I agree. Everything is tied in a single project. To sow hatred among neighbors for Russians, and in Russians to kill co-identity. And we know many who have been doing this and continue to do it in Russia, while receiving decent salaries from the state and brands from the State Department.

      One of the "truth-tellers" of Russia, grant-eater and traitor. Starikov suggested drawing up lists for such lustration. Who agrees?
  17. +14
    27 March 2014 09: 09
    from the Don.
    : Shaw mini-babies?: If my wife from the Hutsul region was reading this article next to me. She really wants to cripple me as a lapotnik because dill began senility 23 years ago, and still continues! laughing
    And what can be expected if hatred of Russians is inculcated in the kindergarten. 90% is hostile to us. And whatever we do or do, we will still be to blame. And by this, hunger is not aunt. Break contracts, enter visas, give they feel like Europeans, do tough money, tear off all debts, gas supply on an advance payment. The term -bratsky people-is no longer modern.
  18. 120352
    27 March 2014 09: 12
    I sympathize with the author. All of us, unfortunately. survived our common homeland, the USSR, but not everyone was able to find themselves after that. Those who could not, remained faithful to destruction, as a life strategy. The rest are creating a new life. Not gangster, not corruption, but real, honest, as a result of which there will be something for children and people and not necessarily material, but, more importantly, spiritual.
    Once again, I express my sympathy for the author, who was drugged by the story written by our enemies, and not the one that was in reality. The author mentioned Bohdan Khmelnytsky as the savior of the Ukrainian people. But Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the mayor of the city of Chigirin, according to the documents written by him himself, suffered for the UNITED RUSSIAN ORTHODOX PEOPLE, because in the 17th century there were no ethnic Ukrainians, there were Ukrainian Cossacks who guarded the territory of Russia, i.e. border guards. And can professional affiliation, namely, belonging to the protection of the state border, be the basis for the formation of a separate ethnic group? The question is strange. A positive answer assumes the existence of ethnic groups of potters, farmers, metallurgists, mechanics, sailors, etc. Remember TARAS BULBA, the Malorussian Russian writer N.V. Gogol. For what did this literary hero, written off by Gogol from nature, fight? Yes, for the RUSSIAN LAND AND THE ONE ORTHODOX RUSSIAN PEOPLE (don't believe me, open the book and read). those. for the same as Khmelnitsky. Ukrainians were artificially invented to oppose the rest of Russia through the efforts of "mos-k-a * l-i Kastomarov, the Polish Jew Hrushevsky in the interests of the same Germany and Austria-Hungary. Both subjects, as it turned out later, were in the service of these states. And the transformation of Russians into Ukrainians began. Remember Tallerhoff. This is the first death camp in the history of mankind, where thousands of Russians were brought, and hundreds of Ukrainians were released. The difference, that is, Russians, were destroyed. Being Russian became "life-threatening." from the second half of the 19th century, the remaking of some Russians into Ukrainians began and the inventing of the Ukrainian language, composed of Russian, rural vernaculars (up to matyugi), Polonisms, Hungarian, Romanian words. "If only not like m-o * s; k" a = l_ey ". The final chord of this dismemberment of the "united great people" (Otto von Bismarck) was the Brest betrayal of the Bolsheviks, when the map of united Russia was divided into 2 parts with a pencil, the western part became Ukraine, where Ukrainians suddenly appeared instead of Russian Little Russians, supplying food and fodder to the German troops. At the same time, the betrayal of all by all the new authorities was encouraged, a new type of personality was brought up, personality traitors and a hater of their Motherland, Russia. We are seeing the consequences of this today.
    This story is long and dark. It is important to remember that those who today continue to be called Ukrainians have never really been and are not now. These are the same Russians, Little Russians, like everyone else, including Belarusians and Great Russians. It is these three branches, this "holy trinity" that make up the UNITED RUSSIAN PEOPLE.
    Until we unite again, we will continue to be dismembered, as now the so-called. Ukraine to the western and eastern, and with the help of one separated part to destroy the other. Why do our enemies need it? Simply, if we are together, they will not be able to dictate their will to the whole world and exploit us. Suvorov said: "We are Russians, GOD is with us"! And we will become Russians when we again become one people. And then again it will be possible to exclaim, like Suvorov: "We are Russians! What a delight!"
    1. +1
      27 March 2014 11: 12
      The final chord of this dismemberment of "one great people" (Otto von Bismarck) was the Brest betrayal of the Bolsheviks

      No, the final is the creation of the Ukrainian SSR, when they officially began to Ukrainize a single people, before that there were only small, marginal groups. And only then the party members sold everything for glass (and not glass) beads.
    2. +2
      27 March 2014 12: 13
      Quote: 120352
      Until we reunite again, they will divide us further
      That is why the site moderators should not skip comments in which some "Russians" declare Ukrainians (even if they mean Westerners) "racially inferior", "genetic traitors and whores", etc. This is what all the fascists did and are doing, including the Bandera. After all, nothing brings the dream of the insolent Saxons closer to mutual hatred and the destruction of each other by the Slavs, as the cultivation of fascist ideology in Russia, which is concerned with "racial purity" and the search for "genetic enemies and betrayers" among Ukrainians, Belarusians, Western Slavs and Russians, born from mixed marriages. But the moderators are formal. The innocuous nicknames "x * xol", "mock * l" are removed, which do not carry any offensive definitions. "X * xol" does not contain anything except that the ancestors of man - the Zaporozhye Cossacks - shaved xoxolok on their heads (forelock, vikhor, chuprun; ykp... - chuprina, oseledets). How can THIS be insulted ?? Similarly, "mock * l" is a person who recognizes Moscow as the capital, the center of his political life. WHO can you offend with this ?? But the vycepy about "genetic mutations" that directly insult all Ukrainians, Belarusians and other "non-Russian" people, as well as those who advocate the union of three fraternal peoples (such as fraternizing with genetic traitors and prostitutes), are easily ignored by the moderator's ears. I would like to address them: sitting down at the computer, sometimes strain your head, and not just your ass.
      PS. Also inserts the popular deletion of the word "w * d" on the forums. How and who can be insulted by the SELF-NAME of Jews in Yiddish, which in most European languages ​​has a similar sound, but it does not carry any offensive meaning, only an indication of confessional affiliation to Judaism. Following this logic, it is necessary to ban the word "Russian" in those countries where anti-Russian demonstrations are noticed.
      Quote: 120352
      Ukraine was artificially invented to oppose the rest of Russia through the efforts of "mos-k-a * l-i Kastomarov
      Kostomarov (if we are talking about him, and not about some Kastomarov) dreamed of uniting all Slavs in the form of a federation, with independent autonomy of the Slavic lands. "For the compilation of a secret society in which the unification of the Slavs into one state was discussed," Kostomarov was imprisoned for a year in the Alekseevsky Ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and then sent to serve in Saratov. We live in Russia today and nothing.
      Tales about the actions of N.I. Kostomarov "in the interests of all the same Germany and Austria-Hungary," that "both subjects, as it turned out later, were in the service of these states", need, if not arguments, then at least references to arguments.
      1. 120352
        27 March 2014 15: 09
        "Do you want links?
        I have them "...
        Small Encyclopedic Dictionary. Volume II (Issue IV). Edition II, newly revised and significantly amended. Edition Brockhaus-Efron. - St. Petersburg. - 1909. - P.1823. This is about Ukrainophilia = Ukrainians.
        I apologize for the letter "A" in the name of Kostomarov.
        If not enough, it’s easy to google as much as you like.
        1. 0
          27 March 2014 23: 38
          Quote: 120352
          Edition Brockhaus-Efron.
          That's who it is difficult to suspect of impartiality.
    3. Irinaz1960
      29 March 2014 23: 05
      I do not want to justify the Brest Peace (given its political inevitability), but obviously it was not he who created the Ukrainian independence. After all, back in March 1917, some Ukrainian authorities had already formed - and then it started. The fact that Austria-Hungary and other neighbors participated in the creation of the Ukrainians is indisputable, but you can’t draw the border of nationalism through 1914. Here, the roots are not even from Mazepa, but from Daniil Galitsky, our king, he lacked Orthodox Russia, and look further - Svyatoslav Igorevich was not a patriot either, for which mother Olya blamed him
  19. +7
    27 March 2014 09: 19
    The author is certainly right, but there is one thing, but if it is useless for me to pour all kinds of crap into my ears, then I don’t have to bother with any nonsense and I won’t believe it. Why Russophobes, but because they themselves wanted. Propaganda can be conducted only with the person who has not formed his own point of view. As all adult delirium believes an adult who has lived a lifetime I xs. So they themselves are to blame and do not say that the West is pouring into their ears. I have relatives in Ukraine, when the Chernobyl disaster happened, they came with children for 10 years in the summer, and then a gradual change occurred, maybe the radiation is to blame laughing . Now their rhetoric is to blame for Moscow, and that’s it, I stopped talking to them after the last conversation, as your trouble so help, although it’s your fault. Until they themselves deal with their cockroaches, to hell with what we can help.
    1. +3
      27 March 2014 11: 18
      Propaganda can only be conducted with a person who has not formed his own point of view

      Those who created the propaganda deeply studied society, they know perfectly well that the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants, at least 65%, do not have ANY point of view (except for the one that has been instilled in them) and do not want to have it. "Point of view" is too difficult for them to lift.
  20. +8
    27 March 2014 09: 25
    Good article ... But there is one thing.
    who today can raise the banner of unity two great Slavic peoples
    Why two? And the third great is silent, because the article is not about him? Why divide again? We begin for health with repose ...
    This is where the root of all Evil is.
    There are no 1, 2, 3, etc. great nations. there is One Great Russian People.
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 11: 10
      Nice to read. Great patriots of Great Russia, VERY CAREFULLY read what this person wrote. Try to understand. If it doesn’t work out, write to him or to me in PM to explain.
  21. +2
    27 March 2014 09: 28
    A lot of things are correct ... however, you are not to blame for the self-styled ones; if you go, you are even more to blame. Here it is more likely not like a "younger brother-sister", but rather like a child in transitional age. People should wake up and if it doesn't get through the head, it will come through ... well. So after all, we have until the thunder breaks out ...
  22. 0
    27 March 2014 09: 32
    Calmness and judgment - the lot of large and strong peoples who understand their place, small and shitty only remains to stink. While we were one nation of patients, there were much fewer patients on the head, it seems that the square is detrimental to the person, so come back to us before it's too late.
  23. +2
    27 March 2014 09: 33
    “What should we do with Ukraine?” - Nothing. Ukraine not only betrayed Russia, but also those who are against Russia, because somehow she came back to us. Like that bl..b, with what ardor he hates, with the same passion and will love when the "pendulum swings back." It's a shame for the Ukrainians, but they chose the power for themselves.
    1. +2
      27 March 2014 09: 55
      Suvorov said: "We are Russians, GOD is with us"! And we will become Russians when we again become one people. And then again it will be possible to exclaim, like Suvorov: "We are Russians! What a delight!" Right words.
    2. +1
      27 March 2014 09: 55
      Suvorov said: "We are Russians, GOD is with us"! And we will become Russians when we again become one people. And then again it will be possible to exclaim, like Suvorov: "We are Russians! What a delight!" Right words.
  24. +9
    27 March 2014 09: 43
    I do not quite agree with the author. In the 90s of Russia it was bad without Ukraine, and in the 2000s it was difficult to get butter for bread. So from what resources would we still support Ukraine? Again starve your own population for the sake of Khokhlov? After all, it is known that in the USSR republics lived much richer than the RSFSR! Huge investments in industry, infrastructure, culture ... And what did you get after the collapse of the USSR? Russia turned out to be an evil stepmother !!
    At that time I lived in Kyrgyzstan and I remember how enthusiastically the Kyrgyz people shouted about their independence and how everything will be fine now. The result is deplorable. And although Ukraine is closer to Russia than Kyrgyzstan, they should have gotten theirs. And its independence, and its Maidan, and its kings. They cried and laughed at us when we were not in the best of times - now it's their turn. In another way, apparently it will not work.
  25. +3
    27 March 2014 09: 43
    Quote: Keeper
    like the same famine

    Holodomor was with Yushchenko and his curator K. Rice! And HUNGER was a common misfortune of the peoples of the Union and apparently not only through the fault of the authorities, but also by the ancestors of the Western curators of Yushchenko.
    1. +2
      27 March 2014 11: 22
      Quote: Good_Taxist
      Quote: Keeper
      like the same famine

      Holodomor was with Yushchenko and his curator K. Rice! And HUNGER was a common misfortune of the peoples of the Union and apparently not only through the fault of the authorities, but also by the ancestors of the Western curators of Yushchenko.

      Until agricultural production technologies improved, hunger to a varying degree was every 10-11 years.
  26. onegin61
    27 March 2014 09: 44
    The immeasurable will be judged only by civil war for purification and division. And there will be three or four western regions and the southeast. "Influence" will be from two sides, as a result, each side will receive what it deserves.
  27. +1
    27 March 2014 09: 47
    Thank you for the article.
    Yes, they are "to blame" - as always before Ukraine. They did not save and support the Russians ... all these 23 years.
    And for me, Ukrainians are so glad to be deceived, just not with Russia. Time must pass.
  28. +7
    27 March 2014 09: 47
    Ukrainians, Moldavians, Georgians, Balts, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Turkmens, Kazakhs - all of them are united by hatred towards us, not only among the elites, among all. How did they make fun of us in 1990-91 ??? Suitcase, train station, Russia ...... They are all bl..di, they are all smeared in one world. Our task is to remember, to grind our children - RUSSIA IS ABOVE ALL, RUSSIA HAS TWO ALLIES - THE ARMY AND THE Navy. No China will help us - ourselves, only ourselves, this is not the first time for us. And these ..... nothing more than trophy territories with failed teachers of the mother tongues who switched to the role of political losers at the head and the natives who have already received and will receive even more what they deserve. Ukraine is not Russia - GLORY TO GOD, or rather you will not say.
  29. +5
    27 March 2014 09: 51
    The author is right, but it is quite possible that 25 years of Russophobic propaganda will begin to collapse already this year, faced with the reality of "what they fought for ..." Now the main thing is not to interfere with the Ukrainians, to taste all the "charm" of Western integration (so that again not to be guilty ). No matter how cynical it may sound, but in order for them to understand, it is necessary that half of the country would have died from hunger and banditry.
    1. 120352
      27 March 2014 14: 30
      I am against anyone dying, starving to death or at the hands of fascist bandits, but I know that if something catastrophic happens in Ukraine, they will blame us anyway. This is the stereotype of thinking.
  30. onegin61
    27 March 2014 09: 56
    Quote: Petrik66
    Ukrainians, Moldavians, Georgians, Balts, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Turkmens, Kazakhs - all of them are united by hatred towards us, not only among the elites, among all. How did they make fun of us in 1990-91 ??? Suitcase, train station, Russia ...... They are all bl..di, they are all smeared in one world

    But I don’t feel sorry for them, the Russians will leave their territories over time, the main thing is to make Russia feel at home, and at least the primary capital for development in the form of a piece of land, a loan for construction and work.
    1. 120352
      27 March 2014 14: 32
      The Russians will not go anywhere, because this is Russian land, this is RUSSIA.
      1. Watchman
        27 March 2014 19: 18
        Where is Rus? "Kiev is the mother of Russian cities"? And who did not have this "mother Kiev" in history? Where did the first chronicle written in verb in verbatim come from? From the Lord of Novgorod the Great! ! Who lived in some kind of ferry crossing Kyiev at that time? Polovtsi, Pechenegs, Khazars, post-Scythians, history is silent about this!
  31. +2
    27 March 2014 10: 05
    When Yatsenyuk and Co. drive the entire population of Ukraine into Babi Yar ... brains will be cleared ...
    1. 120352
      27 March 2014 14: 33
      Yatsenyuk should head the convoy of convicts. In any case, according to ethnicity.
  32. +2
    27 March 2014 10: 12
    Thank you. Nice article.
  33. +1
    27 March 2014 10: 16
    Sobering article ...
  34. +2
    27 March 2014 10: 16
    You know, I was always amazed and amazed that when I was in different countries of the former socialist community, the countries of our former "freeloader friends" and so forth, "friends" I always had to face hatred of our country and it always surprised me ... I could not understand why, we helped them so much, often at a loss, and this is the attitude towards us. But another thing was surprising - the countries are real occupiers and colonialists, who destroyed millions of people in these countries or sucked their resources to the last, on the contrary, they are respected there. The reason was not clear to me. I understood everything quite recently, it turns out that the whole thing is in "human nature" and in the difference between the actions of Russia and the Western countries. Let me explain: Russia and the Soviet Union tried to change the way of life of the satellite countries, that is, they supported or introduced an unnatural way of life, as it seemed to us better and more progressive (in our opinion), as opposed to the one that had developed in these countries at the time of the arrival of the Russians, thereby unambiguously and immediately putting themselves in antagonism to the local population. Moreover, hatred because of this appeared among all strata of society: among the rich, the elite and the leadership, hatred grew, since the local authorities were pushed aside by the newly created, pro-Russian ones, and the common population also did not harbor much love for us, since they also had to rebuild my life according to the new way of life. For example, after the conquest of the Tuva Khanate, which lived entirely in the slave trade, the Russians began to force the population to cultivate the land (the Americans acted easier in a similar case with the Indians, almost completely exterminating them). In addition, the situation was aggravated by the inconsistency of the result obtained with the propagated goals, for example: they promised communism, but did not build, etc. Western countries acted and act differently when they come to another country, they do not touch the local way of life, on the contrary, they kindle-encourage all base passions, play on the basest feelings and vices of the local population, allow them to do whatever they want, the main thing is that the population does not interfere with the goals of these Western countries, severely punishing otherwise That is, "live as you want, but do not bother us ". And besides, they allow you to "feed" around you - that is, you want money and prosperity? -Please-do for us, and this and all you will then have. A purely pragmatic approach - the "carrot and stick" policy, which, however, outperformed ours in all respects.
    1. +2
      27 March 2014 10: 27
      That is, the construction of schools, hospitals, the construction of roads and bridges, the supply of vehicles at reduced prices, etc. - is this in your opinion unnatural?
      A purely pragmatic approach, which, however, has outplayed ours in all respects.

      Who outplayed whom, we'll see. Something I do not think that ordinary residents of Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq are very grateful to the United States and NATO for their "freedom".
      1. +1
        27 March 2014 10: 36
        Yes. Because in fact it was not necessary and unnatural, everything should be in due time (when the country is ready for this) and at normal prices. Even the Hindus, in whom the British destroyed millions of people during colonialism, and they respect their colonialists, and they treat us with disdain, and why? Because the British came and took what they needed, destroying those who interfered with them, and the Russians humblely humble every penny from them.
        1. +1
          27 March 2014 11: 01
          Because in fact it was not necessary and was unnatural, everything should be in due time (when the country is ready for this) and at normal prices

          The Americans are sitting overseas and they somehow do not care what is happening in the country they conquered on another continent. This behavior cannot be applied to Russia, we are a land power, albeit with access to the sea. Keeping a medieval country near its borders is fraught with very serious consequences.
          and the Russians humble them every penny.

          I would not say that beg. We simply do not pay off debts. Or even forget about them. And it is time for us to start demand for all actions directed against Russia.
  35. +8
    27 March 2014 10: 20
    Quote: S-17
    but it’s quite possible that 25 years of Russophobic propaganda will begin to collapse this year,

    I don’t know, I don’t know ... Yesterday, on Odnoklassniki, in one of the discussions, I almost broke down in tears when women from Ukraine were shaming everyone in a row about reviews of the late Sashko. "People, what are you doing, after the MAN was killed, he has children, he has a mother, a wife", "You say that because you did not know Sashko personally ..." and it rushed off - and white and fluffy and a good comrade and family man. .. And the guys from the Maidan, they are just good guys, but if something happens somewhere, then they will be punished later (later !!!). When the Russians do not interfere and we live in a European way, then we will punish everyone ...
    Mixes in the heads - do not crank the shovel. The author is right - a 20-year-old zombie gives its results. And we have Zurabov.
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 11: 07
      Sashko was a man, and he had a mom-dad, aquarium fish ... And it’s human nature to progress. Maybe he would become Ramzan Kadyrov! ... But he was killed by the maydauns.
      1. 0
        27 March 2014 11: 21
        Sashko was a man, and he had mom dad, aquarium fish

        Uh ... well, mom and dad, okay, somehow I was born after all. I'm not sure about the fish.
        And it is human nature to progress.

        Oh, what are those doubts in which direction the progress was going. Bursting from machine guns to the prosecutor, threatening, yelling "I am the boss", is this progress?
        Maybe he would become Ramzan Kadyrov!

        Um, do you believe that?
    2. 120352
      27 March 2014 14: 36
      These screaming women somewhat resemble the manifestation of the Stockholm syndrome, when the victims begin to sympathize with their executioners.
  36. 0
    27 March 2014 10: 29
    Of course, I will not bring upon myself the acceptance of absurdity, but this joke with the "squeezing" of the Crimea, in Ukraine, no one understood.
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 10: 47
      And why is it not clear? All the fuss with the "Maidan" was started by the United States in order to kick Russia out of the European gas market, replacing it with itself. In the United States, everything is almost ready to begin gas expansion into Europe, which will begin in 2015. However, gas from the United States will be more expensive than Russian gas, and in order to force the Europeans to abandon Russian gas, the "Maidan" was staged. Putin is a smart man, he is perfectly aware that the United States will take its toll in any case, "if not by washing, so by skating" - any reason will be found to show that Russia cannot supply gas to Europe without interruptions and must be replaced. What - the statements of your idiots that they will blow up the pipeline to Europe in Ukraine, is it just like that, they say, out of thoughtlessness? Putin is well aware that the days of Russia as a gas supplier for Europe are numbered and in such conditions it is necessary to compensate for all possible losses and ensure maximum benefit for his country, applying the rule "from a black sheep, at least a bunch of wool." So, the entry of Crimea into Russia is just compensation for our losses.
      1. -2
        27 March 2014 10: 57
        Tobish Crimea was squeezed out from the Ukrainian brothers, the patamusho SyShyA squeezed the European gas market from Russia?! ... nu-nu what
        1. +7
          27 March 2014 13: 20
          Quote: Aeneas
          Crimea squeezed from Ukrainian brothers
          "Brothers Ukrainians" got the Crimea so much that they "squeezed out" themselves. Putin only removed all obstacles from their path.
        2. +4
          27 March 2014 14: 17
          Quote: Aeneas
          Tobish Crimea was squeezed out from the Ukrainian brothers, the patamusho SyShyA squeezed the European gas market from Russia?! ... nu-nu

          A wacky habit of counting pennies in someone else's pockets is an excuse to seek excuses for your Dumb actions. laughing
        3. +3
          27 March 2014 15: 53
          Quote: Aeneas
          Tobish: Crimea was squeezed out from the Ukrainian brothers, the patamusho SyShyA depressed the European gas market from Russia?! ... nu-nu what

          Crimea was squeezed from the Ukrainian brothers because the Crimeans were tired of the colonial policy of the above-mentioned brothers ... I answer as a Crimean.
      2. +2
        27 March 2014 11: 41
        Exactly. Obama has already proposed Europe to buy gas from the United States (it is interesting how it would look if the United States barely provides its own shale gas, which is quite expensive). And if we take into account that mainly gas goes to Europe through Germany, then generally interesting pictures turn out laughing Germany is forced to support sanctions, including a decrease in gas purchases from Russia ... but then smiled this morning, regarding the sanctions, Britain offered Russia direct purchases of gas for her beloved, past Germany laughing So I think Russia is afraid of nothing to reduce supplies to Europe (unless we turn off the valve ourselves) ...
    2. +14
      27 March 2014 10: 54
      When you shouted "moskolyak on gilyak", We were silent ...
      When you captured the IMF headquarters in Odessa by force in Odessa in 94, We were silent when you planned to seize the IMF headquarters in Sevastopol in 95. We were silent when your Muzychko, Yaroshi, Tyagniboki, etc. fought on the side of the Chechen separatists and killed our boys, We were silent when your air defense crews in Georgia killed our pilots, We were silent. When you sincerely rejoiced at the next terrorist attack in Russia, We were silent ... And now our patience has burst ...
      Crimea was once presented to friendly people.
      1. -6
        27 March 2014 11: 14
        I repent ... we won against your national football team sad
        1. +4
          27 March 2014 11: 27
          It’s not funny when the Russians really died at the hands of the Ukrainians ...
          You were the first to support separatism in Chechnya, Crimea is the answer ...
          1. -2
            27 March 2014 13: 28
            There in Chechnya YOUR officers still sold weapons to the Czechs, from which YOUR boys were then killed. And YOUR generals sent for slaughter soldiers only drafted, without preparation. And you, yes ... were silent. So there is no need to breed hysteria because of a couple of hundred idiots from UNA-UNSO. They did less harm than your figures from the Ministry of Defense and the AP. Nevertheless, you project the actions of a handful of radicals on the WHOLE Ukrainian people
            1. +1
              27 March 2014 14: 19
              Quote: Maverick78
              Nevertheless, you project the actions of a handful of radicals on the WHOLE Ukrainian people

              And on whom to project? For Belarusians, Poles?
              1. -1
                27 March 2014 14: 26
                But the actions of the Russian officers and the Russian command you do not project on yourself.
                1. +3
                  27 March 2014 14: 48
                  Quote: Maverick78
                  But the actions of the Russian officers and the Russian command you do not project on yourself.

                  And proud of my army, navy, president, people, country ...
                  Are you weak?
                  1. +1
                    27 March 2014 15: 07
                    Reread carefully the previous posts and try to understand what you wrote yourself. It was a projection of the actions of Russian officers selling weapons to Chechens and Russian generals and politicians who brewed all this mess exactly as it was on all Russians.
                    You answered that you were projecting and proud. Either I don’t understand something, or you don’t understand.
                    1. +3
                      27 March 2014 16: 07
                      Quote: Maverick78
                      You answered that you were projecting and proud. Either I don’t understand something, or you don’t understand.

                      This is a TYPICAL example when WE talk about ONE and the same, but each with its own bell tower. I’ll make it clear.
                      "Every family has its black sheep". But the family of freaks is too much.
                      1. +1
                        27 March 2014 17: 07
                        Well, of course ... I already read it here ... all hoh polls traitors, whores,, Bandera, etc.
                        I like this explanation of what is happening - a flag in my hands, I will not persuade.
                      2. +1
                        27 March 2014 18: 46
                        Quote: Maverick78
                        . all ho x ly polls traitors, whores,, Bandera, etc.

                        Yes, delirium. In Crimea, for example, there is generally no division into Russians and Ukrainians ... there is a Slavic population that took an active part in the latest referendum, almost unanimously voting for joining the Russian Federation.
                      3. +1
                        27 March 2014 20: 22
                        Quote: Maverick78
                        Well, of course ... I already read it here ... all hoh polls traitors, whores,, Bandera, etc.
                        I like this explanation of what is happening - a flag in my hands, I will not persuade.

                        What? Offended again?
                      4. -1
                        27 March 2014 21: 38
                        Well, you will not please)
                      5. +1
                        27 March 2014 21: 51
                        Quote: Maverick78
                        Well, you will not please)

                        So what to do? fellow
            2. +2
              27 March 2014 15: 29
              Quote: Maverick78
              YOUR officers sold weapons to the Czechs, from which YOUR boys were then killed. And your generals sent for slaughter

              Well, of course, Russia is to blame.
              Banderlog (two hundred laughing ) sent to Ukraine, created PS, the crisis of power in Kiev, she is the same!
              Moscow "stupefied" a banderlog-deputy with a pigtail and his associates when they beat the director of a state television channel just before the UN Security Council meeting. request Where the representative of Ukraine just boasted before V.I. Churkin freedom of speech in an independent. And leaking, leaking, leaking. Yes
              But Chechnya and Russian officers and generals, you'd better not touch.
              Many of whom laid down their heads so that, figuratively speaking, at the present time, not our boys were dying, but at the Banderlog and their henchmen (including some "activists" from the Crimean Tatars, Georgians, etc.) with rumors about Chechen spontaneous excretion of urine and feces began in Russian battalions.
              1. 0
                27 March 2014 17: 21
                Learn to read what is written, and not what you want to see) A couple of hundred - it was in Chechnya (well, a maximum of 500 people). On the Maidan PS and other nationalists were within 2-3 thousand (maybe up to 5 to the events on Grushevskogo, they said they had arrived) This is from 20-40 thousand permanent residents of the Maidan. The rest really thought they were for a better life. But they, as expected, were used in the form of extras and cannon fodder.
                And about Chechnya, I had to talk with people who fought there (all in the RF Armed Forces). And I heard enough about individual freaks to know who I touch and who not.
                1. 0
                  27 March 2014 18: 40
                  Quote: Maverick78
                  The rest really thought they were for a better life. But they were, as expected, used in the form of extras and cannon

                  I agree with you (not with you, I hope not a young man), but at the same time, the crowd shouted who didn’t jump, that Muscovite, etc., having silly fun at the same time.
                  And as for the mass of banderlogs, it’s enough to see Comrade Funeral White. Yes, there are not all thugs, but accomplices Yes, just came to see off this scum on the last journey. And a lot of women who looked decent. At other pro-Russian rallies, the people will be less.

                  Quote: Maverick78
                  about individual freaks, in order to know who to touch and who not to.

                  There were, as well as among, say, participants in the Great Patriotic War. As with many veterans of labor, the Armed Forces, our parents. But this does not give the right to be clever and defame all persons of these categories with "gamuz". The same is true for Russian officers and generals in Chechnya (and everywhere). Many of them, by the way, were Ukrainian by nationality.
                  It seems that the only goal is to prove to someone (maybe yourself?) That, they say, in Russia things are even worse, but this is simply stupid.
                  1. -1
                    27 March 2014 21: 51
                    Once again about reading. Where did I denigrate all those who fought in Chechnya with my "gamuz"? It was a bunch of individuals. As well as our Bandera, who fought with Dudaev. But comrade wrote in Bandera all Ukrainians "the whole family of freaks" - these are his words. So what about gamuz - to the Archangel with the Polish ensign, and not to me.
                    About Bilogo. We have ardent Natsik - 3-5% (sympathizing to some extent - another 5-10%) We take the population of Ukraine and see that theoretically there could be 2-4 million for sure. But the population is 45 lyam. And because of 10%, to consider all Nazis is too much.
            3. +3
              27 March 2014 16: 03
              We do not idealize these officers, but equate them with traitors and bandits.
              And you have nonhumans like Muzychko who tortured and brutally killed our boys,
              became the heroes of the nation ...
              1. 0
                27 March 2014 17: 27
                And how many percent of the population of Ukraine consider music as their hero? Do you have statistics?
                I’ll say about my circle of friends. No one counts. Even my friends from Lviv, Drohobych, Mukachevo and Frankivsk (these are cities in the memory)
                1. +2
                  27 March 2014 18: 59
                  Quote: Maverick78
                  No one counts.

                  See Above for the funeral of S. Bilogo.
        2. Field
          27 March 2014 13: 09
          For 23 years they have been building the European state and they have built the xp, they just destroyed and plundered everything. You have the special services of Europe and the United States as they dispose of at home where she is your "sovereign vlada" - crap on the sidelines. Have you replaced your state, Mova Ukran, with the canine Galitsayskopolskokanadoamerican "gvitokrily helicopter", TG Shevchenko and then alter your own in the Galician way. Because Shevshenko lived in Ukraine, and the Galician people at that time lived under the Austro-Hungarians. And the Cossacks were never Ukrainians, and they never called themselves that.

          Whoever squeezed that from you and it is your government and the Jewish oligarchs. What hysteria is in your media: "occupants" "in the east, nonhumans" "separaotists" "yelling about the war for a month" zdezdyat in every issue.

          They did not want to let their troops from the Crimea, and then they accepted the "sufferers" with pomp (they themselves brought them to this) And now you are forbidden to travel to the Crimea - they threaten for a period, because you will see the truth in the Crimea and you will smash your oligarchs.

          A ditch has already been dug on the border with Russia (from the beams on the Russian side), the "mind" was enough, and the taruta ripped off the money for this.
    3. 0
      27 March 2014 11: 26
      Quote: Aeneas
      Of course, I will not bring upon myself the acceptance of absurdity, but this joke with the "squeezing" of the Crimea, in Ukraine, no one understood.

      Do not give out your opinion for the opinion of everyone.
    4. dmb
      27 March 2014 11: 37
      I think you are wrong for one simple reason. Until recently, Crimea is a part of Ukraine, and if 90% of its citizens vote for "squeezing out", and their desire is shared by many people in the East, then apparently there is no reason to assert that "no one understood" there is no reason, like the term "squeezing out" itself - little applicable. I think that you are as well aware of the reasons for this unanimity as I am, for which claims are clearly not worth making to Russia. Sadly different. We have everything that the author writes about, and in much larger quantities than we would like: from the thievish authorities in the center and in the localities, to terry nationalists who are not much inferior to Bandera scumbags.
    5. +1
      27 March 2014 12: 46
      Quote: Aeneas
      this joke with the "squeezing" of the Crimea, in Ukraine, no one understood.

      This is nothing, the main thing is that in Crimea they understood! Yes
      It’s interesting, did they understand in Ukraine that Crimea itself entered the Ukrainian state by accident, by mistake?
      And they also understood or not that even Crimea, "caught by a misunderstanding," could continue to be Ukrainian in fact, although Russian in essence, but "never Bandera"!
      Or didn’t they understand anything? request
  37. +2
    27 March 2014 10: 37
    Bitterly read such lines ...
  38. +3
    27 March 2014 10: 37
    The article is great! Many people can share this pain. My brother lives in Ivano-Frankovsk, a helicopter pilot, an Afghan, a cavalier of a military order, who by the will of fate settled in the west of Ukraine, with tears told last summer about the attitude towards everything Russian. A sister from Kharkov came to my mother in Russia - her five-year-old son asks - "Grandma, and our enemies?" Shock! I remember my childhood in Donetsk. We did not share in the courtyard on the nation, but jokes like "I came shit on the floor, I came, I'm a Nazi muzzle, with the hands of a tsap" were in the seventies, but there were "jokes" and steeper.
    1. -5
      27 March 2014 11: 04
      The Ukrainians always offended the Russians ... Such bastards! ... And the Russians loved the Ukrainians too.
      1. +5
        27 March 2014 11: 49
        at least even our nationalists did not call the Ukrainians "... to Gilyak!"
      2. 0
        27 March 2014 13: 08
        Quote: Aeneas
        The Ukrainians always offended the Russians ... Such bastards! ... And the Russians loved the Ukrainians too.

        We hate you. And after the latest events, we also sincerely despise - you are just pathetic.
  39. +3
    27 March 2014 10: 44
    Sathya is certainly strong, as they say about the depths of the soul ... Everything depends on the people themselves, I have great-grandfather, for example, at the end of 40 I was a stable groom on a collective farm, as he said it was his fault (he hadn’t burned) the cattle died, he was given a term (about 2 years), here his war in 1942 was in the penal battalion, he didn’t see the Germans, he wounded him for the first time and went to the hospital for a year, the second time he again had a close gap of a German mine and was shattered all the way to the end of the war, lay in the hospital deaths, after the war there were hardships and the like became a veterinarian in the area, but so that with him something about Stalin’s bad or about the Soviet regime, he could really move between his eyes, without words, he would die after 1991, he would say “red” to the grave a star does not need a cross, my conscience is clear and so on ...
    That's why this happened there in Ukraine, it’s hard for me personally to understand, although here we have relatives in Kharkov, they already had 80 codons with their parents at the wedding, they were already flying to their dad’s cousin, jokes about her were in fashion ...
    In general, I perceive this attitude towards us in Russia only as treachery, we are brothers, brothers, and we are occupiers, damned ...
    1. -2
      27 March 2014 11: 02
      Take the Crimea ... are we no longer traitors?
      1. +2
        27 March 2014 11: 53
        They returned the Crimea to themselves, did not take hi and you will cease to be traitors when all this holy ... choke your fascist mouth ...
      2. +2
        27 March 2014 12: 23
        Crimeans-not a bag of potatoes and not the property of Russophobes of Ukraine! They made their choice themselves (in many respects, thanks to 23 years of continuous hatred of Ukrainian Nazis for everything Russian)! And who dares to blame them for this? Who dares to make them live the way they do not want? Ukrainian Nazis !? Well, well ... And these new Euro-Ukrainians still want to find understanding around the world, and have the audacity to say that Russia has deprived them of toys for livestock !? This is not RUSSIA TAKE THE CRIMEA, THIS CRIME THROWS SUCH UKRAINE FROM HIS LIFE! Have the courage to admit that they are fleeing from you: NOBODY LOOKS AT YOU! Therefore, you need to look for problems in Ukraine and Ukrainians, and not run away from the problem, joyfully and habitually screaming in a single ecstasy of hatred for the Russian world! In general, do not get the blame on the healthy: if you have a centuries-old inferiority complex, then this is your own merit, no one has spread rot!
    2. +1
      27 March 2014 12: 13
      Question! With what a fright, your great-grandfather (groom) found himself in a penal battalion!
  40. sega72
    27 March 2014 10: 47
    The author accuses Russia of saying that they have worked little with ideology with Ukraine. Take for example your sister, you told her, convinced. Helped? That's the whole analogy. And in Russia at that time Ukrainians lived more calmly than the roof.
    1. +1
      27 March 2014 13: 53
      Quote: sega72
      The author accuses Russia of saying that they have worked little with ideology with Ukraine.

      But well-known special services worked with Ukraine, especially on mass zombies - they started with the Orange Maidan, continued with some flu, the only salvation from which is a gauze bandage, and a bunch of small Maidan people - a permanent mass psychosis with practical training in methods, skills and abilities. By the way, the repulsion of even short-term memory is also the result of effective work. So to warn someone now - on the forum or by phone - it’s the same as talking about the dangers of drugs in the brothel of drug addicts. A serious program, big funds, serious analytics are needed . You can do this in more than one year. After all, we see the results of such work in Ukraine. Only the state can overcome this.
  41. +5
    27 March 2014 10: 49
    What the hell! Again Russia is to blame! Even before the opponents of the current Kiev junta she was guilty! Well, again, the old song: Let's fight for us! sad A rolling pennant damn it! Have you tried to do something yourself? And Russia in the 90s might have flourished! They taught these "little brothers" to ride on our neck. Enough, let's do it yourself. I sympathize with the difficult fate of the author, but in Russia there are more than enough of their own difficult lives.
  42. villi64
    27 March 2014 10: 50
    Ukraine, first of all, needs to be offended by itself. During the years of independence, the legacy of the USSR was practically plundered by the richest inheritance. Nothing was created in return. But they are always to blame ... damned. I know by hearsay, my wife is from there, and I had to live there after the 92nd year, and I often go there. To argue with them, I think it is useless, with logic there is now weak (TYPE, WHO DOES NOT RUN, THAT ...). Time will put everything in its place.
    It is only a pity that Russia has not paid all this time due attention to this problem. Therefore, we have what we have.
    1. -1
      27 March 2014 11: 01
      Well, yes, we ourselves are to blame ... Shaw, isho us to present to the fraternal people, okromya Crimea, Schaub not be guilty?
      1. +6
        27 March 2014 11: 16
        And here is a gift? Crimea SAM defended its land. They organized the defense themselves, they themselves chose the head, they themselves held a referendum, they themselves chose where to go. Russia only ensured the peaceful conduct of all these actions. So why do you think that someone gave Crimea to Russia?
        And you do not consider yourself guilty? What fascist scum trained for several years in forests and ravines, that your ongoing Maidan did not lead to anything? What have YOU done to live better? Having received huge territories from the USSR, space, aviation and heavy industry, resorts of the Crimea, a huge fleet and aviation, nuclear power - WHERE is all this? At the very least, aviation engines are being produced (for Russia), NPPs are somehow working (using Russian fuel), Crimea and Donbass survived on their own (Kiev didn’t need anything), the aircraft were destroyed, the fleet was rusty, the industry was barely warm ... Are you out of business? Glory to Ukraine, Th.
        1. 0
          27 March 2014 11: 58
          It seems that Aeneas believes that Ukraine has a monopoly on self-determination.
          1. +1
            27 March 2014 12: 23
            Ah ... that is, Ukraine will be self-determined, and at this time Russia should feed it or what? And dutifully wait until the pan shakes his forelock and makes a choice? Khe-khe .. as if to put it literally ... it doesn’t work here.
        2. 0
          27 March 2014 13: 18
          Well, let's say the Crimea is not a bit by itself, but "polite people" helped him a little))) And the self-defense squad was not entirely Crimean, but then) I regard Russia's actions in Crimea positively only if there was a REAL danger of denouncing the Kharkiv agreements and loss of Sevastopol. Well, you will forgive me for this, I am, after all, a traitor, and Bandera Judas, what can you take from me.
          I like your approach. You, you, what have you done .... I have already asked the question a hundred times. What have you done to bring Putin to power ??? And I never received an intelligible answer. There was Yeltsin (or rather his environment) and Russia was stupidly killed (and contrary to your opinion, most of Ukraine did not laugh at the same time) and you were sitting in the kitchen, swearing, but mostly thinking about what you would feed your family. You did not go to Red Square to remove a bunch of freaks who were killing your homeland. And then they gave you Putin. In a certain sense, it was lucky (just the GDP does a lot of such things that I’m not sure that he is who they consider him to be) At least he partially stopped that bacchanalia that was going on. But what did you do for this ??? How many assets inherited from the USSR were sold ... in Russia. You still have not fully recovered. But GDP has been in power for 14 years. And in many aspects, things are still there.
          If you take the relationship between the two parts of ONE people, then you are about as brainwashed as ours. You all scream how you fed us, how we helped. I will clarify. Your top (not you) fed our top (not us) Our top threw your (this is the level of intelligence work, etc.) Perhaps threw it because of fear that your tops will crush under themselves everything acquired by overwork (and this probability is very high, because we have similar business rules))) But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that both ours and yours played such a game so that the population saw all the problems in the neighbor. Take trade wars for example. From here it looks like an attempt to exert pressure (and believe me, it is) But what was worth, for example, to speak well ... to the Prime Minister of Russia and say: Mr. Poroshenko’s products are not allowed on the Russian market because this rubber comrade is anti-Russian politics in Ukraine, and we don’t want to do business with 3,14 daras. And 60-70 percent in Ukraine would even approve of this step, because it is so. Well, for many other misunderstandings the same thing. Here is a behavioral strategy. And so .... In our common history there are many reasons to be offended by each other, and our politicians very carefully seek them out. We must try to pay attention to what unites, and not to what divides.
          1. +1
            27 March 2014 13: 53
            Question to YOU ​​Mr. Maverick78 (1), but what did YOU do? Went to the Swamp area? Went to the Kiev Maidan? The Kiev Maidan showed that with this method of struggle, peaceful people suffer, and the main culprits of such a protest also remain in profit. The revolution is a desire for quick changes, but never before has it happened that everything would be well quickly and the oligarchs would be corrected, and dictators and bandits would repent ...
            1. +2
              27 March 2014 14: 09
              I was not able to enter the swamp area (it is on the territory of another state) But even if I lived in Russia, I would not have come out, because I consider various Germans, bulk and other Novodvorskiy traitors to Russia.
              I did not go to the Maidan because I saw what he would lead to and who was behind him. When I saw a statement by the intelligence colonel in nete (Razumovsky seems) that they form units to stop all this - for several days I was looking for where to turn and where they were going (really wanted to go) but .... silence.
              So there’s little for ordinary people ... we won’t get a hold of it ourselves, raise our children correctly (on May 9 I’ll take my son, put on my St. George’s ribbon and go lay flowers at the monument) For without financial support any performance is doomed to failure (repeatedly proved by Donetsk miners in the 90s)
              And you wrote everything about the revolution correctly ... but that is no easier.
          2. +2
            27 March 2014 14: 06
            Quote: Maverick78
            And then they gave you Putin

            What do they mean? It only speaks of the fact that the Russian elite, the real Russian elite, which has the means and levers of influence, understood where the state was heading and was able to make everything go without blood and civil war, whom they pressed, who they influenced, I think will be a very long mystery behind seven seals.
            But our Ukrainian elite immediately lifted their paws, opened the SBU, sold offal and then they gave us Turchinov. And before they gave Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yushchen and Yanek. Question: so what was the Ukrainian elite oriented to? And this is with systematic squeals about Nenko -Ukraine? It, of course, the cultivation and education of Bandera and the Right Sector is the first and most important state-forming factor.
            We must try to pay attention to what unites, and not to what divides.This is whom you are addressing - if to the Russians, so they fools have been writing about the brothers - Ukrainians for the third month. And if to the Ukrainians - so what should they answer you now? I. Mosk.a.l.- at best.
            1. +2
              27 March 2014 14: 13
              It means given. He was not chosen, did not defend in protest against the Yeltsin camarilla. It is good that in Russia there was such a group in the elite, but we did not find such. And ordinary people are just a tool, if you do not twist.
              1. +1
                27 March 2014 14: 30
                Yeah, it would be funny, but sad - they chose Yushchenko, Yatsenyuk through the Maidan. It seems that the people chose and defended in protest - to rejoice. So is such a proud choice? And people didn’t choose, but simply bought screamers allegedly from the people and again deceived the whole people - democracy in a Western manner. You can list endlessly, but so far being a Ukrainian in the Russian Federation is not a crime.
                1. +3
                  27 March 2014 14: 34
                  Well, what am I talking about? The people THINK what he chose, and everything was chosen in advance. It was only visible to very few (thanks to the necessary information space)
                  1. +1
                    27 March 2014 14: 47
                    Well, since we are at you, Sergey, look at the information space of this service. People here create the very background that makes you think, analyze information, express (form) their sober position on current events and events that happened in the past.
          3. +2
            27 March 2014 14: 23
            Quote: Maverick78
            Well, you really forgive me for this, because I, a traitor, and Bandera Judas, what to take from me.

            God will forgive...
            Quote: Maverick78
            I like your approach. You, you, what you did ....

            Enough to smear the snot like a juvenile bully who got in the ass ...
            Be a man....
            1. +1
              27 March 2014 14: 37
              I don’t smear the snot, I’m just wondering what those who personally accuse others of inaction did personally.
          4. +2
            27 March 2014 15: 35
            I have already asked the question a hundred times. What did you do to get Putin to power ??? And I never received an intelligible answer.

            Firstly, I voted for him. As you said, only a lazy drunken Yeltsin did not swear, but ... we chose from two (of course there were not two, but still) the lesser evil. For example, I do not really like Medvedev because of his softness. Therefore, he did not go for a second term, but Putin returned.
            But GDP has been in power for 14 years. And in many aspects, things are still there.

            Much has been done over the years, but the country has also collapsed for almost 15 years (I believe that the rise began in 2005-2006). It was difficult to stop the collapse. This also takes time.
            If you take the relationship between the two parts of ONE people, then you are about as brainwashed as ours.

            What are rinsed with? I have a friend. Moreover, he does not take offense at ""; understands what I mean by this name.
            But that is not the point. The main thing is that both ours and yours played such a game so that the population saw all the problems in the neighbor.

            Something I have not seen in Red Square Muscovites shouting "Ukrainians with knives." And I didn’t see any kind of malicious attitude towards Ukrainians. Understand one thing, what they say "you got what you wanted, now have fun" is not said out of anger or hatred. Just tired help, persuade, ask, lend ... In exchange, you can only hear moans about Moscow’s pressure, high gas prices, etc. Was the annual gas circus for the new year a long time ago?
            that this rubber comrade conducts an anti-Russian policy in Ukraine

            In politics, they say bluntly in only one case: when the troops are already on high alert.
            We must try to pay attention to what unites, and not to what divides.

            I must agree. But if one does not want to look for unifying ways and pulls the "blanket" over himself ... well ... do not fight.
      2. +3
        27 March 2014 13: 11
        Quote: Aeneas
        Well, yes, we ourselves are to blame ... Shaw, isho us to present to the fraternal people, okromya Crimea, Schaub not be guilty?

        sacrifice yourself on sacrificial fire.
  43. Voenruk
    27 March 2014 10: 52
    Everyone lived badly in those days, not only Ukrainians. Why are Russians now to blame for everything?
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 10: 58
      so take the Crimea! ... have you become better?
      1. +1
        27 March 2014 12: 46
        Quote: Aeneas
        so take the Crimea! ... have you become better?

        at the expense of the Crimea, with claims to the new government, contact - their merit. they still have a lot to do, but they will always blame. after all it is they who live in the Crimea and fled from the democratic fascists along with the land. there would be no "suitcase-station-russia" or under Yulka's mriya to be fulfilled. that's how it would be right, right?
        and where were you when the maydanuty seized power and killed the Berkut soldiers? Muscovites were not allowed? or vice versa, did they bring up the paving stones and helped swing? and poor Qiyans are completely innocent.
  44. +8
    27 March 2014 10: 58
    The article is terrible in its truth. Ukraine separated, it is now a stranger to Russia. It's a shame, but even families have collapsed, and what can we say about interstate relations. We have what we have.
  45. +7
    27 March 2014 10: 59
    Thanks to the author for the article. I agree with many opponents that what has to do with Russia, during the period of Ukraine's independence? How else should we help them? After the collapse of the USSR, everything went to them peacefully, live, rejoice. We also lived at the memory, when Dad served in the SA and I know firsthand that from an early age there was brought up, to put it mildly, hostility to Russians. I was in the third grade, as soon as my father was transferred to Ukraine, I snagged with the local boys. They called my father an occupier, and I told them that MY father is the defender of the common homeland! It came to a fight, then we made up and were friends. But at the end of 91 he came home from the army, already in another country. Mother cried that for talking in Russian on the bus she was called "curvy", "ponaikhali", etc. Who would like this attitude? I already wrote that my father did not take THEIR oath and, thank God, we left for the Motherland in Russia! There are many acquaintances and friends left, but it’s impossible to talk to them, and these are Russian children, our fathers served together. Everyone blames Russia. I am sincerely glad for the Crimea, well done, the inhabitants of the peninsula, first of all, did not let themselves be offended! But I can't say anything about the rest of Ukraine. For what we fought, we ran into it. IMHO.
    1. -2
      27 March 2014 11: 11
      so it’s necessary to free Zhezh further, why do you limit yourself to Crimea-Crimea!
      1. +2
        27 March 2014 11: 24
        why tokmo Crimea-eye limit yourself

        Because Crimea has always been Russian. For starters, maybe you’ll get together and get rid of the radicals? And then you will be free, and then you will begin to sing about occupation. There are already examples ...
      2. +1
        27 March 2014 14: 17
        Quote: Aeneas
        so it’s necessary to free him further, why should you limit yourself to Crimea-Crimea

        Some kind of paranoia is already beginning to be traced from Aeneas on the forum?
        Very much like the rhetoric of the forum site
        1. +2
          27 March 2014 14: 25
          Quote: Anper
          Is any paranoia already beginning to be traced from Aeneas in the forum?
          Very much like the rhetoric of the forum site

          Common woman feel hysteria, unworthy nickname ...
  46. +4
    27 March 2014 11: 03
    And the Russians are always to blame for everything, everyone has known this for a long time. Russians are savages, Asians, and Europe and the United States are the beacons of democracy, who bring only good to everyone, and by definition cannot be guilty of anything. It seems so? The Russians had to come, do everything for the local population, and then politely bow and leave, paying in gold for their accommodation, right? However, we also have a similar "hatred" for the communists. Claims like the same - the communists, it turns out, had to build communism for us, give everyone housing by the year 2000, and so on - like the communists had to build everything on their own, and the rest of the country's population, no matter what, sits and looks when everything is ready. Yeah, the children’s resentment against their parents is just bad, because it makes them learn and didn’t buy the toy that he promised. Ugh.
  47. +1
    27 March 2014 11: 08
    at this moment, Ukraine needs to be protected from the west, and then the greater the difference in the standard of living between Ukraine and Crimea, the faster they will reach who is friend and who is enemy.
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 11: 16
      from hde the dog rummaged ... People perish for metal!
    2. 0
      27 March 2014 11: 25
      Good idea. But how? Ukrainians have already washed their brains; it will be difficult to shove the logic into them.
      1. +2
        27 March 2014 11: 37
        hunger and cold cleans the brain well
  48. flambert
    27 March 2014 11: 09
    Yes, men, we have Zurabov, and we have it ... What? I myself do not know who I am by blood? For five years he was engaged in his genealogy. My surname, like the cat Matroskin - Kruzenshtern. The joke is sad. Isupov. Ancestors - Murza Aslan, who left the Horde to Dmitry Ivanovich in 1384 with three hundred horsemen. He married him for-for the sake of such a holiday on the daughter of his steward. Further - away we go. I myself am in the world after mastering the profession of an animal painter (I drew about a bunny, my favorite and most productive distance is up to 2 times), now I am a history teacher. Unwound the whole history of the family. My God. Poles, Jews, Russian Nekrasov Cossacks and etc, etc. And who am I. Yes, just Russian. Without getting into semantics. I am russian!!!! Decide for yourself, Michal. Although I see that you have already decided everything yourself. And if (God forbid, Che kavo) it will be necessary, in my 55 I will again take an easel and a "whip". I'm going to draw at my favorite distance. I'll burn for 20-30 minutes. Then let them draw who is younger. But I will hold my grandfather's ribbon (two Soldier's Glories from a Russian nobleman-tanker) in my teeth, and fuck all of them!
  49. Oleg Prophetic
    27 March 2014 11: 16
    Yes, in the article, it’s true that I had a true Russian brother, (father from Tver) until I entered Kiev, became an Russophobe there, got involved and entered the right sector in January. I came to my father and told him I don’t want to kill you I’m saying I’ll kill the bosses. So svidomist disease is contagious
  50. +2
    27 March 2014 11: 17
    I absolutely disagree with the article. We must be aware of the fact that there are independent-sovereign states, that is, with the necessary power to pursue an independent policy, and there are operetta-satellites that simply have to trail in the tail of their master, no matter who: EU, USA, Russia etc. Ukraine is a satellite country and, by definition, has never had and will not have its own policy the way it strived and strives for the EU, recognizing the priority of EU laws over its own, but just Russophobia, hatred of Russia is a mandatory attribute of all members EU, an obligatory part of the foreign policy of all EU countries. So, do not blame the "sick head, on a healthy one." "Sho, kakly again, you have a kats ... pi littered lard?"
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 11: 51
      Yes. This is true. Born to crawl, can’t fly.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      27 March 2014 14: 35
      And what does not agree with that? The author writes that Ukraine for Russia is like the Moon for the Earth (satellite in your opinion). In general, this concept is commonly referred to as states - objects and states - subjects. Then, foreign and domestic politics are generally different things. If the EU countries build "Russophobia" into their foreign policy (and it has always been like that), then in Ukraine - into the internal (newly minted) one.
  51. Iva58
    27 March 2014 11: 18
    It’s hard and sad, I sympathize and condole with the author. The fact of mass zombification of the consciousness of Ukrainians is obvious. My relationship with my relatives in Ukraine ended with a mutual message along the shortest sexual-pedestrian route. We can only hope that this disease will pass and people will come to their senses, without waiting for hunger and anarchy - powerful “medicinal” means of insight.
  52. flambert
    27 March 2014 11: 26
    Scary. Civil war. Lord, I didn’t have stronger friends in my platoon - Lvov, Melitopol, Odessa... What did they do to us...
    1. +2
      27 March 2014 11: 40
      They didn’t create it, but they themselves wanted to be like that. And it’s not the Russians who are to blame for this - take it to heart, but the kakly. crests, like all those who defected, have a “traitor complex”. Having exchanged one owner for another, they need to curry favor with the new owner and erase all the good things that were from the previous owner - so they provoke all sorts of “wounds” and “grievances” from the previous owner and exaggerate the promised “good things” from the new one.
  53. +4
    27 March 2014 11: 29
    Yes, puppies are corrupt creatures, like an ungrateful dog that bites the hand that feeds them, but affectionately wags its tail and licks its owner who previously kicked it. An acquaintance of mine rents out an apartment to Gasters from Hochland, so he moved out a couple of days ago, came to check the apartment - how they live, is it dirty, is it paid, etc. - so they - how they attacked him - like "swearing - Moscow... We've lost everything, Crimea was taken away, etc." The dude was dumbfounded at first, and then put them in their place - where are you bastards? I like Europe, we’re bad, get out of my hut, get out, go to the psheks, you’ll be better off there, get out immediately!” So ​​they immediately came to their senses and backed down, like nerves and all that, but the comrade was already inexorable forced them to move out - let them go wherever they want, we don’t need such “friends”.
    1. Oleg Prophetic
      27 March 2014 11: 41
      I mean, there’s no need to offend everyone, there are normal people among us, otherwise this smells like Nazism
      1. +1
        27 March 2014 12: 14
        Monster_Fat (1)
        They didn’t create it, but they themselves wanted to be like that.

        Agree. Acquaintances and friends remained in Odessa. They say that the pressure in the media is terrible, but they are still human. Quite sane people.
        So there is no need to put all KOKLOVs under the same brush....
        1. +2
          27 March 2014 12: 21
          And Odessa residents are not kakly. They have always considered and continue to consider Odessa-mama a free city. And try to tell them that they - or Ukrainians - can punch you in the face.
  54. GDP
    27 March 2014 11: 40
    Quote: Igarr
    Yes, you won’t bump into the sites there.
    But, at least a couple - three of the comments can be inserted and then it is possible.
    A drop wears away a stone.

    It all depends on how to do it - if you yell and swear even louder in response to your screaming and swearing wife, it is unlikely that you will be able to convince her that you are right...
    Americans, for example, know how to get into the minds of others - they can spread such propaganda that it seems that they are on your side, but little by little they begin to change concepts, change consciousness very imperceptibly, so over time, you begin to believe them, and unnoticed by yourself you accept their point of view...
    1. +1
      27 March 2014 12: 18
      Carnegie taught them to be hypocrites, so they develop his ideas laughing And you shouldn’t be like them. We have smart people (entire institutes for the study of foreign problems), so let them develop effective tactics to counter such propaganda and apply it in practice.
  55. +1
    27 March 2014 11: 51
    Quote: Oleg the Prophetic
    this smells like Nazism

    Who would talk about Nazism - look at your so-called “Rada” - there are no Nazis there? And there are “patriots”, “Nazis” - this is in Russia!
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 11: 55
      Well, you’re so upset that all Ukrainians are being lumped with the same brush...
    2. Oleg Prophetic
      27 March 2014 12: 29
      and I wrote something to justify the junta
  56. 0
    27 March 2014 11: 56
    It is a pity that Russia does not adhere to the same policy as Israel, with its Zionism, or the Americans with Pan-Americanism. The Celestial Chinese and many others are there too. Maybe it’s time for us to declare our exclusivity as the center of the Great Eurasian civilization.
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 13: 21
      For the "Eurasian" minus.
  57. rodevaan
    27 March 2014 12: 11
    But at the same time, my sister was caring for an elderly Italian matron, scooping out from under that uncleanness.

    - If these fucking idiots sleep and see being slaves there in the stupid West, well, why keep sick idiots... They should have let these holy fools go long ago in peace... Only when they squeal, don’t let them back in.. .
  58. +2
    27 March 2014 12: 14
    Damn, I've been crying so much, I'm about to tear up inadvertently. What a syllable! He collected everything from Don to Khopr, just so that people would feel sorry for him. No more emotions, I hope. The slogan was not invented by me, but it works - “those who are not with us are against us.” Crimea is with us, and the rest, it turns out, are against us. They want to eat the fish, and you know what to do. Nah, it's either/or.
    1. +3
      27 March 2014 12: 30
      Absolutely right. But the smart-assed people want the European Union and Russia to fight for them, while they stand on the sidelines and “fish in troubled waters.” Yeah, right now.
  59. Quantum
    27 March 2014 12: 37
    A sad but very accurate understanding of the reasons for Ukrainian nationalism.
    An example of disunity of views in the author’s family is quite common in many families in Russia and Ukraine. Each of the readers can cite a lot
    similar splits. Yes, it was precisely the cancer that occurred in the minds of many Ukrainians. The dream of a rich life in Europe completely damaged their heads
    Ukrainians. And this happened a long time ago, long before independence. For two or three hundred years, the Poles and Austrians had it in their heads that Russia was theirs
    enemy. And this happened and was fixed at the genetic level.
    Take the example of T. Shevchenko: they bought him out of serfdom,
    trained and warmed up in Russia, and in the end they got a hater of Russia,
    so to speak, a revolutionary! Many of Shevchenko’s verses are filled with fierce
    hatred of Russia, it was not for nothing that Bandera’s supporters valued him.
  60. 0
    27 March 2014 13: 17
    A strong article, it’s good that it was published again. Smart people have always spoken in this context, but where are we tolerant? Speaking of tolerance.
  61. 0
    27 March 2014 13: 20
    Yes, zombie weapons are worse than the AK.
  62. +2
    27 March 2014 13: 28
    After talking for two days with Svidomo residents of Kiev on the streets, I understood the essence of the Western national idea. This is the result of huge complexes of small evil people. The deep-seated Russophobia of Maidan adherents stems from this. That is why they call Russians “slaves”, “deer” and “k.ts.a.p.m.i”, “Nazi faces”, and the inhabitants of the South-East “cattle”, “gopniks” and “scum”. The dwarf's valor is to spit high. So the national Svidomo people spit as best they can at strong and calm nations, because they can’t do anything else - neither create a strong state that they can be proud of, nor become famous in sports, nor leave a mark on world culture. But in spitting in height they achieved noticeable results.

    How many Ukrainian hetmans did NOT betray Russia? As far as I know, not one. Even Bogdan Khmelnitsky.
    True allies will appear when they fully ignore the consequences of their weakness and stupidity. No one already remembers the head of the administration of some Ukrainian city who refused to swear allegiance to the Maidan. They handcuffed him to the stage and poured ice water in the cold, and then his family muzzled in front of him. Here he, if he is still alive, will be an ally. These well-fed clowns with St. George ribbons - no, they won’t.
    You just have to remember the war. When did the partisan movement begin in Ukraine? When the Ukrainians began to scoff. When they realized that the real misfortune and death - it is not from the commies, but from these, from the "first European Union".
    However, why don’t I still see Yarosh on the scorched Perekop with a black and red banner, leading his army to the last and decisive? Where are the burnt, mutilated military equipment lying all over Crimea? Where are the bomb attacks on the last Russian ships leaving Sevastopol? Where is NATO? Where is the National Guard? Where is the Right Sector, clearing Sevastopol? Why can't I hear the Apaches screaming over Donetsk? Where is this damn aircraft carrier? Where are the camps for captured Russian soldiers?
    Or did the predictions come true? That Crimea will be taken away like candy from a child, they will give Western countries a big shit at the UN, and the so-called “Ukrainian government” will ask for more, literally begging Russia to impose new sanctions, raid another oligarch and pull up more troops to the border?
    They even made a rotten show out of mobilization and scammed suckers out of five hryvnias... Pichalka...
  63. +2
    27 March 2014 13: 36
    It’s true that it’s impossible to talk to friends from Ukraine. They have their own negative view of Russia. Reminds me of a situation where a drunkard dying of cirrhosis blames the doctor for everything. I think this is the agony of the state of Ukraine, but how long will it last? doesn’t know. It’s sad that people have gone wild.
  64. 0
    27 March 2014 13: 41
    I agree with you Mikhail completely. Ukrainians will die of hunger, but they will not stop cursing Russia. Therefore, we are not able to help them. And they will understand that they were mistaken when Europe finishes off the last ones. In the meantime, they are fighting on the Maidan and burning their own defenders. And let it be. I can only sympathize with their stupidity.
  65. NBN
    27 March 2014 13: 49
    The article is excellent.
    I recently had a close relationship with my brother from Mariupol.
    It is something. I am convinced that there is an “insurmountable gap” between Russians and Ukrainians, just as in the fact that the sky is blue above and the grass below is green. And this is not a boy, the man is well over forty. Miracles of enemy technology. It’s clear how this is done, just type “Overton windows” in a search engine. The technology is described step by step.
    It is noteworthy that elements of this technology are also visible in our country.
    Liberals of all stripes are blowing into our ears that we are the biggest drinkers, that we have always been ruled by great Westerners, that we can’t do anything with our hands, that we are the laziest, etc. and so on. And those whose history does not even have three centuries are itching. And they teach life to those who, in the time of Peter I, already counted 1 thousand years from the creation of the world...
    And one more thing, the Russians don’t beat a lying person. These ones finish off, tear into pieces and mix with dirt. The latest example is Ukraine, and you all know the earlier ones without me.
    What to do - get up from your knees yourself, destroy the fifth column in your ranks (Yanukovych and others like him and in our power structures to hell). Relying on Belarus and other brothers, friends and comrades, we will rise to one knee, straighten the other - we will pull Ukraine along with us, and we will stand with our backs to each other - we will brush aside everyone. We need to re-read the fairy tales and books that we were read as children.
    Recently I listened to the song “Where the Motherland Begins” - so every line there is a point in the plan to save Russia. Precisely Russia and the Russian people, because they are the main goal of this whole mess...
  66. 0
    27 March 2014 14: 05
    Quote: raven75
    No more emotions, I hope. The slogan was not invented by me, but it works - “those who are not with us are against us.” Crimea is with us, and the rest, it turns out, are against us. They want to eat the fish, and you know what to do. Nah, it's either/or.

    Absolutely right. But this can, unfortunately, only be addressed to the eastern regions. The rest of Ukraine is most likely a “torn off piece,” I must admit.
    Taking an unstagnant land by storm and freeing it from the “brown infection,” as has already happened in history, is not a rewarding task.
  67. villi64
    27 March 2014 14: 09
    Regarding crests... I think we need to separate things here. - zombified anti-Russians, with a Selyuk upbringing (with a lot of cunning in their souls), thieving owners; Ukrainians are normal, adequate, sensible people with whom you CAN and SHOULD communicate, these are BROTHERS.
    Well, it’s like, there are Jews (the state of Israel, in my opinion, is worthy of all admiration, created by labor and fighting for its existence, attitude towards the army IN GENERAL...), and there are Jews (the concept is quite international).
  68. 0
    27 March 2014 14: 20
    Yes, life is hard and not the only one, and yet time heals or cripples, depending on your luck. But let’s be positive, this evolution, no matter what it is, will still strive for harmony.
  69. tnship2
    27 March 2014 14: 54
    Now in Ukraine it is 1942 from the birth of Christ. You need to explain to them that in 2 years it will be too late. Maybe not everyone will understand, but I think the southeast will think about it. And there is no point in interpreting this whole Galician wickedness, they already know it.
  70. -1
    27 March 2014 15: 03
    Why? Why a member of the regional party committee, brought up by “internationalism”. Yes, that's exactly why. No, this is not just twenty years of propaganda. This is many more years of propaganda, propaganda, propaganda...
    That’s why these members of the CPSU surrendered everything, because they were never Russian. It was impossible, there were no Russians at all. And there was no Russia. There was the USSR and there were Soviet ones. That's how they were, that's how they burst. This Eternal Russia stands, contemptuously not noticing the winds of millennia. And the USSR came running, renamed everything, and proudly declared - it is the truth! And also truth, and also memory. Crooked truth, false truth and short memory.
    The fact that people betrayed it did not go unpunished for our land. They denied her a Russian name and began to pretend to be Soviet. Understand, the man says - the land is Ukrainian and I am Ukrainian, and the whole Ukrainian land is for him. What is a Soviet person? Does Soviet land have a name? No. And it can’t be, why would the earth suddenly take a different name? This would be a betrayal of the people, the people whose name they tried to quietly hide under the counter.
    Do you want patriotism? Loyalty? Honor? Forget this shameful cadaver - the Soviet people. Russian people! Russian land! We need to rely on millennia, and not on 70 years, of which 30 are embarrassing to remember... Yes, I LIKE the USSR. Yes, there are many things in it that are necessary, they need to be returned, remade and returned. But “proletarian internationalism”, but “Soviet people” must be forgotten. Firmly, forget forever. We must ask the mother of the damp earth for forgiveness for stupidity and the wind in our heads, for the “Russians” (ugh, dirty tricks), for negligence...
    The Russians don't give up. Russians. Russians.
    1. +1
      27 March 2014 16: 14
      And it will start again: Russian people - Russian land, Tatar people - Tatar land, etc. and so on. Does anyone want to step on the same rake again? As for Ukraine, I think that they will face the same fate as Russia in 1917 with the next autumn revolution, after the people have harvested the harvest from their gardens.
  71. 0
    27 March 2014 15: 26
    Obviously, some people never understand that only the USSR was able to unite such different cultures as European and Asian into a single Soviet people, creating a powerful state-empire in modern conditions. Any division of the country's population along ethnic lines will lead to a subsequent division of the country itself, and the central government will barely weaken on this basis. Rely on millennia, say... yes, what do you know about these millennia, except for the fanfare of the patriotic press. Remember about the centuries-old civil strife between princes, treachery and fratricide, etc., etc.? The story of Boris and Gleb alone is worth it.
    1. 0
      27 March 2014 16: 40
      Only Russia was able to unite everyone. And the USSR was able to successfully spoil the Russian, Russian heritage! It is wonderful to see how the provinces of a single Power declared themselves “sovereign countries” ... (very, very strong expressions here, black ones in general). Russia collected lands - the USSR puffed up a little... and then screwed everything up. Let's do it again! More internationalism!
      What do I know about these millennia? A little. You see, the “history” written in rivalry by the Germans and the traitors is very, how shall I put it... a lie.
  72. +1
    27 March 2014 15: 36
    I agree with the author, it’s a pity of course... but where is your head? Why do we always try to shift our problems onto our neighbor? Here, all over Ukraine, there is a howl: “Tse yaki, big brother Russia has stood up! Like us, then...”
    But guys, we didn’t eat at the warehouse either. For 10 years, the country was drank away by the president's grief, while simultaneously waving documents in a drunken stupor. They say that it was dangerous to smoke near them - they would catch fire from the smoke. Then Putin came, and of course not Stalin, but even if he had, everything didn’t work out right away, there was a second Chechen war. But Shoto’s younger brother was in no hurry to help the older one, despite all the nice goodies that the older one gave (and the most popular one was a discount on gas)
    Alas, when your home is on fire, you won’t pour water on the neighbor’s. Why has no one in Ukraine ever stuttered - “Yes... Russia had an ass too...”. For some reason they forget it.
    Now try to say - the author correctly noted - it will either be beaten or taken for propaganda, and besides, we would have to burn out our scum with a hot iron.

    Ready to catch the cons. soldier
  73. 0
    27 March 2014 18: 29
    Quote: Igarr
    And with Ukraine?
    What to do?
    But nothing - go to the websites of Ukraine and convince-convince-convince. What else can you do?

    It’s problematic, the order is like this

    1. you are zombied
    2. a bunch of and obscenities are poured out, diluted with decent words by the occupiers and fascists
    3. and the most offensive thing is that they ban you because you can’t justify it and you can’t cover it in response.

    I tried it twice and spat
  74. Watchman
    27 March 2014 18: 30
    An article that is stunning in its depth, truthfulness, relevance! My late father-in-law is from Vinnytsia. He was a wonderful man in all respects. He lived in Russia under the USSR for half his life, building bridges. But he also became infected with this nasty smell after 1991!
  75. His
    27 March 2014 23: 16
    All countries can be divided into dominant, independent and satellite countries. All former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact countries, by definition, were, are and will be non-independent countries.