National idea (national ideology) of the Russian Federation

1. Soviet deideologization

Article 13. The Constitution of the Russian Federation reads: “In the Russian Federation, ideological diversity is recognized ... No ideology can be established as state or obligatory”. It also recognizes the right to political diversity, multi-party system, equality of public associations. We assume that the political realities of the beginning of 90-s put forward the requirement of political demonopolization. But was there a need for absolute deideologization of the state and society?

The Russian 1990 reforms tried to solve both the political tasks of changing the social system in the country and the tasks of the “new world order” dictated by the challenges of a post-industrial civilization. However, the ideological justification of the “improvement” of socialism in the period of perestroika, which ended in failure, was not replaced by the justification of the “leap through capitalism” into the modern information society. The state has withdrawn itself from the function of ideological support for the ongoing reforms, limiting itself to promises of “heavenly life” in the community of European states. At the same time, under the conditions of the massed criticism of the Soviet past, the idea of ​​returning to the values ​​and achievements of pre-revolutionary Russia was glorified. The cultural sphere was given over to the market, as well as education, and the media. As a result, the society embraced the state of spiritual collapse, and in the public consciousness a lot of distorted pictures and images arose that are absolutely unsuitable for the formation of goal-setting attitudes of the consciousness of the citizens of a new single, independent, independent state.

History of all existing civilizations, states and political regimes, it proves that there were no stable, developing communities without clearly defined targets, defining their place in the ecumene, the value system, moral criteria as guarantors of their “We-civilization” preservation. They were recorded in religious beliefs, state acts, public consciousness, in the goals of upbringing and education. Thanks to this, since childhood, a person has adequately identified himself in relation to “his own” and the world, he was brought up on specific characteristic elements of his society, he was adequately oriented in the political, social, confessional space. Society formed the "ideal model" of human behavior, the interaction of power and society. The state jealously followed the level of spiritual well-being of the society, supported its citizens with optimistic targets and ideals.

The ideological background is contained in the commandments and regulations of all religious teachings without exception. Components of value ideas and stereotypes of attitudes in the East were in the form of religious and philosophical teachings (recall “Confucianism”). In Europe, Antoine Dests de Tracy’s 1801 was summarized in the “ideology” doctrine with answers to the question: “How and why does a certain set of ideas have a formative effect on society”?

It is well known that the Soviet ideology as a system ideology relied on a holistic "Marxist-Leninist teaching" on building a new classless society of social justice. Of course, it is impossible to disagree that the realities of the administrative-state system were very far from the abstract attitudes of the state. But it is impossible not to agree that the Marxist ideology as a “definite set of ideas” was a powerful cementing, purposeful, motivating factor at all stages of Soviet history without exception.

Practically with the beginning of deep perestroika processes in our society, discussions began about the need for a certain national idea as the most important condition for bringing Russia out of the crisis. However, with the failure of perestroika, and then the entire socio-political system, the collapse of the USSR, the spontaneously forming Russian state found nothing better than to proclaim a policy of complete de-ideologization. The power, which was completely controlled from the outside, which was occupied with the goals of destroying the old, objectively did not set goals to recreate a powerful and independent country. And still most of the points of view on the issue of the new ideology of Russia still randomly reflect the narrow-targeted political, corporate, ethnic, religious orders and interests. The second feature of these views is their lack of system, the complete lack of interconnection of processes. Third, the general patterns of the country's development in the interrelation of the entire history of Russia during the millennium are ignored. Target ideas taken out of context, reflecting mainly tactical transitional tasks but not strategic unifying goals for the whole of Russian society as a whole and an individual, are taken as initial installations.

It can be stated quite confidently that modern Russia not only revived the economic, military-political and sociocultural potential, but also aims to become one of the leading centers of power and influence in a multipolar world. As a result, the state, society and its citizens are acutely faced with the question of a new ideology as a system of values, ideals, and tasks that unite braces and attitudes for the future. It is necessary to answer the questions: Who are we? What is new Russia? Where are we now? What are our national interests in a multipolar world?

2. The ideology of the future: a new understanding

In our opinion, the main factors and conditions for the formation of a new ideology for Russia are:

- refusal to prevail over the goals of political orientation and dependence in the concept and content. Defining ideology as a value system, declared state attitudes, affecting mentality, moral comfort, interpersonal relations, spiritual health, positive attitudes in society;

- approval of the system of value-targeted attitudes aimed at integrating society according to the principle “for” and not “against” regardless of political, confessional, ethno-cultural, strato-class, gender differences and views for the prosperity of Russia;

- the return of the invaluable historical experience of ensuring the interconnection and development of the cultural identity of the indigenous Russian ethnic groups in the unity of the all-Russian culture;

- careful study and consideration of traditional interests and global claims of the Russian civilization in a consistent chronological hierarchy in order to ensure national security and leadership of the country in the world (the design of ideology in dynamics);

- ensuring the continuity of the historical and cultural development of the state, the ethnic and national self-identification of citizens in the preservation and development of the phenomenon of poly-ethnic Russia as a unique holistic phenomenon in a multipolar world;

- active positioning of the “importance and necessity” of Russia for the world community as a reliable “bridge” between the West and the East.

National ideology in the new understanding should be the basis of the National Doctrine of the development of the country for the long term being developed. But before it is necessary to finally determine the understanding of the place and role of Russia in the world community.

3. The essence of Russian civilization

The centuries-old dispute about the historical fate of Russia, about its place in the world community is not an idle question. This is a question about identity, about the chronological framework of the existence of Russian civilization, about understanding cause-effect relationships in its history. Determining long-term priorities for further development, developing a national security strategy and foreign policy issues depends on its solution. Unfortunately, many political decisions in the last decade have been taken without due regard for the specific features of Russia and its role in world history. In the assessments of changes and events taking place, an important role is played by the methodological basis for adequate analytical studies. And here we see the most significant flaw in ignoring the civilizational approach.

The typology of the modern concept of civilizations, along with the recognition of a series of local civilizations as system units, highlights vectors (types) of civilizational development in the history of mankind. This is a vector of development of traditional Eastern civilizations of a cyclical type and a vector of linear dynamic development of Western civilization. We do not set here the task of presenting the detailed characteristics of both specific civilizations and vectors of civilizational development. Note that the origins of modern European civilization go back to the period of "axial time" of ancient Hellas. Further, having passed through the history of ancient Rome, this type of civilizational development finally took shape in the countries of Western Europe of the New Age. The leadership of Eurocentrism as a “leading”, “progressive” type was largely provided by the dictatorship of industrial civilization (capitalism “according to Marx”) for three centuries. However, A. Toynbee also criticized the thesis about the unification of the world on the basis of the western system of sociocultural values. The value characteristics of the East originate in the civilizations of Sumer, Ancient Egypt, India and China and further in the history of the Arab Caliphate.

If the systematization of many and many countries in their correlation to the West or the East is understandable, then what about those who are at the crossroads of civilizations? So with regard to Russia, there are many points of view, as a local, peripheral, eclectic, atypical civilization. However, the specificity of being of such territorial-cultural formations in world history is quite natural. The history constantly reproduced in the vast territory of the interpenetration and interaction of the West and the East stable integrative system communities. The data of the territory of "imposing" the spheres of influence and interaction of civilizations are called limitrofs. The main condition for the sustainable existence of states and cultures on the borderline is the civilization balance "East - West".

In the past, the states on intercivilizational limitrophe were the Hellenistic countries of Asia Minor, then Byzantium, and from the end of the 15th to the 16th centuries. - its successor is Russia. All attempts of pro-Western modernizations set for themselves the quite pragmatic role of strengthening the state and its institutions. It would seem that alien and unacceptable for the Russian civilization “other” innovations were partially neutralized, mostly “mastered” by legitimate and historically justified counter-reforms. Outwardly, there were impressions of the constant maneuvering of Russia between the West and the East, but this is not the case. Here, the continuous process of regulating the contradictions between the processes of constant external modernization and innovative “stuffing” and internal stabilization mechanisms of the eastern type manifested itself.

It is time for Russian civilization to be considered equivalent as an independent, third type of world civilizations. This civilization, in fact its position between the West and the East, developed under the continuous systematic socio-cultural influence from the flanks, reflecting, accepting, harmonizing and mastering certain values ​​and ideals. For ethnic cultures of the Russian civilization is characterized by the presence of a stable, traditionally conservative core. This most important feature is inherent in all Eastern civilizations, as well as the presence of a patrimonial state with pronounced authoritarianism and distribution and regulatory mechanisms. It is also characterized by the presence of a wide and flexible protective space of a transforming culture, open to external innovations, ideas, and especially to people of a different ethnicity. Innovative taxonomic components have long been distinguished by pronounced liberalism, which forced us to constantly solve the problem of introducing, “digesting” the new. Since the majority of the society had a traditional cautious attitude to innovations, the government was constantly forced to “push” reforms “from above”. Therefore, the civilization on the limit rofe will constantly solve the problem of “impulse” development in the struggle of conservative and liberal components (“traditions” and “innovations”).

The dynamics of modern post-industrial civilization in the long term creates the conditions for the formation of a new liberal patriotic elite. It seems to us that, unlike the former elite, it is capable not so much of external acquisitions, but of internal generation of progressive innovations and the creation of a system of internal balances and checks in relation to external aggressive pressures of civilization elites on the flanks of the West and the East. But for this it is necessary to solve the problem of “eternal” rejection by the liberal elite and agree with the “patrimonial” role of the Russian state.

Our vision is precisely that the national idea (ideology) should not be purely political, respond not only to internal political or changing geopolitical challenges, but correspond to the situation on the limit of the ritual, should become a national ideology Russian Eurasian civilization on the limitrofof between the West and the East. It is precisely this that most accurately reflects the country's geopolitical role in a resurgent multipolar world.

It is time to recognize that Russia is not only a state, but also an independent subject of the modern civilization structure of the world. At the heart of the Russian model of world order are: polyethnicity, polyconfessionalism, the experience of integrating civilization poles on the vast ethnocultural limitof, mutual agreement and voluntary forms of political organization of ethnic groups, society and sociopolitical elites.

4. National ideology of the Russian civilization

The specifics of developing a model of national ideology must inevitably be built on the basis of a civilizational understanding of the modern world order. We deduce the source of the Russian ideology (national idea) from the definition of the concept “civilization is a community of people united by fundamental spiritual values ​​and ideals, having stable special features in social organization, culture, economics and psychological sense of belonging to this community” (L. Semennikova) .

The central core of the Russian civilization model in the context is traditional spirituality, common ideals and values, multi-ethnic and multi-religious Eurasian culture.

The four other components of the model appear as conditions for the balance of innovation and tradition (liberalism and conservatism), the balance of sustainability and development. At the same time, they determine the ideology of the political and social structure, the balance of the state and society, the building of social relations in interrelation: personality-personality, power-personality. Naturally, the system of the national ideology of the Russian Federation is in the balance of national and universal values ​​and ideals, including the ideals of both the West and the East! It intelligently perceives everything that is acceptable and new, with the subsequent internal “processing” and integration into the structures of the civilizational core. This determines the integration essence of Russia as a civilization bridge between the West and the East.

Imagine your vision of the content of the components of the model (formula) of the national ideology.

Traditional multi-ethnic spirituality and culture - a complex of value systems, spiritual and religious beliefs and beliefs, rituals, mentality and stereotypes of behavior, language, cultural achievements of representatives of all ethnic groups and subethnos, religious and cultural faiths and social groups of the Russian Federation. The unifying principle is the national Russian history and culture, the common Slavic-Turanian ethnic archetypes and traditional mental values. The space of interethnic unity and integration is provided by the Russian language. The core of the model provides stability in the dynamics of constant perception of innovations with their translation into the composition of traditions.

Statehood as a Eurasian statehood. For the Russian multicomponent civilization, a call for the weakening of statehood is a criminal attempt on the basis of its existence. The decline of statehood always ended in chaos and confusion, the devaluation of human life. The rejection of a strong state led to the tragedy of the individual. Power is not an empire, it is sovereignty, national priorities of greatness and dignity, strength and self-esteem. This is a form of mutually agreed interests of the center and regions, the responsibility of the authorities towards the individual. The state ensures the rule of law in the traditional for Russia unity with the norms of public morality and personal conscience, in the balance of the dignity of power and personality. Statehood involves the separation of powers with the legal regulation of the functions of its branches. At the same time, the specifics and history of Russia raise the question of the traditional conditionality in the country and the power of the spiritual. Without the "hoop" of the statehood as a formalized structure, institutionally organizing and regulating hundreds and thousands of ethnocultural elements on the limit of the rf, the very existence of Russian (Eurasian) civilization, its national security is impossible.

Citizenship - as a system of balances in the balance of power and society, power and personality. If the sovereignty is a form of responsibility of the authorities, then citizenship is the responsibility of the individual for Russia. Citizenship as a guarantee of deterring the tendency of democracy to degenerate into despotism, ensuring the dignity of the individual. Citizenship is ensured by the fullness of constitutional rights, election, accountability, the responsibility of the individual. Absolutely necessary components are Russia's local government and multi-level feedback system of society and government. Statehood and citizenship are the two shoulders of the new Russia.

The formation of civil society in the Russian limited is not based on reckless "Westernization", but taking into account the historical specifics of the legal culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation on the basis of the traditional spiritual inner "right of conscience" of the person and the legal norms of the state in their unity. The time has come for the authorities to recognize the peculiarity that in Russia the highest estimate was the moral assessment of power, and the attitude to the law always depended on the degree of respect or disrespect for power. Maintaining the balance of statehood and citizenship in society and genuine democracy is ensured by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Sobornost - as a formalized social unity of citizens (“national unity”), regardless of ethnic, religious, political, corporate and other interests, based on the recognition of the supremacy of the interests of Russian civilization, its preservation and development. balance of statehood and citizenship, ensuring equality of rights and duties of an individual and power before the law. Conciliarism in Russia traditionally relied on spirituality, election and responsibility, the feedback system of the central government and the self-government of lands (local taxonomic components of civilization). Sobornost reflects the essence of communality and collectivism, which is the semantic attribute of both traditional civilizations of the East and Russian civilization. At the same time, collective civil unity implies a balance with the individualism of the personality of a patriot of a country, region, region, and his ethnic culture.

Patriotism - as an internal conscious need for active self-identification in relation to its community, history and culture of its country and its national interests. The upbringing of a patriot of Russia begins with the formation of a patriot of his region, region, “small Motherland”. Patriotism is an activity for the implementation of the installation of the realization of the human factor in order to jointly overcome the civilization crisis. Patriotism is the mental basis of the individual sense of citizenship, activity for the benefit of the “small Motherland” and the country as a whole in a stable balance with the unity of the whole nation (in the category of fellow citizens) throughout the Eurasian Slavic-Turanian space of Russia.

National idea (national ideology) of the Russian Federation

The development of the theory of modern national ideology in the context of the Eurasian national basis (in the general civil sense) allows a clearer view of the prospects for the development of the country's economic and foreign policy priorities, the development of statehood, national culture, and education. Our model of the National ideology of the Russian civilization reflects the centuries-old experience of the integration of the two poles, allowing to smooth out the extremes of Western rationalism, individualism, erosion of the family’s spiritual values ​​in integration with the spiritual values ​​and ideals of Eastern civilization.

5.PS National idea and modern Russia (comments on the text of publications for 2000 year)

The material described above in 2000 was proposed by us as the author's version of the resolution of the actively discussed problem of the formation of a new national idea of ​​the Russian Federation. It's been almost a decade and a half. The country experienced serious qualitative changes in all areas of life, the most fateful events and changes occurred during the first three months of 2014. And we considered it extremely important to recall our vision of the problem, which is becoming “central” in the conditions of Russia's entry into the position of one of the main poles of a resurgent multipolar world. The most amazing thing is that we did not have to rewrite the text of the project. Separate amendments and corrections have been made, but the essence of our proposals has even been actualized over the years.

Over the past decade and a half, there has been a serious change in the sociopolitical situation both in the world and in Russia. The turbulent waves of “perestroika” finally ceased, and the shock reform shocks of B. Yeltsin, E. Gaidar, A. Chubais ended. At the time of publication of our articles in 2000, a long period of political leadership of the “neo-reformers” V. Putin and D. Medvedev and their teams began. In a number of our forecasts on the dynamics and role of individual political parties and groups, we were absolutely right. First of all, it concerns the "right" as apologists of the western-oriented vector of development of Russia.

By and large, by the beginning of the 2000's. The Russian “rightists” fulfilled their historic mission of leading the destruction of the administrative-state and the creation of the foundations of a market society. As we then assumed, the “right” parties would objectively come to a stable indicator of “electorality” from 20-25% of the decade of the end of 1980 — the beginning of 2000-s to the level of stable 5 — 7% by 2010. Exactly so, by and large, now in the country ideological supporters of complete dissolution "in the depths" of Europe. It would seem that Russia has changed, but once again in the binary opposition “challenge-response” the previous answer was highlighted: Russia is not Europe. The incompatibility of the essence of the Russian civilization with the basic foundations of the USA and the EU, blindly following the abstract market economy models of a dying industrial civilization (capitalism) came into conflict with the goals of shaping the post-industrial model of society. The “Right Reformers” did not understand that the changes not only came into conflict with the ethnocultural values ​​and ideals of Slavic-Turan Eurasia, but also threaten the very essence of Russian civilization.

The positive results, perhaps, can be attributed to the fact that, largely due to the “right”, a social model with a sustainable progressive (so-called “progressive”, non-cyclic) type of development is formed in the country. A mentality is formed that does not consider liberal-oriented values ​​and ideals hostile, adopted and supports the rule of law and the institutions of civil society.

The perplexity of the “Westerners” and their foreign allies is clearly felt. It seemed that all the prerequisites and conditions for Russia's entry into the “advanced European community” were created, but the pendulum of public sentiment swung sharply towards the center and then moved to the left, towards the values ​​and ideals of “eastern” traditionalism. A powerful injection of innovations (reforms) puts Russia in front of the need for their introduction, “o-owning”, “digesting” in all areas of the economy, politics, society, culture, and public consciousness. The national interests of Russia now require not so much a reckless race for change, but a stable balance of innovations and traditions, the definition of their true position in a multipolar world.

In the political structure of society, the most important need becomes the design of a “centrist” party capable of ideologically justifying the tasks of ensuring national security on the basis of a complete rejection of the integration of Russia and Europe. It is still difficult to say whether United Russia corresponds to the role of a non-political leader, but a leader of civilization in the space of the limitrom, equally interacting with the West and the East. On the left flank of the “conservative-protective” traditionalism “legitimate” is occupied by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia with a stable electorate up to 20 — 25%. It is not surprising that a further increase in pressure on Russia, both market reforms and various kinds of Western sanctions, will lead to the ranks of the “Left” up to a third or more of the entire population of the country.

Unlike Ukraine or Moldova, in Russia there is no clear boundary between the West and the East. Therefore, in the context of the “blurring” of civilizational confrontation in Russia, there will still be a movement towards further economic and social liberalization while strengthening the state, the principles of solid power and a personalized authoritarian management style in the political sphere. For a country on the limit, it is a completely natural process.

We see that the industrial (capitalist) civilization is coming to a finish. The post-industrial or more precisely intellectual-technological civilization, according to the law of negation of negation, rejects the western “Samoyed” goal of dead-end exponential progress with the goal of “innovation for innovation”. A new civilization is moving to the East with reliance on the "intellectual humanism" of eastern civilizations. In place of the "industrial" priorities of material production, the primacy of "human production" is established, capable of making innovative breakthroughs, creating an intellectual product and technology that is focused on people. If the former civilization changed the environment, then the new one is aimed at changing a person.

The objective processes of the formation of a new global post-industrial civilization are associated with the qualitative transformation of the civilizations of the East (Japan, India, China, Korea). A qualitatively new, stable, non-pulsating civilization of uniformly moving motion with an orderly balance of innovations and traditions, with a balance of values ​​of the West and the East is being formed on the territory of Eurasia. This allows Russia to avoid a dead end of exponential progress. And we are not alone in this. Similar processes in our opinion are currently taking place in the civilizational East and Southeast Asia, in the border countries of Kazakhstan, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, (Israel?), And Latin American countries.

An integrative civilization in a multipolar world embodies the right to its own development path, its own value system, a system of unifying ideas and goals in a single multi-ethnic, multicultural space of Eurasia. Further strengthening of the state’s economy and institutions, the awakening of civic activism is impossible further without relying on the “human factor”, on national patriotic ideas. In addition, there are positive changes. Not only the country as a whole, but also citizens wake up a sense of self-esteem and self-esteem, respect for the values ​​and traditions of their civilization. Therefore, the solution to the problem of the institutionalization of national ideology is more relevant than ever. It is vital that the government and society finally notice the depravity and disintegrating negative role of the wording of article 13 and radically change it in the new version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
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  1. +3
    25 March 2014 10: 37
    We see that the industrial (capitalist) civilization is coming to a finish. The post-industrial or more precisely intellectual-technological civilization, according to the law of negation of negation, rejects the western “Samoyed” goal of dead-end exponential progress with the goal of “innovation for innovation”. A new civilization is moving to the East with reliance on the "intellectual humanism" of eastern civilizations. In place of the "industrial" priorities of material production, the primacy of "human production" is established, capable of making innovative breakthroughs, creating an intellectual product and technology that is focused on people. If the former civilization changed the environment, then the new one is aimed at changing a person.

    Everything is right. Russia has its own way.
    1. +14
      25 March 2014 10: 49
      We are all told about our national idea (the candidates write .. the doctor’s money is earned by PR, etc.) And no one could solve Russia .. our mysterious souls ... We do not succumb to training and statistics ... The most interesting we ourselves don’t even know what we need! And where are we going and what are we achieving .. Just ahead and spit on all the rules! Now I just blurted out the thoughts themselves on the keyboard ... (and now I will think ..)))
      1. +1
        25 March 2014 11: 20
        I completely agree with you (not with the author of the article) I can’t understand Russia with my mind -Russia needs only a leader!
        1. saber1357
          26 March 2014 00: 13
          And now, think about it - WHERE WILL THE LEADER COME FROM ?! From the fact that they’re talking about the clave without thinking, or what?
      2. jjj
        25 March 2014 11: 20
        Xi Jinping met with Obama in The Hague. Obama urged China to abandon the gas contract with Russia and, in general, support for Russia. Xi Jinping politely refused and conveyed greetings to Obama from Michelle and the daughters who were visiting the Great Wall of China at that time.
        Thin Oriental Trolling
      3. Klepa
        25 March 2014 11: 43
        Quote: MIKHAN
        We are all told about our national idea (the candidates write .. the doctor’s money is earned by PR, etc.) And no one could solve Russia .. our mysterious souls ... We do not succumb to training and statistics ... The most interesting we ourselves don’t even know what we need! And where are we going and what are we achieving .. Just ahead and spit on all the rules! Now I just blurted out the thoughts themselves on the keyboard ... (and now I will think ..)))

        You are a little confused. The best minds (Soloviev, Berdyaev and others) wrote about the Russian national idea.
        First, I will say in plain language. then I will cite the scientific text (in another comment):
        Any person, like any nation, is like a tree: if you cut the branches of a tree, then it will only renew itself and will grow even more actively; but if you cut off the roots of a tree, it will bend. The same is true for a person: you cannot separate him from his history, culture, traditions. Only consistent study and acceptance of your heritage from birth will allow you to form a full-fledged personality. That is why during the formation of our constitution by the American "partners" (God, only you know. How I dislike this diplomacy that hides the essence!) The very possibility of a national idea was completely excluded. It would be unfair to say that they extended such a policy only to us, as to a potential "colony": their own population from childhood weaned off thinking (as an example, the moronic system of child upbringing can serve as an example. to play with toys). almost none of the Americans can imagine their own history, for example, the contribution of the US national elites to the development of Hitlerite Germany. This approach is explained by the initial division into the elite and cattle: I doubt that Rockefeller associates himself with the American nation, rather he associates himself with the number of zeros in his account. Such a person will not hesitate to throw a bomb on Hiroshima or arrange Pearl Harbor on September 11.
        1. +1
          25 March 2014 14: 12
          Quote: Klepa
          This approach is explained by the initial division into the elect and cattle

          - the return of the invaluable historical experience of ensuring the interconnection and development of the cultural identity of the indigenous Russian ethnic groups in the unity of the all-Russian culture;
          Russian is not a nationality, but those who accept Russian values.
          The inhabitants of the outskirts are less Russian than many representatives of Asia.
          Western values ​​introduced to us lead to the destruction of nationalities living in our common territory.
          For example, where are the herds of deer in our north, where are the traditional crafts of small nations.
          Where nat. tourism?
          Instead of deer meat, we consume kenguryatina.
          Can create national orders where it is forbidden to produce oil and gas? but can you spend tourists?
      4. +1
        25 March 2014 12: 57
        The national idea should be as simple as a felt boot! And there is so much text that a simple man can only scratch his "turnips".
        There may be many national ideas for the peoples of the Russian Federation, but they must be integrated into one common goal! What we all strive for in the end, for which we are together, is what needs to be defined. I think so somehow what
        1. 0
          25 March 2014 14: 14
          Quote: Donskoi
          There may be many national ideas for the peoples of the Russian Federation, but they must be integrated into one common goal! What we all strive for in the end, for which we are together, is what needs to be defined. I think so somehow

          To do this, you need to change the constitution and implement the laws of Ivan the Great.
        2. 0
          25 March 2014 17: 36
          So I did not understand what is primary and what is secondary? And do we know the world? belay
          Respecting the author for the work he has done, envying his own vocabulary, I will mention the classic, but nevertheless true statement that an idea only becomes a material force when it is possessed by the masses ... In order for the masses to master the idea, it as a rule, a simplified version is proposed and it turns out: "... I do not agree with either Engels or Kautsky! We must take everything for hell and divide it equally !!!" I think that for the main existing civilizations, which it is proposed to consider ourselves as - the very concept of "national idea" is artificially narrowed. The main civilizations offer the world a universal, ideological idea, an idea as a path for the development of all mankind, and not a national one. Communism was an idea for all mankind, then it was reduced to "in one, separately taken country" ... "with a human face" and rested in Bose, becoming a fertilizer for new ideas. All that is offered is great, but lifeless. It is impossible to believe in this, and as you know, you cannot force to believe. Probably, this is the main criterion of truth, like practice ... in which it is impossible not to believe. Forgive the author, everything is corny like that ... Thank you for trying. +
        3. The comment was deleted.
      5. GDP
        25 March 2014 13: 19
        I think we need to return to some theses of the ideology of the socialist state
        1 everything for the people - everything that is done in the state should be done for the sake of the whole nation and protect its interests, taxes and should be differentiated depending on the region of residence and the level of income of the citizen, so that not individual groups, but all will ensure an acceptable standard of living.
        2 power to the people - trade unions in factories, factories in any large organizations should be revived - positions should be elected. (the trade union should not only protect the rights of workers on the ground, but also contribute to the development of patriotism, trade union councils should influence the legislative and executive powers
        3 patriotic cells. In educational institutions, patriotic cells should be created - to carry out explanatory, cultural and educational work, to help old people and children. (following the example of the Oktebryat, pioneers and Komsomol members.
        4. Strengthen the power vertical not from top to bottom - but from bottom to top so that it is not a government, but a national vertical
        5. Return the prototypes of the five-year plans, for the state and large sectors of the economy, so that everyone understands where the country is moving and what should happen in the end
        6. Support domestic manufacturer, at least in those areas that ensure the economic and strategic independence of the state.
        1. +1
          25 March 2014 14: 03
          Quote: GDP
          I think we need to return to some theses of the ideology of the socialist state
          1 everything for the people - everything that is done in the state should be done for the sake of the whole nation and protect its interests, taxes and should be differentiated depending on the region of residence and the level of income of the citizen, so that not individual groups, but all will ensure an acceptable standard of living.
          2 power to the people - trade unions in factories, factories in any large organizations should be revived - positions should be elected. (the trade union should not only protect the rights of workers on the ground, but also contribute to the development of patriotism, trade union councils should influence the legislative and executive powers
          3 patriotic cells. In educational institutions, patriotic cells should be created - to carry out explanatory, cultural and educational work, to help old people and children. (following the example of the Oktebryat, pioneers and Komsomol members.
          4. Strengthen the power vertical not from top to bottom - but from bottom to top so that it is not a government, but a national vertical
          5. Return the prototypes of the five-year plans, for the state and large sectors of the economy, so that everyone understands where the country is moving and what should happen in the end
          6. Support domestic manufacturer, at least in those areas that ensure the economic and strategic independence of the state.
          I think it’s worth adding, to work more actively with youth, so that it jumps off from beer and drugs, and for this we need a future perspective, but the bulk do not have it ...
        2. 0
          25 March 2014 14: 17
          Quote: GDP
          I think we need to return to some theses of the ideology of the socialist state

          Your suggestions are nonsense.
          Read the IVS works. Everything is written there.
          And also try to evaluate the economy with IVS.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +7
      25 March 2014 11: 05
      The idea is that it is national, that it should come from the people, and not powder the brains from above, the atoms "we are Russians for Russia" and the children of atoms and grandchildren abroad are to be tested, and that is especially unpleasant in the West.
      Start nmdo with a simple one, with the relocation of citizens from the cells of apartments to normal houses, there will be enough land for everyone, and stop hiring foreign citizens. Do you want to hire Uzbeks to Vali in Uzbekistan ... etc.
      1. +6
        25 March 2014 11: 25
        It’s impossible without a national idea! Maybe a rough example, but still - let's say we decided to build a house. The first thing you need to do is imagine how you would like to see your house, i.e. imagine, want, catch on with the idea of ​​fulfilling your desire, and then a matter of technology and work. It turns out that without an idea it is impossible to realize what is desired. In the development of the state, the goals are achieved more quickly with the idea. The development of the USSR (except for the Gorbachev period of rule) shows the success of the national idea.
        1. 0
          25 March 2014 14: 33
          Quote: elmi
          It’s impossible without a national idea!

          I have an idea: Russians are real Turks (arias). (light-eyed and fair-haired) The rest of the peoples are the heirs of RUSI.
          All modern religions are completely r ... because they are a crude fake of true religions.
          Tengrianism, etc. pagan religions (Slavic) are true. (well, you can still allow Persian zooasterism)
          All nations must respect their ancestors.
          The peoples are obliged to know their true history, and not their western version.
          1. 0
            25 March 2014 17: 28
            Quote: Vasya
            Russians are real Turks (arias). ... well, you can still allow Persian zooasterism)
            Zoroastrianism, just what. Smiled (especially "zooasterism", neighing straight), but minus.
          2. +2
            25 March 2014 21: 42
            Quote: Vasya
            I have an idea: Russians are real Turks (arias). (light-eyed and fair-haired) The rest of the peoples are the heirs of RUSI.
            All modern religions are completely r ... because they are a crude fake of true religions.
            Tengrianism, etc. pagan religions (Slavic) are true. (well, you can still allow Persian zooasterism)
            All nations must respect their ancestors.
            The peoples are obliged to know their true history, and not their western version.

            It seems to me that Russians cannot be divided according to nationality. I like it more as it was in tsarist times: In tsarist Russia there were no "Russians" as a nationality. And there were - "Great Russian", "Little Russian" and "Belarusian" (other peoples inhabiting the Russian Empire have nothing to do with our consideration). These words, mentioned and remembered by everyone, designated the three Slavic peoples, who made up the majority of the population of the Empire; they also designated "nationality".
            And what about "Russian"? And the word "Russian" is old, only it meant not "nationality" (I remind you - a French invention), but ... citizenship! The word "Russian" has always been used in conjunction with the word "subject", i.e. answering the question "Whose subject are you?" every person (of any "nationality") answered - I am a Russian citizen! (Or - I am a subject of the Russian Tsar! (Emperor)).
      2. dmb
        25 March 2014 11: 43
        I agree. An article from the series: "Brothers, we love each other, we are Russians." It would quite correspond to the eighteenth century, and even if we forget all sorts of Steneks, Emelek and other Bolotnikovs. (The latter is so directly obvious predecessor of the current belolentochnikov). But no matter how I try, I can't bring myself to fall in love with Stepashka the fireman, Shakhrai, Yakunin, Golikova or the gallant Marshal Shaposhnikov. I believe that the above gentlemen have similar feelings to me. if the authors believe that they treat them differently, then they are naive.
        1. 0
          25 March 2014 14: 36
          Quote: dmb
          and even then if you forget all there Stenek, Emelek and other Bolotnikovs. (The latter is so explicitly the forerunner of the current white-bellies).

          Sorry, but you do not accidentally suffer from idiocy?
          The history of the country must be known.
          And read it in various sources.
      3. 0
        25 March 2014 14: 21
        Quote: Civil
        Start nmdo with a simple one, with the relocation of citizens from the cells of apartments to normal houses

        Let's start with a simpler one: do not give bribes, but pay fines.
        And if they demand a bribe, then give it up (although this is disgusting).
        Let's live by the law.
        1. 0
          25 March 2014 16: 55
          Quote: Vasya
          And if they demand a bribe, then give it up (although this is disgusting).

          This is disgusting in your convictions. It’s not disgusting for a normal person to help police.
    4. +2
      25 March 2014 11: 13
      Quote: Siberia
      Everything is right. Russia has its own way.
      And what do you think?
      Quote: Siberia
      The new civilization is moving to the East, relying on the "intellectual humanism" of eastern civilizations.
      It would be nice to give an example of this very "intellectual humanism" of eastern civilizations. And what is it all about? After all, you can write anything abstrusely. And concrete examples of where, what and how is done. Minus article. Vague and vague.
    5. +2
      25 March 2014 11: 15
      how many letters are minus. he himself did not understand what at the beginning he was tapping, in the middle he contradicted himself, pseudo intellectualized ...
      1. 0
        25 March 2014 12: 15
        there were no stable, developing communities without clearly expressed goals, defining one’s place in the ecumenical society, a system of values, moral criteria as guarantors of preserving our “We-civilization”.

        Maybe I will repeat it, and I will repeat it. In my opinion, the guarantor of our preservation and development is the basis of our mentality, just "We are Russians, We are Russians." There are huge concepts behind every word. In Russia, deviations from this are largely compensated by the community, while abroad it is more difficult. The borders drawn across Russia, at the beginning of the last century, marked the beginning of a certain weakening of the inner world perception of Russians. In Ukraine, for example, under pressure over the past 25 years, a ka.tsap has appeared among the Russians. His children are likely to be Ukrainians or, even worse, Ukrainians. As long as we have in our blood “We are Russians, We are Russians,” we are not afraid of anything. There will be a leader, strength and means.
        1. +2
          25 March 2014 12: 48
          ...........Russia - the House of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Orthodoxy is the main idea of ​​Russian civilization, its success and its Cross ........ all the troubles were in Russia when she forgot about God and His commandments, or was engaged in open God-fighting ....... why invent something else, artificial and inanimate for our people, come to Easter to the temple and see firsthand the national idea in its real embodiment
          1. +1
            25 March 2014 14: 08
            Quote: strannik595
            ...........Russia - the House of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Orthodoxy is the main idea of ​​Russian civilization, its success and its Cross ........ all the troubles were in Russia when she forgot about God and His commandments, or was engaged in open God-fighting ....... why invent something else, artificial and inanimate for our people, come to Easter to the temple and see firsthand the national idea in its real embodiment

            No. I beg you ... just don’t agitate here for faith, I’m an inveterate atheist, but I’m a normal man, and for my homeland at least where, and even when. there is an old Russian saying, since it’s bad itself, God does not help. hi
            1. 0
              25 March 2014 14: 39
              I’m an inveterate atheist, but I’m a normal man,
              only the deceased are inveterate ....... atheist cannot be normal, I do not campaign, but simply express my opinion, just like you
              1. 0
                25 March 2014 16: 57
                Quote: strannik595
                atheist cannot be normal

                as well as a religious fanatic - two facets of one evil.
        2. 0
          25 March 2014 14: 44
          Quote: Yuri Ya.
          We are Russians, we are Russians

          This is shallow.
          Orthodoxy is Russian (not to be confused with Christianity).
          Tolerance is Russian.
          Self-esteem is Russian.
          Self-sacrifice is Russian
      2. 0
        25 March 2014 13: 43
        and in general he went fucking ... so smart as we have heard over the years ...
      3. 0
        25 March 2014 14: 38
        Quote: afdjhbn67
        how many letters are minus. he himself did not understand what at the beginning he was tapping, in the middle he contradicted himself, pseudo intellectualized ...

        I don’t understand, repeat. Take the primary sources. Rate, Form your opinion. Write a resolution.
  2. +6
    25 March 2014 10: 39
    The national idea of ​​Russia is the collection of Russian land, the unification and consolidation of the people. The unification of the people against the backdrop of a common external threat and new challenges, consolidation and assistance of the authorities.
    1. +4
      25 March 2014 11: 30
      GDP said that RUSSIANS are the most divided people! After the collapse of the USSR, this is what happened! It's time to collect "stones" and unite drinks !
  3. +3
    25 March 2014 10: 40
    Moscow. March 25. INTERFAX.RU - In Exactly on Tuesday night, the coordinator of the "Right Sector" in Western Ukraine, Alexander Muzychko, was killed, MP Alexander Doniy said on his Facebook page.

    “Two cars cut his car, pulled out, put him on the ground. Then they threw him on the ground - his hands were handcuffed behind his back, two shots in the heart,” he wrote on his social network page on Tuesday night.

    See the original material at

    Judas removed ... next ...
    1. +7
      25 March 2014 10: 50
      Quote: Siberia
      Judas removed ... next ...

      It seems that the cleansing of our thieves has begun; in Novosibirsk, like the governor, they are already dying for the scammers. There are two more on the way, here is the link:
      Finally, ... thanks to the ram in the barracks .....
  4. +4
    25 March 2014 10: 40
    Even without reading the article, I’ll say that Russia does not need a national idea, it, Russia, is the axis of the earth, beyond it is the future of the planet, and only it is the stabilizer of the world.
  5. +3
    25 March 2014 10: 40
    Unfortunately, the national idea of ​​Seytsas is like a bar of soap in troubled waters: we need it by the assumption that everyone knows this and cannot get it in your hand! smile
    1. +1
      25 March 2014 12: 18
      Quote: serega.fedotov
      And bastards are sitting around, who drench everything that can be washed

      Say what you like, but bastards are full. Each is as sophisticated as she can in slandering Russia, competing who will pour more slop on the heads of Russians. The famous "human rights activist" Novodvorskaya, in her desire to lick the western authorities where lower, in an interview with the Western media "agreed" to the point that she compared herself with the famous scout, the character of the famous film. The entire interview can be read on the website of the notorious "Censor".
  6. +8
    25 March 2014 10: 44
    I AM RUSSIAN! And this cannot be taken away from me!
    1. mountaineer
      25 March 2014 11: 14
      You wondered how much time is needed to launch the Topol-m, YaRS, R-36M missiles

      here is my national idea! army and navy!
  7. +5
    25 March 2014 10: 49
    One thing is certain for sure: Russia has its own unique path, relying on the high spirituality of our people.
    And so, if we talk about particulars: how many people have so many opinions
  8. +4
    25 March 2014 10: 53
    Our idea is to defeat fascism, as usual shorter laughing
  9. KOH
    25 March 2014 10: 57
    The fight between good and evil is our idea !!!
  10. +4
    25 March 2014 10: 57
    Crimean events clearly showed public awareness of belonging to GREAT RUSSIA. All Russia empathized for its compatriots, who, by the will of fate, found themselves beyond its borders, and all the years that have suffered from this. It is wonderful that people of different nationalities, together with the whole country, sincerely rejoice in victories, worry about their country, in certain situations they become a MONOLITH, which is too tough for the enemies of RUSSIA.
    And spiteful critics and pests inside the country are fragments of this MONOLITH, which the "partners" were able to split off from Russia, and for society they are Renegades who, no matter how hard they try, will not be able to crush RUSSIA-MONOLITH, since the connecting basis of it is RUSSIANS!
    1. 0
      25 March 2014 14: 52
      Quote: ia-ai00
      they will not be able to fragment RUSSIA-MONOLITH, since its connecting base is RUSSIAN!

      Sorry, but the Kazakhs (not Western ideology) are also Russians, also our last ones.
      They even want to cling to Genghis Khan (fair-haired and green-eyed), (blackness was considered not to be full)
      They consider our words Turkic.
      I agree to the unification of the Aryans - Slavs (Turks) on a single territory, on a single religion.
      1. 0
        25 March 2014 17: 01
        You decide whether you are FOR or AGAIN?
        Quote: Vasya
        but the Kazakhs (not of Western ideology) are also Russians,

        Quote: Vasya
        They even want to cling to Genghis Khan.

        Just a union without all this gravity - an aria, not an aria.
  11. +3
    25 March 2014 11: 03
    Therefore, the solution to the problem of institutionalizing the national ideology is more relevant than ever. It is vital that the authorities and society finally notice the depravity and disintegrating negative role of the wording of Article 13 and fundamentally change it in the new version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    The liberal clearly wrote .. In Russia, rarely anyone knows the Constitution well .. Even who is obliged! We have a Russian constitution in the soul at the genetic level written down ... That's what we adhere to! That blurted out fellow Glory to Russia ! in short .. Break through!
  12. +7
    25 March 2014 11: 03
    Well, why is it so complicated. The purpose of the existence of Russia and the Russian people is much simpler, namely, not to allow their existence to create chaos on the earth, which we have been successfully dealing with for more than a thousand years, as well as to lead humanity into the future by our example.

    We’ve knocked down the world stage for 20 years, and what happened? A ton of small countries was plundered, and Western civilization repeats the history of Rome.
  13. +1
    25 March 2014 11: 05
    Our destiny is to maintain peace on the planet and protect the weak.
    1. +1
      25 March 2014 13: 45
      our destiny is to keep the peace on our land .. the Americans think it is for everyone to cool down boiling water ..
    2. +2
      25 March 2014 14: 54
      Quote: Coffee_time
      Our destiny is to maintain peace on the planet and protect the weak.

      To do this, we must be warriors ourselves, not hamsters.
  14. +1
    25 March 2014 11: 08
    Our strength is in unity!
    Here is the national idea of ​​Russia!
    The unity of the peoples of Russia, as a counterweight to the Western - divide and conquer.
    1. +1
      25 March 2014 14: 16
      Crimean events have shown that we can be united in our impulse, so we need to use this for the common good, raise the economy, we need re-industrialization of the country, but with new technologies! we have a huge territory of 130 million people (roughly) and at the same time we have unemployment! this is NONSENS !!! this is what the authorities need to pay attention to, otherwise we will not see leadership in the world, they produce electronics in Malaysia, and there a quarter of the population can’t read! and what are we? dumber them ??? request
  15. +1
    25 March 2014 11: 16
    Quote: Siberia
    Everything is right. Russia has its own way.

    First you need to figure out which one? Wholeness is needed - we are the heirs of what? This is the main question in the development of ideology! The heirs of the great-grandfathers-ancestors who built the Great Russian civilization, from ancient times to modern Russia or the heirs of Byzantium? Alien to us Roman civilization. Our ancestors for centuries fought with the Romans, for their values! Hence our native symbols, all the same Falcon, Bear, etc. or roman eagle? (by the way, the USA also carries the same symbol, alluding to the traditions of the same Rome).
    Until we figure out the essence of OUR true Russian heritage, we will borrow someone else's ideology.
    1. -1
      25 March 2014 13: 47
      while you get confused in the snot, they will sort it out without you ..
  16. +2
    25 March 2014 11: 19
    “It is impossible to predict how Russia will behave, it is always a mystery, moreover, it is a puzzle, no, there is a secret behind seven seals.”
    This Churchill said.!
    The constitution and all the articles are deep in our hearts and nobody has ever been able to change them! This constitution was written by God in the Russian soul!
  17. +2
    25 March 2014 11: 22
    Our concept is WORLD! Therefore, we will arm ourselves, arm ourselves and arm ourselves. To have everything to be afraid of. soldier
    1. 0
      25 March 2014 13: 48
      That's right for the world .. but AK must be lubricated and checked!
  18. +1
    25 March 2014 11: 28
    It seems to me that the format of articles on VO, by definition, does not imply the disclosure of such global topics as "National Idea". There are other resources for this. Well, or, if you like, the scientific community, where experts with academic education can reasonably discuss with the Author. Well, the diagram - so generally touched. There are not enough graphs. And formulas that calculate quantitative indicators of spirituality and patriotism. Yet:
    The history of all existing civilizations, states and political regimes proves
    - and the author is sure that he knows the history of ALL pre-existing civilizations, states and political regimes? It seems that historians themselves are not sure that EVERYTHING is known about early civilizations. They constantly tear something and discover something that hardly fits into the history of earthly civilization. Or doesn’t fit at all ...
    1. -1
      25 March 2014 13: 49
      you are on a bench in tryndi park do not litter the air .. discuss on another, possibly academic resource ..
      1. 0
        25 March 2014 14: 40
        Quote: afdjhbn67
        you are on a bench in tryndi park

        Don't ... It's cold ... It's more comfortable on the couch. Yes
        1. 0
          April 2 2014 04: 45
          By the way, I didn’t write to you about the broadcast ..
  19. 0
    25 March 2014 11: 30
    Probably the national idea of ​​Russia can be called: SPIRITUALITY, ORDER, JUSTICE, SECURITY. hi
    1. 0
      25 March 2014 14: 58
      Quote: name
      Probably the national idea of ​​Russia can be called: SPIRITUALITY, ORDER, JUSTICE, SECURITY. hi

      Read the laws of Ivan the Great, or Russian truth (I can’t answer for reality, because Christians corrected it)
  20. black_falcon
    25 March 2014 11: 38
    The common goal for the state and citizens is much more important than anything else. And this goal should be, in a sense, unattainable in order not to lose its relevance over time. At this stage, you can choose as such the transformation of the federation into the first of the countries that will deal with the permissible colonization of space. And already under this idea to attract everything else. And if the state does not have a "meaning in life", then this is not even just sad ... It is critical.
    1. +2
      25 March 2014 15: 01
      Quote: black_falcon
      At this stage, you can choose as such the transformation of the federation into the first of the countries that will deal with permissible colonization of space

      And first, let's take care of health and education so that there are no blunders in the comments.
  21. Alexandr 2
    25 March 2014 11: 38
    The main idea in any company, organization is to achieve success.
  22. +4
    25 March 2014 11: 46
    With great difficulty, I read the text to the end.
    For which target audience is this creation written?
    For academic advice or an article for people?
    Is it because everything is so elaborately designed that the author has nothing to say and suggest. After the collapse of the USSR, the nat. ideas, it doesn’t exist today, and it seems that it will not be tomorrow ...
    What is the common idea of ​​those in power and the poor?
    It is impossible to have nat. idea in a society divided by a precipice the size of the Grand Canyon, between the oligarchs and the poor, the city and the village, where nat. wealth and assets sold or divided ... And where are the people? He, by and large, survives today, as he might not have any ideas.
    We, in fact, have nothing to be proud of yet, we live only hopes.
    The author 2 points for the submission of material.
  23. +4
    25 March 2014 11: 49
    I would like to say a few words about the "modern youth comedy" series, especially those that go to TNT, what they preach absolutely does not coincide with our traditional values:
    "Voronins" - mockery of people of traditional sexual orientation.
    "Univer" - in principle, too, but with variations the heterosexual Kuzya is stupid narrow-minded, tolerant not homophobes - cool guys, fagot - does not flicker often, but such a darling that it is difficult not to make friends.
    "Friendship of Peoples" - Russian paratrooper stupid, straightforward, not Russian charming people with a sense of humor.
    Conclusion: we are imposed an aversion to traditional values ​​and everything Russian, even to the concept itself.
    1. +2
      25 March 2014 12: 13
      Of course, if you educate young people and children on such "masterpieces", then Russia will go "far" ...
      It is necessary to form an organ under the government, with the endowment with the right of censorship, with the right to prohibit broadcasts, media outlets that harm the MORAL education of people, otherwise question about the national idea just NOT WHERE it will be useless to BET if one or two more generations will be brought up on such "works".
    2. 0
      25 March 2014 13: 53
      and how do you like .. a la ger com .. etc - the information war is coming, it means for the minds ..
  24. +2
    25 March 2014 11: 50
    Something a word about the structure of society, at the very beginning it is necessary to clearly and unambiguously determine what the social system is implied - capitalism or socialism, that is, the basis, that is, and only then to declare collegiality, patriotism (this can be clearly seen from its lack) and other things. The author looks like it should be — we set the goal of building communism for society, take the moral code of the builder of communism as a moral guideline, during the construction process we get a new generation of socialism, which is essentially what was required, we carry out import-substituting industrialization, organize the elimination of distortions in education, place an order on technical specialists and so on. Etc.
    1. 0
      25 March 2014 13: 55
      I applaud, I agree with you, the add-in cannot dictate the basis of what we have today? ..
  25. +2
    25 March 2014 11: 58
    Say the national idea ... Unfortunately, we do not have any national idea. Unfortunately, the idea was cultivated all this time with us, one-money, money, and again money.
    Here, for example: Commentary by an expert of the Foundation for the Promotion of Public Diplomacy, Yuri Petrov:

    “The case with the Rossiya Bank shows how strong the patriotic mood in society is in connection with the entry of Crimea and Sevastopol into Russia. Many did not know about the existence of such a bank, and did not have an account in it. But when he was subjected to external sanctions, solidarity manifested itself both at the level of the President of the Russian Federation, who gave instructions to open an account at the Rossiya Bank and transfer his salary there, but also at the level of his environment and at the level of ordinary citizens. Even pensioners declare their desire to open an account there.

    There is no silver lining. Sanctions are sometimes good. It turns out that Russia even needs sanctions, new and tougher, to consolidate, develop the real sector of the economy, and introduce innovations in production.

    It is only important that the Bank "Russia" has now begun to live according to the new rules, not only in its corporate interests of making profit, but also in the interests of reviving production, improving the business climate, developing small and medium enterprises in the country. "

    CCI-Inform "

    And what follows from this? And the fact that this bank all this time did not give a damn about its country, economy and so on, it was only interested in its corporate interests, extracting, in any way, maximum profit and that's it. Ah, you say "national idea" ...
  26. +1
    25 March 2014 11: 58
    Anecdote to the picture. "And on the stone is the inscription
    You’ll go to the left to get on the head!
    You’ll go to the left to get on the head!
    You’ll go straight along the head!
    The bogatyr thought
    And a loud voice rang out - "Let's choose, or you'll get it in the head!"
  27. +1
    25 March 2014 12: 03
    Yes. Still. I’ll take and formulate the National Idea as follows. The national idea is Cucumber! And try to refute me! We’ll open the bazaar until morning. The sense is zero. And I still did not undertake fishing ...
  28. +1
    25 March 2014 12: 03
    The main idea is RESPONSIBILITY. How at the moment this concept relates to the activities of parliament, for example. Where is the responsibility of the "popularly elected" for their actions? Life after the collapse of the USSR became more and more fun, but where is the answer for everything that was done. And why are these figures still in business. A concrete example is Comrade or Mr. Chubais. Those. the current system of responsibility does not provide for - the deputies "correctly" deputies, the performers "correctly" perform, the result is the people in complete, even complete guano ... well, since the people "SAM" "chooses", apparently they are to blame ... very convenient )))
    It is the responsibility and responsibility of the authorities that should be the fundamental idea. Without this, even if bright, albeit correct theoretical justifications, will remain a theory not applicable in practice. IMHO
  29. 0
    25 March 2014 12: 10
    It is impossible to choose a national idea for Russia. RUSSIA is the sound of the world idea of ​​salvation.
  30. +1
    25 March 2014 12: 32
    Well, why is everyone reasoning in West-East coordinates. Russia is a northern country, it is the endless expanses of the North with its unfavorable climatic conditions, under forced conditions of a very low population density, that have formed a national character, mentality and cultural core. Even more northerly small peoples living in even more difficult natural conditions did not even know what homicide was, it was not conceivable for them. Hence our collegiality, peacefulness, and the absence of xenophobia for other nations. It is not necessary to compare Russia with either the West or the East, even if there are similar features. By virtue of the already mentioned dispersal of the population over a vast territory, the imperial form of organization of power is the only way to preserve the unity of the people and their spiritual bonds.
    The nature of the East is most favorable to man; smooth changes in seasonal temperature do not push man to struggle with Nature, but to a symbiosis of mutual existence. In such conditions, civilizations freeze in their development, they lack an incentive to technological progress. Recall China with its almost 3 thousandth history, and they didn’t go beyond the wheels.
    Moderate temperature fluctuations in Europe prompted a person that this can be combated if you show the necessary ingenuity.
    Very sharp temperature fluctuations in the north of Russia and Siberia, on the contrary, say that it is impossible to deal with this, you just need to endure. Patience is the main feature of our character. Hence the fairly calm political life of the Russian mentality, when you can still tolerate it. And very stormy, when it is already impossible to endure. Collective self-awareness begins to search for a new formula for existence, which even approximately no one knows should be. Therefore, in difficult times, in a relatively short period of time, we have not one, but two, even three revolutions in a row, until the desired is found. In the West, as a rule, one revolution is enough; in the East, if they are not touched, in general revolutions are rare, more often palace coups.
    The article is still a plus. Makes you think. It is a pity that he threw out his thoughts impromptu.
  31. -1
    25 March 2014 12: 35
    Yes, about the national idea. I would put it that way. Do not conflict with the forces that forged our character and our worldview. Remain ourselves, as our land, our Nature, has made us.
  32. w2000
    25 March 2014 12: 53
    Unfortunately, in Russia they rely on the mossy ideology of the tsarist era with autocracy, Orthodoxy, and nationality. Although you need to look to the future and rely on technocratism, science, atheism, social justice and equality.
    1. +1
      25 March 2014 14: 01
      I do not agree about atheism, but the main idea should be to go into deep space and the development that accompanies this. We sat in a crib ...
    2. +1
      25 March 2014 15: 16
      Quote: w2000
      Unfortunately, in Russia they rely on the mossy ideology of the tsarist era with autocracy, Orthodoxy, and nationality. Although you need to look to the future and rely on technocratism, science, atheism, social justice and equality.

      Let's analyze your future
      technocratism - usually people who are tech-savvy come off of real life (I know + friends by myself)
      atheism - I do not accept official religions, but there is something, or someone. To understand this, you just need to walk on foot from Omsk to Chukotka in a straight line, and not along the roads.
      Social justice is a good thing, but first you need to drive ALL the population along the above route, so that they understand that not everyone decides to loot.
      equality was not and never will be. The most dangerous predators are humans. There will be a leader in any pack.
  33. s1н7т
    25 March 2014 13: 17
    The national idea of ​​a multinational state - didn’t it seem to me? laughing Always, when there is nothing to say, but you want to, there are a lot of letters and pompous words, which in the end do not carry any meaning, and the people here "got carried away", sho-! drinks
    1. 0
      25 March 2014 15: 19
      Quote: c1n7
      The national idea of ​​a multinational state - didn’t it seem to me? laughing Always, when there is nothing to say, but you want to, there are a lot of letters and pompous words, which in the end do not carry any meaning, and the people here "got carried away", sho-! drinks

      If there is a common goal, then gay and Nazis and Jews will unite.
      See the outskirts.
      Temporary allies have been and will be.
      Jews also brought Hitler to power.
      1. s1н7т
        25 March 2014 16: 34
        "National idea" - an idea based on a common national characteristic, so to speak, that's what I mean. It would be more logical to say - a state or popular idea, probably.
  34. +1
    25 March 2014 13: 26
    Bandera in Kharkov put on their knees
  35. +1
    25 March 2014 13: 40
    A great country cannot exist without a great culture. A country can be strong, rich, but the greatest force in ideology is what makes it a truly great power. This priority of the state is much higher than good clothes, food, housing and so on. What is the USA for simpletons - a free rich country, a country of equal opportunities. The European Union is a just, free, wealthy society for all comers. Fairy tales? Of course, but people tend to believe in fairy tales especially if you want to believe.
    What we, as a country, bring to the world is gas, weapons, ballet ... it's not enough.
    Recall that the Great Roman Empire during its heyday, first of all, brought the culture of the conquered countries far ahead of the development of countries at that time. Russia has the greatest millennium-old culture based on justice, goodness, love, which is the most valuable that we have!
    1. 0
      25 March 2014 15: 23
      Quote: zorch
      What we, as a country, bring to the world is gas, weapons, ballet ... it's not enough.

      You are late.
      We have long been bringing justice to the world.
      We burst in the 80s and 90s.
      But gradually we are entering into OWN rights and obligations.
  36. 0
    25 March 2014 13: 49
    Impressions sane Ukrainian:
    1464 & stream_ref = 10
  37. parus2nik
    25 March 2014 13: 53
    Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: "In the Russian Federation, ideological diversity is recognized ... No ideology can be established as state or mandatory."
    The first line of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, written in close cooperation, always scared me .. it turns out that the national socialist ideology is recognized .. it cannot be established as a state or mandatory, but let it be ... in the country that defeated Nazism .. And then the ideologists from Nazism Based on this article, they conduct polls. Was it necessary to pass Leningrad? and those who adopted the National Socialist ideology voted in favor ...
    1. 0
      25 March 2014 15: 28
      Quote: parus2nik
      Article 13. The Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “In the Russian Federation, ideological diversity is recognized ... No ideology can be established as state or mandatory.” The first line of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, written in close cooperation, always scared me

      No need to be afraid
      In Russia, the laws did not differ in their implementation
      It was by law and truth.
      You can break the law, but if you betray the TRUTH .....
  38. +1
    25 March 2014 14: 00
    Russian civilization is not the best idea ...
    1. 0
      25 March 2014 14: 11
      for those who are minus I’ll explain - civilization, as well as the idea should be RUSSIAN
  39. serge
    25 March 2014 14: 05
    The title of the article was supposed to be "State Idea of ​​the Russian Federation". Because there is no national idea without a nation. And the nation in Russia is Russian. Since there are 80% of Russians in Russia. Plus, there are peoples in Russia - Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Chechens and quite a few others. These peoples, together with the Russians, are implementing "traditional polyethnic culture and spirituality, collegiality, patriotism, statehood, civic consciousness", etc. For this, if we remove the word "polyethnic", is a number of features of traditional Russian culture. Justice for all, respect for the faith of others, collective morality and love of freedom, ease of communication, willingness to die for their brothers and much more - this is traditional Russian culture. Russian culture is open to everyone, and so it is good.

    And on Ceylon island or on Mallorca.
    Russian never live with a Tatar.
    Homeland is homeland, bast shoes and shag.
    So blinded mother and not alter ...
    (O. Mityaev.)

    The article is another attempt to mold the "Russian" idea from a number of features of the Russian idea. It doesn't matter from what motives. That is, an attempt to repeat the failed Soviet experience. But that once is a tragedy, the second time is repeated as a farce. Not only people, nations also have a historical memory. No, there is no national idea in Russia without Russians. This is proved by the annexation of Crimea. Crimea did not join any "national idea of ​​Russia". Only to the Russian. And the leadership of Russia, inwardly wrying, began to speak, as representatives of the Russian people, in the Russian language, about Russian problems. There is a "Russian spring". Spring road!
  40. 0
    25 March 2014 14: 57
    yes a simple idea. There is a Western idea - consumption and hypocrisy. there is our idea - honesty and sincerity.
  41. 0
    25 March 2014 16: 20
    Well, finally waited! But I remember how neoliberals and reformers of all stripes (Gaidar, Chubais Gref and others, I will not utter incorrect words) shouted from the TV screen that the national idea, national ideology is a relic and it is in the current (those 90s) not needed and only interferes. And what came of it: sections of sovereignty, the growth of separatism, the collapse of industry and the economy. A wordly nightmare lasting decades! Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Dumas really need to be revised in the light of 20 years of experience, new political, economic and other realities. Everyone is finally beginning to understand that without nation-wide, national ideas, an all-Russian ideology, understood as long-term goal-setting, the state will not last long .
  42. 0
    25 March 2014 16: 43
    The national idea should be one now. After the deep corruption of the Russian people by the Communists, and then by the Democrats, it is necessary to put in order. And God save us from the liberals.
    Admittedly, we have become embittered, idle, relaxed, and unspiritual. And still I will say ... The fact that Crimea was returned of course is good, but nevertheless the idea does not leave us that foreigners rule us. Otherwise, how to explain the very possibility of statements about the division of Russia along the Ural ridge, or Novodvorskaya’s quote above that she thinks she is a Ukrainian prisoner of war. Here it is the fifth column. As long as this diaspora exists, they will alternately push their foreheads, either with the Georgians, the Orthodox people by the way, or with the Ukrainians. Separatism by proxy is both smart and not new. What kind of national idea can we talk about while we Russians are in occupation.
    We need the ruling elite of patriots, which will provide the necessary conditions for the formation of a homogeneous patriotic society. Those. first of all, conditions are needed to oust any separatists like Novodvorskaya from the political plane. And in the second, engage in moral education of people, because the time has come when the embezzlers and thieves already have no one to change; and in parallel to restore the state in the concept of maximum self-sufficiency.
  43. 0
    25 March 2014 18: 03 Глава Дома Романовых Великая княгиня Мария Владимировна: "Присоединение Крыма к России закономерно" Вот наша "национальная" идея - МОНАРХИЯ хоть и ограниченная. Почитайте как и что думает глава духа Российского. Это если говорить именно о национальной идее. Император - это наше знамя, способное вместе с верой нашей объединить народ и цивилизацию русскую. У европейцев есть свои знамена, а почему мы его утратили? Немцы проплатили революцию? Ну поставили социальный эксперимент и ладушки... Отрицательный результат - тоже результат. Побаловались и хватит.
  44. 0
    26 March 2014 12: 28
    The national idea should include the concepts of:
    1. Earth. This is the land on which we live and our ancestors lived. It has its own, sovereign power, is not subject to dismemberment and sale to foreigners. The main beneficiary in the sale of natural resources of this land are all citizens of Russia. The political-geographical status of our land is a connection between East and West, the civilizational vectors of which are multidirectional and therefore conflicting in their essence. We maintain peace between these civilizations.
    2. Language. Different peoples live on this earth. Russian is the common language of interethnic communication, therefore, in the West and in the East we are called Russians. We ourselves, having different roots, for the most part speak and think Russian, which gives us the right to consider ourselves Russian people, and not just Russians united by a common Russian land. Those were I. Muromets, A. Pushkin, R. Gamzatov, N. Gogol, B. Jacobi, V. Bering, F. Bellingshausen, I. Levitan, V. Rastrelli, M. Barclay de Tolly, P. Bagration, I. Stalin and many other prominent Russian people.
    3. Culture. We are focused on the religious traditionalism of the East and the scientific and technological tradition of the West. We support traditional beliefs (Christian, Muslim, Buddhism, Judaism, etc.) and against distorting the traditional values ​​of peace, goodness and justice by Christian sects, Salafists, Zionists, militant atheists and other representatives of fascist political-religious and pseudo-liberal organizations. We support modern scientific and technological thought, develop it, use it for the benefit of our people and peoples of the whole world and against pseudoscientific schools and teachings such as astrology, Scientology, etc. (the list is attached hi )
    I would formulate it so far.
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