Crimean victory must be used for constitutional reform

The “Ukrainian revolution” and the reunification of Russia with the Crimea can be a good reason to carry out a constitutional reform. Obviously, the main threat to the future of Russia is not an external confrontation with the West, which will only strengthen us, help mobilize, but the sad legacy of the Yeltsin period.

It is internal faults and cause the greatest concern. Suffice it to recall that it was the internal prerequisites that caused the death of the Russian Empire. The First World War became a catalyst for the general collapse, and not the main cause of the death of the Russian state. By the Second World War, Russia-USSR was prepared much better: society was mobilized, cohesively united by a single ideology, the “fifth column” was suppressed.

Unfortunately, the current Russian Federation is more like the Russian empire than the Stalinist Soviet Union. Although the modern world situation is just similar to the military-political situation that preceded both world wars. One of the weaknesses is the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993 year. When creating this Yeltsin constitution, two main tasks were solved.

First, the new constitution has come to Russia with certain restrictions. Russia-USSR in 1991 suffered a defeat in the Cold War, which some experts call the Third World War, and the winners set their own conditions. Russian civilization was divided into three parts: the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine. Such major strategic territories as the Baltic States and Transdniestria were rejected. The Russian people turned out to be the largest ethnic group, divided into parts, and a significant part of it was immediately subjected to powerful processing. Russian turned into "Ukrainians", "Russians", etc.

The draft Yeltsin Constitution of 1993 was prepared by Chubais advisers who had close contacts with the CIA and the US State Department. Such a constitution was necessary for the launch of the external governance mechanism. Russia should have forever become a “semi-colony” of the West — an outwardly “independent” state, ruled, however, a “fifth column” in the interests of the Western world.

Secondly, this constitution gave all powers to the president, who, relying on the comprador oligarchs, was supposed to suppress any popular discontent. The constitution has become "super-presidential." No wonder Yeltsin was half-jokingly called "Tsar Boris." In fact, after the suppression of the popular October uprising of 1993, a dictatorship was created in the camp, which protected the interests of a narrow class of oligarch-compradors who plundered the country and turned it into a "pipe" - a raw materials appendage of the West, and then of the East. The December Constitution enshrined this order. Therefore, in the West for the time being, they turned a blind eye to violations of rights and freedoms, ”since all this was done in the interests of the Western world. In the US, the Russian constitution 1993 was adopted "with a bang." And only at the beginning of 2000-ies the US State Department began to criticize the constitutional structure of Russia. Under Yeltsin, when the Russian Federation was under the "full cap", no one thought to criticize the basic law. In Yeltsin’s hands, the constitution was “wonderful”; she suited everyone. They began to criticize it when Russia began to restore its sovereignty.

It is not surprising that by the 20 anniversary of the Constitution in December 2013, the liberal wing of the Russian political “elite” gave only positive evaluations to this document. Thus, Yeltsin Center held an international conference dedicated to the 20 anniversary of the Russian Constitution (Behind closed doors). The leader was G. E. Burbulis (in 1990 — 1992, the closest ally of Boris Yeltsin). Among the prominent guests are S. S. Shushkevich (one of the leading participants in the Belovezhsky Agreement), G. A. Yavlinsky, L. Ya. Gozman, I. M. Khakamada, K. N. Borovoy (chairman of the Western Choice Party) Yu. S. Pivovarov et al. For the patriotic wing of the Russian public, the flawedness of the 1993 Constitution is obvious. The Constitution Day of the Russian Federation did not take root in the people either: ordinary people are completely indifferent to this “holiday”, the majority do not know what the date is. But for the liberals, Yeltsin’s constitution is “delightful,” and in no case should it be changed.

The attitude of Russian liberals to the Yeltsin constitution is a very clear indication that it needs to be changed. Constitutional reform or even the drafting of a new constitution is a must. In particular, it is necessary to return to the fundamental guarantees of the welfare state. The cannibalistic capitalist system, which at the beginning of the 1990s began to be created in Russia, needs to be changed, returning to the socialist standards of the Soviet Union. No wonder many of the most profound Russians, and even foreign thinkers, called the USSR an advanced power of humanity, which showed a possible bright future for the whole world.

There are several other fundamental elements that should appear in the Russian constitution. Thus, State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov, who calls the current constitution “the colonial rule of administration,” proposes to introduce several important amendments to the main law. From the article 13, according to Fedorov, it is necessary to abolish the paragraph 2: "No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory." In this the deputy is right. A state without ideology easily becomes a victim of alien ideologies and value attitudes. In the 1990-s and the beginning of the 2000-s, the Russian Federation became a country where liberal (up to liberal-fascism) ideology gained full dominance. Strong positions were also given the values ​​of the “Islamic project”. In addition, the main part of the inhabitants "drowned" in a consumer society, where the values ​​of the "golden calf" dominate.

You must understand that the holy place is never empty. If society does not have its own idea, the western and eastern “partners” will implement their own values. Therefore, Russia should have a national ideology, the foundation of which should be patriotism, the primacy of national interests over the values ​​of narrow populations and individuals. Russian civilization initially flocked on the idea of ​​good and justice, and should remain so in the future. Otherwise, it will not be Russia, but a territory colonized by alien civilizations and cultures.

Fedorov also believes that paragraph 15 should be removed from article 4: “The generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes other rules than those provided by law, then the rules of the international treaty shall apply. ” This item may harm the national security of Russia, it limits its sovereignty. Russia in its domestic and foreign policy should follow only national interests. Already, this item allows us to push the norms of juvenile justice to Russia, which has destroyed the traditional family in the Western world. What, if the turn of a dozen or so years “legal principle and norm of international law” becomes the legal drug trafficking and slave trade ?! We will put the “generally accepted principles” above the traditional values ​​of Russian civilization? We are not obliged to comply with laws and regulations that are developed by foreign states and organizations.

The abolition of these points will allow Russia to become a fully sovereign state-civilization. It will allow the formation of a patriotic, people-oriented, rather than Western values, elite. It will be possible to “clear out” the information field of the country from “internal enemies”. It should educate children patriots of Russia. It is necessary to adjust the work of the media in the right direction, etc.

A big positive factor will be the legislative consolidation of the status of the Russians (the superethnos of the Rus) as the state-forming people. At the informal level, the state-forming role of the Russian people is already recognized. Thus, in his article on national politics in Russia, Vladimir Putin noted the following: "The Russian people are state-forming - in fact, the existence of Russia." However, he rejected the idea of ​​securing a special status for the Russians in the Russian Constitution.

This is a strategic mistake. Opponents of this idea speak about the growth of interethnic tension, but this is nonsense or a conscious lie. Superethnos Rusov was initially state-forming. Russians created a unique civilization. Other ethnic groups, Finno-Ugric, Turkic, etc., were equally attracted to the process of building the “empire”. Moreover, the Russians, unlike the great (imperial) peoples of the West, did not show racism, xenophobia and chauvinism. The rule of the Russian language and culture allowed to fasten the vast expanses of Northern Eurasia. It is the destruction of "Russianness", and not the restoration of the value of the Russian people that leads Russia to destruction.

The recognition of the state-forming status of the Russian people will allow to correct the imbalance in favor of local ethnocracies and cosmopolitanism in the governing structures, which was created in the years of the USSR and became one of the prerequisites for the death of the Union. It will allow consciously pursue a policy of Russification of Russia, which in recent decades has lost a significant part of its "Russianness". It is crazy to think that Russia will fall apart from the fact that in its development it will rely on the Russians and will return to its traditions and the basics of its existence.

The current foreign policy situation gives Russia a unique chance to correct the mistakes of the previous period. stories. Constitutional reform will eliminate one of the most difficult and dangerous legacies of the Yeltsin period. A counteroffensive on foreign policy fronts should take place with a simultaneous internal transformation of the state. Only in this way can Russia win and lead the process of mankind’s exit from the crisis.
91 comment
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  1. +37
    24 March 2014 08: 58
    Not only the constitution in Russia needs to be changed, but at present changes in Russia need to be carried out precisely from it, since the division into republics and autonomies inherent in it is time mines. The local so-called "elites" will play the national card with any change in the supreme state power .... and this is fraught ... and the history of the USSR is a good example of this.
    1. +2
      24 March 2014 09: 32
      Russia is a federal republic and you won’t get away from it. We are multinational and just trying to cut everyone the same will lead to collapse. It is necessary to raise the economy, industry.
      1. +20
        24 March 2014 09: 42
        The Russian empire was also a lot of nationalities, but there was a minimum of subjects ... And yet no economy can withstand as many deputies and other administrative bodies at all levels as it is now - how many parasites need to be fed, and their children and relatives are too heavy a burden on the economy .. .
        1. iulai
          24 March 2014 11: 39
          I agree with that. We have about 450 deputies somewhere. We need one deputy from each region. It will turn out somewhere 83 deputies. They still vote on party lists. Extra parasites are not needed, all the same, commissions work, where experts sit, who prepare laws. Senators should be from each district for 2 people, get the optimal composition.
          1. predator.3
            24 March 2014 12: 06
            Quote: iulai
            We have about 450 deputies somewhere. We need one deputy from each region. It will turn out somewhere 83 deputies. They still vote on party lists. Extra parasites are not needed

            senators are selected (or rather appointed) from the regions, they are the Federation Council, and deputies are nominated from a certain number of residents (something about 400 thousand people), I agree about the reduction, at least a third (250-300 deputies) and cancel all these party lists, let the parties put forward their candidates in single-mandate constituencies and butt there! And then they took on fashion for singers and athletes, ended their careers - go work as a coach, a teacher at a university (Valuev, Kabzon, etc.)
            In general, we have a lot of oddities in the electoral system, the whole people elect the president of deputies, and the deputies of local assemblies choose the heads of administrations (from rural to city), in the village 5-6 deputies choose who the head of the district administration will point to, that's where corruption begins, that the village cannot choose its own head ?! Can.
        2. jjj
          24 March 2014 12: 41
          On the one hand, the Constitution has already been printed and making new changes is not so scary. But, on the other hand, a new state formation has not yet fully developed, the Russian world has not been assembled, not all peoples gravitating towards it are involved. That's when this happens, then it will be possible to adopt a new Constitution. I believe that this will happen by the end of the second (fourth) term of the presidency of Vladimir Vladimirovich. And we will call the Constitution Putin by analogy with Stalin and Brezhnev
          1. 0
            24 March 2014 14: 02
            Our constitution is a law of indirect action / like almost all others / that is, they say: a citizen has the right to toto and toto. Unfortunately, this allows you to adopt any laws, both necessary and harmful to the country. Everything rests on power, Borka-drunk and GDP, governed by one constitution and laws are different
            It should be written in the Constitution: citizens have the right to Toto and Toto, RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS THIS AND THIS, AND WILL GET SO AND SO IF IF NOT MAKING.
        3. apollo
          24 March 2014 21: 59
          perhaps my idea will seem utopian to you, but it’s rather a dream: it is necessary to restore the USSR constitution, to declare that the collapse of the union was illegal, to hold a referendum in all republics, and I am sure that everyone will return ...
          1. 2log
            25 March 2014 02: 40
            And who will do it? The oligarchs themselves will restore the constitution of the USSR?
            And at the same time, the USSR Labor Code. :)
      2. +4
        24 March 2014 14: 02
        Agree. Many are now accusing Stalin of erroneously resolving the national question, because of this, they say, the Soviet Union fell apart. But in my opinion it was solved brilliantly. All nationalities, even the smallest, had the right to their identity, their history and culture. And we lived in friendship for many years. Stupid attempt to blame on Stalin all our mistakes 80's and 90's.
        1. +2
          24 March 2014 14: 16
          Svetlana, I agree with you on this issue. Moreover, the Stalinist solution to the national question, his plan for the national arrangement of the country, the so-called. The "federalization plan" did not pass back in the 20s. As a result, we got the USSR, which stood for 70 years and collapsed. It seems to me that if even then Iosif Vissarionovich managed to convince his party comrades, now there would not be what we have as a result ...
      3. apollo
        24 March 2014 21: 52
        The union must be restored ...
      4. apollo
        24 March 2014 22: 06
        “The Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation has not taken root among the people either: ordinary people are completely indifferent to this“ holiday ”, the majority do not even know what this date is.

        The stump is clear that they are indifferent, because it is rather a day of "prostitution"

        “And for liberals, Yeltsin’s constitution is“ delightful, ”and in no case should it be changed.

        and liberals are prostitutes, so she’s “delightful” for them.
    2. mnbv199
      24 March 2014 09: 32
      I advise all forum participants to watch the speech of Deputy Fedorov.
      He talks about the new constitution, about the events in Ukraine, talks about things that are not discussed in the media.

      Do not be lazy, be sure to look!
      his site
    3. iulai
      24 March 2014 11: 34
      Honor the meaning of the word "federation".
    4. +2
      24 March 2014 12: 18
      "Crimean victory must be used for constitutional reform"
      .. it may be more correct to start with a scientific and truthful assessment of what has been done to us and the country in the 1991 year .. in order to move on successfully you need to comprehend the path traveled, identify errors and omissions. the role of each party and statesman .... Put everything upside down ...
      And according to the Constitution, judging by the press, work is in full swing ..
      1. 0
        24 March 2014 19: 10
        Quote: 222222
        .. it may be more correct to start with a scientific and truthful assessment of what has been done to us and the country in the 1991 year .. in order to move on successfully you need to comprehend the path traveled, identify errors and omissions. the role of each party and statesman .... Put everything upside down ...

        As comrade Stalin I.V. in the work "Economic problems of socialism": "Theory. Without a theory, we are death, death."
    5. +2
      24 March 2014 17: 37
      such a constitution needs to be unambiguously changed, because it was written under the dictation of the United States, it is better to take the USSR constitution as the basis ....
    6. 0
      24 March 2014 19: 04
      Of course, you should not divide the country into education according to nationality. It is not worth legalizing the status of "elder brother", there should be a single people with equal rights - citizens of Russia, Russians. Then many problems, not immediately, but will go away.
    7. 0
      25 March 2014 11: 07
      division into republics and autonomy is a time bomb.
      Absolutely right.
  2. -8
    24 March 2014 09: 03
    "Russia-USSR was defeated in the Cold War in 1991" -
    I did not read further. "Everyone imagines himself a strategist ..."
    1. 0
      24 March 2014 09: 31
      Quote: Jurkovs
      "Russia-USSR in 1991 was defeated in the Cold War" -Everyone fancies himself a strategist ... "

      Russia-USSR in 1991 did NOT suffer a defeat - IT STARTED TO CHANGE QUICKLY, unfortunately side-by-side shynesses were expensive and more than one year they would have to pay for these shynesses - but all this growth difficulties ... Russia has gone through a lot over the past 25 years but the USA and Europe have yet to go with about their troubles ... hi
      1. 0
        April 3 2014 12: 48
        In the USA, even the congressional medal was established "For the victory over the USSR in the Cold War. 1947-1991". This medal is awarded to congressmen, government officials and military personnel who were in public service during the Cold War. that's why Samantha Power shouted to Vitaly Churkin at the UN that he forgot that we had lost. And there are elements of external control in Russia. It is good that Putin canceled the production sharing agreement with the United States in 2003, otherwise we would still be paying the debts of the USSR and Boris Yeltsin to the IMF and the Paris Club of creditors. At the same time, they would receive only 20-30% of the extracted minerals from our bowels.
    2. slon53
      24 March 2014 09: 35
      Do you think that the USSR-Russia won in 1991? Where is the USSR? About Russia they wiped their feet when they were Yeltsin, Burbulisy, Kozyrev, Kasyanov and others. Putin is not ideal, but with him, especially in 2014, a sense of pride in the country revived. I would like to hope that Putin is at the very beginning of the path to transforming Russia. This chance may not be anymore.
      1. -2
        24 March 2014 09: 57
        And in your opinion the Yankees won with NATO? Have you seen them on tanks and armored cars on the streets of our cities? If they tried to "win" this way, they would return home with a zinc load of 200 packs.
        That's why defeatist lamentations like "Russia-USSR in 1991 suffered defeat ..." I consider alarmism.
        And "the stormy activity of the fifth column ..." is like a vaccination against smallpox, God forbid, we will be easier and healthier ... hi
        1. iulai
          24 March 2014 11: 45
          I repeat - a KGB flaw.
        2. +1
          24 March 2014 20: 28
          ... besides direct occupation using troops, there is also economic and political.

          About alarmism ... remember how some said when the Amer authorities were preparing to use Tomahawks in Syria, about the Olympics before it was held and the victory of our team in the team competition, about Ukraine before Crimea had its say ... figuratively speaking, then exclamations were heard then " putinvsepros..l "- that's what I think is alarmist.

          About the fifth column ... poison in small doses can heal, but in large doses it kills. If the activity of the fifth column is left to chance and not limited, then we can get a lethal dose of poison for the country ...
          1. -1
            25 March 2014 08: 53
            Judging by the reaction to my statement that "Russia-USSR in 1991 NOT defeated"There are a lot of alarmists, defeatists and trolls on the site, as in real life ... That's why we live alone, they really work, while others are constantly whining and tyryat everything that comes to hand ... hi
      2. iulai
        24 March 2014 11: 44
        Yeltsin did one good thing - he shook off the ballast of extra republics, such as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. And Ukraine, Belarus, Russia were supposed to remain a single country, the KGB simply didn’t work here, it didn’t cut off unnecessary "smart heads" in time.
        1. +6
          24 March 2014 13: 10
          Less to you, in Uzbekistan, in cities there are a lot of smart educated people who consider themselves to be part of the Russian world, they are not those Uzbeks who come to work, they are not to blame for such representatives in their Uz.SSR in the villages of the oblast.
          There are so many Uzbeks of the heroes of the Soviet Union in the Second World War that it is simply blasphemous to talk about their separation with enthusiasm.
          1. +2
            24 March 2014 14: 13
            I agree, but nevertheless, the policy of the Uzbek authorities has led to a decline in the level of education in the country as a whole; Uzbek youth, especially in villages, are almost illiterate. Even those who are considered Russian there (and they have higher education), when they come here, their hair stands on end from their level of education. They have a sterile brain. What is taught there in schools and institutes in general is a mystery. Only those who had studied in the USSR, apparently, remained literate. Although, we also have this problem, but not to this extent.
            It is sacrilegious to speak with joy of the separation of all republics. Nobody benefited from this at all. All just lost.
    3. slon53
      24 March 2014 09: 35
      Do you think that the USSR-Russia won in 1991? Where is the USSR? About Russia they wiped their feet when they were Yeltsin, Burbulisy, Kozyrev, Kasyanov and others. Putin is not ideal, but with him, especially in 2014, a sense of pride in the country revived. I would like to hope that Putin is at the very beginning of the path to transforming Russia. This chance may not be anymore.
    4. 0
      24 March 2014 16: 58
      Quote: Jurkovs
      "Russia-USSR was defeated in the Cold War in 1991"

      She did not tolerate but was betrayed, capitulated
    5. apollo
      24 March 2014 22: 28
      in fact of the matter did not suffer, betrayed ...
  3. +9
    24 March 2014 09: 05
    from the Don.
    The GDP has carte blanche from the people! Enough decisiveness to drastically change the course of Russia? Will the GDP become a reformer? Will the progress go to the restoration of the monarchy? The answer is needed yesterday!
    1. +2
      24 March 2014 09: 11
      Quote: borisjdin1957
      The GDP has carte blanche from the people!

      Exactly for sure. But, unfortunately, now is not the best (in connection with Ukraine) moment.
      On the one hand + 75% rating.
      On the other hand, fighting on all fronts is hard. request
      The author took off the little idea about the article, thanks. +++++++
    2. iulai
      24 March 2014 11: 46
      To create a monarchy, the people must believe that the monarch is the anointed of God! And where can we get this?
      1. +1
        24 March 2014 13: 12
        With 15% of atheists, this is generally a dumb idea! I am already silent about Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and other religions. denominations ...
  4. +1
    24 March 2014 09: 07
    The last four paragraphs have spoiled the whole impression of the article, I agree that it is necessary to change some points in the constitution, but let's do without nationalism .....
    1. +1
      25 March 2014 01: 44
      Yes, it would be easy, but here we communicate in Russian with you. Those. and there are representatives of the Russian World. No offense for other ethnic groups that have their own language. We took place in Russian, as an attribute of civilization. And if, in this sense, the paradigm of Fedorov is further sagged, then a Russian person will simply ask: "And then who am I? It turns out that there is a language, there is a world, but I finally do not exist?"
  5. Alexander.B
    24 March 2014 09: 11
    Russians turned into "Ukrainians", "Russians", etc.

    5 points!
  6. +2
    24 March 2014 09: 15
    We always change the constitution under the ruler. For example, you can recall how Dimon came to power and immediately launched pens into the Constitution. It seems that the main problem is social injustice. As a solution - to oblige the oligarchs to transfer accounts and property to Russia, to establish a progressive tax on them, then personally I will be satisfied, don’t lose business and money in Russia.
  7. +2
    24 March 2014 09: 20
    Now it is a rare opportunity to change something in the country for the better, taking into account previous trial and error ..
  8. +4
    24 March 2014 09: 21
    The fact that many laws, and not only the constitution, need to be edited and changed, it is clear to everyone, but first of all, it is necessary to pursue a tougher domestic policy, and still deal with the national issue! Why, in which country you don’t come, the overwhelming majority of people there observe the indigenous population, but in some parts of the capital, the city of the hero of Moscow, one gets the impression that you are somewhere in Asia and you hear and hear from speech!
    1. +1
      24 March 2014 14: 23
      My friend, once and for all, once, it will not be possible to solve the national question, because this requires constant work on it and in no case should it be missed from the attention of the authorities.
      We now have the consequences of the fact that back in the 20s, Comrade could not be made. Stalin, implement the plan for the federalization of the country. In the very essence of the USSR, there was a time bomb — the right to withdraw republics from the country ... The ideology weakened - they got collapse.
  9. Officer
    24 March 2014 09: 22
    National security is extremely serious! I do not agree with the author in everything (including "great-power chauvinism" is a dangerous thing), but the Constitution needs to be corrected. Note! The entire elite of the opposition (political, economic, etc.) received education, improved their qualifications, has direct contacts (including financial and economic), receives bonuses, grants, etc. in the United States and Western Europe. Navalny, Guriev, Kasparov, Nemtsov, Prokhorova, etc. etc. Does this mean something? There are more than one thousand of them. And they lead a certain part of the population (deceived by their propaganda). And that's dangerous too!
  10. +5
    24 March 2014 09: 25
    The 1993 Constitution was adopted by the majority - 54,4%

    Most ........ voters, i.e. MINORITY
    I did not vote. Who else ?
    1. 0
      24 March 2014 12: 44
      Quote: Very old
      The 1993 Constitution was adopted by the majority - 54,4%

      When such events in the country and the general euphoria from the revolution (like right now in Kiev for example), the people do not particularly look at what they are signing and what they are voting for. It is believed that everything is correct and there can be no deception. But just at this time, a time bomb is slipping and then it begins to tear the whole country.
      Remember the association of Ukraine with the EU when they did not even read the agreement and were ready to sign a majority.
      This is how this constitution passed in Russia.
      1. +2
        24 March 2014 14: 32
        What revolution are you talking about? In 1993, there was just a counter-revolution, which put an end to the possibilities of the evolutionary development of post-Soviet society and drove us into cave capitalism from which we are just starting to get out.
  11. +3
    24 March 2014 09: 26
    may be a good reason to carry out constitutional reform
    Obligated ... A constitution written, or rather, written off almost under a carbon copy from the staff, does not quite fit our country ...
  12. 0
    24 March 2014 09: 27
    Propaganda takes place and should be indisputable. Gorbachev collapsed the Soviet Union and began by banning propaganda, and all the media began to prove that Americans are good and peaceful ..... And even the Amers in movies still have a solid mafia, certainly not invaders, but they support the aggressive status quo . About nationalism is really superfluous, but the column in the passport nationality would not hurt to restore.
  13. Unknown
    24 March 2014 09: 27
    The author is an idealist! He believes that BOURGEOIS AND BUREAUTS work for the good of the people !!! am am am
  14. +1
    24 March 2014 09: 28
    God forbid, the movement towards nationalism and the "special status" of Russians - we will lose everything, even what we have not yet earned.

    Do not be euphoric, do not forget that the main problems of Russia are inside the country.
  15. +5
    24 March 2014 09: 29
    The Constitution should be changed at least due to the fact that the previous one was created, well, at least with "active consultation" with "Western colleagues", do you need any other arguments? Some transatlantic "horseradish from the mountain" came up with how we do in Russia to live, an alcoholic lying under the table in the intervals between drinks signed, but should we like it? Of course not, therefore "into the furnace."
  16. -1
    24 March 2014 09: 32
    Quote: Samsonov Alexander
    A major positive factor will be the legislative consolidation of the status of Russians (superethnos of Russians) as a state-forming people.

    To the author.
    "History is not a teacher, but a warden. She does not teach anything, but only punishes for the unlearned lesson." (Klyuchevsky)
    This will lead to the collapse of Russia itself. I explain:
    Stalin and L.P. Beria at one time dispersed the St. Petersburg Communists because they wanted to create a communist party in the RSFSR. He was well aware that this would be the first step towards the collapse of the USSR - there will be no single cementing structure... The creation of the CP of the RSFSR would immediately oppose itself to the rest, would become equal to them in status. Taking into account the resurrection of "nations on self-determination" - this threatens the parades of sovereignty in Russia itself.
    Analyze the events of 90's from this point of view and you will see that Stalin was right.
    1. +1
      24 March 2014 09: 52
      Well, where is this cementing structure now?
      1. 0
        24 March 2014 09: 58
        Russians are that cementing structure and we don’t need to lower us to the status of everyone else. We must pull the rest to our status. Russians defend the interests of civilization, nationalists - the interests of only their nationality.
        1. +2
          24 March 2014 17: 09
          cement idea, not nationality, where is the idea?
          1. 0
            24 March 2014 18: 09
            Quote: saag
            cement idea, not nationality, where is the idea?

            Does the idea cement? No - ideas disconnect.
            There have been so many of these ideas since the coexistence of Russia .... and all are different.
            But how many times have rulers and social systems changed for another idea?
            And Russia, as it was, is, it will be so.
            For ideas - this is to the parties. They apparently do not see these ideas, as well as the parties themselves. Choose any...

            Russians are not a nationality. It belongs to the multinational Russian civilization.
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +7
    24 March 2014 09: 53
    I would never have believed anyone if I had not seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears how in his headquarters at the end of the vote, in the morning according to the constitution, the goose bourbulis breathed out: “Well, thank God, even through the zh.op. but held out. " Not brought up to revile state symbols, but mind you, I did not say this, where did the constitution come from.
  19. -1
    24 March 2014 09: 54
    It is crazy to think that Russia will fall apart from the fact that in its development it will rely on Russians and return to its traditions, the foundations of its being.

    And how is it proposed to define the Russians? by blood? the size of the skull? what Pushkin - who is he? He is Ethiopian! can you rely on it? Buryats, Tatars, Kalmyks, Udmurts - who are they?
    In general, a controversial statement .. And the rest is an article of norms good
    1. 0
      24 March 2014 22: 39
      A Russian is one who considers himself to be a Russian superethnos (that is, Russian in "spirit"). This includes not only language, but also culture, a special "Russian identity", the perception of oneself as a part of the "Russian world". Not every Russian "by blood" feels like that. There are known examples when Russians by blood fought against their compatriots, and voluntarily. For example, "Russian Wahhabis". What is this if not a product of the "anti-Russian project"? And the Ukrainians? Is this not a vivid example of how a part of the Russian people was made a "special people", the basis of self-awareness of which is denial and hatred of their Russian "roots"? All this suggests that in the 20th century a powerful blow was dealt to the self-consciousness of the Russian people. The USSR collapsed along the "national borders" after all. If you have drawn borders within the country and have recognized for any ethnic group the rights to a "piece of territory" - expect that sooner or later these borders will become "state". This is the logic of "nation building". And Russians, of course, are recognized as "outsiders" and asked to "come out." This is exactly what happened after the collapse of the USSR and is happening now. Therefore, the recognition of a special state-forming status for the Russian people will in no way ruin the state, but will consolidate it. Or the second option is the abolition of all national-territorial entities on the territory of Russia and the recognition of all citizens as equal throughout the country. Now, alas, "ethnic enclaves" continue to form and separate.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  20. -1
    24 March 2014 10: 20
    do not like the article
  21. 0
    24 March 2014 10: 30
    Illegal Constitution

  22. -4
    24 March 2014 10: 54
    Only my purely private opinion.
    Quote from the article
    "... after the suppression of the popular October uprising of 1993 ..."
    October events - a trivial struggle for power.
    Popular uprisings are Pugachev, Razin, a boxing uprising in China, and even to some extent, what is happening in Ukraine.
    Quote from the article
    "... it is necessary to abolish point 2:" No ideology can ... "
    Let the author write what to write instead and it will be clear to what disagreement in Russia he leads.
    Quote from the article
    "... delete paragraph 4:" Generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties ... "
    Not one international treaty, not signed and ratified by Russia, is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, and Russia has the right to denounce any signed international treaty. What does the author dislike about this item?
    1. 0
      24 March 2014 14: 27
      I agree. If you want to cancel something, offer your decision in return.
      But in principle, the Constitution should be, as it seems to me, alive and as the state develops, the Constitution should also develop.
  23. +3
    24 March 2014 10: 56
    Constitutional reform is necessary! Now we play by the rules of others. The central bank has a private shop. Correct, change, supplement the current constitution under Russia and today's realities. Strike while the iron is hot!
    1. +1
      24 March 2014 12: 48
      Quote: Burmeister
      Constitutional reform is necessary! Now we play by the rules of others. The central bank has a private shop. Correct, change, supplement the current constitution under Russia and today's realities. Strike while the iron is hot!

      I completely agree, and as Putin said recently: "Then there will be neither time nor money."
      Right now, the very moment to coincide with the Constitution Day.
  24. dmb
    24 March 2014 11: 21
    Quietly chale. Just ten days ago, Samsonov cursed the Bolsheviks for 1917, and now he advocates a return to socialist standards. Interestingly, he is really so naive that he believes that the "cannibalistic capitalist system" will peacefully change itself to the mentioned standards. In naivety we pass .., sorry, State Duma deputy Fedorov I can not believe, and therefore his proposals to amend the Constitution, only self-promotion. If we ask him what ideology he is going to prescribe in the Constitution, we obviously will not get an answer, for Fedorov is clearly not satisfied with socialism. From Fedorov and the "eagles" who support him I would like to hear the answer to the question; Let's say they have written in the Constitution about the state-forming role, what's next, what legal consequences does this entail? Ask Fedorov or Samsonov this question, and they will immediately find urgent matters that leave no time for an answer.
  25. 0
    24 March 2014 11: 43
    Vladimir Putin noted the following: "The Russian people are state-forming - in fact the existence of Russia." However, he rejected the idea of ​​securing a special status for Russians in the Russian Constitution.

    Article plus. But enshrining in the Constitution can lead to outbursts of nationalism. It has already been noted that large states or empires have not stood on the basis of nationalism for a long time. Before the law, everyone should be equal. The special status for Russians is in the very fact of their existence, the existence of Russia.
  26. iulai
    24 March 2014 11: 49
    Putin will no longer have such a chance to rigidly restore order with the Constitution and the "fifth column"
    1. 0
      24 March 2014 20: 22
      Are you afraid to be the fifth column to be cleaned up?
  27. 0
    24 March 2014 11: 52
    Everything is known in comparison. The Soviet constitution was good. The Russian 93 years old is not reaching full agreement with her. When going into the future, you need to take the best from past years.
    And from the name of the state-Russia it is clear that Russian should be at the head.
  28. 0
    24 March 2014 11: 56
    You can change the constitution, laws, declarations to write, but what's the point, you can’t rewrite people, their consciousness can’t be replaced by anything, today there is American law, the right of exclusivity and power, but, not only for RUSSIA ... now let them tear on their own ass hair from anger and powerlessness, history will dot the graves of American and Western hawks.
  29. +4
    24 March 2014 12: 01
    Constitutional reform is clearly brewing. And Ukrainian events pushed towards this. The GDP does not directly talk about this, but in every significant speech, the messages to this are seen more clearly. Without its ideology prohibited by our Constitution, Russia is not sovereign. The registered supremacy of international law and treaties over Russian only confirms this, as does the privat of an international court. And what about a sovereign state if its own financial system is tied to a private state bank and the American dollar? The same goes for the judicial system. So it turns out that our Constitution is semi-colonial.

    The perception of the Constitution for our elite is about this.
  30. +3
    24 March 2014 12: 24
    Quote: iulai
    Yeltsin did one good thing - he shook off the ballast of extra republics, such as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. And Ukraine, Belarus, Russia were supposed to remain a single country, the KGB simply didn’t work here, it didn’t cut off unnecessary "smart heads" in time.

    Where did he shake them off? Everyone is sitting with us, who will be able to settle down where and how, and the situation is incomparably worse than it was during the USSR, then they obeyed us and now it is a time bomb.
  31. w2000
    24 March 2014 12: 47
    This article correctly says that it is necessary to change not only the Constitution, which is the essence - a piece of paper and many of its points are not implemented, but the political system, from capitalist to socialist. But one cannot believe that Putin will do it, he is an ardent anti-communist, in capitalist conditions he feels like a fish in the water, and is quite pleased that the current Constitution gives him almost monarchical, absolute power. Also, unfortunately, ideological bets are placed on Orthodox obscurantism, the chanting of pre-revolutionary, dark, slavish Russia and the White Guards (who are essentially the same Bendera), one Vlasov rag as a national flag and a two-headed chicken on the coat of arms of which they stand. Power is not based on the people, but on the oligarchy and bureaucratic feudalism. So it is hard to believe in positive changes in this area.
    1. Lensky
      24 March 2014 13: 55
      I completely agree with you.
  32. 0
    24 March 2014 13: 24
    Yes, it would be more likely to change the constitution, how much can you live under amers and their minions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  33. +1
    24 March 2014 13: 46
    We need an ideology and a constitution for this ideology. Ideology substantiates theoretically, the constitution serves as a practical reference. Without ideology, the constitution turns into a piece of paper. And ideology should extol the Russian world, the Russians. Yes, we are a bunch of nationalities, but we are all Russian, because as soon as together we are power, as part of a single country. And from this we throw out articles of the constitution. To make it clear how Russian should live. And without ideology, this would be a finger poking into the sky and thoughtless cheating.
  34. Lensky
    24 March 2014 13: 49
    it's just that the KGB did not finalize it, it did not cut off unnecessary "smart heads" in time. [/ quote]
    The head of Gorbachev and Yeltsin ...
  35. +2
    24 March 2014 13: 51
    <<< - Therefore, Russia should have a national ideology, the basis of which should be patriotism, the primacy of national interests over the values ​​of narrow groups of the population and individuals
    - We are not required to comply with laws and regulations that are developed by foreign states and organizations.
    - A big positive factor will be the legislative consolidation of the status of Russians (super-ethnos of Rus) as a state-forming people. Recognition of the state-forming status of the Russian people will make it possible to correct the bias in favor of local ethnocracies and cosmopolitanism in governing structures, >>>
    The very fact of praising the 1993 APOKHMELTSIN constitution with our liberal husk, who openly sided with the opponents of Russia in the escalating confrontation with the West, is already a sufficient basis for constitutional reform! It’s just that out of a sense of self-preservation of Russia, we need to get rid of the ideology that is alien to us, imposed with the help of this constitution, from the rules of law that are not relevant and contradict our national traditions and values! And it is time to shut up the libesral sheluponi out of a sense of self-preservation!
  36. Lensky
    24 March 2014 13: 53
    Quote: Sotnik77s
    Yes, it would be more likely to change the constitution, how much can you live under amers and their minions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They can change the way that we will live under the tsar-priest. Although even now we almost live with him.
  37. +1
    24 March 2014 14: 01
    Correctly! Enough for us to belittle ourselves, not stand out, etc. Russians are a great nation, and we must occupy a worthy place in our constitution. Russians are the only nation that brings peace and peace to the world!
  38. Lensky
    24 March 2014 14: 06
    It’s time to exchange for the real, aimed at the socialist path of development of the state
  39. +1
    24 March 2014 15: 34
    A lot of things need to be changed, but the constitution in the first place. The basic law of Russia must, first of all, protect Russian civilization, and not level it under a misunderstanding of whom.
  40. Zhuchok
    24 March 2014 16: 10
    The article as a whole is correct, but at the beginning it contains incorrect data.
    The catalyst for the collapse of the Russian Empire was betrayal, not World War I.
    By the end of the war, food cards had not even been introduced in Russia, unlike other European countries, and the country was confidently heading for victory in the First World War.
    Russia was better prepared for the First World War than for the Second.
    During the 4 years of the war, the Germans captured only the Kingdom of Poland and part of the Baltic states, and in the first 5 months of World War II, Hitler reached Moscow.
    1. +1
      24 March 2014 17: 11
      Is your head okay? Study materials on history, go to the library if Ineta is not.
  41. denn
    24 March 2014 17: 44
    Something a little late material about the constitution appeared on the website "Military Review". Fedorov has been trying to convey this topic to the public for several years. And also to convey how to solve this problem. Yes, and I have repeatedly unsubscribed in the comments about this and announced the ongoing rallies of the NOD community ( Many visitors to this site have probably already known about the current constitution for a long time. And Putin has hinted more than once. However, the ranks of the GCD are replenishing little, there is no public activity. The country needs to go to a referendum on the constitution.

    Hence the question: What are we waiting for, gentlemen? We’ll probably run in when our economy is banged, or worse, they will start to bomb. The current constitution + the fifth column is a bomb inside Russia.

    I urge you to be more active. Let's not lose the country again (along with millions of lives). Join the Fedorov GCD, organize a GCD under your leadership, and join other leaders of the GCD. A bunch of options, we must act.
  42. 0
    24 March 2014 18: 57
    It's time to change the colonial constitution, especially the part concerning the CBRF! GIVE A NATIONAL REFERENDUM !!!
  43. denn
    24 March 2014 19: 34
    Petition in support of amendments to the draft law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”:

    Who is "for", subscribe yourself and scatter further on your friends and acquaintances.

    There is also a collection of signatures for two more petitions
  44. 0
    24 March 2014 19: 42
    A. Samsonov writes: "It is necessary to adjust the work of the media in the right direction, etc.", and I have a proposal: in the wake of the opposition to the sanctions announced to us by the West, declare the following sanctions on the part of Russia - from 30.03 or 5.04 to prohibit broadcasting on TV and film distribution Hollywood products, all these Western-style programs like "The Last Hero", "House-2" and other Western crap. I assure you, the effect of the introduction of such sanctions will be more effective than from a closed gas tap. Because the economy is not will undermine, but all this creative-critical-glamorous production scum, deprived of rental income, royalties and other royalties, will carry the brain along with the feces to its capitalist ministers, cleaner than "Occupy Wall Street".
    1. denn
      24 March 2014 19: 52
      This heresy must be closed forever, and not from 30.03 or 5.04
  45. skifo
    24 March 2014 21: 07
    The West needs to recognize that we are no longer a colony and come to terms with it! And to amend the constitution in the interests of Russia and the Central Bank honestly!
  46. Ivan 63
    24 March 2014 22: 37
    Everything is fine, foreign policy is almost like Zhirinovsky. And it is right. That would be something else to connect the internal with the communist. However, socialism is not a hindrance to small and medium-sized businesses (as well as vice versa) Yaz. And if someone has not yet learned to read between the lines, I explain, this is where we go, there is no other way, and it cannot be: everyone wants to live well, justly and stably. The West itself has driven itself into a trap - "do not dig another hole" So who is the greatest politician of the 20th century?
  47. 0
    28 March 2014 20: 47
    Now: Russia - Russian Federation. The federal structure of the state is established. A change in the Constitution should be: RUSSIA. And provide for a unitary state system.