The basis of the country's defense

It consists of patriotic, selfless and dedicated people.

We live in a troubled and unstable world. Illusions related to the fact that after the end of the Cold War world harmony will come, if they have remained, then only among infinitely naive people. They have not gone anywhere, but on the contrary, the geopolitical struggle and fierce competition for resources are intensifying. The processes of globalization reveal even more the many injustices of the current world order. The global financial and economic crisis has become a signal of alarm, indicating not only the exhaustion of development models based on liberal ideas, but also the entry of mankind into a period of change historical eras and global civilizational shifts. And such periods are always fraught with the emergence of new threats, including military conflicts and other shocks. The dramatic events in Ukraine provide quite fresh and concrete confirmation of this.

In such conditions, Russia with its gigantic spaces, huge length of borders, enormous volumes of natural resources would be very rash to remain in serenity, without showing special concern for the protection of borders, territory and sovereignty. I agree with those politicians and public figures who, on the basis of an understanding of the historical fate of our state, put the question squarely: Russia can be either great or none. It must be powerful, able to pursue an independent policy, or it will simply be torn apart by forces that consider it an extra country, in the words of the eternal hater Zbigniew Brzezinski.

The party "Fair Russia" supports the efforts being made by the country's leadership to give our Armed Forces a new look and modernize the defense-industrial complex (DIC). In the framework of the State Armaments Program (LG) for the period 2011 – 2020, more than 20 trillion rubles are planned for these purposes. Yes, these are big, one might say, unprecedentedly huge means. But such costs are justified by a deep analysis of the real risks and threats that Russia may face in the coming decades, and even years. Therefore, it is important that trillions not remain on paper. After all, the sad experience of the implementation of the previous GPO, in which high goals were also declared, was not remembered, but in fact was not achieved.

It is imperative that at this stage of reforming the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex, true professionals, state-minded people, and not so-called effective managers, who learned a little something at all, were at the head of the process. Serious lessons should be learned from the period when Anatoly Serdyukov was at the head of the Defense Ministry. The CP fraction in the State Duma has always harshly criticized its activities. But not because we were against the vector of military reform aimed at the transition to a highly efficient mobile army consisting of units of constant readiness. This vector, by the way, is not at all the merit of Serdyukov, who knew little about defense issues. The direction of the reform was set by military science and life itself.

The basis of the country's defense
Andrei Sedykh collage

No wonder they say that even the best idea can be turned into its opposite, if you bring it to the point of absurdity. This absurdity, we swallowed in full. I mean the transformation of the army into a real estate selling agency, the destruction of military education and medicine systems, endless conflicts between the Defense Ministry and defense industry enterprises on pricing issues and much more. But, perhaps, the apotheosis of Serdyukovschina was the decision to purchase a number of samples of foreign military equipment, which were made, as it were, in peak of our defense industry. Doubtful epics with the purchase of amphibious ships "Mistral" from the French and Iveco armored vehicles from the Italians, who, as it turned out, in many ways are not suitable for use by our military, and some other similar transactions are the embodiment of glaring lack of professionalism.

Here, in our opinion, the way of thinking that is characteristic of the generation of ultra-market-rate liberals, which are now seated, unfortunately, has manifested itself in many state structures. In their heads, like one of the heroes of Saltykov-Shchedrin, are built in small organchiki playing a limited number of melodies. In our case, they sound like this: “The market will regulate everything” and “Everything can be bought”. In their opinion, it is possible to patch holes in the defense shield without developing “defense”, but buying everything you need in the West. But not everything is bought, even for very big money.

First successes

Today, the process of military reform and the relationship of the army with the defense industry are brought to common sense. We welcome the fact that with the advent of the new Minister Sergei Shoigu to the Defense Ministry, many gross managerial errors are corrected, that the commercialization of the army is stopped, and the military are focused on their main tasks. The regular moment of the last months became regular checks of the combat readiness of units and formations with real marches, firing, launches, testing the interaction of staffs. I am glad that qualitative changes are taking place with the supply of new equipment and weapons to the troops, that the Strategic Missile Forces are successfully mastering the strategic complexes Topol-M and Yars, that in the Navy underwater strategic missile carriers of the new Borey project, that the re-equipment of the Air Force, the Ground Forces, the Airborne Forces, and the Aerospace Defense Forces went at an accelerated pace.

It was necessary to establish a constructive dialogue between the military and the “defense industry”, as it immediately turned out that the state defense order could be formed without disruption, and a consensus could be found on pricing issues. Many defense companies have gained a good pace, combining their own modernization with the organization of large-scale production. weapons and technology. A worthy result was the fact that in 2013, a number of industries (in particular, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, rocket production) showed an increase in production by 14 – 16 percent. Especially if we take into account that almost all the rest of the Russian industry is experiencing a period of stagnation.

The basis of the country's defense

At the same time, I would urge not to flatter yourself with the first successes of the defense industry. Admittedly, while positive developments are achieved mostly due to what is called manual control. It can not be said that we have created a reliable system that, on a long-term basis, will ensure the interrelation of the processes of military construction, industrial and scientific-technical development. In fact, this system has yet to be created. And it is necessary to begin with the fundamental prerequisites that go beyond the defense problems proper. After all, it is impossible to successfully strengthen the defense, not thinking about what is happening with the country's economy as a whole. The DIC cannot be an island of stability in the midst of an ocean of a wild unregulated market.

We, in the SR, are convinced that it is time, in the end, to determine and adopt a federal law on industrial policy, designed to clearly highlight the priority sectors and areas in which the state relies, and also the mechanisms of their state support. Of course, all key sectors of the defense industry should be among these priorities.

In our opinion, it’s time to stop dodging the word “plan” and start returning planned beginnings to the economy, because, as rightly noted in one well-known aphorism, “he who plans nothing, plans failures”. Of course, we are not talking about a return to the directives of the Soviet era, in which everything was centralized and detailed almost to the last gear. We are talking about the so-called indicative planning, which has long been successfully used in France, Japan, South Korea and many other countries. The meaning of this algorithm is to work out, through a system of agreements between economic subjects, verified decisions regarding various parameters - prices, volumes and terms of output, investments, export levels, production growth rates, etc. If we do this for, say, five years ahead, as the CP suggests, the economy will get dynamic and balanced, and manufacturers will be able to more accurately build a long-term economic strategy. This is useful for all economic entities, and for the enterprises of the military-industrial complex doubly, for many of them are focused on the output of products that require long production cycles.

To ensure the stable development of the Russian defense industry, the improvement of the legal framework is of great importance. There are a lot of gaps, even in terms of the usual legal techniques. It’s a paradox, but the law doesn’t even have a clear definition of what the military-industrial complex is. Many new realities were not reflected. The basis of the Russian defense industry today are more than 50 large vertically integrated structures. However, while there is no regulatory framework that would regulate their activities. Another pressing question is lost in the fog: what is a public-private partnership in the defense industry? There is a lot of talk about it, but a common understanding of the forms in which it is expedient and permissible has yet to be worked out.

I would like to clarify that, in its ideology, the party “Fair Russia” is social-democratic. Unlike orthodox communists, we recognize the market, private property and competition. At the same time, we are in favor of effective state regulation of market relations and, unlike liberals, we believe that commercialization should not be all-pervasive and inclusive, that the market, figuratively speaking, should know its place. This is especially true of everything that is connected with the defense interests of the state. We believe that a categorical taboo on the privatization of strategically important defense enterprises should be respected. We are opposed to giving control of the production of the most important systems and models of armaments and military equipment to private owners. All this state must hold in their hands. At certain levels of cooperation, the involvement of private companies as co-contractors, subcontractors, etc. is quite possible. This practice should be developed in every possible way, because it is capable of bringing additional investments in the defense industry and reducing the cost of production.

In short, we need the most reasonable and fair attitude to our "defense industry", a comprehensive account of the specifics of literally every enterprise. If we analyze all the legislation relating to the defense industry, we will see that it mainly consists of various kinds of regulations and restrictions. In our opinion, this is wrong. It is impossible to drive "defense industry" into the Procrustean bed of strict requirements on the state contract and at the same time harsh market realities in the form of inflation, tariffs, prices for raw materials, components, etc. There must be mechanisms that compensate the company for the costs that it incurs status. Recently, the State Duma amended the Law on State Defense Order, introducing a more flexible pricing system for defense products. This is a step in the right direction. But the state should take care of other support measures. For example, in order for the so-called long-term money to go to the military-industrial complex, the rates on loans taken by defense enterprises in banks were as low as possible. Apparently, for the sake of this, it is worth going for partial compensation of the size of bank rates at the expense of the budget. I am sure that the idea of ​​a so-called innovative tax credit, which “Fair Russia” persistently promotes, would have come to the court. The meaning of the idea is that the expenses of enterprises for innovative purposes should be fully deducted from the amounts of the accrued income tax without any permits and approvals from officials.

Frames always in price

If we are talking about innovation, one can not help but mention our proposals for the development of Russian science. No reliable defense can be built if there is no powerful science in the country. That is why our party program clearly states that at least three percent of GDP should be allocated for the financing of science and scientific research. Among the priorities here are, of course, those scientific institutes and centers that work directly for the army and the defense industry complex. They need to be raised, and some simply to be revived after a long period of stagnation and lack of demand. It is not at all good that, by investing in defense R & D, Russia today is about ten times inferior to the United States. Such a lag should be sought to reduce, but not at the expense of civilian research sectors. World practice shows that, in the old days, the main stream of technological innovations went from military production to civilian production, now up to 50 percent of innovative ideas and technologies come into the defense sector from civilian industries. That is why we insist on preserving in Russia a wide range of scientific research, including fundamental research. And the reform of the RAS, which began, in our opinion, very spontaneously and ill-conceived, in no case should result in a primitive optimization and reduction of scientific institutions.

Another hot issue related to the fate of our defense-industrial complex is personnel. When I was the chairman of the Federation Council and in the current role of the leader of the parliamentary party, I often traveled and traveled around the regions. It has long been taken as a rule: during the trips you must visit at least one defense company. Wherever I was - in Chelyabinsk or Khabarovsk, Omsk or Arkhangelsk, Nizhny Tagil or near Moscow Korolev, among the most pressing, burning questions always sounded: "Who will work in our enterprises through 5, 10, 15 years?". At the beginning of 2000-ies, the aging of personnel in the defense industry reached critical proportions, in some places everything was kept only by retirees and people of pre-retirement age. Now the situation is getting better and the youth has gone into the defense industry. Up to a third of workers are already those who do not have 35, but the problem of the acute shortage of many important specialists has not been overcome. The shortage of process engineers in the defense industry is 17 percent, design engineers - 22 percent. With skilled workers in general, the crisis situation is a shortage of up to 40 percent. There is only one conclusion: we must urgently expand the system of incentives that would make work in defense enterprises as attractive as possible.

I remember that in one of the election articles in 2012, the current president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, suggested that the average wage at defense companies, in design and research centers be comparable to the money allowance in the Armed Forces. This is a very good idea, and it is time to take up its practical implementation. In addition, the “defense industry” should have a significant social package associated with guarantees of providing affordable housing, decent pension provision, etc. “Fair Russia” also proposes to amend the law on conscription so that the work of a young man in the public sector, the military-industrial complex was equal to military service.

Of course, moral incentives are important. Taking up the revival of the destroyed system of vocational education, it is necessary at the same time to give it a new image, eliminating from the label the refuge of losers. The same is required in engineering universities. Now often come here guys showing not the highest performance in school. The majority of young people are still very disoriented and continue to choose the profession of managers, economists, lawyers. I believe that we need to actively expand the information policy in the direction of the dissemination of technical knowledge in society, increasing the prestige of engineering work, the promotion of working specialties. Well, a lot here depends on whether we can make the army, defense industry enterprises and scientific institutes centers of attraction for talented young people, convincing them that it is here today that there are greater opportunities for self-realization, creativity, fruitful work, and success in life. When we achieve this, then it will be possible not to worry about the fate of Russia, its security and defense capability.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize once again: ensuring the country's defense and security is a complex, multifaceted work that requires a systematic solution to a huge complex of problems. Success in work largely depends on the understanding that defense is not only secured with money. Even trillions of rubles is just a prerequisite for change, like the most modern miracle weapon - missiles, planes, ships, Tanks. The decisive factor was and will be people who are responsible, patriotic, selfless, dedicated, dedicated to life in the Armed Forces and work in enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
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We live in a turbulent and unstable world. The illusions connected with the fact that after the end of the Cold War world harmony will come, if they have remained, then only among endlessly naive people. Do not go away anywhere, but on the contrary, the geopolitical struggle and fierce competition for resources are intensifying. The processes of globalization even more clearly reveal the many injustices of the current world order. The global financial and economic crisis became an alarm signal, signifying not only the exhaustion of development models based on liberal ideas, but also the entry of humanity in the period of changing historical eras and global civilizational shifts. And such periods are always fraught with the emergence of new threats, including military conflicts and other upheavals. Dramatic events in Ukraine give very fresh and concrete evidence of this.

In such conditions, Russia with its gigantic spaces, huge length of borders, enormous volumes of natural resources would be very rash to remain in serenity, without showing special concern for the protection of borders, territory and sovereignty. I agree with those politicians and public figures who, on the basis of an understanding of the historical fate of our state, put the question squarely: Russia can be either great or none. It must be powerful, able to pursue an independent policy, or it will simply be torn apart by forces that consider it an extra country, in the words of the eternal hater Zbigniew Brzezinski.

“It is impossible to drive“ defense industryists ”into the Procrustean bed of strict requirements under the state contract and at the same time harsh market realities in the form of inflation growth”
The party "Fair Russia" supports the efforts being made by the country's leadership to give our Armed Forces a new look and modernize the defense-industrial complex (DIC). In the framework of the State Armaments Program (LG) for the period 2011 – 2020, more than 20 trillion rubles are planned for these purposes. Yes, these are big, one might say, unprecedentedly huge means. But such costs are justified by a deep analysis of the real risks and threats that Russia may face in the coming decades, and even years. Therefore, it is important that trillions not remain on paper. After all, the sad experience of the implementation of the previous GPO, in which high goals were also declared, was not remembered, but in fact was not achieved.

It is imperative that at this stage of reforming the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex, true professionals, state-minded people, and not so-called effective managers, who learned a little something at all, were at the head of the process. Serious lessons should be learned from the period when Anatoly Serdyukov was at the head of the Defense Ministry. The CP fraction in the State Duma has always harshly criticized its activities. But not because we were against the vector of military reform aimed at the transition to a highly efficient mobile army consisting of units of constant readiness. This vector, by the way, is not at all the merit of Serdyukov, who knew little about defense issues. The direction of the reform was set by military science and life itself.

The basis of the country's defense

No wonder they say that even the best idea can be turned into its opposite, if you bring it to the point of absurdity. This absurdity, we swallowed in full. I mean the transformation of the army into a real estate selling agency, the destruction of military education and medicine systems, endless conflicts between the Defense Ministry and defense industry enterprises on pricing issues and much more. But, perhaps, the apotheosis of Serdyukovschina was the decision to purchase a number of samples of foreign military equipment, which were made, as it were, in peak of our defense industry. Doubtful epics with the purchase of amphibious ships "Mistral" from the French and Iveco armored vehicles from the Italians, who, as it turned out, in many ways are not suitable for use by our military, and some other similar transactions are the embodiment of glaring lack of professionalism.

Here, in our opinion, the way of thinking that is characteristic of the generation of ultra-market-rate liberals, which are now seated, unfortunately, has manifested itself in many state structures. In their heads, like one of the heroes of Saltykov-Shchedrin, are built in small organchiki playing a limited number of melodies. In our case, they sound like this: “The market will regulate everything” and “Everything can be bought”. In their opinion, it is possible to patch holes in the defense shield without developing “defense”, but buying everything you need in the West. But not everything is bought, even for very big money.

First successes

Today, the process of military reform and the relationship of the army with the defense industry are brought to common sense. We welcome the fact that with the advent of the new Minister Sergei Shoigu to the Defense Ministry, many gross managerial errors are corrected, that the commercialization of the army is stopped, and the military are focused on their main tasks. The regular moment of the last months became regular checks of the combat readiness of units and formations with real marches, firing, launches, testing the interaction of staffs. I am glad that qualitative changes are taking place with the supply of new equipment and weapons to the troops, that the Strategic Missile Forces are successfully mastering the strategic complexes Topol-M and Yars, that in the Navy underwater strategic missile carriers of the new Borey project, that the re-equipment of the Air Force, the Ground Forces, the Airborne Forces, and the Aerospace Defense Forces went at an accelerated pace.

It was necessary to establish a constructive dialogue between the military and the “defense industry”, as it immediately turned out that the state defense order could be formed without disruption, and a consensus could be found on pricing issues. Many defense companies have gained a good pace, combining their own modernization with the organization of large-scale production of weapons and equipment. A worthy result was the fact that in 2013, a number of industries (in particular, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, rocket production) showed an increase in production by 14 – 16 percent. Especially if we take into account that almost all the rest of the Russian industry is experiencing a period of stagnation.

At the same time, I would urge not to flatter yourself with the first successes of the defense industry. Admittedly, while positive developments are achieved mostly due to what is called manual control. It can not be said that we have created a reliable system that, on a long-term basis, will ensure the interrelation of the processes of military construction, industrial and scientific-technical development. In fact, this system has yet to be created. And it is necessary to begin with the fundamental prerequisites that go beyond the defense problems proper. After all, it is impossible to successfully strengthen the defense, not thinking about what is happening with the country's economy as a whole. The DIC cannot be an island of stability in the midst of an ocean of a wild unregulated market.

We, in the SR, are convinced that it is time, in the end, to determine and adopt a federal law on industrial policy, designed to clearly highlight the priority sectors and areas in which the state relies, and also the mechanisms of their state support. Of course, all key sectors of the defense industry should be among these priorities.

In our opinion, it’s time to stop dodging the word “plan” and start returning planned beginnings to the economy, because, as rightly noted in one well-known aphorism, “he who plans nothing, plans failures”. Of course, we are not talking about a return to the directives of the Soviet era, in which everything was centralized and detailed almost to the last gear. We are talking about the so-called indicative planning, which has long been successfully used in France, Japan, South Korea and many other countries. The meaning of this algorithm is to work out, through a system of agreements between economic subjects, verified decisions regarding various parameters - prices, volumes and terms of output, investments, export levels, production growth rates, etc. If we do this for, say, five years ahead, as the CP suggests, the economy will get dynamic and balanced, and manufacturers will be able to more accurately build a long-term economic strategy. This is useful for all economic entities, and for the enterprises of the military-industrial complex doubly, for many of them are focused on the output of products that require long production cycles.

To ensure the stable development of the Russian defense industry, the improvement of the legal framework is of great importance. There are a lot of gaps, even in terms of the usual legal techniques. It’s a paradox, but the law doesn’t even have a clear definition of what the military-industrial complex is. Many new realities were not reflected. The basis of the Russian defense industry today are more than 50 large vertically integrated structures. However, while there is no regulatory framework that would regulate their activities. Another pressing question is lost in the fog: what is a public-private partnership in the defense industry? There is a lot of talk about it, but a common understanding of the forms in which it is expedient and permissible has yet to be worked out.

I would like to clarify that, in its ideology, the party “Fair Russia” is social-democratic. Unlike orthodox communists, we recognize the market, private property and competition. At the same time, we are in favor of effective state regulation of market relations and, unlike liberals, we believe that commercialization should not be all-pervasive and inclusive, that the market, figuratively speaking, should know its place. This is especially true of everything that is connected with the defense interests of the state. We believe that a categorical taboo on the privatization of strategically important defense enterprises should be respected. We are opposed to giving control of the production of the most important systems and models of armaments and military equipment to private owners. All this state must hold in their hands. At certain levels of cooperation, the involvement of private companies as co-contractors, subcontractors, etc. is quite possible. This practice should be developed in every possible way, because it is capable of bringing additional investments in the defense industry and reducing the cost of production.

In short, we need the most reasonable and fair attitude to our "defense industry", a comprehensive account of the specifics of literally every enterprise. If we analyze all the legislation relating to the defense industry, we will see that it mainly consists of various kinds of regulations and restrictions. In our opinion, this is wrong. It is impossible to drive "defense industry" into the Procrustean bed of strict requirements on the state contract and at the same time harsh market realities in the form of inflation, tariffs, prices for raw materials, components, etc. There must be mechanisms that compensate the company for the costs that it incurs status. Recently, the State Duma amended the Law on State Defense Order, introducing a more flexible pricing system for defense products. This is a step in the right direction. But the state should take care of other support measures. For example, in order for the so-called long-term money to go to the military-industrial complex, the rates on loans taken by defense enterprises in banks were as low as possible. Apparently, for the sake of this, it is worth going for partial compensation of the size of bank rates at the expense of the budget. I am sure that the idea of ​​a so-called innovative tax credit, which “Fair Russia” persistently promotes, would have come to the court. The meaning of the idea is that the expenses of enterprises for innovative purposes should be fully deducted from the amounts of the accrued income tax without any permits and approvals from officials.

Frames always in price

If we are talking about innovation, one can not help but mention our proposals for the development of Russian science. No reliable defense can be built if there is no powerful science in the country. That is why our party program clearly states that at least three percent of GDP should be allocated for the financing of science and scientific research. Among the priorities here are, of course, those scientific institutes and centers that work directly for the army and the defense industry complex. They need to be raised, and some simply to be revived after a long period of stagnation and lack of demand. It is not at all good that, by investing in defense R & D, Russia today is about ten times inferior to the United States. Such a lag should be sought to reduce, but not at the expense of civilian research sectors. World practice shows that, in the old days, the main stream of technological innovations went from military production to civilian production, now up to 50 percent of innovative ideas and technologies come into the defense sector from civilian industries. That is why we insist on preserving in Russia a wide range of scientific research, including fundamental research. And the reform of the RAS, which began, in our opinion, very spontaneously and ill-conceived, in no case should result in a primitive optimization and reduction of scientific institutions.

Another hot issue related to the fate of our defense-industrial complex is personnel. When I was the chairman of the Federation Council and in the current role of the leader of the parliamentary party, I often traveled and traveled around the regions. It has long been taken as a rule: during the trips you must visit at least one defense company. Wherever I was - in Chelyabinsk or Khabarovsk, Omsk or Arkhangelsk, Nizhny Tagil or near Moscow Korolev, among the most pressing, burning questions always sounded: "Who will work in our enterprises through 5, 10, 15 years?". At the beginning of 2000-ies, the aging of personnel in the defense industry reached critical proportions, in some places everything was kept only by retirees and people of pre-retirement age. Now the situation is getting better and the youth has gone into the defense industry. Up to a third of workers are already those who do not have 35, but the problem of the acute shortage of many important specialists has not been overcome. The shortage of process engineers in the defense industry is 17 percent, design engineers - 22 percent. With skilled workers in general, the crisis situation is a shortage of up to 40 percent. There is only one conclusion: we must urgently expand the system of incentives that would make work in defense enterprises as attractive as possible.

I remember that in one of the election articles in 2012, the current president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, suggested that the average wage at defense companies, in design and research centers be comparable to the money allowance in the Armed Forces. This is a very good idea, and it is time to take up its practical implementation. In addition, the “defense industry” should have a significant social package associated with guarantees of providing affordable housing, decent pension provision, etc. “Fair Russia” also proposes to amend the law on conscription so that the work of a young man in the public sector, the military-industrial complex was equal to military service.

Of course, moral incentives are important. Taking up the revival of the destroyed system of vocational education, it is necessary at the same time to give it a new image, eliminating from the label the refuge of losers. The same is required in engineering universities. Now often come here guys showing not the highest performance in school. The majority of young people are still very disoriented and continue to choose the profession of managers, economists, lawyers. I believe that we need to actively expand the information policy in the direction of the dissemination of technical knowledge in society, increasing the prestige of engineering work, the promotion of working specialties. Well, a lot here depends on whether we can make the army, defense industry enterprises and scientific institutes centers of attraction for talented young people, convincing them that it is here today that there are greater opportunities for self-realization, creativity, fruitful work, and success in life. When we achieve this, then it will be possible not to worry about the fate of Russia, its security and defense capability.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize once again: ensuring the country's defense and security is the most complex, multifaceted work that requires a systemic solution of a huge complex of problems. Success in work largely depends on the understanding that defense is fastened not only with money. Even trillions of rubles are only a prerequisite for change, as is the most modern wonder weapon - rockets, airplanes, ships, tanks. The decisive factor was and will be people responsible, patriotic, dedicated, devoted to their work, dedicating their lives to service in the Armed Forces and working in enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
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21 comment
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  1. Tumbleweed
    21 March 2014 18: 50
    Many letters among which are jaded quotes. But it would be better to explain how in such a good party, rejoicing for the defense of Russia, such a nonsense ... how did Ponomarev take root? am
    1. jjj
      21 March 2014 19: 20
      So the party was gathering with the world on a thread. After all, they acted against Putin
      1. +8
        21 March 2014 21: 24
        As far as I remember, Lenin used to say unequivocally about such "socialist-patriots": "SORRY .. SOMETHING!" In his mouth (his diction is a separate conversation), any thought becomes doubly less attractive in advance!
        I am nauseated by the thought of this "principled oppositionist" who either cannot decide who his party is for United Russia - now the left hand, now the right leg ... How the Sov.Fed flooded so fundamentally opposes the GDP, forever ... ... Until the end ... The end of the elections, until the fashion has ceased to be! I myself am not an oppositionist, but I treat some members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, for example, with deserved respect! But such "principled" ones as Mir .. they cause nothing but disgust! By the way, not for nothing, their party at the beginning, even before it became a CP, with the light hand of Zyuganov became famous as "Zhi.Ro.Stump."!
        PS Hello to the muskrat, Sergeant Serge!
    2. +11
      21 March 2014 19: 37
      Quote: tumbleweed
      But it would be better to explain how in such a good party, rejoicing for the defense of Russia, such a nonsense ... how did Ponomarev take root?

      From the Communist Party crawled into the SR and then into white ribbons ... But Mironov, the weather vane was the same. That he hadn’t heard such thoughts before. But he was the speaker of the Federation Council for two terms. All the effort to turn in the wind and the bags with grandmas pull down ...
    3. kelevra
      21 March 2014 19: 54
      To the point, Ponomarev and Gudkov, it’s necessary to count! They are potential traitors!
      1. pawel1961
        21 March 2014 21: 43
        what count that blizzard gonish are you that dracula?
    4. +7
      21 March 2014 21: 04
      Quote: tumbleweed
      But I’d better explain how in such a good game

      I do not like Mironov)). Recycled the landing theme. Settled by the regions of utilizers.
      For me it’s a provocateur.
      1. pawel1961
        21 March 2014 21: 44
        arguments where
    5. pawel1961
      21 March 2014 21: 39
      and quotes are everywhere hackneyed
  2. Reasonable, 2,3
    21 March 2014 18: 51
    Wisely, but in the groin. This is not an article, but a warning.
    1. 0
      22 March 2014 07: 24
      At the same time, I would urge you not to flatter yourself with the first successes of the defense industry. Admittedly, while positive shifts are achieved for the most part due to what is called manual control.

      It cannot yet be said that we have created a reliable system that on a long-term basis will ensure the interconnection of the processes of military construction, industrial and scientific-technical development.

      In fact, this system has yet to be created. Moreover, it is necessary to start with fundamental assumptions that go beyond the framework of defense problems themselves.

      ... it’s time to stop shy away from the word “plan” and start returning planned principles to the economy, because, as correctly noted in one well-known aphorism, “the one who does not plan anything, plans failures”. Of course, we are not talking about a return to the directives of the Soviet era, in which everything was centralized and detailed almost to the last gear. (from article)

      Finally, it comes to the understanding that "manual control" will not last long, not only in the defense industry, but in the entire economic sector of the state.
      It is time to throw out the slogans of the liberals Gaidar and Chubais "The market will regulate everything."
      More than 20 years of experience in the decline of the Russian economy suggests the opposite: it will not regulate and decide.
      It is necessary to return to the combination of a planned economy and market mechanisms for managing the state economy.
      It is necessary to recreate in the new conditions of the open market the Gosplan of Russia, which will take over the planned leadership of the public sector of the economy, the defense complex, personnel training, the issues of the relationship of planned management with market working conditions.

      Without this pipe, we’ll hang out neither here nor here, more and more immersed in dependence on the West and the USA.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +10
    21 March 2014 19: 01
    watch everyone and distribute!
    1. jjj
      21 March 2014 19: 20
      Under the Shikelgruber mows, a tramp
    2. +5
      21 March 2014 19: 28
      Are you sure this is Muzychko? Yes, and chickens in Basurmansky bazaar ... is a film about perverts, it seems to me.
      1. +1
        21 March 2014 19: 43
        It looks like a self-masochist of some kind, hired a "company" for "PLEASURE" ...
      2. +1
        22 March 2014 02: 24
        Quote: Lone gunman
        Are you sure this is Muzychko?

        It’s hard to determine who is in the video. But the fact that the frequent or systematic hit of heavy objects in the head, such as a boot with an army sole or a heavy fist, negatively affects mental development and leads to personality degradation - this is a fact. An example of Klitschko is convincing proof of this.
        And if the video still shows a "musician", then this is another confirmation of this axiom.
    3. +2
      21 March 2014 20: 31
      Are you sure this is Muzychko?
      Damn, I don’t know who it is, but this guy has obvious problems!
      1. +1
        22 March 2014 02: 26
        Quote: TampaRU
        but this guy has obvious problems!

        Muzychko is not Muzychko, but the video should be shown on a big screen in the middle of the "Maidan", as an advertisement for one of the European "values".
  5. Ivan 63
    21 March 2014 19: 13
    I didn’t finish reading it, and not because I don’t support it, I just know that Zhirinovsky put the problem much deeper and earlier, who, you see, will be much more competent and even smarter.
    1. +1
      22 March 2014 02: 32
      Quote: Ivan 63
      Did not read

      I read the article. Interestingly, is it written specifically for our site or is it taken from somewhere? More like a reprinted report for the next congress of the Just Russia. Somehow everything is one-sided, a thousand times spoken and written, there is no fire, enthusiasm and appeal. In short, Mironov is not the leader of the pack. It seems that he jumped on the step of the departing train and rides on the brake platform of the last car. Only to participate in the "process" of the movement of the train.
    2. 0
      22 March 2014 02: 36
      Zhirinovsky literate, of course, is somewhat similar to Mussolini, as far as the mind is concerned, then the problems are on the face.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  6. karpov888
    21 March 2014 19: 28
    in addition to the sexton, in the case of just 4 others did not vote the hooter and others. Miron, may he restore order in his party
  7. +3
    21 March 2014 19: 41
    not an article, but an editorial in a party newspaper.
  8. MAG
    21 March 2014 19: 46
    I will write about the young personnel who must come to the factories. Plant Proton welder-argon zp 18000 plant PNPPK (defense industry) requires assemblers with higher education zp ceiling 24000. But the directors do not refuse anything to themselves. There is a sales department at the PNPPK as the whole assembly shop is, despite the fact that they DO NOT SELL FOR ANYTHING, there is an order from the state. Until ZP rises, no one goes to the plants and will trade with higher education in the Connected Euro-networks and other organizations.
    1. 0
      22 March 2014 02: 41
      Quote: MAG
      I will write about the young personnel who must come to the factories. Plant Proton welder-argon zp 18000 plant PNPPK (defense industry) requires assemblers with higher education zp ceiling 24000. But the directors do not refuse anything to themselves. There is a sales department at the PNPPK as the whole assembly shop is, despite the fact that they DO NOT SELL FOR ANYTHING, there is an order from the state. Until ZP rises, no one goes to the plants and will trade with higher education in the Connected Euro-networks and other organizations.

      The plant is either state-owned, and the management is private, it milks us with you. Here is a rogue from Rosgidro gets 6 million. dollars a year, for what raises energy prices, even Putin is not afraid. And who is afraid of, probably Chubais
    2. The comment was deleted.
  9. Capyar 48315
    21 March 2014 20: 15
    I didn’t understand - what are some choices on the nose? Cho for party propaganda on the site?
    1. pawel1961
      21 March 2014 21: 53
      man indicate the place of stay. And I didn’t understand
  10. +7
    21 March 2014 20: 19
    Honestly tired of this boltology from party bonzes. Why the heck did you get into politics. Suitcase-station-Uryupinsk (pension). First, the entire defense industry was privatized, directors broke millions of salaries, but now they complain that there are no orders, no one is going to work.
    1. pawel1961
      21 March 2014 21: 55
      citizen of Russia, indicate at least from which region you are
  11. +1
    21 March 2014 20: 32
    At least such are expelled from the party.
    1. pawel1961
      21 March 2014 21: 58
      where do you live dude I don’t know. and what are you discussing here.
      1. +2
        22 March 2014 00: 20
        Quote: pawel1961
        where do you live dude I don’t know. and what are you discussing here.

        Dear, you made a mistake on the site. Trolling is not good. Especially with errors.
        On this resource, the question should be: who served where and who was called from.

        I don’t advise fitting in with Miron, most of the popolisos here do not like.
  12. +7
    21 March 2014 20: 38
    A bill has been submitted to the State Duma to ban the placement of payment system operating centers outside Russia from October 1, 2014. It is proposed to amend the federal law "On the National Payment System". In this regard, the bill establishes that when operators in the territory of Russia transfer funds, operational centers and payment clearing centers that not only comply with the requirements of Russian legislation, but are also necessarily located in Russia, must be involved.
    1. jjj
      21 March 2014 21: 09
      A similar situation has already been. And they decided to form their own center. But all decisions flowed into the sand. However, like so much more. Now have to do
    2. pawel1961
      21 March 2014 21: 59
      it had to be done a hundred years ago.
  13. +4
    21 March 2014 20: 55
    Many words, but our people need work.
    1. s1н7т
      22 March 2014 00: 35
      Quote: ssf2257
      A lot of words, but our people need deeds

      Well, this one is too far from the people - he has his own business - career, business, politics. What does the people have to do with it? laughing
  14. +6
    21 March 2014 21: 05
    Well, excuse me, this is pure samopiar performed solo by Mironov
    1. pawel1961
      21 March 2014 22: 03
      place of residence dear. and so you are nobody. well for me that's for sure. maybe you . maybe someone else.
      1. +1
        22 March 2014 00: 51
        In a bore ... Go away, nobody is talking to you.
  15. +3
    21 March 2014 21: 36
    Mr. Mironov, like the entire State Duma, is an amateur PR.
    1. +1
      22 March 2014 00: 49
      Quote: Koenig39
      Mr. Mironov, like the entire State Duma, is an amateur PR.

      God be with him, let yourself be amused. But why did he choose our site? Well, he’s not our hero. I prefer Sergei Kozhugetovich. Here is a man. Every word is weighty. Said - done! This is our way! And here the chatter is verbose.
      And it would seem indecent to send ... but I want it, damn it!
  16. +2
    21 March 2014 22: 01
    Sergey Mikhailovich, each in his post is responsible for the circle of his duties.
    You should deal with your "fifth column" in the "Fair Russia" party.
    At first, the Gudkov family clan planted propaganda for the "swamp" and raised seeds of discontent in the legislative chamber with Russia's policy.
    Now the deputy does not understand from whom he makes a demarche against the Russian Crimea, and therefore against our state ...
  17. 0
    22 March 2014 00: 04
    Old friend shook it! in the spirit of Brezhnev’s times. But the idea is generally correct. Will have to restore the army and the military-industrial complex. To have time ...
    1. +1
      22 March 2014 01: 00
      The idea is correct, but is it his idea? Or did the image makers advise? So to speak on the topic of the day ... There was a case, he offered to introduce hourly, 30 rubles. - hour. I myself would have worked for the sake of an experiment on such a salary. The article was on this resource, I remember, I commented. And I remember his election videos: "Sergei Mironov, paratroopers are never former ..." Mr. Mironov, you are an exception, in your case there are ...
  18. 0
    22 March 2014 01: 50
    Well, I haven’t read it to the end. The photo immediately pulled a minus (it is a pity that the author got a minus) ... in the future I realized that it’s a job for the public .. But there’s no work in fact .. One thing was for the president.
    P.S. "The opinion is personal, because neh ... th)
    And most importantly, no one took into account. - before the decisive step, if there are obstacles, or obstacles, or the family --- DIVORCE. Damn, it will be easier for you, and even (in this case) for the whole country that you love. (But I feel Putin didn’t abandon his family, Not that man ... Or Baba like that, or the situation.
  19. 0
    22 March 2014 02: 50
    Ну, did not read to the end. The photo immediately pulled into a minus (it's a pity that the author got a minus) ... later I realized that there was work for the public .. And there was no work in fact .. One year of issue but addressed to the president. P.S. "The opinion is personal, because neh ... th) [/ quote]

    Why is it a minus, comrade understands, respects the president, always on his side, well, for decency, with his consent, he will criticize him for noise, and it’s just a good social democrat.

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