The purpose of the project "Ukraine" - the destruction of the Russian world

The purpose of the project "Ukraine" - the destruction of the Russian worldOne of the main tasks of the “Ukrainian revolution” was to sow hatred between the two parts of a single super-ethnos Rus. The West wants to pit Ukraine and the Russian Federation. This is a common and very effective method of capturing “living space”. Parts of one people or closely related peoples that have no reason to quarrel with each other, face. Thus, in the 20th century, the Anglo-Saxons twice pushed two great Indo-European (Aryan) people — the Russians and the Germans — to clear a place for them in a cruel slaughter. In the 1904, the Anglo-Saxons were able to pit Russia and Japan, although they did not have intractable contradictions and could peacefully interact in the Far East.

In the early Middle Ages, Rome, which at that time was the main administrative center of Western civilization, was able to turn the Poles, who in this period practically did not differ from the Rus, who lived in Kiev and Novgorod, into their “battle ram”. As a result, Poland launched a war against its Slav brothers, which has been going on for almost a millennium. In 1018, the Polish king, Boleslav I the Brave, defeated Yaroslav and captured Kiev. The army of Boleslav, in addition to the Poles, included the Germans, the Hungarians, that is, it was the first large-scale invasion of United Europe by Russia. Then the occupation broke the popular uprising, the Russian people killed the interventionists, their remnants fled.

With the help of Poland, which included the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Russian and gained control over the vast territories of western and south-western Russia, the masters of the West began to grow another combat zombie - "Ukraine". Then Austria-Hungary, the German Empire and the Third Reich joined the process. In the middle of the 20th century, the Anglo-Saxons picked up the baton. The process was long, for several centuries the enemies of the Russian civilization grew up “Ukrainians” - the Rus, who lost their linguistic, mental and cultural unity with their ethnic group and became minions to the masters of the West.

We must remember our native words - Russia and Russian, we must remember that the state of Russia existed, not “Ukraine”, that Kiev, Chernihiv and Pereyaslavl were the most ancient Russian cities. That Southwestern Russia (Little Russia) will forever be part of Russian civilization. Enemies may temporarily occupy it, by planting their Gauleiters in the sacred Russian cities, to fool a significant part of the population, but Kiev without Great Russia (Russian civilization) is unthinkable in any case. We will sooner or later restore the territorial and spiritual unity of the Russian world.

For a long time they tried to circumvent this topic. Like, it’s politically incorrect to touch on this issue. As a result, the words "Ukraine" (from the "outskirts") and "Ukrainians" were legalized. Rooted in society. Moreover, in "independent Ukraine" created a whole mythology about the "ancient origin of ukrov" who lived almost during Atlantis and hunted mammoths. “Ukrainians” allegedly created Kievan Rus. Only later they were captured by the "totalitarian Moscow empire." "Muscovites" in this extremely distorted historical the picture - the descendants of the Finno-Ugric peoples and the Mongols, who have almost no "Slavic blood."

Without knowledge of this, it is impossible to understand the entire flawed policy of the modern Russian Federation towards Ukraine. Moscow is still talking about the “friendship of Russians and Ukrainians,” Russia and Ukraine. 23 of the year we were stuffed with good wishes for friendship and cooperation of "Slavic peoples". Although, as we all know, since 1991, the Ukrainian authorities have embarked on a cold war against Russia and “Russianness”, to become part of the “family” of European nations. And this is in full, bordering on the betrayal of national interests and self-humiliation, Moscow’s loyalty to its unfriendly neighbor, who successfully broke the Russian and Soviet bases of the Ukrainian SSR and drifted towards the European Union and NATO. And this is with practically free deliveries of energy carriers, a substantial part of which were plundered by the Ukrainian authorities and oligarchs. While maintaining economic ties that for more than two decades supported the existence of an absolutely artificial Ukrainian statehood. In fact, Moscow fed the Kiev authorities, apparently hoping for loyalty.

What did we teach back? Monster! On the ruins of the Ukrainian SSR, the embryo of the “Ukrainian Reich” was nourished and nurtured. Absolutely hostile and uncompromising entity, ready to fight and kill blood brothers, the same Rus, who retained their identity. If you take the images of Tolkien from the “Lord of the Rings”, then the current “Ukrainian patriots” are a kind of “orcs” (spoiled elves). They fell under the power of the enemy, the best of them have been exterminated for centuries, cultivated the “Ukrainian identity”, the “nerus”.

Here is the result of the last years of “independent Ukraine” and the establishment of the Ukrainian SSR in 1919. The masters of the West can be pleased with the result. Statehood appeared on the planet, which will become one of the most Russophobic-minded in the world community. She will do her best to aspire to the European Union and NATO. For many years (or even forever) the Russian Federation will associate with a significant part of the “Ukrainians” with the image of the enemy, and the enemy of the hated, who took the Crimea. “Moskal on knives” is now their slogan. The only national idea in the conditions of economic collapse, rapid impoverishment will be the return of the lands "occupied" by Moscow and the construction of the "Great Ukraine" from the Carpathians to the North Caucasus. We have already done this; one can recall examples of “Great Germany” and “Greater Poland”. The “Ukrainian Reich” will become a buffer hostile state, whose sole purpose is to harm Russia.

The emergence of the 40-millionth Russophobic state on our south-western borders, another hotbed of chaos and turmoil is a huge problem. Delights about the reunification of Russia with the Crimea and Sevastopol are understandable. But the battle for Little Russia has just begun. You can not give the enemy Kharkov, Donetsk, Odessa, Kiev and Transnistria. All this is Russian land. If Moscow stops at what has been accomplished, then the enemy will regroup forces, crush the protest moods in the Southeast and will look for an opportunity to strike across Russia.

The way Neobanderists and “Ukrainian patriots” deal with the monuments of the Soviet era is a kind of sign about the future of Ukraine. Destroying the monuments to Lenin, the Soviet soldier-liberator and Kutuzov, they forever break with their historical past, tearing the historical fabric. They abandon the Great Victory of the 1945 of the year, the Soviet empire and the Russian Empire. At the same time, there is a sweep from “traitors”, those from representatives of intellectual circles who do not want to break with their Soviet or Russian identity. Already, active public figures who protect the legacy of the Soviet era and the “Russianness” of Little Russia are forced to flee or live in anticipation of repression. Many have already been hit. They are arrested, beaten and threatened to kill. And only a month has passed since the "revolution". In another month or two, reprisals will bring to a logical end, arrange public and demonstrative executions. All this we have already seen in the Third Reich, in Libya and Syria. Degradation looks the same everywhere.

Therefore, categorical terms are needed. Amorphousness and vagueness in the assessment of “Ukrainians” cause great harm. It is necessary to clarify for yourself: who are the “Ukrainians”, what they are striving to achieve and why Russians are seen as the main enemy.

Only when in Russia will a clear awareness of the fact that the “Ukrainians” are ultimately the same Russians (Ruses), and that assigning them this name is an artificial phenomenon, initiated by the enemies of the Russian people, who are striving to dismember and destroy Russian civilization, it will be possible to work out the right attitude towards the processes that are taking place in Ukraine.

I must say that the head of our state noted this fact. Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that Ukrainians and Russians are one people. Thus, in the fall of 2013, during an interview with the First Channel and the Associated Press, Putin said: “Whatever happens and wherever Ukraine goes, we will meet somewhere and somewhere”, because “we are one people” . And during the last speech on the reunification of Russia and the Crimea, the head of state again reminded about this: “We are not just close neighbors, we are in fact, as I have already said many times, one people. Kiev is the mother of Russian cities. Ancient Russia is our common source; we still cannot do without each other. ”

The goal of the Ukraine project is the destruction of the Russian world, the cultural and ethnic genocide of our people. “Ukrainian nation” is the same myth as the “Don nation”, “ethnic Cossacks”, “Siberians” and “Pomory”. All this is in fact regional parts of a single super-ethnos that the enemy is trying to turn into "special ethnic groups."

So, before the First World War, most of the Galicians, who are now the social base of the neo-Bandera movement, identified themselves as Russians. Even earlier, during the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, people in both eastern and western Russia continued to consider themselves Russians, and called their land Rus. In the Grand Duchy of Lithuania there were precisely Russian, and not “Ukrainian” (or “Belarusian”) regions, Russian dignitaries were sitting in the Lithuanian Council of Nobles. Until 1697, the government of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania used Russian in official documents, not “Ukrainian”. The ethnic origin of the population of Western Russia at that time did not cause any doubts, the territories of modern Belarus and Ukraine were inhabited by Russians.

From the history of the Ukraine project

To understand where “Ukraine” and “Ukrainians” came from, it’s enough to stick to historical facts, not replacing them with artificial constructions of researchers of later times such as the ideology of Ukrainians M. S Hrushevsky (1866 — 1934) or historian N. I. Kostomarov (1817 —1885), which introduced the terms “Great Russian”, “Great Russian people” in relation to the Russian people.

The famous “three branches” of the Russian people: “Great Russians”, “Little Russians” and “Belarusians” were born from a number of later artificial constructions. They were declared separate nations. Although until the beginning of the 20th century, they did not leave any traces of their activity in historical sources. The reason is simple - there have never been such ethnic groups. They came up with politicians and public figures. Each part of the super-ethnos Rus was given the names of the historical territories in which they lived - Minor, White and Great Russia. There were other similar regions - New Russia, Ugric Russia, Carpathian Rus, etc. The names of each "branch" of the Russian people did not carry ethnic content, they only designated the territories inhabited by Russian people, which in different historical periods could be in different states . For example, we can recall the “Siberians” (Russians living in Siberia), or “Pomors” (Russians living near the White Sea). From the fact that they lived in a certain region of the Russian civilization, they did not become a separate ethnic group.

Before the collapse of the early medieval Russian state (“Kievan Rus” is a conventional name, the Russians did not call it that way, they said “Russia” or “Russian land”) neither Great, nor Little, nor White Russia existed. Neither written sources nor popular memory mention them. The concepts of “Small” and “Great” Rus were born only in the XIV century, not bearing in themselves ethnographic or national significance. And they originated outside of Russia, and for a long time walked in a narrow circle, were not known to the people. These words arose in Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, from where the Russian church, the former "structural unit" of the Constantinople Patriarchate, was ruled for many centuries. Prior to the "Tatar" invasion, the entire territory of the Russian state was called "Rus" or "Russia" in Constantinople. Metropolitans appointed from there were called the Metropolitans of "All Russia."

The situation changed when Russia collapsed, and Lithuanians and Poles began to seize its lands. Before all fell Galicia. Therefore, in order to separate it from the rest of Russia, it began to be called “Little Russia” or “Little Russia”. The rest, a large part of Russia began to be called "Great." As the capture of other West Russian lands, it was their turn to become "Little Russian". Kiev belonged to the “Great Russia” until 1362, when it was captured by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd. Then he entered the “Little Russia”.

Gradually, from Greek documents, new concepts penetrated into Russian, Polish and Lithuanian documents. It is clear that initially no national differences were made between the territories. After the annexation of significant parts of Little Russia and Belarus, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich became known as “All the Great and Little and White Russia as an autocrat”, this indicated the reunification of the entire Russian people who lived on the lands of Ancient Russia, which after the collapse received new names.

Only in the XIX century among the intelligentsia began to spread the idea of ​​the existence of "three branches" of the Russian people or even three "different nations". The people did not have a clue about these explorations, and as in the times of Ancient Russia, everyone considered themselves Russians. This was typical of all Russians, regardless of where they lived. Another thing is the intelligentsia, in the midst of which these ideas found active supporters and flourished. In addition, the artificial separation of the Russian people made it possible to draw up revolutionary and separatist plans. First of all, the liberals, revolutionaries and Ukrainian separatists were interested in spreading this concept. The first "Ukrainians" appeared who believed in their peculiarity and began to try to spread their ideas to those around them.

The press began to actively impose the terms "Great Russian", "Little Russia" and "Belarusian". Attention was focused on differences in life, customs, peculiarities of clothing, local dialects. Thus, it was possible to create not three "peoples", but a dozen or two ... Thus, practically all the former principalities and lands of Russia - Ryazan, Veliky Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Moscow, Tver, etc., had their own characteristics. Following the thought of "reformers" ", It was possible to distinguish" nationalities "of Ryazan, Muscovites, Novgorod, etc. They also had some regional features in the dialect, clothing, life, etc.

Thus, the ground was prepared for a more fundamental "reform", which made it possible to wrest almost a third of its composition out of the body of a single super ethnic group. After the 1917 revolution, the Trotskyists, who were the instrument of the “financial international,” directively renamed the “three branches” of the Russian people into “three fraternal peoples”, three separate independent nations. It was a terrible blow to the Russian superethnos. “Little Russians” and “Belarusians” generally lost their former Russianness, and the “Little Russians” were also renamed “Ukrainians”. Russian began to consider only the "Great". Moreover, the term "Great Russian" was abolished, it was no longer needed.

History rewrote again. In Soviet textbooks and encyclopedias, the Rostov-Suzdal (Suzdal-Vladimirskaya) land became the political and cultural center of the Russian (Great Russian) ethnic group, where during the XIV-XV centuries. formed the "Russian people." By the ancestors of the Russian tribes attributed Krivichy, Vyatichi, northerners and Novgorod Sloven. Thus, several “rabbits” were killed immediately. First, Ancient Russia was outside of Russian history. Russian history has been cut off for several centuries. Secondly, the period of the Old Russian state was inhabited by certain "Eastern Slavs", although it is known from historical sources that the Russians then called themselves "Russians", "Dews", etc. The neighboring nations also named them. And their land was called "Rus". From the "Eastern Slavs" brought "three fraternal, Eastern Slavic people."

It is enough to even know a little historical sources to understand the enormity of this concept. In the initial Russian chronicle under 852, it is said: "To nachshchu to the kingdom of the kingdom, it was called Russian land ... with this king came to Tsargrad." "Russian land" is constantly mentioned in the Russian chronicles. Even earlier news about Russia is in European and Arab sources. An embassy arrived in Emperor Ludovic in 839, which included the “Ruses”. Arabian geographer Ibn Hordadbeh about the same time reports: “As for the Russians (Ruses) - and they are a Slavic tribe - they are sent from the most distant ends of Saklab (Glory) to the Russian (Black) sea and sell foxes, and also swords. During the campaign of the Russian troops in Constantinople in 907, the chronicle reports “much evil is Rus' by the Greek”. In 911, Grand Duke Oleg signs a treaty with Byzantium. The text of the agreement refers to "Russian princes", Russian law "," Russian kind "and the Russian land"; some people are called the word "Rusyns", in the plural - "Russians". There is also a collective word "Russia".

The sources do not have a word about the "ancient ukrov", "Ukrainians", "Little Russians" and "Ukraine". There is no "Eastern Slavs." Everywhere there are “Russes”, “Russians”, “Rusyns”, “Rus”, etc. In all documents there is not a trace of “Ukrainians”. Arab historian Masudi reports about the Rus campaign in the 910-s: “The ships of the Rus dispersed in the sea and attacked Gilan, Deylem, Tabaristan and Abaskun”. In 944, the great Russian prince Igor concludes a new treaty with Byzantium. Again in the document we meet all the same expressions: “Russian land”, “Russian princes”, Russian ”, etc. Byzantine authors often wrote“ rus ”as“ ros ”. Hence the later "Rossia" and "Russian". Prince Svyatoslav, during a meeting with the Byzantine emperor, introduced himself as follows: "Az Svyatoslav, Prince of Russia ... and others like the essence of Russia under me." Before the decisive battle, he said to his soldiers: "We will not disgrace the Russian land." Where are "Ukrainians" and "Eastern Slavs"? As Russians (Ruses) lived in Kiev, Chernihiv and Novgorod a thousand years ago, they still live.

In the "Instructions" of Vladimir Monomakh, who, like the other first Russian princes, was turned into "Ukrainians" in Ukraine, it says: "Az, named for the baptism of Vasily, with the Russian name Volodymyr." The Galician prince Roman Mstislavovich is named in the Volyn chronicle as a great and “autocratic all-Russia”. Pope Innocent VII, in a charter from 1246, calls Daniel of Galicia "the king of Russia." All sources, both Russian and foreign, call our ancestors "Rus", "Russian" "Rusyns", "Dews", etc. Everywhere there are two key words - “Russia” and “Russian”.

Third, they created two artificial statehoods at once - “Ukrainian” and “Belarusian”. The largest part of the Russian super-ethnos was deprived of statehood altogether - they established the RSFSR, the owners of which were declared “one hundred nations and nationalities”. At the same time, the Russians made up in it then up to 90% of the population, and even now constitute the overwhelming majority of the population of the Russian Federation.

In 1991, Ukraine and Belarus became independent states. The Russian civilization and the Russian people were torn into three parts. And on this "reformers" did not stop. In the Russian Federation gave birth to another chimera - some "Russians". And beyond its borders, Russians began to be called “Russian-speaking” and “Russian-cultural”, whose nationality is incomprehensible and blurred. A sort of "biological material" from which you can sculpt at least "Ukrainians", at least, say, Germans. All this led to the current catastrophe in Ukraine, where games of “Ukrainians” caused the birth of a monster - the germ of the “Ukrainian Reich”. The descendants of the victors of the brown plague themselves were turned into neo-Nazis who hate the world around them and around seeing enemies. Ready to cut "Muscovites", "Jews", Poles, Germans ...

In order not to give the enemy a final split of the single Russian superethnos, it is necessary to remember how the inhabitants of Ancient Russia of the times of Rurik-Sokol and Svyatoslav self-determined themselves. They did not call themselves "Eastern Slavs", "Little Russians", "Great Russians", "South Russian" or "Northern Russian" ethnic groups, "Ukrainians" or "Russians". All these concepts are inventions of the new time. The Russian people initially identified their nationality as Russian and did not divide it into any "branches" and "fraternal peoples." We have been like Russians for thousands of years, and they remain so.
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  1. +35
    21 March 2014 07: 58
    The goal of the Ukraine project is the destruction of the Russian world

    Who would doubt that! Clear as GOD'S DAY!
    I hope everything turns out to be like in the people's WISDOM: - "DO NOT DIG A PIT TO ANOTHER ,,,"
    1. +54
      21 March 2014 08: 09
      I believe this coup will benefit both Russia and Ukraine especially .. Cheeri must mature and crush it ahead of time (23 years old) Russia tried to treat it with lotions .. Now you can cut it with the root (the scar will certainly remain) But they will remember for a long time. It will all start from the South East wake up Ukrainians the time has come ..
      1. jjj
        21 March 2014 12: 04
        Quote: MIKHAN
        I believe this coup will benefit both Russia and especially Ukraine

        Officially, words are heard about maintaining the integrity of the independence. But, if you carefully look at the tonality of our television programs, you can see that after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, the degree of incandescence does not decrease, but gradually increases. Our viewers are kept in good shape and not reassured. Apparently, interference cannot be avoided, and public opinion is preparing for this. From the Americans, through the mouths of their president, confirmation has already been received that they and the troops will not tuck into Ukraine. Our hands are partly untied
        1. Colorman
          21 March 2014 14: 07
          Shoigu told the US Secretary of Defense yesterday that our troops would not enter Ukraine ...
          On the other hand, there were no our troops in Crimea ...
          1. 0
            21 March 2014 14: 49
            Quote: COLORMAN

            On the other hand, there were no our troops in Crimea ...

            And KChF, this is nonsense of the inflamed imagination? You write nonsense, amiable
          2. +9
            21 March 2014 16: 46
            In Crimea, there was a private army, such as "Blackwater". GDP - Putin's polite troops. Unmarked, in case blood was spilled. This is the know-how of Vladimir Vladimirovich, the West has long cracked with a bread machine. And when he left the office ... the referendum was already over. The pichalka, Panimash, has now decided to save his face with childish sanctions, I am already beginning to sympathize with the West ... no matter what sanctions they come up with, Russia is turning everything into nishtyaks for itself ...
          3. +2
            22 March 2014 06: 32
            They also told us that they would not expand NATO eastwards.
        2. +12
          21 March 2014 14: 48
          Quote: jjj
          Apparently, interference cannot be avoided, and public opinion is preparing for this.

          Two Svidomo people are sitting in a trench on the Perekop Isthmus, and suddenly a Russian tank leaves from behind a hill. And a strange, terrible stench crept along the trench.
          - Mykola, I feel that you fucked up with perelyakhu (fright)!
          - None! Tse not z perelyahu - tse z fierce hatred !!!
          1. +2
            23 March 2014 22: 34
            They go to the pharmacy Klitschko, Tyagnibok and Yatsenyuk.
            Klitschko to the pharmacist:
            - Three gonDona!
            In reply:
            - I see that there are three gonDona! Will you take any medicine?
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +16
      21 March 2014 08: 14
      Quote: ia-ai00
      I hope everything turns out to be like in the people's WISDOM: - "DO NOT DIG A PIT TO ANOTHER ,,,"

      We need to do everything so that this "project" would produce a different result, namely, so that people who consider themselves Ukrainians feel, feel that they are descendants of Russia and an integral part of the Russian world ...
      1. +6
        21 March 2014 08: 31
        This is the message - "DO NOT BUILD A PIT TO ANOTHER ,,," - addressed to the USA and gayRops, who started a mess in a foreign country in order to screw up RUSSIA!
        1. +3
          21 March 2014 10: 45
          Quote: ia-ai00
          "DO NOT BUILD A PIT TO ANOTHER ,,," - addressed to the USA and GayRop

          Here - the whole world of non-Western civilization needs to bring down "green candy wrappers"!
          To drop the pillar on which the Anglo-Saxon world rests, the rest of the rotten fence of liberalism - will fall itself ...
          1. rodevaan
            23 March 2014 11: 33
      2. +18
        21 March 2014 08: 41
        Quote: svp67
        We need to do everything so that this "project" would produce a different result, namely, so that people who consider themselves Ukrainians feel, feel that they are descendants of Russia and an integral part of the Russian world ...

        1. +8
          21 March 2014 12: 58
          Quote: radio operator

          The picture is good, but in principle I can not feel any respect for the junta that occupied Kiev, as well as for their foreign owners.
          1. +1
            21 March 2014 14: 08
            Americans and geyropa act on Bismarck angry RUSSIA + UKRAINE + BELARUS drinks without banderlog!
            The power of Russia can only be undermined by the separation of Ukraine from it ... it is necessary not only to tear off, but also to oppose Ukraine to Russia. To do this, you only need to find and nurture traitors among the elite and, with their help, change the self-awareness of one part of the great people to such an extent that they will hate everything Russian, hate their kind, without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time.
            1. rodevaan
              23 March 2014 11: 40
              Quote: AnaBat
              Americans and geyropa act on Bismarck angry RUSSIA + UKRAINE + BELARUS drinks without banderlog!
              The power of Russia can only be undermined by the separation of Ukraine from it ... it is necessary not only to tear off, but also to oppose Ukraine to Russia. To do this, you only need to find and nurture traitors among the elite and, with their help, change the self-awareness of one part of the great people to such an extent that they will hate everything Russian, hate their kind, without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time.

              - The Americans apparently didn’t read Bismarck. But in vain - a very clever guy and had an insight into Russia, - one of the few foreigners who really could understand Russia and Russians. So Bismarck always warned the West against wars and confrontations against Russia. But they did not listen to him - with what it all ended and will end - I will not speak. We will bury the West. Everything has its time.
        2. Vanya Russian
          22 March 2014 07: 43
          It's time to forget the word "Ukrainian". There are Russians and there is a nationality of mixed blood.
          1. 0
            24 March 2014 04: 35
            You shouldn’t be so, Vanya, for the Ukrainians. NORMAL people live here too, and most of them, after all, fought with the Nazis in the Patriotic War, and rebuilt in Afghanistan and the USSR. But the scum is different, Natsik, etc., is enough in Russia, and the Slavs need to crush them together, and not expose ethnic schemes. Yes, now there is no and cannot be pure ethnic groups, my grandmother and mother are Russians, my grandfather is from eastern Ukrainians, my father is from western (which did not stop him from fighting in Afghanistan). And the late grandfather didn’t demobilize in the 45th, but in the 48th, he fought with the same benders, and it would be a shame to die after the Victory ... It’s not nationality that determines a person, but his upbringing and worldview, and even more so not caricature schemes .
        3. rodevaan
          23 March 2014 11: 37
          I agree!!!!!!! A lot also depends on each of us! We need to encourage mutual unification, to promote rapprochement, not to turn into bazaar women, and in any case not to produce mutual abuse and hatred in the forums - WE ARE BROTHERS! AND OUR POWER IS IN ONE! THE WESTERN ENEMY IS NOT RIVERED TO US ON THE FIELD OF THE BATTLE, MANY WARS PROVED IT, IT IS ONLY USED BY OUR SWEETS AND BREAKERS!
          DO NOT BE THIS!
      3. +2
        21 March 2014 10: 42
        One of the main tasks of the "Ukrainian revolution" was to sow hatred between the two parts of a single superethnos of the Russians. The West wants to pit Ukraine and the Russian Federation. This is a common and very effective method of capturing “living space”.

        Quote: svp67
        We need to do everything so that this "project" would produce a different result, namely, so that people who consider themselves Ukrainians feel, feel that they are descendants of Russia and an integral part of the Russian world ...

        ... a very difficult task!
        Sometimes, in order for the right thought to prevail in the brain, a person must go through hardship, adversity and loss. Yes, and not everyone is given ...

        Therefore, in the meantime, it is necessary, no matter how cynical it sounds, to wait a little for the "beast of new-Nazism" to show itself in all its glory ...
    4. +11
      21 March 2014 08: 39
      Here's how to look at Ukraine not to remember the immortal cat Matroskin: "We survived! We, one might say, found him in the garbage. We washed it, cleaned it, and now he draws figwams for us"
      I apologize in advance to thinking Ukrainian citizens, but I still need to remember my roots and goodness.
    5. -9
      21 March 2014 10: 10
      complete crap .. two great Indo-European people, Aryans .. Russian and German more nonsense is difficult to imagine ..
    6. Ddhal
      21 March 2014 14: 07
      The states and old Europe already live in their psychologically comfortable and almost virtual world, which has nothing to do with reality - a world with well-established images, where you do not need to rethink anything. Hence, such an ease in introducing a standardized lie into the consciousness of nee users ....
      And it’s worth taking off your headphones, glasses and opening the door to the street:
      -ABOUT. God, where do so many strangers come from that have flooded your country? "They mutter:" Sorry, I guess I was wrong. "And again, in its parallel, where no one cares about anyone. But the next time you open these people will already be a rare pale rarity in his new "swarthy" country.
    7. +1
      22 March 2014 11: 52
      Rurik, Igor, Svyatoslav - Russian princes. But! When you look carefully, almost no one notices that the emblem of Ukraine (at the top of the article) is the Rurik Falcon! Typically Masonic move, appropriate the all-Russian symbolism. So Hitler did with the swastika of the Aryans.
    8. rodevaan
      23 March 2014 11: 26
      Quote: ia-ai00
      The goal of the Ukraine project is the destruction of the Russian world

      Who would doubt that! Clear as GOD'S DAY!
      I hope everything turns out to be like in the people's WISDOM: - "DO NOT DIG A PIT TO ANOTHER ,,,"

  2. +8
    21 March 2014 08: 00
    Well, nothing, soon there will be no "Ukraine"
    1. 0
      21 March 2014 08: 12
      Quote: GUSAR
      Well, nothing, soon there will be no "Ukraine"
      Stupidity. There will be Ukraine, because there are many people who consider themselves UKRAINIANS, and this is a historical fact. Yes, when we were a single whole, but it so happened historically that some Russians began to live separately, not far, but separately ... and their own story began to appear. The Ukrainian nation is very young, because of this there is so much energy and mistakes, but not to see that it exists ...
      1. +1
        21 March 2014 08: 51
        I agree, the Ukrainian people were created in what way, another question, but this is a fact. They are no longer Russian and are unlikely to become them. It is necessary to accept and build relations with them as with fraternal, but different people.
        1. +1
          21 March 2014 10: 16
          Yes, it was created by betrayal, frenzied nationalism, a nation of rushniks and embroidered shirts, and it’s very necessary to check who we issue Russian passports for, the first who will receive it will be outskirts that are at all corners in Moscow, St. Petersburg, they say already in Novosibirsk ..
        2. +9
          21 March 2014 10: 51
          Quote: sergey32
          Ukrainian people created, in what way, another question, but it is a fact. They are no longer Russians and are unlikely to become them. It is necessary to accept and build relations with them as a brotherly, but different people.

          Firstly, this nation has not been created, but is still being vigorously formed, moreover, from the Russians who ended up as a result of secession against their will (the 1991 referendum of the year. And the fact that this process has notable success is not a reason for It is no less active to conduct disarms on clearing the minds of people in Ukraine, so that they return to honoring the history and choice of their ancestors, rather than go after the crafty puppeteers and did not turn into mankurts or orcs.
          Secondly, no matter what kind of brothers and brothers who love each other, quarrel with their neighbors “well-wishers” is a matter of time. And there and bring to fratricide yourself for fun.
          Therefore, one hundred thousand million times the author of the article is right: we should not share, but reunite.
          Otherwise we will become a dung of history.
        3. +3
          21 March 2014 12: 22
          I don't agree! I agree to the southeast, Odessa and the Carpathian region, and then let the rest of the EU "associate" with the descendants of "ancient ukrov". In 5 ... 15 years, they themselves will shout at all corners that they are part of Russia and their ancestors are Russian! The Germans will not feed them from the palm of their hand at all, or will be like Romanians, Bulgarians and all other Greeks.
        4. +7
          21 March 2014 12: 55
          Quote: sergey32
          They are no longer Russian and are unlikely to become

          The first partisan detachments appeared near Kiev
          In particular, residents of the Tripolye village (Obukhovsky district) announced the creation of a partisan detachment. "Our grandfathers have already survived one war, so we know how to partisan. Then we fought against the Nazis with the Russians, and now the Kremlin calls us fascists. It's a shame. We have to stand up for ourselves!" - says a resident of Tripoli Vasily.
          The decision to create a detachment was made in the village council, more than 100 people came to the "meeting". "We are preparing for a possible occupation. We are studying how and where to stop the enemy columns, we are working out escape routes. Our terrain is hilly, there are many mountains and forest plantations. And we have experience: we in Tripoli made a barricade on the road and resisted the titushki," the head said village council Tripillya Anatoly Degtyar.
          Local Afghans and hunters promise to defend the village. “Everyone has registered guns - at the first stage there will be enough of them. And then we will“ borrow ”the machines from the“ green men, ”says the hunter Sergey.
          Also, the locals are seriously engaged in the study of enemy technology, the basics of hand-to-hand combat and the provision of medical assistance. "All this will be useful to us. We must know how the technique is arranged so as not to run with two cans under the tank, but to win wisely," Degtyar says.
          The team has already come up with a name. "At first, they wanted to name him in honor of the ataman Zeleny. But let's call him the Trypillian hundred," added the head of the Tripolye village council.
          "On Saturday we will hold another meeting of the village - now at the stadium, since the hall of the village council will not accommodate everyone. I think that the detachment will have more than 500 people, because our village is large - there will be up to 5 thousand," Degtyar says.
          In addition to Tripillya, partisan detachments were created in 10 more villages of the Kiev region: Zhukivtsy, Verem'e, Ukrainka, Obukhov. The regional police say they know about the appearance of the detachments. "The main thing is that there are no women, children and drunken men in them, and partisans train without the use of weapons. This is not prohibited by law," the regional police said.

          It was from these villages and towns that they went to earn money on the Maidan !!! And as people have already been brainwashed, they don’t understand that they acted on the hands of the Nazis !!! Alas! I note with bitterness that Kiev can hardly be defended! You need to save what else can be saved!
          1. +8
            21 March 2014 14: 06
            Good day to you! love
            Quote: Egoza
            We are preparing for a possible occupation. We study how and where to stop the enemy columns, work out the escape routes.
            ... seriously engaged in the study of enemy technology

            Vooo fool ... Let them study NATO technology. Because Russian will not be there. What for? Russia is also capable of making Ukraine profitable.
            Putin, like a boa constrictor, looks at the rabbit and waits for it to stop moving. To make it easier to swallow ... Yes, and the rabbit is calmer when he falls into suspended animation.
            And there he will surely fall ... Now they will give out a half penziyon, in 3-4 months already a "quarter", then "an octopus". There will be no Ukrainian Gaster (hardly anyone in Russia will be upset in the construction sphere).
            And then downhill ...
            And these self-made "fighters" will go to loot across the Russian border, where they are qualitatively annihilated.
            By the fall, the eastern regions will be hosting "Crimean" referendums in a race.
            And another option - let the partisans against someone else. The Russian authorities have learned to wait and will not climb with the troops.
            In essence - a blockade. Very unpleasant, terrible situation!
            The zhrachka (humanity help of the Rosians) will be distributed through monasteries or some funds ...
            Waiting, sir ... hi
          2. +3
            21 March 2014 16: 38
            Quote: Egoza
            It was from these villages and towns that they went to earn money on the Maidan !!! And as people have already been brainwashed, they don’t understand that they acted on the hands of the Nazis !!! Alas! I note with bitterness that Kiev can hardly be defended! You need to save what else can be saved!

            My reverence Madam hi
            For such homegrown "partisans", there is a good medicine - time ... Now we have to wait, prepare, study and wait ... It will not be very long, as I understand the sowing process is already going on this way, through this way, but even when it will be conducted, the question is, where will they sell their products? And then, a lot and a lot of interesting things will begin ...
          3. +1
            21 March 2014 17: 48
            Quote: Egoza
            The first partisan detachments appeared near Kiev

            Everything was already ...
      2. duke
        21 March 2014 08: 55
        Quote: svp67
        Quote: GUSAR
        Well, nothing, soon there will be no "Ukraine"
        Stupidity. There will be Ukraine, because there are many people who consider themselves UKRAINIANS, and this is a historical fact. Yes, when we were a single whole, but it so happened historically that some Russians began to live separately, not far, but separately ... and their own story began to appear. The Ukrainian nation is very young, because of this there is so much energy and mistakes, but not to see that it exists ...

        Well, they want to be the outskirts of the Commonwealth, let them be, and those Rus who do not want to be it, but want to be part of the great Russian state, that they have no rights? Or do you think that those Bandera who seized power in Kiev have more rights than the Russians, just because they are a "young" nation? This makes no sense...
        1. -2
          21 March 2014 09: 17
          Quote: duke
          well want to be the outskirts of the Commonwealth
          they want a life of UKRAINIANS, and you shouldn't take the position of the Nazis, who now "do not see the Russian nation point-blank"
          1. +2
            21 March 2014 09: 56
            Maybe it meant - "There will be no" independent STATE "- Ukraine", but there will be REPUBLIC OF Ukraine as part of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Well, even if not all, but areas now called southeastern.
            It can be called in different ways, but the capital is KIEV, this is not discussed.
            Let the Zapadentsy call their misunderstanding whatever they want.
            Even though "OX.TIGALIA"...
            1. -1
              21 March 2014 10: 18
              God save Russia from such a republic that the fate of the USSR doesn’t teach us anything?
            2. Field
              21 March 2014 10: 45
              Quote: Ptah
              REPUBLIC OF Ukraine as part of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION.

              Nafig, nafig. Better so Kiev region, Kherson region, Odessa region and so on.
              1. +2
                21 March 2014 11: 32
                Quote: Field
                Better so Kiev region, Kherson region, Odessa region and so on.
                I understand that it’s better. For whom or what? For the peace of all and the stability of relations and statehood.
                And it would be good if the Kazan province, including Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Chuvashia and others. The Stavropol province consisting of, incl.

                And if you are going to "join", then only the territories? Without Ukrainians inhabiting them ...
                And they, after all, they also want "a bit of self-identity." After all, not all Svidomites, but many, and quite loyal to the Russian and willing to become RUSSIANS. Even from an economic standpoint, which will be clearly shown on the example of Crimea.
            3. +4
              21 March 2014 14: 19
              Quote: Ptah
              It can be called in different ways, but the capital is KIEV, this is not discussed.

              The capital shows the vector of development of the state. RUSSIAN Ukraine should have its capital in Kharkov, pro-European in Lviv, but if not fish, not meat, then let it remain in Kiev, the new capital of the fascists.
              1. +1
                21 March 2014 22: 32
                Seryozha! hi
                The mother of the RUSSIAN cities is neither Kharkiv (temporary and / or capital), nor Lemberg (Lviv), to which the Germans have more rights than Svidomites or Galicians ..

                This is Kiev!!!

                All. Dot! And there is nothing so easy to part with the story. Russian and Slavic history ...
                And let the "capital" of the banderstvuyus be the blighted burrow, which they call "cache" (similar in sound to both Charon and to bury ...), near Sukhodrishchevsk ...
              2. +1
                22 March 2014 20: 15
                The capital of Ukraine can be ONLY - Kiev!
                Like it or not.

                If the country (if the people choose) becomes - federal
                so then
                Kharkov and Lviv and Dnepropetrovsk may become the capitals of individual federations,
                BUT - the capital is KIEV!

                But with the Nazis and the Nazis must be fought and not give them the land on which
                they could continue to grow future issues.
            4. +1
              22 March 2014 12: 36
              May cease to speak everywhere -Ukraine, and speak -Kiev Rus!? Maybe then they will remember whose blood in their veins.
          2. Field
            21 March 2014 10: 44
            Quote: svp67
            they want a life of UKRAINIANS, and you shouldn't take the position of the Nazis, who now "do not see the Russian nation point-blank"

            Who told you that? Ukrainian i.e. a citizen of the state of Ukraine, the same as a Russian i.e. citizen of the state of Russia.
            It's just that the young generation grew up on distorted history, on nationalism, and sometimes on outright fascism. This open-mindedness continued for 23 years, the ukrozombi generation grew, look at the age of the main participants.
            1. +3
              21 March 2014 13: 02
              Quote: Field
              Ukrainian i.e. a citizen of the state of Ukraine, the same as a Russian i.e. citizen of the state of Russia.

              You're not right! if on the memory Ukrainization began from Poland and Austria-Hungary, then in Eastern Ukraine the Bolsheviks "misguided" !!! This is what V.I. I do not approve of Lenin! So as a nationality "Ukrainian" existed in the USSR, but when it was "independent" it was decided to "enlarge" it.
            2. ipshum
              21 March 2014 22: 22
              A fairly general theory of management. (DOTU)
              Priority 3.
              Factual priority: the description of private processes and their interconnections is the essence of information of the third priority, which includes the creeds of religious cults, secular ideologies, technologies and factology of all branches of science.
              The instrument of the cold wars (cultural cooperation) is the imposition of cultural norms, ideology, and lifestyle. Carries out the processing of people's consciousness.
              Priority 2.
              Chronological priority. History of all branches of culture and all branches of knowledge. It allows you to see the direction of the flow of processes and correlate with each other the private sectors of culture as a whole and the branches of knowledge. It boils down to something like this: "Rewrite the history of the people, and you will conquer it without weapons."
          3. +2
            21 March 2014 14: 17
            Quote: svp67
            they want a life of UKRAINIANS, and you shouldn't take the position of the Nazis, who now "do not see the Russian nation point-blank"

            The question is Whose outskirts they want to be.
            1. +1
              21 March 2014 18: 30
              Quote: Setrac
              The question is Whose outskirts they want to be.

              Yes, the fact of the matter is that the ordinary people of Ukraine DO NOT WISH to be anyone's OUTLAND, they just want to live well, but their misfortune is not wanted by their Oligarchs ...
              1. 0
                21 March 2014 22: 11
                Which side do you live in Russia or in Ukraine?
                I think in Ukraine.
                Can't you feel the music of the speech? At the edge of the sea! Stealing! Ukraine is not a suburb, who can argue? With how many Ukrainians I gutted like a spoiled record. Do not have time to open your mouth, they tell you: "We are not the outskirts!" I ask: "And then what?" In response, there are many words and little action. At the edge - it means Coastal! A Russian would say simply - Pomorie. And they lived in this Pomorie POLYANA.
          4. duke
            21 March 2014 21: 25
            Quote: svp67
            Quote: duke
            well want to be the outskirts of the Commonwealth
            they want a life of UKRAINIANS, and you shouldn't take the position of the Nazis, who now "do not see the Russian nation point-blank"

            Why are you uncle ... Neither with the tsar-priest, nor with the Soviets, nor with the Russian Federation, no one bothered them to be Ukrainians, otherwise there would not be this language, nor the name itself ... is it not? It’s just the Bandera bastard that doesn’t let anyone live and wants to crush everyone for themselves, forbidding people to speak not only Russian, but also Hungarian, Ruthenian, Slovak and so on ... moreover, they mutilated the Ukrainian language in such a way, replacing many words with Polish borrowings , and sometimes with just made-up words, if only there was no connection with Russian (like Scientology scientists' newspeak, for example), that this distorted language already has nothing to do with the language of the times of Shevchenko and Gogol ... My relatives in western Ukraine complain that they don’t know and don’t understand many words ... And why are there crazy cries like a mosque lyaku for gilyak (Russian for a count) or hto ne jump, that mosk l (who does not jump, that mosk l)? And you deign to interpret that they want to be Ukrainians, maybe for a start they become people, remember that they are Christians, then many problems will be removed ...
      3. 0
        21 March 2014 10: 12
        yes the outskirts will be but within the historical 0,5 - well, you understand
        1. Field
          21 March 2014 10: 46
          Now they’ll throw off Galicia to the Poles, and that's normal.
      4. 0
        21 March 2014 18: 07
        Quote: svp67
        Quote: GUSAR
        Well, nothing, soon there will be no "Ukraine"
        Stupidity. There will be Ukraine, because there are many people who consider themselves UKRAINIANS, and this is a historical fact. Yes, when we were a single whole, but it so happened historically that some Russians began to live separately, not far, but separately ... and their own story began to appear. The Ukrainian nation is very young, because of this there is so much energy and mistakes, but not to see that it exists ...

        Russians do not need Ukraine to be. That is why it will not be there, and what the “part of the Russians” decided to live “not far” but separately, it no longer worries anyone.
      5. 0
        24 March 2014 07: 25
        I completely agree with you, but under one condition, we will take away the regions that belong to us historically — and you build your nation how much bread and fat you have to eat enough.
  3. +11
    21 March 2014 08: 00
    I think the current project has benefited us, the unity of the Russians is obvious, and the increase in land and population. Further more.
  4. Horde
    21 March 2014 08: 02
    The goal of the Ukraine project is the destruction of the Russian world

    successful comparisons have already been made Ukraine is ATIROSSIA, very accurately ...
  5. parus2nik
    21 March 2014 08: 06
    The goal of the Ukraine project is the destruction of the Russian world .. look more globally .. of the Slavic world .. Russia is its last bastion ..
  6. +10
    21 March 2014 08: 21
    In general, when I was little, I remember that they are closer to western Ukraine and they speak harsh Ukrainian, and all this Ukrainized terrier worked out for everything Russian came from there, but naturally their Austrian headquarters processed it, I remember in Kiev all the guys spoke Russian, they just shocked, even blacks in my yard were Russian speakers. Consider Bandera flying the Ukrainian flag, and with their antics they reject it, they shout glory to Ukraine and themselves outrage, and people are naturally forced to chant Russia, Putin in response! So it seems to me that Ukrainization will soon end when Bandera collapses, and it will be necessary to somehow help to Russify it, and instead of the monument to Lenin, put monuments to Putin.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      21 March 2014 10: 05
      But this chickens otkel? Can you determine?
      It seems to say clearly, but it does not really ...

      "Come on trial" (c)
      1. +1
        21 March 2014 13: 33
        glass, apparently, was from Russia. laughing
        1. 0
          21 March 2014 22: 24
          Bohemian or Moravian ...
          Or maybe Venetian, with the inscription "Made in China" ...
      2. +2
        21 March 2014 17: 09
        neighing thanks!
      3. apollo
        22 March 2014 01: 18
        right pi *** bol, neighing for a long time :)
      4. 0
        24 March 2014 04: 49
        Typical surzhik of central Ukraine. Shame on the army (or rather, its remains), where it may have served ...
  7. +15
    21 March 2014 08: 26
    Project "Ukraine" - like any offspring of the United States, is already rotting. But let the EU go out with galicia.
  8. +8
    21 March 2014 08: 29
    Well, don’t need to dramatize like that. They will return to us like everyone else, they won’t go anywhere. Moreover, this process was predicted as early as 90 by the gentlemen of NATO analysts. They squealed when they realized that they had dried out the moment to finish Russia. RF will be stronger. Yes, and by the way in the history of the Russian state it has already been repeatedly. The tradition, however, has already developed. Return all lost with interest.
    1. +2
      21 March 2014 12: 18
      Now, in the 90s, "gallant American guys" could use a special forces company to register the entire former union (very easily neutralizing the entire nuclear shield, by the way). But somehow they didn't do it; God alone knows what is on the mind of the world behind the scenes ... But the fact remains - they could not then (there will be no better moment), but now they can just watch and slowly decompose. Russia is growing stronger every day, and all sorts of "aliens" and "predators" in the form of a new Ukraine and other things are only for the good!
      Steel hardens when it is hit with a hammer and doused with cold water.
      1. rodevaan
        24 March 2014 18: 02
        Quote: Governor
        Now, in the 90s, "gallant American guys" could use a special forces company to register the entire former union (very easily neutralizing the entire nuclear shield, by the way). But somehow they didn't do it; God alone knows what is on the mind of the world behind the scenes ... But the fact remains - they could not then (there will be no better moment), but now they can just watch and slowly decompose. Russia is growing stronger every day, and all sorts of "aliens" and "predators" in the form of a new Ukraine and other things are only for the good!
        Steel hardens when it is hit with a hammer and doused with cold water.

        - Dear, a company of special forces, as you say, would not even reach its destination. Even when a drunken drunk was lying under the table. Because in the country there are forces and means that do not depend on any drunks, but which work ONLY for the country and for the interests of the country. Especially a country like Russia.
        Take my word - if in fact there was at least a small opportunity for P&D aspen - for a long time there would not have been a map of such a country as Russia ...
  9. +2
    21 March 2014 08: 31
    That's what the main culprit of destruction said: “Managed, and good. People want this, which means we have to go forward, ”Gorbachev told the agency. In his opinion, the position of residents of the Crimea is a sufficient basis for the separation of the peninsula from Ukraine-.goat. one word.

    Read in full:
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 12: 42
      when this crap gobata is handled, returned to foolishness, then it will be GOOD
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +11
    21 March 2014 08: 33
    Our country must, together with Israel, China and other states, convey to the whole world that the new government of Ukraine is dangerous for all mankind by its principles, structure, genocide, and aggressive politics. Similar to the government of Nazi Germany. This government must be brought to liquidation by an international court. I gave a lot of energy to the development of Ukraine, created enterprises there, research institutes, trained personnel. Everything turned out to be empty due to two nonhumans (Gorbachev and Yeltsin). It is a pity for Ukrainians, their youth. I have the honor.
    1. +2
      21 March 2014 09: 32
      Is China here? For example, are you very worried about relations between China and Taiwan? The rest I agree.

      I am surprised that very little is written about nuclear power plants in Ukraine. There are four of them? I do not know the technology of making nuclear weapons, whether the Nazis can make a bomb or not, but they can definitely make a "dirty" bomb. A thread will be torn somewhere (pah-pah-pah) in Belgorod and there will be Chernobyl N2. I hope the options for counteraction are being worked out.
      1. +2
        21 March 2014 10: 10
        Quote: Letun
        Is China here? For example, are you very worried about relations between China and Taiwan?

        The PRC will surely analyze the Crimean experience for the reunification of mainland and island China ... I would not be surprised if he will hold extensive consultations on this issue ...
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +2
        21 March 2014 10: 22
        In Ukraine there are 4 nuclear power plants with 15 power units, one of which, Zaporizhzhya NPP with 6 power units with the total installed capacity of 6000 MW, is the largest in Europe.
        1. Cat
          21 March 2014 12: 54
          Quote: 222222
          4 nuclear power plants operate in Ukraine

          In addition, the issue of renouncing Ukraine’s nuclear-free status has begun to be discussed. Bandera with a nuclear bomb is really scary.
        2. +2
          21 March 2014 12: 58
          And if you imagine that the right sector and subordinate to him Nat. guard of Ukraine
          on the orders of Yarosh open fire on any of these stations.

          They do not care about people in the southeast.
          And one of the main goals is to clean up the rebellious regions.
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. Maza
          21 March 2014 17: 16
          It will explode, geyrope krandets but also we will get, pah-pah, God forbid. I think that our people know about it. But do something!
      4. Field
        21 March 2014 10: 50
        Quote: Letun
        I am surprised that very little is written about nuclear power plants in Ukraine. There are four of them? I do not know the technology of making nuclear weapons, whether the Nazis can make a bomb or not, but they can definitely make a "dirty" bomb. A thread will be torn somewhere (pah-pah-pah) in Belgorod and there will be Chernobyl N2. I hope the options for counteraction are being worked out.

        For a long time, in a dispute with frostbitten dill, phrases like: "We will blow up Chernoble and a scribe for everyone", "we will blow up the nuclear power plant, you will live in Siberia" and so on.
      5. +1
        21 March 2014 13: 05
        Quote: Letun
        but they can definitely make a "dirty" bomb.

        So wow!

        People's deputies from the Batkivshchyna and UDAR factions submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a draft law on denunciation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of July 1, 1968.
        As reported on the website of the Ukrainian parliament, this draft law was submitted on Thursday by MPs Serhiy Kaplin ("UDAR"), Valentin Korolyuk and Alexander Chernovolenko (both - "Batkivshchyna").

        The text of the bill or other supporting documents on the parliament’s website is not yet available.
    2. Russkiy53
      21 March 2014 17: 18
      A lesson to us for the future: to prepare personnel and to build factories, houses must be, and in the fraternal republics, plant banana palms:))) !!!
  12. +5
    21 March 2014 08: 36
    Once again we are convinced that a lot of things depend on a political decision, unfortunately. Today we need to trumpet more about the ties of peoples. The political course in this situation is the creation of broadcast programs, instead of TV shows that could be chewed by who we are, after which we can start talking about the seizure of our Russian-Ukrainian lands, and the artificially created border dividing one people, like the once Germans Berlin Wall . And most importantly, show all this information in all languages. Faster will reach. Today the war begins with TV.
    1. +4
      21 March 2014 08: 47
      Quote: diff
      And most importantly, show all this information in all languages. Faster will reach. Today the war begins with TV.

      Absolutely right! TV is now equated to WMD
      1. sspd
        21 March 2014 11: 20
        Every year you realize more and more that Soviet "propaganda" is not propaganda at all. We were simply warned. / went to get the "Crocodiles" binder from the 80s from the mezzanine /
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. Field
      21 March 2014 10: 52
      Quote: diff
      Today it is necessary to blow more about the ties of peoples. The political course in this situation is the creation of broadcast programs, instead of TV shows that could be chewed by who we are, after which we can begin to talk about the seizure of our Russian-Ukrainian lands, and the artificially created border that divides one people, like the once Germans Berlin Wall . And most importantly, show all this information in all languages. Faster will reach. Today the war begins with TV.

      I agree, this needs to be done, but it is necessary to control the media in order to broadcast these ideas.
      Otherwise it will be very aggressively perceived.
      1. +4
        21 March 2014 12: 45
        Back in USSR? Yes, you will be pecked by "Democratic Media"! Putin is already considered the reincarnation of Stalin, and for the world community this is "EVIL incarnate." Pay attention to what "squeals" and "screams" are against the closure of "", "Rain TV", "Navalny's blog". But there are real enemies "on the salary" of the US Embassy.
        1. 0
          22 March 2014 20: 35
          It’s even impossible to imagine
          whatever in Washington -
          Journalists and congressmen marched to the Russian Embassy

          Does anyone know a goseta or anti-government channel in the US?

          One journalist (of Indian origin) made a film about Shed Obomb.
          So now under investigation.

          And you will talk about freedom of speech and democracy in the states ....
    3. +1
      21 March 2014 12: 34
      Vot! I agree! A practical solution to the problem is to restore JUSTICE through propaganda. You don’t even have to lie! Good must be with fists. The truth needs to help spread
      Quote: diff
      Today the war begins with TV.
      A hundred times true!
    4. +4
      21 March 2014 13: 09
      Quote: diff
      a lot of things depend on a political decision-

      Personally, I was upset by Shoigu's statement that the Russian army would not cross the eastern border of Ukraine! crying Maybe she’ll change her mind? AND? feel
      1. Field
        21 March 2014 14: 53
        Quote: Egoza
        that the Russian army will not cross the eastern border of Ukraine! Maybe she’ll change her mind? AND?

        Maybe the Russian army will not be)
        Self-Defense Forces May hi
      2. +4
        21 March 2014 17: 55
        Yes, she will cross the north, northwest.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +5
        21 March 2014 21: 02
        Quote: Egoza
        Personally, I was upset by Shoigu's statement that the Russian army would not cross the eastern border of Ukraine! Maybe she’ll change her mind? AND?

        Calm, only calm ... We have "polite people" for this ... It will be really bad - there will be ...
      5. +4
        21 March 2014 22: 47
        Quote: Egoza
        Personally, I was upset by Shoigu's statement that the Russian army would not cross the eastern border of Ukraine!

        Elena, Russia the army did not enter the Crimea, how do you like the result ?. wink
  13. 0
    21 March 2014 08: 48
    Quote: ia-ai00

    as in the folk WISDOM: - "DO NOT DIG A PIT TO ANOTHER ,,,"

    "... If you arrive, you won't catch it!"
  14. +5
    21 March 2014 09: 03
    Ukraine? Why do most of the Slavs of Ukraine consider themselves Russian? Only the Bendera people consider themselves "indigenous" Ukrainians. Ukraine does not understand that within the EU it will cease to exist at all, it is unnecessary to anyone, and with whom then will they fight, whom will they hate?
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 12: 52
      Yours is not true. Not only Banderites, but also quite a few simple, generally respectable, citizens consider themselves ONLY Ukrainians. Pro-Western propaganda has worked on this concept for centuries. Only adequate countermeasures can influence ... or "shock therapy" associations with the EU.
    2. lg41
      21 March 2014 20: 36
      Galicians - the genetic descendants of the Celts, not the Slavs
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  15. stalkerscc
    21 March 2014 09: 04
    "The Slavs cannot be defeated by war, we have understood this for thousands of years. The Slavs can only be corrupted. You can throw false idials at them and then they will defeat themselves."

    Otto Von Bismarck
    But the guy was right. sad
    1. sspd
      21 March 2014 11: 21
      Still, he united Germany - he had no equal in his time. To listen to such yes and to wind on a mustache.
  16. +4
    21 March 2014 09: 09
    How many times have the communists warned Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev that we need to work closely with Ukraine, that we cannot destroy our economy and make the country dependent on the supply of Western goods, that we cannot destroy the army. But all is in vain. There is wind and chaos in the head of our "leaders". They live literally one day. Problems are solved as they come. When the euphoria with the annexation of Crimea passes, we will all see where Putin's short-sighted leadership has led us. He completely blew with Ukraine. Crimea is a pitiful consolation from the terrible Ukrainian failure. What's next in line? He also "profukets" and Belarus and the Central Asian khanates. If Kazakhstan also profits, it will be a disaster akin to an atomic bombing. But Nazarbayev is not eternal. He will leave and a pipe to the pro-Russian forces in Kazakhstan.
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 10: 07
      In fact, it was the Communists who led us into this pit. After the creation of the Union republics, the Communists should have erased the concepts of individual peoples, especially Slavs, as it was before the 17 century. And moreover, they started the game of national patriotism.
  17. 0
    21 March 2014 09: 26
    further more. in Ukraine, many, if not most, no longer consider themselves Russians, and even more so Russians, and their children will go further.
    the number of states in recent years has increased a hundred times 1,5 times, if not more, and which of them thinks about unification? the Arabs? Russians? but even in Russia - if the Crimea - it’s understandable — the majority will agree to unite for Novorossia too, but about the same Galicia and Lviv, no one even sees a union in a terrible dream - they are already strangers, Kazakhstan is even dearer
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 13: 20
      Quote: nod739
      and their children will step further

      And I can even guess where exactly ... laughing

      Nobody canceled the laws of history: he spat in the past - he will drown the future in g @ outside.
    2. lg41
      21 March 2014 20: 43
      Galicia is not a Slavic world. At the genetic level, these are descendants of the Celts
  18. +3
    21 March 2014 09: 29
    One of the main tasks of the "Ukrainian revolution" was to sow hatred between the two parts of a single superethnos of the Russians. The West wants to pit Ukraine and the Russian Federation. This is a common and very effective method of capturing “living space”. Parts of the same people or closely related peoples who do not have a reason to quarrel with each other clash

    Normal RU Yesterday, 10:09 | Is this Ukraine occupied by Russians?

    UkrAina as a state is an anti Russian project. ANTI-RUSSIA.
    Artificially cobbled together from the outskirts of various imperial formations (the Russian Empire, the Commonwealth and Austria-Hungary) for the sake of momentary political interests and the personal Russophobia of its creators

    It remains to add that the interests were not only momentary (among the Bolsheviks in the 20s) but also eternal (In the West_
  19. +6
    21 March 2014 09: 33
    The main imperative of the West as the heir to the Roman Empire is Divide and rule!
    The main imperative of the Orthodox Slavs as the spiritual heirs of the Byzantine empire is Our strength is in unity!
    Not for nothing, the main idea inscribed on the coat of arms of the USSR is "Workers of all countries - unite!" and the name of the now ruling party "United Russia", only modifications of the basic common Slavic idea of ​​unity.
    This is the root of the antagonism of the east and west. It is impossible to reconcile polar ideological aspirations!
    The West crushes everything it can reach. It divides, atomizes, its own society, potential opponents, beaten off from the hands of supporters and vassals. A small group that considers itself "chosen by God" in whose hands, through violence, power is concentrated, can win only in this way.
    Russia is dangerous as the bearer of the killer idea of ​​unity and equal living of nations and nationalities. This initially fair idea, the West can not oppose anything but money and lies, the only tools through which he disguises his true goals and recruits performers.
    I think the time has come to admit that Russia does not need to invent a national idea.
    Our strength is in unity!
    1. lg41
      21 March 2014 21: 01
      Very true stated!
      I fully join!
    2. 0
      21 March 2014 22: 21
      Quote: Normman
      Our strength is in unity!

      good fellow Like all of the above. The obvious is manifested - that there is that POWER that is able to withstand against active dismemberment. For what purpose is this FORCE subjected to constant ever-increasing attacks. The answer is given by you. FORCE was not mentioned ...
  20. +1
    21 March 2014 09: 33
    Russia is doomed to gather its peoples around itself.
    This is not Putin’s desire, but the need to survive in the age of geopolitical confrontation.
    The US dictatorship has reached its peak and is losing its strength.
    The entire WORLD, which earlier obediently carried out the will of its hegemon, realized that it was difficult to stand on one foot and began to look for other points of support.
    Russia, China give them the right to choose this additional support.
    Awareness of their importance increases the level of responsibility for their influence in the world.
  21. +1
    21 March 2014 09: 35
    We must remember our native words - Russia and Russian, we must remember that the state of Russia existed, not “Ukraine”, that Kiev, Chernihiv and Pereyaslavl were the most ancient Russian cities. That Southwestern Russia (Little Russia) will forever be part of Russian civilization. Enemies may temporarily occupy it, by planting their Gauleiters in the sacred Russian cities, to fool a significant part of the population, but Kiev without Great Russia (Russian civilization) is unthinkable in any case. We will sooner or later restore the territorial and spiritual unity of the Russian world.

    Normal RU Yesterday, 10:09 | Is this Ukraine occupied by Russians?

    The Ukrainians are generally an "interesting" people - "I’m going to take a bite" Yesterday they shouted "Krim - tse Ukraine!" (Shouted), today - "Donetsk tse Ukraine!" (they will shout), tomorrow, if not stopped, they will also shout about Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh and Rostov. Yarosh has already expressed such claims. It cannot be otherwise, since this is the whole point of this anti-Russian project.
    I believe that the very concepts of UkrAin as a state, ukrAinets as a nationality is separatism (Separatism (French séparatisme from Latin separatus - separate), separation - politics and practice of separation, separation of a part of the state’s territory in order to create a new independent state .... Separatism leads to the violation of the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the state, the principle of inviolability of borders and experience shows that it can be a source of acute interstate and interethnic conflicts.)
    in relation to Russian Civilization, detachment and betrayal of Russian interests. Separatism must be countered.

    OkrAina is not a country, but a territory remote from the center.
    OkrAinets is not a nationality, but a place of residence geographically.

    It's time to realize this, at least personally for yourself, at the household level. And there you look and get to the authorities.
  22. avt
    21 March 2014 09: 36
    The article was twenty years late with a good hook. And so, in general, everything is true.
  23. +2
    21 March 2014 09: 39
    Yaytsenyuk is negotiating the transfer to Poland of the three Galician regions until the end of 2014
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      21 March 2014 10: 07
      Yaytsenyuk helps expand the territory of Russia laughing Flag in his hands!
    3. avt
      21 March 2014 10: 25
      Quote: saag
      Yaytsenyuk is negotiating the transfer to Poland of the three Galician regions until the end of 2014

      Quote: siberalt
      Yaytsenyuk helps expand the territory of Russia laughing Flag in his hands!

      Well, if it really stirs me up, then, by analogy with the Romanian king Mishka, when he locked, he removed Antonescu and declared war on Hitler, for which Stalin awarded him the Order of Victory and gave a kick in the ass - he released him from the country with property on all four sides. So it’s possible to reward Yaytsenyukha with something, well, what Humpbacked has is to take away the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called from Humpbacked and let Yaytsenyukha vilify laughing . But it’s all the same to give a kick in the ass - let it fly to the United States of America.
      1. +2
        21 March 2014 11: 02
        There will be the Democratic Republic of Ukraine on the one hand and the Federal Republic of Ukraine on the other
        1. +6
          21 March 2014 11: 26
          The Poles do not need Galicia for nothing! Etozh bomb! I think they did not forget the Volyn massacre! Moreover, the zapadentsi and Poles are hated, just like the Russians!
          1. +4
            21 March 2014 11: 28
            I recently watched a film on this subject - a journalist investigated how much they remember about it in Poland, so few remember and in the Sejm they sold a decree that this tragedy is not recognized as genocide, obviously this situation is necessary for someone
            1. Field
              21 March 2014 15: 00
              I also read that in Poland the UPA punisher was identified as a victim, and an hour later he suddenly died from injuries incompatible with life.
              How many more such former executioners walk around the world?
  24. 0
    21 March 2014 09: 43
    For a long time they tried to circumvent this topic. Like, it’s politically incorrect to touch on this issue. As a result, the words "Ukraine" (from the "outskirts") and "Ukrainians" were legalized. Rooted in society. Moreover, in “independent Ukraine” they created a whole mythology about the “ancient origin of ukrov”, who lived almost during Atlantis and hunted mammoths.

    Normal RU Yesterday, 11:12 | Is this Ukraine occupied by Russians?

    Quote: dmb
    Ukraine and Ukrainians are the established name,

    This indicates how deeply the ideology of the anti-Russian project has taken root in us.

    It is not necessary to fight against the bearers of ideas, although with them too, but first of all with ideology itself. To show its failure and lack of sound, solid foundations. Svidomo invented Great Ukrov and drove this rubbish into the heads of youth for many years, brought up a generation of Ukrainian nationalists. And at the heart of this nationalism is deceit, the replacement of the outskirts as a designation of a remote territory with the concept of Ukraine as a state (which had never existed before the revolution and which only the Bolsheviks legally formalized, and even then only within the framework of a union state and for the purpose of fragmenting the Russian ethnic group), replacing the place of residence imaginary nationality; OkrAinets - Ukrainian.
  25. 0
    21 March 2014 09: 45
    That one people is understandable, but what about the difference in languages? I have a Russian father, but he does not understand more than half of the words in Ukrainian.
    1. 0
      21 March 2014 10: 06
      Quote: CIANIT
      But what about the difference in languages?

      Foreign words are constantly borrowed, especially from neighboring regions. After some time, languages ​​become unrecognizable. The Ukrainian language is also not single. The eastern dialect is more like Russian, and the western one is a lot of borrowings from Polish, Hungarian, German.
      1. Field
        21 March 2014 11: 03
        Quote: mamont5
        Eastern dialect is more like Russian,

        Because historically this is the South Russian dialect of the Russian language.
        Quote: mamont5
        and the western - a lot of borrowings from Polish, Hungarian, German.

        Everything else is from the "evil one" - from those who went under the Poles and under the Austro-Hungarians, from those who fled to Canada and the USA.
        1. lg41
          22 March 2014 01: 52
          The grandson of the Emigrants to Canada says: "Oh! The childrenyats are popping!"
          1. Field
            22 March 2014 10: 31
            And what about "guinocrily helicopter"? Given that the word "helicopter" has already been quite 40 years old (at the time of the 90s, I don't know when the English language "helicopter" was introduced)
    2. Field
      21 March 2014 11: 00
      The question is who comes up with the rules of the Ukrainian. language? Who makes the textbooks?

      To the Ukrainian. language can make up the sacrament participle?
      How will it sound?
      1. lg41
        22 March 2014 02: 02
        It will sound melodic when pronounced by a resident of the Poltava region.
        "Govirkoyu" - Hutsul
  26. stalkerscc
    21 March 2014 09: 54
    Quote: CIANIT
    That one people is understandable, but what about the difference in languages? I have a Russian father, but he does not understand more than half of the words in Ukrainian.

    Mova is more of an adverb than a language. Your father does not understand half of the words in Ukrainian. mova was formed from the approach of Ukraine to neighboring states and their approach affected the specifics of the dialect, and in particular, after the beginning of the "Ukrainization" of Little Russia by the west, Polish, Czech and even (!) Hungarian words began to be added to the Russian language in Ukraine.
  27. +3
    21 March 2014 09: 57
    On the ruins of the Ukrainian SSR, the embryo of the Ukrainian Reich was nourished and cherished. An absolutely hostile and uncompromising entity, ready to fight and kill the blood brothers, the same Rus who retained their identity. If we take the images of Tolkien from The Lord of the Rings, then the current “Ukrainian patriots” are a kind of “orcs” (spoiled elves). They fell under the power of the enemy, for hundreds of years they exterminated the best, nurtured "Ukrainian identity", "I fight."
    Statehood has appeared on the planet, which will become one of the most Russophobic-minded in the world community. She will do her best to join the European Union and NATO. For a significant part of the "Ukrainians" for many years (or even forever) the Russian Federation will be associated with the image of the enemy, and the hated enemy who took away the Crimea. “To her knives” is now their slogan.

    Anger worm Judah gnaws.
    The image of the Uniate is gloomy.
    He can’t forget everything.
    That was once Russian.

    The only national idea in the conditions of economic collapse, rapid impoverishment will be the return of the lands "occupied" by Moscow and the construction of a "Great Ukraine" from the Carpathians to the North Caucasus. We have already passed this; we can recall examples of "Great Germany" and "Great Poland." The “Ukrainian Reich” will become a buffer hostile state whose sole purpose is to harm Russia.

    Normal RU Yesterday, 10:45 | Speaking of "Ukrainophobia"

    The Ukrainians are generally an "interesting" people - "I’m going to take a bite" Yesterday they shouted "Krim - tse Ukraine!" (Shouted), today - "Donetsk tse Ukraine!" (they will shout), tomorrow, if not stopped, they will also shout about Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh and Rostov. Yarosh has already expressed such claims. It cannot be otherwise, since this is the whole point of this anti-Russian project.

    Article plus. As he wrote.
  28. +1
    21 March 2014 10: 00
    The Westerners laid the wormhole of Russian history in the myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Only historical truth can rally the Rus with all peoples in a single empire.
  29. +3
    21 March 2014 10: 03
    It's nothing.
    We were beaten by the Mongol-Tatars - not beaten.
    The Poles beat, beat, they didn’t.
    The Swedes beat and beat - not beaten.
    The French beat and beat - not beaten.
    The Germans beat, beat, not beaten.
    And tear off the American mouse. And it is necessary to be silent in general to her upbrothers like Ukraine.

    A good article. A definite plus.
  30. Quantum
    21 March 2014 10: 10
    Also, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th, the Ukrainian language was understood by 95%, as
    Pomeranian or the dialect of the Pskov and Siberians. Later, nationalists, cultural
  31. Voenruk
    21 March 2014 10: 45
    If they do not respect every nationality, they will lose their Ukraine. On the one hand, take and drop everything, let them figure it out. On the other hand, there are plenty of "well-wishers" everywhere, and if the issue of nationalism is not resolved now, then we get a time bomb near our borders. Now the main thing is for the people to speak out, who are not indifferent to the fate of Ukraine. They were brainwashed professionally, of course, but Russia needs a strong Ukraine, and to drive the impostors in the neck.
  32. igor-pchelkin
    21 March 2014 11: 20
    Friends, take your time. Big things don't get done quickly. Ukrov was created for several centuries. and you say: "Now I will explain to them." Why are they muddying us with history? And so that people like the Ukrainians do not understand what will happen to them and their Motherland further with their current behavior. Napoleon found himself in the French Revolution. Stalin found himself for the Russian revolution. What did Hitler do with Rem and his assault troops? Right. To the nail. And on these Banderlog there is a "woman with a scythe." History, you know, repeats itself. Our business is small. To exacerbate the relations of these violent people with the people through polite sanctions. Don't pay for gas - no gas - this time. At the customs, the lights went out - that's two. And Yaitsenyukh won't be selling fuel for the nuclear power plant. Scared? We will - we will. Only first chase the pennies. Dumb e pennies? Mute fuel. Rinok, gaspada!
  33. +3
    21 March 2014 11: 23
    It is so, among the peoples of our people the seeds of hatred towards each other have already been sown. This is very sad.
  34. +3
    21 March 2014 11: 34
    What are you noisy about, folk-like?
    Why anathema threaten you Russia?
    What angered you? unrest in Lithuania?
    Leave: this is a dispute between the Slavs,
    Home, old dispute, weighted by fate,
    A question that you will not solve.

    For a long time among themselves
    These tribes are at war;
    More than once bowed under a thunderstorm
    Theirs, then our side.
    Who will stand in an unequal dispute:
    Puffy Lyakh, il true Ross?
    Will Slavic streams merge in the Russian sea?
    Will it run dry? here is the question.

    Leave us: you have not read
    These bloody tablets;
    It’s incomprehensible to you, alien to you
    This is a family feud;
    The Kremlin and Prague are silent for you;
    Pointlessly seduces you
    Fights of desperate courage -
    And you hate us ...

    For what? answer: for whether
    What is on the ruins of flaming Moscow
    We did not recognize the brazen will
    Who were you trembling under?
    For the fact that they plunged into the abyss
    We are idol over kingdoms
    And redeemed with our blood
    Europe, freedom, honor and peace? ..

    You are formidable in words - try it in practice!
    Or the old hero, deceased on his bed,
    Unable to screw up your Izmail bayonet?
    Is the Russian tsar already powerless to speak?
    Or should we argue with Europe new?
    Il Russian weaned from victories?
    Or a little of us? Or from Perm to Tauris,
    From the Finnish cold rocks to the flaming Colchis,
    From the shocked Kremlin
    To the walls of immobile China,
    Shiny bristles,
    Will not the Russian land rise? ..
    So send us to us, Vitia,
    His angry sons:
    There is a place for them in the fields of Russia,
    Among the coffins that are not theirs.

    (A. S. Pushkin)
  35. The comment was deleted.
  36. +2
    21 March 2014 11: 39
    Great article!

    In addition to strengthening internal ties in Russian civilization, one must think about the foreign policy union of Orthodox Slavic states.
  37. +12
    21 March 2014 11: 50
    one day
  38. r_narozhny
    21 March 2014 12: 00
    Hello! Your five cents. Everyone has probably heard about corporate takeovers, this is when an enterprise is seized by force, the new "management" withdraws all assets (withdraws money from accounts, sells goods in warehouses and withdraws money, sells raw materials, sells everything that can be sold and withdraws money), and then offers the owner to release the enterprise for money. The same is happening in Ukraine, but not with a separate enterprise, but with Ukraine as a whole. All IMHO.
  39. +2
    21 March 2014 12: 04
    <<< All this led to the current catastrophe in Ukraine, where the games of "Ukrainian" .. (<<< In fact, Moscow fed the Kiev authorities, apparently hoping for loyalty. >>>) caused the birth of a monster - the embryo of the "Ukrainian Reich". ..whose sole purpose is to harm Russia. >>>
    This is the result of thoughtless playing along, led by our pro-Western libesrals, to the West, which is not interested in the existence of a single Russian ethnos, in its anti-Russian project to divide the Russian ethnos into different "branches", "fraternal peoples", "Russians", etc.!
    Today there is a discussion about the release of a new history textbook. We must finally discard all this pseudoscientific Western chimera about historically existing different "branches" of the Russian ethnos and start the struggle for the restoration of historical truth with the publication of a new textbook! And in their current policy towards the "fraternal" republics, proceed from this TRUTH, thereby not allowing to increase the split of the historically single Russian ethnos, which ultimately leads, according to the West's plan, to its final fragmentation and disappearance!
    1. lg41
      22 March 2014 02: 18
      Western European states have plundered various peoples of the globe for centuries. Robbery technologies have been worked out for centuries. One of them is "Divide and Conquer!"
      Residents of Europe and America respect the statesmen of their countries who carry out predatory policies. This is from personal observations of ordinary average people in Lithuania, Poland, Germany, England, and the states of America
  40. Soldier SA
    21 March 2014 12: 13
    Peace be with you, good people and unkind people ... Hard days of trials are coming, my brothers. It was scary and unpleasant to watch the news from Ukraine ... You cannot change what has already happened. But, you can try to get out of this trouble with minimal losses. After all, behind each "one" is a human life, unique and unique. Geeks. An ancient word. Enemies of the human race. How ??? !!! How could this even happen? What kind of new power is this? Basically, bandit "sharpening ", but there are exceptions ... Arseniy YAYTSENYUKH (friends, I apologize if I confused something with the name of this ... I am a little old and deaf person) WHO will shake hands with such a" prime minister "from self-respecting politicians? Well, that's all Lyrics. Now about the main thing. People. Our brothers and sisters. Those who did not rot, did not betray their Ancestors ... How to save them? That's what you need to think about ... Is the South-East ready to fight back this fascist bastard? I am mentally ready to volunteer ... I think and I hope that I am not alone. These hands remember how and what to do. Good luck to everyone.
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 13: 11
      Quote: SA Soldier
      I am mentally prepared to volunteer ...

      There were also volunteers in Spain in 1937. The situation is similar.
  41. +2
    21 March 2014 12: 21
    - A few years ago there was a joke on the Internet: first, Yushchenko will be the president, then Yanukovych, and that's it: there will be no more presidents in Ukraine - the alphabet will end. Here, damn it, we joked ...
    - But what about Arseniy Yatsenyuk?
    - They tell you - the alphabet is over ... http: //
  42. +4
    21 March 2014 12: 45
    I talked with her aunt (she just arrived from Kiev), so she told me that there was a total propaganda against Russia and the Russians, as many Russian speakers in central Ukraine think that Putin unleashed Maidan and burned Russian special forces in Berkut. So the brainwashing of the population is in full swing.
    1. lg41
      22 March 2014 02: 25
      this flushing is carried out professionally, systematically, heating up the situation more and more every day. In full accordance with "controlled chaos".
  43. mihasik
    21 March 2014 13: 01
    Yes, of course, this is all good, but what to do with banderlogs? Wait when they grow old and die out?
    1. +2
      21 March 2014 13: 40
      Quote: mihasik
      Yes, of course, this is all good, but what to do with banderlogs?

      Here you need good medical experience and a sober look at the situation.
      Amputate or treat? With amputation - a cripple. Life is saved, but not an activist. Treat for longer and infection of the whole organism is possible.
      To answer this question you need to know:
      - What part of the population / territory of Ukraine can be sacrificed? (at least temporarily)
      - Is there an effective medicine in addition to a scalpel and cauterization?
      - Is the disease curable and what are the risks to the body (all Russians)?
      - What time do we have for a calm treatment in this political / natural setting?
      - Whether new injuries are expected? (do not treat in the open air).
      1. lg41
        22 March 2014 02: 32
        the inhabitants of Galicia for centuries, from generation to generation, have been fighting with the Poles, then with the Hungarians, then with ...
        Independently, separated from all do not want to live. There is no goal to fight.
      2. +1
        22 March 2014 13: 17
        Need to amputate seedling centers in western Europe!
  44. +1
    21 March 2014 13: 17
    "everything can change radically when the presidential elections are held in the country. They are already on the nose, but the activity of the candidates has not reached the threshold for perception. So far only Renat Kuzmin, who has already registered with the CEC, has firmly stated his presidential ambitions. in the elections is 2,5 million hryvnias and, which is nice, all hypothetical candidates, and there are already at least two dozen of them, obviously have this amount. And they are ready to spend it, literally throwing it into the abyss, because only one will win, and the rest enter into the race, knowingly knowing for sure that they have lost. Many famous people have declared their readiness to fight for a badly tattered throne with plucked powers. Now everything is possible. The CEC will register a patriot-correspondence student Klitschko, Tymoshenko with a criminal record and an unfinished criminal case, twice convicted, including for the theft of state property Lyashko. But you never know who else wants. "
    1. Field
      21 March 2014 15: 02
      But what about Yarosh, he declared his presidential ambitions
  45. The comment was deleted.
  46. +4
    21 March 2014 13: 19
    URGENT. SECRET. EU introduces 99 level sanctions against Russia with the goal of the collapse of the Russian economy. They give all of Ukraine. EU decision Merkel with tears in her voice said high good
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 21: 53
      Alex Eustace
      The reason for the coup in Ukraine was ordinary envy.
      The short-sighted Nobel committee decided to list President Putin as a candidate for the Peace Prize. A credible source said that President Obama said. that he is ready to live the rest of his days in a bunker, but Putin will never become a Peace Prize Laureate. To this end, the yellowed Obama (the press center reported that this was not out of envy, but from carrots (the president simply ate all the carrots in front of the White House, which his wife had planted) launched a coup in Ukraine. When he was told that Crimea had become Russians, he smiled for the first time and said: "This is the most pleasant message. Now, HIM will never get a Nobel Prize."
  47. ren1999
    21 March 2014 13: 48
    Just memories. Or some thoughts. Gogol and Shevchenko wrote about Ukraine and Ukrainians. And, frankly, Soviet Ukrainians of my youth (and I was born in 53) had their own knowledge and understanding of their history, which we did not know, and it was not very interesting, kind of condescending from the position of an older brother "than the child would not be amused ... "Kiev of the 70s was a very Soviet, Russian-speaking city, kind, sympathetic, cultural, with some kind of Ukrainian pride. Yes, they spoke good Russian, but with a certain understanding that we are, they say, a nation, we are strength. I remember a story that the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine got into trouble for the impermissible luxury of the built Palace of Ukraine. That is, someone pulled from Moscow, what, they say, do you allow yourself? !!!
    Historians, local historians, writers of Ukraine, have always dug up something, proving the exclusivity of the nation. Clearly, the intelligentsia ....
    In general, I want to say that centrifugal forces in Ukraine were not born today, and all this vile propaganda lay on completely favorable soil. Most of the Ukrainian intelligentsia was originally anti-Russian. The states and the EU began to shake the tree when the fruit has ripened ...
    1. +2
      21 March 2014 14: 06
      Quote: ren1999
      In general, I want to say that centrifugal forces in Ukraine were not born today, and all this vile propaganda lay on completely favorable soil. Most of the Ukrainian intelligentsia was originally anti-Russian.

      Thanks for the smart comment. I have been saying the same thing for a long time, but it doesn’t reach many. Everyone is looking for the roots of nationalist propaganda somewhere overseas, and they are much closer. I would also add that it is a mistake, stupid to seek the roots of Ukrainian nationalism only in Galicia. This is completely wrong, and it has never been true.
      1. +1
        21 March 2014 19: 02
        You are not the only one to talk about this, just people who are soberly looking at this problem are few, both from the Russian and Ukrainian sides. Politicians need a crowd, it is easier to manipulate.
        Yesterday on VO there was an article "Speaking of" Ukrainophobia "
        I will specially repeat my comment.

        Quote from the article:
        "How did it happen that in some 25 years so much shit has been piled into the heads of the citizens of Ukraine that Russians have become enemies for them? Which of the Russians have oppressed and oppressed Ukrainians over the past 25 years?"
        Maybe it happened before? And when before? How many of you remember this "before"? Are there any witnesses? "
        I’ll try to answer the author’s rhetorical question: I am a witness that all this began much earlier than 25 years ago.
        In the years of my youth, I blurted out to my father that Ukraine feeds Russia and will live without Russia (my father is from near Kaluga, my mother is from Dnepropetrovsk, I grew up in (in) Ukraine), to which I received the answer: This is Russia feeding everyone, if you grow up, you will understand .
        While studying at the institute in Dnepropetrovsk I met with an aggressive misunderstanding that, while living in Ukraine, I am not a fan of any Ukrainian team.
        It was all in the late 60s and early 70s.
        Here is such a favorable ground for further events.
        With what I can not agree, so that only intelligence.
        1. lg41
          22 March 2014 02: 41
          feeds people the sun and the earth
        2. rezident
          23 March 2014 14: 58
          Well, dispersal of their Zaporizhzhya Sich. Although the step is justified, it is still memorable. But serfdom and the famine of the 30s didn’t justify it anyway, and it angered not only Ukrainians but many others that it once again got crooked in 1991 when your scoop cracked and there was no one to protect it.
    2. +1
      21 March 2014 17: 10
      And where did they ALL study?
    3. +1
      21 March 2014 21: 57
      You have noticed it subtly. Through my acquaintances among the Kiev "intelligentsia" I also felt this on my own skin.
    4. lg41
      22 March 2014 02: 37
      the states and the EU are shaking the Russian Empire and what remains of it for centuries in order to enrich themselves
  48. +3
    21 March 2014 13: 50
    fat Ukraine
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 14: 30
      Quote: Vovka
      fat Ukraine

      Heroam Sala
  49. +7
    21 March 2014 13: 51
    soldier soldier soldier They will not succeed, because we are Russian and GOD WITH US!
  50. Pinochet000
    21 March 2014 14: 19
    The Russian people initially identified their nationality as Russian and did not divide it into any "branches" and "fraternal peoples." We have been like Russians for thousands of years, and they remain so.
    Author Samsonov Alexander

    I thank Alexander with all my heart for the article.
  51. +1
    21 March 2014 14: 48
    “Ukrainian community in Russia” - Are there no brains, or are they pretending to be poor relatives?
  52. +1
    21 March 2014 14: 51
    Propaganda of Russian culture in Ukraine and propaganda of Ukrainian culture in Russia, harsh suppression of interethnic hatred, separation of concepts in communication and the media, the people of Ukraine (Ukrainian) and the nationalist-fascist, the beginning of broadcasting analogue radio and television broadcasting to the territory of Ukraine (the figure will be blocked in FIG. so the wires were spread out here and the reception) in order to promote friendship and peace between Russia and Ukraine and to justify the atrocities and actions of the leading fascists in the territory of Ukraine occupied by them.
    And introduce the concept of Russian-Ukrainian.
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 15: 13
      All this is useless.
      Have you ever wondered why not a single pro-Russian party has emerged in Ukraine in 22 years? Not a single pro-Russian politician has appeared?
      I will say more, if there was a politician there who would call rapprochement with Russia his goal, this would mean his political death. And maybe not only political. The electorate would immediately turn away from him. Let's face it.
      The whole point is that an unkind attitude towards Russia is part of the Ukrainian national consciousness. More precisely, not even a part, but its foundation. If you are for Russia, then you are no longer fully Ukrainian. And this was even before the collapse of the USSR, and even before the collapse of the Russian Empire.
      1. 0
        21 March 2014 22: 55
        I agree with your analysis or vision of the situation.
        But, Ukrainian.national. consciousness sharply intensifies only... on an empty stomach. And at once and for everyone.
  53. +2
    21 March 2014 15: 18
    Kh_o_kh_l_o_v will still have to be treated with radical means, because when a third of Little Russia is already openly sick with schizophrenic Russophobia, you can’t send everyone to psychiatric hospitals.

    The most adequate option: the capture of Kyiv, Yarosh and the EU company to the gallows, or thin out the forests, Novorossia to be part of Russia, Little Russia for 1-2 years under external control, then a referendum, if they choose independence, then hang around in a septic tank for another 10 years, so so that they themselves can apply to Russia. Surround Galicia with a fence and put up signs saying “Banderlogs live here”; all the Russians there were massacred in WWII anyway. The Volyn massacre and Bandera gangs numbering tens of thousands of people, who were caught until 58, are like an indicator that the population there already in the middle of the century was a cancerous tumor, from which it has now metastasized.
    1. -1
      21 March 2014 15: 34
      Quote: EvilLion
      The most adequate option: the capture of Kyiv,

      No need, under any circumstances.
      This was just what we lacked.
      Or do you want to increase the number of "swamps" hundreds of times? Or even thousands.
      Our “5th column” now is tiny and has no connection with the masses. They're just renegades. But by annexing Ukraine to Russia, you will increase their numbers and strength many times over, and give them mass support.
      You are either very young or know nothing about Ukraine. This is not Russia, and never will be. It is high time to abandon fairy tales about “one people.” Everyone still has memories of the USSR, but it was based on a single ideology. And when this ideology collapsed (there were economic reasons for this), the Union collapsed. It will never be possible to make Russians and Ukrainians a single nation. Either you are Russian or Ukrainian. It won't work any other way. It's time to face the truth. And enough of the fairy tales about “one people”.
      I know old Ukrainians who say: “I was a patriot of the USSR, but I hate Putin’s Russia.” This is an excuse, he will hate any Russia, which does not want to feed his Ukraine. Putin or not Putin, it doesn’t matter. Understand this. They are not us.
      1. +1
        21 March 2014 19: 15
        In Europe, there are two states inhabited by two very close ethnically peoples, Germany and Austria, even their official languages ​​have much less differences than Russian and Ukrainian.
        These are thoughts out loud.
      2. 0
        24 March 2014 05: 32
        And we are not you. But we are all Slavs, and the difference between our peoples is very small. And now there are no “pure” ethnic groups; they have all mixed together over the centuries. In Ukraine, Bandar is a handful compared to the bulk of the population. True, active on the West’s money, but still a MINORITY! It’s not good about all the people because of this pile of crap that has surfaced now, the West’s bucks will run out - they will drown themselves, or they will gnaw each other’s throats. And there is no need to persecute the old Ukrainians either - most of them fought the war as part of the Red Army, and not the SS division "Galicia" ...
    2. -1
      22 March 2014 12: 53
      You need to start by turning off the gas. If candidate Tymoshenko, not yet becoming president, talks about returning Crimea, the gas should be turned off now. This will cool the ardor of Haidamak politicians and turn on the brains of the inert population. On Russian gas, they will continue to gas against Russia for a long time.
  54. Artem1967
    21 March 2014 15: 29
    The article fairly objectively reflects the historical process over the last millennium, but does not provide an answer to the challenges of today. The Ukrainian nation exists whether we like it or not. Banderlog from Galicia cannot be re-educated. Apparently, the division into Western and South-Eastern Ukraine is inevitable in the near future.
  55. +2
    21 March 2014 15: 52
    Anglo-Saxons, American-Saxons, Euro-Saxons and other swamp scum and trash, kikimors representing America in the UN Europe in the European Union - everything you can do Become a cancer in front of the great RUSSIA...
  56. +2
    21 March 2014 15: 54
    Historians, local historians, writers of Ukraine, have always dug up something, proving the exclusivity of the nation. Clearly, the intelligentsia ....

    Why then are representatives of this “exceptional” nation now desperately banditry, where are the intelligentsia among them?
  57. komissar
    21 March 2014 16: 43
    In the 13th century, each principality considered itself a separate people and the Ryazan people slaughtered the Vladimir people and vice versa as their worst enemies. Then Batu came and equalized everyone.
    1. 0
      21 March 2014 23: 05
      As big as a Colt. That's funny. Essentially true!
      The fact is that there was this outdated “ladder” or generic change of power. If the applicant had not reached adulthood before the death of his parent, power passed to the eldest in the clan, to the applicant’s uncle, and the former applicant became an “outcast” and, at best, received an inheritance somewhere in Tmutarkan (Tama Tarkhan).
      In order not to become an outcast, there was self-isolation, in the corners and waiting, and suddenly...
      The self-isolation of the principalities led ordinary people to disunity.
  58. 0
    21 March 2014 16: 58
    Quote: jjj
    Confirmation has already been received from the Americans, through the mouth of their president, that they will not enter Ukraine with their troops.
  59. +4
    21 March 2014 17: 02
    Savik will tell you the goal of the project:
  60. +3
    21 March 2014 17: 04
    What the Americans say, that they won’t fit in, can only be believed by a newborn, although he has nothing to do with it.
  61. +1
    21 March 2014 17: 11
    So far everything is going well. American revenge with the help of Ukraine can be useful, because it’s not for nothing that the United States is in no hurry to impose sanctions. Russia has a good chance to respond, and the Euro and the United States understand everything perfectly well - if Russia starts paying for fuel and lubricants in rubles... how can this kick the dollar in the teeth?! In one fell swoop, drown the US economy and raise your own. Well, then finish it off by selling government bonds of the same USA. After all, the ruble is backed by gold... Russia and China have 40 tons between them (and Russia also holds 000st place in production). So China at the G 1 declared the United States to be parasites living beyond their means. It’s in vain that the West pokes the sleeping BEAR with a stick. Otherwise, it’s somehow not according to the concepts: “oil and gas seem to be ours, but dreams come true in the United States.”
  62. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      21 March 2014 20: 50
      Quote: -Barbar-
      First the kings, then the leaders, then the general secretaries added (that is, ours are our dear ones), but definitely not the West.

      Take an interest in the fate of the Polabian Slavs. In the past, ALL of Europe was Slavic, so our leaders did not take anything extra.
  63. +1
    21 March 2014 17: 36
    This is the daily life of the Maiduns. There is no need to study or work. The authorities allowed them everything. So there is no fascism in Ukraine?

  64. Leha leha
    21 March 2014 17: 48
    Sashko is a masochist, and so is Yarosh.
    1. bigELDAK
      21 March 2014 19: 59
      The video was removed from the water. reviews, and it’s unlikely that he is. recourse
  65. +2
    21 March 2014 18: 06
    "Businessweek" published "Four inconvenient truths about Ukraine." Very concise and very intelligible. I would recommend all Euromaidan supporters to read:
    1. Many of Ukraine's new leaders participated in building policies that turned Ukraine into an economic cripple.
    2. Ukraine has already wasted a staggering amount of foreign aid.
    3. The new government is a shaky coalition that includes quite frightening elements (in particular, the ministers from “Freedom”, which is called “an ultranationalist party with disgusting neo-fascist tendencies”).
    4. Ukraine needs Russia. “Europe will not be able to help significantly if Moscow turns off the tap,” the magazine explains. This is what, it seems, Kiev stubbornly refuses to understand... Briefly, succinctly and usefully for those who believe in “a new democratic Ukraine that the West will build for us.”

    In my opinion, the US Embassy in Ukraine is crossing all moral boundaries! Do I understand correctly, dear Kharkov residents and Kharkov residents who joined them, “two people from among those who spoke out in support of the Maidan” who died in Kharkov are Artyom Zhudov and Alexey Sharov, who were buried the other day, who died at the hands of the “Right Sector”?! That is, the US Embassy easily classifies the guys fighting the Nazis from “Patriot of Ukraine” as “those who supported the Maidan”? And then he calls those who fight with this same “Patriot of Ukraine” “titushkas”! That is, while they are alive, they are “titushki”, and when they are killed, they are included in the “Heavenly Hundred of Euromaidan”? And what is it called?!

    My Kiev friends have a tragedy! Their young son received a summons to go to the military registration and enlistment office. They call me, cry, ask me what to do and where to hide my son. Moreover, my acquaintances, like most Kiev residents, supported the Maidan. Without fanaticism, without participating in barricade battles, but they supported us, and even showed up at rallies there a couple of times. Look, they were also jumping joyfully, “Whoever doesn’t gallop is a Muscovite”... I ask them: “Well, do you even understand that your beloved Maidan brought you to this situation?” In response, they cry and say: “We understand, but now we need to save our son, we won’t allow him to shoot at the Russians.” And they ask if I can help transport their son to temporary residence in Russia or (think about it!) in Crimea!
    So we got home.
    Vladimir Kornilov
    1. +1
      21 March 2014 21: 35
      “We understand, but now we need to save our son, we won’t let him shoot at the Russians.” And they ask if I can help transport their son to temporary residence in Russia or (think about it!) in Crimea!

      Damn it's cold!
      However, when God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of his reason.
  66. T34
    21 March 2014 18: 44
    Quote: ia-ai00
    The goal of the Ukraine project is the destruction of the Russian world

    Who would doubt that! Clear as GOD'S DAY!
    I hope everything turns out to be like in the people's WISDOM: - "DO NOT DIG A PIT TO ANOTHER ,,,"

    Think about the meaning of "United Russia"
    I began to understand not so long ago that the USSR 2.0 project is quite feasible, and therefore United Russia.
    Didn’t it seem to all of you that everything happened quickly - a week and the passports of the Crimeans are already ours... well, in general, in that spirit.
    It looks like this project has been in development for a long time.

    There is only one meaning in life - to multiply and occupy territories.
    All earthly creatures have such a simple scheme and this cannot be changed.
    (information for those who are looking for the meaning of life)
  67. +2
    21 March 2014 18: 50
    Quote: smith7
    I don't agree! I agree to the southeast, Odessa and the Carpathian region, and then let the rest of the EU "associate" with the descendants of "ancient ukrov". In 5 ... 15 years, they themselves will shout at all corners that they are part of Russia and their ancestors are Russian! The Germans will not feed them from the palm of their hand at all, or will be like Romanians, Bulgarians and all other Greeks.

    Exactly, from this point of view I am FOR! From the Westerners there is only eternal yelling and unwillingness to work, Freebies for them, please!
  68. +3
    21 March 2014 19: 04
    There were some. I went to the Kiev portal “bigworld” yesterday, registered, but all attempts to communicate were technically unsuccessful. Either through the addition of comments, or through the answer - everything went to zero without any explanation. Meanwhile, the local public was moaning that the Russians were now under an information blockade, etc., etc.
  69. bigELDAK
    21 March 2014 19: 21
    Attention +18, at 18 o'clock Moscow time on a neighboring site (Political Review) the page with MUSIC was deleted; I provide a video and a link from another site:[media=]
  70. DimDimych
    21 March 2014 19: 26
    One of the main goals of the “Ukrainian revolution” was to sow hatred between the two parts
    a single superethnos of Rus. The West wants to pit Ukraine and the Russian Federation against each other

    these words are for Svidomo-maydauns, and in their EARS!
  71. +2
    21 March 2014 19: 26
    Quote: MIKHAN
    I believe this coup will benefit both Russia and Ukraine especially .. Cheeri must mature and crush it ahead of time (23 years old) Russia tried to treat it with lotions .. Now you can cut it with the root (the scar will certainly remain) But they will remember for a long time. It will all start from the South East wake up Ukrainians the time has come ..

    The most interesting thing in all of this is that all of Russia has long woken up, stood up and is ready to cleanse the outskirts of fascist wickedness, but the south-east of Ukraine is not.. It’s a shame
  72. +1
    21 March 2014 19: 29
    We must not forget that the “limes” have always tried to do everything with someone else’s hands, and nothing has changed yet... Just as 70 years ago they rubbed shoulders with the fascists, giving them money, so it is now... And they will screw you again.
  73. +1
    21 March 2014 20: 51
    Thus, in the XNUMXth century, the Anglo-Saxons twice pushed two great Indo-European (Aryan) peoples - the Russians and the Germans - so that they would clear a place for them in a brutal massacre.

    Not Anglo-Saxons, but English. The English are a mixture of Anglo-Saxons and Franks. However, this is not important, since both the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons are one and the same people, called Germanic barbarians by the ancient Romans, who, in addition to the tribes listed above, were also represented by the Vandals, Ost-Goths and West-Goths. So all Western Europeans - Germans, French, Dutch, Belgians, English, Swiss, Spaniards (though there is a mixture of Arabs and Bedouins) and other little things are one filthy tribe. The fact that the indigenous peoples of Western Europe were slaughtered, as were the Indians later, suggests that Nazism is genetically embedded in them.

    In the early Middle Ages, Rome, which was then the main administrative center of Western civilization, was able to turn the Poles, who during this period were practically no different from the Rus who lived in Kyiv and Novgorod, into its “battle ram”.

    In the early Middle Ages, the settlement of German barbarians throughout Western Europe was just taking place, the Vandals went to Italy to plunder the Roman Empire, the Franks went with Clovis to Gaul and slaughtered all the Gauls. The Anglo-Saxons went to the territory of the present Netherlands and Belgium - they slaughtered the locals, then across the English Channel to Britain, the Britons were slaughtered a little less than completely. A small part escaped in Ireland and some were transported to the Frankish Empire. This place in France is called Brittany. And the Franks and Charles founded the Frankish Empire, and when it collapsed in decentralized feudal France, the most active Duke of Normandy crossed to Britain and started a war with the Anglo-Saxons, they subsequently agreed and founded their country there. After the fall of the Frankish Empire, true Catholicism began with the papal throne in Rome, and only then did the Germans begin to attack the Western Slavs - Poles and Czechs, Catholicism was imposed on them, just as the United States is now imposing puppet neoliberal governments with which it controls the governance of countries. That is, it was not a technology for dividing peoples. The division of peoples was already used by the Poles. In this way, they tried to convince the residents of the western lands of Rus' that they and the Russians were different peoples. This is how Ukrainians and Belarusians appeared. Well, in the same way, if you now tell a Kievite that he is not a Ukrainian, but a Kievite and this is another nation, greater than the Ukrainians, well, and other nonsense. Residents of Ukraine fell for this nonsense, the Belarusians figured it out and sent the Poles far away. Subsequently, this technology was applied by the Germans, as far as I remember, to the Serbs. The Northern Serbs were convinced that they were a different nation and lured them into the Catholic faith. Now they consider themselves Croats and in the 20th century they twice committed genocide of the Serbs - their people.
  74. +1
    21 March 2014 21: 14
    I absolutely agree with you.
    “Kievan Rus” is a conditional name, or rather an armchair one.
    This term is the jargon of historical science. Rus' knew even without them that “the mother of Russian cities” (in modern language the capital) is Kyiv.
    “I will begin to rule Mikhail, often to call the Russian Land... - many understand this phrase that Rus' was called by the year 852! This is written by historians, for whom it is high time to first learn Russian. The point is that the Greeks (Byzantium) began to mention Rus' as a state in their chronicles. It was Likhachev, an “academician” from history, who wrote that the history of Rus' begins with baptism, in 988!
    Thank you, keep it up.
  75. +1
    21 March 2014 21: 29
    All this chaos in Ukraine will ultimately end in a lot of blood and civil war, as the Anglo-Saxons want, and the oligarchs are their tools, in Ukraine, in Russia, and also the main enemies are corrupt officials of all stripes who are destroying the state from the inside. In the end Ukrainians will wake up to a broken trough called Ukraine if there is anything left of it, Poles, Romanians, Hungarians will wait and wait.
  76. +1
    21 March 2014 21: 38
    The root of the language is one - Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​are two adverbs. North and South.
    I'm talking about the Ukrainian language, and not the Galician dialect, this is a mixture of Polish-Hungarian-Austrian juice, which is imposed as Ukrainian.
    In the Ukrainian language, an ancient layer of the Russian language has been preserved. For example, in “The Lay of” there is “barefoot wolf”, “barefoot” on the old layer of the language “gray”, and so on.
    Actually, I didn’t imagine that “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” could become a weapon. This work was written no later than 1187, and not in Moscow! That’s how they said then: “The bows are tense, the crowns are open.”
    I apologize if I was wrong. I am writing this from memory.
  77. +2
    21 March 2014 23: 37
    Quote: Moldova will provide Ukraine with emergency humanitarian assistance in the amount of $100 thousand.
    ahem, it’s impossible not to smile! This is probably for Yatsenyuk’s ATV))))))))) and livers and new glasses)))
  78. 0
    22 March 2014 00: 48
    The Russian world is a beacon for all humanity. Without it, civilization will die out.
  79. 0
    22 March 2014 03: 30
    Just found it on LiveJournal
    (I hope that many will understand without translation)
    with my comments

    What should I do?

    I think that Ukraine will overcome Muscovite violence. *This is already good*

    Ale if we (God forbid) and still conquer, leave Kiev (mother yeyo so this is the mother of Russian cities) *that is, they don’t even want to admit it* and hoist the tricolor on Yolka, and plan to launch the Chechen battalion (which means “complete and unconditional surrender”), do you know what I’ll save?

    You won’t guess ;)

    I will join before the Russian army. *wow - and this is already a provocation*
    I will follow them further. Fight Europe. Bo, no matter what the secretaries general of NATO and the European Union, together with the Angels and Obamas, thought, Ukraine will not be satisfied with the stink.

    I’ll go with them to Berlin and with a grenade launcher I’ll confidently plant Merkel’s sister in the ass (it’s practically impossible to miss such an attack). And then we will sail across the Atlantic Ocean and storm the Washington Regional Committee. I’ll find Obama under the sofa and masterfully twist my mouth. How can they so together twist our arms if we need something (for example, to take out the atomic shield in us, *now it’s clear what they are dreaming about or do we need to repeat it?* but to ensure our own problem-free transit of paliva), then why can’t we?

    What will happen next? Nothing. The Evil Empire will soon collapse. Bo in, I am a Nazi face, and my hands grow from the ass and the stench of nothing worthwhile is vibrated - only bast shoes weave and the beards alone are smelted. And if Europe and America are going to be destroyed, who will buy up their stinking gas? *but really, why is gas supplied to Ukraine if they don’t like it so much* І China will rot if it destroys Europe and America and no one will pay money for their stinking gas, *that’s what Ukraine is doing - it hasn’t paid and doesn’t want to pay its debts* then who will the Chinese sell their junk to?

    Then we return to Kiev, take off the tricolor from Yolki, see the Chechen battalion in sight, and join our side. :)
    *another 42 houris are not enough to make a full Sharman*

  80. KR Ukraine
    22 March 2014 03: 58
    Quote: Farvil
    All this chaos in Ukraine will ultimately end in a lot of blood and civil war, as the Anglo-Saxons want, and the oligarchs are their tools, in Ukraine, in Russia, and also the main enemies are corrupt officials of all stripes who are destroying the state from the inside. In the end Ukrainians will wake up to a broken trough called Ukraine if there is anything left of it, Poles, Romanians, Hungarians will wait and wait.

    We will not allow this, because we are one and indivisible people, which cannot be said about you.
    1. -1
      22 March 2014 05: 04
      KR Ukraine
      We will not allow this, because we are one and indivisible people, which cannot be said about you.

      It’s strange that you are indivisible, but everyone is not too lazy to divide you laughing
      and at the same time, even no one is interested in your opinion, the hidden Cossack laughing
  81. 0
    22 March 2014 05: 39
    Nationalists from UPA Unso Galicia will not break us soldier good
  82. +1
    22 March 2014 10: 43
    And no one noticed that in Russia we were also deprived of our nationality by crossing out this column from our passports. Moreover, even children do not have the nationality of their parents listed on their birth certificate. It says in small print that this is optional. Moreover, this is not indicated anywhere. When my youngest was born, I saw this when I already received the birth certificate. I tried to get them to contribute my wish, but I didn’t achieve anything. And I received a strange answer: “Well, Americans also have no nationality.” This is where “legs grow”, and Americanization in Russia has been in full swing for a long time. Let's think about this too. Russia is a multinational state and this is good, but every person must know his roots, otherwise we can lose ourselves. This is what we see in Ukraine now. But if the “Banderovite” opened his passport and there it was: RUSSIAN, and all questions would immediately disappear. And the Americans are working everywhere, thoughts have already appeared that there is a nationality “Siberian” people, but this is a call.......
  83. Sabtr
    22 March 2014 12: 13
    1. At one time, the United States prepared and supported F. Castro to overthrow the dictator Batista in Cuba - F. Castro came to power - how did it all end for the USA? 2. The United States supported and S. Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait ended...3. In 1979-1989. The USA and Western countries supported and trained the Mujahideen in Afghanistan - how it all ended (Taliban, Osama bin Laden (Al-Qaeda) unsuccessful war in Afghanistan (USA AND NATO) - something that the USA and Western countries are planning turns against them - it’s a pity that Russia succumbed to the provocation - Euromaidan (the only good thing is that Yanuca and his team were overthrown (the thief should be in prison) - if not for Russia’s saber-rattling, the friendship and respect between Ukrainians and Russians would not have diminished) Ukrainians, too, are not all in favor European integration and friendship with the USA - time will show who was right and who was wrong...
  84. 0
    22 March 2014 13: 06
    Auto RU! I subscribe to every word. When you read something like this, you can’t help but think that all is not lost. The main thing now is education. People need to wake up, and the first step is to stop saying okay, wow and switch from pizza to pies and shangi. Well, write logins in Cyrillic.
  85. 0
    22 March 2014 17: 42
    To the author - Respect!!
    It is undeniable that the Slavs of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are ONE people - the Slavic Russians.
    I think that in a broad sense, all citizens of the Russian Federation are also Russian.
    I just don’t agree with the anti-Soviet paragraph of the article. Because the USSR, as Great Rus', saved the Russians in the twentieth century from humiliation!!
  86. 0
    22 March 2014 19: 33
    Quote: Turkir
    I agree with your analysis or vision of the situation.
    But, Ukrainian.national. consciousness sharply intensifies only... on an empty stomach. And at once and for everyone.

    I agree, the hungrier the people are, the more willingly they believe that they are the chosen one and they will be happy that they will give them the food they dream about. And he follows deceitful leaders, their carrots.
    The hungrier the people, the more gullible they are, they are limited, they are unable to think anything other than an empty stomach, and they don’t have enough money for brains. All I mean is that it is economically impossible to stifle Russophobia in the country. On the contrary, there will be such a boom as you never dreamed of. Even your relatives who came for an hour can become Russophobes...however, I hope this does not happen.
    From memory I saw that in the most well-fed years (USSR) Ukrainians hardly rocked the boat. We worked, studied, designed, built... Yes, there was a share of conceit, well, so are the southern people, we are all like that. But satiety is a trait of a Ukrainian, that’s why he is a Ukrainian. And a hungry Ukrainian is a true patriot. Only he is a patriot not of Ukraine, but of his own stomach.
    PS there is an unusual strengthening of checkpoints in the city. People in armored armor accompany the police... Did the “CIA” really whisper about “Russian tanks”?
  87. 0
    22 March 2014 22: 15
    Ukraine is the only country in the world that can elect a woman with a braid as its president.
  88. 0
    22 March 2014 22: 35
    ABOUT THE SPEAKER OF THE VERKHOVNA RADA OF UKRAINE: How disgusting it is when the same hands created and now destroyed the Constitution of Ukraine.
  89. rezident
    23 March 2014 14: 54
    You read you and laugh at the same time, wanting to hug the Ukrainian brothers and give them a slap by squeezing out the Crimea.
  90. 0
    24 March 2014 05: 13
    I would like to believe that in Russia even the oligarchs are beginning to understand that without a strong country they are nothing, and the government finally defines for itself not even a national, but a pan-Slavic idea of ​​​​creating a strong unified state (Crimea is an example of this), and not these unfinished kaganates created after 91... It’s only a pity that in Ukraine the so-called authorities now consider even the Germans, even the devil, as brothers, but not Russia... But this will not continue for long, it is unnatural from all points of view ( political, ethnographic, historical...), and the throne of Bandar and the Nazis is already swaying strongly, and its fall is not far off.
  91. 0
    13 July 2014 12: 26
    the masters of the West began to breed another combat zombie - “Ukraine”

    As I understand it, according to the author, all the troubles come from the West, and that means we are plush and have nothing to do with it, right?! Historian, look at the territories annexed to Ukraine. For some reason, I didn’t see a single “gift” there!
    In general, troubles begin when traditions weaken and the connection between generations is lost. Only from father to son can the immutable truth be passed on; everything else is very easily washed away. Think about how our children would grow up if they were told about the great past of their ancestors. From very early childhood, they would have created the self-awareness of a Human (with a capital “H”), who would recognize himself as an important part of a developed society and civilization. A person who would be proud of the past of his people and respect his native Russian culture, and therefore preserve and enhance the heritage of his ancestors. What are our children being taught today in schools and beyond? The past is savagery and slavery, and the present is murmuring before modern Western “civilization” (with its base and ugly values). Over the last century - so many experiments have been done on the Slavs that it is not surprising that the bonds have weakened - “Western” rot has become more attractive (in a beautiful package) than one’s own work and raising children in harmony with the world.
    So, we can blame anyone for troubles (whether the West, even the Khazars...), but until we decide on HOW we should live and what we should be guided by, we will live life in vain and we will only have ourselves to blame!
    We all need to firmly understand: as long as we are strong in our faith (not necessarily Orthodox), as long as we have not betrayed those moral and ethical values ​​that for centuries helped our ancestors overcome the most terrible trials - no one in the world can defeat us, no one can dictate how to live and what to do. And vice versa, if we, God forbid, allow our spiritual foundations to be destroyed, then inevitably our states, a little earlier or a little later, will crumble, and we will all simply cease to exist as an original and self-sufficient civilization. And this is war and the blood of relatives. And so that this doesn’t happen... I’ll quote from the book “- Bulyga, have you heard the words that “Russia has always been unprepared for war”? Now think about it, because this also has the opposite meaning. What when are we ready for war? were you ready, there have never been fools and suicides to attack us? Here is the answer to you, if you want peace, get ready..." - This is the correct view

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"