No strategic reserves

Problems of recruitment and accumulation of military-trained mobilization human resources and ways to solve them

Recently, the final meeting of the third division of the Academy of Military Sciences "Military (defense) construction of the state military organization." A lot of attention was paid to the problems that have been disturbing the Russian public and its younger generation for many years, and recently they have also become a source of contradictions between military scientists and experts from various scientific schools and views. It was about closely interrelated problems of staffing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, training and accumulation of military-trained human mobilization resources.

In general, the problems of recruiting and accumulating military-trained mobilization human resources require the urgent resolution of a number of contradictions. On the one hand, between limited (eligible for military service) conscription human resources of the Russian Federation and the great needs of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation for staffing them. On the other hand, between the need for military-trained human mobresources necessary to deploy the required composition of groups of troops (forces) to repel aggression against the Russian Federation, and insufficient capabilities of the Armed Forces to prepare and accumulate them in peacetime. We should not forget about resolving the contradiction between the financial and economic needs of the Armed Forces, in particular, current expenses, and the capabilities of the Russian Federation to ensure them.

Solvable contradictions

It is no secret that in the coming years, the Russian Federation will find itself in a deep “demographic hole”, which will significantly affect its ability to recruit the state’s military organization with personnel. In absolute terms, the ability of the Russian Federation to recruit the state’s military organization in peacetime, taking into account the state of health of recruited youth and the existing system of deferments (no more than 15 percent of the total number of conscription is called up) will make 2015 in the 681,7 year, including for the Armed Forces 477,2, 2020 - 640,7 and 448,5, in 2025 - 618,4 and 432,9 thousands of people, respectively. The requirements for draft troops for recruiting the RF Armed Forces with sergeants and privates today and in the medium term are no less than 780 thousand people. Thus, the deficit in recruiting as a private and non-commissioned officers for conscription only for the RF Armed Forces will be at least 300 – 350 thousand people.

The resolution of this contradiction has been seen for many years in the transition to a contract method of recruiting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The rationale for this was one argument - the annual demand for recruiting resources acceptable to the Russian Federation, which could be made up of a three-year term for concluding a contract for military service 260, and a five-year one - 156 thousand people. Such a decision was justified not only from the point of view of the mobilization tension of the state, but also from a military-strategic point of view, since it was not planned to use the RF Armed Forces in large-scale military conflicts and deploy numerous groups of troops (forces) for this. However, this decision was contrary to the principle of equal responsibility of citizens for the defense of the state and was not provided financially and economically. In particular, the low level of pay and social conditions of service under the contract was the main reason for the failure of the experiment on the transition of the Armed Forces to this method of recruitment.

All this necessitated the transition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to a mixed recruitment method. However, this raises the problem of justifying a rational balance between the rank and file and the sergeant staff serving military conscription and contract. Obviously, the criteria for the effectiveness of the decision may be the allowable number of annual recruitment and hiring of citizens for military service and acceptable (rational) social and economic conditions of service and life of military personnel, decent pay and appropriate social guarantees and benefits.

At the same time, the solution of this task is impossible without resolving the second contradiction - without assessing the compliance of the capabilities of the RF Armed Forces with training and accumulating military-trained human resources to deploy additional numbers of military formations necessary to create the required groups of troops (forces).

If the first component being compared mainly depends on the number of servicemen undergoing military service on conscription and contract, the duration of this service and the time of citizens in the reserve and their quantitative values ​​are known, then the second one depends on the number of reduced units and military units unknown to us frames, as well as the need to create new military units and to compensate for irretrievable losses in the first months of the war.

Strategic reserve

It is known that the combat strength and structure of the Armed Forces depend on the nature of the wars in which their use is planned. At present, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with general-purpose forces without significant mobilization deployment are capable of solving tasks only in armed conflicts and, in part, local wars. At the same time, in the future, the participation of the Russian Federation in regional and large-scale wars cannot be excluded, which will differ from armed conflicts and local wars not only by political and military-strategic goals, but also by significant spatial scope and long duration (from several months to several years) . This will require the deployment of significant militant groupings of troops (forces) and the maximum military-economic and mobilization pressure of the state. To increase the combat potential of groups of troops (forces) in the interests of conducting large-scale military operations during the war, it is obviously necessary that such a combat force of the Armed Forces be able to deploy additional numbers of combat-ready units.

However, the composition and structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, formed as a result of the 2008 – 2012 reforms, make it possible in wartime to only slightly increase the combat strength of the groupings of troops (forces) due to the mobilization of the weapons storage and repair base (BHIRVT), and the lack of strategic reserves significantly limits the possibility of the influence of the Supreme Command on the preparation and conduct of large-scale military operations. Therefore, in the future, as part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, along with strategic deterrence forces and general-purpose forces, it is necessary to have strategic reserves.

Based on the size of the Armed Forces of Peacetime, it is proposed that, as part of the strategic deterrent forces, to have formations and military units of permanent readiness, as part of general-purpose forces - formations and military units of permanent readiness, reduced personnel and personnel, and as part of strategic reserves - formations and military units of the frame . According to their functional purpose, these units and military units are subdivided into immediate use forces with readiness periods up to 24 hours, rapid deployment forces with readiness periods up to М10, reinforcement troops - USC reserves and primary strategic reserves with readiness periods М30 and from М30 to М60, respectively. The staffing, AME and material resources should ensure that the formations and military units are ready to carry out missions in a timely manner.

Introduction of reduced reserves and personnel to the structure of the RF Armed Forces strategic reserves, as well as formations and military units, while maintaining the total peacetime strength of the Armed Forces, will increase the number of military units that make up the groupings of troops (forces), increase the base of the mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces and ensure the combat strength The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation before the needs of war

Previous studies have shown that to recruit newly deployed formations and military units (reserve formations) based on the forecast of military threats to the Russian Federation, the need for military-trained human resources can be 2017 thousands of officers and sergeants 280 million 1 thousands by 820 year to the 2021 th officers - 450 thousands, soldiers and sergeants - 2 million 800 thousands, to 2025 th officers - 680 thousands, soldiers and sergeants - 3 million 900 thousand people.

Is a contract army able to prepare and accumulate so many mobresursy? Let's try to answer this question.

What is a contract army capable of?

With the average term of active military service officers 20 years (up to 40 years) and 15 years in service (stay in reserve: 1-th category - to 50, 2-th category - to 55 years), taking into account the available resource (150 thousands man) and the natural annual loss of 10 percent can be accumulated for each of the calculated years no more than 150 of thousands of reserve officers. At the same time, the shortage of officers will turn out to be 2017 thousands by 130,3, thousands 2021 by 300,62, and thousands by 2026 th.

To recruit a peacekeeping officer in the peacetime with an officer corps, the required average annual graduation rate of officers from military schools to 2021 must be at least 11, after 2020, thousands of people must be 17,5. For the training and accumulation of officers in the interests of deploying groups of troops (forces) and conducting military operations during the first months of the war, at least 43 – 44 thousands of reserve officers must be produced annually at the expense of the military departments of civilian educational institutions.

How to solve this problem?

At present, covering the need for peacetime officers is provided by the capabilities of the established network of military schools of the RF Armed Forces. To ensure the deployment of reserve units for wartime, reserve officers are being trained today at 35 military departments and 33 military training centers of civilian universities. In a speech by the head of the State Defense Committee of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the last collegium of the Ministry of Defense, the university’s 72 figure was made, which is only seven percent of the total number of civilian educational institutions. At the same time, their annual output differs significantly from the above-presented needs and amounts to no more than 10 of thousands of reserve officers. It is necessary at least four times to increase the capacity of civilian universities to train reserve officers for strategic reserves, the total capacity of which should be at least 44 thousands of reserve officers every year.

No strategic reserves

At the same time, it is necessary to agree both with the duration and with the forms of training of reserve officers in civilian universities proposed by the head of the State Defense Committee of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. At the same time, it seems inexpedient, because of the great need for reserve officers, to carry out training in civilian higher educational institutions of sergeants and reserve soldiers. To do this, it is better to attract educational institutions of secondary and vocational education.

As regards the training and accumulation of military-trained mobresursov ordinary and non-commissioned officers, it should be noted that subject to the creation of strategic reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the contract method of recruitment and annual hiring 78 thousands of citizens for military service are not able to prepare the required number of military-trained mobresursy sergeant and rank-and-file personnel, the shortage of which will be 2017 by 661, 2021 by 1685, and 2026 by thousands of 2825.

The way out of the situation created is obvious and it is possible only with a mixed method of staffing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and substantiating the rational ratio of the number of sergeants and privates serving under contract and conscription, as well as the periods of military service and service in reserve (being in reserve).

Taking into account the previously listed negative factors, the required number of military-trained mobresurs of private and non-commissioned officers, not exceeding the annual capacity of the Russian Federation to recruit citizens - 432 – 477 thousand people, can be prepared and accumulated only if there are at least 54 in the Armed Forces percent of sergeants and soldiers (421 thousand people), undergoing military service under the contract, and the duration of military service on conscription - one year, under the contract - five years and in reserve (stay in reserve) - 15 years.

At the same time, no more than 360 thousand people will be required for recruitment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and up to 83 thousand for hire, which in total (443 thousand) does not exceed the above-mentioned possibilities of the annual call of the Russian Federation (432 – 477 thousand).

With a share of contract soldiers of less than 54 percent, the opportunities for training military-trained mobresursov sergeants and privates increase, the need for conscription of citizens for military service will exceed the maximum possible values.

If the percentage of contract servicemen is more than 54, the need for conscription for citizens will be less than the marginal capabilities of the Russian Federation for conscription for citizens, and the capabilities of the RF Armed Forces for training the required number of military-trained sergeant and privates will be reduced.

Thus, the number of sergeants and contract soldiers in the Russian Armed Forces within 421 – 425 thousand people is optimal from a military-strategic point of view.

Quality and incentives of preparation

The solution to the problem of the quantitative accumulation of military-trained mobresursov sergeants and soldiers is inextricably linked with the accounting and quality control of their training. Therefore, it is quite natural that the reduction in the number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the transition to a mixed way of completing them, sharply raise the question of the need to create a national reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, recruited on a voluntary (contract) basis, while maintaining the existing mobilization reserve of the Armed Forces. However, it will be possible to talk about the structure and composition of the national reserve only after conducting an experiment on the organization of service in the human mobilization reserve of the RF Armed Forces of a limited number of citizens who have signed a contract for such a service.

In the conditions of changing the method of recruiting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, their numerical reduction, introducing a voluntary method of recruiting the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, expanding the territorial principle of recruiting and improving the training of military-trained resources will support military units and formations in the required calculated number and combat readiness in accordance with operational plans troops (forces), to preserve the basic basis of the mobilization readiness of the country in case of military danger.

At the same time, the transition to a new system of recruitment, preparation and accumulation of military-trained resources should be sufficiently resourced, economically and financially. It is required to create attractive conditions of military service under the contract both in formations and military units of permanent readiness and reduced strength, and in reserve formations.

To confirm the feasibility of the above proposals, the calculation of the monetary allowance of servicemen, including soldiers and contract sergeants of the Russian Armed Forces, was carried out as one of the incentives to increase the prestige of military service.

According to military experts, the payroll of officers should be no less than 70 thousand rubles, and the rank and file and non-commissioned officers of contract servicemen must be at least 35 thousand rubles. These indicators are taken as the minimum necessary criterion values ​​of the monetary allowance of servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

With such a level of monetary support for military servicemen, the total expenditures this year will not exceed the budgeted appropriations of 372,1 billion rubles. At the same time, the share of the monetary allowance of servicemen in the expenses for maintaining the RF Armed Forces will be 51,9 percent, and the total expenses for maintaining the RF Armed Forces - 1012,77 billion rubles or 52,8 percent of the construction and maintenance costs of the RF Armed Forces.

By 2017 year with the release of the estimated number of contract servicemen in the RF 421 200 sergeants and soldiers within the allocated expenses for the maintenance of military personnel 454 billion rubles, the average maintenance of officers can be no less than 96 thousand rubles, sergeants and conscripts - two thousand rubles, and contract workers - 38 thousand rubles. At the same time, the share of the total pay for all categories of military personnel will be 56,5 percent of the cost of maintaining the Armed Forces. And 40,8 percent - from the cost of construction and maintenance of the Armed Forces.

By 2021, the officers' salaries can be increased up to 120 thousand rubles, sergeants and conscripts up to three thousand rubles, and contract soldiers - up to 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, the share of the total pay for all categories of military personnel will remain as it was and will amount to 56 percent of the cost of maintaining the RF Armed Forces. And 40,6 percent - from the cost of construction and maintenance of the Armed Forces.

Thus, already by 2016, it is possible to increase the number of sergeants and soldiers under military service under the contract to 420 thousand people with an increase in the prestige of military service and the status of a military man, which is caused not only by the military-strategic feasibility, but also by the financial and economic possibilities of moving to the system of manning the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, based on a mixed method of manning.

In terms of payments to citizens in reserve, it should be noted that in accordance with federal law of December 30 2012 of the year No. 288-ФЗ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Creation of a Human Mobilization Reserve” such a payment. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in 2014 – 2016, the number of reserves for 5000 people is envisaged. According to the calculations of the Defense Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense can make 2014 million rubles in 279,4, 2015 million in 288,3, and 2016 million rubles in 324,9 to ensure this reserve. It can be assumed that the monetary content of one “reservist” in the period of 2014 – 2016 will cost 5 – 5,5 thousands of rubles. These expenses in the budget for national defense represent no more than 0,03 – 0,05 percent of other expenses for national defense.

The data on the number and financial parameters of the national mobilization reserve can be taken as benchmarks for conducting an experiment to assess the effectiveness of the performance of the service system in the national reserve. In the future, by the year 2021, it is necessary to fully transfer citizens who are in reserve and credited to the national reserve, to contract service with determining the amount of money for officers - 15 thousand rubles, sergeants and soldiers - 10 thousand rubles. The total annual expenditure on this monetary allowance will be 204,3 billion rubles, or five percent of the costs of national defense.
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  1. +21
    20 March 2014 12: 25
    To prepare everyone from the school bench as in the USSR, in any other way.
    1. +16
      20 March 2014 12: 28
      Right! Introduce the subject of military training (initial military training) in the school.
      1. +25
        20 March 2014 12: 34
        Do not enter, but return. I still remember this course. Two senior classes. A very necessary thing.
        1. +1
          20 March 2014 13: 05
          And I remember the class I from the sixth. Either I'm old, or the regime city was ...
      2. +8
        20 March 2014 12: 35
        Of course. Igor is right; there is no other way.
        Have you forgotten "Zarnitsa"?
        And all this must be restored
      3. avg
        20 March 2014 15: 13
        In fact, everything related to mobilization readiness, not even of the country, but of a separate unit, has always been one of the most protected secrets. Therefore, I strongly doubt the correctness of the calculations presented here.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +7
      20 March 2014 13: 03
      The only way to develop and equip DOSAAF.
      In DOSAAF - to introduce the rules of the TRP, shooting training, hand-to-hand combat as in the army. Fees - 1 times in 3 months from 14 years.
      Shooting from AK, pistols, assembly-disassembly of AK.
      Driving technique, theory.
  2. +5
    20 March 2014 12: 31
    And the result can be summed up in one phrase - in the event of a mid-level war, without the use of nuclear weapons, Russia will not be able to deploy a group of more than 500 thousand people for a long time. Either it will be necessary to win quickly, or ... well, as in the song - "slowly the missiles float away into the distance ..."
    1. +1
      20 March 2014 13: 04
      The middle level - is it like with Poland, the Baltic?
      Here, all the same, the missiles will float away.
      If with Saydy or Qatar - here you can still wrestle
  3. +1
    20 March 2014 12: 33
    Headcount data and financial parameters- although I would REALLY READ THEM ..... OH-C .... OK ... I’ll win AGAH ...
  4. buser
    20 March 2014 12: 34
    there is still the experience of switzerland. There, all military-laden houses store a complete set of military uniforms and full-time weapons. Everyone knows what to do, where to run, etc. There are many articles on this subject. The experience of the Soviet Union is also huge.
    1. +2
      20 March 2014 12: 56
      The experience of Switzerland is not indicative for us. Compare territories. In Switzerland, it is possible to form a brigade in a few hours and transfer it to any section of the border in 24 hours. And here you imagine it. I have from the city only a small airport and 1 road and railway from Nizhnevartovsk. How can they even send me to the assigned part per day? To the same Urals or Novorossiysk?
    2. +1
      20 March 2014 13: 05
      This will be true, along with the NVP and fees.
      The war today is a war of hours and minutes. It has just begun - local forces are ready for battle.
  5. +1
    20 March 2014 12: 35
    People, of course, it’s people, but military operations also require military equipment, and if you look at the current pace of its production, it becomes sad, especially with aviation
  6. +10
    20 March 2014 12: 37
    Revival of NVP, TRP, DOSAAF! The only way.
  7. +2
    20 March 2014 12: 38
    Correctly! We must start from school !!! soldier
  8. Gagarin
    20 March 2014 12: 40
    NVP, Zarnitsa, Eaglet, .... do you think our fathers and grandfathers were dumber than us?
  9. 0
    20 March 2014 12: 49
    Keep on getting lost! Hitler probably thought the same. It’s impossible to understand Russia with the mind, it’s impossible to measure long arshin, it just needs to BELIEVE it special to become Russia. We won the olympiad, but you are in poor health)))
    1. +2
      20 March 2014 13: 42
      Quote: fif21
      We won the olympiad, but you are in poor health)))

      The health of young people is not weak. It just doesn't exist. At 42, I had to run for a distillation (on a dispute) with luggage in my hands with young guys in a hill (about 200 meters to the top of about 15 degrees). I still had to wait for them at the top for a while. I have been smoking since the 5th grade, and they are all non-smokers. Young people have no health. We got up with the anthem of the USSR, ran to the stadium, did exercises, then home, shower, breakfast and to school. In my school years, I, like my peers, went in for athletics, swimming, skiing, go-karting, motocross. And that's not counting volleyball, football and tennis. Now ask the young people what kinds of sports they do. Yes, not any. There are simply no sports clubs, teams, organizations (CYSS) at the school level. For that "they lived badly in the USSR."
      1. 0
        20 March 2014 15: 10
        Now ask the young people what sports they practice

        GTA, Counter-Strike, WOW, WOT. Where do you think come from Maidan "Wars of Narnia" wassat
      2. 0
        20 March 2014 19: 57
        San Sanych, but you keep your uniform? I keep in 50 the same form as in 19. My peers are like chubby, flabby pigs Until now, I could not understand what this is for me? Now I’ve caught up, to slush the porridge, the Slavs, our age will have to. recourse
  10. +3
    20 March 2014 12: 50
    The learning system from the school bench can and should be built interesting and fascinating for children. Hiking, survival lessons, self-defense courses (sambo, judo, karate, boxing). Unfortunately, at the end of the history of the Union, NVP and the TRP turned into a formality: a hangover physical teacher, nauseous posters, two dusty gas masks on a class, jumping over a goat on holey mats ... I admit that this was not the case with everyone, but it was so.
    I was also lucky that I lived and grew up in the countryside: fishing, hiking, "Zarnitsy" and "Eaglet", fights for girls, in winter - skiing, in summer - swimming (swim across the lake for a bet, get the bottom at the deepest section of the river), trips to the collective farm "for strengthening", vegetable gardens (digging in, burrowing). All this and much more - in the fresh air.
  11. +7
    20 March 2014 12: 54
    Interestingly, all the figures given belong to the category of classified information or are they openly posted for general consideration?

    I do not presume to judge the numerical indicators. The military-political leadership should be better aware of what and how much the country needs. I can only express my opinion on the contract (mercenary) army and universal conscription.

    The contractor is going to serve for money, (apartment, citizenship). Why are Western armies, especially the Amer army, so sensitive to losses? Yes, because no one signs a contract for his murder. They want to receive money, to die for their homeland - no. Imagine a situation where in the Red Army there would be 50% of contract soldiers. And if the country does not have money to pay salaries? A bayonet to the ground? Is the contract broken by your fault? Yes, and pay me a forfeit?

    The myth of a contract professional army was needed by our liberals to ruin the country. Unlike the States, the USSR had a huge land border not with the friendliest neighbors. Which contract army can keep the borders with Central Asia and the Far East? Plus, the border with NATO. Russia should have a small skeleton of professionals and a normal universal appeal. Mowing from the army has become fashionable. And in Turkey, for example, a person who has not served in the army does not cause respect.

    Output. We need a normal call. We need a reserve of trained reservists. And we need a psychological climate in the country. The movie Starship Troopers was a good one. Military service is the path to citizenship. What is the difference between a citizen and civilians?
    1. RusSever
      20 March 2014 15: 33
      I agree with you. Universal appeal, service life of at least 2 years. Cash allowance - 5-8 thousand per month. + benefits for admission to a university, etc. But for this, the whole country needs to work and pay taxes.
      1. 0
        20 March 2014 19: 42
        If general call, then it turns out polls benefits for admission to college?
        And this is not the benefits, but the system. Standard philistine misconception.
    2. 0
      20 March 2014 19: 46
      Quote: Bakht
      need a psychological climate in the country

      You have to start with this. In our camp now everything can be bought, that military ticket, that diploma. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the psychological climate in the country, and only then revive the NVP, and only then citizenship and military service, citizenship and state administration, including deputy
  12. +2
    20 March 2014 12: 55
    Dear comrades, I fully agree with you about the revival of the NVP. Yes, and there is nothing to scatter people, it is necessary to demand from the government the creation of conditions for normal fertility and the development of many empty territories, the climate changing is contributing to this. You can even invite adequate white Americans to live with us. In Siberia, for example. I read here recently about some Americans who are already decently living in Russia and are very happy with it. Political correctness is like a mental illness from which normal people flee.
  13. stillrat
    20 March 2014 13: 03
    Armed people are the only guarantee of stability and security of the state !! The liberalization of arms legislation in Russia will allow, if not quantitatively then qualitatively improving the situation. And most importantly, unlike any other measures, the state will not cost a dime. Citizens themselves, at their own expense, will increase their professional military level.
  14. 0
    20 March 2014 13: 06
    Russia has shown that 500 Polite Greens can do more than 5 deployed militias.
  15. shitovmg
    20 March 2014 13: 09
    My father from the 1st grade taught footcloths to wind ...
    1. RND
      20 March 2014 13: 28
      Quote: shitovmg
      My father from the 1st grade taught footcloths to wind ...

      And my grandfather - to shoot ...
    2. wanderer_032
      20 March 2014 13: 30
      Quote: shitovmg
      My father from the 1st grade taught footcloths to wind ...

      It would be better if I drove to TIR, or took it to HUNT. Yes
      1. +1
        20 March 2014 13: 43
        Quote: wanderer_032

        It would be better if I drove to TIR, or took it to HUNT. Yes

        There is no shooting gallery at the current place of residence. And you won’t get a hunting ticket ...
        I will train at least on airsoft "models". My daughter liked shooting a pistol ... :)
  16. 0
    20 March 2014 13: 12
    Need an ideology. This is first and foremost. Then we impose on this ideology both military comprehensive education and NVP and so on. Military all-education is the training of the military-technical college outside the barracks. Purely like driving courses. Theory, standings, practice, practical standings. And so that the student himself could choose what he wants to study. That is, there is a necessary theory, without which there is nowhere. And then it went. I want to study this automatic machine, that machine gun and that figurine. Well yes, AGS-30. Studied, passed, received a note in the card. Something like this. Then with us both white-ticketers will catch up, and people with disabilities. Because if a serious thing starts, everyone will rake and fight.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. wanderer_032
      20 March 2014 14: 04
      Quote: Zomanus
      Need an ideology.

      You need to be able to attract and interest people. But ideology does not lure anyone.
      This word in itself already repels, rather than attracts. Yes

      Quote: Zomanus
      I want to study this automatic machine, that machine gun and that figurine.

      So who doesn’t give? On the Internet, a lot of information, download and learn. Only this in terms of practice will do little.
      Here, practical skills are needed, which can only be obtained at a training ground or shooting range. Through regular training. Which will require a lot of time and certain expenses (at least for transport and ammunition).

      Quote: Zomanus
      Studied, passed, received a note in the card.

      It smacks of formalism from which all problems with combat training begin.
      And we really need trained people who immediately received weapons and ammunition, in which case, they could immediately go and carry out complex combat missions.
      And for this we need a really prepared (and not formally) reserve.
    3. 0
      20 March 2014 18: 30
      Quote: Zomanus
      Need an ideology.

      That's right. Need an ideology. And those who are scared away by this word are wrong. But you read the Constitution of Russia. Two terrible things are clearly stated in the Russian Constitution.

      Article 13

      2. No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory.

      Article 15

      4. The generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If other rules are established by an international treaty of the Russian Federation than stipulated by law, then the rules of the international treaty apply.

      This Constitution was adopted in 1993. And as it is now recognized, it was written on American patterns. And under the strict guidance of the American intelligence services. Do not the citizens of Russia think these provisions are strange? According to article 15 of the current Constitution, the laws of the Russian Federation have a subordinate position in relation to decisions, for example, the UN.
  17. Quantum
    20 March 2014 13: 13
    And how many guys from Ukraine, and from other countries, could replenish
    the army of Russia! For 50 thousand and the citizenship of Russia, there are many who wish.
  18. stillrat
    20 March 2014 13: 14
    Moreover, it would be nice to create a semblance of the National Guard. In Russia, a lot of people are wasting their time ineptly on various kinds of war games, I am sure that many of them would gladly shoot from real weapons a couple of times a year and ride real equipment. these "troubles" if these people are already included in the number of reservists. I will answer firstly the quality of the conscript will grow sensitively, and secondly, I think that service in NG will attract even those who at one time enthusiastically "mowed" from the army, and there are many of them.
  19. wanderer_032
    20 March 2014 13: 20
    Tables, percentages, times ...
    No specifics, no tasks, no real offers. But only boo boo, moo-moo, etc ..
    The fruit of paper maraca from the bureaucracy. Boring nerdy, not an article.
    If something sensible the author wanted to say, then it was necessary to speak. And do not chew snot about interest, times, etc. .. And if this is, then this is how it could be, here.
    Follower V.S. Chernomyrdin.
    For a military man, thought should be expressed very clearly, clearly and without unnecessary words.
    I think for ordinary citizens, too.
    1. wanderer_032
      20 March 2014 13: 27
      PS For me, honestly, it remained a mystery from whom (and where) should our country create this very strategic personnel reserve?
      And what specific measures (actions) for this should the state authorities and citizens themselves take?
      And also what should result in?
      1. 0
        20 March 2014 14: 37

        Indeed, the author is silent about this.

        And he is also silent about the fact that military education has been destroyed, military commissariats have been "reformed", military science is not honored (although it was us, not the Germans who won the Second World War), what the real possibilities of the country for mobilization are few people imagine.

        Nobody deals with this issue. And this is not the task. After all, this is not a business.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  20. +1
    20 March 2014 13: 37
    Good new - forgotten old (TRP, NVP, DOSAAF) ....
  21. 0
    20 March 2014 13: 46
    When the "urgent" passed - among us "mowing" was not fashionable.
    Of all those who entered the first year, less than 10 remained uninvited.
    They returned - they learned what they wanted.
  22. Isaev
    20 March 2014 13: 57
    Unfortunately, most of our youth will now prefer to resemble combat training while sitting at a computer playing shooting games. It is necessary to revive sections, to popularize Dosaaf. Introduce in schools the lessons of patriotism, not theology.
    1. wanderer_032
      20 March 2014 14: 31
      Quote: Isaev
      Introduce patriotism lessons in schools

      You can’t beat patriotism into your head, it’s not a multiplication table or an alphabet.
      We need normal Russian history textbooks and history teachers.
  23. +2
    20 March 2014 14: 02
    Auto RU.

    Analysis of strategic reserves and resources is given one-sided. Only human mobility is considered. The remaining components are forgotten.

    In addition, the author constantly confuses mobresource и mobile reserve, and these, as you know, are different things.

    But he put a "plus" for the fact that at least an attempt was made to analyze this direction.

    Suppose we will solve the problem with human mobresources and mobreserves, and where do we get for them military equipment and weapons, uniforms and food?

    Or again, as in the Great Patriotic War, one rifle per platoon? Throw hats? But after all, there may not be enough hats for everyone.

    How are these tasks solved?
    Launching the MiG-29 or Su-35 in a series is difficult, but possible. But how much time will it take? Also with armored vehicles, navy, ammunition for all types of weapons, etc.

    It is not enough to prepare people - they must be provided with everything necessary. How much can we take from storage bases, warehouses and arsenals? In what condition is this weapon and equipment? Has anyone counted?

    After all, write yourself:

    "However, the composition and structure of the RF Armed Forces, formed as a result of the reforms of 2008-2012, make it possible in wartime to only slightly increase the combat strength of groupings of troops (forces) by mobilizing the base for storage and repair of weapons and equipment (BHiRVT), and the lack of strategic reserves significantly limits the ability of the Supreme Command to influence the preparation and conduct of large-scale military operations. Therefore, in the future, in the RF Armed Forces, along with the strategic deterrent and general purpose forces, it is necessary to have strategic reserves. "

    And it makes no sense to prepare a mobile reserve without material support.
    You can form a regiment, division, army. But without weapons, uniforms, ammunition, rations, etc. it is just an unarmed and defenseless crowd of people.
  24. w2000
    20 March 2014 15: 58
    It would be nice to return the cadre divisions at least 3-5 per district, so that they could lead to the mobilization of wartime. To do military service from the age of 20 (because at the age of 18 there is still neither strength, nor brains), and at least 2-3 years. To create a wide range of non-combat types of service, where people with limited health in military service could serve: with flat feet, poor eyesight, etc. (as the number of conscripts with health problems is growing). These are cyber, radio engineering, rear, construction, repair, etc. units.
  25. Andrey Ulyanovsky
    20 March 2014 17: 13
    I would like to remind you that the country has a fairly well developed system of both "free" and registered Cossacks (the Federal Law "On the Civil Service of the Russian Cossacks" and a cloud of acts pursuant to the Federal Law). I know firsthand - two friends ataman in the region. Obviously, everyone probably often began to notice uniformed Cossacks in troubled points of the state. Why this unreported especially strategic reserve was ignored in the article is unknown. By the way, for reference, 173 ooSpN bears the title of the Don Cossack detachment.
  26. 0
    20 March 2014 22: 18
    Quote: wanderer_032
    Quote: Isaev
    Introduce patriotism lessons in schools

    You can’t beat patriotism into your head, it’s not a multiplication table or an alphabet.
    We need normal Russian history textbooks and history teachers.

    patriotism is not hammered, but parents and teachers instill