Cruiser Crimea

By decision of the Board of the Writers' Union of Russia 7 March of this year. Nikolai Ivanov and Alexander Bobrov flew to Simferopol to support the writers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in their quest for self-determination. The main mandate in this action was a letter from Russian writers, signed by front-line soldiers led by Yuri Bondarev, leaders of writers' organizations from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad, from Murmansk to Dagestan. Among those who signed the letter of support are Valery Ganichev, Albert Likhanov, Mikhail Nozhkin, Nikolay Drozdov, dozens of masters of the Russian word.

Shares his impressions on the situation in Crimea Nikolai IVANOV.

Cruiser Crimea


Military pilots have a concept - “Lie down on a combat course.” This is when the commander, having received the route to the target from the navigator, sends the plane to her. From this point on, no matter how much the enemy's searchlights are blinded, no matter how intense the fighting vehicle and crew are firing, the commander does not turn away from the target. Battle Course. Going on goal.

So I presented the Crimea on this trip.

However, the Crimean writers who gathered on March 7 in the oldest Sevastopol Maritime Library named after admiral MP Lazarev, made a clarification: the plane reaches the goal only if he has two wings. And the second wing for Crimeans is Russia.

But, probably, Sevastopol would not be a city of Russian sailors, if during the meeting there was no more precise definition: Crimea today is a cruiser, which, after long years of wandering around foreign seas and oceans, raising Andrew's banner, headed for his homeland.


Is this cruiser waiting for Russia? Is she ready to take him to her harbor?

It would seem that the answer is unequivocal. It was not by chance that Alexander Bobrov and I were suddenly announced at the registration in Moscow: you could not fly, the seats in the cabin were over.

- But we have bought tickets!

- The fact is that the tickets were sold more than seats on the plane.


- A very large demand for this direction.

We, in spite of everything, flew away, and only on the plane we saw those who “ate” our seats - the ensemble of Nadezhda Babkina, which could not be broken. For a short trip, we could see only in Sevastopol deputies from United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, singer Nadezhda Kryginu and actor Aristarkh Livanov, face to face with our friend, writer, bard Leonid Shumsky, representative of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Dmitry Galochkin.

Russia, like seagulls, sent messengers to meet the cruiser: the coast is already near, they have not forgotten you and are waiting. But just as a ship cannot reach speeds higher than what its engines have, the Crimea must go the rest of its miles on its own, meet a certain number of sunrises and sunsets before it has legal grounds to moor to the pier.

Kiev and Europe are fighting at this stage not so much against the detachment of the Crimea, as against the referendum as such. Because they are afraid to see the figures of the percentage exclusion of people from the policy of neglect, double standards in relation to the Russian-speaking population. And in this struggle, representatives from the Crimean Tatar population are first thrown at the embrasure.

“You must understand: we have our own Wahhabis,” explained one of the Tatars, who, together with the Kuban Cossacks, patrolled Sevastopol at night. - Do you think we all bones lie down for confrontation with Russia, to which some Tatar politicians are calling? It would be better if they shared the funds that they received all these years in the form of sponsorship. When they shared money among themselves, they did not notice the people. Now, when needed, they cry out to us. The train left.

In the Feodosia district, the Tatars guard mosques and cemeteries around the clock, fearing provocations. At the same time, groups of Tatar women with yellow-blue balloons protesting (men?) Against separation from Ukraine began to appear on some Crimean roads. The separation of opinions in the Tatar environment takes place mainly along the line of 40-year-olds: those who are older do not forgive evictions, those who are younger understand the benefits of reunification with Russia, ranging from social guarantees, pensions to parents and gasoline prices. Is the protest percentage large? You can make a miscalculation: the Crimean Tatar population on the 12% peninsula. But we must be prepared for the fact that it can grow every day. But not because the “Maidan” supporters will arrive, but because the layer that wants to vote “for” is getting thinner. Whatever may be said about peace on the peninsula, but some residents take out their children for a period of uncertainty to Russia. You can understand people: “Grad” systems that arrived to Perekop from Western Ukraine are already aimed at the peninsula ...

There is no doubt that the Russian leadership understands what responsibility it assumes in connection with the referendum. The peninsula, let's say, is not entirely safe in the field of infrastructure, utilities, and all this will have to invest. Crimeans, too, must understand that in Russia it is not always monetary, that we have our own bearish corners where they are waiting for financial assistance. But at the same time, Russia can guarantee the Crimea the main thing: Crimeans will sit with us at the same table. In one room. From now on, they will not have parrots, side tables in the corner, in the corner. Nobody tusks, will not consider people of the second grade. We will have one atmosphere. We will live as a family. This is all that the last 20 years had been devoid of on the peninsula.


Ukrainian TV channels in the past few days recalled Crimea thousands of times more than in the whole history independence. And it was not characterized by its genocide, it was undoubtedly oppression. However, despite the psychological and administrative pressure from the Ukrainian (now there is a more precise definition - maydanovskoy) authorities, they did everything not to fall apart one by one. To the depths of the incident shook the Russian community of Sevastopol. To her chairman, Telyatnikova Raisa Fyodorovna, as to the last resort, an old man once came, who was literally thrown out onto the street from his own house. From excitement, calling the name of Raisa Fedorovna, he said:

- Russia Fedorovna, help!

Truly: our Fatherland has thousands, millions of patronymic names, but the name is really one. It sounded in the symbolic clause: Russia - help.

I took with me a huge number of poems dedicated to the Crimea. The poets of Russia literally blew up the site of the Russian Writer and the newspaper Literature Day with their dedication to the peninsula. But among this set I was the first to keep “The Choice” by Valentina Efimovskaya from St. Petersburg. The daughter of a naval officer of Sevastopol, she wrote her verse a long time ago:

When entering the cruiser bay,
When my father lightly ran up the ladder,
My soared baby "Hurray!"
Clinging a kite for a bronze paw
On the obelisk in honor of the lost ships ...
Under the flag's storm heartbeat
"Waltz of Sevastopol" I sang all loudly,
I sang along with the Varyag sailors ...
From my mother knew, remembering the war -
We will never sing Europe ...
To the king that allegiance be sworn
Who will return to Russia Sevastopol!

Valentina Efimovskaya, all of us who share her expectations, will have to swear not to any particular king, but to the people of Crimea - 16 will determine the referee on the birch tree (March), will give the cipher code to the master key, which will allow (or not allow) the peninsula to return to Russia. I do not know by chance, but we will find out the final referendum results in the morning of March 17. And remember this day in history. 23 years ago. In 1991, residents of the then unified Soviet Union voted in a referendum for a single Union. Then the politicians trampled on the will of the people. And now the boomerang returns to them through the 23 of the year. And there is every reason to see the opposite: the story itself will begin to correct our mistakes without war and revolutions.


About the revolution, Ukrainian TV channels speak even more than about the Crimea. A round-the-clock telethon “United Country” (remembered!) Was launched on T V, the broadcast begins with the proclamation of the dates: “Today is the 90 days of our revolution and 9 days of the Russian occupation”. The word “Russia” is practically not pronounced - only the definitions of “aggressor”, “invader”, “enemy”, “invader”. Sickle and hammer are associated exclusively as death and hunger. The three-headed snake crawling out of the map of Russia is powerfully smothering the Zaporozhye Cossack. The Maidan is completely white and fluffy: not a single frame about how militiamen were burned alive and captured buildings ...

The hysteria of journalists is beyond. Military guests in the studio are asked the same question - when will you finally throw the invaders into the sea? One of the retirees, with a bitter smile, asked again: who to throw out, if there is no Ukrainian army as such today. There are parts of varying degrees of readiness and staffing.

Suddenly, the leading gaze of the presenter suddenly caught fire, he found the answer: it means that Putin is to blame! It was he who supported Yanukovych, who did nothing for the country's defense.

In Sevastopol, with a smile, they tell a case of blocking one of the boats of the Ukrainian Navy. When self-defense units suggested they leave the corvette, the sailors suddenly shouted:

- The Russians do not give up!


But I would really like to see the euphoria about the upcoming referendum not overshadow the military vigilance of the Crimean people. On the courses of extreme journalism "Bastion", where you have to train journalists, going to the "hot spots", I ask one thing: most of all are captured at the very last moment of the trip. When it is already, it seems that everything is behind, when there is a relaxation from the work done, the meanness awaits here. In the form of provocation or captivity.

Kiev is mortally afraid of a referendum. Therefore, he will go to great lengths to thwart him by any provocation. Arson Reichstag! Desecration of Muslim shrines. Political murder. Terrorist attack. Provocation at the border, at sea. Friends from the Crimea have just called: people walk through the villages, villages, and cities, present themselves as employees of the electoral commission and ask to look at the passport for verification. Barely getting them torn to shreds. "Beat out" the electorate. Gnus! Do not forget that there are still enough in the Crimea and military points where the Ukrainian flag is hoisted. Maybe it would be less, but commanders from Western Ukraine, as a rule, were sent by officers to Russian-speaking areas, they are holding back subordinates from moving to the side of the people. Before the Olympics, Vladimir Putin, speaking of her security, determined for the security forces: for you, the New Year will come at the end of March, after the closing ceremony of the Olympic Village. For the leaders of the Crimea, for all residents, this should also come to consciousness: “cheers” can be shouted when the results of the referendum are announced. Sometimes aftertaste is more important than food ...


I have an aftertaste to a different kind of event. From the distant Afghan war one of the strongest impressions remained, for example, the tension of the airfield, on which the people walk in the form of the owners. Most of all, the Americans were shouting about the “shuravi” (Soviet) entry into Afghanistan at that time, right up to the organization of the boycott of Olympialda-80. We left, and I want to ask: where are the Americans now? They are in Afghanistan.

Then the military appeared in civilian airports in Kyrgyzstan, then in Transnistria, then in Grozny, Yugoslavia. Suddenly, tearing his head from News Today, trying to do a general analysis of the situation in the world, you suddenly see how the knot on Russia itself is being tightened. And the analysis of conflicts is horrifying: over the past decade, the United States has stood about 20 times more important than all kinds of revolutions, and they don’t break their heads about the scenarios, probably looking at the “experimental” with contempt: first a “fifth” column is prepared inside the country, then they are prepared and sent provocateurs, then rallies, swept away unwanted regimes and ... And then, to another country. Where they are resisting is to destroy the head of state, and even in a sophisticated way, so that others are not discouraged. The rest - on the bench in The Hague.

They tried to probe Russia during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, and suddenly Russia, which seemed to have already fallen under America with its countless advisers, snapped. And she defended the Russians. It was a shock for the West and the first signal: from now on you will have to live in one world with a strong and independent Russia.

Today, the enemy came from the very core - from Ukraine. And tension again - how will Russia respond to protecting its citizens? Once again she will keep silent, as she has kept silent with Yugoslavia, Serbia, Libya, the Russian world can be crushed to the end, dispersed around the world, further humiliated. Crocodiles on one finger do not bite, they immediately grab the hand. Do not show Putin unexpected hardness - it would have happened. The West screamed, because it practically ceased to meet any resistance to its own will and games, and there was such a public slap in the face. I am sure they still do not know how to behave to the end. Unexpectedly, great China took the side of Russia, calling not Russia, but the United States, for restraint in the situation with Ukraine. China is well aware that the next territory to test all kinds of grievances and revolutions after Russia will be he.

But since we are primarily concerned about compatriots abroad, it would be possible to imagine how much would mock our fellow brothers in blood, faith and language in the same republics of Central Asia, the Baltic states, and in other “civilized” corners of Europe. Defending the Crimea, we defended their future. And another aspect of the "Crimean birch." Rallies around the country in support of the Crimeans force the country's leadership to be statesmen and think about people.


In recent days I have been thinking a lot about Lviv “Berkut”. I didn’t remember the picture: the crowd puts their brothers, a soldier, on their knees on the stage. And makes repent. And the first was on his knees commander.

I know another case when our Russian officer put his regiment on his knee, when a mother came to their position, looking for a missing son in the mountains of Chechnya. And he himself was the first to bow his knee and head before the soldier’s mother.

I can’t fully imagine what the country, the region, the region will be like, which put their sons on their knees. The fact that the humiliated fighters will take revenge and will never forgive their shame is not even discussed. But after all, Bandera, the fascist "Right Sector" - they also came from those regions. What kind of cesspool, what a black hole that generates hatred for people? Why I, as a cadet of the Lviv School, in the mid-seventies, still (or already) guarded Soviet monuments with a machine gun in their hands, because in Lviv they were doused with kerosene and set on fire? Why at this time, my friends in the Suvorov School, enrolled in the Sevastopol Maritime School, rejoiced and admired the city? Why did the Crimea become the opposite of Lviv?

I found a definite answer, it seems to me, during the current trip to the Crimean and Sevastopol writers. And it lies on the surface, oddly enough. In Crimea - more than 60 members of the Writers' Union of Russia. Sevastopol, Yalta, Kerch, Feodosiya literally imbued with the spirit of creativity. A huge number of literary studios, literary almanacs and collections. Each self-respecting library considers it its duty to conduct literary or musical evenings. In the blessed places, sung by Pushkin Chekhov, Tolstoy, Voloshin, Averchenko, Lesia Ukrainka and dozens and dozens of writers and poets, where Aivazovsky worked miracles, wrote Abaza’s music, culture, courage, human dignity stretched. In Lviv, it seems to me, the Bandera shortages were dragged. And who is sitting on his lap as a child, from that, and takes an example. It remains only to regret the "zapadentsev", as they call themselves. Nobody imposed this path of development on them, they themselves chose. So it remains only to be proud of Bandera da Shukhevych. And this is despite the fact that Lviv is a beautiful city to which Adam Mickiewicz liked to come. But the vector of perception of the world has already been turned ...


Our trip to the Crimea was the result of friendly contacts that the Writers' Union had supported all those years with those who worked with the Russian word and wrote in Russian. I repeat that the Crimean organization, headed by Tatiana Voronina, a tireless devotee of Russian literature, consists of sixty members of the Writers' Union of Russia. She herself edits the Literary Gazette + Culture Courier: Crimea-Sevastopol. Branches of the joint venture of Russia established in Feodosia (Union of Russian Writers of the Eastern Crimea) under the leadership of Natalia Ischenko. There, in Feodosia, the literary association "Cimmeria" works. In Evpatoria, an actively literary association named after Selvinsky, a literary festival, the so-called “Poetic Tram”, is held regularly. In Sevastopol itself, in addition to the branch of the joint venture of Russia, the Litino-unification named after Alexey Ozerov regularly holds its meetings. The creative life in Balaclava, in Simferopol itself, not to mention Yalta, has never faded. Writers Vyacheslav Kiles, Evgeny Nikiforov, Lyudmila Neporent, Natalia Ischenko, Anatoly Masalov, Valentina Frolova, Vitaly Fesenko, Valery Mirokhin, Sergey Ovcharenko, historical writer Valery Voronin, legendary writer-front-line soldier, participant of Sevastopol Nikolai Saharo Theme Almanacs "Literary Theodosius", "Sevastopol" and others - desk books in the libraries of the Crimea. That is why the Writers' Union of Russia awarded a large group of Crimean writers with certificates of merit.

After the meeting, at which both poetic lines and wishes addressed to the Russian Writers Union to make closer contacts with the Russian regions, the writers came to one of the symbols of Sevastopol - the monument to the Scuttled Ships. It was here that it was decided to deploy a copy of the Victory Banner, which 22 of June 2011 of the year, on the day of the 70-year war began, the writer and war veteran Mikhail Godenko handed over to Russian writers not to surrender their spiritual heights. In the year of the 70 anniversary of the liberation of the Crimea and all of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders, it was worthy and fair to raise this banner precisely in Sevastopol to show the neo-fascists raising their heads: the city of Russian glory will not allow itself to be manipulated, to take away the victory over the enemy. Then, the same banner was raised over other symbols of the hero-city — the Fraternal Cemetery, where the prayers and the cross of Father George rest in the dust of the heroes of the first defense of Sevastopol, where there are alleys of “lieutenants” - graduates of military schools who died in the Great Patriotic War, this cemetery turn and the ancestors who did not give their ashes to reproach the fascists .. The heroes of the submarine Kursk are also buried here. And, of course, this Banner could not but soar on the legendary Sapun Mountain ...

We invited Crimean writers to actively participate in all All-Russian literary contests - Rubtsovsk, Yeseninsky, Fetovsky, Tyutchevsky, “Stalingrad”, “Prokhorovsky field” and others. The editor-in-chief of the newspaper Literature Day, Vladimir Bondarenko, offered the pages of his newspaper for a selection of Crimean and Sevastopol poets and prose writers. And in a pile of poems about Crimea, I remembered a stanza from Igor Tyulenev:

I will enter Crimea this summer
On horseback. How bearded centurion?
Not! I will enter as a poetry worker
Following the golden luminary.


Before leaving, despite the heavy fog, we with the President of the Sevastopol Maritime Assembly, Vladimir Stefanovsky, left for Cape Fiolent, on which, through his efforts, installed an amazing memorable sign to the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. And there, at the poet's bas-relief, the head of the Crimean branch of the Writers' Union of Russia, Tatyana Voronina, suddenly confessed to the secret:

- For a writer, the entry of the Crimea into Russia is a great happiness to write without looking and explaining in your own language. From now on, both the mind, the soul, the heart, and the word will live together in our Sevastopol Russian world. You cannot even imagine how rude, persistent and painful it is in us that all this “yellow” time was trying to break it.

Tatyana Andreevna is right: Fatherland is not only a territory, borders, a coat of arms, a flag, a hymn - it is also the fate of people. And the more significant was the recognition of Vladimir Vladimirovich Stefanovsky:

- Do you know what my dream is? Put a monument to the Sevastopol Waltz on the Grafskaya Wharf ...

And I, looking into the misty haze from the Pushkin cape, again thought about the city of my youth - dear Lviv, where they plan to erect a new monument to Bandera. What is the difference in the attitude of the people of two cities to life? And it was not difficult to imagine the lovers of Sevastopol, circling on the embankment, and the Lviv "Berkut" on their knees ...
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  1. 0
    12 March 2014 07: 15
    Good girl is well written
  2. +1
    12 March 2014 07: 16
    Correctly, unity begins with common spirituality.
  3. 0
    12 March 2014 07: 42
    from the Don.
    Glory to GOD, the Russian spirit is ineradicable!
  4. Gagarin
    12 March 2014 09: 21
    God, we are all now again in July 1914, and it seems to everyone that EVERYTHING SURE WILL BE SOLVED ...
    But we are a STEP FROM WAR!
    sad friends ...
  5. Leopold
    12 March 2014 11: 04
    But we are a STEP FROM WAR!

    Since the war is informational and economic, you can only worry about your reason.
  6. 0
    12 March 2014 21: 10
    Or maybe not a cruiser ... maybe an ARCNATOR CRIMEA?