Alexander Prokhanov: “Russia today needs defense plants and altars most of all ...”

Alexander Prokhanov: “Russia today needs defense plants and altars most of all ...”This time with a well-known polemicist, we are talking not so much about politics as about the inner world of the writer Prokhanov, his attitude towards faith, about the mystery of the struggle between good and evil that is happening in the world.

- A well-known priest, speaking in online publications, called you “the priest of the red postmodern,” wrote that you do not like the Church. I know that many Orthodox admirers of your talent were embarrassed by this criticism of an authoritative father. How do you look at her? Are you hurt by these words?

- Not. I have a really peculiar consciousness. For example, the red period, in which, by the way, my relatives were repressed, unlike many (but by no means all priests), I do not consider only the era of lack of spirituality and theomachy. I believe that it was a very religious and spiritual period in our stories. The meaning of the red era was not to kill all the priests and destroy all the temples. These were related, but not the main phenomena. Here, as it seems to me, it is necessary to overcome the insult to those who had relatives at that time, their ancestors - no need to put this at the forefront. I understand that the top of the red period was the great victory of 1945 year. She is today interpreted by our Church precisely as a sacred holiday. Now judge: how could a sacred victory gained as a result of a holy war happen without a sacred host? And this army had commanders and, in the end, the Supreme Commander - Stalin.

“But you must agree, this does not mean that these people were holy in the Church’s understanding of the word.” Although there were probably among them, and perhaps in a considerable number, those who “were honored by the Lord as a crown” ...

- I take courage - and I think it is not a sin before the Church - to say that the thirty million of our people who died in that war are Christ's sacrifice. These lambs are a sacrifice not for the geopolitical interests of the USSR and not for the communist ideology, but for the triumph of light, for correcting the ways of humanity. If this sacrifice did not exist, then the accumulated evil of people would overcome the Earth.

- It’s hard to disagree. But you openly glorify Joseph Stalin, although you know very well that many Orthodox do not share this view ...

- Our Church - by definition there is a conciliar unity of people in Christ with various private opinions. Some do not share my view on Stalin, others do not share the idea of ​​non-possession, some other views. I really know all that. But here, for example, one of my spiritual leaders and people close to me in the Church — Archimandrite Peter (Kucher), a former confessor of the Bogolyubsky monastery near Vladimir, is an Orthodox Stalinist. And he is not the only one. And what can we say about such a movement as Orthodox socialism? Simply, there are things that the Orthodox Catechism does not speak about - and here, in my opinion, different views are permissible. I am not a theologian and I do not presume to interpret the Scriptures or the Holy Fathers. So why is Father Shumsky angry with me? I do not teach him how to preach to his parishioners. His place is in the parish, mine is in the newspaper, in the thick of the political struggle, at military factories ... Of course, I can be mistaken in some way, and who besides Christ can claim to be full of the Truth?

- And when and how did you come to faith?

- I believed before my baptism, having passed a beautiful painful journey. My ancestors had Molokans, my great-uncle Alexander Stepanovich Prokhanov was even the ancestor of the Russian evangelical movement. From these spiritual sources, through my technosphere, engineering, writing, I moved towards Orthodoxy. I remember in the Pskov-Caves Monastery around the year of St. Michael the Great, I stood in the service, at the end of which the parishioners, as usual, approached the cross. I also got in line, although I was not even baptized. And as I approached the priest, I felt a strange agony in my soul - as if some force emanating from the cross itself pushed me away. I left the queue and again stood in the tail and again slowly approached. I almost ran away in horror from the temple, but overcame myself. Thrice defended this line, I finally went to the cross. The priest looked at me sternly and only asked: "Do you believe?" And I said: "I believe." I fixed this moment as a moment of struggle and adherence to the values ​​of faith, about which I knew almost nothing.

And in 1972 I baptized me in Kazan, my friend Father Lev Lebedev, a famous priest. We met him when he was not baptized yet. I worked as a forester, and my forest land went to the walls of the New Jerusalem Monastery. And he was a scientist in the historical museum, which was then located in the monastery. There, under the dome of the destroyed temple, we met, argued, dreamed of the future. He prophesied that Orthodoxy would flourish again in New Jerusalem, reproached me for attaching too much importance to the phantom state. Then he was baptized and ordained. And he led me all the time. He later baptized me when he served at the parish in the village of Tesovo near Vyazma. In the autumn empty church, the father put me in a basin, stripped naked and baptized. Then in the evening, with his parishioners, we walked with a lantern, singing psalms along the muddy Smolensk roads to the neighboring village to visit the sick father. Since then, I consider myself a man of the Church, and this lantern still illuminates my life.

“But you are right now telling me an episode from your wonderful novel Inscription!”

- And I described in this novel many real moments of my life that are dear to me.

- Has your life changed after baptism?

- Radically - no. I still continued to travel, these were cities, continents, wars, meetings, which I later described. I was then, (and now, of course) sinful - surrounded by passions, overflowing with ambition. Then I was still young, often fascinated, was not perfect in the family. But the mysterious substance associated with the mystery of baptism, she was present in me - I felt it as clearly as a pectoral cross on my chest. And today, in retrospect, I understand that this force of the communion of Orthodox Christians living and living on earth has kept me all these years. Over the years, these writings of faith seemed to appear, manifested over my life, as some secret phrase appears under the light of the sun over the chaos of random records ...

- As an Orthodox person, are you ready to reconcile with the priest who offended you with the word?

- I didn’t quarrel with him. If we meet - ready to come under the blessing, hug in a Christian way. I know that this priest is a good family man, a sincere Orthodox. I also heard that he had undergone some persecution in connection with his statements, which were considered extremist - I sincerely sympathize with him. It turns out that each of us falls out of a certain "standard".

- There is another point that also confuses some Orthodox readers - your passion for “the founder of Russian cosmism” - the philosopher Nikolai Fedorov. Indeed, from the point of view of the very Christian faith itself, his visionary utopia about the resurrection of the descendants of their ancestors is a real heresy ...

- To my regret, many of our priests bring too many national values ​​beyond the bounds of Orthodox church norms: the figure of Leo Tolstoy, the “silver” age of Russian poetry, Nikolai Fedorov. I personally, remaining Orthodox, considered and consider Fedorov to be a grandiose figure in the context of the Orthodox worldview. I do not share the common opinion among fellow believers that it is a sinful and blasphemous dream of building the Kingdom of God on Earth.

- Actually, in Revelation of St. John the Divine says that the Kingdom of God will be built by Christ himself on the renewed Earth after the Last Judgment ...

- The book of the Apocalypse is very complex, full of metaphors and allegories. No wonder the third millennium has not stopped its interpretation. In my opinion, it is unwise, and maybe even a sin, to postulate unambiguous conclusions from it. The Lord, coming to Earth, left us, as you know, one single prayer “Our Father”. "Thy kingdom come," we ask God in it. That is, we call for it to come to us on earth, for the paradise of trees to bloom around us, for His will to fill not only heaven, but the whole Earth. In my opinion, by this prayer, the Lord directly urges us to strive to build the Kingdom of God on the planet, which will not come without His will, but will not be created without our own efforts. To paradise on earth is a Christian task, and in paradise there is no death.

“But death, according to Scripture, is a direct consequence of original sin ...”

“So Fedorov is calling to save the children of the sinning fathers, that is, to get rid of their own sins, to feel the all-conquering love for all things and thereby resurrect our fathers.” You know, I am now fascinated by the idea of ​​spreading cadet corps in Russia, where we must gather all of our orphans, destitute abandoned children, in order to bring up the real national elite — the future support of the state. Today we are building temples - this is very good and necessary, but these cadet corps can also be called a church that will assemble lambs. Our “Izborsky Club”, the governor of the Pskov Region, Andrey Anatolyevich Turchak, strongly support this undertaking.

- This is, indeed, a wonderful and timely idea - God forbid you to embody it. And I wanted to ask about your already significant landmark initiative - the “sacred hill” near Pskov, poured in as some kind of common “spiritual work” of the Russian people. How did you come up with this idea?

- Pskov is my spiritual homeland. I spent the best days of my youth there, met wonderful people who have all died today. There, for the first time, I understood what the beauty of Russian historical life is, what a Russian church is, Russian nature. There I first fell in love ... And I went there all the time. And a few years ago I suddenly realized that the Pskov land is a place where God repeatedly "kissed" Russia. Amazing Russians arose at this place - tragic and victorious temples, barrows, deep clear lakes. In the same place, I realized that the Russian historical consciousness is thinking in terms of empires. All five Russian empires are present in the Pskov region, reflecting in it, as in a mirror, starting from Truvor, who moored its canoe and founded the princely settlement near Izborsk. Princess Olga was born there, St. Vladimir the Baptist of Russia was born there, in the town of Budnik, St. Alexander Nevsky defeated “knight dogs” on the ice of Lake Peipsi. The marvelous old man Filofei, who formulated the grandiose doctrine “Moscow - the Third Rome”, labored in the Spaso-Eliazarov Monastery. Peter the Great built with his own hands redoubts in the Pskov-Caves Monastery to repel the invasion of the Swedes. Our greatest poet Pushkin lived in Mikhailovsky, in Trigorsky near Pskov, and in the Pskov region there is the railway station Dno, where the last Russian emperor signed a renunciation of the throne, thus completing the third empire. And in the same places - at the beginning of the fourth “red empire” of 23 in February in Pskov in the first battles with the Germans the Red Army was born. And during the Great Patriotic War, Alexander Matrosov in the battle for the Pskov village of Chernushka covered the fascist bunker with his chest.

The idea of ​​the sacred hill was born this way. I felt that the Russian history was broken, its waveguide was dissected and it had to be connected so that the energy reached us. It is necessary to correct the curved "lines of force" of history, which will allow us to build the fifth Russian empire. This hill is a huge Russian Golgotha, connected with the inevitable Russian Resurrection.

We received the blessing of Metropolitan Eusebius of Pskov and Velikie Luki on this doing. It was not easy: Vladyka closely followed our activities, was strict, and sometimes stern with us. But in the end, he consecrated a memorial cross and a chapel in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God, later erected near this hill. Now the icon for this chapel is being created from smalt.

The land from which the hill is made is taken from the holy places of Pskov, about which I spoke and which seem to represent all of our historical epochs. Then people began to bring land there and from other holy places of Russia. There are parts of the earth from all Russian holy monasteries, there is an “earthly Gospel” from those places in Palestine where Christ walked with his feet.

I recently visited, finally, near Stalingrad, in the steppe near the farm Baburkin, where my father died, and brought back a bag of land to the hill.

Russian epochs sprouted from this hill with lights that illuminate all who come there to worship. Even the newlyweds come to this place like an eternal flame - this hill is shining for everyone. That was our idea, so that spiritual energies flowed out of this symbolic Russian Golgotha, driving away the dismay and disbelief from our people.

- Which of the Orthodox priests, the hierarchs, with whom you had to communicate, made the deepest impression on you, left a mark on your life?

- First of all, my unforgettable friend Lev is the late archpriest Lev Lebedev, whom I have already mentioned.

Father Dimitri Dudko, who was the confessor of the Den newspaper, had a great influence on me. He taught me that the “red martyrs”: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Gastello, Talalikhin, Karbyshev, “Young Guard” - they were all baptized in blood, shed for their homeland. He was also truly blissful: he didn’t blame anyone, he only blessed him. From Father Dimitri, love was almost visibly flowing out.

There were two significant meetings with the deceased now Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev). He himself came to the editorial board of The Day and blessed us with our efforts to reconcile the red and white patriots. I still pray for him.

I remember a trip in the tragic 1993 year to the Trinity-Sergius Lavr to Hieromonk Philadelphus, who received the schema of Moses before his death. Then we created the Front for National Salvation, trying to prevent the Yeltsin-Gaidar pogrom of the country. And now a very sick, dying father Philadelphus gave me a pectoral cross and blessed me to fight.

Archimandrite Peter (Kucher), former confessor of the Holy Bogolyubsky monastery, also influenced me and continues to influence me.

I bow before the Pskov Metropolitan Eusebius, who is the only hierarch who has betrayed the anathema of detractors of the Church, who deceived Mother Elizabeth in print, who was then Abbess of the Spaso-Elizarievsky Monastery. He remains the guardian of our sacred hill.

- Do you think that in the world today not only de-Christianization, but also dehumanization is actively taking place?

“Our Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, recently gathered Russian ambassadors and urged them to study not only politics and economics, but also religion. Because, he said, without a religious dominant, it will not be possible to understand the “nerve” of what is happening today in a world where religious models are fighting. The minister did not say more, but I am ready to decipher his words. In the modern world, a cruel clash of metaphysical principles is going on - darkness and light. Perhaps the latter is already a fight. Therefore, religious values ​​are much more expensive. weapons, oil, gas.

I often like to repeat in my speeches that today defense factories and altars are most necessary for Russia. Yes, we need a holy Russian weapon that inherits the sword of Dmitry Donskoy, the shield of Alexander Nevsky. And the altars, especially in monasteries, are the wells that the prayers of monks open over Russia in the heavens, shedding Favor light on our life. Thanks to this heavenly light, our country is still alive and resisting the evil of the world.

- Do you consider the current Russia, according to the Gospel, "holding" the world from falling? Or did we ourselves fall too low for such a role?

- The beast really settled in our people. They joined him for a long time and diligently, and many of them finally accepted him. We had a giant people. Some giant warriors fell on the battlefields, other cripple giants raised the country from the dust. And after that, the giants, alas, only became shallow until a tribe of dwarfs appeared in their place. The current state of the people, in general, is terrible. This is what Putin said bitter words in his latest message to the Federal Assembly. But among our dying people, Orthodox lampadas shine - the nascent monasteries and temples. The spirit of Holy Russia is concentrated and defended there. Therefore, I think that our country remains "holding". Stalin, too, was restraining — restraining even greater evil with evil.

Today we are weakened and are not the same impregnable fortress as a state. But our Orthodox Church and not surrendered Russian culture retain the resource of light that humanity will very soon need. Mankind today is changing its skin, it can no longer live in past models, it beats in the snares, where he was lured by liberal leaders. And it is just beginning to realize today how it needs the resource of Russian light and Russian universal love.
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  1. +6
    20 February 2014 12: 20
    Prokhanov consists of an explosive mixture, wants to combine all the best from different eras, ideologies and values, maybe this is true for continuity and for an existing national idea, but it will be difficult to reconcile and unite the people on Prokhanov’s mind, too many contradictions.
    1. +19
      20 February 2014 12: 34
      As if this approach is not too difficult for the current generation of "dwarfs"
      Now is the time of pop culture, values ​​are perceived mainly from Hollywood action movies and computer games.

      In this sense, Prokhanov is absolutely right about the altars - they need more
      1. +5
        20 February 2014 13: 03
        And the quote is correct. For the strength of the country in its health societies и armies.

        As soon as one of the components falls out, the whole country collapses.

        In the Russian Empire during the years of the revolution there was no longer a strong army and there was a split and a lot of disagreements in society, so the monarchy was doomed.

        In 1991, the USSR had a strong army, but a decayed society, at least its most active part. The result - the fall of the country and no army here would have helped.

        So these two legs are the very support of the state, and our partners are trying to gradually saw them both.
        1. -6
          20 February 2014 13: 33
          Quote: sledgehammer102
          society and the army.

          Quote: sledgehammer102
          So these two legs are the very support of the state, and our partners are trying to gradually saw them both.

          Society is first and foremost nagged by our so-called "elite" and the authorities with their anti-popular decisions, and only then are "partners".
          But the army. Pasha, Serdyukov and his comrades also appointed "partners"?
          1. +5
            20 February 2014 13: 37
            Quote: baltika-18
            Society is first and foremost nagged by our so-called "elite" and the authorities with their anti-popular decisions, and only then are "partners".

            Rather, it is done by partners with the help of the "elites" that have not been killed ... Well, I don’t remember any particularly anti-popular decisions, everything about which they love to shout at every forum is inflated and strained. Our all-propals love to pull an owl on a globe.
        2. S_mirnov
          20 February 2014 17: 05
          Quote: sledgehammer102
          And the quote is correct. For the strength of the country is in the health of its society and army.

          And how is this connected with priests - businessmen?
          Quote: sledgehammer102
          In 1991, the USSR had a strong army, but a decayed society, at least its most active part. The result - the fall of the country and no army here would have helped.

          And in 1941 - 1945 how was it? And after all without priests, rabbis and Hare Krishnas did. And without religious centers! Because knowledge is more powerful than faith.
          1. +3
            20 February 2014 18: 08
            Quote: S_mirnov
            And how is this connected with priests - businessmen?

            A very small number of "priests" are businessmen. And not just one businessman - "priest".
            Quote: S_mirnov
            And in 1941 - 1945 as it was? And after all without priests, rabbis and Hare Krishnas did. And without religious centers!

            You did not mention Muslim mullahs, Taoist monks, Shinto "teachers", etc.
            In your opinion, they could not do without them?
            Let's imagine, well, there is none of those whom we have listed. Simply no. They were worn out, having come naturally into harmony with the spirit of the "s_myrnovs" ...
            Hence the question. For now, "any clergyman" must serve as a "guide" of the deceased to the afterlife.
            And who will "celebrate funeral" according to "S-Mirnov". Is it the secretary of the party cell?

            "Come on, you sons of bithes, do you want to live forever?" (Go ahead, you sons of bithes, or do you want to live forever?
            / Platoon sergeant Dan Daily.6 June 1918g. /
            1. S_mirnov
              20 February 2014 21: 05
              Quote: Ptah
              A very small number of "priests" are businessmen. And not just one businessman - "priest".

              Oh her! how naive! But what do you think make money for churches, mosques and synagogues? There are plans and discord, any religious center (hereinafter RC) - sells faith in exchange for money. If you do not believe, try to get married in the RC without money laughing or a funeral for the dead, but it’s better to get married!
              Quote: Ptah
              You did not mention Muslim mullahs, Taoist monks, Shinto "teachers", etc.

              Here you are right. But I do not know how much they are businessmen, unlike the Russian Orthodox Church. Here is the Russian Orthodox Church, I have seen enough dofiga! I can authoritatively judge.

              And as for the glued picture, I agree that not all Holy Fathers and monks are hucksters, there are ideological ones and they are worthy of respect, but hucksters rule the ball and it doesn’t matter where in shopping or religious centers, the era is now like that, and we make it like that You, while we tolerate hi
              1. +1
                20 February 2014 21: 43
                Quote: S_mirnov
                If you do not believe, try to get married in the RC without money or to sing the deceased, but it is better to get married!

                Yes, easily ... All that you tried to baffle me with, I have already done. Even some trebes more than once (funeral service). Both parents died not long ago, when I was not even 38 years old.
                But it was through their efforts that I could easily pay for these "services", tk. the family has always been considered far from poor. The Pope (almost Christian + almost Catholic + almost communist), having learned that I came to the priest with the words "Father, I have no money, please help ..." - he would have got up from the coffin and whipped me ...
                And there are many cases when the funeral, baptism, weddings were performed absolutely free.
                In no case do I rush things, but I do not remove the question -
                "And who will" celebrate the funeral "according to" S-Mirnov? "
                Is it really difficult to answer you, or have not decided yet?

                But I don’t know how businessmen they are.
                It is difficult for me to answer without preparation, but I live in a region where there are no more than 200 meters from the mosque. Tomorrow I can find out this t.s. firsthand. But is it necessary ...
                I know so far.
                Fidya sadaka (in Islam) is atonement-almsgiving, consisting in the fact that for every missed day of obligatory fasting you need to feed one beggar so that he spent about the same amount as the average lunch cost (or better, based on the average daily cost of own food) replenishing in this way the missed days of fasting.
                Quote: S_mirnov
                hucksters rule the ball and it doesn’t matter where in the shopping or religious centers,

                Have you heard about electricity, security, utilities? For any religious institution, they are also not FREE.

                The desire to look into someone else's pocket, so if you please, consider it yourself ... hi

                1. S_mirnov
                  20 February 2014 22: 27
                  Quote: Ptah
                  If you do not believe, try to get married in the RC without money or to sing the deceased, but it is better to get married!

                  Yes, easily ... All that you tried to baffle me with, I have already done. Even some trebes more than once (funeral service).

                  I think you are lucky with this.

                  Quote: Ptah
                  Both parents died not long ago, when I was not yet 38 years old.

                  Sorry, it's hard at any age ... sad
                  Quote: Ptah
                  In no case do I rush things, but I do not remove the question -
                  "And who will" celebrate the funeral "according to" S-Mirnov? "

                  And I don’t want any feces when the time comes!
                  I would like my friends to come together and, while chewing on glasses with toasts, remember that it was good while they knew me! No priests and tearful grandmothers, fun, with kindness, as in Russia! With dancing, fun !!!
                  Thanks, the idea came up! Be sure to write in the will, cool !!! good
              2. +2
                20 February 2014 23: 47
                Quote: S_mirnov
                Oh her! how naive! But what do you think make money for churches, mosques and synagogues?

                And they, in the sense, after the service should run offload cars? Or do euro repairs?

                Quote: S_mirnov
                If you do not believe, try to get married in the RC without money or to sing the deceased, but it is better to get married!

                If you go up to the priest and say that you do not have money, then he will conduct all these sacraments for free. Do not lie.
                On the other hand, Father Dmitry Smirnov said: they found money for the wedding, but there is no money for the Sacrament of marriage or funeral service?

                After all, who makes you go and carry money to the Church? For everything else you involuntarily spend them, and you don’t want the Church, don’t
            2. Alexey K.
              21 February 2014 05: 56
              I would like to add about the priests however.
            20 February 2014 18: 34
            Quote: S_mirnov
            Because knowledge is more powerful than faith.

            Are you quite sure about this?

            Many girls go.
            We notice their waist
            We enjoy their legs,
            Pens them and so on.

            And from the era of paganism
            We love their eccentricities.
            We are pleased with the quantity
            But quality is not harmful.

            We are ready, submissive,
            Fulfill their desires.
            The nicer their forms,
            The more complicated the content.

            And this is the creation
            You will be hysterical
            If you give them consciousness,
            But do not give them matter.

            And discover America
            And they will show you Africa
            If the bread is white,
            And not a little black for breakfast.

            Here is an example for you from the series
            "Miracles of the Universe"
            Where is the primary matter
            A secondary consciousness.

            This song is taken from the site Fizfakovsky folklore
            1. S_mirnov
              20 February 2014 20: 56
              This song is taken from the site Fizfakovsky folklore

              so for folklore ok! Why mix science with religion, and how can a religious scholar be at all? In my opinion, faith begins where knowledge ends.
              Believers do not insult, no offense hi
              1. +1
                20 February 2014 21: 52
                Quote: S_mirnov
                Believers do not offend

                There was a thing, Alexander ... wink Even in dialogues with me, in the middle of last year.
                Quote: S_mirnov
                Why mix science with religion, and how can a religious scientist be anyway? In my opinion, faith begins where knowledge ends.

                Lomonosov. I wanted to immediately recollect from another dozen world-famous scientific luminaries who never denied that they were devout people, but Mikhailo Vasilich is such a lump that he alone is enough.
                Quote: S_mirnov
                no offense

                And it is necessary... hi
                1. S_mirnov
                  20 February 2014 22: 43
                  Quote: Ptah
                  Believers do not offend

                  It was a deal, Alexander ... wink Even in dialogues with me, in the middle of last year.

                  Sorry if that! Never specifically sought for this! hi

                  Quote: Ptah
                  Lomonosov. I wanted to immediately recollect from another dozen world-famous scientific luminaries who never denied that they were devout people, but Mikhailo Vasilich is such a lump that he alone is enough.

                  As a rule, upon closer inspection, these are religious tales not related to reality!

                  Quote: Ptah
                  no offense

                  And this is a must ... hi

                  In no case! But for some reason my words are often offended, although I do not set such a goal on purpose! hi
              2. +2
                20 February 2014 23: 59
                Because 99% of the Great Scientists were deep believers.
                Pascal, Newton, Pasteur, Lomonosov, Edison, Cure, Ampere, etc. etc.
                I mean exactly the SCIENTISTS who invented something and discovered the laws of nature. And then you ask people like you "give your list of Great Scientists who were unbelievers", as all sorts of psychiatrists, philosophers and encyclopedists write. And, well, yes, even Temiryazeva, who, although he did not discover photosynthesis himself, did it before him, but dug something out there, and then it is not known whether he personally or his subordinates at his institute
                21 February 2014 17: 26
                Quote: S_mirnov
                and how can a religious scholar be at all? In my opinion, faith begins where knowledge ends.

                Could it be about Academician Pavlov? To questions from the questionnaire of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Academician Pavlov answered as follows:
                "Do you believe in God or not?" - "No I do not believe".
                "Do you think religion is compatible with science or not?" - "Yes, I do."
                When the students approached him with a question, how do these answers agree, he explained:
                - A number of outstanding scientists were believers, which means that it is compatible. A fact is a fact and one cannot ignore it. ” Source:
          3. +5
            20 February 2014 21: 53
            Not done! Religious procession with the Kazan icon around Moscow by plane in 1941; SHE is in Stalingrad; Tank column "Dmitry Donskoy" funded by the hunger plundered HRC. Thousands of facts and evidence, both objective and subjective. Type in a search engine: Orthodox Church during the Patriotic War.
            And how many prayers of mothers and ordinary people and soldiers!

            And in my opinion, to deny the spiritual world, let alone neglect it, excuse me, hi - great stupidity.
          4. +3
            20 February 2014 23: 38
            Not cost. It was during the war years that Stalin returned priests from the fronts and temples reopened. Then commissars were canceled. In the besieged Leningrad, services did not stop. In Moscow, services were also constantly going on, and this is after years of terrible persecution!
            According to the memoirs of Zhukov’s daughter, he carried the Kazan icon of the Mother of God with him in a car. According to her memoirs, he helped churches after the war.
            Stalin often met with Patriarch Sergius.
            There are other stories that are disputed by themselves, because not recorded in documents open to the public: in 1941 around Moscow and Leningrad a plane flew around with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and there is also a story of Stalin’s guards that he secretly went to the Matron of Moscow
          5. +1
            20 February 2014 23: 48
            Quote: S_mirnov
            Because knowledge is more powerful than faith.
            How do you know about this? Or do you believe it? Do you have at least one example of knowledge that is not based on any beliefs? Euclid believed in the axiom of parallelism, constructed one geometry, but Lobachevsky's belief was shaken, what did this lead to? Towards a new (non-Euclidean) geometry. "The mind moves forward in knowing what it believes in." Power is associated with energy, and it is faith that gives energy to a person.
      2. +4
        20 February 2014 13: 05
        There is no INDUSTRIAL (not only “defense industry”) production - there is no education (at least, higher) - there is no science.
        I would add pharmaceutical production. Those vaccines, and a number of drugs that we receive from the West, are more effective than nuclear weapons ...
        1. Luzhichanin
          20 February 2014 14: 55
          Yes, what kind of production do we have? you are hardly looking to buy something made in Russia. basically not everything.
            21 February 2014 17: 37
            Quote: Luzhichanin
            basically not everything

            Why do you write "not ours" together, when "mostly" separately? Are you learning Newspeak from Solzhenitsyn? So it seems like this one is dead?
        2. +2
          20 February 2014 16: 11
          Quote: knn54
          There is no INDUSTRIAL (not only “defense industry”) production - there is no education (at least, higher) - there is no science.

          Epic. I thought you could only find them in museums and archives))) The site "made by us" will show you how it is with the industry there.)))
          1. Luzhichanin
            20 February 2014 16: 52
            what do I care about your site, I have my own eyes and I can see with my own eyes what has been done and in general whom you had in mind with us, it feels like Russia is not.
            at the same time, from whom do you take an example: from Goebbels fans - Western countries and trying to send readers to one of the SMRAD?
            what do you think here some naive people are sitting? Do you think that visitors to VO have no eyes or have forgotten how to see? fear not all.
            would be naive would sit and be content with only one type of SMRAD - TV.
            1. 0
              20 February 2014 20: 28
              Quote: Luzhichanin
              at the same time, from whom do you take an example: from Goebbels fans - Western countries and trying to send readers to one of the SMRAD?

              New enterprises indicated there are real, they can even be touched. And for general development, it would be nice for you to see the industrial growth index of our country over the past 20 years.
              1. Luzhichanin
                24 February 2014 10: 41
                Quote: sledgehammer102
                New enterprises indicated there are real, you can even touch them
                Yes, every day I touch, what else do you advise?
                Quote: sledgehammer102
                And for general development, it would be nice for you to see the industrial growth index of our country over the past 20 years.
                Well, you know how to send crying
              2. Luzhichanin
                24 February 2014 10: 41
                Quote: sledgehammer102
                New enterprises indicated there are real, you can even touch them
                Yes, every day I touch, what else do you advise?
                Quote: sledgehammer102
                And for general development, it would be nice for you to see the industrial growth index of our country over the past 20 years.
                Well, you know how to send crying
              21 February 2014 17: 33
              Quote: Luzhichanin
              what do I care ... TV.

              When you express your undoubtedly wise thoughts, address a specific opponent by highlighting his statement and then clicking the "Quote" heading, then you can convey your opinion to a specific opponent. Otherwise, read from A.P. Chekhov "Dear grandfather ..."
          2. S_mirnov
            20 February 2014 17: 11
            Quote: sledgehammer102
            Epic. I thought you could only find them in museums and archives))) The site "made by us" will show you how it is with the industry there.)))

            Site - of course, it will show! And when you go to the store, especially electronics and computer technology laughing then there, probably, dark businesses do not know how many computers are made in our country, therefore they sell mainly Chinese! You can also look at the street and see how many cars on the road! They are driven by those who have not looked at the site and do not know what they are doing in our country. Judging by the armored Mercedes, neither GDP, nor DAM, nor Gundyaev knows how the industry is in this country in our country.
            Enough to believe the Kremlin PR managers madly already, the reality around you is the main indicator!
            1. +2
              20 February 2014 20: 31
              Quote: S_mirnov
              And when you go to the store, especially electronics and computer technology

              All the equipment that you have made at home in the Russian Federation, if purchased in recent years, by the hands of Russian workers, and many companies, for example, Bork, are Russian brands.

              And yes, if the state’s coolness is measured by an iPhone, not by rockets or nuclear power plants, then everything is clear to me ... such people once sold their country for jeans and hamburgers, since there were problems with them in the USSR
              1. S_mirnov
                20 February 2014 21: 13
                Quote: sledgehammer102
                All the equipment that you have made at home in the Russian Federation, if purchased in recent years, by the hands of Russian workers, and many companies, for example, Bork, are Russian brands.

                God, how naive! Do not be lazy, peel off the cooler from the processor of your computer and look at the checkbook where it is made! And think about it, a long time ago you saw the inscription on the microcircuit in the RUSSIAN language ?! And I once saw !!!

                Quote: sledgehammer102
                Bork - Russian brands.

                Yeah, and I also thought that the batteries under the Cosmos brand were Russian! But it turns out the brand belongs to the Chinese! I'm surprised they haven't branded a quality mark yet!
                Quote: sledgehammer102
                such people at one time sold their country for jeans and hamburgers, since there were problems with them in the USSR

                So they are now running our country! Or do you remember any events when the followers of Gorbachev and the EBN were imprisoned, shot, or somehow punished? Maybe there was some kind of coup?
                Maybe the monuments of EBN and Gaidar were demolished? Maybe Chubais planted? hi
                1. +2
                  21 February 2014 00: 27
                  Quote: S_mirnov
                  And think about it, for a long time you saw the inscription on the microcircuit in the RUSSIAN language ?!

                  A week ago. When I chose a satellite dish and wandered through the links to one of the technical sites.
                  It was clearly stated about GS receivers of the 3806-3808, U-510 line that these are the first FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS OF RUSSIAN DEVELOPMENT AND ASSEMBLY PROCESSORS.
                  Do not believe it - look for yourself or pick your device. I can not disassemble the case - it is under warranty.
                  Quote: S_mirnov
                  Yeah, and I also thought that the batteries under the Cosmos brand were Russian! But it turns out that the brand belongs to the Chinese!

                  Marketing is nothing more. Cheap slave power affects the final value of the goods. What is beneficial for the consumer and the manufacturer. You can buy an iron made in Russia and EXACTLY THE SAME BUT IN GERMANY for a double price.
                  Quote: S_mirnov
                  Maybe the monuments of EBN and Gaidar were demolished? Maybe Chubais planted?

                  This does not apply to the topic. Assign A.A Prokhanov to do this - he will execute without hesitation. If only it were allowed ...
                  1. +1
                    21 February 2014 00: 48
                    Quote: S_mirnov
                    Quote: sledgehammer102
                    Bork - Russian brands.

                    Yeah, and I also thought that the batteries under the Cosmos brand were Russian! But it turns out the brand belongs to the Chinese! I'm surprised they haven't branded a quality mark yet!

                    You are behind the lives of many brands are produced in Chinese enterprises! Textiles under fashion brands in Poland, Turkey!
                    Since Soviet times, our customer has a clear idea that foreign brands can serve as a global standard of quality. Especially for these people, the Russian entrepreneur offers "European quality at affordable prices" - products of Chinese, Polish and Russian production with beautiful foreign names.
                    Vitek Vigor Scarlett Rolsen Kaiser Techno Trony and Elenberg Bork
                    Erisson AKIRA PROLODGY POLAR MYSTERY KENTATSU! Other Faberlic Greenfield, Tess, Jardin! Clothes Sela, Carlo Pazolini, TJ Collection, Chester and Carnaby, Gloria Jeans and Gee Jay, Oggi, Ralf Ringer, Tervolina, O'STIN These are all Russian brands imitating foreign! tongue
              2. +2
                21 February 2014 00: 05
                Yes, a nuclear power plant is a great example. In this position, we have almost no equal left. And as for consumer goods - you just need to get used to it - we will never have it and there is nothing to be done from this tragedy. Let the Chinese produce it.
            2. +1
              21 February 2014 00: 03
              I do not agree, by the way. There is a very cool Novosibirsk DNS DNS. Of course, there almost all the insides are imported, but now take any thing all over the world, so there will also be someone else's filling.
              Many goods that Russia produces are invisible, because themselves are components. These are parts made of titanium, new invented braking disks for an airplane, spare parts for Boeing, etc.
              It is clear that not everything is so rosy, but in some places something still remains.
      3. S_mirnov
        20 February 2014 17: 02
        Quote: bulvas
        In this sense, Prokhanov is absolutely right about the altars - they need more

        And where is more? In my city, the number of churches and chapels can argue only with the number of shopping centers!
        Religious figures infiltrated kindergartens, schools, institutes, factories. Where else do you suggest launching them? Even in taxis, security icons are everywhere pasted, you can pray while you are traveling to the address laughing
        “I know that many Orthodox admirers of your talent were embarrassed by this criticism,” and if someone does not know, then the Orthodox - glorifying the right (not nav, not real, but right!), The Christian church became precisely under the USSR. Who wants to gain knowledge, go here:
          20 February 2014 18: 43
          Quote: S_mirnov
          If you want to get knowledge, go here:

          Well, right "The Pied Piper of Gammeln" ... Something I do not want to follow the melody of your pipe ...
          1. S_mirnov
            20 February 2014 20: 51
            I don’t want to follow something to the tune of your pipe ...

            so I don’t play you! The desire to pay tithing - go to religious centers, pay for rites fool
            I'm generally an atheist. I live without religion, and you know - I do not regret. good
            1. +1
              21 February 2014 00: 20
              Yes, believe that they came from a monkey, sorry ....
              Although it’s a pity of course ...

              You look at least try to analyze something. Do not be lazy, read an interview with a nuclear physicist, so about faith with a scientific approach:

              and here is a list of graduates of MEPhI

              21 February 2014 17: 58
              Quote: S_mirnov
              I live without religion, and you know - I do not regret.

              My dreams are: shackles, barricades, leaflets,
              machine guns, decrees, blades, dashes ...
              I get out of the bathtub, as if from a firebox,
              and everywhere I see whites.
              I rally in my kitchen without end
              I’m crawling around Moscow under shrapnel for bread,
              in the store the last patron shore i
              and live free without a king in my head.
              The call of an era steep revered signal
              for immortality I write between the lines of milk,
              because, considering the apartment is central,
              I speak a language with convict and wife.
              I myself am the flesh of the flesh of factory people,
              pinching the last nickle in your pocket,
              I attack bourgeois dishes every day
              and I’m ruining champagne;
              We did not spare ourselves. And in his youth ardent
              went to a seven-year school as if in a fight ...
              If necessary, we can supper with a fork
              and take away the dishes culturally.
        2. 0
          20 February 2014 20: 47
          Religion in schools - for those who wish. The student does not want to study - does not study (no one forces). He can study the lessons of secular ethics — this is essentially the education of politeness and decency in a person — the same as in the USSR. May not learn anything at all. So what's the problem?
          1. S_mirnov
            20 February 2014 22: 32
            Quote: Dimastik
            So what's the problem?

            The problem is religion in primary school! When a person cannot make an informed choice! Here he grows up, comes of age, let him choose his religion. I think so.
        3. +4
          21 February 2014 00: 12
          And how many churches and altars were destroyed before this? There was a church in every village, why did people like you break them?
          In general, Russia owes all the most strategic victories to Vera and the Church, as commanders directly spoke of. Take any battle, at least Kulikovskaya, at least Borodino. Remember who were Ushakov and Suvorov. Ushakov was generally ranked among the Saints. In each letter, they practically have a sermon on faith in God!
          Yes, Russia now lives off oil and gas, but where are they from? Not one of those lands that the Cossacks have mastered? And who were the Cossacks? 100% vehemently Orthodox believers. In essence, the Orthodox Order!
          Our country actually exists thanks to the Church and the victories of Her sons, such as Nevsky, Donskoy, Suvorov, Ushakov, etc. So let's give at least a little debt to those to whom we owe.
          1. S_mirnov
            21 February 2014 10: 45
            Quote: Magadan
            And how many churches and altars were destroyed before this? There was a church in every village, why did people like you break them?

            No, like me they did not break! I would have made museums out of them, not all of them, of course, have no modern construction, it’s painfully built a lot of them.

            Personally, I liked the pool more than CSU! In my opinion there was more benefit!
      4. 0
        20 February 2014 20: 24
        Quote: bulvas
        As if this approach is not too difficult for the current generation of "dwarfs"

        Not! The current generation of youth has its own giants, heroes, and heroes. We read about them, including on this site, just remember!
    2. 0
      20 February 2014 14: 39
      Quote: RUSS
      Prokhanov consists of an explosive mixture, wants to combine all the best from different eras, ideologies and values, maybe this is true for continuity and for an existing national idea, but it will be difficult to reconcile and unite the people on Prokhanov’s mind, too many contradictions.

      But simple things will not work, life (at least social) in itself is a complicated thing, and Prokhanov is clever ....
      20 February 2014 18: 28
      Quote: RUSS
      but probably to reconcile and unite

      Do you yourself believe? Or insofar as? Try to blame Saul / Paul ... try!
      Quote: RUSS
      for a non-existent national idea

      Where does the idea come from if the user who calls himself RUSS constantly throws something destabilizing on each branch? Is this an example to others?
      Quote: RUSS
      it will be difficult to reconcile and unite the people on the mind of Prokhanov, too many contradictions.

      Reconcile yourself with Berezovsky, Chubais, substitute them first with your left, then your right cheeks, repent of the committed / imperfect attempts on their masters, then try to explain the movements of your repentant soul to an ordinary "scattered" from the hinterland ...
  2. vladsolo56
    20 February 2014 12: 26
    Prokhanov is just a populist, he says only what is fashionable. I do not believe him.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. S_mirnov
      20 February 2014 22: 45
      I agree with you, keep the "+"!
  3. +5
    20 February 2014 12: 29
    I absolutely agree with your assessment. The idea of ​​taking all the best and reconciling the irreconcilable is good of course, but it requires the crystallization of values ​​or ideas that would be above the ideals of all the united groups!
      20 February 2014 18: 47
      Quote: Normman
      requires the crystallization of such values ​​or ideas that would stand above the ideals of all the united groups!

      From the poem "Poltava" (1829) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837). Mazepa's words:
      It’s not possible to harness one cart
      Horse and quivering doe.

      I inadvertently forgot:
      1. S_mirnov
        20 February 2014 22: 49
        From the poem "Poltava" (1829) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837). Mazepa's words:
        It’s not possible to harness one cart
        Horse and quivering doe.
        I inadvertently forgot:

        As a rule, poets are poorly versed in engineering solutions, and so doe and horse can be harnessed into one cart and make you drag! without any problems! It's just hard for a poet to think of it!
          21 February 2014 16: 58
          Quote: S_mirnov
          As a rule, poets are poorly versed in engineering solutions.

          MV Lomonosov "Evening meditation on the majesty of God ..." "The abyss of stars is full; the stars are countless, the abyss of the bottom."
          Quote: S_mirnov
          It's just hard for a poet to think of it!

          I am writing from memory: VS Vysotsky: "I regret you, adherents of fatal dates and numbers, languish like concubines in a harem ... The lifespan has increased, and maybe the ends of the poets have moved away for a while." It is difficult for us by you, but not for the POETS! These are people talking to God ...
          21 February 2014 17: 09
          As a rule, poets are poorly versed in engineering solutions,

          MV Lomonosov, "Evening reflection on the majesty of God ..." "The abyss of stars is full; the stars are innumerable, the abyss of the bottom."
          Quote: S_mirnov
          and so the doe and the horse can be harnessed into one cart and make you drag! without any problems!

          "We will drive humanity to happiness with an iron hand" = Russia has already passed this stage during the period of ideological domination of comrade L.D. Trotsky (Bronstein).
          It's just hard for a poet to think of it!

          VS Vysotsky, just from memory: "I pity you, adherents of fatal dates and numbers, languish like concubines in a harem. The juice of life has increased and maybe the ends of the poets have moved away for a while."
  4. +2
    20 February 2014 12: 31
    Strange, they dispersed the "altars" and "the monks holding the country on their shoulders", immediately the country crawled out of the centuries-old well ... and defense plants appeared. They removed the evil Stalin, revived "spirituality" and immediately the defense factories disappeared somewhere, and the country is rapidly crumbling to its old place. In my opinion, the connection is obvious. Already a hundred years ago, the role of the church in the state was clearly defined. The church should practice rituals. There is a desire and opportunity to spend personal time and money on ceremonies - good luck, participate. When they start singing about "Russia is a Christian state", offended people immediately appear, who begin to sing "we are Muslims, the salt of the earth, and evil Uruses-Christians are spreading rot, let's build our state with ...". As a result, religion in the country does not unite anything; on the contrary, it is one of the instruments for dividing the country. At first they were divided according to nationalities, it did not help, now they are divided according to religion, it will not help yet what they will come up with. The only thing in which all religions agree is the need for their material support from the state. First, they blow in the ears - "we will decide everything, we influence everything, we are the power," and then they say - give us houses and land and give us money. Pure charlatans, honestly. This character is a pure political officer, he grinds everything that they say with his tongue, but try to ask for the result, immediately into tears about millions of victims and about a friend's tears.
    1. +1
      20 February 2014 12: 37
      Quote: chunga-changa
      Strange, they dispersed the "altars" and the monks holding the country on their shoulders, the country immediately crawled out of the century-old railway .. and defense plants appeared.

      Confirmation is not worth the wait? Just another emotion.
      Quote: chunga-changa
      They removed the evil Stalin, revived "spirituality" right there, the defense factories disappeared somewhere, and the country is rapidly collapsing into its old place, in my opinion the connection is obvious.

      Again unhappiness. Where do you see spirituality?
      1. -2
        20 February 2014 12: 54
        Quote: Flood
        Confirmation is not worth the wait?

        You would have read any history books. About the revolution, about the alienation of the church from the state, about the persecution of worshipers, about the five-year plan, about the mobilization of all forces and means for the construction of industry. Or do you need any special evidence? I don’t know, there, a spiritualistic session with Stalin, in the courthouse and under oath?
        Quote: Flood
        Where do you see spirituality?

        Again, read something from the times of perestroika, there is everything in detail about the "revival of spirituality," and about "we need to build churches," and about an ineffective economy, and how the military-industrial complex devoured the country, and how private traders will fix everything. I don't know about your place of residence, but under my house there are already two churches 60 meters from each other, and another five hundred meters is being built. The competition for visitors is already tears from the eyes, the singers and choirs are getting louder and louder, they are already using sound-amplifying installations, on weekends the bell ringing from 8.45 to 9.00 in the morning raises the dead. So with spirituality everything is in order, but with the standard of living, drug addiction and order, it is getting worse and worse. Maybe in your head everything is different, but it’s just like that outside my window.
        1. +6
          20 February 2014 13: 12
          Quote: chunga-changa
          You would have read any history books.

          Well, what’s so right off the bat and excitedly? You deigned to write that as soon as the monks were dispersed, a defense industry appeared immediately. At the same time, ignoring absolutely that in tsarist Russia there were built as many factories and shipyards working for the army and navy. Calm down, be consistent and you will have an understanding of things.
        2. +1
          20 February 2014 13: 19
          Quote: chunga-changa
          Competition for visitors, even tears from their eyes, singers and choirs are getting louder and louder, they are already using sound reinforcing installations, on weekends the ringing of bells from 8.45 to 9.00 in the morning raises the dead. So with spirituality everything is in order, but with the standard of living, drug addiction and order it is getting worse and worse.

          And this is a problem of a personal, I would say, spiritual and moral order.
          No need to replace concepts, dear. Spirituality does not begin, of course, with bell ringing. But today the voice of the church is one of the few that sound against lack of spirituality.
          Isn't the FSKN supposed to fight drug addiction? What difference does it make to you!
          Isn't the standard of living and well-being of citizens a concern of the government?
          Let's separate your flies from cutlets.
          1. +2
            20 February 2014 13: 51
            And this is a problem of a personal, I would say, spiritual and moral order.

            I feel fine without the mediation of priests. I don’t torment animals, I don’t kill people, I don’t steal, I don’t seduce other people's wives. I have my own excellent one. I was brought up normally even without a church, and all this tearful womanish floundering is not interesting to me. I don’t need to attribute your fictitious problems, I don’t have them. Or your ideal of spiritual life - stole, killed, donated to the church, everything is forgotten, well done, have fun further?
            Quote: Flood
            Let's separate your flies from cutlets.

            I somehow did not understand your idea. Does building spirituality increase or not? If so, then spirituality should increase, and the number of drug addicts should decrease. If the number of drug addicts is not regulated in any way by increasing spirituality, but is regulated by the FSKN, then since the number of drug addicts is growing, can it be better to build more FSKN buildings? Or is drug addicts good and no need to fight them? As far as I remember my childhood, youth and youth under the USSR, despite the fact that the church was engaged only in rituals, lack of spirituality and did not smell. Everything was normal, they read, talked, they loved, crime was reduced, gays were driven, drug addicts were treated, church holidays were celebrated, they were married, funeral services, commemoration. Why suddenly there was such an urgent need to increase this very spirituality, why so many churches, monks and the increasing role of the church in the state. Or maybe it wasn’t very good with everything else, and instead of a normal life, people are offered to back up with crutches of the church for a small bribe.
            1. +6
              20 February 2014 14: 30
              Quote: chunga-changa
              Does building spirituality increase or not?

              I can only express my opinion.
              The church is the stronghold and stronghold of faith. It can exist without temples, as it was in ancient times. Temples, on the other hand, are not only and not so much a place for performing services and ceremonies, but also a visible confirmation of the triumph of the Church of Christ and the sacrifice of the Orthodox to the Lord. And, of course, the Russian Orthodox people have a special relationship with churches.
              Question you asked with a horseshoe. I don’t know, knowingly or not.
              After all, no one talks about the lack of spirituality outside the walls of Orthodox churches and monasteries. As well as the sinlessness of priests and monks. It seems to me that spirituality is inherent in the Russian people, as its natural integral part. And here I agree with Prokhanov. In the USSR, it took a different form, which, however, did not differ much from the Orthodox.
              But what the defilers of Orthodoxy write is from the evil one. And it has nothing to do with either spirituality or Russianness.
              Does the number of temples affect the average statistical indicator of spirituality (all of a sudden there is one!) ??? I think yes. But absolutely not in the sense that I understand behind your lines.
              If even one sinner out of a hundred, today passing by the temple, stops and crosses himself, and tomorrow comes in and out of it a little cleaner and kinder, then yes, this is another victory over the evil one. But this does not happen either in a week or in a year. This battle for the souls has been going on for centuries and will continue until the end of time.
            2. +4
              20 February 2014 14: 50
              Quote: chunga-changa
              I feel fine without the mediation of priests. I don’t torment animals, I don’t kill people, I don’t steal, I don’t seduce other people's wives. I have my own excellent one. I was brought up normally even without a church, and all this tearful womanish floundering is not interesting to me. I don’t need to attribute your fictitious problems, I don’t have them

              In fact, there is a problem. As long as you behave as you yourself wrote above, everything is fine, inimitable, and even commendable. But the problem arises when you direct your talents of criticism to the church and believers. In order to have a moral right to a charge, one must at least be free from such sins.
              And if we take it even more broadly, then as a rule people are not always guilty of blaming others.
            3. +5
              20 February 2014 16: 46
              Quote: chunga-changa
              Why suddenly there was such an urgent need to increase this very spirituality, why so many churches, monks and the increasing role of the church in the state

              Why are you so worried that there are many Orthodox churches?
              Why don't you oppose synagogues and mosques? No seriously. I have never heard from atheists claims that, for example, Imams ride jeeps. Or the fact that there are a lot of mosques. After all, no. All your anger is directed exclusively at Orthodoxy. And it's hard to notice. You do it painfully cleverly. I am Orthodox but I am not against atheists. In the USSR, everything coexisted normally. But lately there have been a lot of so-called "evil atheists". What is it for? Maybe someone is brainwashing you? Hmmm.
              1. +2
                20 February 2014 18: 31
                Quote: Manager
                All your anger is directed exclusively to Orthodoxy. And it's hard to notice. It hurts cunningly you do it. I am Orthodox but I am not against atheists.

                I am also not against atheists or others who call themselves agnostics, for example. But only exactly as long as they cease to be such and begin to struggle with what they essentially deny as a non-existent phenomenon. Then they pass into the category of the God-fighters, and using the legal term "infringe on the rights of the social group called" Believers ".

                “As Orthodoxy revives in Russia, as the influence of the Orthodox Church in the Russian people intensifies, the struggle of satanic forces with the Church intensifies. The events on Sakhalin highlighted this very clearly and vividly. It began almost immediately after the collapse of the USSR, as soon as the first signs appeared that that the Orthodox Church is beginning to revive.Remember the murder of three monks in Optina Hermitage in 1993, committed by a sword with three sixes filled in. This is nothing more than a ritual murder.

                Unfortunately, our jurisprudence refuses to admit the existence of such a crime, it is absent in the Criminal Code. Therefore, all such crimes will go through other articles, for example, “The murder of two or more persons.” Then they will look for mental deviations from the killer. Although it is clear that all this is a manifestation of Satanism.

                Moreover, the struggle with Russian Orthodoxy is from two flanks. On the one hand, this is liberal democratic Satanism, which it seeks to deceive and spit on everything that is holy in Russian life. On the other hand, these are frankly satanic, anti-Christian sects that are becoming more and more cruel.

                Until we realize this fact, we will not rise up as our common, nationwide, nationwide force against Satanic forces, Orthodox people will perish, priests will be killed, churches will burn like in Tatarstan, and we will pretend that these are all manifestations ordinary crime. "

                / K. Dushenov /

              2. +2
                20 February 2014 22: 03
                The claims of atheists exclusively to Orthodoxy excite me. Why only Orthodoxy? And it is interesting that they always pay attention solely to the chaff - "priests" driving expensive cars. They see the chaff, they don't see the grains. And there are much more grains than chaff.
          20 February 2014 18: 59
          Quote: chunga-changa
          bell ringing from 8.45 to 9.00 a.m. dead rises

          What were the communists singing there? "Get up, branded by the curse ...!"
          Quote: chunga-changa
          Maybe everything in your head is somehow different, but it’s just like that outside my window.

          A joke from Soviet times: Mom allocated money to dad for sex education for her son for an excursion to the zoo to explain the problem of reproduction "on birds and on butterflies". Daddy, having spent money on drink, leads his son home through the park and, noticing a couple copulating in the bushes, shows his son this picture with the words: "Here are the birds and the butterflies ..."
      2. +2
        20 February 2014 18: 15
        Quote: Flood
        Confirmation is not worth the wait? Just another emotion.

        Greetings, Vladimir!
        We have already seen several times that our arguments and admonitions of the "militant demoniacs" do not lead to a result. And many members of the forum who defended the position of religion on this site, or left it, or prefer not to speak. For different reasons.
        Let's try to hit the ts. "visual agitation".
        Although it is unlikely to catch them ...
        1. +2
          20 February 2014 18: 37
          Quote: Ptah
          Greetings, Vladimir!

          Hello, Vadim.
          I could not keep silent. As they themselves are not tired, I do not understand.
          So many tons of slops have been poured, but they won’t calm down.
          Moreover, such children's conclusions are found that I just sometimes fall into a stupor.
          And where does all this come from?
        2. +2
          20 February 2014 22: 01
          Almost correct. But true freedom is not evil. After all, freedom is not in restraining oneself, but in owning oneself.
    2. +5
      20 February 2014 12: 43
      Quote: chunga-changa
      It's strange, they dispersed the "altars" and the monks holding the country on their shoulders, the country immediately crawled out of the century-old well ..,

      The people were tired of working for the state even more and that’s all, while the people as they were in bast shoes remained.

      They removed the evil Stalin, revived "spirituality" right there, the defense plants went somewhere,
      This is already to Gorbachev and there is nothing to parallel with spirituality.
      Quote: chunga-changa
      The church must engage in rites.

      The church is just a place where believers can be closer to God. Forcibly you are not dragged there, unlike the same events when the temples were destroyed and faith was eradicated.

      Quote: chunga-changa
      When they begin to sing about "Russia is a Christian state", offended people immediately appear who begin to sing "We are Muslims, the salt of the earth

      Let them sing anything, it is not forbidden to sing with us.
      Quote: chunga-changa
      As a result, religion in a country does not unite anything; on the contrary, it is one of the tools for dividing a country

      Religion unites Muslims. And we got a lot of freethinkers Satanists hurt, who all no matter how do not know where else to ... fight Orthodox believers. It is Orthodox and not Muslims. Because they know that Muslims will quickly cut off their heads for that. What about us? The second cheek is set up.

      Quote: chunga-changa
      First, they blow in our ears - "we will decide everything, we influence everything, we are strength", and then they say - give us houses and land and give us money

      You are already talking about sects. Once again I understand how amateur you are in this matter.
      1. -5
        20 February 2014 13: 09
        You need to "echo of Moscow", they will take without a probationary period, immediately as an editor. Wake up to edit amateurs and explain the truth of life as it is, regardless of reality. You can do it.
        1. +2
          20 February 2014 15: 20
          Quote: chunga-changa
          You need to "echo of Moscow",

          I don't like Lighthouse anymore.
          20 February 2014 19: 04
          Quote: chunga-changa
          Explain the truth of life as it is, regardless of reality. You will succeed

          And you?
          21 February 2014 18: 07
          Quote: chunga-changa
          Will edit amateurs

          BudИthose (wake up), m. mean future = imperfect then -budЕthose. Write in Russian.
      20 February 2014 18: 50
      Quote: chunga-changa
      This character is purely political officer, his tongue grinds everything they say, but try to ask for the result,

      What prevents you from asking a question? "The seeker, let him find"!
    4. yur
      20 February 2014 20: 51
      Quote: chunga-changa
      Strange, they dispersed the "altars" and "the monks holding the country on their shoulders", immediately the country crawled out of the centuries-old well ... and defense plants appeared. Removed
      No, dear, the "altars" were not dispersed, but slightly altered (friendship of peoples, social justice, pride and respect for a great power). What about the Code of the Builder of Communism? This is almost word for word excerpts from the Holy Scriptures. But it was the capitalist exploiters and the inequality by birth who were really dispersed. So there were defense plants, schools and institutes for ALL, work for ALL, housing for ALL. A great country appeared
  5. 0
    20 February 2014 12: 34
    The article is correct, timely, Prokhanov well done, real, new Russian ideologist, of a new formation.
  6. +12
    20 February 2014 12: 40
    When my mother was buried (in 2009), Father, performing a funeral rite at the cemetery, to my silent question (Mom - 1923 born - not baptized)
    said the following words: "Judging by the rewards of the deceased, she shed blood for the Motherland! The Lord God Himself baptized her - for there is no holier people who went to death for the sake of their land, their faith!"
    Tomorrow I am burying my dad, who served in Port Arthur at 48-53 (who knows, he knows what was there)! I called my father. His answer was as follows: "Do not suffer, my son! The Lord knows! The Lord sees!"
    - Father! He's not baptized, but only "dipped"!
    -Do not suffer, son of God! Everything is a foregone conclusion without you and me!
    It became easier on my heart.
    Give us, Lord, wisdom and faith ... hi
    PS. I myself am not baptized! Apparently the Lord has not yet decided what I deserve ...
    1. Volodya Sibiryak
      20 February 2014 13: 03
      My condolences to you.
  7. 0
    20 February 2014 12: 44
    Immediately into the fire, water and copper pipes do not climb
  8. +4
    20 February 2014 12: 52
    He was baptized in childhood, although he did not believe. Now I consciously believe.
    After the lapse of earthly days, analyzing what is happening, I understand that there are forces, there is something that surrounds us invisibly.
    And about the priests ... what can I say? Although they wear a cassock, they themselves do not believe.
    I saw here in Ivanovo one priest in a jeep Lexus of the latest model. Years 30-35, sleek, well-groomed, content with life.
    I asked him - "What, you couldn't buy a simpler car?"
    His answer struck me - "What are you? Are you jealous?" and a smug smile.
    Lord, do not bring such priests to power.
    In another language to call it does not turn.
    1. +3
      20 February 2014 12: 57
      Quote: Consul-t
      And about the priests ... what can I say?

      This is a very sore subject. But as they say it’s not for us to judge them. The time will come, they will appear before God.
    2. +3
      20 February 2014 13: 25
      Quote: Consul-t
      And about the priests ... what can I say? Although they wear a cassock, they themselves do not believe.

      All? I am sorry that I did not have to communicate with the real and worthwhile.
      Quote: Consul-t
      Lord, do not bring such priests to power.

      So it seems that the state is separated from the church. So it does not threaten.
      And then in fact it will become worse? Now the authorities seem to be entirely saints ...
    3. +1
      20 February 2014 17: 51
      Try to read books by M. Kucherskaya. I suggest you start with Reading for the Despondent. This is good advice. You are unlikely to regret it (IMHO).
  9. striker
    20 February 2014 12: 53
    Prokhanov: “Today, Russia most needs defense plants and altars ...”

    And Putin offers her unskilled migrants and new mosques ...

    For me, Prokhanov, as a Russian man, finally "died" three years ago, when on the air of Echo of Moscow he spoke about the "Arakcheev case" in the spirit that "a Russian officer can sit for 15 years if this is required for interethnic harmony in Russia..."

    Soviet propaganda ... Their worst crime is INTERNATIONALISM, the poison of which they poisoned the minds and souls of the gullible Russian People for 70 years.
    What our members of the same nation (Russians) had to face in the "union republics" after the collapse of the USSR - clearly demonstrated to everyone that the "spinner" of Internationalism, of all the peoples of the USSR, was swallowed only by the Russians. Only the Russians accepted all this Soviet demagogy about the "brotherhood of peoples" and the "united homeland" - at face value.

    The internationalism of the nationalists throughout the Soviet era was of a purely declarative nature, which manifested itself only in toasts addressed to the "elder brother" and toasts "to the crap of peoples" at all kinds of party congresses. The Russians subsequently experienced the true cost of this "dryuchba" of theirs, when for a 3-room apartment in the center of Tashkent or Dushanbe, yesterday's "good neighbors" gave them a bag of apricots and 24 hours to get ready. Depriving Russians thus. not only at home, but also at home.

    And after all, even now, when in a modern "communal apartment" - the Russian Federation, where the most naughty national man has his SEPARATE "room" and only 100 million Russian people - live in the "corridor", there are people like Prokhanov, who is trying to "lose "A hackneyed Russian record called" a multinational state within the borders of the USSR ... ".

    With the coming to power in Russia of the "cooperative OZERO", these soviet "political pens" quickly found themselves new pimps.
      20 February 2014 19: 09
      Quote: striker
      With the coming to power in Russia of the "cooperative OZERO", these soviet "political pens" quickly found themselves new pimps.

      Confirm with a link to the document. Documents (after consideration, I can believe it), bald haynoy faith and never will be.
  10. Volodya Sibiryak
    20 February 2014 13: 11
    Prokhanov is too emotional.
    1. +2
      20 February 2014 15: 13
      The writer is characterized by artistic decoration.
  11. wait
    20 February 2014 13: 35
    "And after that the giants, alas, only got smaller, until a tribe of dwarfs appeared in their place."
    What Prokhanov knows about the tribe that appeared. Have you been to school at least once recently? What is constructive in this statement? Go to school, teach children how to live and love their homeland - and you will be happy. And so - then in vain throwing accusatory words. Demagogy.
    1. +2
      20 February 2014 16: 13
      Quote: wait
      What Prokhanov knows about the tribe that appeared. Have you been to school at least once recently?

      Do you disagree with his statement?
  12. 0
    20 February 2014 13: 38
    The fact that Russia and not only today, but always need defense plants - I agree with this.
    Defensive altars, etc. they have nothing to do with the Army, and also with factories.
    Let Prokhanov engage in verbiage as much as he wants - this is his job.
    1. +4
      20 February 2014 16: 12
      Quote: shurup
      Defensive altars, etc. they have nothing to do with the Army, and also with factories.

      Sure. Because they are related to the people.
  13. 0
    20 February 2014 13: 39
    Quote: chunga-changa
    Again, read something from the times of perestroika, there is everything in detail about the "revival of spirituality," and about "we need to build churches," and about an ineffective economy, and how the military-industrial complex devoured the country, and how private traders will fix everything. I don't know about your place of residence, but under my house there are already two churches 60 meters from each other, and another five hundred meters is being built. The competition for visitors is already tears from the eyes, the singers and choirs are getting louder and louder, they are already using sound-amplifying installations, on weekends the bell ringing from 8.45 to 9.00 in the morning raises the dead. So with spirituality everything is in order, but with the standard of living, drug addiction and order, it is getting worse and worse. Maybe in your head everything is different, but it’s just like that outside my window.

    - This is not spirituality. This is fashion, pseudo-religiosity and obscurantism. Spirituality is faith and observance of the commandments, it is SELFLESS charity and the desire for spiritual food, and not surrogates in the form of mass culture and "100 varieties of sausage". What kind of spirituality does a thug who prays in church after robberies and donates bribes from stolen money have, by the way? What spirituality does a priest have when he sanctifies another brothel or another thief's Maybach?
    This is not spirituality.
    1. +1
      20 February 2014 13: 49
      Quote: Horn
      What kind of spirituality does a benjuk have in spirit, praying in a church after robberies and donating a bribe from stolen money?

      Horn, didn’t the Lord come to our world to save sinners?
      You, apparently, consider yourself a highly spiritual person, since you take the liberty of condemning the church and judging the high.
      1. -1
        20 February 2014 14: 10
        No, I do not consider myself a "highly spiritual person". I just read the Bible very carefully. Many times. The Lord came to give a new law to the children of Israel. They did not keep the old one. And "the salvation of sinners" is nonsense! A killer who puts candles in front of icons and asks God to help him carry out an order? Or not a believer, raising children, working and not stealing the last penny from widows? A priest who refuses a funeral service because his grandmother does not have enough money, or a veterinarian who, in the absence of a doctor in a devastated and dying Russian village, puts splints on the broken leg of a homeless person for free? Who is more righteous?
        1. +2
          20 February 2014 14: 41
          Quote: Horn
          A pop who refuses a funeral because his grandmother does not have enough money, or a veterinarian who, in the absence of a doctor in a ravaged and dying Russian village, puts free splatter on a bum's broken leg? Who is more righteous?

          We all find out the answer to this question. The whole point is that in earthly life we ​​will be tormented and tormented in search of an answer to many, many questions, until we find faith in ourselves. I believe that it is so right, but not so. Belief in permissiveness and the right of the strong. Faith in the Lord. Everyone chooses for himself.
          21 February 2014 18: 14
          Quote: Horn
          The killer who puts candles in front of the icons and asks God to help him fulfill the order?

          Have you stated it in your right mind? As far as I am informed, there is a commandment: DO NOT KILL! Or did you go to an Orthodox church?
      20 February 2014 19: 16
      Quote: Horn
      What spirituality does pop have when consecrating another brothel or another thief’s maybach?
      This is not spirituality.

      If you are churchly, then you know what to do. If not churchly, then read the New Testament: "Judge not, lest you be judged."
      1. 0
        21 February 2014 06: 16
        And you read: "Everyone will be rewarded according to his works." And no "one repentant sinner is more precious than a thousand righteous"!
          21 February 2014 18: 16
          Quote: Horn
          And no "one repentant sinner is more precious than a thousand righteous"!

          Repentance (sincere) = the path to salvation of the SOUL.
          1. 0
            24 February 2014 07: 00
            Repentance killer comfort mother slain?
  14. -3
    20 February 2014 15: 18
    "Russia today most needs defense plants and altars ..."
    - Need more gold!
    - It is necessary to build a ziggurat.
    In Russia, a lot of things are needed. Only the models draw everything old, no one is looking for a solution.
  15. 0
    20 February 2014 16: 20
    Prokhanov is a competent and wise man. But he was lost for a hundred years at least and lives in some sort of reality ... !!!
    Yes, there were already altars in every square and in every square, defense plants in almost every city and large settlement did not help !!!
    EVERYTHING BROKEN AS A SOAP BUBBLE (Almost instantly) ... the plants were destroyed, the altars were demolished ...!

    It is necessary to pay salaries to an ordinary Russian peasant, no less than that of a "potential", so that he would feel like an OWNER AND YOUR FAMILY!
    You need to pay pensions to the old Russian, so that they would be proud that they honestly worked and had a decent rest!
    We need education and medicine to make QUALITATIVE AND AVAILABLE TO ALL!

    BUT they have NO desire only blah blah blah! /

    1. +4
      20 February 2014 17: 00
      Quote: Bene valete
      But he was lost for a hundred years at least and lives in some sort of reality ... !!!
      Yes, there were already altars in every square and in every square, defense plants in almost every city and large settlement did not help !!!

      Nonsense. These were whole eras in the history of the Russian state. And Russian people will long be proud of the achievements and exploits of those times. But there is nothing eternal on earth, everything changes. The time has come for other trials for other people. What will we do for our country? Do you really think that everything burst like a soap bubble?
      From the bubble there is nothing left but spray. The Russian people inherited a huge legacy. How to dispose of it, so as not to disgrace yourself, not to lose the country and pass it on to your children and grandchildren?
      A person who has lived in this world for three or four decades (I think that is less) is reasoning with disdain for a century of history ?! But he has a recipe: we need a decent salary and rest. Are you definitely not lost? Only not in time, but in place. The place of its habitat.
      The history of Russia was made not by those who earn money and have a decent rest, but by those who love their Fatherland.
  16. +2
    20 February 2014 16: 39
    Many good words were said and written by Prokhanov! Today he is already not saying that, he said literally 5 years ago! It can and is true, time goes on and heals, a person changes his views under his implacable (time) pressure.
    But the fact that YOUR OWN industry is needed, including the defense DISPUTE, DO NOT BE!
    To revive the spiritual, ideological core, it is necessary to expel merchants from temples!Today's church is desecrated by its ministers from top to bottom!A very urgent need to restore the moral bonds of the RUSSIAN people, without this revival of RUSSIA will not happen!
      21 February 2014 18: 22
      Quote: Vlaleks48
      To revive the spiritual, ideological core, it is necessary to expel merchants from temples!

      To realize this fact, it is not necessary to read the "Gospel", it is enough to listen / view "Jesus Christ-Superstar".
  17. -2
    20 February 2014 16: 40
    The factories are needed, but the altars are already oversupplied. "Degree PGM" is time to subtract and work.
      21 February 2014 18: 23
      Quote: Bersaglieri
      "Degree PGM" is time to subtract and work.

      So what was the matter? Go ahead and with the song!
  18. +4
    20 February 2014 16: 45
    I see from my stupidity that a person (Prokhanov) is trying to define or propose a certain ideology. Not that it is good or bad, but he is trying something. We are here on the forum, not knowing (I) who I am representing myself, we are just starting to criticize, scold, praise. This is normal. But at least those who scold him, propose and voice to the whole of Russia your vision of solving the problem of ideology. Fearfully? No opportunity? Or just laziness?
      21 February 2014 18: 24
      Quote: Prop
      Fearfully? No opportunity? Or just laziness?

      Fair! Each stump cherishes its laziness.
  19. 0
    20 February 2014 18: 03
    Well, the mess in Prokhanov’s head, however, apparently, the roots of the schismatics make themselves felt.
    1. +1
      20 February 2014 18: 41
      Quote: Uncle
      Well, the mess in Prokhanov’s head, however, apparently, the roots of the schismatics make themselves felt.

      Raskolniki is the offensive nickname of the Old Believers.
      Molokans have little relation to the Old Believers.
      20 February 2014 19: 20
      Quote: Uncle
      Well, the mess in Prokhanov’s head, however,

      However: "do not judge, lest you be judged."
  20. dmb
    20 February 2014 18: 41
    You read this, and you want a simple Russian vodka. So that the brains do not move out. But in the Afghan period he wrote quite tolerable books. Any priest, after reading this interview, in theory, should anathematize the interviewee. Let's start with the fact that the "fighter for the Orthodox faith" calls to worship the hill. This is no better than worshiping oak, thunder, lightning and letting Dazhdbogs and Stribogs. Further, remembering the "wonderful Elder Philotheus," he, with childish innocence, "tears" out of him only that part of the quote that suits him. Let me remind you that the elder said that there will be no fourth Rome (Empire). Prokhanov counted as many as 5 of them only in Russia. Moreover, judging by the text, the frank pagan Truvor, who was a petty prince, was ranked as the first Russian without any reason. The apotheosis of course is the inclusion of a socialist state there. Big fans of this thesis should remember that the empire is an absolute monarchy with all its inherent bells and whistles, (like determining the heir) which even Stalin's rule does not have. And absolutely neither to the village nor to the city is the inclusion of present-day Russia among the Empires. Not only does this not fit with the Constitution, but the current "anpirator" is more drawn to the Comanche district leader. Take, for example, his May decrees. If he wrote them to fool the people, then he is in the people, and the people do not believe in him. If he wrote as he thought, and the "boyars" are not afraid to send him along with decrees, then again, not a monarch. The most interesting thing is that, in contrast to the hustlers, of whom the Izborsk club is not measured, Prokhanov, it seems to me, firmly believes in what he says. And this is very sad.
      21 February 2014 18: 33
      Quote: dmb
      to the first Russian, without any reason, ranked an outspoken pagan Truvor, who was a small prince.

      The mythical character could be anyone in real life.
      Quote: dmb
      it should be remembered that the empire is an absolute monarchy with all its inherent gadgets

      A very controversial thesis, be careful in the presentation of your undoubtedly wise thoughts (for they may be challenged by skeptics).
      Quote: dmb
      If he wrote them to fool people, then he is in the people, people into it does not believe.

      He is in the people, and the people in him ...?
  21. wait
    20 February 2014 20: 05
    Quote: Flood
    Quote: wait
    What Prokhanov knows about the tribe that appeared. Have you been to school at least once recently?

    Do you disagree with his statement?

    I do not agree. Children, after all, are not a concrete monolith. There are different, and their views are different, and moods, and sizes: someone is a dwarf, but there are giants) Most are undecided, simply by age. Well indiscriminately to blame everyone.
    1. 0
      20 February 2014 20: 54
      Quote: wait
      I do not agree. Children, after all, are not a concrete monolith

      Where did you find a word about children?
  22. Puffed up
    20 February 2014 21: 09
    And someone Prokhanov is not talking about the fallen of our heroes then? After all, they fell for the army now and then the country. And he doesn’t say anything about them, but Putin praises everything. The mystical werewolf is he. But the real heroes.
    1. Puffed up
      20 February 2014 21: 15
      Eternal memory to them and eternal glory. While Russia is worth it.
      1. +1
        20 February 2014 21: 26
        Especially General Lebed. His "Khasavyurt agreements" will be remembered by the Russian people forever ...
      2. +1
        21 February 2014 06: 29
        If Swan is here, then where is Berezovsky? This is how our press works, you yourself know who belongs to: Add a bit of lies to the truth, no one will notice! Then they will get used to it, since a lie repeated many times is already perceived as truth. And when you get used to it, you can increase the percentage of lies.
          21 February 2014 18: 40
          Quote: Horn
          Add a fraction of the truth to the truth, no one will notice! Then get used to

          Who can forbid YOU to raise your vote even here?
        21 February 2014 18: 39
        Quote: Puffed
        While Russia is worth it.

        Is it worth it or is it worth it? But the lad in the blue cap is clearly superfluous in the proposed iconostasis. Yeltsin proshm "Andovka, Vainakh roofer.
  23. +4
    21 February 2014 00: 38
    Russia has only three assistants - the ARMY, Navy and GOD. soldier