US strategic nuclear forces and missile defense facilities on Google Earth satellite imagery


American strategic nuclear forces consist of: maritime, terrestrial and air components. As of 1 March 2013, the United States had a total of 792 deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) ​​and heavy bombers (TB). The number of strategic carriers in Russia at that time was 492. The US had 1654 nuclear warheads on deployed ICBMs, SLBMs and TB. Russia had 1480 nuclear warheads on the same carriers.

According to the START-3 Treaty, by February 2018 the number of “operational deployed” nuclear warheads (YABZ) each side should not exceed 1550 units, and the number of strategic carriers - 800 units, of which “operational deployed” should have no more than 700 carriers .

At the same time, the United States has significant "return potential". These are nuclear warheads taken from carriers, but not disassembled, but stored in warehouses. The use of the “return potential” allows the US to more than double the total number of warheads in the START-3 conditions (from 1550 to 3342 units).

The basis of the American strategic forces are ballistic missiles placed on submarines (SLBMs). Each Ohio-type SSBN is equipped with a Trident-24 2 SLBM (D 5). At the moment, the naval component of the US strategic nuclear forces are 14 nuclear submarines (SSBNs) with 336 SLBMs.

Google Earth Satellite Snapshot: Ohio-type SSBNs Return From Hike

The UGM-133A Trident-2 BR (D5) has a maximum range of 11 300 km and has a split head with individual targeting units equipped with 475 and 100 kilo-ton thermonuclear charges. Due to the high accuracy of an SLBM of this type, it is capable of effectively hitting small-sized, highly protected targets - in-depth bunkers and silo launchers for intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Trident-2 is the only SLBM left in service with the US Navy SSBNs. The warheads deployed on the Trident-2 constitute 52% of the US strategic nuclear forces. In accordance with the current SALT contract, submarine missiles cannot carry more 8 warheads.

In the US, there are two facilities where SSBNs are based. On the Pacific coast is Bangor, Washington. On the Atlantic coast is Kings Bay, Georgia. Both naval bases have a developed infrastructure for the maintenance and servicing of SSBNs.

Ohio-class SSBNs at Kings Bay

Due to the ability to conduct long-term patrols while underwater, SSBNs are complex for satellite visual reconnaissance objects. It is much easier to observe the submarines at berths, docks and disposal points.

[/ Center]
Google Earth Satellite Images: Ohio-type SSBNs at Bangor

The naval component of the American nuclear triad is the most efficient part of it, the American boats are at sea 60% of the time in a year (that is, about 219 days in a year), unlike Russian boats, which patrol no more than 25% of the time in a year ( 91 day per year).

The ground component of the US Strategic Nuclear Forces is comprised of strategic missile systems equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Currently deployed to 450 "Minuteman-3" in mine launchers (silos). The LGM-30 “Minuteman-3” missiles are serving in the US Air Force since 1970 and are the only land-based ICBMs in service. The solid-fuel rocket "Minuteman-3" carries the 12 unit with 3 W78 warheads of individual guidance, with a range of up to 13000 km. Some of the minetmen in service were modernized and equipped with new Mk 21 warheads with a W87 warhead.

Google Earth Satellite Image: The MinetMen-3 Launch Complex of the 319 Rocket Squadron in Wyoming

By 2013, it was planned to install one W87 warhead on all 300 LGM-30G Minuteman-III missiles at Warren (Wyoming) and Malstrom (Montana) air bases. The 150 missiles at Minot Air Base (North Dakota) will continue to be on duty with W78 warheads.

Google Earth Satellite Image: The Minetman 3 Launch Complex in Montana

The Minuteman-3 rockets are obsolete today, they do not have a missile defense system. A number of test launches of missiles taken from among those on duty were deemed unsuccessful. Thus, it can be assumed that a significant part of US ground-based ICBMs are not capable of performing the combat mission. However, I would like to hope that this will never be tested in practice.

Aviation strategic nuclear bombers are capable of solving nuclear missions. All strategic bombers have dual-use status: they can strike using both nuclear and conventional weapons.

As part of the aviation component of the US strategic nuclear forces at five aviation bases as of 2012 year, there were approximately three 130 bombers of three types in the continental US - B-52H, B-1В and B-2А.

The most “deserved” is the B-52H, the production of this aircraft was completed at the end of the 1962 year. The bomber has the status of "dual purpose" and is able to use both nuclear and conventional weapons. Conversion to nuclear or non-nuclear status is conditional and does not require any modifications or changes in the design of the suspension assemblies of ammunition. B-52H aircraft are carriers of long-range air-based cruise missiles (ALCMs) (both in nuclear and non-nuclear equipment) and at maximum load can carry 20 missiles (eight on a universal rotary launcher in the bomb bay and 12 on an external suspension) .

The strategic bombers B-52H are currently best suited to conduct combat operations with conventional weapons in the interests of the general-purpose forces. To expand the capabilities of these aircraft for the use of conventional weapons, active work is being carried out to equip them with advanced high-precision weapons systems, additional observation tools and EW. Despite the long duration of operation, the aircraft maintains high flight qualities, has a significant range, is capable of carrying a large bomb load and a variety of weapons. Its main drawback remains the relatively low ability to overcome the air defense of the likely enemy. In this regard, the command of the US Air Force assigns to it the priority role of the carrier of the ALCM operating outside the zone of active air defense weapons. The B-52H bomber fleet as part of the US Air Force is gradually being reduced, however, it is planned that they will remain in service, at least until 2030, in an amount of about 40 units.

Google Earth Satellite Image: Minot Air Base, B-52H Bombers

B-1В strategic bomber, commissioned in July 1985, supplies to the troops were completed in August, 1988. There are about 50 units in combat, 12 is still in active reserve.

Google Earth Satellite Image: Ellsworth Air Base, B-1B Bombers

B-1B aircraft are considered by the US Air Force Command as the main bombers for operations with conventional means of destruction, in connection with which measures are being taken to convert them to non-nuclear status.

Google Earth Satellite Image: B-1B at Texon Air Base

To improve the effectiveness of combat use of the B-1B, a program is being implemented to further modernize strategic bombers in order to expand the set of guided aircraft used, as well as to improve onboard systems. After modernization, the B-1B strategic bombers are planned to be used independently or as part of mixed air formations for strikes, both from long ranges and in the zones of operation of the enemy’s air defense system.

The B-2A strategic bomber was adopted in December 1993. The aircraft, made using the stealth technology, is designed to covertly overcome modern air defense systems and subsequently defeat strategic objects in the depth of the enemy’s territory, primarily mobile ICBM complexes, with both nuclear and conventional weapons.

Google Earth Satellite Image: B-2A at ​​Whiteman Air Base

The 16 of such vehicles is in service. Of the 20-launched bomber of this type, the 2 is lost in flight accidents.
The permanent home base of the B-2A bomber is Whiteman Air Base (Missouri). At the same time, these planes are regularly redeployed to other airfields; quite often they land at Andersen airbase, on the island of Guam.

Google Earth Satellite Image: B-2A at ​​Andersen, Guam Island

Under normal peacetime strategic bombers were deployed in five major air bases continental United States: Minot (North Dakota) - 22 In-52N, Ellsworth (South Dakota) - 24 In-1V, Whiteman (Missouri) - 16 In-2A, Dyce (Texas) - 12 B-1B and Barksdale (LA) - 41 B-52H.

Google Earth Satellite Image: Barksdale Air Base, B-52H Bombers

During the development of tasks in the zones of the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the European zone, temporary bases for strategic aviation can be used up to 16 airfields.

Satellite image of Google Earth: В-52Н and В-1В at Andersen air base, o.Gouam

The START-3 treaty for deployed strategic bombers introduced a counting rule for YABZ, according to which only one nuclear warhead is counted for one bomber, and it was the American side that insisted on the introduction of this rule.

The United States has thus virtually removed its nuclear weapons, primarily the ALCM, from quantitative control. Now, the United States, having any number of nuclear ALCMs in service, may not at all present the latter for control procedures of the START-3 Treaty, but “report” under the latter, for example, only with 60 nuclear bombs.

Currently, only for the aviation component of the triad are developed qualitatively new nuclear means of destruction - the next-generation cruise missiles of air-based (ALCM) and guided bombs with high-precision guidance. The nuclear weapons of the land and sea components of the triad are only being upgraded. Moreover, according to the statements of high-ranking US military, new strategic bombers will be equipped with all nuclear weapon carriers without exception: both existing B-2A and B-52H, as well as promising.

It should be added that as a result of the nearly twenty-year reduction of strategic offensive arms of the Russian Federation and the United States, the land and sea components of the United States nuclear triad have largely lost their counter-force potential with respect to Russia's strategic nuclear forces, which include a group of mobile ground rocket complexes. Apparently, this circumstance does not suit the American military-political leadership, which continues to lay claim to the unconditional global leadership of its country in the new century.

This largely explains the US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty. In the conditions of a quantitative reduction of the SNF, in the event of a global conflict, the emphasis is on the possibility of destroying carriers in the home areas, in a preventive strike and interception of the surviving and launched BR.

The Patriot air defense system PAC-3 with the ERINT antimissile has certain anti-missile capabilities. According to the creators of the missile ERINT, it is able to destroy ballistic missiles with a range of up to 1000 km.

Google Earth Satellite Image: Patriot's Fort Hood

However, this system is intended primarily for intercepting tactical and operational tactical missiles in a theater of operations. It is not capable of intercepting ICBM warheads.

To protect the territory of the United States from the ICBM warhead is created: "The US National Missile Defense System" (NMD). It is a comprehensive system for detecting, tracing and intercepting ballistic missiles of various classes designed to protect the territory of the United States, as well as their allies and advanced military bases, from missile attacks.

It is a complex of early warning radar (early warning), satellites tracking rocket launches, launchers and guidance stations for land-based and sea-based interceptor missiles designed to destroy warheads of small, medium and intercontinental radius as in outer space, and in the atmosphere at different sites of the trajectory.

October 2 The US 1999 conducted the first test of a prototype NMD system, during which a Minuteman missile with a target warhead was shot down over the Pacific. And in June, the US 2002 officially withdrew from the 1972 Treaty of the year on limiting missile defense systems.

The main component of the US national missile defense system is a ground-based ballistic missile interception system in the middle section of the trajectory known as Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GBMD). This complex consists of an early warning and tracking radar system, tracking the movement of targets in outer space, and silo-based antimissiles. The defeat of targets - ballistic missiles and their warheads is carried out by a kinetic warhead on a head-on course.

At the moment, the GBMD complex is the only component of an NMD system capable of intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles. The range of the complex is limited only by the capabilities of space tracking radars, and with the introduction of a mobile sea-based radar, the complex acquired the potential ability to hit space objects at any point on the globe.

Satellite image of Google Earth: Floating radar missile defense system in the naval base Pearl Harbor

The SBX PRO radar with a phased array is installed on an upgraded oil platform capable of traveling at speeds up to 4 nodes. Placing it is planned in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Alaska.

29 September 2004 announced the installation of the first five GBI interceptor missile systems of the US missile defense system at the Fort Greely launch site as part of the first stage of deploying a missile defense system.

Google Earth Satellite Image: Anti-missile Mines in Fort Greely, Alaska, USA

The Ticonderoga class cruisers and the Arleigh Burke class destroyers equipped with the Aegis control system are used as mobile carriers of the SM-3 sea-based antimissiles.

Google Earth Satellite Image: Arleigh Burke Destroyer and Ticonderoga Type Cruiser, Naval Forces San Diego

The system can hit short-range and medium-range ballistic missiles, as well as low-orbit space objects. The main advantages of the system are its high mobility and wide use of already existing design solutions and technologies. The anti-missile SM-3 was created on the basis of the previous family of standard missiles and is launched from the conventional universal vertical launch cell Mk-41. By the end of the 2011, the US Navy already had a total of 24 cruisers and destroyers equipped with MBIUS Aegis. The total number of SM-3 interceptor missiles in the US Navy is more than 110 units.

The mobile complex THAAD is intended to provide advanced cover for military bases and strategic facilities from ballistic missiles of small and medium-range ballistic missiles entering the atmosphere.

To hit the target, a kinetic interceptor is used, which allows the combat unit of a ballistic missile to be shot down at a distance of up to 200 km with a height of defeat up to 150 km. A number of elements of the THAAD complex are similar to those used in the sea missile defense complex “Aegis”.

In 2008, the first battery of 24 missiles THAAD was deployed in the Hawaiian Islands to protect the archipelago from a possible strike by North Korean mid-range ballistic missiles.

Google Earth satellite image: AN FPS-123 Pave PAWS radar for anti-missile defense systems, at Bale airbase, USA

Currently, the US missile defense system includes facilities located in North America, Western Europe and the Far East:
- 4 early warning radar: Cobra Dane (Island Chemia, Aleutian Islands); - Beale (California); Fylingdales (UK); Thule (Greenland, Denmark);
- Sea-based SBX radar deployed in the Pacific Ocean in the Alaska region;
- FRX-T forward-based radar on the island of Honshu (Japan);
- 16 ground-based anti-ballistic missiles GBI, of which 13 - in Fort Greely (Alaska) and 2 - at Vandenberg Air Base (California);
- 24 cruisers and destroyers of the Aegis system, equipped with SM-3 antimissiles and stationed in the Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea;
- Patriot PAC-3 antimissile systems.

Google Earth Traveler Snapshot: FRX-T radar missile defense system on about. Honshu, Japan

Satellite image of Google Earth: Cobra Dane radar missile defense system in Tula, Greenland

Satellite image of Google Earth: radar missile defense system in Fainlingdels, UK

Further plans for the development of a missile defense system:
- Creation of the third missile defense area of ​​the continental United States, covering the industrial centers of the Atlantic coast;
- Bringing the total number of GBMD antimissiles in the United States to 56 (28 in Alaska, 14 in California and 14 on the Atlantic coast); later on, up to the 100 interceptor.
- Deployment of stationary versions of the Aegis complex with the SM-3 antimissile in Europe to cover the territory of the European allies of the USA.
- Increasing the number of ships with the anti-missile version of the Aegis system to 32 units.

According to the plan of the American leadership, the implementation of these plans will allow us to preserve the global military and political dominance of the United States, to protect ourselves and our allies from the rogue states. And in the event of a conflict with Russia or the PRC, to hide behind an anti-missile umbrella from retaliation.

Based on:
Satellite images provided by Google Earth.
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  4. +28
    14 February 2014 08: 46
    And in the event of a conflict with Russia or China, hide an anti-ballistic umbrella from a retaliatory strike.
    they will hide the coffin lid.
    1. AVV
      14 February 2014 10: 42
      Quote: Dmitry
      And in the event of a conflict with Russia or China, hide an anti-ballistic umbrella from a retaliatory strike.

      A missile defense system for an umbrella is such a utopia that the US authorities are pushing their people into hiding, neither escaping, nor burrowing underground, nothing will save all their senators, including McCain, and the Republicans are working for the military-industrial complex and in this way the US budget is directed to his needs !!! That's where the dog is buried !!!
      1. +1
        14 February 2014 19: 56
        they have enough of their hearty ones.
        1. +1
          15 February 2014 00: 48
          The military budget of the states represents soooo opportunities for "raspil" .... What nah Serdyukov.
      2. +3
        15 August 2014 16: 46
        Quote: AVV
        A missile defense system for an umbrella is such a utopia that the US authorities are pushing their people into hiding, neither escaping, nor burrowing underground, nothing will save all their senators, including McCain, and the Republicans are working for the military-industrial complex and in this way the US budget is directed to his needs !!! That's where the dog is buried !!!

        There is another version that under missile defense hides medium and short-range missiles.
        1. 0
          18 October 2014 16: 05
          Quote: Belopolsky
          Quote: AVV
          A missile defense system for an umbrella is such a utopia that the US authorities are pushing their people into hiding, neither escaping, nor burrowing underground, nothing will save all their senators, including McCain, and the Republicans are working for the military-industrial complex and in this way the US budget is directed to his needs !!! That's where the dog is buried !!!

          There is another version that under missile defense hides medium and short-range missiles.

          I also think so, especially about GBI. The fact is that these anti-missiles are converted from ICBMs "Minuteman-3", in which one of the stages has been converted into a guidance system for air targets. And the range of GBI-1500 km is 1500 * 3 = 4500 That is, this is the average range for a ballistic missile.
          And the real PRO is, IMHO, Aegis and, possibly, THAAD
  5. +1
    14 February 2014 09: 51
    I would like to hear about the "dark spots" in the United States and what is hidden under them.
  6. +4
    14 February 2014 09: 56
    Perhaps I'm not entirely right, but I should also tell you about the USNS Howard O. Lorenzen, which should be put into service this year. "USNS Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM-25) is equipped with a radar system, which includes S-band radar with an active electronic scanning array and X-band radar. Development and manufacture of target equipment is carried out by Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. programs - COBRA Judy Replacement (CJR). " It is positioned as a reconnaissance ship, designed to track the tests of ballistic missiles. Those. possibly related to missile defense.
    1. +4
      14 February 2014 14: 33
      It is rather a KIK (control and measuring complex) similar to our "Marshal Krylov".
    2. VKabanov
      14 February 2014 17: 30
      And the flag on the Ukrainian pipe laughing
      1. +7
        15 February 2014 00: 49
        Yes, no, the rainbow is unfinished))))))
      2. +4
        15 February 2014 07: 45
        Quote: VKabanov
        And the flag on the Ukrainian pipe

        aft the american flag.
    3. Sergey Minin
      April 9 2014 13: 25
      interesting ship) radar - solid)
  7. +4
    14 February 2014 10: 56
    There are coordinates! - Fire! laughing
  8. +5
    14 February 2014 11: 11
    and the point is in missile defense, in a nuclear war there will be no winners, even if Russia flounders with all its arsenal on its territory, horns and legs will remain from the planet.
    1. -6
      14 February 2014 11: 25
      Quote: demon184
      and the point is in missile defense, in a nuclear war there will be no winners, even if Russia flounders with all its arsenal on its territory, horns and legs will remain from the planet.

      Everyone understands this. Therefore, Putin's tantrums about missile defense in Europe are only playing along with the United States, so that the taxpayer sees that his money has gone for the future, since Russia is afraid ...
  9. 0
    14 February 2014 11: 25
    Currently, the US missile defense system includes facilities located in North America, Western Europe and the Far East:
    in the Far East ? I wonder where they are standing there?
    1. Jin
      14 February 2014 12: 14
      Quote: leha1128
      in the Far East ? I wonder where they are standing there?

      Apparently in Japan.
      1. +5
        14 February 2014 19: 58
        Honshu Island
    2. +4
      14 February 2014 13: 44
      Quote: leha1128
      in the Far East ? I wonder where they are standing there?

      FRX-T advanced radar station on Honshu Island (Japan)
      In 2008, the first battery of 24 missiles THAAD was deployed in the Hawaiian Islands to protect the archipelago from a possible strike by North Korean mid-range ballistic missiles.

      In the article, read this carefully, as there is a photo of the radar in Japan.
  10. +5
    14 February 2014 13: 50
    In my opinion, the aviation component of the American nuclear triad undeservedly remains in the shadows. The Americans attach great importance to strategic bombers, so they managed to achieve, when accounting for START-3, 1-TB = 1-YAZ. It is clear that a modern "strategist" is capable of carrying
    much more. In addition, B-1B are not taken into account as carriers of nuclear weapons, but to equip them with nuclear weapons is not a long matter if necessary.
  11. Leshka
    14 February 2014 14: 27
    disable all submarines and most nuclear weapons
    1. +5
      14 February 2014 14: 30
      How do you imagine that? Relatively vulnerable SSBNs are being repaired (according to the 2 schedule of 14) and in places of basing. The latter, among other things, are able to strike back against the mooring wall.
    2. +9
      16 February 2014 01: 21
      Quote: Leshka
      disable all submarines and most nuclear weapons

      Judging by the local topics and TV shows, chasing submarines is a thankless task.
      I think over the years of the Cold War and the years of "subzero warming", knowing the capabilities of arming the current nuclear submarines, the regions of their appearance by hour X are known and they will be met there.
      But I wanted to not only express it. And how much are the probable partner’s radars, especially offshore, suppose anti-ship missiles?
      Several pencils will arrive from over the horizon, from a distance of 120-150 km at supersonic, so there will be "joy" !!! Probably full pants !!!
  12. 19671812
    14 February 2014 15: 42
    Sergey are waiting for an article about our sys
    1. 0
      14 February 2014 23: 57
      Yeah! now! The enemy does not sleep! wink
    2. +5
      15 February 2014 15: 06
      I’ll do it if you ask.
  13. +7
    14 February 2014 19: 36
    Before World War 2, the composition of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht was also intensely compared. In tanks we are more in artillery more. KBF and Black Sea Fleet are superior to the enemy at times. What is the result? Only the passage through the Uminde minefields in August 1941 removed most of the destroyers and other ships from the combat personnel of the Baltic Fleet. (To the seabed) The effectiveness of submarines was lower than that of all the warring countries. Here it is necessary to think about it, to study combat capabilities and not to throw caps. Americans are a serious adversary and underestimating him is simply criminal.
  14. Asan Ata
    14 February 2014 21: 57
    And who will say what kind of cruise missile it is - you can look at the coordinates somewhere in the central states, see the version of the picture dated 4.7.2006. According to measurements, like 26 meters long. Although the line may lie.
    1. +4
      15 February 2014 00: 02
      This has already been discussed - RCC harpoon
      1. Asan Ata
        15 February 2014 02: 09
        The harpoon is 5 meters long, and here it turns out 26.
        1. +5
          15 February 2014 15: 15
          It is not known at what altitude this object flies, and the ruler is tied to the earth's surface, moreover, it is quite arbitrary.
        2. +2
          15 February 2014 19: 45
          Shooting from a height of 2320 meters, height, above sea level. sea ​​(it is not clear whose, probably, the purpose) 2050, i.e. , the ratio of the observation point height to the base (surface) is 2320-2050 = 270 m, i.e. 270/2050 (very conditional) - so 5 m are obtained, taking into account very approximate measurements (to be honest, I did not understand where the ruler is there - forgive the fool, maybe I was drunk). And Harpoon, in fact, is defined very simply - by its appearance - do not consider it an expert - in no case - "we do not need small scopes, we have an eye on it anyway." Throw away the starting accelerator - and yeah ... (In flight, too lazy to look - drink again feel )
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. +3
            15 February 2014 20: 01
            Tortured to insert - nothing
          4. 0
            15 February 2014 20: 01
            Tortured to insert - nothing
  15. Sashko07
    14 February 2014 23: 41
    The marine component of the American nuclear triad is the most combat-ready part of it - and that the most offensive, such a powerful, nuclear submarine fleet was made by the Russian (((
    1. 0
      20 September 2014 22: 19
      If I am not mistaken, then the Russian engineer made the "Los Angeles" carrier winged missiles
  16. +4
    15 February 2014 00: 09
    Sramers have nothing against mobile complexes, and it pleases.
  17. +1
    15 February 2014 02: 24
    And that ours will not measure off with the American missile defense 3.14 mi. They would suddenly let a friend idle, who will bring down and who will not be interesting.
    1. 0
      16 February 2014 18: 20
      Not interesting.
      Kinetic warhead minuteman was shot down by a beacon on a minuteman.
      And closer 1-2 km and did not get close.
  18. +8
    15 February 2014 04: 20
    Informative article, thanks. Unfortunately, I can not put a plus, as recently on the site. If we talk about our missile defense, then this is the Amur system with 5 divisions 53Т6 and 51Т6 with a nuclear warhead of 5-10 kilotons and a Don-2N radar deployed in the Moscow region, and of the OKIK network included in the early warning system. In my opinion, according to the ABM Treaty, it was allowed to cover the capital and some other place. Destruction of targets - ICBMs and inter-range missiles (then the ever-memorable Pershing-2) - is carried out by detonating a nuclear warhead at an altitude of several tens or hundreds of kilometers at the final stage of the missile trajectory. I've looked at the test data from GBMD, PAC-3, Aegis SM-3 and THAAD. During practice shooting, the percentage of hits is somewhere around 80%. however, how it will be in a real combat situation, when radars will simultaneously track thousands of real and false targets, and even in conditions of electronic warfare and the "blanket effect" from EMP is difficult to say. I think that the result of the American missile defense system will not be so impressive.
    1. +4
      15 February 2014 15: 12
      Long-range missiles in Moscow missile defense are no longer used. The main difference between our and American systems is that Americans use missiles with a kinetic warhead, and with us a nuclear one that can destroy several warheads. Although the explosion in 20 ct. at an altitude of 15 km is also not a gift. The Americans reckon that on average to destroy one warhead of ICBMs with missile defense capabilities, 3 anti-missiles will be required.
      1. +4
        16 February 2014 18: 30
        At the time of development, Soviet anti-missiles were kinetic. And they successfully extinguished ballistic warheads in tests - 3 PRs per 1 warhead with 95% defeat.
        But then someone told Khrushchev "why are we worse than our probable non-ally - they have nuclear weapons" and they forced ours to make nuclear weapons.
        Result 2 MORE expensive PRs per 1 warhead with 80% damage.
        Although C400 again implies a kinetic lesion of UBF in the last part of the trajectory.
        The same is accepted for C500.
        So in Russia - just a repetition of the past.
        The Yankees cannot yet repeat the result of the USSR in the early 1960s.
  19. Sfera
    15 February 2014 15: 25
    for me, the missile defense is so scary for them (because of it) that they themselves will mislead themselves of their impunity, thereby provoking themselves in the future to launch a nuclear strike against anyone
    1. +5
      15 February 2014 15: 30
      Andrey, hello! In my opinion, their missile defense system is designed for "force majeure". At the moment they are not in a position to contain the warheads of our ICBMs, but the Chinese can already possibly.
      1. Sfera
        15 February 2014 16: 35
        Hello, Sergey
        yes maybe it is, but looking into their dignitaries, looking into their eyes, it seems that they live in their own special world (schizophrenia)
      2. Sfera
        15 February 2014 16: 35
        Hello, Sergey
        yes maybe it is, but looking into their dignitaries, looking into their eyes, it seems that they live in their own special world (schizophrenia)
      3. +3
        22 March 2014 19: 31
        Can not. The abundance of false goals will not. 40% of the warheads achieved the goal.
      4. 0
        18 October 2014 16: 17
        If they strike a preemptive strike on China, they will be able to. Although, in 5-10 years they will not be able to, SM-3 can shoot down an ICBM only when the ICBM is on the acceleration section of the trajectory. And for this, the platform with Aegis must be located 500-550 km from the place This is possible in relation to SLBMs, and recently in China a new modification of the DF-31 has been developed, which is mobile, like the Topol. Only GBI is capable of knocking down such an ICBM if it is not within a radius of 500-550 km from Aegis. these interceptors are enough to destroy all Chinese missiles that survive the preemptive strike and can break through the obstacle from the SM-3.
  20. +6
    16 February 2014 03: 29
    Quote: Starover_Z
    knowing the armament capabilities of the current nuclear submarines, the areas of their appearance by the hour of X are known and will be met there.

    Our SSBNs will "meet", unfortunately we will not be able to "meet" the American ones, physically there is no such possibility.
    Quote: Starover_Z
    Several pencils will arrive from over the horizon, from a distance of 120-150 km at supersonic, so there will be "joy" !!!

    Such a scenario is possible if our country decides to deliver the first blow. But the destruction of the missile defense radar will not mean the destruction of the entire early warning system and victory in a nuclear war.
  21. Bars90
    19 February 2014 20: 25
    It’s reckless to brag about from the US ... Specialists will make certain notes about the location and number of units at the bases.
  22. 0
    20 February 2014 14: 43
    for a long time the Chinese could not understand what kind of fungus grows in the distance! :}))
  23. +4
    24 February 2014 13: 20
    Quote: Bars90
    It’s reckless to brag about from the US ... Specialists will make certain notes about the location and number of units at the bases.

    What kind of boasting are we talking about? The parties are required to provide these data under the START-3 agreement.
  24. +5
    7 March 2014 10: 11
    Well done in Google, they did not fade and even shared secret data with coordinates for general viewing. I’ll write for hour X you never know what. But Roscosmos banned selling licenses for Google Earth in Russia in Russia, due to the display of closed zones.
  25. +3
    22 March 2014 19: 27
    Quote: Coffee_time
    Well done in Google, they did not fade and even shared secret data with coordinates for general viewing. I’ll write for hour X you never know what. But Roscosmos banned selling licenses for Google Earth in Russia in Russia, due to the display of closed zones.

    It's strange, through this program I admired the Gadzhievo Bay with our nuclear cruisers (but I could not see the metallurgical plant in Magnitogorsk) ... America is not so struggling with informative secrecy - so the B-1B with unfolded wings dangle (seen during repairs ). But these records for "hour X (xy from xy) will not help anything. We must learn one thing -" stand with your back to the flash, so that the molten metal from the machine gun does not drip on the state boots. "Atomic war is universal death, from which no umbrellas will not save ... Russians will survive it (at the expense of vast territories), Americans will slide into the Stone Age.But in any outcome, an atomic war will give the planet a chance to breathe a sigh of relief ... Overpopulation and consumerism have gotten to Mother Nature (and now you can fill me up with minuses, go ahead and enjoy) ... laughing
  26. Sergey Minin
    April 9 2014 13: 28
    And all missile defense are kinetic interceptors ??
    1. +3
      April 9 2014 13: 38
      American yes. On Russian interceptors of the Moscow missile defense system are nuclear warheads.
  27. Odin3489
    11 August 2014 13: 01
    America has stockpiled interceptors enough for a nuclear winter

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"