Network war is worse than nuclear weapons (Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan, China)

Network war is worse than nuclear weapons (Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan, China)Interview with a member of the Academy of Engineering of China, the Rector of the University of Information Technology PLA, Major General Wu Jiangxing.

In order to win the information war, you first need to stake out a victory in cyberspace. In the future, the struggle for cyberspace will probably become more fierce. It will be a fight in which the aggregate power of the state, the innovative potential and military readiness of the country, the information knowledge of the entire people will be tested.

Wu Jiangxing is a member of the PRC Engineering Academy, rector of the PLA University of Information Technology, a renowned expert in the field of telecommunications and information systems, computers and network technologies. To date, he has organized and conducted more than 10 key or significant state projects related to the most exciting issues of science, historical contribution to the rapid development and industrialization of the Chinese high-tech telecommunications sector.

Wu Jiangxin led the development of the world's first mimic computer, the media respectfully called him "the father of Chinese multiplexers." Having only the education of a specialist, a team of 15 people and a budget of 3 million yuan, for 6 years he developed the HJD04 multiplexer that surpassed its western counterparts. For this, in 1995, Wu Jiangxing received the first degree award for scientific and technical progress. From this moment on the Chinese market, prices for multiplexers began to fall like an avalanche: at first each cost 500 dollars, then 300, 100 ... and so on up to thirty dollars. One multiplexer allows you to connect multiple phones at once. The importance of this invention lies at least in the fact that the cost of ordinary Chinese to install telephones began to decline rapidly.

Recently, since we learned about the Snowden case and about the wiretapping of the phones of prominent European politicians, information and network security is increasingly becoming the focus of world attention. At the same time, many countries, including America and South Korea, continue to create the so-called cyber command, thereby making the Chinese feel even more concerned about the degree of protection of the PRC from cyber attacks.

In the course of this interview, Wu Jiangxing noted that from the point of view of the state, the situation with network security and cyber warfare is very difficult. The Snowden case was an alarming bell for us, such emergency situations can be dealt with only by emergency means. “Snowden revealed to the world that the United States has plans, schemes, a system, a whole set of complex. We cannot deal with this by taking some single, inconsistent measures. Here, an “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” approach is needed, for confrontation we need our own system, ”said the expert.

He stated that network war is worse than nuclear weaponsHowever, China does not have its own cyber army, so Chinese cyberspace is in an unprotected state.

This expert, bearing the rank of Major General, is convinced that now our network technologies field is following a foreign path, copying, and we need to adhere to the leading ideology: always be one step ahead, head and shoulders above. It is necessary to develop revolutionary technologies in every way that can change the rules of the game, get ahead, relying on major innovations. Therefore, “a broad and free support of an environment conducive to the creation of innovations is necessary, and the people and the state will have to accept the fact that there may be failures”.

We do not want openness, it opens us

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: You are a military expert in the field of computers and network technologies. It is worth mentioning the topic of the network today, as issues of state security and state interests immediately come up. Why do you think there are so many network security incidents? Why do they attract so much attention?

Wu Jiangxing: I think this is due to several reasons. First, now the society is rapidly entering the network age, the degree of dependence of people on the network and “smart” devices is increasing more and more. Secondly, hackers, non-governmental and sometimes government organizations organize virus and trojan attacks, which, at the user level, threatens the integrity of their personal data, and at the level of enterprises and organizations, it threatens commercial secrets, and even political and military secrets of the country . From a technical point of view, it is only necessary to use a computer terminal and go online, as there is already a risk of catching a virus or a Trojan program. Thirdly, the personal data of users has become a product of commercial value and in increasing demand. Fourthly, speaking of the international arena, it should be noted that some states support the development and development of these new methods of war - network war, network center war and information war - and related technologies as part of their state policy. Again, cyber-attack technologies are abused by internet madmen, profit seekers, and non-governmental organizations. From the initial situation in which all this was a means to play bad jokes and wreak havoc, we came to the established market in which there are both buyers and sellers. Such insecurity of cyberspace causes people great anxiety and fear.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: And what, from your point of view, is the network security situation in China?

Wu Jiangxing: In terms of information and network technologies, our country is still lagging behind, but we are now on the rise. Some technologically advanced countries have a natural advantage in this regard. America, for example, has an absolute advantage. The US strategic goal is to achieve absolute freedom in cyberspace. Obviously, in the conditions of such freedom, cyberspace cannot be curbed, and, as a result, America can use its crushing technical advantage to control this space.

Secondly, our network and information systems, as well as the entire network infrastructure, depend to a large extent on hardware, software, parts, parts and even operating systems created in America and other developed countries. We massively use foreign hardware and software in the energy, transport, and financial infrastructure — that is, in areas of vital importance or requiring special attention. Objectively, this is a disadvantageous situation for us with one-sided information transparency. Such informational openness has already become for us a harsh reality. We did not want this openness, it opened us up.

Thirdly, China has not yet developed a comprehensive information security system that would exist at all levels: from government apparatus, legislation and political decisions to a culture of caution at the level of individuals. We always shout “Wolf! A wolf! ”, And in fact a wolf, dressed in sheep's clothing, was already hiding in the middle of a sheep herd. We are already in a situation where the information threat may arise at any time.

Here, for example, the equipment and software that we use in the banking sector. Foreign development is quite mature, functionally quite perfect, very modern in technical terms. They have a high degree of readiness, of course, it is convenient to use them, but they can carry a risk that many people don’t want to think about - or that they don’t want to admit. These are not bad things, but then, like with opium: inhaled - and you feel a spiritual ascent, immerse yourself in illusions. However, we are by no means able to close our eyes to the fact that the opium would later cripple our body and may even become a threat to life. To avoid problems in the future, you need to create your own innovations, to develop a system that we will control ourselves.

The scandal with wiretapping phones of world leaders showed the world the extreme power of America in the network

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: if we talk about network security, then the terrible situation in this area is not only in China alone. Take, for example, the recent scandal of wiretapping Angela Merkel, which caused a strong reaction from the whole world. What do you think of this incident?

Wu Jiangxing: First, the incident of tapping the phones of important political figures, including America’s allies, showed us that America’s absolute superiority in cyberspace is not at all an empty sound. As we can see, even the US allies have a hard time opposing America with its control over cyberspace. For China, this gap is probably even greater. The positions of the USA with their superiority in the technical sphere cannot be quickly shaken. The moment when each country will, as they say, “equal in banners and drums” with America in the field of network technologies, will not come soon.

Secondly, there is an acute shortage of a certain international order, network morality and rules of conduct. Just as in real life, in the virtual space we should focus on the moral and ethical principles, norms and rules, in the spirit of the international culture of respect for human rights and the ideals of equality. It is necessary to establish its own international order there, which will introduce norms and curb the actions of technically developed states in order to guarantee the observance of rights and legitimate interests for countries that are poorly developed in this sphere. Human rights must be taken care of not only in the real world. Perhaps, on the net, this issue is worth paying even more attention.

Thirdly, cyberspace has already become the sphere of the greatest interest for intelligence services of all countries of the world. All states use the network to collect data on governments, armies, enterprises, and even individuals. Part of this activity is the usual practice of gathering information, some we recognize in the form of unwritten rules, but for the most part such activity turns out to be in the “gray” zone, where it is very difficult to say how fair these actions are.

"Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan": And how does such a wiretap technically work, especially when it comes to the leaders of the countries and the core of the government?

Wu Jiangxing: Actually very simple. Look at our phones. The operating system is most often Windows from Microsoft or Android from Google. Most chipsets are made by Qualcomm. The computer processor is usually from Intel, AMD or ARM, applications and programs are also largely developed abroad - and so everywhere, even in our information or technical infrastructure. For example, switches, routers, firewalls and servers are most often American-made.

All this, from the smallest details to the main components of the system, from hardware to software, from system software to application software, from the design of external components of the system to high-quality products, is mainly in the hands of Americans. In such circumstances, whoever America would not listen to, from the technical side there is nothing impossible.

Remember, Merkel announced on television that she has two phones: one with encryption and one personal. Perhaps Americans can not listen to her encrypted phone. Today, encryption is still an effective means of protection, however, it does not give one hundred percent certainty. If the American-made encryption chip, then I very much doubt its effectiveness.

The nuclear bomb arranges local destruction, and the network war can cripple the whole country at once.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: since the importance of the network is so great, many countries have formed units that deal with network war. What kind of war is this? Can it happen?

Wu Jiangxing: Network war is probably a special kind of war. It is in some way similar to the traditional war, in some it is not. I mainly focus on the differences.

First, the network confrontation is a war in which the guns are silent and there is no separation between peacetime and wartime.
Secondly, the enemy is different. It is the struggle of a person against a state, a person against society, a group against a state — and even a war between one country and another. The main protagonist of the war can be both a state and a non-governmental organization.

Thirdly, the damage from such a confrontation primarily affects the telecommunications infrastructure, up to various information systems, which in the real world manifests itself in the form of mass anxiety and unrest. For example, in this way the work of your financial or transport system, the work of the energy sector is disorganized, and this already affects the military potential of the country. That is, the impact on the combat situation is carried out indirectly.

Fourth, modern war is a high-tech war with the use of precision weapons. With the help of network combat, it will be possible to reduce the accuracy and strike potential of such weapons.

All these wiretapping incidents that we see are just the tip of the iceberg. A larger confrontation at the level of governments, a kind of invisible chess game, goes on constantly. Now the scientific community is still debating on the exact definition of such a phenomenon as network war, but we would not hurt to admit that all these incidents with surveillance are in fact a special form of military action. It is too narrow and unreasonable to assume that cyber war is only those network attacks that affect all aspects of the life and development of the state.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: All these network wars that may be happening right now ... Some people think that network war is worse than a nuclear strike. Do you agree with this point of view?

Wu Jiangxing: I fully agree with this opinion. Modern society depends on information technology, depends on the network. The damage of a nuclear bomb is local, and network war can bring an entire country to its knees and even plunge the entire world into chaos. Since the means of network struggle do not have a territorial link, the area of ​​influence is greater than that of the atomic bomb. For example, there is a complete paralysis of the telecommunications system in the country, the financial sphere is plunging into chaos, hence the discord in the national economy, society is in a fever - and now the state has no will to fight. It is difficult to achieve the same effect with a single bomb.

Therefore, the statement that a network war is worse than a nuclear strike is no exaggeration, and there is nothing new in this. Our dependence on information and network systems makes this obvious. Let's just imagine that you suddenly have no phone. There is nowhere to get information - in this situation, most people will begin to experience great anxiety. Paralysis of the information infrastructure will cause chaos in society. There is no electricity, the gas does not go, the machines get up, the military equipment fails - of course, the psychological effect is stronger than with a nuclear strike. Shaken or destroyed the determination of the enemy to conduct hostilities - has ensured that he laid down his arms and submitted. With a thermonuclear war, this is difficult to achieve.

Protection of our network "boundaries" must be organized right now.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: If a war is going on right now, what benefit can your cyber command bring?

Wu Jiangxing: First, this is defense. Secondly, it is an active defense: it is necessary to fight back, and not just receive cuffs. The nature of kibervoysk is the same as that of ordinary army units. There is an attack, there is a defense, there is a regular army, there is a rear. The war is also conducted in a similar way. The technological part, software, as well as the associated strategy and tactics - all this is there.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: Globally, at what level are our network security capabilities now?

Wu Jiangxing: I want to emphasize at once that in our country the protection of network infrastructure and ensuring the security of cyberspace are not the responsibility of the army. Such duties were not assigned to our military. I think this is a very difficult situation. In other words, we are virtually defenseless on the net. Thus, the Chinese Internet turns into a place where information garbage accumulates, and Chinese and foreign hackers can do whatever they want.

We have just begun to protect our information infrastructure and information technologies. If we compare our achievements with such large-scale projects as the American Internet Storm Center, whose activities cover the whole country and which unites the efforts of civilians and the army, people and society, then which side do not look, at least from the point of view of scale, at least from the point of view of maturity or the general level, we are still very far away from such heights.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: What exactly is this difference?

Wu Jiangxing: Specifically, this difference is that China does not have a cyber war. Since the US already has cyber command, then, of course, there are corresponding units.

Assuming that a technical college began to prepare hackers is ridiculous

“Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan”: Foreign media often express incomprehensibly what the underlying assumptions about the network power of China. There was even evidence that one technical college in Shandong Province was the main source of Chinese network attacks.

Wu Jiangxing: As a specialist, I will say that this is all slander and winding up. Such an assumption is ridiculous. Overseas simply exaggerates, drawing out the "Chinese threat."

Everyone knows that the PRC is a country that, on the whole, is little protected in terms of networks. Here we have free hackers from around the world. They damage Chinese interests and at the same time use us as a platform to attack other countries. Perhaps the world community is not sufficiently aware of this, but in reality the illegal actions of hackers do not have state borders.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: What do you think is the best way to ensure the network security of the country?
Wu Jiangxing: This is a very big question. If we proceed from the current situation, then there is simply no better way, because this is generally a systemic question. However, if you definitely need to name some of the best approach, then I believe that it is necessary to develop revolutionary and innovative technologies that can change the rules of the game. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for us to achieve some impressive and bright successes.

The Snowden case warned us all that network security is an issue that requires an integrated approach

Liaowang Dongfang Zhuukan: The Snowden affair opened many eyes to the true state of things. They began to feel a strong sense of anxiety: do computers and mobile communications, whether they are state-owned, military, or privately owned — do all of these tools have their own “back door”, do we all under surveillance?

Wu Jiangxing: I believe that such anxiety is quite reasonable, there is no suspiciousness in it. I have already spoken about this, our equipment is overwhelmingly produced in the United States or other developed countries. No matter where they left the “loophole” - in the “hardware” or in the software, from the technical side it’s quite easy to arrange some kind of trouble.

Also in the software there are vulnerabilities due to the shortcomings of programmers. From the point of view of their use, such "loopholes" are no different from the "back doors", left on purpose. Therefore, I believe that such "holes" in security are very common. The problem is that some people, non-governmental organizations or countries use these loopholes to implement their plans.

Snowden warned people all over the world that there are billions of people under American surveillance, including you and me. In order to be under "special observation", it is enough to decide them that you can become a threat to American interests - even if this is only a potential threat. The same thing, if you just arouse their interest, this is quite enough.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: Can China and the Chinese army learn some lesson from the Snowden case?

Wu Jiangxing: Of course. If we consider this issue at the state level, then the struggle in the information sphere and the Internet is already taking extreme forms. Therefore, the states, governments and armies of the world inevitably resort to extreme measures and methods, invest an extraordinary amount of forces in ensuring the security of the network and information field. We can no longer approach this issue from the usual positions, use the usual methods, spend the usual amount of forces. The Snowden case was an alarming bell for us: such emergency situations can be dealt with only by emergency means.

Secondly, if we talk about the sphere of information technologies, then if we want to radically change this unfavorable situation for us with a lack of security, leave a weak position in which we are “discovered”, then we need to develop revolutionary technologies that can change the rules games. If we follow the path of copying, then our problems cannot be solved. We need to get ahead, relying on major innovations.

Thirdly, Snowden revealed to the world that the United States has plans, schemes, a system, a whole complex. We cannot deal with this by taking some single, inconsistent measures. Here, an “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” approach is needed, for confrontation you need your own system. One element of the system will not win, the parts will not defeat the whole.

In future network conflicts, information knowledge of the whole people will be tested.

Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan: What do you think will be the future network war? Will it have a greater impact on the military structure of the world, including military equipment and technology?

Wu Jiangxing: I personally believe that the network space will be a new dimension of war. The war will be fought in five main dimensions: at sea, on land, in the air, in space - and on the web, perhaps all at the same time. And network technologies will be used constantly - at any time, in any place, at every stage of the conduct of hostilities, whether it be intelligence, assault or defense. Therefore, the creation of “informatized” troops capable of winning the information war is a task that our army must constantly work on in the coming 20 years in order to remain strong.

In order to win the information war, you first need to stake out a victory in cyberspace. If you lose the war in the network, then you can not even think about winning the information war. In the future, the struggle for cyberspace will probably become more fierce. It will be a fight in which the aggregate power of the state, the innovative potential and military readiness of the country, the information knowledge of the entire people will be tested.

“Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan”: Since the network war is only part of the information war, what specific work does our army face in the period of informatization of our life?

Wu Jiangxing: Our whole army is now simultaneously developing in the direction of mechanization and informatization. However, we cannot grow our cyber war by following the path of others, copying other people's work. When creating new equipment, you should not just focus on the installation “the enemy has his own, we have our own”, you should always be one step ahead, a head taller than the enemy. When creating a cyber war, one should push off directly from the enemy, work out plans and act on the basis of the thought “how can I defeat an opponent”. You cannot create “informatization” troops just for the sake of informatization itself, you need to create them for future victories.

Now our area of ​​network technology to follow on someone else's path, copying others' developments. In our military doctrine, when planning the future path of development of the army, while strengthening military capabilities, when developing new equipment and equipment, when training military personnel, in educating specialists - everywhere we lack innovation. We have not yet come to the leading ideology - always being one step ahead, head and shoulders above - have not yet begun to push off from innovations when planning their development, we still do not have concrete innovations in our hands that could provide us with a decisive advantage over the enemy.

I want to emphasize once again the importance of a comprehensive approach designed to win. When America only began to carry out the informatization of the army, three kinds of troops began to do it independently of each other, to develop their own structures. Subsequently, it became clear that this would not work, and they began to emphasize the creation of a unified system, create a cyber-war in a single moment of time according to a single plan, with a single command to conduct joint operations. The ideas of information sharing, exchange and coordination were all at the forefront - all to achieve excellence in the information field.

The Chinese army has not yet fully realized and put the experience of the US Armed Forces at its service, we still follow the road laid by the people of the past. At the moment, our leaders have already realized the importance of this issue, so comprehensive and thorough high-level planning is now underway. All branches of our troops need to interact at the highest level, coordinate their actions, exchange information, reduce the risk of duplicating structures, use limited means so that, with a small expenditure of forces, they will receive an excellent result. It is necessary to act in such a way that when conducting "informatization" the authority of the leadership, the importance of its guiding role only grows, and does not decrease. At the same time, in order to develop norms and create a system of criteria, as well as to increase the clarity of adopted goals, it is even more important to strengthen the vertical of management and to ensure the complete unity of this process in an orderly manner.

In addition, it is necessary to increase the information readiness of soldiers and officers. How to carry out training of personnel in the conditions of increasing informatization? How to train, how to train soldiers and officers? What are the powers to give them? I must say that now there is still no good way or method. In some troops, especially those who use progressive military technology, it may be better, but for the most part the army, especially the ground forces, is still lagging behind. In terms of information for our army, the expression “the burden is heavy and the way is far” is still fair.

"Liaowang Dongfang Zhoukan": If you focus on the world level, what other disadvantages do Chinese network technologies have? What can there be solutions?

Wu Jiangxing: Basically, this is technological backwardness. Applied technologies, engineering technologies, raw materials extraction, production technologies - everywhere we lack something. Technologically, China is still lagging, we are a developing country. There is still a backwardness in terms of technology, technology, science.

And precisely because we have such a shortage, we must compensate for this gap with innovative technologies. Therefore, we need broader and freer support for innovation. The people and the state need to accept the fact that there may be failures, accept that something will be imperfect somewhere. At the initial stage with innovations there are always difficulties. If after the emergence of innovations not to try to introduce them, say that, they say, you first need to mature the technology, and then we will use it, then so no technology will be run-in. If it had always been this way, would anybody create innovative products? The state needs, through legislation and policy, to prevent such a vicious circle. It is necessary to support by all means the innovative enthusiasm of the scientific community; therefore, it is extremely important to create a good environment for creating innovations.
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  1. +2
    5 February 2014 16: 09
    China doesn’t have network armies ... Storyteller.
    1. FormerMariman
      5 February 2014 16: 12
      Lambs pretended!
    2. +4
      5 February 2014 17: 22
      Maybe not..
      This, by and large, is violet, we need to think about ourselves, such a thing should be with us, and the priorities here are the correct information war, something that has been going on for a long time, and where we need to work, work and work.
      And the compromising material is beneficial to us, and to support all the Snowdens, and Assange, while they are debunking Western myths and putting a spoke in the wheels of their governments, causing discord in the consolidation of their society .- "Pay Wall Street", etc.
      5 February 2014 21: 07
      Will antivirus protect against nuclear weapons?
      1. Salamander
        5 February 2014 21: 56
        And then! Joke on the topic:
        Ukrainian hackers broke into the control system of the Tomahawk missile. Now it is called "Boomerang" ... laughing
    4. AVV
      6 February 2014 00: 00
      Quote: Onizuka's teacher
      China doesn’t have network armies ... Storyteller.

      Everyone has everything, just talk about it is not accepted, talk less, sleep more calmly !!!
    5. ekzorsist
      7 February 2014 20: 31
      Why is there China ... in Kazakhstan there is no army at all ... and nothing !!!
  2. Arh
    5 February 2014 16: 32
    Hacker Army! ! ! )))
    1. +4
      5 February 2014 17: 15
      It has long been clear that we need our own chips and programs. That's just not to let Chubais go there.
    2. +2
      5 February 2014 17: 15
      It has long been clear that we need our own chips and programs. That's just not to let Chubais go there.
    5 February 2014 17: 27
    In terms of informatization, the expression “the burden is heavy, but the path is far” is still valid for our army.

    Well, how are the RF Armed Forces ahead of the PLA? The article is relevant at least because the respected Wu Jiangxing does not hesitate to voice problems. Russia could make a breakthrough by switching to "threefold logic" at least first for closed systems, in the military sphere ... Dreams, dreams ...
    1. philip
      5 February 2014 18: 19
      You are very correct in speaking of "ternary logic". Such a system, in contrast to the binary system of the old man Leibniz, is much more functional and vital. Technically, such chips are probably not very difficult to create, it is difficult to defeat stereotypes in the minds of bureaucrats. Dreams Dreams...
      And it seems that in the USSR, the banking information system worked on domestic chips.
      1. 0
        5 February 2014 19: 41
        And what kind of breakthrough does the ternary logic promise?
          6 February 2014 05: 26
          Quote: user1212
          And what kind of breakthrough does the ternary logic promise?

          At least a reduction in operations (quantity). An example on the fingers: two in the third degree is eight, three in the third degree is already twenty seven, i.e. three times more.
          1. 0
            6 February 2014 13: 03
            Yeah. A 10 in the third 1000
            Add media with the highest recording density. And the number system with the base equal to the base of the natural logarithms, that is, equal to the Euler number (e = 2,71 ...), has the highest recording density of information. Try apples in this way to count hi
              6 February 2014 19: 20
              Quote: user1212
              And what kind of breakthrough does the ternary logic promise?

              First, it already worked ("Setun" computer).
              Quote: user1212
              Yeah. A 10 in the third 1000

              Had about 10 to the power of 3 = 1000? I do not mind. Moreover, I threw off a simple explanation in a hurry to work, and even delivered my granddaughter to the kindergarten. Broaden your horizons, you will not regret it. First, a quote of what was meant. Then the link.
              "From the point of view of implementation, a computer with a 2-bit bus provides support for 16 to the 65536th power (3) memory addresses, while a ternary computer of the same bit supports 16 to the 825805th power - about forty-three million addresses. There is something to think about, given the simpler operation of ternary logic with negative values, which will also greatly simplify the architecture of microprocessors. " Completely here (
              Quote: user1212
              Try apples in this way to count

              Thanks for the offer, you yourself somehow! hi
              1. 0
                7 February 2014 05: 25
                Is it technically impossible to increase the number of bits in an address? For 10 years already, 64-bit memory addressing has been used. There are simpler and cheaper ways to increase productivity.
                Trinity logic reduces the number of elementary arithmetic operations by 50% (ideally). But what, for such an insignificant increase in productivity, you have to pay?
                1. Create a new architecture from scratch
                2. Create new programming languages, compilers, etc.
                3. Re-educate all programmers
                4. Rewrite all existing application software
                5. Redo the entire network infrastructure
                6. Redo the entire periphery
                7. What about the backward compatibility principle?
                And all this must be done without commercial gain. No one will buy a computer for which there is no software. No one will write software for an unnecessary computer.
                You have 2 ways to solve the problem. One method costs 1 million, the second 1 billion. You suggest choosing the second only because it is more elegant.
                It is possible that having exhausted the existing methods for increasing CPU performance and will switch to ternary logic gradually. But now it’s just not necessary. And the point is not in the bureaucracy, but in the economic rationality of such a step.
                  7 February 2014 17: 38
                  Quote: user1212
                  It is possible that having exhausted existing methods for increasing CPU performance and will switch to ternary logic gradually. But now it’s just not necessary.

                  Well, it seems understanding begins to improve... Having gone on a leash with the Americans (it was cheaper to steal than to develop their own), the then leaders of the USSR (I can assume that these were people with the brains of future "common people") cut off a promising direction in the development of computer technology. How many billions of dollars invested in US banks were zeroed out in the "2008 crisis"? A small fraction of those funds would be enough to implement the above seven points.
                  Well, to be honest, did you read the article?
      2. +2
        5 February 2014 19: 57
        I don’t know what about the system, but the computer was definitely there.
        “Setun” is a small computer based on ternary logic, developed at the computing center of Moscow State University in 1959. The only computer of its kind that has no analogues in the history of computer technology.
      3. -1
        5 February 2014 20: 49
        Quote: Philip

        And it seems that in the USSR, the banking information system worked on domestic chips.

        1. +2
          5 February 2014 22: 08
          Yes, such a network does not hack!
  4. +1
    5 February 2014 17: 28
    At the moment, our leaders have already realized the importance of this issue, therefore, comprehensive and thorough high-level planning is underway.

    Well done Chinese-make conclusions.
    I think that Putin, after the WET ATTACK, understood the importance of protecting our cyberspace from attacks from the WEST.
    Our country also needs to move from defense to active actions in this area so that the new Maidan does not happen again in RUSSIA with the ensuing consequences.
  5. 0
    5 February 2014 18: 18
    Network wars, network wars!
    A bit of posting and the war is all over! laughing
    Seriously, I was in the clinic today with a tama child, they used to take a turn right to the doctor, and now first go to the registry so that you can be brought to the computer, and then to the doctor.
    So in our country, all initiatives in the field of ATI technologies are very stalled. And unlike the West, cyber attacks are not as scary as they are. That is, we need to be afraid of such fatal consequences as they will not have. Yes, and the mentality is different. a little.
    And our hackers are the most patriotic hackers in the world! So if the motherland says and the Internet pays, it will help.
  6. -1
    5 February 2014 18: 38
    By the way, our first real cyber attack in the early 80s was a computer that controls the automatic supply of components to the conveyor at a plant in Togliatti. One figure, in order to raise his importance to the level of an irreplaceable specialist, when going on vacation, turned on a timer by which an error was introduced into the program. The parts feed would stop and the conveyor would get up. He was urgently summoned from vacation, and he, "deep in thought", found a mistake for large bonuses.
  7. +1
    5 February 2014 18: 47
    A good interview, a critical assessment of the situation, the complexity of the task and the ways to solve it, plus a little oriental trick is shown. Definitely a reasonable friend!
  8. +3
    5 February 2014 19: 33
    Quote: Stinger
    By the way, our first real cyber attack in the early 80s was a computer that controls the automatic supply of components to the conveyor at a plant in Togliatti. One figure, in order to raise his importance to the level of an irreplaceable specialist, when going on vacation, turned on a timer by which an error was introduced into the program. The parts feed would stop and the conveyor would get up. He was urgently summoned from vacation, and he, "deep in thought", found a mistake for large bonuses.

    Oddly enough, but in this parable the whole essence of the problem.

    Virtual specialists are the same terrorists.
    They are always in demand, although it would seem that the product was purchased as finished.

    And each new version, where compatibility with the past ...

    Money on Fu Fu pull, stripping for toys and porn.
    And for engineering, programs are generally unrealistically expensive.
    Although all the work has already been paid for many times and the cost is close to the price of the disc ...

    So it would be a worker.
    Built a house - received for the house.
    Every time residents enter it, they pay for use.
    Then the worker painted the house - again received for the whole house.
    And the scientist - deduced the formula - received a salary.
    And every time someone thinks according to the formula, he sends the scientist money ....

    Someone will say nonsense.
    And according to such laws, we were provided with accommodation for a "master" of show business and virtual technologies.
    1. IGS
      6 February 2014 05: 56
      So it would be a worker.
      Built a house - received for the house.
      Every time residents enter it, they pay for use.
      Then the worker painted the house - again received for the whole house.

      Money on Fu Fu pull, stripping for toys and porn.
      It’s the same as if you would make a complaint to the builder who didn’t want you to build a new house for free, because the old one that he built, you valiantly destroyed (damaged paint, demolished the porch .... underline or inscribe what you need) while playing with explosives .
      although it would seem that the product was purchased as finished.

      Read carefully the user agreement for any software. You buy the product "as is", and the developers, in principle, do not bear any responsibility. To release a normal product causes the risk of "reputation losses". There are a lot of reasons why this is so, and they are objective (for example, there is no identical machine, either in hardware or in software), although this causes discontent among users. That is why software in most cases has a trial period. Many programs do not lose their basic functionality even after the trial is over. But the main reason is users. Think of how much you have on your desktop, including important documents. And on it, the maximum can be stored links, and documents only while working with them. There are very good reasons for this. This is no different from a regular workbench.
      And for engineering, programs are generally unrealistically expensive.

      I do not think that a lot of software is typed, more expensive than the same machine. The most expensive are game engines, hundreds of thousands of green ones.
      And in order not to pull on "fu-fu", contact a normal specialist whom you trust, and do not call the first ad you come across, where now, to put it mildly, dishonest people are full. And remember, the main enemy of the computer is the user wassat
  9. +5
    5 February 2014 19: 38
    In 2005, he had the opportunity to work for several months with one comrade from China. The young guy is from Beijing. But the most interesting thing is that he already had a touch smartphone with such bells and whistles that people did not even hear about (where is Samungu and Nokia). To my question - what kind of company is this, he replied that this is our Chinese (I did not even remember the unpronounceable name), it is sold only by them. I could see a device of this class only in Italy in a supermarket, and then in 2007.
    So in the field of electronics and related technologies they have everything in order. And given that the new generation is showing some of the best results in this area at international competitions and contests, there is something to think about.
  10. +1
    5 February 2014 19: 57
    Wu Jiangxing: In terms of information and network technologies, our country is still lagging

    Here I understand modesty at the highest level!
    It has already been proven that China is a leading technological cyber spy country, and here it is so modest .......... not that ours immediately has no analogues !!
  11. bww
    5 February 2014 20: 16
    From such information attacks, the Soviet Union was largely gone.
    Recall BBS and Freedom.
    Jammed ...
    But "bite the postings", as it seems to the fools, did not work.
    The essence of the Chinese thought - it is necessary to do better and not as much as the Americans (i.e. innovation), but with this, and we unfortunately are really bad.
  12. 0
    5 February 2014 20: 59
    we had a real opportunity to create a completely different "iron" on graphene. as it appears. and here we will not be the first to climb the palm.
  13. +1
    5 February 2014 22: 35
    But Dima is happy with iPhones. Dvorkovich launched in all communication. Amer’s computers and systems in the Kremlin are on the government’s tables, which’s very lousy, and reasoning like a computer in a hospital is nonsense. in short (tough-3) just not such a happy ending for all of us.
    1. jjj
      5 February 2014 22: 46
      It is somehow difficult to imagine peddlers with laptops rushing into the Kremlin and with the words: "We are from Dmitry Anatolyevich" began to arrange the equipment. And Dmitry Anatolyevich himself used and uses only approved systems. But the fact that during Medvedev's time the bureaucracy's personal attraction to the Black Berry changed dramatically to Aiphonics, this is so. Amazingly, iPhones were even given to military-industrial complex specialists
  14. andreigaruda19
    5 February 2014 22: 54
    Pts sucks in Russia with computer science. Yes and no reason.
  15. +2
    6 February 2014 00: 32
    He put the article +, although it is obvious that the Chinese general is a fan of SUN-TZU, especially in the part where it is said that war is an art of deception: if you are selenium, show that you are weak, if you are close, show that you are far away, etc., the whole article imbued with this lie transferred to the information sphere. This is probably why no one trusts China, without trust there can be no friendship and understanding, and then the classic conclusion follows: whoever does not dream against us.
    Jiangxing's only sound mind
    the network is experiencing an acute shortage of some international order, network morality and rules of conduct.

    Indeed, the Agreement on Information Security of the SCO countries was signed a long time ago. However, there are no coordinating bodies, no special interaction even at the level of universities, not to mention research institutes and technologies. Although it is obvious to everyone that it is impossible to resist the American expansion in the information sphere alone. And until we can show our teeth in cyber war, there can be no talk of any international legal field.
  16. 0
    6 February 2014 23: 44
    Quote: IGS

    I do not think that a lot of software is typed, more expensive than the same machine. The most expensive are game engines, hundreds of thousands of green ones.
    And in order not to pull on "fu-fu", contact a normal specialist whom you trust, and do not call the first ad you come across, where now, to put it mildly, dishonest people are full. And remember, the main enemy of the computer is the user wassat

    You did not understand sarcasm!
    All this software is utter nonsense.
    One first-class specialist said: While the ships were not calculated by the finite element method, there were no cracks in the sides.

    Now seriously.
    This is a nuclear reactor, a fully automated submarine, a spaceship, a supersonic aircraft, an underwater vehicle to conquer the Mariana Trench ...

    And software - toys and porn, in a word leisure.
    ... and another initiator of graphomania.

    So while hackers are sophisticated, paratroopers train ....