Language as a fundamental matrix of development

The degree of development of a language, its functionality, its ranking among other languages ​​depends, among other things, on the possibility of its translation into other languages ​​without losing the semantic and emotional load, i.e. information contained in this message in this language. Let us explain by example. The poems of Pushkin, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova or Mandelstam can hardly be translated into any language of the northern peoples such as the Nenets or Nanai. Moreover, these works can not be translated into English, German and other languages ​​without losing some informational component. Imagine the meaning and charm of the quatrain from Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning":

Under the blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
Transparent forest one blackens,
And the spruce grows green through the hoarfrost,
And the river under the ice shines.

Let's try to translate the last line into English - “And the river under the ice glitters”: and river is glittering under the ice. The translator produces: "The river under the ice glistens." In any case, the meaning is almost the same, like the river is glittering, but the emotional mood, the melody is completely lost, I personally do not see this “river” (river) as though it is in reality, and I see it in Pushkin. And the line “And the spruce through the frost turns green” I don’t know how to translate correctly, maybe someone will tell, I will be grateful. It is possible that those who equally consider English and Russian as their native language will agree with me on this occasion more quickly. Try to translate this passage into English and try to refute it in the comments, it will be interesting.

Further, it can be argued that from any language any poem or text can be translated into Russian without losing the informational component or even more - a good poet-translator translates so that in Russian the poems will sound with a new power, more melodically, beautifully and convincingly.

Language is a platform for thought. The superiority or functionality of the Russian language does not require intrusive popularization, as is done for the same English or German. Language is an environment resembling a computer operating system (MS-DOS, Windows, etc.). Inside each OS, the installation and operation of other programs takes place. Each operating system is responsible for working together between the hardware of the computer and distributes the consumption of its resources among the programs. Any computer that does not have an operating system is a pile of scrap metal. So, when you perform any action at the computer, from simply opening a folder to working with complex software systems, the operating system is responsible for all performance. Similarly, in human activity, language, its oral and written forms, play a large role in the transfer, accumulation, analysis and processing of any information, be it scientific or technical, or cultural and everyday. The degree of development of the language directly affects all the above types of communication.

Computer systems also have their own languages ​​and "translators" from one language to another. The OS of such a system can be called such a translator. Why? Have you ever heard of machine language? Well, all the commands on the computer are executed in this machine language low level. It uses two digits, 1 and 0, i.e. there are only two levels. And combinations of these numbers make up computer commands. It is with this language that the operating system has to work — process the high-level commands received from you and translate them into computer language so that the computer, in turn, does what you need.

OS MS-DOS gave some opportunities to the computer. When Windows appeared, the capabilities of the computer system were greatly expanded. The capabilities of the software under Windows XP or Windows 7 are no longer comparable to the command line on MS-DOS.

Nanai is MS-DOS or, say, Windows 95. The vocabulary of some of these northern languages ​​has just a few hundred words. They do not need more - for the kind of activity that they lead in the Far North. They do not need such concepts as atomic energy, mortgage or dual currency basket, but this does not mean that their language is worse or better than Russian, English, for them it is their own, unique and unique, and it should be protected and preserved with all its might. MS-DOS played a role in stories The development of computer technology has not completely disappeared, but has become a platform for subsequent, more advanced versions. And the language of the small nations of Europe is Windows 95, the language of larger entities is, say, Windows 98. For more developed countries in Europe and America - this is Windows XP. Russian is akin to Windows XP or higher.

The Russians, the Slavs, do not have so many completely through historical threads-installations that remain unchanged as a concept, passing through the centuries. So, one of them is the attitude towards the small languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting this huge empire, some of these peoples voluntarily joined this conglomerate, some were conquered, but none of the peoples were oppressed by language or other principle, and it was treated as rulers, and to the common people. And in time this statement is true both for the Middle Ages, and for the Russian empire and Soviet times. Today in modern Russia much is being done to preserve small languages. In addition to purely humanitarian benefits, there is also a purely pragmatic benefit, which is not obvious at a glance, but important in the future. Small languages ​​under the pressure of a powerful Russian language can easily disappear altogether, even languages ​​like Baltic, Scandinavian, some Slavic and others are not immune from this. There is an understanding of the importance of preserving small languages ​​at the household level and for the science of languages. Less functional and less advanced languages ​​nevertheless preserve a particle of the people's soul, traditions and are important as carriers of the cultural formation of humanity, they bring diversity and color to modern life. But the absolute dominance of the Russian and English languages ​​in the modern world inspires unfounded fears among the Baltic states and other ethnic groups when they come in contact and in general cultural communication and interaction with native speakers of the Russian language and Russian culture. Currently, the Balts are trying to ban the display on their territory of films, television programs, concert activities in Russian. Apparently, if you do not act prohibitive measures, then the Balts themselves will not notice how in most advanced areas of human activity they will switch to Russian or, in extreme cases, to English or German. It’s as if you switched from MS-DOS to XP, the reverse transition would be very difficult without coercion.

As a result, it should be noted that Russia in this regard does not need to worry too much and to prove something about its language, Russia has a historical “handicap” embedded in the language, and not only (about this in the following publications). Now, some Western structures in Russia have created in large numbers various charitable, human rights, religious and other funds, of which there are several thousand, how many exactly - no one knows, and which are generously funded from abroad. So, all these funds do not inspire respect for their own language, but constantly throw in the thought of the prestige and allegedly backwardness of the Russian language, including as a language of international communication - both within Russia and in Eastern Europe. Through disrespect for one's own language, the idea of ​​widespread disrespect for the Russian people is pushed, the idea of ​​its cultural and civilizational inferiority, disrespect for one's own history and even the lack of a future is instilled. Here, as always, from a sick head to a healthy one. Pygmies try to dissect an elephant. This is possible only in one case when the elephant falls into a deep hibernation. Now the task is not to let him fall asleep, and if you fall asleep, wake up without fail!

On the other hand, it will be very fair to impose anything on anyone in terms of language and not to advertise it specifically. If they want to use the MS-DOS environment instead of XP, that’s their right and they don’t need to interfere with their lag. Soviet and Russian Jews who left for Israel, the USA, Canada, Germany, etc., retain their native Russian language automatically, no one forces them to use Russian, hence a lot of press in Russian in these countries. In Israel, in general, the cult of the Russian language, there are almost all Russian TV channels, and no one talks about the dominance of Russian. This is not the only one, but one of the reasons for the highly developed infrastructure and technology in Israel, there the local elephant does not sleep and does not even sleep, the neighbors do not allow to fall asleep.

It is worth noting that there are many related Slavic languages ​​and adverbs. All of them to some extent complement and enrich each other. There are several notes in the network, where 129 is proposed for foreign words, which have a substitute in Russian. For example, it is proposed to replace the foreign word “abstract” by Russian “abstract”, “argument” by “argument”. But there is no substitute for the import word “airport”, however, the Bulgarian meaning of the word “airport” functions equally well in Bulgaria, which will be understood by all Slavs - the “anniversary”. This word can be easily dragged, or rather, restored. The newfangled word in the Russian media is tags, from English tags, which means tag, label. It can easily be replaced with “tags” or, even shorter, “meta”. Many words and concepts can be borrowed from Polish, Czech, Serbian, etc., which will enrich the Russian language. And vice versa, the Russian language can become a source of terms and concepts that did not previously exist in other Slavic languages, such as satellite, space, and many others. Naturally, such words as hockey, football, kimono do not need to be replaced, there are no such words in Slavic languages, and they can be used. In this sense, the Russian language very quickly absorbs and adapts many words that household and scientific and technical vocabulary needs, and often in the Russian language a new foreign word adapts in such a way that it carries a more flexible information load than in the original language.

Now, regarding the alphabet and graphics, i.e. Cyrillic or Latin characters. Some digression is appropriate here. As it is known, classical chess have fields of 8х8 cells, just 64, and with such a movement of chess pieces in this field, the number of combinations of the position of the pieces is huge. To date, almost all possible games have been studied and described, it is almost impossible to come up with new combinations, and modern computers have learned to beat people. If the chess field were 10х10, the number of combinations would be much larger, and the game would be more interesting and less predictable. Same thing with computers. Initially there were 16-bit, then 32-, the latter are currently being supplanted by 64-bit, which makes it possible to operate with much larger digital information flows and process them with greater speed. The alphabet of 33 Cyrillic letters is more informative than the Latin alphabet of 26 letters. Many more independent combinations of letters can be added from 33 letters, t. e. get the words. Independent means that each letter represents a separate sound, because in English words many sounds should be represented by 2, 3, and even more signs. For example, the sound “h” in English is displayed as “ch”, the sound “sh” as “sh”, and the sound “o” in the English word “daughter” is depicted as much as 4 with the letters “augh” (“doughter”), in in Russian graphics it sounds like “dote”, even the last “e” sound in the Latin script is written with 2 letters: “er”. In addition to the fact that such words need to be displayed longer in the Latin alphabet, one must also remember how it is written, and sometimes even the speakers of this language themselves often make mistakes in writing such words. Hence, when we give some recommendations in the study of English, we ask first of all to learn absolutely solid English alphabet. Why? Now, if you listen to the usual telephone conversation of 2 subscribers of the telephone network in English, then the phrase “Please spell it for me!” Will be one of the most frequent expressions in the dialogue, which means: “Spell, please, spell it.” This especially applies to the pronunciation and spelling of names, street names, etc. Here is an example of a couple of real names of employees of various companies. On the phone you are told the name on which you must issue some paper, they tell you: “Sergey Gorozhankin” to write in Russian these words. You do not ask again how this is written. But in English "Serguei Gorojankine" is required to spell. And they begin to dictate to you: “S” like Sam, “E” like “Eagle”, “R” like “road”, i.e. they begin to spell that “c” sounds like in the word “sam”, “e” as in the word eagle, “p” as in the word “road”, etc. The same in such purely English names: “Jack McGee” or “Courtney Jewell”, etc. etc. As long as they dictate this, firstly, you can fall asleep, and secondly, you need to know the English alphabet quite clearly.

It's like a chessboard 8х8 or computer 16-bit tires. So why should the Russians return to the outdated model? The West will still have to switch to a more advanced graphics model, and the Russians are already here, they do not need to redo anything. So who should borrow from whom?

There should be no ideology or politics, there should be rationalism. And sometimes it is necessary to include logic. After all, it is known that the Russian graphics didn’t get stuck in the Roman numerals, quickly switched to Arabic, and not because they were Arabic, but because they were more rational and convenient. Therefore, all the other ethnic groups have switched to Arabic writing of numbers, but no one has switched to Arabic graphics or hieroglyphs in writing letters.

Summing up, it is safe to say that writing any text in Cyrillic is much faster, here there is one hundred percent correspondence between the sound of a letter and its writing, everything is very specific and without different interpretations, it is almost impossible to make a mistake in writing a word. No need to endlessly “spell” (from spell) every word when it is written during its oral reading. It is appropriate to recall that under the influence of imposed fashion and prestige in Moldova in the early nineties, they switched from Cyrillic to Latin, although from the very beginning of the appearance of writing, it has existed in Cyrillic for centuries. And on the left bank did not chase fashion. The old graphics have remained there, with great potential by definition, and "let them be worse."

Now about the unjustified clogging of the Russian language by Angloisms. Here it is necessary to tirelessly focus the attention of journalists, political scientists and politicians. Why, for example, to constantly insert a trend anywhere, i.e. from the English "trend". In Russian, he has a whole range of analogs: “course, direction”. Even RAS staff members decided to show off their erudition and forcibly introduced a new term, as in this phrase: “Ukraine may interest Americans from the point of view of military confrontation with Russia, in particular, Ukrainian territory is most likely considered an eventual expansion of the European element of the American missile defense system”. The author himself understood what he said? If you translate into normal Russian, then he probably meant that "Ukraine is supposedly regarded as a launching pad for American missile defense." Why is it “eventual”? Perhaps the author wanted to say “possible”, “with time” or “eventually”, probably from English “eventually”, derived from “event”, which has several meanings and can be translated as “event, event, occurrence, result ”, etc. What exactly did the author want to say? Perhaps our short and Russian interpretation more accurately reflects the meaning of what was said.

In the Russian-made SSJ-100 “Superjet” aircraft, made for Russian airlines, the cockpit is equipped in such a way that the pilot displays several hundred text messages and several dozen sound messages on the monitors and signal displays. All of them, attention, in English! This is in Russia, for Russian pilots, on Russian planes and on Russian airlines !! So some of the smart guys, whether jokingly or seriously, suggested that our pilots first have an internship at the Institute of Foreign Languages, and only then allow them to fly. In fact, nothing can explain it, except as a multi-year suggestion of disrespect for one's own language, which is much more advanced and developed than any other. That's really true: what we have, do not appreciate!

And the “super-numbered” representative of the feather pen (here, no offense - from the Bulgarian “byrzo”, i.e. fast) Yu. Latynina puts it in such a way that sometimes you don’t understand whether it is the Voice of America or the “Free Europe”. But in this case, for the western terrestrial channels, this is bad Russian, and for Latynina from Echo, this is bad English.

Judge for yourself. She almost every phrase then benefits, crash tests, alarm factoid, securitized mortgage debt, aporo, randomized trials, dominated by a destructive meme, immanently dangerous properties. But the phrase “Palestinian diplomat is an oxymoron” I (although I can speak English fairly well) could not immediately understand this pronunciation, this word is rarely used even by Anglo-Saxons. The English spelling of this word is “oxymoron”, which is pronounced rather like “Oxymoron”, with the accent on the third syllable. Means the term roughly “abracadabra, paradox”, well, probably, for Madame Latynina, this is more likely, let's say, a creative pseudonym, because this is really an abracadabra and not only in her texts, but already in her head. But she knows how to create: for example, such pearls as “this is one of the leading conservative think tenks of America.” Further, it does not “bother” at all and simply switches to English, as in America: “Failed state, Medicaid, etc.”. When you read something from Latynina, you get the impression that you are not good enough in either Russian or English! In one of her last works on the events in Ukraine, she even acts as a mentor in the Russian language !! She declares that when such a steep revolution occurs, she’s people of Ukraine began to respect even more than during the Orange Revolution, and now she recommends everyone to speak not “in Ukraine” but “in Ukraine”. It would be good if the present rulers, along with the opposition of the mind, would add more to this, so that they would guess not to further disintegrate the economy and the country. No matter how you send that "on", that "in", the people will not live better from this.

To some justification for the aforementioned Madame, it should be noted that some politicians and statesmen are sinning with this. Even the prime minister once issued the phrase: “Coffee break”. So what can we say about ordinary users! Probably, for some employees of the pen, as well as for all public politicians, it is time to introduce a course of oratory. Among the “top” figures, quite normal, clean and correct Russian is noted in Sergey Ivanov. Ivanov speaks English well, but he does not use English when speaking Russian, so it would be good for him to head these courses on a voluntary basis. It’s time to probably introduce a license for the right to conduct any activity in the media in Russian in Russia. As in the West, where almost every kind of activity you need to get a license.

PS Ay, where are the linguists? With its simple and intelligible notes for the common people! Not with scientific folios, but with simple analysis, simple remarks for Latin and many others, which daily distort the native language. Hey, respond!
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  1. +15
    4 February 2014 07: 05
    I really like to use the capabilities of the Russian language in the presentation of my thoughts - in a word, you can express the whole bouquet of my emotions and the whole action or event - which cannot be done in other languages.
    For example, such a rule - "GIVE THE ROAD TO THE FOOL" - a triple meaning - do not mess with the fool, skip it and designate the object with a capacious word characterizing it.

    And when you read our classics or watch films such as the Diamond Hand, this is a whole poem.
    1. jjj
      4 February 2014 07: 47
      If you recall, then:
      - on "Tu-4" devices were in feet and inches
      - between DOS and 95 there were "windows 3.11"
      - the traditional language of noble communication until 1812 was a mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod
      1. +3
        4 February 2014 09: 00
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        I really like to use the capabilities of the Russian language in the presentation of my thoughts - in a word, you can express the whole bouquet of my emotions and the whole action or event - which cannot be done in other languages.

        In every language there are meaningful words and expressions, the Arabs and the English farthest than all that, before Russian, it is the language of the soul and emotions, because in my opinion we have very good metaphors that actually are not in other languages. But with the terminology we are a little taut, so there are a lot of borrowings in this area.
      2. +6
        4 February 2014 09: 36
        I remember this isho Kady Napolen came, we sit, it appears with the peasants in the woods ... Look, and on a winter road a bunch of painted fitters drive ... We jumped out, the forks to the side of the horse ..- Well, say, hto 7 .. They let us poke around in khladzuzuzovsky ... And the men were fiercely fiercer than we were ... They beat us with a pitchfork and a roast like a boar in the forest ... And then these Russian hussars drove ... identity in Russian no boom ... Everything searched for this, as willow, special squad ... Something like our men .. We then, of course, tongues bit off somehow ... We did not find the expedition of the hussars ... laughing
        So I read this article, I read ... I realized there is a language, they are told by smart people, old people .. And there are words that are written to seem smart ... As they say, paper will endure everything ...
        1. +4
          4 February 2014 11: 02
          The author is brave, for the topic raised, but the text itself needed to be worked out ...
          Comparison of OSes and Azyk (it sounds and spells correctly, what are we talking about)) is somewhat drawn out ....
          Rather, the language is transistors in microcircuits, these are the bricks from which EVERYTHING is around us ..... remember ?????
          The world was created with the WORD the word was with God, and the word was KT315A (there was such a transistor in Soviet times))))
    2. +3
      4 February 2014 12: 54
      The Russian language preserves the foundations of the ancient proto-language, preserving its imagery. Once upon a time we had a single Slavic language, and therefore there are so many languages ​​related to Russian.
      1. +1
        4 February 2014 13: 10
        Don't be scared, it's not all bad. The main thing in the language is syntax, i.e. building sentences. "Benefits, then crash tests, alarmist factoid, securitized mortgage debt, apropo, randomized trials, dominated by a destructive meme, immanently dangerous properties." --- these words, at the moment, do not carry any semantic meaning in Russian for the majority population - no image. As soon as the word acquires a meaning, an image, it will be just as familiar. The Russian language will grind everything and adjust it for itself, not to lose the syntax. The construction of sentences, the canvas commands logic and figurative thinking, and not a combination of letters in a word.
  2. +5
    4 February 2014 07: 08
    It is impossible to stop the penetration of foreign words into Russian. It is only possible to limit. Everything is too intertwined, and some words, have no analogues, in Russian.
    1. +4
      4 February 2014 07: 34
      It’s like a virus being driven into our mighty Russian language))).
      1. +2
        4 February 2014 07: 41
        Quote: ZU-23
        It’s like a virus being driven into our mighty Russian language))).
        He already got this virus and Peter brought it, with nothing, and Catherine, deepened the matter)) Plus, remember our nobles who speak French. So, to clean it, you have to dig deep !!!
      2. +3
        4 February 2014 08: 10
        Quote: ZU-23
        It’s like a virus being driven into our mighty Russian language))).

        I don’t know how in Russian, but on the Move it’s probably "dumb sickness."
        1. +4
          4 February 2014 09: 11
          Quote: ele1285
          I don’t know how in Russian, but on the Move it’s probably "dumb sickness."

          Yes, and in Russian it's dumb bullshit laughing
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +4
      4 February 2014 07: 39
      Quote: bomg.77
      It is only possible to limit

      If I'm not mistaken, then in France there is a law on the use of foreign words and writing in foreign languages ​​in the media, advertising, packaging. In short, these spellings cost money and not small.
    4. +5
      4 February 2014 09: 20
      There is no need to restrict and prohibit. But there is no need to cultivate the unfinished ancient "Esperanto", mistakenly called the English language, into a cult. Here one pepper in all seriousness tried to convince me that there are more words in the English language than in Russian! English is a primitive, artificial Newspeak created after the Roman legions left Britain. The same as Swedish-Norwegian-Danish. Germanized Slavic dialects.
    5. +2
      4 February 2014 09: 41
      Quote: bomg.77
      It is impossible to stop the penetration of foreign words into Russian

      As a typical representative of the Aboriginal electorate, I want to reach a consensus on this issue. Consolidation of languages ​​is a large-scale phenomenon. And it means positive. And if one of the opponents thinks that progress can somehow be stopped, it is not just a conservative, it is a retrograde to the core ... lol
      1. +2
        4 February 2014 10: 36
        Quote: domokl
        And if one of the opponents thinks that progress can be somehow stopped, he is not just a conservative, he is a retrograde to the marrow of bones

        I agree that progress cannot be stopped. And any language develops and borrows words from another language. Also, the word "satellite" entered all languages ​​of the world without changes after the launch of the first space satellite. Greek, Latin, and Arabic words have long taken root in our language. Especially a lot of new words have appeared in the technical literature. BUT! It's one thing to use terms, and another thing to use words of foreign origin in everyday speech, often without even understanding their meaning. Here it is imperative to fight for the development and possession of the entire population of the LITERARY RUSSIAN LANGUAGE!
        1. 0
          4 February 2014 16: 32
          Quote: Egoza
          Also, the word "satellite" entered all languages ​​of the world without changes after the launch of the first space satellite.

          I don’t know for all languages, but when I served in the GSVG, there was a people's car “Trabant”, which translates into Russian as “satellite.” I think that other languages ​​use Russian words no more widely.
        2. The comment was deleted.
  3. kaktus
    4 February 2014 07: 14
    The question is relevant for a long time ..


    In advance
    Everything was decided:
    Students have a meeting,
    Then they have a movie.
    Will come home
    My elder brother,
    He will tell me
    He will explain to me
    What is what.
    I'm big!
    I will understand.
    And so he began
    Your story:
    - They crawl,
    And he told them once!
    And then just
    She crawled
    And how will he give him
    From evil!
    They are her - time!
    She told them once!
    But just then
    He saved her
    He was with her
    At the same time ...
    Wow, strong movie!
    No, I’m apparently still small:
    I do not understand.

    Agniya Barto
    1. +2
      4 February 2014 08: 32
      Quote: kaktus
      But how will he give him With evil! They give her time! She gives them time! But then he saved her, he was with her at the same time ...

      - deprecated. Variations on the word "THIS" are in vogue now. In this case, "And how he re-poses to him out of spite! They re-poses to her!" and further in the same spirit. laughing Good word, very flexible. In this regard, only a couple more words can compete with him, but their Apollo moderator will not miss.
      And in Kazakhstan they switch to the Latin alphabet. I talked with a friend, scientists from the Institute of Linguistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I did not really understand the reasons. Well, like the Latin alphabet more accurately conveys the pronunciation of the Kazakh language. For example, the word "SYRAP" ("asking") distorts the pronunciation, since in Kazakh this word sounds more precisely if you write exactly "SRAP", but this is not written in Cyrillic. There are more variations in the Latin alphabet for a more accurate transmission of the phonetic sound of this word. You can easily write both "srap" and "syrap". Well, that's the kind of reason. Well, this is just one of the reasons, there are also a number of considerations, one of which is deeper integration into the world information space and others ... In general, to be honest, I have not yet developed my opinion on this issue.
      But I AGREE - the Russian language is great and powerful. "If I were an elderly Negro, I would have learned Russian!" Without continuation, because then comes the mention of the surname-pseudonym of the famous Zionist, who left a bloody mark in the history of Russia. And his ally, the same Zionist, Goloshchekin, will never be forgotten by the Kazakh people.
      1. +7
        4 February 2014 10: 06
        And also, where necessary and not necessary, insert "AS WOULD"
        I AM ......! The whole point of what is said is lost! fool
      2. 0
        4 February 2014 14: 06
        Quote: aksakal
        I talked with a friend, scientists from the Institute of Linguistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I did not really understand the reasons. Well, like the Latin more accurately translates the pronunciation of the Kazakh language

        - I forgot to note one more aspect in the need to introduce the Latin alphabet into the Kazakh language, from the point of view of that scientist. The fact is that many Slavs are now sincerely and honestly trying to learn the Kazakh language (honor and respect for this), but face difficulties. Using the example of the same word "SYRAP" ("Asking"), the student, in addition to the word itself, has to memorize how this word is spelled and how it is pronounced (and it is pronounced exactly how "SRAP"). A Russian-speaking student of Kazakh may not remember and in the future read exactly how "SYRAP" is written, which leads to a strong distortion of the word (the notorious "Russian accent"). And that's just one word. And when there are thousands and thousands of such words, you can imagine how difficult it is to learn the Kazakh language and how the Cyrillic alphabet makes it difficult to learn Kazakh ... Well, it so happened that here are two friendly people, but the alphabet does not fit, and that's it! After all, it is easier if a Russian guy decided to learn Kazakh, immediately tear (distract, abstract) it from the Russian language completely, so that even the alphabet does not resemble anything and therefore does not interfere with unnecessary stereotypes - then learning will go much easier.
        Well, I brought this post to the fact that when you read somewhere about Kazakhstan’s plans to introduce the Latin alphabet, do not rush to be indignant - you have your own reasons, too, and as I could, I brought them smile
  4. +11
    4 February 2014 07: 25
    We had a figure "tagged" with his own consensus, this is from stupidity.
  5. +3
    4 February 2014 07: 30
    Now some western structures in Russia created in droves various charitable, human rights, religious and other funds, of which there are several thousand, no one knows for sure how many, and which are generously financed from abroad.

    And what, in Russia there is no State Security Committee or Federal Security Service? Everyone understands the goals of these "charitable and human rights". Is it really difficult to "figure out" and close them? Probably the Americans would not allow such funds to operate from Russia, in their own country.
  6. +4
    4 February 2014 07: 35
    Rich and powerful Russian language! There is nothing to learn English, let the whole world speak Russian!
  7. +3
    4 February 2014 08: 14
    The great Russian language is therefore great because, in spite of all its classics, it is very susceptible to innovations. Various Germanisms, Gallicisms and Anglicisms organically took root in it and, over time, were used in literature, poetry, i.e. became elements of the literary language. The same thing happened with many words from the languages ​​of the peoples of the former USSR.
  8. +6
    4 February 2014 08: 17
    Question to the creators of this site. Where to pay to put +10 for this article. For it became painful. Unfortunately, I have to amend the article. They destroy the Russian language precisely for political reasons.
    1. PPL
      4 February 2014 09: 33
      They destroy the Russian language precisely for political reasons.

      I would not say that.
      Currying favor with foreigners (not everyone, but only the "powerful") is in the blood of many journalists, politicians and the so-called "elite". Apparently, from the desire to be noticed by them. lol
      Ivanov is respected (thanks to the author for an example).
      Ivanov speaks good English, but he does not use English when speaking Russian

      Other politicians and other public people clog up their speech with newspeak and borrowing, which is sometimes difficult to grasp the meaning of what they said. Some words and word formations have to be searched in the dictionary. What for? If the above should be understandable, then at least it should be understood who it is intended for and to whom it is addressed (read the example with Ivanov). And if it is a translation from a foreign language, then it should be easily perceived by representatives of the language to which this text is translated.
      1. +6
        4 February 2014 11: 56
        Most of all, words like "manager", "merchandiser" are "cut down" ... Damn! there is a "manager", "clerk", "commodity expert" !!!
    2. -2
      4 February 2014 09: 34
      Quote: Gardamir
      Summing up, we can confidently say that writing any text in Cyrillic is much faster

      Yes, no one destroys it, everything that happens to the language is a consequence of the change in the information era, new generations are increasingly different from the previous ones. The information load on a person today is such that, at a subconscious level, he is looking for a way to protect his psyche from this information "tsunami", and as a result - a craving for abbreviations, simplifications and summaries - in an attempt to compress the information flow to a minimum and isolate the essence of it, not smearing on "half a book". And if the older generations are against the grain, since they grew up in an information environment that allows the privilege of thoughtfulness and philosophizing, then our children from the very first years adapt to the speed and volume of the modern information flow. The only way to stop this process to please the "old people" is to destroy the Internet, satellite communications, and roll back technologies back to the sixties, and leave them there forever, which is absurd even conceptually. hi
      1. +4
        4 February 2014 11: 56
        then explain why change the word volunteer to volunteer? And is technology really needed if I go out of any unfamiliar place to where I NEED. And you need a navigator.
      2. +1
        4 February 2014 12: 20
        And Us Rat
        You relate to your language a little differently. As far as I know, in Hebrew, any innovations are not welcome. You call almost all new things Hebrew words, not their foreign originals. But being in the bosom of other nations, you call for various innovations.
        "For God's sake, chosen people! Go to generals, engineers, scientists, doctors, lawyers - wherever you want!. But do not touch our language, which is alien to you, and which even from us, fed by it, now requires the most tender, most careful and love relationship. " A.S. Kuprin.
        1. +1
          4 February 2014 15: 03
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          You relate to your language a little differently. As far as I know, in Hebrew any innovations are not welcome

          Igor, no one restricts anyone from using words, and English words like Russian are used along with Hebrew. many entered extremely firmly and sometimes do not have that heavy semantic load. So it is from the expressions used in Hebrew * Lech to Ibenimati * - is perceived in the language as an analogue of Russian - fuck off, although all Russians understand where it came from.
          But one of the goals of the Hebrew Institute is to create new words so that they are not borrowed - and using the root basis of the language to replace the words that come from outside with native ones.
          Although to be honest, I didn’t hear anything, it’s the Hebrew analogue of the word TV.
          Video, audio, etc. including SMS - is. But I didn’t meet the TV.
          1. +1
            4 February 2014 15: 41
            Quote: atalef
            But one of the goals of the Hebrew Institute is to create new words so that they are not borrowed - and using the root basis of the language to replace the words that come from outside with native ones.

            That's right, Sanya. hi And I do not understand why this is not done in our country. Although, I probably suspect why this is not done. Goals to see others. Language unites the nation, and your founding fathers knew this, reviving Hebrew. Judging by their actions, the Russian government now needs cosmopolitans.
            Quote: atalef
            Lech to Ibenimati *

            good but this is slang, and it is unlikely that he will enter the Hebrew dictionary. most likely will die with a generation of immigrants from the USSR. Live longer, cool phrase. laughing
          2. +1
            4 February 2014 16: 42
            Quote: atalef
            One of the tasks of the Hebrew Institute is to create new words so that they would not be borrowed, but using the root base of the language to replace the words that came from the outside with their own.

            A few years ago I read that even Finns cherish their language and found Finnish names even for such things as a processor and a printer.
            So the corruption of the Russian language is the deliberate policy of the powerful. And this must be fought.
            What prevents us, instead of any HSE (High School of Economic Diversion), from having an institute with the tasks of developing the Russian language on its own root basis?
          3. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        5 February 2014 09: 05
        Then the Jews and the French, in your opinion, are very stupid. They FORBIDDEN to use foreign words in official paperwork if there are synonyms in Hebrew or French.
  9. +6
    4 February 2014 08: 41
    So the collapse of the USSR as a single country began with contempt for its own language, humiliation of its own and praise of imported trash in beautiful packaging. But in fact, they began to struggle with the Russian figurative language a long time ago, and in fact, every ruler was noted in this field, and now they have obviously come to some sort of line, beyond which complete amnesia will turn out.
  10. +7
    4 February 2014 08: 51
    Y. Latyninu brings so that sometimes you do not understand, whether it is the "Voice of America", or "Free Europe" ...
    ... She has through almost every phrase either benefits, then crash tests, alarmist factoid, securitized mortgage debt, apropo, randomized tests, dominated by destructive meme, immanently dangerous properties.

    What is there to understand? She is the voice of America, and Europe, and everything else, but only in Russia. As they say now - an agent of influence. She does not hide this. And the fact that this lady does not use Russian words and phrases - so they want to show their scholarship.
    Our Prime Minister Dmitry A. Medvedev also likes to saturate his speech with all sorts of foreign words, which makes many of his speeches look pretentious and incomprehensible. He forgets who is watching and listening to him, what kind of audience. If this is a narrow circle of people, then this is permissible - they speak the same language. But, he's the prime minister of an entire country! Here you need to speak so that everyone understands you. Something like Stalin did: "Brothers and sisters! ...."
    Here are samples of speeches by the Russian Prime Minister:
    Either study, or goodbye.
    Freedom is better than unfreedom.
    Immediately, of course, gingerbread cookies do not fall from above.
    Every democracy is historical and national.
    You can give birth without money, but better with money.
    It is necessary to break through the formed financial thrombi.
    Corruption undermines the trust of citizens in the interests of the authorities.
    These amounts will be summed up within the limit amounts.
    No need to be shy, but you need to boldly get involved in a fight.
    The WTO is not a carrot, but a set of rather complex responsibilities.
    Profanity is part of our culture, and we use it sometimes. Quiet.
    My not a cue already, but a sentence. You have replicas, and everything that I say is cast in granite.
    Last, about granite - generally pearl. Medvedev apparently does not know that granite does not melt and nothing can be cast out of it, they CUT OUT of it!
    1. +2
      4 February 2014 09: 55
      Quote: demotivator
      Freedom is better than unfreedom.
      Immediately, of course, gingerbread cookies do not fall from above.
      Every democracy is historical and national.
      You can give birth without money, but better with money.
      It is necessary to break through the formed financial thrombi.
      Corruption undermines the trust of citizens in the interests of the authorities.
      These amounts will be summed up within the limit amounts.
      No need to be shy, but you need to boldly get involved in a fight.
      Latynina, another monster of Russian literature laughing
      1. PPL
        4 February 2014 11: 31
        Latynina, another monster

        Do not take the palm of fortune from the prime minister - God forbid, still offended belay and will leave. laughing
        1. +2
          4 February 2014 13: 42
          Quote: PPZ
          Do not take the palm of premiere from the Prime Minister
          Do you have Medvedev or Chernomyrdin? For me, Chernomyrdin is so much funnier, after him there are at least sayings, but I'm afraid nothing will remain of the people ((
  11. +4
    4 February 2014 08: 56
    Let from the classics:Russian language! For millennia, the people created this flexible, magnificent, inexhaustibly rich, intelligent, poetic and labor instrument of their social life, their thoughts, their feelings, their hopes, their anger, their great future.
    A.Ya. Tolstoy

    Is it possible to put into words a more accurate definition of EMU, -GREAT RUSSIAN LANGUAGE!
  12. +4
    4 February 2014 09: 16
    Quote: shelva
    The great Russian language is therefore great because, in spite of all its classics, it is very susceptible to innovations. Various Germanisms, Gallicisms and Anglicisms organically took root in it and, over time, were used in literature, poetry, i.e. became elements of the literary language. The same thing happened with many words from the languages ​​of the peoples of the former USSR.

    However, this is not a reason to skip, allow and attract whatever is in the language.
    I came across many dialects and just sayings, but the language should be literary. Even at home it is required to speak correctly and beautifully - from here everything is a culture of communication, and quality of perception.
    There is a saying: - "It does not matter what you wanted to say - it is important how you were understood!"
    I think it is necessary to be as clear as possible, and this is possible only with a good knowledge of the native language.
    I speak a few of the Turkic group myself, I can speak Farsi and, somewhat, from Hebrew, and therefore I reason on this topic.
  13. buser
    4 February 2014 09: 29
    Any word can be translated or analogous. Of course, you cannot do without borrowing, but littering your native language is also not the case. Basically, terms are borrowed and they can be translated into Russian, and in the absence of analogues, come up with new words. This is a doable task. We in Kazakhstan have been creating a terminological dictionary for several years, some translations seem ridiculous, but it’s better than doing nothing at all. PS Recently I bought a bottle of beer "Polar bear unfiltered", so the word "unfiltered" in Kazakh was translated as "suzilmegen", which translates into Russian as "unfiltered". Output? Which word is more Russian? Unfiltered or unfiltered?
  14. +9
    4 February 2014 09: 35
    I, too, like everyone else with both hands to ensure that the Russian language in Russia is not littered with foreigners. Well, is it so difficult to write on the suits of our Olympic team the name of the country, the hostess of the Olympics, by the way, in Russian RUSSIA, not Russia?
    Russian is one of the five most popular languages ​​in the world. Hundreds of millions of people speak it! Russian is the working language of the United Nations, along with English, French, German and Spanish. Rule No. 23 of the Olympic Charter states that simultaneous translation into Russian, French, English, German, Spanish and Arabic must be provided at all Sessions of the International Olympic Committee. So why are we Russians embarrassed to write the name of our native country in the sports uniform of our athletes in our native language? Who, if not Russia itself, should defend the honor and dignity of a great history and a great language?
  15. +3
    4 February 2014 09: 48
    For an objective assessment of the Russian language, you need to know at least 2 foreign, at the level - when you start to think about them. Otherwise, praise, as well as humiliation, great and powerful, are pointless.
    1. +4
      4 February 2014 10: 31
      Quote: svoi
      For an objective assessment of the Russian language, you need to know at least 2 foreign, at the level - when you start to think about them. Otherwise, praise, as well as humiliation, great and powerful, are pointless.

      It's right good
      The Russian language is the language of emotions and art, for example, I can’t read fiction on another - it’s dry.
      But the technical literature is more convenient in English - it is more concise and concise.
      Hebrew is good for army teams - the words are short and in battle the command on it is 3 times faster than in Russian or English.
      (Arabic is well suited to scare local Aboriginal people in Europe and America laughing especially funny they turn pale at the words - shahid, al-qaeda and allah-akbar laughing )
      I don’t know other languages ​​anymore hi
      1. +2
        4 February 2014 13: 11
        Quote: And Us Rat
        Arabic is well suited to scare the local natives in Europe and America, especially funny they turn pale at the words - Shaheed, al-Qaeda and Allah Akbar

        - do not get carried away. Our two Kazakh offspring of the majors, while studying in Massachusetts, also made fun of and joked. Unfortunately, they were not even friends yet, but just went to the same boxing section at the university with the notorious Tsarnaev brothers. These jokes, plus contacts with the Tsaranevs, even just in sports, turned out to be enough that they would be dragged and checked for terrorism for a very long time (until now). It turns out. in super-democratic America there is a rule that the FBI, only on the basis of suspicion of terrorism, can hold any person under arrest for as long as they want without trial, investigation, and prosecutor's sanctions, at their discretion. As I understand it, our majors are either squeezed by grandmas, or they are majors only in Kazakhstan, and there all they can offer is despicable pennies, but it is impossible to get them out. And one such joker (but he was already friends with Tsarnaev) was generally beaten to death during interrogation. The FBI themselves give very shaky arguments that he clenched his fists and therefore posed a threat, then it "seemed" to them that he pulled something out of his pocket, and therefore, for their own safety, they began to beat him ... So they beat him. Then these FBI men all died for some reason ... Okay, distracted. Be that as it may, with humor on this topic, the aborigines of the West are very bad, and not only on this topic - in general, on the topic of humor, they are bad. The funniest American (according to them, Americans, opinion) comedies play out mainly on the theme of how people got into the bathroom and fell into the guano. And then how I got out of it. The Germans adopted this theme from them - Klitschko's best friend, Weinsteiger (I could be wrong here, starred in the good film "Knockin 'on Heaven") basically plays out such situations. Therefore, advice - do not joke with them like this:
        Quote: And Us Rat
        especially funny they turn pale at the words - shahid, al-qaeda and allah-akbar)

        , but only on this topic - they understand this topic and will laugh until you drop. You can fart loudly - it will fail for the best sharpness. But only not on this topic.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        4 February 2014 16: 41
        Quote: And Us Rat
        Russian is the language of emotions and art, for example, I can’t read fiction on another - it's dry

        That's for sure, there is little to compare in terms of capacity, and the same in intonations
        Quote: And Us Rat
        Hebrew is good for army teams - the words are short and in battle the command on it is 3 times faster than in Russian or English.

        Well, in general, writing on it is not bad, vowels are not written - the words are short, they love to cut even that. In general, there are no long words in Hebrew.
        I don’t know if there is a word in 8 beeches (unless borrowed)
  16. +1
    4 February 2014 09: 49
    Quote: buzer
    Which word is more Russian? Unfiltered or un-filtered?

    That is the question! Maybe so be it -
    Quote: buzer
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      4 February 2014 17: 50
      Quote: demotivator
      Quote: buzerWhat word is more Russian? Unfiltered or un-filtered?

      Janitor - or manager in a killing company?
  17. +2
    4 February 2014 10: 26
    The article is excellent! Our deputies and those in power need to thoroughly learn it from the Ministry of Education especially (and not to push through the Unified State Exam), we pick up all the parasitic filth in the “great and mighty.” There are analogies to the Western in almost 90-95 cases, only to deal with this urgent issue today those who have to do not want today.
  18. dmb
    4 February 2014 11: 19
    the question of language is really a tricky one. On the one hand, if the language does not develop, it will gradually turn into a "dead" language. An example is Latin, which, if used, is only for the purpose of flaunting knowledge, well, according to tradition in pharmacology and biology. On the other hand, the use of borrowings in Russia sometimes reaches ridiculousness. This is primarily due to the level of culture. The society in which we lived is clearly superior in intellectual level to the current one. As an example, the same Pugacheva, Compare the semantic load of her songs before and now. And what our announcers and correspondents "carry", in the village they express themselves more competently. A strong country and a healthy society reduce borrowings to the necessary minimum, caused by the fact that the language has no analogues or they are too cumbersome (only a round one and ... a clown-Zhirik might think to call a computer a thinking machine. For our country, the Russian language was one of the factors that unite its people into a single whole. That is why at the beginning of the 90s the nationalist public, who had seized power, directed the main blow to the language. This, incidentally, suited those who had grasped power in Russia as well. For if they had shown even minimal resistance, nothing would have Central Asian beys and Transcaucasian feudal lords would not have worked.It's a paradox, but the Dagestan bandits, extorting money from their fellow tribesmen, are recording videos in Russian.
    1. +2
      4 February 2014 13: 39
      Quote: dmb
      On the other hand, the use of borrowings in Russia sometimes comes to ridiculous. This is due primarily to the level of culture. The society in which we lived is clearly superior in intellectual level to the current one. As an example, the same Pugacheva, Compare the semantic load of her songs before and now. And what our announcers and correspondents "carry", in the village they express themselves more competently

      - The level of culture is only one of the factors, respected, only one of the factors! And far from the most important! One of the main reasons for borrowing is the lag in the scientific and technical sphere. Here is an example - until the 80s we called computers computers (electronic computers)! The Americans were just beginning to get ahead, the same Jobs was still rushing about with his ideas, and Gates uselessly pounded the thresholds of IBEm, until his mother, the district attorney, who very professionally caught this company in non-payment of taxes in her neighborhood. Not about this, but about the fact that as soon as the Americans took the lead, they, in any case, in the field of informatics, quite rightly imposed the English language as a winner. So the computer became a computer, the Internet in general was all English-speaking, any programmer, even an absolutely Slavophil-minded one, honestly admitted that English "works easier for him." Plus, the lag in financial technologies - from here they also have to borrow at the stage of introducing these technologies. For example, the word "goodwill", a very polysemantic word, well condenses into one concept the terms "intellectual property", "reputation in the market", "know-how" and everything else, very valuable, but intangible, in situations where this valuable is needed estimate in real money.
      From here - as long as there is a lag in technology, there will be borrowings - there's nothing to be done. There, the Japanese invented the technology of a pleasant pastime with singing or caring for an electronic animal - and two Japanese words significantly supplemented the Russian language. I became old and I don’t remember these two words anymore, remember it yourself, and most importantly, remember - IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO LATE IN TECHNOLOGIES! Otherwise, not long to lose the language.
  19. 0
    4 February 2014 12: 03
    Quote: Horn
    English is a primitive artificial newspear created after the Roman legions left Britain. Just like Swedish-Norwegian-Danish. Germanized Slavic dialects.

    But how they sing ... I’ll specially quote a song by the British singer Sting, the former frontman of the Police ... Something the language wouldn’t turn to use the words quoted above ...

    And if I told you that I loved you
    You'd maybe think there's something wrong
    I'm not a man of too many faces
    The mask I wear is one

    Well, those who speak know nothin '
    And find out to their cost
    Like those who curse their luck in too many places
    And those who fear are lost

    I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
    I know that the clubs are weapons of war
    I know that diamonds mean money for this art
    But that's not the shape of my heart ...

    The song from the famous film "Leon" with Jean Reno in the title role ... It just rolled ...
    1. +2
      4 February 2014 14: 16
      Quote: Altona
      British singer Sting

      - so let's complain to Sting laughing Since Sting, under the far-fetched pretext of "solidarity with the strikers of Zhanaozen" (well, those who were later shot, and on the Maidan, unfortunately, I will add - and they did the right thing) refused to hold concerts in Kazakhstan just a day before the scheduled one (tickets were already sold out, etc.) instead of songs (and Sting is practically no longer listened to and frowns at the first chords of even such a composition as "Desert Rose") such an idiom appeared. Instead of the previously used "well, sue me!"
    2. 0
      5 February 2014 11: 29
      Personally, I have more Pink Floyd. Or bach. Tokatta and Fugue. Already goosebumps. Old Nautilus (with Kormiltsev still) and early DDT.
  20. vkrav
    4 February 2014 12: 04
    They remembered ... Just a little more than a thousand years passed ... We would also remember who these pagans are, and why they were called that way, and who began to use this word in a derogatory sense ...
  21. +3
    4 February 2014 12: 04
    The offspring of liberalism, officials, pop artists, traders and politicians clogged the Russian language with Anglicisms beyond measure and necessity.
    A bad example is contagious, the newly-minted "writers" in their "works" use only foreign names and terms, and gunfighters Richards, Roberts, Smiths and Hunters from health clubs jump through the pages of books in jumpers, with lights, wearing infraptons, etc.
    It is clear that all this "literature" will go to waste paper and be forgotten, but why is it published at all? It's time to introduce censorship to protect the book market from hack.
    By the way, 99% of the "literature" not leaked by the Soviet censorship turned out to be boring and boring graphomaniac rubbish.
  22. +5
    4 February 2014 12: 21
    Considering how shkolota communicates in tyrnete today ... the expansion into our Russian world of any incomprehensible "brothers in mind" to whom our government requires tolerance, in fifteen years the Russian language will sound like this "Wasalamu Zdarovenki buly Troll! Daviche sharolled your comments on the Wall in Odnoklassakh, respect to you and respect for Foreva! Well, are you an understand mi person? "))) Well, if you consider that a number of world famous nationalities are also trying to push the textbooks of" RUSSIAN LANGUAGE " state, then it will just do it tryndets. There is another effective method of "breaking" in our children of Russian .. now in schools from the second grade they introduce English .. that is, children, not yet knowing the Russian language, its rules, its components are already forced to litter their heads with this vomit-chewing adverb Anglo-Saxons. If Mister Pu will repeat urgently URGENT !!! will not change the education system it will be a disaster.
  23. +2
    4 February 2014 12: 22
    Russian as a language is generally great even in that a sufficiently large number of speakers speak a large vocabulary for more subtle adaptation of concepts. This is of course the merit of writers and poets as subtly sensitive people. This can be maintained by maintaining a level of knowledge of the language and literature. For example, English can be called rich, but this wealth is in dictionaries and folios, and not in the minds of the vast majority of speakers.
  24. 0
    4 February 2014 12: 49
    In general, language, like medicine, is a very delicate matter, so that you can cut off the shoulder with short posts, falling into Slavophilism, then into populism, then God knows where ... You need to know a lot, starting from semantics and comparative linguistics, and ending with philosophy. .. You also need to know the structure of other languages, to know the differences between the language and dialects, dialects and jargons ... I don’t know, so I don’t undertake to discuss this topic ... As for the vocabulary or vocabulary, it characterizes the level of development of that , who uses it (Ellochka the cannibal to help) ... At the moment I am rereading the last article by JV Stalin "Marxism and questions of linguistics" ...
  25. 0
    4 February 2014 13: 18
    Quote: bomg.77
    He already got this virus and Peter brought it, with nothing, and Catherine, deepened the matter)) Plus, remember our nobles who speak French. So, to clean it, you have to dig deep !!!

    I think that there is nothing more erroneous than such a conclusion. Can these dialects and jargons be considered languages? Certainly not. It’s impossible, firstly, because these dialects and jargons do not have their own grammatical structure and the main vocabulary, they borrow them from the national language or any other class and are completely unsuitable as a means of communication between people for society as a whole. What do they have? They have: a set of some specific words that reflect the specific tastes of the aristocracy or the upper layers of the bourgeoisie; a certain number of expressions and phrases of speech, distinguished by sophistication, gallantry and free from “crude” expressions and phrases of the national language; finally, a certain amount of foreign words. Nevertheless, the basic, that is, the vast majority of words and grammatical system, is taken from a nationwide, national language. Consequently, dialects and jargons represent offshoots of a nationwide national language, deprived of any linguistic independence and doomed to vegetation. To think that dialects and jargons can develop into independent languages ​​that can supplant and replace the national language means to lose the historical perspective and move away from the position of Marxism.

    I.V. Stalin "Marxism and Questions of Linguistics"
  26. 0
    4 February 2014 13: 22
    Like Zadornov, there’s a conversation between two people: What’s you? I’m not human, but you’re human? Yes, not human!
  27. 0
    4 February 2014 13: 27
    Quote: varov14
    Don't be scared, it's not all bad. The main thing in the language is syntax, i.e. building sentences. "Benefits, then crash tests, alarmist factoid, securitized mortgage debt, apropo, randomized trials, dominated by a destructive meme, immanently dangerous properties." --- these words, at the moment, do not carry any semantic meaning in Russian for the majority population - no image. As soon as the word acquires a meaning, an image, it will be just as familiar. The Russian language will grind everything and adjust it for itself, not to lose the syntax. The construction of sentences, the canvas commands logic and figurative thinking, and not a combination of letters in a word.

    As you know, all the words in the language together make up the so-called vocabulary of the language. The main thing in the vocabulary of the language is the main vocabulary, which includes all the root words as its core. It is much less extensive than the vocabulary of the language, but it lives for a very long time, over the course of centuries, and gives the language the basis for the formation of new words. The vocabulary reflects the picture of the state of the language: the richer and more versatile the vocabulary, the richer and more developed the language.

    However, the vocabulary, taken by itself, does not yet constitute a language - it is most likely a building material for the language. Just as building materials in construction do not constitute a building, although it is impossible to build a building without them, so the vocabulary of a language does not constitute the language itself, although without it no language is unthinkable. But the vocabulary of a language gains the greatest value when it [c.116] comes at the disposal of the grammar of the language, which defines the rules for changing the word, the rules for combining words into sentences, and thus gives the language a harmonious, meaningful character. Grammar (morphology, syntax) is a collection of rules about changing words and combining words in a sentence. Therefore, it is thanks to the grammar that the language gets the opportunity to clothe human thoughts in the material linguistic shell.

    A distinctive feature of grammar is that it gives rules for changing words, meaning not specific words, but generally words without any specificity, it gives rules for drafting sentences, not referring to any specific sentences, say, a concrete subject, a concrete predicate, etc., and in general all kinds of sentences, regardless of the concrete form of this or that sentence. Therefore, abstracting from the particular and the concrete in both words and sentences, the grammar takes the general that underlies the changes in words and the combination of words in sentences, and builds grammar rules and grammar laws from it. Grammar is the result of a long abstracting work of human thinking, an indicator of the tremendous success of thinking.

    In this respect, grammar resembles geometry, which gives its own laws, abstracting from concrete objects, considering objects as bodies lacking concreteness, and defining relations between them not as concrete relations of such and such concrete objects, but as relations of bodies in general, devoid of any specificity.

    I.V. Stalin "Marxism and Questions of Linguistics"
  28. +2
    4 February 2014 13: 45
    Quote: Corsair5912
    The offspring of liberalism, officials, pop artists, traders and politicians clogged the Russian language with Anglicisms beyond measure and necessity.
    A bad example is contagious, the newly-minted "writers" in their "works" use only foreign names and terms, and gunfighters Richards, Roberts, Smiths and Hunters from health clubs jump through the pages of books in jumpers, with lights, wearing infraptons, etc.

    For this reason, language exists, it was created to serve society as a whole as an instrument of communication between people, so that it is common for members of the society and one for society, equally serving members of the society, regardless of their class position. One has only to move the language from this popular position, it only has to become the language of the preference and support of a social group to the detriment of other social groups of society, so that it loses its quality, that it ceases to be a means of communication of people in society, so that it becomes the jargon of any social group degraded and condemned itself to extinction.

    JV Stalin "Marxism and questions of linguistics"
  29. 0
    4 February 2014 14: 27
    Quote: aksakal
    And when such words are thousands and thousands, you can imagine how difficult it is to learn the Kazakh language and how the Cyrillic alphabet makes learning Kazakh difficult ... Well, it so happened that here are two friendly peoples, but the alphabet does not fit, and that’s it! It is easier if the Russian guy decided to learn Kazakh, immediately tear (distract, abstract) him completely from the Russian language, so that even the alphabet does not resemble anything and therefore does not interfere with unnecessary stereotypes - then training will go much easier.
    Well, I brought this post to the fact that when you read somewhere about Kazakhstan’s plans to introduce the Latin alphabet, do not rush to be indignant - you have your own reasons, too, and as I could, I brought them

    The transition from Cyrillic to Latin leads to 2 questions, and these questions are not linguistic but ethnocultural: 1) The separation and isolation of the Russian-speaking community from Kazakh society; 2) Separation from the Russian cultural matrix in general: fiction, technical or any kind of literature; general historical, scientific background and other general cultural background so to speak ...
  30. 0
    4 February 2014 14: 39
    Quote: aksakal
    - so let's complain to Sting

    Understood the joke, but for cultural figures and show business the "point of view" is or may be based on the point of view of their producers, those who pay them royalties and create their image as "free artists" and "opponents of the dictatorship." We will not judge strictly ... Only business, nothing personal ...
  31. +1
    4 February 2014 14: 43
    “A Palestinian diplomat is an oxymoron” I (although I seem to speak fairly well in English) could not immediately understand this pronunciation, this word is rarely used even by Anglo-Saxons. The English spelling of this word is “oxymoron”, which is pronounced rather as “oxymoron”, with emphasis on the third syllable.
    "Oxymoron" is a term widely used by philologists and did not appear among the British, but in Ancient Greece.
    The author, be careful. I also do not like those who litter their native language with borrowings unnecessarily, but do not lie "for the sake of a word."
  32. +1
    4 February 2014 14: 53
    There is a suspicion that in some issues the author collapsed from the oak.
    There should be no ideology or politics,
    How shoud I understand this? Suggestibility by means of a word is an underlying property of the psyche that arose much earlier than the ability to analytical thinking. And there will be no ideology, and then politics?
    We are the slaves of words - C. Marx and F. Nietzsche
    Language is the house of being. Man dwells in the dwelling of language - Heidegger.
    Words have tremendous witchcraft value. - Mussolini. After all, the program of the fascists is called semantic terror, which led to the development of an anti-language! In vain, perhaps, Stalin began his famous order "Sim is notified", and this word "SIM" alone meant such an important turn that world democracy would never forgive Stalin.
    After all, all these trends, brands, managers, tags are a well-created and disguised semantic syringe with poison in the future of the nation. There is a truly totalitarian campaign to introduce such newspeak in society. Because such a struggle goes for school - it gives children a language and then hard to change. Consciously or unconsciously, society reflects, defends itself and seems to lose.
  33. +1
    4 February 2014 15: 03
    Quote: Anper
    After all, all these trends, brands, managers, tags are a well-created and disguised semantic syringe with poison in the future of the nation. There is a truly totalitarian campaign to introduce such newspeak in society. Because such a struggle goes for school - society consciously or unconsciously reflects, defends itself and seems to be losing.

    Most likely, the author assumed the priority of the scientific approach, ceteris paribus, and did not make the necessary reservations, and it turned out that you took the phrase out of context ... In general, the foreign borrowings you quoted should be considered as jargon, to and from the place, clogging the media and language environment ...
    1. +1
      4 February 2014 16: 42
      You are right, of course. It just annoys me when a person who squeaks about a language, claims to be some kind of generalization, uses the word Angloism.instead Anglicism.
  34. +1
    4 February 2014 16: 33
    Words penetrate only if they are convenient, for example, "loot" in multiplayer games (all kinds of loot dropped from monsters that have no special value) like tracing paper with a loot, simply because the translation of the form "loot" is stupidly inaccurate and even "loot", " trophies "are 2 times longer, in conversation, however, it is possible and just" trash "," garbage ". "Shchaz trash nepisyu (NPC - NPC) throw off and go (go)". But no player will call equipment "equipment", "gear" and everything, in this case the most suitable Russian word is shorter.

    And no one except idiots in Russia will use the word "investment" in any form. "Attachment" and that's it.
  35. +1
    4 February 2014 17: 05
    Quote: Anper
    It just annoys me when a person squealing about a language, claiming some kind of generalization, uses the word Angloism instead of Anglicism.

    There are a lot of thoughts, but trouble with vocabulary ... And I want to express a point of view ... I therefore rarely write large opuses ... It seems like a suspicious ... I will write, and the people will begin to sort out the errors, therefore, briefly and immediately generalize ... I remember only as a modern fairy tale about Kolobok wrote in the social network, a big one, but the group disappeared and the fruit of the labors along with it ... crying
  36. +1
    4 February 2014 17: 27
    Quote: domokl
    The consolidation of languages ​​is a large-scale phenomenon. And it means a positive one. And if one of the opponents thinks that progress can be somehow stopped, it is not just a conservative, it is a retrograde to the marrow of bones ...

    What do you mean by "consolidation of languages"? Integration of the Forin lexical groups into the main body of the lexical mass of the generally recognized international language and the creation of the lingua franca, so to speak, the international pidgin? Expand your idea with theses, colleague, and try to roll it over into the next futures period ... request laughing
  37. +1
    4 February 2014 18: 32
    Quote: aksakal
    Plus, the lag in financial technologies - from here they also have to borrow at the stage of introducing these technologies. For example, the word "goodwill", a very polysemantic word, well condenses into one concept the terms "intellectual property", "reputation in the market", "know-how" and everything else, very valuable, but intangible, in situations where this valuable is needed estimate in real money.
    From here - as long as there is a lag in technology, there will be borrowings - there's nothing to be done. There, the Japanese invented the technology of a pleasant pastime with singing or caring for an electronic animal - and two Japanese words significantly supplemented the Russian language. I became old and I don’t remember these two words anymore, remember it yourself, and most importantly, remember - IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO LATE IN TECHNOLOGIES! Otherwise, not long to lose the language.

    There is no need to worry too much about borrowings in the language ... The language serves the existing social, technological and economic relationships ... In this, Comrade Stalin is right ... In addition, lexicon overflows are possible within the language, for example, the thug fenya, which has widely poured into 90s ... With the withering away of certain relations in society, lexical groups inherent in this type of relationship also die away ... Banks and exchanges will lose their relevance, futures and brokers will die ... German "offices" have died and English "offices" have appeared "... By the way, these two Japanese words - KARAOKE and TAMAGOCHI ... And sushi and rolls, all-inclusive and reception have also penetrated into our lives ...
  38. +2
    4 February 2014 21: 32
    Of course, I understand when a person who is not Russian by nationality when speaking and writing can make a mistake. Sometimes I am mistaken and I studied in the national sector (during the USSR). But I just can not understand and justify the fact that sometimes Russian people write in their native language, they make a lot of grammatical mistakes. So it should be a shame first of all
  39. 0
    22 March 2014 17: 33
    The word "letishche" in Ukrainian, apparently, came from the Czech - letiště (airport).

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"