The Baptism of Russia, or the "over-patriotism" of Slavic neopaganism

This year, all of Russia - Great, Small and White - celebrates the 1025 anniversary of their baptism - joining the family of Christian peoples, when “once not a people”, became a people of God, a chosen people, a holy people, who assumed the “royal priesthood” ( Wed 1 Peter 2: 9 – 10) serving the One true God, the Creator of heaven and earth.

V. Vasnetsov. Baptism of Russia. Sketch of painting for the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. 1890

At such a significant time, it will be right to once again reflect on the transition of our ancestors from paganism to monotheism and the attitude of our contemporaries to the faith of fathers and ancestors: to Eastern Christianity and the so-called "primordial Orthodoxy" - worship of the "Slavic trinity" (Rule, Slavi and Navi); reflect on the significance of Orthodoxy for Russia, the role of sects and the continuing attempts to form Slavic neo-pagan nationalism.

About Orthodoxy and its "substitutes"

In 988, the Grand Duke Vladimir I the Red Sun, rejecting the pagan faith of the ancestors, made Christianity the state religion of Kievan Rus. Since then, the Russian Church has cleansed and sanctified the souls of its children for centuries, making them a “holy place”, the temple of the Holy Spirit, so that God would dwell in them.

With the grace of God’s help, the Russian Orthodox Church created and filled to the brim a vessel of sacrificial love in the Russian people, which for centuries allowed him to patiently endure the trials that fell to his lot: famine, mora, nomad raids, the Horde yoke, Time of Troubles, countless wars ... And at the same time expand the boundaries of their habitat and cultural development of new lands from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, from the Vistula River in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, and the development of Siberia and Alaska was almost peaceful. Not a single local people, even the smallest, were destroyed (which cannot be said, for example, of the colonization of America by white settlers). Russia carried everywhere its high culture and Orthodoxy, and the conversion to it occurred voluntarily. Orthodox people in each person first of all saw the image of God, and then the color of his skin, the cut of his eyes and therefore did not take his life away from him, but presented the most precious and priceless that they themselves had - their faith in the Infinite, supra-mundane, Almighty God, Who became a Man “for our sake and our sake for salvation” and by the great ineffable love He allowed Him to be crucified on the Cross to grant immortality and eternal bliss to everyone in His Kingdom, who also commanded us to love one another with the same sacrificial love until death. And for this very love, the Russian people at the cost of their blood saved Orthodox Georgia from complete destruction, liberated southern Slavs from Turks, and thanks to this struggle, Greece was able to gain independence from the High Ports.

Those who claim that Christianity is a “weak religion,” there is no militancy, rage, aiming at victory in it, this is the religion of slaves and defeatists who cannot stand up for themselves, but only instructing them to turn their cheeks under blows and neck the executioner's ax, - these people either deliberately slander and blaspheme, or honestly err, knowing about Orthodoxy by hearsay from the dark rumors about Tolstoyan non-resistance and the refusal of Baptists to serve in the army and take in their hands weapon.

The baptism of the squad of Prince Vladimir. Radziwill chronicle. K. XV century.

The falsity of such statements shows story. Orthodox Byzantium from IV to XV century opposed the frenzied onslaught of pagan barbarians and Muslims. Orthodox Russia from the 10th to the 20th centuries, that is, for a thousand years, practically alone resisted the same frenzied, cruel and often despicable onslaught from the Catholic (“Christian”) of the West and from the pagan, and then the Muslim East and South. And not only stood in place, but also expanded its borders to the east to the Pacific Ocean and to the south to the Crimea, the Black Sea, the Caucasus, Afghanistan and China. And only when faith began to weaken, when political forces appeared, which began to consciously fight with the Church, defame it and the faith, and then destroy it physically, when the Church was weakened to the last degree, they completely eliminated it from influencing the people and their life (under the Soviet the authorities of the Church not only could not bring up soldiers, but also engage in charity, and the Christian upbringing of children was declared a criminal offense), then our state collapsed and fell apart.

The new power, established over the Russian people in 1917, exploited the same reservoir of people’s sacrificial love, willingly drawing it for its needs, but doing nothing to replenish it, but on the contrary, all these years actively trying to destroy the Church, through which The Lord gave the people fertile help and the power to fulfill the historic mission that He intended for him. Bolsheviks 70 years diligently sawed bitches, on which, without even noticing, sat. The Soviet government tried to carry out a gigantic social experiment to sterilize human souls: God was breaking out and corroding them, and this place was often under the threat of the death penalty a new belief was implanted - that there is no God, man could build man-made paradise on earth to a country taken ... For this, the Church and the whole centuries-old Orthodox culture of a great country were persecuted, and a new cult and ritual was hastily composed, new "prophets" and "saviors" of humanity were glorified, pseudo martyrology (biography "as it were martyrs" of the revolution and a bright future), appointed by the new "holy places", marked throughout commemorative plaques, monuments and museums, compose a new calendar with new holidays and memorable dates, religious processions replaced by demonstrations, etc. etc. They even created new “powers”, in order to comply with the artificial “incorruptibility” of which they had to establish an entire institution that revived the ancient practice of the Egyptian priests in embalming the dead pharaohs ... The new government composed “the opposite of religion”, but the words unites man with God, the new cult had to unite man as if with empty space, because it was proclaimed that there is no God. But in reality it was a godless cult.

The result is known: a country restored in a fratricidal civil war in almost the same pre-revolutionary borders, and having won millions of lives in a terrible world war with almost all of Europe conquered by Nazi Germany and its allies, and then for many years opposing the Cold War to almost the entire Western to the world, crumbled like a house of cards from one stroke of a pen in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The people are tired. The reservoir of people's love and sacrifice has reached a critical point, and now the new government is forced to look for a national idea and puzzle over the problems of the “new Russia”: ensuring defense capability, economic recovery, strengthening statehood ...

During the years of perestroika, new generations grew up in Russia, which received almost nothing positive for the soul: only the cult of profit, sensual pleasures, depravity, cruelty, the desire for "success" at any cost, etc., that is, they "gained" spiritual emptiness, which was quickly filled by an abomination: alcohol, drugs, destructive and totalitarian religious teachings, destroying physical and mental health, enslaving the human person, leading to its degradation, withdrawal from the life of society into the closed life of a sect from which many often don’t return. And it happened to us in the Gospel parable: an impure spirit who was expelled from a person wanders through deserted places, but does not find rest outside it and, returning, finds its place “unoccupied, swept and cleaned”, that is, without God, without the Holy Spirit; “Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter there and live there; and it is for a man that the latter is worse than the first ”(Matthew 12: 43 – 45). Russia became such a person obsessed with seven evil spirits at the end of the 20th century.

Since the beginning of perestroika, Russia has widely opened the doors to all religious and pseudo-religious organizations, and countless preachers, barkers and magicians have flooded the country. But it was not a disorderly mob, but a well-planned and deeply echeloned invasion with clear goals, objectives, methods, delineation of spheres of action and influence. And the invasion was extremely dangerous. Even the Yeltsin Duma, at least in words, expressed its concern, proposed to create a special unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the problems of criminality of destructive religious organizations, recommended the Security Council of the Russian Federation to create a special commission "to check the activities and finance destructive religious organizations" [1], etc. . etc. Jin was released from the bottle, an epidemic of spiritual contagion swept the whole country.

The secession of sects in Russia and Western Europe is largely inspired and supported by the United States and its intelligence services. It was not for nothing that the States threatened to deprive Russia of loans if they offended its agents. Most of the destructive cults originated or have their own leading centers in the United States, are sent by American intelligence services in their activities and carry out intelligence and subversive work in Russia, form semi-legal and secret militarized organizations, decompose the national culture, try to penetrate and penetrate government and state structures, defense enterprises, nuclear facilities ...

The principal difference of all foreign cults from the traditional religions of Russia is their closeness, devotion of adherents of this cult not to the general idea, but to the head and the organization itself, and not the host country, which ceases to be a homeland for its members; asociality; essentially hostility to Russia, its culture, history, traditions and customs; attitude to Russia as an object of capture and occupation, a source of income and recruitment of new members, the implementation of their power claims to world domination, as most cults aim to capture quite earthly, not abstract, spiritual power over the territory of their location and over everything the world.

All totalitarian sects, themselves having very tough, strictly centralized structures with the strongest imperious discipline, going back to the subordination of one dictator or a small group, skillfully use the democratic spineless legislation of many countries with its abstract humanity and achieve great success.

While Russia was an Orthodox monarchy, there was no such a threatening situation, and there could not be, although the law on religious tolerance was adopted. This was explained simply: the incitement of the Orthodox person into any other religion (proselytism) was prohibited by law, and the absolute majority of the population was Orthodox.

"Overpatriotism" of neo-paganism

Another way of weakening Russia, aimed at preventing the restoration of a single spiritual culture and a single nation, is the revival of the ancient ancient local cult, paganism. Neo-paganism helps to reject from Russia the once baptized and culturally included in the all-Russian superethnos non-Russian nationalities under the pretext of their return to the former culture, the faith of their ancestors, etc.

It is sad that many Russian people come across this same romantic trick. Some imitate their departure to paganism, quite consciously fulfilling the task of the relevant special services leading the struggle against Russia, others fall prey to their sincere delusion that by doing so they supposedly cleanse Russian culture of all late and alien accretions of both communism and Christianity.

Psychologically they can be understood. If some sincere patriots return from the fallacies of communism to Orthodoxy, like the faith of fathers and grandfathers, to their traditional culture and heroic history, others, some kind of super-patriots, want to go back even further into the depths of ages, to the roots of ancestors, to more ancient culture and no less heroic and tragic past. The desire is understandable and understandable, but is it reasonable? Does it benefit the man himself and the Fatherland?

Any ethnic group, like a person, is once born, goes through a period of childhood, maturity, old age and disappears from the characters of history. Where are the ancient Egyptians, the terrible Assyrians, the powerful Persians? Where is the Roman Empire, Byzantium? They are no longer there. They completed the cycle of their historical existence: they arose, developed, had a period of flowering, then decline, and finally dissolved in the river of time, leaving a memory of themselves in architecture, literature, religion, history. So, every nation was a “child”, but is it reasonable to return from maturity to childhood, to its ideological helplessness, delusions, ignorance of the truth? If an adult man, having spent years and energy on getting everyday and scientific knowledge, on education, having filled bugs from mistakes, he will want to return to his children's inarticulate babble, children's fears of darkness, lack of education, puzzled “why”, to which he has already received answers for years of your long life? Paganism was the “childhood” of many peoples: Greeks, Romans, Germans (current Germans, Scandinavians, Englishmen), Gauls (French), Slavs ... The current interest of the post-Christian West to the pagan cults included in the modern general relio-occult movement New Age ( The New Era) appeared a long time ago (Z. Freud, C. Jung) and expressed itself in the interest in his own and someone else's ancient mythology. This interest only testifies to the apostasy of our time (apostasy from Christ) and “falling into childhood”, senile marasmus of a dying civilization, which characterizes the transition of the Western superethnos into the phase of obscuration, according to the theory of ethnogenesis L.N. Gumilev [2]. But the Russian superethnos is young, we have a tragic phase of fracture, having sustained that, we can move into a relatively quiet inertial phase of cultural prosperity. Should we imitate the seemingly prosperous but historically dying West, which has lost its spiritual meaning and purpose for its existence?

By adopting Christianity, Russia did not lose anything of any value and usefulness from its cultural past, just as the Greeks did not lose the best part of their classical philosophy, which was perceived, revised and adopted by Christian theology. Greeks, Slavs, Vikings and others - pagan in the past - peoples abandoned their previous religious errors, finding the truth of Divine revelation, abandoned wild customs (human sacrifices, killing the wives and servants of the deceased leader, etc.), ennobled manners, gained high moral standards ( condemnation of debauchery, murder of children, preaching of mercy, love, etc.).

Let us try to show the untruth of neo-paganism on the basis of four arguments.

1. Historical Argument

The Rodnovers - the current lovers of Perun, Dazhbog, Svarog and other Slavic gods - in fact, little can be learned about them, for both the cult and the beliefs and the ritual are completely lost. Neo-pagans do not so much restore as they re-compose these cults. It may be interesting from a creative point of view (how to write a novel or poem), but there is neither historical authenticity nor genuine faith in this, for there is no cultural and religious continuity.

The murder of Theodore Varyag and his son John. Radzivilsky chronicle. Kon XV century.

Unlike our contemporaries, Prince Vladimir and his supporters, with whom he chose and “tested” the new faith, knew well the cult and faith of their ancestors. And not suddenly, and not without the advice of the oldest people of the Russian land, chose Eastern Christianity. They also knew what they were giving up and what they were losing and losing, because in a pagan society the prince performed supreme priestly functions (like the pagan Roman emperor was the high priest in Rome) [3]. Present admirers of Perun believe that they know and love him more and they are more expensive and closer to them than Prince Vladimir, who has offered him sacrifices for many years, including human ones? Or will our antiquity lovers also plan to sacrifice Christians to their gods, as the “elders of the city” and “boyars” did in 983 in Kiev, killing the Varyag Theodore and his son John [4]? Or will they slaughter their newborn babies in front of the idols, whose remains were found by archaeologists in the Bohemian temple on the Zbruch River in the Carpathian region [5]? How deep into the darkness and wildness of the centuries do new pagans want to descend with their religious consciousness and deeds? Our ancestors offered human sacrifices on the Zbruch right up until the second half of the 13th century. Wasn’t this the sin of infanticide that the Lord permitted to invade the Horde in Russia in the same 13th century? Is it not for our grandfathers dual faith? We will also be afraid of the new dual faith, so that Russia will not perish from the invasion of a horde of globalism and Americanism, taking advantage of the division of Russian patriots among themselves, as it was among princes in the 13th century. The “horde” wants this, but do we really want our doom?

2. Philosophical argument

Back in VI – V centuries. BC. The pagan Greek philosopher Xenophanes criticized the polytheism and religious anthropomorphism of his contemporaries, proving to them that they invent gods like themselves, and expressed a teaching about the one God. God is one, he argued, because if we assume that there are several gods, some of them will be more powerful, some less powerful. Since God, by definition, is the most powerful Being, He can only be One. If all gods are equal, have equal power, then also they are not fully gods, because they are not the most powerful. He further argued that God is eternal, that is, his appearance from something or someone that is omnipresent, omniscient, etc. is impossible. We see nothing of this in any pagan mythology, where there is always a genealogy of the gods, their mutual quarrels, revenge, battles, marriages and betrayals of wives, etc. The most famous Greek pantheon is full of the most incredible and shameful stories about the birth of the gods, their prodigal adventures, envy, jealousy, that is, everything that so sensibly criticized the sensible heathen Xenophanes: if animals believed in gods, they would invent them like themselves. The Greek pantheon and myths reflected all human passions. About the Slavic pantheon little is truly known, but it could not be fundamentally different.

Later, Plato (5th-4th centuries BC) and Aristotle (4th century BC) developed the doctrine of God as the First Cause, Prime Mover, Absolute Good ... In ancient Greece, philosophers studied the universe and its laws , the person and the laws of his thinking, hoping to gain knowledge about the root causes of all things. They studied astronomy, physics, mathematics, geometry, music, and poetry, and combined all this with ascetic life and prayer, without which it is impossible to achieve purification of the mind, soul and body. Studying the visible world, they discovered its strict laws and extraordinary harmony, so that they called it "cosmos", that is, "beauty" as opposed to chaos - disharmony. They saw that everything in the world was created according to a single plan, and so they came up with the idea of ​​a single Organizer of the Universe. Plato called Him the Creator, the Father, God and the Demiurge (Maker). He wrote:

“Everything that has arisen needs to appear for some reason. Of course, the Creator and the Father of the Universe is not easy to find, and if we find Him, it will be impossible to tell everyone about Him ... Cosmos is beautiful, and the Demiurge is kind ... Cosmos is the most beautiful thing that has arisen, and the Demiurge is the best of reasons .. Being good, He took care of all the visible things that were not at rest, but in a disorderly and erratic movement; He brought them out of disorder to order. ”[6]

Their discoveries are the fruit of human thought, the logical consequence of thinking about the invisible essence of the visible world. Follow their thought and you will see that if everything in the world has a cause, then there must be a reason for the cause. Rising along this causal series, we will inevitably first come to a reduction in their number, and then to that single Reason, Which is the basis of being in everything in this world. She can be only one. In the same way, with the movement, the source of which in the world should be one motionless First Person, God. The same with the Truth. Two truths can not be. The human mind, all reasonable human activity is built on formal logic, on the Aristotelian law of non-contradiction, but it does not allow two truths: it is impossible to say anything about any thing and deny it at the same time, in the same place , in the same relation, that is, impossible "A" and "not A", two opposing true statements are impossible.

The search for truth leads the human mind to the understanding that there is only one Truth and it is absolute, one Cause of being of all things and the whole world, one reason for the movement of everything - the Prime Mover. Then only God is original, only He has the cause of His being in Himself, and all the rest have the cause of their being in Him.

Pagan philosophy did not formally deny the gods, but recognized above them the highest Reason. In the cosmology of Plato, the gods perform subordinate functions similar to the functions of angels in monotheistic religions, that is, they are not gods (as Xenophanes showed), they were created by the demiurge. The ancient philosophy in the person of its best representatives approached the truth about the one God.

Philosophy also interpreted the idea of ​​Logos (from the Greek. "Word, mind, thought, law"), as the universal law of the world order and the divine creative power mediating between God and the created world. Plotinus, through reflections and peculiar insights, came to the idea of ​​transcendence, infinity, unboundedness and unknowability of the Divine. The world is a reflection of the Divine reality, bears in itself the features of beauty and perfection. Through the purification of the body, the senses and the mind, a person can be elevated to the contemplation of God, who remains incomprehensible in his Being [7].

God, as a supreme Being, Having all the positive qualities in the highest degree and not having our inherent limitations, that is, the disembodied Spirit, Almighty, All-Knowing, All-present, Beginning, Infinite, Eternal, Unchanging, Unlimited, All-Good, All-Conscious, All-righteous, is God only one is possible, for two such creatures are no longer possible, which is what Xenophanes wrote about.

Therefore, if modern pagans are really religious and believe in gods, they seek Truth, and they are not atheists indifferent to faith, truth, the meaning of life and peace, who only fell in love with gray antiquity for Rule, Glory and Nav, for ancient cuts and features, wood carving ; for suits and military armor; if for them all this is really religion, then there is a connection with God, and not some ethnographic exotic, then they should follow the pagans Xenophanes, Plato, Aristotle to come to the concept of the one God and then we can speak already about the self-revelation of Truth.

3. Argument from Revelation

For people, some knowledge of the true God is possible even from natural Revelation, that is, from the contemplation of the world He created. As we saw above, this knowledge was touched by the best of pagan philosophers, but uneducated masses and those who did not want to learn anything, but only wanted to indulge in their passions, deified in the pagan pantheon, preferred and now prefer to remain with their usual and convenient errors . Therefore, the apostle Paul wrote in the first century of the Christian era:

“For what can be known about God is clearly for them, because God revealed to them. For His invisible, His eternal power and the Divine, from the creation of the world through looking at the creatures are visible, so that they are unrequited. But because, having known God, they did not glorify Him as God, and did not give thanks, but became vain in their thoughts, and their senseless heart was darkened; calling themselves wise, distraught, and the glory of the incorruptible God was changed into an image like a perishable man, and birds, and four-footed, and reptiles, God also betrayed them in the lusts of their hearts to uncleanness, so that they defiled their bodies themselves. They replaced the truth of God with a lie, and worshiped and served the creature instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever, amen. ”(Rom.1: 19 – 25).

This humiliation of the Invisible, the Incorruptible, the Uncreated God to the image of the creature and its service is idolatry and paganism, that is, voluntary or involuntary delusion of the human mind. The enlightened antiquity understood this and accepted the revelation of God about Himself, the Christian gospel of God Who is One in the Being and Trinity in Persons, Saving the world created by Him through the manifestation of God's sacrificial love for His creation.

We received this evangelism and our ancestors and for a thousand years served the One Creator of the world, in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to the Glorified and the Worshiped. So is it necessary to return us back into the darkness of ages, to see a deity in every river, lake, tree, thunder and lightning, that is, in a creature? Do we need to bring them to the propitiatory and grateful sacrifices of roosters, sheep, bulls and children, in order to avert their “anger” and to gain “mercy and help”? Is it possible in the XXI century, such an enlightened, civilized and cultural, relapses of archaic thinking? It is hard to believe that a modern person who sincerely seeks Truth, to comprehend and comprehend the universe, could be satisfied with the inevitably primitivized archaic explanation of the world and kingdom of the gods. If he begins to build his abstract speculative constructions, using only their ancient names, to poetize a certain cult invented by him, not confirmed by archaeological or historical evidence, then what is the faith of the ancestors? This is a new religion invented, the fruit of the conscious deception of some and the sincere romantic delusion of others.

The Son of God has already offered a propitiation sacrifice for us all on the Cross - the only one, true and unique, and has consecrated to Her all those who believe in Him. Two thousand years ago, there was no longer a need not only for sacrifices to false pagan gods, but also for the bloody Old Testament sacrifices to the True God. Therefore, according to the prophecy of Daniel, Jerusalem fell and the sacrifice ceased (Dan.9: 26 – 27), that is, the entire Old Testament cult, the planned renewal of which will be direct theomachism.

Therefore, the words of Christ are addressed to the erring: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John. 8: 32), that is, it will free you from erroneous opinions and sins of ignorance. The truth and the way to it and to eternal life is Christ, as He himself said: “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me ”(John 14: 6). The Lord calls everyone to Himself and wants to save everyone, and in order to ascend to Heaven, He left His Church on earth. Come to her and receive saving grace in the Sacraments, which established the Lord. Go to Him. Road going by walking.

4. Psychological argument

The main internal reason for the rejection of Christianity by modern man and the fascination with paganism is the unwillingness to recognize the existence of significant moral shortcomings, which he cannot get rid of on his own. The pagan consciousness of both antiquity and modernity recognizes the existing human nature as self-sufficient, the norm that does not need to be transformed. Christianity claims that a person in his present state has a fallen (spoiled, sick) nature, and offers him divine help in changing oneself for the better, offers to be baptized and repent (which in Greek means "change"). For this, a person at the beginning must recognize himself as being a fallen, sinful being, to see in himself vicious passions. You can do this by evaluating your life according to the gospel moral commandments, comparing it with the earthly life of Jesus Christ, focusing on the perfection of God, which the Lord calls to strive for. At the same time, Christianity does not execute a man for his vices, but offers to be healed from them, to be transformed into the image of Christ, into the image of His human nature - perfect, sinless both in deeds, and in words and thoughts.

He who fears this, fears to heal himself from sin with the help of the grace of God, does not want to impose strict moral and physical restrictions on himself to curb the actions of passions, who is lazy or just happy with himself - for what he is, he does not want be a christian. And in order to "be in faith" in something higher than himself, he chooses beautiful, nostalgic, caressing Slavic rumor names: Velez, Stribog, Chernobog, Rozhanitsy, Triglav ...

All this is understandable and human weakness is excusable. After all, even the chosen people of God, the Old Testament Israel, who had waited for its Messiah for hundreds of years, received Him only in a small number, because they did not want to repent of their sins, believing themselves to be “rightly spotless”, in the words of Paul the Apostle (cf. Phil. 3 : 6). The Lord forgives human weakness, but the conscious stubbornness of the human will, not wanting to listen and do the will of God, is already theomachism. And therefore, the second thousand years through the prophets and apostles the call of God to humanity sounds: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Mt. 3: 2). "Children! Last time ”(1IN.2: 18). “If we confess our sins, then He is faithful and righteous, forgive us sins (ours) and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1In.1: 9). For God is good and merciful, and “in Heaven there will be more joy about one sinner repentant than about ninety-nine righteous people who do not need repentance” (Lk.15: 7).


In 988, the Russian Orthodox Church was born in the baptism of Russia, which was of epochal significance for all Eastern Slavs (ancestors of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians) and many other peoples of historical Russia. According to the historian L.N. Gumilev, "the victory of Orthodoxy gave Russia its thousand-year history." And we hope not only the past history, but also the future one.

The baptism of the Grand Duke Vladimir. Radziwill chronicle. Kon XV century.

“Do not hope for riches, for the sons of mankind, there is no salvation in them ...” (Ps. 145: 3), Holy Scripture warns us. Only following the will of God and His assistance helps a person to fulfill his mission on earth. The same applies to whole nations. Once Christ said to his disciples: “I am the vine, and you are the branches; He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch, and dries; and such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, and they burn down ”(John. 15: 5 – 6).

While Russia was in Christ, that is, an Orthodox power, it grew and was strengthened by the fear of the enemies of Christ, for joy, hope and help for those who believe in Him. And she brought a lot of fruit - saints of God from various nations who were baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church. When Russia began to forget and retreat from Christ, then the flow of life-giving forces coming from Him began to dry out quickly, so that our “branch” shrank and even partially broke off. If we comprehend this bitter truth and again, through repentance, we will cling to the Vine of Christ, work hard and bring the fruit of holiness, then the Lord will have mercy on Russia and prolong her days, may she serve as a deterrent who will delay the final victory of evil in the world, coming to power over him “The man of sin”, who, according to the prediction of the Holy Scripture, is “the son of perdition, opposing and exalting above all that is called God or holy” (2Fes.2: 3 – 4).

Looking at the past of Russia with an unbiased look, we can say with confidence that without the Russian Orthodox Church there would be no great and powerful Russia. And if you look into our present and future, it becomes just as obvious that without the Church it will not exist. If Russia does not feel the same faith, it will disintegrate, and enemies will mock at its remains.

So come to your senses, Rus, arise, shake off the garbage of others' ideas, values, delusions, multitude and disbelief! Lead by broad shoulders as a bogatyr who has risen from a bad dream, step on the path of world evil, thousands of small and large delusions. Stand up for the protection of the truth of holy Orthodoxy, as once in your Time of Troubles, and God will help you.

If not, your mission will remain unfulfilled, and you will dissolve among the universal orgy of bezverja, immorality and lies in the whirl of the "new world order."

Yes, it will not!

[1] Krivelskaya N.V., Ph.D. legal Sciences Corr. Sect: the threat and the search for protection. M .: Blagovest Foundation, 1999. C. 191 (see Appendix 4. Appeal of the State Duma "To the President of the Russian Federation on the dangerous consequences of the impact of religious organizations on the health of society, family, citizens of Russia", "Resolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation" from 15 Dec. 1996, 187 – 192 with.).
[2] Gumilev L.N. Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe. M .: Thought, 1992. C. 757. The theory itself, see. Gumilev L.N. Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the earth. L .: Gidrometeoizdat, 1990.
[3] Karpov A. Vladimir Saint. M .: Young Guard: ZHZL: Russian word, 1997. C. 147.
[4] Ibid. S. 142-147.
[5] Ibid. C. 142 – 143. See also Rusanova I.P., Timoshuk B.A. The pagan temples of the ancient Slavs. M., 1993.
[6] Timey, 28с – 30b. Quoted by: Hilarion (Alfeyev), igum. Sacrament of faith. Wedge: Christian Life Foundation, 2000. C. 23.
[7] Hilarion (Alfey), Igum. Sacrament of faith. Wedge: Foundation. Christian Life, 2000. C. 22 – 24.
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  1. +17
    28 January 2014 15: 30
    The article is neither a plus nor a minus. A lot of right thoughts, a lot of template dogmas that exclude any other opinion. I agree with the author in determining the goals for which many religions, including paganism, are actively introducing themselves. I do not agree with the author that he puts an equal sign between Christianity of Byzantium and Russian Orthodoxy. It seems to be one branch of Christianity, but there is a difference, and a big one. Orthodoxy incorporates a mass of pagan rites and traditions. Many Christian holidays were superimposed on pagan, with all the attributes thereof. I do not agree with the author that the pagans and Rodnovers invent cults. This is not entirely true, there is a Rig Veda, there is a Veles book, and in the same Christianity a lot of pagan traditions are hidden. I think paganism is more correct in its essence, but it is now impossible to introduce it everywhere, this, as the author said, will lead to a split in society. Everything has its time. I really liked the compromise of Christianity with pagan roots in Valentin Ivanov, in his third book, Great Russia.
    1. +17
      28 January 2014 16: 26
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      The article is neither a plus nor a minus

      And I minus for a reason.
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      many template dogmas that exclude any other opinion
      1. +21
        28 January 2014 17: 07
        Quote: baltika-18
        And I minus for a reason. many template dogmas that exclude any other opinion

        A lot, the article is like speech in a tagged one, just banalities. My opinion is that the author simply fulfilled the order and did not put a drop of soul into the article.
        1. 0
          28 January 2014 18: 54
          and what should your soul be?
          1. -1
            28 January 2014 19: 52
            I'll try to "sleep, my dear. You ask a question
            Quote: tomket
            and in what should your soul be?

            in the sense of where it is, or in its manifestation? Try to correctly pose your question. And then I don’t quite understand you, probably because of my education.
            I’ll try to answer directly to your question, as I understand it.
            Not a bit of a soul, sparks in the article are not enough, the author has no courage. Next to list? Or is my argument enough?
            And try to write without mistakes, ashamed
        2. +2
          28 January 2014 21: 36
          And what did you actually want from the article that he would please us with Asov's next sucked-out discoveries from his finger?
      2. +11
        28 January 2014 18: 12
        Quote: baltika-18
        And I minus for a reason.

        I minus too! Actually, the Right is Reveal and Nav, and not the Right is Glory and Nav! The one who read about it understands the significant difference!
        1. anarch
          28 January 2014 21: 38
          Quote: Oleg147741
          The one who read about it understands the significant difference!

          Where to read something?
          In the book of Veles published for the first time in the USA in the year 50 on the basis of supposedly seen by the author, but safely burned tablets?
          Or is the Internet full of fiction and distortion?
      3. -2
        28 January 2014 21: 00
        As it came to Prince Vladimir, the human sacrificer, so far this punching was driven diagonally. Trampled lies.
        Damn, in Izborsk the river of life has completely gone shallow, and its annual consecration does not stop! The keys will dry up - will you return to Byzantium, the baptists are stubborn? So there is no longer Byzantium. And why would that be?
        1. -6
          28 January 2014 21: 37
          Michael, so you will deny that the Slavic pagans made human sacrifices?
          1. +3
            28 January 2014 21: 41
            Quote: azkolt
            Michael, so you will deny that the Slavic pagans made human sacrifices?

            This is a moot point, as well as whether the Slavs were pagans.
            1. anarch
              29 January 2014 07: 06
              Quote: Setrac
              This is a moot point, as well as whether the Slavs were pagans.

              Polytheists are called pagans.
              And then you’ll start now to drag in some language, leading away from the essence of the issue.
          2. heathen
            29 January 2014 13: 32
            Personally, I will not. And modern Christians will deny the burning of them by not so ancient co-religionists of all heretics, witches, etc. In fact, this is the same sacrifice, but also sadistic.
      4. 0
        29 January 2014 04: 36
        I unconditionally agree. Any religion is an absolute evil, because it is an attempt to dictate the way of thinking and worldview.
        1. anarch
          29 January 2014 07: 12
          Quote: urganov
          Any religion is an absolute evil, because it is an attempt to dictate the way of thinking and worldview.

          And any pseudo-democracy that suggests that any religion is evil is absolute good.
          They say to you: do not be a servant of God, and they make you a SLAVE of PASSION, a HUMAN SLAVE,
          1. +4
            29 January 2014 07: 54
            But what should I do if I don’t want to be anybody’s slave? Neither God's nor human?
        2. +2
          29 January 2014 11: 27
          Quote: urganov
          I unconditionally agree. Any religion is an absolute evil, because it is an attempt to dictate the way of thinking and worldview.

          Religion is an upbringing tool, and an instrument cannot be evil or kind, evil people like you for example.
    2. -3
      28 January 2014 18: 03
      In 988, Grand Duke Vladimir I of the Red Sun, rejecting the pagan faith of his ancestors, made Christianity the state religion of Kievan Rus

      Actually, Prince Vladimir was the adopted son of the Grand Duke, his real parents were rabbis, that is, a Jewish priest, and a Khazarian. and as you know, the Khazars were Jews by religion.
      So Vladimir did not reject his faith, but the faith of the ancestors of the Rus, planting Christianity. In the article, this moment is not specified at all in Vladimir’s biography, and it seems that Vladimir was a Russian, which is not so.
      In this sense, the article is very tendentious and superficial.
      1. -1
        28 January 2014 19: 07
        Quote: Andrey57
        So Vladimir did not reject his faith, but the faith of the ancestors of the Rus, planting Christianity.

        What did the princess say there?
        - I do not want to slave a slave.
        Rabić is the son of a rabbi.
        1. +10
          28 January 2014 19: 37
          Quote: Setrac
          Quote: Andrey57
          So Vladimir did not reject his faith, but the faith of the ancestors of the Rus, planting Christianity.

          What did the princess say there?
          - I do not want to slave a slave.
          Rabić is the son of a rabbi.

          Rabich, or rather a slave girl, is the son of a slave, as many of her contemporaries called the mother of Vladimra Malusha (Malgerda), but the fatherhood of Svyatoslav has not been disputed by anyone before you.
          1. +2
            28 January 2014 19: 48
            Quote: GregAzov
            son of a slave, so called mother

            Where does the son of a slave come from in a country where there is no slavery?
            1. +3
              28 January 2014 21: 14
              Slavery was in any pagan society. Do you assume that the Slavs killed all the enemies during the battle, and killed their wives and children after the battle? The ancient Slavs were not infected with modern liberal ideas and acted in accordance with the right of the winner. So Svyatoslav gave his eldest son a Greek nun from a captured Greek monastery. I do not think that she went to his wife on a voluntary basis and not as a slave. The same fate was shared by the Polish Princess Rogneda, who called Vladimir a slave.
              1. +2
                28 January 2014 21: 34
                Quote: GregAzov
                Slavery was in any pagan society. Do you assume that the Slavs killed all the enemies during the battle, and killed their wives and children after the battle?

                These are your speculations.
                1. +6
                  29 January 2014 02: 05
                  Quote: Setrac
                  These are your speculations.

                  Well, why so categorically? You too can be mistaken.
                  And if you turn to known data?

                  In the Western European or Asian sense, the ancient Slavs (or at least most of them) did not have slavery. The Slavs turned captive enemies into "slaves" who lived between them, had their own dwelling and a piece of land; lived the same life, and only at gatherings and veche did not have the right to vote. After 10 years, the "slave" was given a choice: to return to his own people or stay to live with the Slavs. Moreover, these customs were applied only to foreigners. The Slavs who were captured in internecine wars did not turn into "slaves", because all Slavs were considered sons of God and equal to each other.

                  True, this was not always the case. The history of the Slavs is very long, and naturally, changes in customs took place ...
                2. 0
                  29 January 2014 10: 31
                  These are your speculations.
                  Your speculation is less conclusive.
              2. +5
                28 January 2014 21: 40
                Rogneda was a Polotsk princess, not a Polish one!
              3. +3
                29 January 2014 21: 36
                Learn the materiel - there were no slaves in Russia !!! Slavery in Russia brought ROMANOV !!!!!
                Malka was the housekeeper - the main manager of the entire princely court and knew everything in the absence of Princess Olga !!!
                If we take the birth years of Svyatoslav and Vladimir, it turns out that Vladimir was born when Svyatoslav was 13 years old, and he also had two older brothers! And this is impossible, since men, regardless of origin, were allowed to marry only in 21 year! And Vladimir was adopted by Svyatoslav when he needed to send the prince to Novgorod !!! The same as Petr Romanov adopted the Arab Ganibal and married him as his own son !!!
                After the seizure of power in Kiev, Vladimir himself never called himself the Grand Duke, but was called Kogan, remembering who he really was !!! And his Khazar origin did not raise any questions.
            2. anarch
              28 January 2014 21: 49
              Quote: Setrac
              Where does the son of a slave come from in a country where there is no slavery?

              In full took more children.
              Her native brother is Dobrynya Nikitich.
              In those days, only the princes had a middle name.
              So it turns out that Malusha was not just a slave, but a princely daughter.
              1. +2
                29 January 2014 08: 41
                Quote: anarh
                Quote: Setrac
                Where does the son of a slave come from in a country where there is no slavery?

                In full took more children.
                Her native brother is Dobrynya Nikitich.
                In those days, only the princes had a middle name.
                So it turns out that Malusha was not just a slave, but a princely daughter.

                Not Dobrynya Nikitich, but Dobrynya Khazarin.
                I recommend Lev Rudolfovich Prozorov's book "Pagans of Baptized Russia" about how baptism took place, and his other books about the history of Ancient Russia
          2. 0
            28 January 2014 21: 01
            [quote = GregAzov [/ quote] Vladimra Malushu (Mulgerdu) [/ quote]
            And what immediately Volodimir (if you read the annals), and not Voldemar? Yes, and not Yaropolk, but Yarogound, and his father was called Sfentoslau.
            You are kind, do not read all crap, and do not cite adyots as an example.
            You wouldn’t be a minus, but drive away, just leave an account.
          3. +6
            29 January 2014 20: 57
            Rabich, or rather a slave girl, is the son of a slave, as many of her contemporaries called the mother of Vladimra Malusha (Malgerda), but the fatherhood of Svyatoslav has not been disputed by anyone before you.

            You have very peculiar ideas about Russia from the time of Svyatoslav laughing BEFORE THE ROMANOVS, IN RUSSIA, SLAUGHT HAS NOT BEEN !!! There could be no slaves at the court of Svyatoslav! And besides this, there was a custom of adopting adoptive children into the family, after pronouncing the oath of the adoptive father, adopted children were considered equal to their relatives in everything, including the succession to the throne, because contemporaries did not dispute the paternity of Svyatoslav! Mulgerda was a noble Khazarian and held a high position in the management system of the court of the Grand Duke. The Khazars were Jews by religion, and Vladimir was indeed the son of a Jewish priest and Malgerda, many Jewish priests lived in Kiev.
            And the very same princess who refused to Prince Vladimir, Ragned, he first raped in front of her brothers, and then slaughtered her brothers in front of her, then killed her. And for the rape in Russia, right up to Ivan Vasilyevich IV the Great and his Judicial Code, only one punishment was expected - death.
            And about the "great deeds" of Vladimir is written in more than one chronicle.
            So "study materiel", as people like to say on this site, rather than make such inappropriate statements about slavery in Russia.
            1. +2
              29 January 2014 21: 18
              I forgot to say that regarding Orthodoxy, read the preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation - there Orthodoxy and Christianity are not even the same at all.
              1. alexandr00070
                29 January 2014 21: 26
                Quote: Andrey57
                then read the preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation - there Orthodoxy and Christianity are not even the same at all.

                they need to show, not urge to read
                In the preamble to the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”, Orthodoxy and Christianity are separated and non-identical, i.e. carry completely different concepts and knowledge:
                “... The Russian Federation is a secular state,
                Recognizing the special role of Orthodoxy in the history of Russia, in the formation and development of its spirituality and culture,
                respecting Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions, which are an integral part of the historical heritage of the peoples of Russia ... ".
            2. alexandr00070
              29 January 2014 23: 26
              Quote: Andrey57
              And the very same princess who refused to Prince Vladimir, Ragned, he first raped in front of her brothers, and then killed her brothers in front of her, then killed her.

              Well, an adequate Slav will not do this, such atrocities aren’t in the blood, but kosher rituals, which, by the way, include the murder of Christ
        2. 0
          28 January 2014 21: 35
          Rabić is the son of a slave, not a rabbi! Already for one reason, yours, and your highest comrade can see the level of your knowledge!
          1. 0
            28 January 2014 21: 48
            Quote: azkolt
            Rabic is the son of a slave, not a rabbi!

            Well, of course, everything is not so simple, but Vladimir was born not from his wife, but from a concubine from the Khazar Kaganate, where the Jews ruled at that time.
            Sometimes I even think that the Khazar Kaganate is the same "Egypt" from where the Jews were once expelled.
            1. alexandr00070
              29 January 2014 22: 25
              Quote: Setrac
              Sometimes I even think that the Khazar Kaganate is the same "Egypt" from where the Jews were once expelled.

              You're right ,
              Despite the fact that the Jewish religion was not proselytic and consistent Talmudists considered professing Jewish aliens to be “a leprosy of Israel,” the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism is an indisputable, albeit exceptional, historical fact. The Cambridge anonym, however, is trying to pass off the Khazar Jews as Jews from the tribe of Simonov, who have forgotten the faith of their ancestors. In the same way, Eldad Gadani considered the Khazars Jews from the Simon tribe and the Manasiev half tribe, who live “in the country of Kozaraim, far from the Head of the rebels, who belonged to the house of David, found refuge in Palestine, but their associates from the Jewish poor, apparently, escaped together with the Iranian Mazdakites, i.e., they fled to the Caucasus. From this point of view, those deviations from the Jewish religion that we observe in Khazaria are easily explained: the lack of traditional isolation, mixed marriages, a meal with other people of other faiths, etc. This contributed to the spread of Jewish religious beliefs among Caucasians.
              --------- The first Khazar prince who accepted Judaism was called Bulan. He removed from his country fortunetellers and idolatrous inhabitants (priests) and convinced other Khazar princes and the supreme prince (kagan?) To accept the new faith. After this, Bulan, according to a suggestion from above, decided to build a temple and, in order to obtain the treasures necessary for this purpose, launched a raid in the Caucasus. The story also mentions the path to Dralam, under which they see Daryal, and the country Ardvil, apparently the center of Arab Azerbaijan is the city of Ardabil. Bulan devastated it and took a large booty, so he built a tent, an ark, a lamp, a table, an altar and sacred vessels.
            2. +2
              30 January 2014 22: 10
              Can I find out the source of your knowledge? not a single SERIOUS historian has this1 Different versions have been put forward to the point that Malusha was the daughter of Prince Mala, murdered by Olga,. But I hear your version for the first time, can I find out the sources? Just let’s be serious, people who compose history without having any relation to it, like Belinsky in Ukraine, do not interest me!
          2. 0
            28 January 2014 22: 37
            According to your arguments, the level of your ratings is visible.
            1. +2
              28 January 2014 22: 49
              Quote: GregAzov
              According to your arguments, the level of your ratings is visible.

              And what do you think, there was a real country - the Khazar Kaganate, where the Jews ruled, in contrast to the mythical Israel, which until 1953 simply did not exist.
              1. Bezz
                28 January 2014 23: 37
                Quote: Setrac
                Quote: GregAzov
                According to your arguments, the level of your ratings is visible.

                And what do you think, there was a real country - the Khazar Kaganate, where the Jews ruled, in contrast to the mythical Israel, which until 1953 simply did not exist.

                Your opponent is right. The level is minus. State of Israel - Date of Independence 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708) (from Great Britain). Judge not, lest you be judged. (From the New Testament, I don’t remember exactly).
                1. +6
                  28 January 2014 23: 49
                  Quote: Bezz
                  Date of Independence May 14, 1948

                  Yes, I was up to the pager in 1953 or 1948, the fact that until that moment such a state - Israel - did not exist.
              2. 0
                29 January 2014 04: 25
                Quote: GregAzov
                According to your arguments, the level of your ratings is visible.

                Quote: azkolt
                Rabić is the son of a slave, not a rabbi! Already for one reason, yours, and your highest comrade can see the level of your knowledge!

                Quote: Setrac
                And what do you think, there was a real country - the Khazar Kaganate, where the Jews ruled,

                Quote: anarh
                So it turns out that Malusha was not just a slave, but a princely daughter.

                Quote: GregAzov
                Slavery was in any pagan society.

                Who is what much and everyone on his own mind-finish negative
                1. 0
                  29 January 2014 06: 02
                  Sasha, welcome.
                  We accept someone’s side or express your point of view. Or like me, I have to silently observe the dispute. And suddenly there will be serious arguments with links to supporting sources. And so -
                  "How many times have they told the world
                  And to the friendly Lisitsyna words
                  The crow croaked its entire throat:
                  The cheese fell out - there was a cheat with it. "

                  / I.A. Krylov /
              3. +1
                30 January 2014 22: 34
                Dear, you have very poor knowledge of history, if you are not a provocateur. According to many versions, Jews came to Khazaria from Iran and Khorezm. Before that, they came to power for a short time in the Himyarite kingdom. On the territory of modern Yemen. And wherever they came to power, even tacitly, they began to persecute Christians. Precisely Christians, not pagans! In the Himyarite kingdom where they came to power in 517, they began the most severe persecution of Christians. 340 Christians, representatives of noble families, were killed for refusing to convert to Judaism. And only the intervention of the king of the Christian Kushite kingdom saved the Christians. So read serious historians. read Pigulevskaya, Artamonov, Inostrantsev. All along, Judaism has been the main enemy of Christianity. Even treatises were written about this. For example, John Chrysostom "Against the Jews", I recommend!
                1. alexandr00070
                  31 January 2014 00: 07
                  Quote: azkolt
                  so read serious historians

                  of course you have serious rhetoric. for others it’s so --- roadside dust - Jews came from everywhere
                  Since the 6th century, the Khazars have provided shelter in their villages for the Mongol-Turkish Turks, and "they inherited some anthropological and physiological traits from the Turkuts" (1. 373). In the middle of the 7th century, the Khazars gained statehood. As elsewhere in the Caucasus, in their capital, Semender, "there lived Jews who had their own synagogues" (3. 9-64). The Khazar Kaganate settled in one of the important regions of the ecumenical community of those years - at the crossroads of the transcontinental trade route connecting Western Europe with China and the roads from the north of the Great Russian Plain to Baghdad. This was of particular interest to the Jewish trading corporation at that time. At the beginning of the 8th century, rabbis from Byzantium arrived at their co-religionists in Semender, but their mission to convert the Khazars to semi-proselites was unsuccessful. Then the Byzantine rabbis seduced into Judaism the Khazar commander Bulan, who received a new name - Savriel. Then, in 737, Khazaria was attacked by the 150th Arab army, which subjected the Haganat to a brutal pogrom. “The country was devastated. Probably, the situation in the country was seized by the forces associated with the military commander Bulan ”(4. 8). As a result, the ruling kagan was forced to accept Judaism, and provided the Jews with “special advantages” (ibid.). Jewish rahdonite merchants poured into the kaganate.
                  read more
            2. Castor
              29 January 2014 16: 12
              Quote: GregAzov
              According to your arguments, the level of your ratings is visible.

              В laughing high or low?
          3. alexandr00070
            29 January 2014 21: 56
            Quote: azkolt
            Rabić is the son of a slave, not a rabbi! Already for one reason, yours, and your highest comrade can see the level of your knowledge!

            this is what Boris Altshuler writes in his book “The Last Secret of Russia”, translated from German, publishing house “NOY”, Moscow, 1996, p. 247.
            “In“ The Tale of Bygone Years ”there is an interesting story about the origin of Vladimir. His mother was the housekeeper Malusha, who called her father MALK (o). There has been a debate among philologists over this text and its interpretation. It is possible that Malusha was in fact Malka, a Khazar woman with a typical Jewish name. And her father Malik (o) Lyub (e) Chanin bore the Hebrew name. If this assumption is true, then it turns out that the baptizer of Russia was (according to the Mosaic Law) a Jew. Here is this famous fragment of the annals of Nestar:

            “And Dobrynya said:“ Ask Volodymera. ” Volodimer was the son of Malusha, the key keeper of Olga. Malusha was the sister of Dobrynia; her father was MALK (o) Lyub (e) chanin, and Dobrynya was uncle Vladimir. ” (Revision by A. Shakhmatov, 1916; revision by V. Adrianova-Peretz, 1950). ”
            From this message it is clear that the father of Malushi and Dobryni was a certain Malk from the city of Lubech - one of the oldest Russian cities, located 202 versts (215 km) from Kiev and 50 versts (about 53 km) from Chernigov and at first paying tribute to the Khazars, and in 882 captured by Oleg. [Now Lubech is the district center of the Chernihiv region] (See: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron. T. XVIII, St. Petersburg, 1896, p. 209.).
            Since '' Malk '' is a Hebrew name, and the matter took place in pre-Christian Russia, this Malk should be considered either a Jew or a Khazar-Judaist (Malch ... Old. Rare. Rep .: Malkhovich, Malkhovna [from Old Hebrew Melekh - king or mal'akh - angel, messenger] (Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. M. Soviet encyclopedia, 1965, p. 149.)
      2. +13
        28 January 2014 19: 13
        Quote: Andrey57
        Actually, Prince Vladimir was the adopted son of the Grand Duke, his real parents were rabbis, that is, a Jewish priest, and a Khazarian.

        Well, if my memory serves me, I was still the son of Svyatoslav and the housekeeper Malusha. "Named children" without the presence of princely blood did not get a table so easily. dad is not to
        Of course, history is immersed in the darkness of centuries. But such versions are banal "remakes"
      3. 0
        28 January 2014 21: 33
        Where did you get this nonsense? The source can be in the studio, only warn a serious source. And not from prolific Rodnover sites!
      4. anarch
        28 January 2014 21: 43
        Quote: Andrey57
        Actually, Prince Vladimir was the adopted son of the Grand Duke, his rabies were his real parents

        Why so interesting knowledge?
        What ravi brought them to you?
        Again the Internet and articles fabricated overseas?
    3. anarch
      28 January 2014 21: 26
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      I do not agree with the author that the pagans and Rodnovers invent cults. This is not entirely true, there is a Rig Veda, there is a Veles book

      The Veles Book (The Vlesova Book, The Book of Veles, The Vles Book, Vlesknig, The Isenbek Board, The Isenbek Board, Veles Book, Vles Book, abbreviated VK) - a written text, first published in the 1950s by Russian emigrants Yu. P. Mirolyubov and Al. Chicken (A. A. Kurenkov) in San Francisco. According to the stories of Mirolyubov, deducted from wooden boards lost during the war, supposedly created around the XNUMXth century.

      1. First published in the USA in the 50s
      2. No one except the author of these plates have not seen.
      3. For a thousand years, planks existed, but when they fell into the hands of the author, they burned down right away.
      An obvious remake, it is clear who ordered it.

      Why are you, as small children, following the "good uncles" from the States?
      Pseudo-evidence from the Internet is also below all criticism.
      Everything is fabricated: thinner or thicker (depending on the audience they appeal to).

      Who is the criticism of liberal domestic and Western media directed at?
      To the Russian Orthodox Church or to neopaganism?
      In other words :
      All autumn is simple, if you take a closer look.
      1. Bezz
        28 January 2014 23: 44
        The story with the Veles book is a tracing paper from the so-called. books of Mormon. Only there did the gold plates appear to Smith. Now in their heads some kind of "wild porridge".
      2. The comment was deleted.
    4. anarch
      28 January 2014 21: 31
      Quote: anarh
      I really liked the compromise of Christianity with pagan roots in Valentin Ivanov, in his third book, Great Russia.

      The very thing.
      Religion based on works of art to study.
      Then only the story based on Hollywood blockbusters.
      1. +1
        28 January 2014 22: 52
        Quote: anarh
        Then only the story based on Hollywood blockbusters.

        So long ago! And on - too!
    5. +2
      29 January 2014 01: 54
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      The article is neither a plus nor a minus. ...

      As for me, it's more likely a minus than a plus. Why?
      Although the topic is very interesting, it is still so unsteady and underdeveloped that it is unambiguous to state something, give exact dates and interpret events, which means knowingly deceiving yourself and deceiving others.

      Yes, there is a textbook description of this grandiose event, there are versions of history that are currently considered correct. But these are exactly the versions. They leave so many dark places and inconsistencies that when referring to the primary sources, only one thing becomes clear: historians were unambiguously rushing to declare their "discoveries" as the ultimate truth.

      There is a rather interesting book just on this topic - "WHEN KIEV RUSSIA WAS BAPTIZED?" Bulgarian scientist Jordan Tabov (Neva, Olma-Press, 2003, 416 pp.) Of course, this book does not give a 100% correct, final description of Baptism, but it raises the right questions. With the richest citation of the original ancient documents, it becomes clear how the current version of the history of that time is in poor agreement with them.

      Anyone interested would recommend paying attention to this book.
    6. +2
      29 January 2014 02: 40
      I partially agree with you. How is the message of this article essentially different from the statement of the patriarch about pre-Christian Russians as subhumans - "drums" who sat in the swamps? And where did the author get the information that in the Russian Vedic faith it was a tradition to sacrifice babies to wooden idols?
      1. +2
        29 January 2014 11: 35
        Quote: siberalt
        How is the message of this article essentially different from the statement of the patriarch about pre-Christian Russians as subhumans - "drums" who sat in the swamps?

        When did the patriarch say such a thing?
        1. 0
          3 February 2014 23: 01
          When did the patriarch say such a thing?

          Between 44 and 60 seconds.
          1. 0
            4 February 2014 17: 57
            Quote: Kahlan Amnell
            Between 44 and 60 seconds.

            I have already spoken about this. I will repeat it again. For the Byzantines, all the surrounding non-Byzantines were "barbarians". All the surrounding non-Romans were also "barbarians" for the Romans, and moreover, even for the Chinese during the "opium wars" we were "barbarians". So, the patriarch says that Cyril and Methodius went to the barbarians, this is the view from Byzantium and its inhabitants. They say let's go FIG knows where FIG knows to whom. Moreover, the patriarch himself further, especially for you and those like you, says that the Slavs were not barbarians, but you do not want to hear this.
            And, yes, read about Svyatoslav Igorevich, he also calls all non-Russian tribes "barbarians" there. How to be here?
            1. 0
              7 February 2014 09: 15
              Do not play around! The question was: "When did the patriarch say that?"
              I answered you when.
              1. 0
                10 February 2014 14: 21
                Quote: Kahlan Amnell
                Do not play around! The question was: "When did the patriarch say that?"
                I answered you when.

                for 1 min. 36 sec. "but in reality they were never barbarians."
                Everyone hears what he wants. If anyone wants to hear about the "humiliated and insulted" - he will hear about it.
                Sorry if abruptly.
    7. The comment was deleted.
    8. +4
      29 January 2014 04: 22
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      The article is neither a plus nor a minus

      The author puts the baptism of Russia for the good. This, perhaps, when viewed from the standpoint of the present. And why did not the author describe what accompanied this baptism? How did Vladimir instill a new faith in the state with fire and sword? How were pagan settlements burned along with all their inhabitants? How did the warriors of Vladimir cut pagan wooden idols and make fires from them?
      And subsequent church reforms, too, could not do in Russia without much blood. The Old Believers burned themselves in wooden log cabins in order not to accept the new rite, which the state and the church also affirmed by the fire and sword in the Russian state.
      So, dear author, if you decide to analyze something, then you need to display all sides. And the "pros" and "cons".
      1. +4
        29 January 2014 11: 32
        Quote: Kombitor
        How did Vladimir instill a new faith in the state with fire and sword? How were pagan settlements burned along with all their inhabitants?

        Are you delusional? What "fire and sword"? Do you really believe that ONE squad of the prince could really go ALL RUSSIA and force everyone to be baptized ??? Then remember what you did to Prince Igor, and he did not encroach on the foundations and traditions. He only collected tribute. And here are two conclusions - either the Slavs were really not against Christianity, or the Slavs were cowards who, seeing the glint of the sword, rushed into the river to be baptized. Which option do you like best? For me personally - the first, because I did not consider the Slavs and the Russians to be cowards and do not consider them.
        1. alexandr00070
          29 January 2014 12: 03
          Quote: Trapper7
          Do you really believe that ONE squad of the prince could really go through ALL RUSSIA

          You probably understand the concept of "all Russia" from Kiev to Vladivostok Read the history. The prince was hired, chosen, called up with a squad (professional soldiers) to protect settlements, the rest of the population was engaged in a craft. And when the guarantor of a quiet life relying on bayonets, decides to change Faith, who will tell him what, (in Kushchevka, one family with powers of power, cronies and brothers, kept the whole district in fear (on the territory of the same Kiev region of those years), so talk about the prince with the squad and those democratic laws) take off your rose-colored glasses. For 20 years, such reforms were pushed in, so they bent down and whoever squeaked besides kosher ones, and by the way, religion is being implanted even now from Christianity to United Russia, because the Party is also a clan, a sect, because in order to become a leader (municipal, ... ... fu the word, then what) you MUST join the EP, and then, to please the head of the link, stand higher with a candle at the services with a despondent face (well, then everyone goes to drink (the duty is given to fashion)) so introduce any ideology based on force ................ EASY.
        2. -2
          29 January 2014 12: 04
          Quote: Trapper7
          Are you delusional? What "fire and sword"? Do you really believe that ONE squad of the prince could really go ALL RUSSIA and force everyone to be baptized ???

          Behind him was the power of all of Europe, baptists from all Christian countries. There was such a Golden Order among Christians, which was specially created for the Christianization of the Slavs. Apparently, during the Christianization of Russia, the invasion was like under Napoleon or Hitler.
          1. +1
            30 January 2014 22: 57
            Nonsense! Archaeologists in one Rostov the Great trace the simultaneous peaceful existence of two ends, Christian and pagan! The pagans were usually Meria, the Slavs Christians. In Kiev, 100 years before the baptism of Rus, whole layers of Christian burial places were found, that is, Kievans not only knew about this religion, but also actively participated in Christian life. There was a temple, it seems in honor of Elijah the prophet, who was later burnt by Svyatoslav. To whom Olga offered to be baptized. He refused on the pretext. that he was ridiculed by a squad recruited in the northern lands, where Christianity had not yet reached. I repeat again, read serious literature!
        3. Shind
          29 January 2014 17: 06
          Are you delusional? What "fire and sword"?

          And when they destroyed almost everyone who remembered how our ancestors lived, they took up books about our ancient culture. Under Aleksei Mikhailovich, they burned so many books that they took away some copper buckles with bonfires. What for? What was there in these books? And as the Solovetsky Monastery did not want to give its books and was besieged for more than six years, and when it could not survive and was taken, all who were there were outweighed and the books burned. But what kind of books are such that people gave their lives for them! And then there was the creation of the Russian Academy, where during the first 100 years there were practically no Russian history scholars (only three). And foreign academics had free access to any archive. And what they did there, we now know. They destroyed our memory and knowledge that our ancestors left. And how did Lomonosov begin to protest, and for this whole year he sat in casemates? For what? What would we remember - WHO WE ARE. And religion has its own interests. Until we repent from the priests, we will be slaves and sheep. I am for restoring bit by bit the knowledge of our ancestors, and asking myself more questions and looking for answers to them. Remember, we are RUSES!
          1. alexandr00070
            29 January 2014 17: 21
            Quote: shind
            And as the Solovetsky Monastery did not want to give its books and was besieged for more than six years, and when it could not stand it and was taken, all who were there were outweighed and the books burned.

            almost everything is true, only this was under Peter 1
            1. Shind
              29 January 2014 21: 31
              And under Peter 1, not only that was. In December 1699, decree N1735 was issued according to which the Slavic Vedic calendar, and then went 7208 from the creation of the world, was canceled and the count of years was begun from 1700. So with one stroke of the pen, we took 5508 years. And now we don’t remember anything. And the phrase “creation of the world” then signified the end of the most difficult war. And they exhort us that we are wild. And we speak the RUSSIAN language, where each word has its own internal meaning. And to create such a language - both for the research of geneticists and for the study of linguists - it takes more than one hundred thousand years. And then what kind of worldview did our ancestors have? What did they know about the world around them? What did you know how to do? And we all argue about Christianity. Yes, everything was taken away from us - both memory and knowledge! Now our greatest wealth is our RUSSIAN language! A lot of what is hidden there. Wake up RUS!
              1. 0
                29 January 2014 21: 46
                Quote: shind
                Vedic calendar, and then 7208 was from the creation of the world,

                I will clarify from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.
                1. alexandr00070
                  29 January 2014 23: 28
                  Quote: Setrac
                  I will clarify from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

                  I will also do my bit, as you said with a demotivator
              2. +1
                30 January 2014 10: 13
                Quote: shind
                And under Peter 1, not only that was. In December 1699, a decree N1735 was issued according to which the Slavic Vedic calendar, and then 7208 was the year from the creation of the world, was canceled and the counting of years was started from 1700. So with one stroke of the pen 5508 years were taken from us. And now we don’t remember anything.

                Well, please do not generalize)))
                And by the way, nothing that these same 5508 years completely coincide with the Bible date? And the fact that the Church, as it were, did not refuse this date and continues to use it. So not everything is so bad, just knowledge needs to be expanded in all directions, and not in one only. I think you will find many more interesting discoveries)))
                1. Shind
                  30 January 2014 16: 26
                  The dates are different. There is simply a suppression of information. For example, the Chandar plate with an accurate geographic map on it is dated to be more than 100 thousand years old, and the Slavic settlement of Kostenki, near Voronezh, is 50-62 thousand years old. And also a very interesting book by VA Chudinov "Russian Runes"!
                  How old is actually the SLAVIC KIND? And how many of them did he live guided by his conscience, without Christianization? Now war after war, extermination of people after extermination.
                  And now the most interesting is our history textbook, both old and new. It is he who is called to educate the patriot and defender of the Fatherland. And what can be read about the life of the Slavs before 988? We were wild. Where is the truth? Without Truth there will be nothing. We can quickly live to see our maidan in Moscow.
                  1. 0
                    31 January 2014 10: 52
                    The dates are different. There is simply a suppression of information. For example, the Chandar plate with an accurate geographic map on it is dated to be more than 100 thousand years old, and the Slavic settlement of Kostenki, near Voronezh, is 50-62 thousand years old. And also a very interesting book by VA Chudinov "Russian Runes"!
                    Urgently galloperidol! Aggravation!

                    1. The STONE from which the slab you mentioned is made not thousands, but many millions of years. 100 thousand years old, the image on this stove is put only by alternative kitchen "scientists". With the same success, I can state that since the age of the granite of the paving stones of the Red Square is millions of years, the area itself is the same age. wassat
                    2. Kostenki - never one parking lot. There are up to 14 cultural layers with different dates. The upper layer "Kostenki-1" dates back 20-22 thousand years. The earliest "Kostenki-14" is up to 40-42 thousand years old. And than. Who calls this object Slavic ?! belay fool
                    Let’s not be shy, just call ancient UKR. It’s for them today we have 100 thousand years.
                    March to school (even if the age has not been school for a long time)!

                    You can live up to the Moscow Maidan only if there are a lot of such HISToriks (as well as Inzhinerov, Aesculapius and other professions). God forbid!
                    1. Shind
                      3 February 2014 20: 50
                      The first Chandar plate was discovered in 1999 by the professor of Bashkir University Alexander Chuvyrov. On the plate is a three-dimensional map of the Bashkir mountains. The plate consists of three layers: the lower one is dolomite, the middle one is a material similar to diopside glass, and the upper one is very durable calcium porcelain. The middle layer - this is the relief map of the area, made with all the hills, canyons, deep reliefs of water spaces. The method of creating the middle layer is unknown to modern science. According to experts from the Center for Historical Cartography from the United States, such a map could only be created using aerospace imagery. To study the Chandar Plate, a commission was created from the chairman - world chess champion Anatoly Karpov, as well as famous scientists such as the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy and member of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Derevyanko, as well as a number of representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The efforts of A. Karpov organized space photography. At the request of the Military Topographical Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, a response dated December 1, 2007, signed by the head of the department, Lieutenant General Valery Filatov, was received: (I give an excerpt) “At your request, the submitted materials were examined to identify the surface depicted on the stone slab , and work was carried out to study the archaeological find. On this issue, we report the following. A relief is depicted on the surface of the slab, which generally corresponds to the southwestern spurs of the Bashkir upland with some displacement of the channels of the water arteries of the indicated region. ”
                      And here are some more reviews.
                      Vladimir Karandashov, member of the commission, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: - “An exciting problem. I think the fragment is man-made. And it belonged to an ancient civilization, about which we still do not know anything. "
                      Denis Vasiliev, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, specialist in theoretical mechanics, lecturer at Bashkir State University: - The “farm” depicted on the map is a huge work of a planetary scale. At the current level of scientific and technological progress, such facilities cannot be built in a short period of time. Their creators either lived long or owned amazing technology. ”
                      A large article on this topic was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda in 2009. A lot of interesting information about the time of creating the middle layer of the slab can be found on the Internet.
                      You, abrakadabre, obviously do not want the truth about the Chandar plate and the map placed on it to become public. You probably have the truth of the ancient about the culture of Russia - across the throat. And the appearance of an article on baptism .. on IN direct evidence of this. Other times are coming.
        4. Shind
          29 January 2014 17: 06
          Are you delusional? What "fire and sword"?

          And when they destroyed almost everyone who remembered how our ancestors lived, they took up books about our ancient culture. Under Aleksei Mikhailovich, they burned so many books that they took away some copper buckles with bonfires. What for? What was there in these books? And as the Solovetsky Monastery did not want to give its books and was besieged for more than six years, and when it could not survive and was taken, all who were there were outweighed and the books burned. But what kind of books are such that people gave their lives for them! And then there was the creation of the Russian Academy, where during the first 100 years there were practically no Russian history scholars (only three). And foreign academics had free access to any archive. And what they did there, we now know. They destroyed our memory and knowledge that our ancestors left. And how did Lomonosov begin to protest, and for this whole year he sat in casemates? For what? What would we remember - WHO WE ARE. And religion has its own interests. Until we repent from the priests, we will be slaves and sheep. I am for restoring bit by bit the knowledge of our ancestors, and asking myself more questions and looking for answers to them. Remember, we are RUSES!
          1. 0
            30 January 2014 17: 51
            Try Phenibut, dear.
    9. Sergey XXX
      29 January 2014 05: 38
      The author reminded us that Christianity (in comparison with previous religious worldviews) rallied our people, consolidated statehood, raised morality to a higher level, invested in us everything that we still live in our souls and now, whether or not we believe in of God, and pointed out that the part of our people that is trying to return the lost ancient faith or is looking for another, does not just fall into heresy, but takes a step back to the primitive in everything FOR THE END OF OUR ENEMIES. In this sense, the call is timely (perhaps even late) and deserves the attention of both believers and atheists. Plus the article.
      1. Sergey XXX
        31 January 2014 18: 41
        He wrote common truths ..., but supporters of ideas like Fomenko and Nosovsky seem to be minus. Indeed :-)) we become like "ancient ukram". And sects always, according to the results, not only become a tool for pumping out money (almost all human associations sin with this), but also act contrary to the interests of the state, and more often directly to the detriment, regardless of the clothes in which they dress.
  2. +8
    28 January 2014 15: 45
    Recently I read an article that the number of Orthodox Christians in Africa is growing, especially in Kenya, and so it means "The Russian Land will grow in Africa."
    1. -1
      28 January 2014 16: 49
      Quote: RUSS
      Recently I read an article that the number of Orthodox Christians in Africa is growing, especially in Kenya, and so it means "The Russian Land will grow in Africa."

      The number of Orthodox Christians is apparently growing. Here the main word is "Christians", not "Orthodox". Unfortunately, the Russian Orthodox Church has long been NOT ORTHODOX. It's just called that.
      1. Salamander
        28 January 2014 17: 33
        Quote: Setrac
        Quote: RUSS
        Recently I read an article that the number of Orthodox Christians in Africa is growing, especially in Kenya, and so it means "The Russian Land will grow in Africa."

        The number of Orthodox Christians is apparently growing. Here the main word is "Christians", not "Orthodox". Unfortunately, the Russian Orthodox Church has long been NOT ORTHODOX. It's just called that.

        Interestingly, and what religion is not only called, but also undeniably Orthodox? It is impossible to prove whether the religion is Orthodox or not. Everyone decides for himself.
        1. +3
          28 January 2014 17: 39
          Quote: Salamander
          Interestingly, and what religion is not only called, but also undeniably Orthodox?

          In general, the natives of Australia call themselves * the only real people * - and believe in it.
          In general, the Orthodox are called everywhere - the Orthodox Christians.
          In the official language of the church and state on the territory of Russia, the term "Orthodox" began to be used in the late XIV - early XV centuries, and the most active terms "Orthodox" and "Orthodoxy" came into use in the XVI century. [11] In relation to the concept of “faith”, the ancient annalistic sources also used such epithets as “immaculate”, “Christian”, “right”, “orthodox”, “God”, “true”, “God-given”, “pious”, “ the most pure ”, etc. [11]
          1. +3
            28 January 2014 17: 56
            Quote: atalef
            In general, the Orthodox are called everywhere - the Orthodox Christians.

            The term Orthodoxy comes from two terms - Praise the Right.
            1. +5
              28 January 2014 20: 03
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              The term Orthodoxy comes from two terms - Praise the Right

              You get some kind of neopaganism, do not read all sorts of pagan sites. Orthodoxy as a term comes from the words correctly (i.e., true) to praise (of course, God).
              In the official language of the church and the state on the territory of Russia, the term "Orthodox" began to be used in the late XIV - early XV centuries, and the most actively used terms "Orthodox" and "Orthodoxy" in the XVI century (Kolosov V.A., Pavlova T. I. On the etymology of the terms “Orthodox” and “Orthodoxy”).
              The words "Orthodox" and "Orthodox" (as applied to faith) are synonymous.
              Actually important is not the etymology and pun, but their meaning.
              1. +5
                28 January 2014 20: 19
                Quote: Zapasnoy
                Actually important is not the etymology and pun, but their meaning.

                Some time ago, the word L.O.X was an abbreviation of the whole sentence, and was circulated only among criminals. Now it is pronounced on TV, and made a synonym for the words of a simpleton. So the meaning of the words is changing. The etymology of the Russian language conceals a much deeper meaning of words than it seems at first glance. hi
              2. +7
                28 January 2014 21: 21
                I support you and want to add a little that historically Orthodoxy as a term appears after an attempt to conclude a treacherous union between the western and eastern churches.
                The meaning of Uniate becomes clear from the Creed, which lists all the dogmas of the Church. Among them is the ONE APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Hence, the true Christian church must have continuity from the apostles and not be separated, as the Western church did.
                1. +2
                  29 January 2014 11: 36
                  The meaning of Uniate becomes clear from the Creed, which lists all the dogmas of the Church.
                  The meaning of Uniatism is different. Dogmatic design is only an external decent design of economic and political motives.

                  On the part of the Popes, this is a desire to subordinate Orthodoxy to their jurisdiction. Both politically and materially.

                  On the part of the Uniate Church, this is a compromise recognition of one’s own weakness and a desire to become a full-fledged elite in the then Commonwealth. And do not suffer from bending down by the Polish authorities and the Catholic branch of Christianity. It’s a compromise because, firstly, for half a century, within the framework of Orthodoxy, they shouted that the Pope was a schismatic and a radish and taught this to their parishioners — turning backward is dumb for pride, and secondly, parishioners may not understand such a sharp turn in the doctrine and politics of the church and they can put on a count - which is very painful and does not contribute to longevity.
              3. alexandr00070
                29 January 2014 12: 27
                Quote: Zapasnoy
                In the official language of the church and state on the territory of Russia, the term "Orthodox" began to be used in the late XIV - early XV centuries, and the most active terms "Orthodox" and "Orthodoxy" came into use in the XVI century

                And you are aware that Christianity in Russia was long before the introduction of your terms in the late XIV - early XV centuries, you are aware that there are annals and other sources that reveal the lives of Christians in Russia from the 800s and earlier. Too little to argue
                1. -2
                  29 January 2014 12: 37
                  Quote: alexandr00070
                  And you are aware that Christianity in Russia was long before the introduction of your terms in the late XIV - early XV centuries, you are aware that there are annals and other sources that reveal the lives of Christians in Russia from the 800s and earlier. Too little to argue

                  You see, there is an astronomical object that allows you to accurately date the "Nativity of Christ" - this is what the Bible calls the "Star of Bethlehem" and now it is the Crab Nebula.
                  About a thousand years ago, a supernova exploded relatively near the Earth, which apparently was called the Star of Bethlehem on the Earth, now an expanding Crab nebula in that place.
                  Apparently the history of religion in a single god will have to be reviewed.
                  1. +3
                    29 January 2014 13: 18
                    You see, there is an astronomical object that allows you to accurately date the "Nativity of Christ" - this is what the Bible calls the "Star of Bethlehem" and now it is the Crab Nebula.
                    Everything is clear about your linguistic knowledge :)
                    Do not meddle in astronomy. Everything is much more complicated there than you think so. And God forbid you (or Gd, or Perun, as you prefer) to connect the Crab Nebula (M1) with the Star of Bethlehem.
                    Better go to the library more often.
                    1. -2
                      29 January 2014 13: 24
                      Quote: abrakadabre
                      And God forbid you (or Gd, or Perun, as you prefer) to connect the Crab Nebula (M1) with the Star of Bethlehem.

                      And what is stopping you? Are there any more serious arguments besides your reluctance?
                      1. +1
                        29 January 2014 13: 53
                        And what is stopping you? Are there any more serious arguments besides your reluctance?
                        Serious arguments are in the library. This is no less than a couple of shelves of weighty books in several branches of knowledge for serious study. The format of the forum will not allow to state these arguments here in full. And the level of your trust in the knowledge accumulated by official science will not allow you to take it for now. Go for it! Seeker let him find it.
                      2. 0
                        29 January 2014 14: 02
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        And the level of your trust in the knowledge accumulated by official science will not allow you to take it for now.

                        Nobody in science except you operates with such concepts as trust, in science there is evidence, or there is none, trust has nothing to do with it.
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        Serious arguments are in the library.

                        Well, of course, someone doubted if you don’t have your own opinion why are you writing something here, the writers' opinion can be learned without your participation.
                      3. Castor
                        29 January 2014 16: 15
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        Serious arguments are in the library.

                        Go to the library, take an astronomy textbook and read. Science says it is an event - a new explosion.
                      4. +1
                        30 January 2014 09: 13
                        Go, go. And read about the M1. And about the dates of observation of the outbreak, and about the observations of this phenomenon, reflected in the annals of different peoples, and much more ...
                        It is enough for me to reach out and remove a book from the bookshelf in order to refresh one moment or another, date or formula in my memory. And astronomy, and history, and religions of the world, and much more.

                        Don’t teach me. I myself have been doing this every day for over thirty years in a row. And everyone is not tired of learning new things.

                        It is painful to look at this terry dawn of militant pseudoscience.
                    2. -2
                      29 January 2014 13: 25
                      Quote: abrakadabre
                      Better go to the library more often.

                      Talk to women more often.
                      1. +2
                        29 January 2014 13: 56
                        Talk to women more often.
                        Thank. Daily. Married, you know.
                  2. alexandr00070
                    30 January 2014 11: 09
                    Quote: Setrac
                    Apparently the history of religion in a single god will have to be reviewed.

                    probably in the framework of another site, today I was reset and all comments were deleted, the dream of A. Romanov came true
                2. 0
                  29 January 2014 13: 09
                  Christianity in Russia was long before the introduction of your terms
                  It was, but it was not the state religion.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. anarch
              28 January 2014 21: 56
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              The term Orthodoxy comes from two terms - Praise the Right.

              Well no.
              RIGHT GLORY.
            4. -1
              29 January 2014 11: 14
              The term Orthodoxy comes from two terms - Praise the Right.
              Bullshit. Sorry for the expressiveness. They would be ashamed to exhibit such nonsense.
              Orthodox (s, -naya) is a literal translation of the Greek term "orthodox", meaning "correct teaching." With regard to Christianity - the original, not accepting the errors accumulated in dogmas and rituals.

              By the way, our Orthodox Church officially considers itself Orthodox Catholic (or Catholic). Which in translation from Greek means the Correct (initial) Universal (universal)... The current Catholic Church, headed by the bishop (archbishop) of Rome, the Pope, calls itself the same way. The Orthodox Church dignity "patriarch" is essentially translated into Russian as PAPA (father). So, if all the terms are translated into one language, then along with the Pope in Europe, the Pope of Moscow is in charge of our religion. The Pope of Constantinople is sitting in Istanbul. And there are also the patriarchs of Antioch, Jerusalem, and God forbid the memory of another 12-15 such Popes.

              If we discard all dogmatic husk, then the schism of the church in the 11th century revolved not around dogmas, but around banal dough and power. In this vein, the positions of the parties come down to:

              1. Bishop of Rome (aka the archbishop of Rome, aka the Pope) - I am the most important Christian - the viceroy of God on earth. The rest of the Christians, including bishops of all ranks, are my subordinates and must obey me. I must steer the church tithe on a global scale. And whoever is against is a schismatic or even a heretic. Anathema, bonfire and other intelligible arguments cry for this.

              1. The Bishop of Constantinople (aka the Archbishop of Constantinople, aka the Patriarch of Constantinople) - a bishop of Rome with his claims to the primacy and to our share the dough from church tithes takes on unnecessary and can go to x ... or w ... looking for personal preferences. Each bishop (or archbishop) in his diocese is the most important and his own viceroy of God on earth and a shepherd of souls of parishioners. The dough and the authorities will not give up. With best wishes hellish torment for pride and money-grubbing ... Anathema to help him ...

              All other insinuations are nonsense. Your version is from laziness in self-education, or from excessive consumption of substances.
              1. -4
                29 January 2014 11: 38
                Quote: abrakadabre
                Orthodox (s, -naya) is a literal translation of the Greek term "orthodox", meaning "correct teaching."

                An interesting word is ORTHODOX, ortho is direct, correct, and dox is opinion, teaching. And let's look for one-root words: HORT, ORD, ORDER, ORDnung, aORT, CHART.
                Orthodox can still be understood as the teachings of the horde, or the Horde religion.
                1. +2
                  29 January 2014 12: 02
                  An interesting word is ORTHODOX, ortho is direct, correct, and dox is opinion, teaching. And let's look for one-root words: HORT, ORD, ORDER, ORDnung, aORT, CHART.
                  Orthodox can still be understood as the teachings of the horde, or the Horde religion.
                  Oh, how everything is running!
                  You also proclaim the English "CUNT" and the Turkic "KANT" in the same root words. And on the basis of this pair of words, invent a theory about the relationship between the Anglo-Saxons and the Turks. And also about the philosophical allegory and synonymy of these two concepts.
                  1. 0
                    29 January 2014 12: 07
                    Quote: abrakadabre
                    And invent on the basis of this couple of words the theory of the relatedness of the Anglo-Saxons and Turks.

                    What does the Türks have to do with the word Horde? This is not a Turkic word.
                    1. +1
                      29 January 2014 12: 25
                      What does the Türks have to do with the word Horde? This is not a Turkic word.
                      And where does the series you cited here:
                      Horde, ORDER, ORDnung, aorta,

                      Clinic, in a word.
                      Why do you take the word "Türks" cited by me out of the given context and insert it into your own context? Let's not discuss the origin of the word "horde".
                      Your discussion technique is an example of demagogy.
                      1. -2
                        29 January 2014 12: 31
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        Why do you take the word "Türks" cited by me out of the given context and insert it into your own context?

                        There is nothing to answer, you do not affirm anything, you do not refute anything.

                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        You still proclaim the English "CUNT" and the Turkic "KANT" in the same root words.

                        Do not tell me what to do and I won’t tell you where to go.

                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        You still proclaim the English "CUNT" and the Turkic "KANT" in the same root.

                        They are clearly of the same root, and why do you think that these two words have different origins?
                      2. +2
                        29 January 2014 13: 20
                        They are clearly of the same root, and why do you think that these two words have different origins?

                        So, knowing the translation of both words, vague doubts torment me. And you?
                      3. -3
                        29 January 2014 13: 27
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        Yes, knowing the translation of both words

                        I'm happy for you.

                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        vague doubts torment me.

                        And for you too.
                      4. +2
                        29 January 2014 14: 00
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        Yes, knowing the translation of both words

                        I'm happy for you.

                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        vague doubts torment me.

                        And for you too.

                        Eeeee, finish with the substances ...
                      5. 0
                        29 January 2014 14: 16
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        Eeeee, finish with the substances ...

                        Well, how can you call blAgAnous grass "substances".
                  2. alexandr00070
                    29 January 2014 14: 10
                    Quote: abrakadabre
                    You still proclaim the English "CUNT" and the Turkic "KANT" in the same root words.

                    you read at least one book about the history of the area where Russia and Europe formed, the history of the formation of languages, the history of the migration of peoples in this territory, the genetic studies of the peoples of these territories, and then make statements. (You will make many discoveries for yourself ( just for fun, the chain ...... the Anglo-Saxons defeated the Britons .... and before that they were under Attila (according to some sources, Turk) -that's your KANT in the English dictionary ... then the German tribes rebelled, after Attila’s death, and then left for Britain, but the words could have stayed .. you couldn’t deny it.
                    1. +1
                      29 January 2014 14: 48
                      here and your KANT in the English dictionary
                      Do you know the translation of both words?
                      CUNT (English) - a swear word, meaning that a woman has between her legs. Therefore, all English-speaking neigh when they hear that the Russian base in Kyrgyzstan is located in Kant.
                      KANT (Turk.) - sugar. The city of the same name, founded in 1934 and where the Russian base in Kyrgyzstan is located, is named after the sugar factory.
                      1. -1
                        29 January 2014 14: 58
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        swear word, meaning that the woman has between her legs. Therefore, all English-speaking neigh when they hear that the Russian base in Kyrgyzstan is located in Kant.

                        Do you think the woman has something bad between her legs? Interestingly, and these your "English-speaking" have sex, or are they already all homosexual and the fact that a woman between her legs is bad for them?
                      2. Castor
                        29 January 2014 16: 17
                        Quote: Setrac
                        Do you think a woman has something bad between her legs?

                        Two misogynists put down the cons.
              2. alexandr00070
                29 January 2014 13: 40
                Quote: abrakadabre
                the schism of the church in the 11th century revolved not around dogmas, but around banal dough and power.

                Your position is not clear, you have now omitted the main priests, and criticized your opponent for "paganism", who are you, who are you for. UNCERTAIN. And the Church of Christ was originally called ... ... the Catholic Church ... but then just that and the paths diverged, the Catholics say that they are true and fool people by setting them up for enmity to other areas of Christianity, the "Orthodox", in turn, set their adherents to irreconcilably defend their .. true position. And you just took and revealed the real reasons for the enmity ...........
                1. +1
                  29 January 2014 14: 12
                  Your position is incomprehensible
                  Yes, everything seems clear. My position - "The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters"
                  Whether it be Perun-shaped monsters, Vedic Torah, or Quranic or Orthodox-Catholic, does not matter. These are just skins. The bottom line is that monsters are monsters. Some are more toothy in our time, others are more harmless. Give any of them power, strength and impunity, all will show their essence.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
              3. +2
                29 January 2014 21: 45
                By the way, our Orthodox Church officially considers itself Orthodox Catholic (or Catholic). Which in translation from Greek means the Correct (initial) Universal (universal).

                Catholic - means correct or faithful
              4. 0
                30 January 2014 23: 06
                A bit wrong. By that time, a mistake in translating the Creed into Latin led to the appearance of a fileokwe, which means the descent of the Holy Spirit from Jesus Christ, which later led to the recognition of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. With what the Eastern Church could not agree. Although the material question was also present
                1. alexandr00070
                  31 January 2014 00: 09
                  Quote: azkolt
                  With what the Eastern Church could not agree. Although the material question was also present

                  the main question is the main thing in the Jewish faith
                2. 0
                  4 February 2014 10: 50
                  With what the Eastern Church could not agree. Although the material question was also present
                  The material and dogmatic parts of the problem were equal. Because at that time there were no unbelieving atheists. Especially in the leadership of the church. Everyone believed. But the blessed ones, for whom the material and power component, categorically could not advance to high posts in the bureaucratic church machine. Just because of the lack of ambition. And they sat so blessed in monasteries, deserts, and other hermitages. A terry careerists steered from religion. Therefore, material and power were not an empty sound for them. Again, by virtue of ambition.
                  So it was, is and will be at all times.
            5. alexandr00070
              29 January 2014 12: 20
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              The term Orthodoxy comes from two terms - Praise the Right.

              Damn I never thought that I would stand up for a man with the Israeli flag, and so in the phrase itself he is right (In foreign sources they say so: Russian Orthodox Church.)
              The site examined in detail the question of how "orthodoxy" was transformed into "Orthodoxy". 79 annalistic documents are analyzed and the following conclusions are made:

              1. In the documents of the XIV century, in relation to the concept of “faith”, the term Orthodoxy does not occur, but epithets are applied - true, Christian, right and true. But when describing the life of Alexander Nevsky, the term Orthodox is used, but Alexander Nevsky was a “pagan” for Christians;
              2. In the Tale of Bygone Years on the Lavrentievsky List, the term Orthodox faith is used to describe the dangers of the sorcery and death of Prince Oleg the Prophet (912), i.e. several decades before the baptism of Russia (!);
              3. Until the XNUMXth century, the term “faithful” occurs much more often than “Orthodox,” then a gradual replacement of the terms begins;
              4. Since the sixteenth century, the tendency to replace terms has markedly increased, and the terms are sometimes used inappropriately, which can be considered as a result of their targeted introduction “from above”, without a full understanding of the meaning. The term "Orthodox" includes already 29 concepts, including the concept of "land". Everyone who professes Christianity is beginning to be considered Orthodox, even Moses is called Orthodox;
              5. By the beginning of the XVII century, the use of the term “faithful” had practically ceased;

              In the XVII century, there was a split in the “Russian Church”. Many believe that the true goal of the reforms of Patriarch Nikon was precisely to erase from the memory of the people the original meaning of the Right of Orthodoxy, to end the period of double faith, when faithful Christians coexisted tolerantly and with respect for each other, or as Old Believers - Righteous Christians call themselves, and Old Believers - Orthodox Slavs.
              1. 0
                29 January 2014 13: 32
                This is written in foreign sources: Russian Orthodox Church
                It makes no sense to breed such a complicated theory. It is enough to simply translate all three words into the RUSSIAN language:
                Russian - Russian (translation from English)
                Orthodox - Orthodox (or Orthodox, if you want - a word borrowed from Greek)
                Church - church (translated from English)

                And you don’t have to invent anything abstruse.
                1. alexandr00070
                  29 January 2014 15: 05
                  Quote: abrakadabre
                  It is enough to simply translate all three words into the RUSSIAN language:

                  orthodox adjective

                  Orthodox -orthodox
                  orthodox -orthodox
                  Orthodox - faithful
                  generally accepted --- 0common, conventional, accepted, standard, general, orthodox

                  when translating everything became clear
                  1. 0
                    29 January 2014 15: 12
                    when translating everything became clear
                    Q.E.D. And as you can see, without any detailed excursions to distant distances
                    1. alexandr00070
                      29 January 2014 15: 38
                      Quote: abrakadabre
                      Q.E.D. And as you can see, without any detailed excursions to distant distances

                      that is, you are not confused by the multiple translation of this word and the interpretation of each translation as a dogma

                      Orthodoxy (from the Greek ὀρθοδοξία - "direct opinion", "direct teaching", "orthodoxy"; <Greek όςρθός ("direct", "correct") + δόξα ("to think", "to believe", "opinion" [1 ])) - firmness in faith or adherence to any doctrine or worldview, support for accepted positions, conservatism [2], a type of religious consciousness, as opposed to any modernism and reformism. In a broad sense, orthodoxy is a religious or philosophical position that is believed to be exactly in accordance with the literal and original understanding of a particular teaching. In such cases, they talk about the orthodox Christian faith, Judaism, Islam, various directions of Buddhism, Lutheranism, Marxism.
                      Here about Orthodoxy is not a word
                      In Christianity, "orthodoxy" implies a steady adherence to the dogmas of faith, the foundations of dogma and basic traditions. At the same time, the external sides of the ritual side and the insignificant local traditions can change, accepted by the hierarchy and believers.
                      In the scientific literature on the history of Christianity, “orthodoxy” refers to the supporters of the Nicene Creed, “Nicene”, as a contrast to the Arians [4]. This expression is not related to the modern contrast between Orthodoxy and Catholicism that arose after the Great schism, and is used synonymously with the term "Catholics" (in the Russian tradition also "catholics").
                      Afiget how everything became clear
                      The earliest written use of the word “Orthodoxy” on the territory of Russia is recorded in the “Word on Law and Grace” (1037-1050) of Metropolitan Hilarion:
          2. +4
            28 January 2014 22: 55
            Quote: atalef
            In general, the natives of Australia call themselves * the only real people * - and believe in it.

            Perhaps the English at one time when they found out about this they were very offended by this and did not consider the native Australians to be people at all, and since the mainland is empty and does not belong to anyone, then the state that discovered it was declaring it to be its territory according to the then laws. This is just a joke .... although not everywhere. smile
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. antinon
          28 January 2014 20: 59
          In Russia, Orthodox Christians called themselves true believers, and the Orthodox denomination called the Orthodox Christian faith. The word "Orthodoxy" was first mentioned in the "Epistle of Metropolitan Photius of Pskov", 1410-1417, the phrase "Orthodox Christianity" - in the Pskov First Chronicle in 1450. The replacement of the name "Christian Orthodox Faith" with "Orthodoxy" was carried out during the reforms of Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century.
          1. alexandr00070
            29 January 2014 14: 12
            Quote: antinon
            The replacement of the name "Christian Orthodox Faith" with "Orthodoxy" was carried out during the reforms of Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century.

            Well, short and clear
      2. +5
        28 January 2014 18: 11
        Actually, the term "Orthodox" was introduced into everyday life by Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, until the Soviet era it was never called such fellow
        If you are not too lazy to find in Tyrnet the pre-revolutionary name of the Russian Church, then you will be surprised a lot laughing since she was Orthodox .... and not Orthodox. Orthodoxy, as the faith of the ancestors who praised the Right, has nothing to do with Christianity; Orthodoxy was destroyed by the Romanovs, who carried out church reform for this. at the same time, Orthodox and Old Believers fell under the hand.
        1. anarch
          28 January 2014 22: 09
          Quote: Andrey57
          Actually, the term "Orthodox" was introduced into everyday life by Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, until the Soviet era it was never called such

          Yes Yes .
          And for the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, too, JV Stalin coined the name.
          Where do you gain such exotic knowledge?
      3. +2
        28 January 2014 19: 40
        It is very interesting who and when deprived Orthodoxy of the Russian Church. If possible in more detail with facts, dates and surnames.
        1. -6
          28 January 2014 19: 50
          Quote: GregAzov
          It is very interesting who and when deprived Orthodoxy of the Russian Church. If possible in more detail with facts, dates and surnames.

          She deprived herself of herself, Nikonean reform, much more!
          1. +6
            28 January 2014 20: 59
            Niconian reform? And what is it. If you are talking about a split, it happened after the trial of Nikon. Nikon’s actions themselves didn’t have any particular changes. He only tried to put the Church above the state, which Alexei Mikhailovich did not give him to do, and even bring external moments and liturgical texts to a Greek look. However, he did not change any dogma of the Church. And Orthodoxy, or as some of the Israeli partners deign to express themselves, is orthodoxy and consists in the inviolability of keeping the Dogmas. So Nikon has nothing to do with ..
          2. anarch
            28 January 2014 22: 15
            Quote: Setrac
            She deprived herself of herself, Nikonean reform, much more!

            So did Stalin invent or deprive Nikon?
            Distances are temporary - enormous.
            Clear. There is no unity in neopagan circles.
        2. anarch
          28 January 2014 22: 11
          Quote: GregAzov
          It is very interesting who and when deprived Orthodoxy of the Russian Church. If possible in more detail with facts, dates and surnames.

          Yes, it’s not possible.
          Because besides the INTERNAL myths, there is no evidence.
          1. +2
            28 January 2014 22: 34
            Quote: anarh
            Because besides the INTERNAL myths, there is no evidence.

            You see the story so that Russia adopted Orthodox Christianity, and right away, the accepted Christianity was Orthodox.
            I see everything (I think) differently, Russia had its Faith, Orthodox, then there was Christianization, since then and to this day, they have been trying to remove Orthodoxy from our religion.
      4. +7
        28 January 2014 20: 13
        Quote: Setrac
        Unfortunately, the Russian Orthodox Church has long been NOT Orthodox. She's just called that.

        And you probably used to go to the Orthodox Church often, and then suddenly realize that the Russian Orthodox Church has lost God's grace? To draw such conclusions, it is advisable to delve a little into the meaning of teaching, into the history of religions, in contrast to Orthodoxy from other beliefs. But believe me, if you really do all this, then you will have completely different conclusions.
        1. +3
          28 January 2014 20: 20
          Quote: Zapasnoy
          and then suddenly realized that the Russian Orthodox Church had lost God's grace

          The Russian Orthodox Church never had God's grace, as did Catholics and Muslims. God's grace may descend on a person, but not on the organization or another form of ordering people.
          You have a traveler in your head religion and Faith are not equivalent concepts.
          1. +4
            28 January 2014 21: 06
            You do not correctly understand the concept of the Church. The Church was founded by Jesus Christ, so by definition it can no longer be graceless. Through the Sacraments of the Church, members of the Church try to become like its founder. The efforts of people without God's help (which turns out to be a teaching of grace) are in vain. Such a possibility is assumed only by religions created by people, such as paganism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.
            1. +1
              29 January 2014 04: 27
              contradict yourself:
              Quote: GregAzov
              only religions created by people, such as paganism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.

              Quote: GregAzov
              Church founded by Jesus Christ
            2. Castor
              29 January 2014 16: 18
              Quote: GregAzov
              The Church was founded by Jesus Christ, therefore by definition it can no longer be graceless.

              Jesus Christ did not establish a church.

              Quote: GregAzov
              Through the Sacraments of the Church, members of the Church try to become like its founder.

              This is the wrong way.
          2. +4
            28 January 2014 22: 02
            Quote: Setrac
            ROC never had God's grace

            You really consider the Church only as an organization, and the Church is a community of believers in Jesus Christ and having him at the head. The Church is us (believers, both the priesthood and the laity). And, as Gregory correctly noted, the Church founded by Christ himself (he is Her cornerstone) cannot be without grace. And why do you, without delving into the essence of the doctrine, deprive it of grace? The ROC MP is a local Orthodox Church (part of the world Orthodox Church) recognized by all other Orthodox Churches (including more ancient ones). Your spitting in the sky falls on you ("God is not mocked"). Do not be bitter, do not fight, it is better to delve into history, into the meaning of the Orthodox faith. The doors of the Church are always open and no one drags you there.
            1. -1
              29 January 2014 04: 30
              Quote: Zapasnoy
              Church founded by Christ himself (he is Her cornerstone)

              But what about: "do not make yourself an idol"?
              Or: no one can be trusted, but I can (c) (from 17 instants of spring).
              1. +2
                29 January 2014 09: 48
                Quote: urganov
                But what about: "do not make yourself an idol"?

                Perhaps you have never studied the essence of Christianity. Do not you know that Jesus, in accordance with the principles of the Orthodox doctrine, is the Savior of our fallen world promised by the Old Testament prophets. He for our sake, for the sake of our salvation, was born a man from the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit (became human). To call the like like, to indicate the path (truth), the right vector of our life. Having become a man, He preserved his divine essence. We cannot see the Creator (how can we see with our limited material vision the one who created the whole universe?), But we can see the Son of God and God embodied for us in man (because they are inseparable). If Jesus is God, then why did you bring part of the second commandment (Do not make yourself an idol and any likeness, an elk in the heavens and an elk on the earth below, and an elika in the waters below the earth: do not bow to them or serve them), because we are talking about idols (idols), which are created things, and not God. And people of that time were inclined to worship visible objects. In addition, from the moment of transmitting this commandment to Moses until the promised Savior comes into the world, about 15 centuries will pass.
                1. alexandr00070
                  29 January 2014 14: 43
                  Quote: Zapasnoy
                  In addition, from the moment of transmitting this commandment to Moses until the promised Savior comes into the world, about 15 centuries will pass.

                  Three centuries after the assassination of Jesus, Jewish high priests denied Christ belonged to the Jewish people, calling him the Galilean. And only when the Roman emperor Constantine decided to use Christianity to control the masses, and Christianity was dispersed throughout the world, the Jews came to their senses and decided to make money on Jesus Christ, changing everything beyond recognition. It became profitable for them to rank Christ among the Jews. Immediately appeared "God's slaves" - the slaves of the Jews who betrayed and killed Christ. Notice the slaves of Christ, but the slaves of the Jewish God (Yahweh). The thought is constantly imposing on us - live and suffer, instead - live and enjoy. Intentionally zombie for failure.

                  Of all the gospels, the period of Jesus' life from 13 to 30 years is cut out - the main period in the formation of personality. Where and what did Jesus learn? Who made him consecrated - Christ?
                  Jewish puppeteers by repeatedly rewriting the gospels destroyed the entire original meaning of the words and deeds of Jesus, changed everything for themselves. But they still cannot explain why Christ rebelled against their “God of the chosen” Jewish faith, why did he claim that the temple of the New Faith would arise? The answer is simple - Jewish “God's chosenness” is to execute any dissent. In world history there are a lot of examples of how the Jews did it. Notice who betrayed Jesus - Judas. The Jewish religion is called Judaism. Judaism and the betrayal of Judah are one and the same. It was the destruction of the initiates that the Jews first introduced into Christianity, organizing with their own hands a witch hunt, crusades, wars, the ruthless extermination of any manifestation of dissent or knowledge
                  See how the Jews subsequently all cunningly arranged: what is the gospel - a retelling of the life of Jesus by people who did not personally know Christ, but who heard, supposedly, a story from someone. The sea is a place for fantasies and falsifications.
            2. alexandr00070
              29 January 2014 14: 35
              Quote: Zapasnoy
              ... Your spitting in the sky falls on you ("God is not mocked").

              Belinsky about the church (letter to N.V. Gogol)
              ... Take a look at your feet: you are standing above the abyss ... That you rely on such a doctrine in the Orthodox Church - I still understand this: it has always been a pillar of the whip and a supporter of despotism; but why did you interfere with Christ here? What did you find common between him and some other, and especially the Orthodox, church? He was the first to proclaim to people the doctrine of freedom, equality and fraternity, and to martyrdom capture and affirm the truth of his doctrine. And it was only until then that it was the salvation of people, until it was organized into a church and accepted as the basis of the principle of orthodoxy. The church, on the other hand, was a hierarchy, a champion of inequality, a flatterer of power, an enemy and a persecutor of brotherhood between people — which continues to be so far. But the meaning of the teachings of Christ was discovered by the philosophical movement of the last century. And this is why some Voltaire who extinguished the bonfires of fanaticism and ignorance in Europe, of course, is more the son of Christ, the flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones, than all your priests, bishops, metropolitans and patriarchs, eastern and western. Do you really not know this? But all this is now nothing new for every gymnasium student ...

              And therefore, are you the author of The Examiner and Dead Souls, have you sincerely, with all your heart, sang a hymn to the vile Russian clergy, putting it immeasurably higher than the Catholic clergy? Suppose you do not know that the second was once something, while the first was never anything but a servant and slave of secular power; but do you really not really know that our clergy are in general contempt among the Russian society and the Russian people?
              Take a closer look, and you will see that this is by nature a deeply atheistic people. There is still a lot of superstition, but there is no trace of religiosity. Superstition passes with the successes of civilization; but religiosity often coexists with them;
              The Russian people are not so: mystical exaltation is not at all in their nature; he has too much for this common sense, clarity and positivity in his mind: and this, perhaps, is the enormity of his historical destinies in the future. Religiosity did not even take root in him to the clergy; for several separate, exceptional personalities, distinguished by their quiet, cold ascetic contemplation, prove nothing. Most of our clergy have always been distinguished only by thick bellies, theological pedantry and wild ignorance. His sin is to blame for religious intolerance and fanaticism; rather, it can be praised for exemplary indifference in the work of faith. Religiosity manifested itself in us only in schismatic sects, which were so opposed in spirit to their mass of people and so insignificant before them in numbers.
              You did not notice that Russia sees its salvation not in mysticism, not in asceticism, not in pietism, but in the successes of civilization, enlightenment, humanity. She doesn’t need sermons (she heard enough of them!), Not prayers (she said them enough!), But an awakening among the people of a sense of human dignity, so many centuries lost in mud and dung, rights and laws that are consistent not with the teachings of the church, but with common sense and justice, and strict, if possible, their implementation.
              * From a letter of V.G. Belinsky N.V. Gogol, July 15, 1847
          3. anarch
            28 January 2014 22: 40
            Quote: Setrac
            ROC never had God's grace

            Why so categorically - NEVER?
            The Russian Orthodox Church (abbreviation of the Russian Orthodox Church launched by liberal Russophobes) is not an organization.
            The church is the only of the Lord on earth, hence grace.
            And the Russian Orthodox Church of Equality of Naples is the direct legal successor of the first Christian church.

            And about ruligii you atheists (to say - atheists) ask around.
            They will tell you everything about religion as is.
            The main thing is that they will be told from the right angle.
            1. -3
              28 January 2014 22: 51
              Quote: anarh
              Why so categorically - NEVER?

              Because the church does not have a soul, people have a soul.
              1. anarch
                29 January 2014 07: 19
                Quote: Setrac
                Because the church does not have a soul, people have a soul.

                And IT IS SPIRITUALIZED (like each of us) by the HOLY SPIRIT.
                1. -3
                  29 January 2014 07: 56
                  Show me this "spirit".
                  1. +2
                    29 January 2014 09: 58
                    Quote: alicante11
                    Show me this "spirit"

                    Do not worry, you will still see spirits when the soul leaves the body. Or your spiritual vision will be revealed at the will of the above. There is another option, in the case of mental illness or bodily illness, the psyche (body) will become so thin that you can see the world of spirits, but I do not wish this option to anyone. smile
                    1. +1
                      30 January 2014 04: 46
                      Yeah Those. you cannot physically present. Well then, do not hang noodles. At the expense of mental illness - it's cool. I will adopt your argument.
                2. alexandr00070
                  29 January 2014 14: 55
                  Quote: anarh
                  CHURCH - BODY OF THE LORD

                  Quotes about the church
                  The whole history of the church is a mixture of delusion and violence.
                  Johann Goethe
                  The church is a kind of state, but especially false ...
                  Friedrich Nietzsche
                  Church. This whole word is the name of deception, through which some people want to rule over others.
                  Leo Tolstoy
                  The main task of all the churches was one and the same: to inspire the poor serfs that for them there is no happiness on earth, it is destined for them in heaven, and that hard labor for someone else's uncle is charitable work.
                  Maksim Gorky
                  If the emancipation of the peasants depended solely on the church, serfdom would probably exist until now.
                  Dmitry Sergeevich Merezhkovsky
                  The church blesses that which it cannot prevent.
                  Kurt Tukholsky
                  The church is constantly holding on to the fact that it is the enemy of progress and puts slingshots in its path. But as soon as progress wins, she hurries to reckon it to her merits. All that the church curses lives; all that she opposes blossoms.
                  Mark Twain
                  The church is the only business that in bad times is experiencing the peak of the market.
                  Charles angel
                  God has no religion.
                  Mahatma Gandhi
                  1. 0
                    29 January 2014 15: 28
                    Quote: alexandr00070
                    Quotes about the church

                    The church is us believers united in one body. The head of the Church is Jesus Christ. Why are you fighting against us? What specifically dislikes you in the teaching of the Church? Either you just drive the wave because of a rebellious nature and ignorance of the essence of the Orthodox faith, or you basically go against it, because you cannot observe, accept what the Orthodox faith teaches? You know, priests are people too, and their wings have not yet grown, so there are worthy ones, and, unfortunately, unworthy ones. Only the essence of dogma does not change from this. God himself is unchanged. Look at the good examples; there are more likely to be more bad ones. What do you dislike about Sergius of Radonezh, Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, Serafim Sarovsky and many, many other very Orthodox people.
                    If you simply cannot yet believe in the existence of God, then show simple respect for an alternative opinion.
                    1. alexandr00070
                      29 January 2014 15: 54
                      Quote: Zapasnoy
                      Head of the Church - Jesus Christ

                      Do you think he knew that you would do this to him
                      Quote: Zapasnoy
                      What do you dislike about Sergius of Radonezh, Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, Serafim Sarovsky

                      Because of your illiteracy, you mixed so many different people into one pile, in fact, even without knowing their history separately, read about one thing:
                      Until the XNUMXth century, Great Russia remained the only solar power on the planet, but then a lunar cult began to be imposed here - Christianity born of Judaism. Destroyed the priests and ancient chronicles, forced people to become lunar forces. In order not to deprive the Russian people of spirituality, not to transform, under the influence of Western Christian ideology, materialized, living one day, indifferent inhabitants, some Vedic priests began to act under Christian priests. Moreover, duped and hunted by endless persecution of the sorcerers and sorcerers, the people began to seek truth from the new "priests" from the foreign church. One of these "Christian ascetics" was Sergius of Radonezh.
                      Being a highly consecrated magician, this pseudo-Christian managed in a short time to turn Greek-style Christianity, which came to Russian soil, with its servility, obedience to power and authority, into a completely different religion. Orthodoxy of Sergius of Radonezh in its essence ceased to be Western, it turned into a life-affirming solar religion of the triumph of the laws of the Law and the highest cosmic justice. Sergius of Radonezh knew well the true doctrine of Christ, that it was fundamentally Vedic and therefore did not invent anything from himself.

                      Magus Sergius never argued with anyone. In his teaching, he always and always relied on Christ. He tried not to touch the Apostles; for him they were far from perfect people. Jesus of Sergius of Radonezh did not have anything dogmatic, he in his teaching looked alive with high creative potential and the creative power in which one could see the power of the Most High: Sergius of Radonezh seemed to expand the concept of Christ, showed his teaching multifaceted. And he did it unobtrusively, gently without too much noise and at the same time very convincingly.
                      According to his teachings, as in ancient times, the institution of self-discipline was preserved, the moral stages of human spiritual growth that the Westerners so diligently destroyed. As before, many vices and weaknesses were condemned by a special popular assembly. It was forbidden to drink alcohol, was considered as a sin any violence, and actions degrading human dignity. But high moral qualities were encouraged and strongly supported in man. First of all, love for the Native land and their people, love for the national Russian culture, selfless love for relatives and friends. Self-sacrifice was highly appreciated in the teachings of Sergius of Radonezh, in order to achieve a high goal. Honesty, truthfulness, constancy, integrity and courage were encouraged in every way.

                      It so happened that around the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, spiritually scattered Russia began to unite. Now both the Vedic Russians and Christians found a common language. By and large, they had nothing to argue about, much less kill each other. Now both of them looked at the West as a breeding ground for evil and discord, at the kingdom of demons, who, in order to conquer the world, perverted the true teaching of Christ and opposed it to the Vedic.

                      The Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh denied the appeal "servant of God." Under St. Sergius, the Rus called themselves, as before in the Vedic time, the grandchildren of God. The power under Sergius of Radonezh was not from God, but from people and for just power it was necessary to fight, and if you were hit unfairly, then such a blow can be answered with a blow.
                      1. 0
                        29 January 2014 16: 14
                        Quote: alexandr00070
                        Do you think he knew that you would do this to him

                        The words of the Savior - "and I tell you: you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" Matt. 16:18
                        No plan to offend you - did you read the New Testament?
                        Suvorov, Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky are united by their faith.
                        The story of Sergius of Radonezh you have, frankly, is very unusual, superaternative. I have never read the life of this saint, but I could not even imagine such a fantasy.
                        I understood you. But I beg you, look at other views on world-building. Do not go deep into paganism, it is very dangerous. Just compare the concepts, their moral standards. Do not feed on the opinions of others, speculation, gossip, study the primary sources, only then you can make the right, reasonable choice.
                      2. alexandr00070
                        29 January 2014 17: 33
                        Quote: Zapasnoy
                        The words of the Savior - "and I tell you: you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" Matt. 16:18

                        Your "I have read" is based on the literature that priests have been composing for you for many centuries to influence the minds, you take a step aside read historians, the words of the savior are written down, and then rewritten several times, from Luke, from John, from Matthew and I I have just read it and I will tell you with confidence all narrate in different ways. The book is a great power especially in skillful hands.
                        No one can say how it really was.

                        The New Testament is composed of eight writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, James, and Judah.
                        Can you imagine how many eight people could have been there?
                3. Castor
                  29 January 2014 16: 20
                  Quote: anarh

                  Let's separate the flies from the cutlets, the church itself, Faith alone.
                  1. -1
                    29 January 2014 16: 30
                    Quote: Castor
                    Let's separate the flies from the cutlets, the church itself, Faith alone.

                    First you need to understand that the Church in the narrow sense (the one that you have in mind) is a church organization. The church in the broad sense that the Lord founded is the totality of all those who believe in Him. So, in this right sense, the Church is inseparable from faith, its meaning.
                    1. Castor
                      29 January 2014 16: 58
                      Quote: Zapasnoy
                      The church in the broad sense that the Lord founded is the totality of all those who believe in Him. So, in this right sense, the Church is inseparable from faith, its meaning.

                      This is an abstract church, it is not in nature.

                      Quote: Zapasnoy
                      First you need to understand that the Church in the narrow sense (the one that you have in mind) is a church organization.

                      And these are those churches (namely in the plural) that exist in reality and are engaged in their commercial affairs.
                      1. 0
                        29 January 2014 21: 42
                        Quote: Castor
                        This is an abstract church, it is not in nature

                        This is for you It is abstract (you are outside of It), but for those who are in this Church it is quite real. If you are not interested in these issues, are not looking for God, then why such a peremptory tone.
                    2. alexandr00070
                      29 January 2014 17: 36
                      Quote: Zapasnoy
                      The church in the broad sense that the Lord founded

                      You will be surprised, but he did not create anything.
                      Three centuries after the assassination of Jesus, Jewish high priests denied Christ belonged to the Jewish people, calling him the Galilean. And only when the Roman emperor Constantine decided to use Christianity to control the masses, and Christianity was dispersed throughout the world, the Jews came to their senses and decided to make money on Jesus Christ, changing everything beyond recognition. It became profitable for them to rank Christ among the Jews. Immediately appeared "God's slaves" - the slaves of the Jews who betrayed and killed Christ. Notice the slaves of Christ, but the slaves of the Jewish God (Yahweh). The thought is constantly imposing on us - live and suffer, instead - live and enjoy. Intentionally zombie for failure.
                      Jewish puppeteers by repeatedly rewriting the gospels destroyed the entire original meaning of the words and deeds of Jesus, changed everything for themselves. But they still cannot explain why Christ rebelled against their “God of the chosen” Jewish faith, why did he claim that the temple of the New Faith would arise? The answer is simple - Jewish “God's chosenness” is to execute any dissent. In world history there are a lot of examples of how the Jews did it. Notice who betrayed Jesus - Judas. The Jewish religion is called Judaism. Judaism and the betrayal of Judah are one and the same. It was the destruction of the initiates that the Jews first introduced into Christianity, organizing with their own hands a witch hunt, crusades, wars, the ruthless extermination of any manifestation of dissent or knowledge
                      1. +2
                        29 January 2014 21: 30
                        Quote: alexandr00070
                        You will be surprised, but he did not create anything.

                        Where did you read such a heresy? With this statement, you should have been at least present in person 2000 years ago in the Middle East. Your texts, I don’t know where you are copying them from, are a mixture of everything and everything. And after all, someone sits and comes up with such nonsense. Call Sergius of Radonezh pseudo-Christian and priest, without relying on any historical data. You yourself will be critical of the source where you draw all these pearls.
                      2. alexandr00070
                        29 January 2014 23: 33
                        Quote: Zapasnoy
                        With this statement, you should have been at least present in person 2000 years ago in the Middle East.

                        And you rank yourself among those who were 2000 years ago in the Middle East. Whence such confidence in my wrongness, 8 people wrote the Bible at different times in different places, from where confidence in the correctness
                    3. +1
                      30 January 2014 09: 19
                      You will not convince the opponent. For the purpose of the troll is not to find the truth in the discussion, but to rouse you.
            2. alexandr00070
              29 January 2014 14: 49
              Quote: anarh
              And the Russian Orthodox Church of Equality of Naples is the direct legal successor of the first Christian church.

              You are mistaken

              Renovationism (the official name is the Orthodox Russian Church; later, the Orthodox Church in the USSR, also the Renovationist split, the Living Church, the Church of the Church) is a schismatic movement in Russian Christianity that arose officially after the February Revolution of 1917. The goal of “renewing the Church” was declared: the democratization of governance and the modernization of worship. He opposed the leadership of the Church by Patriarch Tikhon, declaring full support for the new regime and its reforms.
              From 1922 to 1926, the movement was the only Orthodox church organization officially recognized by the state authorities of the RSFSR (the Gregorian Provisional High Church Council became the second such organization in 1926), in certain periods it was recognized by some other local Churches. During the period of greatest influence - in the mid-1920s - more than half of the Russian episcopate and parishes were subordinate to the renovationist structures.
              Renovationism in the initial period of its existence was not a strictly structured movement; between themselves, renovationist structures were often in direct confrontation [1]. From 1923 to 1935, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Russian Church existed, headed by the Chairman.

              Grandson of the renovationist Metropolitan of Ivanovo and Kinesham Alexander Boyarsky, Mikhail Sergeyevich Boyarsky
          4. alexandr00070
            29 January 2014 14: 23
            Quote: Setrac
            You have a traveler in your head religion and Faith are not equivalent concepts.

            try to fix it

            Religion (re - repeat, league - unification) - repeated scripture or public education, which creates an administrator. As he understands faith (depending on culture, language, traditions, education), he creates such a religion. Therefore, there are many religions - these are certain projections of faith, blindly following any traditions.

            Each religion is divided into two poles: one pole is occupied by administrators who go to this religion in order to amuse their vanity and materially enrich themselves; the second pole is occupied by fanatics who blindly follow the dogmas imposed by administrators. But thanks to these poles, a layer of sane people inevitably appears between them who come to faith through this projection. When such sensible people meet among themselves, they are brothers, they have nothing to argue about - the Most High and the Laws are one.

            When the administrators of different religions meet, everyone insists that it is his religion that is the only true one, and he never admits that another religion is the same projection of the same Truth. When fanatics of various religions meet, a religious war begins.
            1. +2
              29 January 2014 14: 55
              Religion (re - repeat, league - unification) - repeated scripture or public education created by the administrator
              Your grass is picky. Where are you importing from? Afghanistan, Chuy?

              All well-known hypotheses of the origin of the word "religion" are reduced to one source: lat. religio - "conscientiousness, piety, piety, subject of worship"
              1. 0
                29 January 2014 15: 00
                Quote: abrakadabre
                Your grass is picky.

                One gets the feeling that "grass" is the only thing in which you understand.
                If a person has not learned to joke, it is better for him to be silent.
              2. alexandr00070
                29 January 2014 15: 10
                Quote: abrakadabre
                Your grass is picky. Where are you importing from? Afghanistan, Chuy?

                It’s not funny at all, the translation is too much on the surface, and this is the scheme applicable to any religion, party, etc., the same scheme for all ages
                1. 0
                  29 January 2014 15: 19
                  translation is too surface
                  However, condemning such an approach, by the way generally accepted, you are also trying to translate:
                  Religion (re - repeat, league - unification) - repeated scripture or public education created by the administrator

              3. Castor
                29 January 2014 16: 22
                Quote: abrakadabre
                Your grass is picky. Where are you importing from? Afghanistan, Chuy?

                Is this a kind of veiled insult to the interlocutor?
                I don’t see a few warning messages from moderators, are they sleeping?
                1. alexandr00070
                  29 January 2014 17: 38
                  Quote: Castor
                  I don’t see a few warning messages from moderators, are they sleeping?

                  by rank I see that you have not yet figured out to whom and for what they put one
        2. +3
          28 January 2014 21: 07
          Quote: Zapasnoy
          To draw such conclusions, it is advisable to delve a little into the meaning of teaching, into the history of religions, in contrast to Orthodoxy from other beliefs. But believe me, if you really do all this, then you will have completely different conclusions.

          You are absolutely right Dmitry!
          1. 0
            29 January 2014 04: 32
            that is, it is necessary to accept the point of view of the speaker in order to judge the meaning of his statement?
        3. alexandr00070
          29 January 2014 14: 19
          Quote: Zapasnoy
          To draw such conclusions, it is advisable to delve a little into the meaning of teaching, into the history of religions, in contrast to Orthodoxy from other beliefs. But believe me, if you really do all this, then you will have completely different conclusions.

          all who deepen begin to see the real side of religion and move away from the church.
      5. The comment was deleted.
      6. anarch
        28 January 2014 21: 53
        Quote: Setrac
        Unfortunately, the Russian Orthodox Church has long been NOT Orthodox. She's just called that.

        Do you go to God's church?
        Or so - idle opinions based on liberal publications?
        1. 0
          28 January 2014 21: 55
          Quote: anarh
          Do you go to God's church?

          I am neither for nor against, I abstained.
      7. alexandr00070
        29 January 2014 12: 13
        Quote: Setrac
        Apparently, the number of Orthodox Christians is growing

        here YOU are wrong, Orthodox Christians are called only here, all over the world the Russian Church is called the Russian Orthodox Church. And in the main you are right "it is just called that", after the revolution there were several trends, and so the one that offered Lenin the best conditions for coexistence won ( such as appeals to believers to respect Soviet power) so the history of a church with this name goes back only since 1918.
  3. +10
    28 January 2014 16: 09
    Well, what would happen if Russia did not accept Orthodoxy, and pagan supporters would have won, such as Prince Svyatoslav, who, after returning from defeat from the Byzantines from Dorostol, sent an order to Kiev to burn the churches and promised to “banish” upon return all Russian Christians. Apparently, Kiev from a rich and cultural city would turn into a castle of a robber knight like Bran Bran (now Brandenburg) or a base of pirates with the cult of Svyatovit, as was the case on the island of Ruge (now Rügen). But then the fate of the Western Slavs would have befallen the Rus: the Lutichs, Bodrichs and Pomeranians, who waged constant wars with neighbors and among themselves. For these brave Slavs, not only Germans and Danes, but all the neighbors were enemies, and you cannot live without friends. Therefore, they did not manage to form their own power, even having recaptured the Crusade in the 1147 year, the Western Slavs could not unite: the huts with the Cross Penins refused to submit to the bodricians. The Germans captured the Slavic lands: Berlin became Berlin, Lubech-Lubeck, Lipshin-Leipzig, etc. .. On the lands of the Bodriches, the Duchy of Mecklenburg arose, built into the structure of the Holy Roman Empire. Like the Germanization of the Pomeranian house in the east, the Slavic dynasty of the Niklotings / Niklotychs degenerated into typical German feudal lords. Slavic Slavic language is gradually replaced by German, especially in cities where paperwork required written German. Polabsky lingers in cities in certain social and professional marginal groups, for example among fishermen. On the island of Rugen, the Polabian disappears by the 15th century, and in the Venland region, the Draveno-Polab dialect existed until the 18th century.
    1. +11
      28 January 2014 16: 16
      Quote: Novel 1977
      For these brave Slavs, not only Germans and Danes, but all the neighbors were enemies,

      In what, after the adoption of Christianity, the princes did not fight each other? And Vladimir Svyatoslavovich laid his brothers vilely. It is not necessary to so unambiguously judge the options for the development of history.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. -11
        28 January 2014 16: 25
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        In what, after the adoption of Christianity, the princes did not fight each other?

        Yes, and Alexander Nevsky (like Dmitry Donskoy) figures in this regard (like many many others) are far from unambiguous. Russian then blood in the strife was poured a lot.
        1. +25
          28 January 2014 16: 46
          The princes fought among themselves constantly, sometimes even incited by the church, but unlike Catholicism and its derivatives, the hierarchs of the Russian church did not gather crusades against non-Christians, and in their entire mass did not advocate the conquest of foreign lands. The Russian church has always differed from the western one in that we called the priest a priest, and not a holy father, as is customary in the west.
          1. -14
            28 January 2014 16: 57
            Quote: major071
            unlike Catholicism and its derivatives, the hierarchs of the Russian church did not gather crusades against non-Christians, and in their entire mass did not advocate the conquest of foreign lands.

            The separate separation of Moscow from the Horde (also a Russian state) occurred under the pressure of the Christian church. Dmitry Donskoy considered the Horde power legitimate and did not want to fight.
            1. Salamander
              28 January 2014 17: 38
              I will answer this version of the story with a picture:
              1. +1
                28 January 2014 20: 31
                U-turn on the parking brake =) But why would he ask a question ???
                1. anarch
                  28 January 2014 22: 55
                  Quote: Yuri Sev Caucasus
                  U-turn on the parking brake =) But why would he ask a question ???

                  Bandera blocked the passage "Berkuta". wink
              28 January 2014 19: 00
              Quote: Setrac
              The separate separation of Moscow from the Horde (also a Russian state) occurred under the pressure of the Christian church

              L.N. Gumilyov had a slightly different opinion on this matter. I quote: "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe". Chapter XXV177.
              By 1376, the Golden Horde split into the Blue Horde (rebel Mamai) and the White Horde (Tokhtamysh). Mamaia's ally was the Lithuanian prince Algerd. (177). (Processing is mine). In 1375, the Patriarch of Constantinople restored the Kiev Metropolitanate, placing Bulgarian Cyprian at the head, splitting the Russian church into Lithuanian and Russian. Further direct quote:
              With the constant clashes between Lithuania and Moscow, control of both parts of the church was not feasible. Vladyka Alexey took the situation calmly, but Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich took the opposite position.
              After the death of Metropolitan Alexei, Dmitry Ivanovich tried to put his confessor Mitya, who unexpectedly died on the Black Sea coast, on the Moscow metropolis. A certain Pimen returned with the embassy to Moscow, immediately arrested and exiled by Dmitry Ivanovich. And now it started: the Suzdal bishop Dionysius managed to organize the extermination of the Mamai embassy in N. Novgorod, to which Mamai responded with the raid of Arapshah. The clash between Mamai and Dmitry Ivanovich became inevitable, and Sergius of Radonezh was FORCED to bless the Orthodox in the war against the rebel Mamai. So it was not the Orthodox Church that did not put pressure on the prince and was found guilty, which was confirmed by the late canonization of Alexei and Sergius in 1447. (178)
              1. anarch
                28 January 2014 22: 59
                L.N. Gumilyov had a slightly different opinion on this matter.

                Lev Nikolaevich is an interesting author, but not indisputable.
            3. 0
              28 January 2014 19: 17
              and put the question to a referendum on whether to be an ORDE)))))))))
            4. anarch
              28 January 2014 22: 52
              Quote: Setrac
              Dmitry Donskoy considered the Horde power legitimate and did not want to fight.

              From the same sources as “the term Orthodoxy was introduced by JV Stalin?
              Very reliable sources.
              My brother had a 1980 edition of the Communist Manifesto.
              On the title page was an autograph:
              "Lesha, with gratitude from the authors."
              So imagine - no one believed, everyone just laughed.
            5. 0
              29 January 2014 08: 53
              Quote: Setrac
              Quote: major071
              unlike Catholicism and its derivatives, the hierarchs of the Russian church did not gather crusades against non-Christians, and in their entire mass did not advocate the conquest of foreign lands.

              The separate separation of Moscow from the Horde (also a Russian state) occurred under the pressure of the Christian church. Dmitry Donskoy considered the Horde power legitimate and did not want to fight.

              This is not Dmitry, but the church believed because all power from God.
          2. 0
            28 January 2014 16: 58
            Quote: major071
            our priest was called a priest,

            Not only. In common people, in everyday life, they are called "priests". And why no one knows. Different versions exist, if you bring the most common article, you can sew it on. what
            1. Salamander
              28 January 2014 17: 35
              To themselves, they call people in priests, but they turn to them like a priest.
            2. -6
              28 January 2014 18: 05
              "who sold the memory of fathers"
              1. Salamander
                28 January 2014 18: 42
                At the time this "term" appeared, there were no abbreviations yet.
            3. +9
              28 January 2014 19: 21
              There is nothing different in these words, it is in Russian-Father, and in Greek-POP (father)
              1. -5
                28 January 2014 19: 36
                Quote: major071
                , and in Greek-POP (father)

                And what then will mean "priest" in Greek.
                Is it really "mother"? laughing
                1. anarch
                  28 January 2014 23: 01
                  Well, it's like someone.
          3. +3
            28 January 2014 18: 05
            our pagan ancestors did not collect the crusades either. laughing
            1. Salamander
              28 January 2014 18: 23
              I agree, since there was no such term laughing But the campaigns were always, even the Byzantines were afraid of the Slavs.
              1. -1
                28 January 2014 22: 04
                But the Slavs went to the Byzantines just by order of the Khazars. The vassals of which at that time were. The Khazarsky garrison stood in Kiev itself. And only the wise policy of St. Olga and the courage of Svyatoslav saved us from this evil!
            2. anarch
              28 January 2014 23: 04
              Enough enough: pagans - yes with the Cross.
              Really funny.
              And ridiculous.
            3. 0
              29 January 2014 01: 45
              Quote: sinandju
              our pagan ancestors did not collect crusades either

              Well, they did collect the crusades. And also for candlesticks, for silver salaries, for young parishioners ... Gopota uneducated, lost souls, what to take from them! smile
          4. -4
            29 January 2014 08: 52
            Quote: major071
            The princes fought among themselves constantly, sometimes even incited by the church, but unlike Catholicism and its derivatives, the hierarchs of the Russian church did not gather crusades against non-Christians, and in their entire mass did not advocate the conquest of foreign lands. The Russian church has always differed from the western one in that we called the priest a priest, and not a holy father, as is customary in the west.

            Of course, they did not advocate the conquest of foreign lands. After all, the Church was ruled from Byzantium (until its complete fall). Therefore, its population was destroyed. As a result of "Christianization" in the 10-11 centuries, a third of Russian cities disappeared. During the 13-14 centuries, with the help of the Tatars, the church almost completely destroyed the ancient faith
          5. 0
            29 January 2014 12: 00
            Quote: major071
            The Russian Church has always been different from the West in that

            And she didn’t burn people at the stake. And what is shown in the films is such a concept, a creative individual.
        2. +13
          28 January 2014 17: 07
          Well, not the Jews to judge them, you poured a Russian blood on the country with blanks, brackets, apfelbaum and other scum.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            28 January 2014 17: 13
            Quote: Orik
            Well, not the Jews to judge them, you poured a Russian blood on the country with blanks, brackets, apfelbaum and other scum

            Well, when there is nothing to argue. as a rule (from a lack of gray matter and argumentation) they switch to a national question. Peace to you - your not desire to accept history and facts - in no way cancels events as such. And what was - it was (including strife) - you like it or not.
            1. +10
              28 January 2014 17: 15
              Quote: atalef
              go to the national question.

              Unfortunately, YOUR nation gives a VERY BIG reason to switch to the national question. That's when you will behave in a human way, then the attitude towards your nation will be human, but for now there is, that is.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. -8
                28 January 2014 17: 23
                Quote: Setrac
                Unfortunately, YOUR nation gives a VERY BIG reason to switch to the national question.

                But in essence there are problems, what to argue?
                Quote: Setrac
                That's when you will behave in a human way, then the attitude towards your nation will be human, but for now there is, that is.

                Who the hell are you?
                Do not judge . and you will not judge.
                the most humane person laughing
              3. The comment was deleted.
            2. Platoon
              28 January 2014 17: 31
              atalef (3)
              Never mind. The caravan goes, the dog barks!
            3. +5
              28 January 2014 18: 53
              Quote: atalef
              Well, when there is nothing to argue. as a rule (from a lack of gray matter and argumentation) they switch to a national question. Peace to you - your not desire to accept history and facts - in no way cancels events as such. And what was - it was (including strife) - you like it or not.

              They participated in strife, and a warrior kills people for the sake of protecting the country! If you had a "gray matter", then you would have understood that the holy princes Alexander and Dimitri participated in the strife for the sake of uniting the Russian land, and not for the sake of power and their own selfhood, like, for example, brother Andrey Aleksandrov.
            4. +1
              29 January 2014 04: 35
              Quote: atalef
              Well, when there is nothing to argue. usually (

              Sanya, and he is right, Nevsky before King Herod, like a cancer to the moon. If you look at the history of the Jewish rulers, intrigues and whom they sponsored. It will be possible to create a new sea, not only from water, but from blood.
              When you come to Israel here, you take it with hostility, but you yourself do the same. Do not your faith, do not go!
          3. -4
            29 January 2014 08: 57
            Quote: Orik
            Well, not the Jews to judge them, you poured a Russian blood on the country with blanks, brackets, apfelbaum and other scum.

            Nevertheless, Christ is a Jew. And so many who wish will bow to him.
            I read somewhere that Christianity is a religion of slaves.
        3. +1
          28 January 2014 19: 04
          as far as I remember they are from the branch of Yuri Dolgoruky, and he was half Saxon.
        4. anarch
          28 January 2014 22: 44
          Quote: atalef
          Russian then blood in the strife was poured a lot.

          Oh, I can’t believe in the sincere Israeli tears about the Russian blood.
          Whisper quietly what they thought up in Tel Aviv?
          After all, do not whisper.
          We understand - a state secret.
      3. +9
        28 January 2014 16: 44
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        In what, after the adoption of Christianity, the princes did not fight each other? And Vladimir Svyatoslavovich laid his brothers vilely. It is not necessary to so unambiguously judge the options for the development of history.

        Do you think a person changes immediately? No, it took a yoke to crush the greatest sin of the princes, and the people, pride. No wonder the descendant of St. St. Vladimir Alexander Nevsky showed along with military talents a feat of faith and humility, while Prince Galitsky Daniil did not reconcile and his spiritual descendants again tormented Kiev and Russia.
        1. +3
          28 January 2014 17: 20
          Quote: Orik
          Do you think a person changes immediately?

          Yes, it is changing. Have you heard about Optina deserts? It has changed, and many of them. In matters of faith, it seems to me that you can’t be stubborn, like some here on the site. This is a private matter for everyone.
          1. +2
            28 January 2014 19: 00
            No, it does not change, with rare exceptions, which are connected with the special providence of God specifically for this soul. Changing a person’s disposition is a long and painful process. It seems that you only heard, but you yourself have not changed, otherwise you didn’t say that. It turns out that I heard a ring, but I don’t know where he is.
            1. 0
              28 January 2014 19: 56
              Quote: Orik
              No, it does not change, with rare exceptions

              A complete contradiction. You carefully re-read yourself.
              A rare exception or a frequent one will still lead to a change.
              1. -1
                28 January 2014 21: 36
                Quote: ele1285
                A complete contradiction. You carefully re-read yourself.
                A rare exception or a frequent one will still lead to a change.

                If you tried to live a spiritual life, then there would be no understanding. But it seems that the avatar is empty.
                1. 0
                  29 January 2014 07: 33
                  Quote: Orik

                  If you tried to live a spiritual life, then there would be no understanding. But it seems that the avatar is empty.

                  Nothing but slogans. You know about my life as much as I about your
                  1. 0
                    29 January 2014 10: 23
                    This is not a capsule, but an experience. You don’t understand, because you don’t have it, but you have self-conceit. For some reason they dragged optina, ask any monk how much it takes to transform the human soul, when good and right things become separate actions, and even much later life.
                    Trying to talk about what you completely do not understand and you will not deal with such conceit. Therefore, for you these are empty slogans. According to your words, everything is visible.
      4. +1
        28 January 2014 19: 50
        That is, brother Oleg was meanly killed by brother Vladimir? Something you, Ingvar fantasize.
        1. +3
          28 January 2014 20: 02
          Quote: GregAzov
          That is, brother Oleg was meanly killed by brother Vladimir? Something you, Ingvar fantasize.

          Do you insist that the killing was not mean?
          1. 0
            28 January 2014 20: 27
            Quote: Setrac
            Do you insist that the killing was not mean?

            He just doesn’t know the story. laughing
            1. 0
              28 January 2014 21: 11
              Quote: Ingvar 72

              He just doesn’t know the story. laughing

              Applause, you can’t say better.
    2. +2
      28 January 2014 17: 49
      Excuse me, dear, but you are telling a story created by Miller and Schlozer, which was very beneficial to the house of the Zakharyavykh-Romanovs, which was written, according to their incitement
      1. 0
        28 January 2014 19: 21
        and what is the benefit ??? by the way you point at Miller.
        1. +2
          28 January 2014 19: 23
          Quote: tomket
          and what is the benefit ??? by the way you point at Miller.

          The benefit is obvious. Give your board (Romanovs) a legitimate look. After all, power is from God, and the rich Romanovs did not have rights to it.
          1. +1
            28 January 2014 19: 37
            Actually, how strange it is, it means there were no questions to Mikhail Fedorovich about his legitimacy, to Alexei Tishayshiy too, Peter the Great managed to correct and die, and Elizabeth sat on the throne, and they remembered that the tsar wasn’t real !!!! ! It doesn’t seem that it’s too late, as it happened, they justified themselves to justify their estate. You still say that Pugachev is Tsarevich Dmitry, he simply went over the Cahors monk and put the wrong years in the annals, but the eclipse of Sirius opened his eyes to new scientists !!!!
            1. +4
              28 January 2014 19: 55
              Quote: tomket
              You still say that Pugachev is Tsarevich Dmitry

              Let's just say - I do not exclude this option.
              Let me draw your attention to the fact that Suvorov led ten times stronger armies to the east than to the west. And historians scratch us about the "uprising", what such an uprising, they fought against the regular army of another state.
              1. +5
                28 January 2014 20: 38
                It seems that the way it was after all, Emelyana Pugacheva, oddly enough, was judged in the throne room of the Kremlin in Moscow, and not as a serf on the square, and this only says that he’s a question of tsar’s blood only what kind of gap in history we were left by dear Miller and Schlezer ???
          29 January 2014 18: 05
          Quote: tomket
          by the way you point at Miller

          It depends on which, if Alexei Ilyich Miller (b. 1959) is a Russian historian, then you are right, but if you mean Gerhard Friedrich Müller (p. 1705), then your opponent is right. You already decide among themselves.
          Regarding the second pair of links attached:

          azni /
          Miller and his associates had full power not only at the university in St. Petersburg, but also in the gymnasium, which prepared future students. The gymnasium was led by Miller, Bayer and Fisher. In the gymnasium “THE TEACHERS DIDN'T KNOW THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE ... THE DISCIPLES SHOULD NOT KNOW THE GERMAN. ALL TEACHING WAS EXCLUSIVELY ONLY IN THE LATIN LANGUAGE ... For thirty years (1726-1755) the gymnasium did not prepare a single person to enter the university. ” The following conclusion was drawn from this. It was stated that "the only way out is to write students out of Germany, since it would seem impossible to prepare them from Russians anyway."

          why Miller, as Pestic noted in 1965, “as a result of 50 years of studies in Russian history ... could not get a complete review of it, which was more or less completed or framed”
      2. +1
        28 January 2014 19: 42
        comrades, if you are quoting anyone, then give a link to the author, but it’s not clear, maybe they are contacting me, or maybe not.
      3. 0
        29 January 2014 01: 50
        Quote: kare
        Sorry sweetheart, but you are telling a story created by Miller and Schlozer.

        Tell me the real one? And how did it open to you?
      28 January 2014 17: 56
      Dear / user / Roman 1977 /, you unfortunately did not make a discovery, long before you L.N. Gumilyov considered this situation.
      Kiev from a rich and cultural city would turn into a castle of a robber knight like Bran Bran (now Brandenburg) or a base of pirates with the cult of Svyatovit, as was the case on the island of Ruge (now Rügen). But then the fate of the Western Slavs would have befallen the Rus: the Lutichs, Bodrichs and Pomeranians, who waged constant wars with neighbors and among themselves. For these brave Slavs, not only Germans and Danes, but all the neighbors were enemies, and you cannot live without friends.

      In the book "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe". Chapter X 64 Explosion of Darkness Third paragraph from the end. Attaching photo. The quote matches 100%. Plagiarism however.
    4. +3
      28 January 2014 20: 29
      I hesitate to ask where the information about the defeat at the dorostol came from; there seems to be an honorable peace made with a large tribute from Byzantium !!! And did you come up with the order about the arson of churches and the carving of Christians?
  4. +8
    28 January 2014 16: 27
    However, a minus, dear Author. And not because you smash one religion (the so-called "neo-paganism"), but because you oppose it to another (Orthodox Christianity). Therefore, you commit an act called religious intolerance. And for this act, if I am not mistaken, we have a corresponding article ...
    And to the apologists of "faith and religion" I would like to remind that we live in a secular state, and therefore, for all spits tailored according to the principle "one religion is better than another" should be held responsible according to the current legislation. Is not it?..
    Yes, and how is this opus combined with the Christian principle "love your neighbor as yourself"? .. After all, those who, for one reason or another, adopted paganism / neo-paganism for themselves are also citizens of our country, and even more so - fellow tribesmen in the literal sense of the word ... And you have them in the third grade with one stroke of the pen. Not Christian, however. And essentially illegal ...
    1. +4
      28 January 2014 17: 32
      Quote: Chicot 1
      Yes, and how is this opus combined with the Christian principle "love your neighbor as yourself"? .. After all, those who, for one reason or another, adopted paganism / neo-paganism for themselves are also citizens of our country, and even more so - fellow tribesmen in the literal sense of the word ... And you have them in the third grade with one stroke of the pen. Not christian however

      Yes, everything is combined. "Neighbor", meaning co-religionists, close spiritually, and not by blood. All branches of Christianity (and other religions) are extremely intolerant of other religions, especially the "pagans." The Orthodox Church is the least aggressive, but this is not her merit, the reason is in the traditional "secularism" of Russian statehood and the weakness of the church itself, as well as the pagans were forcibly baptized, and buffoons were burned, one "split" brought sacrifices no less than any war. By the way, inspired by the Byzantine Orthodox Church.
      1. 0
        28 January 2014 18: 03
        Quote: Old Rocketman
        Yes it all fits together

        You are wrong, however, Igor. The word "neighbors" has a much broader wording than you state. These can be both close in spirit, ideological and religious affiliation, and ethnicity (i.e. blood). This is a deep and sacred concept, and therefore it is not worth dividing and splitting it into parts ...
        Quote: Old Rocketman
        All branches of Christianity (and other religions) are extremely intolerant of other religions.

        No one ever doubted that ...
        Quote: Old Rocketman
        the "split" brought sacrifices no less than any war. By the way, inspired by the Byzantine Orthodox Church

        By the time Patriarch Nikon began his reforms (second half of the 17th century), which led to the so-called. "split", the Byzantine Empire (and with it the Byzantine Church) has rested in Bose for two centuries. For the Turks demolished it back in 1453 from the birth of Christ ...
        1. 0
          28 January 2014 21: 53
          You write a little falsehood here. The Eastern patriarchs invited to the trial of Nikon very strongly had a hand in the split. It was a kind of revenge for the independence of the Russian Church. Using the authority of the Patriarchal title, they persuaded the Local Council to annul the decisions of the Stoglav Cathedral, which caused a split in the Russian Church.
    2. Salamander
      28 January 2014 17: 49
      And where do you see hatred of the Gentiles, as people? Quote! The author condemns Paganism; or his supporters - for the erroneous perception of Christianity (and not for religious beliefs).
      1. -2
        28 January 2014 18: 10
        Quote: Salamander
        The author condemns Paganism

        Quote: Chicot 1
        not because you smash one religion (the so-called "neo-paganism"), but because you oppose it to another (Orthodox Christianity)

        Quote: Salamander
        And where do you see hatred of the Gentiles, as people?

        And where do you, in turn, see that I condemn the Author for his hatred of the Gentiles, as people? .. Quote this place in my comments. Please, Nikolay ...
      2. -1
        29 January 2014 03: 42
        And what right does he have to condemn paganism. Did he get his credential from him? And why does he not condemn other religions? Some sort of selectivity is visible in this.
    3. 0
      28 January 2014 19: 22
      do not foolishly
    4. Svobodny
      28 January 2014 21: 35
      Quote: Chicot 1
      Yes, and how does this opus fit in with the Christian principle "love your neighbor as yourself"?

      In the most direct way. The author loves his neighbors and does not want their heads and immortal souls to be polluted with demonic "pagan" delirium.

      Quote: Chicot 1
      religious intolerance

      Want to talk about human rights or tolerance? I'm afraid in this case you will not be understood here.
    5. anarch
      29 January 2014 02: 58
      Quote: Chicot 1
      And to the apologists of "faith and religion" I would like to remind that we live in a secular state, and therefore, for all spits tailored according to the principle "one religion is better than another" should be held responsible according to the current legislation.

      First, Christianity is a religion, right.
      But paganism is already an idolatry with human sacrifices.
      Do you call for human sacrifice? Or are you justifying them?
      Such truth-seekers and the sin of sodomy elevated tolerance.
      MINUS to you, however.
      I hope not only mine.
      1. +2
        29 January 2014 03: 49
        Do not carry bullshit! Human sacrifice, where? Do you want to say Christians did not burn people? And the bonfires of the Inquisition? Where do you get all this nonsense from? First you read the works of Tatishchev, I hope this name is familiar to you?
        1. +2
          29 January 2014 11: 45
          Quote: Vasily T.
          Do not carry bullshit! Human sacrifice, where? Do you want to say Christians did not burn people? And the bonfires of the Inquisition? Where do you get all this nonsense from? First you read the works of Tatishchev, I hope this name is familiar to you?

          Moreover, I note, unlike the mythical sacrifices of the Gentiles, co-religionists destroyed people in real, documented proof.
      2. +2
        29 January 2014 11: 52
        Quote: Svobodny
        In the most direct way. The author loves his neighbors, and does not want their heads and immortal souls to be polluted with demonic "pagan" delirium

        Once in this way they justified the actions of the Inquisition. But then it was the middle ages ...
        Quote: Svobodny
        Want to talk about human rights or tolerance?

        I want to talk about criminal law, where Russian on white denotes responsibility for acts referred to as religious intolerance. And just the same, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with tolerance. This is not his profile ...
        Quote: Svobodny
        I’m afraid in this case they won’t understand you here.

        You may be afraid further, but as they say - "he who knows how to think will understand"...
        Quote: anarh
        First, Christianity is a religion, right.
        But paganism is already an idolatry with human sacrifices

        Wow, how complicated everything is ... You yourself then realized that you wrote ...
        Or would you like to enter into a theological discussion? .. Well, if you please. But I warn you right away - you will have a pale appearance ...
        Quote: anarh
        Do you call for human sacrifice? Or are you justifying them?

        Did you see in my comments calls for human sacrifice? .. Or did you meet their excuses somewhere? ..
        Quote: anarh
        Such truth-seekers and the sin of sodomy elevated tolerance

        Raised in absolute. Or a degree (but this is in mathematics). Tolerance is called for. And therefore, please be kind enough to find in my comments (and there are more than two thousand of them on the site) at least one call for tolerance. Good luck!..
        As you will find, I allow you to dismiss my every comment ...
        And by the way about the cons ...
        Quote: anarh
        MINUS to you, however.
        I hope not only mine

        Yes please. However, they will put the pros ...
        And now back to the earlier written -
        Quote: Chicot 1
        And where do you, in turn, see that I condemn the Author for his hatred of the Gentiles, as people? .. Quote this place in my comments. Please, Nikolay

        There are no quotes, however ... And there will not be. So what were all these high-flying spitches for, Nikolai? ..
  5. +5
    28 January 2014 16: 31
    Many letters, niasil. Who thinks clearly - clearly states. It is necessary to state easier, not to watch things - wider ... winked
  6. The comment was deleted.
    1. -6
      28 January 2014 17: 42
      The Russian Orthodox Church was established in 1945. By order of IVStalin.
      1. +1
        28 January 2014 19: 23
        and before that was the great Martian church?
        1. 0
          28 January 2014 20: 44
          Church, was an Orthodox Greek rite
  7. Captain oh
    28 January 2014 16: 38
    Liquid Christianity cattle religion! Shut up and pray the sheep! There is nothing to ponder and reason, all the priests have already decided for you! With all herds of jogging, pray for a dead Jew!
    1. Salamander
      28 January 2014 17: 59
      Hard case... crying
  8. +7
    28 January 2014 16: 40
    Orthodoxy today, brothers, is not at all the Orthodoxy that our ancestors who lived on this earth before us had. Pantheons of the Gods, Sacred Groves, the Great Race. Well, where is all this? We have no history at all! Where did Europe come from in Eurasia? Has anyone heard of a wall 150 meters wide, a moat and many fortifications 2,5 thousand kilometers long? Is it mentioned anywhere in our history? And the remains of it are very clearly visible even now. They keep us in the dark and lower us stronger and stronger. As for religion - so long ago it was said that this is opium for the people)))). There is no point in believing in something. Absolutely. It makes sense to know, it makes sense to strive for something. And faith is a deception turning into self-deception.
    1. +3
      28 January 2014 17: 41
      Quote: Burmeister
      Pantheons of the Gods, Sacred Groves,

      Quote: Burmeister
      Has anyone heard of a wall 150 meters wide, a moat and many fortifications 2,5 thousand kilometers long?

      Does this somehow refute the existence of the Creator?
      Quote: Burmeister
      so long ago it was said that this is opium for the people

      Marx said that ...
      Quote: Burmeister
      It makes no sense to believe in something

      then do not believe in feelings, reason, sincerity, love, conscience and
      1. -1
        28 January 2014 22: 17
        Lenin said this verbatim, and Marx said: "Religion is the opium of the people." The meaning changes somewhat, doesn't it?
    2. Luzhichanin
      28 January 2014 21: 26
      Quote: Burmeister
      Has anyone heard of a wall 150 meters wide, a moat and many fortifications 2,5 thousand kilometers long? Is it mentioned anywhere in our history?

      Do you say a moat about Trojans? so in the annals of the oldest of the "preserved" it is said about him, they say the Rus fought with the Romans laughing
    3. Salamander
      29 January 2014 17: 03
      Quote: Burmeister
      They keep us in the dark and lower us stronger and stronger. As for religion - so long ago it was said that this is opium for the people)))). There is no point in believing in something. Absolutely. It makes sense to know, it makes sense to strive for something. And faith is a deception turning into self-deception.

      Dear Editor,
      Maybe better about the reactor,
      About your favorite moon tractor
      It’s impossible for a year in a row
      They frighten me with plates
      Say, vile, fly,
      Then your dogs bark
      That ruins say.
      V. Vysotsky "Letter to the editor of the television program" Obvious - incredible ""
  9. +3
    28 January 2014 16: 41
    Do you really think that the Slavic people, like this, voluntarily, with songs and dances, went to the Dnieper to be baptized, refusing, by all means, the 1000-chi of the summer faith! ??? !!! Yes, the Russification of Christians lasted for almost 500 years! a third of the population was destroyed. The Mongol yoke was the result of Christianization. Because Not all the principalities at once converted to Christianity. And there was a fierce civil war. To tear up and weaken Russia. Yes, for which sucker is this stamped article?
    1. -1
      28 January 2014 16: 54
      Quote: jekasimf
      Yes, Russi’s Christianization lasted almost 500 years!

      As a result, the Russian people rejected the "Russian Orthodox Church."
        28 January 2014 19: 04
        [quote = Setrac] [quote = jekasimf] Yes, Russi’s Christianization lasted for almost 500 years! [/ quote]
        Not yet evening!
      2. -2
        28 January 2014 19: 24
        present a document that will confirm such a loud statement
      3. antinon
        28 January 2014 21: 38
        [quote = Setrac] [quote = jekasimf] Yes, Russi’s Christianization lasted for almost 500 years! [/ quote]
        As a result, the Russian people rejected the "Russian Orthodox Church". [/ Quote
        "Russian Orthodox Church"
        1. 0
          28 January 2014 21: 51
          Quote: antinon
          "Russian Orthodox Church"

          The word Orthodox means the old rite, that is, the West calls us Old Believers.
      4. +1
        30 January 2014 13: 38
        Quote: Setrac
        As a result, the Russian people rejected the "Russian Orthodox Church."

        Orthodoxy was not rejected by the Russian people. He goes to church a lot now. Including youth. I myself am an atheist by the way.
    2. +3
      28 January 2014 17: 11
      Yes, for those who are not in the subject and designed. Who goes with the flow and sees nothing. But paganism (outlook) was distributed practically throughout the world, from which Buddhism came out as a branch for the East and Asia.
      1. 0
        28 January 2014 19: 40
        Well, yes, the thunder boomed, here you have the hammer of the torus and the arrow of Perun, which is not clear there, the world outlook is
      2. +4
        28 January 2014 20: 03
        Quote: uralkos
        Yes, for those who are not in the subject and designed. Who goes with the flow and sees nothing. But paganism (outlook) was distributed practically throughout the world, from which Buddhism came out as a branch for the East and Asia.

        From the undead, the Gods guarded
        And there was no way to Russia Enemy
        The priests trapped the prince
        Like in a mortal dream in the winter in the snow.

        Vladimir wanted to become a basileus,
        For the throne betrayed the dust of grandfathers and father,
        And the undead in Russia opened the way,
        And he accepted the cross of the Living Dead.

        The apostate and the squad of savages,
        Jewish poison poured into Russia,
        And in spirit the weak betrayed the faith of grandfathers,
        And in Russia, a terrible hell broke out.

        Darkness eclipsed the light of Law over the Fatherland
        And the forces of Evil triumphantly triumph.
        Treacherous Russia submitted to power
        And the bloody alien cross suffered.

        We are not the shrine of the book of the Jews
        Out of our way with the flock of Christ,
        Slavs are not slaves of the god of the Jews,
        Dazhboga grandchildren were we always.

        So get up, brothers, together for freedom,
        Let everyone decide for himself
        Pray to the Russian mother Nature,
        Or the Jewish Living Dead.
        1. 0
          28 January 2014 22: 21
          Yes, there are clearly not Plato and Xenophones! Gods and everything is here! It seems that the ancient pagans who had the concept of the Demiurge were smarter than modern educated pagans!
        2. 0
          28 January 2014 22: 26
          And you do not take into account that the actual global connection of the Slavic tribes took place after the adoption of the Orthodox faith. And the Russian Empire was not in the greatest power with the Orthodox faith? And the departure from faith did not lead to a revolution? The romance of paganism will not lead to anything good. Well, in fact, no one is forced to believe in one God, everyone decides for himself. The Orthodox Church calls, but does not take away freedom of will. So why insult and fight, show respect - with your words "Let everyone decide for himself what suits him."
    3. Svobodny
      28 January 2014 21: 41
      Quote: jekasimf
      What sucker is this stamped article for?

      The article was written not for a "sucker", but for cultured people who know and understand history, who know how to express their own thoughts competently and without harsh words and do not call the Baptism of Rus
      Quote: jekasimf
      Russie Christianity
      1. +2
        29 January 2014 04: 42
        Quote: Svobodny
        The article was written not for "sucker", but for cultured people,

        Well, yes, just reading komenty, I am glad that there are great distances between us, otherwise we would have killed each other in a crazy debate - crazy versions.
        1. +2
          29 January 2014 05: 33
          laughing laughing laughing would bite each other 100%.
  10. WORD
    28 January 2014 16: 44
    The state became secular after the Bolsheviks came to power and the assassination of the royal family, please do not forget about this. I liked the article very much. Dogmas, then they are dogmas, they are taken for granted. To argue with this is stupid.
    1. +4
      28 January 2014 17: 39
      Quote: SLOVO
      Dogmas, then they are dogmas, they are taken for granted. To argue with this is stupid.

      Keyword Dogma.
      To argue with dogmas and religious fanatics is really futile
      1. Little Russia
        28 January 2014 21: 48
        I agree, especially applicable to ideological dogmas and party fanatics.
      2. 0
        28 January 2014 22: 34
        The dogmas of faith are defined at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea under Constantine the Great and have not been revised by the Orthodox since then. Catholics add dogma (for example, on the infallibility of the Pope, on the integrity of the conception of the Virgin Mary, etc.)
    2. +1
      28 January 2014 20: 52
      The family is not a king, but a former king who escaped from responsibility for the country and people in difficult times.
      29 January 2014 18: 23
      Quote: SLOVO
      The state became secular after the Bolsheviks came to power

      Upon the abolition by Peter I (1701) of the patriarchal administration of the church, from 1721 until August 1917 (nominally existed until February 1 (14), 1918), the Most Holy Governing Synod established by him was the highest state body of church administrative power in the Russian Empire, replacing the patriarch with regard to general church functions and external relations, as well as the councils of all bishops local church. ( Holy Synod).
      The patriarchate in Russia was restored on October 28 (November 11) 1917 by the decision of the All-Russian Local Council. (
      By your lips (judging by the comment) Peter I (Romanov) was the first Bolshevik in the world!
  11. +5
    28 January 2014 16: 46
    Since the XNUMXth century, Orthodoxy has been the state religion of Russia, Russia, which means that any actions aimed at splitting Orthodoxy will somehow negatively affect the solidity of society and, as a result, weaken the state.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  12. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      28 January 2014 16: 55
      Quote: uralkos
      Why was the gospel of Andrew the first-called banned? Quote

      do not quote what is not available. The gospel of Andrew was rejected by Gelasius and lost.
      Do not invent what is not.
      1. +5
        28 January 2014 17: 00
        Quote: atalef
        The gospel of Andrew was rejected by Gelasius and lost.

        Strange huh? The gospel of Andrew is lost, not the Talmud.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          28 January 2014 17: 16
          Quote: Setrac
          Strange huh? Lost the Gospel of Andrew, not the Talmud

          Nothing strange, I lost my car key yesterday, but my neighbor is gone. Conspiracy?
          By the way, read what the Talmud is. You probably meant the Torah.
          1. +3
            28 January 2014 17: 21
            Quote: atalef
            Nothing strange, I lost my car key yesterday

            You probably lost two spare sets of keys at once? And at the same time.

            Quote: atalef
            By the way, read what the Talmud is. You probably meant the Torah.

            What difference does it make, I could give as an example any other similar brochure.
        3. +3
          28 January 2014 17: 23
          Something like this, a little irony of sadness and truth about us.
      2. +5
        28 January 2014 17: 14
        It is more than not lost and stored in the Vatican, but until public study it is not recommended, so do not frighten the fever.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          28 January 2014 17: 18
          Quote: uralkos
          It is more than not lost and stored in the Vatican

          Can I link to the archive? Or inventory? Or an elementary confirmation from a reputable source?
          Quote: uralkos
          but prior to public study, it is highly discouraged, so do not overpower a fever.

          At the same time, everyone quotes him, especially the 5th chapter laughing
          1. +6
            28 January 2014 17: 43
            Quote: atalef
            Can I link to the archive? Or inventory? Or an elementary confirmation from a reputable source?

            Can I have a link about the lost keys? laughing
            1. -1
              28 January 2014 23: 06
              Quote: Old Rocketman
              Can I have a link about the lost keys?

              Again nothing to say. Well, in general, I did not expect anything else from you.
              Throw phrases. but as you ask for confirmation or links --- to the bushes. laughing
              1. Castor
                29 January 2014 16: 35
                Quote: atalef
                Throw phrases. but as you ask for confirmation or links --- to the bushes.

                Where are your confirmations?
          2. +2
            29 January 2014 03: 36
            Quote: atalef
            Can I link to the archive? Or inventory? Or an elementary confirmation from a reputable source?

            A reference can be on the source from which your Torah was written? Or did your chroniclers exist before Adam appeared?
        3. anarch
          29 January 2014 03: 15
          Quote: uralkos
          It is more than not lost and stored in the Vatican, but until public study it is not recommended, so do not smack

          And then how did you get this knowledge?
          Personally, they got into the Vatican or did one of the cardinals whisper in secret?
      3. +1
        28 January 2014 20: 58
        that is, if he was lost, then he was not there, so it turns out ??? Like not a thief?
        however, you have a good argument! By the way, how did you lose the Torah? then restored bit by bit the memory of the old survivors, or is it Muslims all come up with ???
        1. -2
          28 January 2014 23: 04
          Quote: Yuri Sev Caucasus
          oh is if they lost him, then he was gone, so it turns out?

          was. only no one knows. what was written there.
          Quote: Yuri Sev Caucasus
          you have a good argument

          great . in the absence of the original. you can invent anything. what was there

          Quote: Yuri Sev Caucasus
          ! By the way, how did you lose the Torah?

          they didn’t lose the torus - or please, a reference to some kind of trustworthy document
          Quote: Yuri Sev Caucasus
          or is it Muslims all come up ??

          In general, you came up with this
          1. Castor
            29 January 2014 16: 37
            Quote: atalef
            great . in the absence of the original. you can invent anything. what was there

            Comfortable huh? For those who want to rewrite history. Now we understand the root cause of the bonfires of the Inquisition.
    3. Little Russia
      28 January 2014 21: 50
      do not confuse religion and politics. pagan empires are all the same and their end is also predetermined by their deeds. Paganism is crap.
      1. 0
        30 January 2014 09: 30
        pagan empires are all the same and their end is also predetermined by their deeds. Paganism is crap.
        All empires are somewhat similar, not just pagan. And history does not know eternal empires. Long-living yes, eternal - no.
        Paganism is not crap, but a natural stage in the development of society. No more.
    4. 0
      28 January 2014 22: 30
      Quote: uralkos
      They rejected hundreds of thousands of years of history, and all for the sake of faith, which was originally intended for Jews.
      And Jesus answered him: “Go to the nations of the east, to the nations of the west and to the nations of the south, where the sons of the house of Israel live. Do not go to the pagans of the north, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel ”(Gospel of Andrew, ch. 5 vv. 1-3).

      For my 50 I have not met a single sinless person. The use of such a term can only indicate a fake.
      1. Castor
        29 January 2014 16: 38
        Quote: GregAzov
        For my 50 I have not met a single sinless person. The use of such a term can only indicate a fake.

        You saw them (sinless) in sufficient numbers - these are small children.
    5. anarch
      29 January 2014 03: 10
      Quote: uralkos
      They rejected hundreds of thousands of years of history, and all for the sake of faith, which was originally intended for Jews.

      Where have you read such heresies?
      I paraphrase Professor Preobrazhensky a little:
      "Don't read Internet articles at dinner."
  13. Risk
    28 January 2014 16: 54
    I read until the time when Vladimir made sacrifices to Perun, including human ones, it became clear, the author didn’t foot in the subject ... Where were the human victims, what kind of stupidity? But those who refused to be baptized, these were the victims, but to which god? Ugly article. We are all Russian, and if someone believes in Christianity, I will not call him Orthodoxy, it is their will, and I do not want to prove the opposite. And as for the Tartar-Mogul yoke, everything is written here with a pitchfork, because thanks to Peter 1 we don’t know anything about what came before him. Because we wrote chronicles, destroyed them and we are now studying history. But these articles appear because the Russian Orthodox Church is leaving the ground under its feet, that's all.
    1. -2
      28 January 2014 20: 37
      Quote: Rishka
      for thanks to Peter 1 we know nothing of what came before him. Because we wrote chronicles, destroyed them and we are now studying history. But these articles appear because the Russian Orthodox Church is leaving the ground under its feet, that's all.
      Read Platonov's "Complete course of lectures on Russian history", Peter I, on the contrary, collected ancient chronicles and books from all monasteries (of course, not for destruction). And you dream about the collapse of the Russian Orthodox Church in vain. Take a peek at the nearest Temple, young and middle-aged people predominate wink
      1. 0
        28 January 2014 22: 21
        "And you dream about the collapse of the Russian Orthodox Church in vain. Take a look at the nearest Temple, people of young and middle age prevail."
        And here you are, dear Zapasnoy, you need to look at Andrei Kuraev’s blog. You will learn a lot of interesting things.
    2. -1
      28 January 2014 22: 30
      It looks like you’re off topic with a foot! They didn’t even read about the sacrifice of two Varangian Christians. By the way, this is described in the Radziwill Chronicle!
    3. anarch
      29 January 2014 03: 20
      Quote: Rishka
      But these articles appear because the Russian Orthodox Church is leaving the ground under its feet, that's all.

      Yes, does not go away.
      Just LIBERALS TOGETHER WITH NEOPAGIANS trying to knock her out.
      You have chosen a good party as your allies.
  14. Captain oh
    28 January 2014 16: 55
    In my opinion, a clear example of the superiority of one religion over another! In the mosque, sermons teach to wet Russians. In the synagogue they learn to rob Russians. And the Russians themselves in the church are taught to endure and humble themselves. Well, who is surprised by the result of a long and systematic work?
  15. shower
    28 January 2014 17: 07
    I looked at the headline, I immediately understood in a nutshell I will not state it, I was not mistaken. Immediately in komenty, it is clear there is nothing to read.
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. Captain oh
    28 January 2014 17: 15
    Where are there before the Jews, thanks helped and continue to help .....
    1. Salamander
      28 January 2014 18: 21

      The patriarch speaks of the attitude towards the Slavs on the part of the "enlightened" peoples. Key words "although we have never been barbarians."

      And when will people finally learn to recognize fakes? I thought, everyone already understood everything and abandoned this video ...
  18. The comment was deleted.
    1. +12
      28 January 2014 17: 29
      Quote: demotivator
      the author meant something else

      Apparently you did not watch the interview with Patriarch Kirill, you immediately began to study propaganda. Otherwise, you would know that these words of Patriarch Kirill were taken out of context. The Patriarch QUOTED the words of Western historiography about the Slavs, visually showing what they think of us. This is a similar deception in the spirit of Western propaganda, and here you are, in fair anger (and fair?) Ready to drive a wave in the Russian Orthodox Church.
      1. +1
        28 January 2014 20: 42
        Oh oh oh, they offended the Patriarch. Maybe someone remembers the mysterious disappearance of watches? Or about a yacht, or about a bunch of heaps of sins.
        Or maybe we recall the huge cash injections into the Russian Orthodox Church from the state?
        Or maybe we recall the trade in wine-free duty-free goods?
        Or maybe we recall the absence of taxes for the Russian Orthodox Church? Customs duties, etc.?
        1. Svobodny
          28 January 2014 21: 49
          Quote: Hamul
          Or maybe remember

          Or maybe let's start with ourselves?
        2. anarch
          29 January 2014 03: 50
          Quote: Hamul
          Maybe someone remembers the mysterious disappearance of watches? Or about a yacht, or about a bunch of heaps of sins.

          And remember that these revelations were thrown by the liberal media.
          Very truthful.
          And until self-forgetfulness, they love the Russian world.
          And to the heap let us recall "Rain", one of the mouthpieces of these media.
          Who conducted a blasphemous survey about the victims in besieged Leningrad (, and when their tail was pinched, they began to squeak that "the bunch is not mine."

          Do you rely on these means of truthful information in your judgments?
  19. -4
    28 January 2014 17: 28
    Rus and Slovenes are the most ancient nation. The so-called prince Vladimir - "clear sun", was never a prince. But he was a "kogan." But even then there was no Orthodox Church, there was an Orthodox Church. It was made Orthodox by the priests together with the communists in 1945.
    Before that, she was called the Orthodox of the Greek rite. The Radziwill Chronicle is the hard work of those who were engaged in forgery of our true history, replaced by the history of Schlözer and Miler. And the Russians and Slovenes were called Orthodox. The meanness of Patriarch Nikon was to replace the concept of Orthodoxy with Christianity. Read the old and new testaments. This is an abbreviated copy of the Torah. Just those clear passages of the Torah, which shows the parasitic nature of the people, worshiping Yahweh, Jehovah, are removed from "our" holy books
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      28 January 2014 17: 45
      Setrac Today, 17:34 | The Baptism of Russia, or the "superpatriotism" of Slavic neopaganism

      Atalef brought me to the black list. The God-chosen did not like the truth.

      D.u. richer in thought laughing
    3. +5
      28 January 2014 18: 31
      Quote: kare
      The so-called prince Vladimir - "clear sun", was never a prince. But he was a "kogan."

      1. Prince Vladimir could not be a Khazar kogan, due to the destruction of the Khazar Khaganate by his father, Prince Svyatoslav.
      2. Prince Vladimir could not have been acquainted with Patriarch Nikon, because Nikon was born more than 600 years after Vladimir.
      Quote: kare
      Read the old and new testaments. This is an abbreviated copy of the Torah. Just those clear passages of the Torah, which shows the parasitic nature of the people, worshiping Yahweh, Jehovah, are removed from "our" holy books

      I have read many times, the Torah is only the first 5 books of the Bible (the Bible is the books of the Old Testament and New collected together). The Bible contains 66 canonical books and 11 apocrypha, that is, a total of 77 books. Therefore, the Bible cannot be an abridged copy of the Torah.
      Study the question carefully before writing such nonsense.
      1. -3
        28 January 2014 23: 01
        Well, now the text of the "Words of Law and Grace" itself:
        Original text

        About ZAKONѢ, MOISѢOM DANѢѢM, AND ON BLAGODѢTI And ISTINѢ, ISUSOM HRISTOM former and KAKO zakon OTIDE, BLAGODѢT and truth the whole earth followed, VѢRA unto ALL language simple and to our language RUSKAGO, praise Kagan OUR Wlodzimierz FROM Unbecoming Baptism BYHOM AND PRAYER TO GOD FROM ALL OUR LAND

        I didn’t say such nonsense that Kogan Vladimir was acquainted with Nikon. He was the adopted son of Svyatoslav. He simply said briefly that they both did one thing, I agree that at different times.
        If I read the torus more than once, I take off my hat, I mastered only the old and the new, I only got to the torus, but what I know selectively from it. This book is not inspired.
        1. +3
          28 January 2014 23: 27
          Quote: kare
          I mastered only the old and the new, I only reached the Torah

          Apparently, you still have not read.
          The Torah in Christianity is the five books of Moses and these are the first five books of the Old Testament, namely:
          1. Being
          2. Outcome
          3. Leviticus
          5. Deuteronomy
          That is, if you, as you say, read the Old Testament, then you could not help but read these books.
    4. +1
      28 January 2014 19: 08
      frost grew stronger and with it MARASM
    5. anarch
      29 January 2014 03: 54
      Quote: kare
      The so-called prince Vladimir - "clear sun", was never a prince. But he was a "kogan". The Khozar Kagonate professed various religions

      Do not read American fairy tales at night - nightmares will torment.
    6. 0
      29 January 2014 13: 55
      Karoche bro, listen here. I’ll ask you three questions at once, so that you answer me:
      1. Recently I read in comets allegedly Dobrynya Nikitich (Nikita (from Greek - winner) is his father, And the Greeks baptized Russians with GREEK NAMES), and if Dobrynya is the brother of "Malusha", perhaps they are all three Christians.
      2. Patriarch Nikon (look at the Erzya sites) is a Mordvin, as well as ProtopOP (also the Greek word, by the way) Hvacuum. Do you not consider this fact an attempt by the Mordvinians to introduce their Trojan horses into the Russian Orthodox Church?
      3. I read the Old Testament. I even read the refutation of the entire Muslim religion, I partially studied Buddhism. May I put out on the basis of this in Theological disputes with you.
  20. -1
    28 January 2014 17: 34
    Atalef blacklisted me laughing The God-chosen did not like the truth of the goy.
  21. The comment was deleted.
  22. +2
    28 January 2014 17: 42
    Quote: atalef
    Who the hell are you?

    So went rotten Zekovsky bazaar, and what else to expect from a man with such a flag! He doesn’t just come to the Russian forum.
  23. Captain oh
    28 January 2014 17: 43
    Oooh ... Where can you get acquainted with this great opus (in the spirit of domestic propaganda) in full? Maybe give a link, or hostile Western resources do not store such works of the true "Russian" faith?
    Quote: Setrac

    Apparently you did not watch the interview with Patriarch Kirill, you immediately began to study propaganda. Otherwise, you would know that these words of Patriarch Kirill were taken out of context. The Patriarch QUOTED the words of Western historiography about the Slavs, visually showing what they think of us. This is a similar deception in the spirit of Western propaganda, and here you are, in fair anger (and fair?) Ready to drive a wave in the Russian Orthodox Church.
    1. -2
      28 January 2014 17: 52
      Quote: Captain O
      Maybe give a link,

      Search on YouTube.
      1. Captain oh
        28 January 2014 17: 56
        Yeah, look and find out ..... Especially what is not. Did you listen to the sermon in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior live, in tears and on your knees?
        1. +3
          28 January 2014 17: 57
          Quote: Captain O
          Did you listen to the sermon in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior live, in tears and on your knees?

          I didn’t want to put a minus, but I have to.
        2. -3
          28 January 2014 18: 10
          Everyone believes in what he wants to believe, if a person prays to a wooden idol in a grove, let him pray. But they not only pray over their logs, but denigrate the Christian faith, with such it is necessary to carry out "preventive" work with "executions."
          1. +6
            28 January 2014 18: 49
            Quote: RUSS
            Everyone believes in what he wants to believe, if a person prays to a wooden idol in a grove, let him pray. But they not only pray over their logs, but denigrate the Christian faith, with such it is necessary to carry out "preventive" work with "executions."

            As a rule, people denigrating Christianity are just foolish people, and executions cannot help here ...
            People forget that the heyday of neopaganism fell on the first half of the XNUMXth century and forget that these neopagans wore a black uniform with runes on their buttonholes and a swastika on their sleeves ...
            1. -4
              28 January 2014 22: 31
              "People forget that neo-paganism flourished in the first half of the XNUMXth century and they forget that these neo-pagans wore black uniforms with runes on their collar tabs and a swastika on their sleeves ..."
              Dear Rebus, do not twist about the swastika and runic writing, this is not beautiful. Better look and read about this material.
              1. +5
                28 January 2014 22: 56
                Quote: Sh.O.K.
                Dear Rebus, do not twist about the swastika and runic writing, this is not beautiful. Better look and read about this material.

                I see no reason to distort
                The original purity of the superman was understood by the ideologists of the Third Reich exclusively as racial purity. The extraordinary power of the ancient heroes, their magical abilities, and much more were associated with her. Therefore, it was precisely this characteristic of society that was considered part of the program of the mystical transformation of the nation and the key to success in the war.

                The race of Aryans - the ancestors of Germanic tribes - was for ideologists the very source from which one could “draw inspiration” and consider it as a convincing example of infallibility. It was believed that the customs of this people survived in secret societies, which in all centuries opposed the degradation of mankind and preserved ancient knowledge. They could be perceived only by turning back the clock, bringing the Germans closer to this prototype.

                Another source of spiritual strength was seen by the leadership of the Third Reich in an appeal to the ancient gods and the introduction of their symbolism in order to enlist their support.
                Sergey Viktorovich Zubkov
                "Third Reich under the banner of the occult"

                And the runic symbols and the swastika of the Third Reich stems precisely from paganism.
              2. anarch
                29 January 2014 04: 08
                Quote: Sh.O.K.
                Dear Rebus, do not twist about the swastika and runic writing, this is not beautiful. Better look and read about this material.

                Where to look for something?
                On Washington-funded sites?
            2. heathen
              30 January 2014 19: 29
              There is one very good saying about this: "A pig will find dirt everywhere"
          2. anarch
            29 January 2014 04: 04
            Quote: RUSS
            with such it is necessary to carry out "preventive" work with "executions."

            Preventive work is necessary - for they are intoxicated with American fairy tales, because they are led to the name "Tales for True Slavs."
            Executions - not necessary.
            Executions do not convince.
            It is not the erring brother who needs executions, but the overseas educational center.
          3. heathen
            30 January 2014 19: 34
            Why, really, maybe right at the stake? Would you like to return the good old days of Torquemada and Patriarch Nikon?
  24. +4
    28 January 2014 17: 46
    Since the beginning of perestroika, Russia has wide open its doors to all religious and pseudo-religious organizations, and countless preachers, barkers and magicians have flooded the country. But this was not a random crowd, but a well-planned and deeply echeloned invasion with clear goals, objectives, methods, and delimitation of spheres of action and influence. And the invasion was extremely dangerous. What prevents the current priests from reaching out to people rather than complaining that the crowds have flooded. Why are there Muslim preachers and no Christian ones, why do they sit in their mansions, ride smart cars, grow their belly and nobody on the streets? In recent years, priests have discredited themselves and faith, more than all the enemies combined. And then in such articles they complain that people are looking for another faith, therefore more and more Russian Muslims appear. And the tobacco metropolitan with his palaces is generally a song.
    1. CreepyUknow
      28 January 2014 20: 48
      Hope you are lucky not to go to jail, hospice hospital or homelessness. Otherwise, you will understand that priests do not sit "in their mansions." The fact that they do not come to your apartment, I think, is normal.
    2. anarch
      29 January 2014 04: 27
      Quote: demel2
      Why are there Muslim preachers and no Christian

      Because Orthodoxy assumes that a person should voluntarily come to the temple and it’s not a matter of driving him there with rods (albeit ideological),
      It is also assumed that a person who seeks God will follow the Faith of the fathers, and will follow the enemies of his people.
      And he will not overturn his ears to his soul to filthy speeches.
      And priests go to prisons, to cancer hospitals, to orphanages.
      But then you can’t see this because of the computer.
      Oh, how filthy it is to slander the Bearers of the Faith of the Fathers.
      It was once an accidental witness how a drunk peasant by Great Lent broadcasted to his companions about priests eating pork.
      I doubt very much that he would be invited to a church meal.
      It looks like you are from the same experts.

      Quote: demel2

      A tobacco metropolitan with his palaces is generally a song.

      Song. Steamy. From someone else's voice.
      And it doesn’t matter to her to sing along.
      1. 0
        29 January 2014 09: 08
        Quote: anarh
        Because Orthodoxy assumes that a person should voluntarily come to the temple and it’s not a matter of driving him there with rods

        That is why Russia was baptized with fire and sword
        1. 0
          29 January 2014 14: 10
          That is, in your opinion, the great Equal-to-the-Apostles PRINCESS Olga was baptized by fire and sword? And Dobrynya Nikitich (His father is an Orthodox Christian) also probably was baptized by fire, Olesha priests son was also unbelief probably, Well, about Elijah (help the name translate the Jews) from Mordovia, the city of Murom, too, was probably baptized by force.
          1. -2
            29 January 2014 14: 21
            Quote: Penzuck
            That is, in your opinion, the great Equal-to-the-Apostles PRINCESS Olga was baptized by fire and sword?

            Do not confuse soft with warm. This mess in your head because you equate the words "Orthodox" and "Christian", and these two concepts are not equal.
            The Orthodox is not necessarily Christian, and the Christian is not necessarily Orthodox.
            And it could well be Olesha priests son to be the son of an Orthodox priest - not a Christian.
            I will notice that Russia was "baptized", not "Orthodox"
            1. Salamander
              29 January 2014 16: 22
              Actually, there is the concept of "Orthodox Christian". And how in Russia at that time could there be an ORTHODOX PRIEST - but not a Christian? I am tormented by vague doubts ... laughing
          2. alexandr00070
            29 January 2014 15: 23
            Quote: Penzuck
            That is, in your opinion, the great Equal-to-the-Apostles PRINCESS Olga was baptized by fire and sword? And Dobrynya Nikitich (His father is an Orthodox Christian) also probably was baptized by fire, Olesha priests son was also unbelief probably, Well, about Elijah (help the name translate the Jews) from Mordovia, the city of Murom, too, was probably baptized by force.

            You beguiled, between Olga and "Ilya Muromets" several centuries of legends about Ilya and other heroes are applicable to the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, read carefully the Russian epic. And Dobrynya, under Prince Vladimir 1, was a brother of his mother. THERE ARE NOT SO MANY SLAVES, HOW MUCH HOSTAGE (then it was customary) of the Khazar princess Malusha, well, since she was a Khazarin, then the brother was a Khazarin, and now find how Dobrynya Novgorod baptized (the city who raised Vladimir), how many souls were ruined, but only the princely army was stronger in Kiev too
            1. Salamander
              29 January 2014 16: 34
              Quote: alexandr00070
              of the Khazar Princess Malusha, well, since she was a Khazar, then her brother was a Khazarin

              And why not Israeli - would that explain everything? laughing Why exactly Khazar? How can a man named "Malusha" and a father named Malk Lyubechanin be a Khazar woman ???
              1. Salamander
                29 January 2014 17: 22
                Well, of course, it’s always possible to put a minus, but is there enough strength to explain your point of view? Where did the information about the Khazar Malush come from?
                1. -3
                  29 January 2014 17: 26
                  Quote: Salamander
                  Well, of course, it’s always possible to put a minus, but is there enough strength to explain your point of view? Where did the information about the Khazar Malush come from?

                  Counter-question - where did the information about pagan sacrifices come from?
                  1. +2
                    30 January 2014 09: 39
                    Counter-questions without giving the opponent first arguments in favor of his innocence are one of the most common demagogic tricks.
                  2. Salamander
                    30 January 2014 21: 01
                    Quote: Setrac

                    Counter-question - where did the information about pagan sacrifices come from?

                    And that means that my question cannot be answered. And I will answer yours:
                    1) Analogies with other pagan religions - they all used sacrifices.
                    2) From the wiki:
                    Texts of Byzantine authors of the XNUMXth – XNUMXth centuries: Procopius of Caesarea, Theophylact of Simocatta, Konstantin Bagryanorodny, Leo Deacon and others. West European authors of the XNUMXth – XNUMXth centuries: Bavarian Geographer, Titmar of Merseburg, Helmold, Saxon Grammatik and others. Arab authors of the XNUMXth – XNUMXth centuries -Massudi, Ibn Fadlan, Ibn Ruste and others. In the XNUMXth century Scandinavian sagas, in the Elder and Younger Edds, there is information that can be used to reconstruct Slavic paganism. Old Russian, West Slavic (Kozma Prazhsky with its “Czech Chronicle”) and South Slavic sources of the XNUMXth – XNUMXth centuries: annals, teachings and instructions against the Gentiles (Cyril of Turovsky, Kirik Novgorodets and others) and inserts in translated literature, including apocrypha. A special place is occupied by the "Word about Igor's regiment."

                    3) From the wiki:
                    written sources of the XV — XVII centuries and folklore sources of the XVIII — XX centuries, which are less close to paganism, but contain a number of information from earlier sources that have not reached us, as well as detailed records of legends, fairy tales, epics, plots, legends and ex-sayings, proverbs and sayings by which it is possible to restore ancient myths.

                    And this is only from Wikipedia, without getting into specialized literature.

                    PySy: Maybe answer my question?
                    1. -3
                      30 January 2014 21: 48
                      Quote: Salamander
                      1) Analogies with other pagan religions - they all used sacrifices.

                      So say it - from the flashlight.
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                      2. Salamander
                        31 January 2014 21: 45
                        Well, I understand, for you everything is "from the lantern", any sources are fake! And it will be: "Each person knows such a story for which he has enough imagination" (redone)
                        I can only wish you a happy journey forward to the world of myths and legends ...
                      3. 0
                        4 February 2014 10: 31
                        Well, I understand, for you everything is "from the lantern", any sources are fake!

                        Far from it! If you had a scientific methodology, you would not say that. In science, it is customary to check and recheck ALL sources. Even the most reliable ones. And only by the sum of cross-checking of different sources, this or that fact is accepted as the truth. But, even in this case, with a confidence level. As, for example, the school formula of the law of universal gravitation is correct ... With a correction for Einstein's theory of relativity, for special conditions, that is, for high speeds. And so in ALL branches of knowledge of official science. But alternative science does not follow this approach. Or it observes only if and only as long as the results of the scientific method are consistent with the conclusions and "convenient" facts of such "scientists".
                        Any theory must be consistently proven before becoming officially recognized in the current round of general human knowledge. Alternative "science" tries to avoid this as much as possible and immediately crawl into the status of official truths.
                        I can only wish you a happy journey forward to the world of myths and legends ...
                        Thank you, but clearly distinguish reality from ...
                2. +3
                  30 January 2014 09: 34
                  Where did the information about the Khazar Malush come from?
                  From the finger, of course. Unlike call girls, some individuals suck out simply do scientific miracles.
              2. alexandr00070
                29 January 2014 17: 58
                Quote: Salamander
                And why not Israeli - would that explain everything?

                well, you express one of the versions, I’m the other, according to my version all the further fate of Russia is laid down by the actions of the Khazars and revenge by the Slavs for the defeated Khazaria, if you follow your version, it’s strange to see what the prince so hated his people.
                than not the version ...............
                The notorious Vladimir was the son of the housekeeper Malusha, who was at the service of his grandmother - Princess Olga. This pet name comes from her father, Rabbi Malka. Translated from Hebrew, Malk is a king. In history, he was called Dobrynya, but it would be a mistake to assume that this is a Russian name. It also comes from the Hebrew name Dobran, which means a chatterbox, orator, talker. In view of the close harmony with the Russian word, it is used to call Dobrynya. In his affairs, he showed himself in all his Levitic scope - exceptionally cruel, as befits a Jew brought up in the family of a rabbi.
                Princess Olga was very angry not so much because her son Svyatoslav was confused in the stable with her housekeeper, but because the latter belonged to the infamous exploitative family of the Jews. She sent Malusha to Pskov, where the illegitimate half-Jew Rabbi Vladimir was born. In the future, the word rabbinic, again, in tune, will be stubbornly replaced as "son of a slave", rabichich

                The historian Valery Emelyanov (1929-1999) built on this assumption his attitude to Prince Vladimir. “... Emelyanov“ exposed ”the Kiev prince Vladimir, the baptist of Russia, as a vile traitor. What is Prince Vladimir guilty of before Russia? The riddle is revealed simply. Not wanting to see the fundamental difference between Judaism and Christianity, Emelyanov called the adoption of Christianity by Prince Vladimir and the revolution of 1917 the most catastrophic events in the history of Russia: “After all, in 988 the international Zion was able to crush the main and almost the last at that time main center of Aryan ideology, replacing it with reformed, or rather, Esperantized Judaism in the form of the eastern branch of Christianity, that is, Orthodoxy. " Thus, the “Aryan” history, ideology and culture were allegedly taken from the Russian people. How did it happen that the Russian prince laid the foundation for the implementation of this “devilish plan”? This did not surprise Emelyanov at all - after all, the mother of the Russian prince was, it turns out, a Jew, and his grandfather was closely associated with the Khazar Kaganate, who occupied and mercilessly exploited the ancient Russian lands. Picking up this “discovery” of Emelyanov, the anti-Semite from St. Petersburg V.N. Bezverkhiy (1930–2000) argued that on the eve of Christianization, the Jews deliberately introduced a cult of rude idols and bloody sacrifices in Russia, in order to then fight this cult and plant the “slavish ideology of Christianity” . It was as if their revenge for the defeat of the Khazaria was expressed in it ”[3].
                V. Emelyanov (“Desionization”, 1979, Paris [4]) writes: “Having ascended the throne of Kiev, according to a previously developed insidious plan, he begins to show increased reverence for the Aryan gods. Calls to put idols previously unknown in Russia and not only worship them, but also to sacrifice innocent boys. Sacrificial blood was collected and delivered to Jewish customers. 10 years of idolatry, accompanied by bloody fanaticism, as planned, blew up the Aryan religion from the inside. The Russians began to murmur on their own Gods, who had been reverently worshiped for millennia. Only after that did Vladimir introduce Christianity by force, without provoking particularly powerful resistance, which could cost him his life. ”
              3. heathen
                30 January 2014 20: 14
                I wonder what is "Malk" in Russian, what does it mean? But the Khazars had such a name "Malik", translated as "king". Well, the fact that the Khazars in many Russian cities dug in, and so survived the fall of the Khaganate is not news.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. Salamander
                  31 January 2014 21: 50
                  So, we get: Tsar (Khazar) Lubechinin! Vague doubts torment me ...
                  1. heathen
                    1 February 2014 22: 15
                    We are talking about a name, not a title
          3. heathen
            30 January 2014 20: 05
            In my opinion, your Olga was something like the current liberals - in the same way She squinted to the West with a hungry eye, and crammed into vassalage to Emperor Otto, summoning Bishop Adalbert to Russia for "enlightenment". Well, at least the Grand Duke Svyatoslav stopped it in time.

            Dobrynya Nikitich got his middle name several centuries after his life. And it’s strange, even I would say incredibly that the Christian father of his son called him a pagan name, and not pious, not according to the clergy.

            Ilya Muromets is also a very interesting character, read epics. Originally from the deaf pagan Murom lands (the population of Murom was baptized at the end of the 12th century, and the surrounding lands were generally much later than the Batyev campaign.) Shot from the bow on church crosses (like a true Christian, probably), hoisted the severed heads of enemies on a spear (pagan rite), He expressed his intentions to make a drinking cup from the skulls of enemies (a pagan ritual attribute), the Earth Mother of cheese (a pagan deity) gave him strength, and after death turned into stone (that is, merged with nature). Well, the name ... What cling to the name? For example, there was still such a thing in Russia then - Ilgost.
            1. +3
              30 January 2014 23: 51
              Firstly, where did the information that Dobrynya got its middle name a century later? Secondly, you probably don’t know that even in the 17th century (I hope you will not deny that Orthodox Christians already inhabited Russia at that time) there are names like Istoma Pashkov, boyar Druzhina Andreich and many others who later became surnames or nicknames
              1. heathen
                31 January 2014 15: 16
                I cannot give you direct evidence. The conclusion that Dobrynya is actually not Nikitich, I draw from the fact that the epic heroes and their actions are much more archaic than the official doctrine is trying to suggest to us. And the ancient, as it were, not for half a millennium. This is convincingly proved in the works of V.Ya. Proppa and L.R. Prozorov. And the names of the heroes are very unstable. They change easily over time. So Leshko Popelyush became Alyosha Popovich, so the epic Prince Vladimir Vseslavich (in epics before the 19th century he has such a middle name) was renamed Svyatoslavievich by someone’s will, etc. etc.
            2. alexandr00070
              31 January 2014 00: 55
              Quote: heathen
              In my opinion, your Olga was something like the current liberals

              Olga was simply deprived of male attention, Igor fought, plus walked with concubines, plus there is a version that he was barren (by the way, he came to power late, by age, most of his childhood childhood, was at the beck and call of Oleg. When he began to rule he did the business was dead for that. Olga gave birth late, after 50 years, and even then (there is a version) with the help of a sorcerer. The old woman (in our retirement age) came to power almost for a long time, rushing around looking for mental peace, well, after it was handled by Greek priests (after all, she wanted to marry Emperor Konstantin VII Bagryanorodny, but as he saw his grandmother, he almost fainted), but it was he who baptized her in Constantinople, well, of course the wedding broke, it’s still taken out Olga’s brain, then her son was killed well etc. so the rules

              A very big Christian Ilya Muromets was.
              piece of Froyanov:

              So, according to the concepts of the people of Ancient Russia, the gods in external and internal wars provided active assistance and support to their adherents. Therefore, the belligerents, in order to suppress the active activity of the gods from the hostile camp, sought to destroy the altars and sanctuaries of the enemy, in the cases described above - churches and monasteries. The fact that these mores are not bookish, but coming from the depths of popular consciousness, can be judged by the Russian heroic epic.
              In epics about the clash of Ilya Muromets with Prince Vladimir there are also characteristic scenes. Ilya, in great anger, shoots with a bow, knocks down golden church crosses, knocks down poppies, pulls out bell tongues, and arranges a feast for the tavern’s goats for the riches thus obtained. The feast itself is fraught with danger, which threatens Vladimir, because on it Ilya discovers the intention to remove the prince. It is noteworthy in this regard that, shooting at churches and princely chambers, Ilya not only extracts gold for the purpose of making a feast, but also breaks down those parts of religious buildings and princely chambers, the destruction of which in magical representations means the death of a church church or house
            3. +2
              31 January 2014 11: 00
              Where did all the facts you recounted come from? Let’s get the links? At least one time. There will be no links, we will minus.
              1. heathen
                31 January 2014 14: 59
                Why is this lordly "at least once"? when I didn't give you a link to what I say? I didn’t give you quotes about the hard sky?

                Are you interested in what link?
                On epics? You are welcome!
                Or give you specific quotes? Yes to health!
                Quote: "Ilya Muromets in a quarrel with Vladimir // Ilya Muromets. - M .; L .: Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958. - pp. 230-234."
                Ilya went out to the Kiev city
                And in the degrees of Kiev, he began to lord
                And walk on Mother God’s churches.
                On churches, he broke all the crosses,
                He gilded all the shots.

                Quote: "[Ilya Muromets at the heroic outpost
                // Ilya Muromets. - M .; L .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1958. - S. 177-183. "] Ilyukha's lack of time to ask a lot, -
                Soon he whispered white breasts,
                Soon caught his eyes clear
                On the shoulders cut off the riotous head
                Stuck on a spear on damask,
                205 Drove to the heroic outpost.

                Quote: "Ilya Muromets and Sokolnik: [Epic
                No. 69. 2001 "]" You can't cook a beer boiler without me -
                I will bring you the head of Totar! ”

                On the mission of Bishop Adalbert? This is not a secret behind seven seals.
            4. Salamander
              1 February 2014 09: 52
              Quote: heathen
              Dobrynya Nikitich got his middle name several centuries after his life. And it’s strange, even I would say incredibly that the Christian father of his son called him a pagan name, and not pious, not according to the clergy.

              If anyone did not know, many Russians of that time had 2 names: one - Christian, given at baptism, the second - his own, by which he was usually called. Prince Vladimir Monomakh had the Christian name Basil, for example.
              1. heathen
                1 February 2014 22: 29
                What time did the Russians have?
                Epic? This, as I said, is several hundred years earlier than Baptism.
                After the 10th century, a Russian could have 2 names only in one case - when he was baptized at an already mature age, passing from paganism to Christianity. But in this case, one name was replaced by another, officially they were not worn at the same time.
                Well, princes are a separate story. The Rurikovich had several generic names of pagan origin that did not go outside the family, which were used until the Tatar-Mongol invasion. This was done by virtue of the conservative dynastic tradition to give the princes legitimacy in the eyes of the people, in those days even more pagan. So the use by princes of such names was due to political necessity ...
      2. heathen
        30 January 2014 19: 44
        Because Orthodoxy assumes that a person should voluntarily come to the temple and it is not a matter of driving him there with rods (albeit ideological)

        Uh-huh. And this little article, in your opinion, is not an "ideological rod"? Oh well...
        1. +1
          31 January 2014 02: 17
          What kind of voluntariness? When it comes to money? More parishioners - more money. It’s like advertising. We are not asked if it is worth tearing your favorite movie on TV with advertising. And just put the rollers and that's it. The more people come to the temple, the more likely it is that a party of officials and moneybags will begin there. Who wants to PR. And at the same time lay out the grandmother. After all, they tried to introduce God's law in schools. Well at least it didn’t.
          1. The comment was deleted.
  25. +6
    28 January 2014 17: 50
    Quote: atalef

    I see everything.
    Carry out an investigative experiment. Take the crap shit and drop it. You will understand the simple truth - hit or not, this is a question, but he was smeared in shit.
  26. The comment was deleted.
  27. 0
    28 January 2014 18: 04
    I read comments and begin to approve of the methods of the Inquisition to combat heresy and paganism !!!!
  28. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  29. 0
    28 January 2014 18: 13
    Where faith begins, reason ends. When I was about 6 years old, my Orthodox grandmother taught me how to appease poisonous snakes living in a house so that they would not sting (they really lived with everyone in that village). We are Christians and it’s good that a millennium of Russian Christianity didn’t corrode the soul, maybe it enriched, but did not change the worldview.
    1. CreepyUknow
      28 January 2014 20: 49
      It’s a pity that you call your grandmother a Christian. Judging by your words, she had nothing to do with him.
      1. +1
        28 January 2014 22: 16
        Quote: CreepyUknow
        It’s a pity that you call your grandmother a Christian. Judging by your words, she had nothing to do with him.

        I know one thing for sure, it's not for you to judge.
    2. anarch
      29 January 2014 04: 35
      Quote: Humpty
      My Orthodox grandmother when I was 6 years old taught how to appease poisonous snakes living in a house so that they would not sting (they really lived with everyone in that village)

      We also have a lot of vipers at the dachas.
      No one pleases them, but they do not sting anyone (if they had stung, the whole district would have known the next day).
      And everything is simple - no need to step on the snake and drive it into a corner.
      1. 0
        29 January 2014 07: 50
        That's right, they do not need to interfere with life and the snakes are not touched. According to a strange belief, they sometimes put a plate of milk for them, although I do not think that snakes drink it.
        1. 0
          29 January 2014 13: 30
          Quote: Humpty
          My Orthodox grandmother when I was 6 years old taught how to appease poisonous snakes living in a house so that they would not sting (they really lived with everyone in that village)

          It’s a strange village. Snakes live with everyone. It turns out that not a single cat in the village? Creepy ...

          Quote: anarh
          We also have a lot of vipers at the dachas.

          And summer residents? smile

          Quote: Humpty
          That's right, they don’t need to interfere with life and the snakes are not touched

          Humanist you, however.
  30. The comment was deleted.
  31. -1
    28 January 2014 18: 49
    Religion has no place in the 21st century. Turn on YOUR brains already, finally. Stop believing books about spidermen. MAN is responsible for his own destiny. And there is no elder brother in the world who will wipe your ass, if that. And even if there is (!) Why did you surrender to him ?! And why did he surrender to you ?! Afraid of your miserable lives? So it turns out that your faith is only self-interest - the desire to profit.
    1. Salamander
      28 January 2014 20: 08
      Quote: Ram Chandra
      Afraid of your miserable lives? So it turns out that your faith is only self-interest - the desire to profit.

      Interest Ask! Aren't you afraid for your "pitiless" life? In addition, religion now is everything that science more or less cannot explain. People have to believe in something (at least in the fact that there is no God - this is also a religion), otherwise they will not be people, but robots ...
      1. -1
        28 January 2014 20: 10
        Quote: Salamander
        In addition, religion now is all that science cannot more or less explain.

        Science cannot prove the existence or absence of God, religion is easily explained, someone does not want to understand.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. 0
          28 January 2014 23: 06
          Quote: Ram Chandra
          It only means believing in one’s own strength

          forces are not endless and as they lose their age, faith in oneself disappears
          Quote: Ram Chandra
          Copernicus is easy to burn

          Copernicus was a believer and the Jesuits burned him, you will not argue that they are God's people
          Quote: Ram Chandra
          exploring the true mechanisms of the universe is harder

          Quote: Ram Chandra
          It’s easy to explain everything to God, to say that the earth is flat.

          “On the globe” (Ezra 3, chapter 11, verse 32), God “hung the earth on nothing” (Job, 26: 7), the theory of the plane came from the east
          Quote: Ram Chandra
          that stealing or killing is bad - it’s some kind of insane object, and not the pinnacle of evolution.

          there is love and conscience, will you say that these are small-scale objects in a person?
          Quote: Ram Chandra
          master of his fate and the fate of the planet.

          “You can’t make a single hair white or black” (Matthew 5:36). In addition, there is a case in the form of a brick on the head or some kind of catastrophe, explain to them about the master of fate
          and the funny thing is that atheists have not presented any scientific evidence of their theory
          1. -3
            29 January 2014 00: 03

            and the funny thing is that atheists have not presented any scientific evidence of their theory

            29 January 2014 18: 42
            Quote: Tatanka Yotanka
            Quote: Ram Chandra
            Copernicus is easy to burn
            Copernicus was a believer and the Jesuits burned him, you will not argue that they are God's people

            Have you made a statement about the burning of Nikolai Kopenik? Note:
            In 2004-2005, the world learned that in the cathedral of the Polish town of Frombork they were looking for the grave of Nikolai Copernicus. And in 2006 it was reported that his grave was found with a probability of 97%. The decisive argument was the forensic reconstruction of the face from the skull found and its comparison with the portrait of Nikolai Copernicus from a museum in the city of Torun.
            1. +1
              30 January 2014 09: 44
              Copernicus died on May 24, 1543 at the age of 70, Frombork. Presumably from a stroke.
              Your opponent unknowingly confused Copernicus with Giordano Bruno (most likely) or with someone else. Well, the reasons for this ignorance ... No comment.
    2. +7
      28 January 2014 20: 44
      Quote: Ram Chandra
      MAN is responsible for his own destiny.

      And he is also responsible for the fate of his family. hi
      1. +1
        28 January 2014 20: 50
        I agree. We - the Kazakhs - have a bunch of pre-Islamic traditions left. For example, in battle - we do not scream as Muslims - ALLAH BABAH. And we shout Aruah - which means a call to the ancestors. There are a lot of traditions that my compatriots do not even think about - these are the Shelpeis, May Kui, Kysu Kysu and others.
        1. 0
          30 January 2014 09: 58
          For example, in battle - we do not scream as Muslims - ALLAH BABAH. And we shout Aruah - which means a call to the ancestors.

          It seems that this uranium has been replaced for a long time (they say almost from the XNUMXth century) with ALASH uranium. Or isn’t it?
    3. antinon
      28 January 2014 22: 01
      It's not about religion, it's about Faith.
  32. Luzhichanin
    28 January 2014 19: 10
    Quote: Vladimir Nemychenkov
    kind of chosen
    as if the chosen clan - was Jewish ... something the author confused
    1. +2
      28 January 2014 19: 24
      Quote: Luzhichanin
      as if the chosen clan - was Jewish ... something the author confused

      Not confused, these are the words of the Apostle Peter about the Church and Christians
      9 But you are the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the holy people, people taken as an inheritance, in order to proclaim the perfection of He who called you from darkness into His wonderful light;
      10 once not a people, but now a people of God; once not pardoned, but now pardoned.
      1 Pet. 2: 9,10
  33. +2
    28 January 2014 19: 11
    There is an interesting sermon of the 12 century, in which the Father explains the flock who is Stribog, the flock does not understand him, and then he gives an analogy to them from the ancient Greek pantheon. That is, already in the 12 century, people forgot who Stribog and other Peruns are, so I agree with the pagan author cults of the Slavs are lost completely.
    1. +3
      28 January 2014 22: 03
      indicate the primary source - where is this preaching of a certain "priest" of the 12th century?
    2. +1
      28 January 2014 22: 29
      Fine! It appears already in the XII century. the people forgot who Stribog is, and about the ancient Greek pantheon he understands everything. You do not accidentally confuse a 12th-century sermon (and who outlined it?) With a history lesson in high school grade 5?
      1. -2
        29 January 2014 18: 07
        I do not confuse, the Greek pantheon of gods, unlike the Slavic one, was widely reprinted in various books.
        1. heathen
          4 February 2014 14: 13
          The Greek pantheon of gods has been widely reprinted since the Renaissance. And that is not in Russia, but in Europe. And from 3-4 centuries until the end of the 15th century commercials for such a "reprint" could be shocked from the church for the most not indulge.
    3. heathen
      4 February 2014 14: 04
      Interestingly, for whom, up to the 15th century, numerous were written (and carefully written to the 17th century) teachings against paganism ("The word of a certain Christian lover and zealot of the faith", "The word about how the first trash existing tongues bowed by an idol", "The word of Gregory the Theologian about what trash existing tongues bowed by an idol", "The word of John Chrysostom about Christianity", "The Word of the Holy Father what is the life of Christianity ")?
      Who, then, in the Stoglava Cathedral in 1551 was forbidden to conduct pagan rites?
      Why, until the 18th century, questions such as: "did you go to the wise men", "did you follow their instructions", etc., were necessarily present at confession?
  34. igor-pchelkin
    28 January 2014 19: 12
    There was no mate, insults too, threats and calls to overthrow Putin - all the more. Why did they delete my comment? Do we have a mouth shut for everyone who at least slightly fits into the generally accepted? Jesus came to the Jews! What do we have to do with it ???
    1. CreepyUknow
      28 January 2014 20: 50
      Read the gospel and only then say to whom He came.
    2. +1
      29 January 2014 05: 17
      Then there were not Jews, but Jews. Jews appeared only at the end of the 19th century.
    3. +1
      29 January 2014 05: 17
      Then there were not Jews, but Jews. Jews appeared only at the end of the 19th century.
    4. 0
      29 January 2014 10: 35
      My comments were also deleted - I didn’t call anyone to anything there, just explained that atheists are not bad. This calls into question being on this site.
  35. The comment was deleted.
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 04: 49
      Quote: igor-pchelkin
      Oh, I get it. I have truly offended the holy feelings of believers! But what about my insulted feelings from the pedophilia of the "holy fathers"? Let's forbid the Pushkin Balda!

      Your truth is a garbage can, to which it is disgusting to touch, and you fall by mouth.
      And you unjustifiably equate yourself with Pushkin.
      1. 0
        29 January 2014 14: 22
        I agree with you, Pushkin listened to Arina Rodionovna and put everything on poetry. In the original, "The Tale of the Merchant and His Worker Balda", Pop was then added to the council. And the tale of Tsar Saltan - when did the first tsar appear in our country, and Ruslan and Lyulmila? and other works, in them there is not a hint of religion, only mythical sorcerers, priests, etc. And then immediately ABOUT POPE. strange however.

        Read the first version of Eugene Onegin, you will understand everything.
        1. heathen
          4 February 2014 14: 22
          False facts. The tale of "the merchant and his worker Balda" is a rendition of Pushkin's fairy tale by Zhukovsky, made exclusively for publication. Otherwise, the censorship would not allow. And it was the priest who figured in Pushkin's manuscript. And the basis of the tale, by the way, is folk.
  36. +8
    28 January 2014 19: 41
    Looking at the past of Russia with an unbiased look, we can say with confidence that without the Russian Orthodox Church there would be no great and powerful Russia. And if you look into our present and future, it becomes just as obvious that without the Church it will not exist. If Russia does not feel the same faith, it will disintegrate, and enemies will mock at its remains.

    A statement has nothing to do with truth.
    After the baptism in Russia, a civil war broke out, lasting 100 years, a huge strong state broke up into 250 small uneven principalities, and 1 / 3 cities were burned. Written Slavic monuments were irreversibly lost and the carriers of oral traditions, songs and knowledge, storytellers, buffoons, and magicians were destroyed.
    Russia returned to the borders of the Principality of the Principality of the Pagan Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich the Brave, the victor of Khazaria, only after 700 years, at the cost of millions of victims. And in return, Russia received spies of the Greek priests, hostile to Byzantium, and lost access to the Black Sea.
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 05: 03
      Quote: Corsair5912
      And in return, Russia received spies of the Greek priests, hostile to Byzantium, and lost access to the Black Sea.

      And she gained the Greatest and Silent Empire of the World from the White Sea to the Black, and from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.
      And without the permission of Catherine, not a single gun in Europe could burn out.

      Everyone knows about what I wrote.

      And who knows about your tales besides the Washington fabulist and visitors to the sites funded by them?
      1. -1
        29 January 2014 07: 58
        And if it had not "found" the Quietest, it would have found the "Great", from the Atlantic to Canada.
      2. 0
        29 January 2014 11: 49
        Quote: anarh
        And without the permission of Catherine, not a single gun in Europe could burn out.

        Maybe in Europe she couldn’t, and in Asia she could very well have more than one gun to fire, later this will be called the Pugachev uprising.
      3. heathen
        4 February 2014 14: 29
        It’s hard, perhaps, to refute the facts set forth in chronicles and other sources? It’s much easier to call it a lie and remember about the machinations of the State Department.
    2. Flame
      4 February 2014 14: 32
      What nonsense are you talking about, dear, what kind of civil war? If there was a civil war on the basis of religion, there would be only two parties — Orthodox and pagans, and not 250 principalities!
  37. +2
    28 January 2014 19: 42
    If you read the Gospel carefully, you can make sure that all the acts of Jesus Christ are aimed at enlightening the Jews, and the fact that he sent the apostles to various parts of the world was invented later by the apostles themselves.The author did not indicate the most important, in my opinion, reason for the spread of Christianity-- this is a union of peoples, i.e. in practice it looks like this: One God, One King, One People. Religion has allowed to unite different tribes and peoples under one scepter. We still sympathize with the Greeks, one religion with us and quite carefully. to say that we are hostile to representatives of other beliefs. I will add that in Soviet times it was the idea of ​​a Bright Future that made it possible to unite Christians, Muslims, Buddhists as soon as it collapsed, friction began on a religious basis, and then on a national basis.
    1. -1
      28 January 2014 21: 11
      There is one most curious moment in the article that misleads more than one generation of both believers and their opponents! Christ was not crucified on the cross; he was hanged on a pole (stavros) in Greek is a pillar! Indeed, in those days, criminals and vanquished were hung on poles along the roads of criminals. Only in the 4th century began to mention crucifixion on the cross, i.e. altered in a different way. As, in principle, the rest of the story is written by the winners!
      1. +3
        28 January 2014 22: 45
        Stavros, dear, this is a cross too! If He were hung on a pole, then as above his head there was a plaque with the inscription "King of the Jews ...", then it should be above his hands. And deal with the Greek concepts of wood and cross too!
    2. anarch
      29 January 2014 05: 16
      Quote: Motors1991
      I would add that in Soviet times it was the idea of ​​a Bright Future that made it possible to unite Christians, Muslims, Buddhists into one whole, as soon as it collapsed, friction began on a religious basis, and then on a national basis.

      For a long time she allowed it?
      For seventy years.
      And how long before this did the Russian Empire exist on even larger territories?
      It did not just exist, but grew in these territories.
      Comparison is clearly not in favor of your thesis.
      1. 0
        29 January 2014 07: 59
        Historical processes are accelerating :).
      2. heathen
        4 February 2014 14: 32
        Often grew by people fleeing from this empire, and then by exiles.
  38. heathen
    28 January 2014 20: 03
    What can I say? The person who wrote this may understand Christianity, But he knows about paganism, as well as about paganism, I will say directly, with a gulkin nose. The names of the gods, that there were some sacrifices, a couple of messages from the Tale of Bygone Years, written (again) by a monk, and that’s all.
    And all would be fine, but only he is trying to teach the minds of other fellow citizens, trying to impose his own, very biased opinion on this issue.

    I was going to write a comment (I killed it for half a day), in an attempt to show what exactly of what was said is a lie, that a distortion of facts, and that a policy of double standards (both one and the other, the third is enough here), but I got a short article. And then I thought that if you put it on the site, another srach will begin. And there is no desire for it.
    But I want to quote only one last paragraph:
    "With this answer, I am not calling on anyone to cast aside their delusions and heresies and join the ranks of the pagans in united ranks. Do not bring that gods. Remain yourself and honestly believe in what seems right to you. You just ... do not deprive others of the right to do that. the same. "
    1. +5
      28 January 2014 20: 30
      Dear - The Tale of Bygone Years is a combination of three surviving chronicles: Ipatiev, Lavrentiev, Kiev-Pechersk annals.
      Moreover, it is proved by all scientists - the first three sheets, which describe the calling of the Varangians to Russia - a fake of Schleitzer and his team

      For those who read Orthodox stories - find the Orthodox alphabet - ask the priests a question - what is Prav and Nav? find the so-called Retrina runes, find the so-called Vlesov book (this is of course a skillful fake, but it is interesting that in one well-known tablet there are at least three forms of writing: Boyanovitsa, Retrinsky, Starotserkovnaya).

      Threat. By the way, all modern letters of the alphabet have been known for a very long time - they just had a slightly different form of spelling - but genetic memory will easily tell you how to read)
      1. heathen
        29 January 2014 11: 55
        Quote: Hamul
        Dear - The Tale of Bygone Years is a combination of three surviving chronicles: Ipatiev, Lavrentiev, Kiev-Pechersk annals.

        This is already particular. I don’t see any reason here to go deep into them.

        Quote: Hamul
        Moreover, it is proved by all scientists - the first three sheets, which describe the calling of the Varangians to Russia - a fake of Schleitzer and his team

        What kind of scientists can be more specific?
        I remember the same Lomonosov defended the version that Rurik and his brothers were Slavs from Pomerania (originally Slavic lands in the southern Baltic). The historian Lev Prozorov defines his homeland more precisely - the capital of the bodrician city of Rerik (now Mecklenburg).
        And I tend to agree with them.

        Quote: Hamul
        For those who read Orthodox stories - find the Orthodox alphabet - ask the priests a question - what is Prav and Nav?

        I do not doubt the idea of ​​a threefold world, but the very word "Rule" seems to me a remake. In any case, I have not found it in any source yet. This does not mean that it cannot be used in everyday life, I myself use it, but you need to clearly understand that referring to it as something ancient is groundless.

        Quote: Hamul
        Threat. By the way, all modern letters of the alphabet have been known for a very long time - they just had a slightly different form of spelling - but genetic memory will easily tell you how to read)

        Maybe. The Chernorizets Brave noted that the Slavs write with traits and cuts. This description is more likely to indicate the runes. Although the Novgorod birch bark letters are also convincing evidence.
    2. -1
      29 January 2014 14: 42
      Do not blame their friend, there is one book "Encyclopedia of Slavic Legends, Myths and Legends": There, in alphabetical order, all the demons are painted: And Stribog and Dazhdbog and Mokosh and banniki, brownies, courtyards, barnmen, ghouls, Belobog and Chernobog, (Interesting to me The first god Rod is the creator, the creator - there were no other gods), Veles, Viy, the magi, witches, (as well as the non-local god Peruncas), Mara, Yarilo, kikimora, goblin, water, Koschey-spider, Baba Yaga (cannibal ), beregini, mermaids (not to be confused with Disney's), and Werewolves, twins, chicken god, carnival. FFUH. All that I remembered, now the question is:

      What were the real gods of the 1ruses of the 2 Slavs finally the 3 Slavs? And there are also Mordovian gods, about which even less is known.
      1. heathen
        3 February 2014 13: 39
        Demons? Well, to whom demons, and to whom and gods.

        Bake it Perun non-native? In all the Slavic lands they find temples for him - from the Czechs (as far as I know, maybe even further west) to the Don. About the cult of the Thunderer among the Slavs, sources report back in the 4th century (Procopius of Kessaria). The etymology of his name is very easily derived from Old Slavic - striking, striking. And toponymy with his name on our lands is ubiquitous. In general, there are plenty of facts that Perun is the god of the Slavs.

        The periodization of the beliefs of the Slavs was well written by B.A. Rybakov in "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs". There it is at the very beginning of the book.

        Well, Mordovians are not Slavs, but Finno-Ugric peoples. They have their own gods.
  39. The comment was deleted.
    1. -2
      28 January 2014 20: 38
      In the Russian language Easter has other roots and comes from the word PASCHET and the eggs are beaten in honor of the victory of Dazhdbog over the cliffs.
    2. -4
      28 January 2014 21: 21
      Quote: Hamul
      How it was possible in Novgorod to write / read everything from young to old

      Did archaeologists find birch bark alphabet and school notebooks?
      Quote: Hamul
      Mass extermination of pagans who did not want to obey

      Verbatim, which incidentally is not surprising. Great connoisseurs of antiquity already wrote about tens of millions of ruined pagans. But for some reason you must definitely believe in the words, and nothing else.
      Quote: Hamul
      It is interesting, but who knows that the Slavs lived from the shores of the Ruhr and the Rhine to the most eastern borders?

      Heard, heard. And what does the ROC deny this fact?
      Quote: Hamul
      by the way about Pushkin - name at least one work of the Great poet where he praised Christianity

      At first, clever people wrote that Pushkin was not Orthodox. Then, when they poked their nose several times, they began to dodge "show me where he praised Christianity"
      Quote: Hamul
      the Russian alphabet and words continue to be destroyed - only 5% of people think about the meanings of words

      Dear, do you personally read in Old Slavonic? Do you mean many old words? But did not the idea occur to you that it was not Orthodoxy at all? After all, the Orthodox people have been preserving the richness of the language for centuries. Maybe you should look for more prosaic reasons? For example, first read about the reform of Russian spelling in 1918.
      Quote: Hamul
      Shrovetide is now a Christian holiday

      No one ever hid the pagan roots of Shrovetide. Just like no one gave the right to the pagans to appropriate pancake authorship.
      1. +2
        29 January 2014 09: 23
        Quote: Flood
        Did archaeologists find birch bark alphabet and school notebooks?

        Go to Novgorod museums - there are a lot of interesting things. Of course, the ABCs were not found, but the literacy level was still what.
        Quote: Flood
        No one ever hid the pagan roots of Shrovetide. Just like no one gave the right to the pagans to appropriate pancake authorship.
        In our Stavropol Territory, priests in interviews with television channels say the opposite. And where does the pancake - supposedly a symbol of the sun? The essence of Shrovetide is different.
        Quote: Flood
        Dear, do you personally read in Old Slavonic? Do you mean many old words? But did not the idea occur to you that it was not Orthodoxy at all? After all, the Orthodox people have been preserving the richness of the language for centuries. Maybe you should look for more prosaic reasons? For example, first read about the reform of Russian spelling in 1918.
        I, dear, some time ago studied the history of the Slavs, and was preparing for an externship - on the topic "Slavs in the North Caucasus in the 9th century AD". An avidity to combine a lot and read everything, even Nosovsky and Fomenko. The bottom line is that there is no history of Russia and the Slavs, there is only a bunch of corrections to the history to please the emperors. Primary sources older than 14-16 centuries. simply not - everything is destroyed. We are probably one of the few nations that does not know its history. We are forced to dispute with the Germans and call ourselves Slavophiles - about the vocation of the Varangians on the basis not of documents, but of the consequences for Russian culture / names of household items / rivers / lakes, etc., and when the Germans / Normanists run out of arguments, they say - it cannot be, because it cannot be. I wonder why Klyuchevsky, Soloviev, Karamzin are supposedly historians, while Lomonosov is not? Why are they not teaching history according to Lomonosov in schools? But they are all contemporaries - the conclusion is not one of the Normanists, and it was profitable for the authorities to use the Norman version.
        As for the words, a lot is hidden in ordinary words that are found everywhere, and the Old Church language is like Latin.
        1. +1
          29 January 2014 12: 04
          Quote: Hamul
          Go to Novgorod museums - there are a lot of interesting things. Of course, the ABCs were not found, but the literacy level was still what.

          Does this give you the right to talk about universal literacy? Yes and where?
          In Novgorod alone?
          Quote: Hamul
          In our Stavropol Territory, priests in interviews with television channels say the opposite.

          Again unfounded. I can write a lot about the neopagan stupidity. And, obviously, I’ll raise from correspondence. Can you find confirmation in your own words?
          Quote: Hamul
          And where does the pancake - like a symbol of the sun? The essence of Shrovetide is different.

          Probably, pancakes despite the fact that in Orthodox Russia, Shrovetide lost its pagan fetishes, and the remaining symbols acquired a slightly different meaning, more harmonious for the Orthodox.
          Quote: Hamul
          Interesting - why Klyuchevsky, Solovyov, Karamzin are supposedly historians, but are there no Lomonosov?

          I am very respectful to Lomonosov as a historian. But what does this have to do with the wave of pagan indignation that you are turning to Orthodoxy?
          Quote: Hamul
          As for the words, a lot is hidden in ordinary words that are found everywhere, and the Old Church language is like Latin.

          I don’t know any old church language. I wrote about Old Slavonic. And try not to avoid uncomfortable questions. So it will be more useful for you and for our dispute.
          1. 0
            29 January 2014 12: 30
            And try not to avoid uncomfortable questions. So it will be more useful for you and for our dispute.
            Useless. You will not be heard. More precisely, they will ignore it. For education will not allow you to understand your arguments.
            1. +1
              29 January 2014 16: 44
              I heard, but there is no point in swearing and arguing. Everyone has their own opinion. Each relies on different books and on their own judgments + speculation - these are people. If only truth were born in disputes ...... the world would be cleaner, but we have what we have.

              Threat. I would love to sit over a glass of tea and discuss these issues with you and Navodlom and Trapperom 7 (thanks for the verse - I did not know about it).
      2. +1
        29 January 2014 13: 16
        Quote: Hamul
        by the way about Pushkin - name at least one work of the Great poet where he praised Christianity

        The fathers of the hermits and wives are innocent,
        To fly away in the field
        To strengthen it in the midst of valley storms and battles,
        They composed many divine prayers;
        But not one of them touches me,
        Like the one the priest repeats
        In the sad days of Lent;
        More and more often she comes to me
        And strengthens the fallen by an unknown force:
        Lord of my days! The spirit of idleness is dull
        Ancestor, snakes hidden this,
        And do not give idle words to my soul.
        But let me see my transgressions, oh God
        My brother will not accept judgment from me,
        And the spirit of humility, patience, love
        And chastity revive in my heart.

        November 1836, XNUMX
  40. +3
    28 January 2014 20: 13
    To begin with, the Russian Orthodox Church claims that before the advent of Cyril and mythody to Russia, the Slavs were ignorant and illiterate. But by the time two Greek monks came to Russia in Russia, there were already cities of the capital city of Kiev: Asgard of Iria, Asgard of Sagdia, Asgard of Sviotsky, and it turns out that illiterate and ignorant Slavs could build such magnificent cities.
    1. 0
      28 January 2014 21: 07
      Quote: Lyubteh
      To begin with, the Russian Orthodox Church claims that before coming to Russia, Cyril and mythody the Slavs were ignorant and illiterate

      Lyubteh, I was not too lazy to register to just emboss a few words on a favorite topic.
      But to make it so unfounded? No, wait for proof.
    2. heathen
      29 January 2014 12: 03
      Damn, I look, divorced, divorced - nowhere to spit. And everywhere they are trying to get their nonsense. I remember laughing very much at the tales of how Perun, in his spaceship, was chasing gray liquid trophies and shooting them from a blaster.
  41. Quartermaster
    28 January 2014 20: 18
    I believe in the Almighty Family - the One and Multiple-manifest God, the source of all things and those who bear, which is the Eternal Spring to all Gods.
    I know that the Universe is a Genus, and all the Gods of the same name are united in it.
    I believe in the trinity of being of the Reveal, Reveal and Navi, and that the Reign is true, and retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers.
    I know that the rule is with us, and Navi will not be afraid, because Navi has no power against us.
    I believe in unity with the Family Gods, for the Dazhbozhny grandchildren we are the favorites of the Gods. And the gods keep their right hand in our mountains.
    I know that life in the Great Family is eternal, and we must take care of the eternal,
    walking the path of ruling.
    I believe in the strength and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us, leading to good through our guides.
    I know that power is the unity of the Slavic Clans, and that we will become glorious,
    glorifying the Native Gods!
    Glory to the Family and to all Gods in it!
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 05: 32
      Already self-made prayers went into progress.
      Not new, babtists have been practicing this for a long time.
      Lightweight and fake.
      Frequent use of the word "genus" does not help.
  42. +3
    28 January 2014 20: 53
    Personally, I perceive the history of my country as it is. I cannot reject one iota, otherwise - spiritual collapse is inevitable. In our history (and not only ours) nothing can be divided into "good" or "bad" - everything is as it was. Only by relying on this position, you can understand all our continuity in time.
  43. The comment was deleted.
  44. +3
    28 January 2014 20: 57
    How funny and miserable you are, neopagans and others like them.
    Such nonsense can be read only in the comments on topics affecting Orthodoxy.
    Immediately flies locusts from all sides and begins to blaspheme in every way.
    Shit pops up unmeasured. But look for the truth in shit? Dismiss
    I could argue with each of you, but I know that this is in vain.
    This is something inexplicable to me when adults have seen life
    pour nonsense with peas.
    Quartermaster, do not disgrace. People, come to your senses.
    What you write to the mind is incomprehensible.
    Historians have been breaking spears for hundreds of years about the origin of Prince Vladimir,
    his mother Malushi and uncle Dobrynia. And then here you are, they write nonsense and do not frown,
    Mlyn historians ...
  45. -3
    28 January 2014 20: 59
    A long time ago such nonsense at the MILITARY REVIEW was not. Those missing, or what?
    1. +1
      28 January 2014 21: 09
      Quote: Michael m
      A long time ago such nonsense at the MILITARY REVIEW was not. Those missing, or what?

      I was also surprised how the topic essentially prohibited by the rules of the forum got into VO?
      There can be no discussion without negative statements, and this is anti-religious propaganda.
  46. +6
    28 January 2014 21: 09
    We are told that

    Stalin is a tyrant and a bloodsucker. (The state has expanded its borders to the floor of Europe)

    Zhukov is a tyrant and a villain. (The great military leader who participated in the conquest of half of Europe)

    Ivan the Terrible - a tyrant and a bloodsucker. (He expanded the state several times)

    Baptism of Russia - was accompanied by bloodshed and gunocide. (The Orthodox Church opposes the expansion of Western perverted tolerant liberal ideology)

    Do I alone see a pattern?
    1. +1
      28 January 2014 21: 22
      Quote: Ivan_Ivanov
      Do I alone see a pattern?

      Most Russian people will agree with you.
      Ivan the Terrible, Stalin in popular opinion, even after 500 (!!!) and 60 years of constant blackening in the memory of the people, great sovereigns, defenders of the common people from the arbitrariness of the rich and strong, defenders of the country from enemies.
      The attitude to the priests is negative, they will meet the priest for failure, in order to get out of trouble you need to spit in the direction of the priest (it is not necessary to get in) and throw that iron thread. The Christian temple, in the opinion of the people, is an unclean place, a haven for unclean forces and undead.
      1. anarch
        29 January 2014 05: 44
        Quote: Corsair5912
        The Christian temple, in the opinion of the people, is an unclean place, a haven for unclean forces and undead.

        The corsair is one of a kind: ascribes pirate troubles to the entire Russian people.
        It is understandable.
        The main source of knowledge is Zadornov.
        The main map is a pack of Belomorkanal.
        1. +2
          29 January 2014 09: 02
          Quote: anarh
          The corsair is one of a kind: ascribes pirate troubles to the entire Russian people.
          It is understandable.
          The main source of knowledge is Zadornov.
          The main map is a pack of Belomorkanal.

          A freak, besides Zadornov's monologues, there are thousands of books. There are also thousands of maps on the Internet. Learn to use network resources, open Yandex, there is a link to "maps", and a pack of Belomorkanal is gone, quit smoking, it is very harmful. Folk omens about priests have a thousand-year history
          —If a priest crosses the road, something unkind will happen, while there is no defense from the priest;
          - if the priest puts his stick in the right corner, this will portend misfortune;
          - meeting with a priest or any person in a cassock in general is always not good: whether you go fishing or visiting - don’t expect success, it’s better to return;
          - when they meet the priest, so that a bad omen does not materialize, knots are tied.
          - if the priest loosens the belt, the woman in the village will soon give birth;
          - if the stick of the priest who came to commune the patient falls, then the patient will die.

          IN AND. Dahl was not too lazy to collect a good collection of popular proverbs about priests:
          Popov’s belly is not stuffed.
          Whoever pop, that dad.
          Do not rely on getting a priest: keep your Cossack (laborer).
          To the dead man, and to us merchant (spoken. Priests yes undertakers).
          Not our business, priestly; not our priest, a stranger.
          It’s not our business to repent of the priest: there is another pop.
          It is not our business to teach the priest, let the devil teach him.
          Every pop sings in his own way (sings his own).
          Every Grishka (popiska) has his own affairs.
          Look for the brave in prison, the stupid in the priests!
          Judicial pocket - that priest's belly (or: that duck goiter).
          The priest is waiting for the dead man, and the judge is a draft tyunovaty.
          It’s a sin to go to church without money.
          Do not build a church, attach an orphan!
          They live at churches, and they commit a devil’s will.
          The church robs, but it covers the bell tower.
          Do not build seven churches, add seven children (i.e., orphans).
          1. 0
            29 January 2014 15: 04
            By the way, Orthodox priests say: The body of a righteous person is a temple for the soul, that is, keep the purity of your body (temple), this is the first. Second: if a rich man builds a temple with money taken from another person, he won’t be saved, because he is sinful inside himself dirty, unclean in body and soul - he needs to build at least a thousand temples, at least a million - he has one way - to hell. And accordingly, in order to be saved, it is necessary to spend his money on help to allow orphans. This is the last one you wrote from Dahl, dear Corsair.
            You would better write from yourself: Opa, Opa - the green fence. Also, by the way, folk, the most that neither is! And as soon as against the priests. And efficiency at times!
          2. Salamander
            29 January 2014 16: 55
            And here is the answer to all the "critics":
            Quote: Corsair5912

            It’s not our business to repent of the priest: there is another pop.
        2. Castor
          29 January 2014 16: 43
          Quote: anarh
          The main source of knowledge is Zadornov.

          Zadornov is a famous Russophobe.
            29 January 2014 18: 52
            Quote: Castor
            Zadornov - famous Russophobe

            How did you know this? Did you have a nightmare or a hangover?
          2. 0
            30 January 2014 10: 01
            Zadornov is a famous Russophobe.

            A joke of humor appreciated ...
            1. 0
              30 January 2014 21: 52
              How did you know this? Did you have a nightmare or a hangover?

                2 February 2014 20: 40
                Quote: Setrac

                Thanks for the reference, I will study in due time. According to M.N.Zadornov I do not agree. Read his book about Rurik or watch a famous movie (found on You Tube). Russophobe Norman theory will not refute. Not in Russophobian it will be.
                1. 0
                  2 February 2014 22: 05
                  Read his book about Rurik or watch a famous movie

                  Zadornov’s version is the same Norman version of Rurik’s origin, the change of Western lands, from where Rurik supposedly came from, does not change the very principle of Norman theory.
                  Russophobe Norman theory will not refute.

                  Actually, he does not refute the Norman theory, but makes it more acceptable for us.
    2. heathen
      29 January 2014 12: 09
      And the fact that after the baptism of Russia, its territory decreased several times and it actually plunged into a civil war (now it is called tolerant-princely feuds), you probably prefer not to recall?
  47. The comment was deleted.
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 05: 51
      Quote: Rodriques
      Which in general didn’t stop me from splashing into the water for a baptismal holiday, for the sake of health))

      Did you seek grace?
      And for health, on any day and in any puddle, you can flop.
      1. -1
        29 January 2014 08: 00
        And for health, on any day and in any puddle, you can flop.

        Pigs flop from a puddle. And "drunken priests".
  48. Svobodny
    28 January 2014 21: 21
    Quote: Oleg147741
    Actually, the Right is Reveal and Nav and not the Right is Glory and Nav

    No matter how you say it and in what order do not put it - utter nonsense. And they also say that religious education is not necessary at school ... Ren-TV should be watched more often - there is glory, and right, and a drill))))
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 05: 55
      Quote: Svobodny
      Ren-TV should be watched more often - there is fame, and right, and a bore))))

      And Zadorny for the same purposes to use.
      A striking coincidence - on the same channel.
      Like the light of truth M.Maksimovskaya.

      He made a series and somehow thoughts flowed; and who finances this channel?
    2. heathen
      29 January 2014 12: 40
      Does someone force you to believe in this? Do not like it - and please. And as for me, the utter nonsense is that the earth is flat, the sky is solid and rests on supports, and the luminaries are fixed on it.
      1. +3
        29 January 2014 13: 38
        It is strange that you oppose the words:
        No matter how you say it and in what order do not put it - utter nonsense. And they also say that religious education is not necessary at school ... Ren-TV should be watched more often - there is glory, and right, and a drill))))

        After all, say the same thing:
        And "Actually, the Right is Reveal and Nav and not the Right is Glory and Nav"there is bullshit.
        And "the earth is flat, the sky is solid and resting on supports, and the luminaries are fixed on it"the same utter nonsense.
        1. 0
          29 January 2014 13: 40
          Quote: abrakadabre
          And "the earth is flat, the sky is solid and rests on supports, and the luminaries are fixed on it" is the same utter nonsense.

          When a person pretends to be a "fool" there is a chance that they will believe him and he will remain so.
          1. heathen
            29 January 2014 13: 44
            Will you deny that it is written in the Bible?
            1. +1
              29 January 2014 16: 14
              Quote: heathen
              Will you deny that it is written in the Bible?

              No one will deny it until you confirm what you wrote with a quote.
              Otherwise - verbiage.
              1. heathen
                30 January 2014 11: 59
                Clearly, you have not read your book of books.
                Well please:
                1. About the sky and luminaries and supports.
                Quote: "(Genesis 1: 6-10)"
                6. And God said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it separate the water from the water.
                7. And God made the firmament, and separated the water that is under the firmament from the water that is above the firmament. And so it was.
                8. And God called the firmament heaven. And there was evening and there was morning: the second day.
                9. And God said: let the water that is under heaven be gathered in one place, and let the dry land appear. And so it was.
                10. And God called the land land, and the assembly of waters called the seas. And God saw that it was good.

                Quote: "(Genesis 1: 14-17)"
                14. And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide day from night, and for signs, and times, and days, and years;
                15. And may they be lamps in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth. And so it was.
                16. And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars;
                17. And God set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth ...

                Quote: "(Job 26:11)"
                The pillars of heaven are shaken and terrified of His threat.

                2. On flat land (if the previous description is not enough)
                Quote: "(Job 28:24)"
                For he is watching to the ends of the earth and sees under the whole sky.

                Quote: "(Dan 4: 7,8)"
                ... I saw, here, in the midst Earth tree is very high.
                This tree was big and strong, and its height reached the sky, and it was apparently to the ends of the whole earth.

                Quote: "(Isa. 40:22)"
                He is the One who sits above around the earth, and those who live on it are like locusts [before Him];

                Quote: "(Isa. 66:1)"
                Thus saith the Lord: heaven is my throne, and earth is the footstep of my feet; where do you build a house for me, and where is my resting place?

                Quote: "(Psalm 135: 6)"
                approved (but in the original "spread". in the Ukrainian translation "Hto the land of prostaggles over water" - approx.) the earth on waters, for His mercy endures forever.

                Quote: "(Isa. 44:24)"
                ... I am the Lord who created all, one spread out the heavens and with my strength spread the earth.
                1. +1
                  31 January 2014 00: 14
                  Eh, nothing is visible Job Bible! because, from his words, it contains an appeal to God: "... hanging on the empty earth, immensely gravitating ...". And the quotes you quoted are understandable only to those who think about their meaning. Until recently, some narrow-minded people laughed at the Bible, because it says that God created light before the stars, but scientists come to the conclusion that this was so, because light is energy and first it had to be created, and then everything else ... So here, all these words firmament, water, these are all just terms. Or did you want for people of several thousand people to describe everything in scientific terms?
                  You answer me, who created the world from pagan mythology?
                  1. heathen
                    31 January 2014 13: 34
                    Why are you all disingenuous?
                    The word "firmament" actually translated the Hebrew word "rakia", literally meaning "solid wall." Your beloved Job confirms this, giving an exhaustive explanation of the "term" and its properties:
                    Quote: "(Job 37:18)"
                    18. Have you stretched out heaven with Him, solid as a cast mirror?

                    "... hanging on the empty earth, gravitating immensely ..."

                    Give an exact link to this quote, please.

                    These games with the terms "light" and "energy" are just a logical trap for not particularly educated people. Something akin to the old joke: "Socrates is a man. So all people are Socrates." For your information, light is not actually energy. It is a stream of photons with energy. And this stream cannot be formed without a source.
                    I am very interested in what kind of scientists and in what particular writings claim the existence of light without a source? Do not consider it work - throw a link.
                    1. +1
                      1 February 2014 12: 20
                      Quote: heathen
                      The word "firmament" actually translated the Hebrew word "rakia", literally meaning "solid wall"

                      Do you say that the Russian text of the Bible was created directly from Jewish sources? Are you sure that the translation was not from the Greek language?
                      Quote: heathen
                      These games with the terms "light" and "energy" are just a logical trap for not particularly educated people

                      Well, of course. Especially when gifted people are only eager to pull phrases from the Internet, but they themselves never held in their hands the discussed source.
                      1. heathen
                        4 February 2014 13: 20
                        The answer went away as a comment, so I’ll duplicate for clarity:
                        Quote: Flood
                        Do you say that the Russian text of the Bible was created directly from Jewish sources? Are you sure that the translation was not from the Greek language?

                        Yes I am sure. The Russian synodal translation was carried out not from the Septuagint, but from the Masoretic text written in Hebrew.
                        Quote: Flood
                        Especially when gifted people are only willing to pull phrases from the Internet, and they themselves never held in their hands the source in question.
                        What is the difference who and what primary sources held in hands? Do you essentially have something to say?
                  2. heathen
                    4 February 2014 13: 37
                    I did not notice the last question. I will answer now.
                    According to pagan mythology, the World (in the sense of the Universe) gave birth to itself (it is interesting that the myth itself is very similar to the Big Bang theory). This world is God, in Russia it was called Rod, yet the rest of the gods are his children. By the way, once born, he will someday die. Everything is mortal, even the gods.

                    Now my question. I know your version of the origin of the world. But how do you imagine the eternal, unchanging entity that lives in the middle of nowhere and controls the universe it created?
                2. 0
                  31 January 2014 21: 43
                  Sorry did not look earlier to see this.
                  1. I am not a great connoisseur of the Old Russian language, but I see the difference between "solid" and "firmament". For this word also means "strong, unshakable." That is, you distort the original meaning without going into or trying to go into details.
                  2. On flat land only speculation. Already read them on the Internet. Original interpretation, no more. Do you not claim that the earth has no end or edge? Juggling with words, this can be interesting only to someone who does not want to understand the meaning of what has been written and written.
                  Don't like the word "circle"? Does it mean a flat figure? And what old Russian word actually meant a geometric figure, which we now call a ball?

                  You remind me of one critic who asked:
                  "So if I believe that God created everything in 7 days, according to the Bible, the main book of Christians, then I must certainly believe in the sequence of what is written there. So God created the Moon and the Sun only on the 4th day of creation, so what -can it be "Morning and Evening" on the first, second and third day of creation, if neither the Moon nor the Sun have been created yet? "

                  But all these ranting eggs are not worth a damn. And they speak only of the lack of mind.
                  1. heathen
                    4 February 2014 13: 14
                    1. I understand that if you really want to, then purple can be called yellow and pretend that it is so. Especially for you, I should repeat a quote from Job, where he compared heaven in hardness to a "cast mirror"?
                    I see that you are not an expert in the Russian language. Otherwise, they would know that "firmament" is a noun, and by no means an adjective (strong, unshakable).
                    2. And where is the land near the land? You swam to them, flew, reached? dropped in for them? Or where are the ends of the earth?
                    The Russian synodal translation, from which the quote is taken, was made in the 19th century. Do you think that 150 years ago in the Russian language there was no word sphere (or, in extreme cases, sphere) and the synod was forced to use the word circle?
                    in addition, if you put the tree in the middle of the circle, then from the edges it will be clearly visible, how can it be seen if it is placed in the center of the ball?
                    How do you imagine the process of "spreading" the ball?
                    Your answers give rise do not clarify, but give rise to even more questions :)

                    Where was that critic wrong? Have you logically refuted it or just waved it off without proof - "this is not worth a damn" and is that enough for you?
  49. +5
    28 January 2014 21: 23
    Aria - Baptism of Fire

    Ancient groves full of voices
    Whispers of herbs and stones
    Bonfire smoke stretches north
    The enemy is prowling in that direction
    Thunderstorm spirits beat the drum
    Swords forged from lightning
    We will sacrifice to the gods
    We will drink with our blood

    Against us is the splendor of Byzantine churches
    The splendor of feasts and gifts
    We put our children to death
    Knowing the cruelty of enemies
    Signs of the moon threaten us with misfortune
    Arrows sing about one
    Cruel choice - water baptism
    Or baptism of fire!

    Crazy with anger, we fought
    Believing in the immortality of souls
    Become dead not a handful of earth
    A guard in the heavenly garden
    Go down the river idols
    No one to bow to them
    We are no more - is it worth living
    In a world of baptized fire

    Ancient groves are silent for centuries
    In a world baptized by fire.
    1. +1
      29 January 2014 15: 49
      (sinukvlу) Heh, God forgive me: "Heroes of the UPA (or ROA) tududum tu dum you will stay there forever in our hearts ...
      PS: I listened firmly in cobbled together and the first and second, struck before the goose bumps, already thrust out, BUT THERE IS ONE BUT! What nah_ Groves, what nah_ heroes, Songs are different, tightly blinded but this is G_N_O.
      Until the middle of the 17th century, the ancient Mordovians prayed somewhere in the groves, until the policy of the Russian tsars led them to a difficult choice, to remain pagans and not have the support of the state or to abandon the faith, then there was a choice to remain Old Believers or be baptized according to a new rite, there are even Muslim Mordvinians and the Jews. There are almost no real Pagans left. And you say you baptized by force. It was soft power.
      Now a literary analysis of the song: the Byzantines znachitstsa beasts non-human struck terribly civilized Rus with their cruelty, yeah, they even had to kill their children. And the Russians probably seized Tsargrad in a civilized manner, neither plundered it and did not take anyone prisoner, or did they take it anyway (What's worse?). I see in this song a miserable parody of Scandinavian rock (where Thor, Odin and others were periodically praised) there, too, periodically this theme slips. The Varangian Perun god of thunder brought from the Baltic States became the main god for the Russian squads, Svyatoslav did not accept the faith of Christ (although the Christians were already in Kiev and not only) that is why, having collected from the "groves of the ancient" all the main idols of each Slavic tribe, he tried to unite them into a pantheon, whether. Make a second Rugen. But it did not work out, the tribes did not want to bow to foreign gods, only their own ancestral totems. So who's to blame? ROC?
    2. +1
      29 January 2014 16: 14
      judging by historical information, Vladimir had hundreds of wives and concubines in many cities before baptism. from 970 to 978 he ruled Novgorod, then seized power in Kiev, killed his brother (it is not known what kind of faith he is) Hakon the Brave (He took tribute from the Finns, Swedes) - Norwegian Konung (featured in many sagas, the life of the Norse Varangians is well shown , Rurik half Varangians, half Slavs, and do not la_lya) gave Vladimir to pick up the Varangian Army. (According to Wikipedia, Perun is a Slavic god, we can cheated, sorry, but better correct). And mean-spirited Christians, of course, forced everyone to accept their faith, especially when the people of Kiev burned the Varangians Fyodor and John alive and martyred (they died with dignity.)
      What nah_ faith of the ancestors, do you want to have 50 concubines? wives? to kill a prince in order to become a prince, can we return to blood feud? Why did you come up with your Pagan language, ANSWER ME right now who dares!
      Who needs sources: Pay attention to the Truth of Yaroslav the Wise!
      1. heathen
        30 January 2014 12: 25
        I would answer, but only in this incoherent emotional stream of words I do not see a question.
        Are you not happy that the prince might have concubines? It is easy to be indignant if you do not know why they are needed. Let me give you a hint - this was due to religious ideas about the prosperity of the whole country, and not because someone liked the variety in sex. Although ub-doc Vladimir, I must say, and here everything is disfigured. According to custom, their number should have been equal to the number of lands forming the state.

        Or feel sorry for Fedor and John, stupidly invented by monks who needed the first martyrs? I already gave a link to the article where this is proved in the comments above.

        Are you not comfortable with the custom of blood feud? You are nicer when one of the bumps-officials knocks a mother with a child at a pedestrian crossing and he will not be anything for it?

        Svyatoslav did not accept the faith of Christ (although the Christians were already in Kiev and not only) that is why, having gathered from the "groves of the ancients" all the main idols of each Slavic tribe, he tried to unite them into a pantheon, or something. Make a second Rugen. But it did not work out, the tribes did not want to bow to alien gods, only their own ancestral totems. So who's to blame? ROC?

        Svyatoslav collected idols and arranged a pantheon? Figase! This is when it was? Quote from the annals to the studio.
  50. +1
    28 January 2014 21: 48
    Few of us say that one of the forms of knowledge of God is the contemplation of the world created by Him. From this it follows that there is no point in delving into conflict management truly, not true, frankly and falsely, etc. all the more, there is no reason to knock those who have adopted Christianity and did not accept, leaving themselves the right to contemplate God through the world he created ... we are one whole with different roads to one and cult sacrifices have nothing to do with the understanding of God before Christian, ours, not pagan, Slavic of the world and after it, but what is it that they constantly speculate on the principle of divide and rule, although there is only one law “love your neighbor as yourself” and the question “Who is my neighbor”? the answer is simple ... the one who is bad at your home, the one who needs your home and is guaranteed to go out to your family and genealogy, brothers and sisters, parents and ancestors in their person, and this will make your own Image of God, and then to people, and the country is not far away ... one more step and the whole world will tell you what the Image of God is. There are no contradictions between us ... no. Not then ... not now, and if I am a Christian, and my wife is not, this is a reason only to love each other more strongly, and not to chase each other with batogs for true and not true, that there is a play on words and discord from which everyone is equally encouraged to retire even though Christians according to the word of the Apostle Paul, even according to the wisdom of the Vedic Rule in opposition to Navi. stop
  51. lelik613
    28 January 2014 22: 04
    “Antonov is fire, but there is no law for the fire to always belong to Anton” Kozma Prutkov Clerics should remember that in our country the church is separated from the state and not ask for the separation to be carried out again surgically.
    1. -3
      28 January 2014 23: 04
      Try it, and at the same time you will find out whether surgery is far from you or not!
      1. lelik613
        29 January 2014 07: 29
        Didn't they teach history at school? Not good.
    2. anarch
      29 January 2014 05: 59
      Quote: lelik613
      Clerics should remember that in our country the church is separated from the state and should not ask for the separation to be carried out surgically again.

      Have you put a scalpel (the weapon of the Chechen horsemen) in your bosom?
  52. pavka
    28 January 2014 22: 17
    The article rather confirms the artificially propagated stereotypes about Christianity and the baptism of Rus', and unprovenly rejects the Righteous Faith of our ancestors. The argument like if I don’t remember and don’t know, then it didn’t happen is based on materialism from the course of scientific communism.

    Let me remind you how Leo Tolstoy spoke about Christianity:
    “I know that what I have to say now is precisely that the church faith, which for centuries has been and is now being professed by millions of people under the name of Christianity, is nothing more than a very crude Jewish sect, which has nothing in common with true Christianity ..."
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 06: 09
      Quote: pavka
      The article rather confirms artificially propagated stereotypes about Christianity and the baptism of Rus'

      It was with artificially propagated stereotypes about Christianity that the Russian Empire became such.
      And the Canadians are going there too - to destroy Russia.
      Why were you expelled from your homeland?
      Or did you go to a foreign land for a sweet piece?
      And that’s all there is to teach.
      Teach the Amers, they don’t have their own history. And Vera too.
      1. +1
        29 January 2014 08: 02
        If these “stereotypes” didn’t exist, it would be even better. And so 1000 years under the “opium of the people” - what kind of strength is needed to withstand, and even develop.
    2. Svobodny
      29 January 2014 18: 15
      Quote: pavka
      How Leo Tolstoy spoke about Christianity

      For the general development of you personally, honorable
      The righteous faith of our ancestors

  53. serge
    28 January 2014 22: 24
    The author noted in the article that Rus' adopted Orthodox Christianity from Byzantium. This is not entirely true. Firstly, the state of Byzantium never existed. There was Rome. Its inhabitants called themselves “Romans,” although they spoke Greek, not Latin. Hence - “Moscow is the third Rome, but there will never be a fourth.” Secondly, in those glorious times there was Orthodoxy in Rus', and Christianity in Rome. The adoption of Christianity in Rus' did not happen without difficulty; a number of pagan sources claim that at the same time a civil war broke out worse than the war of 17, and it was after and as a result of this that Rus' split and could not resist the Asian invasion. Only when Christian churches began to be erected in the place of pagan ones, did Christian holidays begin to be celebrated during pagan ones, when they began to equate the Orthodox and Christian trinity, Perun with Elijah the Prophet, etc. etc., that is, to convince people that Christianity is a modified Orthodoxy, only then did the faith take root in a new form. Actually, our faith has remained the same since ancient times - Orthodox. If someone returns to Russian pre-Christian shrines, he still remains Orthodox, and he is a brother to Russian Orthodox Christians both by blood and by faith. As for patriotism, when Russians get ready for battle, from time immemorial they remember that they are Orthodox, never that they are Christians. For we are all Orthodox, both Christian and Vedic traditions.
  54. +6
    28 January 2014 22: 29
    There is such a concept as “faith” - this is everyone’s personal choice, and there is the concept of “religion” - this is a system of dogmas that are imposed by clergy on society, and they were invented by these same clergy, usually in their selfish interests, but are presented to the people as, ,divine revelations" Any religion, when it becomes strong enough to dictate its norms and rules of behavior to the entire society, becomes evil - there are more than enough examples in history. The sacred texts are so vague and contradictory that in them, as for example in the collected works Lenin, you can find quotes for all occasions and justifications for any, even the wildest, actions. If Jesus, so revered by Christians, suddenly appeared now and began to preach his ideas, then the churchmen would crucify him again - their way of life is too different from that what he called for: Any religion is an instrument in the hands of those in power to control the people, it does not serve God, but the power of the Russian Orthodox Church in this sense is no different from all other faiths, and one should not delude ourselves about its special role
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 06: 25
      Quote: rus9875
      There is such a concept as “faith” - this is everyone’s personal choice, and there is the concept of “religion” - this is a system of dogmas that are imposed by clergy on society, and they were invented by these same clergy, usually in their selfish interests, but are presented to the people as, "divine revelations"

      Understand - the Russian Empire was glued to Orthodoxy, not paganism.
      Why are you singing from voices alien to Russia and trying to destroy this glue?
      Their interest (the liberal media) is understandable, but what is your interest?
      Is it joyful to destroy what was created by our ancestors?
      And for what selfish interests did Russian priests and monks go to torment?
      Don't put your mouth on the trash can.
      Isn’t it disgusting, or are you already drawn in and don’t notice the stench of rotting garbage?
      1. +1
        29 January 2014 08: 04
        And before the Empire, why didn’t Rus' stick together, because there was also Orthodoxy? The princes, tsars, and general secretaries bullied Russia, and most of the churchmen were simply parasites.
      2. +1
        29 January 2014 11: 55
        Quote: anarh
        Understand - the Russian Empire was glued to Orthodoxy, not paganism.

        Russia was “glued” by the Russian people; religion had nothing to do with it. To this day, Russians are the cement that keeps Russia in unity, so give birth to more Russian children if you want a bright future for your children and a secure old age for yourself.
  55. koshaus
    28 January 2014 22: 49
    Krishna did not create Hare Krishnaism, Gautama Buddha did not create Buddhism, and Christ did not create Christianity. It's simple - religions were created after the Great Teachers left this world. Not a single document written by the hand of Jesus has been found, not a single one... it follows that taking seriously the words attributed to Jesus by the authors of the Bible is at least stupid. How should a person in his right mind treat the words of the Christian God from the Bible: “Do not think that I came to bring peace to earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to divide a man with his father, and a daughter with her mother, and the bride and her mother-in-law. AND A MAN'S ENEMIES ARE IN HIS HOUSEHOLDS" (Matthew 10:34-36)
    “Do you think that I have come to give peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division; for from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three; father will be against son, and son against father; mother against daughters, and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law" (Luke 12:15-53). Christianity has been on earth for a couple of thousand years, and if it were filled with high spirituality and its spreaders carried this spirituality into the world, then humanity should have already turned into a highly moral community. But instead, we have a complete degradation of Christian civilization, and Christianity itself is just a way to keep in obedience and direct large masses of people in the right direction who do not want to think for themselves how many people Christians destroyed with fire and sword, how many they crippled, tortured in an attempt to force them to believe into your god. Modern priests (I think the statement “pop,” abbreviated as “who betrayed the memory of our fathers” is correct) mumble about some kind of leading and guiding role of the Russian Orthodox Church, about its unifying role, and that without the Russian Orthodox Church, “spiritual bonds” will collapse, etc. and so on. But I’m wondering why millions and millions of church-going workers and peasants in 1917, suddenly succumbing to the slogans of the Judeo-Bolsheviks, rushed to throw priests from bell towers and destroy churches - it turns out that for almost a thousand years Christianity in Rus' has left NOTHING in the souls of the people except hatred for to the priests, these parasites that feed on human ignorance...
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 06: 29
      Quote: koshaus
      Krishna did not create Hare Krishnaism, Gautama Buddha did not create Buddhism, and Christ did not create Christianity. It's that simple

      -Vasily Ivanovich, but Marx died - Marxism became. Lenin died - Leninism.
      - Well.
      - But if Anka dies, will there be ananism?
      It's even easier.
  56. +1
    28 January 2014 23: 01
    As long as I have lived in the world, I have never met a single pagan! But the Internet is full of them, and as soon as a topic about Orthodoxy appears, a crow swoops in and starts talking nonsense! And here someone already wrote that it’s not clear how grown men can get carried away with such crap?! Rule, come true, come true! Tell me who created the Universe, Perun or Dazhdbog? Or maybe Zeus? Or maybe they tried together, gathered several million gods and created them together? Then you can believe that several million can do this! But who was in charge? And another question: if Christ, as the pagans claim, is a Jewish pantheon god, then each nation has its own gods. and this means they were their gods even before the creation of the world, or then they were distributed, once or twice?
    1. +4
      29 January 2014 00: 36
      As long as I have lived in the world, I have never met a single true Christian.
      -Are you a believer?
      - Yes!
      - What do you believe in?
      - In God alone! Today I went to church, lit a candle so that no one would jinx the business.... I bought a car - straight to the priest, dedicate it...

      -Are you a believer?
      - Otherwise! I just returned from church, lit a candle for the death of my competitor, now f...k him....

      - Do you believe in God?
      - Yes. I even know the prayers
      - And if a black cat crosses the road, do you spit over your left shoulder?
      - Yes
      - Do you believe that returning is a bad omen?
      - Yes.
      - Do you feed the brownie?
      - Well yes!
      - Where in the Bible does it say about a black cat and a brownie?
      - ... ???

      And so with everyone you don’t ask. If we analyze the faith of a modern person, it turns out that he (even without realizing it) is 99,9% pagan and 0,1% Christian. And here you are arguing about history and philosophy.
      1. anarch
        29 January 2014 06: 32
        Quote: Egor-dis
        As long as I have lived in the world, I have never met a single true Christian.

        The advice is simple: if you want to see a Christian, start with yourself.
        Like attracts like.
      2. +1
        31 January 2014 00: 22
        These are really not Christians! But you are surely lying when you say that you have only met such people. These are people who come to church occasionally, and are not parishioners precisely for these purposes. Or maybe they said it to get rid of you. They don’t want to open their souls to you, so they get off with general words. I personally have met enough people whom I consider to be true Christians, and not even only Orthodox!
        But you didn’t answer me about the pagan concept of the creation of the world!
        1. The comment was deleted.
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. heathen
      29 January 2014 13: 16
      Human, how do you like this view of the overall picture of the relationship between the gods? The universe was “created” by a family of gods (note that in all pagan beliefs the gods are relatives). Among different peoples, including the ancient Semites, these gods had different names, but in general they had similar functions.
      And then one of the gods wanted absolute power and he went against the rest. Whatever mythology you take, there is one like it everywhere. Among the Slavs - Chernobog, among the Scandinavians - Loki, among the Egyptians - Set. And, it seems, in one local area he managed to achieve success (such battles of the gods take place primarily in the souls of people). After this, he declared the rest of his relatives to be false gods and ordered that only him be worshiped. And after a while, with the help of his adherents, he began to gradually extend his power to other lands. I don’t think I need to describe how it all happened, it’s already known.
      Here's the theory...
      1. 0
        29 January 2014 14: 33
        Here's the theory...
        Nothing surprising. Man is the same everywhere. That's why the theories are similar. Divine relationships in religions that is.
        1. heathen
          30 January 2014 12: 34
          If this were so, then there would be no irreconcilable contradictions in religions, and therefore no religious wars. By the way, they didn’t exist before the advent of monotheism.
          1. -1
            30 January 2014 14: 32
            If this were so, then there would be no irreconcilable contradictions in religions, and therefore no religious wars. By the way, they didn’t exist before the advent of monotheism.
            Here's another! All religions have similar points. But this does not mean that different religions are identical. My words were quoted in connection with your post just above. Where are your words:
            Among different peoples, including the ancient Semites, these gods had different names, but in general they had similar functions.
            And further in the text. I did not quote everything for the sake of a smaller volume.
            1. heathen
              30 January 2014 19: 05
              Let's not overdo it. At first, your theories are similar. Then - only some individual points in the theories.
              I'll tell you what. The essence of all pagan beliefs (I'm not talking about cults and rituals - they can be very different) is generally the same. And it has a key difference from the Abrahamic religions, a kind of main antithesis. And this is not polytheism, as some people think. This is what the monotheistic god separates himself from the world and opposes himself to it, while the pagan gods are parts, manifestations or, if you like, children of the universe, inextricably linked with it. In the first case, there is confrontation and implicit conflict with everything around, and in the second, natural and organic coexistence.
      2. 0
        31 January 2014 01: 13
        From your description, I understood that the pagans retained echoes of the real knowledge that was revealed to Moses! And the one you called Chernobog is called Satan by Christians. I can honestly say that you serve him!
        But let's say I believed it! Still, I would like to know whether the gods created the world together, that is, in cooperation, as an artel? Or was he the eldest? You somehow miss that the pagans had the concept of the Demiurge, i.e. God the Creator. Who created the World and retired, leaving Him in the care of gods of lower rank.
        It’s still somehow unclear. One god stood up against the whole team, and what were they looking at, why didn’t they destroy the adversary! An eye for an eye! Revenge (we have already read about the pagans here) is welcome! Where have they been looking for these bastards for two thousand years, or rather 5 thousand years? Where are the Zenks staring? Some kind of Chernogod drove them into a stall! (In Greek and Roman pagan mythology, can you tell me what this god was called?)
        What else to do with the gods of the lost peoples, where did they go? Self-destructed? Are the gods of emerging nations being born or what? And how can you take foreign gods, such as Perun or Khors, to your place? Questions were asked here about the name Malush; I would also like to ask about the etymology of the words Perun (Perunas) and the god of the Khorezmians Khors?
        PC I would also like to receive links to some serious sources, otherwise I read the thread and never heard from the pagans a single name of a serious historian, archaeologist, ethnographer!
        1. alexandr00070
          31 January 2014 01: 39
          Quote: azkolt
          From your description I understand that the pagans retained echoes of the real knowledge that was revealed to Moses!

          moreover, Moses if the Vedas began to be created in the 16th century BC. and the Old Testament in the 13th century BC. The Vedas existed for 300 years when your Moses was just born
        2. 0
          31 January 2014 21: 35
          Quote: azkolt
          !And the one you called Chernobog is called Satan by Christians.

          This is a controversial issue, Satan's real religion is Catholicism.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  57. 0
    28 January 2014 23: 47
    Allow me to speak on this topic, which I consider one of the most relevant, because... it directly concerns the ideology of the state and all its institutions. In this article, the author tries, by contrasting what is more or less known (Christianity), with what we, by and large, have no idea about (paganism), to point out the shortcomings of the latter and present Christianity as the only true religious movement. And this is fundamentally wrong. The current neo-pagans, of course, do not inspire confidence with their propaganda of adherence to the clan, as well as with statements that we, the Slavs, did not know the state before, and everything was decided by the clan, etc., but people can also be understood. The whole problem with current Orthodox Christianity in a modern wrapper is that modern humanity at the current information stage of development needs more information than what is given to us in the Gospel. I don't mention the Bible, because... there is just a sea of ​​information, but the book mentions more about the “great” achievements of the Jewish people, about their chosenness, etc. But these two books are inseparable. And it turns out that we, the Slavs, and, in principle, other peoples not mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, can only be content with the feat of Jesus and the deeds of the apostles and saints. While the Jews have the Talmud (in which the world is given to them), the Arabs have the Koran (in which they carry the word of Allah to everyone). But the world is changing, and new finds are appearing - various megaliths, ancient writings, including on our territory, and historians and religious leaders ignore this. There are a sea of ​​inconsistencies, but historians stubbornly or on orders from above ignore the facts. And modern civilization at this time is at a dead end, and the attempts of neo-pagans to find a way out by returning to the origins is a natural reaction of a sane person.
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 06: 55
      Quote: Thomas
      The whole problem with current Orthodox Christianity in a modern wrapper is that modern humanity at the current information stage of development needs more information than what is given to us in the Gospel


      This is not a Christian’s problem, but yours personally.
      It is that, being in the modern shell of pseudo-information, you are trying to “fairly” talk about the spiritual.
      Why: I CAREFULLY distributed earrings to all the sisters, pagans, Muslims, and Orthodox Christians.
      But who taught you that you need to SPIT ON YOUR PEOPLE and on THE FAITH OF YOUR FATHERS, and so that it doesn’t look disgusting, but rightly like spitting on others?
      And calling this abomination a natural reaction of a sane person?
    2. +3
      29 January 2014 08: 05
      The trouble with Orthodox Christianity is that today it is a business. And nothing personal.
    3. heathen
      29 January 2014 13: 26
      The current neo-pagans, of course, do not inspire confidence with their propaganda of adherence to the clan, as well as with statements that we, the Slavs, did not know the state before, and everything was decided by the clan, etc., but people can also be understood.

      Strange. Usually Christians tell me this. And not a single pagan could deny the fact that, based on the surviving chronicles, at least Prince Igor was already a full-fledged ruler of a huge state. And the overwhelming majority of them believe that the history of our statehood is much older than is officially believed.
  58. +1
    28 January 2014 23: 58
    Quote: azkolt
    Michael, so you will deny that the Slavic pagans made human sacrifices?

    It was Vladimir who introduced human sacrifices in order to discredit the old Faith. But Christianity had already existed in Rus' for a long time. But the majority of the people did not accept it. So Vladimir came up with sacrifices to bring Christianity into the rank of official religion.
    1. -1
      31 January 2014 01: 33
      All the chronicles say the opposite! The Radziwill Chronicle speaks about human sacrifice among the Slavs! Byzantine chroniclers write about numerous human sacrifices and the unheard-of cruelty of the Slavs. (During the attack on Constantinople on the orders of the Khazar Kagan Askold) I repeat once again (for local fans of jumping over the fire), many thousands of human sacrifices were made. Moreover, people were killed with a level unheard of even at that time cruelty! And Askold came to Constantinople on the orders of the Khazar Khagan, whose vassal he was. And note the filthy ones (as the people “who did not accept Christianity” called the pagans) were sent by the Jews against the Christians, and not the latter (in the light of the latest research of the Rodnovers) against the pagans
      Arab historians write about human sacrifice among the pagan Slavs. So there are enough diverse sources! but no one writes that it was Vladimir who invented it1 Yes, and why write this. How can a people who lived under paganism lie about the fact that human sacrifices were made in the absence of them????
      1. alexandr00070
        31 January 2014 01: 54
        Quote: azkolt
        attack on Constantinople by order of the Khazar kagan Askold)

        You are either laughing at the locals or really misunderstanding, to put it mildly,
        - moreover, the Khazars (who are truly bloodthirsty due to their religion) and the Slavs. Askold (if this is the Askold who came with Rurik) and it was then that Kiev, still far from the capital of Rus', was under the rule of the Khazars, and Askold could have been with a squad of Varangians as part of the Khazar army, and not separately due to the small contingent, but They don’t write about Vladimir because it’s been cleared out over a thousand years. If you noticed, nothing has been written about Yeltsin for the last five years, either good or bad, so he lived recently and what he did, but there is a party line, and you are talking about a thousand-year history, they even turned the history of the revolution upside down for us.... .............don't ask stupid questions
  59. The comment was deleted.
  60. jjj
    29 January 2014 01: 09
    Friends, we must understand that the totalitarian sect of neo-pagans is essentially the same as Wahhabism in Islam. In general, our Father God, Allah among Muslims and Yahweh among Jews, is one and the same entity. God is love. He has forgiven us all. He became human, accepted suffering as a man, and, descending into hell, destroyed it. Who was the first person to be with the heavenly father? The scoundrel, murderer and robber who hung on the cross to the right of Jesus. He repented of his sins and accepted Christ and followed the Lord.
    There is such a professor at the Theological Academy, Alexey Ilyich Osipov. Go to his website and watch video lectures. Get answers to all your questions
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 06: 59
      Quote: jjj
      In general, our Father God, Allah among Muslims and Yahweh among Jews, is one and the same entity. God is love. He has forgiven us all.

      Alexey Ilyich Osipov, by the way, speaks very negatively about ecumenism.
    2. 0
      29 January 2014 09: 20
      Quote: jjj
      Who was the first person to be with the heavenly father? The scoundrel, murderer and robber who hung on the cross to the right of Jesus. He repented of his sins and accepted Christ and followed the Lord.
      There is such a professor at the Theological Academy, Alexey Ilyich Osipov. Go to his website and watch video lectures. Get answers to all your questions

      How do you know where he ended up after death, if only he would have been reborn after death, although if he had been reborn in our time, most likely this individual would have been put in a mental institution. And so, these are just religious myths, no different from the myths of Ancient Greece. In the Bible, as in fact in the Koran, there is not a single revelation, neither about our planet, nor about our galaxy, nor about our place in the universe.
      Only the latent fear of inevitable death and the insignificance of our existence on the scale of the Universe make people believe. Even if we assume that the Big Bang was the result of God’s providence, then in all likelihood, it was he who exploded, creating the Universe, so that we are flesh of his flesh and the creators of our own lives.
      We inherited a small, but such a beautiful planet, and by right of evolution, we became its masters, but this is only a small step for our race on the path to the stars and greatness. And religious nonsense only slows us down on this path.
  61. 0
    29 January 2014 02: 02
    lovers of Perun, Dazhdbog, Svarog and other Slavic gods - in essence, they can learn little about them, because the cult itself, the beliefs, and the ritual are completely lost.

    Let me point out right away that I myself am an atheist, that is, not for those, not for those.
    During my studies at the university (history - religious studies, correspondence course), priests read “religion” to us, some of them were very pleasant to talk to. I’ll say right away that I don’t remember their first and last names, more than 10 years have passed. I once took a test, and the topic was the baptism of Rus', the test was taken by one of the developers of a reference book on sects, this is the publication on the basis of which internal organs now determine whether a sect is dangerous or not. Having passed the test, I got into a conversation with the teacher, the essence of the conversation: history, as we know, is written by the winners, and the winner here is the Russian Orthodox Church, and since paganism is destroyed, we will never hear the voice of the losing side... to which he answers me that on the territory of the former USSR two large centers of paganism have survived, one somewhere in Mordovia, the other in the Belgorod region, and their priests trace their ancestry to the gods, just like Orthodox priests are ordained from the apostles. I became interested in this topic, since I was then engaged in the historical reconstruction of Southern Rus' of the 9th-10th centuries, and asked for more accurate “addresses”, to which he replied: “Young man, your request is tantamount to the request of a child who asks to hold a poisonous snake in a zoo. "I see no reason not to believe this man, and I think that true cults of the old Gods exist, they just don’t advertise themselves, maybe the time has not come yet...
    1. anarch
      29 January 2014 07: 02
      Quote: Kombrig
      “Young man, your request is tantamount to the request of a child who asks to hold a poisonous snake at the zoo..” I see no reason not to believe this man, and I think that true cults of the old Gods exist, they just don’t advertise themselves, maybe the time has not come yet.. .

      Do you want to touch the snake?
      So you didn’t understand anything about the warning.
      1. +1
        29 January 2014 19: 50
        Do you want to touch the snake?
        So you didn’t understand anything about the warning.

        I don’t want to touch the snake, of course, but I would have to figure it out... Otherwise an “authoritative” guy comes and says it’s impossible, without justifying anything, and he has compromised himself to the point of impossible.. With respect...
  62. +3
    29 January 2014 02: 53

    “The Russian Orthodox Church has never had God’s grace, just like Catholics and Muslims. God’s grace can descend on a person, but not on an organization or other form of ordering people.
    You have a wanderer in your head: religion and Faith are not equivalent concepts."

    + 100500
    The Orthodox are strong in their faith, and the Russian Orthodox Church (as a hierarchical organization) is strong in their religion.
  63. Volkhov
    29 January 2014 06: 47
    The article is banal, there are a lot of comments, but no one remembers the main question - different things are compared.
    Orthodoxy is an Abrahamic cult, an imported system of propaganda and faith with approximately the same structure as Marxism - a thick book and hierarchy. No knowledge is required, only rituals, the point is to control the illiterate masses.
    Paganism is a system of knowledge, the main book of the Veda is an encyclopedia of 12 ox skins (approximately 000) A1 pages, in addition there are many special books and oral transmission of knowledge.
    Ancient ornaments and architecture perfectly complement a physics textbook. Refusal of paganism is a rejection of civilization, and the Ancient Gods are not political leaders like the Abrahamic ones, but scientists and practitioners.
    Abrahamic cults are occupation cults with the same principle as the Nazis - to teach Russians to count to 100 and understand the German language (enough for the work of a helper), but the loss of the space war should not lead to the abandonment of attempts to restore in all possible ways, primarily through knowledge.
    1. +2
      29 January 2014 12: 57
      Paganism - knowledge system, main book Vedas - encyclopedia on 12 bull skins (approximately 000) A1 pages
      Where does this information come from? Where are 12000 bull hides stored?

      Some fun math:
      1000000 A4 pages / 12000 bull hides = 83,3(3) A4 pages per hide.

      The average area of ​​cattle skins of modern livestock breeds is 4 sq.m.
      83.3 A4 pages is approximately 5,19 sq.m.

      Considering that a full cattle skin of irregular shape and edge areas such as legs cannot be normally used for these purposes, up to 0,25 sq.m. will be wasted. skins (after all, writing sacred texts means only the best part of the skin for this). We get about 3,75 sq.m.

      Let us take into account that the average size of modern cattle breeds is slightly larger than that of non-pedigreed ancient ones. This means we can assume that the average area of ​​the business part of a cattle skin 1-2 thousand years ago was about 3,5 sq.m.

      The bottom line:
      The beautiful round numbers about a million pages and twelve thousand skins do not add up. Much. Only the author of the post knows where these numbers come from. Like other categorical statements.
      Conclusion - information garbage.
      1. alexandr00070
        29 January 2014 18: 46
        Quote: abrakadabre
        Some fun math:
        1000000 A4 pages / 12000 bull hides = 83,3(3) A4 pages per hide.

        The average area of ​​cattle skins of modern livestock breeds is 4 sq.m.
        83.3 A4 pages is approximately 5,19 sq.m.

        Indeed, you poured out so much information garbage instead of correcting your illiterate opponent,
        what kind of skins are you talking about “Avesta”, which A. Makedonsky destroyed, at least one of the copies, that was on the skins, and “Vedas” - (Sanskrit वेद, véda IAST - “knowledge”, “teaching”) - a collection of the most ancient[1] sacred scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit[2].
        The Vedas are classified as shruti ("heard")[3][4], and the mantras contained in them are repeated as prayers and used in various religious rituals. The main part of the Vedas are the Samhitas - collections of mantras, to which are adjacent the Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads - texts that are commentaries on the Vedic Samhitas.
        For many centuries the Vedas were transmitted orally in poetic form[5] and only much later were they written down
        Is it really difficult to click a couple of keys and read? In the modern Zoroastrian community there are editions of the Avesta that go back to manuscripts copied by clergy in the pre-printing era (before the 1288th century) for at least the last millennium. The earliest surviving manuscript dates from the 3th century. (XNUMX), colophons of manuscripts allow us to trace the tradition of transmission to the XNUMXth century. It has been reliably established that all existing manuscripts go back to one manuscript that existed in the XNUMXth century [XNUMX], which in turn goes back to the so-called “Sassanid archetype” - an exemplary copy that existed under the Sasanians.
        Just like with the Bible, there are a bunch of authors.
        1. Volkhov
          29 January 2014 20: 01
          Quote: alexandr00070
          your illiterate opponent,

          You are distorting - the well-known pieces that are presented as religion are an insignificant part of the original.
          The Germans created a group of Anonerbe institutes to master the real knowledge of the Ancients and this immediately led to a technical breakthrough.
          This is easy to understand in practice - as soon as they tried to fight with them, they lost the fleet in six months, and in space there is nothing to say - the complete helplessness of official science.
          1. alexandr00070
            29 January 2014 22: 30
            Quote: Volkhov
            You are distorting - well-known pieces that are presented as religion are an insignificant part of the original

            It is very difficult to understand your train of thought. but before you express your opinion, read something carefully......otherwise the statement that the VEDAS are written on skins is ridiculous, just like some lost fleet and space............ ............................
          2. +1
            30 January 2014 10: 09
            The Germans created a group of Anonerbe institutes to master the real knowledge of the Ancients and this immediately led to a technical breakthrough.
            The quality of universities led to the technological breakthrough. Theoretical and applied research years and years before any Ahnenerbe.
            Get on with your normal education. And not by watching REN-TV and reading the yellow press.
      2. Volkhov
        29 January 2014 19: 48
        About 12000 skins - historical information, stored in Persepolis, burned by A. the Great.
        As for the size of the skins, this is a controversial issue, the ancient bull is basically a Tur, it is rather larger than a modern bull, but the bull skin is also thick, so they wrote on treated leather - parchment, while the skin was stretched greatly.
        Round numbers are given for comparison - it is clear that the volume is huge.
        1. +1
          30 January 2014 10: 43
          About 12000 skins - historical information, stored in Persepolis, burned by A. the Great.

          Then where did you get this information? Have you gotten your hands on the original library catalog of Persepolis? Specifically, with the names of the authors, titles of works, links to generally accepted sources, and not to any newly minted pseudo-historians of the kitchen spill.
          As for the size of the skins, this is a controversial issue, the ancient bull is basically a Tur, it is rather larger than a modern bull

          This statement is true only in relation to the wild tour itself. Ancient cattle breeds are generally smaller than modern ones. This is understandable, now breeding is carried out according to science, and not by trial and error. And modern selection makes it possible to prevent inbreeding and degeneration. something that the ancient closed communities scattered across the expanses of Asia could not always do.
          Bull skin is also thick, so they wrote on treated leather - parchment, while the skin was stretched greatly.
          The parchment is never a bull's hide (in the sense of the skin of an adult bull). The skin of an adult bull is not even suitable for clothing and shoe tops. Too thick, inflexible and heavy. Only for belts, saddles, shoe soles and other similar products. In the spinal part it can sometimes reach 7-10 mm in thickness. Imagine the pages of a book or a scroll made of such “plywood”.
          Round numbers are given for comparison - it is clear that the volume is huge.
          Round numbers are sucked out of thin air by a pseudo-historian who invents sensations to defeat the fragile and uncritical minds of readers. You just took it on faith.
          1. If you give yourself the trouble to search, you will very quickly find that the surviving ancient lists of VEDA are written on wooden planks. This is understandable: in the humid climate of India, wood is stored better than skins. And the cow is actually sacred.
          2. Ancient Persians - Zoroastrians. This is their state religion... it was. Very little is known about the pre-Zoroastrian beliefs of the Iranian peoples in general and the Persians in particular. Almost nothing. It is only assumed (no more, since there are no reliable sources) that the beliefs of the peoples of Iran at that time were similar to proto-Hindu ones. There are fragmentary references to such deities as Verethragna, Mithra and Anahita. This is all.
          3. Have you tried to read the VEDAs themselves? Give it a try. Out of curiosity, I tried a scientific (that is, as authentic as possible) translation. A very difficult read for our times, in which it is not easy to understand anything at all. This is what gave rise to an infinite number of all kinds of near-Vedic commentary and interpretive literature over the course of thousands of years in India itself.
  64. -1
    29 January 2014 06: 49
    Aren’t you tired of dragging faith into statehood yet? minus to the author for one simple reason: people believe in higher powers when they don’t believe in themselves.
    1. -2
      29 January 2014 08: 08
      Plus for you. But I would just like to clarify. There is nothing wrong with a person believing. There is bad where faith is traded.
  65. +1
    29 January 2014 06: 55
    Another PR campaign by ROC OJSC.
    There is, of course, a very highly intelligent (seriously) discussion above. But... gentlemen, comrades! What are we talking about? What difference does it make who cut whom and when in Rus' and forced them to what faith? What difference does it make what squabbles our ancestors had among themselves? Yes, if we are all brought together and given the opportunity to argue about religion, then the maydauns will rest. That's not the question.
    The question is that church hierarchs, who have replaced questions of “faith” with questions of “fashion for worship,” can continue to wear Swiss watches and drive around in limousines, exploiting the failure to meet the spiritual needs of the people. After all, if tomorrow the GDP recognizes the “Rodnovers” as the most important and most Russian religion and transfers the property of the Russian Orthodox Church to them, then 90% of those who are now busting their asses for Orthodoxy will instantly turn into “Rodnovers”.
    For me, if you want to believe in Perun - believe, if you want to believe in Christ, even in the Orthodox tradition, even in the Catholic, even Lutheran - believe. If you want to profess Islam, then profess it. Just QUIET! Just don’t show off your faith! After all, faith is an intimate concept. Why are there intermediaries between the believer and God? Why these churches, built with stolen and public funds, terrorist money, or “squeezed by officials from businesses” money. Why this church hierarchy, on which huge amounts of money are spent, which could have long ago solved the problem of homelessness, employment, or increasing the country's defense capability? Are we so rich that, in addition to oligarchs and officials, we can also support a pack of parasites from the Russian Orthodox Church OJSC?
    And you know, I would even really like for the Russian Orthodox Church to become persecuted again. Because then she will get rid of all that garbage, all that scum that is now fattening on her and on us, who are forced to live next to her. After all, then this Church will again become the same - Russian, which stood up to defend the Fatherland in 1941, despite decades of persecution. There were PEOPLE who sincerely believed and served their flock through service to the Fatherland. This is the kind of Church I can love and support. Because the ancient church above the river is like the white birch tree under my window - this is Russia, Rus', part of our history. While the pompous temple in the central square is an altar for the worship of the Golden Calf. They have always been like this and remain like this and will remain like this forever. I can subscribe to all this, even though I am a convinced atheist. Because the Orthodox Church is part of my Motherland.
  66. -3
    29 January 2014 08: 57
    Quote: anarh
    And let us also remember that these revelations were thrown in by the liberal media. Very truthful. And loving the Russian world to the point of oblivion.

    As far as I remember, all these “flaws” of the Russian Orthodox Church were shown not only by the liberal media, I am sure that if you want to search, you will also find an official video from the Russian Orthodox Church website.
    Our people are very kind.
    1. 0
      31 January 2014 01: 19
      As far as I remember, they stopped with the death of Berezovsky!
  67. alexandr00070
    29 January 2014 11: 31
    The purpose of this opus is unclear, because the article is an obvious provocation, inciting site visitors to a round of confrontation between defenders and opponents of Christianity, because after the introduction of new rules of dispute, which put the author in an advantageous position in relation to the defenders of true Orthodoxy (by the way, ignorance of the subject is evident - the trinity - Reality, Nav, Rule (Reality is our World. Today it is customary to say the material or physical world, we see it, feel it with our senses. Nav is a Reality unknown to us. Today they say - the astral world (from the Greek “asteri” - star ), i.e. this is an interstellar world, more subtle. Also in the modern system there is a mental world, but the Slavs united the astral and mental, this is all Nav, it surrounds our physically dense world. Nav was distinguished into Light and Dark. In Light Nav our Ancestors, and in Dark - demons. But since they used to glorify Ancestors, Light Nav was also called Mir Slavi (Glory), and Dark Nav was simply Nav. In Dark Nav - heaven (no God), and in Light Nav - heaven (no demon) .
    Rule is the World of the Gods. Laws of the Universe, hierarchy of Light Forces.)--------about the same and more

    (Rule – the world of the Gods (hierarchy of the cosmos) / The laws by which the Universe lives.
    To glorify means to accept these laws and not break them.
    Orthodoxy is a way of life when a person knows the Ancient Wisdom - the Laws of the Universe and does not violate them. ---------- but the author uses Orthodoxy as --- to glorify correctly -- that is, slaves correctly glorify the masters (Mr.) How different it is to glorify the world according to the laws of which you live and glorify your master. But I will not succumb to provocations. The article is really provocative, illiterate, a priest has died in the author’s soul, and by the way, finding a bunch of historical and thematic errors in the text, the question again arises - why this opus, breaking spears again, we are constantly being slapped on the wrist, it’s no longer interesting to argue here on the topic of FAITH , but the person, please, spoke out, asserted himself, knowing that he would not receive a full answer. Somehow it turns out ugly. And lastly, about the imposition of Christian holidays on pagan ones (due to which, by the way, Christianity took root) By the way, my comment is not so radical that it needs to be deleted, it is more educational, why look for a catch in the comments
  68. -1
    29 January 2014 14: 05
    Quote: “Those who claim that Christianity is a “weak religion”, it supposedly has no militancy, rage, or focus on victory, it is a religion of slaves and defeatists...” And how? Remember the saying: “Call a man a pig a hundred times, the hundred first time he will grunt!” And what do they call a person (“What sounds proud!” according to M. Gorky) in churches? Servant of God, servant of God - SLAVE, SLAVE, SLAVE! Our ancestors considered themselves GRANDCHILDREN OF GOD! And now the church suggests that they are SLAVES! It was not for nothing that the Bolsheviks, when persecuting the church, but at the same time teaching the Russian people literacy, instilled in one of the first phrases: “We are not SLAVES!”
    And also about one god. Read the Old Testament, when God, acting as a provocateur during the “release” of the Jews from Egyptian captivity, declares to Moses before one of the Egyptian executions: “I will shame the gods of Egypt!” How shoud I understand this? Does he acknowledge their presence? For if they (Egyptian gods) do not exist, then who and what did he feel the urge to shame?
    1. -1
      29 January 2014 14: 18
      Quote: nnz226
      Servant of God, servant of God - SLAVE, SLAVE, SLAVE! Our ancestors considered themselves GRANDCHILDREN OF GOD!

      Do not take everything literally. There is nothing criminal in the expression Servant of God. Further, the fact that the ancestors considered themselves GRANDCHILDREN OF GOD - is this something you just came up with?
      Like this
      Quote: nnz226
      "I will shame the gods of Egypt!"

      Maybe I missed something. but please (for the enlightenment of those who do not know) - can you provide a link from where you pulled this out (namely to a paragraph of the Old Testament), more precisely the book of Exodus (as I, due to my ignorance, assume)
      Or maybe I need to re-read it (the Old Testament). should you read it?
      Please link hi
    2. +2
      29 January 2014 14: 28
      Quote: nnz226
      Quote: “Those who claim that Christianity is a “weak religion”, it supposedly has no militancy, rage, or focus on victory, it is a religion of slaves and defeatists...” And how? Remember the saying: “Call a man a pig a hundred times, the hundred first time he will grunt!” And what do they call a person (“What sounds proud!” according to M. Gorky) in churches? Servant of God, servant of God - SLAVE, SLAVE, SLAVE! Our ancestors considered themselves GRANDCHILDREN OF GOD! And now the church suggests that they are SLAVES!

      This is because when the Orthodox faith was just emerging, the meaning of the word “slave” was different and did not carry such a humiliating connotation. Slave - from the word work, the one who works, and not the one who is in captivity - a slave. It’s a waste of time to work in the West (he-he-west-lo-X), in Rus' it is believed that work ennobles a person, we don’t have slaves, we have workers.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. 0
      29 January 2014 14: 36
      Quote: nnz226
      “Call a man a pig a hundred times, the hundred-first time he will grunt!” And what do they call a person (“What sounds proud!” according to M. Gorky) in churches? Servant of God, Servant of God - SLAVE, SLAVE, SLAVE

      1) The word "slave" in Judea (in contrast to the ancient world) did not have the derogatory modern meaning "a being deprived of rights, humiliated by the master", but simply "worker".
      The word "slave" now speaks of enslavement; but in ancient times, a "slave" was often called a free person who voluntarily gave his will and his life to another (a loving son, a faithful friend).

      2) Knowing that the Lord leads us to perfection and wishes us only good, i.e. happiness and goodness, there is nothing derogatory in obeying His will.

      3) The use of this emotional word focuses our attention precisely on the necessary degree of our trust and loyalty to the Creator. The Lord should not be only a "help in crisis situations" in our life.

      4) A deep understanding of the Bible implies the need to take into account the historical, eventual, linguistic contexts. Otherwise, the phrase "Caesar is Caesar, but God is God" (Matthew 22; 15-21) can justify anything ...

      5) A person’s personal relationship with God goes through three successive stages - a slave, a mercenary and a son. The source of this classification is the Gospel Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32).
      All these terms indicate the fullness of a person's involvement in God.
      "Read from Abba Dorotheos what he says about the relationship between a slave, a mercenary and a son: a slave works out of fear, a mercenary for the sake of payment; this is all an agreement. The son is on a different basis; you can’t pay for love, you can’t redeem relationships between people with anything , not just money." Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
      1. alexandr00070
        29 January 2014 16: 02
        Quote: atalef
        ) The word “slave” in Judea (unlike the ancient world) did not have the pejorative modern meaning of “a powerless creature humiliated by the master,” but simply “a worker.”

        that is, you mean this
        1. +3
          29 January 2014 16: 09
          Quote: alexandr00070
          that is, you mean this

          Demotivators are a serious source of information.
  69. +3
    29 January 2014 14: 49
    I didn’t make it through the entire forum; a heated discussion ensued. The article is certainly a plus, although not undeniable. Orthodoxy really needs to be given its due. It was this that was the moral support for the further development of Russia and went through all the sorrows and joys with it.
    From reading the forum, it is clear that people who came from the rain and the echo of Moscow (like Hamul) pathologically hate Orthodoxy, as well as Russia (the influence of these media is undeniable). Local forum members who hate modern Russia (Ingvar 72, baltika-18, ele1285, etc.) brand the faith with the same frenzy. Isn't that a good indicator?
    1. 0
      29 January 2014 15: 40
      Dear, I don’t like Christianity - you’re right, why should I love it?

      - you have to love him For all the wars that were unleashed by both the Western Church and the Russian Church?
      - should we love him because we Russians don’t know who we are and where we come from? Because we don’t know our real history? After all, as one of the commentators said, and I completely agree with him, the Russian Orthodox Church is the winner - and it imposes its own laws.
      - it should be loved for the fact that it is a business and nothing more, and at all times?
      - should we love him because Christianity in general hindered progress?
      - should one love him for indulgences, for counting murderers of rapists among the saints, etc.?
      -you need to love him for the fact that they canonized supposedly the late emperor, who with his weak-willed abdication brought the country to the brink of war, devastation, etc.
      - should we love him for his excessive aggression towards other religions? It's only now that the church has become more democratic.
      - should you love him for the fact that they “take away” the last penny from their grandparents?
      - should he be loved for the huge cash injections from the state and bandits? while the country lacks schools and kindergartens? Each city has several dozen churches. And as the priests say, ideally you need one church for 15000 people.
      And in general, where in the Bible does it talk about the mass creation of temples? It talks about creating a temple within yourself. In fact, I understand why temples and churches are needed - but this is another debate - and not a forum - there is a lot of stuff mixed in there.
      - or should I love and believe in the Jewish God?
      - or should I love him because we have a secular state, but nevertheless Christmas is an official holiday? But what about other religions with their main holidays? Do we have equality or where?
      - or should I love the church for their stupid books distributed in kindergartens?
      and this is not a complete list of why I don’t like Christianity.

      But who allowed you to say that I hate my Motherland?

      PS. and I'm not a pagan, I'm a person who believes and loves nature in general. I believe in the sun - it shines for us. I believe in the biofield - it exists even in stones. I believe in everything that can be touched. In addition, I know that something higher exists - I have faith in it, in everything that exists. And I don’t need any devices to believe - which is what I wish for you.
      1. +3
        29 January 2014 16: 44
        Quote: Hamul
        For all those wars that were unleashed by both the Western Church and the Russian Church?

        What wars did the Russian Church unleash?
        Quote: Hamul
        for the fact that Christianity in general hindered progress?

        Do you think that if the atomic bomb had appeared half a century earlier, it would have somehow brightened up your life?
        Quote: Hamul
        for excessive aggression towards other religions?

        Is it just me or does aggression actually come exclusively from non-Christians?
        Quote: Hamul
        for “taking” the last penny from grandparents?

        Grandparents who voluntarily donate to churches cannot and should not be a cover for such theses. Be ashamed.
        Quote: Hamul
        I believe in the biofield - it exists even in stones

        it's the same as writing: I believe in TV. After all, no one will dispute the fact of the latter’s existence.
        But the whole point is that you put into the word FAITH a completely different concept than an Orthodox person.
        1. 0
          29 January 2014 16: 59
          Dear, you are exaggerating, and too much.
          What does the atomic bomb have to do with it, what does the TV have to do with it???

          How many ancient secrets have been lost? How many discoveries have been lost, how many people like Giordano Bruno were there? Maybe we would just fly into space as if it were our own home???

          Do you know why gambling clubs were banned? You will say there is no analogy - but there is. People also brought their money there and voluntarily lost it. Likewise, people voluntarily invest in sects and all sorts of MMMs and money cooperatives and all sorts of other nonsense - and then they look for everyone to blame - but not in themselves. The Russian Orthodox Church acts as a chain of supermarkets + gaming clubs - the analogy is direct - active advertising + excessive positioning on TV + attracting supporters from childhood.

          Regarding wars, did all the wars of conquest of the Russian Empire take place without the approval of the Church? Oh yes, there were no wars of conquest, everyone joined us... we have such a huge territory...

          And in general - I have my own faith, I believe in what I want, I also believe that everyone will be rewarded according to their deserts later.
          1. +1
            29 January 2014 17: 01
            Quote: Hamul
            How many ancient secrets have been lost? How many discoveries have been lost, how many people like Giordano Bruno were there? Maybe we would just fly into space as if it were our own home???

            as one user said in another thread:
            - If they invested as many resources in Russia as China has, we would have already landed on Alpha Centauri.
          2. +3
            29 January 2014 17: 43
            Quote: Hamul
            Dear, you are exaggerating, and too much.
            And what about the atomic bomb?

            But by progress, don’t you mean technical progress?
            Then you must understand that the achievements of technological progress are used primarily in the destruction of their own kind.
            Quote: Hamul
            what does TV have to do with it???

            So I ask myself a similar question and cannot find an answer.
            Perhaps the reason is in your setting and interpretation.
            Go back above and read your lines.
            Quote: Hamul
            How many ancient secrets have been lost? How many discoveries have been lost, how many people like Giordano Bruno were there? Maybe we would just fly into space as if it were our own home???

            Well, let's speculate. 50 years ago, humanity made a huge leap and was confident that in a couple of decades it would rebuild at least the Moon. And what??? Has your Christian faith gotten in the way?
            Quote: Hamul
            People also brought their money there and voluntarily lost it. Likewise, people voluntarily invest in sects and all sorts of MMMs and money cooperatives and all sorts of other nonsense - and then they look for the guilty in everyone - but not in themselves

            Craftiness. Orthodoxy is a state-forming religion. She made a huge contribution to the development of Russia. And to confuse them with sects created almost exclusively for the purpose of enriching their organizers is either stupidity or deliberate trickery.
            Quote: Hamul
            Regarding wars, did all the wars of conquest of the Russian Empire take place without the approval of the Church?

            Hamul, answer the question directly once. Instead of hiding behind question marks. Otherwise, I can understand that you are simply not aware of the topic being discussed.
          3. +1
            30 January 2014 10: 58
            How many ancient secrets have been lost?
            Science does not know this. Name any number from 0 to infinity. And no one can refute you, just as you can prove that you are right. Therefore, the conversation is about nothing.
            How many discoveries have been lost, how many people like Giordano Bruno were there?
            See above.
            Maybe we would just fly into space as if it were our own home???
            Maybe so. Or maybe they would still be running around with spears. Neither the first nor the second can be proven. And therefore, again empty.
            And in general - I have my own faith, I believe in what I want, I also believe that everyone will be rewarded according to their deserts later.
            Who can argue? Believe. But if you take the trouble to promote your faith, take the trouble to provide your listeners with reasons that are convincing to them.

            And one last thing. As you may have heard, history does not have a subjunctive mood.
      2. Alexander.B
        30 January 2014 14: 45

        Truth is above all.
      3. 0
        10 February 2014 14: 35
        Quote: Hamul
        Dear, I don’t like Christianity - you’re right, why should I love it?

        Excuse me, so you want to say that paganism in general and pagans in particular did not start any wars, and the much-revered Svyatoslav Igorevich himself was a quiet, peaceful homebody? Don't tell my slippers!!! Why the devil took him to Byzantium? I simply wanted fame, honor, success and spoils. What kind of devil did Oleg nail his shield to the gates of Constantinople?
        And regarding greed and money-grubbing, you can personally guarantee that if today paganism (well, what if) becomes the state. religion - then of course not a single pagan priest will ever stain himself with anything?
        Everyone is looking for what they want. He who seeks light will find light. Anyone who likes to rummage through slop should not be surprised by what he finds.
    2. alexandr00070
      29 January 2014 16: 00
      Quote: ovgorskiy
      From reading the forum it is clear that people who came from the rain and the echo of Moscow (like Hamul) pathologically hate Orthodoxy

      Judging by your pagochik, you’ve only recently been here and don’t understand the concepts of Orthodox, true believer, etc. ,You didn’t even get through the comments or didn’t deign to read them, but you’ve already put labels on long-livers............oh, how bad that is. especially
      1. +2
        29 January 2014 16: 24
        Quote: alexandr00070
        judging by the pagochik you've been here recently

        Judging by the date of registration, ovgorskiy came to the forum a year earlier than you, my dear.
        This is by the way, since you deigned to touch on the topic.
        And judging by your shoulder straps, I must conclude that you understand less about anything than I do? Kindergarten...
        1. alexandr00070
          29 January 2014 18: 20
          Quote: Flood
          And judging by your shoulder straps, I must conclude that you understand less about anything than I do? Kindergarten.

          Yes, not just for some time after the introduction of some restrictions, I was no longer interested in arguing on the site; I look at the threads every two or three months and that’s it. And if he’s been on the site for a long time, then he should at least distinguish what they’re always arguing about - is he still a true believer or a Christian? Orthodox
          and what’s more, in the whole phrase there were more insults and hints than useful information, Now it’s clear why. The person registered a year earlier, and there were so few comments. He’s like a gun “will definitely fire once a year,” and arguing has become really uninteresting, although if If I expressed the same opinion of the party and the government, then the little guy would be worse than yours. But here you can only turn around
          1. +3
            29 January 2014 18: 46
            Quote: alexandr00070
            And if he has been on the site for a long time, he should at least distinguish what they always argue about - is he still a Christian or an Orthodox Christian?

            Is this a theological forum? Or is this forum chosen by neopagans to educate the masses? What is the term "devout Christian"?
            Quote: alexandr00070
            Now it’s clear why the person registered a year earlier, but there are so few comments

            This fact correlates perfectly with your words “I’m no longer interested in arguing on the site, I look at the threads every two or three months and that’s it.” Don't you find it?
            Quote: alexandr00070
            although if I had expressed the same opinion of the party and the government, then the little guy would be worse than yours. But here you can only turn around

            You are wrong twice:
            - my question about the significance of asterisks was based on the logic of your arguments (judging by the pagochik, you are new here and do not understand the concepts of Orthodox, true believer, etc.). It does not reflect a personal attitude at all.
            - “the opinion of the party and the government” seems, on the contrary, to be very close to yours. And it is precisely when I receive the greatest number of minuses that I reflect the demonic attacks on the Orthodox faith. If you don't believe me, you can go through my comments.
            1. alexandr00070
              29 January 2014 18: 57
              Quote: Flood
              What is the term "devout Christian"?

              listen, I’m tired of you already appearing at the end of the thread and it’s difficult for you to turn the mouse wheel, this has already been discussed today, and now a man has appeared again who doesn’t know that before the 17th century, Christians in Rus' were true believers, but oh well
              Quote: Flood
              This fact correlates perfectly with your words

              I can’t find it, it got worse recently, maybe since spring, and he’s been on the site for 2 years already. Maybe due to ignorance, there’s nothing to argue about
              Quote: Flood
              “the opinion of the party and the government,” it seems, on the contrary, is very close to yours. And it is precisely when I receive the greatest number of minuses, reflecting the demonic attacks on the Orthodox faith. If you don’t believe me, you can go through my comments.
              It’s precisely these people who are valued here. You didn’t pay attention to the minuses, how many deleted comments were under your posts, this is your protection, but you can survive the minus.
              1. +2
                29 January 2014 19: 20
                Quote: alexandr00070
                listen, I’m tired of you already appearing at the end of the thread and it’s difficult for you to turn the mouse wheel, this has already been discussed today, and now a man has appeared again who doesn’t know that before the 17th century, Christians in Rus' were true believers, but oh well

                Doesn’t it occur to you that by joining a dispute at the end, you can get acquainted with its entire content from the beginning?
                There is no need to be weird about devout Christians. I am familiar with these fictions, but that doesn’t stop them from being fictions. Here's something for you to think about:
                from the Charter of the Council of Constantinople on the foundation of the Moscow Patriarchate (Laid Charter), 1590.
                When the faithful and quiet autocrat, the Tsar of all Russian lands, ... and other Orthodox Christians, Mr. Theodore Ivanovich, ... asked us for dignity according to the election of the conciliar and according to the commandment and according to the law - let us install the Archbishop of Moscow and call him Patriarch, like other named people: the first of Constantinople The Ecumenical Patriarch from the Holy Ecumenical First Council was honored with dignity by the blessed and Equal-to-the-Apostles King the Great Constantine [as in the text] and then the Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Orthodox Patriarchs saw this grace of our moderation with their eyes and rejoiced at this kingdom given from God, the expansion and majesty, as This is the only great Orthodox king on earth now, but it was unworthy not to do his will.

                More details at
                Quote: alexandr00070
                These are the kind of people who are valued here. You didn’t pay attention to the minuses, how many deleted comments were under your posts, this is your protection, but you can survive the minus

                Maybe the reason is basic politeness? If I had written about you what is on the tip of my tongue, I would have been banned for years. But there are established rules that must be followed. If you can’t bear it, there’s no point in blaming others.
                And yet, yes, you were talking specifically about shoulder straps. And now you will argue?
                1. alexandr00070
                  29 January 2014 23: 06
                  Quote: Flood
                  If I had written about you what is on the tip of my tongue, I would have been banned for years.

                  Yes, there is a difference here, you would be banned for swearing, but we are banned for dissent, you feel the difference
                  Quote: Flood
                  Doesn’t it occur to you that by joining a dispute at the end, you can get acquainted with its entire content from the beginning?

                  didn’t come, joining at the end is like shouting after a departing train, you can familiarize yourself with everything, but not many will answer, because... let’s move on to another topic, it’s just out of respect for my interlocutor that I’m communicating with you, and even after leaving this topic, I’ll disappear again for months, or until a new topic about faith
                2. alexandr00070
                  30 January 2014 11: 20
                  Quote: Flood
                  Maybe the reason is basic politeness? If I had written about you what is on the tip of my tongue, I would have been banned for years. But there are established rules that must be followed. If you can’t bear it, there’s no point in blaming others.
                  And yet, yes, you were talking specifically about shoulder straps. And now you will argue?

                  and now you will argue, from today I have been reset, not only my shoulder straps, but also all the comments, this is how they deal with dissent on the site, let alone the country, without warning..... crap, A. Romanov’s dream has come true. Now on the site there is his opinion and the wrong one. It must be great to feel like God, I pressed a button and there is no person. Probably the zealous defense of Christianity gradually erased the boundaries of reality. This is how God is the judge.
                  1. +1
                    30 January 2014 12: 13
                    Quote: alexandr00070
                    from today I have been reset, not only my shoulder straps but also all comments, this is how they deal with dissent on the site, let alone the country, without warning...

                    Honestly, this is the first time I've seen this. And I had to see everything here.
                    Your comments, in comparison with others who openly poured slop on the Orthodox faith, are even more or less acceptable in my opinion (for an Internet forum, of course). Maybe I'm missing something?
                    So the question should be addressed to moderators and administrators.
                    1. alexandr00070
                      31 January 2014 01: 18
                      Quote: Flood
                      So the question should be addressed to moderators and administrators.

                      someone was very happy, (A. Romanov) well, he really wanted this, my two warnings were once from him, but for nothing, but now bang without warning, my hands were untied
  70. alexandr00070
    29 January 2014 19: 11
    By the way, dear ones, has anyone noticed that in Vasnetsov’s painting, at the head of the article, the center is not Slavic at all, and Vladimir and his mother and Dobrynya standing next to the Greek priest are all not of Slavic origin, apparently the artist did not bend his soul when he wrote, he wrote as he felt , like all literate people of that time
    1. -1
      29 January 2014 19: 28
      Quote: alexandr00070
      and Vladimir and his mother and standing next to the Greek priest Dobrynya, all of non-Slavic origin, apparently the artist did not bend his soul when he wrote, he wrote as he felt, like all literate people of that time
      I also noticed this!! Vladimir is black-haired, with pronounced eyes, which is more suitable for the inhabitants of the Middle East. And he also drew attention to the one standing on the right, in black, looking threateningly at the woman praying
      1. alexandr00070
        29 January 2014 22: 36
        Quote: bomg.77
        And I also noticed the one standing on the right, in black, looking threateningly at the woman praying.

        this is Dabran or in Russian Dobrynya, Vladimir’s uncle. He kindly looks at converts this way
    2. +2
      29 January 2014 19: 33
      Quote: alexandr00070
      By the way, dear ones, has anyone noticed that in Vasnetsov’s painting, at the head of the article, the center is not Slavic at all, and Vladimir and his mother and Dobrynya standing next to the Greek priest are all not of Slavic origin, apparently the artist did not bend his soul when he wrote, he wrote as he felt , like all literate people of that time

      What else can you rely on other than guesswork?
      Everything is explained differently. This is the canonical spelling that Vasnetsov adhered to when creating paintings and frescoes on Orthodox themes.
      1. alexandr00070
        29 January 2014 22: 41
        Quote: Flood
        Everything is explained differently. This is the canonical spelling that Vasnetsov adhered to when creating paintings and frescoes on Orthodox themes.

        Well, of course, canonical, i.e. established by someone, it’s like Lenin is always young, etc. if the clergy had paid attention to this, they would have painted him as a Slav in order to be closer to the people, but they didn’t do enough, and even in the time of Vasnetsov, the majority of the people did not even doubt what the priests told them
    29 January 2014 19: 19
    I prefer the opinion of V.S. Vysotsky “Song about the transmigration of souls” (briefly):

    Who believes in Mohammed, who believes in Allah, who believes in Jesus
    Who doesn't believe in anything, even the devil, to spite everyone
    The Hindus invented a good religion -
    That we, having given up, do not die for good.

    Your soul strives upward -
    Born again with a dream
    But if you lived like a pig -
    You will remain a pig.

    Let them look askance at you - get used to reproach, -
    It’s annoying - well, you’ll be born again at the taunts of much.
    And if I saw the death of the enemy during this lifetime,
    In another you will be given a faithful keen eye.

    Annoyingly a parrot live
    Viper with a long eyelid, -
    Isn’t it better to be in life
    A decent person?

    Here really: Isn't it better to be a decent person while alive?
  72. The comment was deleted.
  73. Alexander.B
    30 January 2014 14: 41
    1) The very essence and nature of a foreign religion is terrifying to the core. So in relation to the Motherland (Mother, Brother, etc.) you can say “Even if she is wrong, but she is mine!”, but in relation to Faith (Worldview) it is impossible? Then this is already hypocrisy.
    2) Someone talks about undermining the authority of ancestors, their choice (they say they were smarter than us - after all, they knew the difference) and the general good of Christianity; they say neo-paganism is a product of the activities of the State Department, etc. and so on. So my dear! But isn’t the introduction of a foreign religion (doctrine, party structure) the same thing? This, my friend, is beyond any limits. Do you like Christianity? Well, be baptized! Silently...No one here raises their hands to the Sun and demands that everyone glorify the pagan gods.
    3) What is the point of the historical authenticity of rituals if our people were not brought up according to the same rules? A person must reach his own choice with his soul, and not how we were baptized without asking. All this is a war for our souls and everything may not turn out as we would like. Matrix.
  74. heathen
    1 February 2014 22: 07
    Quote: Flood
    Do you say that the Russian text of the Bible was created directly from Jewish sources? Are you sure that the translation was not from the Greek language?

    Yes I am sure. The Russian synodal translation was carried out not from the Septuagint, but from the Masoretic text written in Hebrew.
    Quote: Flood
    Especially when gifted people are only willing to pull phrases from the Internet, and they themselves never held in their hands the source in question.
    What is the difference who and what primary sources held in hands? Do you essentially have something to say?
  75. slaventiy
    2 February 2014 16: 37
    Nowadays such artifacts are being revealed about Great Rus' that the Jewish Gospel can’t hold a candle! All Russians were (before the extermination began) equal to the gods, and there were gods in each of us!
  76. parus2nik
    3 February 2014 17: 58
    This is what the author did not say...that the Russian Orthodox Church has become acquisitive since the 16th century...
  77. Flame
    4 February 2014 14: 42
    Dear fans of paganism, learned Rodnovers! Name at least one major battle, a great victory, confirmed by facts, that the pagan Slavs won, besides the campaigns of Svyatoslav the Brave! Since you know such hidden secrets that Vladimir was the son of a rabbi and a Khazar woman, it’s probably worth enlightening everyone the rest of the ignoramuses!)))

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