The leader of the world proletariat. Part of 2. Why tried to kill Lenin

The leader of the world proletariat. Part of 2. Why tried to kill Lenin

Different attitudes towards Lenin and Trotsky on the part of the customers of the revolution in Russia can be noted in the future. Lenin first hid in Finland, then with difficulty crossed over to Sweden to Germany. In Germany, wandering without shelter. Trotsky, as well as his patron Parvus, immediately organized an escape from exile. They quietly left Russia through Finland. Trotsky wrote the book "There and back." Immediately there were publishers, the book was promoted to a bestseller.

Lenin first settled in Switzerland, then moved to France. In Paris, Lenin lived until the summer of 1912. Lenin and the majority of revolutionaries at that time experienced serious financial difficulties. England and France were preparing for war, so they tried to get closer to Russia, to bind more strongly to themselves. Financial flows are dry. Work almost stalled. Circulations of party newspapers were small. At the same time, the bickering continued between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, other social democratic groups. Lack of money only increased contention, it was more difficult to share scarce sources.

But there were exceptions. Trotsky did not experience financial difficulties. He lived in Vienna, rented a good apartment, joined the Social Democratic Party of Austria and Germany, became a correspondent for the German newspaper "Forverts", received decent fees. In 1908 — 1912, he was helped to publish the newspaper Pravda in Vienna.

It should be noted that the Bolsheviks had little or no relation to February 1917 of the year. Lenin learned about the February revolution in Russia from a newspaper. After the defeat of the revolution in 1905-1907. Lenin did not expect a revolution in the coming years. He even declared that he did not expect to live until the coming revolution.

Vladimir Lenin gave February 1917 a perfectly correct assessment - the “conspiracy of the Anglo-French imperialists.” The monarchy in Russia was overthrown by the Russian "elite" - grand dukes, aristocrats, dignitaries, generals, Duma liberal-democratic figures, bankers and industrialists (many of them were in Masonic lodges, whose activities were coordinated from France and England). Full support for the Russian conspirators was provided by the English and French ambassadors. Therefore, the then and modern accusations of the Bolsheviks that they destroyed "historical Russia ”, completely groundless. This is a mistake or a conscious attempt to whitewash the true culprits of the death of the Russian Empire - the degenerate imperial "elite" who wanted to overthrow the autocracy, which prevented them from living in the West. A significant part of the "elite" dreamed of establishing a constitutional monarchy or republic, following the example of England or France.

Only the Mensheviks, who were connected with the conspirators through Kerensky, quickly oriented themselves. However, the general collapse and disorganization contributed to the growth of popularity and strength of the Bolsheviks. The interim government declared a general political amnesty, revolutionaries returned from exile and prisons. Of the major Bolshevik leaders, Stalin and Kamenev were the first to arrive in Petrograd. It should be noted that Lenin consciously supported Stalin, seeing in him a foothold in the fight against political opponents. The convicted Duma faction of the Bolsheviks arrived from Siberia. From that moment on, the Bolsheviks, in an atmosphere of increasing chaos, began to quickly gain strength. This is not surprising - they had the political will and had a real program. It was an objective process, the Bolsheviks presented the draft of new Russia (the Soviet project), therefore they received the support of ordinary people.

Revolutionaries from abroad returned differently. Trotsky and his team mostly traveled from the USA. Their task was to make the revolution in Russia permanent (continuous). The revolution in Russia (and then Germany) was supposed to be the basis for building the New World Order. Moreover, Trotsky was somewhat slowed down in Canada. This was done to ensure that Lenin, with the help of the Germans, first came to Russia. As a result, the "German trace" of the Russian revolution came to the fore. Russia destroyed, and all the blame blamed on the Germans. The subversive work of the United States, Britain and France against Russia was hiding.

"German version" played out on the notes. The Germans themselves were interested in the transfer of Lenin to Petrograd. The German authorities allowed Vladimir Ulyanov, along with 35 party colleagues, to leave the train from Switzerland through the German Empire. General Ludendorff believed that the transfer of Lenin to Russia is expedient from a military point of view. Berlin guessed that the Russian autocracy was piled by the "allies" of Russia on the Entente. The Provisional Government was controlled by the Entente and was going to wage war to the bitter end. Lenin and the Bolsheviks could either seize power (under the most successful set of circumstances), or destabilize the situation in Russia to such an extent that it could not effectively conduct military operations against Germany. As a result, it turned out that the Provisional Government, by its actions, destroyed the system of governance in Russia so much that the Bolsheviks simply had to come to the Winter Palace and take power. At the same time only a few people died.

Why did you want to kill Lenin?

The Bolsheviks were not a single organization. Trotsky, Sverdlov and their “party” (the Trotskyists-internationalists) actually acted in the interests of the “financial international”. Their goal was the destruction of the Russian civilization, they wanted to exsanguinate the Russian people. With their hands, the owners of the Western project planned to solve the “Russian question” once and for all. Russia has already been divided into spheres of influence. So, the USA with the help of the Czechoslovak Corps wanted to get Siberia and the Far East (the Czechoslovakians controlled the only communication of a huge region - Transsib). At the same time, Russia was to become the base for the “world revolution”, which was to lead to the complete victory of the architects of the New World Order.

Do not forget the revolutionaries and their masters and pockets stuff. During the revolution, the Civil War and NEP, Russia underwent an unprecedented robbery (we saw a similar picture in 1990-2000-s). Stalin's asceticism and Trotsky’s “beautiful life” and similar enemies of the people are two sides of the same coin. The revolution actually showed the inner core of people. Some participated in the revolution in order to gain power over people and use it in their personal and narrow group interests, others fought for the happiness of the whole people, limiting themselves in everything.

Stalin and other national Bolsheviks, many of whom came from common people, dreamed of building a just society. They gave Russia a chance to survive in the terrible years of the Civil War and became the founders of the Soviet civilization. For several years there has been a stubborn struggle between these groups. As a result, Stalin, who personified the national project, won, and Russia began to recover quickly.

However, this was far away. There was a civil war, the former "allies" began the intervention, gangs of green and national separatists tore the state to pieces. Lenin tried to solve the problem of the Civil War with the help of a strategic alliance with Germany. In fact, he tried to realize the scenario that France and England were so afraid of during the reign of Nicholas II: the Russian Empire concludes a separate peace with Germany and leaves the war. Lenin tried to get the support of the Germans in the fight against the Entente interventionists and the White Guards, who were also supported by the West. On the part of Soviet Russia, the plenipotentiary in Germany was conducted by loffe, Krasin and Litvinov. Moscow offered to conduct joint military operations against the Entente - in the north against the British, in the south against the Volunteer Army of Denikin-Alekseeva, behind which stood England and France. The Germans resisted, did not want to get involved in the fighting in the North. But they promised to cover the flanks and help with the supply. In the south, they promised to help with military force. Ludendorff ordered the command of the Eastern Front to concentrate forces against Denikin.

On August 27, a treaty was signed between Soviet Russia and Germany, which essentially turned the two countries into allies (the so-called “Brest-2”). With the support of the Germans, the Soviet Republic was to fight against the Entente and its allies. Germany pledged to return Russia to Belarus and a number of other occupied territories. Russia became the food base of Germany, which allowed it to survive on the Western Front. Russia paid 6 billion rubles to Germany in gold, promised a third of the oil produced in the country.

Naturally, the negotiations between Moscow and Berlin, although they were held in a strictly secret atmosphere, alarmed the Entente. Western intelligence agencies had high-ranking informants, both in Germany and in Russia. The same Joffe was a man from Trotsky’s entourage. And during negotiations with the Germans, he coordinated his every step not only with the direct authorities, Lenin and Chicherin, but also with Lev Davidovich. Work has begun on disrupting the Russian-German negotiations. So, the assassination of Ambassador Mirbach was supposed to embroil the Germans with the Russians.

The Western powers had several extensive intelligence networks in Russia. However, Soviet Russia quickly rose to its feet and already had sufficiently qualified intelligence services. And comrade Dzerzhinsky did not like such an active work of foreign intelligence services. In June, the security officers went on the trail of a spy network in Petrograd. Dzerzhinsky was able to introduce his agents into her - the Latvians Jan Buikis and Jan Sprogis. They even got along with Sydney Reilly, who was one of the leaders of a foreign spy network in Russia. The dummy security officers, who seemed to him very promising - had numerous connections among Latvian riflemen, - Reilly pecked. He introduced them to the British naval attache Francis Cromie. The attache also did not notice anything and sent Chekists to Moscow, to the head of a special British mission, Robert Lockhart.

The Latvians were offered to recruit one of the commanders of the units who guarded the Kremlin. In Moscow, the leadership of the Cheka decided to “slip” the British Artillery Division commander of the Latvian division, Edward Berzin, who was given for the colonel. Berzin met with Lockhart and Reilly. The British handed him 1 million 200 thousand rubles as payment for the arrest of the Soviet elite in Moscow and the abolition of the Brest Treaty. Lockhart stressed that it is necessary to eliminate Lenin: "With Lenin alive, our business will fail."

The leadership of the Cheka believed that the conspiracy involved diplomatic representatives (often it was the cover of intelligence officials) of Great Britain, France and the United States. The head of the British mission, Robert Lockhart, with the participation of the ambassadors of France, J. Noulance and the USA, D. R. Francis, planned to repeat February 1917 in Russia. However, the Bolsheviks were more toothed prey than the royal regime, so the conspiracy failed.

At the same time as the KGB, counterintelligence of the Red fleet led by Lieutenant Abramovich. They were able to "sit on the tail" Cromi and Reilly, followed them for several months.

Who was supposed to lead Russia after the murder of Lenin? Obviously, Trotsky. He was most loyal to the Entente. At that time, he was at the top of his popularity and held the key position of the “war leader” - Commissar of Military and Maritime Affairs. Lev Davidovich at that time was near Kazan, under his command was a powerful army. Trotsky had to break with Germany, speeding up her death and distribute, sell off everything that remains of Russia. His appearance in the role of leader of Russia fully fit into the strategy of a phased demolition of Russia: first, the feudalist Masons crush the Russian empire, gradually the power passes from the liberal democrats to the moderate socialists, Kerensky brings the situation to a complete collapse; Lenin intercepts power, civil war begins, intervention; the death of Lenin - the power takes Trotsky, the curtain. Russia is dying.

30 August 1918 was attempted at Lenin’s Michelson factory. According to the official version, Fanny Kaplan, a member of the Social Revolutionary Party, tried to shoot him. Lenin was badly wounded. At the same time, the head of the Petrograd Cheka, Uritsky, was killed in Petrograd. The murder of Lenin was to lead to the rupture of Germany and Russia. Apparently, the direct leadership of the attempt was carried out by Sverdlov, the second most important figure in the internationalist party who worked for the "financial international". He immediately intercepted the leadership of the party and the Central Committee. Sverdlov removed from the investigation Dzerzhinsky. Kaplan is taken from the Lubyanka to the Kremlin, where she "confessed" to everything, she was immediately eliminated and even her body was burned (so that identification could not be carried out).

Understanding that it is necessary to strike back, Dzerzhinsky gives the order to open a spy network. The Cheka and naval counterintelligence revealed a significant part of the enemy network, but Dzerzhinsky initially wanted to wait. An attempt on Lenin forced him to act. On the night of August 31, on September 1, the KGB conducted mass arrests at identified addresses. The Chekists broke into the building of the British Embassy in Petrograd, when the British burned their compromising documents. Kromi in the shootout was killed. True, the main conspirators had to be released. So, Sverdlov ordered the release of Lockhart. Soon foreign diplomats left the borders of Soviet Russia. However, Dzerzhinsky smog was the main thing - he disorganized and paralyzed the conspirators. Apical coup failed.

It should be noted that the attempt on Lenin was also used to start mass red terror. Sverdlov and Trotsky deliberately destroyed the foundations of the Russian civilization (in particular, the process of unraveling began), incited the Civil War in Russia, pushing thousands of people away from Soviet power. The attempt on Lenin was for Sverdlov an excellent reason to remove all restrictions from terror. Terror has become almost the main goal of state policy. September 2 issued a decree of the Central Executive Committee of the Red Terror. And Sverdlov came up with an excellent formula: "The Central Executive Committee in the person of the presidium decides." That is, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee did not intend to, Yankel Sverdlov himself invented a resolution and ordered Avanesov to draw up a protocol. Sverdlov at that time became a kind of “regent”. Even when Lenin began to recover, he isolated him in Gorki under the pretext of treatment. Dzerzhinsky and other leaders of “not his own” circle were sent to “leave”. So Sverdlov for some time concentrated in his hands a huge power.


Obviously, Lenin was not a "traitor" and a "German agent," as some liberals and champions of "historical Russia" are trying to show him. He collaborated with the Germans for tactical reasons, and not as an “agent”. By the will of fate he got the heaviest burden. Lenin had to act in conditions of a terrible geopolitical catastrophe, complete collapse of the old Russian statehood, the collapse of the state into parts, civil war and external invasion.

Lenin took responsibility for the establishment of a new project, Soviet statehood. Lenin’s policy is twofold. It is inherent in confusion, cruelty. Affected by a lack of experience. But in general, we can call the role of Lenin in the history of Russia positive. He was not a patriot of tsarist Russia, but he is not responsible for its death. The Russian empire was killed by those who were supposed to defend and develop it - aristocrats, generals, Duma politicians and capitalists. Lenin took power and began, as he could, to build a new Russia - Soviet. It cannot be denied that it was he who laid the foundation for the integrity of Russia, recreated statehood, and began to fight foreign invaders, White Guards who fought in the name of Western interests, national separatists, and bandits of all stripes. Therefore, they tried to kill Lenin in order to put in his place the protege of the "financial international" - Trotsky.

The main advantage of Lenin’s short rule: he and his associates — Dzerzhinsky, Frunze, Stalin, and other honest Bolsheviks — managed to preserve the integrity of Russia, recreate statehood, and fill the foundation for building Great Russia - the USSR.
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41 comment
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  1. +1
    23 January 2014 09: 04
    But how did any Trotsky and Sverdlovs get surrounded by Lenin?

    I agree that we have blamed all the dogs on the Bolsheviks, forgetting the rot that caused the February Revolution, but they themselves heaped ...

    It would be better if Russia developed normally through evolution, without any revolutions
    1. +21
      23 January 2014 10: 00
      Quote: Enjoy
      But how did any Trotsky and Sverdlovs get surrounded by Lenin?

      Just as in our time, people have come to power, whose place is not in the Kremlin and government offices, not in the warm chairs of the Duma and the Federation Council and in the apartments of the heads of state companies, but in prison cells and barracks.
      And many thanks for the article to the author.
      1. +3
        23 January 2014 13: 58
        Quote: Kombitor
        many thanks for the article to the author
        Yes, and here's another thing ... Do not you think, dear, that we are all approaching the moment of truth. By the time when all the secrets will finally become apparent, and it will become clear to everyone how the day is, what needs to be done and how ...
        And someone from this will not be much trouble ...
        1. +5
          23 January 2014 16: 27
          What thirst for a revolution? Did I understand you correctly?
          You are not aware that they will be led by bulk and daredevils, coupled with twigs and sabchaks? Do not you think that they will not be better than Trotsky? By the way, Western progressive humanity will applaud you. undoubtedly. will help ... exactly the same. like the North Caucasus shortcomings ... oh, and Russia will then heal ..... or rather, the miserable remnants of the population in pieces of a dismembered state, which will at last instill universal values ​​...
          If I misunderstood you, I apologize.
          1. +1
            23 January 2014 17: 15
            I'm not offended. No, not right.
            I think that everything will be surprisingly the opposite, and the prophecies about the spiritual revival of Russia will actually come true.
            Take a look, Smoktunovsky in the title role. I heartily recommend it to everyone.
            1. +1
              23 January 2014 18: 15
              Well, then I sincerely apologize and sprinkle ash on my head :))). Hopefully really didn't hurt you. I am serious.
    2. 0
      23 January 2014 19: 26
      Very simple - they had money, unlimited amounts. Litvinov still got there ... The protest is very expensive. The revolution road is simply unbelievable. So Lenin understood everything, and Stalin too. But...
      I believe that the author’s version has a right to exist. And yes, it would be better without a revolution, but it was already arranged! And absolutely not the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks at first honestly spoke themselves - the October Revolution. And here is the story of Germany, the worlds and the rest ...
      1. 0
        23 January 2014 20: 08
        To be honest, it’s even difficult to characterize the personality of Ulyanov (Lenin). For some, he is the leader of the oppressed, the creator of the country of socialism, for others he is a regicide, a spy and a destroyer. But one thing I know for sure 100%

        It’s time to bury him. Not humanly how it turns out.
  2. +7
    23 January 2014 09: 26
    Author Respect and Respect! 5+
  3. +12
    23 January 2014 09: 49
    Good article. Rarely where do you read something intelligible about the events of 1917. Mostly emotions. It is sad that young people are being fooled, that the independent events of February and October 17 in modern history are betrayed as a whole. And we are talking about Lenin, as if he began in February, and did not stop to "revolutionize" until his death. Although it is obvious that the Bolsheviks saved the country from complete annihilation with the help of the then effective noble managers.
  4. -10
    23 January 2014 10: 07
    Obviously, Lenin was not a "traitor" and a "German agent", as some liberals and advocates of "historical Russia" are trying to show him.

    I would not say that Nikolai Starikov is a liberal and a champion of historical Russia. In his books it is written that Lenin was a German henchman, he also did not experience financial difficulties, to push the so-called "April theses" into speech, traveled all over Europe, engulfed in war, on an armored train)))
    1. PPL
      23 January 2014 13: 51
      Nikolai Starikov - NOT a writer and NOT a historian, he is an economist by education.
      In his "works" he makes time for memoirs, but ignores archival documents. So, you should not completely trust this "historian" - he only expresses his point of view, nothing more.
  5. +1
    23 January 2014 11: 12
    And who benefited from the collapse of the Russian Empire? The Germans are profitable, and how, one hundred divisions can be transferred to the West, well, if not a hundred, then fifty for sure, plus the robbery of Russia, you can eat normally at least once, and not eat all sorts of ersatz, plus a moral boost Good? Good. Profitable? Profitable. The Austrians, the Austrian Empire had already died by that time and was kept solely on the Germans, but the corpse may be at least something. Let's ignore any riffraff like Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, they are six. to the "allies" of Russia, but was it profitable for them? And why not actually? The Moor, in principle, did his job, by the year 17 it was clear to everyone who would win, Russia fulfilled the role of "zergrash", why do we need it? Besides, instead of half-dead Russia, the United States, an industrial and financial giant without an army, "connected" to the game, but this is a profitable business, the Germans began to transfer troops from the Eastern to the Western Front in 1918, but at the same time American troops began to arrive, so that the loss of Russia was balanced here. and Western the front was static, it stood tightly + fresh Americans, well, the Germans threw the divisions that had arrived from the East on the machine guns, and what next? They shot them all, but in the conditions of the revolution and chaos in Russia, the Germans could not even "devour" normally. promises made to tsarist Russia, no Constantinople, no straits, everything, no Russia, no obligations. So the interests of both the Germans and the "allies" completely coincided, and with the mediation of international finance capital, representatives of Britain, France and the United States on the one hand and Germany on the other hand, they could quietly meet somewhere in Sweden or Switzerland and “solve the Russian question.” With the Germans, Lenin and co. + all sorts of other revolutionaries, their free passage to Russia, from England and the USA, their funding and a bunch of other professional revolutionaries. And attempts to remove Lenin in the future are just a way to throw Mr. into a fan, for these attempts are very dielette and are more like provocation.
  6. predator.3
    23 January 2014 11: 19
    , Yankel Sverdlov himself came up with the decree and ordered Avanesov to draw up a protocol. Sverdlov at that time became kind "Regent"

    Soon this "regent" himself was secretly sent into oblivion, and in the confusion they forgot to open his safe, but simply dumped it in the Kremlin basements until they found it in 1935.
    Description of the safe by Y. M. Sverdlov
    "To the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.)

    comrade To Stalin

    In the inventory warehouses of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, a fireproof cabinet of the late Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was stored locked. The keys to the closet were lost.

    The cabinet was opened by us and it turned out to be:

    1. Gold coins of imperial coinage in the amount of one hundred eight thousand five hundred twenty-five (108 525) rubles.

    2. Gold items, many of which are with precious stones, are seven hundred and five (705) items.

    3. Seven blank forms of passports of the royal sample.

    4. Seven passports filled out in the following names:

    A) Sverdlov Yakov Mikhailovich, B) Gurevich Cecilia-Olga,

    B) Grigoryeva Ekaterina Sergeevna,

    D) Princess Baryatinsky Elena Mikhailovna, D) Polzikov Sergey Konstantinovich, E) Romaniuk Anna Pavlovna, G) Klenochkin Ivan Grigoryevich.

    5. One-year passport in the name of Goren Adam Antonovich.

    6. German passport in the name of Steel Helena.

    In addition, there were discovered royal royal tickets worth only seven hundred and fifty thousand (750) rubles.

    A detailed inventory of gold products is made with specialists.

    People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Yagoda)

    July 27 1935 city

    No. 56568. "

    History is silent about what expressions from the Russian language JV Stalin used when reading this inventory! lol
  7. Crang
    23 January 2014 11: 58
    No matter how anyone treats Vladimir Ilyich, the fact that this man was a genius is an indisputable fact. There was no need for the tsarist gendarmes to shoot his brother. When they did it at least they understood Who did they run into? Now wait for the bourgeoisie. Soviet rockets like "Satan" will find you and erase you to dust.
  8. smersh70
    23 January 2014 12: 10
    managed to maintain the integrity of Russia, recreate statehood, fill the foundation for the construction of Great Russia - these words were said by his worst enemy Markov, raising a toast to Lenin in exile in 1926 ...........
    1. wax
      23 January 2014 14: 01
      Martov? It seems to administrators that there is no useful information in the correction of the name - therefore, this is added so that there are more words.
      1. smersh70
        23 January 2014 14: 04
        Quote: Wax

        for sure)) I'm sorry, he said that))
  9. mamba
    23 January 2014 13: 06
    Trotsky wrote the book "There and Back."
    So that's who Tolkien stole the name for his "Hobbit"! laughing
    1. +2
      23 January 2014 13: 54
      He's Goga, he's Gosh ... lol
  10. +4
    23 January 2014 13: 39
    Yes, Lenin is a quantity! to not talk about him! The USSR is his work!
    1. wax
      23 January 2014 14: 06
      And then drang nakh osten dashed, and behind it all colonialism. After the destruction of the USSR, neocolonialism is successfully reborn. Decades, centuries will pass and about such a country - the USSR will compose sagas, legends and create myths.
  11. +2
    23 January 2014 13: 44
    It would be better if Russia developed normally through evolution, without any revolutions [/ quote]

    Yes, good. Do you know such examples? If you know, give examples of such ideal societies.
    The tops can’t, but the lower classes don’t want - a very clever phrase. Or do you think that our oligarchs will suddenly wake up and give everything they stole? [Quote = Enjoy]
    And how did any Trotsky and Sverdlovs get surrounded by Lenin? [/ Quote]

    As for the environment, this is not right, right members of the same party. But. The punishment was an ice ax (in general), and not a new chair for an assistant to the head or minister.
    I’ve not even commented on the score, you need to understand what confusion is. The question is that we overcame this turmoil
  12. -8
    23 January 2014 13: 53
    With the fall of the Russian empire, we lost sovereignty, the Yankees quickly took advantage of this and seized power over the world, and the USSR itself did not stand even half a century. Lenin was a traitor; otherwise he would not have done this to us.
    1. +4
      23 January 2014 16: 47
      Yeah, indeed, the USSR was constantly dependent on everyone for a non-sovereign state. :)))
      That is why Lenin revived a country agonizing in 17 without an army, without a police, without local self-government, without an economy, virtually without power, and his follower Stalin only deepened our miserable existence, turning the USSR into a miserable state page .... capable of independently save the planet from the brown plague, then opposing the coalition of the most developed, most aggressive states of the planet. The country that destroyed the colonial system on planet Earth, the exploitation of billions of people in third countries ....
      And really - how could Lenin have done this? Either Genius’s case, like Nikolashka, who overthrew ... an empire and two wars, and then his successors, who for six months ruined what was left with Nikolashka ....
      If it weren’t for the bad Lenin, we would have lived in a lot of powerful, super-sovereign .... colonies, would have had a couple of education classes and would have been happy if we had managed to get a job as a cleaner to European masters, like blacks in the 40s ... by the way, and blacks would remain in the same position, and colonialism would only be strengthened ... the truth of social guarantees, which are now being gradually canceled in the West, would not have appeared ....

      Congratulations, you are a wise person with an analytical warehouse ... well, what do you have there instead of your mind? So it has an analytical warehouse. :)))
      1. +1
        23 January 2014 20: 13
        You forgot to add, and listened to music from morning to evening, Adolf Hitler. Or Hitler for Wasserman, but to us it makes no difference.
  13. +2
    23 January 2014 14: 19
    Quote: Enjoy
    It would be better if Russia developed normally through evolution, without any revolutions

    So no one ever gave will not let Russia develop like that.
    The world does not need a strong Russia. The world is afraid of her. Therefore, there will be much more blood.
  14. bikoleg
    23 January 2014 14: 29
    N. Starikov, on the contrary, does not believe in Lenin as a German spy. And Trotsky does not separate from N. Lenin, he is the proteges of the Financial International (USA and Entente)!
    1. PPL
      23 January 2014 19: 59
      What happened to society? Since when did "historians" like Starikov become the ultimate truth? His opinion is based on the guesses of other people - nothing more, archival documents (by his own admission) are of little interest to him. Why replicate speculation? You would also refer to Rezun-Suvorov.
      By the way, Lenin has the name Vladimir!
      1. +3
        23 January 2014 20: 12
        what That's what education reform is doing. Vladimir Lenin became Nikolai, or Nikonor))
        1. +2
          23 January 2014 20: 51
          Quote: lonely
          This is what education reform is doing.
          Quote: lonely
          Vladimir Lenin became Nicholas, or Nikonor))
          laughing Yes ... We survived ... recourse
  15. dmb
    23 January 2014 15: 28
    The respected A. Samsonov did not heed the pleas and requests in the second part, which looks even more like a fantastic essay, because the argumentation in it is even worse than in the first. Well, start with the "villains of the world." The theory of globalization emerged in the 80s of the XX century, when transnational corporations came into force. And therefore, the jabbering about world "conspiracies" and all sorts of different "world governments" simply does not have any serious confirmation. At that time only national states fought for influence in the world. Even if we consider the transfer of money for the revolution as proven (although apart from unfounded chatter of persons in this chatter there is no interested evidence) the transfer of money for the revolution, then it was given to Trotsky by citizens of one country and exclusively in its interests, as well as by the Germans to Lenin. Another question is what came of it. Lenin competently used German money and they served not so much the Germans as Russia. The Americans didn’t get too much from “investing” in Trotsky. And both got headaches above the roof. Germany and Austria-Hungary collapsed altogether, and the Americans received such a surge in the workers' movement within and around them that for a certain time they had no time for Russia or even for Europe. So to consider Lenin and Trotsky as agents is the same as to consider the same Putin as an agent of the State Department. Each of them has their own idea for which they lived and worked. Another question is how much this idea is needed by the people, and above all by the people of Russia. What Samsonov means by the "new world order" at that time, neither he nor other adherents of this "idea" simply cannot explain. It is difficult to explain why the "financial international" needs to build socialism all over the world, because they will be the first to be "dispossessed" of them.
    1. +1
      23 January 2014 16: 52
      I support fully and unconditionally.
      With one exception, I still like Samsonov, although in my opinion he is mistaken here and there, so that I will refrain from harsh remarks addressed to him. :)))
      1. dmb
        23 January 2014 18: 36
        Vladimir, I do not blame Samsonov, he most likely, like that pianist in the saloon, "plays as he can". I'm just trying to draw his attention to the "gaps" in the articles. With his assessment of Lenin and his activities, as well as the activities of Trotsky, I basically agree, but like you, I do not like ad-libbing, not supported by anything. Particularly: Trotsky and Sverdlov Samsonov seems to have united on one basis - national. Yes, it is extremely difficult to write about the latter, information about it is minimal. This is most likely because under Soviet rule he was involved in organizing work, and did not live long. Tell me, who did this kind of work under Stalin or Brezhnev, are their names known to the general public? And if you don't know, don't write. The same can be said about the "fraternal alliance" with the Germans against the Entente.
        1. 0
          23 January 2014 19: 47
          I agree.
    2. +1
      23 January 2014 20: 17
      You are mistaken, Trotsky said that he was ready to sacrifice 90 percent of the population of Russia, but for the rest to live under communism, he quite rightly received an ice ax on the head.
      1. dmb
        23 January 2014 22: 08
        Maybe he said. Name the source; mind the newspaper "Nagayka" or "Portyanochka" of 1995 editions do not refer to.
  16. 0
    23 January 2014 15: 54
    "The difference between Lenin and Trotsky was very simple. Lenin led only his own party, the Bolsheviks, and most of the Jews followed Trotsky, regardless of which party they belonged to. Trotsky was not a communist leader - Trotsky was the leader of all Jews, which is why almost all Jews, regardless of party affiliation. "KREMLIN WOLF. Stuart Kagan
    1. -2
      23 January 2014 17: 01
      Come on ... When did the Bund support Trotsky? And do not exaggerate the role of Jews in the history of Russia. Even within the framework of the Bolshevik party, they were at enmity with each other, despite their nationality. By the way, do you know that a significant part of the Jews were the antagonistic enemies of the Bolsheviks? Many even supported the white movement - and not just for days. but also with weapons in hand. Take an interest, for example, in the biography of the rather famous white knight Bulak Bulakhovich (laugh) - he had a serious impact on the destruction of the red Baltic states in the Baltic states and on the exclusion of the Baltic states and Finland from Russia.
      Tired, honestly. Well, how did a handful of Jews twirl the fate of Russia? :))) Or the Zionists have recruited you. so that you propagandize myths about Jewish exclusiveness and that they are superhuman? :)))
      1. 0
        24 January 2014 08: 27
        - “The real party of the 'non-party' Trotsky was the ancient 'Bund' of the Jewish proletarians, from which all the Moscow revolutionary branches were born and to whom he gave almost 90% of all leaders. But, naturally, it was not the official 'Bund', but
        "Bund" conspiratorial, interspersed in all socialist parties, the leaders of which were under his leadership (including Kerensky). "
        This is also indicated by Kaganovich, remembering him from the gatherings in the Bund.
        -the first government of Russia after the revolution -90% Jews-and then spank "And do not exaggerate the role of Jews in the history of Russia." ???
        And what has changed in the current period, all the oligarchs of modern Russia, are Jews. For you, is it a secret or a taboo ???
        I see you are only tired of the truth, and therefore you smear others with your filth - this is me about the charge of Zionism.
        Minus you from me
  17. T-12
    23 January 2014 16: 53
    It would be better for Russia if this were soaked at the turn of 03-05!
  18. -2
    23 January 2014 18: 23
    Kaplan, unlike those who killed her, was a real convinced revolutionary and was once sentenced to hard labor for revolutionary activity.
  19. +2
    23 January 2014 21: 03
    This is what Albert Einstein said about Lenin. And already this person could afford to express his opinion as he saw fit. And I think that the opinion of SUCH people is still worth listening to. Whatever conclusions could have been bursting with one’s own head about the personality of Lenin ...

    I honor in Lenin a man who, with complete self-sacrifice, gave all his strength to the cause of social justice. I find his method appropriate. But one thing is certain: people like him are the guardians and renewers of the conscience of mankind. (Albert Einstein)

    There was such a wonderful book "Famous people about Lenin". It's kind of out of her ...
  20. Power
    23 January 2014 22: 44
    And I have a question (I won't lie, not mine) Why Putin at 61 is called "young and energetic, and Lenin at 53 is called" grandfather Lenin "?
    1. +1
      23 January 2014 23: 22
      It’s just that grandfather Lenin was told to children from kindergartens, not to name him by his middle name. Then, in elementary grades, children out of habit called him that. When I was 14, my 34 year old mother seemed to me an old woman .... :))) Imagine how I perceived a deep 53 year old man :)))
      And the traditions were previously somewhat different - people lived less, life experience and wisdom were more valued than youthfulness and energy. This is now a symbol of success is how young you look and how many wrinkles you have ... well, except for the dough, of course :))).
      In general, I think it’s not worthwhile to look for a special meaning here, it does not matter.
    2. -2
      23 January 2014 23: 29
      Quote: Strength
      And I have a question (I won't lie, not mine) Why Putin at 61 is called "young and energetic, and Lenin at 53 is called" grandfather Lenin "?

      Probably because Lenin did not have a black belt and until his death he was married to N.K. Krupskaya. And Putin is a sportsman, a bachelor, an honorary collector of amphorae, the leader of all Siberian Cranes, a submariner, a pilot, a skier, the main "front-line soldier" of all ONFs. Now, he can still be awarded a doctor of sciences in history, bypassing the candidate. Where is Lenin before him.
  21. +2
    23 January 2014 23: 22
    The idea clearly sounded in the article, and I completely agree with her that there were two revolutions in Russia in 1917. February, which destroyed the autocracy in our country and put our country in danger of losing sovereignty as a state. Russia could simply be torn to pieces. The Far East - the Japanese. Central Asia and the Caucasus - Turkey and England. The European part is Poland and Germany. Murmansk and Arkhangelsk are Americans. The center of the country and Siberia would be divided among themselves by Cossacks - Don, Ural and so on. etc. And it is not known how the future of our state would have developed. Moreover, the organizers of February did not have a program for the future and did not know what to do with the country that they got and which they plunged into chaos. Their policy was based on continuous populism.
    Lenin, in October, simply took Russia, which itself asked to be taken into hands. And he began to collect it into a single whole. He left behind the State. The state that we simply fucked up ... by exchanging it for the opportunity to have "dollars" in our wallet, watch porn, eat American chips, be WTO members, call the head of state not the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, but the president, for a moratorium on death execution (an excellent gift for pedophiles, maniacs and murderers), the abolition of the confiscation of property for corrupt officials, bribe-takers and swindlers, for endless "reforms" of the army, education, medicine, economy and industry. The fact that we now call our former fellow citizens "migrants" and "guest workers". The list of what we have lost and will never return, and what we "gained" can be continued indefinitely.
    Moreover, I do not understand the desire of the next "writers" of the history of our state to unite the February and October revolutions into one event. Even a schoolboy understands that these revolutions are two different events. February had a slogan, but no program. October had both. Apparently, in their desire to clearly follow the line outlined by the Kremlin helmsman, the authors of the new textbook have forgotten that history is an objective concept and does not depend on the instructions of any one particular person.
  22. +1
    24 January 2014 02: 20
    The analogue of February 1917 is the 1991th. Ahead of October. The timelessness dragged on ...
  23. 0
    27 January 2014 03: 26
    This bastard that ruined the Russian empire had to be shot a hundred times. The German laying ..

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