The leader of the world proletariat


90 years ago, 21 January 1924, a Soviet political and statesman of world scale, founder of the Bolshevik Party and Soviet project, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), passed away. This is one of the most controversial Russian figures. stories. If everything is clear with Messrs. L. Bronstein-Trotsky and J. Sverdlov, they were protégés of the so-called. “The world behind the scenes”, which led Russia and the Russian people to the slaughter, then there is no such clarity with Lenin.

For some, he is the leader of the proletariat, the founder of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party (Bolsheviks), who with its iron grip pulled Russia out of the abyss, and the founder of Soviet civilization. For others, the “bloody destroyer” who destroyed Orthodox Russia, the “German agent” and the murderer of the Romanov family.

Apparently, Lenin was not a protege of the "world behind the scenes" ("financial international"), like Trotsky, and an agent of German intelligence, although they and others tried to use him. In turn, Lenin tried to use the resources of the opponents of Russia. It was this definite independence of Lenin that led to the attempted assassination and conspiracy of 1918, when the death of the leader of the proletariat was to bring to power the second figure of the party, Trotsky. However, the plans of the conspirators were not realized due to a number of factors.

How Lenin became a revolutionary

The formation of the personality of Ulyanov was greatly influenced by the mother, Maria Aleksandrovna Ulyanova (Blank). She came from a family of Swedish Jews, perhaps for this reason she developed a persistent hostility towards Russia. Lenin's father, a teacher and director of public schools in the Simbirsk province, Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, died early, so the mother was involved in raising children. The family received a decent pension, did not live in misery, so there was no class reason to hate the “Tsarist regime”. But the upbringing of the mother produced almost all the surviving children (two died in infancy) an ardent dislike for the existing order. Mother was so confident in her principles that even the execution of Alexander Ulyanov, who was one of the organizers and leaders of the Narodnaya Volya terrorist department (he was arrested while plotting the assassination of Russian Emperor Alexander III), did not break her will.

Raising the mother and the execution of his beloved brother embittered Lenin, made him a staunch revolutionary. He was offended by the rejection of Simbirsk society, his attitude towards the relatives of the terrorist. It must be said that, in general, the mores in the Russian Empire were very liberal. Families of criminals were not subjected to repression. The Ulyanov family continued to receive a pension, all the children without any problems entered higher educational institutions. At the same time, Ulyanov had excellent abilities. From his youth, Vladimir had an extraordinary working capacity, an insatiable scientific curiosity, a great memory. In 1887, he graduated from the Simbirsk gymnasium with a gold medal, entered the law faculty of Kazan University. Vladimir was expelled from the university, but not because of poor studies or because of his terrorist brother, but because he followed in the footsteps of the latter and participated in the activities of an illegal student circle. However, this did not prevent Vladimir from completing his education as an external student and becoming a lawyer. It should be noted that many revolutionaries, liberals, opposition in those days, and even now, tried to get exactly a legal education. Thus, the head of the Provisional Government, Alexander Kerensky, was also a lawyer, he studied at the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University.

In 1893, Ulyanov moved to the capital. Already at that time Vladimir had the conviction that the working class would lead the revolution in Russia. It is he who will overthrow absolutism. The main goal of Lenin's life was to achieve a revolution in Russia. The revolutionary structures at that time were few in number, they had no real power. Their "mouse" fuss (like the spread of revolutionary literature) had virtually no effect on society.

The leader of the world proletariat

The formation of the leader of the proletariat

Ulyanov, realizing that such activity would not bring any special results, went abroad in 1895, visited Switzerland, France and Germany. I met with famous figures - Liebknecht, Plekhanov, Lafargue and others. This increased its weight. Ulyanova took note.

It should be noted that the "financial international" was closely associated with the socialist. Banking clans considered it beneficial to support the socialist parties and movements. Through them, it was possible to exert pressure on governments, to shape public opinion, to direct it in the right direction. In turn, socialist leaders, parties, organizations needed money for their publications, maintenance of premises, and election campaigns. The Second International, receiving support from the banking community, was a very serious organization. French, German, Austrian and British Social Democrats held strong positions in society. Thus, the cooperation was mutually beneficial. Although the majority of ordinary party members, the workers did not have a clue about such connections. The links between the "financial international" and the socialists were the masonic lodges. In the West at that time, the main issue was “Russian”: it was necessary to destroy the Russian Empire. Therefore, the “financial international” did a great job of engaging all promising leaders in the fight against the “tsarist regime”. It was such a young leader that Ulyanov was.

It is therefore not surprising that the Russian revolutionaries, getting to Europe or the United States, almost always could get well settled. They did not have to look for work, a roof over their heads. Most received some subsidies, part-time work, mostly small (why indulge freeloaders), but sufficient for living. All of them could be useful in some way.

The international socialist movement had contacts not only with the banking circles, but with the intelligence services of its own, and also other countries. Suffice it to recall the famous Azef. He was one of the leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and at the same time a secret police officer. We can also recall Stalin, whom some researchers consider to be a secret agent of Russian military intelligence. The work of Western intelligence services was aimed against Russia. Western social democracy also considered Russia to be its “main enemy” of freedom. Suffice it to recall the work of Engels's Russophobic. Therefore, the alliance was asking for itself. As indirect evidence, one can cite the fact that not a single political figure who escaped from Russia was detained and extradited to the Russian authorities, or at least prosecuted for illegally crossing the border. Not one person was arrested for living on fake documents. Foreign customs and border guards turned a blind eye to the transportation of campaign materials to Russia, weapons and other illegal goods. To achieve the issuance of "political" was unrealistic, so in St. Petersburg they gave up on it. Obviously, all this could not be done with the support of Western intelligence agencies, "cooperating" with the financial and political elite.

Upon returning to the Russian capital, Ulyanov, together with Martov and other young revolutionaries, joined the disparate Marxist circles into the Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class. However, the Russian Security Department was not sewn. Surrounded by Plekhanov, the "secret police" had their own agents. The appearance of the brother of the executed terrorist did not go unnoticed. Ulyanova was soon arrested. However, there was nothing serious about him. The Russian Empire was punished not for thoughts, but specific crimes. Ulyanov escaped with reference to 3 of the year in the village of Shushenskoye, Yenisei Province. The “torment” of revolutionaries in exile is not necessary to exaggerate. They were only limited in movement. They could live happily, raise the level of education, families moved to them.

At the start of the 1900s, the fragmented and weak socialist movement in Russia is undergoing a serious transformation. New activists are being promoted and sought out, with the emphasis being placed on talented practical organizers. Criminals are involved in the revolutionary movement. The system of escapes abroad is being organized. It was rather easy to organize the sprouts then - the needs were documents, money and normal clothes. A well-established system for obtaining documents was created. While the authorities realized that the man had disappeared, he was already in Europe. There the person was accepted and found a business.

After the end of exile in February 1900, Ulyanov travels around Russian cities, establishing links with local organizations. Work is underway to create the all-Russian working newspaper Iskra. In July, 1900, Vladimir leaves for Switzerland.

During the reorganization of the revolutionary work in Russia, which was transferred to a higher level, they also paid attention to the “think tank”. The former emigre center in Switzerland, headed by Plekhanov, was no longer suitable. Despite his high authority, Plekhanov was far from being the best leader. He has long turned away from Russia, its realities. He became a self-sufficient theorist, lived in the world of his ideas and constructions. Enjoyed well-deserved popularity, but had no effect on events in Russia. Plekhanov was not refused: his authority was needed. However, a new energetic leader was needed for the revolution in Russia. It also required personnel for the new center (it was created in Germany).

One of the first to whom Alexander Parvus paid attention (Israel Gelfand, one of the key figures in the world backroom operations of the time) was just Ulyanov. Abroad, he left legally. But, given his revolutionary life, he was given a second passport - the deceased nobleman of the Vologda province, Nikolai Lenin. The first thing that attracted Lenin-Ulyanov was the publication of the newspaper Iskra. Parvus placed the newspaper in Munich. Thus, he created a revolutionary center in Germany, not in Switzerland (Plekhanov lived in Geneva). Officially, three representatives of the émigré Labor Liberation Group (Plekhanov, Axelrod and Zasulich) and three representatives of the Union of Struggle (Lenin, Martov and Potresov) were included in the editorial office. However, in reality, everything soon turned out to be in the hands of Lenin. Plekhanov stayed in Geneva, Axelrod lived in Zurich, Zasulich did not come either, Martov had not yet arrived from Russia. Potresov, having lived in Munich for a short time, left him for a long time. Quickly created a network of Iskra agents in Germany, France, Switzerland and Belgium. On their basis, they began to create a new emigre organization — the Foreign League of the Russian Revolutionary Social Democracy. Channels of delivery of the newspaper to Russia were organized. Inside the Russian Empire, a network of correspondents and headquarters was also created, which became the basis for future party organizations.

Lenin is well settled in Munich. Krupskaya came to him, with whom he got married in 1898. All members of the editorial board received salaries sufficient for living. Lenin and Krupskaya rented a separate apartment. But a year later there was a crack between Lenin and Parvus. In some ways they did not agree. Perhaps the independent thinking of Lenin, who was not going to be an obedient tool in anyone's hands, played a role. Lenin did not consider it any longer possible to remain in Munich. In April 1902, the newspaper moved from Munich to London. This was not reflected in the revolutionary activity. The money for the Iskra continued to stand out. At the end of April 1903, Lenin and his wife moved to Geneva, where the editorial board moved. In Switzerland, they lived to 1905 year.

At this time, with the support of Parvus, a new “revolutionary star” is rising - Trotsky. Trotsky at first literally met "Lenin's soul" with Lenin. Trotsky was even called the “Leninist baton”; he defended the views of his comrade in arguments more harshly than their author. Lenin proposed to introduce Trotsky into the editorial board of Iskra. However, Plekhanov was against it. In July - August, the 1903 of the Year in London was the II Congress of the RSDLP. On it they wanted to unite the various groups of social democrats into one party. Lenin spoke in favor of tough party discipline, "democratic centralism," which caused discontent among some delegates. Opponents of Lenin talked about "dictatorship", command methods. Quarreled. Those who supported Lenin eventually became “Bolsheviks”, while the opponents headed by Martov became “Mensheviks”. Plekhanov first supported the "Bolsheviks". But when Martov withdrew from the editorial board of Iskra as a sign of protest, Plekhanov changed his position and went over to his side. The split finally took shape by the year 1905, when the Mensheviks refused to participate in the Third Congress of the RSDLP.

Trotsky first joined the Mensheviks. But soon he fell out with them. His conceit grew, he did not want to obey anyone. Lenin became his opponent. When the 1905 revolution of the year began, Parvus and Trotsky were the first to arrive in Russia. The organization of the revolution in Russia was a lot of money. Parvus on them organized the release of "Workers newspaper", "Izvestia", "Began". They were released in such massive circulations that they literally flooded Petersburg and Moscow. Trotsky at that time was intensively "promoted", made his name. In this he was helped by his oratorical gift. He still had no merit, but he was pushed into the post of deputy head of the Petrograd Soviet. Parvus, like a real schemer, kept in the shadows. All moves carried out through Trotsky.

Lenin at that time was “wiped out” - as a person who had his own opinion about the future of Russia. He finally quarreled with Plekhanov, left the editorial board of Iskra, and pushed him aside from the leadership of the party. In 1905, Lenin was able to travel to Russia only in October, after the announcement of an amnesty. He was informed that a courier with documents will arrive to him in Stockholm. Lenin waited for him for two weeks. When he came to the Russian Empire, all the leading posts were divided without him. Lenin was completely out of work. Moved from one acquaintance to another. Began to be published in the newspaper Gorky "New Life". Parvus and Trotsky produced three large-circulation publications, and Lenin had to publish in someone else’s. It is immediately obvious in whose hands there were financial flows. Lenin visited Moscow, but he did not find a place there either.

However, the revolution failed. The empire still had enough strength to suppress unrest. In addition, the international situation has changed. Western powers have become unprofitable to support the revolution in Russia. The war with Japan is over. And in Europe a new political crisis broke out (the First Moroccan crisis of 1905 — 1906). Having decided that the time has come to challenge Paris, Berlin announced that it considers Morocco to be a sovereign state and is ready to support this sovereignty by force of arms. Morocco was a semi-colony of France. The French have thrown a glove. In Paris, they were afraid that Berlin was looking for a reason for war, and weakened by the defeat in the war with Japan and the revolution, Russia would not be able to support France. Worried and England. The defeat of France would lead to the domination of Germany on the continent. The powers that during the Russo-Japanese war together brought down Russia, dramatically changed their attitude towards it. France immediately granted Russia a “great loan” that saved the empire from default. Russia, in response, supported France at the Algeciras Conference in Spain. The German Empire was in diplomatic isolation (it was supported only by Austria-Hungary) and was forced to retreat.

"Financial International" at that moment also ceased to "throw" Russia. In this situation, the fall of Russia meant the rise of Germany. Global banking structures did not like this prospect. Germany and Russia had to be set off; two great empires should have collapsed at about the same time. Therefore, the financial flows that fed the revolution in Russia suddenly dried up. We also stopped providing organizational assistance.

The leaders of the Petrograd Soviet were arrested. Parvus also thundered into prison. Those revolutionary figures who were not arrested, moved to Finland. Local police and authorities turned a blind eye to them. Therefore, autonomous Finland was an absolutely safe haven for them. In the spring of 1906, Lenin also moved to Finland. In December 1907, he moved to Stockholm.

To be continued ...
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. jjj
    21 January 2014 09: 37
    I learned an interesting fact about Ilyich. When they rode in the famous sealed carriage, the companions smoked a lot. Ilyich sent them to the toilet to smoke. But then he began to annoy the endless line to the coveted door. But Ilyich was found here. He decided that every passenger can use the toilet no more than once every four hours. And in order to avoid confusion, I prepared special tickets for the toilet from napkins and personally controlled the performance
    1. Ivan Petrovich
      21 January 2014 10: 57
      didn’t it come up with Svanidze by chance?
      1. +19
        21 January 2014 13: 01
        Fighting macaques of crap democracy still can not. I remember asking Solovyov in an interview with Medinsky - who let Hitler to the Urals, Stalin or Pushkin? Medynsky is perplexed - to what Urals?))))) Soon Svanidze will talk about the tank battle near Novosibirsk, the stampede of the Red Army units near Tagil))
        1. +6
          21 January 2014 22: 42
          I respect Ilyich! The only thing that I cannot forgive him is that (evidently from overwork) the idea came to him to divide Russia into titular nations. All these "fifteen republics - fifteen sisters" games led to the collapse of the greatest country in the world. He laid the mine, solving momentary problems and not making allowances for the appearance of Humpbacked and Drunkard at the helm of the Empire.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. jjj
        21 January 2014 13: 26
        No, this is an established fact. Like the fact that there were three cars. And almost the Bundists rode there
        1. 0
          21 January 2014 19: 27
          There were two cars. This one rode with his wife Nad. Krupskaya (in the common people "Katka"), and in the neighboring one his "underground shmonka" Inessa (k) Arman ...

          The film above ....
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. -2
      21 January 2014 19: 22
      Quote: jjj
      And in order to avoid confusion, I prepared special tickets for the toilet from napkins and personally controlled the performance

      At 41.39. About the Lenin cashier in the car push.

      The remaining two films are about this crazy vampire who rotted his brain too late.
      1. 0
        22 January 2014 04: 52
        Do not be another Suvorov, Svanidze or any other enemy of the country. I don’t want to praise V. I. Lenin, but on the facade of my school it was written “Study, study and study!” - V. I. Lenin, and in the classroom above the blackboard- "Remember always opening your notebook that Lenin studied for round five!" And so now the people have somehow grown wiser in a little over 20 years, even my peers, who cannot read newspapers, after watching TV, can talk to a bottle of wine about Lenin's role in the history of Russia.
        1. 0
          22 January 2014 07: 24
          Quote: abdrah
          to discuss a bottle of wine about the role of Lenin in the history of Russia.

          Here. You can speculate without the "bootley".

    3. +9
      21 January 2014 19: 59
      No matter how hard Svanidze tried, modern youth brought up on the cult of the dollar, shitcrats, and others, they will never be able to etch into us, who lived most of our conscious life in the USSR, the image of Ilyich, the creator and inspirer of the best state in the world - the USSR. Lenin was an ideal for us, we dreamed of quickly putting on an Octobrist star with the profile of Lenin as a boy, then tying the pioneer's red tie and attaching a badge with Lenin's profile, then joining the Komsomol and getting a ticket, which also had Lenin's profile on the cover. Yes, times have changed and now you can vilify whatever your heart desires. But how can you live without an ideal? No ! That may be why we in Russia live the way we deserve, living without an ideal and an idea. We live in anger, hatred, rejection of good, our hero is a businessman with a dollar bundle of money, in a Mercedes with security, spitting on everything and everyone. You can't live like that!
    4. +3
      21 January 2014 20: 19
      Quote: jjj
      I learned an interesting fact about Ilyich.

      Add one more:

      In a highland Georgian village feast. One Georgian gets up with a horn filled with wine:
      - Let's drink, for the genatsvale, for Katso: at a time he could drink three wineskins of wine, in one night he could have 3 women.
      When his brother was killed, he slaughtered the whole family of the offender!
      - Georgians drink for Katso.
      The other one gets up:
      - I suggest drinking for Vano: he could drink 5 wineskins at a time and fuck 5 women overnight!
      When his brother was killed, he cut out the entire village where the killer lived!
      - Drink for Vano.
      The third one gets up:
      “I, in the genacale, propose a drink for Lenin!” I don’t know how much he could drink at a time and how many women he had in a night. . . But how he avenged the death of his brother !!!
  3. +18
    21 January 2014 09: 43
    We, the Russians, were lucky that we had Peter the First, Catherine the Second, Alexander the Third, Lenin and Stalin in our rulers. Thanks to them, our state has become an empire and one of the two world poles. God grant that we again have rulers of such a universal scale, with unlimited energy, will and great, daring ideas.
    1. +6
      21 January 2014 10: 40
      And before Lenin, Russia was not an empire? Or what happened in Russia before 1917 was a solid d .... mo, but what is it after that, all-round happiness, joy and prosperity ?!
      You can’t change history; it happened the way it happened. But, perhaps, without the well-known events of 1917, everything would have been much better for Russia?
      1. khmer
        21 January 2014 12: 46
        The "famous events of 1917" did not occur due to someone's whim, but were prepared by the course of things. By the way, the role of the last Russian emperors in the preparation of these "events", if not key, then rather big. As you know, then four empires collapsed. Track their fate in the afterlife and the historical role of Lenin will become clearer to you
      2. +14
        21 January 2014 12: 53
        Galich Kos
        Everything can be. Could, for example, a magician fly in a blue helicopter and with a magic wand defend the borders of Russia, doomed to be dismembered by its allies and turn completely illiterate people into the most educated on the planet ...
        But I wonder why you forgot that the liberals destroyed the empire — by the way, all the counts and princes from the Provisional Government?
        If it had not been for February 17, October would never have come. The Bolsheviks came to power when the state agonized ...
        Nobody says that before 17 years everything was bad with us, including a colleague of the ICE, but do not forget to what condition Nikolay and those who overthrew him brought the country and what a giant leap in the development of the country and people as a whole occurred the next 20 years ... this is an unprecedented event, especially given the hostile environment and the virtually permanent minor war across almost all borders ....
        1. 0
          21 January 2014 14: 50
          Indeed, Nicholas II did a great job. In the revolutions of 1917, his guilt is enormous. But you must admit that they don't change horses on the crossing! Moreover, during the world war. Whoever, but Lenin knew it for sure. The consequences of these coups were the defeat of Russia in the First World War and the subsequent civil war. A fact with which it is impossible to argue - from the first days of the First World War, Lenin advocated the defeat of Russia.
          Here are some phrases of his articles:

          Пthe propaganda of the class struggle ... there is a duty of a socialist, even in war, work aimed at turning the war of peoples into a civil war, is the only socialist work in the era of the imperialist armed clash of the bourgeoisie of all nations. Down with the priestly-sentimental and silly sighs of "peace at all costs"! Raise the banner of civil war.

          The primary and special task of Russian social democracy is a fierce and implacable struggle against Great Russian and monarchist chauvinism and against the defensive sophistry of the liberals ... From the point of view of the working class and the working masses of all the peoples of Russia, the defeat of the tsarist monarchy and its armies would be the least evil.

          I agree, Lenin is a genius personality. In the end, it turned out as he predicted. But was his genius a blessing for the country?
          1. +13
            21 January 2014 15: 22
            Galich Kos
            Yes, Lenin advocated defeat in the war. And I can’t approve of it. Just as I cannot help but notice that he could not even think at the beginning of the 17th year that Russia would collapse and he would come to power. The influence of the Bolsheviks was negligible, and the number was microscopically small. The Bolshevik elite learned about the February coup from the newspapers. And they could turn around only when the Provisional ruined the country and actual power, when we did not have an army. economics. self-government transport and the police ... the Bolsheviks picked up power like a drunken woman under a fence and that is why Lenin's genius served for the benefit — he actually saved a single country with minimal territorial losses.

            Quote from Prince George Lvov (see what posts he held)
            Having dismissed the police, local administration, and zemstvo self-government, this GENIUS declared:
            "And we will not appoint anyone, they will be elected to the place. Such issues should be resolved not from the center, but by the population itself. The future belongs to the people, who revealed their genius in historical days. What happiness is it to live in these historical days."
            Do you think such geniuses could do something worthwhile? Do you think that in a warring country something worthwhile could have done the government that destroyed the police, army, local administrations and zemstvo self-government? And let it go by itself - they say people will do everything themselves ... after all, it’s like the prince who led the army into a situation where it was possible to choose a battery commander every day among riding men and decide whether or not to shoot the battery today .... yes we they must pray to God for the fact that Lenin was found in that mess, because the Temporary themselves would not have left. And the khan of Russia - she already agonized.
            1. +4
              21 January 2014 15: 33
              Quote: smile
              Just as I cannot help but notice that he could not even think at the beginning of 17 that Russia would collapse and he would come to power.

              Power itself fell at the feet of the Bolsheviks, and you need to be a hypocrite so as not to “pick up” it and not try to implement your ideas ... Just try, because there was no confidence that the power could be kept.
              And only then, the class of haves, disorganized at the beginning, with the support of ANTANTA, decided to "play back", that is, starting a civil war.
            2. +5
              21 January 2014 15: 34
              Quote: smile
              Do you think such geniuses could do something worthwhile?

              Here! Date has arrived! laughing
              "... And by its fruits ..."
              And everything else is an occasion for ENDLESS (and meaningless?) Discussion.
          2. +1
            21 January 2014 23: 48
            Quote: Galich Kos
            The consequences of these coups were the defeat of Russia in the First World War.

            The question is backfill: but on xp .. did Russia need a victory in the First World War?
            The Germans shared the colonies with the British, and Nikolai remembered that he was an ally of the British and put the Russian Army as "cannon fodder" for the English crown. (And when, after 1917, he asked for asylum in England, he was politely sent to a well-known address). In Russia, the First World War was beneficial only to industrialists, who, like in the Russian-Japanese one, supplied the army with shit ... their uniforms, weapons and equipment at greatly inflated prices and the army quartermasters, who had their own "kickback" on this.
            And Russia would have won in that war, so what? Would they attach Bovaria to the Tambov province or what?
            1. -2
              22 January 2014 08: 14
              Quote: Passer
              The question is backfill: but on xp .. did Russia need a victory in the First World War?

              You stumped me with your question. Are you a normal person? Indeed, why should a state that has entered the war (albeit unnecessary and unjust) win ?! And then, during the course of its history, Russia fought for hell and, as a rule, won, gaining territory, population, and resources. You would also ask why Russia needed a victory in the Northern War!
          3. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          21 January 2014 15: 20
          Perfectly worded! I am joining. hi
      3. -3
        21 January 2014 15: 53
        Revolution is a radical transformation in any area of ​​human activity.
        Revolution (from the late Lat. Revolutio - turn, coup, transformation, conversion) - a radical, radical, profound, qualitative change, a leap in the development of society, nature or knowledge, associated with an open gap with the previous state. A revolution as a qualitative leap in development, as faster and more substantial changes, are distinguished from evolution (where development is slower) and from reform (during which a change in any part of the system is made without affecting existing foundations).

        Changes in the country were brewing, it would be better if we evolved to the ideas put forward by the socialists, and not the revolution "which the Bolsheviks have been talking about for so long." Not the case when the end justifies the means.
      4. 0
        21 January 2014 23: 20
        And before Lenin, Russia was not an empire?

        Russia was an Empire until February 1917. Then the tsar was "fired", liberal-democratic forces came to power in the country, which finally destroyed the Empire.
        So before Lenin, Russia was not an empire, but a democratic republic.
        1. 0
          22 January 2014 00: 16
          Fear of the military dictatorship forced Kerensky to hasten to consolidate the gains of the February Revolution and, without waiting for the decisions of the Constituent Assembly, declare Russia a republic.

          Anyone who minus either a democrat or does not know the story.
          In order not to look far:

          E% F6% E8% FF
      5. The comment was deleted.
  4. +9
    21 January 2014 10: 16
    There can be no double-valued assessment for Lenin. He is the creator, first of all, of new thinking, of a new political system. Cruelty is inherent in any state, any ruler, but Lenin forever left a memory of himself as the greatest reformer. People who think differently are familiar with history one-sidedly, haphazardly or not at all. Thank,
    1. -4
      21 January 2014 13: 23
      Of course, not everything is so simple
      and as an example I remember
      when in the very dawn of the USSR
      being a pioneer
      strongly outraged
      when in a rustic cloakroom
      saw the leaves of the very famous correspondence with Kautsky
      where the author went very far and spoke about party comrades
      and others who resisted the royal regime

      like that and cried

      And with the Mausoleum it is necessary to decide ...
      he is already ashamed of Parades
      for you in Russia to decide
      And Pride for Russia and the importance of Red Square
      And most importantly, do not touch the Eternal Fire
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      21 January 2014 19: 19
      Quote: SPLV
      the most reformer. People who think differently are familiar with history one-sidedly, haphazardly or not at all. Thank,

      Name a person who betrayed the interests of his country, ruined the army and navy, received money from foreign states for his "dirty deed", supported the terror (you should know that the revolutionary terror was directed far from only against law enforcement agencies and high officials of the state, but against ordinary inhabitants), the great ... It's funny, how then is False Dmitry different from Lenin? TRAITORS must be consigned to oblivion.
  5. -14
    21 January 2014 10: 41
    It looks like an invented Soviet myth about Ilyich's childhood and his brilliant studies at the gymnasium. And here I am interested in the question - how many works actually belongs to the pen of Lenin from the so-called "Collected Works" ?. And, by the way, has anyone met the information about what happened to Lenin's family after the 1917 revolution? I have never seen any mention of her anywhere. It seems that there is no information about the real family of the leader of the world proletariat.
  6. Svyatoslavovich
    21 January 2014 11: 01
    One of the greatest people of the era, and it doesn’t matter at all how our contemporaries evaluate it, opinions may vary, but not many have been given the scale of this personality.
  7. Ivan Petrovich
    21 January 2014 11: 06
    yes, under tsarism it is unlikely that Russia would be able to build a nuclear submarine for example ... I mean, if there was no revolution
    1. +2
      21 January 2014 19: 37
      Quote: Ivan Petrovich
      it is unlikely that Russia would be able to build a nuclear submarine
      ... and then Lenin drew in and laid the Nautilus SSBN on the slipway, because it is known that he communicated with Herbert Wells, who handed over the drawings ...

      Petrovich! Awww ..... in America there was no tsarism, but boats have. Here is a paradox, yeah ....
    2. +2
      22 January 2014 12: 00
      Quote: Ivan Petrovich
      under tsarism, it is unlikely that Russia would be able to build a nuclear submarine

      But what can I say, under tsarism, Russians lived in caves. What kind of boats, steam locomotives, mechanical engineering, railways, and much more! This all appeared under Lenin and Stalin !? With all the "backwardness" of tsarist Russia, the first submarine "Dolphin" entered the fleet in 1903. So Petrovich, before you blurt out something like that, think hard!
  8. +10
    21 January 2014 11: 26
    founder of the Bolshevik party and the Soviet project

    How did the author turn his tongue to call his STATE project?
    Lenin was the founder of NOT the Soviet project, but the Soviet State. These are fundamentally different things.
  9. dmb
    21 January 2014 11: 41
    Dear Samsonov! I understand that a newspaper-format article cannot qualify for serious research, but even in it one can do without clichés. It would be nice if some of the "revelations" like "mom's hatred of Russia", her nationality, "military intelligence officer Stalin" were accompanied by references to more or less reliable primary sources, which the current "experts" and "researchers" obviously do not suffer from. The statement: "I think so" is clearly not going to work, because a serious person must somehow justify his thought. It is more than frivolous to call the dissemination of revolutionary literature "mouse fuss", for the result of this "fuss" was the victory of the Revolution. By terrorist attacks, not a single revolution has yet won. I wish you creative success with further coverage of the topic.
    1. +6
      21 January 2014 19: 23
      Quote: dmb
      It is more than frivolous to call the dissemination of revolutionary literature "mouse fuss", because the result of this "fuss" was the victory of the Revolution.

      Some even today consider the spread of Islamist literature and the activities of Hizbiy cells to be based on the same principle as Narodnaya Volya and CP combat organizations are frivolous mouse fuss.
  10. your dick
    21 January 2014 11: 47
    Lenin (like Stalin later) was popular among the people. It means something
  11. +7
    21 January 2014 11: 58
    Warning the govnosrach about the "German spy" Ulyanov-Lenin, yes Ilyich received money from the Germans, and Kerensky received money from the British, Americans and French, why is he better? That the Americans love Russia? The French love Russia? About the British, I generally keep quiet. then there was no country in the country, it was lying in the mud, stretch out your hand and take it, if you do not mind, Lenin took and immediately attacked a pack of jackals: "Usurper, traitor, German spy, terrorist ..." Listen to inadequate people like monarchists, so in the Russian Empire there was literally "Paradise on Earth", but wait, in Paradise there seem to be no revolutions, and Nicholas II knew that G-opa and Pz (dc) were in the country and therefore he easily gave up the power "as the regiment left". And why -that nobody, not a single person began to protect the king, why?
    1. mamba
      21 January 2014 13: 47
      Quote: Standard Oil
      there are no revolutions in paradise

      If there was a snake-tempter and naive people (they are the masses), there would be a bone of contention, especially if it is on a forbidden tree. And then there will be a lot of noise and exile from Paradise.
    2. Kapitan Oleg
      21 January 2014 14: 11
      It is not so important who and from whom he took. They took everything. The important thing is that this money has been spent. By the way, representatives of the IRA also took the Germans, and then, like Lenin, they threw them.
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    4. +5
      21 January 2014 17: 57
      Quote: Standard Oil
      Warning the govnosrach about the "German spy" Ulyanov-Lenin, yes Ilyich received money from the Germans

      And what? There, Berezovsky, took the money from the Russians in a patriotic way ... And no one seems to consider him a decent person after that ... It’s important for what purpose he took and HOW he spent! Kim Philby was also on the British salary ... I’m not talking about Stirlitz either ...feel
    5. +3
      21 January 2014 19: 32
      Quote: Standard Oil
      there are no revolutions in paradise

      But what about the expulsion from Paradise? The revolution against God, having tasted the forbidden fruit of Eve and Adam, became the first revolutionaries who went against the current government and, as a result, were repressed and expelled from Eden.
      Now when the wife is reproaching her husband, what would you do without me? He reasonably answers, Until now, he wouldn’t do a damn thing and would be a bastard in Paradise. smile
  12. -5
    21 January 2014 12: 05
    something tells me that it would be better if Ulyanov-Lenin remained a lawyer, created a family and raised children.
  13. T-12
    21 January 2014 12: 13
    God awarded Russia traitors and killers of the people!
    Especially distinguished international kagal after 17g. The reason for this was the humanity of the tsar and the regime, and the loss of such statesmen as P. Stolypin! If he were in power, this red rabble would end on a gallows or in a real link, with no chance of returning (an example of this is Vovik’s link to Shushinskoye and a visit to Nadyuha K. for a bitch, as well as Yoski’s link to Turukhansk, where a notorious bandit and cripple inseminated his front-line wives and waited for the war to end) The Bolsheviks remembered this weakness and made a bloody bath in Russia!
    1. +5
      21 January 2014 13: 12
      Do you call humanity the absolute insignificance of Nikolashka whose only passion was, in his diary entries, the killing of a raven from a small thing?
      If not for the red scum, then the princes and counts who overthrew the tsar, destroyed the army, dismissed the police and local self-government, caused the city in the country and the complete collapse of transport and industry was delayed .... would there be a country that would be divided and put under control benefactors from the Entente.
      It was the red scum that defended most of the country at the cost of its blood and did not allow large-scale dismemberment of Russia and the reduction of its fragments to the position of colonies ....
      By the way, it was not the Bolsheviks who organized the bloody bath, but those who tore it apart, the interventionists and the various white knights supervised by them, the nationalists of the Baltic states and different national outskirts, the Poles ..... and it was the Bolsheviks who stopped this bath.

      It is not for nothing that the Reds were supported by half of the General Staff of the Republic of Ingushetia and almost half of the officer corps, which made up the backbone of the Red Army, and individuals like Brusilov. And those for whom Bolshevism was unacceptable, but had reason and conscience, simply got away and left, but did not fight on the side of the masters of the "white knights" who were destroying the country - like, for example, Denikin, realizing on which side he was fighting, in which the viper turned into a white movement and who his real master spat and left.
      1. +16
        21 January 2014 13: 22
        You can recall the words of Churchill, then the Minister of War of Great Britain - some people think that we are fighting in Russia for the cause of the white movement, no, on the contrary, this white movement is fighting for our cause.
        1. +1
          21 January 2014 15: 44
          Quote: Snoop
          You can recall the words of Churchill, then the Minister of War of Great Britain - some people think that we are fighting in Russia for the cause of the white movement, no, on the contrary, this white movement is fighting for our cause.

          Minus by mistake. Correct.
      2. -2
        21 January 2014 14: 17
        Not for nothing that the Reds were supported by half of the General Staff of the Republic of Ingushetia and almost half of the officer corps that made up the backbone of the Red Army,
        And in what way please tell too? Brusilov pulled away from both white and red ... the most honest position, in my opinion.
        1. +3
          21 January 2014 15: 06
          1. What "how"? Specify, please. question.

          2. According to Brusilov.

          When the Entente armed, equipped, mobilized and threw the Polish army at us, at the same time setting the Wrangel army they created on us (that is, in this case, the help from the white movement is also clear to foreign invaders - after all, the same force controlled the Poles and Wrangels - Entente) in the Red Army massively volunteered officers. Brusilov also came. By that time, only the blind could not see that the white knights were on the side of those forces that tore Russia to shreds. Rather, the white knights had these forces on a leash.
          If you remember, Pilsudski declared war on us under the slogan - Polsk from Helsinki to Tifliss .... is it interesting, the Georgians know that they live on the original Polish lands? :)))
          In the same way, Yudenich and Bulak Bulakhovich helped to tear Finland and the Baltic states from Russia, etc.

          Regarding Brusilov’s service in the Red Army, I will give you a quote from pedagogy, which, when lying, is only guided by the position of female dogs like Svinidze — that is, it is impossible to suspect sympathy for the Communists. So :

          ... "He was an ardent supporter of the creation of the so-called" shock "and" revolutionary "units. So, on May 22 (June 4), 1917, Brusilov gave an order on front number 561, which said:
          “To raise the revolutionary offensive spirit of the army, it is necessary to form special shock revolutionary battalions recruited from volunteers in the center of Russia in order to instill in the army the belief that the entire Russian people are following it in the name of a speedy peace and brotherhood of peoples so that during the offensive the revolutionary battalions stationed in the most important battle areas, with their impulse, could carry away the hesitant."
          In October 17 he was wounded by a random projectile. retired.
          "Since 1920, in the Red Army. Since May 1920, he headed a Special Meeting under the Commander-in-Chief of All the Armed Forces of the Soviet Republic, which worked out recommendations for strengthening the Red Army. Since 1921, Alexei Alekseevich - chairman of the commission for organizing pre-conscription cavalry training, since 1923 was at the Revolutionary Military Council for especially important assignments. In 1923-1924 - inspector of the cavalry. " In 26, he died of pneumonia. And consider his advanced age

          Any questions?
          1. +2
            21 January 2014 15: 22
            Quote: smile
            Any questions?

            There are, regarding Georgia:
            Quote: smile
            . Interestingly, the Georgians know that they live on the original Polish lands? :)))

            Not so much within the framework of the thesis about "Polish lands", but IN GENERAL, thanks to the intercession WHOM they live...
            1. +1
              21 January 2014 18: 08
              Regarding Georgia - all questions to Pilsudski, nevertheless the slogan "Polska from Helsinfors to Tifliss" was expressed by him, not me :)))) And the slogan does not indicate whether this organism included Tbilisi in "Polska", or Polska should have end at the city boundaries. :))) Personally, I could not find out this from Pilsudski. :))) Maybe, what the devil is not joking, the comrade believed that the Poles are the progenitors of the Georgians? :)))
              But what, some Georgian leaders were surprisingly in solidarity with the Poles in the recent past .... :)))
          2. -1
            21 January 2014 15: 22
            So, on May 22 (June 4), 1917, Brusilov issued an order on the front number 561, which said:
            And what kind of government was during this period))))) And to your first question, I have already described how to attract tsarist officers to the Red Army, read below ...
            1. 0
              21 January 2014 16: 34
              So you tell me, you pretend to be, and whether you really did not understand. that I cited the first quote in order to understand Brusilov’s revolutionary spirit even before the Bolsheviks. And in the second - that he really served in high positions in the Red Army, despite the consequences of the wound.
              Is this your selective intelligibility and smile? :))) Or just nothing to argue? :))) Well, then it’s clear and excusable ... :))
              I will answer your comment below.
              1. 0
                21 January 2014 17: 06
                So you tell me, you pretend to be, and whether you really did not understand. that I cited the first quote so that Brusilov’s revolutionary spirit was understood even before the Bolsheviks

                What a .. revolutionary spirit. He, at the same time as the Russian commander and patriot, had to keep the front. The tsar denied, at the helm of the Provisional Government, the Bolsheviks had not yet come to power.
                1. +2
                  21 January 2014 18: 14
                  Yes, on the very ... th, on the new one. :))) Why do you think he uses such revolutionary rhetoric in his speech? Or did you again forget the quotation or didn’t notice the very characteristic rhetoric quite befitting any revolutionary leader? :)))
                  By the way, I did not notice, or did you forget to admit that Brusilov voluntarily went to the Red Army, because you realized that the only ones who can save Russia are the Bolsheviks? :))) And not from Turma, he went there :)))
                  1. +1
                    21 January 2014 19: 18
                    Brusilov joined the Red Army in 1920 after the Polish intervention. As you can see, before external interference from 1917 to 1920, and this is the period when the Civil War was already blazing, he lived in Moscow without entering anywhere. Probably drank volacardin and looked with horror at the events that took place.
                    1. +2
                      21 January 2014 19: 52

                      Before drinking valocordin, Brusilov was treated for a long time for a shrapnel wound in the leg, which he received as a result of a random projectile getting into his apartment in 17 - there were already about seventy men.

                      His statement: "At the very beginning of the revolution, I firmly decided not to separate from the soldiers and remain in the army until it exists or until I am replaced. Later I told everyone that I consider it the duty of every citizen not to abandon his people and live by them, which whatever the cost. "

                      Brusilov refused to go to the Don and join M.V. Alekseev, A.I. Dutov, A.M. Kaledina. The brief arrest of the Cheka in 1918 did not turn Brusilov away from the Bolsheviks. It was difficult for him, a monarchist and a believer, to accept the new government, but he was convinced of the need for all that had happened. Brusilov's only son, Alexei, who served in the Red Cavalry, was captured white and shot. In 1920, Brusilov began to serve in the Red Army: he led the cavalry pre-conscription training, was the inspector of the cavalry; since 1924 he carried out especially important assignments at the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR.

                      And I remind you, Wrangel has not yet been defeated. However, Brusilov went to the Red Army.

                      By the way, it should be clarified that external intervention began in the year 18 when, with the help of external intervention, we chopped off the Baltic states, Finland and tried to dismember the country completely ... what. forgot again? :)))

                      Yes, you obviously don’t really want to admit the obvious facts .... Nothing, don’t worry, it happens ... some even pass. :)))
                      1. 0
                        21 January 2014 20: 06
                        Yes, you obviously don’t really want to admit the obvious facts .... Nothing, don’t worry, it happens ... some even pass. :)))
                        Well, thanks, now I'm calm. You opened my eyes: Brusilov turned out to be a fiery revolutionary.
                      2. 0
                        21 January 2014 20: 55
                        I always welcome sarcasm. But you again forgot that I did not say that Brusilov was a fiery revolutionary. I said that even before the Bolsheviks came to power, Brusilov actively used revolutionary rhetoric in his public speeches and orders. And in the future, he nevertheless voluntarily made his choice in favor of the Bolsheviks, and repeatedly expressed his commitment to the revolution. And even before he entered the Red Army - probably, otherwise he would not have been hired, wouldn’t he? :)))
                        I didn’t say anything else - just in case, I’m saying that suddenly you will forget something again ... :)))
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          4. +1
            21 January 2014 21: 10
            On March 1, 1918, the Murmansk Council sent a request to the Council of People's Commissars, requesting in what form the acceptance of military assistance from the allies proposed by the British Rear Admiral Kemp is possible. Kemp proposed to land British troops in Murmansk to protect the city and the railway from possible attacks by Germans and white Finns from Finland. In response, Trotsky, who was the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, sent a telegram:

            You must immediately accept any assistance from allied missions.

            This is me; Smile to what is not yet known - to whom the Entente helped more, otherwise you have information from Soviet textbooks in your memory, and you cannot force yourself to read anything else.

            Trotsky’s directive was confirmed by Lenin and Stalin in telephone conversations with the chairman of the Murmansk Regional Council Yuryev on April 9-10, 1918.

            As a result, immediately after the conclusion of the Brest Peace Treaty with Germany by the Bolsheviks, the Murmansk Council of Deputies concluded an agreement with the Allies on their assistance to the Bolshevik leadership in the city and on March 6, 1918 in Murmansk, a detachment of British marines in the amount of 170 people [3] with two guns landed from the English battleship “ Glory. " This was the beginning of the intervention. The next day, the English cruiser Kokren appeared on the Murmansk raid, the French cruiser Admiral Ob appeared on March 18, and the American cruiser Olympia on May 27.
          5. The comment was deleted.
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      4. +1
        21 January 2014 14: 52
        as of October 1918, up to 8 thousand officers were held in prison as hostages under the conditions of the Red Terror. Already at the end of July 1918, compulsory registration of former tsarist officers, military officials and military personnel aged 21 to 26 years was introduced, which many officers ignored. On July 23, 1918, Trotsky wrote for Izvestia a program article, “The Officer’s Question,” on September 30, 1918, by his decree, in effect, he announced that he was taking hostage members of the “military experts” families; several letters from Trotsky confirming this practice were also recorded in December 1918 .

        On October 13, 1918, Trotsky, in his memorandum sent to Lenin, Sverdlov, Sklyansky and Dzerzhinsky, proposed the release of all officers from prisons against whom no serious charges were brought, provided that they would serve in the Red Army
        1. 0
          21 January 2014 16: 50
          Oh, and you just just born and don’t know what happened in Russia in 18?
          I will remind you.
          White terror declared.
          A variety of anti-Bolshevik gangs appeared throughout Russia.
          Nationalists on the outskirts with the support of the Entente began a fight for tearing away territories from Russia.
          The White Knights, of course, helped the local nationalists, for example, in Finland and the Baltic states, tear away parts of our territory and expel the Russians ... Mannerheim, by the way, thanked them very peculiarly by shooting the Russians in Finland or sitting in concentration camps ... everyone .... and white too - but then, when white already helped him ...
          In such a situation, the Reds who fell into the hands of the Whites were usually not placed in prisons ... or for a short time. you know ... why, in your opinion, the reds should have been more humane? They were as humane as the whites - and no more cruel.
          Besides, don’t you really understand that both the Reds and the Whites in revolutionary events have all kinds of foam coming up, here the Reds have Trotsky, the whites have guys like Ungern, Bulak Bulakhovich, Markov, Mammoth, sweeter ... etc. l it’s a uniform ghouls, brutalized by blood .... but no, now lovers of the French loaf chant the Obolensky cornets, courageously helping the Entente to chop off another piece from Russia for somebody’s benefit ...
          By the way, and you again forgot the mass volunteerism of officers in the Red Army during the Polish invasion. as well as that. that even most of the emigration in this war supported the Reds and even supported them .... while the Anglo-French puppet beat the Reds in the back, making it easier for the Poles to seize Ukraine, Belarus ....
          Train. please, memory, your forgetfulness prevents you from creating an objective picture.
          1. +2
            21 January 2014 17: 02
            First, I don’t sing praises to anyone. My position is that I regard the Civil War as the greatest evil for Russia and I am not in favor of "whites" and not "red".
            Secondly, my questions to you concern your specific sayings with which I do not agree, which is why I have given refutations.
            Do not worry about my memory, but I also could not remember what I was not a witness. Therefore, all the one-sided lines of support for one or another movement - white or red - I take with more skepticism every year.
            Did you mention General Slashchev? And for what he didn’t please you, he returned from exile, taught at Shot courses. You pour in examples that you didn’t even superficially try to study.
            1. 0
              21 January 2014 18: 29
              Good answer.
              I confused Slashchev with Krasnov - a jamb, I admit. For some reason I often confuse them, although the surnames are absolutely different, but this is the only thing I was wrong about. :))) Exactly the same. as I often typing, I admit instead of the letter "X" - "Z".

              And the attempt to convict me of a superficial approach is forgiven you, in view of the fact that all your denials turned out to be untenable and unfounded. Of course, you didn’t like it and caused negative emotions. :))) If you give specific examples and ask questions, I’ll justify my position.
              Good luck.
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    2. alexs30
      21 January 2014 18: 49
      Plusanul by mistake .. Very sorry ...
    3. 0
      22 January 2014 00: 08
      Quote: T-12
      the loss of such statesmen as Stolypin P.A.! Had he been in power, this red rabble would have ended on the gallows

      Yes, democrats remember Stolypin reforms, but prefer not to remember Stolypin repressions. And on the gallows then a lot of people finished ... The truth is basically not red, but simple peasants.
  14. Algor73
    21 January 2014 12: 15
    You can discuss the personality of Lenin. But this is a Person. Now it’s hard to say whether Russia won or lost from the revolution, but this is history. And only the USSR (not Russia until the 17th) became a superpower. And that is a fact. The rest is fortune telling on coffee grounds.
    1. -5
      21 January 2014 13: 01
      Quote: Algor73
      And only the USSR (not Russia until 17) became a superpower. And this fact.

      Have you heard that Tsarist Russia (before the year 17) was called the world gendarme, about the way the United States is now?
      Is it the 1924 year that the USSR became a superpower? And Stalin has nothing to do with it?
      1. +5
        21 January 2014 17: 10
        Before the Crimean War, Russia was called the world gendarme, but you are either incompetent or knowingly lying. And they called Russia the gendarme due to the fact that the Russian Empire saved the monarchies of Europe from the revolutions of 1845 from some sort of fright.
  15. +3
    21 January 2014 12: 16
    Ulyanov is a revolutionary in the full sense of the word. The goal is everything, the means is any, the morality is "What is this?"
    It turned out so happily that in the confrontation after his death Stalin won, and not Trotsky - "Parvuz". Wouldn't it? Who would Lenin be the GREAT FOUNDER?
    Anyone who "revolutionizes" against the Motherland with the money of enemies is a traitor and a bastard.
    1. +1
      21 January 2014 17: 12
      Who in those days is marked by morality ??
    2. 0
      21 January 2014 19: 59
      Quote: Chen
      not Trotsky- "Parvuz"

      "With whom you will lead from that and become pregnant ...", as they say in the antenatal clinic.
      Lenin-blank (the grandson of Israel (Srul) Moishevich Blanca) flew from other such revolutionaries. Nothing illogical ...
      Now the bogies are doing the same. Are they bastards and blank is a hero? What is this nonsense? Or double standards? Or the hangman-victim syndrome?

      "Parvuz" -
      Aleksandr Lvovich Parvus (real name Israel Lazarevich Gelfand; August 27, 1867, Berezino, Minsk province - December 12, 1924, Berlin) - figure of the Russian and German Social Democratic movement, theorist of Marxism, publicist, doctor of philosophy.
  16. Alexander Kopot
    21 January 2014 12: 57
    Our opposition goes the same way that the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, people who hate Russia, have gone.
    1. +4
      21 January 2014 17: 29
      The Bolsheviks, a cream of a small stratum in the leadership, consisted of simple workers who wanted to build a new society based on justice where there are no rich and poor, where every worker can live, study, develop. Maybe they hated the tsar and the authorities, this does not mean that they hated Russia. Think.
  17. +5
    21 January 2014 13: 09
    I have now looked at the program The right to vote at the TVC, in the Far East +6 hours than in Moscow. Look, I’ve died out the whole program. When the aunt said that they now know that the industrial power of the USSR was made by military experts in America))))))) In short, the psychiatric hospital cries for Lenin’s opponents))) Again, an oratorio about Solovki, though one of the experts said, let’s not juggle, initially the concentration camp on Solovki was created by the British)))
  18. +4
    21 January 2014 13: 13
    Alexander Samsonov writes: "To be continued ...". I beg you - NO NEED. Even rewriting individual facts from other sources, you are simply not able to assess the size of this person, his influence on the course of historical events of all mankind. Lenin died, but the cause and his ideas live on and will never die! Building a socially just state of workers is not a utopia, but a reality.
    1. Svobodny
      21 January 2014 13: 44
      Quote: piston
      I beg you - DO NOT NEED.

      I agree. NOT NECESSARY. No need to even remember him. Everyone knows perfectly well what he did to Russia and its people. It is necessary to bury him calmly, to remove, finally, the stench from the holy Red Square.

      Especially since

      Politicians do not rule out the possibility of the burial of Lenin’s body in the near future

      nina-v-blizhajshem-budushhem /
  19. jjj
    21 January 2014 13: 24
    The Soviet empire was built by Stalin. Lenin could not. The wrong people were. Interestingly, after the Bolsheviks came to power, gay parades were held in large cities. And prominent Leninists participated there. Moreover, in a completely naked form. Free love has become a symbol. Moreover, a school with a sexual bias was opened in Moscow, where children were taught the whole variety of sexual relationships. Everything was done with the aim of forming a new type of person. This school was intended primarily for elite children. She was visited by Stalin's son Vasily. But very soon the authorities realized all the danger and covered up.
    We owe the construction of a strong state exclusively to the will of Stalin and his group of associates. Other groups: Trotskyists, Leninists and all the rest actually only got in the way. And for Stalin, Vladimir Ilyich was a convenient "icon", therefore we only know his bright image
    1. +3
      21 January 2014 14: 08
      Excuse me .... but this is too much ... where did you get so good - are I talking about game parades that are not closer to the Bolsheviks? And to name the school where Vasily Stalin studied was a school with a sexual bias ... it’s generally unimaginable .... unreasonable — you read Stalin’s correspondence with the teachers of this school and ask who was studying there .... Honestly, you were ashamed would ..... Maybe it’s worth checking what is picked up in the yellow newspapers, huh?
      1. dmb
        21 January 2014 14: 47
        Dear Vladimir, let me give you some advice. Never comment on an outright "clinic", because it is useless. Compatriots of this type, having hammered into their heads the basics of "Internet education", and believing that it (education) is "finished forever", because this is how their symbol-Kolya wrote in his diary, they will not read anything else. They already spent a lot of time instead of making money or watching a program with Malakhov.
        1. +1
          21 January 2014 15: 31
          Thanks for the advice. In principle, I agree. But if they are not at least ridiculed for such nonsense, such figures will feel too at ease even here ... and so, maybe they will at least be ashamed to spread their "secrets and revelations" designed for hydrocephalic ... I cannot read this calmly ... In fact, I am quite condescending to human weaknesses, in view of the fact that I myself am far from ideal, and I am often mistaken ... with one I cannot accept - with outright total stupidity.
  20. T-12
    21 January 2014 14: 37
    smile ... at best, you are a naive Sovdepovsky idealist and don’t see everything black, not normal. Crime of the king and especially mines. foreign affairs Sazonova - this is participation in 1 MB for the interests of others!
    Algor ... Russia was one of the superpowers of that time! And it was not her-Russia for handouts of the Anglo-French raggies to harness into the fray! Not the participation of Russia would lead to the defeat of the ANTANTA already in the year 15 and, accordingly, the cancellation of debts! That was where the strategic interest of Russia was! And not the Slavic brotherhood, which was not and is not.
    Someone writes that Russia without Stalin would not have built nuclear submarines and nuclear weapons, respectively. Nonsense! Russia built modern battleships, and the Soviets did not build any. According to your French, did Stalin create nuclear weapons? Idiocy, Russia was one of the five modern states of that time! With the strongest mobilization, scientific, production and human potential! And I want to draw attention to the fact that the Russian Empire conducted its industrialization without the Gulag !!!
    1. +1
      21 January 2014 15: 49
      It's nice, damn it, that they call me an idealist ... :))) But I would really like specifics from a burnt cynic? :))) Maybe justify, huh? And then, while the idealist, cherishing the pink misconceptions about the power of RI of the late period, it’s you who posers a shame.
      some information for consideration:
      In the period of WW1, our industry did not produce the following equipment at all: mortars, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, fighters, tanks. The production of armored vehicles and aircraft was scanty. we could not provide troops with rifles. therefore, they were bought from all over the world - from Mexico to Japan; there were 6-7 systems in service. We produced machine guns ten times less. We practically did not have heavy artillery - only a few hundred barrels of corps artillery, mostly of French origin, and the Germans had thousands of them. We had almost no vehicles. Why do you think our battleships stood on a barrel throughout the war? Why Gebena drove only almost the entire Black Sea fleet?
      The famine began in the country, which is why in 16 the tsarist government introduced the surplus-appraisal.
      And there were no analogues of industrialization on such a scale as we had in the 30s (vital if we would have been crushed without it) on planet Earth. It was not even close.
      And there is no need to cry out for the Gulag - if a person has broken the law, then let him go and work - after all, the whole country tears his veins at a construction site, without which the very existence of all, including criminals, is in question. Under a big one. The Ost plan is called.
      1. +1
        21 January 2014 15: 55
        Quote: smile
        Nice damn that they call me idealist

        How not to recall the lines from the "Soviet chanson":
        "I was an idealist in childhood, pure in my soul, like a white sheet ..." laughing
        Everyone has a period when the expression "idealist" is perceived as a compliment or acknowledgment of non-compromise.
      2. +1
        21 January 2014 16: 02
        Quote: smile
        Why Gebena drove only almost the entire Black Sea fleet?

        Keben do not touch. He was driven by the entire Black Sea ARMORED Navy. After the appearance of the first battleship, Goeben scuttled barely seeing smoke on the horizon))))
        1. +1
          21 January 2014 16: 53
          Yes, I know, do not worry .... :)))
          Other issues. as I understand it, no?
          1. 0
            22 January 2014 10: 12
            Quote: smile
            Other issues. as I understand it, no?

            On other issues, I do not want to argue with you, because it is useless))))
            1. -1
              22 January 2014 13: 51
              I see ... you argue only when you have an argument. Commendable. But it suggests that it is useless to argue precisely because there is nothing to argue. I agree with you ... :)))
  21. +1
    21 January 2014 14: 40
    There is no doubt: Lenin is a brilliant man. And the fact that not all of his ideas were put into practice is not his fault. I remember my grandmother’s words: Lenin gave us land.
    1. T-12
      21 January 2014 16: 12
      ivanych ... do not try to instill in Lenin what was not really! And your grandmother, to put it mildly ... not in the know. Only with the NEP people began to live satisfying!
      Having deceived the peasantry with the slogan "Land for the Peasants", they were able to mobilize the naive and gullible peasantry into their ranks. And what did they get then? Collective farm slavery and the GULAG for the strong peasant! Where in history has it already happened for the plowman, sower and reaper to starve? And in the USSR they were swollen and starved, they were planted by spikelets. In Ukraine and Kazakhstan, villages were dying out! Slaves in the Roman Empire were less hungry than collective farmers, until 56.
      Decades and more will pass, and historians will be shocked by the fact that the richest country in the world (the USSR), with fertile lands, could not feed itself! It even sounds corny, the USSR fell apart from the fact that no one wanted to work (including your grandmother who had land from the Soviet government).
      1. +7
        21 January 2014 16: 41
        Where? In the United States during the Great Depression, farmers died as families. And all demonstrations were shot. If you look, then they have a lot of battles in the 20s, 30s. For example, the battle of Mount Blair in August-September 1921. Cool name? Straight Battle))) With whom they fought with the invaders? No, they fought with 1500 coal workers from the US National Guard.
        Or the Hunger March - World War I veterans' march to Washington. Then American veterans decided to go to Capitol Hill to demand their so-called bonuses, compensation that the US government pledged to pay, but did not pay. Disabled people of the First World pitched a tent camp there. The authorities considered them ugly communes, and the US president ordered them to disperse. General MacArthur did this by using the National Guard, police and tanks. What is interesting, the participants in the campaign decided not to drink alcohol, and not to disturb public order. Everyone voluntarily pledged to comply with the military regulations during the procession. So there were no pogroms in principle. Officially in the United States, it is believed that soldiers shot 1600 hungry veterans and their families, women and children. Note went to demand the set and promised by the US government itself.
        1. T-12
          21 January 2014 18: 39
          I do not know what you had in the USA? If for you people die of hunger, then you are the most frostbitten sadist!
          I know that under the Soviet deputy governor in Kazakhstan - Goloshchekin Shaya Isakovich (by the way an accomplice in the murder of the king and surname) of 6 mil. Kazakhs, 1,7 mil died a year ago. person or approx. 35,2% of the total Kazakh population.
          The question is, who needs such a cannibalistic system? Only so not full-term like you and the like!
          1. 0
            22 January 2014 00: 21
            So the political system of the United States at that time was cannibalistic? After all, they have losses from hunger in the 30s in the millions. Note that in the United States military operations of the First World War were not conducted, they did not have a civil war. Peace and grace. And compare with Russia at that time, after the First World War, two revolutions and the Civil. And the famine so popular among the creative intelligentsia, on the one hand, was caused by the position of the West - to trade with the Soviets only for bread, they didn’t even take gold.
        2. erg
          21 January 2014 19: 38
          I will add. Around the same time, Henry Ford, whom they love to admire (they say a talented inventor and businessman), gave the order to open fire on a peaceful demonstration of workers who only demanded to provide them with work. The piquancy of the situation is that the fire was opened at the tent camp when people were still sleeping (the demonstrators set up a tent camp where they spent the night). In those days, it was allowed for business owners to hire armed mercenaries to "protect" from demonstrators. I think Henry Ford was not the only one to do this.
      2. +3
        21 January 2014 17: 15
        You are at least incompetent, the first decree of the Bolshevik Government was a decree on the Earth, where every peasant could take as much land as he could handle for free. That is why during the Civil War the Bolsheviks had overwhelming support among the peasant population, which is why they came out victorious.
  22. +1
    21 January 2014 15: 23
    Quote: Ivanovich47
    I remember my grandmother’s words: Lenin gave us land.

    I also remember my grandmother's words (the truth about the subsequent period): "Leshy invented these collective farms."
  23. +5
    21 January 2014 15: 39
    I read the comments and ask myself how interesting it will be to present history from 1917 in new history textbooks. The society is split into "red" and "white", and they say there are also "blue" mothers to fuck them ... laughing
  24. -4
    21 January 2014 15: 45
    Comrades, look on the Internet for expert assessments of official photos of Lenin.
    It turns out that they have at least four characters!
    It seems that Lenin is the same fabrication as Santa, the HIV bacillus or bird flu.
    Be sure to conduct a genetic examination of the corpse from the mausoleum.
    1. 0
      21 January 2014 17: 49
      Nightmare!!! :))) In tyrnet they say that the tsar ... oh, - Lenin, not real! :)))
      Oh, these victims of tyrnet .... oh, these "Xperdnye estimates" .... oh, this gigantism of thought, which is so rushing from your conclusion that Lenin is an invention, that it is imperative to conduct an examination ... dear, you probably lost money in MMM and fed scammers all over the district? :)) and if you are young, then you regularly pay tribute to tyrnet scammers? Yes?
      And don’t be offended, I don’t want to offend you, I just amazed at the credulity and inability to analyze information, which leads to your similar conclusions .... Eh, and once we were the most reading people ...
      1. -1
        22 January 2014 05: 50
        You, dear, look and think for yourself.

        Once again I repeat: the Europeans (Americans) came up with Santa - a parody of Christ, and they gave us Lenin.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. -1
          22 January 2014 06: 04
          Oh, how many wonderful things he did, almost like Medvedev:
          -Kashinsky children gathered on the Christmas tree;
          -Ilyich came up with a light bulb;
          - boots hemmed;
          - pulled a log;
          - he drank tea sparingly - he ate sugar for a bit.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          22 January 2014 05: 54
          Yes, how many wonderful things he did, almost like Medvedev:
          - I gathered Kashin’s children to the Christmas tree,
          - I came up with a light bulb,
          - hemmed,
          - sugar ate sparingly - a bit of bite,
          - dragged the log.
  25. jjj
    21 January 2014 15: 46
    Somehow it turns out that Lenin is closer to liberal thought. He is a Social Democrat (b). But they hate Stalin fiercely. Although the poet originally wrote: "Which of them is more valuable than mother history? We say Lenin, we mean Stalin, we say Stalin, we mean Lenin." It was later that Stalin was replaced by the part, violating the meaning and rhythm of the verse. And so Stalin is called a tyrant and a cruel murderer, and Lenin is now more alive than all the living. But we must try to refer to the primary sources. Complete Works of Lenin. It is better to take volumes not in blue, much has been corrected there during the times of Brezhnev's ideological secretariat, but brown, or even better crimson with a black bas-relief. There is given a clear and brilliant study of overthrowing the system, seizing power, retaining it. True, some passages in an unprepared reader can even stand on end hair. Lenin called for the destruction of the Russian people. But Lenin has little work on the creation of the state, its formation. Offhand - about how to reorganize the laborcrin, trade unions, as a school of communism, about NEP, study and study again, electrification ... More meticulous researchers can complete the list. In Stalin's work, most of his works are devoted to the issues of building a powerful state with elaboration in detail. It was possible to work on these theses. That, in general, they did. And Stalin was not building a utopia, but a real power. And we still use the fruits of his labors
    1. +2
      21 January 2014 17: 17
      As for the destruction of the Russian people, please give a reference to Lenin’s work, that chapter page, etc. ??
      1. klim44
        21 January 2014 18: 38
        If you say that Chubais demanded the destruction of the Russian people, then you will not need links and instructions of the volumes of the pages, but who, if not Lenin, has called and ordered to destroy the priests, nobles and other bourgeois. Your Lenin is a bloody tyrant and a traitor to the people (for 30 Kaiser silver pieces), a gangster and the head of a gang of robbers (Kamo, Dzhugashvili and others), but at the same time undoubtedly a talented man, as if he took revenge on his brother and what country he pressed to his fingernail,
    2. 0
      21 January 2014 17: 58
      Listen, well, have at least some conscience. Why lie so impudently? When, where did Lenin call for the destruction of the Russian people?
      You are here to show. that you are in the subject, we are talking about the colors of the publications. So show your acquaintance with the work — in which volume, in which article, or in which public statement did Lenin call for the destruction of the Russian people, eh?
      You see, if you are lying so impudently in such things, then there is a suspicion of you at all - go find out where you are still lying? you understand me, yes? What if you disguise your next lie?
      Therefore. please don’t lie so much anymore - it’s not at all good ... or quote me and I will repent of my own incompetence ... :))) Your recognition that you blurted out in a bit of grief ... without thinking will be accepted. Believe me, you will be better treated in this case than if you persistently insist on such a blatant lie ... :)))
      1. jjj
        21 January 2014 18: 11
        And then you, friends, are in naive ignorance. And if so, then you still have everything ahead. The road of knowledge will be mastered by the walking
        1. 0
          21 January 2014 20: 11
          Yeah, in other words, you acknowledge that you don’t have any evidence of a delusional statement, and you sucked the statement out of your finger ... or took it on faith sucked up by someone else, like Svinidze, right? :))) What, even the tiniest argument was not found, finally a shack? :)))
          Yes, the going one will take the road ... you probably know where the iksperds usually go, the lying ones are usually so brazen ... well, do you know where they are sent from? :))) I hope you take the road. :)))
          1. jjj
            22 January 2014 04: 09
            Do not try to look like Schwonder. We all know that this is not so.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  26. +1
    21 January 2014 16: 11
    Revolutions are made when the implementation of laws becomes impossible or less profitable than changing the government. This is Lenin's "The upper classes cannot, but the lower classes do not want"; the upper classes no longer know what other law to write in order to stay in power, and the lower classes no longer want to comply with any laws, because they despaired of the futility of such attempts. The revolution must be supported by the masses above the critical level. If we consider today's Russia, then we already have an ideologically united bandit underground, albeit under the flag of Islam, it does not matter, these people will change their orientation as soon as they are paid and Islam becomes for them only an ideological background. It remains to bring a sufficient number of people, today not connected with the underground, to the handle, so that they begin to finance and participate in the revolutionary struggle. And there are plenty of well-wishers over the hill among the "partners". I suppose that 100 years ago in Russia they were just as careless about the figures who later grabbed the throat of Russia with their teeth. Our families of killed militants also receive benefits for the loss of the breadwinner. Far Eastern partisans killed police officers, oligarchs finance the opposition, the Duma produces "legislative vermicelli" (the term appeared in 1916 as an assessment of the work of the then Duma). Analogies, analogies. Assuming the nature of a possible revolution in Russia, I sincerely wish the soonest collapse of the liberal idea and all its apologists.
  27. +1
    21 January 2014 16: 37
    I am grateful to this site that at least with this article they remembered the 90 summer anniversary of the death of V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin).
    Under V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin), all members of the Central Committee of the RSDLP had the same rights. These were people who were infinitely loyal to their ideas of creating a state without exploiting the working people. The RSDLP was financed in various ways, including donations, expropriations.
    1. +1
      21 January 2014 16: 47
      Quote: Vadim2013
      including donations, expropriations.
      - expropriations, i.e. armed robberies for frequent casualties. Well, yes, what you just won’t do in the name of the World Revolution and a brighter future!
      1. -3
        21 January 2014 21: 35
        The expropriations in the RSDLP were dealt with by I.V.Dzhugashvili (Stalin).
      2. The comment was deleted.
  28. Power
    21 January 2014 18: 56
    When, after Lenin's death, his skull was opened, in the hope of seeing the "greatest mind" of the great leader of the proletariat, the cranium was half empty and filled with fluid with a brain affected by chronic syphilis.
    1. 0
      21 January 2014 21: 37
      Syphilis of the brain is not a sexually transmitted disease.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. jjj
      22 January 2014 04: 24
      In fact, there was no syphilis. German doctors were brought to the leader. They gave the wrong diagnosis. And from their hands this absurdity went for a walk around the world. An autopsy showed that this is so. Lenin was killed by a disease caused by a wound to the carotid artery from a bullet that fell at the Michelson plant. To live so many years after the 1918 year is a unique case
  29. 0
    21 January 2014 18: 58
    Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live!

    October came and overthrew the power of the bourgeoisie and nobles,
    So in October the dream came true of workers and peasants.
    Victory was not easy, but Lenin led the people
    And Lenin saw far, for many years to come!
    1. Power
      21 January 2014 19: 15
      Dreams Dreams. And where is industry and the proletariat? While they want to shove us on the contrary into the Middle Ages, with the cutting off of the heads of the "unfaithful" and the destruction of the last foundations of industry in the "unwanted" countries.
  30. Crang
    21 January 2014 19: 07
    Our Vladimir Ilyich is now looking at what is happening now and is turning over in his grave.
    1. 0
      22 January 2014 08: 42
      Don’t worry, your team of priests is taking care of your Vladimir Ilyich, nothing will be done to him.
  31. +3
    21 January 2014 19: 34
    With all due respect to the author, the article is weak. It does not say anything about the activities of Vladimir Ilyich as a theorist and practitioner. socialist dvizheniya.In general, there is not a word about socialism in the article, but it is filled with numerous arbitrary geopolitical "fabrications."
    In general, it reflects the point of view of the "national-patriotic" part of the anti-Soviet, who, in contrast to the anti-Soviet "liberal" in assessing the life and work of V. I. Lenin, focus not on the fact that he was allegedly a "dictator" and "strangled Russian capitalism and democracy "(dispersal of the queue), but on the fact that he was allegedly a Jew and was under the influence of" Masons "and" the world behind the scenes "day and night weaving conspiracies against Russia.
    Such an interpretation does not have meaningful meaning.
  32. -1
    21 January 2014 19: 55
    Pig and traitor, burn him forever in hell !!! And about the pagan altar in the heart of Russia already tired of talking !!!
    1. Megre
      21 January 2014 21: 18
      I completely agree. Only this is not a completely pagan altar. In pagan altars, as a rule, a corpse does not lie. And here lies, and even Zyuganov drags pioneer children to him. It seems that in the heart of our homeland someone has left a seal with some kind of secret mystical meaning. Our Orthodox ancestors, to put it mildly, would not understand us ......
  33. +2
    21 January 2014 19: 58
    Quote: Corsair
    Quote: smile
    Just as I cannot help but notice that he could not even think at the beginning of 17 that Russia would collapse and he would come to power.

    Power itself fell at the feet of the Bolsheviks, and you need to be a hypocrite so as not to “pick up” it and not try to implement your ideas ... Just try, because there was no confidence that the power could be kept.
    And only then, the class of haves, disorganized at the beginning, with the support of ANTANTA, decided to "play back", that is, starting a civil war.

    Therefore, it fell because the masses had prepared in advance, in particular, Kerensky himself. He had such a task, read at least Starikov’s research or the role of the Entente’s ambassadors.
  34. +3
    21 January 2014 20: 06
    Quote: smile
    Therefore. please don’t lie so much anymore - this is really not good ... or quote me and I will repent of my own incompetence ... :)))

    Vladimir, have you read Lenin's materials ??? You probably did not have scientific communism. A lot of letters from Lenin about the ruthless destruction of the "enemies" of the revolution. Together with Trotsky, they destroyed half of the Don Cossacks, and recommended en masse to shoot the priests. Read it, everything is open.
    1. +1
      21 January 2014 21: 17
      I didn’t have scientific communism, but there was the history of the CPSU — the most hated subject ... :))) And I already read Lenin’s works ... until the blue of the face. :)))
      But byad, I also believe that the enemies at that time should have been mercilessly destroyed - after all, these enemies mercilessly destroyed all the supporters of the Bolsheviks ... totally ... and the most unpleasant thing is that the enemies of the Bolsheviks were on a leash from the Entente and alas, fighting with their ideological opponents, in fact, did not even act in the interests of Russia. and not even their own, but in the interests of their masters, on whom they completely depended. And those had one interest - the dismemberment and enslavement of our country. For me, this is what becomes decisive in assessing events.
      By the way, I admit that I live at that time, in any case before it became clear in whose interests the various white knights act, I could be an opponent of the Bolsheviks because of the presence of low-sympathetic personalities among them, not inferior to Kolchak, Ungern or Bulak Bulakhovich ( take an interest in the biography of this guy - laugh).
      And about the Cossacks - no need to sing military songs - the Cossacks just as divided in half, like everyone else, and grabbed each other with frenzy. Read - everything is open. You can even re-read the Quiet Don - the book is useful for understanding the spirit of the era - perhaps I could not recommend any other book for such purposes - there are probably no more. By the way, Peter 1 caused the greatest damage to the Cossacks - he destroyed in percentage terms perhaps more Cossacks. what died in the Civil War on both sides ... and nothing. nobody says something about bloody tsarism that destroyed the Cossacks ... :)))
      As for the priests ... look, if they are now destroying a bearded imam who is climbing mountains or setting up a religious propagandist who is trying to create a Wahhabi paradise in our country, doesn’t this cause you to be rejected? Well, then it was the same. Enemies destroyed everything. The Reds did nothing that the White and their masters would not do. Nothing. And the fact that there was an injustice - as it was everywhere, and bloody maniacs and adventurers surfaced from both sides - alas, these are the realities of the civil war.
  35. +2
    21 January 2014 20: 30
    The author has some contradiction. He writes that Lenin had his own goals, his own views, independent thinking (and how else can a leader behave),
    then describes him as a subordinate dependent character.

    The first thing that attracted Lenin-Ulyanov was the publication of the Iskra newspaper
    It turns out that this is not his project at all, they only attracted him, but someone else came up with it.
    Lenin was completely out of work. ........ Lenin visited Moscow, but even there he could not find a place.
    Poor Lenin, no one takes him to the service. It’s time to go to the factory in the office.
  36. -2
    21 January 2014 20: 40
    For me, Lenin is an enemy of our country. That’s what I thought 15 years ago, that’s what I think now, and the more I learn about him, I will probably continue to think so!
    1. -1
      21 January 2014 22: 15
      V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin), his ideas and deeds are hated by today's masters of Russia.
      1. 0
        15 February 2014 11: 43
        He is the enemy, which still needs to be sought. And the fact that Russia later revived in the form of the USSR is far from his merit ...
    2. The comment was deleted.
  37. Pamir210
    21 January 2014 21: 03
    Russia and the Russian people did not know a greater enemy in their history.
    it is necessary to remove the corpse, crypt and cemetery from the Red Square.
  38. +1
    21 January 2014 21: 49
    Quote: smile
    . And the fact that there was an injustice - as it was everywhere, and bloody maniacs and adventurers surfaced from both sides - alas, these are the realities of the civil war.

    Thanks for the detailed answer. I certainly know all this. The hatred was, of course, mutual and I did not mean the defense of the white or red side. It's just that the truth is much worse. Both of them were just toys in the hands of the same puppeteers, that's the trouble. And if a part of the "non-Russian" commissars deliberately destroyed the Russian people, then the patriots on both sides destroyed each other blindly. As the author of the article noted, Lenin tried to play his game - both yours and ours, but in my opinion (knowing his character and manners) he did it more out of vanity, unlike Stalin, who loved the Russian people. And it was Stalin who built the red empire, and for some reason all the merits in building socialism are given to Lenin by many ...
    1. wax
      21 January 2014 23: 20
      Stalin never opposed himself to Lenin anywhere, considered himself a disciple and successor of the Lenin’s cause, took an oath to continue Lenin’s work during the days of Lenin’s funeral.
      As G.K. Zhukov testifies: “On June 29, JV Stalin twice came to the People's Commissariat of Defense, to the Headquarters of the High Command, and both times reacted extremely sharply to the situation in the western strategic direction.” According to Mikoyan's recollections -
      upon leaving the People's Commissariat, he said (in a state of passion): "Lenin left us a great legacy, we - his heirs - all this was blown away ..."
  39. Crang
    21 January 2014 21: 50
    No need to drive Vladimir Ilyich. The biggest enemy of Russia is the current government. Right now there is a catastrophic contraction with the light of Russian civilization. And replacing us with strangers. Right now. What is happening now has never been before the village.
  40. ko88
    21 January 2014 22: 16
    I don’t know, the personality is certainly extraordinary, and causes mixed feelings;
  41. -5
    21 January 2014 22: 23
    Quote: Ross
    unlike Stalin, who loved the Russian people

    I.V.Dzhugashvili (Stalin) destroyed a huge number of Russian people during collectivization, during repression and during the Second World War 1941-1942.
    1. +1
      22 January 2014 00: 37
      Just like that, comrade Stalin sits and leafs through a notebook, so-from July 20, 1941, things for the day -
      morning, from 9:00 to 12:00 - the shooting of 100 soldiers of the Red Army
      lunch from 12:00 to 14:00
      From 14:00 to 18:00 the execution of 200 soldiers of the Red Army
      from 18:00 to 19:00 dinner
      From 19:00 to 20:00, after-dinner shooting lying on the couch a couple of Red Army commanders, for better assimilation of food.
      From 20:00 to 21:00 personal time, discussions on cannibalistic topics
      From 21:00 to 22:00 torture and execution of political workers of the Red Army, for a future dream.
      At 22:00 hang up
      1. 0
        22 January 2014 05: 56
        I answer briefly.
        Through the fault of I.V.Dzhugashvili (Stalin), millions died in the Second World War for the following reasons:
        - About 40000 initiative officers of the KRKA were destroyed by repression. Result: fear of high command in conducting independent actions;
        - the disbandment of sabotage and partisan units in the 30 years;
        - not readiness of Krka for war with Germany
        - not competent intervention in the planning and leadership of military operations.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  42. NKR
    21 January 2014 23: 43
    It was nice to hear about our leader all the more so in the modern school almost nothing was said about him. Hope to read more about the leader soon
  43. 0
    21 January 2014 23: 46
    The safest thing is to pour mud over the dead. But the living ...
    In Saratov, the trial of the first secretary of the city committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Alexander Anidalov, took place. The communist spent the night at the police station, where he was brought from home without outer clothing. The police twisted Anidalov at the entrance, in front of his wife and two young children. Later, in the official press release of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Saratov Region, it was written: "He shouted loudly, deliberately kicked and punched the railing, inflicting bodily harm on himself and saying that he would later blame the police for causing bodily harm." However, the persecution of the communists began a few days earlier, when the Olympic torch relay was held in Saratov. It began with the fact that early in the morning on the eve of the relay, activist Anna Tsyganova, who had left the regional town of Balakovo for Saratov, was detained halfway, dropped off the bus and taken back "for a conversation." According to the police who stopped Tsyganova, "there is information that she intends to disrupt the Olympic torch relay." The girl was taken back to Balakovo, and she never made it to Saratov. On the same morning, the police detained the Saratov communists, who intended to go out with single pickets into the streets where the relay was to pass. It is not known what kind of reaction activists expected from law enforcement agencies, having warned them about the planned actions a day earlier through the media, but the pickets did not take place in the end. One of the detainees contacted the journalists and said that they were detained without explaining the reasons in one of the cafes: “We were sitting in a cafe, and suddenly the police came up to us, they say: come with us! When we refused their request, we were forcibly and without explaining the reasons they took us to the paddy wagon. We asked where they were taking us, but in response they told us that the leadership had not decided yet. " Among the detained activists was a deputy of the district assembly.
  44. 0
    21 January 2014 23: 46
    The group of detained communists was released a few hours later, in order to be immediately captured again. At the door of the police station, officers from another police station were waiting for them. The communists were told that they fit the description of the criminals who committed theft the other day. However, not a single arrest report was drawn up. Obviously, the police were taking time to exclude the presence of communists from the public at the Olympic torch relay, which was taking place in the city at the time. The most interesting thing began later, towards evening. To the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, where all the communists detained in the morning returned, an operational group of police arrived. The employees asked to open the door for them, introducing themselves for some reason as RIA Novosti journalists. "This is the first time we are faced with such inexplicable actions of the police. Why it was necessary to introduce ourselves as media workers, standing in front of an external surveillance camera in uniform, remains a mystery for us," said Nikolai Bondarenko, one of the besieged communists in the regional committee. By the way, the building of the regional committee is located the reception of the deputy of the State Duma Olga Alimova, who immediately turned to the regional prosecutor's office. The appeal was ignored. At four in the morning, when the Olympic flame left Saratov long ago, having set off on a special train to Tambov, the communists got out of the besieged regional committee and went home. The communists, together with the anarchists, nevertheless held a protest action. Two days after the relay, an alternative Olympic torch relay took place along Kirov Avenue. Nikolai Bondarenko carried a model of the torch, which was guarded by "policemen" with paper machines. They were followed by the head of the "Autonomous Action" movement Oleg Petrov with a huge lighter. The communists shouted, pointing at passers-by: "Police, detain those who are not happy! They have no smiles on their faces. Kick the journalists out! It doesn't matter if they are accredited." The communists accompanying the torchbearer carried posters: "We are for the Olympics! We are for the Olympic flame! We are against stealing our money under Olympic cover!", "Sawing, high-speed rollback - Sochi sports."
  45. The comment was deleted.
  46. 0
    21 January 2014 23: 48
    The head of the center for the execution of administrative legislation in Saratov, Stepan Nikitin, who distinguished himself during arrests on the day of the relay, was presented by the communists with a paper medal "For Zeal in Trampling." The policeman refused to accept the medal and tore it up. In front of a large group of journalists, the police did not detain anyone. But the next day, Bondarenko was detained at a car wash, which allowed him to declare the surveillance established for him. “They told me that it was necessary to follow them, to which I refused, and almost immediately I was warned that otherwise they would call me protocol of disobedience and use force against me. When I asked for what purpose they want to bring me to the department, on what episode, article and so on, they answered me: we don't know, they just told us to deliver you, "Bondarenko later said ... However, the young man was released after half an hour, having drawn up a report on an administrative violation during an alternative relay race. However, the main target for the police was the chairman of the city committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Alexander Anidalov. Three policemen came home to the young assistant of the State Duma deputy on the evening of January 14, so that, as they later stated at the trial, "to draw up a protocol on the violation during the march." Anidalov, whom the police met at the entrance, was wearing a T-shirt and slippers and refused to go to the police station. Then they seized him, twisted his arms and handcuffed him. Anidalov's wife and two young children ran out to the noise in the corridor, who saw the activist being dragged up the stairs. Explaining the injuries sustained by the communist during the arrest, the police later stated that he himself "kicked against the railing and steps to accuse the police of beating." Anidalov spent the night at the police station. They did not want to let the human rights activist visit him; they did not allow him to make a single phone call. His wife Svetlana Anidalova, who arrived at the station, demanded to show her husband to make sure that he was alive and well, but this was refused. Soon her daughter called her, crying to tell that someone was pounding at their door. Svetlana immediately went to the children, but she did not find anyone at the door.
  47. -1
    21 January 2014 23: 49
    At the trial on Anidalov's charges of resisting the lawful demands of the police, the defenders asked the officers who made the arrest: “How did Anidalov prevent you from fulfilling the purpose of your arrival, that is, drawing up a protocol? was to delay him? " "There was resistance," was the reply from the policeman. "What?" The defender asked again. "We ourselves did not understand," the policeman replied. Judge Sergei Sotskov considered the testimonies of his wife and Anidalov himself to be unreliable, and considered the testimony of the police to be pure truth, saying: "What's the point of cheating them?" The judge completely ignored the testimonies of neighbors who told how Anidalov was forcibly dragged along the entrance with his arms twisted. As a result, the communist was punished with a fine of 1000 rubles. "I believe that such a relatively lenient sentence - a fine, not arrest - is the result of the attention of journalists and party members. Correspondents of independent media, activists, including those far from communist ideology, did not allow the plans for the protesters to be realized," he said after the trial Anidalov. On the same day, single pickets in support of Anidalov were organized near the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. The law enforcement agencies in Saratov never stood on ceremony with the opposition. Until now, however, this concerned primarily civic activists and non-parliamentary parties. For the first time, such harsh force measures were applied not to an ordinary participant in protest actions, but to the secretary of the city committee, an assistant to a deputy of the State Duma. One gets the impression that before the Olympics, all the tacit restrictions on the persecution of the parliamentary opposition were lifted, which had not been observed before. Participants of the alternative protest torchlight procession, Alexander Anidalov and Nikolai Bondarenko, will face several more trials. The communists are confident that until the Olympic Games take place, the law enforcement agencies have "free hands" in persecuting any manifestations of opposition.
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  49. 0
    21 January 2014 23: 50
    Residents of Saratov noticed preparations for the Olympic torch relay when utilities welded sewer hatches along the route of the torchlight procession and cut off the branches of more than half a thousand trees in the very center of the city. The route of the relay in Saratov was more than 50 kilometers; 250 people gathered to carry the torch within one or two minutes. The route of the relay ran almost exclusively through the central streets of the city, which, of course, were closed to any transport. On the eve of the relay, residents of the city center, who were rather ironic about the authorities' attempts to cover dilapidated dilapidated houses with advertising screens, faced a much more serious problem. All garbage containers disappeared from the streets, which were collected in huge numbers in alleys and separate yards. They were brought here from all over the microdistrict through which the relay was held. Nobody bothered to notify the residents where to carry the garbage, and mountains of garbage bags immediately appeared on the streets where garbage containers used to stand. Moreover, on the night before the relay race, the city administration sealed all the ballot boxes, sealed them with plastic bags. Policemen were placed near the spontaneously formed garbage heaps, who, according to the deputy head of the city administration Vadim Dubrivny, were supposed to explain to the residents where to carry their garbage. As a result, the police, who themselves did not know where they took the containers, simply sent the citizens back home with garbage bags and buckets. The authorities explained all their actions by the requirement of security and the terrorist threat. Because of this, for example, as residents reported, precinct police officers walked through the houses of citizens who had firearms and made them seal the safes in which these weapons were kept. and dilapidated buildings behind fabric draperies. Photos of "Potemkin villages" in the center of Saratov instantly spread on social networks.
  50. 0
    21 January 2014 23: 51
    "City decoration" was named by the regional sports minister Naila Brilenok as one of the main expenditures of the seven millionth budget of the Saratov relay. On social networks, schoolchildren frankly talked about how they and their parents were obliged to go to watch the Olympic torch relay. "Not the Olympics, but some kind of insanity. The day before yesterday at school they announced to us that we were not studying on Saturday and were going to watch the torch being carried. We were all gathered, told what and at what time. After that I asked a couple of questions to our head teachers. What if there was a terrorist attack? Everyone knows what happened recently in Volgograd ... The answer I received was such that I did not expect at all: "If there will be a terrorist attack, so this is how it should be, then this is the fate "- this is the answer I received to my question", - it is written in one of the publications of "VKontakte". About the purchase of flags at the expense of the students themselves, messages were received first from secondary school No. 2, and then from other educational institutions of the city. The flags cost 40 rubles, and it was necessary to buy at least 10 flags per class. Teachers worried about the health of their students, who were to "rejoice" in the torchlight procession in chilly weather. It was raining on the day of the relay in Saratov. Rainstorms, which were never put in order even after the flood on July 24, when the cars literally floated in the water, could not cope with the flow of water. Torchbearers, FSO officers and journalists ran through puddles and roadsides. In some places where it was simply impossible to pass, wooden walkways were laid, along which the Olympic torch was proudly carried by athletes, students, officials and unknown people from the sponsors of the relay. The police, who were standing in a very tight cordon, forbade accredited, instructed journalists to shoot inside the perimeter outlined white ribbons with Olympic symbols. The police officers simply pushed photographers and cameramen to the audience. Accreditation did not matter in this case. The Olympic flame went out in Saratov five times. As far as we know, this is a kind of record for one city.
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  52. +1
    22 January 2014 00: 56
    History cannot be changed.
  53. NKR
    22 January 2014 01: 13
    100 years have passed, and absolutely nothing has changed.
    1. +1
      22 January 2014 03: 52
      It’s only difficult for the first 100 years, then you get used to it...
  54. Nurlangali
    22 January 2014 16: 54
    Day by day the years go by, the dawns of new generations we will never forget the word - Lenin wink
  55. makeev.dmitry
    23 January 2014 16: 19
    but we still ruined Lenin’s great legacy, as Stalin said. The parasites and exploiters are again in power. Except for Putin: go to the fire for him.