Destruction technology

All progressive humanity, as we are told, has completely naturally accepted gays, their subculture, their right to marry, adopt children and promote their sexual orientation in schools and kindergartens. We are told that all this is the natural course of things.

Destruction technology

They lie to us.

The lie about the natural course of things was refuted by the American sociologist Joseph Overton, who described the technology of changing society’s attitude to the issues that were once crucial for this society.

Read this description and it will become clear how homosexuality and same-sex marriage will legalize. It will become quite obvious that the work on the legalization of pedophilia and incest will be completed in Europe in the coming years. Like child euthanasia, by the way.

What else can be pulled out to our world using the technology described by Overton?

It works flawlessly.

Joseph P. Overton (1960-2003), Senior Vice President, Mackinac Center Public Policy Center. He died in a plane crash. He formulated a model for changing the presentation of a problem in public opinion, posthumously called the Overton Window.

Joseph Overton described how completely alien to society ideas were raised from the rubbish bin of public disdain, washed off and finally enshrined in law.

According to the Overton Opportunity Window, for every idea or problem in society there is a Sc. window of opportunity. Within this window, the idea may or may not be widely discussed, openly supported, propagandized, attempted to consolidate legislatively. The window is moved, thereby changing the range of possibilities, from the “unthinkable” stage, that is, completely alien to public morality, completely rejected, to the “current policy” stage, that is, already widely discussed, adopted by the mass consciousness and enshrined in the laws.

This is not brainwashing per se, but more subtle technologies. They are made effective by consistent systemic application and invisibility for the society-victim of the very fact of the impact.

Below, I will take an example to understand how, step by step, society begins to discuss something unacceptable first, then consider it appropriate, and finally comes to terms with the new law, which consolidates and protects the unthinkable.

Take for example something completely unimaginable. For example, cannibalism, that is, the idea to legalize the right of citizens to eat each other. Hard enough example?

But it is obvious to everyone that right now (2014) there is no way to expand the propaganda of cannibalism: society will stand up. This situation means that the problem of cannibalism legalization is at the zero stage of the window of opportunity. This stage, according to the theory of Overton, is called the Unthinkable. Now we will model how this unthinkable will be realized after passing through all the stages of the window of opportunity.


Once again, Overton described TECHNOLOGY, which allows you to legalize absolutely any idea.

Note! He did not propose a concept, he did not formulate his thoughts in some way - he described the working technology. That is, such a sequence of actions, the execution of which invariably leads to the desired result. As weapons For the destruction of human communities, this technology may be more effective than a thermonuclear charge.


The subject of cannibalism is still disgusting and completely unacceptable in society. To argue on this topic is not desirable either in the press, much less in a decent company. While this is unthinkable, absurd, forbidden phenomenon. Accordingly, the first movement of the Overton Window is to transfer the topic of cannibalism from the unthinkable to the radical.

We have freedom of speech.

So why not talk about cannibalism?

Scientists are supposed to talk about everything in a row - there are no taboo topics for scientists, they are supposed to study everything. And if this is the case, we will assemble an ethnological symposium on the theme “Exotic rites of the tribes of Polynesia”. Discuss on it history of the subject, we introduce it into the scientific revolution and get the fact authoritative statements about cannibalism.

You see, it turns out that cannibalism can be substantively talked about and, as it were, remain within the limits of scientific respectability.

Overton window has already moved. That is, a revision of positions is already indicated. This ensures a transition from the irreconcilably negative attitude of society towards a more positive attitude.

At the same time with a pseudo-scientific discussion, some sort of "Society of Radical Cannibals" should certainly appear. And let it be presented only on the Internet. Radical cannibals will certainly be noticed and quoted in all the right media.

First, this is another fact of expression. And secondly, the shocking thugs of such a special genesis are needed to create an image of a radical scarecrow. It will be "bad cannibals" as opposed to another scarecrow - "the fascists, calling to burn at the stake not like them." But about scarecrows below. For a start, it is enough to publish stories about what the "British scientists" and some radical scumbags of a different nature think about eating human flesh.

The result of the first movement of the Overton Window: an unacceptable topic was put into circulation, the taboo was desacralized, the uniqueness of the problem was destroyed: “grayscale” was created.


The next step, the Window moves on and translates the topic of cannibalism from a radical area into a possible area.

At this stage, we continue to quote "scientists." After all, you can not turn away from knowledge? About cannibalism. Anyone who refuses to discuss this should be branded as a hypocrite and hypocrite.

Condemning hypocrisy, you must definitely come up with cannibalism elegant title. In order not to dare all sorts of fascists to hang labels on dissidents with the word “Ka”.

Attention! Creating a euphemism is a very important moment. To legalize an unthinkable idea, it is necessary to replace its original name.

No more cannibalism.

Now it is called, for example, anthropophagy. But this term will soon be replaced again, having recognized this definition as offensive.

The purpose of inventing new names is to take the essence of the problem away from its designation, to tear the form of the word from its content, to deprive its ideological opponents of the language. Cannibalism turns into anthropophagy, and then into anthropophilia, just as a criminal changes his surnames and passports.

Parallel to the game of names, a supporting precedent is created - historical, mythological, actual or simply invented, but most importantly - legitimized. It will be found or thought up as a "proof" of the fact that anthropophilia can in principle be legalized.

"Remember the legend of the selfless mother, who drank the children dying of thirst with her blood?"

"And the stories of the ancient gods, who ate everybody in a row - the Romans had it in the order of things!"

“Well, the Christians who are closer to us, all the more so with anthropophilia, are in perfect order! They still ritually drink blood and eat the flesh of their god. You do not blame the Christian church for something? Who the hell are you? ”

The main task of the orgy of this stage is to at least partially remove the eating of people from under criminal prosecution. At least once, at some historical moment.

So it is necessary

After the legitimizing precedent is presented, it is possible to move the Overton Window from the territory of the possible to the region of the rational.

This is the third stage. It ends up splitting a single problem.

"The desire to eat people is genetically inherent, it is in human nature."
"Sometimes it is necessary to eat a person, there are insuperable circumstances."
"There are people who want to be eaten."
"Anthropofilov provoked!"
"The forbidden fruit is always sweet."
"A free man has the right to decide what he is."
"Do not hide the information and let everyone understand who he is - an anthropophile or anthropofob."
“Is there any harm in anthropophilia? Its inevitability is not proven. ”

In the public mind, an artificially created “battlefield” for the problem. Scarecrows are placed on the extreme flanks - radical supporters and radical opponents of cannibalism appear in a special way.

Real opponents - that is, normal people who do not want to remain indifferent to the problem of de-tabooing cannibalism - are trying to pack them along with bogeymen and write them to radical haters. The role of these scarecrows is to actively create the image of crazy psychopaths: aggressive, fascist haters of anthropophagy, calling to burn cannibals alive, Jews, communists and blacks. Presence in the media provides all of the above, except for real opponents of legalization.

In this scenario, themselves t. N. anthropophiles remain, as it were, in the middle between bogeys, in the "territory of reason", from which, with all the pathos of "sanity and humanity", they condemn "fascists of all stripes."

“Scientists” and journalists at this stage prove that humanity throughout its history from time to time ate each other, and this is normal. Now the topic of anthropophilia can be transferred from the rational to the popular category. Overton window moves on.


To popularize the theme of cannibalism, it is necessary to support it with pop content, matching with historical and mythological personalities, and, if possible, with modern media persons.

Anthropophilia massively penetrates news and talk show. People are eaten in a movie of wide distribution, in the lyrics and video clips.

One of the methods of popularization is called “Look around!”

“Didn't you know that one famous composer is of that ... an anthropophile?”

“And one well-known Polish screenwriter was an anthropophile all his life, he was even pursued.”

“And how many of them were sitting in the mental hospitals! How many millions were sent, deprived of citizenship! .. By the way, how do you like the new Lady Gaga clip “Eat me, baby”?

At this stage, the theme being developed is brought to the TOP and it begins to autonomously reproduce itself in the media, show business and politics.

Another effective technique: the essence of the problem is actively blunted at the level of information operators (journalists, TV shows, public figures, etc.), cutting them off from the discussion of specialists.

Then, at the moment when everyone was already bored and the discussion of the problem was stalled, a specially selected professional came in and said: “Gentlemen, in fact, this is not at all the case. And it's not that, but in this. And we must do this and that ”- and in the meantime gives a very definite direction, the bias of which is set by the movement of the“ Window ”.

To justify supporters of legalization, they use the humanization of criminals by creating their positive image through non-criminal characteristics.

“These are creative people. Well, I ate my wife - so what? ”
“They sincerely love their victims. Eating means loves! ”
“Anthropophiles have an increased IQ, and otherwise they adhere to strict morality.”
"The anthropophiles themselves are victims, their life has made them."
"They were brought up like this."


This kind of frills - the salt of popular talk shows.

“We will tell you a tragic love story! He wanted to eat her! And she just wanted to be eaten! Who are we to judge them? Perhaps this is love? Who are you to stand on the path of love ?! "


To the fifth stage of the movement, the Overtona Windows moves on when the topic is warmed up to being able to transfer it from the category of popular to the sphere of current politics.

The preparation of the legislative base begins. Lobbyist groups in power consolidate and emerge from the shadows. Public opinion polls are published, allegedly confirming a high percentage of supporters of the legalization of cannibalism. Politicians are starting to roll trial balloons of public statements on the topic of legislative consolidation of this topic. A new dogma is introduced into the public consciousness - “the prohibition of eating people is prohibited”.

This is a signature dish of liberalism - tolerance as a ban on taboos, a ban on correction and prevention of devastating deviations for society.

During the last stage of the movement, Windows from the category “popular” to “current policy” society was already broken. The most living part of it will somehow somehow resist legislative consolidation of unthinkable things not so long ago. But in general, society is already broken. It has already agreed with its defeat.

Laws are adopted, norms of human existence are changed (destroyed). Further, the echoes of this topic is inevitable sunk to schools and kindergartens, which means that the next generation will grow up without any chance of survival. So it was with the legalization of pederasty (now they demand to call themselves gay). Now before our eyes, Europe is legalizing incest and child euthanasia.


The Window of Opportunities described by Overton is the easiest to move in a tolerant society. In a society that does not have ideals, and, as a result, there is no clear separation of good and evil.

Do you want to talk about what your mother is a whore? Want to print a report about this in a journal? Sing a song. Prove in the end that being a whore is normal and even necessary? This is the technology described above. She relies on permissiveness.

No taboo.

There is nothing sacred.

There are no sacral concepts, the discussion of which is forbidden, and their dirty obmusolivanie is stopped immediately. All this is not. And what is there?

There is the so-called freedom of speech, turned into freedom of dehumanization. Before our eyes, one by one, they remove the framework protecting the society of the abyss of self-destruction. Now the road is open there.

You think that alone you can not change anything?

You are absolutely right, a man alone can not a damn thing.

But personally, you must be human. A person is able to find a solution to any problem. And what will not be able to one, then make people united by a common idea. Look around.
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  1. Old scoop
    18 January 2014 10: 19
    Technological breakthroughs can significantly reduce the number of slaves. The load on the planet will decrease, there will be enough resources for a longer time, and there you look and space expansion will arrive in time. Managing less is again easier. The essence is clear - there are too many of us, hence the direction of the efforts of the world elite.
    1. +12
      18 January 2014 10: 55
      Quote: Old scoop
      Managing less is again easier. The essence is clear - there are too many of us, hence the direction of the efforts of the world elite.

      Great article and very necessary !!!
      The author is absolutely right who described the technology of changing the attitude of society to the very foundations of the existence of this society. I fully admit that in some 50-60 years, "All progressive Western humanity" will "boycott" "not tolerant" Russia, for the adoption of the law on the prohibition of propaganda Cannibalism among children hi
      1. +22
        18 January 2014 15: 29
        Clear article. Substitution of concepts! Here is her main message.
        1. +17
          18 January 2014 16: 27
          Children feel sorry.
        2. +13
          18 January 2014 19: 38
          However, in Russia and Russian technology broke off. Yes, we are Scythians !!!
      2. Konunkt
        27 January 2014 00: 46
        There will simply not be any 50-60 years. since this is the end of the Anglo-Saxon Nation in the literal scientific sense of Ethnogenesis.
        The Life Span of any Nation is 1200-1800 years and that's it!
        Sumerians lived - 1800 years
        The Great Roman Empire lived 954 BC - 476 = 1230 years
        Byzantium 341 - 1453 = 1112 years
        Anglo-Saxons 751 - 2013 = 1262 years old ---- it would be time already!

        How to know that the moment of death has come? - Very simple: Appolonius of Tiana, a Pythagorean scientist, clearly indicated the Sign of the imminent death of any Nation: legal fixing of Sexual perversions.
        So this question is completely non-moral - it is a formal sign of the death of Ethnos!
        Reference: Barack Abama signed the Law on Same-Sex Marriages in the spring of 2012.
        The question is - what is incomprehensible? - Nothing Eternal and Eternal Nations - DO NOT HAPPEN! A sign of death (rather than old age) of the nation is always a sharp decline in morals. Old Ethnicities will always die, and Young Ethnicities will always be born! Humanity is developing in a spiral, the circulation Period of which is 1200-1800 years. Anglo-Saxons with the age of 1262 years old end their period of existence. Russia (not to be confused with Russia!) - 650 years old (count yourself from Ivan 3 / 1440-1505 /, around 1482!).
        Now you can even see who is radically redrawing the map of Europe, and Russia, as always, is not ready for the redivision of the World ....
        It is interesting that for the first time in history, the seizure of power and the territory of Europe takes place relatively peacefully - without wars, but by the penetration of Muslims! The one who thinks is wrong. that France will simply become a colony of Algeria, and Germany will become a colony of Turkey: having received power, the new Wahhabis will send their own Sahabists from Algeria-Mauritania-Turkey to hell! And there is no need to twist a finger at my temple in my direction, since, for example, the English Parliament has already four times considered the possibility of introducing Muslim laws in England ....
    2. +4
      19 January 2014 23: 33
      Forgive me, it is difficult to argue with you about the "cleansing" of the planet, however, the question arises - why is the struggle going against normal people (Europeans, adequate inhabitants of the East, educated Asians ...). Preferences are received by Wahhabis and other Muslim sectarians, Africans, who have not really realized that they have climbed off the palm tree (moreover, I do not generalize - there are really civilized immigrants from African countries, I am talking about human-like people who know how to shoot from AK, but cannot count ). The world war is for the benefit of the "golden billion" (who called it that is difficult to say) and the crowd of real garbage.
      PAAACHIMU ???
      Thinking realistically, it is this rabble that will prevent the recipients of benefits from realizing their plans - the creatures will not work for the "masters of life", they will recklessly destroy and rape each other, destroy infrastructure and then drive the remnants of humanity into the Stone Age, while the plutocrats themselves will not work adapted. And this despite the fact that those who could work will disappear, whether killed during the "jihad" or not born after fagot parades ...

      You need to know the enemy’s intentions in order to fight, until this question is clear for me - is the world behind the scenes so dumb that it doesn’t understand where it is going (judging by Libya and Syria - it seems) It’s hard to fight against the kamikaze, and, taking into account what I have said, against stupid kamikaze
      1. +2
        20 January 2014 10: 36
        good questions ... necessary. Don't you think that the system has just gone to pieces? In the "elite", after all, the same tendencies are in the rest of society, because these two parts are a reflection of each other. It is not the gods who rule the world, in fact. In general, any closed system, KMC, is prone to degeneration. Entropy, my friend.
      2. Konunkt
        27 January 2014 00: 51
        I answer why - There simply will not be any 50-60 years. since this is the end of the Anglo-Saxon Nation in the literal scientific sense of Ethnogenesis.
        The Life Span of any Nation is 1200-1800 years and that's it!
        Sumerians lived - 1800 years
        The Great Roman Empire lived 954 BC - 476 = 1230 years
        Byzantium 341 - 1453 = 1112 years
        Anglo-Saxons 751 - 2013 = 1262 years old ---- it would be time already!

        How to know that the moment of death has come? - Very simple: Appolonius of Tiana, a Pythagorean scientist, clearly indicated the Sign of the imminent death of any Nation: legal fixing of Sexual perversions.
        So this question is completely non-moral - it is a formal sign of the death of Ethnos!
        Reference: Barack Abama signed the Law on Same-Sex Marriages in the spring of 2012.
        The question is - what is incomprehensible? - Nothing Eternal and Eternal Nations - DO NOT HAPPEN! A sign of death (rather than old age) of the nation is always a sharp decline in morals. Old Ethnicities will always die, and Young Ethnicities will always be born! Humanity is developing in a spiral, the circulation Period of which is 1200-1800 years. Anglo-Saxons with the age of 1262 years old end their period of existence. Russia (not to be confused with Russia!) -650 years (count yourself from Ivan 3 1440-1505, around 1482!)

        Now you can even see who is radically redrawing the map of Europe, and Russia, as always, is not ready for the redivision of the World ....
        Interestingly, for the first time in history, the seizure of power and territory of Europe takes place relatively peacefully - without wars, but - with the penetration of Muslims!
        The one who thinks is wrong. that France will simply become a colony of Algeria, and Germany will become a colony of Turkey: having received power, the new Wahhabis will send their own Sahabists from Algeria-Mauritania-Turkey to hell! And there is no need to twist your finger at my temple in my direction, because, for example, the English Parliament has already four times considered the possibility of introducing Muslim laws in England ....
  2. -15
    18 January 2014 10: 33
    Many forget about the old Darwin.
    In a society where Gays are spread rot, they hide, get married and give birth to new Gays.
    In a society where they are not spread rot, they crawl out, marry peasants, and do not give birth to new gays.
    Tricky plan.
    1. +13
      18 January 2014 15: 32
      Quote: BlackMokona
      Many forget about the old Darwin.
      In a society where Gays are spread rot, they hide, get married and give birth to new Gays.
      In a society where they are not spread rot, they crawl out, marry peasants, and do not give birth to new gays.
      Tricky plan.

      BlackMokona is a good try! good And you, I’m looking at a tricky plan to legalize buggers! So Darwin has already started to
      1. +8
        18 January 2014 15: 44
        Quote: SHILO
        BlackMokona is a good try!

        We must pay tribute to BlackMokona - he carefully read the article! wink

        Scientists are generally supposed to talk about everything in a row - for scientists there are no forbidden topics, they are supposed to study everything.
        1. -5
          20 January 2014 16: 24
          Imagine, even 5% did not read, the topic is hackneyed until impossible.
      2. -4
        20 January 2014 16: 23
        Pff. That's what a real master class is.
        At the end of the 1996th century, a theory appeared that homophobia is the result of latent homosexuality. In 2, a study was conducted at the University of Georgia, which showed that a certain number of men who expressed homophobic views have latent homosexuality [84]. The study involved 35 people, of whom 29 positioned themselves as homophobic, and 20 did not express such views, the remaining XNUMX were tolerant. The subjects were shown pornography of various kinds and measured the level of penis erection in the process of viewing it. When viewing heterosexual and lesbian pornography, there were almost no differences in reaction to it between the two groups, but when viewing homosexual pornography, there were sharp differences.
        1. +5
          22 January 2014 12: 48
          BlackMokona is a good attempt # 2! good good

          Quote: BlackMokona
          Pff. That's what a real master class is.

          I will not answer Pff. But the quote below is worth a discussion! laughing

          I explain.
          This sad and sickly theory was thrown and tried to confirm ...! Who do you think? That's right - P.i.da.rasy !!!

          Why? You ask.

          And to create an inferiority complex, any critic of P.I.d.rov! Yes
          Corresponding theories are prepared from pedophiles (already pushing), necrophiles, bestiality, etc. dishonesty. am

          P.S. BlackMokona it all started with a joke. However, perseverance, stereotyped methods and argumentation p. And yes. Rov begin to make me think badly of you. what
    2. +13
      18 January 2014 19: 32
      Quote: BlackMokona
      Many forget about the old Darwin.
      In a society where Gays are spread rot, they hide, get married and give birth to new Gays.
      In a society where they are not spread rot, they crawl out, marry peasants, and do not give birth to new gays.
      Tricky plan.

      I dare to correct you - in a society where gays "spread rot", even if they marry and somehow give birth to children, their children will not necessarily be gay, this time. In a society where gays do NOT spread rot, but simply DO NOT allow them to create families, adopt and raise children, the number of gays will also be fixed, as in the previous society.
      But in a society where gays are allowed to adopt children, educate them, where homosexuality has been propagated from an early age, a huge stratum of people with various mental disorders will soon emerge in such a society ... Not all of them will be gay, but the number of gays will certainly increase.
      And third - old Darwin has nothing to do with it, he flirted with the theory of Malthus, but not with the issue of homosexuality - in his time, the Overton window regarding this issue was in the “zero phase” ... hi
      1. +10
        18 January 2014 19: 55
        Quote: Albert1988
        But in a community where gays are allowed to adopt children, educate them, where homosexuality has been propagated from an early age, a huge stratum of people with various mental disorders will soon emerge in such a society.

        Here in this you are absolutely right and I consider the position of the Russian legislation to be absolutely correct. Do whatever you want in your kitchens, but there shouldn’t be any advertising and promotion; this is, above all, the protection of the younger generation.
        Well, there should be no advertisement of a foreign immoral and if someone says that homosexuality is the norm --- just pi ... ohr (sorry for that expression).
        All these pride parades degrade the human dignity of normally oriented people. If someone wants to argue about the word normal --- yes, it’s normal because everything else is not normal, however much they like it.
        I have nothing against people with different genetic abnormalities - they are not to blame for this, but for some reason it doesn’t occur to anyone to advertise and allow children to be adopted - cattle and necrophiles - it’s okay to say the same. Well, he will live with a goat - no matter what the child is to take up.
        Many societies, in their pursuit of equality and tolerance, have completely forgotten that society must be viable, and propaganda of all these absurdities can lead to degradation.
        1. +5
          19 January 2014 23: 43
          The legalization of other perversions raises many legal problems:
          1 - a zoophile "married" a cat, and she lambed and gave birth to five at once - is it immediately to pay maternity capital and recognize a large family with all the benefits required ???
          2 - the necrophile dug up the "wife" - should we start the divorce procedure with the widower and recover the wasted part of the inheritance, with whom to leave the children "reborn": with a living father or with a mother who has acquired a "full family" ???

          It seems to be stupid, but children are adopted in some places ...
      2. -4
        20 January 2014 16: 25
        It all depends on whether it can be taught to stand up for men. If yes, then one, if not then the other. Genes or Mind. As far as I remember, no one has been proven.
        But it’s better to rely on genes, gene therapy is already working fine, and if the gene is detected, one prick is all. But statistics are needed to track down a gene.
    3. +6
      19 January 2014 02: 22
      Quote: BlackMokona
      In a society where Gays are spread rot, they hide, get married and give birth to new Gays

      pride is inherited by the female X chromosome. That is, until the uterus is eliminated, it will transmit that piece of DNA of an abnormal orientation further and further. In reality, a lot of people can have this infectious piece of DNA in their genes without suspecting it. In societies where gayness is a taboo, they will live as normal men. In societies that promote homosexuality, such a genotype can manifest itself in a phenotype, that is, those boys realize that they like boys. That is, the propaganda of homosexuality is the root of evil. You can even propagate with denying rhetoric, because for some the forbidden fruit is sweet. The most effective approach to the problem of homosexuality, as it was in the USSR. Homosexuality NO! Does not exist! Even forget the word, and let it remain only in the list of diseases in the book on a dusty shelf.
      I put you + for trying to think, but in this case you made a mistake.
      1. +2
        19 January 2014 19: 08
        Quote: Kohl
        pride is inherited by the female X chromosome.

        And here you are absolutely wrong !! Homosexuality can be caused by a huge number of reasons - both genetic and mental. Homosexuality in men and women differs in nature of occurrence. By the way, if you accept the hypothesis of his inheritance that you set out, then homosexual women, in short, should not be born lesbians at all)))) And they nonetheless exist!
        1. -1
          19 January 2014 23: 31
          From what you got that lesbians should not be born at all according to this theory, I did not even talk about them. Yes, the causes are genetic and mental, but this disorder as a psychic can exist in some only if the population has a background of a genetic disorder of a subpopulation. And here is the primary role of genetic inheritance that is transmitted along the female X chromosome. I personally did not participate in these studies, I rely on the data of scientists, if I’m not mistaken, I met Jeffrey Miller for the last time.
    4. Konunkt
      27 January 2014 01: 08
      Do not make laugh - This is the end of the Anglo-Saxon Nation in the literal scientific sense of Ethnogenesis.
      The Life Span of any Nation is 1200-1800 years and that's it!
      Sumerians lived - 1800 years
      The Great Roman Empire lived 954 BC - 476 = 1230 years
      Byzantium 341 - 1453 = 1112 years
      Anglo-Saxons 751 - 2013 = 1262 years old ---- it would be time already!

      How to know that the moment of death has come? - Very simple: Appolonius of Tiana, a Pythagorean scientist, clearly indicated the Sign of the imminent death of any Nation: legal fixing of Sexual perversions.
      So this question is completely non-moral - it is a formal sign of the death of Ethnos!
      Reference: Barack Abama signed the Law on Same-Sex Marriages in the spring of 2012.
      The question is - what is incomprehensible? - Nothing Eternal and Eternal Nations - DO NOT HAPPEN! A sign of death (rather than old age) of the nation is always a sharp decline in morals. Old Ethnicities will always die, and Young Ethnicities will always be born! Humanity is developing in a spiral, the circulation Period of which is 1200-1800 years. Anglo-Saxons with the age of 1262 years old end their period of existence. Russia (not to be confused with Russia!) -650 years (count yourself from Ivan 3 1440-1505, around 1482!)

      Now you can even see who is radically redrawing the map of Europe, and Russia, as always, is not ready for the redivision of the World ....
      Interestingly, for the first time in history, the seizure of power and territory of Europe takes place relatively peacefully - without wars, but - with the penetration of Muslims!
      The one who thinks is wrong. that France will simply become a colony of Algeria, and Germany will become a colony of Turkey: having received power, the new Wahhabis will send their own Sahabists from Algeria-Mauritania-Turkey to hell! And there is no need to twist your finger at my temple in my direction, because, for example, the English Parliament has already four times considered the possibility of introducing Muslim laws in England ....
  3. Month
    18 January 2014 11: 32
    Conclusion: that means the faster Western civilization will die out.
    The main thing is to try not to let this infection come to us.
    First of all, to strangle the media spreading such muck, like 1 geykanal.
  4. +4
    18 January 2014 11: 45
    There is such a thing in the world:Скрижали_Джорджии
    The Russian text reads:
    1. May the earthly population never exceed 500.000.000, being in constant balance with nature.
    2. Reasonably regulate the birth rate, increasing the value of life preparation and the diversity of mankind.
    3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.
    4. Exercise tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions, and the like.
    5. May fair laws and an impartial court stand up for the protection of peoples and nations.
    6. Let each nation decide its own internal affairs by submitting nation-wide problems to the world court.
    7. Avoid petty litigation and useless officials.
    8. Maintain a balance between personal rights and public responsibilities.
    9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
    10. Do not be a crab for the earth, leave a place for nature too!
  5. +8
    18 January 2014 12: 48
    Again about fag ... I thought, starting to read the article.

    About slaves - I agree.

    What's next?

    Remember - how did the Bolsheviks fight illiteracy?

    People began to learn the alphabet and spelling from the slogans: "We are not slaves! Slaves are not us!"

    We must continue in the same vein. Fight.
  6. +9
    18 January 2014 12: 58
    By the way. Cannibalism was chosen as an example in the article.

    So there you go! I remembered one case and I had a suspicion:

    Or are these human parasites and cannibalism already promoting?

    We just have not noticed this yet.

    Example: 10 years ago, a terrible story went around all the media about how one German ate another with his consent.

    I rummaged in the archives.,_%C0%F0%EC%E8%ED

    And I got scared. Read the links. It looks like the Overton Window for cannibalism is already opening ...

    Reflection in the mass culture of the actions of the German cannibal

    German metal band Rammstein dedicated the single “Mein Teil” from Reise, Reise to this incident. The word Teil translates as “part” (“member”) or “fate”. An adequate translation would be "share."
    Swedish band Bloodbath also has the song “Eaten” inspired by this event on their Nightmares Made Flesh album.
    Swedish band Bondage Fairies has a song called “Finkus Cooked My Cock,” which mentions Armin Mayves We ate my penis with my friend Armin Meiwes.
    In episode 3 of season 2 of the IT Crowd series Moss and the German, a similar situation is played out.
    In 2006, the feature film "Cannibal from Rothenburg", dedicated to the history of Armin Mayves, was shot.
    1. Roman A
      18 January 2014 13: 47
      Enot-poloskun by posting this article I prepared another one where they already taste human meat live you are not a valley from the truth (I hope the article is posted)
      1. 0
        18 January 2014 19: 35
        Quote: Roman A
        where they already taste human meat live

        This, if I guessed correctly, about one "cute" Japanese, "asexual"?
        1. Roman A
          18 January 2014 23: 55
          Not quite our dear Europeans Swedes
          1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      19 January 2014 11: 23
      Quote: Enot-poloskun
      Я покопался в архивах.,_%C0%F0%EC%E8%EDh
      ttp: // w And I got scared. Read the links. It looks like the Overton Window for cannibalism is already opening ...

      I wonder if he ate it with cabbage with beer or not.
      In general, what is this. Eaten was blue - so one less blue.
      Moreover, he wanted to be eaten, the second apparently wanted to eat someone.
      So two loneliness met. wassat
      The result is generally not the worst - one in prison - the second in the grave. There are fewer two perverts walking free. good
  7. MAG
    18 January 2014 13: 07
    Berserk 711 was already ahead of the author in the reprint of his article)
  8. +4
    18 January 2014 13: 30
    I liked the article, thanks. I myself have already begun to think about the more it is allowed, the less prohibitions, where there is no taboo on thinking loudly. There it begins, fermentation and discussion, and then the change of concepts and the replacement of words and concepts. Here at the end is freedom of speech. There you have the revolution.
  9. kaktus
    18 January 2014 13: 33
    Offfiget ... request
  10. +1
    18 January 2014 13: 52
    Freedom begins with stripping
    Zakhar Prilepin: an answer to the Nobelians or reflections on the nature of obscurantism
    Let’s without emotions, calmly, thesis.
  11. +1
    18 January 2014 14: 41
    I don’t know how to compare gayness and cannibalism *? How?
    Say cannibalism - it was present in the history of mankind (we are still not pure carnivores, we are a cross between grass and carnivores) not from a good life
    The dead view of its kind - at the natural level disgusts at our NATURAL level! And not only in humans - in all predators. Many predators cannot eat their representatives, although they may well kill them.
    So mother nature at least somehow inspires at the level of the brain, that her own is BAD. And in the history of man there were no longer mass acts of cannibalism even during very hungry sieges and deprivations. The nature is sometimes stronger than the instinct of self-preservation.
    But there were separate cases and now there are also - as any rules have rare exceptions
    Well, the occasion of gayness. In nature, this is often found.
    In humans, approximately 10%. Maybe the mechanism of some kind of regulation of male individuals.
    And sometimes culture didn’t forbid (for example, Greece and much was allowed from a well-fed life)
    To impose gayism to make it "not bad but normal" is much easier than cannibalism.
    Indeed, in the era of a society of consumption and pleasures, everything began to be measured through a prism - I really want more.
    In an era of hardships, the human essence gathers and tightens the screws of its gluttony, and a lot is immediately eliminated. Society expels "others"
    Wait, mankind is still "indulge" in a fertile period of its history
    1. -1
      18 January 2014 16: 23
      Quote: Cristall
      Say cannibalism, he was present in the history of mankind (

      The body of the Lord, the blood of the Lord?
    2. +4
      18 January 2014 19: 41
      My answer is this: both cannibalism and homosexuality have always been present in humans. And also people have always been born with Down syndrome, various other genetic and embryonic disorders leading to dementia, deformities, etc. Tell me, would you consider congenital dementia to be "normal" too? NO. This is a violation in its purest form. And homosexuality is also a violation in its pure form, only not affecting mental activity. Therefore, I believe that first of all it is necessary to STUDY THE PROBLEM, to establish the causes of the emergence and development of homosexuality in a person in order to SEARCH METHODS OF TREATMENT and prevention! Diseases must be learned to treat, including hereditary ones ... And in no case should one say that this is normal, and that this is an "example to follow" ...
      1. +2
        19 January 2014 02: 52
        Quote: Albert1988
        My answer is: cannibalism and homosexuality have always been present in humans.

        Well, they've already started talking about cannibalism. So the technology works. Did the author not cannibal for an hour, deciding to legalize?
        1. 0
          19 January 2014 19: 12
          Quote: shuhartred
          Well, they already talked about cannibalism

          "To talk about cannibalism" in the context of the concept outlined by the author means to bring it up for wide public consideration, much wider than within the framework of this site, when this problem is being discussed at once on many Internet resources. And so in a narrow circle of scientists, this problem has been discussed for a long time in various undeveloped tribes and the general public does not care))))
          1. 0
            19 January 2014 23: 04
            Quote: Albert1988
            "To talk about cannibalism" in the context of the concept outlined by the author means to bring it up for wide public consideration, much wider than within the framework of this site,

            You have to start somewhere.
      2. +2
        19 January 2014 23: 47
        And if WHO excludes cancer or AIDS from the list of diseases, will people stop dying from them? And if schizophrenia - also everyone will recover ??? The disease must be fought, not recognized as the norm.
  12. +1
    18 January 2014 16: 55
    I can’t understand one thing: Why do they need it?
    1. Roman A
      19 January 2014 00: 07
      I'll try to put forward a theory
      need sheep need cattle people who care about their libido
      As said
      Quote: Old scoop
      Technological breakthroughs can significantly reduce the number of slaves. The load on the planet will decrease, there will be enough resources for a longer time, and there you look and space expansion will arrive in time. Managing less is again easier. The essence is clear - there are too many of us, hence the direction of the efforts of the world elite.

      and there is some truth
      converges more and more to the world order
      Another question is why Europeans and not Asians? are there more of them?
      And Russia is only 140 mil. not clear (probably)
  13. +7
    18 January 2014 18: 56
    Article plus describes the real mechanism for manipulating consciousness to achieve certain goals. But in relation to the peoples of the former Empire called the USSR, this mechanism did not work for one reason that the Soviet person is a thinking person. People read a lot, developed. There were certain firm moral principles that did not allow to deviate from normal human development. The emergence of the propaganda of homosyatine or pedophilia was considered something of a fantasy. Yes, there were some "individuals" with deviations. But there are exceptions to any rule. They pounded on the sly somewhere along the gateways until they were caught. Or isolated cases of cannibalism or pedophilia, which were isolated, and not nationwide ...
    The past is being eradicated from us, something ephemeral is imposed on us, which destroys this very society. And we still mumble something about some democratic principles ... Somehow 7-8 years ago I accidentally watched the so-called "show", where the heroine was a certain female body, which declared to the whole country that giving birth is the greatest sin ... This is so drained of brains that would weave all over the country. Well, if you don't want to - don't give birth. Die yourself. But why put it out on people? And still a bunch of gears! We are told that this is democracy, people are liberated. And it seems to me that this is DEGRADATION. To get to the point that the rights of some couple of perverts were higher than the rights of most normal people ???
    Someone gives birth, and this child will grow in an atmosphere of "parent 1" and "parent", where both parents are P ... SY? And further in the text. Whoever is still able to think will understand himself what I am talking about. If we have this, then, gentlemen, then there is no need to whine that we are expressing ourselves. Serves us right.
    And all due to the fact that we are turning from a nation of reading, educated and thinking people into a herd of consumers, who will be told what it will be ...
    Sad ...
  14. shvindin2012
    18 January 2014 20: 04
    We are told that this is democracy, people are free.

    In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the democratic principles of state governance, because officially legalized clauses of their Constitutions, with their competent use not reaching the point of absurdity, it is possible to build a prosperous spiritually and materially society, of which the utopians of all times dreamed, bringing them closer to biblical ideals, however, it should be understood that the principle of freedom of speech, freedom of equality and opinion should be distributed with given the receipt of such excessive freedom of harm to the individuals to whom these opinions are directed. Indeed, absolute democracy, in principle, cannot be absolute freedom, otherwise, as everyone already understands, there will come a decomposition of society and the integral system of the state.
    I advise you at your leisure, although in general terms to read about the ideal society in Jacques Fresco's project "Venus", his ideals resonate with the ideals and TRUE values ​​of a democratic state!

    Someone gives birth, and this child will grow in an atmosphere of "parent 1" and "parent", where both parents are P ... SY?

    What does this policy of legalizing the unnatural carry with it? To the cultivation of a homosexual, typical by all signs, receiving for society another inferior, broken consciousness that contradicts the nature of nature? But what about the demographic situation, where will this purposeful "vow of female celibacy" lead? The answer is obvious, however paradoxical it is.
    1. +2
      18 January 2014 20: 52
      Yes, there have never been any democracies on Earth! Neither in the invented ancient history, nor in today's world order. The Fresco project is utopian, as are the statements of many dreamers before it. For democracy is an illusion. Give people what they want and they will exalt you to heaven. In the case of the so-called democracy, people are given a dream. And the people think that they are democratic (they also told him), although in reality they continue to be subordinate to their rulers. And in my deepest conviction, democracy in its present form is another way to regulate the population, control the consciousness of any people, and most importantly, a fairly successful way to achieve everything you need. Gdavnoe skillfully use this magic word - democracy.
      It turns out that there was democracy in the Union. After all, the people's wealth belonged to the people and everyone was happy. But another democracy came and all the wealth began to be owned not by the people. So where was the real democracy ???
      1. shvindin2012
        18 January 2014 23: 36
        Yes, there have never been any democracies on Earth! Neither in the invented ancient history, nor in today's world order.

        You are right, true democracy, with its fair tolerance and conscious freedom, has never existed. Ancient Greece became its ancestor, however, the "people's power" republican system was partly incomplete, since the very concept of "power of the people" extended only to adult men.

        For democracy is an illusion. And in my deepest conviction, democracy in its present form is another way to regulate the population, control the consciousness of any people, and most importantly, a fairly successful way to achieve everything you need.

        On the contrary, democracy is the desire to spread the fundamental human rights and freedoms in society. An illusion is any utopia, including strict absolute observance of the inviolability of the ideological foundations of democracy. And it is precisely this fundamental impossibility that the governments of progressive states use for their manipulations with honest citizens.

        It turns out that there was democracy in the Union. After all, the people's wealth belonged to the people and everyone was happy. But another democracy came and all the wealth began to be owned not by the people. So where was the real democracy ???

        A real democracy will be one in which there are all the prerequisites, all conditions for independent, without government intervention, compliance with its fundamental principles without accompanying the violation of the rights of other citizens. Simply put, to provide people with everything necessary for this: comfortable living conditions, so that people completely forget what need is, by all sorts of methods, promote the individuality, peculiarity of each person, so as not to become like a consumer lifestyle and the desire to follow the rest of the masses, actively promote the creative beginning of any citizen without any religious and national prejudices and, finally, through the media, the church, the educational system, inspire calm for the future, optimism, self-confidence and their endeavors, and instill in anyone leadership qualities and desire to transform the planet !!
        1. +1
          19 January 2014 00: 33
          Yes, by the way, there are too many streamlined concepts and no specifics. Taldychats and pro-Westerners are the same ... Utopia, imposed by force
  15. +1
    18 January 2014 20: 36
    This is not destruction technology. This is the "Law of the Situation Development". True, he needs keys so as not to point a finger to the sky
  16. +1
    18 January 2014 22: 02
    Perverts, they are perverts in Europe. And Africa has nothing to do with it.
  17. +1
    19 January 2014 00: 27
    Damn - really tired !!!!!! 5th, damn it, the topic and everything about pi ** ditch !!!!!! What the hell !!!!!!! This site about what generally ?????? Even on they don’t write so much .........
    1. +3
      19 January 2014 10: 11
      Madame, it's just that on the continent, such an education as the EU, has decided, in the absence of other normal ideas, to put pid ... at the forefront and are actively promoting it. Consequently, the economy, the military sphere, education and further down the list - everything is tied to the rights of pid ... owls. There, probably, already without a mark in the mat "tolerant of all kinds of love" and do not take to work wassat .
      I don’t like it myself! for me, they would have felled a forest somewhere in Siberia.
      Better yet, walk along the nursery of this famil with a nuclear sword and after 20 years sow everything with corn ... soldier .
      But alas. The sad reality of our time - 3,14daras prevail ... request
      1. +1
        23 January 2014 23: 50
        Madame is still far from me))))) And the rest is sad. We must somehow try not to let this infection come to us.
  18. +3
    19 January 2014 00: 29
    Quote: shvindin2012
    A real democracy will be one in which there are all the prerequisites, all conditions for independent, without government intervention, compliance with its fundamental principles without accompanying the violation of the rights of other citizens. Simply put, to provide people with everything necessary for this: comfortable living conditions, so that people completely forget what need is, by all sorts of methods, promote the individuality, peculiarity of each person, so as not to become like a consumer lifestyle and the desire to follow the rest of the masses, actively promote the creative beginning of any citizen without any religious and national prejudices and, finally, through the media, the church, the educational system, inspire calm for the future, optimism, self-confidence and their endeavors, and instill in anyone leadership qualities and desire to transform the planet !!

    This cannot be, because this cannot be! These conditions themselves are not possible on their own, because there are such things as economics, the army, industry. They themselves already have inequality, a kind of hierarchical component, where always one will have more rights than the other. And if all they want to live carefreely without harsh religious and national prejudices, it is necessary that everyone receives the same thing, that they have the same religion and nationality. This is impossible because of the opening of borders and freedom of movement. Therefore, democracy itself in this case is not democracy. Because someone it will be worse in better conditions, but this is not equality.
    The declaration of equal access to certain procedures (elections, equality before the law, receiving various kinds of services) does not yet make this system democratic. The offender can be released, because no one has canceled the bribes yet. And what, justice has triumphed? In elections, everyone is given the right to vote, but the one for whom you vote does not always win (maybe a rigging of the results). BUT ... you voted. Used your right. But in this case, the Union also had democracy, they also went to vote. In America, democracy. Everyone is equal. Who has money, can get medical care, who does not have money, cannot ... Realize their creativity? on an empty stomach somehow does not "go on" ...
    Say what is democracy ??? Democracy is when you could find a job and you were confident in your future, when you studied for free and knew that your knowledge would come in handy in the future. When you don’t like work and you easily changed it to another without consequences. When you are sure that your police REALLY saves you and that tomorrow will be the same as today. Such a time was. In the Union.
    Today I can’t quit, even though I don’t like the job, because I have nowhere else to go. My children cannot go to school because I don’t have that much money wherever they want. And your employer, because of the democratic Western system, can simply throw out of work not for your abilities, but just like that ...
    Freedom of choice and human rights? Democracy ???? Rave. The power of money and the 20% of the population that own it are called democracy conditions that will keep the remaining 80% without these privileges under their heels. And even all the conditions that you have described are just head over heels.
    Democracy and equality of rights was 25 years ago. But we have delayed them. And what is called democracy today is a dummy ...
    Personally, I believe in a strong state. A strong state cannot be democratic. Because if you start to fulfill the whims of various perverts and sectarians, there will be no one to defend the country and give birth to children.
    This is just my opinion.
  19. +1
    19 January 2014 09: 27
    Europe with its gays will die out, but a Muslim generation will grow up there, then there will be elections, some bin laden will win, after having nuclear weapons, he will say that a great jihad should take place all over the world, "in principle, they say this now," after that he will give the order to destroy countries where "infidels" live and the whole history of mankind will start from scratch, does the geyropa still do not understand or does not want to understand, or is it right?
  20. Snipe 74
    19 January 2014 12: 50
    Quote: BlackMokona
    Many forget about the old Darwin.
    In a society where Gays are spread rot, they hide, get married and give birth to new Gays.
    In a society where they are not spread rot, they crawl out, marry peasants, and do not give birth to new gays.
    Tricky plan.

    Old man Darwin is a foolish man born of a monkey
  21. 0
    19 January 2014 14: 57
    "Unthinkable" - was the title of the Allied operation in which the Anglo-American troops, with the involvement of German divisions, were to attack the Soviet Union immediately after the end of the war with Germany. Then the Fulton speech of Churchill's fiery tribune, spinning the flywheel of introducing the "enemy image" and the unthinkable for ordinary English, American, Russian guys at 45 becomes inevitable, familiar, natural after some years. At 50 m we are already grappling (indirectly) in Korea and off we go. As for cannibalism, I agree with those who believe that this taboo will be stronger than gayness, pedophilia, etc. because it involves murder. The film has "Survivors" about Uruguay's youth rugby team. In 1972, they crashed in the Andes at an altitude of 3600 meters at the end of winter, they held out for 72 days out of 45 people, 16. They survived, as you understand, by eating their dead comrades. So one of the two heroes who made the only registered crossing without equipment in the Andes and led the rescuers - Roberto Canessa at 94 ran for president and got 0.08 votes i.e. very few considered him a hero
  22. 0
    19 January 2014 15: 58
    Quote: blizart
    In 1972, they crashed in the Andes at an altitude of 3600

    The case of cannibalism, unfortunately, happened around the same time in our mountains of Central Asia. I don’t tell you about the details. They are scary. worse than the above case.
  23. +2
    19 January 2014 18: 53
    + 100500!!!
    And notice how the rhetoric is changing: just a few years ago, the emphasis was on pure biology, tales about chromosomes there, genes, about 10% of latent ones weaved, they pressed on pity, etc. Many believed. Now the tone has changed dramatically, "this is our free choice and you, poor straight people, will have to reckon with it." What will happen next, in general, is clear: "homophobes - on the bunk." Here the kids will learn, and it will go like clockwork. angry
  24. rereture
    19 January 2014 19: 12
    Well, regarding cannibalism, the more hungry a person is, the less he ate meat, the more aggressive he is towards other people, and the more mentally prepared they are to eat another person. For example vegans
  25. 0
    19 January 2014 21: 52
    And let’s send our reformist liberals to Papua New Guinea.

    As humanitarian aid.

    There are many starving Papuans.

    But the reformers and liberals we have fattened)))

    In short - Novodvorskaya - for a business breakfast, the leader of the tribe, let Chubais at lunch, Gorbachev - at the fife-o-block.

    And the business lunch will be taken by United Russia.

    There will be no dinner. The Papuans will die.
  26. 0
    20 January 2014 03: 36
    I feel sorry for the children. They believe in TV.
    1. 0
      20 January 2014 11: 02
      but you do not skimp, teach to see deception, and think.
  27. 0
    20 January 2014 15: 04
    - Enemies must be beaten with their own weapons! If the system really "functions" it is necessary to push through the necessary ideas with its help. Well, for example: Every pervert is given the right to compulsory euthanasia at the expense of society - why not? wassat
  28. The comment was deleted.
  29. LAO
    24 January 2014 13: 20
    Unfortunately I could not read this crazy nonsense to the end!
    In my opinion, the author’s only task is to crap the west.
    Of course, I understand - either the article is ordered or the author, in impotent anger, to change his life for the better and at least somehow, in terms of living standards, come close to European standards, starts pouring crap on Europe ("The Fox and the Grapes").
    And during the famine in Ukraine, in 1933 provoked by Stalin, people ate the dead - cannibalism. And the cause of the enemies of the people of 1938. Doctors' Case 1953.
    With us, under socialism, such shit - at every turn ...
    All this garbage by and large! TOTAL their standard of living is an order of magnitude higher than ours. We need to draw conclusions and not be rude in their direction, but to improve the standard of living of our people leaving empty talk!
  30. Michaelmi
    5 February 2014 16: 04
    Filip Dik
    Already been a long time ago. For my taste :) the topic of cannibalism is better disclosed by Philip Dick
    The one who joked The Man Who Japed 1956 Translation of the name - “The man who ridiculed”, “The head on the dish”, “The man who knew how to joke”
    There is much to tell about Active Assimilation in the last (23) chapter.