We are not slaves

33-year-old Anzor Margushev, 25-year-old Vadim Shogenov and 24-year-old Artur Margushev are suspected of cynical violence against residents of the Kirov and Predgorny regions of the Stavropol Territory.

According to a source in LifeNews in law enforcement, all the suspects are natives of the village of Svitlovodskoye Kabardino-Balkaria. Vadim Shogenov and Artur Margushev had previously been announced in the federal wanted list.

Recall today in the Stavropol region in connection with the killings of six local residents and the discovery of four explosive devices introduced a counter-terrorist operation.
On the eve of the Kirov and Piedmont areas of the region were found five cars, inside of which were dead people. A total of six bodies with gunshot wounds were found in the machines.

During the operational work, an improvised explosive device worked near one of the machines, but, fortunately, none of the security forces suffered.

Later, the remaining three bombs were found, law enforcement officers were able to neutralize them.

- Last night in the stanitsa of the Maryinsky Stavropol Territory in the car were found the bodies of three men. Next to the car was an improvised explosive device in a galvanized bucket. With the help of explosives, it was rendered harmless, and at the moment, investigators are inspecting the scene of the incident, ”said TFR spokesman Vladimir Markin told LifeNews. - Criminal cases on these facts were initiated under the articles 105, 222, 317 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Murder", "Illegal traffic weapons"and" Encroachment on the life of law enforcement officers. "In the near future, they will be merged into one production. At the moment, investigators are working out several versions of what happened, establishing the motives for committing these crimes.

As the main investigators, they are working on the version according to which the cause of the killing of private cabs was a conflict with representatives of the North Caucasian bandit underground.

-- Taxi drivers could be killed because they refused to pay tax on jihad to members of local terrorist groups, and also as a kind of edification and warning to other businessmen, a source in the law enforcement agencies of Stavropol Territory told Izvestia. - As far as I know, gangsters besieged businessmen and wealthy people with a bid for zakat in 2,5% from profits. The militants' handwriting is also indicated by the double-blown method, when they leave explosives at the crime scene in order to blow up investigators and operatives who have arrived there.

In classical Islam, the term "Zakat" means a compulsory tax in favor of the poor, which every Muslim pays out of his income, but in recent years he has received a new interpretation. Criminals and radical Islamic groups under the guise of Zakat are engaged in extortion.

The version that militants were involved in the killings was confirmed to Izvestia by one of the Pyatigorsk taxi drivers.

-- They demand payment from us regularly, the driver said. - This is done under the guise of zakat, however, in fact, we pay tribute. As they say guys from other cities, it is spread throughout the region.

On Thursday, in Stavropol, local authorities and security officials met with taxi drivers, at which they were called upon to report incidents of extortion by the criminal gangs ...

We are not slaves. Slaves are not us.

With these words began the Soviet primer. Who has at hand - look at the new one. Why is it sure that these words are not there. I will be glad to make mistakes ...

The bright memory of those peasants who were killed in the Stavropol region. Whoever they are, one thing can be said for them quite definitely - they refused to pay tribute.

They are not slaves. And we?

I will share this article in two parts. The first one is specific to what happened, the second one is based on what is happening in general. Because these killings are just a puzzle, part of the big picture.

As for what happened in the Stavropol region, for me personally - there is nothing new. Extortion under the guise of collecting "Zakat" case in the Caucasus is common and widespread. The “religious” nature of the charges allows overcoming barriers that prevent extortion in a clan society, such as the threat of revenge. Like, we take not for ourselves, but for a good cause. The scheme is simple: come and say - pay zakat. If you say that you are not a Muslim, then pay with your life. According to various estimates, from 50 to 90,% of jihadists are not engaged in jihad, but in this criminal industry, the illegal members of the bandit underground receive a share, and maintain the proper degree of tension in society so that the victims of extortion feel fear and pay. Full pockets of cash from terrorists killed during the CTO are common.

Worse, a considerable number of flash drives (requirements to pay) are written by law enforcement officers, who have decided in this way to earn extra money. As a result, an unbearable situation is created for any business and there is no longer any talk of any “investment climate”. It’s not even about the doing business rating and our place in it, it’s a lot better. This is a wild field, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria.

The transition from terrorist to criminal news. In Colombia for example. Communist guerrillas from the nineties are engaged in the protection of drug plantations and drug trafficking, and have a share of this. The Taliban in the nineties hung drug traffickers - and now has a share of them, and this share is a significant share in their financing. The link of terrorist and criminal elements, the transition of terrorist organizations to self-financing by extortion is a new, modern trend of jihad, caused by special services measures to cut off funding channels.

The news is that this is happening in Russian (for the present) Stavropol region. In the Russian region, ordinary, non-Muslim businessmen are going to zakat - 2.5% of the profits. Extortion has been going on for a long time already from Muslims - but the fact that Russians are being massively robbed is relatively new. In fact - we are talking about the revival of rackets 90-x, only on a new, much more dangerous basis, coupled with religious terrorism. Now any criminal group of migrant workers has a great opportunity - to declare themselves jihadists and start collecting zakat. It is clear that such activities will lead to the fact that sooner or later the racketeers will be forced to move to an illegal situation - and replenish the ranks of already real terrorists. Will be forced to go into the forest. Imagine that the "forest brothers" will appear IN ALL RUSSIA. Not in the Caucasus, somewhere there - but throughout Russia. Presented, yes?

This problem cannot be solved by separating the Caucasus: Caucasians will not get anywhere from this. This is a problem at the national level - it is about how, according to what rules we will do business in the country. Iraqi or European. It is about the actual enslavement of the Russians and the collection of tribute. Will we pay it - it depends on us. From the state too, but more from us.

Now we come to the general picture of the world, part of which is the murder of taxi drivers.

1. Have you noticed that the unequivocal trend for at least the last one and a half - two decades - is archaization? It is amazing, but at the same time with the rapid progress in the technical sphere (at least in its informational part and in energy saving) - an equally rapid regress in the public sphere occurs. Philosophy and ideology have failed as well - we have absolutely no answers to the challenges of the new time. We face critical threats to our existence: aggressive migration, Wahhabisation, destabilization of entire regions with the creation of zones of incessant wars, destruction and degradation of statehood - while we do not have any tools to solve these problems, we just don’t know do. There are large, ever-increasing strata and populations who want to live with us, enjoy the benefits of a developed society - and at the same time live their own way, antisocial, aggressive, and not just live like that - but also impose our views on us, demand respect their "cultural features". What to do with it? We also do not know.

The only ideology with which the ideologues and philosophers of the past decades have “blessed” us is the ideology of tolerance. It includes:

- Cultivating guilt feelings. At the same time, the fault in such an ideology is not individual, it must be felt by all the people and must feel constantly, over a long period of time. Before this, every person felt guilty individually, for what he had done, and he could get rid of this guilt in one way or another: apologize, make amends for harm, go to church and repent, serve a criminal sentence. The main thing is that after some actions the wine was removed, and the person should not feel it anymore. In Europe, the same constant sense of guilt is imposed without forgiveness or repentance.

- Destructive social practices such as homosexuality, pedophilia, other sexual perversions as the norm, an aggressive attack on the family, state intervention in the affairs of the family, mass corruption of children, abandonment of the family and the cult of "childfree", the rejection of reproduction, experiments with "twenty types sex ", considering sex not as something unshakable and dependent on nature (man-woman), but what a person can change by his will.

- Rejection of the basic norm of democracy as “rule by the will of the majority” and its replacement with rule by the will of minorities, satisfaction of the demands of minorities to the detriment of the majority, destruction of the core of society and destabilization of its social structure

- Refusal to work as a norm and replacing it with various types of rents, the appearance of a huge layer of freeloaders of various types

- Demobilization and disarmament. Maximum reduction of the army at the same time with the withdrawal of weapons from the population. Planting the helplessness of the common man before any violence and aggression as the norm

At the same time, aliens possess a developed and aggressive totalitarian ideology of Wahhabism, suggesting the need for war and robbery by God's will, sanctioning any kind of crimes against "infidels", glorifying those who are shahids in the path of Allah "as saints and giving the goal of seizing everything of the world. It is clear that a society where the ideology of tolerance flourishes is powerless against Wahhabis. And blood in Europe does not flow only because Europeans donate everything they want to the aliens without blood. But the situation is worsening there, and after Syria, after those who fought there return to Europe, it will become completely different.

2. An important part of archaization is a departure from the thesis about the importance of labor. Who does not work - he does not eat, it was not even questioned. We can say that this thesis has lost its relevance with the advent of capitalism - but this is far from being the case, only those badly hurt by Marx can speak about it. The fact is that the owner of a business - works no less, but on the contrary - more than a simple worker, just his work is fundamentally different. The worker works on the machine - while the business owner has to arrange for this machine to be, to have a room where to connect it, to have electricity, to have raw materials, to work out the parts on this machine with others into a single whole, and the main thing is that someone wants to buy this "whole", and for money that is sufficient to pay for all the previous links. Yes, the business owner does not do everything himself, he hires people, places them in posts and organizes their joint work. But he does it! It can be compared with the conductor of the orchestra or the director of the film. Yes, the conductor does not play any musical instrument himself, and the director is not visible either behind the camera or in front of her. But how will the orchestra play without a conductor? Or - will the film be made without a director? Is it possible to say that the director or conductor does not work? As for the thesis of exploitation - after all, no one is forbidden to quit their job and start their own business, right? And those who want it - it does, and no one exploits them anymore.

And even those who live like a rentier, for interest on money - they also do something, at least they choose the right tools for investments, and they also take risks - with their own money.

And here we are talking about a fundamentally different thing. And it does not close in the Caucasus. I recently saw a discussion in one Tatar forum, where it was discussed - and with what, Russians are actually dissatisfied. The Golden Horde charged a tribute at 15% - is that a lot? Especially compared to today's taxes?

Feel the difference. This is a fundamentally different thing - the right to borrow tribute. That is, payments are not by the right of work or the right to hand over some resources - but by the right of the strong one. And not before the police knock on the door - but constantly, for a long time. And they are discussing, in general, normal people who consider themselves civilized, working somewhere and someone. However, they do not consider the tribute something abnormal, they calmly discuss it. This is a little different, not comparable even with racketeering. Racketeer - realizes that he commits a criminal offense, extorting money. And here we are talking about collecting tribute as the norm.

And this is not only ours. Around the world, the process of statehood is spreading. First, some battle groups appear. Then - they start thinking about financing and start collecting money. Some of them become so strong that their existence becomes a threat to the security of the state (as in Lebanon, for example) or causes a civil war (as in Syria or Iraq). It is erroneously considered that such groups are financed by "sheikhs from the Gulf" or "Americans." In fact, most of the funds for the existence of these groups are collected on the spot, by various kinds of criminal activity (kidnapping, cultivation or transportation of drugs) or by charging various types of tribute from the local population (zakat, jizya, requisition).

In Russia, in society, there is not even a discussion about how normal and legitimate it is to collect tribute. And it would be necessary. Because the events in the Stavropol region highlighted a very unpleasant trend. At first, zakat was collected only in the Caucasus and only among Muslims. The maximum that was enough crazy for the Russians was to kill and move into an apartment. Then they started demanding Zakat from those of Caucasian businessmen who moved outside the Caucasus. And now they demand zakat both from Russians and outside the Caucasus. So far - I only have enough strength to rob small business (the same taxi drivers). But if this is not stopped - they will begin to rob and large. And far beyond Stavropol. And Russia will turn into a country paying tribute.

3. Possible consequences of the spread of jihad on the territory of Russia.

Not long ago, I posted an article from one of the Muslim forums about events in the Muslim city of Sari-Chin. Where do you think it is? Yes, in our country! Sari-Chin is Volgograd. Did not know. Well, now know.

The first thing to understand is that the problem is not limited to the Caucasus and is not solved by the Caucasus. Separating the Caucasus, we will not remove Caucasians anywhere. Even if you collect them all and send them back to the Caucasus, they will still leak back. And they will do what they did - rob, beat, rape, collect tribute.

The role of the state in combating this is serious, but not fundamental. The fact is that the state is at the very least poor, but it works. There are detentions, there are courts, there are landings. But in general - this does not change the picture. The bottom line is that planting one Caucasian does not instill in others the idea that we must live by the law and not commit crimes. And the one that sat down is hardly rehabilitated. Thus, one of the most important functions of criminal punishment - preventive - is not performed here. Caucasians both committed crimes and committed them. And ordinary and terrorist.

What could be next? I will say straight away that this is an extreme option and it is quite possible to suppress the jihad spreading throughout the country. But for this, it is necessary to clearly understand that the infection has gone beyond the Caucasus and it is necessary to fight it everywhere. Already, the Caucasians (the Caucasus Emirate) are laying claim to the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, the Rostov Region, Kalmykia. Volgograd for them is the Muslim city of Sari-Chin and they are serious. Under the blows of law enforcement and special forces, the Wahhabi underground mutates and seeks a new, less aggressive environment for its development. This medium can be all of Russia. Already in 2010, in his address to the militants, Doku Umarov urged to move to calmer regions and organize jihad there. So far this process is not very developed - all the same in the Caucasus, they are fighting in their mountains, and in the center of Russia - they will be forced into alien ones. But this process can accelerate two factors. The first is the Wahhabization of the Russians, the return of both Russian and Caucasian militants from Syria — Russians who accepted Wahhabism can become guides for the bandits in their regions. Then - the whole of Russia, the forests of the middle zone, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan - can be safer than the forests of the Caucasus, and there it can be waged for years. And already in an almost uninhabited Siberia ...

The second is the spread of the practice of levying zakat from the Russians - this gives a steady channel of financing. And recruiting recruiting. Not on jihad - but first into the group of racketeers. You just need to accept Islam - and now nobody will touch you, everyone will be afraid of you, and you will have a lot of money received from the “collection of Zakat”. Previously, for the sake of safety, they went to the adolescent group — and they would go to the Wahhabi, and not only LCN, but also Russian boys. The same as the nineties racket - only the end is a little different. In the nineties, as soon as the police "fell on the tail" - the bosses dumped in Spain, the bulls moved to the bunks or died. Now it will be: I have filed it, opened a criminal case - and the boy (Russian!), Twenty or twenty-five years old, has a question: either to jail or jihad, along a ready-made and paid corridor to some place like Syria. Those who survive in the jihadist slaughter will come back - already experienced, and ready for everything a terrorist.

4. Russia and the level of everyday violence.

Events in the Stavropol region make us think about which way we are going. Take two options - the United States and Latin America. In the US, despite the huge amount of weapons on hand, the level of everyday violence is very low. You should not judge the United States by militants - in reality, for example, last year in New York there was a day when not a single violent crime was recorded in a huge, multi-million dollar city. No one! This is the highest level of security, even by our standards.

And take Latin America. The same Mexico - there are six dead do not even deserve to be mentioned in the news - on the streets there are two, three dozen dismembered corpses are found. In 2012, more than fifteen thousand people died in street battles, despite the fact that the law on weapons in Mexico is very tough and an ordinary person is not readily available (in practice there are no problems with this). Approximately the same thing exists in other Latin American countries. There are skyscrapers, there is some kind of industry - but at the same time there are armed gangs. Everyone knows that, the police are fighting with them, some of the bandits are killed in exchanges of fire with the police or in internecine wars. But the gangs remain, they are recruited recruiting and finally - they can not be defeated. And everyone lives with it, and it seems even they live normally - but everyone knows that there are gangsters in the country.

The events in the Stavropol region, the mass and demonstrative murder of six people - this is an application to raise the level of everyday violence just to the Latin American level. In the USSR, there was no such thing as gangs, and it was impossible to end them. And now, twenty years later - we still do not have (with the exception of the Caucasus and some areas of Moscow and St. Petersburg) places where the ordinary, unarmed citizen does not risk entering because there are gangs there. But if it goes on like this, such places will begin to appear throughout Russia. No, this does not mean that the state will collapse - Latin American states have normally existed for decades. But the level of everyday violence will not be comparable with what is now. And six corpses - will cease to be news deserving front pages.

Do we need it? If not, then we must decide what to do so that this does not happen. And to decide right now, because if you run the situation like in Latin America and make the high level of everyday violence habitual, then to lower it back you will need such measures as were taken by the so-called. Stalin and Yezhov.

5. Why is this happening to us?
For a start - a great note.

Urgent message. Representatives of the largest national TV channels held a joint press conference at which they stated that they had made a collective decision - not to limit themselves to canceling humor programs, but to refuse to broadcast all entertainment programs on New Year's Eve. Instead of the shows prepared in advance, Russian TV viewers will see a single New Year telethon of solidarity on all channels.

"Do not worry. Congratulations, songs and even dances - all this will be on your screens, but given the tragedy that we all went through together," they said at a press conference. Let the telethon participants find the right words and notes to express your pain. Direction will be minimal. " The leading artists of the country have already announced that they are canceling their private performances on New Year's Eve, to be on this important moment with their country live.

The press conference participants stressed that this is their own choice, not dictated by any political pressure. Representatives of all TV channels agreed with this. Advertisers have already announced that they do not intend to revise their New Year contracts. Most of the artists who have broken their performances claim that they have found mutual understanding with customers and they did not charge them with a penalty.

Beautiful, yes? But dreamed and that's enough. There was no press conference and there will not be. Everything is as usual: blue light, artificial snow, plywood sound, botox faces, silicone breasts, hyaluronic sponges, Polovtsian dances pseudo-elite. Well, maybe, they build in seconds for thirty precious airtime a sad monologue of the host on the theme "we grieve, but life goes on." Or maybe not vmontiruyut. War is war and disco is on schedule.

But I'm not a telecritic. Let's leave television alone - a farce is a farce. This is only a special case of the phenomenon, which I was mortally tired of watching. Every time a mass tragedy happens in Russia, after her, the country is shaken by such a shock wave of shame that, because of shame, you want to dig into the ground with a demining shovel.

Anxious gloating on the one hand (“Hooray, rotten regime has once again proved its inconsistency!”) And civil autism on the other (“Return KVN! Why does everything explode just before KVN ?!”) are flooded with poisonous napalm. The question of which of these two reactions is worse is not the question that is worth looking for an answer. Worse both. But with indifferent consumers, demand is minimal. They do not claim anything. Demand from those in the cage, who in the asset. Who influences minds, who participates in decision-making, who ruled the country yesterday, and maybe it will govern tomorrow.

You guys out of your mind ?! Right? Are you sure?! Here again, re-read what you have written here. Try to transcribe these statements to similar situations in other, not as free states as ours. And answer yourself honestly to the question: what would remain of your career and reputation, if you allowed it in the USA, Germany, Israel, and Japan.

"The second explosion in Volgograd. And one more - in Pyatigorsk. The Olympiad is sweeping the country. And what: the fire, too, and people-torchbearers ...".

"At the train stations, not gay people explode themselves, but the champions of traditional values ​​and spiritual braces. Because there is nothing more terrible and dangerous than these very values ​​and braces."

"The most important and the most terrible thing - they spoiled the new year for the whole country."

I do not specifically name the authors, although they are all famous people. And these are people not only from the ranks of the “progressive public”. A granite pebble in the chest - it either exists or does not exist, and political views do not matter here. With the cynicism of the expressions that have escaped from such hearts, only the level of incompetence of the councils on how to defeat terrorism can contend. It reminds me of how we cheer in our stadiums. For every "handsome!" with a dozen "goats" and "freaks". Once I ended up at a football match with the Koreans. Shot on goal - stormy applause. A blow past the gate - a storm of applause. Kicking past the ball - loud applause.

Here is another quote. This is my colleague, journalist Ilya Peresedov:

"On such days it becomes quite obvious to me how bad it is that we are deprived of the culture and skill of the public experience of faith. Because when trouble happens, there are massively voices - angry, angry, exposing. But in fact - it's just a quack of anxious hens. I know that in stories people coped with troubles only when they found the strength to unite. Either in prayer mourning, or in joint work. And, honestly, the idea that the people of the country at such moments can be divided into We and They - the power and all the others, seems to me even blasphemous. "End of quotation.

Yes, I myself understand that any terrorist act is a failure of the special services, that the framework at the stations is only the last line of defense, that the intelligence work is bad, that the fighters against extremism replace real work by harassing network fools. But at the same time, the critique of the level “let's urgently introduce the most complete democracy in the country, and then we will no longer be blown up” - I am not satisfied either.

And most importantly, it seems to me that even in our ideological jungle on such days a “water truce” must be observed. Is it really not clear why ?!

I am ashamed and painful to see intelligent, decent, sincere people who drowned in hatred of their own country. And enough of the fact that we love to love, but with "strange love" that our hatred is a genuine form of service to the fatherland. Lermontov was a good poet and an honest officer, but he did not know how to love - it happens.

I am tired of living in a state without a nation. And the nation does not start with hysteria. A nation begins with solidarity experience. Or at least - joint feelings. Criticism of the authorities (criticism, not swearing!) - all this is necessary. But when you learn about the tragic death of dozens of your compatriots, the first reaction should be different - compassion. And the first thought should be different - what can I do? We cannot right now take and remake our state, especially since the state is ourselves. The only thing we can truly do is unlearn hate. And we do it slowly. Millions of people cried these days, hundreds of thousands prayed for the repose of the innocent victims, thousands donated blood, collected money to help the victims, brought the people of Volgograd paralyzed with fear in their own cars. The era of granite pebbles inexorably ends and will soon end altogether. God grant that in the new year we feel it in the general joy, and not in the general grief.


A lot is said here, the important is highlighted in bold. I will say the rest

It so happened, I know a lot of those who actually protect the country. And in the Caucasus - in special missions, in a frankly alien and hostile environment - those thugs whom they destroy there - can no longer take a bus, a plane from us, or blow up in a crowd. And here, on the streets - from murderers, bandits, rapists, other scum. This is also work - and it is being done. Although somehow - but done. The one who habitually mutters "the police do nothing" simply does not represent all this amount of work that is being done, and often - not thanks, but in spite of. It does not represent what it means to live in a state where, in fact, there are no special services and law enforcement agencies, where bandits, or even terrorists, roam. He has no idea what it is like to live in Somalia, in Libya, in Syria, in Iraq, in Lebanon - there are places where neither the police nor the special services really do anything. Either they are not, or they can not cope with the walking gangs. The level of street violence in our society is incomparable even with some European countries. And at the same time - to hate the police, special services, power - in Russia is considered something of a good tone.

Do not you think that this is generally low and mean. Take a position: We hate you, and you have to protect us? All of these talkers here, balabols, who beat themselves in the chest because an unauthorized rally broke up in Volgograd that had gathered after the first explosion, they don’t even know what it is to disengage from the city. Just imagine - you are on duty in the city, making decisions. AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CITY (the concept of "responsibility" is unknown to many). There was an explosion at the station, there are dead, there may be terrorists in the city who are preparing to strike. You were ordered not to surrender the duty, you need to ensure the implementation of special action plans, such as "Nevod", to organize the service of the units under the reinforced version. At the same time, the authorities are above you, who are stomping their feet and demanding to do something, and a commission is flying from Moscow that will obviously look for the guilty. And here you are informed that an unauthorized rally has gathered somewhere. What is a rally? This is an event that needs to be provided by diverting resources, both material and human. At the same time - the rally may undermine, the rally could turn into riots - and you will also be responsible for this. The FSB director flew to Volgograd, and they are reporting to him at the ramp - riots have begun in the city. Because they did not take action. Who did not accept?

What I am saying now is for many people all the same that Chinese writing. Few people imagine all this internal kitchen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB, the work of the ATC. But at the same time, every first blogger has his own opinion as to whether it was necessary or not necessary to disperse a rally in Volgograd, and everything was done or not to prevent terrorist attacks. EVERYONE has his own opinion, and he cannot keep it with him, he must give it. On any state of emergency - an evil chorus of voices: they didn’t do it, they don’t make a damn thing, they let into the city for bribes. For every high-profile crime, there is an entire hysteria, while when it is six months later, after a year, but they are still revealed, silence, everyone has already forgotten about it, it’s not interesting.

I have only one question, gentlemen - are you still going to live like this for a long time? And who - should protect you from what is happening now in the Stavropol region - if you just hate defenders. BUT? I can not hear?

I want to say that the underlying hostility of society (at least its "active" part) with the police, special services, the state - becomes deadly. And unacceptable in the face of brutal aggression against us. This is as unacceptable as a rally in Moscow in November forty-one. Any woof, whether on the Internet, in real life, especially after the terrorist act, should be regarded as the ADMISSIBILITY of the ENEMY.

I will make a reservation, it is not a question, for example, of the facts of the crimes committed and the inaction of the authorities on these facts. Or about illegal actions of law enforcement agencies, especially about the facts of corruption. Under no circumstances should this be hidden, it is necessary to talk about it - but first of all in a statement to the prosecutor’s office, and only then - on the Internet. But here are stupid and not containing any sane base of facts posts, aimed at inciting hatred towards those who protect us - the army, police, special services, gloating over the crimes committed - should be regarded as aiding the enemy. We should be regarded, by society, and not by law. In the end, everything comes from us, from society, the law exists in order to protect society and the police also exist for this. So hating and gloating is not the time. Our attitude towards the police should be the same as the attitude towards the police in Israel and the United States. Think there is not being abused? And it was and is. But no one even thinks of splashing hatred towards the police (unless of course this is not a gangsta rapper in the appropriate chat), if he does not want to become an outcast in society and get a couple million claims in his address. Not to mention hitting the policeman with a bottle on the head or sending a bulldozer to the police. There is another aspect of this problem - we must learn to contact the police. If, for example, in the US, someone comes to someone and says: pay zakat - the probability of going to the police is one hundred percent. For us, they are zakat because they extort that this figure is very far to a hundred.

It is time to reconsider the attitude of society towards open hostility towards us. Unfortunately, there are such people in our society (if you can call them that) who are part of our society, enjoy our public goods - they openly hate us, are called cattle, call on the international community to “intervene”, some of them speak for separatist rallies. Such people should be asked: if you really hate us so much, why are you still here. Here is the door, here is the threshold.

6. What else can be done.

The first is to drastically increase the level of technical equipment of law enforcement and special services. This means - police Internet, modern databases, Internet monitoring systems like the American TrapWire. Control of the Caucasus should be total.

Secondly, we will not get away from allowing a short-barreled weapon of self-defense. Ni-ku-da. With all the problems associated with this. No forces of the army, police, special services - it is impossible to control such a huge territory as the territory of Russia. Huge sparsely populated areas are an ideal scenario for militants. who may be hiding so for years. Only saturating the society with a multitude of first responders, armed people ready to take a hit to delay the development of the situation until the approach of law enforcement agencies - we will create an "unfriendly environment for militants". These are not my words, these are the words of the Interpol chief. Moreover, disarmament is one of the components of weakness. You can extort zakat with an unarmed person, you can beat him in a gateway, evict him from an apartment, or take away land. Militants - attracts precisely our weakness. We are not slaves. Therefore - we have the right to arms.

The third is society ... society, society. When a taxi driver, a larynnik, a business manager, come and say - pay zakat, he has different response options. You can pay and say to yourself - this is only two and a half percent. You can not pay, but do not tell anyone. You can sell the business and go there. where the sun, the sea and no one requires zakat ... yet. When everyone makes this choice, he must ask himself what Russia means to him. And to do - in accordance ... "
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  1. Christian
    15 January 2014 08: 01
    Yes, I agree! The current government simply "merges" the Russian people to the oppressors. And it does not matter who they are - jihadists, Zionists, tolerastliberasty ... They drain us. We drain. We will not get up ourselves, we will be lost.
    1. +9
      15 January 2014 08: 15
      Quote: Christian
      The current government simply "merges" the Russian people into the enslavers.

    2. +1
      15 January 2014 08: 15
      Quote: Christian
      Yes, I agree! The current government simply "merges" the Russian people to the enslavers

      Well, to whom, for example, they leaked me?
      1. +10
        15 January 2014 08: 34
        It is rather chaotic, but, in general, it is correctly and heartily stated. The current situation with the attitude to the authorities and the security forces is somewhat reminiscent of the coverage in our media of the situation with the first Chechen one. When everyone lazily poured dirt on our soldiers who died in the Caucasus.
      2. -7
        15 January 2014 09: 23
        Quote: Christian
        Yes, I agree! The current government simply "merges" the Russian people to the oppressors.

        Where did you merge? Here in Ukraine they merge and just enslavers)))

        Quote: Christian
        .We don’t get up, we’ll disappear

        The share of Russians in the population of the Russian Federation is increasing.
        There is no war in the Caucasus as such, but there is only a struggle with the gang underground.
        Salaries of migrants are not so small to say that they take away work from the indigenous population

        So where are you going to get up?
        1. Christian
          15 January 2014 11: 21
          Get up from your virtual (comp) and real sofas and take care of yourself (soul and body), read the works of Ilyin, Metropolitan John (Snychev) of his article on the reconstruction of Verika Russia, get to know our Orthodox faith better, give birth and bring up your children in it and etc. Well, prepare for the worst (hoping for the best)!
      3. Christian
        15 January 2014 11: 15
        A person whose all desires boil down to "acquiring Mark X" is poured into the waste pit of consumerism. (As well as most of our "Russians" ... Nothing personal.
        1. 0
          15 January 2014 14: 53
          Quote: Christian
          give birth and raise her children in it

          How many kids do you have?
        2. +2
          15 January 2014 16: 50
          Quote: Christian
          A person whose all desires boil down to "the acquisition of Mark X" is poured into the waste pit of consumerism.

          Well, you threw a stone at me, but didn’t answer my questions, or as I understand it, there is no answer? The power sold us to scream at the whole site, the essence of this is a scream in the scream itself and nothing more. Like at a rally.
      4. WASABI
        15 January 2014 14: 53
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Well, to whom, for example, they leaked me?

        What do you think, Alxandr? Or are you completely confident in your "non-dripability" and unsinkability? wassat
        1. +1
          15 January 2014 16: 54
          Quote: VASABI
          Or are you completely confident in your "non-dripability" and unsinkability?

          Of course I’m sure I’m not doing shit to anyone, I am repaying debts, and I don’t have any envious people. I live like everyone else with my everyday problems and worries. And even never believe, it never came to my mind that they leaked me. Yes, and in fact drain? Any homeless person sits with a bottle, so ask him and he will tell you the power leaked. It causes a smile, but no more.
    3. +9
      15 January 2014 08: 22
      Quote: Christian
      Yes, I agree! The current government simply "merges" the Russian people to the oppressors. We will not get up and be lost ourselves.

      If a dozen or two terrorists and their accomplices are wrapped in pork skin and buried alive, then the problem will decrease greatly. And if you shoot from the authorities for unfulfilled promises, at least once a year, with media coverage, then there will be order. And then we will not be lost.
      1. +9
        15 January 2014 09: 20
        Quote: ele1285
        If a dozen or two terrorists and their accomplices are wrapped in pork skin and buried alive, then the problem will decrease greatly. And if you shoot from the authorities for unfulfilled promises, at least once a year, with media coverage, then there will be order. And then we will not be lost.

        And they don’t care, fatwas will also be given out to those who accept shahada in a pig-pea jacket, a bonus of +100 guri, they themselves will steal and wrap pigs. And the failure to fulfill promises, also does not always depend on the one who gave them, so that once a year to shoot him, then it is necessary to understand.
        Since they began to kill, it means they already penetrated everything there, right up to the power structures, it is possible to declare martial law, introduce military units and pass a law on the creation of self-defense units under these units from proven local ones, on the basis of which to revive the Terek and Kuban Cossack troops. Only now this will not happen, soon in Moscow the Wild Division will be revived to protect the guarantor, government and lawmakers.
        1. +2
          15 January 2014 19: 54
          Quote: perepilka
          And they don’t care, they’ll give out fatwa,

          yes for a long time this fatwa has already been issued. You are right .im do not care about it)) only now I'm tired of writing about it.
      2. +5
        15 January 2014 09: 53
        Quote: ele1285
        If a dozen or two terrorists and their accomplices are wrapped in pork skin and buried alive, then the problem will greatly decrease.

        Russian Empire - Caucasian war, mass eviction to Turkey, constant skirmishes between local residents and highlanders, punitive campaigns of the White Guards. The Soviet Union - the mass eviction to Kazakhstan, constant skirmishes between local residents and highlanders, natural pogroms with the introduction of troops. The Russian Federation - two wars, constant skirmishes between local residents and highlanders, pogroms in central Russia. Do you still believe that the problem with the Caucasus is in some two or three dozen terrorists who are “rocking the boat”? ALL THE LAST 150 YEARS ?!
        1. +5
          15 January 2014 10: 08
          Quote: Tersky
          Do you still believe that the problem with the Caucasus is in some two or three dozen terrorists who are “rocking the boat”? ALL THE LAST 150 YEARS ?!

          We liberalize too much. I’m not saying that there are 2-3 dozens of terrorists in the problem. But if they and their relatives are treated as cruelly as they are with civilians, then there will be fewer problems. Of course you can’t solve everything, there are enough fanatics, but the degree will decrease.
          1. +1
            15 January 2014 14: 00
            Quote: ele1285
            We liberalize too much. I’m not saying that there are 2-3 dozens of terrorists in the problem. But if they and their relatives are treated as cruelly as they are with civilians, then there will be fewer problems. Of course you can’t solve everything, there are enough fanatics, but the degree will decrease.

            The fight against terror is not only the shooting of militants. Here, multifaceted work is needed in all directions.
            1. +3
              15 January 2014 15: 42
              Quote: Russ69
              The fight against terror is not only the shooting of militants. Here, multifaceted work is needed in all directions.

              It seems that he didn’t write anywhere that they would be physically destroyed. Press through relatives and religion. Pig skins, for deceased civilians, the destruction of those who are dear to terrorists, with the condition that they know what will happen if civilians die. Not every one of them will go to death knowingly knowing that his mother will be executed. It’s cruel, very much. But isn’t it cruel to kill innocent people?
          2. Pirr
            15 January 2014 14: 28
            Quote: ele1285
            We liberalize too much.

            it is obvious that NEVER you will get along with these Caucasians, these wild peoples civilized life in cities is unnatural for most of them, they live by other laws and press, they always push until they get a real rebuff. This is their mentality; they do not know how otherwise. Robbery, rams, trade and war - all that they ever knew how to do. And let no one be led astray by certain completely civilized representatives of these peoples, even these exceptions gathered in a group of fellow countrymen instantly change their behavior, and those that do not change inside almost always remain “grateful to the Tsarnaev brothers who sheltered them” How many cities have already been, how many deaths ? What else is needed for this to become obvious to everyone ?! Different regions, cities, people, but everywhere the same situation develops with them! The Russians were squeezed out of the Caucasus, now they are massively leaving the Stavropol region selling houses for a song and now, in such a small number so far, these animals practice their wild customs in our cities. And there will be only more of them, how will they behave then? They will have children, 5t each in the family and our descendants live with them, study, intersect in the night streets. How many eyes do not close on this, how many do not convince yourself that it’s a separate case, and the rest will soon get used to it, civilize and behave normally, this will not solve the problem, but will only aggravate it. They understand only power, behave like people only when they see this power, and only while it is there, just like in the animal world. They need to radically decide something and the sooner the less blood will be. You can never get along with them. It is clear that a certain price will have to be paid for it, but it will still have to be done and the later the more painful it will be. In the meantime, the authorities are obliged and can easily end this chaos through the siloviki, or the citizens themselves will do it, but then the authorities will get it. To finish not with Sobyaninsky “lists of hooligans to the heads of republics” which is very naive, but with a specific tough police policy, for each offense and for every complaint of the inhabitants, patrols, and anything!
            What do you want brought by your gang-boorish behavior. Maybe the authorities will finally understand that they, too, and their children may encounter them. Relaxed the lumps to impossibility! If in the near future the government does not introduce an effective national policy between Russia and its formal national republics, does not put an end to Caucasian lawlessness, people should take everything into their own hands, those who cherish its security, the safety of their loved ones and self-esteem! And the power, if not horseradish not able to, let us carry weapons! change the law on self-defense to adequate! let us protect ourselves, impotent fucking! Bring the people with his greyhound chocks he will do what he needs and the cops, for the most part, will be with us!
            1. WASABI
              15 January 2014 15: 58
              Quote: Pirr
              NEVER you will get along with these Caucasians, these are wild peoples, civilized life in cities is unnatural for most of them,

              Yes, somehow we got along for many, many years! TILL THERE IS HERE THERE IS SUCH HERE (like you) THE PROVOCATORS HAVE NOT IDENTIFIED!
              Quote: Pirr
              these animals practice their wild customs in our cities.

              They got to Belarus, or are you so worried about us? If for US, then calm down. everything will be all right with us, but only if you fall aside your liberal swamp and even there will not croak! am
              1. Pirr
                15 January 2014 17: 11
                Quote: VASABI
                They got to Belarus, or are you so worried about us? If for US, then calm down. everything will be all right with us, but only if you fall aside your liberal swamp and even there will not croak!

                "A real colonel," but such a rude man! I came across the citizens of the RSFSR, the inhabitants of the Transcaucasus, in Soviet times, and, I dare to assure you, I did not observe the "deep friendship of peoples", "merged in ecstasy" of brotherly love. Neither in the army, nor in civilian life. And not only me.
          3. +2
            15 January 2014 14: 56
            Quote: ele1285
            But if you act with them and their relatives as cruelly as they do with civilians, then there will be less problems.

            Terrorism is sponsored by London and Washington, you need to deal with the cause - enemies overseas, and not with the investigation. Maritime piracy - this is what can answer the enemy to terrorism on our land.
            1. +2
              15 January 2014 15: 33
              Quote: Setrac
              Maritime piracy - this is how the enemy can respond to terrorism on our land.

              I propose to work hard through religiosity, as one of the options. You propose a banal "GOP-STOP". And "the criminal code must be respected," as one famous character said.
              1. +2
                15 January 2014 15: 43
                Quote: ele1285
                I propose to work hard through religiosity, as one of the options. You propose a banal "GOP-STOP". And "the criminal code must be respected," as one famous character said.

                Criminal Code Against Criminals. In this case, ENEMIES are against us and against them it is necessary to use military methods.
          4. 0
            15 January 2014 19: 56
            Quote: ele1285
            But if you act with them and their relatives as cruelly as they do with civilians, then there will be less problems.

            What less will it be? I see you write in order to write. With these methods you will set everyone against yourself. Since when is the son responsible for the father. People are generally punished for a specific act. If you want to return to the Middle Ages? Then what is the difference between you and those obscurantists?
      3. 0
        15 January 2014 19: 53
        I repeat once again for the SPECIAL. Religious figures of the Wahhabis-hawarijas
        published a fatwa stating that the person who committed the Istishhad
        "infidels", i.e. all of us), already without washing and without a shroud, go straight to PARADISE. So, for those who offer to wrap terrorists in pig skins, I strongly advise
        use these skins for the right purpose. They just don't give a damn about these skins and they are not afraid of them. As for the lard, which type Americans grease their bullets with, it says only that among them there are also a lot of special ones.
    4. +27
      15 January 2014 08: 46
      Quote: ...
      in order to lower it back, it will take such measures as the comrade took Stalin and Yezhov.

      During the war in Crimea there were no German punishers, but there were 12 battalions of Crimean Tatars who were engaged in the extermination of the Russian population, they destroyed everyone without exception ... What was to be done? Jury trial scare them?

      "I have a relative acquaintance - a Crimean Tatar born in Kazakhstan. His dad was evicted with his family. Dad did not work for the Germans, he helped the partisans, he was even awarded. So, he still has a portrait of Stalin at his house, which is a dad. in 1944 in Kazakhstan he cut it out of "Ogonyok" and hung it on the wall in a frame. And he told the children that Stalin saved their lives, because if the front-line soldiers returned before they were evicted, no one would have figured out who was the partisan worked, and some went to the police. And at the same time he added that it would be honest. "
      1. Pit
        15 January 2014 09: 23
        Quote: Vadivak
        And he said to the children that Stalin had saved all of their lives, because if the front-line soldiers had returned before they were evicted, no one would have figured out who worked for the partisans and who went to the police. And he added that it would be fair

        In fact, then Stalin saved the entire population of the Caucasus by this settlement. Because if only those who had deserted from the army and served the Germans were shot, it would mean that they would have slaughtered the majority of the reproductive population and the peoples of the Caucasus would never have recovered from this, after a couple of tingles, they would simply have disappeared, in the total mass population.
        They were given a second chance, but they did not appreciate it.
        1. WASABI
          15 January 2014 15: 15
          Quote: Pit
          Stalin saved the entire population of the Caucasus by this settlement.

          Exactly??? The whole population ??? That is, you think that the entire population of the Caucasus has been evicted? But for a second, remember that the Ingush and Balkars were evicted Do you not want to? But do you want to remember that in North Ossetia there are 72 Heroes of the Soviet Union (from the bottom two Heroes twice), which, in terms of the meager population of North Ossetia, is greater than in the entire (then still) USSR? Do you want to remember that North Ossetia is an outpost of Russia in the Caucasus and was it both during the war with Shamil and during the modern Chechen company? The only national republic in the Caucasus where the question of us RUSSIAN has never been raised. how objectionable for living together !!!
          Thanks to such idiotic remarks about all as-cases, we are losing allies in the region, which is very important for us. Either study the question you are talking about, or keep silent in a rag and do not provoke our friends and allies in returning attacks! am
          1. The comment was deleted.
    5. +6
      15 January 2014 10: 42
      Article plus .. Concerned specifically! I feel with my soul that something is not happening and that something needs to be urgently done .. Oh Russia!
    6. +3
      15 January 2014 10: 52
      The article is a kind of mishmash of screams, rumors, crying, curses in the direction of the Wahhabis, and Oh, an amazing thing, the cry supposedly under the Communists was good, and here it is bad.
      Well, yes, of course, if it is written by a person justifying the "hard" working nouveau riche, then of course, so we never and in no way will we defeat terror, because the system itself produces banditry.
      Example? And you ask any of the residents of KAVMINVOD, what kind of income they have there, except for those very "hard" working businessmen, you will be very surprised at the size of the WAGE, which is barely enough for some kind of life, just SOMETHING, and not a normal life .When the main slogan in the country is DO BABLOR, the author yells KARAUL, maybe it's time to stop making BABLO, produce social hatred in society?
      Ask the residents of KAVMINVOD about the drug lords - their houses are visible, who among the "hard" working businessmen is perplexed by the cessation of this evil? And then the author shouts the guard, stand up, kill.
    7. 0
      15 January 2014 12: 06
      Yes, I agree! The current government simply "merges" the Russian people to the oppressors. And it doesn't matter who they are - jihadists, Zionists, tolerastliberasty.
      ..Pouring over us. Pouring over. We ourselves will not get up, we will disappear.

      Have you even read the article to the end? It was so stupid to set up :).
    8. 0
      15 January 2014 13: 13
      Christian, your commentary is precisely criticism, in its purest form ...
    9. +2
      15 January 2014 13: 23
      Quote: Christian
      Yes, I agree! The current government simply "merges" the Russian people to the oppressors.
      The article is not about that at all. She's about those who use any excuse to shit power and its legal representatives
      the latent enmity of society (at least, its "active" part) with the police, special services, the state - becomes mortally dangerous. And unacceptable under the conditions of the brutal aggression against us. This is just as unacceptable as the rally in Moscow in November XNUMX. Any barking, whether on the Internet, in real life, especially after a terrorist attack, should be regarded as ASSISTANCE TO THE ENEMY.
      Doesn't it remind anyone?
    10. +2
      15 January 2014 15: 02
      It’s a pity, but you didn’t understand anything, the question is not to the authorities, but to every citizen of Russia, what he is ready and should do himself to protect the state, nation, family. And someone is always to blame, but it's not me, as they say, start with yourself. In general, I agree with the article, but in Moscow and St. Petersburg I don’t know the places where the police don’t go, and in the Caucasus, whoever doesn’t like it, not only the officers sent there but also the local policemen and the bombings, almost everyone is killed there day. So the leading edge of the war is there, although it is already moving on, so we are still losing, and we all must attack together.
    11. The comment was deleted.
  2. A.YARY
    15 January 2014 08: 01
    Article plus!
    Only total rejection and confrontation with the shooting of undershot babies across Russia can stop mockery of people!
    And the government will either change its behavior towards the Russian people or the people themselves will overthrow this power.
    We are the owners of this land and not hired "spectacular menegers"
    1. +1
      15 January 2014 09: 19
      Quote: A.YARY
      We are the owners of this land and not hired "spectacular menegers"
      - drinks good Respect
    2. -1
      15 January 2014 09: 39
      Cool! Come on, beat the crash! Cut, rob, force! - in this direction you will go comrade.

      Damn, do not be stubborn idealists, nefig create the Inquisition. I do not urge to show humanism (where is the dictionary, again forgot the meaning) - think rationally and everything will be wonderful.
    3. +16
      15 January 2014 09: 55
      MINUS article.
      I am a military man, trained, engaged in analytics, participated in special operations, contacted with law enforcement agencies ....
      What do I see!???
      *** Russia, pays tribute to the Caucasus, that is, allocates money, and does not ask why and why they spent ...... specifically Allah Vladimirovich ...
      *** Russia was divided by the SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT, in fact, it and the NORTH-CAUCASUS federal district ??? ... question-why ???? Why is there Khloponin (the representative of the president)) makes statements, do not like it, leave .... ??? and plants the resettlement of Caucasians on the lands of Russian Cossacks ....
      **** We have a situation with the “Caucasians” why law enforcement officers ALLOWED IT ??? Why do ethnic gangs openly cover up, Why do people kill, without providing convincing evidence that they are militants, or they show ?? A corpse, in prime time on TV, and a gun is lying nearby (on a fuse)) and tell that the militant was shooting back .. ... children are watching, women will believe in it, those who have not served (there are many)) those who have served but are inattentive and believe in fairy tales))))
      ....... the rest will grin bitterly ......
      *** BLOGGERS ARE GUILTY !!!!! Afanasyev is generally OKHRINEL, society must be punished that it doesn’t interfere with the right-handed authorities that allow this and cannot PROTECT ....

      This Author cites an example ONE DAY in New York ... And he forgot that in the 70s, the biggest gang in this city was the POLICE itself !!!!!
      , and such comrades write articles, They all THINK DE.BI. Lami passed EGE ???? Isn't it too early ???
      , all shaking, outrage ...

      The authorities are guilty, it depends on her whether the police will die from secondary bombings at the crime scene, and the bastard of the Afanasyev, scribbler and paper Cancer increases the deaths of Russian boys by such scribbles .....

      the only thing I agree with is that holding a rally in connection with the explosions is the top of recklessness, BUT, WHY DO PEOPLE ARREST, WORK HARDLY AND PUNISH ?????
      You need to explain, talk, People will understand, but not thrombose them into sections ....

      Then I’ll write another post, What to do specifically, I’ll move a bit ...
      Thanks to this article, the Russians will be responsible for everything again (in full))))
      1. Luzhichanin
        15 January 2014 14: 21
        I agree, Afanasyev began - for health, and finished - for the funeral.
        Unfortunately, there are not many people who think, judging by the assessment of his article. I’ll put a minus to the article guilty blogger + wink
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        15 January 2014 15: 08
        Quote: Asgard
        MINUS article.

        This is all easily explained. Power provokes a recovery laughing a strong leader who like this will win. I note the same thing is happening in the west.
    4. WASABI
      15 January 2014 15: 31
      Quote: A.YARY
      We are the owners of this land and not hired "spectacular menegers"

      Yes, stop talking slogans! From what side is it clear that we (and you in particular) are the masters of our (nominally) land? What have you personally done in order to become this hoeyain for real? Or on the principle: "my land, wherever I want, I go to the toilet there." Sorry, Gorlopanov is enough, but here's the paradox - the louder a person yells, the faster he shuts up at the slightest shadow of responsibility for his or her voice.
  3. +19
    15 January 2014 08: 08
    The second - we will not go anywhere from allowing short-barreled self-defense weapons. Ni-Ku-Da ...
    ... Only by saturating society with a multitude of first responders, armed people who are ready to take the blow and delay the development of the situation until the law enforcement agencies approach, will we create an "environment unfriendly to militants."

    Gold words! How long can you tolerate a situation when small, but well-armed bandits from the neighboring Caucasian republics easily and without hindrance kill, in fact, unarmed residents of Stavropol, as well as other regions? And if the Cossacks and other civilians had weapons everywhere, they could give the Caucasian scumbags a worthy rebuff. And in another way, it turns out that some are armed to the teeth, as they say, while others are like rams, which were destined for slaughter. Auto calls correctly - banditry can be defeated only by creating an "environment unfriendly to militants." I will add - well armed environment. Then we'll see how long this "jihad" will last. Little will not seem. And they are not fools - they will not crawl under the bullets. It's not like killing unarmed people.
  4. makarov
    15 January 2014 08: 13
    “We are regularly asked to pay,” the driver said. “This is done under the guise of zakat, however, in fact, we are paying tribute. As the guys from other cities say, this is common throughout the region.”

    And where were the faces from the "all-seeing eye, and all-seeing ears" ??
    It is not possible to believe that they did not know what was happening !!!!
    In this case, these are ordinary traitors occupying positions and receiving salaries, working against their people.
    1. +4
      15 January 2014 09: 29
      Quote: makarov
      And where were the faces from the "all-seeing eye, and all-seeing ears" ??

      So the author specifically indicated where they are and what they are doing, I quote -"Worse, a considerable number of flash drives (demands to pay) are written by law enforcement officers who decided to earn extra money in this way."
      1. +8
        15 January 2014 10: 28
        Quote: makarov
        And where were the faces from the "all-seeing eye, and all-seeing ears" ??

        Quote: Tersky
        So the author specifically indicated where they are and what they are doing - "Worse, a considerable number of flash drives (demands to pay) are written by law enforcement officers who decided to earn extra money in this way."

        Greetings, Paul, greetings Victor.

        I do not know if you know how organized crime was defeated in Moscow and the Moscow Region in the late 90s. There was no way to fight with traditional methods, since financing of power structures could not be compared with self-financing of retethers. The cops came on a broken-down UAZ, and the bandits on a BMW. Everyone knew on whose side power and authority.
        The problem was solved by not publicly allowing the cops to protect and, therefore, collect tribute from the komersants. Ordinary cops fleeced the storekeepers, bosses - businessmen. Financial support was knocked out from under the organized crime group - victory! But! The victory turned out to be pyrrhic. As a result, instead of brotherhoods, we got werewolf cops, bandits in uniform in the service of the state. And they lost the law enforcement system.
        1. +4
          15 January 2014 11: 25
          Quote: Normal
          And they lost the law enforcement system.

          My greetings, Vladimir!
          Judging by what was written, he feels the "professionalism" of the person "in the subject." I guessed? Are you one of the cops or those peddlers?
          Quote: Normal
          As a result, instead of brotherhoods, we got werewolf cops, bandits in uniform in the service of the state. And they lost the law enforcement system.

          How do you assess the situation now? Who is collecting now?
          I will never believe that a sane person will think that those from the list who have learned to be law enforcers will begin to actively reveal ethnic gangs around the country.
          1. -1
            15 January 2014 13: 21
            Quote: Ptah
            I will never believe that a sane person will think that those from the list who have learned to be law enforcers will begin to actively reveal ethnic gangs around the country.

            Ptah, there are a lot of people on this list whose close relatives died at the hands of the Wahhabis. And now they, to these scumbags, have their own personal revenge. Let's not look at the name and immediately determine who the enemy is and who is not.
            Today in Dagestan, in the battle, security forces died and their names are hardly Russian. They, too, are no longer for you, at least strangers, if not enemies.
            1. +1
              15 January 2014 14: 16
              Quote: Russ69
              at least strangers, if not enemies.

              Note, this is not written by me.

              I had a desire to ask that only these names have a "personal account" to the gangs?
              After graduation, none of them will remain in the "Moscow" - will all rush to "comb the green" in the foothills of the Caucasus?
              The percentage of applicants for national composition, does not suggest?
              And you completely exclude financial interest and other cases, after the local "aksakal" approaches and grinds these graduates who will begin service in your city?
              Well, heels of other questions .....
              1. 0
                15 January 2014 14: 38
                Quote: Ptah
                The percentage of applicants for national composition, does not suggest?

                In the Caucasus, there are many more people who want to serve, both in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the army. Yes, also unemployment. But the presence of some of the "thieves" is not excluded. But here the question is for those who accept these "thieves".
                Quote: Ptah
                And you completely exclude financial interest and other cases, after the local "aksakal" approaches and grinds to these graduates, after these graduates, who will begin their service in your city?
                Apparently, you exclude corruption among the Russian cops and transfer everything to Caucasians ...
                Ptah, I led the conversation to the fact that you do not need to determine normal people for yourself by looking at the surname.
                I had a desire to ask that only these names have a "personal account" to the gangs?
                Look at your leisure, the number of dead security officials in the Caucasus, in recent times ...
                Today, it seems, unfortunately ...
                So it turns out that some are really fighting the militants, while others do not like their national composition ...
                1. +1
                  15 January 2014 17: 42
                  Quote: Russ69
                  Ptah, I led a conversation to the fact that there is no need to determine for myself normal people looking at a surname.

                  I WERE TALKED WITH "NORMAL" (Vladimir), with whom, I think we have more understanding on some issues than with other members of the forum, with all due respect to their opinions. hi
                  And it’s enough to ascribe to me someone’s words that I didn’t even write.
                  I also do not yet have a desire to move away from the subject and start a discussion of your own and obsessively proposed "corruption among Russian cops" and about "Caucasians who want to serve".

                  I’ll put a couple of minuses not for the position, but only for your inability to understand the essence (first) and for the inattention to the presented picture.
                  Therefore, one more time.
                  Zelenkevich Andrey Alexandrovich - 1 person, 10% of the total number of applicants.
                  Various "-oglu" - 14 people, 70%. Mostly AZERBAIJAN surname, no longer citizens of the Russian Federation.
                  Murilozada Mukhtiblo (wrote and paused for laughter, excuse me) - 1 person, 10%. Never Slav and not Ingrian and Caucasian.
                  The rest have no influence on the statistical indicator.

                  Attention question. Dear experts, in one minute, guess the university, city and state into which these worthy people were accepted.
                  In the meantime, spinning the top, ask yourself now a question. Suggestive ts ....
                  Are you so sure that no worthy candidates have been found in Russia to occupy the POPULAR RELATED THEM BY THE QUANTITY RIGHT? POPULATION COMPOSITION IN PERCENTAGE?
                  Returning to the topic of the article, you seriously believe that some kind of turmoil in Russia on ethnic grounds (and this is exactly what is going on), these cop officers will give the order to PRESS THEIR ONE IN MASS NUMBER. If we take it for an axiom that all "ogly" will not leave for their homelands?
                  Have you heard about the lack of QUALIFIED (and honest) FRAMES? Then, you and I will probably have to go on a business trip to the Caucasus to pacify the Abreks while they are here host. sorry, they conduct honest business paying OUR money OUR BLOOD... I'm talking about zakat ....
                  Where to get personnel if such issues are not isolated throughout the country. According to my uncle - a police major with 26 years of experience.

                  Just don't shove me a "blurry tape" with touching melodies about "millions of GOOD representatives of the nation, and about a few scumbags".
                  You have numbers 69 in your "nickname" - this is either g / r, or age (hardly). This means that there are fewer people like you and me (I am younger), and those who are now less than 25 are ALREADY OTHER PEOPLE. Let not good and bad, but Other... Moreover, they absolutely do not know the Soviet slogans about "friendship of peoples" and do not suffer from our "diseases" about "fraternal understanding."
                  In short - love is somehow one-sided, unrequited on their part, and platonic on ours.
                  We must "heal" ourselves - there are no cops, as it turned out request . This is not an offer for you; it is my confidence.

                  Threat. I know Germany as my toilet. There they learned to keep in check churkoTurkobesov. Russia, as always, other people's examples, read errors) - not a decree .....
                  1. -1
                    16 January 2014 01: 36
                    Quote: Ptah
                    AZERBAIJANI surname, have never been citizens of the Russian Federation.

                    I have a neighbor, an Azerbaijani through the house. He lives since the days of the USSR, he is now not a citizen of the Russian Federation. Moreover. as a man, wonderful. And your division, into friends and enemies by last name, is not from a great mind ...
                    1. 0
                      16 January 2014 02: 28
                      Addressing "you" at the first meeting is not in my rules. But if someone who turns to me, despite repeated hints from my side, does not become familiar (for now) switches to "you", after THREE (at least "poking") - this does not speak to him about defeat in the dispute, I do not know why, but about my, at least, a dubious victory over the ONE! sad .
                      Quote: Russ69
                      I have a neighbor, an Azerbaijani through the house. He lives since the days of the USSR, he is now not a citizen of the Russian Federation. Moreover. as a man, wonderful. And your division, into friends and enemies by last name, is not from a great mind ...

                      What does your neighbor have to do with it, bro dashing?
                      I recently yoped a fortieth century, and you? Let's "pinch the crab", as they said in our KSF. Well, what are you, brother priyopsya with "friends and enemies". You did not sit with them in the same cell in a pre-trial detention center in the 90s, did not rush into blood, in the markets in those same years.
                      As well as not "measured my head on the subject of intelligence." Are you Himmler? To measure my IQ against me for a conversation with you?
                      I have to give you what? Is it your Bundas' regional passport or the "assessments" of my snotty boys from Stadtische Schule?
                      It's easier for me, I got into the airplane and three hours later I was almost at the "historical homeland". What are you thinking? Not that, but in Germashka ... I'm a German for a quarter. With an Orthodox cross around his neck, not removable, but German in mind and Russian to his liking.
                      I, without the left language frayed, said - "Russia does not learn from the lessons of Fritzland. It does not want it. But it wants the same!)
                      Ask me, how are Natsiks done in Germashka? Hard. For what? For the fact that they call for a return to traditional values, and in the Russian media this is always foschizd. Thanks to you, we will wait, and here they will call everyone to love, and your daughter will be "appointed" a nigga. Do not trust?
                      It seems to be somewhere far away from you ......
                      I bet you’ll wait in your lifetime ....
                      While you and I were drinking water from a column on the street (in the 80s), I was already ** in Europe from bottled water. Now in every Russian store ...
                      And you tell me about kapkas .... Tell your children about the love of Caucasians for YOUR CHILDREN, because there already the children were CORRECTLY ORIENTED FOR LOVE FOR YOUR .....
                  2. -1
                    16 January 2014 02: 09
                    Quote: Ptah
                    You have numbers 69 in your nickname

                    This is a region, and was born in 67 ...
                    Returning to the topic of the article, you seriously believe that starting some mess in Russia on a national basis (and this is what’s going on), these Cop officers will give the order to PRESS YOUR UNIVERSALS IN MASS QUANTITY.

                    Now they press, it’s quite normal ...
                    And if it’s a conversation, about the massive national confrontation that some on this forum want. Then intuitively, how many Muslims fought, on the side of the federal forces, in both Chechen companies.
                    Attention question. Dear experts, in one minute, guess the university, city and state into which these worthy people were accepted.

                    If, so many screams about the dominance of non-Russians at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. That is, it would be right to provide a list of all students, including contracted students from other countries. And then compare. In the meantime, on your part, just a surge of emotions and nothing more. Moreover, it is equipped exclusively in the picture of a demotivator, which is already not the first year ... hi
            2. WASABI
              15 January 2014 15: 42
              Quote: Russ69
              Let's not look at the name and immediately determine who the enemy is and who is not. Today in Dagestan, in the battle, security forces died and their names are hardly Russian.

              BRAVO !!! Finally, adequate words and an adequate assessment of the situation in the Caucasus. just what I posted just above. Kakkaz is heterogeneous and along with terrorists (for the most part who have no direct relation to Caucasians) people live there who love and respect Russians and their great homeland, Russia, more than we - Russians love and respect ourselves. You need to learn to respect yourself, and not just shout at all the crossroads "We are the owners of our land." good
              1. 0
                15 January 2014 22: 57
                Quote: VASABI
                there live people who love and respect Russians and their great homeland Russia, more than we - Russians love and respect ourselves.

                Oba-na ... Muppet show ....
                Isn't it that Svetlana - "Japanese sauce", two months ago, whom I furiously supported in her righteous struggle with the Jews?
                And also, who bit on "ethnic grounds" with "death" and someone else.
                Is our intellectually enriched Tiamaa Onciys Mukawa Nainin love / here it is obligatory to take off the hat and "bowing", kneeling down /, returned reborn and enlightened in part "hempyaa mielta keykyen vayrampyeen" and inflamed with love not for the fair-haired, without exception blind-spheres "hot finnish piaarnyaam"but exclusively to the proud and" gifted "testosterone, those who like to climb into Hyelsinkia Moscow?
          2. +3
            15 January 2014 16: 51
            Good day, Ptah
            Quote: Ptah
            Judging by what was written, he feels the "professionalism" of the person "in the subject."

            Well ...

            Quote: Ptah
            Are you from the cops or those boxers?

            A-tas !!! Burned !!! wassat

            No, they didn’t guess.laughing
            I'm a hard worker. It's just that when the state farm, the plant and the second of the construction cooperatives organized in the region (where he "got acquainted" with the methods of "work" of the lads and the local authorities) had to master some unusual occupations.
            And the cops ... well, the cops ... with the current head of our department in youth at the dances of the same girls, they were square-dance, and the current duty officer was a witness at a wedding back in those days when he would not have thought that he would become a cop.
            Quote: Ptah
            How do you assess the situation now? Who is collecting now?
            Yes, they collect laughing Moreover, in our department there are no personnel from the Mordovians (a new trend) and Tambov (these are traditionally) Caucasians, yet there is a "special department".
            And about the fact that Caucasians are actively creeping into law enforcement and that it still comes around, I wrote from a year ago, probably.
            1. The comment was deleted.
          3. +1
            15 January 2014 20: 05
            Ptah, this list is made up of applicants from the Foreign Faculty. By agreement between the states, these people study at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and return to their countries after graduation. hi And in military universities there are such faculties
            1. +2
              15 January 2014 22: 14
              That's where you got me ....
              Sag olun, dear! That "foreign" was speculation. It would be different - "breaking the brain template".
              But still. according to the uncle-major (and he keeps track of such moments) the share of ethnic non-Russians in the policemen-universities of Russia is growing. Even such facts were noted when the "chief police officer" of the region - an Armenian and the number of district police officers - Armenians in the villages, "flooded up the hill" .....
              Now I wanted to whisper about something else with you, as a respected "long-playing" member of the forum. Chose you as a "consultant" and because of your involvement in the Muslim religion.
              I apologize for the possible confusion in the presentation - limited in free time ... Here's the thing. More precisely, the "case" in this aforementioned reason for the murder, brought up by ts. "under a national-religious basis" - "zakat".
              As I have already written many times, I myself was born and raised in the TatASSR, where Islam and Christianity intertwined in such a way that even with an elementary divorce "due to inconsistency", they are "torn alive", but still marry representatives of the opposite faith. God / Allah is their judge ...
              About other....
              I was baptized at the "titan age", I remember visiting the church on a sled pulled by my grandmother on major Orthodox holidays, and I also remember that breaking the fast is a SIN. But this sin cannot be compared with the sin of murder or suicide due to its "severity" or something ... Ie. confession before a priest, explaining the reason, and if there will be a sin, if it is such, but will be forgiven by the Lord.
              And a few years ago, after reading in some article on the eve of the Muslim fasting "Ramadan", ratesdetermining the "degree of redemption in monetary terms" - was shocked.
              Then it was about 200 rubles. per day. Ie 6000 (with a little) per month.
              I consulted with the first Muslim I met, who at that time was friends with me. He confirmed with surprise on his face. "Yes, this is the custom. We always do this. And it does not depend on the impossibility of health, or on other factors. Religion prescribes a point! Take it, but bring it!"
              Here No comments ....

              Shl. I advise you to pay attention to this to those who are constantly howling about "the constant money-grubbing of the representatives of the cult in the temple", always "poking at the churches" where the objects of worship are SOLD.
              Jesus actually kicked the merchants out of the temple at a time when there were no "utilities from energy companies" ..

              ZYY. To save server space, filling the branch with additional comments.
              Auto RU:
              I have three "Primers". One, according to which I studied, of the 76th model (published in DDR), the other brother of the 82nd, the third is the last Soviet (the page with the date has been torn out).
              "on the first page" as the author claims, the words - "WE ARE NOT SLAVES, WE ARE NOT SLAVES!"
              THERE ARE NO WORD DESIGNATED BY THEM IN THE TITLE. They are not at all in these Primers
              About (dead) Lenin-blank (with a photo) - there is. About "friendship of peoples" - too. And about slaves - NO. There is also "MOM'S SOAP FRAME", in all.
              Doubters. I have a scanner in front of me. Call the page number - I will scan to you in rebuttal / proof .... Is it coming? hi
    2. -2
      15 January 2014 09: 44
      It's not all that simple, even from a distance. We have, whatever one may say, but the rule of law. And here is the dilemma - to conduct operational work and prove that this zakat is not legitimate (it is not done voluntarily) or to start a "terror" from which everyone will cry.
      And if the "terror" begins, then you can remember 1936-1938 and even Solzhenitsyn with his gulag.

      P.S. I do not condone anyone. Just trying to look at it without emotion.
    3. +4
      15 January 2014 11: 14
      Quote: makarov
      “We are regularly asked to pay,” the driver said. “This is done under the guise of zakat, however, in fact, we are paying tribute. As the guys from other cities say, this is common throughout the region.”

      Not only in the region. This is done all over Russia and with neighbors.
      Each of you who bought goods in the market in addition to cash registers, who bought clothes in a "stinking rubber" (as my wife called it) store like "confiscated" there, but selling ordinary Chinese rubbish, often causing toxic dermatitis - all carry a kind of "zakat", on which the wrapped dolls then explode.
      It was no secret to anyone (from the cops and special services) that all these merchants were already seated on monthly tribute (if in Russian), YASAK (if in Tartar-Mongolian), the essence of the name is not important, both to local administrations and ethnic gangs through all kinds of diasporas. Think wrong?
      Yes, plump with the local district police officer and after the first bubble he will give you such "secrets" that with your imagination playing out, you will bypass these "businessmen-entrepreneurs" on a long journey. Not to mention an employee in the FSB department.
      I suppose those who should suppress it on this "zakat" and feed themselves. A bit like that ... but they feed ...
  5. +7
    15 January 2014 08: 14
    Well, I don’t even know what to say. Zakat zakat is a huge field of activity for security officials, gangsters come for money themselves - only have time to set traps. It is terrible that all this can be protected by the same policemen - a problem is seen here.
    1. +1
      15 January 2014 09: 48
      Maybe you're right. But try refuting this version.

      "A group of 5 people fall into a trap. In court, they declare that they are representatives of some religious organization collecting voluntary donations. The victim and the attesting witnesses amicably change their testimony, nodding to the version of the accused."
      What to do in this case?
      1. 0
        15 January 2014 10: 14
        Quote: ShadowCat
        What to do in this case?

        For an attempt to shoot to shoot.
        "A thief should sit in jail."
        And for example, I do not care how and for what they put him there. Yes, and most, too.
        1. +1
          15 January 2014 10: 18
          Quote: ele1285
          For trying to escape.

          What an attempt? It must be justified and proved.
          For no reason, the operatives have been so licked up by the ass that mom is not grieving, they will forget how pedarasts differ from normal people.

          Quote: ele1285
          And for example, I do not care how and for what they put him there. Yes, and most, too.

          Fine. Then a different situation.
          "Police officers come to you and arrest you on charges (there are no witnesses) of extortion. The court orders you a term of 5 years in a strict regime colony."
          Do you agree or say that you were falsely accused?
          1. 0
            15 January 2014 17: 47
            Quote: ShadowCat
            Police officers come to you and arrest you on charges (no witnesses) of extortion. The court orders you a term of 5 years in a maximum security colony.
            Do you agree or say that you were falsely accused?
            So you can talk to the point that you can't go out on the street, a meteorite will fall on your head. And you can't be at home, it will suddenly collapse. Let's not distort and bring to the point of absurdity. We don't have to comb everyone with one comb. The conversation is about criminals and what to do with them. .With your reasoning like: "to substantiate and prove. They will soap your ass, falsely accused." It is better to immediately wrap yourself in a shroud and slowly crawl into the cemetery, so that God forbid on the way they will not "forget how pedaras differ from normal people."
            1. 0
              15 January 2014 21: 09
              Sir, I distort you.
              I said that it is necessary to act according to the law, and not as the crowd wants. I remember one crowd acquitted the killer, but the second innocent was killed. The law is what distinguishes us from barbarians.
  6. predator.3
    15 January 2014 08: 22
    Even if you collect them all and send them back to the Caucasus, they will still leak back. And they will do what they did - to rob, beat, rape, levy tribute.

    All is high time to restore the Kuban and Tersk Cossack troops, with all the ensuing consequences: armed regiments (not mummers), patrols and border guards! And then this baida with "peaceful labor" Caucasian guys annoyed everyone!
    1. +1
      15 January 2014 08: 29
      Quote: predator.3

      It’s time to restore the Kuban and Terek Cossack army,

      In the picture, these Cossacks are already many years old, and others are already gone. Those Cossacks that are now there are more reminiscent of clowns hung like a Christmas tree with medals of all kinds.
      1. +6
        15 January 2014 09: 25
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Those Cossacks who are now there are more like clowns

        Yes, the Cossacks are still the same there! And not all mummers. Just mummers are more in sight, we judge by them. And the restoration of a real military Cossack service could help solve the problems that are now in the south of Russia.
        1. 0
          15 January 2014 14: 20
          Quote: matRoss
          restoration of real combat Cossack service
          Are you talking about those Cossacks who set out on a campaign by the decision of the Cossack circle? About those who can come out with weapons both against the visiting bandits and against the Russian troops, if the latter begin to establish their own orders on the Cossack land, alien to the Cossacks? Such Cossacks ended in the 20s. In the photo at the beginning of the article - already their children. These are, for the most part, excellent warriors. They were still brought up in an atmosphere of the values ​​of Cossack prowess and courage, but they are no longer Cossacks, since they are subjects, i.e. not free people, but servicemen, ready to carry out orders in fulfillment of decisions that were not made around them. And if you recall the 600 "Cossacks" of the village of Kushchevskaya, who did not have any high-profile conflicts with the Tsapok bandyugans and the Kushchevskaya administration who protected them, who were in charge of their land (although it is not even clear who was protecting whom), then it becomes clear why
          mummers are more in sight
          Because there are no others. I do not want to say that there are no good soldiers in the Kuban. The historical fame of the Cossacks still encourages the guys to respect the military labor of soldiers and somehow at least mentally prepare themselves for it. But she - this glory - encourages any riffraff to cling to the Cossacks, which, as usual, will rise to the top in greater numbers, the more rights, powers and opportunities appear. It may happen that the population of southern Russia will howl from these "Cossacks" more than from the jihadists.
          1. 0
            15 January 2014 21: 18
            Quote: Stanislav
            Are you talking about those Cossacks who campaign on the decision of the Cossack circle? About those who can come up with weapons both against visiting bandits and against Russian troops, if the latter begin to establish their own rules alien to the Cossacks on Cossack land?

            Of course not. Taking into account the current realities. Arming, organizing, obliging to maintain order as an explosive, paying a salary, putting in service after serving in the Armed Forces (mainly sent to serve in a military unit, some of which can be given the status of "Cossack"), considered to be in a permanent reserve.
      2. predator.3
        15 January 2014 12: 21
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        In the picture, these Cossacks are already many years old, and others are already gone. Those Cossacks that are now there are more reminiscent of clowns hung like a Christmas tree with medals of all kinds.

        Yes, there are normal guys everywhere, there is simply no one to organize, but in general both the Kuban and Terek troops were created, just against the mountain abreks!
        1. +1
          15 January 2014 14: 32
          Quote: predator.3
          Kuban and Terek troops were created
          Catherine gave these lands to people who themselves knew how to be power on their land and protect it from any enemies - at least mountainous, even plains. These people created the above-mentioned troops, choosing their command from top to bottom, which expressed the will of the people living in these lands in peacetime and in wartime. Where to recruit such people? Of those who chose the head of the Kushchevsky administration?
          1. 0
            15 January 2014 21: 28
            Quote: Stanislav
            Catherine gave these lands to people who

            This is interesting from a purely historical point of view. Now is a different time. If a person lives on the territory of, say, the Kuban, fits the selection criteria for the Cossack army - he has served, is generally healthy, a Slav, without a heavy criminal history, maybe something else, say, from religious convictions - welcome to the service! Begin to strictly monitor the "purity of the Cossack family", as if everything will turn into a show of mummers.
  7. +3
    15 January 2014 08: 26
    This is already very, very serious. The problem concerns not only the Caucasus, but, in fact, all regions of Russia. Yesterday in Dagestan, today in Stavropol, tomorrow in the Urals?
  8. +7
    15 January 2014 08: 30
    a guest remains a guest while the owner is in the house! - A. Nevsky. Meanwhile, weapons (traumatic or hunting) in the Russian Federation are more and more difficult to obtain. All this is argued: "You cannot give the people weapons, they will shoot each other." So it turns out that "the owner of the Russian land" is naked (sorry for the expression) jo..th, and the "guests" are armed to the teeth, therefore they behave like invaders!
    1. 0
      15 January 2014 10: 50
      they will shoot each other - well, yes)) those same "sworn friends" and will shoot
  9. DZ_98_B
    15 January 2014 08: 33
    I read the Qur'an, re-read it more than once, on the Internet. Of course I didn’t read in Arabic. Reading the Quran, I am amazed at the brutality of which this book is saturated. In my opinion, the Qur'an is the law of one state. and the goal of Islam is the creation of a single Islamic state. I apologize for your opinion.
    1. +3
      15 January 2014 09: 03
      By the way, the Talmud can be an even more cruel book. How many did not meet quotes from him - mercy and philanthropy are not in them. Even for the sake of interest, he would not read the Talmud.
    2. 0
      15 January 2014 13: 49
      Quote: DZ_98_B
      Reading the Quran, I am amazed at the brutality of which this book is saturated.

      And you read the epos of the Caucasian peoples, for example, "Nart Legends", not motivated violence at every step. Moreover, it is not motivated.
  10. +2
    15 January 2014 08: 45
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    Well, to whom, for example, they leaked me?

    To nobody. Neither YOU nor me.
    But nobody wants to hear us, reckon with us.
    1. +2
      15 January 2014 09: 43
      Quote: Very old
      oh and hear us, no one wants to reckon with us.

      They are already starting, as soon as Caucasians begin to beat their faces, so is raiding and deportation.
      1. +1
        15 January 2014 10: 53
        And it should be before that.
        DOTO, DOTO. Puck, Puck !! LEGAL!

        And for laws to work
        1. +2
          15 January 2014 10: 57
          Quote: Very old

          And for laws to work

          What other laws? If you carefully look at our laws and the Serdyukov case, then we do not have laws.
          1. +1
            15 January 2014 11: 30
            I wonder if my answer to you will be considered a call to ......
            Is it time to invite the plumbing?
            He will look and say: Yes, everything is rotten, here you need to change the whole system ...
  11. +9
    15 January 2014 08: 54
    We merge ourselves first. A simple example is a "body" and crap in the entrance. Many will take him by the scruff of his neck and throw him out into the cold? just honest? 90% will pass with an indifferent expression on their face, and will moan in the chat that Putin has dirtied all entrances, and the police are inactive. And at least to call the duty station, your fingers will dry out. Let no one come to drive the bully today. If you don't start to act, it won't come NEVER
  12. Valery Neonov
    15 January 2014 09: 18
    Quote: makarov
    And where were the faces from the "all-seeing eye, and all-seeing ears" ??
    It is not possible to believe that they did not know what was happening !!!!

    Surely they knew, but in order to carry out any events, "coordination" with higher officials is necessary. And this time, extra ears, extra eyes ...
  13. vlad0
    15 January 2014 09: 19
    Until the legislation changes in favor of the people, any opposition by the hobbits will fall under Art. 282. UK. And the local leadership will first of all merge such activists, showing their "irreconcilable struggle against extremism."
    It’s only when someone at the top is directly affected by this infection (as in the case of Khudyakov, then the deputies began to bustle, and then, for a while), and not one representative of the powers that be, but several, then we will see at least some active events mentioned by the author.
  14. Quote: demotivator
    And if the Cossacks and other civilians, weapons everywhere ...

    But this is not enough, you need a normal legal field.
    After all, what we do: a scumbag has climbed up to your house, has wounded you or one of your family from a firearm, and you have shot him dead with your gun. Of course, he died, but you are still imprisoned for self-defense, as if for murder, and deliberately.
    1. Valery Neonov
      15 January 2014 09: 45
      Quote: Salavat EMERCOM
      but you are still being jailed for self-defense, as for a murder, moreover, intentional.

      There is such a case, oddly enough, but the courts in such cases take the side of the "victim", although there is an interesting document from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, but how to say "what has grown, has grown". Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Resolution of September 27.09.2012, 19 No. XNUMX. hi
  15. 0
    15 January 2014 09: 35
    You can "merge" those who are ready to merge themselves. Many have tried to do this with Russia, but where are they all now ?!
  16. +1
    15 January 2014 10: 38
    A. Afanasyev's article - about time and place! Now is the time to pay attention to the Cossacks as a defender! Especially in rural areas, where the "champions of pure Islam" are hiding precisely at the "points" But the trouble is, the power in the form in which it exists now is itself afraid of the strengthening of the role of the Cossacks in the life of society. There are a lot of examples, take at least the current situation VKO "VVD". Temporary workers come, imposed by the same authorities and begin to freak out, do everything to prevent the Cossacks from growing and developing, thereby creating an "environment unfriendly to the militants." !
  17. ed65b
    15 January 2014 10: 52
    I don't understand. A bearded ram comes to a Russian businessman and says pay and he pays? I think on the "arrow" of the bearded one would have already been accepted by the FSB.
  18. +5
    15 January 2014 10: 56
    Yes, the Cossacks are still the same! And not all mummers. Just mummers are more in sight, we judge by them. And the restoration of a real military Cossack service could help solve the problems that are now in the south of Russia. [/ Quote]

    And where were "not all the mummers' Cossacks" when the shtetl punks in the village of Kushchevskaya, cut off from impunity, turned into uniform ghouls for 10 years? And if it were not for the massacre, it looks like this nonsense would have continued further. So far, the activities of the so-called. patrols is reduced to interviews on TV and the detention of drunk citizens ... They have not been noted in anything else ... Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the Armed Forces and special services in every possible way, and not engage in the revival of amusing troops in the form of special Cossack units ... At one time, the Cossacks were formed the best cavalry in the world, the Cossacks have been preparing for military service since childhood, now times have changed and the conscript from the Kuban is now no better and no worse than the same guy from the Tambov region ... During his service in the Armed Forces, he did not notice much difference ...
  19. +3
    15 January 2014 10: 57
    I agree with the paragraph on weapons. An armed man is not a slave.

    Regarding the authorities do not agree. It is power in the broadest sense that is our tool for influencing the situation (I'm not joking, in theory it should be so). And how the government works is not for me to tell everyone.
    Here is the result.
    1. +1
      15 January 2014 11: 07
      Quote: Vasia Kruger
      An armed man is not a slave.

      Of course not a slave, but often full of *** rock
      1. 0
        15 January 2014 15: 36
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Of course not a slave, but often full of *** rock

        Listen to yourself!
        Heroes of the Great Patriotic War are also in the "armed man" category. Do you think they also deserve such your characteristics?
        1. +1
          15 January 2014 16: 57
          Quote: Setrac
          Heroes of the Great Patriotic War are also in the "armed man" category.

          But you do not dissemble, you perfectly understood who I’m talking about. And you know that not a few people die from injuries and drunken showdowns. Moreover, veterans and heroes have to do with it, they don’t make a fool in taverns and traffic jams.
          1. 0
            15 January 2014 19: 23
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            But you do not dissemble, you perfectly understood who I’m talking about. And you know that not a few people die from injuries and drunken showdowns. Moreover, veterans and heroes have to do with it, they don’t make a fool in taverns and traffic jams.

            And I do not dissemble. The culprit will be with weapons anyway. The ban works against law-abiding citizens. I am for the weapons of the population, albeit under tight control. For starters, you can allow weapons to people who have served in the army (not automatic). If there are ten armed policemen behind each policeman (in the initial concept, a policeman is an armed militia), no foreign mercenaries will tuck into our cities.
  20. +1
    15 January 2014 11: 13
    And so to sum up - the guys were killed for refusing to pay a tax to be killed further.
    What to do? -If you leave everything as it is, they will continue to kill us.

    It means you have to go to the violation of the LAW, such a tax collector came up - BULL TO HIM IN THE forehead and bury in the nearest cesspool quietly and without witnesses.

    There is another option — to notify the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs — knowing the slowness of these structures in protecting ordinary citizens, there will be a well-known scenario with numerous bombings or executions of our citizens.

    There is only one option left to trust in the gentlemen of GOD and in their ability to fight back.

    If you do nothing, we will be placed in the position of slaves regardless of the actions of the state.

    I remind all respected members of the forum that in the 90s in the Caucasus, the Russian population was absolutely defenseless against Caucasian bandits and I see that this trend begins to develop in the depths of RUSSIA- SHAME AND DISRUPTION of that AUTHORITY that cannot protect its people.
  21. AK-47
    15 January 2014 11: 27
    Even worse - a considerable number of flash drives (demands to pay) are written by law enforcement officials who decided to earn extra money in this way.

    Hence their unwillingness to fight this evil, and indeed to protect the rule of law.
  22. AVV
    15 January 2014 11: 48
    Quote: MIKHAN
    Article plus .. Concerned specifically! I feel with my soul that something is not happening and that something needs to be urgently done .. Oh Russia!

    Destroy stupidly, this scum throughout the Caucasus !!!
  23. Luzhichanin
    15 January 2014 11: 56
    Quote: A. Afanasyev
    I have only one question, gentlemen - how long are you going to live like this?
    So the author is still a slave?
    1. 0
      15 January 2014 13: 47
      Would read the article. And then they did not ask stupid questions.
      1. Luzhichanin
        15 January 2014 14: 32
        As I understand it, you are the truth in the last resort, once posted this article hi
        I assure you that I read the article in full and the closer the article was to completion, the dumber the head became ... mine crying
        So do not blame me ... find the strength of the sage and you enlighten the fool in me soldier
        1. 0
          15 January 2014 15: 18
          Hm. Did I say something about the ultimate truth? In my opinion, no. Regarding education ... you indicate that specificallyyou disliked / caused "righteous" anger. And for my part, I will justify what and how I understood. Personally, I liked the article. That's why I posted it.

          In general, let's have a constructive dialogue.

          Ps Nevertheless, I still do not understand the semantic connection between the quote you quoted and the subsequent conclusion. Either I'm dark and stupid, or you are too clever with the expression of your own thoughts.

          Sincerely, Egor. hi
          1. Luzhichanin
            15 January 2014 18: 53
            The ultimate truth ... I don’t see the language of irony ... crying
            Gentlemen - this is the appeal of a slave to his master ... I think so. It's my personal opinion. You may not agree. You can call me stupid. But do not force people to think differently in proposals such as your post above about a stupid question.
            If you would like a constructive dialogue, what prevented you from leading it right away? What prevented clarifying the essence of the issue immediately?
          2. Luzhichanin
            15 January 2014 18: 53
            The ultimate truth ... I don’t see the language of irony ... crying
            Gentlemen - this is the appeal of a slave to his master ... I think so. It's my personal opinion. You may not agree. You can call me stupid. But do not force people to think differently in proposals such as your post above about a stupid question.
            If you would like a constructive dialogue, what prevented you from leading it right away? What prevented clarifying the essence of the issue immediately?
            1. 0
              15 January 2014 19: 03
              Tovaris, don't aggravate. I suggested that you discuss all the pros and cons. You answer in the style of a prosecutor, and even with pretensions to wit. I do not want and do not intend to arrange any debate with mutual accusations and deception.
              As for the "gentlemen". The semantics of this call are very different, and largely depend on the context. In my opinion, within the framework of this article, it reflected the author's polite appeal to his opponents. And, as I think, clearly not to you with us. And - to various kashin, Kharlamov and other figures of the blogosphere who find any way to pour out their brain dirt into society.

              I'm not going to impose my opinion on you. How many people, so many points of view.
              Sincerely, Egor.
  24. +2
    15 January 2014 12: 17
    Remember, gentlemen, comrades, if we continue to scold the state, what will we get to?
    The article is excellent and such thoughts are in everyone’s mind. If we just whine, then THEY will come to us tomorrow? Conclusion: to unite and slowly arm.
  25. 0
    15 January 2014 15: 07
    In Argentina (thanks to democracy) robberies and murders are committed every day. In cases where the victim is armed, the police have to collect the corpses of bandits.
  26. 0
    15 January 2014 15: 44
    What is the conclusion? The Kazakoids do not want to work, they only need robberies, robbery and murders, because they are still in the primeval communal teip system, and we no longer want to feed them and live with them. There is a revolutionary situation in Lenin.
  27. 0
    15 January 2014 15: 46
    Of course, permission to store and carry short-barreled weapons is vital for our country. Armed law abiding citizen in itself is the protection and support of the state. But "traumatism" should be prohibited, because it is a toy that discourages the owner and does not frighten the attacker. The only "but" is that our legislation is not very supportive of the defenders. Nevertheless, there are organizations in Russia that are trying to change the situation for the better - to legally substantiate the concept of "my home is my fortress", to expand the rights of citizens to self-defense.
    It was said here that it is getting harder and harder to get a weapon permit now - this is sheer nonsense. Perhaps, it has become more difficult to obtain permission by the "left" way, and if everything is done according to the rules, then there have not been any special changes over the past ten years. Moreover, thanks to the increased legal literacy of the population, the number of unjustified refusals to issue a permit to acquire weapons has significantly decreased. Introduced compulsory training in the use of weapons and that's it, so this is a correct and necessary measure.
    And now imagine a scenario - a "tax collector" comes to a citizen's house and says, shaking his dagger: "Pay money, otherwise I will cut you!" And in response, a bullet hits the body or into the beveled low forehead. And the arrived police patrol fixes what happened and shakes hands with the citizen for his civic position and help in the fight against crime. Utopia, of course, but who knows ...
  28. 0
    15 January 2014 15: 59
    <<< And now - zakat is demanded both from the Russians and outside the Caucasus. So far, there is only enough strength to rob a small business (the same taxi drivers). But if this is not stopped, they will also start robbing the large one. And far beyond the borders of Stavropol. And Russia will turn into a country paying tribute. >>>
    And if, according to the principle of "wedge by wedge" the Russians, in order of compensation, impose a quitrent (anti-zakat) on all Caucasian Muslims from the North Caucasian republics who have moved and continue to actively move to the Stavropol Territory, to the Krasnodar Territory and other regions of Russia, and the quitrent is many times higher " zakat "(people are far from poor, who obviously enjoy tacit support in this" Muslim expansion ")! Surely this will immediately moderate the ardor of the horsemen who collect "zakat" and, moreover, it will certainly decrease the number of Muslims wishing to move to the Stavropol Territory and other regions of Russia with a predominantly Russian population! In addition, it is possible to identify the approximate amount of all these collected "zakat" and, by increasing it several times, subtract it from the amount of subsidies received by the North Caucasian republics and do this until the horsemen-collectors of "zakat" "will not disappear! It is very likely that these measures, along with law enforcement, will allow in a fairly short time to solve this problem once and for all!
  29. Warrawar
    15 January 2014 17: 24
    Guardians of the Rosiyanskoy multinational friendship ... then there are all sorts of sovkoblyats yapping towards the EU and the USA. RF is a country of immoral freaks, just a leper colony. People are being killed for not paying for some kind of "zakat", and in the meantime, the Moscow police catch a teenager who burned the karan and forced the Caucasian to renounce the donkey (two bream were enough). And such examples all over the country - wherever you can spit wretchedness and ugliness everywhere.
    1. +1
      15 January 2014 19: 12
      Wretchedness and ugliness ... Here they are, the products of capitalism and democracy. YOUR let me say, democracy (well, based on the country of your residence). But - to put it in your vocabulary - with the "Sovka" it was calm, and interethnic strife - to a minimum, and there was work, and in terms of culture, we overtook all countries. And b ... va was not. By the way, he was also brought from America wink
      So ... Do you make conclusions yourself or help? smile
      1. 0
        15 January 2014 20: 12
        Quote: pRofF
        So ... Do you make conclusions yourself or help?

        But what do you answer him? Didn’t you notice his profile picture? Everything is clear with him.
  30. +1
    15 January 2014 21: 45
    [quote = ranger] Yes, the Cossacks are still there! And not all mummers. Just mummers are more in sight, we judge by them. And the restoration of a real military Cossack service could help solve the problems that are now in the south of Russia. [/ Quote]

    And where were "not all the mummers' Cossacks" when the shtetl punks in the village of Kushchevskaya, cut off from impunity, turned into uniform ghouls for 10 years? And if it were not for the massacre, it looks like this nonsense would have continued further. So far, the activities of the so-called. patrols are reduced to interviews on TV and the detention of drunk citizens ... They have not yet noted anything else ... Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the Armed Forces and special services in every possible way, and not engage in the revival of amusing troops in the form of special Cossack units ... At one time, the Cossacks were formed the best cavalry in the world, the Cossacks have been preparing for military service since childhood, now times have changed and the conscript from the Kuban is now no better and no worse than the same guy from the Tambov region ... During his service in the Armed Forces, he did not notice much difference ... [ / quote]
    Everything that you are told officially about what happened in Kushchevskaya, to put it mildly, is not entirely true! Many locals do not believe that it was Tsapki who killed this farmer. For example, one of my relatives, who lived in this village all his life, says that he learned about the gang and the horrors allegedly going on there from newspapers and TV. Such Tsapkov in every settlement of Russia. Chat for interest with the residents of Kushchevskaya! And then they told you that people were afraid to walk the streets! Go to the farm where Tsapok had a mega-farm using Dutch technology and ask. Look at the roads that he built, the lights, the water supply, the house of culture. He regularly paid a very good salary, gave money for treatment, even sent staff to study to maintain a farm in Holland. I don’t protect him, he’s a bandit, but everything is not so simple ... I don’t believe that adult hardened screwed up men with a mortal threat to their families would surrender without a fight. There were a lot of weapons on the tables and around! They killed them too quickly, professionally and revealingly! You should have seen what these "hoes" really were! Here the reason is different!
    And that you are attached to the Cossacks! Here they detain the drunk and that's it! They will still arrange a fun life for you all! And the descendants of the Cossacks are no longer capable of anything! And who is capable? Only military personnel and all? Well, then organize a volunteer corps of all interested capable reserve officers and put things in order. Help the law enforcement! In our village, no one has yet said a bad word about the Cossacks! This is our form of self-organization and protection! Why are you making fun of her all the time? Why doesn’t anyone remember the volunteer Cossack Ermolovsky battalion in the First Chechen? I myself am not a member of the Cossack society — I work at sea, but on vacation I go on patrol with my neighbors in the streets! And you all expect that the police will protect you - not protect, do not expect!
  31. 0
    15 January 2014 22: 44
    The eternal trouble of the Russians. We are not like at home, abroad we cannot rally. We are almost the only nation that does not create diasporas abroad. And on the contrary, all sorts of "natives" even together create a diaspora, into which it is often unrealistic to penetrate, and begin to milk us one by one.
      15 January 2014 23: 37
      The eternal trouble of the Russians. We are not like at home, abroad we cannot rally. We are almost the only nation that does not create diasporas abroad. And on the contrary, all sorts of "natives" even together create a diaspora, into which it is often unrealistic to penetrate, and begin to milk us one by one.
      The nation to which I belong (Karachaevtsy) has the same problem (I mean unity). There is no national idea, no incentive, no desire to raise the republic, work, serve, for the good of the Motherland-Russia. This is some kind of garbage we are degrading, in the demography of my people, growth, and in moral, cultural and religious values, we are degrading. Hemp, now a common thing, corruption, and ignorance of our own history, the main goal is only to make money. This is total egoism, if this goes further, then we will turn into animals thinking only of personal gain.
      1. 0
        16 January 2014 00: 08
        Neither hrhh Ibrahim Botashev (from the profile, unless of course this is true) - good . what
        Yes, you are a son (I have the right. Like Muslims - if you are four years older, then Aby <Tatars>) - unique !!! Such words - yes, in fact, shkolota ???
        The only thing is that there are just no such people in Russia, but they are very necessary, but they are not allowed in by those who have a daddy who sells halal chicken in the Moscow region, and you don’t have such a nonsense, but there are BRAINS !!! I'm right? Do not deny. I’m ready to take you on a cruise on Germashka, introduce you to people in the adaptation center for chicha as a tolmachka. There is a demand for such. For those who not only know how to loosen Russia, but THINK.
        According to your comments it is very similar to this.
        I suggest in a "personal", so as not to flood on the forum.
        / Vadim /
  32. DMB-78
    16 January 2014 08: 34
    the inhabitants of Dagestan have long been saying, give us weapons, we ourselves will destroy all these militants. not one will be in the forests. and what turns out, armed bandits come and take everything. whatever they want. and they have nothing to answer. But they can clear the republic. Basayev’s gang wasn’t allowed into Dagestan
  33. 0
    16 January 2014 13: 07
    I believe that it is the Russians who are to blame for what is happening now between us and the foreigners. After all, Caucasians and other Tajik-Uzbeks are like children. Patience is constantly tested. As you give it on the head, so calm down. Do we allow them to illegally migrate here and settle down for a bribe? They do just that. Do we allow them to pay off the court and the police in the event of even serious crimes? They do just that. But when to take a bribe from a "black" will be a trash. Or it will be better to solve problems for the "black" for a bribe, then it will be better. Well, how did the story end with the traders who broke the policeman's head? I would not be surprised if they have already bought it and taken it home. So we allow ourselves to be cut, raped, robbed and blown up.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"