Jihad 4.0

Jihad 4.0First, add something from myself. In the light of the events in Volgograd, the factor of Islamic terrorism comes to the fore in the list of threats that pose the greatest danger to our country and state. Therefore, various information on this topic can be extremely useful - if you are warned, you are armed. Based on this, I decided to submit an article on the site that, in my opinion, is of absolute interest. The author of the article is Alexander Afanasyev, a writer, partly - an analyst, a resident of the city of Izhevsk. The article was published by him on 2 / 07 / 13 Samizdat. But even now it is relevant. In general, comrades, judge for yourself. Article cite without abbreviations.

Ps In the beginning, please do not be afraid (and do not spit), the author cites an excerpt from the arguments of the homebrew Wahhabi.

Auzubi-Llyahi Mina Shaitani Radim! Bismi-Llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim! Al-Salyamu Alaikum, dear brothers and sisters!

In this article I would like to share my opinion on the situation that has developed on our lands today, on Jihad on our territory, make us and myself and give some advice, based on the situations that I have encountered.

Many scholars are of the opinion that for Muslims in the state of Jihad, Farz Al-Ain on their territory (and when there is not enough forces to drive out the enemy) is not allowed to travel to other fronts of Jihad. An exception may be cases like departure with the intention of gaining experience and returning, or a situation where the fuse-guards “pull” and practically choose between leaving or arresting (kidnapping). In addition, fighting on your territory, you kind of participate in the Jihad on other fronts as a deep intelligence agent or in some other way (for example, Russia is an ally of the Assad regime in Sham, and you are at war with the one who helps him).

Brothers, there is one very important point - where the active Jihad is going on, the right daavat is actively spreading, and there is a noticeable rise among the Muslims. We have the majority of Muslims in ignorance and fitna, and if we assume that we will not conduct active Jihad for many more years, during this time, how many brothers can get bogged down there or die there, and who understands this, risks their inaction that in general the heart can be sealed (oh Allah, do not seal our hearts, and do not replace us with other people, and grant a correct understanding of Your religion!).

I don’t have any idea how to organize an active call for Jihad and an explanation among the Ummah for those fitna around. In the open, this does not seem possible to do. In the meantime, at least there will be no support for a part of the Ummah, it will not be possible to provide active resistance to the enemy, unless the Almighty wishes. I am not defeated, but I seriously fear that until the infidels start massively oppressing the Muslims, the Ummah will not rise. And there, so unexpectedly started events can be experienced very painfully - confusion, unavailability, etc.

I think, and Allah knows better that we are now facing such an ordeal as conducting Jihad alone or in small autonomous groups. Other brothers have also repeatedly called for this. There are a number of difficulties (finance, weapon etc.), but, alhamdulillah, if you think these difficulties are small. After all, equipment is not worth such big money, many brothers have a car, but about weapons: if there is a problem with a firearm, then the door to a powerful weapon is open to explosives, and it is even easier with incendiary means. After all, it’s wrong to sit and wait for the collapse of Russia, the arrival of a large army of Muslims or, for example, the fact that one day one brother will come and pick up a Fisabili-Llyah for Jihad (because to pick you up, someone must prepare everything with difficulty and risk and then you have to believe each other yet). I think that if at least several brothers periodically attack someone from non-believers or organize sabotage, then there may be the following positive consequences:
- raising the morale and determination of other brothers;
- the enemy has great difficulties ("In the center of Russia there are still terrorists, etc.");
- discussion of these events among Muslims - here they may think about Jihad;
- Kafirs can, of course, start persecuting Muslims, but this is not a reason for not leading the Jihad. And here the brothers and sisters can quickly become clear the whole essence of Putin's power and its militants. Persecution can begin without it - as Silantyev recently grunted.

If, inshaa-Llah, operations will occur periodically, then it will be more difficult for infidels to thoroughly investigate each episode (that is, to allocate dozens of investigators, investigators and experts for each episode).

Now I would like to share my views on preparing for action.
In the process of preparation, it is necessary, as far as possible, to leave outside affairs. Even it is necessary to leave or reduce the commission of permitted and even certain prescribed acts. For example, on a day off, preference should be given to some business from preparing for Jihad before visiting relatives. Brothers, there are a lot of nuances here - you live alone or with your parents, with or without family, can you leave home for a long time without inventing a legend, have you ever been in sight of kufrohranitel, etc. We need to settle in a place where there will be a favorable atmosphere for Iman (you are not with sinful people) and to prepare for Jihad (no one bothers or condemns). It may not be easy to do this, but you have to endure and constantly make duas, as in other cases.

Avoid negligence is very important. If through negligence you find yourself in a dangerous situation, then, like lightning, an understanding strikes your head that all actions and precautions are not just so easy.

Also, a Muslim may face the fact that inside he will feel that he is very brave, but when something risky happens, it may very well turn out that he overestimated himself. Another thing is that when planning in your head, any business seems to be easy, but, having started it, it can be much harder and take much longer than expected.

It seems to me that there is such a phenomenon that, looking at the fact that many Muslims do not commit Jihad around, their inner keen desire to commit it and to dull the understanding that abandoning the battle is a grave sin can be dulled. Be carefull!

Do not read any phytosteric articles, books, etc. - the heart may weaken and descend from where it was.

If some information similar to the actions of the Mujahideen has passed in the kafir media, then do not immediately draw conclusions without reading in reliable sources. Especially messages like: "The planned series of explosions in crowded places has been prevented."
Any infidels veterans often present themselves with such things - aggressive behavior, hearing songs "about the assault," etc., the use of words such as "lumps", "niggers," etc.

There is still one ambiguous point - if Muslim works, he earns money and, therefore, has a source of their receipt, on the other hand, he spends most of his time at work (especially sadly to lose time in the warm season), and there may also be different sins. I am referring to the fact that, in my opinion, after collecting a certain amount of money (perhaps several hundred thousand rubles), the work should be left and act with the amount collected, although it is not known where to get the money in the future.

It is very important to have a cache and dangerous things to keep there (here the main safe place, but so that he himself could then find, and also he must be deeply buried - more than 1, if in the ground).

It is very good to have your dugout in a forest in a safe place (the main thing here is that it should not be too close to settlements, trails and streams, there should be a clear plan: in which direction to leave it when it is detected). However, I think using it as the main place of deployment is not very convenient in the current situation. Living there is not easy, the winters in our area are quite severe, somewhere else you need to keep the car (if you have one). In general, without necessity, I think you should not be evicted into the forest.

It would be nice to know which criminal groups, "authorities" operate in your area.
A little more I want to share an opinion about weapons. I think that in the current situation, trunks such as AK (except the shortened one), PKK, PC are not so necessary. We must try to get a minimum of a pistol, or a shotgun, or something like that, as well as grenades (it’s not so difficult to make self-made ones). Let me remind you once again that the door to the explosive is more open than to the weapon. To Allah Aalam, I think this is His sign. See for yourself - it’s powerful, easy to make, it doesn’t leave such clear marks like bullets and cartridges, besides: if there is a weapon, there may be few cartridges for it or it can be worn out. In any case, the absence of weapons and explosives does not close all possibilities of resistance.

Amir Abdullah (may Allah save him) in his video message hinted that almost everyone can master the commission of economic sabotage.

When planning operations, consider the following points:
the enemy on duty are gangs of riot police and SOBR. You need to know their location, and from here you can calculate the time and route of their arrival (although, of course, some other gang, such as the patrol of the private or on-duty part, will most likely arrive earlier). The mode of service several years ago was this: a day after two in normal mode, day after day in an enhanced manner. On average, in size of the region, a platoon (20 man) is normally on duty, in SOBR there is a detachment (up to 10 men). Explosives gangs MIA serve just as riot police. Riot police in the region may be several.

These 2 gangs can precisely begin to search the area or storm the object. Be especially careful when searching for information on these gangs;
- In the majority of regional MVD there is a helicopter or even several helicopters;
- enemies can quickly transfer additional forces from neighboring regions or even Moscow, not only to catch the Mujahideen, but also to frighten the local population;
- get ready to actively use dogs, thermal imagers, night vision devices, conduct a detailed survey of the local population;
- to know (and not only during operations) the weak points of the Internet, telephone communication, etc., which currently apply forensic expertise;
- you need to be neatly in places where abandoned houses, etc., - there kufroshiteli (sometimes in civilian clothes) seek out illegal migrant workers;
- A car is better to have the most common in this area, in order to make it difficult for a specific car to go through a car test. Try to find out how many such cars are registered in this region or large city. Again, be very careful.

And finally, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Allah Akbar!
Your brother ayub
Shaaban 1434 GX

Not a bad little article, right? Run though. Only it is not clear where, because the world now, as the liberals say, is flat. And this means that in France, and in England and in the United States, such Arkharians are no less. And the murder of a soldier in central London, the bombings in Boston - this is confirmed. So there is essentially nowhere to run.

In this article I want to talk about the forms of jihad and about the new form that is just emerging. Jihad of the fourth generation, dispersed jihad, single jihad.

But in order to understand what is happening around and where the world is heading - we must at least understand how we came to life where it all started and how we came to what we came to. A good help - should provide science. The real one, not the one that is now - completely decomposed, engaged, serving purely mundane interests. Political science - we have now come down to predicting election results and handing out advice to their participants, geopolitics - is most of all studying how to change the whole world without changing anything, sociology has become a servant of the noble cause of advertising.

By the way, no one is worried about the billionth Caliphate that is on our doorstep, that they are blowing up, killing, threatening to slaughter all of us (and putting threats into action at the earliest opportunity) - and do social sciences treat this with an amazing coolness? Why do we need such a science at all, why do we keep these scientists, if they do not give us the scientific study of the problem that threatens us and does not suggest ways out of the current, already close to a catastrophic situation. On the verge of either the Third World War, or the new Golden Horde - and what are we discussing instead? Some kind of round tables are being held ... but for some reason it all comes down to the economy, to the creation of jobs. Does no one see that those who go into the forest - they go there not from lack of work. And Johar Tsarnaev blew up the Boston Marathon not from lack of work, and not because in America he was beaten and forced to confess to a local policeman. No, he himself - at some point he became radicalized, he himself decided to go to Dagestan, he himself decided to commit a terrorist act, he himself found everything necessary for that. The problem is no longer in Bin Laden. And it does not solve, at least ten Bin Laden kill.

I propose to briefly trace the genesis of the Islamic terrorist danger in order to understand how we found ourselves in the position we are in now. And then - to draw some conclusions.

Islamic extremism of the first generation - it is customary to count out from Egypt of the twenties, when a school teacher by the name of Al-Bann gathered a small group of like-minded people who received the name Al-Ikhvan al-Muslimun-brothers are Muslims. But I believe that the sources should be considered even earlier - the Mahdi Army, the battle and siege of Khartoum, the battle of Omdurman, when the British army succeeded in one of the most striking victories in stories Wars: for the first time using Maxim's machine guns, they laid down forty thousand Islamic militants, losing a little more than forty soldiers - a difference of three orders. Nevertheless, the Mahdi army and the Muslim Brotherhood, like the jihadists of the first generation, have much in common, which is worth saying.

The first sign is a hierarchical structure, at that time modern and adequate to the needs. There is a charismatic leader, there are militant groups that also have their own leaders. The sources of funding for such a jihad are the membership dues of the participants, and in wartime it is banal robbery. At that moment, neither the Mahdi army, nor the Brothers Muslims enjoyed any support from the countries of the Western world.

The emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood (almost thirty years have passed since the battle of Omdurman) was due to the fact that the Muslim world has already understood and realized one simple fact: the technological development of Western civilization has gone so far that Muslims have no adequate means to answer. The twenties is the rapid development of aircraft construction, the golden age of the military fleet with its huge battleships, machine guns, the first pistols - machine guns, war gases, radios, first Tanks. The Muslims had nothing to answer to this - nothing at all. Their fathers fought with silicon rifles, but preferred a sharp saber. They - faced with machine guns mowing everything around, with pistols - machine guns that can be worn under clothes and release thirty rounds of ammunition per second. The creation of a secret brotherhood is a way to somehow strengthen our ranks before the inevitable absorption of the West, which has gone far ahead. And if you think so - if not for the two catastrophic world wars that hit the West and only the West - this takeover certainly took place. It’s just after two world massacres that took place with an interval of twenty years and crippled two generations in a row - there were simply no one to maintain and develop the colonies. Those who should have died, some near Verdun, some near Stalingrad.

The second-generation jihad was born on a specific war - in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan and the support of the United States and the Western world of Islamic extremists was such a monstrous mistake that we, I am sure, did not even know half the consequences of this. Although now - the USSR is no more, and the US economy is in such a position as if they lost the war. Afghanistan was born out of the understanding that the Western world could not defeat the USSR by military means. In general, nothing - the price was the complete destruction of all mankind. The USSR and the Western world were in a state of conflict and could not solve it by military means, which meant they had to exchange blows through third countries. The USSR struck in Vietnam - it was during the Vietnam War that America turned from a creditor to a debtor. But the Vietnamese - at least, having won, created a state. The United States did a much more terrible thing: they put the most modern methods of organizational design created by the CIA to the creation of second-generation jihad.

The second-generation jihad is different from the first-generation jihad, not a hierarchical, but a network structure. There is no single leader, there is no single decision-making center - there are many small gangs and several large ones, but none of them is critical for the system. The second distinguishing feature is the strict separation of war and fundraising, and fundraising is also conducted through different channels, and it is extremely difficult to interrupt it. The war in Afghanistan - was funded from a variety of sources. This is the money of the CIA. And the money of the oil sheikhs, who gave dollar to dollar of American aid. And funds raised by Muslim communities in the countries of the East and Afghan communities in the countries of the West. And the money received from the traffic in drugs, weapons and humanitarian aid. The second-generation jihad was distinguished by its international character - they went to the Pakistani camps from all over the world to fight with Soviet soldiers. Unlike jihad of the first generation, the created system was extremely resistant to external influences, it allowed to quickly restore the damaged areas. In the end, the first-generation jihad led to the fact that the USSR was forced to curtail the program of building a normal, civilized society in Afghanistan, a society where they know by the names of astronauts, and not shahids. And then - Islamic extremists understood how even a superpower can be defeated ...

This is how the jihad of the 3.0 generation began.
Jihad generation 3.0 is different in that, unlike jihad generation 2.0. leadership again passed to the East. Jihad 2.0. largely inspired by the West as one of the tools for victory over the USSR and communism. Few people know that in Palestine, for example, such jihadists no longer hated Israel, but their compatriots, the nationalists and the more so the communists. Afghanistan became the second-generation jihad laboratory - it was in the struggle with the Soviet army that such critical technologies were worked out as:
- mass recruitment of volunteers in different countries of the world and transferring them to the combat zone
- organizing fundraising through refugee communities in developed countries
- the organization of training camps for young recruiting, the technology of fast and most intensive training to the minimum that is absolutely necessary in battle - the rest is gained by experience, unless, of course, they are killed.
- organization of continuous subversive and terrorist actions in the face of tough opposition from a developed and technologically equipped army
- manipulation of public opinion in the West, the presentation of bandit and terrorist actions as the people's struggle for self-determination, protective measures of the state as oppression of the people by a bloody dictatorship, etc.
- self-financing of jihad due primarily to the organization of drug crops and drug trafficking.

The 3.0 jihad began when the terrorists left to themselves intercepted these technologies and began to successfully use them against those who gave them to them - that is, against the West led by the United States. In addition, one more thing was added to the above: jihad began to be used as a means of manipulating commodity markets, as well as a means for blackmailing elites of the East with elites of the West. On the one hand, blackmail was like this: if you do not behave this way and that, then there will be acts of terrorism. On the other hand, you see what is being done, which is why we in the countries cut heads in squares, flog people and there is no democracy. Our little people only will give, they ...

It is clear in general.

Clinton’s rule is known in the United States as the “golden time”. This can be understood - the main geopolitical opponent is defeated, the prices for raw materials are kept at minimum levels, there is no serious military threat. In addition - this is the time of the technological revolution led by the United States - computers and the Internet. But few people pay attention to the last years of this "golden time" - 1998-2000 years.

In the ninety-eighth - there was largely a man-made crisis in the West. Its consequences are a sharp collapse of national currencies, a massive sale of assets and their transfer from a local to an international business, at minimal prices. In South Korea, for example, the chaebol system collapsed, completely controlled by the South Koreans themselves. It was probably the largest robbery in history. The mechanism is simple: foreign banks finance the economy of such countries, based on cheap labor, give loans denominated in dollars. Under them - naturally taken pledges. Next - there is a man-made crisis, the value of the national currency falls by several times, therefore, the value of collateral decreases by several times. This is called margin call - banks are entitled to demand additional collateral or early repayment of the loan. No - pledges pass into the hands of banks, are sold at minimal prices, and who will buy? Of course, the one with dollars. Just great...

It did not work out in Russia - we stupidly declared a default, after which investors recoiled from us, the abnormal ones. And few people compare this with the fact that al-Qaeda is activated from the very year of 1998. 1998 year - explosions in embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 2000 year - the attack on the destroyer Cole in the Gulf of Aden. 2001 year - attacks 9 / 11. Al-Qaeda existed before that, but the attacks began in the very year when the American elite began the process of redistributing property in their favor around the world. I think it is not just that.

I believe that the activation of Al-Qaida is a preventive reaction of the elites of the East to the possible withdrawal of their accumulated wealth. After all, since the mid-seventies, from the time when the price of oil rose sharply - the Arabs invested simply innumerable amounts in the economy of the West. However, the economic power of the sheikhs was offset by their complete military helplessness compared to the United States. But among the Arab holders of this enormous wealth were amazingly intelligent people - for example, Turki al-Faisal, head of the Saudi intelligence and the prince of the ruling house. I think that following the war in Afghanistan, the sheikhs of the Gulf saw an opportunity to directly and seriously influence the events in the world. Strengthen - but not for the classic, but for non-traditional wars. That is why al-Qaida appeared. A completely new organization, headed by the son of a Saudi millionaire and having at its disposal thousands of fanatics that have passed through Afghanistan. Few people even think about this: al-Qaida is the first organization of Sunni extremists, created specifically to attack the West. The Muslim Brotherhood is an organization aimed primarily at seizing power in Egypt and in the Arab world as a whole. Palestinian rebel organizations - created to fight with Israel. Few people know that at the origins of al-Qaida was not only bin Laden, but also Sheikh Abdullah Azam. Immediately after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, a dispute began between them on what to do next. Bin Laden offered to attack the West, while Shay Azam suggested first establishing Sharia rule in Eastern countries, and only then going to war with the West. In 1989, Sheikh Abddallah Azam was killed in a terrorist attack - and Bin Laden became the head of al Qaeda.

At this point, third generation jihad has not run out of steam, far from it. Moreover, he wins. Bin Laden may have been eliminated by the SEALs, perhaps - he died before that - but most likely, he really is dead. His successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian doctor and former member of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad - is not a direct successor to Bin Laden, he completely changed the line of struggle and headed for the destabilization of the Arab regimes in order to come to power, create a Caliphate, most likely - acquire nuclear weapons, and then start a war with the West. That is why - in December 2012, a secret meeting was held in Peshawar, at which an agreement was reached on the unification of the structures of Al-Qaeda and Islamic Jihad. It seems that al-Qaeda, with the death of bin Laden, got out of the control of the Saudi sheikhs, and now it poses a serious danger to them. It is precisely the fact that al-Zawahiri is doing business in al-Qaeda that explains the absence of serious, high-profile terrorist attacks against the West, combined with a sharp aggravation of the situation in the East. Egypt and Libya are on the verge of civil war, Afghanistan is almost completely controlled by the Taliban, the situation in Iraq and Pakistan has deteriorated sharply, terrorist attacks occur almost every day, Somalia, Mali, Libya are destabilized in Africa, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt are on the verge of destabilization, Kenya is radicalizing, Algeria. Ethiopia. Syria - at the moment plays the role of a new Afghanistan - the university of the Mujahideen, plus we must not forget about the old Afghanistan. In 2014, NATO leaves from there, the country has a huge amount of modern weapons, the army and the police are ready to go over to the side of the Mujahideen, on the other side of the border, in the Swat Valley, there is an established training infrastructure capable of producing tens of thousands of militants a year. And next to it is Pakistan, whose population has exceeded 170 million people, which has recently become extremely radicalized due to poverty, open venality and government incompetence, the constant presence of militant gangs in the country, national humiliation due to constant strikes. drones and the government's inability to control the airspace. And yet - in Pakistan, one hundred and fifty atomic bombs - at least. Do you need to explain what could happen next? The trigger for a large-scale social explosion can be another round of the crisis in the West, which will lead to the fact that many guest workers will lose their jobs and will not be able to send money home. Or a sharp rise in food prices due to adverse weather conditions. In 2010, the starting point of the revolution in Egypt was rising food prices due to drought and a Russian government ban on grain exports, combined with a crisis in Europe and falling demand for Egyptian agricultural products. At one time, Egypt itself grew wheat - but then wise experts advised buying wheat, and growing winter vegetables and fruits for export to Europe. The revolution only led to a doubling of prices for the most necessary goods, and at least twenty percent unemployment - so, I think, we will soon see the second act of the Merleson ballet, much more bloody than the first. The riots are already underway, at any time they can escalate into a civil war. Flying, well-armed bands of Mujahideen with Syrian and Afghan experience will instantly appear in the country. And you're done - a full-scale war in a country of ninety million people. I'm not talking about Pakistan - it's an atomic powder keg, a real catastrophe can begin there at any moment.

But along with the jihad of the 3.0 generation - today there is a completely new type of jihad. Jihad fourth generation.

This jihad is completely different from all previous types of jihad, it is new. He does not deny the third-generation jihad and will exist parallel to it. It is more dangerous than the third-generation jihad - in the long run it can lead to a catastrophe, comparable to the collapse of Rome, to the barbarization of the entire planet. But for now - he doesn’t look so dangerous. This is jihad for rich countries and for those territories where Islam has never existed. This jihad is our problem, and there is no getting away from it.

The fourth generation jihad is a single jihad. To some extent, this is a reaction to the extremely effective actions of the Western special services (in principle, and ours too) to suppress and track the structures of classical jihad. Western intelligence agencies can listen to absolutely all mobile phones on the planet, check all e-mail, put an ular drone almost anywhere in the East. There are no such opportunities in Russia yet - but the number of forest brothers in the Caucasus is minimized, and the average life expectancy as an amir of the sector is several months. SWAT appears instantly, almost impossible to escape from the ring. The classic forest jihad, even in a small group, is certain death.

However, jihad 4.0 solves all these problems, and leads the confrontation to a fundamentally new level. Its distinguishing features are:

1. A fundamentally different type of organization - there is no organization. Characters - singles or small groups of two - three people.

2. Fundamentally different scheme of involvement. There is no direct recruitment - jihad 4.0 begin singles who self-radicalize under the influence of messages on jihadist sites and watching videos on Youtube. The task of classical jihadist structures is to remove and upload these videos from the combat zone, while the real damage caused by an explosion of the tank is not even important, the main thing is to remove it beautifully and post it on the Internet with appropriate comments. The operator in the jihadist gang is becoming even more important than Amir.

3. The jihad of the 4.0 generation is conducted at the place of residence, without going into the open confrontation zones. In fact, it is a series of crimes that a self-radicalized young man commits under the influence of hatred, which has arisen after receiving information about jihad and radical Islam.

4. Despite the external "harmlessness", if you can call it that, this jihad is extremely dangerous. For example, in one of the issues of the magazine Inspire (Inspire), which unknown well-wishers translated into Russian - there are appeals to single subversive actions, in particular - to jihad by arson. If you think about it that way, then arson terror is almost an ideal terror. To commit a terrorist attack is enough one bastard and one box of matches, perhaps - one and a half with gasoline. Summer is hot, rains do not happen for weeks. Went to the park, walked away, poured gasoline, set on fire. Extinguished on time - no big deal, you can try again. They did not extinguish - the city will suffocate in the smoke, perhaps - dacha partnerships, suburbs will suffer, the death of people is not excluded. The fight against fire - will have to spend significant funds, millions and millions of rubles. If the taiga is set on fire, the damage may amount to billions. And if caught, the maximum that you can give is a few years in prison and reparation. Yeah, from salary.

And if there will be more than one such arsonists? And if they set fire to no forest? And for example refueling? Or gas distribution station. Or country houses at night? Or garages? Or throw a bottle of gasoline and wick on the territory of a factory? Or get to the railway station, which is not guarded and where are the tanks with gasoline, and even with gas? Here and to the second Arzamas not far. Or make a fire - teplinka under the main pipeline? A distinctive feature of such a jihad is the extremely high cost / effectiveness ratio. One box of matches, one bottle of gasoline can cause damage to dozens, if not hundreds of millions of rubles.

And all this - will lead to the fact that it will be IMPOSSIBLE to NORMALLY live.

5. Jihad generation 4.0 virtually invulnerable to conventional means of struggle. Unable to destroy the communication - they do not exist. It is impossible to implement an agent - there is no place to introduce it. It is impossible to apply the usual security measures - every forest, every gas station, every railway station cannot be surrounded by a chain of soldiers. It is impossible to use a raid, combing, checking documents - the jihadist has legal documents, he lives here, on his forehead is not written. The detention of individual pests does not mean anything - they are not connected with each other, neither of them knows the other, the most that he can tell is the nicknames of the interlocutors on the jihadist website. Even if you establish their identity - little good. Well, came in. Well, ruffled. So for the words do not imprison, you never know what I said there. In addition, there will be a problem with the qualification of committed acts. Forest set fire - and how to qualify? As a terrorist attack - or just assholes threw a cigarette. And imagine what kind of psychosis in society will begin after the first, second, third arson becomes known? Here and the innocent will begin to prick our valiant bodies. Someone will shout out what we say - the Tatars are set on fire - there is someone who will shout, believe me. A rise in tensions in society, including inter-ethnic tensions, will begin. And here it is not far from the "events". In Chechnya, classical jihad, too, began with the growth of interethnic tension. The year in 1990 in Chechnya, no one knew what jihad is.

6, Experienced terrorists will be among the jihadists of the 4.0 generation. For example, in the West, due to the high availability of air transport, there was a fashion to fly jihad to Syria on vacation or even on weekends. He drives such a Ahmed taxi in London, the vacation was given - he flew to jihad, killed people, then came back. To normal working life. The question is - for how long. Every such jihadist — vacationer — is like a mine. You never know when it will. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev flew on leave to the Caucasus - and then decided to commit the attack.

7. Jihad 4.0 can find a lot of adherents among illegal migrants. Illegal migrants - are in constant stress, humiliation - ready nourishing environment for the cultivation of terrorists. At the same time, most of them are Muslims, sometimes already familiar with radical ideas, and, due to their work, have the opportunity to commit sabotage, large and small. Moreover, each of them is tightly integrated into a community, an informal association based on nationality. This already gives the potential for group illegal actions in exacerbation of the situation.

8. Jihad 4.0 has a demoralizing effect both on those who protect us in debt - and on society as a whole. Officers on a business trip will know that their families are unprotected and endangered. Ordinary people will also know that they are in danger. There will be an old idea to separate the Caucasus wall and leave them alone. Naturally, this will not give anything, just as the construction of the wall in Israel did not give anything, just as the British left Pakistan for nothing, just as the withdrawal of the USSR from Afghanistan led to the growth of jihad in half the globe.

9. Jihad 4.0 is especially dangerous for Russia by virtue of:
- the presence of a large number of migrants - Muslims from the countries of the former USSR
- the presence of large sparsely populated areas, which makes it possible to effectively hide on them.
- the presence of regions with a predominantly Muslim population.
- Caucasus and the presence of migration from it
- the potential for exacerbating the situation throughout Russia due to the return of "Russian Muslims" from Syria, including ethnic Russians. In Syria, there are more and more Russian inscriptions on the walls of houses, Russian is the language of everyday communication for the Mujahideen not only of the countries of the former USSR, but also of others who knew Russian well - for example, Yemenis. Russian jihad is something the world has not seen, and it is better that it never saw. Believe me - it will be scary.
- the presence of a large number of illegal migrants in the capital of the country
- migration and aggravation of the situation in the Stavropol region, in the Krasnodar region, in the Rostov region.

The potential for an explosion is already there. In addition to the Caucasus - aggressive Islam is especially common in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Recently, Yamal joined them: due to its small population, even relatively small migration led to a sharp increase in social and inter-ethnic tensions. Wahhabi organizations in Siberia have already been discovered, preachers and delegations from the East come there and say that Siberia is the most remote northern region of Islam. In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Wahhabi motor rallies under black banners are held, and the separation of this region from Russia is being promoted on the basis that "Allah has given oil only to Muslims." What is it fraught with? A simultaneous insurgency and the separation of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the Tyumen region with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, leads to the division of Russia into two parts along the line of the Urals and the Volga. Next - Siberia is tied to our hands, in the Caucasus we have one Caliphate, in the Volga region another - and now we are thrown back to the borders of time before Ivan the Terrible.

Great, right?

What to do. The question is certainly interesting.

1. In my opinion, to develop normal, traditional Islam, just like Orthodoxy. Agree and even encourage the fact that religion should be the conscience of the state, and point out to everyone, including the head of state, where they are wrong. If the church is distinguished by servility, instead of caring for the souls of the parishioners, it builds churches, holds scholastic discussions on ancient texts, and is engaged in "a miraculous deliverance from VAT" - do not expect a good one.

2. Support Shiism against Sunnism. Despite all the problems, the Shiites built their state - Iran and were forced to become statesmen. If you allow them to build another normal state - Iraq - this will radically change the balance of power in the region.

3. To create voluntary people's guards, police assistance groups to increase the cover density of populated areas and vulnerable objects. In this regard, the legalization of short-barreled weapons will not hurt. Militants will get it, no doubt about it - but the citizens should have the right and the possibility of protection.

4. Restoration of the death penalty for terrorist acts. The sharp increase in penalties for the promotion of radical Islam. Unfortunately, the hopes for a better world that fed us in the nineties did not materialize, and the death penalty is likely to have a daunting effect on many of the potential jihadists.

5. Identifying and bringing to criminal responsibility for the terrorist actions of all persons who went abroad to undergo training in the camps of militants who participated in the hostilities on the side of the Mujahideen with the extensive use of the death penalty to the said persons.

6. More active monitoring of the Internet, identifying and stopping the activities of jihadist sites and forums, deleting videos.

7. A broad propaganda campaign in the media, in particular with the coverage of the results of jihad, the number of the dead, the decline in the standard of living of people, with the display of disasters and destruction brought by jihad. Inviting reputable experts to expose speakers on the Internet "sheikhs".

8. More active work with young people, the creation of military sports camps, a mass organization like the pioneer with the obligatory involvement of retired military personnel. That adolescence is the most dangerous, and it is very important who will become an idol. Or the tutor, Uncle Sasha, with the Order of Courage on his chest. Either the fighter, Uncle Umar with the scars of bullet wounds.

9. Suppression of illegal migration, the fight against illegal associations such as diasporas and the creation instead of them some legal structures of mutual aid. Mandatory introduction of a visa regime with the countries of the former USSR, active actions to block the border.

The fight will not be easy. In the worst case, external aggression is waiting for us at the same time, and internal, like the Social Revolutionary terror, which led to the death of seventeen thousand people. We will have to remember that we are one people, unite, be vigilant, ready to protect ourselves. But we have to do it. Otherwise we will not be.

Glory to Russia!
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  1. +1
    11 January 2014 08: 48
    http://werewolf0001.livejournal.com/1319812.html это из блога автора статьи
    1. +2
      11 January 2014 15: 19
      All this confused classifier is completely useless, like all the pearls of casuistry. It is enough to answer only two questions:

      1. Who benefits from terror in Russia?
      2. Who pays for all these bandits?

      And if we ourselves answer these questions honestly, we will come to obvious equality: the West flew past Ukraine = Explosions in Volgograd.

      There is no jihad of version X.0, there is a banal working off of the money received from the "sponsors", and as everyone has known for a long time, the one who pays is the girl and "dances".
      And whether this money goes directly from the mattress or through shit from the Persian Gulf - it doesn’t matter, and it does not in any way affect the process.
      I hope that no one on this site considers the whole mess in the Middle East and North Africa to be a "spontaneous demonstration of the masses" fellow
      1. +2
        11 January 2014 15: 33
        You are very mistaken! Assad, in many ways, is to blame. With 80% of the Sunni population --- usurp power! Let's say you are Udmurt and live in your homeland in Udmurtia --- some newcomers have grabbed all the power for themselves, they took all the bowels, still you! What is your reaction? That's right, let's go! Let him be three times secular! And these devils took advantage (not without the help of the West) of the situation!
        1. +1
          11 January 2014 15: 37
          Quote: max73
          http://werewolf0001.livejournal.com/1319812.html это из блога автора статьи

          Judging by his LJ tape, his fascination with science fiction and theories of "beautiful" conspiracies was reflected in his perception of reality.

          The author writes in the article about barbarians and Rome, and then draws a parallel with his terms "Jihad 4.0".
          1) The barbarians, although they were called, had leaders, strategy and purpose.
          2) The concept of jihad does not correspond to what our media are used to equating it with.
          3) No money - no terrorists - no terrorist attacks. To fight or to fight for an idea is certainly good, but you won't fight on one idea for a long time, and to go to prison under a banal article set fire to a true revolutionary - the Moviton, as was the case with the Puski, who all tried to stretch their status as "political" contraceptive on the globe - after all, no one will know about your "feat", and the promised Paradise is still far away.
          Or the same rallies on the Swamp. I must admit that in itself "disagreement with the authorities" It is a kind of religion with many of its liberal adherents. Moreover, many claims, if not most, are well-founded (the situation is similar with the ideology of terrorists, because they are sure that there is no other way, like war or the overthrow of the regime, and in general "enough tolerating this") But as soon as they were circumcised sources of dough, all this riffraff has left the streets on the Net and continues to rot there, as being dissenting while sitting on the couch is more convenient than freezing your butt (or eggs) on the cobblestones.

          Moreover, setting fire to the forest is certainly interesting, but there will be no resonance in comparison with the explosion. Even without alternatively gifted terrorists, we have enough idiots who kill children and set fire to the forest, and the criminals are their name.

          One of the few things that the author correctly noted is a change in the organization of terrorists. From forest gangs in style ala-Basaev they went to independent cells - a method that still works properly, since chopping off one such head can not be sure that the body will die. And even if you capture the whole group alive, then you don’t know anything but their plans for the next three weeks, since they don’t know their commander, but they get information microflash according to the principle of the dose in the bookmarks, the location of which they learn from an unknown MTS number or in general China Mobile

          P.S. Yesterday there was an article with the thesis "What bald terrorists don't get drunk alive". So, the bombers in Ryatigorsk were taken alive, they give evidence, it is unlikely that they will surrender anyone except the name of the amir of the sector, which is already well known to everyone.
          1. 0
            12 January 2014 15: 07
            Let me adjust your calculations a bit (I hope you do not mind smile )
            Actually, I am a little familiar with both the author's articles and his books. By barbarism, he means a little different from what you indicated. As I understand it, you primarily meant barbarism as a historical phenomenon - the Great Migration of Nations, the Scourge of God, Alaric, etc. But those barbarians did not plan to remain at the level of life at which they arrived. And the Islamists - yes, they do not hide it. Their goal is to create a caliphate, a Sharia state, which is based and lives on the norms of Muslim law - XIII-XIV centuries. (!). And, accordingly, they want everyone else to live as they do. And if not - well, "The life of the unbeliever is allowed, his property is allowed, like his women." Do you want to see how people live according to Sharia law in the modern world? - Look for news about KSA, where heads are cut off in the square for communicating with spirits (!) And genies. Or about Pakistan, where in the poor neighborhoods and villages there are beggars fellahi - do you know how they are treated? - The first surah of the Quran. Because Allah said so. And the Prophet. And everything else is from the shaitan. This is how the Wahhabis and Salafis think.
            Actually, they have also distorted the concept of jihad - it is this perverted concept that is broadcast to us on TV - because as soon as we observe it. Although there are much more forms of conducting jihad, and the original is not war and homicide.

            As for financing, everything is not as simple as everyone says. That's right, you need to trim. But this is not so simple. I will explain.
            There are at least three funding channels:
            1. Money from foreign sponsors - usually they always talk about it.
            2. And there is still zakat voluntary-compulsory tax of members of the Muslim ummah on jihad. Do not think that there is little money. How many Muslims in the world? Exactly.
            3. Jizya... And this is already a tax on "infidels" who live on the territory of some "Muslim". And they pay him to the Muslims so that they are not cut out. "Either pay or die."
            And, yes, I forgot the drug trade. Usury. prostitution. sales of organs (Albanians are Muslims, after all).
            So how do we cut other channels? I am not saying that this is impossible. But this is difficult enough.

            Sincerely, Egor.
        2. -1
          11 January 2014 15: 49
          Quote: Den 11
          You are very mistaken! Assad, in many ways, is to blame. With 80% of the Sunni population --- usurp power!

          What is the joint of Gaddafi?

          All these events in the Middle East and North Africa are the undisguised arrogance of the United States and its obedient European colonies, usually expressed in the political technology of the "color uprising".

          Like it or not, Saddam knew how to keep his nation in check, Gaddafi knew that too. After them, there is a civil war - democracy in its purest form - without irony, for absolute democracy is absolute freedom of expression and action.
          1. +2
            11 January 2014 16: 32
            Quote: sledgehammer102
            What is Gaddafi's "jamb"?

            If you do not go into geopolitics and watered the economy, then banal envy laughing -
          2. 0
            11 January 2014 17: 32
            Damn, I'm pissed off by people who stubbornly claim that both Assad and Gaddafi and the rest were fluffy like fluff.

            I’m bringing you one argument. Any president is the Commander-in-Chief of all the country's Armed Forces, also the chairman of the Council of Defense of the country. And for everything that happens in the country, the president of the country is responsible first of all.

            The question is, Putin is responsible for what happened in Volgograd or not?
            1. +1
              11 January 2014 17: 39
              Quote: lonely
              The question is, Putin is responsible for what happened in Volgograd or not?

              Yes it does.

              Should he be blamed for what happened?

              No, it should not.

              Should he resign because of what happened?
              No should not

              Is it possible to hang all the dogs of a big country for one person?

              It is possible, but pointless, and sometimes even harmful
              1. 0
                11 January 2014 17: 41
                Quote: sledgehammer102
                No, it should not.

                And Assad cannot be blamed for what is happening in Syria?
                1. 0
                  11 January 2014 17: 50
                  Now I’m sure of this, a considerable degree of guilt lies with him. Everything is very difficult there (in Syria). Now Assad and the SSA (reconciliation) begin to gain insight. It’s not for nothing that the SSA began to fight scumbags. Omar, you’re course. The Army still does not fit into their disassembly. The best option for them is --- TOGETHER to gouge all the evil spirits, and then negotiate.
                  1. 0
                    11 January 2014 18: 40
                    Quote: Den 11
                    Now I’m sure of this, a considerable degree of guilt lies with him. Everything is very difficult there (in Syria). Now Assad and the SSA (reconciliation) begin to gain insight. It’s not for nothing that the SSA began to fight scumbags. Omar, you’re course. The Army still does not fit into their disassembly. The best option for them is --- TOGETHER to gouge all the evil spirits, and then negotiate.

                    Yes, if Assad wants to save his country, he must make a deal with the moderates against the jihadists, but the fact is that the main forces of the jihadists Jabhat-an Nusra and ISIS, and just Jabhat al-Nusra, supported the SS. The other day they had a meeting like of the "Sharia court", where their "judges" accused ISIS of the fact that this group brutally treats civilians and thereby alienates people from the militants. In the Raqqa province, it was the Jabhat forces that attacked the Igishites, and in Aleppo, the Igish simply had to surrender their positions to other units in exchange for safe withdrawal from the territory.
                    Denis, I have two assumptions. It looks like a game.
                    1) opposition fighters want to regain the disposition of zapadentsev, which is undermined due to the fact that a ishish is operating in Syria.
                    2) a igish was specifically pushed into Iraq to open a second front there against the Shiites. As we know the assault on the city of Ramadi in Iraq failed, Iraqi forces suffered tangible losses and the assault on the Fallujah was postponed. The Iraqi army is not in a position to confront the militants. Syria can return Iraqi Shiite detachments. Up to 10 active bayonets there. Only these people know how to deal with militants in urban conditions. In this situation, the front of the Damascus defense forces will have to be extended.
                    As you and I know, Assad does not have enough strength.

                    P.S. Fallujah, even the Americans once took a month. The truth of the loss was scanty, but the Americans noted the stubbornness of the defenders of the city and the unwillingness to give up.
                2. -1
                  11 January 2014 18: 42
                  Quote: lonely
                  And Assad cannot be blamed for what is happening in Syria?

                  Here the situation is much more complicated than a single terrorist attack.

                  Should he be blamed:
                  1) in the fact of civil war - YES (Russia and its Orangemen (availability of western NPOs) and the Caucasus (obvious jamb of the EBN government) - a good example)
                  2) in the outbreak of war - NO (for he is a victim of political technology, although not without very serious sins on his soul)
                  3) .....
                  4) .....
                  5) .....
                  6) that he did not resign in the light of current events - NO

                  Gaddafi also fits in roughly the same convoy, but he still needs to add on the fact of defeat in this confrontation, since this completely and completely lies in his habit throw your allies or friendsfor example, he was a dynamite of the Russian Federation with arms deliveries when they broke down at the last moment, and his shortsighted domestic politicswhen he let all the money on welfare of the people to increase their FGP + leader rating и on yourself belovedwhen with this money he could buy a huge amount of weapons, ranging from anti-ship missile systems and ending with the C-400 and the Shell. in addition to everything, he would have had enough money for fighters and attack aircraft, and for attack helicopters, which he so lacked in the war against militants.
                  And the line with two the United States and the allies would have stuck in there, knowing that they can get too tough.

                  Assad didn’t close the base in Tartus, he was buying weapons, he gave the shelf for the development of deposits, and as a result of Russia there was nothing to be cut for him, well, he was lucky that the president had changed in Russia by this time.
                  To not talk about the puppeteer Putin during his premiership, but DAM turned out to be soft-bodied and spineless m * yes * com!
                  1. 0
                    11 January 2014 18: 49
                    Quote: sledgehammer102
                    in the outbreak of war - NO (for he is a victim of political technology, although not without very serious sins on his soul)

                    Pavel, the confrontation between the Alawites and Sunnis in Syria has deep roots. It did not start yesterday and not today. Do you know the fact of the events in Hama in 1982? What happened now, only on the scale of one city. Total from 10 to 40 thousand killed (according to various sources). It was impossible to open fire on the protesters, it was necessary to initially negotiate and maneuver. but no, they threw the Republican Guard (which consists exclusively of Alawites) against the people, and the enemies simply took advantage of this gift.
                    1. +2
                      11 January 2014 20: 06
                      Quote: lonely
                      It was impossible to open fire on the protesters, it was necessary to initially sit down to negotiate and maneuver. But no, they threw the Republican Guard (which consists exclusively of Alawites) against the people, and the enemies simply took advantage of this gift.

                      Well, actually the Chinese did the same thing at one time and time showed that they were right, and we were afraid and lost in 1991.
                      In general, the East is a delicate matter. And the same Hussein knew how to keep the warring parties in Iraq in check, and now, when he is not there, everyone is pulling the blanket over himself. The same thing happened in Yugoslavia, in Russia, etc. They’re just sore points and are used for such coups, the motto "Divide and rule" - has no time limits.
                      We see this now in Ukraine, and what can I say, in the Russian Federation, after any murder of a Russian by a Caucasian, they are having a row and public relations as soon as possible. And when the terrorist act is committed, they start shouting that this is the fault of ISLAM. Enough to feed the Caucasus - from the same opera.
                      And when a Russian kills a Russian, or a Russian kills a Caucasian, or some scumbags of Slavic appearance beat a Tajik girl to death in front of her father's eyes, this is hooliganism or crime, but without a national color.

                      I have a friend here, Lebanese, I learned a lot from him about the attitude of the Arabs themselves to everything that happens, but there was one conclusion - it was better under Gaddafi and Saddam, since they although they were from a religious minority, they knew how to rule the country
                      1. 0
                        11 January 2014 21: 58
                        We just forget one detail. The leaders of the Arab countries never got along with each other. This is an indisputable fact. There is the slightest force majeure situation in any Arab country, immediately the neighbors put sticks under his feet. Because they are all good.
                        simple fact. 1973. Syrian troops were defeated, the road to Damascus is open. Israeli tank forces are about to approach the capital of Syria. The Iraqi tank division and the Jordanians, who immediately attacked Israeli tanks from the flank, save the Syrians. but Israel had to stop and return to their original positions. After this, Assad and Saddam had a bad relationship. 18 years have passed and the Syrians, using 3 divisions, are helping the Americans in Operation Desert Storm. Assad is an older, even the fact of salvation yes Asuka with the blood of Iraqi soldiers did not stop the desire to destroy Saddam. So it is not surprising that other Arab leaders today oppose Assad. Assad had to think 100 times before starting cooperation with Iran, knowing the relationship between Arab countries and Iran. This is called a political miscalculation. .and it is not surprising that today Assad’s enemies support SA.Vostok is really a delicate matter. And there you need to have a balanced policy. Make a bet on one and turn the enemy of the others, it will benefit anyone else in world politics does not bring. As they say you want to live, try to have a good relationship with your neighbors.
                        This is Assad’s main fault. Herein is what he is to blame for.
                      2. 0
                        12 January 2014 04: 21
                        Quote: lonely
                        This is Assad’s main fault. Herein is what he is to blame for.

                        as they say "do not look for friends far away, but enemies close"
        3. 0
          14 January 2014 10: 14
          Den 11, in Udmurtia, this is how it happens, if that. The President and his team have never been Udmurts, and they pick up everything that is bad for themselves. They not only otmazyvayut their (even when he was caught red-handed on a bribe !!!!), but also allow them to continue to work as officials. The President of Udmurtia has been sitting in his office longer than Brezhnev. Believe me, no one in Udmurtia has long supported him. We are not waiting for it to fall down. So the example of Udmurtia is not very successful ... If the elections were not canceled, few would support it
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      11 January 2014 16: 40
      Photos of suspects in the recent killing of six residents of the Stavropol Territory. All of them are active participants in the extremist gang underground operating in the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
      1. +2
        11 January 2014 17: 06
        After intensive interrogation to the WALL OF GADOV -without trial.
        1. 0
          11 January 2014 17: 24
          Quote: The same LYOKHA
          After intensive interrogation to the wall of bastards -without trial

          If only ... But we have now "not the 37th year"...
      2. striker
        12 January 2014 20: 03
        Quote: Chicot 1
        All of them are active participants in the extremist gang underground operating in the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

        First of all, they are all Caucasians, while all their victims are exclusively Slavs. Just like everyone turned out to be Caucasians, the terrorists who staged an explosion at a bus stop in the Russian city of Pyatigorsk.

        You can talk about the subspecies of "jihad" as much as you like, but one thing can be stated for sure - in Russia "jihad" is not going along the line of "faithful" against "infidels", but along the line CAUCASIANS vs. RUSSIAN (in general - Slavs).
        It just so happened that in Russia the majority of LKNs have historically adhered to the Islamic religion. Which, however, does not prevent them in the event of any conflict with the Russians, having spit on their intra-Caucasian tribal govnoterki, to unite in a single force - "CAUCASUS" (http://ansibir.ru/4706-Roditelskoe-sobranie.html)

        https://mypetition.ru/petition/449 - SIGNATURE
      3. The comment was deleted.
  2. Valery Neonov
    11 January 2014 08: 48
    Jihad 4.0. It has "A fundamentally different type of organization - there is no organization. The characters are single individuals or small groups of two or three people."-but after all, somewhere they are being prepared, zombified; here and to destroy these bases, not taking into account the territory of which state these bases are located.
    1. Christian
      11 January 2014 09: 29
      There was one halfwit. He decided to arrange a serpentarium in one of the rooms of his apartment — he bought vipers, cobras, and other cuties. But since snakes can penetrate communications throughout the house — funny weekdays, bites, and death began. Snakes quickly multiplied and the house was terrified. That's about the same thing our authorities arranged, headed by Putin in the Caucasus, the result across the country! One conclusion — until we put the Russian Order (not Kadyrovsky) in the North Caucasus — terror and the ensuing war are unreliable!
      1. -2
        11 January 2014 15: 56
        Quote: Christian
        That's about the same thing our authorities arranged, headed by Putin in the Caucasus, the result across the country!

        Somehow you have a short memory .... Isn't it from the words of EBNA - "take as much sovereignty as you can" began this whole orgy? Was it not his "good" that allowed the humiliating Khasavyurt agreements with Basayev to be signed, when several hours remained before the decisive assault? This is what is called to plant a terrarium at home, although this did not save us from house explosions and other terrorist attacks, they just went to Dagestan.

        From the beginning of the 2000x these snakes we only killed, strangled and drenched, so much so that from the underground there were only unfinished debris that could do nothing but spoil the women using bombs against children.
        1. 0
          11 January 2014 16: 01
          By the way, he said this to Shaimiev (so, by the way)
          1. 0
            11 January 2014 16: 42
            Quote: Den 11
            By the way, he told Shaimiev

            By the way, apart from Shaimiev, no one else heard this phrase.
            According to the woman ...
            But there is an opinion that the phrase comes from the English expression "To bite off more than you can chew" ("To bite off more than you can chew").
            Benya quoted 8 on August 1990. the words of their American advisers, who began to "work" officially only in the fall of 1991.
            1. 0
              11 January 2014 17: 14
              Quote: Den 11
              By the way, he said this to Shaimiev (so, by the way)

              I have no doubt that the phrase was spoken in the office in the presence of only two people, but it was spoken not only by words, but by actions, which were explained to everyone better than anyone and everyone who had at least something (diamonds from the Yakuts, oil from the Chechens and Bashkir oil refinery with Tatars, etc.) what is the president’s attitude to the concept of the state and its structure.
        11 January 2014 19: 58
        Do you think only in the Caucasus you need to sweep? sure you need to start higher
      3. striker
        12 January 2014 20: 18
        Quote: Christian
        One conclusion — until we put the Russian Order (not Kadyrovsky) in the North Caucasus — terror and the ensuing war are unreliable!
      4. The comment was deleted.
  3. makarov
    11 January 2014 08: 57
    The author's statement somewhat contradicts the generally available information about the Assassins, it was they who became the agents of individual terror, and it was precisely on their teachings and experience that Muslim terrorism was set up.
      11 January 2014 20: 00
      no, their goals and means were different and they never did demonstrative massacres. only the targeted destruction of people who develop aggression.
  4. +16
    11 January 2014 09: 00
    Largely correct sentences.

    A defender who does not go on the offensive always loses.
    Spit on the Council of Europe, world public opinion and other EBN heritage fool and gaydarov am .
    The death penalty with confiscation for terrorism.
    Defeat in social rights is akin to a terrorist.
    Answer enemies am a hundredfold!
    In war, as in war! soldier
    1. bastard
      11 January 2014 14: 17
      For the development of such a scenario of events, Stalin is needed! Perhaps the time will come and he will appear.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      11 January 2014 20: 02
      so we’ll go down to the bandits, our cops will prove that we are terrorists. Now, in general, the tendency has declined to declare many terrorists immigrants from the Russians. This is especially muddled. That would make us illegal!
  5. +1
    11 January 2014 09: 01
    Jihad ... this is an analogue of PMCs, this is a private shop doing dirty work for governments of different countries ... ALWAYS THERE ARE A MASTER, NOT A SPIRITUAL MENTOR, AND EXACTLY THE OWNER, HE PAYS, THEY WORK AND NEVER ELSE. Lose money and support at the state level ... it's all over jihad.
    The last example of such events ... Thailand, there are riots ... people rushed to rest on the Arabian Peninsula, in the same Saudi Arabia ... that is, they looted the sponsors of the riots ... that’s the essence of jihad.
  6. +6
    11 January 2014 09: 08
    from the Don.
    Thanks to the author! Very sensible! Bright head! And where are our analysts? Where is the state? Why does it behave like an ostrich?
    1. optimist
      11 January 2014 12: 05
      Quote: borisjdin1957
      Where is the state? Why does it behave like an ostrich?

      Why are you so naive about the state? It does everything right: it destroys its population. All Russian "tsars", starting with the hunchback, are appointees of the West, including the current "father of the nation." If you look at the current situation from this point of view, everything falls into place. The current "galley slave" did everything to ensure that the Muslim rabble from all over the world did in Russia what they wanted. It remains only to pity our soldiers who died in both Chechen wars - they died in vain. In any case, just such an impression is created, looking at how the North Caucasian republics put Moscow with cancer ...
    2. 0
      11 January 2014 12: 45
      What an ostrich, the Americans tried to introduce it all over the world, ours in their own country - money, and the authorities do not smell. Self-interest in its purest form, but it will destroy all.
  7. mad
    11 January 2014 09: 12
    Throughout the text, the thought runs like a red thread: "the most peaceful religion" + money = terrorism. The first term, no matter how much one would like, should not be destroyed (((This means that civilized states need to stop squabbling among themselves and by joining the efforts of the special services to do away with the second term. Otherwise, the world will slide into barbarism or fie, fie will end up in a nuclear apocalypse.
    1. +1
      11 January 2014 12: 54
      Being just a mankurt, with already vestiges of consciousness, but not yet with an awakened conscience, I propose that I generally radically solve the problem. While they trust in plastite, use genetic weapons.
      1. 120352
        11 January 2014 15: 35
        Genetic weapons against terrorists and killers are very humane! I support. Spray in the right places every half hour for a week - it seems to be normal. And we know these places. If some bastard, such as the EU or NATO begins to excite, you can share with them with all Russian generosity. And plastid is how much cleaning then ...
  8. +8
    11 January 2014 09: 20
    In my opinion, there is something in the article ... You can argue with many, but the point is right ... Muslims must be destroyed not only in special operations. The main thing is to deprive them of material, and most importantly, ideological recharge. A person is so structured that he often does what they say to him, and not that. he wants ... Paradox, but he exists.
    We will remove radical imams, block cash flows, eliminate the supply of arms and ammunition, put under the control of all those who studied abroad, especially in Arab countries, and the wave of terror will subside ... It will be, but as an isolated case ...
    1. +1
      11 January 2014 10: 37
      That's right, but how in the age of the Internet to deprive them of ideological nourishment, because a pig will always find dirt? Only high-precision weapons will help here. IMHO.
      1. +3
        11 January 2014 10: 49
        Quote: demel2
        how in the age of the Internet to deprive them of ideological nourishment because a pig will always find dirt

        The answer is simple ... the Internet is actually a great tool. But nothing more. Controlling it is not so difficult, as Snowden told the world.
        We need to work actively with Muslim preachers, imams of mosques. We now get the berries of Yeltsin’s policy. When everything was settled. And the young guys went to study with Arabs .. and now they are the main radical Islamists ... for the most part
  9. +9
    11 January 2014 09: 30
    A very good article. The author is a big plus. Now on my own: if there is jihad of any generation, then it must be fought with all means, including the death penalty.
    1. Iamfromrurik
      11 January 2014 10: 01
      Quote: major071
      A very good article. The author is a big plus. Now on my own: if there is jihad of any generation, then it must be fought with all means, including the death penalty.

      And how will such measures affect jihadists who already agree to part with life?
        11 January 2014 20: 05
        many are not ready to risk families
    2. +1
      11 January 2014 10: 32
      That's right, Vladimir hi ! Similarly, a little higher according to Alexander (domoki) hi .

      Only the whole world and in all ways at once!
  10. uhjpysq1
    11 January 2014 09: 46
    I need to introduce the principle of collective responsibility. I got a son in jihad - 10 hours to the closest relatives with confiscation. And to enter visas unambiguously.
    1. +2
      11 January 2014 13: 50
      I’ll clarify the wording a little. Relatives of the terrorist son did not surrender if they knew that he was a terrorist ... Further in the text. Passed - also give a bonus. Otherwise, all this will lead to mutual responsibility. There will be no incentive to hand over a relative.
  11. +2
    11 January 2014 09: 58
    Self-radicalization - in my opinion this is nonsense, there is always someone who gave impetus to such "self-knowledge". First of all, we need to develop our universities of traditional Islam, and the power structures to gain control over all such educational institutions. Search for and cut off funding paths (not only in our territory). The death penalty for terror is zilch, a modern terrorist blows himself up and death is a "goal" for him. For their leaders, the death penalty could be a punishment, but everything must be proved so that no one has doubts. But the modern West, which has nurtured radicalism, does not admit its mistakes and it is very difficult to prove the guilt of the leaders. It is easier to try to "play off" the various directions of terrorists among themselves.
  12. 0
    11 January 2014 10: 09
    Quote: Christian
    There was one halfwit. He decided to arrange a serpentarium in one of the rooms of his apartment — he bought vipers, cobras, and other cuties. But since snakes can penetrate communications throughout the house — funny weekdays, bites, and death began. Snakes quickly multiplied and the house was terrified. That's about the same thing our authorities arranged, headed by Putin in the Caucasus, the result across the country! One conclusion — until we put the Russian Order (not Kadyrovsky) in the North Caucasus — terror and the ensuing war are unreliable!

    What exactly do you propose to destroy all the inhabitants of the Caucasian nationality!? And in the Caucasus itself to arrange genocide, do I understand you correctly? And how to understand the phrase Russian order, how do you understand it, explain it !?
    1. uhjpysq1
      11 January 2014 10: 26
      and in the Caucasus to arrange genocide) no, well, why. introduce the qualification of settledness. as the Russians were squeezed out of Kaukaz. so them back to the villages.) let the stones gnaw with anger).
      1. +2
        11 January 2014 14: 10
        I'm afraid it won’t help. Firstly, you will give them an incentive to continue the war, secondly, unite those who are loyal to power with terrorists, thirdly, you will gather the population scattered throughout the country in one place and thereby create ideal conditions for propaganda. There are still difficulties with which people are considered accomplices of terrorism, it is painful for them to be motley. Again, the majority of the terrorist population does not support otherwise the situation in the Caucasus would now get out of control. Water is muddied by loners and very often aliens. Most local Muslims die in terrorist attacks in the republics, but the terrorists don't care.
        1. uhjpysq1
          11 January 2014 14: 25
          ) when the submarine drowns, they fill up the flooded compartment and do not care what the comrades are there. Either they will figure it out, or everyone’s cordyk. So here.
      11 January 2014 20: 06
      it’s impossible to destroy people, it’s the people living there on their own land, but they must restore order, as well as throughout Russia!
  13. +17
    11 January 2014 10: 09
    Today, three Russian guys and three Seregin brothers - Alexander, Andrey and Alexei, who were stabbed to death by Wahhabis on Christmas Eve, are buried in Maryinskaya (Stavropol). According to the friends and acquaintances of the guys, the guys bought a new car and decided to ride it, their bodies were found at the exit of Maryinskaya station, the corpses of two brothers were in the car, the third was stabbed 50 meters from the car, the car was mined.
    According to the former classmates of one of the murdered guys, law enforcement officers got to the scene of the murder for a very long time, they also say that the police did not make any effort to catch the criminals in hot pursuit, the locals themselves began to comb the area. The question also arises, why are criminal cases instituted under only three articles, and article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation? After all, it is obvious that the murder was committed on a national basis and national hatred?
    I want to note that at the beginning of January 2014, Islamists filmed a video (http://vk.com/video231659640_167097793), where Muslims complain about constant searches, insist that they want to be exterminated, that they are being oppressed and other nonsense, brutal murders of Russian guys are their "act of retaliation"? And after that, you, howling about harassment, say that you are being searched for no reason? Pray for corrupt authorities that provide you with "green corridors", otherwise your Wahhabi families would have been destroyed long ago to the fifth generation. And guys are eternal memory, we will not forget you ...
      11 January 2014 20: 08
      the kingdom of heaven is innocently slain! and the creatures will be rewarded, they will get theirs!
  14. +1
    11 January 2014 10: 11
    It's time to declare the Russian "jihad" ... to the whole world! IT'S GOT EVERYTHING SIMPLY! We all know what and how .. who benefits from and where are the "aspen nests" ..
  15. +2
    11 January 2014 10: 20
    It takes some kind of tyranny (huge sentences for petty crimes and the death penalty for something serious, punishment for the relatives of the criminals) and total surveillance. I don’t see problems in tapping my phone or reading mail: I have nothing to hide.
  16. FormerMariman
    11 January 2014 10: 24
    2. Support Shiism against Sunnism. Despite all the problems, the Shiites built their state - Iran and were forced to become statesmen. If you allow them to build another normal state - Iraq - this will radically change the balance of power in the region.
    1. +1
      11 January 2014 12: 17
      Hmm. Is the author talking about the search for Shiites in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, CPA? In my opinion, this is not about that. It's about supporting the already EXISTING Shiite communities. And they are located very compactly - Iran, Iraq, some Shiites live in Jordan and Syria. And there is logic in this. Because the greatest hatred - if the parties fight - arises precisely between blood relatives. Remember our Civil. And while there are Shiites, the Sunnis (and practically all followers of aggressive and radical Islam are Sunnis) will spend most of their efforts on fighting their sworn "relatives." This does not mean that the threat will move away from our borders. But we can minimize it.
      And now - ATTENTION! - 8% of the population of Saudi Arabia are Shiites. And they live - in the eastern, most oil-bearing regions of the country ... Should we continue further?
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        11 January 2014 12: 53
        Of course, the Yankees got excited with Syria. Fresh video from Bahrain. Shiites rebel [media = www.youtube.com / watch? V = 7ljnUZs-OYw]
        1. 0
          11 January 2014 13: 29
          Omar (lonely) will come up and explain everything. The whole layout will give on the issue of Shiite Sunnis. I ask you not to groan, but to read it thoughtfully
  17. +2
    11 January 2014 10: 31
    Until the tried and tested methods of dealing with Islamic fanatics of the Civil and the 40s are applied, given some modern features, there will be little use. Even under Nikolai the second method was quickly found, very effective, more successful than the Soviet one.
    The problem of Islamic fanatics at the beginning of the 20th century was larger and resolved quickly with a minimum of military personnel. We should remember how our ancestors protected themselves and act as they bequeathed.
  18. +2
    11 January 2014 10: 50
    Quote: Humpty
    Until the tried and tested methods of dealing with Islamic fanatics of the Civil and the 40s are applied, given some modern features, there will be little use. Even under Nikolai the second method was quickly found, very effective, more successful than the Soviet one.

    Dear, of course, you are right, only in the 20th century the Internet was not so widespread .. Now whoever controls the Internet controls the world .. and manages these scum .. Russia has just begun scratching the back of his head and needs to be proactive .. Hope it will be soon am
  19. +1
    11 January 2014 10: 55
    A complex article, problematic, but correct, the war is already underway.
    There is no word, it’s necessary to wet it, but if we start a war on the territory of the country, we can withstand it?
    Here, as before a surgical operation, a consultation is needed ..... and for the operation. Antiseptics no longer help.
    1. uhjpysq1
      11 January 2014 11: 14
      but we can’t stand it) the main nuclear weapon is controlled so that the adversary doesn’t climb over the hill. you can catch the bearded, it’s difficult but you can. They pressed the Bandera after the war. They regretted it, they got rid of the deadlines. -lifted gloves to sew.
  20. +2
    11 January 2014 10: 58
    Quote: Alexander Afanasyev
    7. A wide media outreach company, ...

    I would put this item first. The media, as the vehicles of ideology, lay down an algorithm of behavior. First thought, then action. As we think, we do so. Thought cannot be killed by violence. A thought can be interrupted only by another thought.
    1. +1
      11 January 2014 12: 50
      Right. And also start funding human rights defenders in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. And the main thing is to shout louder when they are "infringed".
  21. +7
    11 January 2014 11: 31
    My neighbor yesterday returned from Volgograd, where she visited her daughter a student on New Year's holidays. Here are a couple of sketches from the life of Vograd residents after the attacks at the station and in the trolleybus.
    Eyewitnesses report that the villages and villages near the Volgograd region, in which people from Chechnya and other Caucasian republics lived compactly, immediately after the terrorist attacks, their houses were completely empty in one night. All the guests from the south were blown away like a wind - literally overnight, together with their families they were independently "deported" to their historical homeland. While they wait, then, gradually they will return again when the passions subside.
    The case in the Volgograd minibus. People ride in a packed "Gazelle", everyone is in New Year's mood. They talk, joke merrily. At the bus stop, new passengers sit down with them, among them two young girls of 18 years old, both of them wear Muslim headscarves - hijabs. In the cabin, everyone is instantly silent, eyes are on the floor, deathly silence is established. A couple of minutes later, one of the passengers asks the driver to stop the car. As soon as this happens, all the passengers fly out of the passenger compartment with a bullet, leaving only the driver and these two in hijabs. Then the driver himself runs out of the car, such as broke down, we will not go further. As they say, we have arrived! Well, how will we live with this further?
    1. +5
      11 January 2014 12: 00
      "All the passengers fly out of the passenger compartment like a bullet, only the driver and these two are left in hijabs. Then the driver himself runs out of the car, such as broke down, we will not go further. As they say, we have arrived!"

      but wasn’t it easier to drop them right away and not to prevent decent people from going about their business? if she wants to help suicide bombers to merge with the crowd of non-terrorists - she’s just muslim in hijabs, let them help while walking. we don’t have a Muslim woman who even goes to the mosque every Friday and doesn’t wear a hijab - this is not necessary according to Islam.
      once wearing a hijab - go on foot and keep your distance from normal people.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      11 January 2014 16: 15
      Quote: demotivator
      Eyewitnesses report that the villages and villages near the Volgograd region, in which people from Chechnya and other Caucasian republics lived compactly, immediately after the terrorist attacks, their houses were completely empty in one night. All the guests from the south were blown away like a wind - literally overnight, together with their families they were independently "deported" to their historical homeland. While they wait, then, gradually they will return again when the passions subside.

      The German media ("Deutsche Welle") report - The number of Russian refugees who are seeking asylum in Germany is sharply growing. Over the year, it has grown almost 5 times - 15 thousand. And in July last year there were 10 thousand. This is the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Germany. Almost all refugees indicate in the questionnaires that they are Chechens, for the whole of 2012, 3202 citizens of Russia applied for political asylum in Germany, and in 2011 there were even fewer - 1689 people.
      Christiane Germann, spokeswoman for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, said in an interview with DW
      “We do not have statistics on the ethnic origin of refugees from Russia,” the spokeswoman said. - But in an individual case that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees conducts with those seeking political asylum, it becomes clear that the vast majority of them come from the North Caucasus or Chechnya "

      Citizens of Western and Northern Europe flee to Russia, according to Eurostat, last year 4503 French, 1881 Italian, 4191 German and nearly two thousand Finns received Russian passports. In general, this is a trend, Russia will soon remain the last bastion of not only Christianity, but also European civilization as a whole. No wonder many prophecies have spoken about this for a long time. Here for example
      Prophecy of the Elder Hieromonk Seraphim Vyritsky
      ... Then many countries will take up arms against Russia, but it will survive. This warScripture and the Prophets will cause the unification of mankind. People will choose a single government - this will be the eve of the accession of the Antichrist. Then in these countries there will be persecution of Christians, and when the echelons to Russia leave from there, we must be on time to be among the first, since many of those who remain will die

      Everything basically converges both globalization and the creation of a world government and the de-Christianization and moral decay of Europe. Russia will again become a center of spiritual rebirth for all for whom free money is not important (as for Chechens aspiring to Germany where you can live for free, as they are used to here). And judging by the sharp increase in their number over the past year.
      Russian freebie will end soon,
  22. FormerMariman
    11 January 2014 12: 06
    Instead of whipping up anti-Islamic sentiments in the media, it would be better to build your own "Guantanomo" in the Arctic Circle and keep them there until the "end of the century"!
    And to support Shiites in the fight against the Sunnis is the height of narrow-mindedness, I don’t understand how the author could have qualified for it!
    Once again, I will repeat that certification is needed "for the presence of Wahhabi currents" among all priests, from the village naib to the imam of the main Kazan one. We must separate the flies from the cutlets with the hands of the clergy themselves!
    1. +1
      11 January 2014 12: 35
      And if you use everything in a complex way? Conduct certification - as you say - kick out all the Wahhabis. This is support for traditional Islam. And then, following the wise Chinese saying - "A monkey will watch while two tigers fight," to support the opponents of radicals. There are many of those. The same Shiites. So with narrow-mindedness, sir, you got excited ... Shiites and Sunnis are a kind of indirect analogue of Russia and Ukraine. There are a lot of contradictions and accumulated grievances between them. But unlike our countries, their contradictions are deadly and they can never unite. Why not take advantage of this? "In war as in war" - or - so that they could not set fire to my house, I will set them on fire (C).
      Sincerely, Egor.
      1. FormerMariman
        11 January 2014 14: 25
        Egor Hello! It’s clear to you and me that there are many contradictions. The point is that in the territory of the former USSR and present Russia, Shiism is only in Azerbaijan. As you can see, the support of the Shiites is precisely in the fight against the Sunnis by the hands of Russia. The narrow-mindedness of the idea is not even absurd, but the presence of calls for interfaith hatred on the site! What should be trifled, the author had to offer the third point to support Buddhism in the fight against Islam! This is still us users heated with emotions it is excusable. But to the author!
        1. +2
          11 January 2014 14: 46
          Let's touch on several aspects. As I said, this is not about supporting Shiism as a religious movement DIRECTLY on the territory of Russia and the former USSR - although you say the opposite with enviable persistence. Let's move on to the topic of interfaith hatred. Strictly speaking. no calls are made for this. Why? 1. Traditional Islam, accepted for confession on the territory of Russia of the century, developed in extremely close contact and interaction with Orthodoxy. So, in fact, it is not a classic, Sunni Islam. 2. The idea proposed by the author of the article is to help the religious movement against radical and marginalized fanatics - jihadists, Salafists, Wahhabis, etc. That is. vs terrorists. What is the minus here?
          As for the support. A little later I will formulate thoughts on this score. In the meantime, I will say - de facto, it is already coming from our side. After all, the leader of Hezbollah, the militant wing of the Lebanese Shiites, flew to us? - I flew in. Until now, despite all the pressure from Israel, the United States and Europe, we have not recognized this organization as terrorist. And this is already support at the political level. Plus - we supported Assad and the Alawites. The Alawites are an offshoot of Shiism, only more closely interacting with the ancient Christian cults of the Middle East.

          Sincerely, Egor. hi
          1. FormerMariman
            11 January 2014 15: 28
            1. The author wrote in black and white "2. Support Shiism against Sunni"
            2. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in Russia profess the Khalafi Maskhab! In addition, the only direction in Islam should be what we consider to be a traditionalist direction of Islam - this is the so-called Sunnism of the Halafi maskhab, everything else should be outlawed and, accordingly, removed. This was announced today at a meeting of the "Fair Russia" faction in the State Duma by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Semyon Bagdasarov.
            3. The entire top of ISIS in Syria is the former commanders of the Saddam Army we once supported. That's where the support comes out alone.
            4. It would not have happened that, supporting one against the other, we will grow a snake on our chest.
            Egor and I, as adequate people, should be careful in appeals, definitions and evaluations. Health to all loved ones!
  23. +1
    11 January 2014 12: 59
    Terrorism is terrible in its unpredictability, and we, yes, it is all of us, not only the special services, that must ensure the inevitability of retaliation, and for this we need cohesion. And we cannot even condole with the dead and the injured (read - we don’t want to!). They didn’t blow us up! Yes, and the holidays ...
  24. +1
    11 January 2014 13: 00
    Or maybe the whole thing is in the interpretations of the Koran? In an almost total uneducated society of Islamic countries? Our gypsies will be more educated than the majority of Muslims. And this is not because they are so stupid, they just like living like that. Without a goal, without effort, without extra knowledge? And here we are with science, medicine, the army. They feel threatened and react in their own way. It seems to them that if someone nearby is stronger, then he will definitely attack. Indeed, in pre-Islamic times in the east, science developed faster than in tortured epidemics and the witch-hunt of Geyrop.
  25. +2
    11 January 2014 13: 12
    The third world war is on a global scale. Terrorists professing radical Islam, advocated the redivision of the world on a confessional basis. The features of this war are that it goes not on the fields and fronts, but in city ​​blocks, among civilians. Therefore, the main and main role in this war is assigned to the special services. The most important feature of this war is that victory in it will not be very soon (maybe centuries will pass). Citizens should help the special services, and be patient.
    1. 120352
      11 January 2014 13: 34
      Victory may not be quick if you fight as it is now. Those. it is just sad to react to terrorist attacks: to start checking passports, collecting tribute from apricots at railway stations and similar "active actions." But we must move on to the attack. It became known from which village the terrorist was - carpet bombing them in full, followed by processing by the Grad system. After that, a full sweep - suddenly who survived. I think three or four such cases will lead the population of the Caucasus to the thought: if you want to live, do not kill people!
  26. +1
    11 January 2014 13: 14
    SAR soldiers. Has anyone seen anything unusual?
    1. +1
      11 January 2014 13: 31
      A video on a helmet or a rope? Is there no shadow?
      1. +1
        11 January 2014 13: 37
        AK-74! Agree-rarity. Moreover, it is clear that fresh
  27. 120352
    11 January 2014 13: 26
    All these Wahhabis (Salafis) are people (?) With a deeply affected psyche that is not treatable. In view of their chronic and ever-increasing danger to society, I believe that the use of the death penalty for them in the form of evaporation in microwave ovens, so that there are no traces left, can contribute to a healthy society. Scattered into elementary particles, this infection, deprived of the possibility of restoration of protein compounds, can never return to life.
  28. 0
    11 January 2014 13: 31
    Quote: Den 11
    SAR soldiers. Has anyone seen anything unusual?

    Well, let's say .. (the sun shines in different directions) and what ..? bully
    1. 0
      11 January 2014 13: 34
      AK-74! Find me another SAR soldier with 74!
      1. +3
        11 January 2014 13: 40
        Dan, specially for you, please ...

        Syrian soldier with AK-74M with GP-34
        7661d0007a8e.jpg [/ img]

        AK-74M are in service with the most elite units of the Syrian army-division of the Republican Guard, consisting of Alawites of members of the Assad clan

        large-caliber OSV-96 in the hands of a basmach

        VSK-94 among soldiers of government troops
        1. 0
          11 January 2014 13: 42
          Roma, misunderstood your thought
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +2
            11 January 2014 14: 00
            Do you want songs, I have them ...

            soldier of government troops with OSV-96
        2. 0
          11 January 2014 14: 03
          I agree. I got excited. I didn’t meet this. Is there a callimator on the first photo? Obviously a fresh delivery. But with OSV, it’s clearly a propaganda photo. The service will understand
          1. +1
            11 January 2014 14: 31
            Everybody understands Dan that the basmach with OSV-96 will stupidly stomp and throw the shot back at best, and in the best case knock out his shoulder or break his collarbone (which I sincerely wish him), but continue:
            Syrian soldier with a Bulgarian copy of AKS-74
            1. 0
              11 January 2014 14: 50

              Syrian soldier with a Bulgarian copy of AKS-74

              basmachi with 9A91

              trophy AK-74M in basmachi

              Syrian commandos with VSK-94
              1. 0
                11 January 2014 15: 05
                Where did they get the Sturmgevere? And where do they get hold of oils?
                1. +1
                  11 January 2014 15: 08
                  Merkel supplies from warehouses!
                2. The comment was deleted.
                3. -2
                  11 January 2014 15: 12
                  Syria purchased Sturmgevere in the 50's in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
                  StG-44 were in service with the Syrian army for a relatively short time (the second half of the 50s - the first half of the 60s), and not in all parts. Now they are stored in warehouses where they are regularly captured by the Basmachis.

                  Syrian soldier with StG-44 beginning of 70's
                  Syria at one time bought most of the Czechoslovak weapons under the intermediate cartridge 7.62 / 45, a self-loading carbine and a light machine gun VZ. 52, there were also deliveries to Syria of the original Samopal VZ 23 / 25 software. I think soon this weapon will shoot again.

                  A Syrian bandit is setting up a remote-controlled turret based on the "same" Sturmgever-44. Modern electronics and antique weapons in the service of the Papuans, yeah.

                  There, even the Basmachi have sniper mosquitoes (there will be better SVD), who understands ...
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  29. +1
    11 January 2014 13: 34
    The task is to eliminate the problem of extremism. Difficult task. Even more. But doable. Very soon we will completely get rid of the problem of drugs and alcohol. There are prerequisites for this. This will lead to widespread resistance to the destruction of the nation. The Russian population around the world will understand that exposing a second cheek for a blow is harmful. We will become more educated, more athletic, more confident. As a result, we all will find the strength in ourselves to respond to any manifestations of wrecking. We will not wait for the uncle from the riot police to figure out who is dancing the lezginka under our windows. If we only hear the noise from robbery, rape or hooliganism, we will certainly call the police, but at the same time we will run to the noise and will do everything in our power to prevent indecency. We will begin to help each other in the prevention of indecency, instead of passing by or shooting it on the phone’s camera. We will learn to recognize subversive activity in any form and respond to it. Subversive activity also includes p. Idoroparads and opposition movements propagating the so-called freedom which leads to profligacy. All this is already happening, but needs even more coverage in the media and on private Internet pages. The next generation will be much more sensitive and reactive, but this does not give us the right to relax. On the contrary. It is we who must make the groundwork that will become the new genetic program of the right person living according to the basic commandments of a peaceful and strong society. Therefore, we are simply obligated to work, study, train and lead a sober lifestyle, and this will undoubtedly bear fruit already in our lifetime.
    1. 120352
      11 January 2014 15: 45
      It is not necessary to fight extremism, but its causes! Ruthlessly fight like they are with us.
  30. predator.3
    11 January 2014 14: 00
    In addition to the Caucasus - aggressive Islam is especially prevalent in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Recently, Yamal has joined them: due to its low population, even relatively small migration has led to a sharp increase in social and interethnic tension. Wahhabi organizations in Siberia have already been discovered, preachers and delegations from the East come there and say that Siberia is the most remote northern region of the spread of Islam. In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Wahhabi motor rallies are held under black banners, the separation of this region from Russia is promoted on the basis that "Allah gave oil only to Muslims." What is the consequence? Simultaneous rebellion and secession of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the Tyumen region with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - leads to the division of Russia into two parts along the lines of the Urals and Volga.

    Dear author, the whole new year has passed, it’s time to sober up and not carry all the nonsense about the separation of Bashkiria and Tataria, people are going to work, and many friends and relatives have left for the shift, they also simply ... were occupied by these Chebureks, they what work pombs there or do wells serve? or in our Ufa, what are they doing? Power does not itch, but drive them to the story. residences, they commit 60% of the crimes, under Saddam patrols from the Ba'ath Party’s retirees took to the streets in Iraq, with Kalash behind him and any gopnik put up against the wall, we also have 12 million Kalash dusting in warehouses, maybe we’ll also revive DND, but through month in the country will be order! Ato went on the 31st to the square to the Christmas tree, in a word - Tashkent around!
  31. +3
    11 January 2014 14: 04
    and what is unusual? Kalashnikov assault rifles or Arabic script on the walls?
  32. +2
    11 January 2014 14: 48
    Quote: predator.3
    In addition to the Caucasus - aggressive Islam is especially prevalent in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Recently, Yamal has joined them: due to its low population, even relatively small migration has led to a sharp increase in social and interethnic tension. Wahhabi organizations in Siberia have already been discovered, preachers and delegations from the East come there and say that Siberia is the most remote northern region of the spread of Islam. In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Wahhabi motor rallies are held under black banners, the separation of this region from Russia is promoted on the basis that "Allah gave oil only to Muslims." What is the consequence? Simultaneous rebellion and secession of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the Tyumen region with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - leads to the division of Russia into two parts along the lines of the Urals and Volga.

    Dear author, the whole new year has passed, it’s time to sober up and not carry all the nonsense about the separation of Bashkiria and Tataria, people are going to work, and many friends and relatives have left for the shift, they also simply ... were occupied by these Chebureks, they what work pombs there or do wells serve? or in our Ufa, what are they doing? Power does not itch, but drive them to the story. residences, they commit 60% of the crimes, under Saddam patrols from the Ba'ath Party’s retirees took to the streets in Iraq, with Kalash behind him and any gopnik put up against the wall, we also have 12 million Kalash dusting in warehouses, maybe we’ll also revive DND, but through month in the country will be order! Ato went on the 31st to the square to the Christmas tree, in a word - Tashkent around!

    Well done ! wholeheartedly expressed ... I agree ..!
    1. 120352
      11 January 2014 15: 48
      The authors forgot about the Chukchi!
  33. +1
    11 January 2014 15: 01
    General Ermolov! Where are you???
    1. predator.3
      12 January 2014 02: 11
      Quote: Riperbahn
      General Ermolov! Where are you???

      Where? in history ! It’s time for us to resolve ourselves!
  34. -1
    11 January 2014 15: 04
    Rise from the grave. It is bad for us - Russians. Protect from black!
    1. -1
      11 January 2014 16: 51
      Weak, spineless, ...! Because of people like you, we have such an attitude towards us. Ugh, disgusting
  35. +3
    11 January 2014 15: 47
    I would venture to seem cynical. Whoever doesn’t like it, minus it.
    I must say right away that killing innocent people (as in Volgograd) is a crime.
    How terribly does it differ from the murder and rape of a girl in a vacant lot? From the death of a passerby from a tire of a wheel dropped from the 14th floor by 15-year-old mu.d.a. From death from a knife, a person of Caucasian nationality near a restaurant or bar. Or just fist killing champion without rules from the Caucasus of a simple Russian guy at a nightclub? Yes, nothing. Happened and is happening.
    Moreover, if the Russians are to blame, they will sit down. And if the pasties - there will be a lot of expertise, analysts, two years of trial with the return of the case - and then they will be released.
    It seems to me that this is worse than individual terrorism. Because terrorism receives the appreciation of society, and these killings, after which the culprit comes out almost without loss, kill the society and divide it.
    And this terrorism No. 4 is only a fragment of the impunity of the Gentiles against the Slavs (Christians). And out of this impunity of the Mirzaevs, the desire to imitate them grows. And not from YouTube at all. A common example of a "hero" living side by side is many orders of magnitude stronger than the view from the screen.
    And second, crime is crime. And there are all over the world. Here is an excerpt from an article about the murder of Monica Speer (2004 Venezuelan beauty queen): "... The Interregional del Centro highway is considered a rather dangerous road, where attacks on motorists are constantly occurring. At least eight different criminal groups" work "here. On their conscience - a large list of crimes: from robberies of trucks to murders. According to local media, 10 crimes are committed here a month. Most often, criminals throw sharp objects in plastic bags on the roadway. The driver, who has damaged the wheels, is forced to stop. this moment he is being attacked ... ".
    120 attacks a year. About 200 victims every year on one highway. Note, just a "rather dangerous road".
    behind us is the Bolshevik revolution, civil war, dispossession, repression, the Great Patriotic War, repression again ... And all the blood, blood, blood .... Someone believes that the kingdom of God has come and now everything will be in pink?
    Maybe we just relaxed? So you need to get together. No one promised that it would be easy on. And there will still be blood.
    Nothing new under the moon. And it was, and it will be, and it will be repeated again ... - The Book of Ecclesiastes.
    1. 0
      11 January 2014 15: 59
      You can minus me, but this major came to this yourself! You know who I mean. It’s not necessary in this particular case to look for the national background.
  36. +1
    11 January 2014 16: 28
    Correctly said the dying Syrian boy - he will tell everything. Think about it
  37. 0
    11 January 2014 16: 31
    Very sensible article! On this basis, it is necessary to develop the topic. By connecting here the proposals of prof. Katasonova on the deoffshorization of the economy and the creation of a mobilization-type economy, as well as the construction of a just society. It is clear that a number of restrictions will arise, but this is inevitable - otherwise there is no way to survive. And the delay in death is similar. This is what you need to do yesterday !!!
    1. 0
      11 January 2014 16: 40
      Maybe you mean Kasatonov? Very smart guy! Without irony
  38. 0
    11 January 2014 16: 45
    Quote: domokl
    The main thing is to deprive them of material, and most importantly, ideological nourishment. A person is so arranged that he often does what he is told, and not what he wants ... Paradoxically, but it exists.

    This again echoes the stares, where it was written about the lack of a intelligible ideology of the state, the absence of the status of Russians and the definition of the nation as such, and not "daragih rassiyans, you panim" "...
  39. +1
    11 January 2014 17: 45
    2. Support Shiism against Sunnism. Despite all the problems, the Shiites built their state - Iran and were forced to become statesmen. If you allow them to build another normal state - Iraq - this will radically change the balance of power in the region.

    By supporting the Shiites, Russia will lose the Sunnis. And it is generally wrong to support anyone on this issue. Shiite fanatics are no better than Wahhabi fanatics. I tell you this, a person who is Shiite himself. Well, none of you know these people better than me. am
  40. 0
    11 January 2014 19: 23
    Without funding from USAA, all Islamic jihad will die in a week.
    The Yankees can afford to give out bucks to any scum in unlimited quantities, they themselves print them. And the goals and methods of the Yankees are known and declared to everyone except complete idiots.
    “The term“ covert operations ”as used in this directive should mean all activities conducted or endorsed by the US government against hostile foreign states or groups or in support of friendly foreign states or groups. However, this activity is planned and carried out in such a way that its source - the US government - does not appear in any way, and if it is exposed, the US government can plausibly deny to the end all responsibility for it.
    These covert operations include: propaganda; economic warfare, direct preventive actions, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, destruction and evacuation; "subversive work against foreign states, including assistance to the underground resistance movement, partisans and emigrant liberation groups - support for terrorist groups in threatened free countries."
    From the directive of the US National Security Council 10 / 2 of 18 on June 1948.
    11 January 2014 20: 10
    The article is certainly good, informative. It makes the sleeping people wake up, wash and think.
  42. Cap Evidence
    23 January 2014 15: 00
    Cutting off funding from Saudi Arabia is so easy. why is no one doing this ??

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"