Betrayal of the Crimean Tatars during the Eastern War 1853-1856

Betrayal of the Crimean Tatars during the Eastern War 1853-1856

The Crimean Tatars began to assist the English-French-Turkish invaders from their very appearance in Evpatoria. The Allies landed a fairly large army without a wagon train, but could not attack, not having enough horses and carts. Crimean Tatars almost immediately helped the invaders in this matter. Immediately after the landing of the first small detachment in Evpatoria, British officers saw several hundred horses and 350 Tatar carts on the pier. Someone warned the Tatars and organized a collection of vehicles in advance. Apparently, these were Turkish agents. Then the Crimean Tatars began daily to bring tens and hundreds of carts and horses to the Evpatoria region.

The Crimean War allowed the predatory instincts of the Crimean Tatars to appear in all their glory. The new Tatar leadership immediately resolved to rob all the peasants of the non-Muslim faith. The Crimean Tatars immediately began to make up the opportunities that had been lost during the “Russian slavery”. Russian and other Christian populations were plundered.

At the end of 1854, the leader of the nobility of Yevpatoriya district informed Governor Pestel that during the outrage of the Tatars most of the noble economies had been devastated, the working cattle were taken away, and horses and camels were stolen. For example, Popova Karadzha’s estate was completely looted, the losses amounted to 17 thousand rubles. The Tatars took away all the cattle, the harvest, devastated the vineyard and orchard, the fish factory, looted all property, including furniture. Similarly, robbed and other estates.

Another activity of the Crimean Tatars was the issuance of Russian officials to the occupiers. Tokarsky ordered to catch all the officials and Cossacks, promising a raise and a cash reward. Under the pretext of searching for Cossacks, a gang of Hussein conducted searches in the houses of peasants, simultaneously robbing them. Fleeing from the Tatar excesses, many surviving landowners were forced to buy security certificates signed by Ibrahim Pasha. They had to pay considerable money for them.

The stolen cattle were driven to Evpatoria, where it was bought by the invaders, generously paying with fake Turkish banknotes. According to S. Babovich’s calculations, the Crimean Tatars managed to transfer to the enemy up to 50 thousand sheep and up to 15 thousand cattle. The Crimean Tatars acted as foragers of the interventionists. The Crimean Tatar elite instantly forgot about the oaths of loyalty and good deeds on the part of Russia and practically began to obey the invaders. So, the head of Jaminsky brought a detachment to 200 with him to Evpatoria and informed about the desire to join the military units formed by the invaders. The volost foreman of the Kerkulag oblast took state money in the volost board and arrived in Yevpatoria, sworn to Ibrahim Pasha. His example was followed by the whole parish. Almost from all the volosts collectors brought Ibrahim Pasha to 100 thousand rubles in silver. At the same time, Ibrahim Pasha quickly entered the role of “Khan”: he arrogantly and contemptuously treated the local Tatars, beat them and demanded gifts.

Such quickness surprised and alarmed even the French and the British. They wanted to raise the Tatar uprising, and not to produce a thief gang near by. Therefore, Ibrahim Pasha and the "Tatar administration" put the British and French military governors under tight control. It should be noted that the very idea to use the Tatars in combat was born from the French, who had extensive experience in creating native troops. The Ottoman command had no plan, or even thoughts, concerning the political future of the Crimean Tatars and the Crimean Peninsula in the event of victory. The French in this matter proved the Ottomans far-sighted.

Crimean Tatars not only became informers, foragers and robbers, but also the guides and scouts of the invaders. So, in September 1854, an enemy landing force landed in Yalta. At the direction of the Tatars began the robbery of public and private property. The Russian authorities detained many Crimean Tatars, who served the enemy as guides and scouts. Crimean Tatars were actively used for fortification works. Evpatoria was fortified with their efforts, the streets were covered with barricades.

In addition, under the command of British, French and Turkish officers in Evpatoria began to form a special squad of "Askers" of Tatar volunteers. Armed with pikes, sabers, pistols and partly with guns and headed by the Evpatorian mullah, they were used for patrol service around the city and as a garrison. By the end of 1854, the garrison of Evpatoria had already counted up to 10 thousands of Turkish infantry, 300 horsemen and about 5 thousands of Tatars. The British and French there were no more than 700 people. At the same time, Tatar gangs of up to 200-300 numbers roamed the county, ravaged estates, plundered the population. In a short time, a wave of violence spread up to Perekop. Tatar gangs did not pose a threat to the Russian regular troops. However, the Tatars, together with the troops of the invaders, greatly unnerved the Russian command, which could not feel freely in the Crimea.

The total number of Crimean Tatar formations in the service of the interventionists exceeded 10 thousand people. In his order to the commander of the reserve battalion of the Volynsk and Minsk regiments from 10 September 1854, Prince Menshikov pointed out the need to take special care while driving to avoid attacks from both the enemy and the local residents.

However, soon for the betrayal had to pay. 29 September 1854 of the year was approached by the Uhlan division of Lieutenant General Korf. She established a close blockade of the city, breaking off his ties with the county. Food supplies in the city were insignificant, the British and French cared primarily for their own, were not going to supply the Tatars. They were given a handful of crackers per day. Bread prices soared, becoming inaccessible to ordinary Tatars. Hunger began. The Crimean Tatars died in the hundreds. At the same time, the authorities banned from leaving the city on pain of being shot. They assured people that Russians hang all returning Tatars. However, every day people fled to the Russians, not really believing the tales of the new authorities. They knew about the traditional softness and humanity of the Russian imperial authorities.

Distinguished "victims of Russian colonialism" and in Kerch, which the enemy troops occupied in May 1855 year. The local population, having thrown all the property, fled under the protection of Russian troops. Not everyone had time to escape. Dubrovin in "Stories The Crimean War noted: “... traitors Tatars rushed in pursuit, robbed, killed, and terrible atrocities were carried out over young girls. Violence of the Tatars forced the settlers to forget about fatigue and rush for the troops, providing them from danger. ” Of the 12 thousand population, no more than 2 thousand people remained in the city. The Crimean Tatars did not disdain or rob the Christian churches.

It must be said that the enlightened Europeans ”(British and French) were no better than the Crimean Tatars living according to the concepts of primitive time. They robbed no less. (By the way, the Tatars attacked only civilians. There is no data on attacks on the military).

In fairness it is necessary to inform that not all Crimean Tatars turned out to be traitors. Among the representatives of the nobility and the local administration were people who remained loyal to Russia. And the Life Guards Crimean Tatar squadron fought against the allied forces. As part of this elite unit were representatives of generous surnames, such as Shiriny, Argin, Mansoura and others.

Considering that the unrest in Evpatoria district could adversely affect military operations and lead to the expansion of unrest among the Tatars, Prince A. Menshikov ordered the Taurian governor V. I. Pestel to evict all Tatars from the Crimean peninsula who lived along the sea coast from Sevastopol to Perekop. Menshikov informed V. A. Dolgorukov that this measure would be useful, since “the Tatars will consider this a punishment” and will show them that the presence of enemies on the peninsula does not in the least embarrass the government.

Emperor Nicholas approved the idea of ​​Menshikov. However, made a few comments. He urged to pay due attention so that this measure would not cause the death of the innocent, that is, women and children, not to become a reason for the abuse of officials. He also proposed to limit the area of ​​the eviction of the Tatars to the Evpatoria and Perekop districts, without affecting the southern regions, especially if they were not hurt by treason. It was also proposed in the mountains not to carry out this measure, due to the difficulties of the terrain and the possibility of a large-scale uprising.

However, this plan, even in an abbreviated form, was never implemented. 2 March 1855, the sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich died. Before that, Menshikov was removed from command, he was unable to succeed in the fight against enemy troops. Alexander II Nikolaevich, who ascended the throne, was liberal and weakened control over the outskirts, which led to a dangerous uprising in Poland in 1863. Crimean Tatars were forgiven for their betrayal. No measures were taken against the criminals.

In addition, according to the 5 article of the March 18 of the Paris Peace Treaty, signed by 1856, all the warring powers were to give full forgiveness to those subjects who were fighting along with the enemy, were in his service. Thus, the Crimean Tatars were spared from any just retribution for treason. Emperor Alexander II declared an amnesty to the Crimean Tatars who had collaborated with the allies.

It should be noted that after the end of the Eastern war, the Muslim clergy and Turkish agents launched a broad campaign in the Crimea to resettle the Ottoman Empire. Under the influence of this campaign at the end of 1850 - the beginning of 1860-s, a new wave of mass voluntary emigration of the Crimean Tatars to Turkey passed. The Crimean Tatars were afraid of the retribution of the Russian government and did not want to put up with the new defeat. According to the local statistical committee, by the 1863 year more than 140 thousand people had moved to the Ottoman Empire. Those who remained did not reconcile and held a grudge until "better times."

Unfortunately, in the USSR the principle of “proletarian internationalism” prevailed in historical science, therefore the treacherous and unseemly role of the Crimean Tatars during the Eastern (Crimean) War 1853-1856. carefully kept silent. The Crimean Tatars did not suffer any punishment; moreover, they preferred to forget the truth about their betrayal. However, predatory nature can not hide. Next time she will show herself during the 1917 revolution of the year and the Civil War.

Dubrovin N.F. The History of the Crimean War and the Defense of Sevastopol. T. 1. SPb. 1900 //
Crimean Tatars // Pykhalov I. For what Stalin evicted the nations. M., 2013.
M. Masaev. The Crimean Tatars in the Russian Army (1827-1874): from the formation of the Life Guards of the Crimean Tatar squadron to the introduction of universal military service //
Masaev MV About the Crimean Tatar population during the Crimean War // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. 2004. No.52. T. 1.
Nadinsky P.N. Essays on the history of the Crimea. Part of 1. Simferopol, 1951.
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  1. +17
    16 January 2014 09: 06
    Unfortunately, the principle of "proletarian internationalism" prevailed in historical science in the USSR, therefore the treacherous and unseemly role of the Crimean Tatars during the Eastern (Crimean) war of 1853-1856. carefully hushed up.

    And really I did not know about such mass betrayals. Here is another reason for the unsuccessful war. By the way, even now in Ukraine they are raising their heads if measures not taken can also end badly.
    1. +13
      16 January 2014 09: 36
      Quote: svskor80
      . By the way, even now in Ukraine they are raising their heads,

      You were a little mistaken, not now, but since the mid-90s. My acquaintances living there already spoke about IT. Well, I think it’s not a secret for anyone to be a fact of their cooperation with the Germans during the Second World War. (not like policemen, but massive, that is, universal)
      1. LSV
        16 January 2014 12: 51
        Something like the Chechens
        1. +7
          16 January 2014 13: 17
          my father told me during the occupation of the Tatars they wounded the wounded Red Army men (from Adzhimushkay quarries) with sticks and stones and wives and children of political commanders (who did not have time to leave) were drowned in feces ....
        2. 0
          16 January 2014 19: 23
          Right! TATARITSA will put everything in its place! Just do not see how and who can do it ....
        3. 0
          17 January 2014 07: 29
          Dear discussion participants! You all basically write about which Tatars (Crimean) are bad, etc. How to resolve the issue at that time. Would you be in power would take responsibility for the final solution of the issue of Crimean Tatars? Ask yourself this question deep down! I assure you the answer is no! Do you know why? Yes, because you cannot be merciless and prudent like the Anglo-Saxons or Germans to destroy entire nations. And everything else is just washing from empty to empty. Well, past leaders could not, the soul would not accept ...
      2. +6
        16 January 2014 16: 57
        Quote: Sirocco
        their cooperation with the Germans during the Second World War. (not like policemen, but massive, that is, universal)

        By 1941, there were 300 thousand Crimean Tatars in the Crimea. With enthusiasm, as their liberators, they met the Germans. In 1942 they wrote a letter to Hitler with a request to eliminate the entire non-Tatar population of Crimea. At the headquarters of the German 11A in Crimea, a department is being created to form the Crimean Tatar enemy forces. By January 1942, “Muslim committees” and “Tatar national committees” were formed in all cities of Crimea, which in the same 1942 sent 8684 Crimean Tatars to the German army and another 4 to fight the partisans of Crimea. In total, with the number of 300 thousand Tatars, 20 thousand volunteers were sent to serve the Germans. From this number, the 1st Tatar SS mountain huntsman brigade was formed. On August 15, 1942, the "Tatar Legion" began to operate, which included the Tatars and other Volga peoples speaking the Tatar language. The Tatar Legion managed to form 12 Tatar field battalions, of which the 825th battalion was located in Belynichi, Vitebsk region. Later, on February 23, 1943, on the day of the Red Army, the whole battalion went over to the side of the Belarusian partisans, entered the 1st Vitebsk brigade of Mikhail Biryulin and fought against the Nazi invaders near Lepel. In Belarus, in the occupied territory, the Tatars who collaborated with the Germans grouped around Mufti Yakub Shinkevich. "Tatar committees" were in Minsk, Kletsk, Lyakhovichi. The end of the Second World War for the Tatar traitors and traitors became as tragic and deserved as for other collaborators. Only a few managed to escape in the countries of the Middle East and in Turkey. Their plans to achieve victory over the "Bolshevik barbarians", to create a free Federal Republic under the mandate of the German Empire failed.
        On May 10, 1944, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Beria turned to Stalin with a request: "Given the treacherous actions of the Crimean Tatars, I propose to evict them from the Crimea." The operation took place from May 18 to July 4, 1944. Without bloodshed and resistance, about 220 thousand Tatars and other nonresident residents of Crimea were exported. In 1942 they wrote a letter to Hitler with a request to eliminate the entire non-Tatar population of Crimea.
        1. +13
          16 January 2014 17: 05
          The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called Viktor Likhachev, senior adviser to the Russian embassy in Kiev, on the carpet of the Russian embassy in Kiev yesterday and scolded him for "incorrect statements" by the Russian Consul in Crimea, Vladimir Andreev, "regarding representatives of the Crimean Tatar people." On the eve, recall, the Russian consul said on the ATR channel that he considered the betrayal of the Crimean Tatars during the Great Patriotic War obvious, for which they were deported to Central Asia and other remote regions of the USSR in 22.05.13.
          Consul Andreev, the "first Crimean Tatar" television channel called on its air after he discouraged Soviet pilots who arrived in Simferopol - WWII veterans to attend the premiere of the film "Haytarma". The creators of the film specially invited and paid for the trip of veterans so that they would light up the premiere of the film with their presence. And then the consul confused them all the cards.
          Answering the TV presenter’s question why he dissuaded the veterans, Andreev explained bluntly: “Primitively about the film. If it were a serial film, of which 20 episodes of 17 would be about the feat of the Soviet people, Soviet soldiers, legendary pilots during the Great Patriotic War, two episodes would be about issues of cooperation with the fascist invaders of Crimean Tatar nationalities, and the final series - about the deportation, tragedy and state crime of the Soviet leadership, I would go to this film. "
          “No matter how these words arouse resentment of the Crimean Tatars against Russia,” the TV presenter worried. “Yes, you what! Did I say something new? ” Asked Andreev.
          “You said a very insulting thing,” noted Bujurova.
          "So, they say little of those obvious things that I said," Andreev insisted.
          “Do not repeat. You are a diplomat! ”- the leader was indignant.
          “I do not need your advice! - sharply answered Andreev. “Everything I said today is completely official.” Here, write down and scroll to any Crimean Tatar. My word and the word of Russia should sound, should be known, including my interview today. This is so that the truth about the Great Patriotic War sounded including with those episodes that for some reason 18 of May (on this day, the Crimean Tatars mark the anniversary of the deportation every year. - Note KM.RU) are hushed up. In this film, they are not. This is precisely the theme of betrayal. ”
          And the Russian consul, it should be noted, was absolutely right, recalling on the eve of the premiere of a false film about the history of the mass betrayal of the Crimean Tatars during the war years (KM.RU recently talked about this). Another thing is that he clearly got excited about calling his opinion (which any honest person agrees with) the official position of Russia. Unfortunately, this is far from the case. But this does not detract at all from the correctness of his assessments, to which we simply must join
          Read more:
          / 711396-rf-davno-opravdala-predatelst
          1. +6
            16 January 2014 17: 15
            So on October 9, 1992, in Bishkek, de jure, the Russian Federation justified both the Crimean Tatars and all other deportees, thereby committing treason against those who fought during the war not only with the Germans, but also with traitors to the motherland.
            Meanwhile, Consul Andreev has the courage to state on the “First Crimean-Tatar” TV channel: “From this topic you cannot pull out the topic of mass betrayal of people of Crimean Tatar nationality in those years of the Great Patriotic War, otherwise we will again lie against historical truth, otherwise we will justify betrayal and say that some kind of treachery is excusable and some kind is not. Otherwise, we will bring up traitors today. I think this is a goal that is unworthy of anyone. ”
            And all honest people are in solidarity with Andreev, and not with the “official position of the Russian Federation.”
    2. gsg955
      16 January 2014 11: 41
      Only Comrade Stalin could cope with the Tatars.
      1. +4
        16 January 2014 18: 42
        He managed to cope with all the enemies of the country!
    3. Loris104
      16 January 2014 12: 38
      "By the way, even now there are heads in Ukraine ..."
      The virus "in Ukraine" introduced in Ukraine.

      What kind of joy to dance to the tune of ukronatsikov?
    4. -4
      16 January 2014 18: 41
      Good Tatar, only .... Tatar!
      1. +2
        17 January 2014 07: 25
        more accurately with words, there are also Volga Tatars
    5. mehmeh
      5 December 2014 10: 40
      Crimean Tatars are more likely Turks in general. why wonder at their hostility. you need to live like that
      It’s foolish to demand patriotism from them. in general there are different people too Ahmet Khan Sultan for example
  2. calocha
    16 January 2014 09: 34
    These Tatars were beaten all the "road", as under Molodi they were cut down in the 16th century, but in the 19th century, like in the Second World War, they crap - they did not allow the partisans to gain a foothold, they handed over to the Germans. once lost ..
  3. makarov
    16 January 2014 09: 42
    There is no need to be surprised at what has been described, since at that time Turkey was an authority and an ally for the Crimean Tatars, so they welcomed the newly-minted "brothers" with hugs, not understanding what it would turn out to be for them later. By and large, then they were simply used as condoms, and then thrown away ...
    1. +15
      16 January 2014 09: 49
      makarov "There is no need to be surprised at what has been described, since at that time Turkey was an authority and an ally for the Crimean Tatars, so the newly-minted" brothers "were welcomed with hugs
      I will not say anything about civil war ... But in the Great Patriotic War, their "brothers" were the Germans. Then they supported them with even greater enthusiasm.
  4. +9
    16 January 2014 10: 01
    this is evident in their blood. Turks, Germans, is it all the same, just to rob and betray, and then to express an insult, we were evicted.
  5. +17
    16 January 2014 10: 09
    By the way, some hotheads in the British government then proposed, in addition to Crimea, to incite a guerrilla war in the Caucasus by delivering weapons to the mountaineers, they popped in there but hinted to them through third countries that India was supposedly nearby, and suddenly another caravan with weapons would wander there and if such a thing hadn’t happened to the British, they would have refrained and the Turks forbade at least for now to climb to the Caucasus. Well, the Crimean Tatars in all wars proved to be just perfect collaborists, who wouldn’t I went to Russia under any bed.
    1. 0
      16 January 2014 13: 42
      Quote: Standard Oil
      By the way, some hotheads in the British government then proposed in addition to the Crimea to incite a guerrilla war in the Caucasus by delivering weapons to the mountaineers

      You would think she was not there. Circassians and so supplied the British through the Turks weapons.
      Quote: Standard Oil
      but they were hinted to them through third countries that India was supposedly nearby, and suddenly another caravan with weapons would wander there, and if the British hadn’t seen such a thing, it wouldn’t have seemed to them.

      Fantasies or have you seen this backed by documentary evidence? How this caravan would have got to India - there were no common borders even with Afghanistan, and there was no need to talk about marine supplies.
      1. +3
        16 January 2014 19: 00
        It's one thing to throw a couple of century-old rifles to the Circassians, another thing is the systematic supply of the abreks with modern weapons, even David Urquhart, the secretary of the British Embassy in Constantinople, suggested to Lord Palmerston to carry out direct arms deliveries to the Caucasus, but Palmerston pushed him in and Urquart accused the government of betrayal and "direct flow Russian interests. "And what does it mean" how did the caravan get to India? ", it would have got through Persia and Afghanistan through the Khyber and Balan passes, the same through which the British army entered Afghanistan in the spring of 1839, do you think the British just climbed into Afghanistan, trying to put Shah Shujah there instead of the "pro-Russian" Dost Muhammad? Of course they were not afraid of the sea, but through Afghanistan it is quite possible, given the well-known loyalty of local tribes, it is quite possible to conduct caravans with weapons for the insurgent Indians. what if the king said "lead the caravan", n The Persians will lead the caravan and wave their handkerchief again. Well, if you need certificates and documents, then please, I do not know how you are with English, but still:
        "Manifest of vice-Roy of India Lord Auckland. 1 October 1838 / / Trotter LJ The Earl of Auckland. L., 1905;
        "Spencer Ed. Travels in the western Caucasus., L., 1838 .;
        "Urquhart D. Paris treaty // The Free Press. 1856, November"
        Well, or in Russian:
        Tarle E.V. Crimean War;
        Hopkirk P. Big game against Russia, M., 2004.
  6. +11
    16 January 2014 10: 25
    You can’t wash a black male to white! This is incurable, only the guillotine.
  7. Svyatoslavovich
    16 January 2014 10: 30
    That is why even Khrushchev did not rehabilitate them after being evicted to Central Asia for crimes during the Second World War, rehabilitated everyone, even Chechens, and left the Crimean Tatars deported.
  8. itr
    16 January 2014 10: 31
    To date, Ukrainians have betrayed Russia (more than once)!
    and now this article is trying to find other enemies
    Tatars always lived in Crimea
    1. +14
      16 January 2014 11: 14
      Quote: itr
      Tatars always lived in Crimea

      Since the creation of the earth? Before talking nonsense at least a little read. "... The first appearance of the Mongols was in 1223. The Crimean Tatars formed as a people in the Crimea in the IV-XII centuries. The historical core of the Crimean Tatar ethnos is the Turkic tribes that settled in the Crimea, a special place in the ethnogenesis of the Crimean Tatars among the Kipchak tribes that mixed with local descendants of the Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs - together with them formed the ethnic basis of the Crimean Tatars, Karaites, Krymchaks ... "
      1. itr
        16 January 2014 12: 02
        And who told you to sevtrash that the Tatars are descendants of the Mongol ????
        1. bagpipe
          19 January 2014 17: 24
          learn materiel, besides the "short course" there is another story ... I will tell you personally a secret - the Crimean Tatars are a shard (ulus) of the Golden Horde
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +16
      16 January 2014 11: 29
      Quote: itr
      Tatars have always lived in Crimea

      People do not always live. This is a rather unstable form of life.
      Even in Turkey, the Turks did not always live, but it was before - the Byzantine Empire, about a thousand years ago. In those days, the population in Crimea was predominantly Greek, Armenian, and until that time the Huns lived there, and before the Huns the Goths, and before them the Scythians ....
      And then there was the Golden Horde.
      The Byzantine Empire fell under the onslaught of the Ottomans; the time has come for Crimea. He became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire.
      Then part of the Russian Empire, then the USSR, and now Ukraine.
      1. +2
        16 January 2014 13: 53
        123dv "Even in Turkey, the Turks did not always live, but it was before - the Byzantine Empire, like a thousand years in a row."
        Turks call her Byzant. Being in Turkey I talked with them, with ordinary people.
        I tell them this is the same - the Greeks. They told me, "Well, you're different." Ie as I understood them Byzantines are not Greeks for them. "And where have the inhabitants of Bizant gone?"
        They left somewhere they say.
        Well, of course, before the Turks arrived in Constantinople, it was not a big city at all. And he became cultural only with their arrival. Something like this.
        And with the Chinese, it's a joke. "How did the Mongols have such a mighty people?"
        "Nobody had answered us."
        I ask, "What about Genghis Khan?"
        They answer- "This is our emperor" According to their history, no one has ever conquered them by force of arms. And who came, it was the next emperors who founded new dynasties.
        This is the story ...
        1. 0
          16 January 2014 16: 40
          Actually, what is there to be surprised at? The human psyche is very plastic, the person himself lends itself very well to suggestion. If you actively, over and over again prove that THAT is the way it was, then they will believe if there is no strong opposition. It's like the British and the Battle of Bannockburn. The Britons have been repeating for 100 years that there were more Scots, and this is not a wonderful victory - and so, "they were overwhelmed with bodies", i.e. strive to neutralize the heroism and pride of this event. But having "opposition" from the Scots, they do not really succeed ... And the Turks, apparently, really wanted to convince themselves that they are invincible and their greatness knows no boundaries.

          Sincerely, Egor.
        2. 0
          17 January 2014 09: 59
          Well, it's not only the Greeks. These are still Armenians, Slavs, Syrians and other peoples of Anatolia. Modern Greeks with Turks are much closer to each other than it seems, because the difference between them is mainly only in the percentage of Turkish blood)
    3. +6
      16 January 2014 11: 45
      Quote: itr
      To date, Ukrainians have betrayed Russia (more than once)!

      In 1991, when voting, the majority of Ukrainians were for Ukraine as part of the CIS, in Kharkov, for example, they did not go over to Ukrainian time for a long time, while Moscow remained.
      And in the Crimea, the Tatars on all the occupied lands hung posters for Yushchenko, they are opposed to the Russian population of Crimea both by the authorities and by themselves. They pretend to be innocent victims, although the betrayal, it seems, is in the blood, the Crimean lands seize under this case.
      In general, in any nation there are both sick people and normal people. The ratio, however, may be different.
    4. bagpipe
      19 January 2014 17: 19
      You would sleep, sober up, dear!
  9. itr
    16 January 2014 10: 56 судя из этой ссылки украинцев в десять раз больше чем татар против России воевало ))))
  10. +13
    16 January 2014 11: 23
    Quote: itr
    judging from this link Ukrainians ten times more than the Tatars fought against Russia

    Yes of course. Now count in the percentage - 200 thousand (Westerners mainly from the annexed Western Ukraine to 39) out of 40 million Ukrainians - 0,5%, and 20 thousand Crimean Tatars out of 200 thousand - 10%. Count the difference yourself?
    1. itr
      16 January 2014 11: 47
      Your last concert on the Maidan cost taxpayers of my country a tidy amount of this money could do a lot of useful things for my country. Given that the government of your country has chosen your own population, you guys want to live for free with your whole crowd
      And I am one of those people who do not want to unite with Ukraine! I think we need to take our territories by force.
      1. +1
        16 January 2014 18: 59
        You are one of those people who have a yellow-brown, foul-smelling substance in their head in place of the brain
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. +3
        16 January 2014 12: 18
        Quote: itr
        ! I think it is necessary to take our territories by force.

        interesting opinion ....
        "your territories" are actually ours.
        And in general, what's the point of doing something peacefully by force? And do not pick up, and connect.
        And your slogans only interfere.
        Crimean Tatars in the Eastern War - this is the 5th column of the Republic of Ingushetia. It was she who turned the peninsula into an unstable communications area.
        Although the poorly developed railway network of RI and roads caused more damage. Russia's eternal misfortune is fools and roads ... Well, Kankrin and Nicholas I slowed down the development of communications to Sevastopol. Terrible roads through the isthmus, these mud and impassable holes. East Ukrainian powder factories could not deliver their products on time - while the allies quickly brought everything they needed to distant lands. Well these are other reasons.
        And the Tatars helped the allies a lot with their habitat, food (wheat and livestock and intelligence data) - we remember this well. And in the Second World War, they also helped.
        Although there is so much talk about the future, there are fewer of them than Ukrainians and Russians. You need to multiply and save the language.
    3. itr
      16 January 2014 12: 11
      sevtrash well then tell me how many citizens of my country killed 20000 Tatars and how many 200000 Ukrainians
      1. +1
        16 January 2014 17: 43
        Quote: itr
        sevtrash well then tell me how many citizens of my country killed 20000 Tatars and how many 200000 Ukrainians

        You can't think so. Then you need to add the Vlasovites, the Balts, the Belarusians here and calculate the percentages. For 20 years before this there was a Civil War, which was provoked by the forces of the Entente and the internal "gevolytsionegs". From this slaughter - "brother against brother, son against father", a bloody resentment in the hearts and souls of people will be answered for a long time. And the main culprits of these atrocities continue to spin the flywheel of resentment.
    4. The comment was deleted.
  11. +13
    16 January 2014 11: 46
    Once is chance, two is coincidence, three is regularity. Judging by the fact that the Crimean Tatars betrayed Russia every time the enemy fought, this nation had to be either multiplied by zero or evicted to Turkey in full force.
    1. itr
      16 January 2014 11: 49
      Well what are you writing! what betrayal ??? three hundred years ago ???
      Forgot what in Ukraine was ???? a month ago So there are the most traitors
    2. The comment was deleted.
  12. vikov
    16 January 2014 12: 06
    It’s not worth talking about betrayal; Crimea, like the Caucasus, was conquered by force, i.e. from the point of view of the locals, they were occupied, and this idea is constantly being put into the brains of subsequent generations, therefore the attitude towards the occupiers is also so do not flatter yourself.
    1. itr
      16 January 2014 12: 09
      vikov agree!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +14
      16 January 2014 13: 26
      And why was Crimea conquered by force? And not because the Crimean Tatars, invaded by the Turks, crap the Russian Empire as they could. And agreeing with them on the normal did not work out. And the last Tatars raid on Russia was just from the Crimea under Catherine II. In the end, she said, “How long!” ))))) and Crimea became part of the Russian Empire)))))
      With the Caucasus, about the same ... in the same way. )))))

      And the phrase "the attitude towards the occupants" I would have remade into "over the centuries the savages have not changed their attitude towards Russia, despite the blessings they received from it" !!!
      1. vikov
        16 January 2014 19: 51
        I understand that the concept of good is something of a tourist cluster in the Caucasus, so stop knocking on the keyboard and go enlighten savages, there is no other way. smile
  13. +7
    16 January 2014 12: 18
    Standard Oil (3) SU
    ... Well, the Crimean Tatars in all wars proved to be just perfect collaborists, who would not have come to Russia under anybody.

    Only here the "friends", under whom they lay down, for people, apparently they were never considered:
    ... the British and French primarily cared for their own, were not going to supply the Tatars ... Crimean Tatars died in the hundreds.

    And all these traitors, in difficult times, in order to save their vile SKINS, they seek protection from the RUSSIANS -
    The local population, abandoning all property, fled under the protection of Russian troops.

    And then, as "the wounds will heal", they again look at the Russians like a wolf, and are ready to help the new enemies of Russia, their saviors - to gnaw their throats ...
    1. 0
      17 January 2014 10: 04
      Under the protection of Russian troops, Russian immigrants fled.
  14. +7
    16 January 2014 12: 21
    well, they’re not conquered by force at all, but joined, seemingly not on the rights of conquered peoples. But for any Islamic people, the very presence of Christians and even the rulers is a conquest.
    In general, it is correct that the Russians and Ukrainians populated the Crimea - fewer Tatars were. So they have less opportunity.
    1. +3
      16 January 2014 17: 50
      Quote: Cristall
      well, they’re not conquered by force at all, but joined, seemingly not on the rights of conquered peoples.

      One of the loudest topics in the murky stream of all kinds of revelations was "the tragic fate of the Crimean Tatars." The "fighters against totalitarianism" who destroyed the superpower, sparing no colors, painted the cruelty and inhumanity of the punitive machine of the Stalinist regime, which, they say, doomed the innocent people to suffering and deprivation. Today, when the falsity of many perestroika myths becomes obvious, it makes sense to deal with this issue as well. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the Crimean Tatars made up less than one fifth of the population of the peninsula.
      Here are the 1939 census data:
      Russians 558.481 49,6%
      Ukrainians 154.120 13,7%
      Armenians 12.873 1,1%
      Tatars 218.179 19,4%
      Germans 51.299 4,6%
      Jews 65.452 5,8%
      Bulgarians 15.253 1,4%
      Greeks 20.652 1,8%
      Other 29.276 2,6%
      Total 1.126.385 100%
      Nevertheless, the Tatar minority was not in the least infringed on its rights in relation to the "Russian-speaking" population. Rather the opposite. The state languages ​​of the Crimean ASSR were Russian and Tatar. The administrative division of the autonomous republic was based on the national principle: in 1930, national village councils were created: 207 Russians, 144 Tartars, 37 German, 14 Jewish, 9 Bulgarian, 8 Greek, 3 Ukrainian, Armenian and Estonian - 2 each. , national districts were organized. In 1930, there were 7 such districts: 5 Tatar (Sudak, Alushta, Bakhchisarai, Yalta and Balaklava), 1 German (Biyuk-Onlarsky, later Telmansky) and 1 Jewish (Freidorf). In all schools, children of ethnic minorities were taught in their own language.
      1. vikov
        16 January 2014 19: 54
        The oppression of the Russian administration and the expropriation of land by Crimean Tatar peasants caused the mass emigration of Crimean Tatars to the Ottoman Empire. The two main waves of emigration occurred in the 1790s and 1850s. According to researchers at the end of the 1770th century F. Lashkova and K. German, the population of the peninsular part of the Crimean Khanate by the 500s was approximately 92 thousand people, 1793% of whom were Crimean Tatars. The first Russian census of 127,8 recorded 87,8 thousand people in the Crimea, including 25% of the Crimean Tatars. Thus, most of the Tatars emigrated from Crimea, according to various sources making up half of the population (from Turkish data [250] it is known about 1850 thousand Crimean Tatars who settled in Turkey at the end of the 60th century, mainly in Rumelia). After the end of the Crimean War, in the 200-25s about XNUMX thousand Crimean Tatars emigrated from Crimea [XNUMX]. It is their descendants who now make up the Crimean Tatar diaspora in Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania. This led to the decline of agriculture and the almost complete desolation of the steppe part of Crimea.
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. +3
    16 January 2014 13: 04
    Not good science, the same rake every time.
  17. Pirr
    16 January 2014 13: 09
    Unfortunately, Yeltsin Crimea profiled. In Belovezhskaya Pushcha, thinking for three, an agreement was reached on the establishment of state borders on the then existing administrative borders. Therefore, in fact, signing an agreement on the liquidation of the USSR, Yeltsin actually recognized the sovereignty of Ukraine over Crimea. But there is one pitfall .Under an agreement with Turkey, if Russia loses its sovereignty over Crimea, Turkey has the right to demand Crimea for itself, which, given the mood of the Crimean Tatars, is more likely to develop events, only an occasion is needed, such as the discrimination of the Crimean Tatars.
    And the eviction of the Crimean Tatars (not to be confused with the Volga region!) Was an act of humanism on the part of Stalin. The Crimean Tatars not only collaborated with the fascist acupation regime, destroying partisans, but also after the liberation of Crimea, they waged a terrorist war. My aunt's husband, part of whom liberated Crimea and the rest there, after liberation, he told how Crimeatars attacked military and civilian columns, robbed and killed military personnel and civilians. Instead of destroying the Crimean Tatars, as the "democrats" did in Chechnya, Stalin drove them out and saved them from inevitable destruction.
    1. 0
      17 January 2014 10: 15
      Between the Ottoman and Russian empires. I do not know how Turkey is, but the RSFSR (then the USSR) is not the full successor of the Republic of Ingushetia.
  18. +4
    16 January 2014 13: 35
    They are also in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45. betrayed. It seems that the betrayal is in their blood. Although it should be surprising, they always licked the heels of the Turks.
  19. -4
    16 January 2014 16: 57
    Of the 12 thousand people in the city, no more than 12 thousand people remain. The Crimean Tatars did not disdain the robbery of Christian churches.

    Whom did the Tatars kill then?
    1. +2
      16 January 2014 17: 46
      Yes, the text is clearly a typo, probably from 120 thousand people ...
  20. +3
    16 January 2014 17: 33
    they acted too softly with them, it was necessary to kill everyone so that it would be disgraceful, and others to know what kind of betrayal is death. And then they developed a genetic feature in them, and indeed all chocks, are atrocious with particular cruelty, when the advantage is in their favor, and how they themselves get pindyuli according to their deserts, they immediately build themselves innocent, distorting the story.
  21. +3
    16 January 2014 18: 34
    It is unclear what criminal considerations were guided by, showing humanism to traitors and harming the self-consciousness of the Russian people. After all, betrayal always leads to the death of people betrayed by Judas. - The fate of traitors should be uniquely fatal. Otherwise, new atrocities from traitors cannot be avoided.
    1. 0
      17 January 2014 07: 24
      You have such a pompous comment. Question: will you take the decision on the genocide of an entire nation? What was to be done in this case?
  22. +4
    16 January 2014 19: 20
    Quote: itr
    It’s not worth talking about betrayal; Crimea, like the Caucasus, was conquered by force, i.e. in terms of local were occupied

    Well, the point of view of the Crimean Tatars is somehow on the drum to me, because The Crimean Khanate existed from 1441 to 1783. And before him there was the Golden Horde, and even earlier the Principality of Tmutarakan, Greek policies.
    In general, Crimea in the 1st millennium was populated by Tauris, Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, Greeks, Goths, Bulgars, Polovtsy, Khazars, but nothing was heard about the Tatars.
    So if we talk about the occupation of the Crimean Tatars, we must introduce historical justice. The Russians occupied the OCCUPIERS. The 340 years of the existence of the Crimean Khanate does not give the Tatars the right to claim that Crimea is their historical homeland.
    1. vikov
      16 January 2014 19: 58
      The Russian Empire conquered, by the way not surviving the Crimean Khanate by age.
  23. cayman
    16 January 2014 20: 13
    Quote: TroN
    Once is chance, two is coincidence, three is regularity. Judging by the fact that the Crimean Tatars betrayed Russia every time the enemy fought, this nation had to be either multiplied by zero or evicted to Turkey in full force.

    I support. Just do not evict and multiply by zero. This would have to be done by Catherine (“enlightened”, her mother iti, the queen).
  24. cayman
    16 January 2014 20: 18
    Quote: vikov
    Talking about betrayal is not worth it ...

    It's right. Not enemies, not finished off (by the stupidity of Russian rulers) enemies. Enemies must be finished off completely, for there is no worse enemy — the enemy who is not finished.
  25. cayman
    16 January 2014 20: 20
    Quote: Cristall
    well, they’re not conquered by force at all, but joined ...

    No, it was by force that they were conquered, but unfortunately they were not exterminated. After all, this is not comprehensible to the mind! The end of the 18th century. In North America, Brazil, and the West Indies, plantation slavery flourished. It would be completely reasonable and fair to destroy the entire male contingent of the Crimean Horde (polls participating in robbery raids) as robbers captured in arms, and to sell women and offspring into slavery on American plantations or in Turkish harems. I think that the proceeds would be enough to cover the costs of the conquest of Crimea. And there would be no hemorrhoids for the next two hundred years. There is no worse enemy - an unfinished enemy!
  26. cayman
    16 January 2014 20: 22
    A very useful and instructive article! Thanks to the author, for an honest and scientifically flawless look at one of the bitter moments in the history of our long-suffering people. What is the didactics of such articles? Firstly, they awaken the national-ethnic identity of Russian people. Secondly, they teach us to hate our enemies. Thirdly, they clearly show us that the enemies of our people would not be able to inflict on us the hundredth share of the evil that they brought us if they had not been condoned by, conditionally, our government. Through the deceitful and hypocritical "enlightenment" and "Christian philanthropy" of the Russian tsars from Catherine to Nicholas II and the equally deceitful and hypocritical humanism and proletarian internationalism of the Soviet communes, as well as the tolerance of the current liberals, they have always been and are being carried out at the expense of the Russian people. But for us Russians, such “humanism” of our rulers is too expensive. Unfortunately, this order of things will exist until the Russian people regains their national statehood, until it again turns into an ethnic nation. And when this happens (and this is inevitable), then we will take into account all the lessons taught to us by all our enemies and remember all the evil that we committed, and present the bill. As they say: nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.
  27. -1
    16 January 2014 21: 15
    Quote: vikov
    The Russian Empire conquered, by the way not surviving the Crimean Khanate by age.

    The Russian Empire is not a mold that came from dampness. It doesn’t matter what our Power was called a princedom, kingdom, empire or just a federation. We were, are and will be. I hope that historians will nevertheless prove that Russian statehood does not have a thousand-year history, but deeper roots. But where did the Crimean Tatars come from and what they represent as a people, we still need to find out.
  28. 0
    16 January 2014 22: 02
    Ivan Andreevich Kozlov (1888-1957) - Russian Soviet writer and party leader.
    Being almost completely blind(! - it's me from myself ...), I. A. Kozlov was actively involved in underground work in the Crimea captured by the Nazis. At first, he led an underground organization during the first occupation of Kerch.
    But: who wants to learn about the role of the Crimean Tatars in the events of the Second World War, I highly recommend this: the book “In the Crimean Underground” (1947). as far as my memory serves me, this book was not reprinted ... But in the internet there is ... I have something physically ...
  29. vikov
    17 January 2014 00: 55

    It's right. Not enemies, not finished off (by the stupidity of Russian rulers) enemies. Enemies need to be finished off completely, for there is no worse enemy — the enemy who is not finished. [/ Quote]

    The road to nowhere, the Empire, however, like the USSR, did not become the melting pot of nations, except for suppression and destruction, they could not offer anything else, it would be better to leave, it would be cheaper.
  30. Beck
    17 January 2014 08: 48
    Somehow everything is biased and biased, according to the old.

    What Crimea was originally Russian land? What Krymchaks Orthodox Rus were to betray?

    In a number of Russian-Turkish wars, Crimea, which realized itself as part of the Ottoman Empire, was conquered by the Russian Empire. And in 1791, under the Yasinsky Treaty between Turkey and Russia, it finally became part of the Russian Empire.

    The two neighboring imperial powers, Russia and Turkey, have fought for territory in their colonial aspirations for many years. Today it is not humane, but in that era it was commonplace. They wanted to tear off a bigger piece from the other and the interests of the peoples of the enslaved countries did not interest them. Both sides needed new colonial possessions.

    And it is not necessary that Turkey only enslaved, and Russia only "liberated". Russia's struggle for the Crimea, the Balkans is not altruism, it is the acquisition of new lands. In the Balkans, Russia's colonial aspirations were covered by propaganda of aid to the Slavic peoples. But even if Turkey, under military pressure from Russia, left the Balkans, the states of this region would not become independent, they would have become part of the Russian Empire, like Crimea.

    The initiator of the Crimean War of 1853-1856 was Russia. Emperor of Russia Nicholas 1 decided to take the Balkans from Turkey. And he began with the fact that in 1853 he occupied Moldova and Wallachia. Turkey, referring to the Adrianople Peace Treaty of 1829, demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops. Russia refused. That's exactly when Turkey declared war on Russia. England and France joined this colonial division and wished to maintain the status quo in the Balkans. (As Kremlin politicians said about Georgia in 2008 - Force peace to force).

    From the foregoing. In 1791, Crimea was captured by Russia by military force. After 61 years, the Crimean War begins and who are the Russian troops for the Krymchaks, if not the colonial troops. They began to help Turkey and its allies in this war, wishing to return to the past. It is not at all appropriate to consider Krymchaks as traitors. A traitor could be any Russian governor who assisted Turkey or France with England.

    After all, we do not consider today as the traitors of Turkey to the Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians who fought for liberation from foreign occupation of their homelands.

    It is necessary to evaluate historical facts from all sides, and not just from imperial-terrible.
    1. +1
      17 January 2014 10: 24
      Krymtsev is the same. Actually, I support. Our commentators, especially on Topvar, are subject to chauvinism, and do not understand anything that is being done against Russia, even if it is in the interests of another people or state.

      Which, on the other hand, does not justify the Crimean Tatars, who themselves mostly migrated to the Ottoman Empire, and in the Second World War collaborated with the Nazis.
  31. +1
    17 January 2014 10: 45
    At the same time, Ibrahim Pasha quickly entered the role of "khan": arrogant and contemptuous of the local Tatars, beat them and demanded gifts.

    Come on .... hit me! break me completely! )))
    Such agility surprised and alarmed even the French and British. They wanted to raise a Tatar rebellion, and not to produce a thieves' gang near by.

    the British and French primarily cared for their own, were not going to supply the Tatars. They were given a handful of crackers per day. Bread prices soared, becoming inaccessible to ordinary Tatars. Famine began. Crimean Tatars died in the hundreds. At the same time, the authorities banned from leaving the city under pain of execution. They assured people that the Russians hang all the returning Tatars. However every day people fled to the Russiansnot really believing the tales of the new authorities. They knew about the traditional gentleness and humanity of the Russian imperial authorities.

    Dear forum users .. I apologize for randomly throwing quotes and highlighted some words ... but so to speak, what I wanted to say ...
    I agree with many ... yes, Russia conquered the Crimea, and in fact Russia was an occupier ... but let's look at it from the other side .. Crimean Tatars did not have and do not have internal "sovereignty", being a "hornet's nest" that made various raids on the Russians land, the Crimean Tatars did not have and do not have their own inner self-awareness and sense of dignity (let's say) they are always running errands for someone, always executors of someone's will, shitting at the behest of dirty tricks on orders from themselves to zero benefit (what the Crimean Tatars brought to the general world mite?) they are now and then the executors of the most vile orders .. and when they get in the teeth ... they immediately begin to "whine" and "flatter" like Urus, kind Urus, forgive me ... Crimean Tatars do not have self-esteem .. only loudly yelling and hitting themselves with a heel in the chest ...
    If I'm unt then I’m lying ... and I’m not right and they will tell me this, at least I’m sorry.
    My personal sense of their "self-awareness" did not intersect or collide with the Crimean people anywhere.
  32. 0
    18 January 2014 01: 56
    The author is a big "+" ,. like the forum users. I learned a lot of useful things for myself. You can't defame the whole people, leaders lead to betrayal, and Russia almost always forgave them, remember Shamil or the Polish gentry, it happened in Crimea. We are kind! Hence all our troubles.
  33. bubble82009
    18 January 2014 04: 12
    I look what kind of favorable messages are here regarding the Crimean Tatars. but I want to ask the big half and you lived with them? I lived. and I know their rotten nature. yes they will smile at you, but hiss in the back. Allah Akbar yelling in a bunch. but they are left face to face smiling. they will be able to cut without hesitation as they did in 1941-1994.
  34. mehmeh
    5 December 2014 11: 08
    In general, the nonsense of 9000 called up for service in the security units is not the people. count the Russian policemen and Vlasovites. moreover, such a small group is easy to manipulate. a couple of people went for cooperation can be imagined as if everyone had gone. all the more so with Chechens or Krymchaks, they are socially dependent on individualists, but they have not tipped the apex to cooperate, and it seems that everyone is cooperating and propaganda. Yes, and our activists and lovers of simple schemes. it’s easy to buy any fascist hat, as if there is no Russian fascism or Nazism in Peter go to Novgorod in Voronezh there you will see
    Christ-loving Russian people
    The Volga Tatars were still dragged here ((the Germans didn’t give them weapons at all, and after that they left the partisans in the Vitob region in general, they sent a part to build the western rampart, because they rebelled in an organized way and others had to take
    They were recruited in prisoner of war camps with the knowledge of the anti-fascist committee after the Vitebsk resignation, the committee was defeated by the Gestapo and the participants died in Moabite. Musa Jalil is the most famous poet there.
    The family of Vitebsk erected a monument to them Lukashenko
    About 20 people from the battalion, they were left looking for them in Belarus, they were invited, maybe someone lived
  35. mehmeh
    5 December 2014 11: 27
    Anyway, the Russians were very wild
    For you, Ural is abroad and Dagestan is a foreign country
    A man has been working at laes at a nuclear power station for 40 years. Voronezh jerks come up and ask how are you here in Russia? He answers these rams. Actually, in the Urals, I was born at the institute.
    You Russian yourself do not destroy the country yet. Gorbi destroyed it. You destroyed it with your nearness.
    Most horizons have zero
    Development as serfs humanitarian development
    Get angry don't get mad but it's true
    Russian peasant had no opportunities
    It is excusable for development

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"