Home habits and privacy of Suvorov

From the notes of retired sergeant Ivan Sergeev, who was under Suvorov for sixteen years without a radiance // Mayak, the magazine of modern education, art and education // 1842. - T. 1. - Prince. 2. - S. 100 — 108.

Details of the privacy of Suvorov belong Stories; they express his peculiar habits, complementing the features of the outstanding Russian leader of victories, unparalleled in everything. There have been many heroes in Russia, but only one Suvorov. Like him we will not find in the annals of the world.
We gathered the following information from the notes of a retired sergeant Sergeev, who had been at Suvorov for sixteen years without a trace.

Suvorov's day began at the first hour of midnight. He often ordered to wake himself up over the first roosters. In wartime, or on the occasion of some important matters, he used to get up earlier, ordering his warden strictly to wake him up without listening to the excuses. "If I do not listen, drag me by the leg!"
Suvorov was sleeping covered one sheet. Rising from his bed, not yet dressed, he began to run back and forth through the bedroom, and in the camp, on his tent, and marched to the beat. This lasted for an hour before tea, while holding notebooks in his hand, he loudly repeated Tatar, Turkish and Karelian words and conversations. For an exercise in Karelian, he even kept a few Karel with him, from his own peasants.

After finishing the lessons that he continued in this manner daily, he washed himself. Hand washstands have never been served to him; instead, two buckets of the coldest water and a large copper basin, in the same two buckets, were brought into the bedroom. For half an hour he threw water out of his buckets onto his face, saying that he was helping his eyes. After that, his servants had to pour the rest of the water gently on his shoulders, so that the water rolled down like a stream, rolled to his elbows, for which Suvorov kept his elbows in that position. Wash ends at midnight on 2. Then Suvorov’s cook entered the bedroom with tea, he only poured tea for him, and even in his presence boiled water. Having poured half a cup, he served the Prince to taste if the tea was strong, diluted with water. Suvorov liked black tea, better analysis, and also ordered to sift through a sieve. On skorme days, he drank three cups with cream, without bread and without crackers, on fast days without cream, but strictly observed all the posts, not excluding the middle and Friday.
When serving tea, I demanded white paper to write down my lessons and which they had ejected. Instead of nut ink, he always wrote in Chinese ink.

After tea, Suvorov did not appoint the cook what to cook, but always asked him: what will you have for the guests? The cook replied that he invented. And for me what? the Prince asked, and on the fast day the cook answered: ear, and in skimy soup. It was hot. Suvorov almost never ate cake. Sauces are rare. - A big dinner party for guests was from 7 dishes, and never more. After tea, Suvorov, still undressed, sat on the sofa, and began to sing the spiritual concerts of Bortnyanskoe and Sarti on musical books; the singing lasted for an hour. Suvorov loved to sing and always sang with bass. Having finished singing, he dressed himself, usually no longer, as in five minutes; after that, he washed his face again with cold water, and ordered the valet Proshka to call his adjutant, Colonel Danilo Davydovich Mandrykin, with written deeds.
7 was not yet available when Suvorov went to divorce, and each time he said to the soldiers: “Brothers! Courage, bravery, vigor, exertion, victory and glory! Take care of the bullet for three days. First if and second if kill the third one with a bullet! One scientist, but ten unlearned, "and so on. By divorce, he always went out in the uniform of the regiment, which was then on guard.
After the divorce, if there were no written cases, he ordered the engineer Colonel Falconi to be called in to read foreign newspapers in French and German; at the end of reading the newspapers, he suddenly asked: “prepared to eat?” - and sat down at the table at 8 in the morning hours. By the same time, guests were invited, invited to dinner. While waiting for honorary visitors, lunch was sometimes postponed until 9 in the morning.

Suvorov never had breakfast and never had dinner. Before dinner, I always drank one glass of caraway sweet vodka, but no more, but for lack of caraway, a glass of golden vodka, and always ate with rare. In case I had been ill with a stomach, I drank instead a glass of pennic mixed with crushed pepper.

In the course of the dinner I drank Hungarian or Malaga with great moderation, and champagne during solemn days. Sometimes he did not like fruits and delicacies; instead, supper was served to him a lemon, sprinkled with thin slices, sprinkled with sugar, or three spoons of jam, which he drank with sweet wine.

In the army, Suvorov never dined alone. The table was always covered for fifteen, twenty or more devices for military generals and other officials who made up his retinue. Suvorov never sat on the master's place, but always from the side, on the right side of the table, at the very corner.
The cutlery for him was special. Always a tin spoon, on a silver specimen. When it happened, they asked him why he preferred a tin spoon, he replied that there is poison in silver. His knife and fork were with white bone stalks; glass and glasses are also different.

The dishes were not put on the table, but were worn straight from the kitchen, from the fire, hot, in the dishes, carrying each guest around and starting with the older one. Suvorov, however, was offered not every dish, but only that which he always ate.
At the table, he loved the guests to talk incessantly; in the case of silence, he cried out: "Yes, say my brothers something!"

Due to the weakness of the stomach, Suvorov observed the greatest moderation in food; his valet Prokhor Dubasov, called Proshka, always stood at the table, and did not allow him to eat too much, but took away his plate, not being convinced by any requests, because he knew, in the case of Suvorov’s ill health, that he himself would be responsible, and would undergo strict to recovery: for what gave the excess to eat?
If someone invited Suvorov to dinner, he usually invited him to be a cook. When he didn’t cook, Suvorov didn’t eat anything at the table, and complained about his illness.
Before dinner, going to the table, he read a loud prayer: Our Father. After the table, always baptized three times. He prayed diligently in the morning and in the evening for a quarter of an hour, and with earthly bows.

Throughout the time of Great Lent, Divine service was sent to him every day. At the same time, Suvorov almost always served as a deacon, knowing the church service better than many parish deacons. The first week of Lent ate a mushroom dish. In other weeks I used fish. On a passionate always a stew, and then with a vengeful week, I was content with one tea, and then without bread.
On Holy Week, having listened to the matins and early mass in the church, I became one with the clergy and became a Christian with everyone, no matter who was in the church. During all this time, the valets were standing behind him, with baskets of painted eggs, and Suvorov gave everyone an egg, but he did not take it from anyone. Easter and Easter cake with a vengeance Holy Week were offered to his guests.

On Troitsyn Day, and on Semik, Suvorov always liked to dine in the grove with his guests, under the birch trees, decorated with colorful ribbons, while singing stanzels and at the sounds of music in different places of the grove. After lunch, he began to play round dances, but not with girls, but with soldiers, and with military ranks.
During Christmas time, in Kherson, Suvorov called to his parties, for which he gathered a lot and the ladies, amused himself in forfeits, and in different games, but mostly loved the game: the smoking room was alive. When the hour of sleep came, he quietly left the guests in the bedroom, and the ball continued without him, sometimes until dawn.

At Shrovetide, he was very fond of buckwheat pancakes, and rode from the mountains. This week he had balls at Kherson and other places, sometimes three times.
He never celebrated his birthday and birth, but always celebrated the solemn birthdays and namesake names of the Empress and Her Heir, also Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich. In these days he was in the Church in all his orders and in all splendor. After the general prayer service, he served his special prayer for the health of the Tsar's house with kneeling; invited guests to dinner, and sometimes to the ball.

After lunch, Suvorov again washed himself, drank a glass of English beer with grated lemon peel and sugar, and went to bed for about three hours, but when things happened, his rest was reduced. I went to rest, completely undressed.
The bed served him hay, laid as high as the front bed. A thick canvas sheet was stained over the hay, a thin linen sheet on it, in the heads of his two downy pillows, which were busy behind him everywhere. A third linen sheet served him instead of a blanket. In cold weather, he also covered himself with a blue cloak.

After getting up after dinner I dressed with the same speed as in the morning.

His clothes, in addition to linen, consisted of a rosette bottom dress with codpieces. Sitting on a chair, he put on his knee pads, and his tunic (a white robe with sleeves). It was his home, room outfit. In conclusion, he wore the neck of the Alexander or Anninsky Order; but on departure he was always in uniform, put on all the crosses, and on solemn days all the ribbons and stars.
In winter, in any cold he did not wear on himself not only a fur dress, but even warm jerseys and gloves, even if he had to stand in the cold all day, in one uniform. In the most severe frosts, under Ochakov, Suvorov on divorces was in one supertest, with a helmet, on his head, and on solemn days in uniform and wearing a hat, but always without gloves. He did not wear a raincoat or coat in the rain.

Empress Catherine the Great bestowed upon him and ordered to wear in the Tauride Palace an expensive sable coat of Polish cut covered with split green velvet, with gold buttonholes on the front, and with gold tassels on the laces, and asked him to ride in it. From obedience to the Queen, Suvorov wore a fur coat several times - when leaving the carriage in which he carried her.
In winter, he loved his rooms to be as warm as in a bath; most of the day he walked around the room without any dress. The summer apartment, in Kherson, in Warsaw, and wherever it happened, I always chose with a garden, and every day before dinner, and sometimes after dinner, ran around the whole hour for a steep garden along the paths, without rest, in one lower dress, and boots; and returning to the bedroom, he went to bed.

His apartment consisted largely of three rooms. The first room was his bedroom, and at the same time an office. The second went to the dining room, living room, hall; the third was appointed for his servants.
From 12 hours until dawn, his bedroom was always lit with two wax candles, the best wax. In the valet room, near the bedroom, one was greasy in the pelvis, all night.

Suvorov went to the bath three times and four times a year, and kept the terrible heat on the shelf: after which ten buckets of cold water were poured over him, and always two buckets suddenly.

With him there were no more than four close ministers. The eldest of them, the valet Prokhor Dubasov, is so much known under the name Proshka, tested in zeal and loyalty. In respect of his master's merit, on the opening day of the monument to Suvorov on the Tsaritsyn Meadow, the Most Merciful were granted a class rank with a penny on 1200 rubles a year, and died in the 1823 year 80. The Podkamerdiner Sergeant Sergeev, who kept this note, was under Suvorov from 1784 and entered from the Kozlov Musketeer Regiment, and later was under the son of the hero, Arkady Alexandrovich, until his very death, beating his son in the same river that delivered the father a glorious name Rymniki. The third sub-commander Sergeant Ilya Sidorov, the fourth paramedic. All four, they slept near the bedroom of Suvorov.

Suvorov often slept on his back, and from that he was subjected to a rush of blood, shouted in a dream, and in that case was his order to wake him up immediately in order to prevent harmful consequences. - Once he asked Sergeyev, who had come to wake him at midnight: “I shouted”? Your Excellency shouted, Sergeyev replied. “Why didn't you wake me up then?” It was still ten o'clock, said Sergeyev. “Call me, Tishchenko.” And Tishchenko was a Little Russian, Suvorov’s adjutant, an illiterate person who was used for reprisals.
Suvorov did not keep any animals with him, but when he saw a dog or a cat in the yard, he loved to caress them in his own way; having met the dog, he shouted: “din, din”, and seeing the cat: “meow, meow”, imitating their voice.

He did not tolerate his portraits, and only one Empress convinced him, by taking Warsaw, to agree that they would write off the portrait and make a bust. There were no mirrors in his house, and if there were mirrors in his apartment, he was covered with sheets. "God have mercy, he said, I do not want to see another Suvorov."

He also didn’t like and never had, neither with himself, nor in his room, neither wall nor canteens, nor pocket watches, saying that a soldier should know time without a clock.

In winter and summer, he wore cotton stockings. Not only did he not like doctors, but even when officers or soldiers asked to go to the hospital, he said to them: “Do not go to this poorhouse. The first day you will have a soft bed, I eat good, and on the third day there is a coffin! ” Doctors will die for you. And it is better if you are ill if you drink a glass of wine with a list, run, jump, lie and be healthy! ”
During the Polish and Turkish wars, during a hike, especially at large, tedious crossings, on a halt, to relax at noon or in the evening, Suvorov, when he got off the horse, threw himself on the grass, and wallowing on the grass for several minutes, saying: “it’s good to have blood on the glass!” and ordered the soldiers to do the same. ”

He never smoked tobacco, but during the day he liked to sniff long-sided tobacco, and very often. - On weekdays, I kept a golden snuffbox, and on a holiday covered with diamonds, with a portrait of Empress Catherine II or with the monograms of Joseph II, and other European Sovereigns who gave him snuffboxes, and changed them almost daily; but did not like to sniff from his snuffbox. The exception was only for Prince Grigory Semenovich Volkonsky, with whom he was in friendship.
Suvorov was very fond of smearing with lipstick and tidying up with perfume, especially with the dressed one, with whom he wetted his knot every day.

For all his life, Suvorov had no women in his servants.
Observing the privacy and habits of Suvorov, with which he seemed to have separated himself from humanity, we must look into them for the expression of his spirit and the necessity of his nature. Then the very oddities of his will be presented to us by the determination of genius to subordinate circumstances to oneself, and not oneself to circumstances. They helped him not to be exposed to the conditions of high life, which could prevent him from carrying out his enterprises.

The imaginary foolishness of Suvorov had a great purpose and deep meaning. The main deviation from the ordinary life of others was the habit of getting up at midnight, and walking naked for several hours. Other oddities were the consequences of the former. Not surprisingly, the man who got up at 12 at night hours was eating dinner at 8 hours of the morning.
He who wanted to accustom himself and his warriors, to be always ready to repel enemies, to night transitions through forests and fields, to find himself above the enemies' head, had to not know ordinary sleep and rest; that was the main cause of the cessation of order in his life. For this, he woke up his army until dawn, and his quick transitions at night gave rise to a folk tale about Suvorov, a peasant of invisibility.

He walked naked for several hours to accustom himself to hunger and overcome the weakness of his nature. With this habit, and pouring cold water over himself, one might say that he tempered his body from the effects of bad weather, seemed like a supernatural being.
His simplicity, temperance, patience, alien to all bliss, akin to him with the warriors who loved him as a father. He taught his example, to endure all the difficulties of life. - Loving simplicity, even to the primitive poverty of humanity, Suvorov sometimes appeared in all his splendor, in all his stars and orders, so it was on the solemn Royal Days, in the holy Church, where he bowed his gray face to the ground, and sang for the spiritual deacon songs. Such an example of piety ignited faith in the hearts of warriors. They considered him invincible, and were invincible with Suvorov.

Suvorov’s adjutant Friedrich Anting would later write a three-volume biography of the commander.
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  1. Dimani
    6 January 2014 11: 11
    Yeah ... there were people in our time, not like the current tribe ... (C)
    1. +1
      6 January 2014 20: 36
      Yeah ... there were people these days ...

      Yes, there were people nowadays
      When the spring first thunder ...
      Not that the current tribe
      In the blue sea fog ...
      V.S. Pikul

      But seriously - in the days of bayonet melee -
      The basic principle of a commander - DO AS I!
    2. Uhe
      6 January 2014 23: 57
      There is an even more ancient Russian proverb: there used to be gods, now they are tuzhiks, and then there will be fawns: these will be cut in five roosters. It seems that we are the same fawn and unfortunately ...
    3. StolzSS
      7 January 2014 11: 58
      Oh, you're right, the current tribe crossing the Alps is too tough even with a tourist backpack ... request
  2. alexey.sh
    6 January 2014 11: 57
    a contradictory person, probably like all geniuses. a simple spoon and a golden snuffbox. hardening and heat in rooms, etc.
  3. +8
    6 January 2014 12: 07
    A talented man was A.V. Suvorov.
    "The Russian" miracle hero "Suvorov remained a mystery for posterity. Quick, decisive, enterprising not only in military operations, but also in his actions, varied to infinity, how varied were the circumstances surrounding him, a great leader and at the same time a strange old man , who is playing pranks like a child, or embracing the whole world with his thought, solves in his mind the most difficult questions concerning the happiness of millions of people or the fate of the state. "
  4. +7
    6 January 2014 12: 19
    No wonder they say that all geniuses are a little crazy. And at the same time he was an honest man, without the slightest hint of falsehood. I can imagine how all sorts of toadies looked at Suvorov, whom there was a sea around high-ranking officials, as indeed now.
    1. +2
      6 January 2014 12: 35
      It is true to compare the current ones (EVEN SAYING A HEART ... OPPOSITE) and sub-marks are not suitable for him.
    2. xan
      6 January 2014 14: 41
      Quote: bistrov.
      No wonder they say that all geniuses are a little crazy.

      I read in the memoirs of Denis Davydov about lunch with Suvorov. Davydov was a kid, but he remembered. Suvorov laughed all afternoon at an elderly deaf and dumb lady who felt uncomfortable. Why did he do this, apparently from character traits. Now it would look very indecent. Oddly, uncle, but as a military man is beyond praise.
  5. +3
    6 January 2014 12: 32
    The father of Generalissimo Suvorov - General-General and Senator Vasily Ivanovich Suvorov was born in 1705 in Moscow. His father, Ivan Grigoryevich, was in the reign of Peter the Great as general military clerk. Vasily Ivanovich, was the godson of Peter the Great and began his service as a batman and translator. He knew several languages ​​and, as M.I. writes Pylyaev, translated the famous work of Vauban (French military engineer. - A.B.) "The foundation of fortresses."
    Married was V.I. Suvorov to Avdotya Fedoseevna Manukova; her father served under Peter I as a clerk and described Ingermanland by tracts; she died on 13 on April 1741 of the year at 28 of years.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      6 January 2014 13: 56
      The place of burial is indicated - the church of Theodore Studite; at the altar. Her husband Vasily Ivanovich Suvorov was buried nearby in 1775.
      M. I. Pylyaev writes: “... even after the 1812 year, the graves of the parents of the great commander existed.
      According to the stories of old parishioners, the field marshal, when he was in Moscow, always served as a requiem, and in the church he read the Apostle during the poor and distributed alms to the poor for the repose of his parents. Now there is no sign of the graves of Suvorov's parents; they are compared to the ground. ”
  6. Sadikoff
    6 January 2014 13: 09
    Everything is fine, it would be better if everything is on its own. And then I can imagine how the valet does not sleep waiting for the screams of the first roosters. Better as Stirlitz, order yourself to wake up at a certain time, work, check
    1. PPL
      6 January 2014 20: 43
      ... I can imagine how the valet does not sleep, waiting for the screams of the first cocks ...

      In addition to Sergeant Sergeyev, Suvorov also had minions, so most likely the day of the ministers was arranged on the principle of a shift duty service (one serves, the second is awake, the third is sleeping). soldier
    2. 0
      7 January 2014 21: 45
      A.V.Suvorov, apparently, carried out a huge mental work in a dream and in reality. Not for nothing were given him his victory. The nervous and mental systems he apparently needed rest. And Stirlitz is a movie.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  7. AK-47
    6 January 2014 13: 28
    For all his life, Suvorov had no women in his servants.

    "I was wounded thirty-two times: twice in the war, ten times at home and twenty at court." Alexander Suvorov.
    ... When Alexander Suvorov traded the fifth dozen, his father Vasily Ivanovich found him a bride ...
    ... She is a beauty of the Russian type, burly, stately, ruddy, with a limited mind, received an upbringing that excluded all knowledge for rich girls, except the ability to read and write, not knowing the price of money, prone to reveling ...
    ... Suvorov - stooped, limping, of short stature, with a wrinkled face, with sparse hair that soon became gray. a man of deep mind, one of the most educated Russian people, strikingly well-read, frugal, sometimes up to stinginess, a sworn enemy of luxury ...
    ... On December 18, 1773 the engagement took place, on the 22nd - the engagement, and on January 16, 1774 - the wedding
    Varvara Ivanovna became the first and last woman he liked ...
    ... The summer of 1775 brought them both joy: on August 1, the daughter Natasha was born ...
    ... And suddenly the marriage of the Suvorovs “cracked”, a young, beautiful woman, who, moreover, did not have solid moral concepts, succumbed to temptation. with her husband’s young relative - Nikolai Suvorov ...
    ... Suvorova was invited to the reception by Catherine II herself, well aware of Suvorov’s desire to divorce, she persuaded him to reconcile with his unfaithful wife ...
    ... In the spring of 1784, Suvorov learns about the connection of his wife with the second major I. E. Syrokhnev. Alexander Vasilievich could not forgive the repeated betrayal of his wife ...
    ... He gave his daughter Natalia to be brought up at the Smolny Institute, strictly forbidding her to see her mother, and his son Arkady, born on the first day of August, two months after submitting an application to the Synod, was in no hurry to admit ...
    ... Nevertheless, Suvorov recognized his son after Catherine the Great, taking into account the merits of the commander, appointed 11-year-old Arkady as chamber junker to Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich ...
    Varvara Ivanovna survived Suvorov for six years. And, dying, she asked ... For everything, Lord, your will!
    1. +2
      6 January 2014 18: 16
      HM interesting. He didn't really like women, to put it mildly. Actually, after 50 this is understandable, although not for everyone. Well, what a woman needs, everyone knows that, especially such a "blooming" woman, all the more not far off. So that's expected.
      Well, who remembers her? And everyone knows Suvorov.
      1. PPL
        6 January 2014 20: 32
        ... what a woman needs, everyone knows, especially this one ..

        Which one then?
        The barbarian is a spoiled child from the ancient family of princes Prozorovsky on his father and the Golitsins on his mother, whom the Romanovs favored.
        In addition, the example set by Empress Catherine II as her subjects, she apparently mastered very well. Moreover, the wife was 20 years younger than her husband and given to him at the request of the parent, and not in love ... wink
  8. 0
    6 January 2014 17: 11
    I wonder why these nuances? Question number four - how much is everything true, and question number one - why? Probably the author loves history and is trying to convey to us what we, poorly witted, do not know.
    1. PPL
      6 January 2014 19: 45
      ... the author loves history and tries to convey to us what we, poorly witted, do not know

      But thanks to the author for this. good
      1. -1
        7 January 2014 10: 59
        Quote: PPZ
        But thanks to the author for this
        From you maybe not from me
  9. +7
    6 January 2014 19: 20
    Quote: xan
    Oddly, uncle, but as a military man is beyond praise.

    One day, talking about himself, he said to those around him: “Do you want to know me? I will reveal myself to you: the kings praised me, the warriors loved, my friends were surprised at me, the haters reproached me, they laughed at me at court; I was at court, but not at court, but at Aesop and Lafontaine: I was telling the truth with jokes and animal language. Like the jester Balakirev, who was under Peter and benefited from Russia, he grimaced and writhed. I sang with a rooster, awakened the drowsy, tired of the violent enemies of the fatherland; if I were Caesar, I would try to have all the noble pride of his soul, but I would always be alien to his vices. "
  10. +5
    6 January 2014 22: 26
    Yeah, the glory of TNB at that time was not psychologists with psychiatrists. They would muzzle a man. And committees of soldiers' mothers would have been squeezed from the light.
  11. +2
    6 January 2014 23: 19
    It was interesting to read.
  12. Fedya
    6 January 2014 23: 25
    He was a man of his time! And not for us to blame him! He was a great commander, as well as a great serf. Having learned that several guys were single in his estate, and the girls were single, he ordered everyone to be driven to church, and they marched him under his command! In this case, the bride and groom had no choice!
  13. +1
    6 January 2014 23: 36
    Quote: Fedya
    Having learned that several guys were single in his estate, and the girls were single, he ordered everyone to be driven to church, and they marched him under his command! In this case, the bride and groom had no choice!

    Where did you get this from? A.V.Suvorov could not do this. He had several estates.
  14. +6
    7 January 2014 07: 12
    Quote: Fedya
    He was a man of his time! And not for us to blame him! He was a great commander, as well as a great serf. Having learned that several guys were single in his estate, and the girls were single, he ordered everyone to be driven to church, and they marched him under his command! In this case, the bride and groom had no choice!

    This is a joke. A.V.Suvorov could not do this, since he was a truly Orthodox believer, knew church rites well and could not break them. At a church wedding, mutual consent of the parties is required.
    1. 0
      8 January 2014 23: 28
      Hehe he would try someone not to agree)
      1. +1
        9 January 2014 00: 12
        Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov was a believer and a very decent person, and coercion was alien to him.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  15. +1
    7 January 2014 09: 46
    Quote: Sadykoff
    Everything is fine, it would be better if everything is on its own. And then I can imagine how the valet does not sleep waiting for the screams of the first roosters. Better as Stirlitz, order yourself to wake up at a certain time, work, check

    An order of magnitude more people do not sleep (at the current mechanized time) when the white body of the next parquet sharkun with an order of magnitude less creative head moves with the inspections of the troops. Svyazistochki at the ready around the clock, for communication of course
  16. +1
    7 January 2014 12: 47
    Every time gives birth to its heroes. Suvorov was needed right then, and now the heroes are different, sometimes even completely different.
    1. +1
      7 January 2014 21: 55
      A.V.Suvorov is the only great commander in Russia. Napoleon recommended that his generals study and apply the experience of A.V. Suvorov.
      1. mamba
        8 January 2014 14: 48
        Quote: Vadim2013
        Napoleon recommended that his generals study and apply the experience of A.V. Suvorov.

        Not certainly in that way. Suvorov is truly a great commander. Moro, who was defeated by him, placed him no lower than Napoleon and regarded his campaign against Trebbia as "the height of military art." Masena was ready to give all his 48 campaigns in 17 days of the Swiss campaign of Suvorov. Napoleon himself, who did not like rivals and did not study, as it should, the actions of Suvorov, nevertheless recognized for him "the soul of the great commander."
        Suvorov dreamed of fighting Bonaparte, but the death of Empress Catherine II prevented this. Upon learning that Bonaparte had left for Egypt, Suvorov lamented: "God sent Bonaparte to Egypt in punishment for my sins, so as not to give me glory to defeat him."
        Napoleon called the great commanders with great intelligence and appropriate character - these are Caesar, Hannibal, Turenne, Prince Eugene and Friedrich. However, Napoleon did not name Suvorov, who quickly deprived France of all Bonaparte’s conquests in Italy. Undoubtedly, Napoleon saw the genius of the Russian commander, therefore he was jealous of the brilliant victories of Suvorov, feeling in him a dangerous rival, but did not like him, calling him a "nonsense old man" and an unworthy opponent.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  17. +4
    7 January 2014 16: 21
    "According to one version, on his deathbed, Suvorov said to the favorite of the emperor, Count Kutaisov, who had come to demand an account of his actions:" I am getting ready to give an account to God, but now I don’t want to think about the sovereign ... ".
    "The year 1850 was approaching. Fifty years have passed since the death of Suvorov. The grandson of the deceased commander, Alexander Arkadievich, officers and soldiers of the regiments commanded by his grandfather, asked to fulfill Suvorov's last will. They told how, returning from a Swiss campaign, the commander rode through Bavaria, Bohemia, Austrian Poland and Lithuania. Everywhere he was greeted with triumph and given royal honors. In the city of Neitingen, Suvorov examined the tomb of the Austrian field marshal Laudon. Why such a long inscription? I bequeath to you my will. On my tomb write only three words: “Here lies Suvorov.” His will was violated. At the burial place they put a slab with a long, ornate inscription: “Generalissimo, Prince of Italy, Count A. V. Suvorov-Rymniksky, born in 1729, November 13th, died 1800, May 6 days. ”Alexander Arkadievich listened to the voice of his comrade ikov commander, fussed for a long time and, finally, fulfilled the will of his grandfather, replacing this inscription with a short one, in three words: "Here lies Suvorov" [
  18. +3
    7 January 2014 16: 54
    Quote: xan
    Oddly, uncle, but as a military man is beyond praise.

    “Count Segur said in his notes“ that Suvorov covered his brilliant dignity with oddities, wanting to save himself from the persecution of strong envious people. ”Potemkin said about him:“ No one will “overdo it.” Ekaterina, wishing to bring Potemkin out of his erroneous opinion about Suvorov's mind , advised him to eavesdrop on their conversation in the next room. Surprised by the thoughtfulness and intelligence of Suvorov, Potemkin somehow rebuked him for not speaking to him like that. “I have a different language with the tsars,” Suvorov replied.
  19. +3
    7 January 2014 17: 30
    Quote: Fedya
    He was a man of his time! And not for us to blame him!

    Years passed, but the name of Generalissimo Suvorov was pronounced by the Russians with full respect and love. He is a true national hero, a military genius, making up the honor and glory of Russia.

    Grateful descendants with deep respect and love pronounce the name of Generalissimo Suvorov, which constitutes the honor and glory of Russia.

  20. +2
    7 January 2014 20: 25
    Until now, I keep an expensive award for a first-grader in a pioneer camp for a chess tournament - Sergei Alekseev's book "Stories about Suvorov and Russian soldiers". - Detgiz-1961.
  21. tnship2
    8 January 2014 13: 47
    It’s about who they shot a movie about. And then they’re filming snot with sugar. Yes, about any mentally wretched people. In Russian land, so many people with BIG LETTER left their glorious marks in history that they won’t be able to shoot again.
    1. PPL
      8 January 2014 16: 14
      Films about Suvorov were shot, but a very long time ago, from childhood I remember two well: "Suvorov" in 1940 and "Ships storm the bastions" in 1953. One of them was even played for us in 1979 in the Severodvinsk training school.
      Perhaps there is more, but I have not seen.
  22. +1
    8 January 2014 16: 03
    Glory to the heroes of the Russian Earth!
  23. Alexey K.
    8 January 2014 17: 50
    Me Alexander Suvorov was respected by the people at all times. Service to God and the Fatherland was for him a single and inextricable concept. To the best of his ability, he knew God, subjugated his will and heart to him, fulfilled Christian commandments and listened with love to spiritual pastors who strengthened him in faith and morality. He sought to do good and avoid evil. That is the secret to his success.

    It was his faith and devotion to the fatherland that the Russian soldier was great. In faith, he drew indestructible strength, on the basis of faith was based his extraordinary stamina in battle. The best military leaders have always relied on the moral qualities of a Russian warrior.

    Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov could boldly say: "Brothers! You are heroes! The enemy is trembling from you! You are Russians!" - and the hearts of the soldiers were filled with pride at these words. And the mottos that have become immutable truths for the Russian soldier "the Russians will not surrender" or "the Russians will not retreat" or "there will be no retreat" aroused the spiritual dignity of the soldiers.

    Suvorov tried to influence the soul of a soldier, turning to Orthodox truths. It was faith that aroused in the soldiers noble feelings, without which the soul stale in the cruelties of war. And in the formation of the commander himself, ecclesiasticality was in the first place - from an early age he was distinguished by piety and piety, he loved to meditate on the Bible, and studied all church services to perfection.

    It has long been customary in Russia that the defense of the Fatherland was identified with the defense of Orthodoxy. Being well aware of the price of the true piety of the Russian soldier and being a deeply believing himself, Suvorov supported the religious mood in the warrior with all his strength. Evidence of this is the verbal teachings of the great

    commander, calling the soldier to piety: "God leads us. He is our general", "Victory is from Him." He taught the soldiers not to be afraid of death, for they give their lives for the "House of the Mother of God", which the Russian people have always seen their native land. Suvorov built churches, and for the soldiers compiled a prayer book and a short catechism.

    Suvorov's religiosity manifested itself in the way of everyday life. He was modest in his needs, condemned luxury, pointing to its corrupting effect. He led the simple life of a soldier not out of any calculation, but only because he found it the only suitable one for a military man and firmly believed: a soldier does not need a lot of property, because it takes away his courage. Even when Suvorov was a regiment commander, one of his fellow officers recalled him: "This colonel is such that as he looks at a man with a soldier's heart, he will conquer forever. He speaks, and walks, and looks, and eats, and drinks, and he sleeps differently from other people. The last shirt, the last piece in half with us! He doesn't need anything, he says, - the soldier would be happy. "

    Christian feelings did not allow Suvorov to cruelly treat the prisoners. He ordered to keep them "kindly and benevolently", to feed them well, "at least in excess of the proper portion", being convinced that "the benefit of repentant troublemakers benefits our interests more than shedding their blood."
    1. +2
      8 January 2014 21: 21
      Well you, Alexy, give! - So respectful to the Great Man! - Good !
      1. PPL
        9 January 2014 08: 35
        This is not Alexy and certainly not Alexey! This is an excerpt from the book by A.B. Grigoriev "Faith and Fidelity" used for the reprinted edition of A.V.Suvorov's work "Science to Win", which, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the passage of the Russian army under the leadership of A.V. Suvorov across the Alps.
        The text of the publication with a preface and pictures can be found at the link http://www.kadet.ru/library/history/Suvorov/nauka.htm or in the search engine "A.V.Suvorov book Science to win"
        Friends, respect the work of others, make references to the authorship of the quotes given, especially since it is spelled out in the Site Rules (read item "F")!
  24. Alexey K.
    8 January 2014 17: 50
    The commander was especially zealous for the church service. At dawn he always went to church, where he prayed at morning and mass. During the service, he himself read and sang, diligently bowed to the ground. Suvorov's biographer A. Petrushevsky noted that in these bows "there was no exaggeration, but expressed - the usual piety of Suvorov and the zealous performance of church rites." During his stay in exile in Konchanskoye, the disgraced commander led a particularly ascetic lifestyle, and in the morning and after lunch he sang spiritual concerts. He especially loved church music. The biographer also reports that "during Great Lent, church services were performed in his room almost every day, while Suvorov served as a deacon."

    - "Many, very many, do not count," - replied Suvorov. - "A hundred is not enough, the corps is small, the whole, the whole army! I have, when the miracle-hero kisses the cross, while he breathes, he will not change his duty. Send him into the fire - he goes, put ten bayonets against him - he goes; he sat down; for the gruel, and shout: "Forward!" - gruel to the side and he walks, his legs are barely dragging, then hit the drum - he goes. do not tip over and go straight, the soldier by himself will never go off the straight road, for Vera and the Emperor he is always, everywhere and for anything, and the whole world does not imagine anything like him. "

    It is significant that before the storming of Izmail Suvorov gave the order: "Pray today, study tomorrow, the day after tomorrow - victory or death!" At the same time, he wrote to Potemkin with humility: "You cannot promise. God's wrath and mercy depend on His providence."
  25. +3
    8 January 2014 20: 36
    Great man, as well as great deeds !!!
  26. D_L
    8 January 2014 23: 11
    Great article. Thank!
    It is important to note that Alexander Vasilievich was a believer and a very decent person.
    He owns the expression - "Teach the unbelieving army that it is not a red-hot iron to sharpen!"
  27. +1
    9 January 2014 06: 55
    Small additions to what has already been expressed on the forum.
    For unsurpassed military art, Alexander Vasilyevich was elevated first to count dignity, then to princely, and finally received the title of Generalissimo.
    In Russia, the rank, or rank, of the Generalissimo (one way or another) was introduced by his charter Peter the Great in 1716: "This rank is only due to crowned heads and great sovereign princes, and especially to the one whose army is.".
    How then did Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov become generalissimo? With good reason. First. For the liberation of Sardinia and Piedmont from the French, the Sardinian king granted him a "grandee and princes of royal blood". And the second thing. Suvorov had a chance to command united army of several states.
    Although the famous commander loved awards, he recognized only military ones. The rewards for maneuvers and parades were despised and categorically rejected. In early May 1787, G. A. Potemkin arranged for the Empress Catherine II maneuvers at Kremenchug. The queen generously distributing the awards turned to Suvorov with a question of how to award him. In response, she heard, according to a contemporary, the Aesopian response typical of Suvorov:
    - Give to those who ask, because you have such beggars, tea, a lot. Then he added:
    “Order, mother, to give my master for an apartment: he’s not giving rest.”
    “Is there a lot?” the empress asked perplexedly.
    - A lot, mother, - three rubles and a half.
    Catherine ordered to pay, and then Suvorov told with a serious look:
    - I squandered! Well, mother pays for me, otherwise it would be a disaster.
    Suvorov was attentive to the way his soldiers were awarded. Once it seemed to him that the soldiers were circumvented and did not receive worthy rewards for Ramnik. And then he came up with a rather original way to reward his brave army - the true heroes of victory. The soldiers were distributed laurel branches and built in front of the commander. After Suvorov spoke of fame, victory and thanked everyone for this, the soldiers, as agreed, crowned each other with laurel branches.
    But loyal soldiers did not remain in debt either. In 1787, they presented their idol with "a sumptuous gospel bought in a pool, weighing thirty-eight pounds, and a huge silver cross." In such unity, probably, also lay the success of the military leader, who did not lose a single battle.
  28. +1
    9 January 2014 11: 25
    Undoubtedly, Suvorov is a Russian nugget. However, his personality is greatly hypertrophied in Russian history. He may be called an unsurpassed general even correctly, but again depending on what principle and with whom to compare. Most of Suvorov’s high-profile victories were won over the Turks - an opponent strong, but honestly, technically backward for that period of time. The victory at Ramnik was won in alliance with the Austrians, as was the high-profile victory at Novi in ​​Italy. And the French army in Italy, despite its high fighting spirit, was at that time the bulk of its army of barefoot peasants and could not even compete with the Austrians in the quality of its weapons.
    The shadow of Suvorov, unfortunately, obscures the personality of no less than the greatest Russian commander - Rumyantsev, who essentially laid the foundations of Russian military art, the first time in the Seven Years War that heralded the power of Russian weapons in Europe. From the time of the war with Frederick to Napoleon, Russia had no strong opponents. Before the Suvorov victories over the Turks, Larga and Cahul had no less high-profile victories of Rumyantsev (by the way, won without allied help).
    Only when they write about Suvorov, they faintly emphasize that Suvorov is probably the only commander in the military history of Russia who wins all his victories as a result of attacking maneuvers. Neither before him, nor after, there were generals practicing in their pure form the attacking method of waging war and battle (well, maybe even General Paskevich). In this, Suorov had no equal, of course.