Natalia Narochnitskaya: “I never thought that I would defend its democratic values ​​in Europe itself”

Conversation with the President of the Fund historical prospects, head of the Institute for Democracy and Cooperation

Natalia Narochnitskaya: “I never thought that I would defend its democratic values ​​in Europe itself”- Natalia Alekseevna, the outgoing year will be remembered by many events, both in Russian and in international life. The events around Syria, Ukraine ... Extraordinary political activity, mass demonstrations about same-sex marriage laws did not get lost in this series. The Institute for Democracy and Cooperation (IDA) headed by you actively responded to all these events, held round tables, participated in organizing conferences in the French parliament, in the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva ... How much is your voice heard in European capitals?

- The Institute for Democracy and Cooperation was on the hottest edge of the global debate. The world, the Christian civilization meet the new 2014 year with extreme political and moral tension. The Middle East is burning, threatening to flood with blood not only the region, but also the world with its “tolerance”, there is an acute problem of the fate of Christians and of Christianity itself. Europe capitulates, surrenders to the onslaught of “progress” Europe, which gave birth to a gigantic culture permeated with a moral nerve beating in a triangle: free will, evil temptations and the Good Testament ... Against this background, the European Union closed its eyes to the systemic crisis of its own liberal ideology in politics, economics , finance and values, undertakes the next "Drang nach Osten" ...

The Institute responds to the widest spectrum of the most burning topics - from Syria to traditional values ​​in the context of the ideology of human rights. And there is some success. We were noticed, constantly invited to the TV channel Frans24 for hourly debates. I do not want to flatter myself, but just a year ago I was visiting the foreign policy adviser to the President of France, and he is well aware of our work.

The institute has been operating for 5 for years, and there are prospects for the already close interaction of civil society in Russia and France, especially since there are fields where a lot can be done together, and there is mutual interest in each other.

There are more and more invitations to participate as partners in various conferences or forums organized by other social, political movements (we are not participating in the party, of course). And this is a serious event. It turns out that we also organize conferences on current topics within the walls of the French parliament - the National Assembly. And for this you need political sponsorship of the deputy. And since we always have the support of any of the deputies, although we did not have long-term acquaintances and personal connections, this indicates that we are respected, known and ready to cooperate.

For example, my partners and I held the Caucasus Geopolitics conference. This is not endless marginal meetings for you that some Human Rights Watch is arranging, bringing “figures” like Zakayev, who - and this is already understood in the West - do not reflect any Caucasian reality. We brought from the academic community of the North Caucasus itself the rector and professor from two universities who spoke so brilliantly that I was filled with pride for my country. They quoted both Toynbi and Solovyov and Western researchers, i.e. demonstrated the breadth of thinking, panoramic view. There was neither political doctrine, nor loyal overtures to the official policy of Moscow. These were real academic performances. The conference was attended by leading French studies kavkazedy, experts from other European countries, was attended by several ambassadors.

A large conference was held at the French Parliament in June on the subject of Russia-Europe relations proper. There were about three hundred people here. Professors from Sorbonne and other universities, representatives of conservative organizations, and employees of European institutions from the EU Social Committee also spoke. Of course, right-wing forces are much more sympathetic towards us, it must be admitted. From the left, libertarian - we should not wait for sympathy and understanding. They recoded their near-communist views into left-liberal clichés, but picked up the idea of ​​a globalist single world, where the individual is a citizen of the world, freed from ties with his Fatherland.

The task of the Institute is to directly connect in the discussions two civil societies and two expert communities. Of course, people come to us with an active position, who read newspapers, follow world politics, this is not a philistine who is not interested in anything except buying a new car or a vacuum cleaner. Recently, our jubilee round table was honored with a visit and chose Jean-Pierre Shevenman, an elder of French politics, one of the founders of the socialist party, who held ministerial posts with Mitterrand, as a place to present his new book. This is a very respected socialist with the broadest mindset, who, unlike the current ones, combines (it is very close to us) the ideas of a social state with conservative ideas in all fields. His worldview, breadth of thinking, education, and generated a certain political position: he condemned the position of the West and Brussels and during the North African revolutions, and on Iraq, and what is happening in Syria.

At this evening, one of the rather large economic and military analysts, who heads the consulting company, thanked the CID for its “absolutely taboo-free stand, open for discussion of any topics and statements, which has become rare in France. And therefore for many it is a breath of living, clean air ... ”.

- The CID also held a round table "Protecting the family and the rights of the child - a joint struggle between Russia and Europe", actively participated in discussions on this topic in other venues. What can you say about this now, on the eve of family holidays - New Year and Christmas?

- In fact, attention to this topic is only the tip of the iceberg, since it is primarily about the unprecedented attack on Christianity, on traditional values, born of the Christian world view, Christian ideas about sin and virtue, about beauty and deformity ... the Great European culture was certainly Christian. And if, as they say, everything is relative, then why did Shakespeare's Lucretius commit suicide, dishonored by Tarquin, why are the monologues of Hamlet and Macbeth, if there is no distinction between good and evil, sin and virtue, why torment of Raskolnikov? .. Today's European stage - this is not just a triumphant procession of sin, but this is already a new quality, the beginning of a period when sin claims to be declared equal to virtue. After all, the sins of a man were, as you know, always, even in the Old Testament all of today's are listed. But sin has never claimed to be declared an equal virtue.

- In one of your speeches there is even a new term - “political homosexuality”. Exactly ...

“This term was invented by me and John Lokland, my deputy for the Institute for Democracy and Cooperation, an extraordinarily well-educated man, a philosopher and a brilliant publicist who wrote regularly for The Times, The Spectator, The Guardian.” John taught at Oxford, led students to protest against the bombing of Belgrade, he is the author of several books. A convinced, deeply religious Catholic, he walked on foot as a pilgrim to Santiago de Compostela. I also visited our Optina Hermitage ...

So, we decided that we need to somehow characterize the ideology itself. The fact is that in this whole campaign for same-sex marriages, it’s not the homosexuals themselves who set the tone, most of whom do not need legal equalization of their alliances with family and marriage. They need only certain legal rules governing property relations between them, hereditary cases. Such laws have long been in European countries. Therefore, we are not talking about their rights. We are talking about the militant postmodernist ideology of the modern libertarian elite of Western Europe and America, in the wake of which the individual’s complete liberation from any traditional order of things, whether religious, national, state, historical, and now biological, that is, God of a given nature, is proclaimed. Man, as they propagandize, is free to carry out any promptings of his flesh and pride.

This is a terrible challenge to human civilization. And so we called it “political homosexuality.” Strikers of this campaign are not ordinary members of minorities, but people who profess a completely revolutionary ideology of militant egalitarianism - that is, equalization of sin and virtue, everything and everyone. Even the egalitarianism and equalism of Soviet communism, which was realized mainly in the material sphere, in the area associated with the dream of a fair distribution of wealth, look naive and incomplete before it.

- But, nevertheless, as reported by the media, recently in Leipzig, before the international conference "For the Future of the Family. Are European Peoples Fading to Disappearance?" Organized by the German magazine Compact Magazine and the Institute for Democracy and Cooperation, it was you LGBT representatives who tried kick ...

- It was hard to tell who was who. In front of the building where the conference was held, we were met by a very aggressive-minded crowd, a very large, organized one. This, apparently, was not a spontaneous rally, about the possibility of which we were warned. They were getting ready, even at subway stations they distributed ads with a false address. They blocked the tram stop, who came to the conference could not get out of the car, as well as the entrance of cars a few hundred meters, so the correspondents were forced to haul their cameras and tripods, including our journalist. And they did not allow us to enter the building.

Above this crowd, LGBT banners were fluttering and loudly beating their spoons into the pots. When I approached, they immediately surrounded me, stretched obscene objects as a gift and beat me right in the pan with a spoon.

“Did they already know you?”

- They understood that we were participants of the conference, we were going to the hall. And when we with Elena Borisovna Mizulina, the chairperson of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, still began to make our way through this crowd, the police did not make a corridor. In general, what is particularly outrageous is the behavior of the police! In any case, she was obliged to ensure free access to the conference, which was legal, had long been announced, and no extremist. This was not done, although the police caught up with a lot. I turned in German to their ranks: “Help us get through! There are members of parliament among us. ” But the police didn’t even turn their heads in my direction. And when we were torn through this crowd, each of us got a kick in the shin ..

They wanted to break the conference, tried to get into the hall, but here they were not allowed. So they lined up along the wall of the building and pounded on it with hard objects, sticks, creating a wild noise. And for some reason they waved Israeli flags. It turns out that they were convinced that those who advocate a traditional family automatically hate homosexuals, which means the Nazis.

At first I could not even understand where the Israeli flag was. After all, I am the daughter of a partisan who suffered in a fascist prison, including because she kept the Jewish family in the basement of her own house for half a year, although she herself was already under suspicion.

Sadly how the press reacted to the conference. On the one hand, as cynics are joking today, any mention in the press, except for an obituary, is an advertisement, i.e. the conference was noisy, there were a lot of comments on the forums in German newspapers and websites, I read them. But on the other hand, all the articles in the newspapers were - with the exception of literally two, more objective, not mocking, - on the side of the mentioned, quite tolerant fighters for the future asexual world.

- That is, on their side and the press, and law enforcement, and power.

- It turns out so. Although the conference was primarily about the demographic problem of Germany and about humanity in general and its values. In Germany, for almost 40 years, only 1,3 of a child per woman has been fixed. This is much less than in Russia now. The nation, in general, is dying out. There is a population replacement by migrants. And at the conference, no one was going to discuss the topic of homosexuality at all.

It is outrageous precisely that at first you are credited with certain intentions in the worst traditions of black propaganda, and then they are thrown with accusations. Nobody, I repeat, was going to raise the topic of homosexuality. It would seem, on the contrary, recognizing that this phenomenon is now quite widespread, all the more it is necessary to support the traditional family, because, in fact, its presence only allows humanity to reproduce itself, and for nations to be preserved in history.

Tilo Sarratsin also spoke at the conference - the author of the acclaimed book (he, by the way, was not expelled from the party at all), and then he had an extensive interview with the newspaper "De Welt". He, very calmly, though uncompromisingly, spoke, and he raised precisely the question of demography.

But since you simply support the traditional family, it means that you mean the difference. And this is a crime against "human rights". Therefore, aggression is growing. What is depressing - even a calm discussion on this topic has been tabooed. This means that there is no longer any freedom of opinion or discussion in the West. Recall that one of the fundamental most important civil and political human rights is the right to freedom of speech, assembly, and opinion. This very first generation of human rights is the essence of democracy, which, unlike a religious society with a single philosophical ideal, should allow different worldviews to coexist. Now we are seeing the birth of a new totalitarianism of libertarian ideology, which, as it were, hovering about democracy, itself like a snake, bites itself by the tail, suppressing the essence of democracy. Typically the revolutionary thinking of the self-proclaimed leader of the history of the minority, which suppresses the "dissent" of the majority! You have the right to doubt the existence of God, the meaning of a traditional family for a person, but you have no right to doubt whether any impulses are harmful to a person ... But man-worshiped God inevitably leads to Satan-Divine ....

The conclusion is: on the main ecumenical questions of man and mankind there is no freedom of speech in Europe now! And I can subscribe to this judgment, which I had during five years of work in Paris. One of the German publications quoted my words: "I never thought that I was a post-Soviet intellectual, for whom Europe was once an example, the political culture and freedom of judgment that had taken shape in it, I will be forced to defend democratic values ​​here." They filed it with an echid, but I am pleased - as I said.

- In general, the conference was successful, in your opinion?

- In general, successful, but! So, for example, they poisoned some of the alleged participants, that they shot their performance literally the day before. Here, Eva Herman is a famous TV journalist, she once ran an anti-fascist program “Speak out Nazism”, some time ago began to criticize the family policy of Germany and presented an analysis that the country does not encourage the birth of children and the family role of a woman. Yes, kindergartens are being built, but there is no propaganda of the family and traditional family values ​​at all, on the contrary, anti-propaganda is being conducted. So Eva Herman was simply harassed down to phone calls with threats to the family, she lost the broadcast. She sent a video message, where she said that she did not want to find herself again in the dirt in which the press would again turn her back, she was afraid for her family. That's what came up.

In short, the trend is alarming. Although there were supporting German comments on articles in the press. But the saddest thing is the already formed worldview of a considerable part of modern society. It can be seen that ordinary advocates of equalizing everything and everyone sincerely do not even understand how to be “against freedom” and “progress”, to be so backward ... Just like our absolutely conservative population that prevails in the country, it can hardly understand how you can seriously consider same-sex unions and the real family equivalent. There is already a discrepancy at the level of the worldview, at the level of the picture of the world, the meaning of being. A large part of young people, totally processed by the liberal press, sincerely believes that they are in favor of something good and progressive. Europe commits suicide ...

Why in France such a battle was because of the notorious law? The fact is that here adoption is permitted only to the family, and equating same-sex unions to the traditional family, to marriage automatically means the right to adopt. Against adoption by same-sex unions is the overwhelming majority of the French. Although against same-sex marriages without the right of adoption, opinions were divided almost in half, more still against. However, the scale of protests against the adoption of children by same-sex couples impressed everyone.

In atheized France, they are proud of the "conquest" of the French Revolution - the complete separation of the Church from the state. Moreover, the Church is separated here not only from the state, but also from society; she is afraid of raising her voice: the Bishop of Paris can only walk silently in the ranks of the demonstrators, but even speak out on the radio “Notre Dame” - on Catholic radio - fears.

In general, I will say - you need to sympathize with the Catholic Church, on which European liberals have long been bringing down dirt, only when it opens its mouth a little. We remember how a disgusting campaign has arisen in Russia, a surge of anti-Church hatred and Christ-phobia in connection with the “Pussy Rayot” scandal, but we are still far from France. One of my shocks, when I began to work closely with experts, with the academic community of this country, is the atheism and philosophical leftism of the French educated layer. Although they did not have, as we did in Soviet times, forced atheism, the god-fighting spirit of the French Revolution, which is hidden in Soviet textbooks, has done its work, and this was the main thing. The Bolsheviks were just epigones - this is not Europe to blame us for "totalitarianism and Bolshevism"! Jacobins knocked down crosses from grave monuments, almost all the chapels and home churches in all the castles were destroyed. There were terrible abuse, smashed altars, etc. The papal palace in Avignon was destroyed: from the inside everything was looted and burned, frescoes and furniture were torn off.

You know, we always complain about the state of human rights in our country and rightly complain about the state of the courts and many spheres, and we need to fight for recovery, but there, too, everything is not all right. Here is the situation with the rights of Christians: a Christian cannot calmly express judgments that directly follow from Christian dogma and his system of values, they silence him and shout that this offends others. Such phenomena, and not just symptoms, are very often in the West. It has long been known that in the United States in many states they no longer congratulate with Christmas and prohibit in some institutions to put a Christmas tree. At the request of migrant Muslims, a Norwegian journalist was taken off the air because she was wearing an innocent cross decoration. But think about who would have to pull up in this case for intolerance? Indeed, in demanding this, these Muslims signed not only that they profess a different religion, but that it is unbearable for them to even see a symbol of another religion! This is intolerance! And this is in a country where Christian civilization accepted them - the Gentiles and very tolerantly granted them citizenship! Not only were they allowed to create an enclave of their civilization, they are now still inferior to their requirements, rather than sharply calling for respect for indigenous civilization.

The problems of migrants and the dominance of new national minorities, mostly also Muslim by religion, are the hardest problem for France and for Europe in general. The reason, first of all, is the impoverishment of the faith and the de-Christianization of the Europeans themselves. Among the believers with shrines and migrants would behave quite differently! However, a taboo has been imposed on a calm, respectable discussion of this topic, which could help to find some mechanisms for at least easing tensions. Anyone who has given a hint of a problem even quite respectable is immediately labeled as a marginal, so few dare, no one wants to become persona non grata in serious politics.

Last summer, in the southern town of Montauban, someone next to the mosque on the pole stuck a piece of painted with three piggy heads. My God, how all France was indignant at this act of disrespect, insulting religious feelings. The Minister of the Interior called for finding the guilty and about punishing, because France is a democratic country and will not tolerate such a thing! A few months later, an art exhibition was arranged in the former papal palace in Avignon and there, as a presentation of the artistic “I” of one “artist”, was an installation - a crucifix in a pot with urine. The protest demonstrations around the city did not cease - zero attention! The whole press came to the defense of the “artist” and the “freedom of artistic expression”. Finally, one person came to this exhibition, pulled out a hammer from his bosom and smashed this installation, acting like a real Christian, because his duty to God is to protect the shrine. All the press and the ministry spoke out to condemn this “act of vandalism” and “attacks on freedom of expression.” There you are, the double standards that we see in politics. What does this mean? That in fact the whole postmodern ideology, above all, is anti-Christian. They are ready to give Europe to anyone, but not to keep it in the bosom of Christianity.

But suddenly there was a mobilization of the conservative part of society, which until now believed possible, wincing, to stand aside. She suddenly felt that the trouble was already on the threshold and knocking on the door, and that tomorrow they would have to write down “parent No. 1” and “parent No. 2”, instead of “father” and “mother” for their children, and the French - the only West European nation giving birth so far! They were alarmed and suddenly noticed that there is, it turns out, a country - Russia, which is thrown at the western press, but which does not give up and at the level of parliament and its president frankly declares protection of Christianity’s values ​​and its support - the traditional family.

By the way, John Loughland at one of the round tables in Italy in his speech analyzed all the congratulatory texts of Western leaders on the occasion of the election of the new Pope Francis - it turned out that the only congratulation, which contained reference to Christian values, was the congratulation of Vladimir Putin.

And in France, they began to wonder: why is Russia being harassed in the press? After all, it is being poisoned by those who poison them for traditional values. Maybe it is not so bad, this Russia? Maybe this is an ordinary country, of course, not without sin (which we will not deny). And we began to receive letters at our Institute: thanks to Russia, its leader! After all, it is very important for someone to hold the flag at the state level and say what our president and parliament say and what the overwhelming majority of society supports.

Now Australia has banned same-sex marriage. A few years ago they made a statement that they are open to everyone, any religion, etc., but the country and civilization, the way of life in Australia were not created by you, new migrants! Want to live with us? Please, but remember, you should not come here with the intention to recreate here a piece of your civilization, if you please adapt to us, become just like us, do not cause rejection, act like we do.

“But Australia is still the periphery of the Western world.”

- Of course, that's why she is allowed for now.

When we held a round table in July on the theme “Protecting the family and the rights of the child - a joint struggle between Russia and Europe”, we gathered a lot of people. There was a former French housing minister, Christine Buten, who tried in parliament as a deputy to hinder the law on same-sex marriage in every way, also Beatrice Bourge, a brave woman, she became a kind of icon of all protest demonstrations (she organized them and created an organization, there was even a two-millionth demonstration ). Our deputies Elena Mizulina and Olga Batalina arrived. By the way, they performed brilliantly there and in Leipzig. Our Russian liberals throw mud at them, but my God! - as Olga Batalina and Elena Borisovna Mizulina - Doctor of Laws were holding themselves! No unnecessary emotions, no political clique, only the legal side of things ... The French recorded the arguments of our deputies, I saw how they took notes. The French speakers said: you have freedom of speech, you do not allow the minority to stomp their feet on what is sacred to the majority ...

The characteristic moment - as soon as we carry out something serious, affecting a certain nerve, immediately some malicious notes appear on some sites, which irritates them. There are also frank fabrications, they say, the CID exists on the money of the Kremlin, Gazprom. And Gazprom never gave a dime. We don’t get a penny from the state budget, only targeted donations from business structures.

- That is, the CID functions at the expense of business structures?

- Absolutely, and no other. Although, of course, they made up different myths about me, as if I were sitting there, idle and drink oysters with wine. In fact, you, my closest colleagues, know what kind of life I lead, because from the very beginning I made a condition that I did not move to France and would not abandon my Foundation of Historical Perspective, nor my mother who was dying to bed, nor all that is dearest to me. Moreover, I will say: our institute in France is not a division of any Russian public organization. This is not a bureau, it is an independent European NGO, registered under the law of France on non-profit associations already 1901 of the year. It is possible to work on a permanent basis there only by becoming a taxpayer in France, having received a special visa with the right to work. I have a regular visa, on which I cannot spend more than 180 days for a year, but I don’t need more. And I do not even use this limit to the end. I live in Moscow regularly, once a month I come to Paris, where the IDS organizes round tables and conferences, or, like this year, we prepare and hold events in other European countries.

- And what drives business structures that finance the activities of the CID?

- You know, business structures understand enough in world politics and are not less interested in the state in a favorable social background for their activities abroad. Therefore, one should not think that only some abstract monster - the state is interested in understanding Russia. I initially never intended to primitively, by all means or by crook, to defend some idealized image. One of the first seminars we held was devoted to comparing the anti-corruption laws of France and Russia, which was not at all in Russia's favor! We have just begun to fight corruption, and it is clear that with loud processes, planting even high-ranking officials, such an evil cannot be eradicated. Decades of a large-scale fan policy are needed, as the French lawyer Olivier Forcade, a member of the State Council, by the way, is quite a friendly person, told us: “Do not worry, once started, it means that you will achieve it. At the end of the 60s in France, not a single issue was solved in the order that should be decided in a democratic state. Only calls, mutual services, bribes. ” Everything was corrupt, he said, from top to bottom. And 30 took years to eradicate, including the most brutal legislation that destroys the future official, if he is caught. We, unfortunately, do not destroy, and sometimes it pops up in another place, although not always. It was necessary to form in the public opinion the absolute unacceptability of bribery for a decent person, especially in politics. 30 years - in order to narrow this sin to the private sin of individuals, because we can not completely eradicate the sinful nature of man.

... In general, I want to say something about the Institute. I live in Moscow, I fly all over Europe by night flights. Life is tense, the real schedule is such that today we need to organize, speak with Czech scientists at a huge conference on the Munich Agreement in the parliament building in Prague, and tomorrow in Geneva on human rights and the protection of Christian minorities in Syria, in the presence of Navi, by the way. Pillay - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. By the way, it was a great success of the CID, we did what only a non-governmental organization could do - called local authoritative heads of Syrian communities, representatives of Syrian Catholics from the Syrian backwoods, received a video message from the mufti of Syria, invited the Irish Nobel laureate M. Maguire. And it was a great success of our institute and IOPS (Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society), believe me. We did what only a non-governmental organization could do, because only an NGO can initiate a so-called “side event” as part of the approved program of the UN Human Rights Council session.

“Although the resources, the staff of the institute, as we know, are very modest.

- There are only six people in CID! Including me, my deputy - director of research programs John Lockland, director-manager, accountant, two more employees - a site in three languages, organizing. We have a small staff, but I believe that this is quite enough and I do not want to increase anything.

- In 2014, 10 will turn of years to the Foundation of Historical Perspective, your main brainchild ...

“Oh yes, indeed this is my precious!” I dreamed about such a Foundation since 90's, but I understood that it would not be possible to realize these dreams so easily without status. And so I became a deputy from the Rodina faction - this was, by the way, in my opinion, the brightest period in our Duma ....

- There was so much hope for everyone at Motherland ...

- Yes, yes ... And so we had an unusual faction! - 11 candidates and doctors of science, and in general, most of the faction was not from professional officials, but simply from professionals in their field. Now, if from the army — so really from the army, if from the academic environment — then it is taken directly from it. I am from an academic institute, I have never been an official anywhere.

I wanted to create an analytical center with a wide spectrum of analysis that would study the phenomena of modern life, be it economics, security, foreign policy, or public consciousness through the prism of the Orthodox consciousness, but that it was a secular Russian analytical center.

- Your ideas come true?

- I think that they have come true. Look at least at a series of books published as part of our publishing programs, and what are the strong and at the same time very different Internet resources of the Foundation - Perspectives, Century! What round tables and conferences we hold! At what level our Foundation is invited to participate, what topics can we do! The First World War and the Great Patriotic War, the interpretation of history, public consciousness, the ideology of the Russian civil movement, the problems of democracy and sociology of modern Russia ... For this, the enormous work, erudition and panoramic thinking of all our employees, creators of these Internet resources, during this years of formation and acquisition audience and respect from the expert and academic community. In the upcoming 2014, we’ll be 10 years old!

I am happy that such a wonderful team of employees - or rather, colleagues and co-workers - has gradually gathered. After all, there are no performers among us! We are all ideologists and are involved in the very idea of ​​the Foundation. There were a lot of bright people at the beginning, I am grateful to them, but gradually people were left without exaltation, ready to patiently weave a fine lace of everyday work in the field of public historical and national consciousness and work out for each of us, but also for all of the national agenda. Russia must go ahead, both isolation and dissolution in alien projects are destructive for it. But you can successfully move forward and develop only if you do not destroy the semantic core of successive Russian life, not forgetting that the Russians are the nation-forming nation, the founder and core of the Russian state. There will be no Russia without Russians!

We called our center “The Foundation of Historical Perspective,” but you can only see the perspective, knowing the retrospective, that is, our past, linking it to the present and future in the broad global context of ideas and events. We proceed from the continuity of our history, do not throw a single page out of it and try to look at the trials of our country, people, from a higher temporal distance, when you are freed from the captivity of momentary political bias as much as possible, of course. And if we talk about the twentieth century, so dramatic, about which disputes have not yet subsided and disputes for a long time, the main thing, in my opinion, would be wrong to remain somewhere on one of the parties.

We need to remember Karamzinsky: "All this is created by us, which means ours," this was repeated by the eminent historian and my adviser Anatoly Filippovich Smirnov, and I repeat.

The foundation of a historical perspective has always, especially in the first half of the activities of the CID, provided it with great conceptual support. This, too, was part of my plan, because it is impossible to start something from scratch. This made it possible to include into the work of the European Institute a great number of intelligent and professional like-minded experts who are associated with the Foundation for Historical Perspective. They came and spoke in Paris and Brussels, in Germany and Italy at round tables, conveyed their ideas and arguments, and were very much in demand, because we have very strong expert polemists.

- However, your work in the CID and in the Foundation, of course, crippled your own scientific work ...

- Completely, alas. I really do not do science now. I am based on the fact that I had previously written, thought out, charted or made some blanks that have not yet been published. I have a lot of dreams, of course, but I have to be realistic: they can hardly be realized with such a lifestyle, such a crush by an unregulated schedule and day and week, business trips, speeches on various topics. However, the experience that you gain in these discussions is invaluable. You keep abreast of the worldview that is now developing in Europe.

- Especially since we do not know well how this happens with them.

- Yes, and they know nothing about us. Ignorance against Russia is widespread. For the first time we received an invitation, and I participated in France at the “Annual Press Tribune”: a huge two or three-day session is held in some region, leading journalists arrive, local authorities give a hall, and the public comes. And we were invited. I kept there, you can say a blow. In the hall there was a lot, in my opinion, from the local lyceum of young people, which is very important. And just there it was about “Pussy Rayot”, and about our family law, and about their laws. I openly said there that I recognize a huge amount of sins in our country, I don’t like everything myself, for example, as a deputy, voted against the electoral legislation, predicting that it would be corrected anyway, and now it’s changed. But I say: the image of Russia that is read from the local media is a caricature that has nothing to do with reality. You, I say, I am sure, are sure that anyone who speaks a word against Putin is immediately in prison. Do you know that on Thursdays we have on TV “The Duel”, where opponents attack each other and power in such a way that is unthinkable in France. And it is true. And if you watch the channel "Rain", then in France you will never see such a thing in your life. “Pussy Rayot” was not put down for singing “The Virgin Mary, drive Putin away.” (When they sang it in other places, nobody touched them, they sang more than once). And because they tried to equate the church, the altar, with the club. That was their conscious challenge. Everybody knows that they don’t like Putin, and on the Bolotnaya Square such angry and offensive posters were carried, which you will not see in the West. I had to say it too, since they could not find out from other sources.

- And yet it is noticeable that in international politics, Russia is gaining weight, has played an important role in the Syrian conflict, in stopping the strike, which seemed inevitable. Or take events in Ukraine ... Do you think the influence and image of Russia in the world is changing now?

“I see the following: the fact that Russia managed to prevent the seemingly absolutely inevitable blow to Syria is a great success, which not only changed the Syrian situation, kept the world from an explosion with disastrous consequences right up to world war, and with inter-religious dimension. This turn has changed the balance of political forces, has shown that Russia is a great power, without which the world cannot interact. (This is partly why the West has taken on Ukraine - they want revenge, because all the benefits to the West in Ukraine are measured only by the geopolitical harm that they think Russia can do). In the West, politicians were simply overwhelmed by the virtuoso chess game of Russia. Moreover, we did it subtly also in terms of diplomacy and big politics. Notice, for the sake of saving the situation, we helped America to retreat somewhat, without losing face. After all, they had already driven themselves into such a corner that they did not know how to get out of there ... And as a result, Russia gained enormous prestige, and the position of European countries began to change.

I have always convinced my European interlocutors that Europe, and not Russia, would be the first to suffer from a disaster in Syria. Russia may have material losses, but the collapse of interfaith balance throughout the region and the world, will hit primarily in Europe. A huge crowd of drunk blood, excited fanatics rush to Jordan, to Lebanon, to Italy, to France - anywhere, and Europe will be the first victim, which must realize how suicidal is its position.

... So, you need to weave your fine lace. Do not overestimate yourself, do not need any broadcast campaigns and triumphant reports, "counter plans." Here it is necessary to work in good faith, not to lose one's will, not to expect quick victories, and the result will definitely be! After all, “everything should not be done quickly and immediately rightly so that a weak person does not become proud” - once a wise priest taught me! ..

Interview conducted by Alexey Timofeev
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  1. +49
    28 December 2013 15: 27
    Natalya Alekseevna - smart girl. A woman whom I would not be afraid to entrust the presidency.
    1. +39
      28 December 2013 15: 42
      Quote: Garrin
      Natalya Alekseevna - smart girl. A woman whom I would not be afraid to entrust the presidency.

      This is called the Russian elite, and not what is presented in the media and the liberal press.

      N.A. Narochnitskaya is a well-known scientist, socio-political figure, Orthodox ideologist, daughter and successor of the father - academician Alexei Leontyevich Narochnitsky, one of the last Russian historians and encyclopedists, author of fundamental works on international relations of the past, scientific adviser of the publication of diplomatic documents for foreign Russian politics of the XIX century, the history of the peoples of the North Caucasus, textbooks on the history of diplomacy.
      N.A. Narochnitskaya - Doctor of Historical Sciences, graduated with honors from MGIMO, a specialist in the USA, Germany and general problems and trends in international relations, speaks English, German, French and Spanish. In 1982-1989 worked at the UN Secretariat in New York.
      N.A. Narochnitskaya made a significant contribution to the creation and activities of significant scientific and socio-political movements that have a significant impact on public life - the World Russian Council, the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, the Unity of Orthodox Peoples Foundation, the Russkiy Mir Foundation and many others .
      1. +10
        28 December 2013 16: 15
        I AGREE TO ALL 1000%
      2. 0
        28 December 2013 16: 15
        I AGREE TO ALL 1000%
      3. +7
        28 December 2013 21: 43
        Not only smart, but also a brave woman:
        One of your speeches even contains a new term - “political homosexuality”. Precisely said ...

        If in Lenin's Trotsky is a political prostitute, then you can safely talk about Western figures as political pid .... tah.
      4. Nehigo
        29 December 2013 15: 00
        Elite t

        The elite is still from livestock, I would prefer an aristocracy.
    2. +5
      28 December 2013 15: 49
      Quote: Garrin
      Natalya Alekseevna - smart girl. A woman whom I would not be afraid to entrust the presidency.

      Well, this is not a feminine thing in modern times.
      But any ministry, except for power and "technical" - please.
      1. +51
        28 December 2013 16: 00
        The Maydanians consider themselves free Europeans, and want to convey their wisdom to the dense Ukrainians and Russians from Vrstok and Russia itself, they say Europe is power !!
        1. +2
          28 December 2013 18: 09
          Quote: sledgehammer102

          Red Square is sacred to me. On which, I think, there is no place for skating rinks, shows, "suitcases" ....
          I hate Bandera. And their ideas. But this is not a reason to look down on people who are ready to freeze and starve. Are you warm now? And what did YOU do to make them think differently?
          1. +12
            28 December 2013 18: 13
            Quote: There was a mammoth
            . Are you warm now? And what did YOU do to make them think differently?

            They didn’t go to freeze the z.p.p. in order to support the s.s.s..s.
          2. +16
            28 December 2013 21: 00
            Quote: There was a mammoth
            And what did YOU do to make them think differently?

            We sit in the heat and wait when this maydanut tired of posing as idiots? wassat
            Quote: There was a mammoth
            On which, I think, is no place for skating rinks, shows,

            Better a beautiful show for people than a pissed Maidan
            Quote: There was a mammoth
            "suitcases" ....

            definitely not the place
            Quote: There was a mammoth
            . But this is not a reason to look down on people who are ready to freeze

            Ready? Let them freeze is their choice. Sympathy will not wait. Those who wish can warm up sparring with the Klitschko sisters
          3. d_trader
            29 December 2013 12: 03
            Quote: There was a mammoth
            But this is not a reason to look down on people who are ready to freeze and starve. Are you warm now?

            Maybe our grandfathers also had to regret and respect the choice of the Nazis who were frozen as dogs in the trenches near Moscow ??? I do not see much difference between those and these maydanutye!
      2. +17
        28 December 2013 16: 22
        Quote: Ptah
        Well, this is not a feminine thing in modern times.

        But why? Remember how M. Thatcher had Humpback in all respiratory and respiratory. I am sure that Natalya will take away the current gay people and the rest are no worse.
        1. +9
          28 December 2013 17: 52
          Here are those times ... An unexpected argument and example ...
          I thought that such persons would be mentioned as Catherine II, expanding the borders of the Russian Empire or Indira Gandhi, finally dropping the English colonization.
          And Margot Thatcher, influencing Gorbochurt's vanity, according to the plan of the Anglo-American kagal, “only” acted as a “honey trap”.
          Well, it is well known how Natalya Alekseevna sees the attack of gayropean "values" on family foundations, in the form of indulging pedophiles and juvenile behavior. Therefore, I conclude that I would like to see her in the posts currently occupied by some ministers (like Medinsky, Astakhov, etc.)
          1. +8
            28 December 2013 18: 07
            Quote: Ptah
            Here are those times ... An unexpected argument and example ...

            These two ... didn’t they notice that current women’s politicians are much tougher and more consistent than men’s politicians? Look at the Amerov’s and Little British women’s. Here are the real HAWKS. All human values ​​are forgotten, the maternal instinct is completely absent, animals, not people. The decision on the bombing, taken without hesitation.
            It is necessary to answer adequately.
            1. +5
              28 December 2013 18: 28
              Quote: Garrin
              current women’s politicians are much tougher and more consistent than men’s politicians. Look at Amerov’s and Little Britain’s women. Here are the real HAWKS.

              And compare, for fun, not the apotheosis of a perverted matriarchy (gett-it-pound) in the person of Condoleezza or Clintonichi, but female helmsmen from the states of South America.
              In foreign policy, steadfast and unyielding positions in relation to Ameria. On social programs, the same is not in the most lagging positions. Yes, and look feminine attractive.
              Quote: Garrin
              All human values ​​are forgotten, the maternal instinct is completely absent, animals, not people.

              But is madame (she is from the noblemen) Narochnitskaya we want to see this? She, it seems to me, is the exact opposite of the creatures you described.
              In the place of the president, he will quickly become a "dry bread" and "a man in a skirt." Better not. There are not enough mothers and wives (by definition) in the government. IMHO.
              1. +2
                28 December 2013 20: 22
                Quote: Ptah
                In the place of the president, he will quickly become a "dry bread" and "a man in a skirt." Better not. There are not enough mothers and wives (by definition) in the government. IMHO.

                Come on. Here already depends on the surrounding Men. The main thing is that not embezzlers surrounded, but REAL MAN.
        2. +3
          28 December 2013 20: 42
          And what's the point? Only get dirty. No.
    3. A.YARY
      28 December 2013 16: 49
      All the trouble of Natalia and devotees like her in a simple phrase sounded at the very beginning
      These were real academic performances.

      It is necessary to "reach out" to the "common people", and academic performances are good for an extremely small part of the intelligentsia, which in a large part is struck by the "neoliberal virus of pedagogy".
      True champions of traditional values ​​can be found only in the workers 'and peasants' environment. The unclear uncertainty of the question "maybe?"
      It is the people and not the thin layer that can withstand the power in there, the people and no one else!
      It is necessary to speak with the people, not with the "academicians", not in small audiences, but on the square!
      But Natalya wants to wish-GOD HELP!
      1. yur
        28 December 2013 20: 01
        I don't quite agree. Whoever and what would not say about "democracy", but we all understand that 99,9% of decisions are made there at the top among competent, informed and influential people. Therefore, one opponent convinced from that camp is no less valuable than thousands of his supporters. I think so.
      2. d_trader
        29 December 2013 12: 10
        Is it then that they let them go out onto the square and hammer into their people what is good and what is bad, or do you want ours to be again as steam engines at 45?
      28 December 2013 17: 40
      I didn’t even read the article why: let’s answer what is DEMOCRACY. And if possible, in full alignment. If there is power, a certain goal is pursued and no one can change it, but in the current situation, everything is decided by the money and who will try to convince I am asking !!! hi
      1. +4
        28 December 2013 21: 40
        To convince there is neither sense nor desire. You have completed the classic concept change substitution. And, having made a false message - they built no less false conclusions on it. Classics of the genre. (I can not answer, because I don’t see any special show-offs to drive empty).
      2. 0
        29 December 2013 15: 56
        I didn’t even read the article,

        Then there is no need to argue about the taste of pineapples, which have never been tasted ...
        Democracy - literally, is the power of the people (majority, not minorities), article and Natalia +
    5. +6
      28 December 2013 17: 56
      Quote: Garrin
      Natalya Alekseevna - smart girl.

      Not just a smart girl, but a wise man, a true patriot of Russia.
    6. +4
      29 December 2013 09: 14
      Natalya Alekseevna's article is another masterpiece of analysis: subtly, softly and at the same time irreconcilably she speaks of the troubles that have fallen on the heads of all Europeans. And although not everyone understands the deep meaning of her revelatory speeches, the foundation has been laid, Europe begins to think. And this is an undoubted plus! And Pay attention with what love she treats Russia: recognizing shortcomings and mistakes, she does not "clap", she does not sprinkle ashes on their heads, but suggests ways out. Yes, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was right when he said: "There are women in Russian villages ..." If only such, and you look, we could finally rise from the abyss into which the liberal reformers threw us!
    7. +2
      29 December 2013 21: 26
      Quote: Garrin
      Natalya Alekseevna - smart girl. A woman whom I would not be afraid to entrust the presidency.

      - A worthy daughter of the great Russian people. Nice to read, everything is articulated and accurate. Especially about the fact that there is less democracy in Europe and America now than in Russia - so here on the site the guys have been talking about it for three years. But the opponents on the same site from Israel stubbornly daldon and daldon: "stand as Europe and stand as Europe, they have real democracy!" I have already begun to doubt their mental abilities, for three years they have been spreading the facts, so the SABJ is already from a man-scientist! And they will all continue to daldonit us for democracy. At least on the forehead, at least on the forehead! Not, after all, about the fact that "Jews are smart girls" is greatly exaggerated. Or are there just such Jews on this site? Why am I so unlucky to meet an intelligent Jew? Although I did meet them, unfortunately, I do not know them personally, I just read - Perelman and Wasserman -))))
  2. +22
    28 December 2013 15: 31
    ".... He will stop the galloping horse, enter the burning hut .."!
    And this plus is a clever and patriotic girl. With the upcoming Holiday, Natasha!
    1. typhoon7
      28 December 2013 17: 30
      I subscribe to your comment +.
    2. +3
      28 December 2013 22: 45
      Quote: askort154
      ".... He will stop the galloping horse, enter the burning hut .."!
  3. +15
    28 December 2013 15: 32
    The decline of Europe and the United States is obvious, a fresh video from December 21, this is done even at military sites already:

    1. avg
      28 December 2013 15: 50
      So it would be a pancake and chopped ... before laying
    2. +3
      28 December 2013 20: 39
      We had such pictures in Brezhnev's times. I agree disgustingly. fool
    3. 0
      29 December 2013 20: 04
      This is where such indecency? In americosia? Well, how do you have to fight with them? I suggest not taking prisoners! angry
      PS Yes, and ourselves, in which case, do not give up !!! stop
  4. +8
    28 December 2013 15: 34
    So, you need to weave your own fine lace. Do not overestimate yourself, do not need any broadcast campaigns and winning reports, "counter plans." Here you need to work in good faith, do not lose your will, do not expect quick victories, and the result will definitely be! After all, “everything should not be done quickly and rightly so that a weak person is not proud” - so once a wise priest taught me! .. GOLD WORDS!!!
  5. +21
    28 December 2013 15: 37
    For which I am grateful to N.A. Narochnitskaya, so that she ALWAYS clearly and clearly sets forth both the material and her own position.
    Only +++++++++++ !!! !!!
    1. avt
      28 December 2013 18: 07
      Quote: stalkerwalker
      For which I am grateful to N.A. Narochnitskaya, so that she ALWAYS clearly and clearly sets forth both the material and her own position.

      Yes ! good Quite a serious intellectual. I read her works with pleasure, they can be challenged only at her own level, providing no less compelling arguments and clearly expressing one’s position. Confirmation of the aforementioned is the behavior of the Euro-mosquito that she is trying to disrupt work in the west. You can, and need to, wish you good luck in your work.
      1. +1
        28 December 2013 22: 58
        Quote: avt
        Quite a serious intellectual.
        When I listen to her, I feel that she has fundamental knowledge and a powerful analytical mind. With her I can only compare Kurginyan.
        1. +2
          29 December 2013 00: 57
          It’s strange, but I don’t find anything in common here. If he would compare with anyone, then with Starikov, for example.
          1. avt
            29 December 2013 10: 49
            Quote: V. Salama
            It’s strange, but I don’t find anything in common here.

            smile The temperament is different.
            1. 0
              30 December 2013 12: 40
              Quote: avt
              Different temperament

              Not only this is the case, there are things that I do not forgive smart people, but simply cross them off my "trust list". In short, these are admissible contradictions that allow one to judge the presence of hidden goals that do not reflect the interests of the people. I don’t want to discuss this - it’s long and pointless, since we all already belong to different social groups, each of which has its own interest and its own concept that there is a people.
            2. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +7
    28 December 2013 15: 38
    A very smart woman, and she knows her business.
    1. +9
      28 December 2013 15: 52
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      A very smart woman, and she knows her business.

      Apparently for this, as part of the delegation, the "heroic militant pid.orgi" tried to beat her off. They sense the threat emanating for them even in the face of SUCH RUSSIAN WOMEN.
      Guys to take an example !!!
  7. avg
    28 December 2013 15: 40
    I respect Natalia Alekseevna very much, and take off my hat to this smart and beautiful Russian woman.
  8. kaktus
    28 December 2013 15: 47
    "the country and civilization, the way of life were not created by you, new migrants! Do you want to live with us? Please, but please note, you should not come here with the intention to recreate a piece of your civilization here, if you please adapt to us, become like us, not cause rejection, behave like us. "
    That's right, and not just for Australia good
  9. VADEL
    28 December 2013 16: 00
    Europe has driven itself into the "sartier", where it will "soak" itself crying .
    1. +5
      28 December 2013 20: 35
      Vadel, grammar - deuce. negative
  10. +7
    28 December 2013 16: 01
    Well done! Elite, Russia.
  11. -6
    28 December 2013 16: 27
    "The great European culture was certainly Christian"
    She has never been Christian. The author is clearly not competent in matters of Orthodoxy. All the evil that the west did was covered by the image of Christ.
    1. yur
      28 December 2013 20: 12
      Narochnitskaya is not competent in matters of Orthodoxy ?? !!! You know, for some reason I remembered Krylov's fable. Yeah, yeah, about the elephant.
    2. +4
      28 December 2013 20: 16
      Quote: kare
      "The great European culture was certainly Christian"
      The author is clearly not competent in matters of Orthodoxy
      kare, what does Orthodoxy have to do with it? "The great European culture, of course, was Christian", only not Orthodox, but Catholic, can be added for those who are especially competent in matters of Orthodoxy.
  12. ovokasi08
    28 December 2013 16: 31
    Just awesome article !!!! keep it up!!!!
  13. +2
    28 December 2013 16: 35
    Well done, beauty! But with this "godliness inevitably leads to Satanism" I do not agree. A person who believes in God or considers himself an atheist in any case should behave like a god.
    1. 0
      29 December 2013 08: 02
      Probably you do not understand. In my opinion, it is not a question of behavior, but of a logical conclusion. To Narochnitskaya N.A. He drew attention in the 90s on television, rarely disagreed with her.
      Quote: mountain
      Well done! Elite, Russia.

      Here I probably agree.
  14. +3
    28 December 2013 16: 57
    “You need to work conscientiously here ...”, I was there, and they, the workers, said, “If it weren't for the USSR, AND WE WOULD NOT HAVE such social rights. As always, Russia is the best and we, all the peoples of Russia, are the best !!! Europe is GMO. Academician Kapitsa defined GMO as a monochrome laser that causes cancer. Trust me, it is.
    28 December 2013 17: 38
    How much talk and boast, there is no analysis of the historical causes of what is happening
    1. +3
      28 December 2013 17: 46
      Quote: DUBOVAY ROCHA
      How much talk and boast, there is no analysis of the historical causes of what is happening

      Did you answer this to someone? Or is it your own thoughts? Or just blurt out? Please explain. Thank.
    28 December 2013 17: 38
    How much talk and boast, there is no analysis of the historical causes of what is happening
    1. +1
      28 December 2013 18: 34
      "The grove dubovAy has made noise" (C)

      Ready to listen to your position. You can thesis. And you can not listen.
      Thanks for stopping by ....
  17. +3
    28 December 2013 17: 41
    Quote: The conclusion is this: on the main ecumenical issues of man and humanity there is no freedom of speech in Europe now! And under this judgment of mine, which I have developed over five years of work in Paris, I can subscribe.

    And European politicians hoarsely prove that human rights are respected in Europe. Then say if the concept of father or mother is canceled in France, Is this not a restriction of the rights of people to be named as their ancestors were called? Homosexuals are "carried on their hands." Sometimes it seems that Europe in its "tolerance" is going crazy. How this will end is not clear. But there is no doubt that it will be a disaster.
    1. 0
      28 December 2013 19: 53
      Homosexuals say love is between them. You are mistaken, gentlemen! Love gives birth to a new life continues the human race. And what do you continue homosexuals? You do not continue, you are the death of civilization.
  18. +5
    28 December 2013 17: 56
    Nice woman, good scientist, great conversationalist. Such people should be in the outpost of Russia, so that little by little such people (like her) bring into the minds of European inhabitants (and some of ours) a thread of doubt and understanding: family values, the correctness of the path of the "West" and that Russia does not want evil to anyone.
  19. +7
    28 December 2013 17: 57
    “Protecting the family and the rights of the child is a joint struggle between Russia and Europe.”

    Which Europe?
    Europe, where is Germany’s leading role as open-minded foreign minister Guido Westerwehl?
    Where does all of Europe jump around **** **** s?
    Where all that Europeans were concerned about want to process with dichlorvos!
    1. +4
      28 December 2013 20: 32
      Bravissimo !!! good
  20. +2
    28 December 2013 18: 32
    I agree with a lot of what she says.
    But between the lines. And almost always: "Of course, we must admit, they treat us much more sympathetically right-wing conservative force. From the left, libertarian - we should not wait for sympathy and understanding. They transcoded their near communist representations in left-liberal cliches, but they picked up the idea of ​​a globalist united world, where the individual is a citizen of the world, freed from ties with his Fatherland. "So, in passing, toss the idea that a communist is a fag ... s, and a fascist is cool! And since when did the liberals on the left? Where and when did the communists support geogomosexuals?

    1. -2
      28 December 2013 21: 22
      Quote: There was a mammoth
      So, in passing, throw an idea that the communist is a fag ... s, and the fascist is cool!

      The legal conservative and even the nationalist conservative is not a fascist; a fascist is a nationalist liberal (national socialist).
      Quote: Was Mammoth
      And since when are the liberals on the left?
      Since the Great French Revolution.
      Quote: Was Mammoth
      Where, and when did the communists support the gay camp?

      Liberal views led to atheism, atheism - to communism, communism - to the "inevitability of the withering away of the family" and a hedonistic attitude towards sex, as opposed to religious restrictions on the use of sexual relations only for the purpose of reproducing offspring or complete abstinence, condemnation of sodomy (geo-homosexual).
      1. +1
        29 December 2013 00: 08
        Quote: Stanislav
        communism - to the "inevitability of the withering away of the family"

        Very interesting! What works did you use to say so?
  21. Stasi
    28 December 2013 18: 38
    I respect Narochnitskaya, a smart woman. But I think it's too late to defend European values ​​in Europe, the process has passed the point of no return. It is impossible to save the one who does not want to be saved. The current European values ​​are now known to be completely different, not the same as they were before. As for protection, Europeans in the future will ask us Russians to protect them from militant Islamists and other immigrants from Asia, Africa and Latin America, they say they oppress white people, protect us Russians, because you are also Europeans and belong to the European family. That would live to see this! Hear such pleas from Europe.
    1. 0
      29 December 2013 11: 37
      Quote: Stasi
      I respect Narochnitskaya, a smart woman. But I think it's too late to defend European values ​​in Europe, the process has passed the point of no return. It is impossible to save the one who does not want to be saved. The current European values ​​are now known to be completely different, not the same as they were before. As for protection, Europeans in the future will ask us Russians to protect them from militant Islamists and other immigrants from Asia, Africa and Latin America, they say they oppress white people, protect us Russians, because you are also Europeans and belong to the European family. That would live to see this! Hear such pleas from Europe.

      They fled and are fleeing from their "values".
      De Partier is neither the first nor the last. (If desired, find on the internet)
      Just for a long time there were no fugitives of this level.
      1. 0
        29 December 2013 20: 14
        Quote: Vasya
        De partier

        And hto? wassat laughing
  22. +5
    28 December 2013 18: 56
    Quote: vovan50
    A person who believes in God or considers himself an atheist in any case should behave divinely.

    I will continue not just to behave divinely, but according to the law of nature and cosmic universal laws, according to the cortex, everyone lives in the universe. That is, to live according to conscience, morality and spirituality.
    Indeed, everything is clearly broken up here. I thought a lot and looked for answers and conclusions to similar tolerant gestures of the new West, but here I was laid out right on a platter and did not have to break my head.
    That would unite in one force such people as:
    - Narochnitskaya
    - Mizulina
    - Krosheninnikova
    And this great trinity aired across the entire planet, such as press conference, the question is the answer.
    Of course, there are other excellent thinkers, but not everyone is visible on the air and in the press, although they may be higher in understanding the situations in the world.
    Beauty will save the world. And also logic, spaciousness and brevity of thought, clarity of concreteness and directness.
    Women's beauty, logic and energy disarm and destroy even the most impregnable fortresses that cannot be taken by force of arms.
    By the way, abroad, our beautiful women are worth their weight in gold as spouses, and just language and hand do not turn to write them down as "parent number 1" or "parent number 2".
    So the Slavs, let’s take care of the gold that we have.
    After all, if we (men) do the feats, then in many ways it is for this gold that we act according to our conscience and according to the intuitive laws of outer space.
    1. +8
      28 December 2013 21: 24
      I still like this girl, although she’s younger, she’s doing great and useful work ... The editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV channel Margarita Simonyan wanted to hit the correspondent of Kommersant newspaper in Ukraine Artem Skoropadsky. During the filming of the release of the weekly NTVshniki program, “Why They Don't Like Russia,” the head of the TV channel did not like how Skoropadsky spoke about Russia and the Russians.
      Artyom Skoropadsky, Kommersant journalist, Ukraine: “Actually, I'm listening to this whole program. I am surprised when they say why they love Russia, why they don’t love Russia? It's amazing that with such lackey faces they want to climb into Europe and say that, oh, why they don't like us there? Why do not like? Because present-day Russia and present-day Russians are generally some kind of lunatic rabble, which actually dishonors my country in which I was born. Because of people like you, they do not like Russia. Because today's Russia is a miserable, insignificant, gray country. Today’s Russia is wretched rubbish. ”
      Margarita Simonyan: “If I were a man, I would now repeat Lebedev’s feat in relation to Polonsky. Fair".
      1. Megre
        28 December 2013 22: 14
        Why didn’t I find Russian ?! laughing
        1. kadette150
          29 December 2013 02: 42
          Are you on business here, or so - to make friends, smart are you ours?
        2. +4
          29 December 2013 11: 52
          Quote: Megrae
          Why didn’t I find Russian ?! laughing

          And who said that she is not Russian?
          I’m already tired of writing: Russians are not a nationality, but a state of mind.
          And this is NATION. Same as AMERICANS.
          Well, we have united on a common understanding of life values.
          Nobody almost recalls the fact that they were Krivichi, Drevlyans, Vyatichi, etc.
          If the Chinese (which is almost unrealistic) or the people of South Africa begin to accept OUR values, then they will become RUSSIAN. Let with a different skin color, but Russian.
          And you don’t understand who, if you deny at least two RUSSIAN truths: religious tolerance and internationalism (that is how a friendly attitude towards people of another nationality sounds now)
          1. +3
            29 December 2013 12: 00
            Quote: Megrae
            Why didn’t I find Russian ?!
            Russian is the one who is sick and serves Russia, and not the one who bears the Russian surname. (Words are not mine, but Admiral Kolchak) Smart was a man. By the way, as a young man, he went with Kruzenshtern, got into academics. He was much smarter than you.
          2. Megre
            29 December 2013 16: 54
            Vasya, she herself said that she is not Russian. "There is not a drop of Russian blood in my veins."
            And most importantly, Vasya, had she been a Martian three times, but if she worked for Russia, I would be the first to call her Russian. The trouble, Vasya, is that she works, Vasya, against our country.
        3. The comment was deleted.
      2. Megre
        28 December 2013 22: 30
        Rummaged on the Internet, it turns out to be a very scandalous person. He speaks extremely negatively about Russians.
        There are a lot of similar pictures on the internet.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +4
          28 December 2013 23: 16
          here is a complete interview and I didn’t notice anything anti-Russian.
        3. Megre
          29 December 2013 10: 51
          Here is the opinion of many bloggers who have sound grain in their reasoning:
          "A lot of attention in the blogosphere was caused by the post of the Armenian woman Margarita Simonyan (appointed to lead the Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today at the age of 25, having no merits before), in which she urges to give birth more. We would understand if there was a call to assimilate into Russians - but Simonyan herself emphasizes that although she was born and raised in Russia, does not know Armenian and actually was in Armenia once in her life, she is still Armenian, she is still non-Russian, and does not want to be Russian under any circumstances. , already this is enough to ignore Simonyan. A person who pokes 120 million with his non-Russianness when talking about national policy in the country of the Russian people does not even deserve a spit. that the Democrats put the militant nerus at the head of the propaganda channel.) Simonyan cites the Americans as an example for the Russians - but those who by the time the most cruel cultural code stemming from "constitutional patriotism." Should we be patriots of the Russian constitution, which is not respected even by the Russian state itself, let alone everyone else? Now Russians are held together by Putin and United Russia (who gave life, including Simonyan), but it is obvious that by 2020 both United Russia and Putin will go down in history - and what will remain then?
          1. 0
            29 December 2013 11: 09
            Quote: Megrae
            Here is the opinion of many bloggers who have sound grain in their reasoning:
            "A lot of attention in the blogosphere was caused by the post of the Armenian woman Margarita Simonyan (appointed to lead the Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today at the age of 25, having no merits before), in which she urges to give birth more. We would understand if there was a call to assimilate into Russians - but Simonyan herself emphasizes that although she was born and raised in Russia, does not know Armenian and actually was in Armenia once in her life, she is still Armenian, she is still non-Russian, and does not want to be Russian under any circumstances. , already this is enough to ignore Simonyan. A person who pokes 120 million with his non-Russianness when talking about national policy in the country of the Russian people does not even deserve a spit. that the Democrats put the militant nerus at the head of the propaganda channel.) Simonyan cites the Americans as an example for the Russians - but those who by the time the most cruel cultural code stemming from "constitutional patriotism." Should we be patriots of the Russian constitution, which is not respected even by the Russian state itself, let alone everyone else? Now Russians are held together by Putin and United Russia (who gave life, including Simonyan), but it is obvious that by 2020 both United Russia and Putin will go down in history - and what will remain then?
            Did you read her post? The bloggers to which you refer are for the most part hamster and apply to Russia insofar as you made the conclusions from the article incorrectly and I think so intentionally.
            1. Megre
              29 December 2013 16: 37
              A very interesting statement by the head of the news agency "Russia Today" Margarita Simonyan .. by the way, "Russia Today" is 100% financed from the budget .. Simonyan, who in one of her articles boasted that there was not a drop of Russian blood in her .. determines the information policy state media broadcasting abroad ..

              1. +2
                31 December 2013 05: 49
                Quote: Megrae
                OFFICIALLY STATED THAT THE ELECTION OF STATE AUTHORITY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IS UNLAWFUL. Therefore, the current government is illegitimate.

                From January to March 2012, she was a member of the People’s Headquarters (in Moscow) for presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. Where is the logic?
      3. Megre
        29 December 2013 19: 31
        Man, I hope Mr. Surkov you also like, you are our tolerant. Surkov is a patriot of Russia even worse than Simonyan.
  23. 120352
    28 December 2013 19: 27
    In the material that I wrote in April of the outgoing year, it was absolutely the same as what I had just read from Narochnitskaya. However, they deprived me of the opportunity to communicate with you. This suggests the tendentiousness (for the moderator - this is not a curse word) of the moderator team and its religious and political predilections. On this I am leaving the company, which did not accept and rejected me FOR THE TRUTH. There are places to speak in addition to the local comments, the benefit there is a larger circulation.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. (Or am I breaking something again?)
    1. -2
      29 December 2013 11: 57
      Quote: 120352
      In the material that I wrote in April of the outgoing year, it was absolutely the same as what I had just read from Narochnitskaya. However, they deprived me of the opportunity to communicate with you. This suggests the tendentiousness (for the moderator - this is not a curse word) of the moderator team and its religious and political predilections. On this I am leaving the company, which did not accept and rejected me FOR THE TRUTH. There are places to speak in addition to the local comments, the benefit there is a larger circulation.
      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. (Or am I breaking something again?)

      Thank you for your congratulations.
      I recommend for you: http: //
      It's more fun there.
  24. +5
    28 December 2013 20: 30
    Money and the pursuit of world domination do not need either morality, or human values, or historical facts, or legal law. They will be slandered, turned upside down just to keep this world in a fist. And persuading these apologists is a waste of time. They recognize only power. So we need to be strong. soldier
  25. +4
    28 December 2013 21: 14

    You ponatrolled in the next branch "American Victory Myths", and now here. Are you filling posts purely or what?
  26. Megre
    28 December 2013 21: 27
    The problems of Europe. This is of course interesting, but I would like the ORDER IN HIS FATHERLAND. And let Europe go and decaying further (goes its own way).
    1. +5
      28 December 2013 21: 44
      Unfortunately, we are all on the same submarine (as our land is called), and if there is a fire in one compartment, then the khan is everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to teach another compartment, so as not to touch the matches or even to drill a hole in the skin due to its tolerance.
      1. Megre
        28 December 2013 21: 57
        Do you really think that we can teach someone now? Keep dibs in foreign countries and banks, stupidly buy property in London and the Caribbean? On your TV and in the media, the full dominance of blue. Corruption in our country is a state component of the power system. You can write 5 sheets, you yourself know everything perfectly. Until we deal with the criminal oligarchy, nothing shines for us. The enemy must be clearly seen.
        1. +2
          28 December 2013 22: 24
          Yes, I don’t mind that we now have a lot of problems and mistakes, but if you look closely and analyze them, they go and manage largely because of the hillock, and everything is written off to us, we say that we are worthless in the Russians and are to blame for everything.
          That is, we will teach them - they are us and, accordingly, the pressure and work is mutual and there is no need to convince me that only we are to blame for all our sins.
          Ukraine is an example of "Maidan" when foreign citizens go to support, and everyone is told that only the Ukrainian people are there of their own free will and only they spontaneously rule everything.
  27. +6
    28 December 2013 21: 28
    Remember?: "- Everyone cut where you stand." She does it with honor.
  28. -4
    28 December 2013 21: 41
    You really need to work. And do not throw your tongue. You can speak anything.
  29. +3
    28 December 2013 22: 06
    The article is competent and relevant! It’s disgusting to see how EUROPA is dying and at the same time our closest neighbors will certainly want to step into this Mr.! As they say, stepping into Mr. Enough is enough for a moment, but sometimes it’s not enough to wash off from it!
  30. dmb
    28 December 2013 22: 13
    "Poor, kind and trusting" Persians "(see the satirical article by Ilf and Petrov. Mrs. Narochnitskaya in essence, apart from gender, differs little from Mr. Svanidze. Until 1991, both of them held quite decent positions in the party-state hierarchy (well, not this lady will claim that she worked in the UN Secretariat as a "prominent social activist"). Both suspiciously quickly "saw the light" after August 1991, which strongly reminds a little earlier "recovered" Mr. Yakovlev, both of them are loved by the current government and it The only difference is that they work in the interests of the authorities with various groups of the population. Svanidze, he is for external use, so that you can say to the liberals there: "We have Voltaireans hanging around where it is allowed, and even sitting in Presidential Councils", and "A scientific lady," tells fellow citizens how power in its unearthly wisdom lifts someone from their knees. True, the last ones who were raised somewhere were private banks. I remember the leader shrugged off his hands, they say they gave money for crediting industry in view of the crisis, and they transferred it over the hill.
    1. Megre
      28 December 2013 22: 19
      Exactly! The essence is noticed very subtly.
  31. Megre
    28 December 2013 22: 16
    Catherine II was right.
  32. +2
    28 December 2013 22: 46
    Megra and DMB
    You listen, it may seem that:
    - "You don't have to do anything and isolate yourself from everyone."
    - "Whatever defenders of conscience and honor or Russophiles do, it's still bad."
    - "They steal from us, and we teach and talk about the lofty and spiritual."
    - "Everything is bought and this is the hand of the state."
    Well, I will answer almost the same phrases:
    - "If you are silent, they will peck and eat."
    - "If you don't give anything, then everything will fall apart."
    - "Self-isolation is akin to self-decay."
    - "Of two evils, the lesser is chosen and over time the evil decreases with the subsequent choice", This means that even enemies can become reliable allies over time.
    Right now there is a third world war (information) and if you do not participate in it, then there will definitely be a loss and in the minds of people there will be tolerant and liberal rot and it will be difficult to cure these patients if it is impossible.
    Therefore, even the smallest defense of their positions from different sources and people is a plus in the confrontation. And who argues that the pier was such, and now such (like a political prostitute) is not appropriate at this time and all past grievances, if any, are postponed for the future when the victory will be, and there the winners will not be judged.
    1. Megre
      28 December 2013 23: 03
      Man, I don’t argue. But the energy Narochnitskaya, but on our enemies inside the country. And so a bit like a shift in emphasis. About our policy. Syria could and should have been helped much more consistently. The Syrians are fighting, including for us, the Christian population is being cut out there. If we are so strong and advanced, then why don't we launch missile strikes on bearded monkeys or send aircraft. Like the Americans. We are now cool (as Western media write). Well, rocket missiles. They write .....
      1. +1
        28 December 2013 23: 41
        Quote: Megrae
        But the energy Narochnitskaya, but on our enemies inside the country.
        And you don’t have yours, but you definitely know how to better manage its energy?
        Quote: Megrae
        Exactly! The essence is noticed very subtly.
        Together with the DMB you are looking for whatever shit to mix with Svanidze, or something else.
        1. dmb
          29 December 2013 16: 41
          My dear "Stanislav", if you disagree with me and Megre, refute it with evidence, and not in the style of a tram squabbler like "Sam". At least the way the respected Iroquois tried to do it. Iroquois. I spoke about the domestic policy supported by Narochnitskaya. Does it suit you? Then you are most likely a shareholder of Gazprom. Please indicate where I called for self-isolation, although in general at this stage this thought is not without reasonable grounds. Now about the heap of funds that are allegedly fighting for Russia abroad. Ironically, they contain a large number of companions-in-arms of "dear Michal Sergeich" aka "Bald Bear" who actively helped him to destroy our country. Among them is Narochnitskaya's colleague Migranyan. By the way, she speaks of him with great reverence. I personally do not understand why, at our expense, Migranyan and Narochnitskaya are trying to reason with the population of Western countries, which are our competitors and adversaries (NATO against Korea is a joke). Or do you hope that they will instill in Catholics the values ​​of Orthodoxy, and that Albanian Islamists will be taught to love Serbs and Russians. So far, these gentlemen propagandists are working exclusively in the interests of a small part of such companies as LUKOIL. But their interests are clearly at odds with the interests of the majority of the country's population.
          1. 0
            30 December 2013 11: 27
            The mohawk made it to the "respected", and I only made it to the "sweetest". None of those who communicated with me in person has never stuck such an epithet on me. Probably, I am not adapted to communicate nicely, because I am sensitive to contradictions, finding which, I try to sharpen them, increase, so to speak, the degree of tension between the thesis and the antithesis. Therefore, any "nice" communication is usually suspended, a confrontation and an argument begins, for the sake of which, in fact, I come here. Not everyone tolerates this in life, especially the bosses do not like it. Appreciated your subtle irony. Amused. Now to the point.
            Quote: dmb
            refute convincingly ... and not in the style of a tram squabbler like: "Sam"
            They convincingly refute those who make sound judgments, and without making any attempts, try to belittle the value of someone else's work or simply smear a person with dirt. Knowing nothing of the essence of Narochnitskaya’s work at the UN, you quickly connected it with those who were already head over heels (Yakovlev and Svanidze, and now Gorbachev’s too), although the direction of their actions is diametrically opposite. If you did not like her position in relation to the current government, then it should be discussed without unnecessary gestures, which are usually inherent in thimbles.
            I talked about, supported by Narochnitskaya, domestic politics. Does it suit you? Then you are most likely a shareholder of Gazprom
            If you use your style of argumentation, then you should put up something like this counter-argument: "You are not satisfied with it? Then you will most likely hire the CIA."
            Please indicate where I called for self-isolation
            Russia, even without your calls, is in relative isolation (due to the high demand for hydrocarbons) from the West, as it was decided in the person of Putin to have its own interests in the international arena and not to follow exactly the instructions of the State Department. Due to the fact that the entire internal structure of the Russian Federation and its entire political alignment were formed in order to serve the interests of the hegemon, work in the foreign policy direction is of paramount importance, without it it makes no sense to try to change something seriously inside. Narochnitskaya does an excellent job of countering attempts to isolate Russia as much as possible in the high scientific, cultural and political circles of the West, gathering our potential allies bit by bit, finding common ground in the values ​​and destinies of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, the West and Russia. Suppose you do not understand anything about this, but at least do not write garbage, such as
            I personally do not understand why, at our expense, Migranyan and Narochnitskaya are trying to reason the population of Western countries
            You were told that there was no budget money in her fund. You yourself come up with nonsense about hopes and intentions to instill in "Catholics the values ​​of Orthodoxy", to teach "Albanian Islamists to love Serbs and Russians" and you yourself make fun of them like an unreasonable child.
            1. dmb
              30 December 2013 12: 03
              Obviously you do not hold out. If you read carefully, then I did not assess the activities of Narochnitskaya at the UN. But the fact that only "staunch Marxists" were sent to work there, and also to the university graduated from Narochnitskaya, were exclusively "staunch Marxists", I am well aware. I suggest you refute this thesis with evidence. At the same time, you can cite any opus by a "scientific lady" criticizing Soviet power before August 1991. I would greatly appreciate it. The mohawk is respected because he does not dispute Narochnitskaya's "repainting". Now about the second part of the comment. Apparently you are satisfied with the internal policy. I am glad for you, but I would like to know where you see her advantage over that society. in which we lived until 1985 (for God's sake do not remember Trotsky and Stalin, closer to the current moment). I see no point in commenting on the third paragraph, because it has nothing to do with my question. About the fund; well, of course, on their own money. And she and Migranyan. And in which institutions do we have such salaries that they can contain not one, but several funds. And then why the fund, withdraw money from your salary card and "resist attempts to isolate Russia as much as possible in the high scientific, cultural and political circles of the West."
              1. 0
                30 December 2013 12: 29
                Quote: dmb
                in the university, graduated from Narochnitskaya, only "staunch Marxists" entered, I well know. I suggest you refute this thesis with evidence.

                After the death of the greatest Soviet philosopher A.F. Losev (1988), in his homeland in the city of Novocherkassk, a memorial plaque was hung in his honor at the gymnasium where he studied before the October Revolution, announcing that he studied here at such and such years "one of the founders of Marxism-Leninism AF Losev". They say that even his widow, A.A. Tahoe Godi. Then the local authorities also reasoned this way: if a philosopher, then a Marxist, and if a great philosopher, then only a founder ... So, not being a Marxist at all, a person contrived to become a philosopher. And to study at MGIMO, in addition to connections, membership in the Komsomol and a good certificate, you just had to read books on philosophy and take exams.
        2. Megre
          29 December 2013 16: 42
          The answer to Stanislav: we type are teaching Europe, but let's see what we have at home and how we live.
        3. Megre
          29 December 2013 16: 45
          Answer to Stanislav No. 2. While we are learning Europe and fighting the villains in Europe, it seems that the oligarchs will completely memorize us. Or is it all an information cover operation. What do you think?
          1. 0
            30 December 2013 11: 46
            Quote: Megrae
            What do you think?
            I think that now we will definitely reach Friedman and Vekselberg, although in the 90s it seemed that the situation was completely lost, the oligarchs and officials have no chance of getting into the bunk, and everything will only get worse. Then, over a drunk Russian prezik (and therefore over my country), people all over the world made fun of or felt burning shame about his actions. But today, they hate, respect, or fear Putin; oligarchs and officials no longer create their former lawlessness, as the landings are unhurried, but they are going on (about Serdyukov in the 90s there would simply be no talk, as against Shchelokov under the expensive Leonid Ilyich). And this means that Russia began to rise from its knees.
      2. +1
        28 December 2013 23: 58
        Yes, we are not so strong militarily and politically, so that we can go into the open and fight there.
        I think you’re not going to send our guys there to fight with our modern weapons, for the Syrians cannot use them.
        Yes, and the UN adopted a resolution banning the supply of certain weapons to the Syrian authorities, and we are doing this within the legal framework. Only humanitarian, financially. But weapons certainly come, but the newest should not shine there for a violation.
        You won’t especially wave with a big club. The states wondered over there, Afghanistan, Iraq and almost crossed the red line ourselves (thanks, we poked a finger that this was fraught).
        So, politics is especially east, it’s a delicate matter and there’s no arguing. Not only that, the olympiad is on the nose, and Ukraine will be balamutite and, purely from a financial point of view, everything is not so azure.
        And the fifth column inside the country, then its non-conviction, it has been working for a long time for green shaitans for grants and cannot be destroyed, but only methodically extorted and extorted from the state administration, and the people coming to teach, teach and teach about them (as Lenin said) and more times to teach (as some students wrote in the days of the USSR).
        And how correctly she said that you can’t do everything quickly and immediately, for this is clearly visible and fraught with great reaction and opposition.
        So for now there remains only a intelligible and sensible la-la with the enemies of mankind.
  33. +1
    28 December 2013 23: 01
    Even without Syrian fanatics, they already have big problems with muslims.
  34. Evgen77
    28 December 2013 23: 37
    Good night to all readers. Here I read and only one thought ---> the future depends on us. Everything is in our hands. So let's not waste what we have now and we’ll be better off envy of our enemies.
  35. +2
    29 December 2013 00: 05
    Quote: Evgen77
    Good night to all readers. Here I read and only one thought ---> the future depends on us. Everything is in our hands. So let's not waste what we have now and we’ll be better off envy of our enemies.

    Everything is correct and in order not to deceive that there is still a need to conduct propaganda from distant positions and clear our ranks of enemies and foreign propaganda explaining the common truths that children are born only in the union of a man and a woman, and the whole same-sex (unipolarity) is a cancerous tumor.
  36. 0
    29 December 2013 00: 18
    The article is interesting, but the presence of Mrs. Mizulina in this undoubtedly necessary organization for the protection of family values ​​does not give me any peace of mind. The fact is that Mizulina is one of the local ideologues of juvenile justice. Oh, sorry, "social patronage". I just snapped when Mizulina was kicked then by the homosexuals, the very ones for whom all this juvenile game is being started.
  37. +3
    29 December 2013 09: 19
    Quote: Magadan
    Mizulina is one of the local ideologues of juvenile justice. Oh, sorry, "social patronage"
    Vl. Lukin said? Mizulina has already spoken out publicly that this is either a misunderstanding or an intentional lie. When it comes to a character like V. Lukin, I am inclined to accept the second version, but his words reach America more reliably and faster than others.
    Quote: Magadan
    I was directly cut off when Mizulin was then kicked by homosexuals
    This is again the specificity of the Pendostan tolerant mentality. In Russia, you will not believe it, the majority still believes that laughing, even if inferior men, but males beat women, is vile, more appropriate if only to be indignant if it is not possible to break a couple of noses to these geeks so that they do not lose their scent .
  38. +1
    29 December 2013 11: 52
    Already the troll on this site in many branches is you. Probably such a work for green shaytanchiki all phobit, litter and scold.
  39. 0
    29 December 2013 12: 14
    I read the article. I rested.
    I read the comments - upset.
    Of course, I understand that the psychological treatment of the population has been going on for a long time, but to such an extent .....
  40. +1
    29 December 2013 12: 21
    Europe commits suicide ... Personally, I do not mind ... And even though I do not have panoramic thinking, and I do not consider isolation a destructive phenomenon for us, therefore ... and the whole West with Europe is something absolutely progressive. I do not know how Natalia Alekseevna perceives our past of the USSR ..., but for me personally, it is HE who is progressive humanity in the distant future, until which the "west" still grows and grows because it is his consumer society that needs ideological "brakes" on LGBT demography. ... he doesn't have ... and the friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold ... and somehow it is necessary to restrain the working mass of China, for example, so that it does not rush into Europe like a tsunami and sweep it off the face of the earth, and in this vein, the Muslim threat of today's Europe just a children's cartoon compared to a horror movie.
  41. Archibald
    29 December 2013 13: 00
    Gloomy aunt ..
  42. Power
    29 December 2013 15: 26
    There is only one way out. Restoration of traditional values, closing of borders, deportation or disposal of "carriers" of an alien culture. The Germans have experience. We must make the states in Europe national again. Isolate and destroy this pathogenic supranational virus. People without a homeland, nationality, with only two needs in life: money and power.
  43. +1
    29 December 2013 16: 09
    Quote: Megrae
    A man who pokes 120 million of his non-Russianness when talking about national politics in the country of the Russian people does not deserve a spit.

    That is, as I understand it, if Hitler said that he was not a Slav, but a true Aryan and at the same time would support and strengthen the Slavs in their territories, customs, mentality and values, and in addition would protect him from the attacks of the Anglo-Saxons, then they would spit on him are all Slavs? At the same time, he would not even have expected a war with us in his thoughts.
    Well, or in another way if for example Hugo Chavez (the kingdom to him be heaven) would strengthen the Russian nationality, then you need to spit in him, or how do you think that he is such an abomination because of this that even his tongue does not even turn up to spit on him?
    You are my friend, some kind of mishandled Cossack may seem or a troll in the country of people. Or I can’t understand the fantasy of flying your mind with unimaginable combinations of phrase-revolutions that can only be landed on a sinful ground with a double-barreled shotgun.
    1. Megre
      29 December 2013 16: 59
      Too emotional Iroquois:
  44. vimati
    29 December 2013 19: 41
    Dear author, everything should be called by its proper names, not Pussy ... but "Crazy vaginas" and everything in our consciousness and subconsciousness falls into place! You and your comrades are excellent analysts! Work more for Mother Russia in Europe, we are somehow We --- Rat! I would like to see you more often, hear, read!
  45. +1
    29 December 2013 20: 06
    Quote: Megrae
    Too emotional Iroquois:

    People like you, pseudo-defenders of Russia, and creepers everywhere and everyone do not see the main thing, but all that’s private and what is lying under your eyes. Such snobbery, snobbery and notorious Russophobia.
    It is time to know that in all countries there are rich and poor, traitors and patriots, honest and bought, and Russia is also on this list.
    I found one incomprehensible phrase and in what context and hide behind it and put it on display, although thousands of other phrases of pro-Russians do not bother you and you simply do not want to notice them.
    People like you condone the incitement of hatred in Russia towards Russia itself and create the basis for terror as in Volgograd, where pressure and intimidation of the truly Russian way of life, faith and values ​​is taking place on the basis of Muslim radical views. And I won't be surprised that you approve of these actions. Now "The question is settled.".
    1. Megre
      29 December 2013 20: 27
      Boy, you want and approve is written with a soft sign in the ending. The word stiffness is written with "o" and not with "e". Private through "t", honest the same. Covering yourself with a soft ending. For grammar you count. Learn Russian...
  46. +1
    29 December 2013 21: 08
    Quote: Megrae
    Boy, you want and approve is written with a soft sign in the ending. The word stiffness is written with "o" and not with "e". Private through "t", honest the same. Covering yourself with a soft ending. For grammar you count. Learn Russian...

    Thanks for the "boy" flattered. Usually, when I write quickly, I make mistakes (I don’t deny it) well, the Russian language was not given to me at school, but knowing it, it’s probably a sin to complain and criticize everything Russian. You count for love for the Motherland.
    As they say, they do not choose their homeland, but they need to love it because it is alone and no matter what the homeland is and does not forgive betrayal to itself. Remember this and thank and love her for she gave you free childhood and education and a quiet life, and you betray her and the bastards so.
    If you are a citizen of Russia, then you probably already have zero, or even a negative number. And minus from you is a reward for me.
  47. +2
    29 December 2013 23: 55
    Quote: Stanislav
    This is again the specificity of the Pendostan tolerant mentality.

    Surprise, but I live in Russia, in the city of Magadan.
    Quote: Stanislav
    In Russia, you will not believe it, the majority still believes that laughing, even if inferior men, but males beat women, is vile, more appropriate if only to be indignant if it is not possible to break a couple of noses to these geeks so that they do not lose their scent .

    Mizulina is a supporter of the juvenile, I have not heard about Lukin before, enlighten, please, who is this.

    Mizulina, together with another juvenile creature - Shvetsova, developed the "Regulations for interagency interaction to identify family trouble", according to which clinics, schools, kindergartens, etc. undertake to "knock" on families in the appropriate authorities. Also E. Mizulina, all the time actively promoted the law on social patronage and other juvenile projects together with B. Altshuler. You see, they want to be “adequate and predictable partners” of the state in the implementation of the “National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012–2017”. And this strategy, adopted in June 2012 with the filing of the juvenile lobby, involves the introduction of juvenile laws in the Russian Federation! Boris Altshuler noted that “It is very important to create a pool of deputies who support the idea of ​​creating the Association. Mizulina from this PUL is included.
    So I don’t refuse my words - as soon as a woman joins juvenile scumbags, then she ceases to be a woman. I repeat - 3.14 gifts have hrenched the destroyer of families! I find it funny.
    Study the question, please. Juvenile scumbags sooner or later will get to you. They are even more dangerous than P. gifts and even Wahhabis.
    PS I live in Russia. It is connected with the USA by some economic moments. No, I don’t work there.
    1. 0
      30 December 2013 12: 51
      Quote: Magadan
      Mizulina together with ... Shvetsova developed the "Rules of interagency cooperation to identify family problems"
      Elena Mizulina commented on the reaction of Human Rights Ombudsman in the Russian Federation Vladimir Lukin to the alleged discussion of a bill on social patronage initiated by the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children.
      “Our Committee did not recommend any laws on social patronage, not only for adoption, but even for consideration,” said Elena Mizulina.

      assmotreniju_zakonoproekt_o_socialnom_patronate / 2013-12-03-809 Could you give a link to your source?
  48. 0
    30 December 2013 12: 30
    Quote: dmb
    in the university, graduated from Narochnitskaya, only "staunch Marxists" entered, I well know. I suggest you refute this thesis with evidence.

    After the death of the greatest Soviet philosopher A.F. Losev (1988), in his homeland in the city of Novocherkassk, a memorial plaque was hung in his honor at the gymnasium in which he studied even before the October Revolution, announcing that he studied here at such and such years "one of the founders of Marxism-Leninism AF Losev". They say that even his widow, A.A. Tahoe Godi. Then the local authorities also reasoned this way: if a philosopher, then a Marxist, and if a great philosopher, then only a founder ... So, not being a Marxist at all, a person contrived to become the largest philosopher in the USSR. And to study at MGIMO, in addition to connections, membership in the Komsomol and a good certificate, you just had to read books on philosophy and take exams.
  49. 0
    30 December 2013 21: 12
    I do not get tired of admiring this beautiful, wise, enlightened woman, who is capable of reasonably "plugging in the belt" of any male opponent when discussing issues! Can such unique ones appear in other countries?! .. - I wish her a healthy future! - For the President of Russia !!
  50. 0
    31 December 2013 05: 19
    - From the left, libertarian - we should not expect sympathy and understanding. They transcoded their near-communist ideas into left-liberal clichés, but picked up the idea of ​​a globalist united world, where the individual is a citizen of the world freed from ties with his Fatherland. -

    - An experienced deputy without complexes will fulfill any fantasies of wealthy gentlemen. Voting without violating the virginity of the faction, group voting, games with a change of orientation, angry-oral performances, speaker massage, conducting the necessary bills without gum. Transvestite at the request of the client, large amounts abroad. -

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"