Legal slavery

The United States, a state that preaches human rights and its freedom, has long held the first place in the world in the number of prisoners languishing in prisons. By broadcasting on world television channels and the Internet about exclusivity, democracy, the fight against terrorism, the pursuit of peace, the United States is breaking records in the number of prisoners per every hundred thousand inhabitants of this “blessed country” whose founding fathers have the opportunity to look into The future, of course, would have liked, say, Hollywood - in fact, personifies Plato's ideas about myths, with the help of which people can be effectively controlled. The American dream, which is often shown on TV, and American patriotism, advertised on TV and in cinema halls, do not tally with reality, for many Americans turned into a living hell - a nightmare that you cannot get rid of. Why are so many people in the United States behind bars? The reason is simple: a capitalist system rotted through and through, habitually worshiping the golden calf, needs slaves. Washington has always condemned the Gulag, but has long established and exploited its own - through private companies and lobbying interests.

Legal slavery

In the days when the USSR existed — in the 1980 year — in the USA, 220 people were detained for every 100 thousand inhabitants. This is relatively little. In the XXI century, the numbers have changed significantly. Thirty years later, in 2010, the number of prisoners per capita in free and exclusive America grew to 730 people by 100 thousand. Only in single-person cells in the United States now fifty thousand people are languishing. Taking into account those convicts who were given terms “conditionally” or who simply did not go to prison because of their massive overpopulation, analysts call the huge total number of convicted prisoners - more than 7 million people (approximately every fortieth resident of the “blessed country”; these people called the complex term "persons covered by the punishment system"). In fact, more than five million Americans "did not have enough" place in prisons. In reality, American “correctional” institutions are inhabited by about 2,2 million people (data from the International Center for Prison Studies, ICPS), which is 25% of all prisoners in the world!

Californian penal institutions are the most crowded. According to the Bureau of Prisons Network, prison overcrowding there is 39%. However, experts are sure: by 2018, the “excess” number of prisoners will rise to 45%, which is fraught with a social explosion. Prisoners "live" in classrooms, in gyms, in laundries, in all kinds of temporary rooms.

The US penitentiary system is also overloaded because the influx of prisoners has increased over the past five years. Western journalists write about the "mass order" of prisoners in prison. The single-cell cells became a shelter for three, and the bunks rise in two and three tiers. It got to the point that the walking areas in American prisons turned into sleeping places.

Why is such a huge number of prisoners celebrated not somewhere, but in an advanced democratic country, in the same one that daily teaches the whole world how to live it correctly and publishes recipes for this very correct life?

The answer: one of the main reasons is prison slavery. There is a related cause: new laws adopted in the XXI century.

Acts adopted in the United States after 11 September 2001 of the year opened up to the American government complete freedom to observe, wiretap, spy, arrest and imprisonment without giving reasons: the slightest suspicion of "terrorism" is sufficient. And if a citizen was previously brought to justice (for example, he was listed as having stolen in a shop, carjacking or something petty), then he could well become a “recidivist” and get twenty-five sentences or even a life sentence, and without early release , even without the right of appeal.

For the sake of the notorious “security” and “fight against terrorism”, which the American rulers strongly promote and which many near-by-citizens of the country approve, in the US in 2001, the “Patriot Act” was adopted, according to which government agents can watch anyone, get access to personal records, block financial accounts, get into the files with educational, medical and any kind of information, listen to telephone conversations, perelyustrovat e-mail, connect wholesale and retail to cellular networks and so on e. The US population agrees and with the “Authorizing Act on National Defense” of 2011, which transfers all sorts of “anti-state affairs” to representatives of the army or special services, allowing them to completely remove the legal procedure from them. Here you will have both freedom, democracy, human rights, and patriotism - all at once in one bottle.

The harsh and high-speed laws applied by the guys from the special services according to the scenario, as if developed for the NKVD triples, allow the authorities to fabricate spies and terrorists in very large and constantly growing quantities, and then send them to the American Gulag - for a time that Comrade Stalin would have admired. .

Article "The Living Dead" in the USA: Stole a Jacket - Sit for Life "recently published on “VO”, described several egregious cases analyzed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a non-profit organization founded in 1920, which aims to protect the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and laws.

According to the ACLU, 22-year-old Patrick Matthews was arrested for stealing tools and a welding machine. According to American law, he received a life sentence for this - only because at seventeen he committed burglary (without being armed). Patrick has no criminal storiesrelated to violence. One of the judges who reviewed Patrick’s appeal said that he did not “consider that the mandatory punishment of this 22-year-old guy contributes to the achievement of the goals of justice”. Patrick himself says: "I never would have thought that this could happen." And he adds: "Once I made a mistake, and they equated me with a murderer."

Timothy Jackson is also serving a life sentence without parole. This man stole a jacket in the store for 159 dollars.

The theft was committed at a New Orleans department store in 1996. At that time, for the crime of Jackson, if it was committed for the first time, they gave 2 of the year, and now they give only six months. However, the court sentenced Jackson to life. The fact is that twenty years ago, while still a minor, Timothy was convicted of robbery without weapons and two carjacking without aggravating circumstances.

Jackson already 16 years languishing in prison. “They put me as if for murder. They have people who have received shorter terms for killing than I, ”says Jackson. "Jacket for 159 dollars! Tell me someone that I can get for this life, I would not believe him. "

According to human rights defenders from the ACLU, the total financial savings of taxpayers in the event of a review of sentences for non-violent crimes will be at least 1.784.000.000 $. According to the estimates of the American Civil Liberties Union, only the federal penitentiary system will save more than 1,2 billion dollars. But the calculation for one person: for example, the life of a prisoner in Louisiana for one prisoner who has committed a non-violent crime will cost the state taxpayers about half a million dollars.

But saving the penitentiary system is not going to. Prison slavery is an extremely profitable occupation. After all, the capitalists receive almost free labor, which is kept for budget money. In fact, the permanent collusion of corporate capitalist lobbyists with temporary workers from governments is one of the implicit reasons for the economic crisis in the United States. Budget money is wasted, to put it mildly, inefficiently.

The US prison system is privately run on 1 / 10 and allows you to “rent” workforce to private companies. This is primarily a business and only the second (or, rather, the forty-ninth) - punishment.

Researcher problem "prison slavery" Vicky Pelaez in the article “Prison business in the USA: big business or a new form of slavery?” indicates:

“These corporations include the very cream of the American corporate community: IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT & T, Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, TWA, Nordstrom's, Revlon, Macy's , Pierre Cardin, Target Stores and many others. All these companies were enthusiastic about the rosy economic outlook that prison labor promised. From 1980 to 1994, profits rose from $ 392 million to $ 1 billion 31 million. "

Doctor of Economic Sciences V. Katasonov noticesthat the prisoners of the southern states are in a particularly difficult situation, where they continue to work, like slaves, on cotton plantations. The infamous high security prison in the state of Louisiana - "Angola". Her prisoners farm 18 with thousands of acres of land on which cotton, wheat, soybeans and corn are grown. For their labor, the prisoners earn from 4 to 20 cents per hour. Yes, and this is actually taken away from them: they leave half of the money earned, and put the other half into the account of the prisoner for payment to him upon release. But out of the "Angola" units - 3%. Most of those planted have very long terms, in addition to merciless exploitation and poor conditions of detention, they die early.

As for private prisons, in the American press they were dubbed the “prison-industrial complex”. This economic "branch" quickly took a prominent place in the production of many types of products. It’s a paradox, but the US prison industry produces 100% of all military helmets, uniform belts and shoulder belts, body armor, ID cards, shirts, trousers, tents, backpacks and flasks for the army, 46% bulletproof vests ...

В December material from the Stringer Bureau of International Investigations, this special economic term also appears: the prison-industrial complex. Analysts say that today every 50th American is involved in the work of the prison system, and the annual turnover of the penitentiary industry has exceeded 70 billion dollars. Not surprisingly, let us add that capitalists do not wish to save on this profitable system!

“The unprecedented number of prisoners is just as fundamental a fact of American government as slavery in the middle of the 19th century,” says Adam Gopnik, an essayist for The New Yorker magazine and author of Seated America. “It’s hard to believe, but the number of black men serving a real or conditional sentence today exceeds the number of slaves in the 1850 year.” And even worse, today there are seven million people under the supervision of the US correctional system - more than in the GULAG archipelago under Stalin. ”

The 13-I Amendment to the US Constitution, prohibiting slavery and forced labor, contains a convenient reservation: "... except in cases where it is a punishment for a crime for which a person has been properly convicted."

“Most people saw the prison only in the cinema and thought that everyone there was walking around the yard or playing basketball all day,” says prisoner of the New York correctional institution “Rikers Island” John Hudson. - In fact, the majority of convicts in prison should constantly work. Work is paid below the lower limit - from 10 to 40 cents per hour. There are no such rates anywhere, only in prisons. But you have the right to buy food in the prison shop. And if you don’t fulfill the norm, you can be punished and sent to a Protective Housing Unit with full isolation as a punishment. ”

About 10% of US prisons, experts say, are commercial enterprises. Moreover, almost all the prisons that opened after 2000 of the year are private.

The state pays prison corporations for each day the prisoner is behind bars. The more prisoners in the country and the longer they sit, the more prison firms earn on them.

For example, the authors of the material note, in 2008, a scandal erupted in the United States: it turned out that the owner of children's private prisons in Pennsylvania was underpaying the judges, and they carried the harshest punishments to teenagers. Minors received prison sentences, for example, for ... ridiculing the school director on a social network. In reality, those who entered the empty house were also imprisoned. The champion of strict mantle norms earned 2,6 a million dollars for setting thousands of teenagers to “fix” 2!

The largest prison corporation, Corrections Corporation of America, was founded in 1983. After its creation in the United States, a sharp increase in the number of prisoners began. Over the past 30 years, this figure has increased by 500%. CCA operates 67 prisons and has an income of 1,7 billion dollars per year. The second giant of the American prison-industrial complex is the GEO Group (the company was founded in 1984 and has an annual income of 1,6 billion dollars, profits are derived from 96 prisons).

“Prison corporations spend tens of millions of dollars on lobbying legislators at both the federal and state levels,” explains Richard Smith, director of the Fund In Public Interests. The staff of the CCA consists of 70 lobbyists. These people push decisions in favor of private prisons and influence the passing of laws that toughen responsibility for crimes.

It was under the pressure of prison corporations at the federal level that the “Three Strikes Law” was adopted: its terrible rule orders judges to give a criminal from 25 years in prison to life imprisonment in case of a third conviction. (Examples we cited above.) The severity of the last offense is not taken into account. Recidivist - and the point. Private prisons began to quickly fill with slaves.

In free America, the GULAG is not spoken. Prison corporations, write on, assess the situation from the position of the market: capitalism dispenses with emotions; business is business. The prison-industrial complex ... uh-uh ... expands the production base. Ethics? If someone stutters about it, they will explain to him: the corporations make money from the work of “persons duly convicted of a crime.”

That is, everything is legal. Do not commit a crime, and you will not get into prison workers. In the US, and in Western Europe, many ordinary people think like this. Committed a crime for the third time? Recidivist! Sit for life.

Yes, if you stumbled for the third time, then maybe it became a habit for you or even became like a lifestyle. However, we must not forget that a person who has not killed or raped anyone often receives a life sentence, which is too much. Do not forget about the lobbyists, promoting laws that not only lengthen the terms, but also overwhelm prisons, pushing the United States to the penitentiary record-breakers on the planet.

And here's the question: if so in the US there are so many criminals. that the country beats world records in the number of prisoners, does it have the right to broadcast to the whole world about its own exclusivity and teach the people of other countries, how they should live and from whom to take an example? And another question: what kind of new jobs was created before the election of 2012 for the year did Barack Obama speak, and the other candidate, Mitt Romney, echoed him? Lobbyists from the "Corrections Corporation of America" ​​will not give a lie. Both Obama and Romney are honest guys. There are more and more prisoners in America, and more and more, therefore, in the “blessed country” of new jobs. Prison capitalists know a lot about their business.

Observed and commented on Oleg Chuvakin
- especially for
131 comment
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  1. Christian
    28 December 2013 07: 57
    The picture is just creepy! But with us, there is nothing better than that ...
    1. 0
      28 December 2013 09: 28
      That's where it’s good, right?
      1. -34
        28 December 2013 09: 51
        Go to the author of our casemates, well!
        1. +32
          28 December 2013 09: 55
          Quote: Civil
          Go to the author of our casemates, well!

          So in your photo life.
          1. A.YARY
            28 December 2013 10: 41
            Alexander good day
            The author is clearly a liberalist !!!
            He describes with such tenderness the unfortunate amerikosovskih GOPNICHKOV who stumbled "in their youth" that it is felt that his tears are about to flow in a stream!
            twenty years ago, while still a minor, Timothy was convicted of robbery without weapons
            And in the head of the "unfortunate GOPNICHKA did not click," YOU ALREADY HAVE GOT!
            So all these snot with sugar is for housewives!
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. iSpoiler
              28 December 2013 13: 42
              I completely agree with you ...... incredible but true ..)
            3. +4
              28 December 2013 15: 38
              In their youth, hormones are naughty, not everyone's brains have grown, and many do not fully give an account of their actions. He himself was young, he was stupid, and under certain circumstances he could get a condition. And what, is it necessary to break life? Do they have a concept of limitation?
          2. -27
            28 December 2013 10: 50
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Quote: Civil
            Go to the author of our casemates, well!

            So in your photo life.

            And it means they are in an American prison? Or have we stopped the "goose step" as in the top photo, and "swallows" to use?! .. but this position in which life-sentenced prisoners stand, I forgot.

            ps and how many guardians are interested in the forum?
            1. +58
              28 December 2013 11: 49
              Quote: Civil
              Or have we stopped "goose step" as in the top photo, and "swallows" to use ?!

              For what they did in this life, such a pose is the most humane for them. If God forbid, which of your loved ones was killed by these scumbags, you wouldn’t write about the swallow now. But you would have to tear them to pieces. Although someone else’s grief is someone else’s grief, is it true? answer the humanist you are mine.
              1. +5
                28 December 2013 14: 59
                So he was walking along the fence himself.
            2. +10
              28 December 2013 15: 42
              Quote: Civil
              And it means they are in an American prison? Or have we stopped the "goose step" as in the top photo, and "swallows" to use?! .. but this position in which life-sentenced prisoners stand, I forgot.

              What are they now in the ass to kiss? These were not planted for $ 100.
            3. Angry reader
              28 December 2013 17: 47
              ... you really are a troll and a sick ..., this is a dolphin, but like usa- either an injection or a chair with a battery ...
            4. +11
              28 December 2013 22: 27
              [quote = Civil] how many guardians are interested in the forum?

              I wonder what the state would have turned into if there hadn’t been cops with the guards ???
              PS I'm not a flyer.
              1. -5
                28 December 2013 23: 06
                [quote = alex13-61] [quote = Civil] how many antisites are interesting on the forum?

                I wonder what the state would have turned into if there hadn’t been cops with the guards ???
                PS I'm not a flyer. [/ Quote]

                The guard is in our blood. There would be no cops with the guard; there would be another state, and again there would be cops and the guard feel
              2. Angry reader
                30 December 2013 04: 47
                To the "Civil" society ..))
            5. ytqnhfk
              29 December 2013 15: 55
              the article is just informative and not comparative !!!
            6. +1
              29 December 2013 20: 26
              Quote: Civil
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              Quote: Civil
              Go to the author of our casemates, well!

              So in your photo life.

              And it means they are in an American prison? Or have we stopped the "goose step" as in the top photo, and "swallows" to use?! .. but this position in which life-sentenced prisoners stand, I forgot.

              ps and how many guardians are interested in the forum?

              Again confuse warm with soft. We have a totalitarian dictatorial regime, and they have a beacon of democracy and human rights. Ie we can then we damn dictatorship, but why do they? It is about America and not Russia. Every time they write about jambs in the west, a cry immediately rises that we are not better or maybe worse. So what? On this basis, can they do anything? Remembering about the Gulag serfdom and landings on a stake?
        2. +33
          28 December 2013 10: 05
          Quote: Civil
          Go to the author of our casemates, well!

          This photo is most likely from prison for life, and they don’t sit there for stealing jackets! And for the murder of 3 or more people, what treatment do you want?
          1. -10
            28 December 2013 10: 54
            Quote: Homo
            Quote: Civil
            Go to the author of our casemates, well!

            This photo is most likely from prison for life, and they don’t sit there for stealing jackets! And for the murder of 3 or more people, what treatment do you want?

            From prison and scrip do not renounce.
            1. +3
              28 December 2013 15: 21
              special regime, minke-whales, of course, does not mean always for life, and a person who has been imprisoned in a special regime does not have to kill to get back to the same regime. he just has one road. this is most likely a "Black Dolphin" and there are far from angels. the attitude in the camps is often overly strict, but this saying is not entirely appropriate here. special without relapse is difficult to please
          2. +19
            28 December 2013 10: 56

            Favorite game of blacks in LONDON and the USA - cut the white
            sit them and sit in jail.
            1. +5
              28 December 2013 19: 23
              The Chechens also had about such fun cut off the Russian head.
            2. felix
              29 December 2013 09: 12
              Yes, maybe a month ago one black got out, at a bus stop I wanted to cut down a white one, so I got two bullets in my stomach, went to bed in the hospital and then went to the jail.
            3. +2
              30 December 2013 06: 16
              But whites, who decided to answer them adequately, face huge terms "for discrimination on racial grounds."
          3. wax
            29 December 2013 20: 49
            And these conditions are known to all. Also sat Raduev. Only from the rape of minors, the killing of old people, terrorist attacks and other crimes that do not fit in a normal head, crimes, such nonhumans do not stop. The bullet is a more powerful educational tool.
        3. rolik
          29 December 2013 02: 29
          Quote: Civil
          Go to the author of our casemates, well!

          Judging by the photo, I think it's Fiery. And on the photo are suicide bombers, now for life. With such and it is necessary.
          Not impressed. Photo for the western people who do not know our realities.
        4. +3
          29 December 2013 14: 44
          This photo, muh ... you're so kind, made in a prison like a black swan. The prison where the real killers and maniacs who deserve a noose are serving their sentences. And not thieves jackets.
      2. +31
        28 December 2013 09: 52
        After reading this scribble, the question arose: "What does the Military Review" have to do with it?
        Every day, articles pissing the pindo camp are laid out.
        All this frankly lures with an attempt to distract from the problems of Russia, sticking out the problems of others.
        I personally want to bring us to America. We have our own problems above the roof.
        For example: the sharply growing debt of the regions, and the default is not far!
        Or the September government decree authorizing the use of GMO seeds since the summer of 2014. (I will post material after the weekend)
        I have a phallus for American convicts, the future of children (or lack thereof) excites me very much.
        1. -1
          28 December 2013 12: 40
          Quote: kris
          Or the September government decree authorizing the use of GMO seeds since the summer of 2014. (I will post material after the weekend)

          Quote: kris
          After reading this scribble, the question arose: “What does the Military Review have to do with it?” Articles are posted daily that smear the Pindo camp.

          I wouldn’t have to drink water.
        2. -5
          28 December 2013 23: 10
          Quote: kris
          After reading this scribble, the question arose: "What does the Military Review" have to do with it?
          Every day, articles pissing the pindo camp are laid out.
          All this frankly lures with an attempt to distract from the problems of Russia, sticking out the problems of others.
          I personally want to bring us to America. We have our own problems above the roof.
          For example: the sharply growing debt of the regions, and the default is not far!
          Or the September government decree authorizing the use of GMO seeds since the summer of 2014. (I will post material after the weekend)
          I have a phallus for American convicts, the future of children (or lack thereof) excites me very much.

          Here is +100500
          Sometimes it becomes unclear whether it is "Voennoye Obozreniye" or a propaganda campaign from the Soviet era. And really stupid. At least there were propagandists of the same level as G. Borovik, but here the normal author of anti-American scribble is an illiterate propagandist-amateur.
          Take for example something like the ZVO of the 80s, for example, but only about our aircraft ...
          I'm afraid this is impossible laughing
          It hurts for many, under 200g, the indignant mind begins to boil laughing
        3. VAS 84
          29 December 2013 00: 05
          GMOs are 100% undermining our food security. IPhone degenerate. In Mice fed GMO corn Tumors the size of these mice. fool negative angry stop am
          P.S. I am waiting for an article, preferably with photographs of the consequences of consuming GMO products (at least mice).
          P.S. Surely the iPhone iPhone will eat environmentally friendly products, and the children of ordinary Russians this poison because production of this shit is cheaper than normal products.
      3. 0
        29 December 2013 02: 48
        purely innocent sheep - when they attack your parents, and you will be on another continent, tell me who you call !? laughing
    2. +27
      28 December 2013 09: 35
      Such articles are aimed at making the reader come to the conclusion: "How bad they are in comparison with us, and we have not life but just a fairy tale!"

      In fact, there is no need to compare. It makes no difference to us how the states, west and east live. We should be worried about how we live. Nothing to look there. Let's take a look here. For example, Kvachkov and Khabarov are sitting on fabricated cases. Konstantinov has also been trying to imprison a couple of years on a trumped-up case. If the state is serving business, then we have a way to control dissent. And often not the worst people are sitting, and the worst are not sitting
      1. +4
        28 December 2013 11: 07
        Quote LetterKsi:
        Such articles are aimed at making the reader come to the conclusion: "How bad they are in comparison with us, and we have not life but just a fairy tale!"

        This is for idiots!
        For those who think, it’s clear that in real life it’s not governments that rule! And governments work for OLIGARHAT!
        Welcome to New World Order!
      2. +2
        28 December 2013 15: 46
        Quote: LetterKsi
        In fact, there is no need to compare.

        However, all sorts of liberal fagots pedal precisely this comparison, campaigning for the collapse of Russia or the separation of its parts.
        1. 0
          28 December 2013 23: 20
          Quote: Setrac
          Quote: LetterKsi
          In fact, there is no need to compare.

          However, all sorts of liberal fagots pedal precisely this comparison, campaigning for the collapse of Russia or the separation of its parts.

          In general, there are separatists, of course. What does liberals have to do with it - God knows, usually they are nationalists, they simply show the essence only when they rise to power.
          But ... the problem is much weaker than you think (so far at least).
          So ... "stop fighting out loud with voices in your head" laughing
      3. Tyumen
        28 December 2013 20: 55
        The worst are released even before the amnesty. And they are letting go to Berlin.
      4. 0
        29 December 2013 20: 32
        Quote: LetterKsi
        How bad they are in comparison with us, and we have not life but just a fairy tale! "

        For some reason I did not come to this conclusion.
        Quote: LetterKsi
        If the state is serving business, then we have a way to control dissent.

        You still tell about political prisoners.
        Quote: LetterKsi
        And often not the worst people are sitting, and the worst are not sitting

        Here I completely agree.
    3. +6
      28 December 2013 10: 03
      Quote: Christian
      The picture is just creepy! But with us, there is nothing better than that ...

      How else are we, we are also co-ozl and we are no better than you have not found?
      1. Christian
        28 December 2013 10: 43
        It's just not in a Christian way to obserate another, when he is head over heels ... "We see a speck in someone else's eye, we don't notice a log in our own." Conclusion - you have to start with yourself!
        1. +9
          28 December 2013 12: 58
          Quote: Christian
          It's just not in a Christian way to obserate another, when he is head over heels ... "We see a speck in someone else's eye, we don't notice a log in our own." Conclusion - you have to start with yourself!

          In the United States, people do not know anything, for the most part, how the rest of the world lives, they have no opportunity to compare, and this is the main reason that they believe in fairy tales about their exclusivity, equality of opportunity and the great Pyndastan dream. Do you also want to bury yourself in your "trough" and not notice what is happening in the world? And how can you learn from the mistakes of others if you don’t want to hear about them? It is comparison that is the ancestor of analysis and analysis, in turn, of intelligence.
        2. Current 72
          28 December 2013 23: 25
          Christian And you did not think about the fact that they rob us from all sides ??? So why can't we tell the truth about them? They teach Us DEMOCRACY, and what kind of democracy They have, YOU thought. And laws must be respected by everyone, good or bad for anyone. And the article is correct, in spite of everything that they write and say about us !!!
        3. 0
          2 January 2014 13: 30
          A person has the right to choose and, accordingly, must watch how things are going with the neighbor behind the fence. In the end, no one forbade learning good. You also need to know the bad, so as not to step on the rake.
    4. +1
      28 December 2013 11: 36
      They have a milder climate.
    5. +4
      28 December 2013 15: 34
      Yes, creepy. But we are not fighting for human rights in other countries, we are not teaching them how to live.
    6. +1
      28 December 2013 19: 11
      NOTHING to write together laughing
      1. 0
        28 December 2013 20: 36
        laughing Finally, everyone begins to understand that, with such articles, they try to look for the extreme)) all but our people are to blame for all the troubles !!)))) laughing
    7. +1
      29 December 2013 02: 46
      Quote: Christian
      The picture is just creepy! But with us, there is nothing better than that ...

      Unlike amers, our history is deeper, long ago, the Slavs owned Europe, but internal strife reached such an intensity that the hostile tribe clan was completely cut out - the CIVIL WAR - in our blood (Caucasians cry in the corner from envy to the cruelty of a blood feud among the Slavs). Well, what did you want from the convicts? Personally, I am in favor of the guards. soldier drinks bully Khodorkovsky, Abromovich, Akhmetov, I would have cleared snow at the airfields of the jump. Well, if we are talking about poor sitters, what I saw them - the beast, lives by animal laws.
    8. +1
      29 December 2013 08: 57
      it was in the 90s, the beginning of the 2000s, it was much better now.
      I judge by temporary detention facilities and special detention centers of the Belgorod region, where sometimes I have to be. it is clear that this is not a pre-trial detention center and not a zone, but the conditions of habitability and upkeep have improved by an order of magnitude.
      According to the stories of friends of the UFSIN officers in the zones, improvements are also taking place.
    9. Song Hu Chan
      29 December 2013 09: 08
      To these guys, for one night, planting a fat thief Vasilyeva in the morning would admit
      in everything. And then she yells: it's not my fault, I !!!
      1. +2
        29 December 2013 17: 00
        Quote: Sun Hu Chan
        To these guys, for one night, planting a fat thief Vasilyeva in the morning would admit
        in everything. And then she yells: it's not my fault, I !!!

        There are good chances that if you were sent to them for the night, then in the morning you would admit everything that Serdyukov-Vasiliev did feel
    10. The comment was deleted.
    11. 0
      30 December 2013 09: 17
      Quote: Christian
      The picture is just creepy! But with us, there is nothing better than that ...

      I agree, we are not better. but you know, if you are deprived of the right to appeal, it already leads to the lawlessness of the judicial system. In addition, we are still deprived of liberty for a crime, but not for anonymity or for the thought of a representative of law enforcement agencies that a person could commit a crime.
  2. +1
    28 December 2013 08: 03
    from the Don.
    I read and buried crocodile tears!
  3. +11
    28 December 2013 08: 12
    Most convicts themselves are to blame for having sat down. And 80% percent are not convicted for the first time. Because you need to work on the outside, but not in prisons and camps.
    1. +1
      28 December 2013 13: 05
      Quote: UrraletZ
      Most convicts themselves are to blame for having sat down. And 80% percent are not convicted for the first time. Because you need to work on the outside, but not in prisons and camps.

      It seems to be fair ... but on the other hand you accused them of being born that way and no one else is to blame. And their justice system is working fine. They worked for us in the USSR because they are smart and now everything ... in this situation ... are we to blame?
  4. +3
    28 December 2013 08: 15
    America, as an empire, has already passed the point of its highest "development", now, according to all the rules, it will collapse and disintegrate!
    All the signs are on the face!
    1. 0
      28 December 2013 13: 10
      Quote: vvp2412
      America, as an empire, has already passed the point of its highest "development", now, according to all the rules, it will collapse and disintegrate!
      All the signs are on the face!

      Not America, but the United States and "development" and "disintegration" are the results of cutting, they did not and do not have free "floating". This is a controlled country.
    2. -1
      29 December 2013 17: 01
      Quote: vvp2412
      America, as an empire, has already passed the point of its highest "development", now, according to all the rules, it will collapse and disintegrate!
      All the signs are on the face!

      How old do you think these mantras are?
  5. makarov
    28 December 2013 08: 16
    Uv. Oleg! Where did you get the photo for the material ??? The photo is unique !!! In the upper right corner on the bunk is the artist Averin (?!), but he couldn't believe his eyes. And when did he have time for the amerikosov "pozhalitsya" ??? laughing
    1. 0
      28 December 2013 09: 50
      Quote: makarov
      Uv. Oleg! Where did you get the photo for the material ??? The photo is unique !!! In the upper right corner on the bunk is the artist Averin (?!), but he couldn't believe his eyes. And when did he have time for the amerikosov "pozhalitsya" ???

      I did not pick the photo.
    2. +1
      28 December 2013 09: 57
      Quote: makarov
      And when did he have time for the amerikosov "pozhalitsya" ??? laughing

      it’s clear that our prison
  6. +6
    28 December 2013 08: 22
    I read and also cried the life of the prisoner is hard both in RUSSIA and in the USA - I stole a drink in prison (I went out again I stole a drink in prison).
    The only difference from the USA is that a prisoner like Khodorkovsky becomes a political prisoner.
    1. +2
      28 December 2013 08: 33
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      I read and also cried the life of the prisoner is hard both in RUSSIA and in the USA - I stole a drink in prison (I went out again I stole a drink in prison).

      Well, everything is so sad, we went either to prison, or to human rights activists or to politics. In short, there are options.
  7. +5
    28 December 2013 08: 53
    In 2001, the “Patriotic Act” was passed, according to which government agents can monitor anyone, access personal records, block financial accounts, crawl into training files, ...... ...... which one transfers various "anti-state affairs" in the hands of representatives of the army or special services, allowing you to completely remove the legal procedure from them. Here you and freedom, and democracy, and human rights, and patriotism - all at once in one bottle.

    And here ... not everywhere, and so ..- permanently- would introduce ...

    In my opinion, the comparisons with the Gulag are not very correct. The GULAG system broke many innocent people, and in Sshatah, Zheglov's "thief must be in prison" has been implemented. And the word "languish" is more likely in my opinion to refer to innocent victims, and if he is caught a second or third time on a robbery, let him TOMIT!

    Another thing is that the rake of "equality and brotherhood" with a strongly "black" population is beginning to hit the white insolent face, this is a fact. According to some reports, violent crimes are committed by "colored" 15 times more often than by whites.
  8. ear
    28 December 2013 09: 05
    outright misrepresentation of the facts in this article. I am a regular visitor to this site. But this article dropped my confidence to zero.

    I have lived in America for over 10 years. The distortion of facts in the direction of exacerbation as well as hushed up real facts.

    Official statistics:

    Correctional Populations in the United States, 2012: (ref. 1)

    Jail Inmates at Midyear 2012 - Statistical Tables: (ref. 2)

    A quick inspection of official data shows that only the state of California is overloaded. 110 thousand is 135% of the workload of establishments. In mid-2010, the download was about 75 thousand. See graph 2 of reference 2. The record low number of prisoners occurred at the end of 2010 and 2011 (see page 2 of reference 2).

    Graph three shows that local establishments are not overloaded over the past 12 years (Ref. 2).

    If you lived in the USA, you could not miss the news that somewhere from 2009 to 2012 crime fell in the USA (note by the author). Many were good for why. My opinion on the reason: abortion. But this is a topic for another conversation.


    And now about the small crimes with long sentences.

    I watched a documentary about the three criminal record law. The law gives a much harsher punishment to a person with two convictions, even if these are minor crimes. Such criminals begin with simple thefts and end with murder. Do you trust a person with two convictions? Like this...


    So this article turns all the facts inside out.

    America is not a sweet place and very far from what we imagined in the 90s. But do not go too far.

    I have to print with transliteration, so sorry for the mistakes. I don’t have to use Russian especially.
    1. makarov
      28 December 2013 09: 22
      nice to hear the Old from the mouth of a person from the scene! Suggests thought.
      1. +6
        28 December 2013 09: 27
        Quote: makarov
        nice to hear the Old from the mouth of a person from the scene! Suggests thought.

        Hearing is one thing, but if you listen to other Americans, you will hear something else. And if you dry the US government, it will be the third.
        1. +1
          28 December 2013 10: 25
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Hearing is one thing, but if you listen to other Americans, you will hear something else. And if you dry the US government, it will be the third.

          Hi Sasha. But numbers, histogram, pictures. Happy country, in a word.
          1. +7
            28 December 2013 10: 40
            Quote: Mart
            And here are the numbers, histogram, pictures

            Hi Oleg. A happy American dream, they feed, water, give a berth. Envy the inhabitants of Detroit laughing
            1. +3
              28 December 2013 12: 15
              and in the evening, these Detroit residents gather in a friendly company and go to the Joe Louis Arena to spend a pleasant evening and recharge with positive emotions for tomorrow
              1. +2
                28 December 2013 12: 25
                Quote: Gleb
                and in the evening, these Detroit residents gather in a friendly company and go to the Joe Louis Arena

                These residents will not be allowed to go near there, they have already set up a system there that would shield those who went to hockey from those who stand in line for pottage.
                1. Amfitsion
                  28 December 2013 16: 15
                  Specialist? Have you been to Detroit? Personally?
            2. Amfitsion
              28 December 2013 16: 14
              Indeed, a very cheap forgery and manipulation. Are there any countries in the world where there are no homeless people? To believe that in 320 millionth America there are no homeless people and vagabonds, you have to be: A. Absolutely childishly naive B.clinical idiot
            3. +8
              28 December 2013 16: 36
              Envy the inhabitants of Detroit

              Especially "nice" to look at the contingent of residents.
              Negroes commit murder thirteen times more often than the Whites; violence and robbery ten times. This information is provided by the FBI.
              According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 1 in 4 Negro men between the ages of 20 and 29 are currently in prison or on probation.
              Making up only 12% of the American population, blacks commit more than half of all violence and robbery and 60% of all murders in America.
              About 50% of all black men were arrested and charged for a serious felony during their lifetime.
              Another thing is that the rake of "equality and brotherhood" with a strongly "black" population is beginning to hit the white insolent face, this is a fact. According to some reports, violent crimes are committed by "colored" 15 times more often than by whites.

              So this is true.
          2. +1
            29 December 2013 11: 17
            The pictures in the Daily Maine article are funny. All convicts are entirely in party rooms, and even some creative ones. Some kind of graffiti. I have the same on T-shirts.
      2. +4
        28 December 2013 10: 08
        Quote: makarov
        nice to hear the Old from the mouth of a person from the scene! Suggests thought.

        Do you think this man is from an American prison? Most likely not, but if so, what has it to do with "from the scene"? Moreover, the person apparently writes from there. And as Comrade Snowden showed us, "big brother" is closely watching his population and you need to write carefully from there!
      3. -4
        29 December 2013 09: 50
        Someone is pleased to make a blowjob in the oval office ... Around, it is full of patriotism - ... sub. Some American above specially registered to lick the United States ... And you are pleased with a fit-for-defector ...
        The main essence of the article is different than in individual details.
        What can I say - forward, to the Maidan and to the USA ...
    2. +14
      28 December 2013 10: 27
      Quote: kulak
      Frank distortion of the facts in this article. I am a regular visitor to this site. But this article dropped my confidence to zero.

      Ready to disagree with you. You lived there for 10 years. My sister's classmate lives there permanently (she married without thinking). In the state and city N in which they live, there is just a private prison. Every day she sees the situation described in the article (from morning to evening, prisoners plow in the fields and dig ditches, only shovels and a trench tool are used from equipment). Smoke break only during meals. There is a society in the city that collects donations to help prisoners. I watched a photo of how they live there. Says - tin. Just like ours, only the clothes are more civilized. Very often an ambulance enters the prison territory, and not local, but from somewhere. With all this, despite the fact that the prison is not a strict regime. Another nuance, convicts work in complete silence, they are forbidden to talk. Amazing amount of guards with automatic weapons and dogs. After all, this is not a strict worker. So sorry .....

      PS And they plow from 6.00 to 19.00. I'm not talking about the rights of prisoners at all. But the fact that the USA is a police state is a fact. Moreover, the labor of slave prisoners is the norm. There is a LiveJournal page,, I know this person a little. He publishes interesting things about life in the USA, and about prisons too. Read at your leisure.
      1. +2
        29 December 2013 09: 58
        What to take from them ?! Such contributed to the destruction of the USSR, yelling give us freedom and democracy, masturbating on chewing gum and snickers. Zero patriotism and maximum doggy fawning in front of the West. Everything in them in the West is good, but in their own country they can only and groan. You can understand the Americans, who are patriotic, but which of the Russians pours slop on Russia and is idle in the West - for me, these are the last r.m.shniki. This is my personal opinion.
        The main meaning is clearly conveyed in the article and it is clear. And you said it clearly - "The USA is a police state." But, for some reason, suddenly many here began to whitewash the United States and find fault with Russia. I believe that it was precisely these who, when the Nazis arrived, were led to propaganda about the bad USSR and became policemen. Hating your country is the limit of filth.
    3. +3
      28 December 2013 10: 45
      And here the site-articles are laid out by completely strangers ( smile and not from our area)

      Our business is to evaluate this article and express our opinion about the problem - in this regard, the site policy is correct. hi
    4. +7
      28 December 2013 11: 01
      Quote: kulak
      outright misrepresentation of the facts in this article

      Mr. McFaul, with all due respect to you, I cannot help but notice that the statistics and figures given in the article come from your beloved government. Which you serve.
      Well, at the same time, I can’t help but compliment you on your excellent knowledge of the Russian language. As I understand it, frequent meetings with our potential prisoners (opposition) have not been in vain. I also send you a big greeting from US fans from the Ukrainian geimaidan. hi
      1. +1
        29 December 2013 10: 04
        But I will put it more bluntly - for me, the opinion of a traitor-opportunist who specifically registered to debunk the truth in the article is not authoritative.
        That's right you called - McFaul ...
        Many Russians have zero patriotism. They all masturbate on the green card ... And then they will earn extra money in the USA by writing comments on Russian sites and rocking the situation in Russia, saying that everything is bad here. But in the United States you won’t blather against the government and the state - immediately the blacks will become more friends in prison ...
    5. +5
      28 December 2013 11: 25
      Well, actually the article is the opinion of one person. What does the site have to do with it? Or do you have to print articles that you like? You tell me the criteria.
  9. oldmen1973
    28 December 2013 09: 43
    Friends from North Korea fully confirm the words of the author !!!! They probably work in conjunction!

    But seriously, a thief should be in prison and earn his pardon by honest and righteous work. It doesn’t matter in what corner of the world this is happening, what color his skin is. The prison must be hard labor, so that even the thought that you can get there causes horror, trembling and nervous convulsions in the criminal !!!
    1. 0
      28 December 2013 10: 01
      Quote: Oldmen1973
      Friends from North Korea fully confirm the words of the author !!!!

      If the translation is correct, then Kim is burning laughing
      1. felix
        29 December 2013 10: 42
        Alexander, they are about themselves, only for tomorrow they left their fleas because they ate cockroaches today.
      2. Our
        3 January 2014 15: 03
        So we were also fed in the USSR. Now we laugh and then we believed.))))))))))))))))))
    2. +2
      28 December 2013 11: 41
      Quote: Oldmen1973
      jail must be hard labor, so that even the thought that you can get there causes horror, trembling and nervous convulsions for the criminal !!!

      I do not oppose you, no, this is for reference: The largest gang in the United States has 80 thousand people! Next comes a gang with about 60 thousand people, then 40, 30 and so on. Recruits are beginning to look back from schools. Be sure to send their members to the army in order to be trained. Looks like hefty they are very afraid to go to jail, or is there a principle in effect - they will not all turn up (this is me about the number)? wink
    3. Volkhov
      29 December 2013 01: 44
      The video was shot in Moscow for banter and failed for a long time - use your eyes (Gazelles, Moscow streets, army tent) - Korean propaganda is better, Primorye residents will soon see unfortunately.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. Song Hu Chan
      29 December 2013 09: 24
      Oldmen 1973, thanks for the video, I was pleased with the DPRK agitation! I immediately remembered euromaidan in
      Kiev and the distribution of cookies euromaidanavtsam.Bravo!
    6. +1
      29 December 2013 10: 14
      Shiver of the criminal ?!
      This is what people write here, sitting at computers in a warm apartment, drinking coffee and smoking cigars ...
      And yesterday, the guard detained a student in Magnit for stealing sweets ... Some children from disadvantaged families do not have sweets by the new year, not talking about computers ...
      I myself have a very negative attitude towards violent crimes. But theft is a property crime, which is sometimes committed only for the sake of survival. And in the article it is said that it’s no good what earned a "relapse". For sweets, they can already be condemned in the USA, as is the example with a jacket for $ 169 ... This is the price of expensive sweets. In the United States, both economic and other slavery has been created for people - in every sense. There, the whole country lives on credit and losing a job means losing everything and eventually being a slave in prison.
      I do not hate the United States as a whole and ordinary American people, they are even sorry. But the US elites are absolutely ruthless and cynical subhuman people who have turned the lives of ordinary people and the United States into hell, and projecting their hellish deeds to the whole world ...
  10. +2
    28 December 2013 10: 07
    Quote: kulak
    . Many were good for why. My opinion on the reason: abortion.

    I don’t understand, sorry, what's the connection?
  11. makarov
    28 December 2013 10: 16
    Quote: Chen
    Quote: kulak
    . Many were good for why. My opinion on the reason: abortion.

    I don’t understand, sorry, what's the connection?

    Sexual !! hi
    1. 0
      28 December 2013 10: 39
      Now everything fell into place! I get it. hi
  12. jjj
    28 December 2013 10: 18
    In America, it turns out that convictions are not extinguished? Well, it's not difficult to sum up under three terms with such laws. Take Booth. The term was given to a man who did not commit anything against US citizens, but simply for "intentions" expressed in a conversation with provocateurs
    1. +5
      28 December 2013 10: 44
      Quote: jjj
      ... Take Booth. The term was given to a man who did not commit anything against US citizens, but simply for "intentions" expressed in a conversation with provocateurs

      I have already spoken for life without the right to parole laughing
    2. -2
      28 December 2013 10: 47
      Quote: jjj
      Take Bout.

      Booth is an arms dealer. He knew what he was signing up for. I would be sitting near Voronezh, I was sowing sugar beets, and there would be no such problems.
      I would not mind at all that our special services work in such a way ahead of the curve.
        29 December 2013 01: 40
        What you call proactive work is chaos.
        29 December 2013 01: 40
        What you call proactive work is chaos.
      3. Volkhov
        29 December 2013 01: 53
        Booth was friends with the GRU, and according to American laws, you need to be friends with the KGB and cooperate with the CIA - then you can carry 4500 containers of weapons and no problems with the law (only a torpedo, and even that kind one).
      4. yur
        29 December 2013 20: 34
        Since when has arms trafficking become a crime?
    3. Amfitsion
      28 December 2013 16: 21
      Yes, but depends on the crime. Called diversion
  13. +1
    28 December 2013 10: 37
    We have 500 convicts per 100 thousand people. As I understand it, following the logic of the author, the bloody Putin regime also needs slaves. Another agitation.
    1. +2
      28 December 2013 10: 48
      Quote: Sharingan
      As I understand it, following the logic of the author, the bloody Putin regime also needs slaves.

      So we have a bloody regime, I didn’t know that.
      1. +5
        28 December 2013 11: 35
        Damn ... I didn’t know either! Now I will be afraid! I’ll turn off the Internet - otherwise the bloody gebnya will calculate and arrest! (P.S. Americans themselves say in private conversations: * Guys, you are the freest people in Russia. Everything is possible for you! And we have already suffered our freedom * -means freedom in general democratic and economic. And political, however).
  14. +3
    28 December 2013 10: 44
    In the news feed .... 400 New York lambs defeated Kings Plaza. Now, apparently, those caught, according to the author, will begin to DOMINATE, and slavishly work .... crying
    1. 0
      28 December 2013 16: 47
      In the news feed .... 400 New York lambs defeated Kings Plaza. Now, apparently, those caught, according to the author, will begin to DOMINATE, and slavishly work ....

      Of course, I saw it on the "TV". I appreciated the color of the faces of the "lambs". Well, the signature above your avatar! That's just not "captured". No one was detained. Negroes are not tolerastno. So you won't have to TUMMIT, and even more so.
  15. 0
    28 December 2013 11: 09
    There is one positive side to their justice. There, it’s not so important whether you are an ordinary person or with grandmothers, caught, answer.
    1. +2
      29 December 2013 09: 20
      let me disagree, a man with grandmothers has a much greater chance of avoiding punishment for a crime there.
      where the beggar is imprisoned, the highly paid lawyers of the rich man will cover. not always of course, but often.
      and let everything be according to the law, but radish horseradish is not sweeter.
      I think so, at least.
    2. 0
      29 December 2013 13: 56
      Quote: Renat
      There is one positive side to their justice. There, it’s not so important whether you are an ordinary person or with grandmothers, caught, answer.

      Watch "The Devil's Advocate" - a good film and will save you from some delusions.
  16. +2
    28 December 2013 11: 13
    The beginning of the article is intriguing: "... prisoners languishing in prisons"... What does languishing mean? And how do you order them to be treated, to keep them in five-star hotels? Well, I would write "incarcerated" or something like that. As for Booth, you need to know the laws of the country you are dealing with, especially in such a matter as the arms trade. In the United States, they are also imprisoned for intentions. Don't get caught, or find another, less risky way to hit big bucks.
    Now about Russian justice - a completely fresh, literally yesterday's example. In the Chertanovsky district court, the judge considered the case of D. Konstantinov and, following the results of the examination, he issued a decision that was the wildest of its own injustice - replaced the acquittal of Daniil Konstantinov with the return of his case, already fully considered by the court, to the prosecutor. Again. Like, guys, prosecutors, on the basis of the fact that you dug up against the guy, I can’t put him in prison, and the authorities (and not the LAW) do not order him to be released. And if so, then dig more, somehow later we will plant. But according to the law, after a trial in court, only one of two decisions is possible - either guilty, if there is evidence, or not. Then let it out. The judge had the right to return the case to the prosecutor BEFORE she began the investigation. And since she began it, and, moreover, completely finished it, then she no longer has any legal grounds to DO NOT pronounce a sentence. And now, the prosecutor’s office will wait for the due time and submit a cassation appeal to the Moscow City Court for this wild decision of the judge, he will take over the case and cancel this decision. And then there are two options - the Moscow City Court will either force the same judge to convict, or find some kind of wild ground and refer the case to a new judge, who will consider it from the beginning and will also convict Daniil.
  17. +1
    28 December 2013 11: 13
    Ahh, I laugh at all. laughing
    According to ACLU, 22-year-old Patrick Matthews was arrested for stealing tools and a welding machine. According to American law, he received a life sentence for this - only because at the age of seventeen he committed a burglary (without being armed). Patrick has no criminal history related to violence. One of the judges who examined Patrick’s appeal said that he didn’t “believe that the mandatory punishment of this 22-year-old guy helps achieve the goals of justice.” Patrick himself says: "I would never have thought that this could happen." And he adds: “Once I was mistaken, and they equated me with the killer.”

    Timothy Jackson is also serving a life sentence without parole. This man stole a jacket in the store for 159 dollars.

    The theft was committed at a New Orleans department store in 1996. At that time, for the crime of Jackson, if it was committed for the first time, they gave 2 of the year, and now they give only six months. However, the court sentenced Jackson to life. The fact is that twenty years ago, while still a minor, Timothy was convicted of robbery without weapons and two car thefts without aggravating circumstances.

    Jackson already 16 years languishing in prison. “They put me as if for murder. They have people who have received shorter terms for killing than I, ”says Jackson. "Jacket for 159 dollars! Tell me someone that I can get for this life, I would not believe him. "

    I just want to ask: what did you think you could get away with it, dol ... beater? Or are you breaking the law according to the principle "they won't give much for theft, but I won't kill, there will be a life sentence"

    Zadornov correctly says: Well, stupid! laughing

    And why? because these clowns are brought up on a sense of exclusivity and integrity.
  18. +3
    28 December 2013 11: 23
    America is very different.
    How many states, so many laws in these interdependent states united under one star-striped sheet.
    The main thing is that they are united by the steady implementation of laws, where everything is punished that threatens their way of life.
    It is a the only thing that we lack in Russia!
    Americans are not proud of what the state was organized on a big crime, when slaves were Africans forcibly taken out of their places of residence for slave labor for white people and Americans are the descendants of these criminals, where the indigenous population of the Indians was destroyed or driven into a reservation like a zoo.
    And these people teach us how to live !?
  19. +1
    28 December 2013 11: 24
    A democratic, exclusive country of the United States. And even Hitler, in my opinion, said that scum from all over the world had gathered in the United States, who could not find himself in his homeland.
  20. 0
    28 December 2013 11: 38
    In my opinion, if they drive to work, this is not a prison in our opinion, is this a colony?
  21. 0
    28 December 2013 12: 11
    After reading this article, I have several questions for Oleg Chuvakin:
    - If in America the capitalist development system gives such terrible results, then why do our leaders with such obstinacy impose it on Russia?
    - If the penitentiary system in America is a profitable income item, why is it unprofitable in Russia?
    - Why the conditions of prisoners in Russia differ sharply for the worse from the prisoners in America. Or simply put, why do people (even those who break the law) are kept in inhuman conditions?
    - How are laws implemented in America and Russia? How many convictions and acquittals per thousand people are imposed on them and ours?
    I believe that if Oleg Chuvakin answered these questions in his article, she would be much more interesting.
  22. +1
    28 December 2013 12: 15
    -Revolutionary holidays concern all Soviet citizens ... Even people who have temporarily stumbled ...
    Someone was killed, robbed, raped, in general, done a rustle. The party gives these people the opportunity to improve, leads through hard physical labor to socialism ... And we will charge the drunk and stoned, as they say, not speaking of bestiality ... Otherwise, half of the neighboring goats were cheated, your mother’s leg ...
    “Wow!” A voice from the line rang out. “What does it do?” I lugged the daughter of the second secretary of the Zaporizhzhya regional committee, but I have no right to goat?
    -Silence Gurin.-said the head of the camp. -Again, are you in the figure? We entrusted comrade Lenin to play with him, but he dreams of a goat.
    S. Dovlatov. ZONE.
  23. ko88
    28 December 2013 12: 34
    that, that, but American policemen are generally tough guys, for the slightest resistance they shoot a bullet in the forehead. bully
    1. wax
      29 December 2013 20: 59
      And on the Maidan, Americans behave quite the opposite. Yanukovych needs not to listen to their women from the State Department and the EU, but to watch how their police work at home. And then those who attacked unarmed policemen with chains and organized all this, had mercy, and are pursuing security officials. The short-sighted president does not foresee his fate, which will be decided precisely by those whom he has pardoned.
  24. 0
    28 December 2013 12: 46
    So what ??? The Americans in the media cherish the USSR, but in practice apply its methods of work ... the fight against parasites.
    They do not want to work at large, they will work in prison.
  25. +1
    28 December 2013 12: 49
    Yes ... hard there. Whether business with us. They will always get their own. Of course, it’s not easy either. Well, in extreme cases, you’ll have to run around a bit, like that prosecutor near Moscow, but a happy end is guaranteed. In general, his wife was cut to pieces, he received a ten with a fine of 3 rubles for insulting his feelings, he spent time and was free, like a bird. You can continue if you wish. True, the bloody regime forbade such children to be taught. Recently. Apparently conscience has bitten. And so the beast, the beast. The girl has been kept in the apartment for years without a servant.
    1. +1
      28 December 2013 16: 53
      And so the beast, the beast. The girl has been kept in the apartment for years without a servant.

      good laughing+.
  26. jury08
    28 December 2013 13: 34
    How much can you settle America ?! There people are launching spacecraft privately !!! And you all dream about aircraft carriers - it's good to write nonsense!
    1. +2
      28 December 2013 15: 52
      Nobody smears them, just one of the hard-hitting sides of their society is described, otherwise many people think that everyone lives there as in "Santa Barbara"
    2. 0
      30 December 2013 09: 28
      Quote: jury08
      How much can you settle America ?! There people are launching spacecraft privately !!! And you all dream about aircraft carriers - it's good to write nonsense!

      let the counterargument. external actions of the state should not limit the actions of an ordinary citizen in any way. a citizen should live, and not be afraid that a bullet might go out on the street. or standing with friends, the policeman may decide that the guys decided to commit a crime. or you may be beaten, rape etc. and what you say about the development of the state, there is an excellent expression here that it is necessary to remove all the witnesses.
  27. +4
    28 December 2013 14: 09
    Actually, I did not see anything unusual in the article, according to the law in the United States, the rule of "three terms" works - you have two convictions, the third automatically leads to a life sentence. If two convictions did not stop him and did not teach him anything, especially if he calculated all his risks going on the third crime, then there he deserves, let him be glad that during a robbery, for example, the victim did not shoot himself out of self-defense.
  28. +4
    28 December 2013 17: 35
    If in a country there is more than 10% of the population behind bars - it’s worth considering ...
    This is no longer a minority, which is confused in relation to life !!!! This is a society that did not manage to adapt a huge number of people who did not get the opportunity to apply themselves!
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. -2
    28 December 2013 17: 41
    With all due respect, it seems to me that this is nonsense.
  31. +3
    28 December 2013 17: 53
    I look, the author of his article has stepped on a dream for many.
  32. liachenko
    28 December 2013 19: 29
    About a dozen guys threw themselves together and invested trillions, so that billions would be jerked off under supervision ... but this is not the first time that a person assumes a god ...
  33. +1
    28 December 2013 21: 05
    I personally want the offender to pay for his stay in prison. And there is only forced labor. Work get 25% -50% reduction in term. 40% of the salary for maintenance and food, 10% for hands, 50% after release - so that a person who is released could start living from scratch, and would not go to steal to eat.

    But giving it to private traders is quite risky. Moreover, relapse should be considered after 18 when brains appeared. Well, yes, a lifetime for a jacket is nonsense.

    And so it is right. Do you want to work? Are you stealing? So you will work in prison for less money. Or sit 50% longer.

    Well, we also need to start imprisoning officials for bribes and "development." And then as usual - stole 8 roses, get 10 years, stole 100 lyamas, get conditionally.
    1. +2
      28 December 2013 22: 17
      Well, yes, a lifetime for a jacket is nonsense.

      I agree. Well, we don’t have sugar either. My friend works at the prosecutor’s office. He said the man went to his mother-in-law in the evening, but she was gone. He climbed into the cellar, took a can of cucumbers. Mother-in-law wrote a cart. The guy took-4 years! My wife now they don’t talk with their mother, but the man is in kitsch. At the same time, the official distributing the orders for the construction of roads received 17 lemons of rubles. They took it. With a good lawyer, he received 4 years as well. After 2 he got off on parole. but got the same ... request
    2. The comment was deleted.
  34. +2
    28 December 2013 21: 41
    Proposal: transferring all of our inmates to the states will be of mutual benefit - their population will increase, and we will have a labor force (we will re-qualify the guard in plumbing). good
  35. 0
    28 December 2013 22: 43
    Anglo-Saxons do not change themselves, gentlemen m .... be them.
  36. +2
    28 December 2013 23: 59
    Does the author of the article think that we should burst into tears of pity for the "innocent" convicts? So it's not a secret for anyone that all sludge from all over the world flies to the Yankes, like flies to cutlets. And Latinos, and blacks, and Asians, and there are quite a few whites. What is there to be surprised at the high crime rate. Americans have the right to establish laws on their territory as they see fit. And I deeply do not care what their laws are, I am not going to visit them.
    I am more concerned about what is happening in our country. Take corruption, for example. For bribes they no longer put and do not shoot, give fines, and even with installment payments for three years! The latest fine of 950 million rubles. This is how much an official needs to grab bribes to pay off the state?
    Yes, if some bribe takers and bribe takers were transplanted, then our country immediately became the world leader in the number of prisoners. Verily, it’s not hell to look for a speck in the eyes of others, if they themselves have a whole log
    1. +1
      29 December 2013 07: 22
      The author does not expect this. The author explained a simple thing:
      1) Americans keep prisoners on their taxes
      2) Zekov then for 1 dollar / hour use the true owners of the United States (their oligarchs) Ie. superprofits of oligarchs due to labor of convicts, ordinary people pay again
      3) Because it is very beneficial for the true shepherds of the United States, then the people there are imprisoned for everything. To the envy of "bloody Beria".
      4) The American people begin to wake up quietly, but they have already prepared millions of plastic coffins, billions of bullets and thousands of new, still empty prisons
  37. +6
    29 December 2013 00: 27
    The essence of what is happening is the development of technology as a country turned into a herd. America really once was a free country, for whites at least.
    Now the local population is surrounded by red flags, and going beyond them is punished cruelly.
    The people fear not only that you can easily go to prison. Most are just scared to live because of endless bills and mandatory payments.
    How much do you think in California there will be REAL dough in your pocket for every month, from a rather large salary of $ 5000,
    (if you buy your own housing in a mortgage)? So, there will be no more than 500-700 dollars per month for food / clothes / etc.
    About $ 2000 will be spent on taxes and insurance (medical insurance, car insurance, etc.), about 500-600 for a communal apartment, another 1500 for a mortgage, and 500 for gasoline (it’s stupid to get to work / store)
    (I have never seen buses there, in the course they are only in New York). What if the family? Kindergarten (or babysitter) will cost at least 1500 dollars / month.
    And if you lose your job? There is no Russian shopping mall with its guarantees. They dismiss simply without explanation.
    In short, Americans are in terrible stress, they don’t know what to pay for all this, they are afraid of the future! For some, stress tears the roof, so they go out, urinate each other in schools, cinemas, etc.
    Probably, for the States, a revolution could be useful.
  38. sonarix
    29 December 2013 00: 34
    [quote = Civil] [quote = Alexander Romanov] [quote = Civil] Go to the author of our casemates, well! [/ quote]
    So in your photo life. [/ Quote]
    but this position in which life-sentenced prisoners stand, I forgot.

    This position has already been canceled for them, as violating the rights of all people :). Recently, the regime for prisoners and conditions of detention have greatly facilitated.
  39. +1
    29 December 2013 01: 17
    Dear Magadan. Sorry to paraphrase your comment a bit. So.

    How much do you think in the Vologda Oblast there will be REAL dough in your pocket for every month, from a rather large salary of $ 1000 (if you are buying your own housing on a mortgage)? So, there will not be a fig.
    About $ 200 for taxes and insurance, about 150 for a communal apartment, about 500 for a mortgage, and 150 for gasoline (it’s stupid to get to work / store). What if the family? Children? And everyone wants to eat.
    And if you lose your job? To all employers, the Russian shopping mall with its guarantees is a breeze. They dismiss simply without explanation.
    In short, Vologda residents, and not only they, in terrible stress, do not know how to pay for all this, are afraid of the future!
    Probably, for us, the revolution could be useful.
    1. +2
      29 December 2013 07: 12
      I will answer: for sure 70% of residents of the Vologda Oblast mortgages DO NOT pay, because have free huts from "damned commies". Yes, those who pay, will give the entire salary of one of the spouses to the mortgage. In the States, the wife will give 80% of the salary to the kindergarten plus gasoline to get to work / back.
      Quote: TroN
      About $ 200 for taxes and insurance

      ???? What taxes? Insurance ??? In Russia ALL taxes are paid by the employer
      I agree to 150 for gas, but why not ride buses? Then there will be a maximum of 50. In the USA, there is simply NO such luxury as buses / minibuses
      If in Volgograd the salary is 1000 dollars, minus your communal apartments at 100 dollars, you have REAL dough at 900 dollars / month on your hands, which is at least 30% more than REAL dough in the pocket of a Californian who receives 5000 dollars.
      But, I agree, this is provided that you do not have a mortgage, and the apartment is already 100% yours.
  40. +2
    29 December 2013 07: 14
    Quote: TroN
    Probably, for us, the revolution could be useful

    Yeah thanks already gone
  41. 0
    29 December 2013 07: 14
    Adam Gopnik ... Funny. Surname !? ... Gopnik we ...
  42. +4
    29 December 2013 09: 28
    I want to bring some clarity about what is happening in Western prisons.
    a few points. I’ll say right away that these lifelong prisoners are basically sitting on the case.
    There, with every subsequent transgression, no matter what it is, stole a chocolate bar or killed a person, the term increases. Therefore, these people had a chance not to go to jail, i.e. not to steal at all. They all knew that after the third violation there would be serious problems. But they didn’t think to such an extent. Plus, if they did not repent or were impudent at the trial, this could also affect their fate.
    In Europe, in particular in BeNelux, there is no logic at all. My acquaintance flew for 13 years because he was caught in a disco selling ecstasy. But this was the third violation. Another was caught selling a large batch of cocaine, given three years ( sometimes 6 months) Why 3? Because it was one thing and the first time. And if I were married, children, this circumstance would be mitigating. The most severe articles in Europe are murder, violence and tax evasion, Although 30 years. According to parole, you can exit in 15. Here is one friend from Kiev left after 10 years. Gave 15. Killed one person. He repented and fully admitted guilt at the court. In general, it is better to confess and repent of everything at the court. This is a big plus. It is better not to hire expensive lawyers. This gives the judges an excuse to think that you have left money. They tactfully everything will be pulled out of you and they will give another space term. So it was with some friends who also stole something from the little things. They thought they would hire an expensive lawyer and leave. They pulled out about 5.000 euros and gave them 3 years.
    Vobschem need to live honestly.
    1. 0
      29 December 2013 10: 26
      Quote: Edouard
      Vobschem need to live honestly.

      And it would be nice if ALL would live honestly, not hiding behind the laws ...
    2. +1
      29 December 2013 14: 38
      Quote: Edouard
      Vobschem need to live honestly.

      Honestly in this context sounds obediently and this is not the same thing at all. So I wish all of us to live honestly in the first place for ourselves and not be tempted by loopholes in laws, benefits at the expense of others, the convenience of being silent in a rag when you have not been made extreme, law and justice are two different things, anyway, whoever wants to understand.
    3. 0
      29 December 2013 18: 58
      In Europe, in particular in BeNelux, there is no logic at all. My acquaintance flew for 13 years because he was caught in a disco selling ecstasy. But this was the third violation. Another was caught selling a large batch of cocaine, given three years ( sometimes 6 months) Why 3? Because it was one in business and the first time.

      What do you think people who read this comment will say about you?
      According to parole, you can get out after 15. Here's so. One acquaintance from Kiev left after 10 years. Dali 15. Killed one person. At the court repented and fully admitted guilt. In general, it is better to confess and repent of everything in court. This is a big plus. Attorneys are expensive better not to hire.

      No, seriously. Take a look at yourself!
      Vobschem need to live honestly.

      Well, thank God! The guy realized ...
  43. +1
    29 December 2013 11: 01
    The United States is slowly sliding towards Stalinism, the Gulag and slavery. It is necessary to introduce into the political lexicon the words "American obamism", "repressive US regime", "prison slaves" - to beat the enemy with his weapon. Otherwise, they don't see the logs in their own eyes, but we only make excuses.
  44. nightfly
    29 December 2013 13: 26
    Quote: MITE27
    The Chechens also had about such fun cut off the Russian head.
    Now those who cut it off live like cats in oil for a tribute to Moscow. And stupid amerokos - go for this to jails and to an electric chair. What is this talking about? The fact that Russia defeated humanism, and the United States remained a wild and inhuman power!
  45. -1
    29 December 2013 15: 36
    Devil's advocate))) Tales from the crypt. Want to see the real work of American lawyers watch the movie "Justice for All". By the way, one of the first films by Al Pacino.
  46. -1
    29 December 2013 15: 50
    Quote: Magadan
    ???? What taxes? Insurance ??? In Russia, ALL taxes are paid by the employer

    I am silent about income tax - it's 4500 rubles. A transport tax - I pay more than 5000 rubles. for the car, I have a cottage - tax for land and buildings - another 700 rubles. Privatized apartment - still pay. That’s 300 dollars already
    Do you want to receive normal medical care - be insured, worry about your car - pay insurance, etc.
    Yes, and we live in one-two-room apartments, and not in cottages, like Californians
    1. +2
      30 December 2013 00: 27
      Taxes: when in Russia the employer announces the salary, it means "clean hands". When you hear about $ 5000 in the United States, keep in mind that this is $ 5000 minus 25% minimum on taxes that you will go to pay at the end of the year.
      Transport tax - 5000 rubles / 12 months = less than 500 rubles / month. In the States - more than $ 100 / month
      Taxes on a summer house and an apartment are ridiculous even to say.
      Yes, in Russia we live in small apartments. BUT who is stopping you from selling your small apartment and using this money to build a large plywood-plasterboard house 20 km from your city? There will be enough money anyway. No, for some reason in Russia we do not want this, we want to be closer to the store / school / bus stop. We build summer cottages outside the city. Then we complain about how bad we all live in "fucking Raschke".
      Just appreciate what is. When you go to the shower, note the time so that no more than 3-5 minutes of hot water flow? And in America they’re spotting. Expensive because
  47. +1
    29 December 2013 16: 41
    Chasing the weird-dudes? In what zone were they given? And under what affairs are tears about American prisoners and military review?
  48. +1
    30 December 2013 04: 10
    "A thief should be in jail" - short and true.
    1. 0
      30 December 2013 09: 31
      Quote: ddd1975
      "A thief should be in jail" - short and true.

      right !!!!! completely agree. but !!! but the term must correspond to the crime!
  49. 0
    30 December 2013 15: 40
    The answer is simple - niggas.
  50. +6
    2 January 2014 19: 51
    Quote: Karlsonn
    Khodorkovsky, Abromovich, Akhmetov, I would have cleared snow at the airfields of the jump