Crimea: Partisans for Africa. Part of 2

What we explained to cadets in political studies

As a teacher, I saw how, in a short period of study, cadets — these downtrodden and illiterate people — acquired a sense of human dignity and were transformed spiritually before our eyes. The spirit of equality and justice awakened in them. They gradually became convinced of the rightness of the cause to which they served - the struggle for the freedom and independence of their people or nationality. They got used to the fact that white-skinned Soviet people — officers, sergeants, soldiers, civilian center workers, townspeople, and collective farmers whom they met while traveling on tours of the Crimea — are devoid of racial prejudices and treat them as equals.

We taught students not only ownership weaponsThey not only developed their commanding skills, but also sowed in their souls the seeds of hatred of slavery, colonialists and foreign exploiters, imperialism. We explained to them that their enemies are not only and not so much the “whites” as the imperialist system of colonialism and neo-colonialism created by the Western “democracies”, corporate democracies to plunder African peoples.

Teachers of social sciences told them about the victory of the Soviet Union over fascist Germany and militaristic Japan in the Second World War. It was said that this victory weakened the colonial system of imperialism so much that it began to collapse, disintegrate. China, India, Indonesia achieved their independence. As for 1950, imperialism lost a third of the world market and a third of the natural wealth of the planet, which ceased to bring profits to the financial oligarchy.

We told them that the Soviet Union supports national liberation movements, because these movements weaken imperialism, capitalism, and prevent Western banks and corporations from robbing the peoples of Africa. It supports them not only with words at the UN and other international organizations, but also with their deeds - weapons, the training of military specialists and partisans.

We told them about just and unjust wars, about the legitimacy of the national struggle for freedom and independence from foreigners, foreigners and puppet rulers who betrayed the interests of their people.

We argued that the struggle for peace is the natural state of the non-capitalist world, that all wars on earth give rise to the greed of wealthy property owners and bankers. That the African peoples are compelled with arms to uphold the right of their people to independence, to liberate their land from the colonialists, racists, occupiers, the greedy bourgeoisie of the West. That socialism is peace, and capitalism is war.

1975 city social science officers on excursions with families in Sevastopol

What did the bankers of London City and Wall Street in Vietnam forget? Why are hundreds of thousands of American guys dying in this country? What did the Portuguese invaders forget in the south of the African continent? By what right do hundreds of American and European corporations rob Namibia and South Africa, the land of the Bantu peoples? Why are Africans racists kept on reservations - Bantustans? - we asked the cadets.

They explained to them why the peoples of Algeria and Vietnam are fighting for their independence; why are American negros fighting against the regime of racial segregation in the USA, the peoples of Africa against racists, the Palestinians against the Zionists. They said that a number of peoples (Egypt, Guinea, Congo) nationalized foreign companies and carried out revolutionary democratic reforms, planning a non-capitalist way of development of their states.
We explained to the cadets that, apart from colonial slavery, there exists social class slavery, when the white and black bourgeoisie exploits the labor of all employees with any skin color.

We told them about the socialist revolutions and the victorious war of the USSR against Western European fascism; about the cold war unleashed by imperialism against the socialist and liberated countries; on the establishment by Western special services of training centers in a number of African countries, where black terrorists are preparing at full speed to fight the people's liberation armies.

1974. Against the background of the academic building

We told that among the Africans in their countries there are tribal leaders and their puppets cooperating with colonialists and racists, that Western special services recruit white and Africans to the detachments of foreign mercenaries, create tribal, bantustan "armies" involved in colonial wars on the side colonizers and racists.

We told Angolans, Mazambicans, and Guineans history Portuguese colonialism, and the teachers of the cycle of tactics - the military regulations of the Portuguese army. We told Namibians, Zimbabweans and South Africans about the class nature of racism and apartheid, about the murder of Luther King in the USA and other heroes of the fight against racism and colonialism, and the teachers of the tactics cycle - the combat regulations of the South African army. We told all the wrestlers about Nelson Mandela. In the racist and colonial European empires, the ruling circles considered him a "terrorist." For us, the Soviet people and the African fighters for independence, he was a hero, a fighter against apartheid and racism in southern Africa. Western parasitic corporations have ordered racists to keep him in prison for life. The racists kept him on Robben Island for 27 years. Mandela had a great influence on the development of the struggle of African Americans against racial segregation in America.

We told cadets about the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, its significance and how the states that voted against it reacted to it. Their answer was 17 on January 1961, when the intelligence services of Belgium, England and the USA and their black hirelings killed Patrice Lumumba, the first lawfully elected president of the Congo (former Belgian colony, now Zaire). They plunged the peoples of the young state into a fratricidal intertribal war and put a corrupt puppet junta in power. The secret services later organized the assassination of Nasser (1970) in Egypt, Eduardo Mandlane (1969), Amilcar Cabral in Guinea-Bissau (1973) and other leaders who established friendly ties with socialist countries and chose non-capitalist development.

We told cadets that the armed struggle against colonialism and racism is fair and natural, since it creates favorable conditions for negotiations with the colonial authorities on the transfer of power to the leadership of political organizations that led national liberation movements. We told them about maintaining vigilance after the victory, because the western bourgeoisie incites separatist sentiments, recruits agents of influence among the tribal leaders, trying to push together various tribes and ethnic groups, religious communities in the hope of defending their aggressive appetites from the new government.

We warned the cadets that after the defeat of the war the colonialists and the racists would use the strategy of lies, the tactics of seduction by liberalism, the promises of equal cooperation and the old means of bribing, handouts, intimidation of the leaders and the elite. That they will do everything possible to incite some ethnic groups against others; to divide in order to rule.

We convinced the cadets that any socialist, non-capitalist society is the most just and democratic on the planet. In it the political power, natural wealth, land, factories and factories belong to the working people. In the USSR, there are neither capitalists nor Western
transnational corporations. We showed them Soviet schools, and schoolchildren told them about free education and other advantages of socialism.

1975. On the excursion to the collective farm

The experience of the 165 training center was of great importance for the training of foreign military personnel and partisans. It may be useful in the future organizers of such training. The main thing, as Colonel Antipov taught, is to first teach the fighters to whom and why to shoot, and only after that to teach how to shoot and blow up. This rule is not observed only in those military educational institutions in which mercenaries and terrorists are trained to protect Western imperialism from the forces of peace and progress, from bright forces. Since they are fighting not for ideas, truth and kindness, but only for money.

Collapse of portuguese colonialism

In the first half of 1970, the peoples of the former Portuguese colonies won independence with Soviet weapons in their hands. Only after the victory of the “revolution of carnations” in Portugal began negotiations with the leaders of the liberation movements about the conditions for the transfer of power in the colonies to African organizations. After the revolution in Portugal 1974 in April, the new metropolitan government 10 September 1974 recognized the independence of Guinea-Bissau.

The MPLA troops occupied Luanda, the capital of Angola, and A. Neto becomes the first president of Angola. He proclaimed a policy of building socialism.
After a decade of armed struggle, by 1974, FRELIMO managed to take control of up to a third of the country's territory. After negotiations in Lusaka in the autumn of 1974 between the leadership of FRELIMO and Portugal, an agreement was reached on granting Mozambique independence, and in the summer of 1975 the People’s Republic of Mozambique was proclaimed.

Now a small group of African officers from Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau and hundreds of Namibian, Rhodesian and South African partisans arrived at our center for study. New training programs have been developed for them.

The Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the creation of the Organization of African Unity, help and support of the countries of the socialist community contributed to the upsurge of the struggle of the African majority against the white racist regimes. South African struggles against racial segregation in the United States, the killing of Luther King, as well as powerful anti-war youth movements that broke out in the United States and France in the late 60, had a major impact on South Africa. All this testified to a serious general crisis that engulfed American and European "democracies" during the years of their war in Indochina.

The international solidarity of the progressive public of the imperialist powers, the diplomatic support of the socialist countries and the Non-Aligned Movement, the military-technical assistance of the Organization of African Unity created the favorable conditions in which the actions of the rebel armies forced the Portuguese bourgeoisie to abandon the costly colonial war in Africa, to sit at the negotiating table, to transfer power in the colonies to the leadership of political parties recognized by the international community and to withdraw their warrior cue troops from the colonies.

In 1970-80, the struggle against racist regimes continued in southern Africa. The Soviet Union not only provided diplomatic support to all progressive African regimes and liberation movements, not only condemned racist regimes, exposed the machinations of imperialism, thwarted the plans of the racist authorities and their overseas masters to put in power African puppets who did not enjoy mass support, but also continued to provide enormous military technical assistance of the Organization of African Unity and through it to the rebel armies, and led the training of military personnel for the rebel armies, including for Namibia.

However, the military balance in the 1970-s between the rebel forces and the racist armies was not achieved, and the war continued. The imperialist circles of the West continued to support racist regimes. Western transnational corporations and banks operated in the south of the African continent. They ordered their governments to provide full support and assistance to racist regimes.

Fight for freedom of Namibia and Zimbabwe

Despite the atrocities of the racist regime, the national liberation movement against the racist regime of South Africa was conducted in various forms and no one turned the language to call "terrorists" fighters for national liberation in Africa and Asia. Namibians carried out mass strikes in mines, mines, factories, students protested against the racist education system, intellectuals, employees, and priests resisted racists. They boycotted the farce of the “elections” to the legislative “assemblies” of the Bantustans.

In the face of racist terror, Namibian patriots, fighters for the independence of their homeland, at the SWAPO congress in 1976, outlined a broad program of warfare, a plan for its transformation into a popular war with colonizers and racists. All the progressive forces of the planet - the USSR, the countries of the Socialist Commonwealth, the Organization of African Unity, the Non-Aligned Movement and the UN - supported this decision. The socialist countries not only held, but also put weapons to the Namibian Liberation Army at the request of the OAU.

Speaking in Moscow at the XXVI CPSU Congress in 1981, Mr. Sam Nuoyma, leader of the Namibian freedom fighters, said: “Our people, led by SWAPO, had no choice but to fight, in order to defeat the enemy and throw him out of Namibia . The day of our victory is approaching. It is only a matter of time. ”

1986. With the President of SVAPO and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Lithuanian SSR, Vytautas Zenkevicius

And he was right: a year before the collapse of the USSR - in 1990, Namibia gained independence, and the racist regime was forced not only to withdraw its army from Namibia, but also to abandon the policy of apartheid in South Africa itself.

The strategy and tactics of the struggle of all anti-people regimes, whether Portuguese colonialism or South African apartheid, with progressive national liberation movements, are of the same type.

While the colonialists, racists have military superiority over the guerrilla army of fighters for national independence, they use only armed force in the form of state terrorism: they carry out punitive operations, intimidate the population with repression, torture, arrest, wage an information war, try to induce the masses to subjugate. When the moment of military equilibrium between the forces of colonialists, racists, Zionists and guerrilla armies of fighters for national independence comes, they try to impose "Bantustan democracy", to imitate a "peaceful path" of transferring power to puppet tribal leaders, leaders, political parties.

The scheme for the introduction of "Bantustan democracy" is simple. It consists of two stages.

At the first stage, the racists, racists, conduct informational and psychological processing of the population with ideas of bourgeois democracy, painting in pink their neo-colonial plan for the “peaceful” transfer of power to the national elite, the puppet national council of ministers and the puppet national assembly. At the same time, bribery and recruitment by secret services of puppet rulers and their entourage are being conducted. Formed puppet, pocket political parties. The political programs of these parties are being developed. Bantustan, "national-territorial armies" are being created.

An information war is being waged against truly national progressive, political parties leading a national liberation political, diplomatic, and armed struggle for genuine independence and freedom. These parties are declared, of course, "terrorist". Punitive actions are conducted, the masses are intimidated by repression and terror. Any attempts to resist the masses against the policy of "Bantustan democracy" are suppressed. These promotions are held for several years.

At the second stage, the election campaign and elections are held under the auspices of the colonial army and the police, the territorial bantustan puppet army. If the plan succeeds, the Bantustan elections are declared “democratic,” and the puppet regime begins to operate under the hood of the colonial and racist special services. Attempts are being made to recognize the legality of the elections and their results, the legality of the peacefully acquired “independence” in the international arena.

This scheme was used by the West in Rhodesia, Namibia and South Africa. The racist regimes tried to find a way to avoid a full-scale civil war after guerrilla units were deployed in the territory of independent Mozambique. Since 1978, the racists have tried to peacefully settle the issue of the transfer of power in the country to African leaders. They initiated negotiations with moderate black leaders. Elections were held in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, and for the first time in the country's history a black majority was formed in parliament, but security forces remained in the hands of white racists. Only in the 1980 general election, the radical wing of the African National Union of Zimbabwe under the leadership of Robert Mugabe won a convincing victory.

Liberal 165 Training Center

More than once I have met articles in the bourgeois-liberal press, the authors of which have come to assertions that the Crimean training center was secret because it was preparing terrorists for Africa and the Middle East. A couple of articles were written by a “philologist, historian” with a Russian last name, Dmitry Zubarev. One was called the "School of Terrorists with a Marxist slant", the other - "Cadets for the struggle for socialism all over the world." He served as a Spanish translator at our training center in 1974-76.

It would seem that liberals and fighters for human rights should regret the Africans who were exhausted from the colonial and racist yoke and wish them freedom, peace, independence, victory in their just war with the invaders and robbers of their wealth. However, liberals of all stripes and nationalities somehow immediately forget about universal human values ​​and moral principles when it comes to those who interfere with their owners - transnational companies and financial tycoons - to rob and humiliate the indigenous peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America. The liberal author of the articles I mentioned is no different from those.

He writes that the Soviet press "with indignation refuted ..." the slanderous statements of the bourgeois press ... that ... as if in the USSR somewhere in the Crimea there is a secret camp where international terrorists are trained. "The Soviet press was covering This question is absolutely correct: there were no secret camps. There were unclassified training centers for training foreign military personnel. Therefore, it is ridiculous to read allegations that "our unit was considered completely secret. Even the military from other units stationed in the Crimea did not know what we were doing and who we were teaching. "

The fact that in Crimea they are preparing partisans for southern Africa, the whole world knew. Above, I talked about this in more detail. In Crimea, our cadets were seen on the streets, in schools, enterprises of Simferopol, were greeted warmly on collective and state farms. They were invited to the festive demonstrations of the Crimean workers, and they were watching the festive columns from the rostrum installed near the building of the regional executive committee and the monument to Lenin.
(See photos).

1973 cadets at a festive demonstration in Simferopol

Further D. Zubarev writes that "if a small message appears in the newspapers that a particular partisan leader, Sam Nujoma from Namibia, Joshua Nkomo from Rhodesia or Agostinho Neto from Angola, came to the USSR at the invitation of the Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of Asia and Africa ... then this means that he is negotiating the training of his fighters, and soon we will have to wait for the arrival of the appropriate contingent. "

I do not understand some of the terminology of a connoisseur of the Spanish language. Maybe the word "leader", for some small people, has the meaning of "leader", but does not have it in Russian. You can say "the leader of the herd, the leader of the gang, the leader of the mafia", but to call the respected all over the world party leaders, movements that later became presidents in their countries liberated from foreign domination as "leaders" and not decently or too biased. Let him try to call as disparagingly in the liberal press the "leaders" of Begin or Churchill, I really would like to see the reaction of the "leaders" of the Israeli or British press!

For some reason, the Palestinians, who appeared in our training center in the middle of 70, are very concerned about our "translator from Spanish". He could not work with them with ... Spanish. Arabic translators worked with them. I had to communicate with those groups of Arabs as a teacher of social studies. They arrived with passports, not as cadets, but as officers, and therefore the conditions of their stay in the USSR differed from the other cadets. They could drive around the Crimea on their own. The conditions of their stay in the USSR were agreed with the Palestinian leadership. They were paid travel by Palestinian organizations.

The Palestinians appealed to the authorities with a request to give them a course in Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Colonel Antipov asked me to read this course in English. I read. It was interesting to work with these hardworking and inquisitive listeners. They were especially respectful to me when they heard my Arabic speech and learned that I had been working in Cairo for almost seven years. Of course, in the classroom we covered issues of both the Palestinian national liberation struggle and Zionism. Of course, we discussed the UN General Assembly resolution 3379 of November 10 1975 on the recognition of Zionism "a form of racism and racial discrimination."

This translator from Spanish writes: “Palestinians constantly showed displeasure at political studies because the USSR, demanding the return of lands occupied to 1967 to Palestinians, nevertheless recognized Israel’s right to exist, and declared its readiness to fight until the complete destruction of the“ Zionist aggressor. ”However the command center of the discussion did not develop, emphasizing that the position of the USSR remains the same - Israel must return the illegally occupied territories. "

We'll have to clarify: firstly, in 1948, the USSR was one of the first in the world to recognize the state of Israel. Secondly, the USSR insisted in the United Nations on the withdrawal of the troops of Great Britain, France and Israel that joined them, who committed aggression against Egypt in 1956. Third, after Israel’s aggressive war with Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the USSR 1967, it broke off diplomatic relations with israel And in the middle of 1970-s of the USSR, along with other socialist and many liberated countries, continued to demand that Israel return the illegally occupied territories to the Arab states. And not the "center of discussion center did not develop," but the Arabs, knowing about the tremendous contribution of the USSR to the peaceful solution of Israeli-Arab relations, did not raise such questions. Disputes on this topic never arose when I worked with the Palestinians.

But I read about the love adventures and adventures of the Palestinians in the articles "translator from Spanish" for the first time. The Palestinians, of course, did not tell me about it. Probably, our liberal, who had been wandering around the hotels of the South Coast, which he confesses in one article, somewhere apparently clashed with them among the ladies of easy virtue.

Then he remembers the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, neither to the village nor to the city. What does this committee have to do with the article about the 165 training center? Remind Stalin ordered to shoot the traitors from this committee, confused with the Zionists? So did the right thing. Would the Zionists feel sorry for their traitor, who, for example, revealed the secret about the number of atomic warheads in Israel in the middle of 70? And they would have done the right thing too.

Our defender of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee mocks at African cadets: they climbed under the bed and refused to eat buckwheat. I will add that once, on the holiday of the November 7 revolution, the cadets tried to treat them to black caviar, but they refused to eat it. I was a witness: I was pomegranate on the part that day. Savages! - the Hispanist is trying to prove to us. Why should he not speculate about who made them savages in the second half of the twentieth century? Are not the Portuguese "civilizers" or the South African racists and thousands of Western companies pumping raw materials from African countries for nothing, if not for nothing?

This “translator from Spanish” writes a lot about how we, teachers of social disciplines (our post was called so), conducted classes with cadets, although he had nothing to do with our cycle: “they started with the fact that the teacher of Marxism-Leninism He pointed with a pointer to a portrait of a white bearded man and solemnly proclaimed: “Karl Marx was born in Trier in Trier.” This could not be and should not be hung up on the ears of trusting readers. I really want to bite this liberal with a Russian surname Who is called the theory of the struggle of classes: the bourgeoisie with the exploitation of the proletariat, the proletariat with the parasitic class of exploiters. I would like to wish the Russian-speaking liberals to treat Jewish eminent theorists with great respect.

The course of history that we, the teachers of social disciplines, read to cadets, “interpreter from Spanish” calls “a brief history of world revolutionary movements from Marx to the so-called third stage of the world revolutionary movement, which came just in those years”. What is the third stage? The first time I hear about some third stage. Perhaps the liberals have called the third stage 70-s the years when they managed to incline Brezhnev to the so-called “detente” in international relations?

The world revolutionary process, which began in the middle of the 19 century, continues to this day. Three revolutionary movements take part in it, as we were then taught in the Soviet school: the international labor movement, the international communist movement, the international national liberation movement. They have nowhere to go and can not go anywhere in the future. This is an objective process developing in the human world regardless of the desire and interests of the bourgeoisie and the liberals. It continues to develop now. And no one will be able to stop him - neither the bourgeoisie, nor the special services, nor the army of mercenaries and terrorists.

But did this “translator from Spanish” understand the essence of the colonial system of capitalism? Did he know the history of the struggle of the peoples of southern Africa against racism, apartheid, Portuguese, British, French, Belgian colonialism - all those civilized defenders of "genuine democracy" and "human rights" who today defend "universal values" with the help of carpet bombing aviation NATO, hired private Blackwater armies and Muslim terrorists and mercenaries? I did not find such knowledge in his articles.

Why did our "historian and philologist" not recall in the article those armies of African mercenaries whom the West and South Africa trained specially in secret military training centers to combat legitimate governments and UN-recognized sovereign states - Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia? I think he is not very familiar with even the popular literature on this topic, published in the journal Asia and Africa Today.

1973 cadets at a demonstration of Soviet workers in Simferopol

I did not find in the articles of the translator from Spanish elementary knowledge about the subject about which he undertook to write. What kind of “historian” is he, claiming to be authorship of materials about the Crimean Training Center, if he is deprived of basic knowledge of the history of the anti-colonial armed struggle of the peoples of Africa and Asia in the 20th century?

You can also point out many of the actual errors that I discovered in his articles. For example, from the airport to Perevalnoye, not half an hour, but almost an hour's ride on a service bus. They brought and sent home cadets not only by airplanes, but also by trains, and not only at night, but also during the day. We called cadets-translators from Portuguese or English into tribal languages ​​“repeaters”, not “subtranslators,” as our “historian, philologist” writes. Translators who switched to teaching work did without double translation. And there were more than a dozen such teachers. Only on the cycle of social sciences we were five.

He writes about "the financing of the USSR by national liberation movements without any material obligations on the part of the leaders of these movements, with whom agreements were concluded." As far as I know, questions about any "material obligations" have never been raised or discussed: the USSR provided its international assistance free of charge.

The statement that "we had the only officer everyone feared (lieutenant!) Because he had our correspondence re-illustrated. We had no other attitude towards the KGB and did not teach the cadets in their specialties" testifies to the author’s profound ignorance. In his 28 years, it would be time to know that in all armies of the world counterintelligence units are required in all units. And where foreign servicemen appear, special personnel members have far more responsibilities than to “illustrate the correspondence” of lieutenants. I knew well this special officer, senior lieutenant (he was my countryman from Magnitogorsk) and his predecessor Major Sorokin SP, a remarkable honest and decent person. In retirement, he worked at the Simferopol State University - in the dean's office for foreign students, who I headed, being an associate professor of the department of new and recent history, at the beginning of 1980's.

Quite rightly, the "translator from Spanish" writes that "at that time I was almost sure that without the support of the USSR these regimes would collapse immediately, and therefore for me it is some surprise that in Angola and Mozambique these parties are still in power .. that "the policy of the USSR was more productive than the policy of the Americans, who believed that the Portuguese should be supported." The liberals were a little mistaken!

It is unpleasant to read the opinion of the "historian, philologist" about the "graphomane", lieutenant colonel, who wrote the Anthem for our Center. The music for him was written not by a “regimental conductor,” but by a commander of a musical platoon, a conductor of a brass band. That was his post.

Here is a quote from the anthem:
In chains freedom suffered under the yoke
The overseas executioner did not take off the shackles,
And there was no reliable stronghold,
And the shackles rang five centuries.
At the call of the party native
Fighters on the storming of the pillars of the colonial
Our Center prepares combat,
Training Center is international.

I knew this lieutenant colonel well. In 1967, we made the first film with us about our center, selected music. We shot it with 16 mm. movie cameras. I read the translation of the Russian text in English and Portuguese. The film was shown to all cadets, while the commander of the unit was Colonel Boyko.

Correctly, the "translator from Spanish" writes that "the training center was taught by regular officers of the Soviet Army, many of whom had been trained in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. The training was conducted in all specialties of the ground forces: infantrymen, reconnaissance officers, artillerymen ... tankers who were taught in Soviet tanks during the Great Patriotic War ... partisans were taught to handle weapons from this very period. It was believed that what was outdated for the Soviet Army was just right for the partisans. Sappers were also trained, and as part of the sapper training there was also sabotage training. It so happened that it was with the sabotage training groups that I worked for almost two years. "

When the "translator from Spanish" talks about what he knows from his personal experience, he writes everything correctly: "The saboteurs-saboteurs taught the nomenclature of explosives, the rules of mine equipment and their neutralization, the installation of booby traps, the production of improvised explosives, although it was emphasized that it is not very reliable, and it is better to get explosives from some more reliable source. In any case, we did not teach them to detonators. Of the weapons that could be used by terrorists, the most perfect ones were explosions Clockwork bodies - from a few hours to 15 days. They taught to blow up bridges, lay mines on the roads. In a special engineering town, explosions thundered around the clock. They loved to show an explosion on the railroad to noble guests of the center - thus the partisan leaders. For loyalty and beauty to the checker , tied to the rail, in advance lined the canister of gasoline. Radio-controlled explosions were not taught - it was considered that it was too secret. "

Concluding the conversation about the articles "translator from Spanish", it is worth reminding readers that the African freedom fighters of their people, who are now trying to be called "terrorists", did not commit a single terrorist act on the territory of Portugal and other Western countries that supported the racist regimes against the civilian population of these countries in the 1960-70-s, while the Western European "civilizers" committed acts of state terrorism, using carpet bombing, napalm, chemical weapons, in Angola. Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe in areas where only civilians lived. And not only in these countries.

To be continued ...
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  1. bubble82009
    17 December 2013 21: 59
    one of these cadets became a high-ranking official in these countries, and some died in the war. but most importantly they have a bright memory of the USSR
  2. 0
    18 December 2013 08: 53
    Thanks author, read with interest. It is a pity that black Africans could not create a single successful state.
  3. Afluk
    11 January 2014 20: 44
    Indeed, thanks to the Author! Very interesting, informative, and a special thank you for exposing the "liberal author" may one day win them :(
  4. 0
    1 November 2014 15: 18
    An interesting and informative article. thanks to the author. with pleasure I plus.