Liberal Carthage called "EGE"

Liberal Carthage called "EGE"

On December 5, an interesting and important event took place at the Experimental Creative Center (ETC) - a conference on the topic "Cancellation of the Unified State Exam - the first step towards the revival of education." The organizers - the public movement "The Essence of Time" (leader of the movement - Sergei Kurginyan) and the All-Russian public organization "Parent All-Russian Resistance" (chairman - Maria Mamikonyan), responding to the large demand existing in society and the predominantly negative assessment of the so-called "single exam", invited to the conference of school teachers, university professors, members of the public.

Many of them spoke. And not only did they reveal in detail well-known things - for example, that the Unified State Exam leads to fooling children and depriving them of their creative potential, fully following in this the "covenant" of ex-minister Andrei Fursenko to educate not a "person-creator" who was trained by the Soviet school, but "a civilized consumer ". But they also cited eloquent, if not terrifying, facts of the collapse, in which, with its introduction, domestic education found itself. Moreover, not only secondary, but also higher.

The most important thing is that by projecting the current stage of this collapse into the near and medium-term future, they convincingly proved by their bright, caring speeches that the abolition of the Unified State Exam is not a choice between the Soviet and "Bologna" education systems. And between being-development and non-being-undevelopment of our country, plunged into the abyss of a cruel, barbaric experiment not just on living people, but on children, who are deprived of their future with the help of this experiment.

Before stating these facts, we consider it necessary, starting from this shameful and cynical revelation of the scandalously "best minister", to give a number of general considerations that answer the question of who and why needed this innovation. Similar to an ordinary managerial idiocy, it actually contains much deeper and more socially dangerous thoughts in its background.

So, first of all, the USE adherents refer to the "world experience" - this argument for pro-Western idolaters, of course, is important. Only now, it seems that with its help, as well as talking about "a wide range of opportunities" for admission to prestigious universities for children from the field, purely small performers were processed. Or those who naively believed that the customers of this scenario “want the best” and that in order not to succeed “as always”, it is necessary to put together efforts to direct the process in a “constructive” direction.

There are, of course, such "idealists", but "their circle is narrow, and they are terribly far from the people." In fact, the first goal of introducing the USE is the implementation of a long-known destructive technique, which in common parlance is called "reforming into a blackboard": to violate and then destroy the education system and the pedagogical school, revise programs and textbooks, quarrel teachers among themselves and with parents from -for money and not only. And to increase staff turnover, provoking an inevitable outflow of the best of them and, as a result, a critical decline in the overall level of teaching.

Wasn't the same thing done in the post-Soviet years with the economy? Army? Special services (at least before the arrival of Vladimir Putin)? Science? Healthcare? Pension security? Etc.

“Reforming into a blackboard” is the first, but far from the only task, because it is destructive. There is also the second - conditionally “constructive”, if by “creation” we mean the formation of the social order that would meet the interests of the organizers of the collapse. After all, the "man-creator" is distinguished by a broad outlook, which is based on comprehensive basic training. To the “civilized (as well as uncivilized) consumer” all this is unnecessary; The “architects” of this phenomenon do not need a specialist with abstract, imaginative thinking, but a robot in human form, thinking and acting mechanically, in accordance with the programmed algorithm.

A simple example: two biologists are sitting in the adjacent offices. One of them deals with butterflies - he has been working all his life, he knows everything about them; the other - grasshoppers, also all his life and also knows inside and out and even a little more. Everyone is valued as a specialist in their field, but does not understand related ones: the first has no idea about grasshoppers, the second about butterflies, and both together about other insects, as well as about birds, hedgehogs, chanterelles, bunnies, etc.

The "customer" of the plan to "clean up" the forest and turn it into a zone for the construction of luxury real estate comes. He gathers these two and the same other "would-be specialists" and asks them to tell and / or write information about those they know about; he doesn’t report a common goal, but promises generous funding. Those happily agree to share their knowledge, happily count the money received, but then very quickly discover that butterflies, grasshoppers, chanterelles, and many others, including foresters, disappear from the forest in which they conducted research. And finally, the forest itself is being reduced.

And, having discovered this, they do not even know who to blame for this, but they begin to vaguely realize that the money received from the "customer" turned out to be the last one, and no one needs them anymore.

“The insidiousness of differentiation”, in which general, interdisciplinary knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality, together with the ability to manage, are the lot of the “chosen ones”, “conducting the process” and turning the rest into the object of their dirigism, is the trouble and fate of all narrow specialists.

This is exactly what the USE system prepares. Its "customers" - external and homegrown - firmly know: in order to maintain power over people, they should not only be disunited and atomized, but also not to allow the "atoms" to retain common ideas about the whole process, a kind of look at it from above. For in this case, they will find ways to reunite, and then the "customers" will be fucked!

How far will you go if one of you has a steering wheel from a car, another has a wheel, a third has a gearbox, etc., and the drawing of how to assemble all this is in the locked safe of the newly-minted "demiurge" ?

In order for the "demiurge" to establish and maintain this order, it is necessary to "rub" out loud about globalization and the universalism of living standards. About "universal human values", the market and democracy, which in the West itself has long been called "totalitarian". And daily and hourly to separate "atoms" by narrow spheres of their competence. And one can speak frankly about a common plan only in one's own narrow circle of "dedicated" people, united by common, sometimes criminal interests.

Fantasies of the authors?

No matter how it is! Here is a quote from the book "Return to a Brave New World" which was published back in 1958. “... A fully organized society, the abolition of freedom of choice, thanks to the methodical imposition of behavior, established slavery, which is accepted through regular chemical injections of doses of happiness (drugs - Ed.),” Wrote its author, the prominent globalist Aldous Huxley. - Democracy will change its essence: old and strange traditions (elections, parliaments, supreme courts) will remain, but the basis will be non-violent totalitarianism. Democracy and freedom will be constantly talked about on television and written in the press. ... At this time, the ruling oligarchy and its well-trained elite units of soldiers, police, thought manufacturers and mind manipulators will rule the world at their own discretion. "

The USE is an integral part of this frankly fascist social model, a product of the "creativity" of precisely the fabricators of thoughts and manipulators of consciousness. After all, it is impossible to drive a human creator behind such a “Mozhai”, and Robot in human form, of course. It is only necessary to explain to him that they are driving him in his own interests, to promise a consumer "paradise", to give him some money and pleasures, because, as Herbert Marcuse taught not the theorist, but the practitioner of "non-violent totalitarianism", "control over a person is ensured by the satisfaction of instincts." “Live on the bright side”, “eat, drink, chew…”, take Sialex with Alicaps – and you will be “universal”, in other words, consumer, sch-sh-happiness!

Having no outlook and buried in its "trough", the robot will willingly swallow this bait. And he will even believe that he is very happy.

This is what they seek.

And now about what was said at the conference.

Alexander Ivanov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Petrozavodsk State University, delivered a brilliant report. At the center, he put the exposure of the USE-shnyh myths, the main of which is that this exam supposedly combines the state certification of graduates and a competitive selection of applicants. The speaker convincingly proved that the USE does not and cannot solve either one or the other problem.

From the point of view of attestation, the school has actually canceled the final exams: only two are mandatory - Russian and mathematics; the rest the graduate chooses himself, based on the preferences when choosing a university. And if he does not need physics, chemistry or biology, as he does, say, on historical faculty, then he will not strive to know them. How an applicant for a student card at a technical university will not study history. After all, there is no motivation in the form of an exam that you can fail, and therefore need to prepare!

We are not saying that both of them absolutely “do not need” foreign languages ​​(that is, in fact, they do, but they will learn about this much later, when they try to improve their professional qualifications, but it will be too late).

As a result, none of them will receive the very complex basic education that was discussed above, and if not received, it will turn out to be a brick in the manipulative system built by the “customers” of this “single exam”, whose motivation we have already figured out.

Even compulsory disciplines do not save from the degradation of the exam. Thus, in preparation for the “single exam” in mathematics, future graduates use two “strategies”: those who need this discipline are chasing the maximum scores; for the rest it is enough that there is no deuce. And this is just five completed tasks out of 20. Moreover, about the same level as the speaker cited: “The train left St. Petersburg at 22.30, and arrived in Moscow at 6.50. How long has he been on the road? " Against this background, pipes "A" and "B", which are always memorable to our generation since childhood, are seen as something like prohibitively high mathematics.

As for the “competitive selection”, the situation is even worse here. The tasks are standard and have the same solution algorithm. Therefore, they train on the algorithm and teach them to solve just such. A step to the right or to the left immediately leads the examinees into a state of stupor - they do not know the algorithm, and they did not learn to think. The speaker gave an example of how, as a result of this, a first-year student of the University Mathematics Faculty, who received 42 points on the exam, could not answer the question of how much 2 + (-1) would be. And when Alexander Ivanov, who became interested in this collision, decided to find out whether this was possible, it turned out that even with 56 points in the question asked, you can “blow bubbles”, because the Unified State Exam covers no more than 30% of the school curriculum.

“But try to put the number in the wrong cell…”, a student sitting next to her, the daughter of one of us, who two years ago experienced all the “delights” of the “single exam” on her own experience, said, shaking her head, philosophically, competently.

“In the Soviet Union, the most important issue was the training and retraining of teachers, which no one is involved in today. Schools are being closed en masse by merging them, forcing the principals in charge of the colossus located in several buildings and in different districts to engage not so much in the educational process as in the administrative leadership. And this has a detrimental effect on the quality of education, "- revealed another" hot spot "of the" reformed "education system, Doctor of Philology, Professor Dmitry Ivinsky. From his speech, it followed that the statistics of passing the exam in schools are carefully classified, and this is done for socio-political reasons, so that the emergence of "failed" cities, districts and even subjects of the Federation is not revealed. Corruption, he believes, has not disappeared anywhere, but only changed its form. First, instead of several dozen prestigious universities, where this problem existed before the introduction of the USE system, today every school where the “single exam” is passed has become a "corruption-intensive" point. The time will come, the time will surely come when all the possibilities in this area will be recognized, and "strong business executives" in the field will realize that these points are located on their territory and will naturally lay their paws on them.

Secondly, the improvement of Internet technologies is becoming a separate problem, which already today turns obtaining the necessary points on the Unified State Exam into a very profitable and practically “safe” “business”. It's only the beginning!

“There are three types of vandalism in relation to culture,” began his speech, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Alexander Volkov. - You can burn a book, you can distort its interpretation. And it is also possible - and in this, in his opinion, the essence of the Unified State Exam - to create a system in which it is impossible to master even this very book, not to mention other achievements of material and spiritual culture. " We have not formalized the exams before - we looked at whether the student or student is able to think, whether he or she is able to work independently. From this and proceeded. It was this that was the main thing, and not formalism and clericalism, which if they encourage anything, then the teacher's dullness, when schoolchildren, who want to learn something additional for admission, are en masse with tutors. And the teacher, meanwhile, is training potential failures so that their number does not exceed the acceptable 7% threshold by which his work is assessed. And not only him alone, but also schools, and districts, cities, regions, for which the governor asks from his deputy for public education.

No less interesting were the speeches of the director of the first non-state school in Russia - the Orthodox gymnasium "Radonezh" Mikhail Tishkov, who paid special attention to the threat of the commercialization of school education, as well as Galina Zverkina, Ph.D. students of technical universities.

What to do in this situation?

All speakers, as well as the leader of the "Essence of Time" movement Sergei Kurginyan, who summed up the conference with a bright, emotional co-report, highlighted the procedure and peculiarities of bringing the fight against the Unified State Exam to the level of big politics, without which, in his opinion, no progress in this burning issue happen, agreed on the following. Necessary:

- to return the final exams in all the main subjects, moreover, oral, in which the graduate, if he copied, is able to say something intelligible only when he knows the subject (for some reason, the well-known aphorism of Peter the Great came to mind, demanding that officials “ not according to what was written, so that everyone's foolishness would become visible to everyone ”- nothing is new under the Moon!);

- if necessary, create interagency commissions for taking these exams - as has already been tested with the current USE system;

- to restore the system of entrance examinations, moreover, on the territory of universities, thereby avoiding the transformation of schools into hotbeds of rampant corruption, encouraged by the local authorities;

- and before all this - to abolish the rule of two waves when enrolling according to the results of the exam, which should be carried out in on-line mode. All the participants of the conference of a technical profile, who are familiar with Internet technologies firsthand, unanimously declared that all the technical possibilities for this are available - if you just want to.

It seems that if we want vigorous development of our country - and we certainly want this, experiencing and taking to heart two and a half decades of devastation caused by the collapse of the USSR and "market reforms", it is time to act.

And it is no coincidence that the liberals defending the Unified State Exam energetically fidgeted: literally the other day, their "ideological leader" Yaroslav Kuzminov, rector of the Higher School of Economics, was worried about the allegedly low level of school Olympiad winners. After all, it was they who were named at the conference, in fact, the only legal way for talented and hardworking children to enter universities, bypassing the exam. The liberal "cat" knows whose meat it has eaten and eats!

The proposed measures must be implemented, uniting the general public for these purposes, which is what the Parent All-Russian Resistance is going to do. And then the last doubts will disappear that the LIBERAL "CARPHAGEN" will sooner or later BE DESTROYED!

Vladimir Pavlenko - Doctor of Political Sciences, full member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems (AGP).

Vladimir Shtol - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the AGP, Head of the Department of State-Confessional Relations of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
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  1. +20
    12 December 2013 14: 16
    Once I saw that in my son's class all the grades are the same, and I think you can guess which ones, I decided to talk to the teacher about this, expressed my opinion on her teaching style, and so on. A day later, my son came running screaming that I was a scoundrel, what the hell, at your request they gave me a triple, unlike everyone else. Well, how can you talk about something with such teachers?

    The old school urgently needs to be restored, while there are still people who remember how it was ...
    1. +6
      12 December 2013 14: 46
      Quote: Shurale
      Once I saw that in my son's class all the grades are the same, and I think you can guess which ones, I decided to talk to the teacher about this, expressed my opinion on her teaching style, and so on. A day later, my son came running screaming that I was a scoundrel, what the hell, at your request they gave me a triple, unlike everyone else. Well, how can you talk about something with such teachers?

      uh, my dear man, everything is just beginning with you .... my daughter entered medical / college, it turned out that in the basic (chemistry, biology) she was "0", and in mathematics, at school she barely pulled on "3", a little whether not in excellent pupils. Such crap, so I recommend that if you have decided on your future specialty, hire a tutor for the main subjects.
      1. +5
        12 December 2013 16: 52
        Look at what the training on the Unified State Exam system leads to for university graduates.
        1. +2
          12 December 2013 21: 17
          I'm shocked! Especially about Marx and gold and foreign exchange reserves.
        2. 0
          27 December 2013 17: 51
          If they are the best, then which ones are the worstnegative ?
      2. +2
        12 December 2013 19: 29
        Quote: seller trucks
        if you have decided on your future specialty, hire a tutor for the main subjects.

        a tutor must be hired for all subjects. I have a daughter in grade 3 and when I pick up any of her textbooks, the same emotion prevails - who needs our children to become? As a way out (except for tutors) I see the purchase of textbooks of the sample before 1990. and individual lessons. The mathematics textbook just drives you into a stupor - it can be called whatever you want, but not a textbook, because it is impossible to learn from it.
        1. +4
          13 December 2013 04: 28
          everything is so obvious and purposeful, even scary ...
    2. yuri p
      12 December 2013 15: 08
      I can say one thing that not only is it at school, but also in the upbringing of the house, judging by what your son shouted, you are not doing well with his upbringing, start at least with him, because then these same sons and daughters will work in those the same schools, and one thing can be said about the school, degradation, everything is subordinated to making money, in any way, and the USE is the reorientation of illegal financial flows, everyone knows how much graduation certificates cost and how much the USE costs, extortions have increased tenfold, and everyone knows where these are going money.
      1. +2
        12 December 2013 15: 14
        I didn't mean literally, I was just trying to convey the full extent of his indignation. wink
        And at home we are constantly engaged with him so that his knowledge is not only in assessments but also in real life ...
      2. +7
        12 December 2013 17: 00
        I’m in my fifties, I used to have to deal with young people a lot after school, college, and less often after college. This is a disaster!
        A person does not know elementary things (Archimedes' law, Newton's first law, I am silent about history, they DO NOT KNOW when World War II began and when WWII, I don’t remember literature, I want to cry)
        And it is not entirely correct to blame the parents for raising children, they earn money, such is our time and nothing can be done about it.
        Another thing scares me more, we have a precinct officer from the Caucasus, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate from the Caucasus, the prosecutor's office is 90% from the Caucasus, and the worst thing is that doctors began to work with us from the Caucasus and Middle Asia. deck. Who of you will go to such a district therapist or God forbid a specialist to be treated?
        Soon, Uzbeks will teach Russian in schools. Talelka without the b sign, but o with b.
        Yes, it failed such a state and its internal policy.
    3. A.YARY
      12 December 2013 15: 09
      The old school urgently needs to be restored, while there are still people who remember how it was ...


      It is necessary to "stupidly" copy all the textbooks of the 80s and return to the program !!!
      But at the expense of "people who remember" - alas, there are no such people in the education system! NO! Died out! Thanks to those who were notoriously unsuccessful in the USSR, but in our government, he succeeded!

      Don't you find this iconic?
      1. +3
        12 December 2013 15: 19
        It is necessary to "stupidly" copy all the textbooks of the 80s and return to the program !!!

        this is the simplest and fastest method in our case ...

        But at the expense of "people who remember" - alas, there are no such people in the education system! NO! Died out! Thanks to those who were notoriously unsuccessful in the USSR, but in our government, he succeeded!

        Alas, this was the calculation, so you shouldn't restore "these", you need to entrust the restoration to completely different people, those who remember ...
    4. +2
      12 December 2013 16: 00
      Quote: Shurale
      urgently needs to be restored while there are still people

      Your words can be applied to the whole country, to all spheres of activity .........
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. +2
      12 December 2013 18: 20
      -Shurale: the old school urgently needs to be restored ...
      Carthago delenda est, Carthaginem delendam esse!
      1. +2
        12 December 2013 22: 47
        Quote: knn54
        -Shurale: the old school urgently needs to be restored ...

        Especially with regard to the oral examination, I agree with the author of the article - Sermo animi est imago: qualis vir, talis et oratio est!
  2. +3
    12 December 2013 14: 18
    And then the last doubts will disappear that the LIBERAL "CARPHAGEN" early or later WILL BE DESTROYED!

    But the latter (or later) should not be allowed under any circumstances. As the saying goes, it's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys fail.
  3. +6
    12 December 2013 14: 33
    "Parental All-Russian Resistance"

    good hi
  4. +16
    12 December 2013 14: 37
    I read the article. It's all true. Now my son is in the 11th grade and they are being prepared for the Unified State Exam. They stupidly memorize examples of tasks that will be on the tickets. Everything else is on the side. I talked with the teachers, and so they unanimously say that the most important thing for them is not to allow a deuce on the exam, the rest does not bother. What knowledge the child will receive at the same time, the school is already interested in. In the Soviet education system (I consider it the best in the world!), There was a completely different approach to students. You could talk to the teacher. Now only soulless papers and check marks opposite the correct answer. The people are turned into a stupid mass that is not interested in anything. It will take some time and graduates of that "Soviet" education system will leave, and the country will be "ruled" by such USE students. It is getting scary, very scary for the future of our Motherland.
  5. +6
    12 December 2013 14: 40
    It seems to me that the State Department is rubbing their hands, eating popcorn, shouting "Wow", watching how successfully the experiment they have begun in the Russian Federation on the collapse of education is going on. One good thing is that common sense will prevail sooner or later. It cannot be otherwise.
  6. kaktus
    12 December 2013 14: 41
    The Soviet education system was considered one of the best in the world. good Therefore, they destroyed it. angry
  7. +5
    12 December 2013 14: 41
    Unified State Exam - a dumb guessing game)))
  8. predator.3
    12 December 2013 14: 50
    Quote: Waroc
    Unified State Exam - a dumb guessing game)))

    That's it ! In our village, as a joke is told, about one chronic poor student, how he managed to correctly tick the boxes at random, as a result, the Excellent students failed, and he is in chicolade! lol
  9. +6
    12 December 2013 14: 51
    Quote: Shurale
    Well, how can you talk about something with such teachers?

    I remembered. My son was still in school. He limped badly in math. I prepared him for the final 3 weeks. Day and night (the starting level was close to zero, thanks to my wife ...). I see that I should write normally - calmed down ... Brings a couple. I'm shocked. I ask: "Why?", Answers: "I did not make my own version by mistake." I ask: "Did you do it yourself?" I went to figure it out. The teacher, according to the mat-ke, refused: "Not that option! And in general he copied, because he could not, by definition, write it himself!" Still, I persuaded her to check the work. He began to check and in front of my eyes began to find and scribble with red paste errors, which she immediately invented from my head !! Delivered a verdict - 2! I listened to everything attentively and so intelligently pointed out to her the outrageous facts of falsification ... She turned white, blushed, crumpled up the work and shouted "Three !!" swept away to the teacher's room. These are the kind ... The son categorically refused to go to the 10th grade at this school. With great adventures, I was able to arrange him in another-№208. Very far from home, but it was worth it !!! There - yes! Low bows to all teachers and the director! hi Until now, the son communicates with the classroom!
    1. +3
      12 December 2013 15: 04
      Quote: retired
      Low bows to all teachers and the director!

      At school, almost everything depends on the director's charisma. The daughters go to school, where the director forbade everyone to wear jeans, even the accountants and cleaners. And everyone obeys. And in the neighboring director mumbled, with all that it implies.hi
      1. +4
        12 December 2013 15: 45
        Good evening! hi
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        At school, almost everything depends on the director's charisma.

        Director of the school = chief director of the Academic Theater. He and only he determines the level of teaching subjects in a given school. I speak as a person who has worked at school for 5 years. Night watchman true feel At first I worked part-time, and then I got involved ... In principle, the night watchman is also the director of the school ... From 20-00 to 6-00 ...
  10. Valery Neonov
    12 December 2013 15: 15
    Eh Soviet education, where are you dear ... recourse Truly, what is good for a Russian (Soviet education) is death for the West! Yes
  11. +1
    12 December 2013 15: 36
    I read somewhere that Losers, having spit on all the rest of education in the classical sense, simply stupidly prepared on possible test items. And they scored 99-100 points. Unified State Exam passed? - Was passed. And the fact that at school anyhow they studied is a sideline.
    Eh, this modern education will come back to haunt us. A time bomb, however ... sad
  12. Ser
    12 December 2013 15: 47
    The son is in the 10th grade. I'm glad I transferred to another school. In the old school there is a complete degradation of the child. In addition to the study, which I follow, the textbooks (humanities) are drawn up like this, there is a complete distortion of the facts. In the new, fortunately, the teaching staff adheres to the old system, although it is very difficult (training programs descend from the top). Everywhere at the top they say that the Russian army needs literate, educated, physically developed soldiers. Who are these soldiers? The same graduates of modern schools. Physical education is fun. To take an oral physical education exam !!!? In the Soviet school, they passed the TRP standards and prepared for this.
  13. +2
    12 December 2013 15: 52
    Let's hope that the Unified State Exam will be canceled and education will take the Soviet form ...
    ... I dream means ... An all-Russian conference was held at which real problems in education, medicine, light and heavy industry, agriculture, social sphere, domestic and foreign policy were revealed ... patriotic representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the FSB were on the presidium, Ministry of Internal Affairs and representatives of the active part of the population, incl. the bureaucratic apparatus ... the live broadcast was carried out on the central television and radio broadcasting channels ... following the results of the three-week conference, the following traitors were executed: (surname list in the names of hundreds of twenty), imprisoned for up to 30 years: (surname list of twenty thousand). ..
    to prevent the consequences of further degradation in these areas, the following steps were taken: (point by point, sanely and in detail with a predictable positive result)
    ... I didn’t seem to have used anything that made me so jolted ... from hopelessness for the foreseeable future, probably ...
  14. +4
    12 December 2013 15: 53
    Those who hold power do not need a thinking, reasoning young generation. It is better to manage a zombified, regulated society. EGE creates such a pale-minded generation. You don't need to know much. Memorize the correct answers to the questions, pass the five exam and the new zombie is ready. Western programs of duping, with the help of our Ministry of Education, are destroying the educational, moral and spiritual foundations of our country's future.
  15. calocha
    12 December 2013 16: 39
    It was necessary to introduce for the sake of experiment in one separate city and carefully look and analyze and not introduce this nonsense called -EGE throughout the country. The one who pushed this nonsense is obliged to answer according to the law !!!
  16. +3
    12 December 2013 17: 08
    Quote: vladimirZ
    Look at what the training on the Unified State Exam system leads to for university graduates.

    Consumer biomass is riveted.
    12 December 2013 18: 08
    Gentlemen, comrade commentators, what are you talking about your children - "how their teachers mutilate." And in our Soviet school it happened ... My personal school: Physics Grade 6 (beginning of the course) CONCEPT of force; force-vector magnitude ... This is a 12-year-old boy !!! The whole class is deuces. The eighth grade (the same physics) is an excellent textbook, but the problem with the movement of the steamer downstream and upstream was solved only with the help of a quadratic equation, which they began to study in mathematics in the next quarter. The topic of force work was explained graphically. They began to study graphs in mathematics only in the third quarter. There were a lot of bloopers! Thank you for teaching geometry according to Nikitin! Classic! What was inherent in children's brains when studying ARITHMETICS helped out. Ability to comprehend the problem and correctly formulate its solution. The Soviet school, for those who wanted to learn, put their brains in place.
    Conclusion: do you want your child to STUDY at school? Work with him! At the same time, you will earn parental authority without a belt. PS Both my sons graduated from the institute, which I entered after the 8th grade of secondary school and technical school.
  18. +1
    12 December 2013 18: 39
    And what about those who, with the help of the exam, have already been lowered, their lives have been broken? Someone has to answer, right?
    1. 0
      12 December 2013 18: 55
      What's the problem? Just pass exams for next year. From this year on, items that are not included in the mandatory list can be returned, and they can be returned by paying very little money. With the bloody Gabna, there was no such opportunity - they wrote it down in the certificate, go with him until retirement. So what's wrong?
      1. 0
        12 December 2013 21: 37
        With the bloody Gabna, there was no such opportunity - they wrote it down in the certificate, go with him until retirement.
        It was possible! My classmate, having a conflict with teachers (well, his brains were turned in a different way!), Graduated with a certificate of the high school course he had attended. After serving in the ranks of the SA, Art. sergeant, entered the evening school, successfully passed the final exams, entered the institute. Now the chief engineer at one large enterprise in Ukraine! good hi
    2. A.YARY
      12 December 2013 20: 43
      School of Working Youth!

      AAAA sorry no School, and even more so the Working Youth, finished it from 93 to our days
  19. 0
    12 December 2013 18: 51
    I didn't understand something. Are you all theoreticians here? I myself took exams 35 years ago, the last year we did not study, but memorized answers to final exam tickets (the exception is essay and math problems, we just practiced there). You just had to have a good memory. Of my children (I have 4 boys), only the youngest found the Unified State Exam, for the last year they were trained to answer. There are differences: the questions were unknown! But admission to the university was not as crippling to the mental and physical health of the child as mine or the first three.

    Programs? Not paying attention to students? And when? I don’t know how it is in secondary school, but in higher education there is a continuous restructuring. Standards of the 1st generation, 2nd, 3rd, the 4th is coming. We are constantly writing training manuals, a lot of schizophrenic programs, in order to understand which you need to be a doctor of pedagogical sciences, but I was not taught to do this, I am just a technologist.

    Of course, we must seriously reduce the number of items, going back to the times of Brezhnev. But this is not the main thing: if there is an official, a deputy, a ministerial chief - you need to show your importance by riveting orders. A typical example, on the topic of housing and communal services, there are 28 federal laws and 3500 (think about the number) by-laws. Who is able to not only learn this colossus, but simply read it. This is the root of all evil. In Soviet times, we had 3 vice-rectors, now there are 19 and about 20 department heads.

    It is necessary to do business, and not to throw empty slogans at the people, as the Guarantor does today. Someone has done badly, so punish specifically. Or create another bureaucratic structure, as suggested by the completely empty and verbose authors of the article:
    "Parental All-Russian Resistance"

    Yes, all these structures are already bored.
    1. +1
      12 December 2013 19: 37
      And my son in his last year (Lobachevsky University) almost does not appear there, sessions for 4-5, I ask how is this possible without studying? He speaks normally, we are all taught this way, I don’t understand what these nits are doing to our education. belay
  20. +1
    12 December 2013 19: 40
    Quote: vasiliysxx
    I don’t understand what these nits are doing to our education

    What is there to understand? Debilization of the whole country is our ALL.
  21. +7
    12 December 2013 20: 09
    I am afraid that Carthage will be destroyed, but the Unified State Exam will remain. Moreover, it will cause destruction. Looking at our reformers, the thought involuntarily comes to mind: When the Lord looks at a person, he inhales at least something into him. And then he exhaled.
    Well, who would think of destroying the Russian education system, which has been created for centuries, for the sake of crazy ideas, for what? Just don't tell tales that in order to ensure that the offspring of oligarchs and poor peasants have equal access to higher education. To do this, it is enough to ensure equal accessibility to the oil gas pipe, and not to destroy what was not created by you. Talents must be sought locally, as in Soviet times, and they must be helped. And mediocrities themselves will break through, which is observed in the highest echelons of power.
  22. typhoon7
    12 December 2013 20: 20
    Once, during the next communication between the GDP and the population, he was asked about the EG, about its need. One phrase from his answer struck: "The EG was also introduced so that our children could study abroad." In my head immediately jumped, whose children? It turns out that in order for the children of the rich to study over the hill, the children of the absolute majority should turn into?
  23. 0
    12 December 2013 20: 20
    Bravo, Stinger! good
  24. +1
    12 December 2013 21: 51
    The thought about the return of the slave system was long ago paid, but the working people don’t have money, so they will be forced not to educate their children at universities, etc., etc. We have our money and teach our students abroad, and as a result, now they don’t pay us real wages they do not allow us or our children to get an education and rule us then their educated children come to power and continue the same policy towards our children. The circle is closed. We got simple slavery with this liberalism.
  25. 0
    12 December 2013 22: 09
    Here is a living example for you. Reformed, it couldn't get any worse.
  26. +1
    12 December 2013 22: 11
    I totally agree with Stinger! good But who will allow us to these pipes? request The system of public education in the USSR was indeed the best in the world! In the 70s, it began to quietly degrade. In 79, after graduating from school and receiving the Certificate, the parents showed theirs. And what was my surprise that the average grade of their certificates was four, even there were three! And I missed a few tenths to excellent. But the level of their knowledge, after 20 years, was no lower than mine, a freshly baked high school graduate! good hi They rebuked the school for declining teaching! And when my children went to school, it seemed to me that school does not teach anything at all! Periodic tests of the knowledge of my offspring made me deeply discouraged ... I attended classes at school and did not understand anything in these classes, and my brain refused to accept the information given out, otherwise it is difficult to name those lessons. the best, it was close to the gymnasium system of tsarist Russia: total control of the acquired knowledge, annual transfer exams from class to class, in the senior grades there was practically an institute teaching methodology, that is, a lecture-seminar with subsequent abstracts and tests and exams at the end school year. At least that's how it was in our school. In the city, our school had the highest percentage of admissions to universities and technical schools in the year of graduation from school, up to 40%! To return such a system! crying
  27. -1
    13 December 2013 01: 05
    In defense of the exam.
    Do not lie to yourself, they also dragged us to pass exams. As far as I remember in physics and mathematics, there were 20 tickets. Most of them bet 4, but in reality they knew 3 or even 2 stupidly taught the last quarter of the tickets.
    So blaming the exam is stupid. The system of formal questions checked by the machine is objectivity. D
    Another thing is how to put these questions ....
    Yes, and if you demand that the options were not 100, but 1000000, the question of cheating will go away.

    And the exams knew floated. Under capitalism, this is simply a way of earning money from those who enter. Here comes the active lobbying of the old exam system ..
    When I acted. Guests from the south came with me. And they talked with the commission separately :) and for an additional fee it’s easy ...
    And they could not connect two words. And the USE is worse in this. so that the bribe is now going to school, and not to the university ???
  28. 0
    13 December 2013 06: 00
    I still remember all my school teachers. I remember their attitude to students and teaching duty. After work, they stayed and left us to convey to us, unreasonable, something that they did not understand, did not assimilate. , constantly. But they also have families and children. I compare with those who taught my daughter until this year. Especially teachers in mathematics and chemistry / biology. The children did not learn anything at all. They called these "teachers" to the parent meeting - they do not hesitate, brazenly: what the program is supposed to, we read. If your children do not understand anything, pay money, we will additionally read or hire tutors, but it will be more expensive. What is it? Where do these comers come from from education? I was at a loss if not horrified.
  29. 0
    13 December 2013 07: 03
    Unified State Exam - Unified state entropy in the minus. Previously, we were taught to think and look for solutions, now our children and grandchildren to guess the answer. LONG USE !!! negative WHO AGREES?
  30. 0
    13 December 2013 07: 14
    It's just awful! They are again trying to impose on us a school reform, another one. Of the speakers, there is NOT a SINGLE professional teacher with "school experience". What can any of them know about working in a regular school? On our indignation, they are trying to carry out another "sawing the dough". As for the lack of knowledge among children, as some have so colorfully described here, the parents are to blame. It seems that your children were taken away for 11 years and then returned in poor quality condition. Excuse me, but what have you been doing all these years? Did you teach mathematics (biology, physics, etc.) with your child? How did you raise your child? At home complained about the next extortion at school at the parent meeting? Or did they beat their child on the lips because he dared to argue with the teacher, regardless of his righteousness?
    The Unified State Exam is just a tool aimed at reducing the number of bribes when entering a university. No more, no less.
    The offer with live-streamed oral exams is interesting, but how much will it cost for the country?
    The most important thing: in modern pedagogy, and therefore in the education system, there is no penitentiary section, a section on punishing children for their misdeeds. In Soviet times, such a system existed semi-legally: from school they could complain to their parents about work, there, through the party organs, they hold a conversation with the parent, and at home the child receives for his right to be free.
  31. 0
    13 December 2019 10: 09
    The Unified State Exam is a bottomless pit of Russian education. Yes, even studying at a university is no longer the same as before, now it's just a crust for a tick. Anyway, then half of the graduates will undergo retraining, I went to