View of the Crimean journalist from the Maidan: "Everyone got it - we are tired"


Protests in Kiev do not have support in the Crimea. The central TV channels broadcast open propaganda of euromaidans, the Crimean ones counter-propaganda. For an objective coverage of what is happening, we offer readers an interview with the correspondent of Novy Kanal in the Crimea, Oleg Kryuchkov, who just returned from Maidan yesterday and will go there again tomorrow.

- Oleg, tell me what is really happening in Kiev? Are you watching the central TV channels, and it seems that half the country, leaving work and family, went to Kiev to protest?

- Maidan until last Sunday and Maidan from Sunday are completely different stories. On Saturday, the people who came to Mikhailovskaya Square were completely different people. On Friday on the Maidan, to disperse the "Golden Eagle", there were 60 people who were supposed to leave on Monday.

In general, I am inclined to think that after arriving from Vilnius, Yanukovych sat with a company and soared in a bathhouse, they remembered 2004, it was an anniversary, and someone said to him: “And let's eat it ...”. And at night the team went. When the team went, it was all overclocking and in the morning because of the beaten up young Kiev came out. Really all. We flew there at about one o'clock in the afternoon, just drove a bus with the police past Mikhailovskaya Square, and the people rushed to turn it over and break it. They barely drove off.

On Sunday, too, Kiev came out - it was a protest of the middle class. Maidan was with iPhones. Kiev came out, and came out with complete denial of the entire opposition. And then there is a machine with a podium, on which stands Yatsenyuk, and the whole company. People are against it, they do not want to listen. But Cardinal Lubomir Guzar (the former head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church) appears, who does his service there. I stand just under this podium, we are shooting with the operator. And what struck me - a lot of Poles appeared on Sunday: Yaroslav Kaczynski (ex-Prime Minister of Poland), Jacek Protasiewicz (MEP from Poland) from the European Parliament. They all start to unwind there, that here, Europe is calling for you. I was surprised that if the events took place at night, where did they come from here?

The whole story begins to spin, it's about an hour. And about an hour a student erupts under us and Ruslana shouts (the singer, ex-people's deputy from Our Ukraine, Ruslana Lyzhichko), who stands there with them: “There were clashes on Bankova!” She does not hear. He writes to me that clashes began on Bankova, and passes the note there. With me, Ruslana shows this to Klitschko, Tyagniboku and Yatsenyuk. We, the operator, of course, crawl out and throw down on Bankovaya. This is the beginning of the collision - the hour of the day. There, on Bankova, somewhere a man under three hundred gopoty, I wouldn’t call you in another way, from the Patriot of Ukraine and the company, stupidly trying to kill the boys from the internal troops, which cost two lines. Well, there appeared some journalists by that time, and the Kiev residents, who tried to stop it, ran a little. Gopot stupidly crumbled all thrown out from under the path of the tractor.

Somewhere in forty minutes Poroshenko came, climbed on this bulldozer and tried to stop them. And these Natsik Poroshenko shouted: "You are Moscow litter, you sell candy to Muscovites!". They pulled him off the bulldozer and started kicking, seriously so. Then two more deputies came. It turned out that there were three peasants in the whole deputies building from two sides. This Poroshenko, Denisova and Kuzhel. Everything. Nobody listened to them. It was about half past, a maximum of two. Considering the fact that this whole situation was developing, the boys who kept it all in check were actually drenched. "Berkut" was not there! There were two lines of internal troops. Somewhere two light-noise grenades flew off and gas went. They began to just recline, because the people are feather with twigs, with chains. There is no attack, constantly provocations: again this bulldozer and once again the bulldozer ... There is no MP, given what they know: this garbage comes at once! After about five Natsik attempted to move the soldiers with a bulldozer, and Molotov cocktails actually went out, only after that the Berkut team was sent to attack. It was already an 4 hour. True, the whole Bank was already filled with onlookers.

- A lot is said about the affected journalists, who presented the ID. Why did you not get into kroshevo?

- I did not get, because I was in many hot spots, and this is the law of military journalism in such situations: if Molotov cocktails flew into special forces, now special forces will kill everyone. Two minutes before the “Golden Eagle” went, I said to the operator: “Everything, we bring down.” Whoever wanted to shoot it, stay, simply had no experience at such points, he got. As a military journalist, it was clear to me that now they would crush everyone. Then I talked to Colonel-General, he went to negotiations with Tyagnibok, I asked him: "Tell me, are there many injured?" He says: "50 man." That is, 50 people from internal troops, conscripts, were injured. I said to these idiots who crumbled the internal troops: “You don't understand, here stands the boy, his mom and dad stand on the Maidan in Lviv, you kill him. Dad and mom stand for European integration in Lviv, and in the evening they will come to the funeral! ”

What needs to be noted, many Kievans are sane - journalists, teachers, normal Kievans, faced these Natsik so that the boys would not be killed.

Exactly at five o'clock, after the crackdown, when they drove everyone out onto Institutskaya Street, when it went awry, a column of people's deputies appeared and began to "plant". I, personally, like Oleg Kryuchkov, conclude that the opposition was waiting for hours for 4. Go exactly 5 minutes from Independence Square to Institutskaya and Bankova streets. They waited for 4 hours - will Natsik Banking or not.

Natsik self-organized, they were originally with gas masks, with masks, and a clear task to break, break, break and break. Their thought was: “If we do not take it, everything will be the same again. How much can you talk, persuade, you need to take! ". And there was no one at Bankova at all! "Everything, we take Bank"!

Some of these Natsik were Korchinsky from Kiev, and the main ones were not from Kiev.

- Acceleration of euromaidan is attributed to the Crimean "Golden Eagle" ...

- The story of the Crimean "Berkut"? In Kiev, after what happened, it clearly started: “They are murderers from the Crimean“ Golden Eagle ”who kill everyone there,” and so on. There are posters on the subway: “People, get off on Sunday, people from the Crimean“ Golden Eagle ”killed our children.” Here really are such flyers. Someone really contrasts the Crimea, they make a big scarecrow from the Crimea.

At half past seven in the evening one of the employees of the Crimean "Berkut" called me and asked me to come to the "Ukrainian House". I walk up to the “Ukrainian House”, there is a cordon around the perimeter, three guys come out of the Crimean “Berkut”, drag me inside and start to tell where they were, that they stood in the cordon near the Sberbank of Russia, and not a single “Berkut” "From other regions did not participate. All were in reserve, they say that the team was with the call sign "09".

The guys from “Berkut” told me that if any other unit, except Kiev “Berkut”, came up, then nothing would have happened. Just to crowd out the crowd and everything. Why did Kiev Berkut work this way? As I was told by the guys from the special forces, the Kiev “Golden Eagle” had previously been involved in street rallies for a week, there were a lot of injured people still from a clash near the barrier under the Cabinet of Ministers. While all the other divisions were catching up, the Kiev Berkut closed all of Kiev. Roughly speaking, they did not sleep for a week, they had wounded, they were wounded, they simply blew off the roof. The special forces guys told me that any other unit would have acted very differently.

- Why did the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in your opinion, sent the initially wound up fighters?

- When they began to spin the anti-Crimean hysteria against the Crimean "Berkut", which did not really participate, they, by the way, continue to stand at the central entrance of the Verkhovna Rada as the most militant unit and as a reserve. They did not participate anywhere. On Sunday, they were not on Bankova, but under the Cabinet. There was nothing under the Cabinet, the assault was on Bankova. They said that when a Natsik column approached there, they threw two stun grenades and that was all.

Who knows Kiev: on the left "Ukrainian House", on the right turn on Grushevskogo, on the Cabinet of Ministers. I mean, the whole column, all those 600 thousands that were, if they go to the Cabinet, they go to the “Ukrainian House”. Full hysteria, and on the ground in front of the “Ukrainian House”, from where it is impossible to get out, there are buses with Crimean numbers, the Crimean “Berkut”. And they are in the "Ukrainian House"! Weapons no, not even shields, only rubber truncheons and cans. I mean, the guys say to me: “They set us up. Someone wants to see the Brest Fortress tomorrow at the Ukrainian House!

Thank God, I managed to hang up a post at 11 (on the Facebook page) and after 12, the commander of the Kiev Berkut spoke with shifty eyes and confirmed that they were dispersing it. The same commander of the Kiev "Berkut", referring to which on Saturday afternoon were statements that they are thinking to go or not to go to the other side. And everyone knew that the Crimean "Berkut" did not participate, but they were substituted. All due to the fact that someone took a photo: they detained one drunk, they surrendered to the cops. But the assault group of the Crimean "Berkut" is different from all, it works in camouflage with the Crimean flag. And then they stood at the "Ukrainian House", they all photographed.

There was another cool order: in the morning after stripping the Maidan, all units from Khreshchatyk were pulled back, except for the Crimean "Berkut", which was on the buses in the center of Khreshchatyk.

- So who is this notorious "someone" who gives orders from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Is this someone mythical, or does he have a first and last name? Maybe the radio line captured?

- The guys get a team from the Kiev police, those who lead the operation. They come on the radio, where to stand and where to move. This is one of Zakharchenko's subordinates (the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Vitaly Zakharchenko), because no one else can give an order to the “Berkut”. Or he himself. Orders in any case came from the very top.

- People on the Maidan rally for European integration or is it against the police arbitrariness?

- Maidans are very different. From morning until six in the evening Kiev residents do not participate in strikes. Kievans work as usual. Kievans who support the Maidan, come after work. All the rest of the time on Independence is visitors. These are “Freedom” and other regions of Ukraine represented by students.

Maidan is a patchwork. Kievans and the middle class are protesting against the atrocities of the "Berkut". Even the topic of European integration does not sound imported, but only a change of power in the country. The main requirement of Maidan is “Zeke Get out!”. Only Yatsenyuk, Klitschko and Tyagnibok stutter about European integration. And then, this makes in passing.

When the convoy was lit, I went in and shot: I was talking inside with the commander of the internal troops who were standing on Bankovaya Street. The conversation was like this: come on like this, I take mine away, you take mine away.

- A lot is written and shows about the paid "aunts" who arrived from the South-East, who organize anti-Maidan. They are?

- There is antimaydan in front of the Verkhovna Rada. There is already a scene. I did not see the eastern regions. Yes, there are some incomprehensible faces, but we talked to one, he said that he worked at a construction site in Kiev, and he himself came from Cherkasy. It is clear that someone will pull up, paid or not. I can say that so far Kievans and the same students do not go out. Some people on euromaidan and those brought by the Party of Regions cannot be visually distinguished - they are equally dressed in Adidas costumes.

- If the whole Maidan is chanting “Zeke Get out!”, Why did the opposition only once demanded an impeachment?

- No one is listening to the opposition. She is not in the business. They are trying to pyzhitsya, but it is still unclear who controls this all. In reality, the opposition lost much more than it gained. Because she could not control either the first Maidan or the second, and showed her complete impotence. And one of the requirements of Maidan is to hang Klitschko, Tyagnibok and Yatsenyuk next to Yanukovych on the Christmas tree.

- According to your feelings, who can manage all this?

- While there is no clear control. There is a headquarters, some actions have appeared, in the first days this did not happen at all. A lot of Poles appeared - TV channels, social activists, leaders.

- The anti-Crimean sentiment, which is being replicated in Kiev, is correlated with the statements of the Crimean deputies that no one of the protesters will go further than Perekop. It turns out that a march to the Crimea is being prepared?

- Last night I talked with the Salafis who stood in the glades of protest. They go to Kiev, a thousand people, bearded, to defend the Party of Regions. I called the guys from “Berkut”, who fought with them in the glades of protest. It refreshed them. Nobody is preparing for the march to the Crimea. About the East, no one thinks. I quarreled with many of my friends, because the East does not participate in the layouts that occur in Kiev. And the worst thing that happens is this: the same people of Kiev, supporters of European integration, representatives of Lvov and Ivano-Frankivsk, refuse to explain anything to the residents of Crimea, Donetsk and Kharkiv. I came to the Crimea, and everyone here says - there is a Bandera Sabbath. There is a different story, there is a quilt! And most of the requirements for the resignation of Yanukovych, without taking into account the European Union, the East would have supported, but no one wants to talk to them! For some reason, the East of Ukraine is considered Neanderthals, who go there with bears to a neighboring Russian village. Here, we have a border here, and we go to Russia every morning for sober.

- And this despite the fact that the eastern regions give 70% of GDP in the country?

- Yes it is. But a lot of adequate Kiev. The history of European integration, the economy, and everything related to this, they are not interested. The main requirement is the investigation of the actions of the “Berkut” and punishment, the resignation of Zakharchenko and the resignation of Yanukovich. Because got it. And this does not apply to euromaidan. Another thing is that the promoted history is parallel to the euromaidan - if there is already a change of power, then, at the same time, we will get the European Union. Moreover, the majority of students, both Kyiv and Lviv, despite their education, believe that the roads themselves will begin to level after the association is signed. They do not even know that the signing of an association agreement does not imply the introduction of a visa-free regime. And none of them have read documents about the association!

- By itself, it begs the question - why did they fail to vote on the resignation of the Cabinet?

- According to the vote on the resignation of the government, the situation was this. I make a plot: in 7: 45 we move to the Verkhovna Rada on the street. Grushevskogo, together with the columns of "Freedom". Beautiful such a column, with gas masks, helmets, flags. Grushevskogo street blocked by internal troops, three thousand people from the column in it rested, with shouts, slogans, pictures and everything. We get out of there, go through the quarter past the Cabinet of Ministers, go through the deputy hotel "Kiev" to the Mariinsky park, and calmly go to the Verkhovna Rada. And nobody came there! Here, behind the fence, there is a rally of "Regions", deputies come out. Suddenly, some kind of stray column comes from Maidan, begins to shake the fences. At the same time, the Regionals feel confident, although they stand ten meters away. Vadim Kolesnichenko gets out onto the stage and says: you, goats, fascists, we will massacre you. Those who came five minutes later shout back, suddenly a team arrives, and the convoy moves away from the Verkhovna Rada! Here they shout, but here it is no longer necessary. And everyone is absolutely calm.

-Provat resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, from your point of view, what caused? They demanded, insisted, brought this question to the session hall, so what?

- Tomenko (Mykola Tomenko - ex-vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and oppositionist from “Batkivschyna”) gets out on the armored car in the morning 8, shouting that we are for the resignation of the government. The first line is the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada. I ask Oleinik (a member of the parliamentary faction of the PR, Vladimir Oleinik) I ask - will the Verkhovna Rada resign? - No, never give. I ask Kuzmuk (a member of the parliamentary faction of the PR, ex-Minister of Defense Alexander Kuzmuk): there the people say that there will be a resignation. - That let them say there will gain more votes. Oleinik said coolly, like in a joke: either reduce the size of the hare, or I will increase the size of the pike. Then Kolesnichenko comes out and says the same thing - the opposition has no votes. It turns out that over the night something has changed. If there were votes, and some attempts before voting, then in the morning the “regionals” were so confident that they didn’t care who stood there. And due to the fact that the columns did not fit into the Mariinsky Park, although they could have done this and stormed Rada, everything looks very interesting.

- It turns out that the shortage of votes for the resignation of Azarov and his government was calculated?

- I think what it was made for. Exchange, which may be, this Yanukovych will remove Azarov. But he was left, and he will remove it a little later, when the bidding takes place. But it will be his decision, the “Regionals” have already seized the initiative. There is such an assumption that some students and all those who sincerely stand behind European integration do not understand that after Monday the situation is working for Yanukovych. Two weeks ago, the East would never have voted for Yanukovych. Now, because of the Euromaidan, the opinion of the eastern electorate has changed, thanks to all the unpleasant things that are happening in Kiev. Because of nationalist sentiment, the Russian Yeltsin-Zyuganov scenario is played out: we are, of course, against Yeltsin, but we will vote for him so that Zyuganov is not. And the cool thing is that the same schoolchildren and students who came from Western Ukraine and are chanting “Zeke Get Out!” In 2015 will understand that they, in fact, chanted “Yanukovych's second term”. Because in the East more people! I believe that now many are behind euromaidan, and Yanukovych will stand for a second term. All political analysts said that Yanukovych had a chance if he went to the second round with Tyagnibok. And now, thanks to all this, the entire opposition and the entire Western electorate have been made a “burden”. It is now for the East one big “burden”.

- It turns out that Klitschko and Yatsenyuk were written off to zero?

-Yes, written off. Klitschko does not appear, Yatsenyuk does not appear. But the head of the Foreign Ministry of Germany arrives and meets with opposition leaders in Kiev, but does not meet with Tyagnibok. He is not a handshake! But the big question is who leads the game and who finances it. I'm not saying that the Party of Regions is playing a big game to unite the electorate for the 2015 election of the year.

- We did a survey on the site - how will the euromaidan end? 34% answered that nothing. It was the most recent option of all the proposals, but, nevertheless, a majority voted for him. Your point of view, how will this end?

- Now is a landmark Sunday, when people take to the streets. If there is zilch, then Kiev came out for the last time. The second time to bring 600 thousand people on the streets will not work. By capacity of Maidan, the peak does not exceed 600 thousand. There is nowhere to mark 1,5 million people. It surprises me that in Shevchenko Park, where columns are formed, there were no political flags on Saturday, and on Sunday all the political forces were already standing!

- One question torments - why these organized columns do not go to Kharkov to demand the release of a “political prisoner”?

- They are scared! Because if Julia was on Maidan on Sunday, the power in the evening in the country was different! Change it really! Near the presidential administration there are boys, internal troops. If not the militants approach them, but their mothers, roughly speaking, they part and they pass. I talked with our "Berkut": the Crimean "Berkut" is not configured to shoot at people. Why? Yes, because they say: who should we protect? They are police officers, and they are not in a rush to lay their lives for this power.

But you have to understand: special forces in any country of the world, if you start beating him, he starts beating you back. In Turkey it was much tougher, in Egypt it was much tougher - you can’t beat special forces if you want him to come over to your side, like in Thailand: so that he took off his helmets and put shields on. And if you start to beat him, then the special forces become what he is - a tool. He stops thinking. They do not think by their charter: they are given an order - they do. And if you make special forces think that they don’t need to shoot at children, then he takes off his helmets and puts down shields. But if you start hitting them, then they start killing you.

- According to the same logic, this very unknown center makes the special forces not fold their shields and helmets?

- And do not add up! Because when a tractor drives up while the rally is on the Maidan, it goes to 18-year-olds, behind whom there are boxes of buses, and you don’t break through them with anything, and then the Berkut, which the Administration has filled. With this tractor you do nothing, except that you kill the boys who are in the first two ranks! There was a very simple solution - people dofiga, block the authorities, peacefully, close all units to entry and exit. But no. Are the faculty, who go to the protection of public order under the monument to Lenin. They stand without weapons, without ammunition, the gopot arrives and begins to crush them. And they can not resist! The "Golden Eagle" flies in because a person from the Chernihiv subunit is being dragged into the driveway and they start killing, and the Khmelnytsky "Berkut" subunit goes to the rescue. Sur full! Run info about the fact that Lviv special forces came out in civilian clothes. I talk to the guys (“Berkut” - note “NR”) - they say that Lviv stands through two rooms nearby. And these layouts with the Russian riot police? Even if a person arrives in one 250 plane, do they change the situation? And the girl who was killed, and she is absolutely alive? Any permanent stuffing and provocations. For some reason, the journalists from Monday, November 25 to Friday, November 29 worked fine, since December 2, all went to the barricades and the information on the air is not completely verified.

- And if we assume that the Kremlin is financing?

- Maybe so. Everything is not clear here. Vasilkov sounded yesterday: 100 activists are not releasing the Crimean Berkut. Yes, the Crimean "Berkut" stands in front of the Verkhovna Rada! And what does the Crimean "Berkut" mean? These are 18-year-old boys who were deployed in Kizil-Tash, from western Ukraine, because they are happy to join the army due to their lack of work, and they have been serving in the Crimea for one year ?! Moreover, when I tell my colleagues - well, you do not understand camouflage, but you can approach anyone, the name of the division is written on the chevrons and where it comes from. And it is necessary to distinguish between the "Berkut", which works for a salary, and the Internal Troops, where conscripts serve. But no, no one wants to understand anything. We have everything revolution, all class, we are in Europe.

- How do Kievans themselves treat revolutionary conformity?

“The whole Maidan is painted in paint, all the houses, all the city lights, all the property of the capital is filthy, but we are going to Europe.” And further. A Russian journalist I had to drag out in Turkey, Arkady Babchenko, the most liberal of all liberal ones, wrote: do not forget that the main slogan “Glory to Ukraine - Glory to the Heroes!” Is on the Maidan ...
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  1. -1
    9 December 2013 07: 04
    Literally in the evening, TV showed an interview with Emir Kusturica about the events in Kiev and their similarity with what happened in Yugoslavia. I liked the clarity of the filmmaker's thought - Kusturica directly called it a conflict between Russia and Germany over Ukraine. Not Europe, but Germany as the main player in the EU and the main beneficiary of everything that happens. Kusturica seems to have called it even the word "war".
    Kusturica is unlikely to do anything because of money or for the sake of cheap popularity - he does not need it. And he called it a war, and he also said that it’s not the eastern military block that is moving west - this is the western military block that is moving east, step by step, towards Russia. That is, it is obvious that the east is still losing. What does this mean?
    This is, above all, the collapse of Putin’s entire German policy. Gas contracts, bribery of chancellors, games against America - and for the finals the same thing that Russia faced in 1918 and 1941: the rejection of Ukraine, access to the Caucasus, etc.
    At the same time, this is a collapse of Putin's domestic policy, since there is nothing to object to the demarche of the German president, who announced a boycott of the Olympics - there is no need to look for human rights violations in Putin's Russia, they stick out of all the cracks. And one more touch in this story with the Maidan. Not so long ago, the Roshen company, the backbone of the empire of Petro Poroshenko, in the recent past almost the most pro-Russian oligarch of Ukraine, was thrown out of the Russian market, despite the fact that about half of the Roshen corporation's exports go to Russia, and it also owns the Lipetsk confectionery factory. ... Ukrainian sweets were a serious competitor to "Russian" companies, especially in the inexpensive, mass segment. But there are no more Russian confectionery companies in Russia, they are all bought up by the world giants - it is not difficult to guess that they had a hand in ousting the Ukrainian company from the Russian market. The blow to Poroshenko was more than serious, and he, by and large, had no choice but to act as the main sponsor of the bourgeois-nationalist opposition. He appeared, apparently, in the hope of "selling" himself to Europe. And he could have been rigidly kept in line with the pro-Russian policy - he had only to leave his place on the Russian market.
    1. +19
      9 December 2013 07: 19
      About forty minutes later, Poroshenko came, climbed onto this bulldozer and tried to stop them. Moreover, these Natsiks shouted Poroshenko: “You are the Moscow litter, you are selling candy pits!” He was dragged from a bulldozer and started kicking, seriously like that. Then came two more deputies.
      While reading this, I immediately remembered the post of Captain VRUngel wassat

      Captain Vrungel UA December 2, 2013 14:48 | European Commissioners and Nenko Ukraine
      Elena! You have to be more honest. More honest. Here are the times. Everything is built on nonsense. Yes Poroshenko jumped on the loader. Stopped. He separated the rotozeevs from the Maidan from the provocateurs of the "titushki". He spread the protesters and the police to a safe distance. By the way, the policemen retreated under his leadership to the distance that he indicated
      laughing laughing laughing
      1. Sergh
        9 December 2013 08: 25
        Quote: demotivator
        interview of Emir Kusturica about the events in Kiev

        Yop, but what about this Serb? Probably recall the past events in his garden?
        Quote: demotivator
        Putin, since there is nothing to object to the demarche of the German president, who announced a boycott of the Olympics - there is no need to search for human rights violations in Putin's Russia, they stick out of all the cracks

        Utter nonsense! My friend, do you know that in your beloved Germany (although I have also been there), President’s credentials, no more than that of a Honnoverian janitor and only on his Strasse !!
        1. +3
          9 December 2013 19: 54
          Quote: Sergh
          Yop, but what about this Serb? Probably recall the past events in his garden?

          Maybe that's why it was drawn that the events are identical. The oranges came to power in Serbia, the extradition of their heroes to the tribunal, a blow to the identity of the Serbian nation, the coming to power of a former associate of Seselj, allegedly a nationalist, and in fact, a politician-merchant Nikolic, is no longer only influential Yugoslavia, but also free Serbia. There remains a kind of education, with a nation humiliated to the point of asking the murderers for some kind of European membership.
          The oranges came to power in Ukraine, defamation and abandonment of Russian history and heroes, erection of a mazep, a bander and a loop on a pedestal, a blow to the Russians’s self-consciousness of the borderlands, the allegedly pro-Russian, and in fact banal brother Yanukovych coming to power, transform Ukraine into an unpredictable education behavior.
          Kusturica is also right about Germany. Serbia is the only occupied European country that provides real resistance to the Germans in World War II. Ukraine is part of Great Russia, which defeated Germany, and no matter what they say about German repentance for Nazism, Deutschland will always look east.
          While the Frau is firmly held by the Anglo-Saxons udder, but from time to time, for their own benefit, their grip is weakened.
          In Russia, neo-feudalism has been under construction for 20 years, not all the estates have yet been divided, and the new feudal lords have no time for once brave Serbs, no Russian Ukrainians.
      2. +14
        9 December 2013 08: 32
        The article is good. Only the conclusion is unclear. If the oppa in the person of Coward, Dunce and Experienced does not lead this coven, then who is leading? For Yanukovych, this scenario is too complicated. (If he were so smart, long time ago, abbreviations were observed at every step). From the American Embassy, ​​as usual. About something similar already said O. Tsarev.
        1. +15
          9 December 2013 11: 28
          Yanukovych with his retinue is a fake for pro-Russian. The real pro-Russian majority of the people in Ukraine need a new leader. A leader without pocket interests evident, at least without the Caudle of oligarchs. A leader - who would share his fate with the fate of Russian people in Ukraine. And so, well, which president of Yanukovych, if even the Golden Eagle does not subscribe for him.
          1. xan
            9 December 2013 12: 47
            Quote: Kohl
            Yanukovych with his retinue is a fake for pro-Russian. The real pro-Russian majority of the people in Ukraine need a new leader

            I agree. And the Kremlin understands this, so they are not in a hurry with the support of Janek.
            Now Yanek by and large does not need anyone, if only the GDP uses it in the short term for guarantees of non-fall.
            A pro-Russian leader must be created.
            1. +4
              9 December 2013 13: 48
              Yanukovych - two-faced d ... mo.
              But not a banderlog, and not a sir-boxer to change it?
              It’s not clear who is to blame, what to do and who will do something.
            2. Rif
              9 December 2013 19: 50
              And all the leaders on conservation, in prisons, as soon as they leave, there and then the scepter in hand.
                10 December 2013 19: 31
                Zhulka is not a scepter in her hands, but an enema in ..
            3. 0
              10 December 2013 02: 31
              If GDP puts Yanek, he will win the hearts of 99% of Ukrainians. Forever!
          2. 0
            9 December 2013 15: 22
            For example, Putin.
        2. +1
          9 December 2013 20: 09
          Quote: Nikolai S.
          For Yanukovych, this scenario is too complicated.
      3. +22
        9 December 2013 09: 06
        Reading this, right away

        the thought came that the people were simply tired of this incomprehensible power - both in the east and in the west. and all sorts of unscrupulous figures are trying by all means to climb the crest of the wave and rock the situation for the sake of their interests.
        1. +14
          9 December 2013 11: 26
          APES RU "that the people are simply tired of this incomprehensible power - both in the east and in the west. And all sorts of unscrupulous figures are trying with all their might to climb the crest of the wave and shake the situation to please their interests."
          Short and to the point! +++++
            10 December 2013 19: 32
            and nothing to add
        2. zmey_gadukin
          9 December 2013 11: 51
          Quote: APES
          that people are simply tired of this incomprehensible power

          + 100500!!!
          1. In the book
            9 December 2013 13: 33
            Article "+"
            One of the few on the VO site that really displays what is happening now in Kiev.
            The President, the Cabinet of Ministers, deputies, and officials got nowhere to go, the greater robbery of Ukraine was probably only during the military operations.
            The impoverished unemployed population and the living nouveau riche.
            The "leader" of the nation, pushing his family's business wherever possible.
            How much can you steal?
        3. Rusich51
          9 December 2013 23: 43
          Quote: APES
          Reading this, right away

          the thought came that the people were simply tired of this incomprehensible power - both in the east and in the west. and all sorts of unscrupulous figures are trying by all means to climb the crest of the wave and rock the situation for the sake of their interests.

          This is an old English trick to create such conditions so that the people have no way out. And direct the anger in the right direction.
      4. The comment was deleted.
    2. +12
      9 December 2013 08: 28
      Emir Kusturica is of course a very respected person. He has his own opinion, but it seems to me not quite right. Without Anglo-Saxons, it simply could not do here. Training at the US Embassy in Kiev how to resist the authorities, the Poles' visits to Maidan, these certainly lick from the USA and etc.
      So as in the saying: "Everyone has their own truth, only one truth."
      1. +4
        9 December 2013 10: 58
        Quote: ele1285
        Emir Kusturica is of course a very respected person. Has an opinion
        Well, which and by whom respected. An ordinary liberal, laughing at his family and putting his life to the destruction of his fatherland. You still admire Sakharov and Novodvorskaya.
        1. +2
          9 December 2013 16: 00

          When he got into politics in his old age, he became a clown. But as a scientist, I do not admire, but I respect him.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. Fin
      9 December 2013 09: 48
      Quote: demotivator
      This is, above all, the collapse of Putin’s entire German policy. Gas contracts, bribery of chancellors, games against America - and for the finals the same thing that Russia faced in 1918 and 1941: the rejection of Ukraine, access to the Caucasus, etc. At the same time, this is the collapse of Putin’s domestic policy, since there is nothing to object to the demarche of the German president, who announced a boycott of the Olympics - there is no need to look for human rights violations in Putin’s Russia, they stick out of all the cracks.

      What do you use there? What collapse did you see? The collapse of what? "Demarche" the president of Germany? Yes, he is in world politics as the director of the gash. Who should I pay attention to?
      Quote: demotivator
      He spoke out, apparently in the hope of "selling" himself to Europe. And he could have rigidly stayed in line with the pro-Russian policy - he had only to leave his place on the Russian market.

      Who needs it with their sweets? Let the hare jump wherever he wants, in Russia abruptly the men were dispersed abroad, and some are sitting.
      You expose some ordinary events as "geopolitical blunders".
    5. garlik
      9 December 2013 13: 11
      I see you guys completely out of the loop. Is Poroshenko a pro-Russian politician? So that you know there is such a Bandera channel "5". It has been operating since 2004 Maidana. It is difficult to find more anti-Russian channel, although there are still Lviv ZIKs, Russia is being poured with mud every minute, every second. So he is the owner of this channel. So you're just not in the subject and all your conclusions, respectively, are also inconsistent feel
    6. +4
      9 December 2013 14: 46
      Quote: demotivator
      the collapse of Putin’s domestic policy, as opposed to the demarche of the German president, who announced a boycott of the Olympics

      The usual lie.

      Media Relations Representative Joachim Gauka pointed out that the visit of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Winter Olympics is not included in the protocol, and recalled that President Horst Köhler did not attend the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

      You have to be more discriminating
    7. +1
      9 December 2013 14: 51
      Quote: demotivator
      collapse of Putin's entire German policy

      Jealousy of abandoned frau?
    8. +2
      9 December 2013 16: 09
      demarche of the German president, who announced a boycott of the Olympics

      What is the German president who defeated Putin?

      Petro Poroshenko, in the recent past, perhaps the most pro-Russian oligarch

      So does his godfather - the most pro-Russian president? Why then changed it to the current one?
      1. +1
        9 December 2013 19: 11
        I read the article. The article confirms my assumptions. The people are already fed up and from the authorities, from deputies, from oligarchs, from thieves and crooks. Not signing an agreement with the EU is just
        played the role of a catalyst. it’s just a revolt of the people against their power. even if a treaty were signed, it would still be six months later, well, the maximum would be the same.
    9. Rusich51
      9 December 2013 23: 39
      A demotivator, personally it seems to me that without the special services of the Angles and the gringos it could not do. Lyakhi also had a hand in it.
        10 December 2013 19: 36
        "Poles do not know how to fight, but to rebel is yes !!!" - Jozef Pilsudski (national hero of Poland)
    10. 0
      10 December 2013 22: 20
      Quote: demotivator
      Not so long ago, the Roshen company, the basis of the empire of Petro Poroshenko, in the recent past, almost the most pro-Russian oligarch of Ukraine

      You thought well there before writing about Poroshenko ??? What is he a pro-Russian oligarch ???
      Quote: demotivator
      The blow to Poroshenko was more than serious, and he, by and large, had no choice but to act as the main sponsor of the bourgeois-nationalist opposition. He appeared, apparently, in the hope of "selling" himself to Europe. And he could have been rigidly kept in line with the pro-Russian policy - he had only to leave his place on the Russian market.

      He didn’t accidentally order an article for you ???
      What did he order Russia to sponsor the pro-Russian oligarch to sponsor the orange revolution? You would publish a newspaper published for money !!!
  2. +19
    9 December 2013 07: 04
    So for 20 years "Bandera" shouted "Freedom for Ukraine", and now they are selling the same freedom. They are so vile people that they lack any tolerance.
    1. +5
      9 December 2013 07: 24
      Quote: Muadipus
      nor any tolerance for them is enough.

      Here they are tolerant to the very head.
  3. +3
    9 December 2013 07: 05
    Here, we have a border here, and every morning we go sober to Russia.

    interesting opinion about the eastern regions of Ukraine ... laughing
    - Tomenko (Nikolai Tomenko - ex-vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and an opposition from the "Fatherland") gets out on the armored car at 8 in the morning, shouting that we are for the resignation of the government.

    Something it reminds, but alas character of the wrong spill.
    1. +4
      9 December 2013 07: 24
      Quote: PSih2097

      interesting opinion about the eastern regions of Ukraine

      Well, why not go, just pour laughing
      1. +10
        9 December 2013 13: 49
        I live 80 km not far from this border: all this is nonsense. Yes, relatives live with people on both sides of the "wise" border, so they go to visit each other. Less need to listen to the Romanian-Hungarian-Pshek (Bandera).
        The namesake, for the past few years, I have not seen drunk people. Well, they are not in the yard. Maybe at home, but on the street did not meet, even at public events. And, in general, the people have recently become completely different. And Russia is already far from the top twenty in consuming potions.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +4
        9 December 2013 14: 53
        By the way, out of 4 different acquaintances who also traveled to the Orange Maidan, two said the same thing: "Take it for free, feed it for free, pour another 100 grams, and even a penny can you date - it's not a big deal." Western Ukraine.
    2. 0
      9 December 2013 10: 17
      Clown however!
      1. 0
        9 December 2013 10: 58
        Quote: Dimy4
        Clown however!

        Who is this for?
        1. +1
          9 December 2013 11: 04
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Alexander Romanov (2) Today, 10: 58 ↑ New
          Quote: Dimy4
          Clown however!
          Who is this for?

          Probably with myself winked
    3. +1
      9 December 2013 15: 24
      Yeltsin also fluttered from the tank.
      1. +1
        9 December 2013 19: 13
        Quote: EvilLion
        Yeltsin also fluttered from the tank.

        Yeltsin just didn’t talk. He simply openly declared that he had come to ruin the Strau.
  4. Valery Neonov
    9 December 2013 07: 10
    hi In short, pure ANARCHY-SOCIETY WITHOUT A STATE (primitive).
    1. +20
      9 December 2013 07: 20
      Quote: Valery Neonov
      In short, pure ANARCHY-SOCIETY WITHOUT STATE (primitive) flourishes in Kiev on Maidan.

      hi The "Orange Maidan" broke the back of the Ukrainian sovereignty, and the "Euromaidan" today raised the issue of the country's territorial split. What awaits Ukraine? -
      1. +4
        9 December 2013 07: 33
        About the distant future, it is unknown, and the near is scary.
      2. +9
        9 December 2013 10: 40
        Quote: Tersky
        The "Orange Maidan" broke the back of the Ukrainian sovereignty, and the "Euromaidan" today raised the issue of the country's territorial split. What awaits Ukraine? -

        Klitschko, really, lost his voters in the Southeast ... although there were not many of them before.
        What awaits Ukraine? ... Confederation, in my opinion, is the most acceptable exit. The South-East has already gotten the habit of "Svidomo" to take with gorom.Raznye people.
        1. +3
          9 December 2013 11: 14
          Quote: alex13-61
          The South-East has already got the habit of "Svidomo" to take gorom.Raznye people.

          Do not overestimate the South-East, there are also plenty of "Svidomo". It's time to forget this widespread legend about the "pro-Russian South-East". He is not at all pro-Russian, and the Party of Regions (and this is the South-East) is also not pro-Russian.
          Now in Ukraine, the confrontation is not between pro-Western and pro-Russian forces, but between moderately pro-Western and radically pro-Western. Between those who want the immediate and unconditional signing of an association agreement with the EU, and those who want to do this a little later and for a fee.
          1. +9
            9 December 2013 11: 47
            Quote: Sour
            Now in Ukraine, the confrontation is not between pro-Western and pro-Russian forces, but between moderately pro-Western and radically pro-Western. Between those who want the immediate and unconditional signing of an association agreement with the EU, and those who want to do this a little later and for a fee.

            In Crimea, neither pro-Western nor moderately pro-Western is practically observed among the Slavic population. And, communicating with friends from the southeastern regions, I heard the same thing. So the data of your "intelligence" is not true.
      3. +5
        9 December 2013 12: 29
        Absolutely to the point.

        And what awaits Ukraine? SFRY No. 2. Too big is a country for Europe.
        West under Poland and Romania. Well, or the "sovereignties" dependent on them.
        Crimea and East?

        And so it’s a pity the country and Kiev, especially. I love this city very much. It’s scary to imagine what Khreschatyk looks like now .. Mdaa
      4. +2
        9 December 2013 15: 07
        Quote: Tersky
        What awaits Ukraine?

        In Kiev, a message was received about the mining of three metro stations belay

        The attempt of revolution in Ukraine was harshly suppressed by subway employees bully
  5. +18
    9 December 2013 07: 20
    And one of the requirements of the Maidan is to hang Klitschko, Tyagnibok and Yatsenyuk next to Yanukovych on the tree.

    Famously in Kiev, New Year trees are going to decorate what
      10 December 2013 19: 39
      we are glad-450 freaks, there will be enough "Christmas tree decorations" for all
  6. +15
    9 December 2013 07: 23
    from the Don.
    20 years of independence of Ukraine passed. 20 years !!! And in the end: terry: makhnovism: -the essence of power in Ukraine.
    1. +4
      9 December 2013 07: 33
      Quote: borisjdin1957
      20 years of independence of Ukraine passed.
      ???? Was she there, independence?
      1. +3
        9 December 2013 08: 22
        from the Don.
        all attributes of independence of power are present in Ukraine.
        1. +14
          9 December 2013 09: 26
          Quote: borisjdin1957
          Don.All the attributes of independence of power in Ukraine are present

          - well, attributes are not facts. Attributes may be present, and the actual state of affairs may not match the attributes presented. If your own currency is an attribute of sovereignty, but at the same time there are unpublished agreements between the Central Bank of Central Banks of the FRS and the National Bank's own control over the Federal Reserve System of the national currency and the National Bank itself in terms of the volume of emission, exchange rate, and principles of lending, then such an attribute of sovereignty is worthless, because in this case all sovereignty is completely leveled out, and the national currency, which is an ATTRIBUTE of sovereignty, in fact, becomes only a derivative of the dollar. At its deepest essence, such a picture, such a game with the presence of all this PSEUDO-ATTRIBUTION is a typical "Potemkin village" in order to deceive the nationalist forces present in any country and not awaken the national liberation movement.
          At first, pseudo-attributes tricks work effectively. Then the people begin to think - "why? There is a national currency, we have our own army, we are a sovereign state, and our life is NOT IMPROVING?" As an experiment, one government is being demolished, the second, and even the third - and things are not improving. Smart people already from the very beginning understand that they CANNOT improve because of the change of the President while such a system of hidden colonization is IN THE SHADOW. Being in the shadows, out of possible blows, gives the Zacoean colonialists a huge advantage. Dissatisfaction with this President, even those loyal to the colonialists, is growing - we do not oppose the outburst of discontent, but we drain this President, in the meantime we are pushing another loyal candidate in time. A striking example is the events in Egypt. Mubarak was leaked, slipped into Mursi. True, there was a failure for some unknown reason. A year later, they caught up with Mursi. To hell with him, with Egypt.
          I wanted to convey the essence on my fingers. But the bottom line is - do not trust attributes very much. Especially attributes in such an important issue as the sovereignty of the native state. It may turn out to be a Pseudo-attribute. How to distinguish one from the other - there are also methods, but I did not bother to explain them.
          1. +2
            9 December 2013 09: 31
            It is deep. Even deeper than it follows. It already stinks behind the scenes of the "world" behind the scenes. It does not smell, but it stinks, because if this structure exists, then it is the most anti-human thing in the world and at all times.
            1. Grossfater
              10 December 2013 01: 14
              "It smells of sulfur here." - Hugo Chavez.
          2. +7
            9 December 2013 10: 04
            From the Don.
            There is an ironic connotation in my phrase. I understand that the presence of an anthem, coat of arms, etc., is not the meaning of the self-sufficiency of a state, much less artificial, like Ukraine.
            1. +2
              9 December 2013 14: 36
              Quote: borisjdin1957
              There is an ironic connotation in my phrase

              -Oops, re-read, at first I didn’t catch it -)))))). excuse me feel
        2. kavkaz8888
          9 December 2013 11: 36
          from the Kuban.
          attributes is a flag and coat of arms? Pts seriously. Not enough drum. For fun.
        3. +2
          9 December 2013 14: 02
          Quote: borisjdin1957
          all attributes of independence of power are present in Ukraine.

          Attributes are ordinary tinsel, and the reality is completely different. The authorities absolutely do not own any channels on TV. All television channels except the Crimean ones are controlled by the West and funded by the same West. So it turns out that people belong to themselves, power belongs to goons from business, and the media machine is overseas manipulators.
          But it seems to me that this party of the USA failed miserably. Time will tell, but it is already playing against the organizers of this bacchanalia. White starts and loses (check and checkmate).
          1. +4
            9 December 2013 14: 57
            Quote: alexneg
            So it turns out that people belong to themselves, power belongs to goons from business, and the media machine is overseas manipulators.
            - I agree. But the trouble is that if the people belonged to themselves or at least were presented to themselves, they would have had their say. But he is bound hand and foot. Lack of resources and lack of control over the media by the people is the same as the people being bound hand and foot, and even a powerful gag (lack of media) in the mouth.
            The expression of the will of the people is the only LEGITIMAL decision on the real decision where the people of Ukraine should go - to Russia or to the West. That is, a real referendum. But under various pretexts, the referendum is NOT PERFORMED, and mercenaries from UNA-UNSA, close in spirit to the Syrian militants, only without machine guns, are passed off as a people who "expresses" their will in the square in the form of beating 18-year-old youths from the Internal Troops. laughing It seems like violence against the people, not at all like
            Quote: alexneg
            people belong to themselves
            Here is just this small amendment, I agree with the sotalny. And I hope that Russia no longer has the patience to see how openly, brazenly and extremely cynically the people of Ukraine are RAPED in front of her eyes. Russia has nerves of steel. Look, he thinks "a-non-lethal, will survive". I admire. And to bark and announce another far-fetched refusal to the REFERENDUM as a "red line"? After all, nothing criminal - to demand that the people of Ukraine be given the opportunity to speak out. What's the question. Are these nerves of steel or banal cowardice? If nerves of steel - why? Why make the people of Ukraine suffer? Believe me, the impudent Saxons did not go for direct confrontation with Russia because of Georgia, they will not go because of Ukraine. They can send a couple of destroyers as a bluff. And in response to Russia, it is enough to bring the troops into combat readiness and conduct demonstration exercises in the Black Sea. And that's it !!!! NOBODY BREATS! THE QUESTION WILL BE CLOSED !!!! The West is now a complete bluff. "There is no real power in them, they are not Sicialians anymore !!!!" - from The Godfather is appropriate here. Who are we arguing with? What are we arguing about?
            1. +8
              9 December 2013 15: 55
              Here the problem also lies in the fact that the referendum is a split in Ukraine. Even in Kiev, the Europeans will win, the dividing line is about the Dnieper, plus Odessa.
              That's just with what joy to give the West such a piece of Slavic land I do not understand.
              Of all these crowds on the Maidan, about 80 percent protest against this fucking government, and a position led by Western political technologists directs the protest in the direction they need. And if the demand and purpose was to remove the okhovshih oligarchs and their assistants - I would also go (and I consider the New Year trees with the Yanukovych, Tagniboks and other Kolomoisky an excellent decoration) The problem is that if the Center, South and East of Yanyka fit in there of course they’ll take away, but the tyneboki and the Yatsenyuk will break through to power, and then Ukraine will have a full polar fox.
          2. +6
            9 December 2013 15: 25
            Quote: alexneg
            . All television channels except the Crimean ones are controlled by the West and funded by the same West.

            You are partly right, but I want to clarify
            We look at the owners of the TV channels:

            1. V. Pinchuk: STB, ISTV, New, M1
            2. I.Kolomoysky: 1 + 1, cinema.
            3.R. Akhmetov: Broadcasting Company Ukraine, Channel 34 Dnepropetrovsk, Football1, football2.
            4. G. Surkis: TET, Tonis.
            5. Firtash + Levochkin: Inter, Inter +, K1, K2, Mega, NTN.

            All the main television channels of Ukraine, except the first state!
            It is these "comrades" who form public opinion in the state. Do they want Ukraine to join the Customs Union, with the risk of losing their fortunes in the west?
        4. +1
          9 December 2013 14: 02
          Quote: borisjdin1957
          all attributes of independence of power are present in Ukraine.

          Attributes are ordinary tinsel, and the reality is completely different. The authorities absolutely do not own any channels on TV. All television channels except the Crimean ones are controlled by the West and funded by the same West. So it turns out that people belong to themselves, power belongs to goons from business, and the media machine is overseas manipulators.
          But it seems to me that this party of the USA failed miserably. Time will tell, but it is already playing against the organizers of this bacchanalia. White starts and loses (check and checkmate).
          1. kavkaz8888
            9 December 2013 14: 37
            My sunflower-eared friend, do you mind if We are WHITE? And they high will be black. No, better GRAY (like rats or aliens).
            1. +1
              10 December 2013 00: 05
              Nope! I do not mind. Although we live in a world of conventions. Yes, even with a loaf, if only they would not push into the oven. hi drinks
    2. acute
      9 December 2013 12: 46
      you recall, this has already happened with Ukraine. Read Gogol. It constantly finds on them every 200 years. Such a state of misunderstanding. besides they are tired of this power (or anarchy)
  7. +5
    9 December 2013 07: 32
    Western Ukrainians are most trying so that everyone has a feeling of inferiority of what is called the state of Ukraine. What they are building, where they are aiming for is incomprehensible, only they destroy everything that is possible and impossible.
  8. +8
    9 December 2013 07: 35
    In summer, on vacation, I talked in Ukraine, they said that Yanek and his family were stupidly taking up all the profitable business, in particular, it was about the Donetsk transport company, which several guys had unscrewed from scratch with their own hands, but the son came and made an offer from which they couldn’t refuse. So, in my opinion, everyone hates Yanek in Ukraine and he would have passed the elections under a clean one, but in the situation that is now, he can still play by promising once again that he will come closer to Russia.
  9. makarov
    9 December 2013 07: 36
    Quote: Valery Neon
    hi In short, pure ANARCHY-SOCIETY WITHOUT A STATE (primitive).

    And how, then, to evaluate the name of the metro station "Krapotkinskaya", the father and theorist of anarchy? And what do you Valery know about anarchy? Have you read works or monographs? And how did Soviet Power support the anarchists of Spain with both material and human resources, and military equipment? The anarchist Nestor Makhno was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of almost the first twenty.
    The Crimean journalist voiced only his own opinion, and if you ask other journalists, they will tell their vision, which can only partially coincide with the author’s ......... Earlier, I said that the thieves regime of Yanukovych is already across the throat of most citizens as in the east and in the west, just someone wants to feed Old only in the plane of benderolization .. we are all different, and each has its own vision of what is happening, and this is a fact
    1. +1
      9 December 2013 07: 47
      Quote: makarov
      ... Earlier, I already said that the thieves regime of Yanukovych is already across the throat of most citizens both in the east and the west

      Now you are throwing off the thieves regime of Yanukovych and another thieves regime comes in its place and drags you to the EU promising all earthly and non-earthly benefits. What will you do?
      1. makarov
        9 December 2013 09: 54
        .. "Wake up what to do? .."

        With grief, I’ll stab the hog, and in protest, I’ve filled in a homemade sausage ... lol
        1. +4
          9 December 2013 12: 00
          Makarov, you think correctly. And you have a sense of humor. The situation, indeed, is not as straightforward as our media present us. To enter the EU for Ukraine will be suicide, it is clear. But at the same time, it is important not to admit to power those who, under beautiful slogans, understandable and close to the people, want to enter it on the people's neck, as Yeltsin once entered the Kremlin. People then also wanted changes, so they "brought" Borisk to the kingdom. As a result, they missed the moment when power passed from the people to the bourgeoisie. And now something is happening again in Russia, new bourgeoisie want to break through to power. Watching all these fire shows in Ukraine, we ourselves would not miss something again.
          10 December 2013 19: 45
          jointly with you I’ll kill the rabbit (by the way Seney called)
    2. Valery Neonov
      9 December 2013 07: 56
      So after all, I presented my vision of the situation, according to what I read. hi
    3. acute
      9 December 2013 13: 04
      Kropotkin is a great man, But Makhno this pepper of your bottling. And the order was given to him in the form of an advance or in the form of a bribe (then he was needed). Many order bearers, subsequently, were eliminated. So this does not mean anything. And Spain was helped by the whole progressive world (by the way, they were communists and anarchists). Well, I want to tell you that Kotovsky and Parkhomenko and Schors. For the educational program, the struggle is nat. movements of the outskirts of the Russian Empire for their independence is part of the civil war, just at different stages this movement had different allies
      1. acute
        9 December 2013 13: 08
        In the sense that the heroes of the civil war are ambiguous people, but very strong. In other circumstances, they would just become bandits and racketeers.
      2. acute
        9 December 2013 13: 13
        an example of Makhno and the fact that he gathered a huge army, like nothing shows the indefatigable soul of Ukraine, its rampant, desperation. but at the same time inconsistency and savagery and unpredictability (Zaporizhzhya section from the same opera)
        1. +4
          9 December 2013 16: 04
          We are ordinary people. Sometimes indefatigable, sometimes desperate, sometimes - my hut from the edge. About the same as you.
          Now my hut is on the edge, but if this Maidan throws European flags, drives these positioners and Euro-logarithms from the stands, then I will go there. And to hell with her with a hut, even if it burns. For everything is tired.
    4. +8
      9 December 2013 13: 04
      "Old only in the plane of benderolization" it does not matter at all "on the Maidan the main slogan" Glory to Ukraine - Glory to the Heroes! " I understand and support the authorities, but I will not go where they yell "glory to heroes".
  10. Criowoolf
    9 December 2013 07: 58
    It was reminded of blacks when they first encountered white people from Europe. And then they sold their fellow tribesmen and jewelry for beads and fire water fool
    1. +3
      9 December 2013 08: 01
      Quote: Criowoolf
      And then they sold their fellow tribesmen and jewelry for beads and fire water

      The beads and the fiery water were invented a fairy tale, everything was simpler. They came and took what they wanted, and those who did not want to give it were just killed.
  11. +3
    9 December 2013 08: 10
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    Now you are throwing off the thieves regime of Yanukovych and another thieves regime comes to its place and drags you into the EU promising all earthly and non-earthly benefits.

    In this case, all NPPs are decommissioned in accordance with European regulations, since They are of the "Chernobyl" type, they stopped in Visaginas, according to the same technical regulations, the industry, which provides the main income, will be stopped, from which salaries, pensions, social benefits will be paid?
    1. +1
      9 December 2013 08: 16
      Quote: saag
      In this case, all NPPs are decommissioned in accordance with European regulations, since they are of the "Chernobyl" type

      I have not heard about nuclear power plants, but they will definitely be stopped when they join the EU, and no one will let Ukraine go there.
      1. +2
        9 December 2013 12: 44
        Alexander, the most indicative example is Bulgaria. The same x..nya. In the appendage, the networks were also tidied up. EE is now being bought in Europe. And the network, by the way, is partially owned by state companies.
    2. +2
      9 December 2013 09: 34
      Oh! That’s for sure, the nuclear power plants will be stopped, and they will have to buy energy from Europeans, through American intermediaries.
      1. 0
        9 December 2013 12: 45
        Americans will buy the network! You don’t do nichrome, but grandmas go!
  12. +3
    9 December 2013 08: 18
    The inaction of the Ukrainian authorities is a favorite leadership style. But even Seneca said: He who becomes a reptile worm, can then complain that he was crushed?
    1. makarov
      9 December 2013 12: 37
      SW Genosse Valya.
      For the sake of completeness, I’ll allow a few liberties to revise what you have said, approximately in the following manner:
      But even Seneca spoke about Ukraine: (and hereinafter) wassat
  13. Sadikoff
    9 December 2013 08: 19
    In Ukraine, there is no state, a vertical of power. Instead of the head of state, the media work, the addresses and records of special services are poured into the authorities — the oligarchy is the most suitable comparison, this was under Yeltsin in Russia. In this crisis, there is a good chance to take and plant some Ukrainian Khodorkovsky material, I think enough on a charge of a coup d'etat. Yanukovych needs the help of certain specialists in working with information and financial flows. In addition to the Russian one, I think our potential friends will involuntarily help. Nobody benefits from escalation - oligarchs lost their nose, they think that this is their autonomous sandbox. First question, take oligarchs for the gills, the Maidan is secondary.
  14. +5
    9 December 2013 08: 20
    And one of the requirements of the Maidan is to hang Klitschko, Tyagnibok and Yatsenyuk next to Yanukovych on the tree.
    good good
  15. +1
    9 December 2013 08: 20
    Unvarnished revolution - a rotten and cynical thing
  16. +4
    9 December 2013 08: 44
    they are equally dressed in Adidas costumes. who wears the company adidas, that is the real .....
  17. +1
    9 December 2013 08: 50
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and a group of European conservative parties (European People's Party) intend to support the head of the UDAR party, Vitali Klitschko, as the leader of the Ukrainian opposition and the main rival of the current president, Viktor Yanukovych, in the presidential election. This was written by Der Spiegel magazine, citing informed sources in the federal government and EPP.
    It is reported that recently, Merkel’s foreign policy adviser Christoph Heusgen and German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle held confidential negotiations with V. Klitschko and promised him support.
    According to the publication, now the German authorities plan to invite V. Klitschko to speak at the next meeting of the heads of state and government from EPP members, scheduled for mid-December in Brussels. It is also assumed that V. Klitschko will personally communicate with A. Merkel.
    In addition, the party V. Klitschko receives support in the field of logistics from the EPP and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which is close to A. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union.
    1. +2
      9 December 2013 12: 13
      Klitschko is a modern Mazepa. Ukrainians, give him the Order of Judah! May he suffer the same fate in Bender.
      Quote: demotivator
      German Chancellor Angela Merkel and a group of European conservative parties (European People's Party) intend to support the head of the UDAR party, Vitali Klitschko, as the leader of the Ukrainian opposition
      1. Pinochet000
        9 December 2013 20: 12
        Quote: Valkyrie
        Klitschko is a modern Mazepa. Ukrainians, give him the Order of Judah! May he suffer the same fate in Bender.

        Nobody needs Dada karma or traitors, you can understand it in different ways ...
  18. serge
    9 December 2013 09: 14
    1. Mature naturalist
      9 December 2013 11: 31
      That's more accurate: Dunce, Experienced, Coward
      1. The comment was deleted.
  19. +4
    9 December 2013 09: 18
    Quote: demotivator
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and a group of European conservative parties (European People's Party) intend to support the head of the BLOW party

    "Fraulein Angelika" (C) decided to hold the second Drang nach Osten? Well, history does not teach people anything
    1. +1
      9 December 2013 09: 39
      This is an economic drag. And he actually succeeded, when compared with the British landing in Germany, they are already on the shore.
      Then Hitler slept, or didn’t sleep, what would he introduce reserves -and throw the enemy into the sea?
      What will the government do? Will it do everything competently, so as not to let it flare up (hard line) or blabber, promise both of them?
  20. +2
    9 December 2013 09: 29
    Yushchenko was supported by the west of Ukraine, Yanukovych by the southeast. Both were not very good as presidents. Reading the press, as I understand it, Yanukovych has ceased to suit many, but there is no worthy candidate in the opposition. Interestingly Tymoshenko is really so popular as it is written in the article that if the power comes out in the morning in the evening, it will change? If the Salafi barodachi gathered in Kiev to defend the party of the regions, then it turns out that they didn’t understand the mix at all or the journalist thought up everything (Ukrainians answer if it’s not difficult on the site) Clearly, they follow the order about the Golden Eagle.
    1. Volkhov
      9 December 2013 09: 55
      Everything is clear about the Salafists - if Yanukovych wins, then they will get ammunition in Syria, and if Tyagnibok - then Assad (and then they too). Dispute over military supplies.
      1. +10
        9 December 2013 10: 48
        Interesting Tymoshenko is really so popular ...

        My wife's sister lives in Ukraine, recently she came to visit from the Donetsk region. I asked for a laugh, "you, they say, really love tymoshenko so much." What I heard in response could not be printed in any form - the woman uttered such a selective obscenity that even I don’t know such words. The softest and most innocuous was “to die”. And this is not her only attitude. Here is such a popularity.
        1. zmey_gadukin
          9 December 2013 11: 56
          Quote: Dimy4
          Here is such a popularity.

          in fact, Julia has her fans, this is mainly the center of Ukraine.
          To be honest, I did not even expect that she had so many of them.
          Although thousands of articles were written about the shadow schemes and kickbacks of Lady Yu ...
    2. +2
      9 December 2013 13: 15
      not ... not invented ... that's all
      1. +1
        9 December 2013 18: 34
        It’s clear about Yu, and what are the Salafists who want to get into a party of regions? about ammunition is not clear? Yanukovych that promised to sell them to militants?
        1. +2
          9 December 2013 19: 16
          Quote: Semurg
          It’s clear about Yu, and what are the Salafists who want to get into a party of regions?

          Apparently the Party of Regions is not in the openwork at all, since they needed Salafists !!
      2. The comment was deleted.
      10 December 2013 19: 50
      Honestly, Julia is no one and not on
  21. +2
    9 December 2013 09: 48
    Quote: mirag2
    This is an economic drag. And he actually succeeded, when compared with the British landing in Germany, they are already on the shore.

    Well, Hitler also came to Ukraine and exported raw materials and people from there, but how it ended
    1. +1
      9 December 2013 16: 08
      You do not compare! The whole USSR fought for Ukraine. And now she is alone, there is help only from the West and only one part of it - the opposition-minded. Not a single infection will help the Ukrainian people, it will already be regarded as interference in internal affairs.
  22. +9
    9 December 2013 10: 17
    "Interestingly, Maidan is not those who dream of living in Ukraine, but those who want to work in European brothels and eateries on a Schengen visa. As always, they confused a wedding with rape."
  23. +1
    9 December 2013 10: 24
    Western politicians defeated in the struggle for Ukraine in an open, political struggle, decided to act around the corner, like bandits from the highway. In order not to rock a situation that could get out of hand and the authorities and the opposition, it is necessary to organize a popular vote in the country - a referendum. Whatever the people choose, so be it!
  24. +1
    9 December 2013 10: 41
    Kiev: "march of a billion"
    Numbers are a crafty thing. Especially when it comes to protests. Where ten thousand - there is a million. No one counts. And with the help of the “television picture” you can create the complete illusion of a huge mass of people. The opposition tore off the “March of Millions” brand from the Russians, since by definition it cannot come up with anything normal. Using the magic of numbers with six zeros, public consciousness is branded and suppressed. The technology is not tricky, but tested during previous promotions. What to expect from the upcoming “march”? How will events develop?
    Sunday's protest is announced as "the last and decisive battle with the gangster regime." Klitschko, Yatsenyuk and Tyagnibok drove themselves into the script of a “popular uprising”. It must be understood that the peaceful outcome of the "march" no longer suits them. Since the people of Kiev did not rebel, over the past week, the recruited "activists" from Galicia have literally flooded the city. The main emphasis is on students, who should become the main driving force of the "revolution". Under their cover, militants from ultranationalist organizations stationed in "winter apartments" will act. They receive enhanced nutrition, do not freeze on the Maidan. They have one task - the assault. This is precisely the main goal of the upcoming events. Just to get together in the cold, listen to the leaders and disperse - this option is no longer possible. This means the end of the Maidan and, therefore, the end of the December events.

    For three days, opposition leaders have been actively negotiating with American and European politicians and diplomats, the purpose of which is to obtain consent to the use of force and the subsequent recognition by the world community of a “government of popular trust” or a “technical government” that will be formed illegitimately.
  25. +4
    9 December 2013 10: 42
    (continuation of the article)
    Americans and Europeans gave the green light. Events will soon begin to develop according to a radical scenario. Visitors from Western Ukraine concentrate on the Maidan, where they listen to the performances of artists and musicians. Their mood is fueled by the performances of Oleg Tyagnibok and Ruslana Lyzhichko. It is possible that Ruslana is going to repeat the crown number of Lilia Grigorovia (“Our Ukraine”): she will douse herself with gasoline and strike a malfunctioning lighter. In general, there are more than enough people who want to set themselves on fire in the name of "independent European Europe". Moreover, for a very modest reward. As the rally continues, the militants begin to storm the main goals - the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Presidential Administration. At the same time, a large group of motorists advances to Mezhigorye. Thousands of students come to the rescue from the square to become the main victim of the upcoming assault. Inexperienced, unprepared boys and girls attack riot police, scoop up and this becomes top news.

    At this time, the militants infiltrate the administrative buildings. The maximum task is to show how people break into the Rada, run around the session hall, and demand to include the live broadcast of the "uprising". This television picture is quickly transferred to all international news channels that drive it in a circle in the "top-news" mode. Plus, a constant video series about hundreds of victims of the assault: bloodied faces, "Golden Eagle" with batons, beating people lying down, tear gas clouds, fires and smoke bombs. If the assault on the Council of Rada is stalled, then Plan B provides for the arson of the building to the general jubilation of the crowd. A similar scenario, subject to active informational support in the right way according to the calculations of the organizers, should demoralize the power structures and end with a complete seizure of the government quarter. The flight of the president and members of the government to Russia will be announced. On the fifth channel, news will constantly be circulating that secret documents are being burned in the AP, that people burst into Yanukovych’s residence and are looking for a gold toilet there. Toward evening, either Klitschko or Yatsenyuk should appear on television channels and read out an appeal to the residents of Ukraine. The diplomatic missions will promptly confirm their readiness to conduct a dialogue with the leaders of the "rebels" on the issue of Ukraine’s accession to the EU.

    The exact number of victims is difficult to predict. But when the radical scenario is launched, hundreds of dead and wounded will be reported.
    Alexander Zubchenko
  26. +8
    9 December 2013 10: 43
    got this Ukraine! this under-state for 20 years Crimea has only brought harm and hatred of everything Ukrainian. this has not happened before.
  27. +8
    9 December 2013 10: 47
    Meanwhile, while the monument to Lenin was "overthrown" in Kiev - The first monument to Lenin in the USSR was restored in Odessa
    The event took place on November 7 in the territory of the shipyard "Ukraine".
    The monument was moved to a new place in connection with the construction of the grain complex, flower beds were laid next to the monument, paving slabs were laid .... This is the third opening of this monument, which was the first monument to V.I. in the Soviet Union (except for lifetime). To Lenin. It was opened in Odessa in 1924. They put it on the territory of the Shipyard for the money of the workers and their forces. It was made according to the project of the master-caster M.I. Fedotova. Foundry workers cast a bust of V.I. Lenin after school hours.
    On May 2, 1924, the grand opening of the monument took place in a factory yard filled to capacity. An anvil with a sickle and a hammer was installed on the foundation in the form of a lying flat massive five-pointed star. Five pipes resting on the rays of the star supported the globe, on which the chains of capitalism are torn. On it rose a bust of V.I. Lenin. The monument is made of bronze and marble.
    During the fascist occupation, this monument was destroyed. But all the drawings and documentation were saved.
    History repeats itself. The fascists are crushing, the working people are rebuilding! THANKS TO ODESSA!
    1. acute
      9 December 2013 15: 46
      about the monument. I am driving in the car and listening to the radio broadcast "Vesti" FM. The question "How do you feel about this.?" Answer (Ukrainian) "Well, they walked by just turned up on the arm and broke. But 90% of Russians do not think that this is an attitude towards Russia. "Another (Russian)" Yes, these scoundrels are not just a monument, but ..... I think everyone thinks so "Gentlemen, you are responsible for yourself, not for all the people. And be more modest. You can't put modern politicians even close.
  28. ded_73
    9 December 2013 10: 51
    The author is in many ways right. I myself am a direct participant in the events, because it is impossible to live in Kiev and not be involved in these events. In the most important thing, the author is right - GOT !!!!!!! It’s wrong, impossible, impossible to live like Ukraine is living now! I see how these events appear on Russian channels and I’m not going to argue, but I am proud that my people, regardless of their place of residence, are ready to defend, first of all, their human dignity and their honor. Not lazy - read, it explains a lot -
    1. +10
      9 December 2013 11: 05
      Quote: ded_73
      but I am proud that my people, regardless of their place of residence, are ready to protect, first of all, their human dignity and their honor.

      Human dignity and honor, as it is not associated with pussed porches. So tired that they are under the flags of the UPA. And I guarantee you that there wouldn’t be anyone on the maidan now, sign Yanukovych a piece of paper with the EU. This is not a protest against the authorities - this is for Yatsenyuk and all this trash. Even if you don’t want to, but you are speaking out for them.
      1. +1
        9 December 2013 13: 18
        The main thing is that you understand perfectly well at the distance ...
    2. +1
      9 December 2013 11: 13
      revolution devours its children
    3. +4
      9 December 2013 11: 15
      Quote: ded_73
      but I am proud that my people, regardless of their place of residence, are ready to protect, first of all, their human dignity and their honor.

      But for some reason this "regardless of place of residence" is determined primarily by Western Ukraine.

      Yes, the author is right. He is a war correspondent, and presented his point of view in a completely different way than the rest of the media. And if someone believes that the guys from VV and Berkut acted VERY Tough, then let him go and try to stand in their place.
    4. +2
      9 December 2013 12: 06
      The link is one continuous demagogy. Never and nowhere have "millions" been power, but only a tool in the hands of demagogues. You have already collected millions on the last Maidan "on click" have you really learned nothing?
    5. garlik
      9 December 2013 13: 22
      Nobody in Ukraine loves you Kievites for rednecking, stupidity, dementia, zhastuy philistine. And here you can see your maidanu consciousness
      1. +2
        9 December 2013 13: 34
        Quote: garlik
        Nobody in Ukraine loves you Kievites for rednecking, stupidity, dementia, zhastuy philistine. And here you can see your maidanu consciousness

        Respected! There are almost no real Kievans left! Beginning with "nezalezhnosti", all the deputies from the memory were pulling their relatives here, knocking out apartments and benefits for them ... One managed to move almost his entire village here! Yes, now the contingent is from there on the Maidan. And the normal people of Kiev, as indicated in the article, go and admonish, explain, try to prevent ... but against such a crowd of them, they are really SMALL!
        1. garlik
          9 December 2013 13: 45
          I agree. Here in one video there was clearly a Kiev doctor-urologist and scared police officers with prostatitis, adenoma, which they were going to treat for money. Pleasant person.
  29. +3
    9 December 2013 10: 53
    Everything is mixed up, people are horses ... (s)

    It seems that fools and hypocrites are doing politics in Ukraine.
    Ukrainians feel sorry for them to disentangle ... regardless of the results of the Maidan, I do not think that their situation will change much for the better.
  30. 128mgb
    9 December 2013 12: 03
    Judging by the history of Ukraine, everything is back to square one. A country torn from Russia is captured by Poles. Local capital, in principle, doesn’t care who will be in the laborers, but the donets understand that it will not work out in 2004. Released, in the event of a loss to Yanukovych, to Tymoshenko’s freedom, and this will happen immediately without waiting for a court decision, he will cruelly take revenge. Therefore, the current government will not give up so easily, they will wait for the opposition’s mistakes. And so, in which case there’s nowhere to retreat, Lviv is behind them. And what then will only God know!
  31. So_o_tozh
    9 December 2013 12: 36
    What can I say, I hope common sense will win on the Maidan and all attempts by the European sidelines to destabilize the situation will end in nothing. In my office, after several conversations about the Maidan, everything stopped when I spoke out to the surprise of many people that I had that Maidan and a geyeurope with him. wassat
  32. garlik
    9 December 2013 13: 19
    The interview is confusing. The dude seems to be in the center of events, but Nigher didn’t figure it out! Salafists + Lviv + Crimean golden eagle + eastern regions are all friends against Yanukovych. crying Yes, no one likes Yanyk, but everyone has already figured out that this is a coup d'etat and its ram is Bandera of all stripes, the "fifth column" of the Klitschko brothers (who will now lose the sympathy of half of Ukraine for sure).
      10 December 2013 19: 58
      GOP coup will be more accurate
  33. +4
    9 December 2013 13: 24
    all the participants on the site are probably either from Russia or from the southeastern regions of Ukraine, as a representative of the absolute minority of the Russian-speaking population of western Ukraine, I can say that you are deeply mistaken in saying that common sense will win, Ukraine will not exist within its current borders due to irresistible antagonism between zapadents and southeast, the question now is only how the border will pass, it is clear that only Galicia will not end
    1. garlik
      9 December 2013 13: 42
      hope without blood
  34. 0
    9 December 2013 13: 24
    Today I watched the news, Ukrainian Maidan "patriots" monument to V.I. Lenin was demolished. Now life in Ukraine will definitely get better! wassat
  35. MG42
    9 December 2013 13: 33
    - Acceleration of euromaidan is attributed to the Crimean "Golden Eagle" ...

    This is an information duck, the basis of which was the observation of 2 buses with Crimean numbers that night on the Maidan, it is enough to listen to the golden eagle’s talks during the dispersal of the Maidan and understand that 95% of the special forces’s talks are in Ukrainian mov.
    As for those conscripts from VV who suffered on Bankova and went to the hospital, they say that they were taught to act completely different from what happened in these events, they just stood, for some time even without shields, who gave them such an order, although they speak in interview that there was no order ..
  36. 0
    9 December 2013 13: 45
    Conclusion: someone purposefully merges the explosives of Ukraine.
  37. +1
    9 December 2013 14: 10
    I wonder where our syphilitic fighters against the regime are. Probably business travelers from the State Department have not yet been listed. The poor fellow are late for the distribution of elephants. Yes
  38. -2
    9 December 2013 15: 08
    They got Ukraine all. yes let them go wherever they want. for me it's better to the west. less headaches in Russia. (and the groaned Jew when he was born)
  39. +3
    9 December 2013 15: 32
    Sorry, but I’ll repeat my post again. A very (for me) nice message.

    "Euromaidanists" urgently need gasoline, water and firewood
    Interested people of Kiev ask for help

    Protesters on the Independence Square in Kiev urgently need generators, gasoline, military tents, electric heaters, hot food and water. This is written by the MFN with reference to the press service of the Headquarters of National Resistance.

    At present, Euromaidan activists need: a 30 kW generator machine, A-95 gasoline (urgent!), Water and firewood (urgent!), Generators, military tents, sheds for potbelly stoves, plastic tables and chairs, electric heaters, electric kettles, thermoses , flashlights, Euro pallets, plastic puffs, styrodur, helmets, extension cords 25 meters, shovels, sand and salt in bags.

    Activists also need warm jackets, warm gloves, disposable tableware, garbage bags, topping up communications, ready hot food, sandwich slices, cheese, bread, instant soups, cookies, sweets, fruits, vegetables, Wi-Fi intertelecom router.

    The headquarters of the national resistance appeals to the people of Kiev with a request to help the protesters in the center of the capital.
    Did the money run out or the organizers stole? belay And they also need to hold out for another 48 hours! laughing Or maybe there are people who want to help?laughing Pass the parcel by train Moscow-Kiev! wassat
    1. +1
      9 December 2013 16: 23
      And they won’t take money ??? laughing
      1. 0
        10 December 2013 11: 03
        You can offer fat, just do not refuse.
    2. +1
      10 December 2013 00: 42
      Read the comments and understand how people generally relate to this event. Something I did not find a single sympathy. But he received a charge of positive sarcasm.
      Read uv visitors to the forum and understand. The comments are encouraging.
  40. +6
    9 December 2013 16: 26
    Not that now Mirgorod, Khorol-rіchka not that

    Why do we break spears?
    Did Berkut do something unprecedented? On the set of this Kiev outrage in the large crowd of Korchinsky's goats, there was only one person who clearly stood up for the boys in uniform. The rest were - YAWNS!
    You know, there is one version of the occurrence of the word SHAME - "I see fire", i.e. I look at the trouble of others and do nothing, I yawn. So, Kyyans, your offspring got it right in the face, and I am entirely on the side of the Golden Eagle. You can't do it, it's a shame - to be a creative, onlooker
  41. +3
    9 December 2013 19: 21
    Loot is running out, so Janek will soon be "happy". Klitschko was shown on TV, his head was definitely beaten off, with his phrase: if there is violence, it will not be reparable, he clearly "shows" the existence of a conspiracy to "ask for help" from the demosrats.
  42. Little Russia
    9 December 2013 20: 16
    I myself served in a special regiment, which has now been to this three times fucking Maidan. 73-75 years. And I am very sorry for these guys who have suffered such stress. But, it is thought that the stress will burn out, a lot will be overestimated and they will firmly know who their enemy is, regardless of the commands of the authorities. By the way, I’m sure that platoon commanders, and indeed their companies, are experiencing the incident. They were not only substituted by the highest authorities, but simply unprepared. It is one thing to patrol on the streets in uniform and quite another to stand under stones, sticks, gas and in front of a moving bulldozer. And the opposite side crossed the threshold of what is permissible and became closer to the beast. they can hardly return back - after all, you just need to try this diabolical taste of blind and inventive hatred, impunity, voluntarily step on the Other side. The way back will be much harder. To blame them, freaks or, at least, to mutilate properly ...
  43. +1
    9 December 2013 20: 23
    I didn’t even read either the article or the comments TIRED.
  44. fastblast
    9 December 2013 20: 30
    Thanks so much for the article!

    I am from Kiev, apolitical, but after the dispersal of students who would have left in a couple of days, the first time I went to the Maidan and already protested against lawlessness.

    But in general, Janushescu must answer to the fullest extent. "You don't know the ford, don't get into the water!"
      10 December 2013 20: 02
      and this summer in Greece students were dispersed by water cannons and plastic bullets - Europe
  45. +1
    9 December 2013 20: 32
    Quote: Boris63
    Loot is running out, so Janek will soon be "happy". Klitschko was shown on TV, his head was definitely beaten off, with his phrase: if there is violence, it will not be reparable, he clearly "shows" the existence of a conspiracy to "ask for help" from the demosrats.

    Yeah .. Yanukovych (former head of the garage) Klitschko if there is a president (God forbid) .. with the party "headbutt" The people of Ukraine will long remember this knockdown..midown .. (sweeping the streets in gay Europe ..) Klitschko Germans support (quietly ..) But the Poles want a civil war (it’s not for nothing that they all ran into the Maidan) .. Rzeczpospolita is dreaming of them again .. Russia is on its knees and the Poles on horses in feathers are galloping across the vastness of our country .. I will hold the men together with my teeth. . (This is revenge for Syria ..) .. Anglo-Saxons tear and toss Putin practically pulled Ukraine out of the "EU bed" and stuffed it on the cheeks like come to your senses .. !!
  46. 0
    9 December 2013 22: 04
    it’s clear that the people got the power, it’s not clear what kind of woof ... but on this wave it will climb Olympus, the people in any situation are extreme .... instrument
  47. sxn278619
    9 December 2013 22: 31
    Poles stir up water. Well, we must give them western Ukraine in 1939.
    Everyone is happy.
  48. +1
    10 December 2013 00: 44
    General Frost is getting closer ... I'm already against water cannons ... we simply will not tear them away from the asphalt. So we can do without water cannons.
  49. Ishtan
    10 December 2013 06: 08
    Lord, is it really like this happened in our 90s?
  50. +1
    10 December 2013 06: 40
    Two Ukrainians partisan detachment, three-partisan detachment with a traitor.
  51. 0
    10 December 2013 07: 58
    All calls on the Maidan are an open betrayal of the statehood of UKRAINE!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"