Who shot the leader? About the attempt on Lenin

Who shot the leader? About the attempt on Lenin95 years ago there was an attempt on the life of Lenin. In response, a campaign of “red terror” unfolded - rivers of human blood flooded across all Soviet cities. But up until today in all this stories too much remains mysterious.

In the summer of 1918, it became clear to Lenin that his policy of balancing between rival imperialist camps had failed. The Germans and their allies took possession of the western and southern regions of the former Russian Empire. Entente powers set their sights on Siberia, the Russian North. Lenin considered them more dangerous enemies. The Germans were satisfied with the fact that they managed to capture, without making claims to other territories. Moreover, as Vladimir Ilyich expected, in the World War Germany had to lose. It means that it will be possible to refuse obligations to it. If the British and Americans sit on the neck, it will be difficult to get rid of them.

After the landings of the Entente landed in Arkhangelsk, secret negotiations began in Berlin. The Bolsheviks asked Germany for patronage and alliance. 27 August was signed a secret treaty, which received the name “Brest-2” from historians. Soviet Russia paid 6 billion rubles in gold, yielded a third of the oil produced, pledged to supply 60 million pounds of grain and other food. But for this the Germans promised military aid, joint actions against the Entente and the White Guards. In America, England, France, the contract could not be liked. Yes, and he could not remain a secret - regardless of any secrecy regimes.

Trotsky himself acted as an emissary of Western circles in the Soviet leadership, constantly playing up to the designs of the Entente. In close connection with him, Sverdlov acted. "Brest-2" concluded Joffe, one of Trotsky's faithful assistants. And around Lev Davidovich many nasty spies nestled - the head of the American mission, ladle Robins, a journalist John Reed, the Consul General of Britain Lockhart. Under the guise of specialists who helped create the Red Army, English intelligence agents Hill, Boyce, Cromie, French — Sadoul and Vertimon, labored. This is where Sydney Reilly turned out to be - he had previously known Lev Davidovich, represented his uncle Abram Zhivotovsky’s company in the USA. The manager of affairs of the Council of People's Commissars V.D. Bonch-Bruevich, Chief of the Supreme Military Council, General MD Bonch-Bruyevich, Lenin’s secretary Boris Reinstein, Deputy People’s Commissar of Communications Veniamin Sverdlov (he was Reilly’s bosom friend in America), and others.

But the Soviet special services gradually gained experience, improved their methods. But Dzerzhinsky absolutely did not like such an active fuss of Western intelligence services. In June, the Chekists took 1918 on the trail of foreign structures in Petrograd. Felix Edmundovich sent there the Latvians of Buykis and Sprogis. They managed to instill confidence in the British agents, they were brought down from Reilly. Subsequently, Reilly liked to pretend to be “ace espionage.” He really obtained very valuable information (through Bonch-Bruyevich and Veniamin Sverdlov). But the ace was clearly not. He pecked at dummy security officers, found it very promising - according to legend, they had many friends in the shelves of Latvian riflemen.

After the checks, Reilly presented Buikis and Sprogis to “the boss” himself - the British naval attache Commander Cromie. In St. Petersburg, he carried out the general management of intelligence. Latvians also liked him, he sent them to Moscow, to Lockhart. Lockhart himself recalled: “I was sitting at dinner when the bell rang and the servant reported to me about the arrival of two people. One of them ... brought me a letter from Cromie, which I carefully checked, but made sure that this letter was undoubtedly written by Cromi's hand. Typical for such a brave officer like Cromie, was the phrase that he was preparing to leave Russia and was going to slam the door behind him ... "

Buikis and Sprogis were instructed to recruit one of the commanders who were to guard the Kremlin. This role, on behalf of Dzerzhinsky, was played by the commander of the Latvian Artillery Division, E.P. Berzin. First, fake agents were given assignments of an intelligence nature. But then the preparation for a coup came to the fore. Lockhart explained: “Now is the right time to replace the Soviet government ... You can be of great help in organizing the coup ... You must remove Lenin from the very beginning. With Lenin alive, our business will fail. ” He promised: “Money will be enough for this”. In several receptions he paid out to Berzin 1,2 million rubles.

Successfully acted not only the KGB. Counterintelligence of the Red fleet led by Lieutenant Abramovich managed to sit on the tail of the British. She kept an eye on Cromie, and organized a constant monitoring of Reilly. “As espionage” did not even realize that they had been following him for three months, his every movement was noted. Numerous contacts and addresses were recorded. Meanwhile, the conspirators were preparing to implement their plans. Subsequently, during the search, a document was written by Andre Marchand, personal representative of the French President Poincare in Russia. He reported to his government that on August 24, a secret meeting was held at the US Consulate General with the participation of the Consul Generals of the United States (Bullet) and France (Grenara). At the same time, the author of the report accidentally happened to hear a conversation between British and French intelligence officers.

Marchant indignantly described how Raleigh boasted that “he was preparing an explosion of the bridge over the Volkhov near Zvanka. It is enough to throw your eyes on the map to make sure that the destruction of this bridge is tantamount to starvation, a complete famine of Petrograd, since the city would be cut off from the East, where all the bread comes from ... The French agent added that he is working on the explosion of the Cherepovets Bridge, will lead to similar consequences ... I am deeply convinced that this is not about the isolated intention of individual agents. And all this can have one disastrous result: to throw Russia into an increasingly bloody struggle, condemning it to inhuman suffering ... ”

Note, the overthrow of the Soviet government was no question! Entente powers had the opportunity to overthrow her long ago, if you wanted. But the White Guards were supported only for the sake of greater instigation of the civil war and the collapse of Russia, for the sake of their own introduction into its economy, politics and finance. US President Wilson, like the British Prime Minister Lloyd George, did everything possible so that the Russian patriots, the supporters of the "one and indivisible", could not win. As for the August conspiracy of 1918, all documents and statements of Western intelligence and diplomats featured only "government replacement", "coup", the elimination of Lenin. Preparing a purely apical coup. But the diversions mentioned by Marchand were not worked out by chance. It was at this time in Berlin that the joint offensive of the Germans and the Bolsheviks in the North was discussed - the bombings of the bridges should have thwarted these plans.

Who was to head the government after the liquidation of Lenin? Obviously, the person most loyal to the Entente. Trotsky. He will open the front to the allies, distribute to them and sell off what remains of the country. Is it possible to consider it an accident that the shots of the terrorist attacks rattled through 6 days after the secret meeting described above in the US Consulate General? And three days after signing the agreement “Brest-2”! On the morning of August 30 in St. Petersburg, Junker Kannegisser shot and killed the Cheka chairman Uritzky. Dzerzhinsky left for urgent investigation. And in the evening he banged a revolver at the Michelson factory. The wounded Lenin fell ...

In this case, inconsistencies and frauds almost immediately began to roll. Random people who did not see the assassination detained a certain Fanny Kaplan. She was just nearby, stood at the tram stop, when stunned people ran past. Her hands were occupied with an umbrella and a "suitcase", and she herself was ... half-blind. A few steps did not see anything. For this reason, I could not even work, I was hanging around with friends. Hundreds of people were witnesses to the shots at Lenin, but there was no confrontation on the identification of Kaplan with anyone! The only witness who allegedly identified her was Lenin’s driver Gil (although his testimony is confusing, some protocols mention only “a hand with a revolver”). And Vladimir Ilyich himself asked about the murderer-man: “Did you catch him or not?”

Of the protocols, where Kaplan, like, admits to the attempt, some are not signed. On others, it is not known whether Kaplan's signature is authentic. All the “evidence” of her guilt and involvement in the Social Revolutionary terrorist organization surfaced much later - in 1922 during the process of the right SRs. However, the process itself was rigged from start to finish. “Evidence” sounded from the mouths of provocateurs. Moreover, the defendant Yevgenia Ratner famously brought them to the clear water - she had seen Kaplan in penal servitude in due time and asked to describe her appearance. None of the hypothetical supporters of the “Social Revolutionary terrorist organization” could do this ...

Famous historian A.I. Utkin linked together two assassinations. The first is July 6 1918, when the security chief of Trotsky Blumkin shot German ambassador Mirbach. The second was at the Michelson factory: “The murder of the German ambassador was bound to cause repression in Berlin. The killing of Lenin would have meant the departure from the political arena of the biggest supporter of the world with Germany. ” And many indirect data show that the organization of the terrorist act and the preparation of the coup are somehow connected with a very dark figure in the Soviet leadership, Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov.

The information on which meetings the members of the government will speak, and who exactly, were secret. The places and times of speeches were distributed by the agitational department of the Central Executive Committee and the Secretariat of the Central Committee, subordinated to Sverdlov. A note by Yakov Mikhailovich to Lenin, transmitted on the eve of the assassination, was preserved: “Warn all the commissarists that, if invited and appointed to rallies, no one has the right to refuse.” Never before and after Sverdlov did not write such notes. When the Moscow Party Committee in connection with the murder of Uritsky decided to cancel rallies and speeches of leaders, Sverdlov raised a scandal and insisted to hold them - “Well, are we going to hide?”

But Yakov Mikhailovich was also subordinate to the Kremlin’s guard - selective, trained. For some reason, there were no guards at the Mikhelson plant near Vladimir Ilyich. Were obliged to be - and was not! And then no one was asked! But immediately after being wounded, Sverdlov was the first to rush to the leader’s office. He declared: “Everything has been colluded with Ilyich” - and without prior arrangement, without any meetings, without asking anyone for opinions, intercepted the leadership of the government and the Party Central Committee. The highest power in the country.

By the way, the first thing Sverdlov used for this power was that he actually removed Dzerzhinsky from the investigation. Arranged to Felix Edmundovich stayed in St. Petersburg. Say, in Moscow and without him cope. Yakov Mikhailovich entrusted the investigation to his protege Peters, connected other proxies: Kursk, Petrovsky, Kozlovsky, Avanesov, Skrypnik. And the main investigators in the assassination case were two of Sverdlov's henchmen, whom he used for his dirtiest operations - Kingisepp and the regicide Yurovsky. Already one appointment of this “couple” would be enough to suspect that something was wrong. For unknown reasons, Kaplan was taken from the Lubyanka to the Kremlin. Only here in the Kremlin did she suddenly give out all the necessary “confessions”. Immediately after that, she was shot, and the corpse was burned. Obviously made impossible to identify!

But after all, Dzerzhinsky was not a fool at all. He also took action. The main part of the agent networks had already been opened by that time. Dzerzhinsky initially intended to still watch them. But in connection with the assassination attempt on Lenin, he gave the order to take it immediately. On the night of September 1, the Cheka made mass arrests at identified addresses. In Moscow, the British Consul General Lockhart, the French Consul General Grenar, and related persons were detained. At the same time, the network in Petrograd was crushed. Only in one building, which belonged to the departing British embassy, ​​about 40 conspirators were seized. After the shots at Lenin, they began to stir violently, stretching to gather together. And then they covered them ...

Further events were overlaid with bloody orgy. 2 September on the initiative of Sverdlov issued a decree of the Central Executive Committee on the "red terror". On September 5, under its chairmanship, a similar resolution was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars (government): “We need to immediately, once and for all, clean our rear from the White Guard bastards ... Not the slightest delay in applying mass terror ... Not an eye for an eye, but a thousand eyes for one. A thousand lives of the bourgeoisie for the life of the leader! ”

In general, in Russia, blood was already flowing with might and main. It rained on the civil fronts, with political opponents cracked down in the rear. But the ruling on the "red terror" as it legitimized the atrocities. Approved the provision that people can be exterminated without any crime on their part, without a court. They took hostages from the clergy and intellectuals. In Moscow, in the “Lenin days”, about a thousand people were killed. Karl Radek demanded that the executions be public - then they will have a stronger impact. At first they were shot “solemnly” on the Khodynka field, to the music of the orchestra. But the Red Army, allocated for the killings, could not stand it, rebelled. They were replaced by the Chinese and began to execute without music.

In St. Petersburg, the successor of Uritsky Boky, one of the favorites of Sverdlov, was executed by 1300 people. At the places Yakov Mikhailovich centrally directed the assignments, strictly demanded accountability. There were reports from provincial cities. Somewhere they shot 30, somewhere 150 or 200 ... Trotsky warmly supported the campaign. He declared that “deterrence is a powerful means of politics, and one must be a hypocrite not to understand this”. He was at the front, just in those days he took Kazan - and arranged such a “revenge” for Lenin, that a week later the red print reported: “Kazan is empty. Not a single priest, no monk, no bourgeois ". After this massacre in political cartoons, Trotsky was portrayed on piles of skulls.

However, the wound of Lenin, for whom "revenge", was not too serious. He quickly recovered and September 17 appeared at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars. Not here it was! Sverdlov was clearly in no hurry to return power to “dear Vladimir Ilyich”. He quickly attracted doctors and spent a decision through the Central Committee: send Lenin to rest. I found for this a secluded estate Gorki. And all ties with the leader Yakov Mikhailovich closed on himself! He himself decided who to allow for the meeting. No one from the government or party leaders appeared in Gorki - only Sverdlov informed Vladimir Ilyich on current issues and personally selected protection. She received instructions to safeguard Lenin's security, but also to follow strictly - no extraneous contacts.

Sverdlov dispersed away and other leaders who did not belong to his group. The People's Commissar of Food, Tsyurupa, announced that he looked bad, sent him on leave for two months. And on October 2 the meeting of the Central Committee raised the issue of the work of the Cheka. Various shortcomings were revealed, they decided to prepare a new regulation on the Cheka. But at the same time, Yakov Mikhailovich let a mine go that Dzerzhinsky overworked - and he, too, was kicked out on leave. Generally sent abroad. Let, they say, go to the family in Switzerland.

By the way, Dzerzhinsky was removed from the leadership of the Cheka twice. And both times - when he “crossed the road” to Sverdlov and Trotsky. The first time after the murder of Mirbach and the “Left Socialist-Revolutionary insurrection”. Then a strange statement appeared of Felix Edmundovich himself that he was a “witness” in this case, therefore he could not head the Cheka. He was replaced by Peters. Dzerzhinsky was returned to the previous post only August 22. He grabbed the unwinding of Lockhart's plot - and they got rid of him again. Again replaced Peters. Well, Yakov Mikhailovich kept Lenin under various pretexts for almost a month in Gorki! At first he referred to doctors. Then, at the direction of Sverdlov, the commandant of the Kremlin, Malkov, began to lie as if the repair had not been completed in the leader’s Moscow apartment. But one day Malkov let it out. Lenin caused a scandal, did not listen to anything else, and on October 18 returned to the capital.

In the meantime, there was no Vladimir Ilyich and Felix Edmundovich, the investigation into the espionage coil took a definite turn. It was entrusted to Victor Kingisepp. As an investigator in special cases of the Supreme Tribunal of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Kingisepp was subordinate to Sverdlov. This person appeared here as it was in all the most slippery situations when it was necessary to stir up the water. He summed up the execution of the head of the Baltic Fleet Shchastnogo, investigated the murder of Mirbach, the attempt on Lenin - safely writing off all the blame on Kaplan and burying other versions. But in the Lockhart case, the work was completely different! Even somehow unusual for the Soviet authorities in the fall of 1918!

Indeed, at the same time thousands of people were sent to executions without any guilt, “in the order of the red terror”. And the spies were taken on the scheduled lists, at the identified addresses and turnout, arrested at least a hundred people. But Kingisepp and his henchmen felt that for most of them the evidence of guilt was too weak. Let go on all four sides. The Supreme Tribunal trial opened in November - and out of the hundred, only 24 defendants remained. And then the four main defendants were tried in absentia. Sydney Reilly and the French intelligence officer Heinrich Vertimon managed to escape. The English and French consuls general, Lockhart and Grenar, had diplomatic immunity. By order of Dzerzhinsky, the KGB detained them, but, as it were, “conditionally”, unofficially. In London, the Soviet representative Litvinov was immediately arrested, and an exchange was made; Lockhart and Grenar left for their homeland.

And without them, only the “trifle” found itself on the dock. A couple of retired generals, a couple of officers, employees, several ladies, who came across the arrests of the liaison of the Czechoslovak Corps Iozef Pshenichko. The main defendants were the American Kalamatiano (an ordinary spy, he was listed on the Reilly network as “Agent No. 15”) and an officer in the military communications department Alexander Fride. The trial itself could be more than loud! It was presented a lot of witnesses found during searches of documents and other evidence. But ran through them superficially, selectively.

For example, in these testimonies mentions of the preparation for the murder of Lenin were repeatedly flashed. But ... the court on this topic did not focus. He didn’t specify, didn’t ask any questions, didn’t dig up. These references did not attempt to link up with the real attempt on Lenin. Witnesses reported that not only English and French participated in the conspiracy, but also the American Consul General — they also hushed up the facts and fenced off American diplomats. And some figures were completely erased. At no meeting, in any testimony, the names of Trotsky, the Bonch-Bruyevich brothers, the Sverdlov brothers, etc., were not mentioned.

Obviously, silence was a payment for life. The sentences turned out to be amazingly soft! The court justified the eight, found the guilt unproven, one lady received 3 months in prison, seven years in 5 years, the unlucky Czech contact person - imprisonment until the end of the war with the Czechs. To the execution, the absent Locke, Grenar, Reilly, Vertimon were sentenced if they suddenly appeared within the borders of Soviet Russia. Calamatiano and Vrida were convicted. But they immediately appealed to the Central Executive Committee, and the execution of the sentence was suspended. A year later, they were released. In the case of proven espionage and a grand international conspiracy, not a single person was executed!

And here's another fact. For comparison. In the absence of Dzerzhinsky, Peters revealed another “conspiracy”. At the headquarters of the Red Fleet. Officers of the maritime counterintelligence, led by Lieutenant Abramovich, were arrested. The very person who managed to establish surveillance of Reilly and revealed all his connections! Abramovich was accused of “counter-revolution” and was put in charge of the “conspiracy”. Petitions from seamen fell down, they argued that an error had occurred. Lawyers petitioned for pardon. Regardless, Abramovich was shot. His lawyer Kobyakov let it slip - the head of the counterintelligence of the fleet was eliminated, because he "knew something about Trotsky."

In general, the conclusion suggests itself - the shots at the Michelson plant were heard precisely in the framework of the coup that was prepared by Western intelligence services and their emissaries in the Soviet government. But Dzerzhinsky counter-attack on the network Locart paralyzed the conspirators. Well, in September-October, the plans to eliminate Lenin were no longer relevant. Germany suffered a crushing defeat in France and collapsed. Her alliance with the Bolsheviks no longer posed any danger to the Entente. And if so, even if Lenin is ruling further, let Soviet Russia be considered a “German ally”.
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  1. makarov
    30 November 2013 08: 19
    The historical fact described above, at one time also interested me, I had to work hard, and if any of the readers are interested, you can read: http://www.russianvienna.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=23:
  2. makarov
    30 November 2013 08: 19
    The historical fact described above, at one time also interested me, I had to work hard, and if any of the readers are interested, you can read: http://www.russianvienna.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=23:
    1. +1
      30 November 2013 16: 45
      Trotsky. SVEODLOV ... Johnson (Vice President) at Kennedy.
      Fear ALWAYS the Second, for they ALWAYS want to be the First!
      PS "Thanks" to Rutskoi, the post of vice president was removed in the Russian Federation ...
  3. +4
    30 November 2013 09: 04
    British special services organized an attempt on Ilyich, because he "threw them on the loot."

    He received money for the revolution, arranged the revolution, and began to build Soviet Russia, and not the British colony.
    1. avt
      30 November 2013 10: 58
      Quote: Enot-poloskun
      British special services organized an attempt on Ilyich, because he "threw them on the loot."

      Trotsky took from the British, through the banker uncle Zhivotovsky, Lenin worked through Gelfand-Parvus with the Germans, Krasin mediated in Sweden. The fact that the "comrades-in-arms in the fight" are a club of snakes was clearly shown by the French revolution. Fortunately the bosses cut Robespierre Danton and others, and even shortened himself. The author raised an interesting topic, well covered. Of course, a blind, crazy woman from Odessa, summoned to meet the old acquaintances, also from Odessa, like Sigismund Rosemblum on his wife O, Reilly, now serving in the Cheka, did not shoot at Lenin. There was an internal Bolshevik braid, but during the rebellion of the Left SRs against peace with the Germans, after the murder of the Chekist Blumkin, who was the main force of the rebels ? Detachment of the Cheka Popov, which allegedly took Dzerzhinsky and his deputy prisoner. Here again, footage of the trial of the accomplices of the attempt on the leader is preserved, and indeed! A couple of security officers were acquitted. Yes, and Yasha Sverdlov already very well caught a cold and died. But then the dirty linen in the hut was able to cover up with propaganda, but when Trotsky and Stalin clashed, well, you can't camouflage it as an accident. The trust "lured him out and quietly, in contrast to the public trial of Savenkov, they beat him up. Savinkov, however, also successfully avoided being shot in court, fell out of the window while in custody.
      1. 11111mail.ru
        30 November 2013 14: 25
        Quote: avt
        Savinkov, however, also successfully avoiding being shot in court, fell out of the window while in custody

        To be in jail, but windows without bars? So this is a sanatorium! No, they did not want to finish in public, they "helped" to take a decisive step. For an intelligent in a sober mind to jump out the window? Not Forrestel ...
    2. Uhe
      1 December 2013 02: 42
      Prove that Lenin took money from someone;) Otherwise everyone is trying to prove it, but nothing comes of it except la poplar. Have you proved again? Lay out an article, and we will read another fantasy;)
      1. +4
        1 December 2013 09: 58
        , the further in time we go from those events, the more difficult it becomes to find out the truth. Something can be found out by digging in the archives, but getting there is like flying to the moon.
        But from what becomes known about Lenin's entourage, the so-called. his "close" associates, it is obvious that the justice was not so wrong in the 30s, when it put "loyal Leninists" against the wall for espionage in favor of the Western powers. If Sverdlov had lived to see the time to drink, they would also smear his forehead with brilliant green. And if he could escape abroad, someone would come with an ice ax.
        Joseph Vissarionovich was a cool man. The security of the country in his understanding stood above the opinion of the world community.
      2. +1
        1 December 2013 20: 47
        Ask better to present an expense order or receipt, for less obviously you do not agree!
  4. 0
    30 November 2013 09: 04
    British special services organized an attempt on Ilyich, because he "threw them on the loot."

    He received money for the revolution, arranged the revolution, and began to build Soviet Russia, and not the British colony.
  5. +4
    30 November 2013 09: 12
    Somehow they forgot to point out that after these events with Sverdlov there was a "stroke of apoplexy". There is still no clear answer as to how Sverdlov died, but obviously someone tried ...
    1. Hudo
      30 November 2013 10: 34
      In 1935, that is, sixteen years after Sverdlov’s death, the then People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs Genrikh Grigorievich Yagoda decided to open Sverdlov’s personal safe. What Yagoda saw shocked him, and he immediately sent Stalin a secret note stating that he had found in his personal safe of the former head of state: “Tsarist gold coins worth 108 rubles. 525 gold items, many of which are with precious stones. Blank forms of passports of the imperial sample, seven completed passports, including in the name of Ya.M. Sverdlov and his relatives. In addition, royal money in the amount of 705 thousand rubles. "
      1. 0
        1 December 2013 03: 51
        Quote: Hudo
        In 1935 year, that is, through sixteen years !!! after the death of Sverdlov, then Commissar of the Interior Genrikh Grigorievich Yagoda made up my mind!!! open Sverdlov’s personal safe.

        And before that, what were they afraid of and who forbade it?
        Quote: Hudo
        What Berry saw shocked him,

        laughing Well, as a child, right ...
        Quote: Hudo
        seven completed passports, including in the name of Ya.M. Sverdlov and his relatives.

        And who else?
        Quote: Hudo
        Additionally, royal money worth 750 thousand rubles

        ... and 10 toilet rolls of the same.
  6. +4
    30 November 2013 09: 12
    Somehow they forgot to point out that after these events with Sverdlov there was a "stroke of apoplexy". There is still no clear answer as to how Sverdlov died, but obviously someone tried ...
  7. 0
    30 November 2013 09: 26
    What kind of nonsense? The real name is Kaplan-Feiga Khaimovna Roytblat. She stole documents from Kaplan in a train. And she saw well after the operation done to her in Kharkov. The author at least bothered to study the biography of this madam before writing this opus.
    1. kaktus
      30 November 2013 11: 14
      "And she saw well after the operation she performed in Kharkov." What kind of operation? and now they do?
      1. 0
        30 November 2013 14: 01
        Read biography laziness?
      2. 0
        1 December 2013 10: 04
        , yeah, let the address indicate. Maybe we can forward Stevie Wonder. Let him go to Kharkov, heal his eyes. At least in old age, he will look at the world again.
  8. Hudo
    30 November 2013 10: 48
    Reading the article and meeting the surname "Trotsky" in the text, for some reason there was a desire to read it as "Medvedev", everything is painfully similar ...
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +6
    30 November 2013 10: 59
    Quote: I. M. Guberman

    For all the Jews there is a judge.
    For liveliness. For the mind. For stoop.
    For the fact that the Jew shot at the leader.
    For the fact that she missed.

    1. -12
      30 November 2013 13: 53
      Quote: Nagan
      Quote: I. M. Guberman

      For all the Jews there is a judge.
      For liveliness. For the mind. For stoop.
      For the fact that the Jew shot at the leader.
      For the fact that she missed.

      It’s a pity the only thing that wasn’t a gun at that time - All of them would have to be shot and Lenin and Stalin And (you can clap your hands) Trotsky with Bukharin and Sverdlov.
      The gang, which has braked Russia for 100 years, is a great country with a great people. Gang of freaks. I would put a monument to Kaplan - shot late - before it was necessary
      Unhappy and blind Kaplan - it was necessary to take other weapons.
      1. 11111mail.ru
        30 November 2013 14: 20
        Quote: atalef
        Everyone would have to shoot them

        That's where the horse is in hooves, and there is claw cancer! (Nagan and atalef).
        1. Read about the Fedorov assault rifle (1916). There was a gun!
        2. Personally, yourself, would you enforce?
        Quote: atalef
        The gang - for 100 years, braked Russia as a great

        3. Less than 18 years later, the USSR, led by IV Stalin, was attacked by Europe, united by A. Hitler and defeated the corrupt girl of imperialism. After 30 years, he tested a thermonuclear bomb. And after 39 years, he launched a man (Yu.A. Gagarin) into space.
        4. Read the article carefully: where are the troupes of Feigi Haimovna Roytblatt? Burned? What for??!
        1. -1
          30 November 2013 15: 07
          Quote: 11111mail.ru
          1. Read about the Fedorov assault rifle (1916). There was a gun!
          2. Personally, yourself, would you enforce?

          Kaplan’s complaints were not so advanced, but he would have been executed - knowing the consequences of the Lenin regime? Certainly

          Quote: 11111mail.ru
          3. Less than 18 years later, the USSR, led by IV Stalin, was attacked by Europe, united by A. Hitler and defeated the corrupt girl of imperialism. After 30 years, he tested a thermonuclear bomb. And after 39 years, he launched a man (Yu.A. Gagarin) into space.

          Was attacked - from Stalin? This does not play a role, and without Stalin, the same would have happened without Stalin
          And they tested the bomb and would be the first to enter the cosmos - only millions of ineptly wasted lives would not be on the road
          Before Stalin, Russia was one of the main economies of the world and the greatest country in the world; do not forget pre-revolutionary history. Russia was already a great country.

          Quote: 11111mail.ru
          Read the article carefully: where are the troupes of Feigi Haimovna Roytblatt? Burned? What for??!

          all the same where. you can’t rewrite the story, you can only regret that the mother pregnant with Lenin did not have an abortion.
          1. 11111mail.ru
            30 November 2013 19: 30
            Quote: atalef
            all the same where. you can’t rewrite history

            You noticed this correctly! Let's go from this to the search for truth.
            1. Fedorov rifle. You have been asked a question! Answer: ek!
            2. Agreeing to become a performer puts you in the same rank as Malkov, Yurovsky and other "fighters for the idea." Re-read "Demons" by FM Dostoevsky.
            3. In the absence of a leader on a scale equal to I.V. Stalin, there was no chance of victory. G. Trumen’s dream would be fulfilled, when the last German would kill the last Russian and die from his wounds. A quick wit test, especially for people like you: why in TWO world wars the total losses of Russians + Germans are TWENTY times the losses of the Anglo-Saxons?
          2. 11111mail.ru
            30 November 2013 19: 50
            Quote: atalef
            Do not forget the pre-revolutionary history. Russia was already a great country

            Well, you're just an Orthodox communist. Those forty years ago in clever books proved the advantages of socialism, based on statistics "... in relation to the level of 1913". Three years of World War I plus FOUR years of fratricidal civil war minus 20 million emigrants, typhus, devastation. My grandfather, then still four years old, showed me the place where, not far from the side of the road, they buried ALIVE a beggar man who killed a street kid for a piece of stolen bread. 1921 year. Yes, in Russia at that time, even pencils were not produced! Try to feed two large families on TWO tithes of land !! NOT BLACK EARTH! Why should you instill in an ideologically savvy person, it's still useless!
            1. -4
              30 November 2013 19: 58
              Quote: 11111mail.ru
              Well, you are directly an Orthodox communist

              Do not interfere with the sinful righteous. - I'm an anti-communist

              Quote: 11111mail.ru
              Those forty years ago, in clever books, proved the advantages of socialism, based on statistics "... in relation to the level of 1913

              Your mail probably has lagged behind for 11111 years, I have clearly expressed it to mine - I am anti-communist.
              Quote: 11111mail.ru
              My grandfather, then still four years old, showed me the place where, not far from the side of the road, they buried LIVING a peasant woman who killed a street kid for a piece of stolen bread. 1921 year

              That's right - this is what Russia, in just 4 years, your beloved Lenin and his gang brought

              Quote: 11111mail.ru
              Yes, what you inspire ideologically savvy is still useless!

              What is useless? What is the ideology? It is you who still think that Stalin and Lenin are the saviors of Russia. Follower Kim Il Sung number 2.
              All this gang from Lenin and Stalin, to the embodiment of the Juche idea and, half a sweat and the like - all the communists and their ilk - to the wall of course - I do not want to be like them --- But the leaders and inspirers are for the whole life unambiguous.
              1. Uhe
                1 December 2013 02: 45
                Anti-Sovietism is a type of Russophobia;) You are a Russophobe, which is extremely characteristic of people of your citizenship;)
                1. -2
                  1 December 2013 09: 10
                  Quote: Uhe
                  Anti-Sovietism is a type of Russophobia;) You are a Russophobe, which is extremely characteristic of people of your citizenship;)

                  Russian does not mean Soviet. Only a very limited person can equate these concepts.
              2. 11111mail.ru
                1 December 2013 12: 39
                Quote: atalef
                all the communists and their ilk - not to the wall of course - I do not want to be like them --- But leaders and inspirers - for the whole life is unambiguous.

                For some reason, your desire to be a "performer" disappeared? Do you admit that the stick has gone too far?
                About Fedorov rifle (1916. Russia) also did not remember?
                The reference point of the Communists in comparison with tsarist Russia (1913) for the first time heard?
                Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, in your assessment of the activities of JV Stalin, do you think blundered too much?
                For your information: before the imperialist war, and then to civil Russia, it was not Lenin @ Bronstein who brought Russia, but then Great Britain.
                Rinse Vladimir Ilyich and Lev Davydovich even before the new coming of the Messiah! Yes, only the aspen stake in the grave of Jacob Schiff, the sponsor of Trotsky, do not forget to score!
                1. -2
                  1 December 2013 15: 13
                  Rinse Vladimir Ilyich and Lev Davydovich even before the new coming of the Messiah! Yes, only the aspen stake in the grave of Jacob Schiff, the sponsor of Trotsky, do not forget to score!

                  Train on cats, I don’t feed trolls, be healthy hi
      2. -4
        30 November 2013 20: 46
        Kaplan could be a hero.
      3. -4
        30 November 2013 22: 22
        Quote: atalef
        It is a pity the only thing that at that time there was no machine

        Well, even there would be AK - so what? You can’t hide such a thing in a handbag, even AKSU.
        Quote: atalef
        All of them should have been shot and Lenin and Stalin And (you can clap your hands) Trotsky with Bukharin and Sverdlov.
        The gang, which has braked Russia for 100 years, is a great country with a great people. Gang of freaks.

        A holy place is never empty. Would come to power, say, some thread from the group "Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich", well, the truth Shepilov would not have joined them, he was too young at that time. Or the war criminal Tukhachevsky, the pathological sadist Yakir, the drunkard and Blucher. Or the same Left SRs. And you think it would be better?
        Quote: atalef
        I would put a monument to Kaplan - shot late - before it was necessary

        Now, if Alexander III hanged Volodya Ulyanov with Sasha, or at least instead ... But history has no subjunctive mood.
        But I will not minus you. Your point of view, although I personally do not share it, has a right to exist, and you have one to say it. Yes, and without me here minusers accumulated.
      4. +3
        1 December 2013 05: 35
        I suggest that atalef be demoted to the rank and file, and deprived of awards!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 11111mail.ru
      30 November 2013 14: 18
      Quote: Nagan
      there will be a judge on the Jews.

      You are not Goy-esi (unkind fellow!), And not from your Nagan we will come to an end!
      1. 0
        30 November 2013 22: 28
        Quote: 11111mail.ru
        Quote: Nagan
        there will be a judge on the Jews.

        You are not Goy-esi (unkind fellow!), And not from your Nagan we will come to an end!

        In my vocabulary, at least in the active, the word "Goy" is not. And in yours, as it turned out, there is. With which I do not congratulate you. negative
        1. Uhe
          1 December 2013 02: 47
          The word "goy" is an ancient Russian word. I advise you to familiarize yourself with its meaning by looking in the dictionary. A wonderful word. In your "lexicon", that is, vocabulary, it is not, because, apparently, you are not Russian. Did you guess right?
          1. 0
            1 December 2013 04: 16
            Do not distort. The one who originally used it in this thread did not mean Old Russian, or even Hebrew [http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%BE%D0%B9], but modern Jewish value, with a dismissive tone.
            However, the sounding English Gay is much more close to you personally (gay, so that you don't think anything like that, it also has the meanings "cheerful", "cheerful"). As you can see, I can also play polysemantic words.
        2. 11111mail.ru
          1 December 2013 12: 14
          7.62x38R. You seem to be unfamiliar with Russian folk tales. The wrong mother read to you in childhood, and not that. This is the usual appeal of Baba Yaga to a Russian guy "Oh, you Goy-esi, good fellow ...". Wipe your eyes, I did not use the word "Goy" what you accused me of-ohamily. I typed in "Goy-eshi". If you haven't seen and understood the difference, then say hello to your "Russian" language teachers.
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. predator.3
    30 November 2013 13: 37
    Yes, it’s a no brainer that the customer was Sverdlov, especially since he later "suddenly" died, I wonder what Stalin said when in 1935 Sverdlov's safe was opened!

    Description of the safe by Y. M. Sverdlov

    Print Email
    Category: Documents
    Created Sep 20.09.2006, 00 47:XNUMX a.m.
    Updated 27.11.2012 21: 28
    Posted 20.09.2006/00/17 XNUMX:XNUMX
    Posted by: Document
    Views: 11383

    "To the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.)

    comrade To Stalin

    In the inventory warehouses of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, a fireproof cabinet of the late Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was stored locked. The keys to the closet were lost.

    The cabinet was opened by us and it turned out to be:

    1. Gold coins of imperial coinage in the amount of one hundred eight thousand five hundred twenty-five (108 525) rubles.

    2. Gold items, many of which are with precious stones, are seven hundred and five (705) items.

    3. Seven blank forms of passports of the royal sample.

    4. Seven passports filled out in the following names:

    A) Sverdlov Yakov Mikhailovich, B) Gurevich Cecilia-Olga,

    B) Grigoryeva Ekaterina Sergeevna,

    D) Princess Baryatinsky Elena Mikhailovna, D) Polzikov Sergey Konstantinovich, E) Romaniuk Anna Pavlovna, G) Klenochkin Ivan Grigoryevich.

    5. One-year passport in the name of Goren Adam Antonovich.

    6. German passport in the name of Steel Helena.

    In addition, there were discovered royal royal tickets worth only seven hundred and fifty thousand (750) rubles.

    A detailed inventory of gold products is made with specialists.

    People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Yagoda)

    July 27 1935 city

    No. 56568. "

    There is no special need to comment on this inventory of a pirate chest. We can only add that Genrikh Grigorievich Yagoda (Enoch Gershevich Yehuda) was a protege of Sverdlov, from his youth he entered his clan (was the husband of his niece), so the possibility of forgery is excluded.
  13. Reyngard
    30 November 2013 13: 40
    Jews, all around Jews ...
  14. 11111mail.ru
    30 November 2013 13: 47
    Any comments from the country where, according to V.S. Vysotsky, "almost a quarter of our people" are not observed? Probably snowing ...
  15. +2
    30 November 2013 15: 23
    The muddy story about F. Kaplan surfaced in the "revelatory" 90s, but did not find clear factual data.
  16. 0
    30 November 2013 15: 23
    The muddy story about F. Kaplan surfaced in the "revelatory" 90s, but did not find clear factual data.
  17. 0
    30 November 2013 16: 00
    "Trotsky himself acted as an emissary of Western circles in the Soviet leadership, constantly playing up to the plans of the Entente. Sverdlov acted in close conjunction with him."
    Why didn't the "Western circles" and the Entente thank LD Trotsky for this when he was in exile?
    1. 11111mail.ru
      30 November 2013 19: 10
      Quote: Vadim2013
      Why didn't the "Western circles" and the Entente thank LD Trotsky for this when he was in exile?

      Well, you give! Who assigned him to Mexico? Who needed a fourth international? They made it possible to work professionally, in the specialty: to harm Stalin in the ideological sphere. Kartavi do not abandon their own. Kerensky died in the USA at the age of 89. He lived in a New York "kopeck piece". Who paid him his pension? Not the USSR = definitely!
    2. Uhe
      1 December 2013 02: 55
      How not thanked? According to the thought of the Naglichans and the rest of the enemies of Russia, it was he who was supposed to become the new leader of that wretched country, which the USSR (read, Russia) was supposed to become after its capture by the Germans. But Stalin outplayed them here too, destroying both the failed False Dmitry Trotsky and his allies, the so-called. "loyal Leninists" who turned out to be in fact unfaithful traitors, ready to welcome the Germans with open arms.

      And at the expense of this period, hostility in the camp of the Bolsheviks, the inevitability of the collapse of the Empire, the greatness for the revival of the new Empire of the personalities of Dzerzhinsky and Stalin is worth listening to Andrei Ilyich Fursov.

      By the way, the article has one extremely important idea: it is the Entente, that is, the real enemies of Russia-Russia, that the so-called the civil war lasted so long. It was they who were to blame for the collapse of the Empire, drawing Russia into this war unnecessary to her, unleashing this war, pushing the Germans with the Russians. The purpose of this war was the collapse of the empires of the Germans and Russians, and then their completion. Lenin and Stalin understood this;) Those people from the tsarist counterintelligence understood that they had established contact with pro-imperial and pro-Russian Bolsheviks like Stalin;)
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. +4
    30 November 2013 16: 24
    Quote: Enot-poloskun
    British special services organized an attempt on Ilyich, because he "threw them on the loot."

    He received money for the revolution, arranged the revolution, and began to build Soviet Russia, and not the British colony.

    He didn’t build anything. Like Trotsky. It was unnecessary for them. Stalin began to build. And then not immediately. After he sent all the Bolsheviks to where the tsar and Kerensky did not dare.
    1. Uhe
      1 December 2013 02: 57
      Lenin began to build. Just do not confuse the periods in which Lenin and Stalin ruled. They vary greatly. Not for nothing that Stalin called himself a faithful Leninist. He was just that. Unless, unlike the Westernizer of Lenin, Stalin was a Russian soil worker.
  20. +1
    30 November 2013 16: 34
    This whole story confirms the facts that the main persons involved in the case of the shooting of the royal family are Sverdlov and Trotsky. Lenin was faced with the fact, well, all the same a relative, and then there are children. Therefore, it is better to remove at least for a while, and then present it with a fact, and Dzerzhinsky is from the nobility, like Lenin, and not from the rank and file, so it was better to temporarily "neutralize" them.
    1. Uhe
      1 December 2013 03: 01
      Exactly. It seems that the royal family banged at the direction of the British Trotskyists who worked for Britain. Accordingly, not when it is customary to count now, and not as it is customary to count today :)
  21. 0
    30 November 2013 16: 34
    This whole story confirms the facts that the main persons involved in the case of the shooting of the royal family are Sverdlov and Trotsky. Lenin was faced with the fact, well, all the same a relative, and then there are children. Therefore, it is better to remove at least for a while, and then present it with a fact, and Dzerzhinsky is from the nobility, like Lenin, and not from the rank and file, so it was better to temporarily "neutralize" them.
    1. +1
      30 November 2013 17: 55
      What the hell is the province around Yekaterinburg named after the bogus bribe taker? Do they have TAG there? Today? Or has it always been like this?
      My opinion is to the Sverdlovsk residents in a drum. I respect them very much, but I can’t understand. Indeed, with the same success, they could compete with Perm, Izhevsk, Rybinsk, etc., etc.
      1. +2
        30 November 2013 18: 24
        Quote: nikcris
        What the hell is the province around Yekaterinburg named after the bogus bribe taker?
        And how do you like the Leningrad Region with the capital St. Petersburg? A schizophrenic state, I am an ideological communist, and then I enter the mental stupor from the mismatch between the name of the region and the name of the northern capital.
  22. -2
    30 November 2013 19: 20
    More likely an adventurer like Lenin would come ....
  23. Alf
    30 November 2013 20: 19
    Quote: bubla5
    More likely an adventurer like Lenin would come ....

    Better is a realist like Stalin.
    1. -3
      30 November 2013 22: 30
      Read the stories of Varlam Shalamov on the Internet.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. Uhe
      1 December 2013 03: 06
      Did Stalin renounce Lenin? No, on the contrary: he considered himself a faithful Leninist. Why? As Lenin himself said, the crown of the Russian Empire lay on the road, and no one wanted to raise it, fearing responsibility, so only the Bolsheviks dared to raise it. And then I had to act against the whole capitalist world, hostile to the Russian world. Who would have done better than Lenin? None. Stalin, nevertheless, received the fullness of power in the early 30s, and time was already very different ...
      1. 0
        1 December 2013 06: 11
        I support. The time was difficult, traitors and enemies are always short of power, it can be seen from the cases that Stalin and his associates took a constructive position, which allowed the country to become one of the world powers, albeit for a short time, but take a leading position in the world.
  24. Alf
    30 November 2013 20: 56
    Quote: Thunderbolt
    And how do you like the Leningrad Region with the capital St. Petersburg? A schizophrenic state, I am an ideological communist, and then I enter the mental stupor from the mismatch between the name of the region and the name of the northern capital.

    Everything is very simple. Money for the renaming of the region was reprinted ... Sawed up before they managed to rename it.
  25. bubble82009
    30 November 2013 21: 00
    except for the words about thousands of people sent to be shot, there are no facts. we like to write globally. specifically how many were shot for this reason? there are no such numbers! for they were not. when the numbers are not impressive then dispense with general phrases.
    somehow in our historiography the Bolshevik movement in the period from 1914-1917 becomes a gap. why did the "agent" of Germany sniff with the "agent" of the United States? how did Trotsky enter the leadership of the CPSU (b)?
  26. Alf
    1 December 2013 00: 10
    Quote: Vadim2013
    Read the stories of Varlam Shalamov on the Internet.

    Who is this? Is it not the one who wrote the last battle of Major Pugachev? Then it is enough to find out the GENUINE story of Pugachev.
  27. +2
    1 December 2013 05: 33
    Quote: atalef
    It is a pity the only thing that at that time there was no machine gun - All of them had to be shot and Lenin and Stalin And (you can clap your hands) Trotsky with Bukharin and Sverdlov. The gang, which has braked Russia for 100 years, is a great country with a great people. Gang of freaks. I would have erected a monument to Kaplan — shot it late — before it was necessary The unfortunate and blind Kaplan — it was necessary to take other weapons.

    Offered atalef demoralize to private, deprive of awards!
  28. +1
    1 December 2013 09: 26
    "Who shot the leader?" This is not a very important question. Was there no better liquidator?
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. +3
    1 December 2013 09: 38
    Quote: nikcris
    Quote: Enot-poloskun
    British special services organized an attempt on Ilyich, because he "threw them on the loot."

    He received money for the revolution, arranged the revolution, and began to build Soviet Russia, and not the British colony.

    He didn’t build anything. Like Trotsky. It was unnecessary for them. Stalin began to build. And then not immediately. After he sent all the Bolsheviks to where the tsar and Kerensky did not dare.

    But Stalin himself considered himself a faithful Leninist! Those. - a follower of Lenin! Paradox?

    It seems to me that Lenin could seriously consider Stalin as his successor.

    And the differences between them were greatly exaggerated during the time of perestroika and thaw.

    I dare say more. I think everyone will agree that Ilyich is a virtuoso of the political moment, an excellent strategist and tactician in politics.
    Remember the Brest Peace - we will conclude a peace, give the Germans everything they want, and the Germans and the Kaiser will soon sink into oblivion during the revolution. And all the agreements will sink into oblivion.

    Now remember the NEP. What a reversal from the world revolution!

    So - I dare to declare - Vladimir Ilyich understood, understood before everyone else, that a world revolution is impossible at the moment. What you need to build a bridgehead - i.e. in every possible way to strengthen Soviet Russia.

    The key words here are "build" and "strengthen". This is what Stalin did.

    And a few more quotes: Stalin for Ilyich is a "wonderful Georgian". And Trotsky - the main ideologist of the world revolution, who dreamed of burning Russia in the furnace of the world revolution - is a "Jew", and, in my opinion, even a "prostitute."
  31. 0
    1 December 2013 09: 38
    Quote: nikcris
    Quote: Enot-poloskun
    British special services organized an attempt on Ilyich, because he "threw them on the loot."

    He received money for the revolution, arranged the revolution, and began to build Soviet Russia, and not the British colony.

    He didn’t build anything. Like Trotsky. It was unnecessary for them. Stalin began to build. And then not immediately. After he sent all the Bolsheviks to where the tsar and Kerensky did not dare.

    But Stalin himself considered himself a faithful Leninist! Those. - a follower of Lenin! Paradox?

    It seems to me that Lenin could seriously consider Stalin as his successor.

    And the differences between them were greatly exaggerated during the time of perestroika and thaw.

    I dare say more. I think everyone will agree that Ilyich is a virtuoso of the political moment, an excellent strategist and tactician in politics.
    Remember the Brest Peace - we will conclude a peace, give the Germans everything they want, and the Germans and the Kaiser will soon sink into oblivion during the revolution. And all the agreements will sink into oblivion.

    Now remember the NEP. What a reversal from the world revolution!

    So - I dare to declare - Vladimir Ilyich understood, understood before everyone else, that a world revolution is impossible at the moment. What you need to build a bridgehead - i.e. in every possible way to strengthen Soviet Russia.

    The key words here are "build" and "strengthen". This is what Stalin did.

    And a few more quotes: Stalin for Ilyich is a "wonderful Georgian". And Trotsky - the main ideologist of the world revolution, who dreamed of burning Russia in the furnace of the world revolution - is a "Jew", and, in my opinion, even a "prostitute."
  32. +1
    1 December 2013 10: 59
    All world fairy tales and science fiction just relax in comparison with Russian-Soviet history. So twist the plot, and then spin it yourself. And all this time to stay afloat and actively participate in world life. We are amazing people. FOR WHAT IS IT ALL FOR US?
  33. 0
    1 December 2013 10: 59
    All world fairy tales and science fiction just relax in comparison with Russian-Soviet history. So twist the plot, and then spin it yourself. And all this time to stay afloat and actively participate in world life. We are amazing people. FOR WHAT IS IT ALL FOR US?
  34. 0
    1 December 2013 11: 52
    The forum is buggy, I send a message 1 time, it is automatically repeated by 2 identical posts.
  35. 0
    1 December 2013 11: 52
    The forum is buggy, I send a message 1 time, it is automatically repeated by 2 identical posts.
  36. Kostya pedestrian
    1 December 2013 13: 36
    As far as I can remember, the whole life of the Uniates with all sorts of fools and hospital-butchers, in short the brown plague, has always tried to spoil our holiday. Instead, planting self-flagellation and oppression of the physical spirit, which will certainly lead to mental illness or, in the best case, the denial of reason.

    Also, in Polotsk, Peter 1 himself was attempted. Here I just want to say to the Pope in the words of the legendary Smoktunovsky in the movie "Genius": "What kind of dad you are, you are a potato dad!" So get out of the cellar, mouse roof.

    And when their German god roofs, then they are finally Porsche on our heads. This or this homopsapians or frigid, or her or Nigo membership all came out. (see german god photo in google)

    And finally, half-men, Hare monuments and all kinds of skyscrapers to blow up. Your blue terror is nothing compared to our jolly red terror of the Bolsheviks. And for the beaten-up my beloved 34ka near Oktyabrskaya, I personally blew these drivers from my belly.

    By the way, lunch is a boyfriend from the Irish mafia clan in search of an extraterrestrial life, and studying it behind barbed wire, why are you running a Geiger counter in the third series?

    Personally, to me, a star boy, heaven helps like our heart dear to Asia, but there are specifically victims. I don’t even want to know how a man feels, deprived by fascists of membership in the CPSU. And I think that at least they should wish you the same in order to remain people even in the next life.

    So, the constellation Canis Major, if you can confirm that you invented the Celtic god the black monster with the bestial Veles (like giving Dzerzhinsky’s horns) it started this nonsense that the Hindus and Negro-pirates would get rich.

    All the wealth of the Russian elite you will definitely be!

    Pes: I think pout and other people who are not in a hurry like a sheep in the valadar of jesus. Personally, it’s good for me to fly in the clouds! Jai Zee Hello, how is it sung !?
  37. 0
    1 December 2013 15: 00
    What do you want? Revolution is a mom who loves to eat her children. And the technology of raising the "rat wolf" is known to everyone. The most cunning chef-less princely won, as usual. Another question is, how viable is it grown on blood, meanness and betrayal? And is it even possible?
  38. 0
    4 December 2013 07: 55
    Bullshit .. a gray pony ... Or storytellers from politics decided to shoot!
  39. Vladimir Makeev
    7 July 2015 13: 10
    If we analyze the names and nationalities of the customers and perpetrators of the assassination attempt against Ilyich - Leib Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky), Yeshua-Solomon Movshevich (Sverdlov) and Lev Borisovich Rosenfeld (Kamenev) Feiga Khaimovna Roitblat (aka Kaplan), Enoch Gershevich Yehuda (Yehuda (Yehuda) and prepared the genocide of the Russian people and the destruction of Russia.
    And the "Red Terror" will turn out to be not red, but Zionist.