The union of Hitler and Trotsky. 90 years of the "world revolution"

90 years ago, in November 1923, an attempt was made to inflate the "World Revolution." Moreover, not only the Comintern and the Soviet Communists, but also the recently born German National Socialist Workers' Party participated in this. Simply put, the Nazis. It must be said that the “world revolution” was considered one of the cornerstones of Marxism, the victory of the Bolsheviks in Russia alone was recognized only as a temporary phenomenon, and Trotsky even pointed out that Russia itself should become just a “bundle of brushwood” to foment the global fire.

After World War I, the whole of Europe was plagued by crises and political disorder. Several empires collapsed, liberal and democratic governments came to power, this was accompanied by monstrous abuses, embezzlements, “privatizations”. After the revolutionary outbreak, Hungary and Austria could not calm down. In the newly emerged Yugoslavia, ethnic tensions ran high. Territorial losses, reparations and outrages of the authorities created a revolutionary situation in Bulgaria. In Romania, the peasants were worried - they were robbed of their own grabbers and foreigners (later they calculated that in the 15 of the post-war years 50 billion lei were plundered).

In Turkey, an attempt to dismember the country and the occupation caused an uprising. The people rallied around the popular military leader Mustafa Kemal, drove away the invaders. Another fascist revolution took place in Italy. Benito Mussolini in 1922 began the march to Rome and won. He introduced the dictatorship and at first achieved remarkable success. He brought order to the country, overcame the crisis, even managed to eradicate the mafia - most of its members had to emigrate to the United States. Political squabbles bruised Germany and the putsch and insurgency were organized either by the left or the right parties.

The Soviet leadership and the Comintern developed two scenarios of the “world revolution” - “industrial” and “agrarian”. According to the first, the most suitable object for the uprising was Germany. Supporters of the second theory believed that it was easier to organize revolutions in poorly developed, agrarian countries. The most suitable of them looked Bulgaria. The situation there is very reminiscent of Russia 1917 th. The ruling party was the Bulgarian Agricultural Union - something like the Russian Social Revolutionaries. The weak government of Stambolisky took a compromising position, constantly making concessions to the extreme left.

Emissaries from Moscow headed by Pyatnitsky came to Bulgaria. From Odessa was transferred weapon and combat squads. This explosion was supposed to close with the civil war in Turkey, overlap in Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy, and then “burn” Austria and Germany. But for various reasons, the uprising was postponed, and in 1923 the situation in Germany became aggravated. A terrible crisis broke out there. In six weeks, the mark's course has collapsed a thousand times. States disappeared, the market paralyzed, the plants stopped.

The German government suspended the payment of reparations to the winners, but France considered this a good excuse to grab German lands. Shamelessly occupied the Ruhr area and Saar. The Germans were outraged. Guerrilla groups were formed in the Ruhr to fight the French. The invaders responded with repressions, the captured militants were shot. But the Social Democratic government of the Weimar Republic proclaimed the policy of “passive resistance” - it tightened its tails and kept mum in a rag. This line of authority has increased general discontent. Separatist tendencies broke through, especially noticeable in Bavaria. If the central government does not want to protect the interests of the country, then what is to be considered?

Moscow decided that the revolution in Germany was overdue. 23 August 1923. A meeting of the Politburo was held on this issue. Trotsky argued that the moment had come to stake everything - that is, the Soviet state itself. Say, the international imperialists will not allow the victory of the revolution among the Germans, they will fall upon them with their military forces. Well, and the USSR will help the “German proletariat” - this is where the decisive clash will occur. Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev, spoke out more carefully. In principle, they did not object - at that time they were not supposed to object to the “world revolution”. But they called upon to weigh everything, to evaluate, so as not to get involved in a disastrous adventure.

A commission of the Central Committee consisting of Radek, Pyatakov, Unshlikht and Schmidt, a German by nationality, was sent to Germany. Radek was supposed to lead the German Communist Party, Schmidt - to transform the trade unions into Soviets, Unshliht to take up arms transfers and the creation of combat detachments. And the Soviet ambassador to Germany, Krestinsky, was charged with financing from the commercial funds of the State Bank deposited in Berlin. In addition to them, Larin, Berzin, Tukhachevsky, Krylov (Sobolevsky), Yagoda (Yehudi) were seconded to Germany to lead the uprising, graduates and students of the special department of the Academy of the Red Army were sent. 20 of thousands of German-speaking Communists were mobilized. The money stood out almost without an account - the secretary of the Berlin Reich resident testified that suitcases, bags and boxes of money were lying around with them, cluttering up tables and chairs, confused under their feet.

In September, another meeting of the Politburo took place. Set date for the uprising - 9 November, the anniversary of the German revolution. 7 November, on the anniversary of the Russian revolution, was ordered to organize demonstrations. When they were carried out, the “red hundreds” of Unshlicht should have provoked clashes with the police in order for blood to be shed. Well, then it was necessary to inflate the “popular indignation” about this. Red troops began to advance to the western borders. The Soviet emissary Kopp conducted secret negotiations in Warsaw on their passage through Polish territory. For this, Poland was promised to give East Prussia. Warsaw politicians seemed very tempting. One small “but” prevented - the Poles did not trust the Bolsheviks ...

There was every reason for this. Massive preparations for the "world revolution" various Soviet departments were someone who in that much. If on the line of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs there were negotiations with Warsaw, then the Red Army Intelligence Directorate at the same time intensified its “partisans” in Poland. And in the GPU they decided that if a coup is planned in Germany, then Poland should “catch up”. A "pull" began terrorism. The bombings rattled in the editorial offices of newspapers, in public and political organizations. Pilsudski’s attempts were organized. A powerful explosion was prepared at the opening of the monument to Poniatowski, which was supposed to be attended by the government and foreign delegations, including the French marshal Foch. But there was a leak of information, and the attack had to be canceled.

In September, a signal was given to Bulgaria - to start a revolution. But time was lost here. The right-wing forces and the officers managed to organize themselves and staged their own coup, overthrew the compromising government of the Agricultural Union. Moreover, the Communists were ordered not to support the Social Democrats in any way, to maintain the combat potential for their own uprising. When they themselves came out, the power was already stricter than under Stamboliisky, and the revolutionaries were crushed. However, the failure in Bulgaria gave up. The main thing was - Germany.

Radek, passing through Warsaw, gave a briefing to the staff of the Soviet embassy. He explained that after the victory of the revolution the Germans immediately break the Treaty of Versailles and start a war with France. But it is necessary to focus on cooperation not only with the communist, but also the nationalist circles. Radek taught: “German Social Democracy is much more dangerous for us than the nationalists. It takes away the working masses. Nationalists will play a positive role. They will mobilize large masses and throw them against the Rhine against French imperialism, along with the first Red Guards of the German proletariat. ” Within the framework of this program, the Bolsheviks established contacts with nationalist organizations, including the Nazis. In particular, Richard Sorge worked in this direction.

But with the Communist Party of Germany there was an overlay. In it began the strife between the so-called “Brandler group” and the “Maslova - Ruth Fisher” group. Now this conflict urgently sought to eliminate. The leaders of the second group were threatened that Unshlikht would liquidate them, offered to take a payoff and go abroad. But they turned out to be “ideological”, did not agree. However, in passing, it turned out that the leadership of the KKE as a “combat headquarters” is no good at all. Therefore, it was recognized that "the Communist Party is not prepared for quick and decisive action." From the Central Committee of the German Communist Party, the center for training the uprising moved to the Soviet embassy.

But with finance there was another overlay - a significant part of those sums that came through different channels, evaporated as a result of rampant German inflation. However, in actual fact the situation was much simpler - Lenin’s personal envoy Reich was caught stealing, that's all. How much he pocketed, forever remained a mystery. In the future, an investigation was appointed, thanks to the patronage of Krupskaya and Radek Reich managed to get out. But immediately after the acquittal, he escaped to the United States, where he healed a very wealthy man.

Although the preparation of the uprising was considered the strictest secret, but with such a scope secrets leaked out. The German government was alarmed by the Kopp negotiations in Poland, making requests. He also demanded the immediate withdrawal of Radek from Germany, threatening to break off diplomatic relations. With the threat of an explosion in the very center of Europe, the Entente powers became alarmed. The French counterintelligence began to assist Berlin by supplying it with information from its sources. French troops were brought to combat readiness. England began diplomatic demarches against the USSR.

With the support of the West, the German government of Stresemann behaved more resolutely. In late September, it imposed a state of emergency throughout the state. Drew attention to the activities of the Nazis in Bavaria. He ordered the Bavarian Minister-President von Kar to normalize the situation, arrest the leaders of the volunteer "Freikor", close the Nazi newspaper "Felkischer Beobachter". Not here it was! Bavarian separatism already broke out with might and main. Kar refused to comply with the requirements of Berlin. He qualified them as an attack on the rights of Bavaria - and, in turn, declared a “state of siege” on its territory. At the head of the land was the “extraordinary triumvirate” of Kara, commander of the military district of General von Lossow and police chief Colonel von Seisser. The commander of the Reichswehr von Sekt dismissed Lossow from his post, threatened to send military units to Munich, but the triumvirate did not obey.

And the Communists, through their own channels, continued to “activate” the revolution. In Poland, 12 October a powerful explosion blew ammunition depots and military ammunition in the Warsaw citadel. He was so strong that the company of soldiers standing on the parade ground for 500 meters from the fortress, was lifted into the air and thrown into the Vistula. Hundreds of people suffered. Following this, unrest began in Lithuania, Estonia. In early November, an uprising broke out in Krakow. The rebels defeated the Uhlan regiment and disarmed the Kraków garrison. Telegrams from Trotsky and Unshlikht poured into the embassy of the USSR in Warsaw with orders to take the leadership of the uprising into their own hands, to create detachments of the Red Guard. But on these very days, 5 - November 8, the Polish Communists staged a railroad strike! Agitators from Warsaw got to Krakow too late, when members of the Sejm Marek and Bobrovsky managed to persuade the rebels to disarm.

In the Baltics, too, nothing happened. Here only a few hundred lumpen and unskilled laborers were raised, and the troops immediately dispersed them. And in Germany, the measures taken by Stresemann and von Sect gave their results. Yes, and most Germans realized that the case smells like another rampant chaos and disasters. They began to shy away from mass actions. In general, the “world revolution” got confused and sank into confusion. However, there were reasons for this not only in Germany, but also in Moscow. There was no unity in the Soviet leadership itself. Lenin was in Gorki in a hopeless state. The power struggle unfolded between Trotsky, on the one hand, and the triumvirate from Stalin-Zinoviev-Kamenev, on the other.

Unlike Trotsky, who assigned the Russian people only the role of “an armful of brushwood” to incite the “world revolution”, Stalin was a “statesman”. He considered the main task of economic restoration and strengthening of Soviet Russia. Recklessly throwing it into a catastrophe of a new world war for the sake of ghostly ideological chimeras, he did not consider it necessary. Zinoviev and Kamenev did not differ in their special patriotism, but the export of the revolution to Germany and the great war automatically brought Trotsky to the first place in the leadership. But neither Zinoviev nor Kamenev were interested in this.

Stalin and his temporary allies in 1923 could not ban a venture advantageous for a competitor. The “world revolution” remained an indisputable postulate of the entire Marxist-Leninist doctrine. But you could simply not deal with these issues, let it go. The case began to fall apart due to departmental inconsistency and disorganization. On the eve of the decisive events, the Politburo stated that the “revolutionary wave” subsided, they did not have time to finish the preparations, and the British and French are clearly ready to intervene. So, there is no chance of success. We decided to postpone the uprising until better times. Trotsky rolled the barrels at Zinoviev, Kamenev and Stalin, that they delayed the preparation, and at the critical moment “freaked out”. He shouted that he had to give an order for an uprising, and the matter itself would have gone as it should. They, in turn, accused Trotsky of “overestimating” the revolutionary situation in Germany.

Confusion really reigned such that there is nowhere else. After the decision of the Politburo to abolish the uprising, even the command of "rebound" did not understand how. I didn’t reach it at all, I was late somewhere, I didn’t listen to it somewhere. Three days of street fighting raged in Hamburg. Formed "Soviet government" in Saxony and Thuringia. Even the Cheka, led by Krylov, was formed in Leipzig and was preparing lists for dealing with the "counter-revolutionaries." Parts of the Reichswehr under the command of von Sect and Merker were thrown to suppress these foci. And in Bavaria, the Nazis revolted - as it is easy to see, it was clearly coordinated with the projects of Trotsky and Radek, it happened in those days, to which the communists appointed the revolution.

Although the Nazis while acting separately according to their plans. It was supposed to organize a similar campaign against Berlin, like that of Mussolini and his fascists, to overthrow the “capitulatory” government. On November 8, when the Bavarian Minister-President von Kar spoke to the industrialists in the Burgerbroykeller beer, 600 stormtroopers surrounded her. Hitler rushed into the hall with a revolver, jumped on the podium, and blurted out into the air, proclaiming: “The national revolution has begun!” Storm troopers took the exits, a machine gun rolled into the lobby. And Hitler, in a separate room, persuaded the Bavarian rulers Kara, Lossov and Zeisser to enter the leadership of this revolution. They shuffled, denied, the leader of the NSDAP threatened with a revolver. After much controversy, he pulled out an agreement. He announced to the Nazis who had gathered in the pub about the creation of a “provisional government” and a march on Berlin.

An oath to this “government” was organized. But then Kar, Lossow, and Zeisser prudently withdrew, ostensibly to give orders for the preparation of the march. As soon as they escaped from the control of Hitler and his thugs, the “rulers” hurried to leave Munich for the neighboring city, where they issued proclamations that their consent was forced, at gunpoint. The Nazi Party, the Oberland and the Reichsklaglagge unions were declared dissolved, and the police and the Reichswehr were ordered to suppress the insurgency. A similar order from Berlin was sent to military units von Sekt. The parliamentarians sent by Hitler to the barracks of the Munich regiments were arrested. True, the popular General Ludendorff joined the Nazis, and Rem, with a detachment of militants from Reichskrigflagge, captured the headquarters of the military district. But it was blocked by soldiers and police.

The very beginning of the campaign was scheduled for November 9. However, the Nazi forces were fragmented and not very organized. There were already 56 thousand members in the NSDAP, but only 3 thousand arrived at the Burgerbroykeller beer brewery. It was hoped that sympathizers would join the march and that the troops would submit to Ludendorf. The column moved to the center of Munich to connect with the detachment of Rem. At the head were Hitler, Goering, Ludendorff, the banner of the organization “Reichskrigflagge” carried Himmler. Part of the stormtroopers was armed, they carried machine guns by car. The bridge over Isere was blocked by policemen, but Goering, having run out to them, announced that there were hostages in the convoy, Bavarian ministers, promising to shoot them at resistance. The procession passed through the bridge. On this day, Streicher brought the Nazis from Nuremberg and rallied with them in the Marienplatz quarter. They joined the procession.

By noon, the column entered the Residenz Strasse, which led to the besieged district headquarters. But this narrow street was blocked around 100 by police officers under the command of Major Hunglinger. Skip the Nazis, he refused. After negotiations and quarrels, Ludendorff and his adjutant went ahead. Behind him was a part of the column. But a shot rang out, either Hitler, or Streicher, and the police opened fire. The shootout lasted only a few minutes. Three policemen and 16 Nazis died, and the panic effect worked. In the head of the column shot, the wounded screamed, in the tail did not see what was happening. Head leaned back, pushing against the tail, and people ran. Ludendorff both walked and kept going - the police pointed their weapons to the side so as not to hurt the famous general. Passed through the chain and was arrested. Rem surrendered after two hours. Hitler was taken to a suburban estate, where he was taken out and treated - he fell in a crush and broke his collarbone. Wounded Goering and Hess fled to Austria ...

However, the trial of the participants of the “beer putsch” turned out to be quite “democratic”. I mean, toothless. Popular Ludendorff was acquitted, the rest of the leaders got the minimum time, ordinary participants were not tried at all. Hitler was sentenced to five years probation with a probation period of four years. But really stayed in the prison Landsberg 13 months and 20 days. He successfully used this time and quite comfortable conditions for writing the book “Mein Kampf”.
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  1. +15
    22 November 2013 08: 21
    Trotsky is a typical arsonist of revolutions and of wars including - the blue dream of this revolutionary is to light a bonfire of the world revolution around the world, it is natural that at the same time millions of people were not worried about dying.

    But there was still a man (a real communist) who reassured him with an ice ax - which is very symbolic.
  2. +4
    22 November 2013 08: 38
    Objectively and interestingly. Much is known, but I think that it will be informative for young people if they read this. This was done again in our 90 year. But for now, who created everything is illegal. It's a pity. One could cite facts as Trotsky appeared with the militants in Petrograd. How he became Chairman of the Petrosoviet. For these people, stability, the order based on the law, is death. So it’s better for them to give it, but everyone else will benefit.
    1. +3
      22 November 2013 23: 03
      Yes, informative ... But the only minus posed to the article is mine.
      Dear author, I explain my minus.
      1. I absolutely agree with you that Trotsky is a man-eater, for whom the Russian people are nothing. But your slogan - Hitler and Trotsky ...- pronounced in the title - to put it mildly a lie. And I do not like the tendency to add us to the creation of Western democracies - Hitler, because these democracies were no less cannibals than Trotsky.

      Hitler and Trotsky never acted together, and the article, of course, does not cite the facts.
      this time.
      further, the attempt to unite them at least somehow - I consider it simply as a smarter attempt than the rezun to prove that the Communists are no better than the Nazis, or even worse - remember his little book, or the head of the little book, I don’t remember, the Red Army soldier Adolf Hitler.
      I don’t know why you lied in the headline, whether it was done intentionally by you .... but it is very similar to that.

      2. And what was the young Soviet republic supposed to do? Entente countries are super-armed enemies, much stronger, not hiding the thirst to dismember and enslave Russia ...
      they make a satellite from Germany, crush the Baltic states, Finland and Poland, these enemies of ours, longing for our blood and our land, created by them from the Russian (stolen from us) territories that they themselves ...
      By the way, Poland has already yawned on Prussia, but at the same time on our lands, which is why it hesitated.
      And their lack of principle was no less than that of Trotsky ...

      Further, the Entente countries and their satellites staged a sluggish war on all borders with us, which ended only with the attack of Hitler brought up by these victims of ours ... on everyone ... we were not pressed by washing, so by rolling ... who armed, organized all these Basmachi, Finns, arranging explosions in St. Petersburg in the first half of 30? Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzinstern? Did it explode itself? so that it is not necessary la-la - a sabotage war was waged against us, on the brink of hot, and we answered. but to a lesser extent, because we could spend less on it than they ... the whole business ... or did we have to fold our legs and endure? so Russia would not have become ... it would not have become ... there would have been colonies of different states under external control .... do you like it better :? Why do you not describe the much greater efforts of the "democratic" countries to dismember and destroy Russia?
      Or are we alone so bad, right?

      As a result, it turns out that we are again bad ... we even need to defend ourselves nizya .. no way ... even our offspring are Hitler, and even democratic bandits and murderers are trying to ascribe to us ...
      The author ... I sincerely hope that you have recently read some interesting information and emotionally published an article about the facts that amazed you ... that is why you forgot to write about the much worse actions of the "democratic countries" and those whom you wrote here as a sacrifice komunyak in comparison with which even Trotsky is a harmless mongrel ... but for some reason it seems to me that you deliberately lied ... sorry for being straightforward.
      1. +2
        23 November 2013 08: 24
        Dear Vladimir, I am not the author of this article. I expressed my opinion. But I can confirm that the strategy of Hitler and Trotsky has a lot in common. Most importantly, they were brought to power by the Jewish magnates of the United States and England. I recently took my General Director to Smolny. I myself often went there when I worked in Moscow. I asked the director to look at the portrait of Trotsky and then turn around and look at the portrait of the governor of St. Petersburg - this is the portrait of Miloradovich. One destroyer, another creator. They look at each other. I asked my current director, what do you think "It is no coincidence that their portraits are hung against each other." HE hesitated, and I know - not by chance.
  3. makarov
    22 November 2013 08: 44
    Valery Evgenievich Shambarov (August 18, 1956, Starokonstantinov, Khmelnitsky region, USSR) - Russian writer, publicist. The author of works on the history of Russia. Born in a military family. In 1973-1979 he studied at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, in which he received his first creative education, joining the Eighth Creative Association MEPhI. He was a screenwriter, director, and released the Samizdat collection “Yellow Press”.
    After graduating from the institute, V. Shambarov submitted to the military registration and enlistment office a desire to enlist as an officer, and a year later he was drafted into the Soviet Army. He served as a test engineer at the Air Force Research Institute. V.P. Chkalov, participated in tests of aircraft and aviation weapons. In the system of party studies, he also received a higher political education in the specialty "International Relations and Foreign Policy."
    In 1991, he became seriously ill, as a result of which he was half-paralyzed in 1993 (he recovered by 1999).
  4. 0
    22 November 2013 09: 10
    Author - the connection between Trotsky and Hitler has not been disclosed. Although, as you know, the October Revolution was paid for by the Germans. The millions of copies of the Pravda newspaper were paid for by the Germans. The 1937 purges were not unfounded.
    Some actions of the red commanders in 1941, except as a betrayal can not be called.
    1. -1
      22 November 2013 09: 36
      For example??
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        22 November 2013 10: 07
        Quote: The same Lech
        For example??

        For these "For example ??" Stalin was and Beria was killed by those who did not want to be an "example" ...
        1. +2
          22 November 2013 10: 09
          I would like to hear specific facts, please skip the link.
          The reasons for the inappropriate behavior of some of the red commanders I see in the then atmosphere
          lack of will and lack of any initiative. (with rare exceptions)
          The same PAVLOV until the last moment was afraid to do anything to bring troops into combat readiness.
          But the sailors were not afraid and suffered the least casualties in the first days of the war.

          1. Ulan
            22 November 2013 11: 00
            Pavlov was "afraid." But the commander of the PribVO Kuznetsov was not afraid and began to put the troops on alert on June 18-19. He even ordered a blackout in the cities, although Zhukov canceled this order of Kuznetsov, saying that it was premature.
            But this only concerned blackouts, and measures to bring the troops of the Volga Military District continued.
            The command of Odessa VO was not afraid.
            And Pavlov is undoubtedly a traitor. Not because he worked for some country, but because he did not comply with the requirements of the Red Army Charter and the directive of June 18 on bringing troops into combat readiness.
            Also, the order on the dispersal of aircraft and camouflage of airfields was not implemented.
            Is that why General Kopets, the commander of BelOVO aviation, shot himself because he knew that if he failed to comply with this order, which resulted in the death of half the district’s aviation, he would be asked in full?
            So the failure to comply with the orders and requirements of the Charter is also a betrayal.
            1. SIT
              22 November 2013 14: 16
              Quote: Ulan
              And Pavlov is undoubtedly a traitor. Not because he worked for some country, but because he did not fulfill the requirements of the Charter of the Red Army and the directive of June 18 on putting troops on combat alert ...
              So the failure to comply with the orders and requirements of the Charter is also a betrayal.

              To say who is a traitor and who is not possible, if you know exactly what the order means to put on alert. This can be clarified if you have a BelOVO operational plan of 1941 executed in accordance with the specifications of the General Staff of the Red Army on 15.05.1941/14.10.1940/4. I recall that the last operational plan of the General Staff bearing the signatures of the chief of the General Staff and the People's Commissar of Defense was the plan of 5/100/XNUMX. You can read now what was in the clarifications of the month of May, but you could not see the operational plans of the districts, because they are still secret. You can see border cover plans. So they were executed. There, the defense line of the division is XNUMX-XNUMX times greater than what is required by the Charter. Enough of this to withstand the blow of the Wehrmacht tank army? Only a deeply echeloned defense on the facets of the Kursk arch XNUMXkm deep could withstand such a blow. Since you can judge Pavlov if you have no idea what exactly he should have done according to the operational plan of his district developed at the General Staff under the leadership of G.K. Zhukov? By the way, offer options for answering the question why these plans are still secret.
              1. vardex
                23 November 2013 00: 45
            2. 0
              22 November 2013 18: 37
              Directive No. 1 of June 21, 1941
              1. During the period of June 22-23, 1941, a sudden German attack is possible on the fronts of the LVO, PribOVO, ZAPOVO, KOVO, OdVO. An attack can begin with provocative actions.
              2. The task of our troops is not to succumb to any provocative actions that could cause major complications.
              At the same time, the troops of the Leningrad, Baltic, Western, Kiev and Odessa military districts should be in full combat readiness, to meet a possible sudden attack by the Germans or their allies.
              I ORDER:
              a) during the night on 22 June 1941, secretly occupy firing points of fortified areas on the state border;
              b) Before dawn on June 22, 1941, disperse all aviation, including military, across field airfields, carefully disguise it;
              c) bring all parts to combat readiness. Troops to keep dispersed and disguised;
              d) to bring the air defense to combat readiness without additional lifting the subscription. Prepare all measures to darken cities and objects;
              e) do not carry out any other events without special order.
              Tymoshenko Zhukov

              Sent June 22, 1941 at 02-25 - 02-35. "
              1. SIT
                22 November 2013 20: 02
                Quote: ism_ek
                a) during the night of June 22, 1941, secretly occupy the firing points of fortified areas on the state border; b) before dawn on June 22, 1941, disperse all aviation, including military, across the field airfields, carefully mask it; c) all parts to put on alert. Keep the troops dispersed and disguised; d) put the air defense into combat readiness without additional lifting of the assigned personnel. Prepare all events to darken cities and objects; e) do not carry out any other events without special order

                See the time of sending this directive. 45 minutes were left before the start of the war. Many communication lines were already broken by German sabotage groups. But even let her come in time. Where should these units be located on alert? What tasks are set for them? Take all the staff games from January to May 41st and see what operations were worked out there - offensive, offensive, offensive. Show a deeply layered line of defense along the border that the Wehrmacht needs to break through. Where is she? All you will find is plans for covering the borders, which are not plans for a defensive operation, because by the forces prescribed by these plans it is impossible to hold the defense. The district’s operational plans are still secret. Without knowing their contents, it’s pointless to draw any conclusions.
                1. +2
                  22 November 2013 23: 35
                  In fact, there were directives from June 18. In May, a partial mobilization mobilization was carried out. Parts of the Red Army exceeded the Wehrmacht in quantitative and qualitative composition. At the disposal of Pavlov was 2 thousand tanks !!!
                  Most tanks did not even enter the battle. The 6th mechanized corps (this is more than 1000 tanks), instead of attacking Suwalki (20 km from the location) was sent near Grodno (200 km on its own through swamps). Only a quarter of the cars were running out of fuel.
                  The Americans also shouted at first how cool they were, how quickly they took over Iraq. In the end, it turned out that they simply "bought" the Iraqi generals. I'm sure there were traitors at Pavlov's headquarters.

                  In 1941, workers with shovels, or cadets, stopped SS divisions. And to the teeth, the armed professional military lost entire states in a couple of days.
              2. vardex
                23 November 2013 01: 01
          2. 0
            22 November 2013 12: 47
            Quote: The same LYOKHA
            The same PAVLOV until the last moment was afraid to do anything to bring troops into combat readiness.
            But the sailors were not afraid and suffered the least casualties in the first days of the war.
            All this is a lie. Neither Zhukov nor other military leaders wanted to take responsibility for the failures of 41 years. Everything was eventually blamed on Stalin.
            The troops were in full combat readiness. The directions of the German blows were known. There were plans to surround the advancing German units in Poland.

            The fleet was not injured because the Germans did not particularly attack it. For a month, the Baltic Fleet was locked in the Gulf of Finland and it practically did not interfere with shipping in the Baltic Sea.
            1. SIT
              22 November 2013 14: 43
              Quote: ism_ek
              German strike directions were known

              Find and see the contents of the headquarters games of January 1941. From them you will see that the direction of the main attacks of the Germans was taken Wrong and this is one of the reasons for the complete defeat of the Western Front.
              1. +1
                22 November 2013 15: 02
                Quote: SIT
                Find and see the contents of the headquarters games of January 1941. From them you will see that the direction of the main attacks of the Germans was taken Wrong and this is one of the reasons for the complete defeat of the Western Front.

                The results of these games are only in the retelling of Zhukov and others who blame all the blame on the dead. In any case, Belarus is not the Kursk Bulge. Around the river and swamps. There are not many directions to strike
                In 1944, the Germans, with a smaller number of troops, blocked all roads and the Red Army had to advance through the swamps
            2. +1
              22 November 2013 16: 12
              Quote: ism_ek
              There were plans to surround the advancing German units in Poland.

              Where are the plans? Where are the plans? Who saw them, read them? Who describes them? Can you imagine that even if they exist, then what is the signature stamp on them? Who could describe them nowadays?
              Speculation, fiction, nonsense ...
              1. 0
                22 November 2013 18: 32
                Directive of the NPO of the USSR of 22.06.1941 No. 3
                1. The enemy, striking from the Suvalkin ledge on Olita and from the Zamost region on the front, Vladimir-Volynsky, Radzekhov, auxiliary strikes in the directions of Tilsit, Šiauliai and Siedlec, Volkovysk, suffered heavy losses during 22.6, achieved little success in these directions. On the remaining sections of the state border with Germany and on the entire state border with Romania, the enemy’s attacks were repulsed with heavy losses.
                2. The immediate task at 23-24.6 I put:
                a) concentrate with concentrated concentric strikes of the troops of the North-Western and Western Fronts to encircle and destroy the enemy Suwalki group and, by the end of 24.6, take control of the Suwalki area;
                b) with powerful concentric strikes of mechanized corps, with all the aircraft of the Southwestern Front and other troops 5 and 6A, surround and destroy the enemy group advancing in the direction of Vladimir-Volynsky, Brody. By the end of 24.6, take control of the Lublin area.

                For reference: Suwalki and Lublin are the territory of Poland.
                1. SIT
                  22 November 2013 20: 42
                  Quote: ism_ek
                  The immediate objectives for 23-24.6 are: a) to concentrate and destroy the Suwalki enemy grouping with concentric concentrated strikes of the troops of the North-Western and Western fronts and take control of the Suwalki area by the end of 24.6; b) powerful concentric attacks of mechanized corps, all the aviation of the South-Western Front and others troops 5 and 6A to surround and destroy the enemy group, advancing in the direction of Vladimir-Volynsky, Brody. By the end of 24.6, take control of the Lublin area. For reference: Suwalki and Lublin are the territory of Poland

                  But then they raided the same rake more than once, both near Kharkov and even under Prokhorovka. To step on the forehead against a German army group already deployed in the offensive, which is spearheading armored armies for suicide! It must be exhausted, bloodless in defensive battles as on the Kursk Bulge, and only then should the reserve armies be embraced to cover, and even better, the encirclement near Stalingrad. One of the results of the fulfillment of the directive you specified was the largest tank battle of the entire 2nd World War in the area of ​​those Brody and Dubno, Lutsk. The consequences are known. By July 1, the Soviet mechanized corps of the Southwestern Front were almost destroyed. About 22% of tanks remained in the 10nd, 8-15% in the 10th and 15th, and about 9% in the 19th and 30th. The 4th mechanized corps under the command of General A.A. Vlasov (the same one) was in a slightly better position - he managed to withdraw from about 40% of the tanks.
          3. vardex
            23 November 2013 00: 33
            Bullshit about your Pavlova SO he was afraid that the last peaceful night walk around the restaurants and theaters, and so., June 18, there was an order RESULT troops in combat readiness has already proved AND NOT ONE historians ROSSII.A if you want dokozatelstvo READ RECORD OF INTERROGATION Pavlova Well KRAYNYAK LOOK THE FILM UNDER THE TITLE, WHO HAS DRUGGED THE BEGINNING OF THE WAR, MAYBE HOPE FOR YOU TO HOPE.
          4. 0
            24 November 2013 21: 27
            The sailors were not afraid, Pribvo was not afraid, OVDO was not afraid ... in short, only one Pavlov was afraid)))) Is it strange? All Western military districts at their own risk and fear began to take measures to bring troops into full combat readiness from June 18, 1941, only one Pavlov did not)))))) Or maybe the other way around? was the GS directive dated June 18, 1941?
      3. 0
        22 November 2013 10: 10
        The Soviet country was not put on the verge of collapse by the power of the German divisions, not by the lack of professionalism of our soldiers and officers of the year 1941, but by treason, carefully prepared, thought out, planned. Treason, which was taken into account by the Germans in the development of a completely adventurous, if objectively judged, plans of attack.

    2. +7
      22 November 2013 10: 09
      Quote: ism_ek
      Although, as you know, the October Revolution was paid by the Germans.

      You are aware that in the beginning was the February Revolution, which led to the overthrow of the king. Who paid for it?
      Do not read Suvorov-Rezun at night, nightmares will not dream. This is especially true of "some" actions of the Red commanders in 1941.
      1. +1
        22 November 2013 11: 21
        Quote: IRBIS
        You are aware that in the beginning was the February Revolution, which led to the overthrow of the king. Who paid for it?
        Read Starikov, he is the favorite author of this site. Germany is now occupied and everyone in its archives can delve into it. In the English and American archives just do not get into.
    3. +1
      22 November 2013 22: 08
      In principle, you are speaking correctly, but everyone paid for the three Russian revolutions - Germany, England, the USA, Austria-Hungary, France, and even in Russia they paid - in general, EVERYTHING !!! And the fact that Stalin carried out "cleansing", then one can remember how much the revolution and civil war killed. Don't you think the decline of 20 million people is strange?
  5. -1
    22 November 2013 10: 27
    Quote: IRBIS
    Do not read Suvorov-Rezun at night, nightmares will not dream. This is especially true of "some" actions of the Red commanders in 1941.

    Rezun draws incorrect conclusions from historical documents. Belarus is continuous swamps. The directions of the German offensive were calculated even before the start of the war. The Red Army was preparing for an offensive in Poland in order to cut off the supply routes of the German armies. Read the link above and see the maps.
    Unfortunately, the history of those days corresponded ten times. They all lie.
  6. +2
    22 November 2013 11: 46
    The article is interesting. I read it completely. The alliance of Hitler and Trotsky is not proven.
    1. vardex
      23 November 2013 01: 10
  7. dmb
    22 November 2013 12: 03
    Still, the author's biography can say a lot about his work. Some students who came to the university by vocation and did not take someone else's place, really worked in their specialty, creating the glory of national physics or aircraft construction. Others went to satire (Zadornov and others), but the most mediocre and sharp-witted in the party apparatus, of the late 80s. It was they who were destroying the country, and then, in order to justify their mediocrity, began to write about the "horrors of communism." And in their creations, speaking about historical facts and events, they, as usual, do not bother themselves with proofs: "People are eating." True, in the heat of "revelations", they sometimes do not remember what they said in the paragraph above. Here's just one example. The Reich was Lenin's personal envoy, who "was in Gorki in a hopeless state." After this phrase, it's time to inquire about the state of the author. Well, okay, there are a dime a dozen such historians now (Svanidze, Pivovarov, etc.), but I would like to say a few words about the notorious world revolution. 1. Were there prerequisites for such? Apparently yes, the author himself talks about the revolution in Germany and the revolution in Hungary. And in England and the United States, the labor movement was not at all limited to chatter in parliaments. Mass strikes were suppressed by troops. and not by persuasion, and they happened without any Unshlikhts with the Radeks. As for the money, the author somehow forgot that in war-torn Russia, it simply could not be in the amount required to restore the country and organize revolutions. And then. the fact that the country began to be restored even before Stalin's sole rise to power is denied only by admirers of Svanidze. 2. The hostility of the encirclement of the Soviet Republic, I hope, is beyond doubt. What to do when it is hostile? That's right, try to bring a friendly government to power. Many more points can be cited, but the format of the comment ....
  8. +1
    22 November 2013 12: 44
    Recommend: Romanenko Konstantin "Stalin's 37th". There is a consistent description of the actions of Stalin, his opponents for 10 years, starting with collectivization and the first five-year plan.
    I especially recommend the first part of the book to Alexander Romanov and the supporters of the Holodomor.
  9. +2
    22 November 2013 13: 44
    And they squeak about "innocent victims of Stalin's terror"! The same Radek and others like him, those other Gopniks, could arrange something similar in the USSR, especially during the crisis of the beginning of the war. That would be "fun"! And so the 5th column of the Trotskyists was liquidated ...
  10. SIT
    22 November 2013 14: 58
    OK! Despite the fact that history does not know the subjunctive mood, suppose that the plan of revolution in Germany was a success and the Red Army came to the rescue. The union of the German Social Democracy, German and Russian Communists took place. Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria also joined. How much such an association would be able to put under arms the people who had conquered who are 4, and who are 6-7 years old? Moreover, with weapons and ammunition there would be no problems, because they have remained unmeasured since the war. Would France get involved in a war with such a union, even with the help of England? And what would the 5th communist column do in France itself? Well, the last question would be destroyed before the foundation of Sevastopol, Voronezh, Stalingrad? By whom?
    1. +1
      22 November 2013 17: 04
      Quote: SIT
      suppose that the plan of revolution in Germany was a success and the Red Army came to the rescue.

      At that time, the USSR and Germany did not border. To help the Red Army, a revolution in Poland would be required.
      Quote: SIT
      How much such an association would be able to put under arms the people who had conquered who are 4, and who are 6-7 years old?

      And not the fact that they would all rush to fight. Problems with the mobilization of front-line soldiers were in the Civil War, on both sides of the front.
      Quote: SIT
      Would France get involved in a war with such a union, even with the help of England?

      With the help of England, the United States and Japan would get involved. And they would connect China, Turkey, Finland, Poland and not only.
      Quote: SIT
      And what would the 5th communist column do in France itself?

      But the USSR did not have this column? The internal situation was unstable (banditry in Ukraine and Siberia, basmachism, sabotage, people's fatigue from war and revolution, food collapse). Plus completely destroyed industry and transport.
      In Germany, if the communists came to power, the opposition to them would be even stronger. There are too many well-to-do peasants and well-paid workers. It would be a "5th column" worse than the French communists.
      So you're right, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood.
      1. SIT
        22 November 2013 21: 02
        Quote: Sour
        So you're right, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood

        To appreciate all the details, you need to understand very deeply the situation of the 20s, and then perhaps moments will emerge in which this plan could be implemented. But let us put the question on a principled plane - in the case of a stable alliance between Russia and Germany, who could become an "icebreaker", the locomotive of World War II? Could 2% of the world's gold reserves end up in Fort Knox? How could the dollar become the world's currency? And what role, apart from the backyards of the world, could Britain and the United States play with this version of the European Union (with a Russia-Germany core) in the 70s?
  11. +2
    22 November 2013 17: 01
    Quote: The same LYOKHA
    Trotsky is a typical arsonist of revolutions and of wars including - the blue dream of this revolutionary is to light a bonfire of the world revolution around the world, it is natural that at the same time millions of people were not worried about dying.

    Trotsky is a protégé of the Fed bankers and he stuck to their line. Under his leadership, all "expropriated" Russian gold was secretly taken to the US Federal Reserve. The world "revolution" is their own order of the "New World Order".
    1. 0
      22 November 2013 17: 07
      You are probably one of those who consider the Fed a "private shop"?
      There are plenty of them, I am aware of this.
  12. +1
    22 November 2013 17: 16
    The materials of the criminal case are now available, in which General Pavlov and his accomplices were tried - the chief of staff, General Klimovskikh, the chief of communications of the Western Front, General Grigoriev, and the commander of the 4th Army of the Western Front, General Korobkov, who were arrested shortly after the start of the war and exactly one month after it. Beginning convicted and sentenced to death. For what? So, for example, I gave an order to withdraw units from Brest to the camp at the beginning of June of this year, and it was ordered to evacuate all troops from Brest by June 15. I did not check this order, and the commander of the 4th Army Korobkov did not fulfill it, and as a result, the 22nd Panzer Division, the 6th and 42nd Infantry Divisions were caught by enemy fire when leaving the city, suffered heavy losses and more, as a matter of fact, as connections did not exist. I entrusted Oborin - the mechanized corps commander - with putting the mechanized corps in order, I myself did not check it myself, as a result, even the cartridges were not loaded into the vehicles in advance. ”What is this about? Pavlov is not talking about preparing troops for war, but about their planned exit both under the tsar and in the Red Army before the war, no troops remained in the barracks in the summer - they always went to the camps and lived either in philistine apartments or in tents. troops from Brest before June 15. This is a planned event. And here he doesn’t need the directives of the NGSH and the command from Moscow - he had to do all this himself, according to his plan. But he didn’t. Why?
    If these three divisions, like every year, moved to camps (away from the border) by June 15, then the German artillery would simply not have got them, and the aircraft would have been forced to bomb the units dispersed throughout the forests and clearings. That is, the troops would have survived if Pavlov simply did what was done every year. But he set up the troops in Brest under the blow of the Germans, and that he was ordering their withdrawal, he was lying.
    1. +4
      22 November 2013 17: 28
      The matter is simpler. The commander is responsible for the unit. For example, I had to command a platoon and a company. Naturally, I was responsible for their combat readiness, for the state of discipline. I would answer (and answer) for any emergency. And if there was a war, and the company would show its unpreparedness for war, was defeated, then they would put me to the wall. And they’d do it right.
      And the front commander is better? You also need to ask him. "The system is to blame, the bosses are to blame" is an evasion of responsibility. And this is not in the tradition of people wearing shoulder straps. Pavlova is mostly discouraged by those who do not understand what the army is based on. And it rests primarily on the responsibility for the assigned work.
      1. mko
        10 December 2013 02: 03
        and those responsible in 37, the collective farmers tearing to power, slammed. Different in glasses and a hat.
    2. SIT
      22 November 2013 20: 50
      Quote: demotivator
      If these three divisions, like every year, moved to camps (away from the border) by June 15, then the German artillery would simply not have got them, and the aircraft would have been forced to bomb the units dispersed throughout the forests and clearings. That is, the troops would have survived if Pavlov simply did what was done every year. But he set up the troops in Brest under the blow of the Germans, and that he ordered their withdrawal

      Directive No. 1 of June 21, 1941
      1. During the period of June 22-23, 1941, a sudden German attack is possible on the fronts of the LVO, PribOVO, ZAPOVO, KOVO, OdVO. An attack can begin with provocative actions.
      2. The task of our troops is not to succumb to any provocative actions that could cause major complications.
      At the same time, the troops of the Leningrad, Baltic, Western, Kiev and Odessa military districts should be in full combat readiness, to meet a possible sudden attack by the Germans or their allies.
      I ORDER:
      a) during the night of June 22, 1941 secretly occupy the firing points of fortified areas at the state border
    3. vardex
      23 November 2013 01: 20
      Many do not understand that the main duty of the regiment, division, army commander is to keep it in combat readiness, always in peace of the yard or war, or before the start of any conflict.
  13. makeev.dmitry
    23 November 2013 03: 56
    there is a book "the truth of the generalissimo" by the author Martirosyan. Zhukov and Tymoshenko were preparing a glorious blitz-krieg and did not fulfill Stalin's order to disperse troops into the depths of the defense. More or less like this. whether it was deliberate betrayal or was it mindless arbitrariness, or both. Then the undead Trotskyists blamed everything on Stalin.
  14. +1
    24 November 2013 10: 20
    Both Trotsky and Hitler and Lenin are the product of massism, the purpose of which is the establishment of a New World Order.
    it’s just that the sponsors were different: Lenin (more precisely Parvus) had Germans, Hitler had the British, Trotsky had the North American.
    All wars and revolutions of that time are stages of one chain.
    Not without reason, in Western historiography, especially in the island, both wars: WWII and WWII are combined into one under the name of the Great War.

    About the Fed.
    The Fed is a private shop. Those who think so are not mistaken. And those who think that the Fed is a state structure are mistaken.
    The Zionist states of America, since 1913, is a private shop in which the puppet state is in the hands of the Illuminati. All presidents are relatives, and the elections are fictitious. The US state has long been privatized.
    All the juices have been sucked out of it for a long time and it rests only on the Rockefeller’s reluctance to change something. If the Rothschilds are victorious, then the United States is waiting for default and a place among the countries of the third world, and a new nest of Illuminati will move to China
  15. 0
    24 November 2013 15: 05
    hardly we will ever know the truth

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