Does Russian history repeat: “strong state” or new collapse?

Does Russian history repeat: “strong state” or new collapse?

Russia's economy is slowing down, and apparently, this is a systemic crisis. According to the apt expression of Hegel - "story repeats until people learn the lessons they need to learn from history. ” Does history repeat? - the famous English historian Arnold Toynbey questions next. He repeats himself, he says, but not as a sentence, it all depends on the meaningful actions of the ruling stratum. Civilizations face the challenges of history — and either overcome them or fall apart. The same phenomena are observed in economic history. To understand what is happening now, we need to significantly expand our time horizon - sometimes even beyond our history.

On its millennial path, Russia has repeatedly faced various cardinal challenges, but each time, God's providence was revived again. Recall the Mongol yoke. In the course of this most difficult test, Russia strengthened its state, army, church, faith, which allowed it to further overthrow the conquerors. Then there was a time of troubles, aggression from Poland and again the path was repeated - spiritual, civil and state revival from the point from which the return was a miracle.

The most important motive of our history is the conflict with the West, which has been designated since the times of A. Nevsky and the periodical backlog of the country, giving way to a catch-up modernization. The military and technical gap in the 17 century cost us much of the territory conquered by the Swedes. But now Peter I squeezes the state into a fist - and Russia becomes one of the strongest states of Europe from a backward country, we return the lost. Catherine II continues the success of Peter after a break, but then the country again gradually lags behind. Although we were strong enough to repel Napoleon’s attack, by the time of the Crimean War, the country's military and economic backlog was absolutely clear. The result is a loss. And here again, the Great Reforms — Alexander II, but their result from an economic point of view was controversial, as now, having laid the foundations of capitalism, the economy clearly stalled.

Then Russia lost in the Japanese war 1905, and in the First World War. Why did this happen ? In addition to spiritual reasons, by that time we again, despite the new reforms, were technically and militarily behind the West. Tsarist Russia, with all due respect to Emperor Nicholas II, did not cope with this challenge and simply collapsed. Even if it happened with the use of subversive activities by the West, this factor is secondary.

We won the Mongols, the Poles and the Swedes, the Turks and the French. But the USSR, on the contrary, was able to repeat Peter's leap, and Stalin, for all his flaws, by adopting an agrarian country, “passed” it with the most powerful industry, advanced science - with the presence of an atomic bomb, very close to creating a hydrogen bomb, launching the first satellite and first atomic reactor. And most importantly, the USSR was able to defeat fascist Germany and return all the territories lost after the First World War. In the course of industrialization, we collaborated with the United States, but did not buy finished products, but technologies and factories. Now, having carried out revolutionary market reforms, the country is on the threshold of a new, again catching-up modernization. The main question is which way it will go - sovereign or liberal?

So what is the secret behind the country's constant backlog? The second most important leitmotif of the history of Russia is the passive behavior of a significant part of our elites, against the background of the constant contradiction between the “Westerners” and “patriots”. As Dambiss Moyo writes in the best-selling book “How the West Perished”, the main thing for civilization is how the elites use their capital. This is another expression of Toynbee's thought about finding a decent response from the governing heads of civilization. The economy of Tsarist Russia, as now, was raw materials and agriculture. Some elites, like today, preferred to spend capital, receiving funds from the export of raw materials, and were for free trade. As a rule, this path was followed by the so-called “Westerners” and the passive, “dependent” part of the elites. Passivity of some layers of elites apparently has a historical character, caused by the presence of a long period of serfdom, "feeding", "razdatkom", etc. The other part - the statesmen - the patriots thought about the future (and this is very difficult!), Created conditions for the development of national industry, including using, if necessary, western experience. For the most part, this included an active, creative part of the elites. Peter I, being a patriot, used the experience of the West, but Peter I cared exclusively for the welfare of Russia.

These groups had pronounced contradictions. The situation was similar in the United States, which led to a civil war between the industrial North and the Plantation South. The main motive in this conflict was largely customs policy. The planters wanted free trade (as those who now led us to the WTO), and the industrialists of the Northmen wanted high tariffs and the protection of industry from British expansion. For the good of the United States, industrialists were stronger, otherwise the United States would be something like Argentina now. Under Peter I, Catherine II, customs tariffs were high. But the course of the liberal policy of Alexander II led to a reduction in tariffs, and the economy, as now, had problems. According to some historians, the reason for the opening of Russia's domestic market for the West was a loss in the Crimean War. We have the same result now after losing the Cold War. At the same time, the redemption loans received by landowners as a result of land reform, according to historians, were largely “eaten away”. The logic of capitalism is such that the West can consider any country, including Russia, only as a market and source of raw materials.

A similar situation was in Spain, which overwhelmed itself with mountains of American gold and silver, but did not create, in contrast to enterprising England, its industry. So we, bathing in petrodollars entered the path of Spain. The leading figures of Spain of that time, as now in Russia, gave a clear picture of its problems, but no action was taken, as we have hitherto. But England quickly realized that exporting raw materials was absolutely ridiculous, and therefore created a powerful civilization. Spain was also one of the strongest states in the world. But who will remember this now? So we lose our positions.

Then came the emperor Alexander III and the liberal bench was slammed shut. Tariffs have risen sharply and the economy began to grow rapidly. Konstantin Pobedonostsev, the tsar’s mentor, then becoming chief procurator of the Holy Synod, gave Alexander III some good advice. In particular, 6 March 1881, he wrote to the emperor: “... the hour is terrible and time does not tolerate. Or now to save Russia and themselves, or never. If you sing the old siren songs that you need to calm down, you must continue in the liberal direction ... oh, for God's sake, do not believe Your Majesty, do not listen. It will be the death, the death of Russia and yours: this is clear to me, like a day ... "

History repeats itself: it is not difficult to notice a clear historical similarity between the period from the great reforms of Alexander II and the further movement towards 1917 events and the current "liberation" and new "enslavement" of the country, from the communist yoke to the liberals igue that began with M. Gorbachev's Perestroika and last at the present time, which led to a new crisis of the traditional for Russia raw material model of the economy. The USSR solved the problem by severely subordinating the elites to the interests of the country, the complete closure of domestic markets from imports. But as soon as in the times of M. Gorbachev we began to actively import goods for loans taken in the west, the fate of our economy was resolved. The current situation is only a continuation of “perestroika”.

As for the current elite, its main part (of course, not all) arose mainly not as a result of economic “natural” selection (i.e. due to successful investment), but in many ways it was created artificially as a result of “distributing” tidbits of ownership laborious representatives of the socialist nomenclature. Economically and psychologically, this layer is more likely to consume and devour capital, than to invest and create, which is actually observed. Virtually all of the business strata of Tsarist Russia — our golden fund — were destroyed or emigrated after the revolution, and this is an irreparable loss. To reverse the trend, you need to radically change the principles of the economic system and bring up this layer anew.

Now Russia, despite the good standard of living of the middle class, as well as the population of Moscow and some cities, in terms of structural reforms is marking time, at least with 2004. Colossal and possibly unprecedented public trust credit was spent by the government not on development, but on conservation of the Status Qwo achieved by means of the “managed democracy” policy. The priceless time went into an empty boltology. The success of the economy is determined not only by our incomes, but primarily by the volume of our own production. The present abundance is based on high prices for oil and raw materials.

Look at the advertising signs of leading brands, are Russian names visible there? Alas, in our stores, domestic goods are also not so much. And to be buyers, we need to be manufacturers. But production is degrading, there are problems with effective employment, which our economy cannot create. What are we doing in Moscow - sitting in offices and sorting out pieces of paper - and this is life and work? And what are people doing in stagnant regions that look almost like after the war? That is why the country is quietly dying, drowning grief in a glass of vodka.

But history cannot be deceived, Russia is challenged, either it will be finally economically enslaved by the West, as it happened in the period before the 1917 revolution, or it will push off from it and will play its game. History repeats itself. Cooperation and enslavement should not be confused - these are different things. But I'm afraid to rise and be reborn, we need to see the whole horror of the abyss into which we can fall. And most likely from the point when the conflict with the West will be transferred from the conditionally hidden to an explicit phase. Let us recall the Mongol enslavement, when we were imposed a tribute and all issues were decided in the Horde; Moscow, given to the Poles in troubled times, then to Napoleon, and then burned down; the ruin of the country and the loss of vast territories after the First World and Civil War; Let us recall the accelerated advance of the fascist army almost to the heart of the country — Moscow, and then an unexpected offensive, and then victory. We retreated, but a turning point came and an understanding came: we still can! But aren't the risks of a radical renewal of elites too great? After all, only this is close to them for understanding.

What is the main reason for the slowdown in the economy? The crisis of the global economy, poor investment climate, low productivity? Russia, as a self-sufficient country, with the right economic policy, foreign markets are not a decree (see China’s experience - it still has 7% growth). For production to work, it must be profitable. But since the beginning of 2000, the ruble has been almost stable, while our domestic prices have risen against the backdrop of a stronger ruble and rising domestic costs from 1999 almost 3,8 times (according to official inflation data). As a result, our production has become uncompetitive. A similar reason for the loss of competitiveness existed on the eve of the pre-crisis 1998, when the economy also lay in ruins. The situation is aggravated even more by the full opening of our markets (recall the tariff policy of Alexander II).

And our dear money? The refinancing rate is 8.25% with an economic growth of no more than 2%. The rate in terms of stagnation should be less than the growth rate. For comparison, the US rate of the Fed is 0.25%, GDP growth is 2.25%; Japan - rate-0.1%, GDP growth - 1.8%; EU - Rate-0.5%, GDP - decline by 0.4%.

Now we will hold another historical parallel. In order to attract foreign investment under Nicholas II, Russia moved to the gold standard, and attracted large loans to purchase gold. This strengthened the position of the ruble, but led, as now, to a monetary deficit within the country. If Peter I pursued an active monetary policy, and Catherine II printed paper rubles in any quantity necessary for the country's economic turnover, then with the introduction of the gold standard (as now with the currency board), despite the growth of the economy and the population, there was no such possibility. Foreigners invested in Russia, and no less actively bought it. Huge payments on foreign loans plundered the country, she had to take out everything that was possible (the famous “undernourished, but we will take out!”). Domestic demand and consumption were insufficient. All this also set the stage for the revolution.

And now we are stepping on the same rake. The growth of the money supply should be roughly the sum of the projected inflation and the projected growth. As of 1.09.2013, the M2 money supply in the Russian Federation has grown by only 5% since the beginning of the year. As of the end of September, inflation was 4.72%. What remains on the growth of the economy - 0.3%? If we want the growth of 5% with inflation of 5%, the growth of М2 should be more than 10%. Even economists at Bank of America and HSBC have already said that our Central Bank behaves like Scrooge McDuck, although the economy is almost in recession. So where are we going - to a guaranteed crisis? Then there will definitely be no inflation. And buying the rest of our economy will be even easier.

But smart people came to 1998, including E.Primakov, who found the classic way out — they devalued five times and began to actively increase their money supply, without which the entire economic growth of 2000's would be simply impossible. Another secret of the “economic miracle”, in addition to the increase in oil prices, is the active growth of the money supply during this period (during 1999-2007) by an average of 40% per year, which resulted in almost a threefold level of monetary security of the economy (monetization level - M2 / GDP ratios - from 15 to 40%) with a threefold drop in inflation from 36 to 12%. Inflation cannot be defeated by money hunger, it is treated only by active economic development. To create growth conditions, it is necessary to raise the level of monetization to the level of developed countries - i.e. to 80-100%, but it practically does not grow in the post-crisis period (on 1.01.2013 - around 44%).

Discussion of the problems of economic policy, as a rule, is deliberately taken to the mainstream, where you will never find the right answer. Because economics is ruled not by science, but by pure politics in such a way that its true goals for us are hidden behind an iron curtain, open only to a few. Reigning leapfrog complicates the correct perception of reality. Virtually no measures in the current structure of the economy without a sharp reduction in costs and limiting the import effect will not give. Suppose a miracle happened, we will re-equip our entire economy, while our labor productivity will hardly be higher than outside; and if we leave the exchange and customs policy at the same level - but who will need these products at our internal costs and overstocked foreign markets?

It is necessary to make internal production competitive, for which it is necessary to reduce all possible costs - monetary, corruption, criminal, to have not expensive tariffs, but cheap ones, to develop infrastructure. And in our country absolutely everything is completely the opposite. The country's economy is like a snake devouring itself by the tail. Everyone wants to grab at least something, but there is no moral-rational center that would take care of the common good. In fact, who is now interested in the progress of Russia? Raw material elites receiving dollars for oil and gas? The US and Europe are thinking what to do with their excess capacity and how to push more into foreign markets? And then ours? China, which, although it maintains normal relations with us, is interested only in our raw materials and territories. Everyone is afraid of the awakening of the “Russian bear”, now shrouded in fetters from all sides. The current economic policy is pushing the country into the abyss.

The views expressed by some “right” analysts that slow growth rates are absolutely normal for us are simply absurd. This means that they are ready to conserve our backwardness, with the gigantic level of underinvestment and underdevelopment that we have, with a still huge population. I can assure you that if Emperor Peter I or Alexander III came now, let's not talk about Stalin, they were able to find a way out of the current situation during 24 hours. The country would have earned, and the economy would have developed no worse than the Chinese in its best times, growing at least 7% per year.

And the most important point about the behavior of elites. Our elites do not want to pay higher taxes (on a progressive scale), as they do in virtually semi-socialist Germany (free and openly cheap higher education, a large unemployment benefit, low-cost housing), as it was before 1917. Thus, they want avoid responsibility for the development of the country. And they cannot spend budget money without embezzlement. In the meantime, the elites of Germany do not shine with luxury, but they shine with achievements in industry (although Germany has its own problems - migration does not want to assimilate the population from the southern undeveloped countries). And what we shine? With the withdrawal of capital and the complete concession of our markets to foreigners who are steadily supported by the high real exchange rate of the ruble? Do embezzlers, racketeers, raiders, corrupt officials, businessmen, who do not pay taxes, understand that they are harmful to society, and, in the end, to themselves? Or do they just maximize their capital? Think again, what's wrong with you? What is the price of success in terms of morality and eternity?

At one time, Ivan Kalita took extremely important steps to defeat the Mongol yoke. He began to build temples, transferring the spiritual center of our civilization to Moscow, was able to start unifying processes, brought order to the state, which stimulated the development of the economy and ensured the influx of the population to his principality. But only his grandson Dmitry Donskoy was able to successfully concentrate the forces of the state and defeat the Mongol hordes on the Kulikovo Field. Yes, we could, although it was not the end of the struggle. Despite the economic deadlock, the Orthodox Church is steadily growing stronger, the number of new and restored churches, churched citizens is growing. As Toynbee believed, civilization is reborn only on a strong spiritual foundation.

Elites must invest and pay taxes, otherwise the state will not stand. And the state, despite the inertia of the officials, should not interfere, and even better - actively help in this. Otherwise, it will end in a crisis or a dictatorship, which will suddenly put everything in its place. And if fate sends us a new ordeal in the form of a new global economic crisis, an international or internal conflict, as has happened more than once? In fact, everything repeats, now we completely lose both in the economic war and in the battle of minds, we lose sovereignty. And now it is also possible, as before, to say: there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow. But the present enemy is cunning to the impossibility, and most importantly the front has no boundaries, passing everywhere, including within us, and we, as zombies, continue to babble liberal mantras that deprive us of development.

So why not resort to the tried-and-true means - devaluation? Well, how can you - our "partners" will be very unhappy, because they will not be able to give us their gross product. After all, on G20 heard constant spells against the "currency wars." And how will the population react to the inevitable rise in prices? Buying equipment abroad will be expensive, but what about the loans taken in foreign currency for those firms that have only ruble revenues? With a soft and proper devaluation, everyone will benefit, both raw materials, industrialists, people, and banks. The ruling elite until the next election has time to repeat the success of E. Primakov. Just have to suffer. Without labor, sacrifice and service, there will never be success. Who was dissatisfied with the growth of the economy in the period 1999-2007, although immediately after the depreciation of the ruble, everything looked terrifying?

And if you leave everything as it is, then unemployment will grow, the economy can go into a tailspin, and the results of future elections can be as disastrous that no “miracles” can correct them. As for devaluation, everything depends on the specific situation, but there is a proven experience - L. Erhard, the German economic miracle; F.D. Roosevelt, measures during the Great Depression, present-day China, and finally Russia after 1998, all took advantage of the undervalued rate.

The foundation of the new economy, as under Alexander II, was erected, it’s time to think about your national interests. As our great philosopher I.Ilin wrote: “The Russian state power will either be strong or will not exist at all”. Historically, only such power provided the country with goal-setting, unity, achievements and progress. Toynbee believed that the essence of civilization will certainly remind you of yourself. As Horace wrote, “Drive nature through the door, it will fly through the window.” Only a strong hand can consolidate the state and establish order, putting the country on the path of progress, depriving the most powerful individualists of the ability to create lawlessness in society and harm it, subjecting them to public interests in the name of general harmony. For example, FD Roosevelt did this, introducing higher taxes and strict government regulation of the economy. But the United States has become a world leader. And their current problems are associated primarily with the rejection of his legacy.

At one time, ancient Greece could not overcome disunity, as a result, it was replaced by a stronger Roman civilization. In addition, pagan civilizations did not have the spiritual foundation that could ensure their future. On the contrary, during the time of the Mongolian yoke, Russia consolidated, as a result, it became free and became a global player. Other examples are the unification of the nation by F. D. Roosevelt, a fragmented Germany - Otto von Bismarck. As for Russia, now it is not only multiplying, but also actively splitting it. Society is divided into left and right, communists and liberals, there are national and regional contradictions, income inequality is growing. There are no national goals and objectives in the country, ideology is barren, just as the slogan “Every man for himself, be enriched!” Is barren. But “... any kingdom divided against itself will become empty; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand ”(Matthew, 12,25).

In the country there are cardinal contradictions between the interests of the elites and its national interests. Our industrial lobby due to the policy of "open doors" and "lowering" of the national industry "below the plinth" has practically no internal weight. This is reflected in economic, commercial, industrial, monetary policy, as well as military and educational reforms, all of which lead to a lack of development, insufficient investment in an unsatisfactory investment climate and capital outflow. No need to shrug and give consequences for the cause, you need to look at the root. That is why so much is said and done a little, one promises, another comes out. Like Sisyphus, we are all (as if) overcoming difficulties, but from the point of view of our fundamental economic interests, we are marking time, randomly shy away from all sides. That is why many experts can not understand what is happening in the country.

Now the power of civilization is not only in the army, but in industry and science. For a long time in the world there is a constant struggle for the markets of foreign countries. And as the experience of any wars (real and economic) shows, the one with industry and science is stronger. Let us recall once again the differences in this sphere in Tsarist Russia and the USSR. So what are we doing in this area? In Moscow, it was almost destroyed and replaced by business centers, in the regions there are either collapsed buildings or dilapidated factories that barely make ends meet. In this case, we have annually displayed on 55-65 MHR. dollars, while goods are imported into 342,7 billion dollars. Only production can create national wealth, which is perfectly illustrated in the book by Norwegian economist Eric S. Reinert "How rich countries became rich and why poor countries remain poor."

Until then, while the conflict with the West does not manifest itself explicitly, there will be no national policy, because the vector of elites is too strongly directed outside the country. Now the policy of total concessions prevails, which is carried out in the name of the possibility of integrating our elites into global ones. But this is an illusion - no one will ever let us in there unless we achieve it with our strength. Nobody can agree with the USA, they can only use someone for their own purposes, even when they help someone.

And only the Syrian conflict, like the Rubicon, associated with the battle for the possibility of the transit of Qatari gas to Europe against the Russian gas route, forces Russia to go against the West. And even this conflict, in essence, lies in the same external vector of elites - in the struggle for raw material markets. The US is crowding Russia here too, increasing exports of hydrocarbons. Ahead of the disassembly of the oil deposits of the Arctic. And if the US decides to confiscate our bank holdings in their banks, as was done with Iraq and Libya, and there is information that some US senators are already proposing to impose such sanctions? When the secret becomes clear, then the elites will be asked - who are you, the "servants" of the people? Or as Moses asked, descending from the mountain, found Israel in a terrible fall: “Who is the Lord ...?”.

And finally, a second impetus to the changes “from below” can give massive social discontent. But it is not necessary to indulge yourself with illusions - Russians suffer for a long time, but the boiler can explode at any time. So, need a reason. If not, there is no reform.

The only way in this situation is to start the engine of the economy with weak demand, including the slowdown of the external economy - to carry out a sharp increase in investments in infrastructure projects (roads, bridges, airports, electric power industry and housing) and the development of industry. See the US experience during the Great Depression, and now China, which has already launched two programs to develop the country's infrastructure. By the way, now and the United States have begun to return jobs to their homeland - from electronics to clothing production.

This will create a huge multiplicative demand, change the quality of life, increase investment attractiveness. Dmitry Medvedev is right in speaking of economic freedom and the business climate. But in a crisis time, without a stimulus from the state, the economy will turn into a tailspin — an axiom that has been tested many times over and theoretically substantiated by John.M. Keynes. During the crisis, the main thing for the private sector is liquidity preference; there is no investment.

What is the conclusion? We have a western yoke, and it, like the Mongol, must be dropped. And this is a great chance to create a new, flaw-free model of “social capitalism”. Yes, we can - there is no other way, otherwise the fate of our successor, the Byzantine Empire, may await us. But "Moscow is the third Rome, ... and the fourth will not happen!" And as Alexander II said to disgruntled elites: "It is better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait for the people to abolish it from below." Russia and its leaders, if they value what they have and, it is assumed that being reasonable, should not repeat the mistakes of their predecessors made in Tsarist Russia, should find a way out of the current situation. Otherwise, the river of history will wash away the house of cards that they built, even if it is beautiful with its luxury. The wave of liberalization will absolutely inevitably be replaced by a wave of nationally oriented policies. These are the lessons of history.
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  1. +21
    5 November 2013 07: 19
    Everything is correct, the question is only to the authorities, they really do not understand, or is it Russian maybe?
    So many years to stagnate .. Skolkovo, Oskolkovo, Vorovaevo.
    To steal more than 126 billion rubles. only from there, the RF Ministry of Defense, and other good pieces, how rich the country is, and how mediocre the authorities are.
    I'm trying to understand, frankly, it's hard to trace the logic of leaders.
    1. +1
      5 November 2013 07: 47
      Devaluation, deoffshorization, industrialization - otherwise a revolution. All is correct. One thing is reassuring - for the first time time is working not against us, but on our side.
      1. +11
        5 November 2013 08: 33
        Quote: a52333
        One thing is reassuring - for the first time, time does not work against us, but on our side.

        How is this? Explain your thought, if not difficult.
        1. 0
          5 November 2013 09: 20
          States are wallowing. Europe is falling with the States. This is perhaps the first time that you can simply defend (I’m not saying that you need to stand. I say that you can).
          1. +5
            5 November 2013 11: 13
            Quote: a52333
            States are wallowing. Europe is falling with the States. This is perhaps the first time that you can simply defend (I’m not saying that you need to stand. I say that you can).

            Well, your logic is clear. Something in the style of the old man-Fedorov ideas about wine in all our troubles of the dollar of the damned and treacherous State Department.
            The introduction into the minds of popular ideas like “America will soon collapse”, then we will live “wow, how will we live?” Did I understand the main meaning correctly?
            1. +3
              5 November 2013 16: 59
              Quote: baltika-18
              The introduction into the minds of popular ideas like “America will soon collapse”, then we will live “wow, how will we live?” Did I understand the main meaning correctly?

              And do you think the United States has nothing to do with it? And the ruble is not pegged to the dollar? The war in Chechnya was sponsored by the West! Propaganda is being conducted in Russia with the help of all kinds of non-governmental funds! There are many examples.
      2. +12
        5 November 2013 09: 19
        I liked the article, except:

        D. Medvedev is right in saying
        1. +1
          5 November 2013 16: 44
          D. Medvedev is right in saying

          Yes, I also twitched !!
    2. +17
      5 November 2013 07: 53
      They just don't give a damn about Russia. They have a tactic - to steal and pull from here so that the West has enough money for them and their children.
      For they know nothing but theft.
      1. +6
        5 November 2013 08: 39
        Kibalchish: steal and pull ...
        Burp spruce cynicism- Guys, take EVERYTHING! The guys still take it, and do not expect that they will choke. And while it is WORTH (like on the first night) the question "where is the landing?" will take, take, take The answer to the question is postponed. And only a tough, affirmative will give a solution to many other painful issues
        1. +10
          5 November 2013 08: 48
          No, not "where landing" WHERE SHOOTING ???
          1. AVV
            5 November 2013 10: 02
            Plant in even beds, and who does not understand that in a common hole !!!
            1. +5
              5 November 2013 12: 21
              Kibalchish. who will plant them. at the head is a bad boy. and he sits in power until some boy shouts "and the king is naked."
              "There are lies in fairy tales, but there is a hint in them - a lesson for good fellows!"
    3. +38
      5 November 2013 07: 54
      The author of the article listed the experience of all reformers in Russia, except for Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, simultaneously kicking the brightest creator of a strong Russian state, recalling "its shortcomings."
      First of all, to restore a strong Russia, it is necessary to turn to the experience of Stalin I.V. to create the second world power of the USSR.
      It is necessary to re-industrialize Russia, move away from the raw material basis of the economy, directing resources from the sale of oil and gas raw materials not to the securities of the West and the USA, but to the state industry of Russia.
      To abandon the slogan of the liberals "about the ineffectiveness of the state in the economy", to de-privatize and nationalize the main raw-material industries. To create a diversified economy of Russia, including the main state sector of the economy and a secondary sector of private entrepreneurs, as it was under Stalin I.V.
      To re-collectivize in the agricultural sphere the unemployed rural workers of Russia, thereby ensuring the food security of the state.
      To eliminate the entire treacherous comprador bourgeoisie by nationalizing their assets.
      But whether the current power of the liberals, led by President Putin, will be able to go to this restoration of a strong Russia is a big question.
      Most likely not, judging by Putin's statement that "we will not revise the results of the criminal privatization," and "we will carry out further privatization of the remnants of state property, due to the inefficiency of the state in the economy."
      So, the question of creating a strong Russia is set aside for an indefinite period of time, if it will ever be resolved at all, with the current policy of the authorities, we are only in danger.
      1. +6
        5 November 2013 09: 11
        Quote: vladimirZ
        The author of the article listed the experience of all reformers in Russia, except for Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, simultaneously kicking the brightest creator of a strong Russian state, recalling "its shortcomings." First of all, to restore a strong Russia, it is necessary to turn to the experience of Stalin I.V. on the creation of the second world power of the USSR.

        Vladimir, welcome. The author did not turn to the experience of Stalin for only one reason; he does not set the task of restoring a strong Russia, but pushes the idea of ​​momentary profit by devaluing the ruble. And he himself emphasizes the experience of Russia in 98 years. But how did it end? Domestic goods disappeared from the domestic market. And who will give a guarantee that this also will not happen when the ruble collapses again?
        Your comment is more convincing than the article itself.
        1. Walker1975
          5 November 2013 14: 04
          Each experience has its own time. The world is already at the stage of POSTindustrial society and is moving forward, but are you trying to go back and measure the power of the state with tons of molten iron? Repeat industrialization, instead of developing new high technology? I am afraid that to repeat the experience of Stalin now, it is the same as to urge in Mongolia to repeat the experience of Genghis Khan. Like, let’s ride horses and capture China to raise Mongolia.
          1. +3
            5 November 2013 15: 32
            Quote: Walker1975
            Each experience has its own time. The world is already at the stage of POSTindustrial society and is moving forward, but are you trying to go back and measure the power of the state with tons of molten iron? Repeat industrialization, instead of developing new high technology?

            The laws of dialectics have been open for a long time and no high technology will refute them.
            So get ready for smelting nano-iron laughing
      2. pahom54
        5 November 2013 09: 57
        Well, in general - a ready-made program for action. I completely agree.
        Only now, as the author of the article says, a lot depends on the behavior of the elite. And here the elite cannot be called patriotic by any means - therefore, here again some points of your proposals should enter.
        As a matter of fact, the author of the pack calls either for revolution, or forcing pre-war psychosis ... I’m sure that if Putin had taken the path of deprivatization and restoration of Russia's power and sovereignty, most of the Russian population would have followed him ... However, there are such BUT, as the lack of money in this large part of the population and the presence of huge money in the so-called elite ... Lord, even the language does not dare to call them elite - thieves, bandits, bastards, crooks, on whom the fate of Russia supposedly depends now ... Ugh !!!
        Putin, wake up !!!
        1. +6
          5 November 2013 12: 22
          "Putin, wake up !!!"

          he is not sleeping.
      3. Gari
        5 November 2013 10: 14
        Stalin, despite all his shortcomings, having adopted an agrarian country, “surrendered” it with powerful industry, advanced science - with the presence of an atomic bomb, very close to creating a hydrogen bomb, launching the first satellite and the first nuclear reactor. And most importantly - the USSR was able to defeat Nazi Germany and return all the territories lost after the First World War.
        Quote: vladimirZ
        First of all, to restore a strong Russia, it is necessary to turn to the experience of Stalin I.V.

        Everything is all right, it only turns to the experience of Comrade Stalin.
        1. Walker1975
          5 November 2013 14: 09
          Quote: Gari
          Everything is all right, it only turns to the experience of Comrade Stalin.

          Well, yes ... due to the agricultural component and thousands of prisoners to raise industry. Only villages in Russia are already breathing in the air (as far as I heard there are even NOT gasified villages and this is in the homeland of Gazprom). Try it and you will have to buy 100% of the products abroad.
          1. +4
            5 November 2013 14: 20
            Quote: Walker1975
            (as far as I heard there are even NOT gasified villages and this is in the homeland of Gazprom).

            This is the plan "B" of "Gazprom", as soon as the reduction of supplies to the west begins, it will be possible to maintain its profits at the expense of internal reserves, just about this to anyone! laughing
      4. Walker1975
        5 November 2013 13: 58
        So let's turn to the experience of Stalin. For industrialization, he made colossal scissors: that is, the growth of industrial centers at the expense of the countryside. The peasants did not receive a net salary, but workdays, they were forbidden to leave the collective farms without permission (in fact they were serfs in the public service), all their lands were nationalized, all agricultural products were sucked out of the village for a penny, only from the 60s did the peasants begin to pay pensions, who remember the Soviet selmagas, he remembers that in the USSR the provision of villages was the lowest by any kind of goods (there was a pyramid: the best provision was Moscow, then Peter and the capitals of the republics, regional centers, district centers, towns, villages). How did it all end? Purchasing products abroad. The fact that, although there were opponents in the Politburo, they had to consistently pass laws allowing the peasants to have personal plots, and the townspeople - 6 acres for growing gardens. Do you know why there were opponents of these laws in the Politburo? Because it was a recognition of the fact that the Soviet collective farm system is not able to feed its citizens and even peasants.
        Now back to today. At the beginning of the USSR, the population lived more in villages than in cities; one could survive the extinction of a number of villages for industrialization. Now the situation is different. If you introduce the Stalin laws On three spikelets - 10 years of camps for 3 spikelets taken from the field, surround the rebellious villages with internal troops and shoot everyone who will flee from hungry villages, from whom all food was taken to the altar of industrialization, then you will simply die out the peasantry (the strength limit is depleted) and you have to buy ALL food abroad! You will NEVER and ANYONE lure anyone to work on the earth. It will be such a dependence that dependence on oil and gas will seem like flowers.

        Well, let's not forget that hundreds of thousands of prisoners made a huge contribution to industrialization. Who will you plant?
        1. +3
          5 November 2013 14: 16
          Well then, here is another reformer:
          In his speech at the meeting, Khrushchev set the following task for the agrarian sector: "In the coming years, catch up and overtake the United States in the production of meat, butter and milk per capita." Khrushchev considered it possible to increase several times the production of meat and milk and catch up with the United States already in 1960. The fulfillment of the set plans was associated not only with the rise in the well-being of the people and the solution of the food issue, but also with the growth of the USSR's authority in the world. "This victory," Khrushchev said, "will be stronger than a hydrogen bomb." The first year and a half after the plan was announced did not bring expected results. Then the central government decided to spur local government. At the end of 1958, all regional committees, incl. Kirovsky, an order was sent to take "decisive measures." The first to respond to Khrushchev's appeal was the Secretary of the Ryazan Regional Committee A.N. Larionov, who promised to triple state procurements of meat in the region within a year. The initiative of the Ryazan people was supported by several other regions, including the Kirov region, headed by its leader A.P. Pchelyakov. In January-February 1959, the XXI Congress of the CPSU took place, speaking at which Khrushchev said that "now there are already the first signs that portend a good summer for us. For example, in the Ryazan Region, commitments have been made this year to increase meat production in collective and state farms. 3,8 times. "
          After the congress, in February, Khrushchev went to Ryazan. Larionov reported on double deliveries of meat by the region in the 58 year, and then he personally assured Khrushchev that the region would fulfill the promise of tripling supplies. Khrushchev awarded the region with the Order of Lenin for the successes of the 58 year and in advance for taken social obligations.
          How, then, in the 1958 year did the Ryazan region double the supply of meat in a year?
          Recall that on August 20 of that year, a resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the CPSU in the RSFSR "On the prohibition of keeping livestock in the personal property of citizens living in cities and workers' settlements." Now it is difficult for us to imagine what kind of resonance this resolution had then. 12,5 million urban families, mainly residents of regional centers, who lived in their own houses, had a small subsidiary farm - a vegetable garden and mows, kept a cow, goats, and fattened piglets. This was a good help in the face of constant interruptions in the supply of retail foodstuffs, but at the same time people had to independently procure feed for the winter, and the daily care of the livestock took an hour or two of their personal time. And so, within a few months, all these livestock were removed from private farms and transferred to collective and state farms. The latter, however, did not have either a supply of fodder or the necessary premises for keeping the adopted cattle. All the animals from the private households of the townspeople went under the knife. And naturally, the procurement of meat has increased dramatically.
          1. Walker1975
            5 November 2013 15: 06
            And then it was already much more difficult to persuade the peasants to take up animal husbandry again.
        2. pahom54
          5 November 2013 15: 56
          ... "Whom will you imprison? ..."
          Here is this good - in bulk. I begin: Abramovich, Vasiliev, Deripaska, Serdyukov, Chubais ....
          1. Walker1975
            5 November 2013 16: 24
            No, well, these are understandable ... I mean, hundreds of thousands must be planted in order to have the effect of their work for the country. By the way, I think that Stalin would start with you: firstly, you communicate on the Internet with citizens of other states and, therefore, you can pick up seditious ideas, and secondly, instead of working for your homeland, spend time sitting on forums.
            1. +4
              5 November 2013 17: 24
              Quote: Walker1975
              No, well, these are understandable ... I mean, you have to plant hundreds of thousands

              Do you think sitting less now? Of course, we are far from Americans, but we are confidently overtaking Stalin in terms of the number of prisoners.
              In addition, the role of prisoners is greatly exaggerated, prisoners work poorly and poorly, in fact they do not pay back the costs of their maintenance.
              1. Walker1975
                5 November 2013 17: 52
                No less :) But not those who are planted :) It is necessary to plant workers, peasants, scientists, and not criminals. The Queen was seated and the USSR was the first to launch a satellite into space and the first to send a man into space.

                Quote: Setrac
                Of course, we are far from Americans, but we are confidently overtaking Stalin in terms of the number of prisoners.

                Do you think that the FSIN is more than the gulag? Yes, you would be Comrade. Stalin would have sent to Solovki or sunny Magadan for such sedition.
                1. Hudo
                  5 November 2013 20: 13
                  Quote: Walker1975
                  The Queen was seated and the USSR was the first to launch a satellite into space and the first to send a man into space.

                  Korolev, sat down because he preoccupied himself with the realization of his creative ambitions - the creation of liquid-fuel rockets, while the Reactive Institute (RNII) was working on the creation of rockets of various calibers - prototypes of shells for Katyusha, in 1937— 1938 these missiles were adopted by the USSR Armed Forces.
                  But Khrushchev, Charomsky A.D. He didn’t send his mind in places not so distant, and he had fun since 1954. more than TEN YEARS (!!!!!) on folk money with Jukers Jumo 205 suitcase, amusing your creative ego to bring to the standard 5TDF EXPERIMENTALLY, by trial and error.
                2. 0
                  5 November 2013 21: 31
                  Quote: Walker1975
                  Do you think that the FSIN is more than the gulag?

                  This is not a question of what I think, that’s the reality.
            2. pahom54
              6 November 2013 10: 09
              Walker1975 - ... "waste time sitting on forums" ...
              I note - SOMETIMES I SPEND and a very short time, and so in general - I am disabled and for the sixth year I have not left my one-room apartment ...
              And you, my friend, do not waste your time on the forum ??? So, hypothetically, Stalin will plant us together ,,,
        3. +1
          5 November 2013 17: 26
          That's right, the village was a "serf". Probably, of all those who wrote about grace in the countryside in the USSR, no one went to this village. Every time I went to the village to see my grandmother, I carried on myself many kilos of sausage and canned food (although the village is only 90 km from Pskov and about 380 km from St. Petersburg). And I will add about "socialism" - V.I. Ulyanov said that the social. this is owl. power + electrification of all Russia, I.V. Dzhugashvilli announced its construction in 1937. and the beginning of the construction of a developed social. So the grandmother was led to the village (the poles were installed with wires) in 1964, but the light really appeared in 68-69. The grandmother's pension was a HUGE 7.5 rubles, this is for "plowing" from dawn to dawn and lack of rights. So what else can you say "LIVED WELL".
          1. Walker1975
            5 November 2013 17: 48
            Now local fans of the Great State under Stalin will instruct you in the minuses. No one will argue, but they will instruct the minuses, because the Truth pricks their proud little souls;) Moreover, they are absolutely sure that the USSR lived in truth, and the West in lies and hypocrisy. And the fact that workers were shot in Novocherkassk - since there was no Channel 1 in the Program - that means there was none at all.
            1. -2
              5 November 2013 19: 09
              Novocherkassk events Channel 1 showed so much that everyone was tired. All documents, reports, protocols of interrogations of the actors are in the public domain. (And your propaganda, see another tryndit?) This concludes that, firstly, the riots were suppressed quite correctly. Secondly, there were no shootings of the demonstrations, although there was fire , of course, it was opening up - lawfully, in such cases, they would start shooting in any country, even now. The number of victims is minimal.
              I argue only with this, because I agree that the people are not ready to sacrifice their well-being and well-being for the prosperity of the state. And, for example, my colleagues will not like it very much if for screaming that Putin is a radish, one can easily get the top ten without the right to correspond. :)))
        4. +2
          5 November 2013 21: 15
          I’ll tell you now you will not believe in the GUIN system of the Russian Federation more people than in the best times of the Gulag.
    4. +11
      5 November 2013 08: 51
      Not everything is right. You can even say that basically everything is not right. Firstly: the author throughout the article mentions that Russia was mostly backward, but this is not so - Russia has always been on more or less equal positions with all the strongest countries in the world, both in terms of industry and in terms of science. Otherwise, no one would have considered Russia at all. And this despite the fact that Russia, unlike other great powers, did not plunder other weaker countries. All the wealth and power of Western Civilization comes from the oppression and plunder of other countries.

      The author also claims that due to the low growth of industry and the economy as a whole, a crisis will soon begin. This is also far from the case. It took more than twenty years for the USSR to reach a sufficient level of industry and economy. Despite the fact that then, too, the Western powers dragged from Russia everything they could, and even a bunch of their internal enemies were (in other words, traitors). But by the time the Great Patriotic War began, it was almost completely modernized in the military-industrial and scientific terms. That is precisely why the united west attacked the USSR so hastily.

      At the moment we have a similar situation with the NEP times. There are many "elite", "commerce", but then they were strangled, so to speak, through government intervention, not by selection of everything acquired, but because of competition: in fact, no private trader can compete with the state. So the NEPmans switched from private to state business: those who were smarter remained in business (director, manager, etc.), and those who were too stupid and greedy, they were left with nothing.

      The author also confuses the reasons for the growth of the welfare of the country as a whole and the citizens individually and the causes of inflation. The welfare of the state directly depends on the sale of goods of the entire spectrum of production. If the country has its own competitive products, and citizens acquire it accordingly, then everyone remains in the black and there is a turnover of money for services and production. The main source of inflation is the commission for granting loans (it does not matter to whom). If the commission is higher than one percent, then this will inevitably lead to inflation, since the amount of money originally issued will not correspond to the amount returned. And monetization can only help in the short term, about which the author also forgets.

      The position of the author is still amusing:"And if fate sends us a new ordeal in the form of a new world economic crisis". Any crisis, I repeat - any, is the result of management and a general approach to business. The current crisis has arisen through a capitalist, parasitic, uncontrollably growing consumption approach to the management of politics and the economy.

      It is also worth noting that the author mainly cites the statements of foreign scientists, historians and others like them. Do we have our own, or even better, no? Thus, the author gives out his worldview identical with the West. And it is precisely this worldview that led to such a major world crisis.

      From year to year Russia was prophesied and wished for decay and death. But our Civilization has existed for more than one thousand years. They are constantly trying to conquer, destroy, enslave and even destroy us. Over the course of many centuries, Russian Civilization has expanded and narrowed, and the more they squeeze at one time, the more we expand in the future.

      The peculiarity of our civilization is the striving for the TRUTH and the striving for life according to the TRUTH. He is stronger on whose side the TRUTH and, accordingly, GOD. Therefore, century after century, we defeated a stronger opponent when we were predicted to lose.
      1. +3
        5 November 2013 09: 47
        Brilliantly))) Several times I opened the topic (read the comments) .. Wait a moment in tune ...

        But the author has mesmerized you a little, economics, religion, the incorrect interpretation of history ...

        And Russia has had a CHRONICLES all his life (not history: pieces of half-truth stories with interpretations of events in an advantageous manner not based on cross knowledge from physics, astronomy and archeology)))

        The West has built its display case on lies, fraud, and a veiled Looting.

        Now about the state, the Economy and the "elites" ....
        Let's remember the Commonwealth (the territory of the Slavs rejected)) in Latin it sounds like this - Res publica, translated as - a common thing .... here you can recall similar words -constitution-prostitution)))) Who did all the Poles eventually become ??? ???? These are no longer the Slavs ... By the way, Ashkenazi "did" in the same place (the most famous is Brzezinski)))) the former Slavs ((((

        This is what I am for. Here are the Poles trying to become Westerners ... This part, the people will DIE.
        Russian People do not need to pay attention to GDP (gross product)) statistical reporting on exchanges, crises of all stripes .....
        We hold on to each other with our disunity (as the media say))
        And it is not Putin's merit that the country has not collapsed (and something else keeps us together)), on the contrary, the "elite" betrays the country and sells (Budget money is held by the US Federal Reserve System)) - it gives China islands and territories on the border with Norway. are headed by residents of Anglo-Saxon blood))) and the President "patriot" is fighting by signing these decisions))))

        PERFORMANCE)))) All life is a GAME, and the People in it are "actors"
        The truth is worse and illiterate))))
        One thing is good, illiterate at the helm, soon the country will collapse. And it will be possible to start LIVING ON OTHER PRINCIPLES inaccessible to humans; Images of Anglo-Saxons, Jews, Chinese, etc.))))
    5. +6
      5 November 2013 09: 34
      Sorry to fit
      -but I don’t understand what is the point of pouring from empty to empty?
      We all know that-
      and the problem in the economy is that our government consists of two parts (some kind of dual power) —Putin is engaged in foreign policy — and here everything is exactly the same.
      And liberal managers, economists, are obviously not engaged in patriots of their country, but followers of the course of globalization, although the whole world realized that this leads to the enrichment of developed countries and the impoverishment of developing ones, and we are clearly a developing economy.
      And liberal economists are sitting on our finances, sort of working, but kind of not ...
      In short and honestly, pure sabotage is what is happening in our domestic politics ...
      1. pahom54
        5 November 2013 10: 04
        So it seems to me - Putin is at least trying to do something, and the government and the so-called elite are sabotaging. If you look closely, then in our country there is total sabotage, and without a strong hand and tough measures we cannot make Russia powerful and sovereign.
        Yes, you will have to sacrifice something (I mean - in a personal material sense), but I agree to give up a part of what I have now - it's not scary for me, but the “elite” will never give up its benefits, never. So the question of the state's dependence on the behavior of its elite comes up again.
        1. +13
          5 November 2013 12: 13
          Quote: pahom54
          So it seems to me -

          Quote: mirag2
          Oroch and honestly, pure sabotage

          Oh Guys, you are generals, but you think that the "king" does not know something, the boyars are bad))))
          The basis of the whole order is who prevents Taburetkin from planting ?????
          Why didn’t they put Navalny ???????
          Why are the heroes-soldiers-Khabarov, Ulman, KVACHKOV (the last jury released twice)))
          Why don't flooded people help in the Amur region? Why do people in Yakutia starve and pluck the northern delivery ????
          Why build mega-projects and then forget-the bridge to the Russian island (nowhere))))
          South Stream is unprofitable ????? !!!!!
          Nord Stream-lay two more threads, but for them there is NO GAS extracted ??? !!!!

          Sabotage is coming from Vova, there his signatures are flaunted beneath everything. And the cancellation of green lards by Chubais (including))))
        2. +4
          5 November 2013 13: 45
          Quote: pahom54
          So it seems to me - Putin is at least trying to do somethingand the government and the so-called elite sabotage.

          Quote: pahom54
          Putin, wake up !!!

          Groin! It is you - P R O N N T E S !!!
    6. Walker1975
      5 November 2013 13: 37
      yes, see for yourself. I quote from the article: "What is the main reason for the economic slowdown? The crisis of the world economy, a poor investment climate, low labor productivity? Russia, as a self-sufficient country, with the right economic policy, foreign markets are not a decree (see the experience of China - it still has growth 7%). For production to work, it must be profitable. "

      For production to work, it must be profitable. And now Putin is asking the president of Rosagromash why tractors are profitable to produce in Canada and not in Russia. And he answers him with numbers. Read it, it is very instructive: (Who breaks to read: the results of the same plant in Canada will make a profit of $ 16.4 million, and the Russian one - burn out for $ 21,7 million), while the figures are only official, that is, they DO NOT take into account the corruption component, kickbacks, unfair competition, the absence of a judicial system, which can raise prices even higher.

      So what? Putin summoned Medvedev to the carpet and put the calculations in front of him, said "" B ..., but what is it? Fix it! ", Then the Government developed a draft of amendments to the laws regulating the economy, the Duma voted them? Not at all!
    7. 0
      5 November 2013 15: 08
      but she is not. doggies then. they don’t know what to do ... This is the misfortune of our education - they taught everything a little, something and somehow ...
      "The ruling elite has time before the next elections to repeat the success of E. Primakov." That is why the order was received - to remove Primakov and replace him with a ledge ...
      1. +1
        5 November 2013 17: 48
        Asgard, it's just a dream - Putin in 9 00 on TV says interruption, brothers and sisters and further according to plan request
    8. +2
      5 November 2013 20: 18
      An example of modern Russia can be illustrated at the plant where I work. Perestroika - the plant stopped working normally, at the beginning of the XNUMXs the arrival of fresh forces from Moscow, the plant revived, there was an increase in patches, production output, but complacency came against the backdrop of a lot of money, huge expenses began by the management of the plant, and at the moment everything began to wither again! Here is the history of modern Russia: after the destruction of the USSR, everything that could be destroyed, squandered, then a new leader comes, the country revived, the country's GDP rose, money poured out from the sale of oil and gas, and suddenly: "bam, second shift!" the character in "Big Change", went to the Universiades, Olympics, so on, but there is no money in the country, production is not developing, but on the contrary, not everything is good with oil, gas is not better, you look and the collapse is not far away. The country's leadership and the oligarchs are themselves to blame for the crisis, which can lead to the unexpected. Neither the Government nor the oligarchs want to invest in the development of production. Government money in American banks, oligarchs take money out of the country (in contrast to those tsarist industrialists who took out money only to buy technology in the West). Yes, and neither the Government nor the President has a recipe for overcoming the crisis. Is that bad .
    9. bolonenkov
      5 November 2013 21: 22
      Logic in correctly prioritized
      At the dawn of the 90s, the situation was approximately as follows
      The country is balancing on the verge of collapse:
      - Chechnya is under the control of militants, they are intensively climbing into Dagestan. Stepashin cries in the State Duma that we have also lost Dagestan
      - In almost all regions of the country, laws that directly contradict federal laws apply. Tatarstan and Bashkiria seriously discuss sovereignty
      - the near abroad turns into a "cordon sanitaire" stuffed with NATO bases
      - tax collection at zero
      - industrial production is almost bent
      - in demography, the situation is close to irreversible
      - almost all state employees get enough to barely make ends meet
      - In Moscow, miners knocking helmets at the government house for months without even receiving their meager salaries for months. Pensions are also not paid for half a year or more.
      - the army is almost demoralized by an endless war in which they are betrayed by their own generals and which, as it seemed then, could be ended only by leaving Chechnya
      - we are heavily indebted to the IMF, the World Bank, the "Paris Club" and whoever else is there ...
      - most of the resources are either under the control of private companies (only Sibneft and Yukos for two controlled, according to various estimates, from 40% to more than half of our resources), from which taxes were not normally collected, or under the control of foreign companies, from which there was not a penny you won’t interrogate (PSA). Sibneft and Yukos are preparing the sale of assets abroad
      - the country does not provide itself with food
      It seems to have forgotten nothing of strategic importance.

      Made by
      1. Restore manageability throughout the country:
      - a "cleansing" operation was carried out in Chechnya, incl. by the hands of militants who have come over to our side
      - one of the first actions was the creation of districts with plenipotentiaries of the president
      - regions forced to bring their legislation in line with federal
      - "equidistance of oligarchs"
      - governors began to be appointed from the Kremlin
      2. Get rid of external dependence.
      - all debts to the IMF, WB and the "Paris Club" were given
      3-4. To return to the state control over resources
      - production sharing agreements are revised, state-owned companies after the revision get more than 50% of the shares of mining companies
      - the Yukos case, after which its assets go to state-owned companies
      - "Sibneft" was bought from Abramovich into state property
      - as a result of these actions, world oil prices rose, which provided additional opportunities for the following paragraphs
      3-4. Provide protection against external threats, including food security
      - At the moment, Russia already provides itself with the necessary products. current imports are not critical
      - improved combat readiness of the army
      5-6. Restart industry.
      Actually, google and Factories, bridges, everything ...
      5-6. Raise the population to an acceptable level
      I do not see pensioners in garbage cans, there are no delays in salaries either. The military does not fight.
      8. To regain control of the neighboring countries
      - "gas wars" with Ukraine
      - Georgia's "peace enforcement"
      - customs union with Belarus and Kazakhstan
      9. Start developing your natural competitive advantage.
      - construction of the Nord Stream and South Stream, a gas pipeline to China
      - active development of nuclear energy
      - development of new weapons
      This happened approximately the same way, and if we started to implement the author’s proposals as he suggests, the current result is much less predictable
  2. +9
    5 November 2013 07: 30
    D. Medvedev is right when speaking about economic freedom and the business climate.

    The wave of liberalization will inevitably be replaced by a wave of nationally oriented politics. These are the lessons of history.

    At first I read it, it seemed like I was writing everything correctly, then at the end I read about the above and realized that the author was very worried not about the country but about the "elite" of the liberoid orientation. Like make a concession to the "poor" or they will tear you apart.
    1. +7
      5 November 2013 08: 52
      Quote: JIaIIoTb
      At first I read it, it seemed like I was writing everything correctly, then at the end I read about the above and realized that the author was very worried not about the country but about the "elite

      And I minus the article. Vinigret, he is vinigret. Yes, and you are right that you saw what the author is worried about. He says that the policy of power should be "nationally oriented". But such a policy is impossible without the nationalization of strategic sectors of the economy. About It’s not a word. As it goes against the policy of the authorities, you can’t even stutter about it.
  3. vladsolo56
    5 November 2013 07: 31
    In order for there to be a strong state, we need a strong government, but this is exactly what we do not have. Moreover, power is also weak-minded. Adding both factors, we obtain. We get what we have.
  4. +8
    5 November 2013 07: 32
    Restoring the economy destroyed during the 20 years of democracy is a paramount task for the state. But for now, our power-holders will drag everything into their own pocket, hoping to grab more, and even though there is no grass to grow, there can be no talk about any revival of Russia. It is necessary to turn to the people, and not to show him the fifth point. The Russians harness themselves for a long time, but they travel fast, and all the liberals and shit-rakers who plunder the state need to think about this.
  5. +6
    5 November 2013 07: 46
    "What conclusion follows from this? We have a Western yoke, and it, like the Mongolian one, should be thrown off. And this is an excellent chance to create a new, free from flaws model of" social capitalism "." - great, that's just, you need to understand that capitalism, even with a good muzzle on its greedy face, will remain a program prone to "systemic crises." The strongest country of capitalism, the USA, is a bankrupt country, a country, like its progenitor, Great Britain, a world parasite that ensured its prosperity at the expense of others. A handful of ghouls who have amassed a gigantic fortune in these systems have come up with their own rules of usurers for the entire world economy, which we have joined. Freedom from the "Western yoke" is impossible without freedom from these rules. Yes, there is no national multiplication table, but there are national interests that cannot be sharpened by the dollar and the interests of the authors of such an economic "world order". Capitalism is immoral, due to its consumerism, the dominance of the mercantile over the spiritual, in the name of the main goal that justifies all its criminal existence - profit, super profits. Freedom from the "Western yoke" is also impossible without a national idea, and this, in turn, without an orientation toward a just society, a more progressive social model, not subject to "systemic crises" of capitalism. In Russia, there is everything for this, there would be a desire.
  6. makarov
    5 November 2013 07: 47
    In my opinion, the author draws hasty and unreasonable conclusions on the constant technical backwardness of Russia. Is it known to the author (and readers) that before the Crimean War, tests were carried out of a model of a submarine that could fire high-explosive rockets from a cart without surfacing. Regarding armaments in the Russo-Japanese and World War I, the armament of the parties was the same, without advantages. The author forgot (or did not want to) identify who financed the fifth column inside Russia for these two wars.
    I disagree with the material, as well as with the conclusions.
    My "FE"
    1. pahom54
      5 November 2013 10: 12
      The essence of the article is not this. The bottom line is that Russia is now in a very difficult and difficult situation, and even, as usual, in a completely hostile environment ... The eternal Russian question: WHAT TO DO ???
      in Russia now there is also a fifth column, very powerful, well supplied and fed by the West. Our "elite" is among the fifth column, smash it to the core ...
      In order to industrialize the country, a lot of money is needed, and this "elite" has this money, and it will not be able to gobble it up in 33 lives, but it will not give even a hundredth share for the development of its state, for the reason that they do not consider themselves citizens of this country and state, they are here - temporary workers.
      So, speaking of a powerful and sovereign Russia, a leader is needed - a professional surgeon who without hesitation will cut off diseased organs. And these cut-off organs, after their elite-financial stuffing is expropriated, to throw through the fence into the territory of their beloved west ...
  7. predator.3
    5 November 2013 07: 50
    "History repeats until people learn the lessons they need to learn from history." Is history repeating itself?

    For 20 years we’ve been mumbling around or walking in a vicious circle, from time to time stepping on the same rake, the same people in power who change ministerial chairs, like gloves, regardless of education and competence, yesterday was the Minister of Taxes, then Minister of Defense, or like Golikova, collapsed health, now the head of the Accounts Chamber!
    1. +2
      5 November 2013 08: 43
      Why do you need honest Stepashkins? Golikov will not argue
  8. 0
    5 November 2013 08: 11
    The yoke now really has a bank-thug yoke. We have so-called elites; we are not very interested in them. and Russia is developing and living not because of, but in spite of. The death of our country 100 times counted app. analysts, but something or someone does not allow to destroy the country. I think that in order to find out who is playing along with us, we need to turn to Patriarch Kirill, the question is part of it.
    1. +1
      5 November 2013 08: 44
      ... but don’t be fooled! Have you heard that?
  9. +9
    5 November 2013 08: 24
    from the Don.
    Many people understand what needs to be done for the development of the country, but. BUT! There is no will for the GDP to kick out the liberals. Kudrin again sucked a hedgehog with him. Did the fear go on another path of development? But we did it, and more than once! So GDP, as the head of the Russian Federation is not able to lead the country to another road. And again, Russia has hope for a good tsar! That’s how we lived, we live, his mother!
    1. 0
      5 November 2013 08: 50
      Kudrin is still a scarecrow, Putin falters with him they say go to Lesha’s work, and he gets out, this narrowed eye betrays him that he lives without normal intentions for the people.
    2. pahom54
      5 November 2013 10: 21
      Not trying to protect Putin as king, I just want to say: one person is not able to budge such a colossus as Russia. In my opinion, Putin is doing what he can, but the fifth column, which, unfortunately, I could include in full the current government led by DAM, is practically boycotting his intentions. BUT and that’s not all ...
      Where does this 3,14-dramatic Fool look ??? Why did these SM.uki climbed up to receive parliamentary immunity, all the best and fat under the skin ??? After all, these 3,14 races should be happy about the good of the Fatherland !!! What are they doing ??? Verbiage, and nothing more.
      That's where the main root of evil is, and you are all obsessed with Putin. The boyar needs 3,14 to drive and drive to the neck. In general, to disperse them, to make presidential rule, to imprison the constitution under it ... This, of course, is a whim, but all the same for Russia it will be better than the bl.ya..v that is taking place now ...
      1. +3
        5 November 2013 11: 08
        Quote: pahom54
        Not trying to protect Putin as king, I just want to say: one person is not able to budge such a colossus as Russia. In my opinion, Putin is doing what he can, but the fifth column, which, unfortunately, I could include in full the current government led by DAM, is practically boycotting his intentions. BUT and that’s not all ...

        Putin does not give up. Draw conclusions.
      2. Yarosvet
        5 November 2013 14: 45
        Quote: pahom54
        and here’s the fifth column, which, unfortunately, I could include completely the current government led by DAM
        The de facto government appoints Putin.

        Where does this 3,14-dramatic Fool look ???
        A fool is de facto United Russia, which was created by Putin under Putin (according to him)

        After all, these 3,14 races should be happy about the good of the Fatherland !!! What are they doing ???
        They cherish the good of the Fatherland by adopting anti-constitutional laws, which Putin then signs.

        In general, to disperse them, to make the presidential board, to imprison the constitution under it
        The constitution is already written under the president.

        This, of course, is a whim, but all the same for Russia it will be better than the bl.ya..v that is flowing now ...
        As we see - no better.
      3. +1
        5 November 2013 15: 02
        In your statement, you yourself answer Pasha))))

        Everything can move ONE person !!!!!
        truth Such operational nickname "mole" cannot be given by definition)))

        Recall Ivan the Terrible ...
        Recall (and stand)) T A L I N A.

        Quote: pahom54
        make presidential rule, imprison the constitution under it.

        here is the answer))))

        and the main thing is that it’s relevant right now (and it will be so)
        And I promise the conditions are not the mildest))))))
    3. Yarosvet
      5 November 2013 14: 37
      Quote: borisjdin1957
      GDP has no will to kick out liberals

      How can you kick yourself?
      1. +2
        5 November 2013 15: 25
        "How can you kick yourself out?"

        why so? this storyteller let yourself by the hair, as Munchhausen sends in flight
  10. ramsi
    5 November 2013 08: 27
    I remember reading something about the state system ... that the interests of the ruler may coincide with the interests of the people, but the interests of the elites are always directed against.
    1. +2
      5 November 2013 09: 09
      It’s just that the rulers really really rule the state, and the elites are tightly tied to business, that is, to crime. So it turns out double standards, of course the ruler is to blame, in our case, Putin generally suffers from these ghouls)))
      1. ramsi
        5 November 2013 09: 59
        the state mechanism, in general, looks rather cynical; we can only add that if the ruler does not use the elite, then the elites use the ruler
  11. olviko
    5 November 2013 08: 55
    "As for the current elite, its main part (of course not all) did not arise mainly as a result of economic 'natural' selection."
    My friend, where did you find the elite in today's Russia? But this is the main question, why are we degrading!
    The elite (from Latin electus, English fr. Élite - the chosen one, the best. The elite are the best people who lead the nation behind them, by their own example. This is a certain class that indicates the development path to their fellow citizens. The country's elite are highly moral citizens, professionals, equal to others, those who have not yet achieved high purity in their profession, have not polished their skills and reached the top of their art. These people look at the elite, strive to master the profession and become more perfect. With the achievement of excellence comes and recognition, then from such people, of completely different professions, the national elite is formed. A prerequisite is patriotism. This is a matter of course, because we are talking about the national elite.
    And what about the current so-called "elite"? As I recently read such a comparison: "It's like onion peel underfoot on a vegetable base. They try to hit someone with the length of the yacht, but they only cause ridicule. These are notorious moral urges ... yes, do they fit the role of the elite? Much faster you can recognize the elite of some poor village carpenter, village doctor or village priest, who really are the elite in their village, and maybe in the whole district. The elite is the conscience of the nation, not its venal skins. "
    1. pahom54
      5 November 2013 10: 24
      Glad, my friend, for you and your thinking ... If the majority of our population thought so, then the number of the so-called "Russian elite" would decrease ...
  12. +4
    5 November 2013 08: 59
    Yes, all garbage. We are going the right way! We’ll do a dozen more ministries and everything will spin!

    for 9 years the number of officials has increased 41 times, and expenses have increased 77 times, - said Vorobyov. - If we do not ensure changes, then in about 40 municipal districts in another 9 years there will be no ordinary people, only deputies and officials will remain. There is no such practice anywhere in the world, it is a dead end. "

    It seems everyone understands, but they do exactly the opposite. Apparently this is called: a decrease in the state’s participation in production - when it is absent and there is nowhere to participate, everything was as bequeathed to Chubais and Gaidar and something about the lid and nails.
  13. +8
    5 November 2013 09: 00
    fundamentally change the principles of the economic system

    I completely agree with this.
    But in 1998, smart people came, including E. Primakov, who found a classic way out - carried out a five-fold devaluation

    This will not work now. The level of industry is lower than it was before 98. I say what I see. In the period from 90 to 98 in our city 10-20% of enterprises were closed. From 99-2010, 60-70%. Money supply and depreciation of the ruble will no longer help. Tough measures are needed for exporters of raw materials and the export of capital (economic, up to criminal). The percentage of lending to manufacturers of finished products should be ten times lower than that of exporters of raw materials. It is necessary to create such conditions in the Russian economy that the export of raw materials is not profitable, and the export of finished products is vice versa.
    It is necessary to make domestic production competitive, for which it is necessary to reduce all possible costs - monetary, corruption, criminal, to have not expensive tariffs, but cheap, to develop infrastructure

    Well, that's about it. We are sitting on our own oil, we produce our own electricity, and the price of energy is higher than that of Western competitors.
    So why not resort to a proven remedy - devaluation? Well, how is it possible - our “partners” will be very unhappy, because they will not be able to push us their gross product.

    And what kind of product can the author offer in return. He himself said that in fact domestic goods disappeared. As long as production improves, while the domestic market is saturated with goods of its own production, the people will sweep away the power pursuing such an economic policy.
    One devaluation cannot solve this. Need a comprehensive one-step approach.
    The article is similar to an advertisement calling for a sharp depreciation of the purchasing power of the ruble. If the ruble depreciates, of course, our goods will become cheaper and more attractive for the population (how many are there), but at the same time, energy will increase in price. The price of oil is not determined by Russia. This means that fuel will increase in price (in rubles). And that means that tariffs for electricity and heat will also increase. Well, as a result, domestic products will rise in price.
    As an example: imagine the ruble fell in price, for example, three times and became 1: 100. Gasoline also grew three times, and instead of 30-35 rubles it became 100. Food products produced by domestic agricultural producers will also grow. And so on along the chain.
    In general, even in the article the reasoning goes in the right direction, but not convincingly.
    1. +1
      5 November 2013 09: 17
      I’m reading people constantly, such texts are long, naive at the expense of high prices and the like, everywhere before each transaction there is corruption and kickbacks, and this all takes much more finance than actually producing and buying raw materials.
  14. +4
    5 November 2013 10: 26
    The Russian economy has a "Dutch disease" in power, "Turkey disease", plus both are exacerbated by the most severe corruption + for some reason, which is rather strange for the 21st century, clericalization is taking place, and let us pray to God and everything will be fine both in the economy and in Foreign policy. Verdict: the patient is still alive but plunges into a coma and instead of a doctor, for some reason, they call the priest. The current government wants to see the revolution, masochists are shorter.
  15. pahom54
    5 November 2013 10: 45
    It seems to be an explanatory article, sensible comments ... But in fact, neither the author of the article, nor we can get to the essence specifically to the essence ...
    Here are all the spits that go either to Putin or DAM ... And who is our LEGISLATIVE power? Well, of course, Dura, in which lobbyists bought by either bandits or the West sit and who pass laws that contradict the interests of the country and its people. Yes, as they accept !!! After all, I would be ashamed to boastfully declare how I did this; I don’t remember what nobleman, that over a quarter of laws were passed in a quarter !!! Quantity in this case is far from quality.
    Here is a lament that there is no money in the budget ... But think, with what kind of bananas is the fat drunkard Depardieu pulled to Russia for citizenship? Right, running away FROM THE PROGRESSIVE SCALE OF TAXES! That is, the rich pays taxes more than the poor, and thereby complements the treasury.
    A striking example of a small Russian town in the outback of Russia: who is a malicious evader of taxes and utilities? That's right, the richest people in this town. And, as a rule, they do not bear any responsibility for this. Why? Yes, because these 100 laws, adopted in a short time, do not work. By the way, one of such malicious defaulters is the chairman of the regional Dura (!!!). What do you say to that?
    In general, the old saying about fools and the road does not go. The main problem and illness of Russia is that its "sort of elite" does not consider itself a part of the country and the state, the problem is that the material "toad" in the souls of many individuals has long suppressed spiritual and intellectual values.
    Speaking of the so-called "elite" ... Who is the elite then? Thieves Chubais-Abramovich-Deripaska and others like them? Boris Moiseev and Fyodor Bondarchuk in an embrace with Ksyusha Sobchak and Verka Serduchka ??? Grachev-Serdyukov?
    So it turns out that I do not quite agree with the author of the article, namely, that the state of a country-state depends on the behavior of its elites.
  16. +2
    5 November 2013 10: 51
    The author implores the elites to "share their earnings", to think about the Motherland and the treachery of the foreign lands, and at the same time, in Medvedev's way, calls on the people to endure the hardships of the "technical" monetary reorganization of the economy. But neither one nor the other is eager to respond to calls. Moreover, both those and others are ready to defend "theirs" to the stop (some are already defending, others while no). Where is the exit?

    It is necessary to "cut beards" and "chop off hands", and not knock on them (LADY said to Menu: "And hit them on the hands ..." Yes, he will hit a couple of times and get on the head "in kind").

    Putin admits kickbacks of up to 50% feel ! The Central Bank does not give normal loans (refinancing rate) sad . Offshores get fat bully . I am silent about ordinary theft. What kind of devaluation can we talk about when a national treasure flows between fingers into a western hole, in an amount sufficient to support the economies of Europe and the USA fool ?

    Here, either political will (on the remnants of popular support), or an universal mess.

    The earth was abundant, there is no order; (Alexey Tolstoy).

    PS The article seems to be correct and reasoned, but "bullets" sideways. Minus.
  17. +2
    5 November 2013 10: 52
    Refinancing rate 8.25% - this is the main trouble of our Motherland. Due to such rates, our products are initially uncompetitive.
    1. Yarosvet
      5 November 2013 14: 57
      Quote: Dazdranagon
      Refinancing rate 8.25% - this is the main trouble of our Motherland

      And the reason for the high rate is high inflation, and the reason for the high inflation is the pursuit of high GDP, and the reason for this pursuit is the populist promises of the current guarantor, and the reason for the promises is the desire to retain power, and the reason for this desire is the opportunity for the organized crime group "Putin & ko" with impunity plunder the country.
      1. Walker1975
        5 November 2013 15: 08
        All right. It’s impossible to paint over one indicator that we don’t like.
      2. +1
        5 November 2013 15: 11
        These two concepts (refinancing rate and inflation) are not related to each other.
        1. Yarosvet
          5 November 2013 19: 54
          Quote: Dazdranagon
          These two concepts (refinancing rate and inflation) are not related to each other.

          The Central Bank carries out its expenses from its own income - a conclusion?
  18. +1
    5 November 2013 11: 26
    . The situation was similar in the USA, which led to a civil war between the industrial North and the plantation South.
    not industrial but commercial
  19. +1
    5 November 2013 11: 34
    Quote: APES
    I liked the article, except:

    D. Medvedev is right in saying

    The article is confused, many words, but the analysis is weak.
    The estimate of Peter is overestimated and, in general, historical research is not disclosed.
    If you carefully study our history in the last 2000 years, from the time of the Scythians one interesting dependence can be traced: as soon as a self-sufficient and strong Scythian state began to interact with the West, a gradual decomposition of national elites took place. The Sarmatians came to the rescue from the East and defeated the Scythian traitors, taking their place. But after some time, we look at the same story with the Sarmatians. Remember, as soon as the princes of the Western principalities of Russia began to be related to the Catholics and bear Catholicism against Russia, the campaign of the Horde to Russia. If you look further, all the same thing happened and is happening today.
  20. 0
    5 November 2013 11: 41
    Quote: Dazdranagon
    Refinancing rate 8.25% - this is the main trouble of our Motherland. Due to such rates, our products are initially uncompetitive.

    How would you like it if our "central bank" is a branch of the US Federal Reserve, which means Wall Street's private bankers? So they are robbing Russia through a percentage.
    1. Yarosvet
      5 November 2013 14: 59
      Quote: Ross
      How would you like it if our "central bank" is a branch of the US Federal Reserve, which means Wall Street's private bankers? So they are robbing Russia through a percentage.

      Write nonsense.
  21. +1
    5 November 2013 11: 45
    In his article, the author says:
    And most importantly - the USSR was able to defeat Nazi Germany and return all the territories lost after the First World War.

    The author of the article listed the experience of all reformers in Russia, except for Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, simultaneously kicking the brightest creator of a strong Russian state, recalling "its shortcomings".

    I fully support vladimirZ, only in this way we will get out of this hole into which the pseudo-reformers drove us.
    The only thing I agree with the author of the article is And again, the Great Reforms - Alexander II, but their result from the economic point of view was contradictory, as now, having laid the foundations of capitalism, the economy was clearly stalled. . And now, having turned on the capitalist path, all the so-called economic reforms are skidding-reforms according to the patterns of the West are not suitable for Russia, Russia has a completely different mentality, which always allowed to spread its wings and Stalin saw this.
    1. Walker1975
      5 November 2013 14: 16
      What do you think is the experience of Stalin? That is, what measures in the economy need to be taken? (well, or would Stalin take it?)
      1. 0
        5 November 2013 15: 42
        Nationalization of the whole industry ...
        Repeal of laws of decrees since 1985 ...
        The introduction of military commandant control throughout the Russian Federation and a number of Union Republics)))
        The disbandment of the police and the FSB as having failed to fulfill their assigned tasks.
        Resettlement for the development of Siberia of stolen officials and their accomplices (oligarchs, generals of the Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Internal Affairs, \ Courts and prosecutors)
        Proven organized groups and harboring capitals abroad-shot.
        From among the trained employees of special units, groups are organized for the search and delivery of escaped criminals outside the homeland (who are citizens of the country))
        the available forces the Army and Navy contribute to the implementation of these areas for the preservation of the Fatherland and the protection of the Russian and allied peoples ...

        Giving the Army the function of protecting the Frontiers and Establishments of the Russian People, regardless of the decision of the Authorities and elected bodies ...

        Generalisimus I.V. Stalin ...
        1. Walker1975
          5 November 2013 16: 21
          Yes ... the plan is good ... :) But who will fulfill it?

          Quote: Asgard
          The disbandment of the police and the FSB as having failed to fulfill their assigned tasks.
          Resettlement for the development of Siberia of stolen officials and their accomplices (oligarchs, generals of the Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Internal Affairs, \ Courts and prosecutors)

          For such orders, you need to fight very hard for power. Not less than a few years. To create groups fighting in the FSB, which do not trust each other, plus having a reserve so that first the first group transplanted the second group, and then the reserve transplanted the first.
          1. +1
            5 November 2013 16: 51
            Quote: Walker1975
            Yes ... a good plan ... :) That's just

            "By killing a dragon, you yourself become a dragon"
  22. Peaceful military
    5 November 2013 12: 04
    If you do not pay attention to nonsense, such as "the yoke of the communists", I absolutely agree with the opinion of the author.
    1. +1
      5 November 2013 13: 23
      It would be better if I lived in the yoke of the communists than in the "prosperity" of the Russian capitalists. hi
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. +5
    5 November 2013 13: 04
    Our present state can be briefly described by Putin's words "flies separately, cutlets separately," where flies are a simple annoying people who constantly need something, but you know who cutlets are.
    The state disowned any production by giving it up to be torn apart by "elites" who are only able to tear and are not ready to self-develop for further growth. The state does not create any competition in the market for these snatchers, therefore a real producer is forced to sell his goods through crowds of hungry intermediaries, just to save himself . You look at a simple example of who gets the most of a worker collecting an auto or a salesman?
    Across the country, land is being sold around large cities and the outskirts are abandoned, so that serfdom would not have to be introduced again to secure the people on the land. Only houses, business centers, shopping centers are built and nobody cares that there are not enough schools, gardens, polyclinics and gyms , and why do they need this extra burden for the state, it is necessary that every resident, able-bodied, flashes up and goes out like a match, having managed to give up maximum energy and requiring a minimum of replacement.
    1. +2
      5 November 2013 14: 02

      Quote: mhpv
      Our present state can be briefly described by Putin's words "flies separately, cutlets separately," where flies is a simple annoying peoplewho constantly needs something, but cutlets you know who.

      Here! Finally, someone clarified the meaning! good And I kept racking my head over this "abra-kadabra".
      Exactly so.
  25. +1
    5 November 2013 13: 06
    The author "began" for health "and ended" for peace "... Devaluation is the loss of the entire industry! Innovation is needed - this is the last chance. Science and education are needed, with the help of which unique goods must be produced. And devaluation is the consolidation of raw materials. export model ...
    1. 0
      5 November 2013 21: 45
      Just a respected author slightly confused real production in pieces and virtual "casino chips" - GDP. If you look at real production (see the picture), then our growth since 2000 averaged about 3% per year. Moreover, since mid-12, we have not been growing or falling at all. We are stagnating. And we need a new model of growth, through the production of qualitatively new goods.
  26. +2
    5 November 2013 15: 30
    The article is aimed at educating readers and showing how Russia should develop in order to be a Great and independent power. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences brought all this to the attention of the Government of the country, but so far it’s nothing. In Soviet times, I led the GU of one of the defense ministries. In my jurisdiction there were 17 factories and 10 research institutes, where more than 120 thousand specialists worked. The growth rate of production amounted to 12-25% annually. Our President needs a team of professionals that aims to develop industry and the economy, rather than finance the US economy. Kudrin and I, the Chairman of the SPP, have repeatedly said together with the directors of large associations how to finance industrial enterprises, how to develop them. But these people have different interests. Look at what Kudrin, any banker, now owns and it will become clear that their capital is speculative, it is not earned. The country received nothing from their wealth. If the President turns the development of the economy on an innovative path, we will have a GDP growth rate much higher than in China. Managers who manage industrial enterprises and research institutes do not even bother to introduce service inventions into the created products. Again, their purpose of work becomes clear. It is up to the President and the people.
    1. +3
      5 November 2013 16: 23
      The experiences are understandable, BUT you missed the time.
      Enterprises are experiencing a shortage of specialists in working specialties.
      Disrupted communications, and most importantly, technological discipline.
      And you, wise man, what are you saying: ????
      Quote: Drop
      If the President turns the development of the economy on an innovative path

      that is, suddenly changed his point of view))) in your life it was such that a person took the surname of kabaev (as an example)) and changed at 60 years old ....
      and before that he killed civilians in Volgodonsk, Buinaksk, Volgograd, Ryazan ... destroyed industry and the Army, family foundations, kissed boys on the stomach)))))
      and ONCE .......... guardian and citizen))))))))))))))))))))))
      1. Walker1975
        5 November 2013 16: 34
        Well, maybe only on the threshold of the Last Judgment, and then, then he will no longer have an effect on the colossus that he has born - as soon as it weakens - his rats will be eaten
  27. +2
    5 November 2013 16: 10
    Regrettably, it must be admitted that nothing worthwhile in Russia was achieved without the whip. Ivan the Terrible took the whip in his hands - a state was formed. Let go of the reins - we got a troubled time. Peter the Great took the whip in his hands - they taught a developed state. When Nicholas II was released, he received 17 years. Stalin's whip - the rise, let go - got what we have, etc. This cannot be explained by chance. As well as the fact that after the "democracies" developed states (Greece, Rome, Byzantium, etc.) collapse, and then they are restored not by "liberal" methods, which can only decompose the society and eat up the previously created one. Therefore, we must begin with the liquidation of the liberals and their "economic" schools.
    1. Walker1975
      5 November 2013 16: 30
      You know. Just take the whip. One, one ... and the horse ran faster. It’s just impossible to drive for so long ... the horse will fall and that’s it. But to look after a horse, feed, train ... it is more difficult, but gives a more reliable perspective. But this is not the Russian way - here you want everything at once. Therefore, the jerks in history - jerked - kickback, jerked - kickback ... neighbors have already moved to Mercedes, and in Russia everyone hopes that if the horse is harnessed harder, then it will overtake Mears.
      1. 0
        5 November 2013 18: 44
        There is no need to portray the Russians as the most unlucky people who, they say, can do nothing without a whip. What we can we have demonstrated in 17 and 91 with different results. We have entrusted the administration of the state to new forces. The way they used these powers once again prove that the fish goes out from the head. And what you call a whip is not a whip, it is a state that was originally created as an instrument to suppress certain freedoms and create conditions for the realization of other freedoms. And this whole system is governed by means of laws that are written and the supervision of the implementation of which occurs again through, as they used to call vyatyh people or in a modern way the elite. And it should not make exceptions in the appointment of punishments for any of the inhabitants of this state, and above all for persons from its "circle", since, as already said, the fish goes out from the head. And this is true at all times and for all states. If Ivan III, Peter I, Stalin did just that, then Nicholas II, for example, withdrew from the government, gathering around the throne various kinds of hangers-on and crooks. I gave only our examples, but there are enough of them in "disciplined" Europe.
        1. Walker1975
          5 November 2013 19: 14
          I do not admit - it was my answer to the cue from above. I just think that the whip is unproductive
  28. +2
    5 November 2013 16: 19
    Quote: Drop
    Our President needs a team of professionals that aims to develop industry and the economy, rather than finance the US economy.

    Your words, yes to God’s ears ....
    Quote: Drop
    But these people have different interests.

    I think that their interests are still the same and even the ways to achieve these funds are similar.
  29. +6
    5 November 2013 16: 38
    "A thief should sit in jail"
    "Stole-drank - to prison, stole-drank - to prison - romance"
    but "we are not 37" - stole - brought - to the government - romantic
    1. +4
      5 November 2013 18: 13
      With this phrase, the president practically gave indulgence to all the big officials sitting at the government troughs. What conclusion can be made? Steal, steal and steal again!
  30. +1
    5 November 2013 17: 02
    Russian business (read: guys snatching large pieces of public property) squeezes the last juices from Soviet industry and from the Russian bowels. To develop further production? What for? Over the hill billions in banks, children study there. Do not expect an increase in GDP. Will not be. Someone needs to be changed ....
    1. +3
      5 November 2013 20: 11
      "Russian business"

      But how many Russians among the oligarchs?
      1. +2
        5 November 2013 20: 56
        Well done! The question is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
  31. 0
    5 November 2013 17: 13
    In general, I liked the article, although ...
    "Think about what is wrong with you? What is the price of success in terms of morality and eternity? (End of quote)
    This is the height of naivety, even if at night a thieving official or an oligarch-privatizer is tormented by remorse, realizing that his "activities" directly harm Russia and the people inhabiting it, in the morning, he will just put his hand into the budget pocket and take money offshore is their nature. Personally, I think that they do not suffer, conscience for them is an intangible concept, therefore it has no value.
    The post-perestroika Russian government has done a lot for the complete stagnation of the country: the collapse under the guise of reforming all the achievements of the USSR, from education and science to the economy and foreign policy. The situation is especially depressing in the legislative field. In the economic and related legislation, such a thing is heaped up - that no improvement and improvement of legislation will help anymore, the economy will either suffocate or go into the shadows very soon. It is not necessary to expect that the current or subsequent deputies will change their minds and begin to revise the fruits of their "righteous labor". Recently, watching the polemic of the former deputy in the person of Khakamada and the acting person in the person of Zheleznyak, I caught myself thinking that these people are not at all ashamed of what they have done and continue to do with Russia. Moreover, Mr. Zheleznyak even made public the thesis on the achievement of the "Harmonious Legislation". I am deeply convinced that this citizen did not even read most of the laws he voted for.
    1. 0
      5 November 2013 18: 14
      And their whole life principle - after us at least a flood.
  32. 0
    5 November 2013 18: 50
    "the main thing for civilization is how the elites use their capital." This statement is true for Western civilization, for Eastern civilization, it is important how the capital is earned, the use of the acquired is secondary.
    1. +2
      5 November 2013 21: 01
      The Russian "elite", the capital that the Soviet people had been accumulating for 70 years, melted to the West. After all, the people know about it. And it will be necessary to report on this outrage ...
  33. +1
    5 November 2013 21: 11
    the whole economy is in the hands of one group. and it’s not surprising that the state really can’t get on its feet. All the welfare of the state is deposited in the accounts of these groups. Alas, it’s real. And it’s almost everywhere.
  34. serge
    5 November 2013 21: 21
    The richest raw material base has always been and will remain a boon to our country, no matter what
    different authors. Just don't change the raw material for "Made in USA" cut paper.

    The list of long-known means of intensifying the economy includes:

    - Transfer of domestic enterprises from foreign jurisdiction to Russian
    - Nationalization of the central bank
    - The decoupling of the ruble from the dollar
    - Stopping the purchase of US securities
    - VAT cancellation or reduction to 3-5%
    - Cheap loan rate
    - Progressive tax on major fortunes
    - Revision of privatization results

    These undertakings, even if the current government suddenly decides to implement them (which there are quite certain doubts about), will encounter resistance from the huge western fifth column. As a result, the beginning of the strengthening of the economy should logically be supported by a coup from above and the political elimination of "enemies of the people." This is our tradition. Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and Stalin began with a political coup from above in the interests of the people. Our economy always starts with politics.
  35. +1
    5 November 2013 22: 13
    Quote: Kibalchish
    They just don't give a damn about Russia. They have a tactic - to steal and pull from here,

    Looks like I agree.
    a-segodnya-kolonialnaya-imperiya-gde-? from = regnum
  36. Alexandr0id
    6 November 2013 00: 01
    or maybe everything is simple - to remove the state from the economy nafig. to sell all state property, to eliminate moupeas, to dismiss the entire state servants - it’s enough to sit out your asses at public expense. to leave cops, the army and the tax inspectorate as budget employees, and someone else on trifles, and even reduce those quantitatively. medicine and education for full cost accounting. a lot of money will be released, and it will be possible to raise pensions and benefits for the needy (disabled). to all other privileges to cancel. and then everyone will have to spin, work hard, think about how to make money, and not just get it.
    and when there will no longer be government contracts and tenders, government salaries, benefits, etc. then there will be real competition at all levels - for jobs, for sales markets. business will have to reduce costs, increasing productivity, introducing innovations. Of course, this will be accompanied by social upheavals - unemployment, the impoverishment of part of the population, etc., before everything settles down.
    all this will take years, maybe even decades.
    but in Russia this will never happen - we are a country of state employees and we will remain forever. so we’ll eat oil and gas, enough for our century.
    1. 0
      6 November 2013 00: 17
      Quote: Alexandr0id
      or maybe everything is simple - to remove the state from the economy nafig.

      Yeah, and in general, dissolve the state. A holy place is never empty.
      Quote: Alexandr0id
      medicine and education for full cost accounting.

      Quote: Alexandr0id
      it will be possible to raise pensions and benefits for the needy (disabled)

      So that pensioners and people with disabilities give their pensions to self-supporting doctors. So, they give it back now.
      Quote: Alexandr0id
      Of course, this will be accompanied by social upheaval - unemployment, impoverishment of part of the population

      Do you, of course, want to be unemployed beggar? Or are you from the Abramovich clan?
      1. Alexandr0id
        6 November 2013 02: 08
        state employee?
        1. +2
          6 November 2013 08: 03
          Quote: Alexandr0id
          state employee?

          Not a state employee. Not a speculator. Not a thief.
          Engineer. My children are also engineers. They work in the defense industry.
  37. +2
    6 November 2013 02: 19
    Quote: Yarosvet
    Quote: Ross
    How would you like it if our "central bank" is a branch of the US Federal Reserve, which means Wall Street's private bankers? So they are robbing Russia through a percentage.

    Write nonsense.

    Do you know that in most countries the central banks are managed by the IMF? And the IMF is a child of the US Federal Reserve, as well as ICBMs and other instruments of influence.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"