Dismantling family and gender in the West: a review of evidence

Dismantling family and gender in the West: a review of evidence

I.M. Bergset, Candidate of Philology, coordinator of the international movement "Russian Mothers"
(unites Russian families from more than 30 countries)
at the conference "The destruction of the family and gender by a new world order" organized by the movement
Christian Renaissance 5 October 2013, Moscow.

Good afternoon.
My name is Irina Bergset.

I am here today to testify to the plague of the third millennium that my family faced in the West. And not only my family personally. Today, the international movement of Russian parents - moms, dads, grandparents - “Russian Mothers” - brings together families from more than 30 countries around the world who have suffered from forcible separation from blood children abroad. These families are the living witnesses of the fact that the last 5, 10, 15 and more years have happened to Russian children outside of Russia.

I have been collecting testimonies and documents on this topic for two years. During this time, in various languages ​​of the world I have been sent publications in the Western media, video footage, television reports, films, books, and scientific research. Summarizing these documents, today I will tell you in a compressed form about HOW the dismantling of FAMILY and POLA is conducted in the West.

My task did not and does not include an assessment of what is happening there. I tried only to collect the facts, documents and evidence. With one sole purpose - to attract public attention in Russia, Russian scientists and specialists, historians, sociologists, theologians, criminologists, political scientists, psychologists, etc., and also to attract YOUR attention too, dear participants of today's conference - to the fact that WORLD NOW is embraced by the idea of ​​the DESTRUCTION of the natural sex of man and the idea of ​​destroying the family.

Let's start in order. At me personally, the Norwegian children's police, at gunpoint, took my crumbs — my two sons — into captivity. 8 March 2011, two guardians and two police officers knocked on my Norwegian apartment. These Juvenile Rescuers took my children and took me to a secret address. Saved from the parent, from me. Why? The fact is that on the eve of the day before I went to the police of the village where we lived, with a statement that the Norwegian citizens had committed unlawful sexual acts with my younger FOUR-YEARS son. THE COURT OF NORWAY I was later recognized to be intolerant to Norwegian morality by a woman. And for this, my children were taken away. The children were given the number 3 and 4 to more TOLERANT parents. These hired parents did not mind if my children in the Norwegian kindergarten and in the Norwegian school were taught the basics of unconventional sex.

You say it is impossible? And I didn’t know either, but now I know that in Norway for many years the STATE PROCESS for remaking children from ordinary GIRLS and BOYS to OTHER individuals has been implemented. What kind?

This is a question of questions. From the point of view of a simple Russian, there are only two NATURAL gender - male and female. Is not it?

But the trouble is that for the rest of the Western world, this view is long outdated. New-fashioned sociologists, psychologists and even psychiatrists are spreading a false idea that there has never been a NATURAL gender, and that it never existed. This was supposedly ONE OF the misconceptions of Christian moralists.

Inhumans claim that in fact the FLOOR is supposedly much more. The idea was originally thrown in that they — about these social genders — were roughly 6 or 7. But now this figure has grown many times and is almost approaching TWO dozens of varieties. You say nonsense?

Not. This is a real OTHER IDEOLOGY. And this Other Ideology is built on a paradigm of not natural, natural, but supposedly of some kind of “unnatural”, SOCIAL gender. That is, it is built on the idea that gender can not only change, but also CHANGES solely because of some purely social reasons or purely social roles.

The authors of this idea of ​​the multiplicity of sexes were perverts. Each NEW gender they have become associated with every kind of perversion. Simply put, perverts DROWSED the idea that FLOOR is determined by the OBJECT of intercourse. Perverts the word "sex" CHANGED - sexual orientation.

If a pervert is sexually focused on children, then this is his FLOOR - “pedophile”. And if a pervert is sexually oriented towards animals, then this is his FLOOR - “zoophil”. So it looks like a rough interpretation. There are among perverts and sexually oriented immediately to children and animals. Such individuals themselves perverts called KVIR.

In order to avoid confusion with traditional floors, perverts decided to recognize the word “sex” as “outdated” and then threw it into the dustbin. stories. Social engineers have fixed the destruction of sex in Western culture by a tombstone on which they have written a new term - “gender”.
By the way, in English the word “gender” still still means the category of “gender”: masculine, feminine and neuter.

These satanic "genders" began to multiply day and night, and TODAY, his name is DARKNESS. At first, the 20-30 years were spent on inculcating into the consciousness of mankind that in the layer of Western culture, Western music, Western literature and Western art, "men" and "women" seemed to have died out like dinosaurs, and now exist there supposedly ONLY “Homo”, “lezbians”, “bisexuals”, “transvestites” and “transgender people”. Along the way, the sailing of “human rights for perversions” - the natural floor is no longer called not only “normal”, but also “natural”.

In this way, the “linguistic cleansing” was artificially made, the dismantling of us and you, the “men” and “women” from the cultural environment. Therefore, it is not surprising that the traditional "men" and "women" in the Western world gradually began to be perceived as rudiments, remnants of the old, obsolete class, people of the "second class".

Do you know how NOW call us, normal men and women in the West? For a long time the word “natural” is NOT USED for us. Instead, he threw another word - "straight", which means literally - "straight." That is, you and I are “starters”. What is it? Nothing. Emptiness. “Stright” is a meaningless set of sounds, without any archetype, without a root, without a material equivalent. Today it is POSSIBLE to CONSTITUTE that the artificial linguistic extrusion of the NATURAL floor in the Western world is COMPLETED and almost completely COMPLETED.

What am I coming from? From reality. In tolerant Europe, in Canada, in the USA, in New Zealand, in Australia, if you need to indicate your sexual orientation (say in a marriage agency), then you will be asked to tick the checkboxes to choose from: “starter”, “homo”, “ lesbian, bisexual, transvestite or transgender. Today, I and you in the West will have to put a tick in the “starter” column. Both I and you - we perfectly understand that we are not any streitters, we are men and women. But you and I HAVE NO ONE there. We were cleaned. Linguistically. Destroyed. Wiped out. Write off in junk ...

The destruction of the natural gender in the linguistic plane - this was the first step of the West.

The second step of the West is the destruction of the natural gender from the official document circulation. Yes Yes. The multi-tolerant Westernizers have taken the second step to erase the natural sex from all official papers. And above all from the passport. You heard right ...

A couple of years ago, almost no one in Russia noticed how in Australia and New Zealand a third floor was introduced by the PILOT global project.
What it is? Up to this point in the passport in the column "gender" there were only two alternatives - "male" and "female", that is, there were TWO squares and in one of these squares there was a tick.

And now the squares in the passport suddenly became THREE. The third square was called the letter "X".

This third floor has ALREADY been introduced in addition to the two countries mentioned, also in Thailand, and now from November 1 2013, the same third window will appear in all passports, first in GERMANY, and then quickly in the passports of all other Eurozone countries.

And in a very short time, this “X” window is FULLY EXPLAINING our natural floor with you from the official document circulation of the whole West.

At first, all the perverts will be recorded in the column of the third floor - "X". Then they are not satisfied that there is an abstract letter “X” in their own window in the passport. And then perverts of all stripes zaorut ON THE WHOLE WORLD about the so-called "human rights" to their letter of their own sexual orientation. And then immediately in the third window, first appear the letters "L", "G", "B", "T", and then the initial letters of OTHER "nicknames" sesksualnyh orientations that are multiplied not by day but by hour. And since the passport is not a rubber one, our squares “m” and “f” will be FORBIDDEN one day. Or they themselves will disappear as unnecessary. Or they will be erased for any other reason ... Whatever the scenario, but the final is ONE - the destruction of the natural gender from the document circulation is up to you and me, dear participants of today's conference, the new individuals GUARANTEE. This is a matter of time.

The third front of the destruction of the floor - the physical layer. The West is attacking our children, trying to impose an unconventional orientation from birth. Since parents are not always obedient and sometimes they still resist, the West decided to ELIMINATE PARENTS from the process of raising children. It has now been decided to confiscate children in new-fangled Europe and throughout the West right on BIRTHDAY. With the help of this peculiar juvenile penalty - the forced transfer of offspring to the state - the class of parenthood was eliminated and the family was destroyed as a social unit.

Now, the function of re-educating children into distortion-tolerant individuals is assumed by the Western state. In the West, special programs have been created in this direction for nurseries, kindergartens, schools, and even for universities. You will be surprised, but NEW children's literature, which is tolerant to perversions, has been written and printed. It is designed for all ages: from zero to one year, from one to two years, from two to four, from four to six years, etc.

In December 2012, advanced feminists in the European Parliament put to the vote a bill banning all classic children's literature in Europe. A kind of literary inquisition was almost already introduced ... But the truth is, a couple of votes were still not enough when voting in the European Parliament, and the neo-Inquisitors had lost their first half then. But in France, they took revenge. And now it is quite legal for first graders to learn new prose “Dad wears a dress”. This book is a kind of French alphabet of homosexuality. She tells the children that Masha is not a girl, and Vasya is not a boy ...

I first learned about all this from the letters of Russians who live in Australia and Sweden. New Zealand, USA, Canada or Europe. Russian parents in their letters describe the wild, from the point of view of the Russian people, facts and phenomena of the modern West.

Here are a few brief quotes from the letters:
"In Norway, children in a manger read tales about a prince in love with a king."
"In Sweden, boys must be brought to kindergarten in dresses."
"In Denmark, on the lampposts pasted ads:" Rent a horse for sex. "
"In Germany, 10 zoo-branches are working in the same town."
“There are beauty contests among X-NUMX transvestite boys of years in the USA.”
"In Canada, legalized experiments on children: sterilization, lobotomy."
"In Switzerland, 30000 children were taken from traditional parents and have already been transferred to same-sex."
“Incest will appear in the school timetable for first-graders in Norway.
"In Canada, pedophilia is an officially recognized sexual orientation."
“In the 2013 year," boys "and" girls "were canceled in all schools in France.
“In the Netherlands, the Party of Pedophiles works legally, and infantophilia or intimacy with newborns is rampant.”

The latest evidence is almost impossible to believe without evidence. Therefore, we checked this evidence and found in Dutch a lot of newspaper materials and TV shows about the loudest criminal trial 2012-2013 of the year. It turns out that recently one Dutch homosexual who is in same-sex with another homosexual confessed to raping about 100 children. His youngest victim was only 9 days old. And his oldest victim was 2,5 of the year. That is, you have not misheard, we are talking about newborn children and children in the pre-verbal age. The scale of the prevalence of infantophilia in the Eurozone is mentioned by the fact mentioned in many publications, including Russian, that this detainee had infantilely seized gigantic amounts of undestructed photos and video materas. So gigantic that they can simply flood the Internet ...

But what is even more striking is that there was no one to protect these children. Due to the fact that the family in Holland has already been destroyed, then the laws in this country are relevant. The parents of all these babies - according to the laws of Europe - had no right to testify about the violence against their children. Therefore, the Dutch Themis was not inclined to call what happened - acts of "violence." After all, the infant victims did not offer any resistance. It even went so far as experts began to call the cause of the incident “the hypersexuality” of this homosexual amoral subject. As if incredible now it all didn’t sound, but the foregoing are real facts. And you can read all this yourself, if you type in the search engine the nickname of this beast-infantofila: "Riga monster."

By the way, such European hobbies are most common TODAY among women. Yes, yes, you heard right. Pedophilia, incestophilia and infantofilia are also women's defects of the modern West.

It is the Russian parents who live today in the West, beating the bells in the bell. Their evidence of targeted destruction of traditional families, traditional values, and forced sex change in children is a warning for Russia.

Personally, I fled from Norway in what stood. I had to drop everything: the apartment, the house, the car, the property and all the belongings acquired in 45 years of life. Of the two sons, I managed to save only ONE son. My second son is now hidden in the forests of Norway on a secret address. Secret only from mother, from me. As follows from the laws of modern Europe - the traditional mother - today "enemy number one" for any child. That is why all the courts, including the High Court of Norway, decided to deprive me, mother, of ALL kinds of contacts with my own son, seized in Norway. That is, NOT TOLERANT today absolutely everything is forbidden: correspondence, postcards, phone calls and even Skype. NEOTOLANTIC DOES NOT HAVE ANY HUMAN RIGHTS. None

For two years, there is no news from my boy. When he was taken away at gunpoint in PLEN (which is a prisoner, dear participants of the conference), my Misha was just 4 of the year. In this pedophile captivity he is already 2 of the year. That is, he is now 6 years old. He went to a kindergarten in Norway, where lezbian teachers read him tales about gays and transvestites. And this year he went to a Norwegian school. There, gay teachers teach him the basics of love in a lesson called "incest." And this is all, alas, - not a bad dream and not even a horror film.

Just for a moment, please imagine that all this happened to you. And with your kids. Confiscation, change of sex, secret address ...
At least in order to understand that here, in Russia, there is still a CHANCE TO EVERYTHING TO AVOID IT.

Russia today remains the last island of Christianity, the last stronghold of the family, the last keeper of morality and the last defender of morality.

And TODAY, on behalf of all the victims of the juvenile horrors of Europe and the West, I am here to beat BUDS IN A BELL. I do not ask you to believe me. I ask you to hear us. Those who have lost the most precious thing we had were our own children. Maybe our hopes to get them back are illusory. But then the hope that you will hear us and save yourself and not lose your children is real.
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  1. +24
    31 October 2013 07: 10
    Sex betrayal is treason to the family. Treason to a small Motherland is treason to a country. Betrayal of faith is treason to the people.
    1. +9
      31 October 2013 07: 29
      You're right!!!! Scary picture!
      It is necessary to legislatively ban advertising of all perversions! And for some and plant!
      And when entering into any alliance with our country, demand a legislative ban on such crimes.
      1. bask
        31 October 2013 07: 46
        Dismantling family and gender on the west: evidence review

        And here we are, the dismantling of the Russian population.

        Food prices for 2 weeks just skyrocketed + utilities, (cold water 35 rubles per cube, eggs 57 rubles), how to live for young people and the elderly ???????????????????

        And we have everything about gay oppa, to me, let it all at least become 100% pederasts and lesbians there. We care about them, it's their choice, although let them be.
        Then in 10 years, the Islamic Republic of France will be.
        1. Avenger711
          31 October 2013 08: 13
          You betrayed your grandfathers in the 91st, now eat it.
        2. +1
          31 October 2013 15: 22
          Quote: bask
          And we have everything about gay oppa, to me, let it all at least become 100% pederasts and lesbians there. We care about them, it's their choice, although let them be.

          So they export it all to us. And through this they destroy. I watched a program like that about Western cartoons, it told about the change of images and concepts about family life in children in cartoons and youth magazines. Nothing new, all within the framework of the doctrine of Alain Dulles.
      2. Valery Neonov
        31 October 2013 07: 47
        That's just statement the promise of GDP about a comfortable stay at the Olympics in Sochi, regardless of orientation, is slightly alarming ...
        1. true love
          31 October 2013 10: 57
          The end of the Olympiad is the beginning of the struggle against "neoliberalism."
        2. Yarosvet
          31 October 2013 18: 21
          Quote: Valery Neon
          That's just statement the promise of GDP about a comfortable stay at the Olympics in Sochi, regardless of orientation, is slightly alarming ...
    2. +2
      31 October 2013 07: 36
      It's right.
      But Europe is not crazy - for this it is too smart.
      There is a reason for all this ...
      Below I wrote under number 2.
      This is most likely.
    3. +6
      31 October 2013 07: 57
      Quote: Rodriques
      Sex betrayal is treason to the family. Treason to a small Motherland is treason to a country. Betrayal of faith is treason to the people.

      American film Avatar on a plot: A man, possibly an American, changes his race in favor of the blue-skinned. Their infidelity seems to be in the blood. A man will never become a full-fledged blue-skinned alien (unless, of course, he consumes fire water in unmeasured quantities). A man (fagot) will never become a full-fledged woman, and Snowden will never become a full-fledged Russian (although he, by virtue of his age, has chances for old age to be similar to Russian). Any betrayal is a perversion.
      "In Norway, children in a manger read tales about a prince in love with a king."
      "In Sweden, boys must be brought to kindergarten in dresses."
      "In Denmark, on the lampposts pasted ads:" Rent a horse for sex. "
      "In Germany, 10 zoo-branches are working in the same town."
      “There are beauty contests among X-NUMX transvestite boys of years in the USA.”
      "In Canada, legalized experiments on children: sterilization, lobotomy."
      "In Switzerland, 30000 children were taken from traditional parents and have already been transferred to same-sex."
      “Incest will appear in the school timetable for first-graders in Norway.
      "In Canada, pedophilia is an officially recognized sexual orientation."
      “In the 2013 year," boys "and" girls "were canceled in all schools in France.
      “In the Netherlands, the Party of Pedophiles works legally, and infantophilia or intimacy with newborns is rampant.”

      After that, Garden and Gamora will seem like a strict monastery (though I have not been there, but it seems to me)
      1. Ptah
        31 October 2013 08: 38
        Quote: Canep
        American film Avatar on a plot: A man, possibly an American, changes his race in favor of the blue-skinned.
        Again the Americans. Again denazification (derasification as in the example with "little blue"). Do you know where it came from? And from whose direction? And the "trained" again allegedly "Americans in yarmulkes". It turned out successfully, now it's only a small matter - to deprive offspring by any means. Are you sure that there are no such plans for Russia?
        Read carefully. Please note, this is about GERMANS, and not about the Nazis.


        Quote: Canep
        After that, Garden and Gamora will seem

        Sodom and Gomorrah will definitely SHOW. I just want to say "Lord, ZHGI".
        1. +2
          31 October 2013 08: 44
          Quote: Ptah
          I just want to say "Lord, ZHGI".

          Muslim extremists will burn it, either in Belgium or in Holland, Mohamed, with all its variations, became the most common name for newborns.
      2. Hon
        31 October 2013 13: 30
        I. BERGSET: In February, a child told me that his father beat him. I immediately ran to the police and filed an application. I had a question: why did he beat him? I have been waiting a month. After no one called my father, I began to question the child. Then my child said that dad drove him to his daughter, who is now 22 years old. In this house 12 people gathered. These 12 people put their penises and genitals into his mouth and anus. And women did this with artificial genitals, as the child says, with rubber. Misha said that he was dressed in a giraffe or zebra costume. When I asked him what his penis was, small, childish, he said that they were everywhere, all over his body. Imagine how it might look, I can’t. For example, a child says that his whole body, hair was dyed in a different color. It was a blue flower. Because these people are singing a song (NCHR) as homosexuals, but this is far from homosexuality. This is far from homosexuality if they deal with children. The child asked if I bought it. I said that I did not buy it, I gave birth to it. “And everyone else buys me.” - “Where are they buying?” - “In the online store. Girls and boys are sold there. ” “And who runs this online store?” - “Dad. You know, I'm very dear. Dad is selling me. ” The child is proud of it. The child said that after all this, as these people mock children, they use a vacuum cleaner. But this is not a vacuum cleaner, but a kind of modern technology for pumping out mucus. They just pump it out, they suck it all away. They cause vomiting, they cause diarrhea. Why did the child lie and vomit for two days? To cleanse the body. These people know what they are doing. They do everything intentionally, so they take away the evidence.

        One of the interviews with the author of the article. She should turn to "Kashchenko" before it's too late. The lady is clearly not adequate.
      3. 0
        1 November 2013 08: 46
        Any betrayal is a perversion.

        Treason perversion for the sake of returning to normal is also a perversion?
        Something I do not understand you ...
        After that, Garden and Gamora will seem like a strict monastery (though I have not been there, but it seems to me)

        Get baptized when it seems. These are the same Sodom and Gomorrah. Only the scale is different. And I'm afraid that disinfection of this ulcer will become cauterization.
    4. +1
      31 October 2013 09: 51
      Good day, everyone!

      I want to add a few drops of positive to the article, with the comment "Their morals":

  2. +7
    31 October 2013 07: 11
    Europe and Western civilization are degenerating into "x" -society ... We must not let this degeneration into Russia.
  3. mr_Doom
    31 October 2013 07: 11
    I read half, I'm tired ... But here, in Russia, everything is cool.
    1. +5
      31 October 2013 07: 35
      Quote: mr_Doom
      But here in Russia everything is cool

      With an Icelandic flag?
    2. Lukich
      31 October 2013 09: 41
      mr_Doom -I have read half, I'm tired ... But here, in Russia, everything is cool.

      ... and you don’t read, get out of here - the gender defender !!! ...
      1. +3
        31 October 2013 10: 07
        Quote: Lukich
        .a do not read, get out of here
        Let him read, he learns the mind of the mind, for this site exists.
    3. Ptah
      31 October 2013 16: 00
      Quote: mr_Doom
      But here, everything is cool in Russia.

      And for what are they blaming? Nasty, but real -
      I remember that in Volgograd there was a scandal over the staging of some Leo Aronov plays based on V. Nabokov’s pidofilny novel “Lolita” with a set of “nature” in the theater of a young audience, that is, where children should be taught good, mercy, and chastity. It was worth the deputies of the Volgograd City Council to try to stop the blasphemy, as demons from the liberal media screeched throughout the country, accusing the deputies of all mortal sins.
      A demon of “good”, a human rights activist, was hastily discharged from Moscow Allu Gerber, which with a hanging "breast rose" to defend the "freedom of creativity." And no reaction from either the regional or city authorities followed. There was a case when one of the pillars of "art" Roman Viktyuk sent his performance "Salome" to Volgograd (?). Even seasoned liberal journalists were confused:
      “Male bodies voluptuously clinging to each other could not deliver due aesthetic pleasure to Volgograd spectators ...”
      . But Viktyuk after such disgust, declares:
      “As a result, man becomes closer to God. And these games seem strange only for a society with its morality. ”.
      It turns out that a society with morality is something bad, and “liberated” y ** yudkas on the stage, imposing their “values” on us, is “approaching God”. In fact, there is rather a clear approach to the Antichrist.
      In the wake Viktyuk went one more "revolutionary sekis" - A. Pugacheva (Pevzner). In her case, in all likelihood, age-related changes have led to changes in values, which is consistent with the findings of scientists on mutational aging. She invited to Russia a whole choir of homo-sesyatins. At the same time, she summed up an ideology under her actions:
      “Talent has no color, it can be blue, green, pink, for creativity this is absolutely unimportant”.
      The choir of “innocent” homosexuals, as it turned out, is not so innocent. Within a few years, 140 "people" died of AIDS in it. And as it usually happens, a whole industry is created near such “establishments” for the supply of boys to the “singers”. And again, the inverted, broken lives of children are the result of the delight of sexual perverts.
  4. +2
    31 October 2013 07: 16
    How many billions can mother earth feed? They say 10. What time is it now? Probably more than 7. The self-destruction mechanism has been launched.
    1. +5
      31 October 2013 10: 14
      The question is ripening - who launched it?
      Everything voiced in the article is not spontaneous insanity of Europeans, no. This is clearly coordinated work that has been ongoing for more than a dozen years.

      It all began in the sixties, with a sharp increase in the movement of feminists. In fact, this was the first blow to the traditional values ​​of Christian Europe.
      Then the so-called sexual revolution happened. This was a logical continuation of the performances of feminists.
      Then homosexuals became active. In the early nineties, homosexuality was officially transferred from mental illness to "alternative sexual orientation". So the World Health Organization decided.
      In the nineties, the term "tolerance" appeared and began to be widely promoted. A tolerant attitude towards all kinds of deviations from the norm was promoted. The further, the more and more deviations were called natural and normal.
      Actually, what we have today is the result of fifty years of work to decompose the Western world.
      Who does this and why?
      If the USSR continued to exist, it would be the first candidate for suspect. Because, this is the most effective way to destroy the entire Western development model. Today, all countries of the West are degenerating and degrading. With moral degradation of society, the state also degrades. With current trends, the west is doomed.

      But the USSR is not. Then who and why? Apparently, we really became a lot on this planet. And someone decided to subvert the population. The rich west is through degeneration, and the poor third world is through war.
      1. +3
        31 October 2013 11: 21
        Quote: tungus
        The question is ripening - who launched it?

        From the point of view of certain analysts, at the current level of technology development, a billion is quite enough (I do not want to give any links or names) And a little staff.
        The world is manageable and happy. But after all, the people are already over 7. War cannot be destroyed so much.
        What remains is hunger, diseases (cancer, AIDS, etc.), and the uprooting of the reflex to produce their own kind. They began to root out the reflex by destroying the institution of the family and promoting "other values"
        From the point of view of conspiracy, this process started "World government"
        I do not want to believe, but everything is too harmonious. But the main process is an avalanche. A kaleidoscopic education also plays a small role, when a person possessing excellent skills and knowledge of his subject does not have any idea about the other. In this case, both religion and Darwin's theory are depreciating - they are being replaced by other surrogate theories.
        You can fight this by giving people a good education, both classical and religious (although I am not a believer). I just don’t know how to deal with overpopulation.
        1. +1
          31 October 2013 13: 15
          Quote: 528Obrp
          Only what to do with overpopulation I do not know

          In fact, the problem of overpopulation is self-regulating, if you do not get into it. I will explain.
          Maximum fertility always falls on the poorest countries. It is economically feasible, the more children, the better off old age.
          However, the highest mortality rates occur in the same countries.
          In developed countries, the population growth is not large - 2,1-2,3 children per woman. That was before universal tolerance.
          But, there is a situation where poor countries receive the help of rich developed countries, and mortality there decreases. And the birth rate remains the same. Hence overpopulation and migration to developed countries. There are two ways out.
          The first is what RI and the USSR did. Inclusion of poor countries in their composition and pulling them to the level of developed ones. This will reduce mortality but lower fertility. The process is not fast, for decades, but the most humane.

          The second is the complete closure of the borders of developed countries and the denial of assistance to third world countries. A complete ban on migrants from poor countries. Ban on the export of high technology to third world countries.
          In this case, poor countries will boil in their own juice. There will be high mortality — much higher than today. There will be constant external wars between these countries as well as constant internal conflicts, due to the huge number of mendicant people. In the end, a certain territory can feed a strictly defined number of people. And if other territories are occupied, you will either have to fight inside your group for resources, or with neighbors for their lands. And this will be a natural brake on the growth of the population of third countries.

          But someone came up with a third way — the degeneration of the developed and all the same wars in the third world. These wars will become more and more, as more and more decomposition and decline of developed countries. Ultimately, the civilizational model of development in which we have lived the last thousand years will disappear and something new will arise. And I do not think that this new will be good.
    2. AVV
      31 October 2013 11: 42
      Europe will immediately become Muslim, the Saudis will rule there, and asexual Europeans will die out like fleas on the corpse of the European Union !!! Or sensible forces still remain there and they will give battle to all this trash! By the way, all this colored company will flood to us and it’s impossible exclude provocations, they will have the opportunity to declare themselves !!! Everything will depend on law enforcement, that would quickly stem the provocation !!!
      1. Pinochet000
        31 October 2013 12: 22
        Quote: AVV
        By the way, at the Olympics, this whole colored company will flood to us

        By the way, who saw the presentation of the Olympic form, that it is very colored ... with the firebird in 2008 it was much better, IMHO.
  5. alexeyal
    31 October 2013 07: 19
    By the way, the author of the article, Irina Bergset, joined the Great Fatherland Party.
    In the Great Fatherland Party (PVO), the “For a Family!” Faction has recently been created, in which caring parents along with other party members will be able to influence politics and save Russia from juveniles. One of the founders of this fraction was Irina Bergset, who will talk about her work.

    1. Hon
      31 October 2013 13: 56
      Patients chose air defense on the head?
  6. 0
    31 October 2013 07: 19
    As you know, light (sun) is life. And the sun sets on the zapod, so life on the zapod sunset. Amoral people zapodlyansky.
  7. Valery Neonov
    31 October 2013 07: 20
    hi What to say...One non-normative..Do not miss.Softly so: THE WORLD DID ARE MIND!Unequivocallybut they’re breaking teeth about Russia, SURE AT ALL HUNDRED!

  8. +9
    31 October 2013 07: 23
    The article shocked! I don’t want to believe that this is true, but I also cannot question the words of the author, looking around. It began with us, while the forms are not so perverted, but these are stages of a long journey. The most striking, for me, example is the series about the Bukin. They start with the destruction of the family, contempt for their parents, and what they end up with is not known. Taking into account the fact that this episode has been going on since 2006, and new episodes are being shot, someone is waging a war aimed at corrupting our children. At the same time, "Well, wait a minute" and other cartoons are prohibited as wrong.
    People, wake up, there is no censorship on the part of the state, introduce internal so that our children know that mom is mom, dad, dad, girls and boys, and boys and homosexuality is not the norm, but inversion.
    1. Gari
      31 October 2013 09: 50
      Quote: 505506
      The article was shocked!


      That is, you and I are “striaters.”
      Yes, they themselves are streamers

      I am a husband, a man is a man.
      I am the head of my family, I provide and protect my family.
      So did my father, so did my grandfathers.
      So will my sons and grandchildren do.
      God created us like that in his own image and likeness!
    2. Hon
      31 October 2013 13: 58
      The article is nonsense crazy, and literally. Type in the name of the author in nete, and you will read a lot more fun, in the end, you will come to the conclusion that the cuckoo has moved out from the author.
  9. Soldier
    31 October 2013 07: 23
    The article is, of course, strong, but one BUT. And for WHAT X. did it fall into this geyrop? Like everything is bad, we are all blue-legged, peasant men, etc. And then there are solid printers and a well-fed, dumb, highly profitable life? You need to love your homeland and not look for it, go for a hill, Damn it, you see, it's useless. Many still want to blame it on a hill. And then they complain.
    1. +1
      31 October 2013 11: 07
      Well, far from always because of the above reasons. At the moment, the situation is such that they can simply be sent to work there. There may be a lot of nuances - I have not miraculously left twice already. And it was the company that sent it — I did not want and do not want. And the choice is often not provided - do not want to - look for another job. And if I do not want to search? I like this one?

      So it is necessary to consider from several sides, to be more objective. And the person who wrote this article is really a tragedy, as if someone did not belong to this.

      Essentially, the article ... It’s terribly all, one pleases - so far there are no prerequisites that this will come to us in Russia - and this is the only positive thing. Although they say about juvenile justice .....
    2. Hon
      31 October 2013 13: 53
      Quote: Armeec
      The article is, of course, strong, but one BUT. And for WHAT X. did it fall into this geyrop? Like everything is bad, we are all blue-legged, peasant men, etc. And then there are solid printers and a well-fed, dumb, highly profitable life? You need to love your homeland and not look for it, go for a hill, Damn it, you see, it's useless. Many still want to blame it on a hill. And then they complain.

      And why is the article strong? Vyser crazy, she in her articles, carries such nonsense that you start to think about the orderlies. At first she wanted an import husband, but as she was pointed at the door, it was shit out of her.
      1. 0
        1 November 2013 08: 58
        Young man, you are still talking about a woman. Deign to restrain your impulses or arrange them in an acceptable form.
        Remember, humiliating a woman - trample yourself as a man.
        1. Hon
          1 November 2013 16: 31
          Quote: Kahlan Amnell
          Young man, you are still talking about a woman. Deign to restrain your impulses or arrange them in an acceptable form.
          Remember, humiliating a woman - trample yourself as a man.

          I call a spade a spade. Would you like to write a similar comment if it was about Navodvorskaya, Sobchak or Latynina?
          1. 0
            6 November 2013 07: 45
            I call a spade a spade

            You can call a spade a spade in different ways. You can put it this way, and you won’t fault: all the words are polite and cultural, and the opponent is broken.
            And so to speak, after which the mouth and tongue with soap should be washed.
  10. +4
    31 October 2013 07: 24
    There is only one conclusion: there is nothing to give birth to children in the West, you need to live in Russia.
  11. +5
    31 October 2013 07: 28
    There is nothing to discuss here.
    The world is going crazy.
    Does anyone else think Europe is civilized? Even their own children are not spared there!
    How lucky I am that I was born and live in Russia ...
    I hope that our neighbors rushing into the EU will read the article.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  12. +8
    31 October 2013 07: 29
    Ndaaa I'm just amazed. NORWEGIAN ARROW BREIVIK has more rights in prison than a person holding on to traditional values.
    Such trends of the WESTERN CIVILIZATION should be stopped in RUSSIA by all available means - and people who propagandize debauchery with our children should be imprisoned despite the cries of human rights defenders and advocates of Juvenile Justice - I just feel the threat to our families with guts
    1. Ptah
      31 October 2013 08: 52
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      NORWEGIAN ARROW BREIVIK has more rights in prison than a person holding on to traditional values.

      According to the conclusion of the commission of psychiatrists who examined Anders Breivik, deviations in the psyche of the latter occurred after the killer was sexually abused at the age of 4-6 years. The world famous shooter was raped by his own mother. And she continued to do this for many years. The psychological trauma inflicted on Anders as a child eventually brought him to the dock. Not having the physical ability to protect himself in early childhood, Breivik “took revenge” by becoming an adult. How he did this is known to the whole world.
      The ranks of future "Breiviks" in Europe are replenished daily !!!!!!!!!!

      Today, in a number of Scandinavian countries, there is a public discussion on how to legislate marriages between adults and children. And also about the possibility of weddings in churches. So that forever pedophiles get out from under the blow of criminal prosecution. The main focus of the controversy is the protection of children's rights! On a sekas with adults. Including incest approval. At the same time, discussion beyond their own lasciviousness of the initiators of the legalization of perversions remains beyond the scope.

      Child abusers are often “encouraged” by lenient sentences. Two “ordinary” stories from Finland. Year - 2011th. Four men who abused a 14-year-old girl received suspended sentences. From forty days to six months! And a few fines: from 500 to 3000 euros.

      In the same year, the coach of the soccer team of minor girls, who raped one of the wards, escaped with suspended sentences. Moreover, the rapist continued to train the same team. Coaching, the latter was engaged in volunteerism.

      Sentences for rapist relatives became commonplace. And the age of the victims is rapidly falling. In Denmark, for example, the 65-year-old "grandfather" was convicted. From 2 months of age, he raped his granddaughter. I shot videos of my “orgies” and uploaded them to the Internet.

      The court "grandfather" issued a very "harsh" sentence: three years in prison. And - banned being in the same places with children under 18 years of age. Star.per disagrees with such "rigor" and intends to seek a commutation of sentence. And better - cancellation ... The ban on communication with minors was especially depressing to "grandfather".

      All children in Europe cry in the same language

      This is the finish line of humanity, guys ...........
  13. +4
    31 October 2013 07: 30
    Yes, such things are happening in the West Democratic world, which is not clear what it is:
    1) or excesses with tolerance (tolerance for all shit (in Holland, is there a lot of pedophiles?) - to queers, jerks) -types are all good in our own way, and we are all human ...
    2) or simply for the Western world, the number of eaters is already critical - they cannot feed more people on their own, and buying food from someone (the same Ukraine) means giving them money. And suddenly they will achieve their development (technological ) -and then [b] the uttermost kirdyk [/ b] of the technological hegemony of Europe. Well, at the same time, to plant this hat on our side, what would [b] we (God forbid!) - do not breed ... was in the "golden Gorbachev-Yeltsin times!"
    The management of Russia was actually from outside! We gave them everything that they would not ask ... Yes, these figures even gave away what they did not ask, just to say:
    - "Well done Gorbachev! What a good politician, you have a peace prize!"
    - "Oh! Brother Boris! You are our greatest friend!"
    Yes, and Khodorkovsky, the bastard, is now right for them --- what a fair, smart, genius, actually saved Russian democracy (almost selling BP Siberia).
    But remember, with what difficulty the IMF got out of its debts, and there is such a thing that it’s worse than eternal bondage, you get deeper and deeper ...
    How did you barely buy out the Sakhalin 2 field from BP?
    And gentlemen "Alefs" are still scoffing in the style of propaganda of the "Voice of America" ​​-Soviet times, that Venezuela is now free to make decisions, but there is a shortage of toilet paper! Yes, even if there is a deficit, we will build a factory for them, there will be paper, even if you wrap the globe But the Venezuelan oil is no longer "Chevronskaya", and not BiPishnaya "- but theirs, Venezuelan! And that's all! And not 25% ...
  14. makarov
    31 October 2013 07: 34
    A little bit about the author:
    From the file "RG"
    Irina Bergset (Frolova), 47 years old, was born in Novovolynsk (Ukraine), grew up in Sochi.
    She graduated from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, candidate of philological sciences. She worked in the apparatus of the State Duma. There is a child Sasha from his first marriage. In Moscow, she met a Norwegian citizen Kurt Bergset, a worker on an offshore oil platform. In the summer of 2005 they played a wedding. January 3, 2007 gave birth to a son Misha (according to the passport - Bjorn Mikael Bergset). In 2008, she ran away from her husband because of - as she herself says - incompatible cultural contradictions. Kurt learned about pedophilic inclinations later.
    Independently rented (then bought) an apartment, worked at the Faculty of Journalism in Oslo, then at a rural school.
    The son Alexander, at the age of 13, fled from Norway to Russia. The escape was organized by the famous Polish detective Krzysztof Rutkowski, who is called Rimbaud in Norway and Agent 007 in Poland. At the border, while trying to enter the Kaliningrad region, Irina and her son were detained at the request of the Norwegian authorities. Thanks to the help of Pavel Astakhov and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they returned to Russia.
    Now they live with their eldest son in Moscow, Irina works as a coordinator of the "Russian Mothers" movement.
    1. Yarosvet
      31 October 2013 18: 39
      Quote: makarov
      A little bit about the author
  15. +5
    31 October 2013 07: 36
    Except how to destroy this infection, if OUR children are not returned, with the help of nuclear weapons, uprooting SATANISM from geyrops, fighting with fear to pass for homophobes, etc., nothing comes to mind! Set an ultimatum to one country for the return of the Russians, give a month to all Russians to leave the country, to start the counterage to undermine a land mine, etc. ....
    Some emotions, but how much SUCH can be tolerated, how to do the right thing with the toothless policy of the country's leadership towards the enemies of Russia!
  16. +3
    31 October 2013 07: 39
    It is high time for normal people in Europe to take shape in an international political movement under the conventional name "For Common Sense". And start a merciless fight against sodomy and other perversions. I am sure that most Europeans are normal, sane people.
  17. Alikovo
    31 October 2013 07: 42
    the scale of idiocy and moronism in the West is simply amazing.
    1. Pinochet000
      31 October 2013 09: 22
      Quote: Alikovo
      the scale of idiocy and moronism in the West is simply amazing.

      This is a focused policy, open people’s eyes already ... Does the conspiracy theory not exist?
      1. Hudo
        31 October 2013 09: 51
        Quote: Pinochet000
        This is a focused policy, open people’s eyes already ... Does the conspiracy theory not exist?

        This is no longer a theory, the cherished poisonous seeds not only sprouted and bloomed, but also began to bear fruit in disgusting fruits.
  18. +5
    31 October 2013 07: 42
    That’s a good reason to offer those normal remaining Europeans who are still there to take Russian citizenship and move to Siberia and the Far East. And we will benefit in terms of land development and people will live under normal conditions.
    But damn it is better "we" will let the hordes of Central Asians and hunhuzs come to us ...
    1. stroporez
      31 October 2013 10: 10
      normal immigrants from Europe, do not become silent when they start cutting jamshuts, and the "state", in support, will take away pensions, for example, the uncontrollable leaders do not need ........ he never vyaknet nicho, or the same illegal jamshuts ..... so sho normal Europeans to our "chosen ones" ---- unnecessarily .........
  19. +2
    31 October 2013 07: 44
    It's disgusting to read all this! I can’t even believe what is happening there .. One word is CREATED!
    1. Hon
      31 October 2013 14: 02
      Quote: MIKHAN
      It's disgusting to read all this! I can’t even believe what is happening there .. One word is CREATED!

      And you check ... Everything that is written is nonsense, the author of the article at one time claimed that her son was raped, while she did not even try to contact the law enforcement agencies. Tomorrow I will write an article about how the blood of babies is drunk in the West. Believe it?
  20. 0
    31 October 2013 07: 47
    Looks like GMOs overeaten. Such twists for no reason do not happen.
  21. +2
    31 October 2013 07: 53
    It seems to me that the perverts are driving themselves into a trap: when they start to clean them up, they just look at the passport, if the checkmark in the third box is no longer smeared even if at the time of verification it will look like a brutal bearded man)))

    "If a pervert is sexually focused on children, then this is his FLOOR - “pedophile”. And if a pervert is sexually oriented towards animals, then this is his FLOOR - “zoophil”. So it looks like a rough interpretation. There are among perverts and sexually oriented immediately to children and animals. Such individuals themselves perverts called KVIR."
    And this is generally a ready-made accusation for future trials, it remains only to shoot ...
    1. +7
      31 October 2013 08: 51
      This is something like:
      Visited us today
      Zoo Necro Pedophile
      Dead little animals
      He brought with him

      When I didn’t remember for the first time where and when I saw these poems a long time ago, I took them as a vulgar but funny joke. And it turns out in some places this is the norm.
      Take the inventors of this multi-gender system and change their gender to a thread like passive necrophiles.
      Quote: Auditor
      Such individuals themselves perverts called KVIR
      Actually, unless the English language has changed recently, the word "Queer" means "homosexual". At the same time, the gomics themselves call each other and themselves so, but try to call them that, a normal person will immediately yell "HOMOPHOBIAAAAAAAAA !!! Nizzaaa!"
      But once it was a completely normal word and meant something like "unusual, extraordinary". However, not so long ago - somewhere in the 1970s-80s, and the word "Gay" did not have a homosexual meaning, but meant "cheerful, cheerful". 3,14dora appropriated this word as Hitler's swastika, which before Nazism was a symbol of the sun and goodness in many Indo-European cultures.
  22. +2
    31 October 2013 07: 59
    To the attention of the forum users in NORWAY, there is one more trick - squealing or denunciation to a neighbor.
    Imagine that a neighbor or a neighbor doesn’t like you because of a different eye color and informs the social services that you supposedly raised your voice on a child or God forbid you spanked him in the ass - a police visit to the social services was provided to you with the subsequent your child’s theft cannot be called otherwise.
    Further more your child will be identified in a friendly family of gays or lesbians where they will try to change the gender of the child to the one they need, or in the worst case, they WILL BE FRIENDLY FRIENDLY.
    I just have no words to express my contempt and indignation at such a system am .
  23. survivor
    31 October 2013 08: 05
    I just want to proclaim a cleansing trip to the geyropu! By the way, an interesting fact, almost before every world war there was a revelry of all this shobla .... so, the thought comes up with itself.
  24. +3
    31 October 2013 08: 19
    And who said that they do not want to create something similar in Russia? We read "Childhood 2030" and are horrified. We just started later, but they will try to carry out all the same.
  25. xmypp
    31 October 2013 08: 21
    As he wrote earlier, only bombing geyrops will save from this plague.
    1. -1
      31 October 2013 08: 22
      No, it’s not the bombing that will save, but FULL INDEPENDENCE.
  26. +2
    31 October 2013 08: 24
    Western civilization is degrading.
    We left for the West if you please accept their LGBT people with all other vices.
    But to bring these "values" of the West into my country, into my house - I will not allow !!!
  27. +6
    31 October 2013 08: 26
    I propose to submit for consideration a bill prohibiting the entry, residence, accounts, publications or any other activity on the territory of Russia of all persons with the gender "X" in the passport. Better yet, declare such humanoids as a species other than humans and issue hunting tickets. So we will receive permission to shoot: "Duck: 10 pcs. Wild boar 1 pc. Humanoid X - 100 pcs. (Disguised as people, it is necessary to check the passport)."
    1. 0
      31 October 2013 11: 16
      In Russia there is no concept of gender "X" (And thank God) - that is. if this is not a man or a woman, then it simply means "zHYvotnoe" - so without a certificate from the veterinary hospital and not let them in :) And they will not be given a certificate in the veterinary hospital - there they are like people :)

      So they will never enter us on completely legal grounds :)
  28. -1
    31 October 2013 08: 34
    Such articles have already appeared on the site, and frankly they produce a very strange, quite downright abnormal impression.
    1) Suppose that everything written in the article is true (although no evidence is given), and the capitalist West, paraphrasing the classics, has already completely decayed.
    So what is the problem? What is our sadness? They are destroying themselves, and that’s glorious. On the contrary, we must support all these trends in the West, because this completely weakens them.
    2) Ms. Bergset, like tens of thousands of other women herself dumped to the West.
    So why the hell should we care about them? What is the problem at all? After all, if they left Europe for Russia from Russia, then it is clear that they must now accept European cultural norms. It’s actually super impudence — at first to mud the homeland and leave, and then shout-oh-oh-oh, they offend us.
    3) Ms. Bergset could be understood if she began to fight against capitalism as such, with all its moral ulcers. But no, she absolutely absurdly claims that capitalism in the West is "bad", but here it is allegedly very highly moral and Christian, which already clearly raises doubts about its adequacy, or at least its honesty.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. Ptah
      31 October 2013 09: 51
      Quote: Odyssey
      So what is the problem? What is our sadness? They are destroying themselves, and that’s glorious. On the contrary, we must support all these trends in the West, because this completely weakens them.

      If everything that we read about happened on another planet, or better in another galaxy, then, perhaps, we can "rejoice".
      Everything that came to Russia over the past 25 years HAS ALREADY BEEN IN THE WEST before.
      For the rest, I would also put it at a minus. hi
      1. +2
        31 October 2013 18: 34
        Quote: Ptah
        Everything that came to Russia over the past 25 years HAS ALREADY BEEN IN THE WEST before.

        So the fact of the matter is that those living in Russia are well aware that the monstrous reality of Russian capitalism with its poverty, lawlessness, crime, and absolute cynicism of the authorities is much worse than the realities of Western capitalism. And this is natural. Here is the country of the third world capital ( true with the remnants of the Soviet inheritance), and there the first.
        And that's why they run there and not from there.
        But Ms. Bergset (who even left her last name in Norwegian) does not at all say so. She speaks of Russia as "the last guardian of morality and the last defender of morality."
        What immediately confronts us with a logical contradiction is that if everything is fine with us, then why are thousands of women (including Ms. Bergset) so eager to go there and why should we care about the state of affairs in Europe, because weakening it is beneficial for us (and under capitalism, Let me remind you, people think about profit and weakening their competitors).
    3. +4
      31 October 2013 09: 52
      Still, it is worth considering Ms. Bergset primarily as a mother, and not as a political figure, since she addressed the people with the hope that "you will hear us and be saved, and you will not lose your children." Thanks to her for the information, we heard, but what will we do after what we have heard? She not only speaks from herself to the same.
      1. +1
        31 October 2013 18: 48
        Quote: klev72
        Still, Ms. Bergset should be seen primarily as a mother, and not as a political figure.

        By the way, about her as a mother. Literally for a minute on the Internet is http://www.newsru.com/russia/07mar2013/bergset.html
  29. +2
    31 October 2013 09: 35
    It's scary.
    1. +1
      31 October 2013 10: 00
      It's not just scary. This is against the laws of nature. This cannot be in nature. How so without "m" and "z"? Of all the decent letters, only one "e" remains.
      1. 0
        31 October 2013 11: 18
        "e" unfortunately already taken ... by Prokhorov :)
  30. Peaceful military
    31 October 2013 09: 41
    The abomination from which the liberals are already delighted. liberals are servants of the devil; liberalism is satanism.
  31. +1
    31 October 2013 10: 34
    It’s necessary to sit at home, especially women, and not hang around on foreign lands, not to mention having children dragged there.
  32. +1
    31 October 2013 11: 38
    Quote: mirag2
    It's right.
    But Europe is not crazy - for this it is too smart.
    There is a reason for all this ...
    Below I wrote under number 2.
    This is most likely.

    There is a systematic decrease in the population of the planet, all in accordance with the plans of the New World Order. And at the same time, a decrease in the mental abilities of the others, which is very convenient for manipulating them.
  33. +4
    31 October 2013 11: 40
    Now they are kicking me. But I want to say that Adolf Partaygenoss in the methodology for solving the problem with types X was absolutely right.
  34. The comment was deleted.
  35. +1
    31 October 2013 11: 49

    Well, at least such tolerance in society can not work out!
  36. +4
    31 October 2013 12: 22
    There is an ancient German legend in which the Pied Piper of Hamelin saved Mr. Hamelin from hordes of rats, but they did not pay him. Then, as punishment for the inhabitants, to the sounds of his magic pipe, he took all the children of the town away forever. And now, under the "magic sounds of tolerance" of the accompaniment "of the masters of the new world order, the Jmason mafia," Europe is destroying its future. A program of extermination of the entire white population is included. Destruction of unborn children through non-traditional orientation. They are trying to get to Russia, and they hunt Russian children, taking them away from abroad, and here through the propaganda of homosexuality. And when they met opposition, they raised an "animal howl", accusing us of backwardness and barbarism. But their attacks continue through "agents of influence" and various NGOs.
  37. +2
    31 October 2013 16: 20
    And Astakhov ... Ombudsman, yeah. "Fighter for Rights", ETM ....
    He has real estate on Cote d'Azzure (where his family lives, in the "decaying Geyrop" (C)).
  38. Yarosvet
    31 October 2013 18: 47
    So I read all this, and I had only one question:


"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"