USA - “Peaceful Concentration Camp”

USA - “Peaceful Concentration Camp”- Victor Pavlovich, in your book "The Socialist States of America" ​​you wrote that during your life in the United States you refused to pay income tax there. Tell us about it, please.

- This epic began in 1998, when I lived in the United States for seven years (I emigrated at the age of 20 with my parents). I searched the Internet for something under American law - I no longer remember which one. By chance I saw a link to the topic "The Whole Truth About Taxes." For the sake of curiosity, I walked along it and ... discovered a new universe for myself, without exaggeration! It turned out that I knew nothing about the US tax system, and did certain things simply because everyone does it. At that time, I could not even admit that everyone does this not because it is necessary, but because it is so accepted. And this, as they say in Odessa, is two big differences! And it turned out that not everything that is accepted is correct.

As a result, it turned out that the US tax system initially assumed a taxation scheme: "Americans - abroad, foreigners - in America." That is, according to tax law, the income of citizens and residents of the United States is not subject to income tax (except for those engaged in certain activities such as the sale of alcohol, weapons etc.). But how can this be? After all, the income tax is the basis of the US state budget!

I researched this topic for a long time and scrupulously, even traveled to another state for special seminars. It turned out that for the maintenance of the state - in its original form - the taxes provided for in the legislation plus import duties and various excise taxes are more than enough. But since today the state apparatus has grown like a cancerous tumor, it is necessary to suck money out of the population by hook or by crook. But one thing was important: according to the Internal Revenue Code, as a US citizen, I am not subject to income tax in America, and therefore I simply stopped paying it.

The tax authorities still send bills for astronomical amounts to my former address and try to convince me that I owe them something. I wonder if they really think they'll get anything from me? I was at two hearings at the California Tax Service, and the omnipotent tax authorities turned these hearings into a circus, because they had no idea what and how to present to me - apparently, deciding that they could intimidate me with just their appearance and some pieces of paper. I came to the hearings prepared, first of all legally, and without any lawyer. So they didn’t succeed. And since 2001, I have disappeared from the "radar" of the tax authorities, which also makes them nervous - how can that be? There was a taxpayer and suddenly disappeared. It doesn't work that way!

In general, so they really can't show me anything, and they, in my opinion, have time until the end of this year, after which the statute of limitations will expire. Therefore, they have now dramatically increased their activity: they even began to call, having learned my Skype number from somewhere. And they don't care that it is illegal, because they have the right to contact me only by mail and only by making requests in a strictly defined way. But since they do not bother with such "trifles" as compliance with laws, they do not receive any answers from me either. And this makes them even more nervous. They do not like savvy citizens, they do not like very much!

Tax racketeering

- Why didn't the entire US population refuse to pay income tax?

- First, they are afraid. Secondly, from ignorance. Third, not everything. After all, there is still a lot of subtleties. For example, if a person filled out a declaration and indicated there zeros from which he does not pay anything, then he may be attracted for fraud, since the tax office has data on his salary, and he provides deliberately false information and puts his signature under it. Others, for example, consider the income tax unconstitutional and, for this reason, refuse to pay it, putting their signature under some kind of document - they can also be attracted.

However, I have nothing against the law, I pay all the taxes that I am subject to by law. The state has data on my income - yes, please! Now show me where the Tax Code says that I have to pay something from this amount? There's no such thing! There is no article in the Tax Code that would oblige a US citizen to pay tax on this (as well as fill out a tax return, thereby, by the way, testifying against himself to a certain extent). Moreover, according to the tax authorities themselves, up to 20% of “taxpayers” are no longer taxpayers, since they stopped paying taxes. Only this information, of course, will never be announced on TV.

After all, the main thing for them is to intimidate.

- In the book, you give examples of political correctness in the United States, which look like sheer madness. What, in your opinion, is the reason for the dominance of political correctness in the United States?

- First a little stories... Political correctness as a concept originated in the 1980s and provided that certain ideas, expressions and forms of behavior, which at that time were completely legal, should be prohibited either by special regulations or by public opinion. People who were publicly accused of political incorrectness became the object of persecution of the masses or even the authorities. The rationale behind political correctness was to prevent bullying. To do this, it was proposed to prohibit forms of behavior or expression that could offend certain segments of the population: homosexuals, women, non-white people, disabled people, stupid, fat and scary.

Thus, it became indecent to call things by their proper names. Another infringement on freedom of speech. On the other hand, touchy and sensitive minorities could now dictate their terms. The whole theory of political correctness can be summed up with a simple statement: a white male is the cause of all the troubles on the planet, and he is not only the source of everything bad, but he must constantly feel guilty about himself, ashamed of his origin and all the sins committed by his white ancestors for everything history of civilization.

The whole absurdity of the situation is that the white man who created this great civilization, in fact, becomes completely powerless. And after decades of this "program", which has now spread to almost all other countries of the world, we can draw a certain conclusion: this is not accidental. Even if it smacks of conspiracy, I am sure that political correctness is a deliberate policy of persecuting the white population of the planet.

State terrorism

- Tell us about your version of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

- I'll tell you right away that I don't have my own version. I don't know what exactly happened there, but I know exactly what did NOT happen. What the official report says has not happened. In my book 11/XNUMX: A View of the Murder, I explore in detail every element of the events of that tragic day. Analysis of the data shows that Arab terrorists and bin Laden were not involved in any way here. However, by today this should be obvious to any sane person. One can only guess who is to be the organizer of the "Arab" concept of what happened, but, most likely, the US intelligence services and their allies did it.

The skyscrapers were demolished by controlled industrial demolition, according to all the rules. One of the "directors" was billionaire Larry Silverstein, who hit a huge jackpot in this case. He became the new tenant of the Twins on July 23, 2001, just seven weeks before the tragic date. For the 99-year lease of the two towers, he paid $ 3,2 billion, but he insured them for the amount of $ 7,2 billion, and only in his own name and so that the owner-lessor does not receive compensation in the event of force majeure, to which includes terrorism.

The planes were military, disguised as civilians, and were controlled remotely, most likely with guidance to the "beacon". No plane crashed into the Pentagon, and neither did the plane crash in Pennsylvania. But after September 11, a number of immediate measures followed - both within the country and abroad. In the United States, this is the adoption of draconian laws, which essentially established a totalitarian regime in the country. In foreign policy - the green light for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as carte blanche for any terrorist operations in the Middle East.

Why do you think that the United States is pursuing Israel's interests in the Middle East?

- It's no secret that the United States has always provided Israel with financial, military and diplomatic assistance. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, in a statement to his cabinet on October 3, 2001, expressed this idea in plain text, without any hesitation: "We, the Jewish people, rule America, and the Americans know this." The famous American analyst Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book “Another Chance. Three Presidents and the Crisis of the American Superpower "writes:" By 2006, even for the Bush administration, it should have been clear that neither the United States, nor Israel, alone or together, had the power to crush and remake the Middle East completely the way they wanted it. would. This region is too large, its people are less and less intimidated and more and more enveloped in hatred, anger and despair. More and more people are ready to participate in organized resistance or reckless terror. And the more the United States and Israel respond to this by expanding and raising the level of their violent countermeasures, the deeper they will be involved in a prolonged and widening war.

This erroneous US position is fraught with two long-term dangers. First, the United States will eventually lose all of its Arab friends. Second, Israel will find itself embroiled in a prolonged asymmetric military confrontation, nullifying its technological military advantage and putting it at mortal risk. Moreover, given the domestic political realities of America, such risks are pushing the United States to increase its military involvement in the region in order to be able to further deter more distant threats posed to Israel. ”
I will cite another very curious quote, the author of which, unfortunately, is unknown to me. When talking about politics, one American official complains to another: "We have no friends in the Middle East except Israel." To which the interlocutor replied: "Before the appearance of Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East."

- In your book, you give an interesting definition of anti-Semitism: "Anti-Semites in the United States today are not called those who do not love Jews, but those who are not loved by Jews." Tell us about anti-Semitism in the United States and Russia.

- First, let's define the concept of anti-Semitism. Over time, I realized that it is highly subjective. And what is anti-Semitism for one person is not for another. In addition, one person is capable of turning any, even purposeful, insult into a joke, while the other - any hint not related to him will take at his own expense and will look for anti-Semites under his bed. And sometimes even find them. I am definitely the first type of people. In general, it is quite difficult to offend me. I remember a few years ago, after the publication of my book, a reporter with a pronounced "fifth point", as they used to say, followed me on my heels for a long time with some "shocking" material that she was eager to demonstrate to me in private. When, at last, she found me alone, she chose her words for a long time before shocking. And what is the bottom line? Her whole "shock" was that she showed me photographs of some garages where swastikas were drawn. I couldn't help laughing. Not because of the painted swastikas, of course, but how she tried to present it to me. What a marvel! However, her reaction to my reaction turned out to be very predictable: she left offended, and I never saw her again. I guess she just belonged to the second type of people. Such characters instantly turn any hint of a Jewish theme into a deep personal insult and start shouting about anti-Semitism.

In light of this, it is quite difficult to answer your such a fundamental question. If we talk about everyday anti-Semitism, then in Russia it has now become much less than in the USSR. And if, as a child, I often heard the epithets "Jew" and "Jew" in my address, and even from adults, and my father at that time was repeatedly pointed out in plain text about his origin, now I do not see or hear anything like that ... In the United States, however, I have never felt everyday anti-Semitism as such. However, I will make a reservation once again: it all depends on personal perception. I know people who, just hearing the word "Jew", begin to prepare for pogroms.

However, there is also anti-Semitism at the state level, and this is already a purely political instrument that cunning politicians use as a lever of pressure. Incidentally, the definition of an anti-Semite that you mentioned above fits into this framework - he is someone who is not loved by Jews. Indeed, in politics, getting the label of an anti-Semite is much more terrible than the label of a racist. The source for hanging such labels is the attitude towards the Holocaust, which, in fact, became the main factor in changing the entire geopolitics of Europe in the 50th century. It says something. And not only geopolitics. How many lives have been broken for those meticulous researchers who tried to delve a little into the history of the Holocaust, without even questioning it, but just investigating some of the questionable moments of this story. And if you start to doubt, you will get the full program! Germany even has a criminal offense for denying the Holocaust. This should also be suggestive. Well, I will give the most recent example of the American political prisoner Edgar Steele, who is well known to me, who was imprisoned for XNUMX years in a crudely concocted case, but in fact for his blatant political incorrectness, in which his brilliant book, including anti-Zionist, played an important role - "Defensive racism". I would very much like to publish it in Russia, I even started translating it, but publishing houses are still afraid ...

For myself, I made a certain conclusion. There is no smoke without fire, and if in childhood, when I was called a Jew's face and was beaten on it, I believed fairy tales about the fact that it was all out of envy, they say, Jews are so smart, now I understand what nonsense it is. As a representative of the Jewish nationality, I am forced to admit that along with many of my deceived fellow tribesmen I am an unwitting victim of big politics and those who carry it out, reckoning themselves among the elite. In this regard, the realization of the simple truth that there is a colossal difference between Jews and Jews, provides an answer to many questions.

- What is your forecast for the development of the United States? Will free circulation of weapons be canceled?

- The United States has long since slipped to socialism. In my book published in 2006, I predicted that the last president of the United States would be a black man, after which the country in its usual form would cease to exist. However, it has long been gone in its usual form, and only the most naive continue to believe in its democracy, freedom and justice. There is neither one nor the other, nor the third. There is a totalitarian system, a “peaceful concentration camp,” as my friend aptly put it. Where everything is in a rigid framework, where a template of success, cynically called the "American dream", which must be met in order to be branded as successful, otherwise you will not be understood at least. As for the free circulation of weapons, in the last decade the trend is just the opposite - the liberalization of laws in different states, which inspires some optimism. And although Barack Obama is doing everything to stop this process, I think this will not happen in the near future. Perhaps this is the last thread, thanks to which America is still holding on. And it will not be so easy to cut this thread. I don’t know what would have to happen for the Americans to voluntarily give up their right to arms. Some grand and catastrophic event must take place that will lead to the writing of a new constitution. And this may well lead to a revolution ...

In Russia and the USA

- What did you do in the USA and what are you doing in Russia now?

- In the United States, I graduated from university with a degree in Computer Science, worked as a programmer. In fact, with a high degree of probability, this is all that I could do there with varying degrees of independence (I mean freelancing). I made very good money there, but not everything in life is measured in money, as it turned out. In Russia, I was able to realize all my abilities to a much greater extent. I worked as a sports photographer, journalist, now I am engaged in a completely new business for myself - metal-cutting tools for CNC machines. Simply because it is interesting to me and here it is much easier to enter a new field for myself. If I succeed, then I do not need supporting diplomas, unlike the United States. Here I am appreciated for my skills and abilities. Plus, I continue to deal with computers and programming - there are always customers. I also work in a scientific journal, translating articles from English into Russian and from Russian into English. For the same magazine I am making materials, interviewing scientists. I had a chance to visit places where I myself would never have been, for example, in the very heart of Russian fundamental science - the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, the Kurchatov Institute, etc. In general, my life here is very interesting and eventful.

- How do you feel about the Russian community abroad?

- This is a rather painful question. Somehow it is generally accepted that emigration is a brain drain. However, the Russian community abroad gives a completely different picture, and it turns out that this is not a brain drain at all, but a completely different substance, of which about 90% is leaking. And only 10% are brains. The Russian community abroad is a sect, which for the most part consists of notorious characters engaged in self-hypnosis. After all, no one has canceled the ancient truth that tourism should not be confused with emigration. When the first impression and euphoria subside, when you have to cook in this cauldron, colliding with all aspects of everyday life, then the most interesting begins. Suddenly, many flaws in Western society that are invisible to the tourist emerge. And in this sect, people begin to engage in self-hypnosis, convincing themselves of the superiority of Western life over Russian, of the correctness of their departure from Russia. The emigrant media support this - they carefully look for horrors in Russia, inflate them and present them to emigrants, so that they never doubt the correctness of their choice. And if suddenly a doubter appears in this sect, they begin to persecute him. Not without a share of pride, I note that hardly one single emigrant has ever been poured out as much slop as on your humble servant. All I needed to do was write one small article in which I expressed my purely subjective views on the "new homeland." And even when I left the United States, scraps of emigrant mud continued to fly after me for several years. For the sake of fairness, I note that about 10% of emigrants are normal and adequate people, and it was they who made up my social circle. I still have very good and close friends in America, as well as a brother and a father, whom I greatly miss.

- Why did you decide to stop traveling to the United States?

- My last trip to the United States so far in 2004 had an unexpected (although unexpected?) Turn. I believe that as a result of my successful confrontation with the tax services of the state and the country, the complete disappearance of Big Brother from the "radar", as well as the creation of a site that was at one time quite visited, where I almost called for a new American revolution, I got noticed by the authorities ... In April 2004, I flew to Seattle and was one of the first to be at the passport control window. But instead of quickly stamping my passport with a smile and a greeting, I was directed to the office for additional checks. The employee took my passport and left for 40 minutes. All attempts to find out what exactly they were checking there were unsuccessful. In the end, I got my passport, took my luggage and went to the exit. However, I was again turned up for a check - this time for a baggage check.

Security spokesman John Veres, who with his manner and appearance could well qualify for one of the high-ranking positions in the Gestapo, began checking the luggage. All contents were laid out on a conveyor belt and examined with passion. Each thing was brought out into the light of God, looked through and carefully probed, except that it was not tried on a tooth. Almost the entire photo album, including the negatives, has been viewed. Inspection of things was accompanied by idiotic questions, which had to be answered seriously, since a sense of humor is not welcomed in the Gestapo. Then Veres and his assistant unzipped the lining of the suitcase and began tapping its metal frame. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh: scenes from the theater of the absurd unfolded one after another. To say that this procedure was humiliating is to say nothing. Veres was clearly looking for something to complain about. And - about happiness - I found it! I carried with me an external removable hard drive where my work files were backed up. Veres expressed a desire to see the contents of the disc. I did not object, especially since I had nothing to hide.

After a whole hour of searching, it turned out that the airport did not have a computer on which to view the contents of the disc. Well, of course it's impossible to find a computer with a USB port these days! I have no doubt that this was only a plausible excuse to take the disc away from me. Ground for withdrawal? "We suspect you have something illegal there." Here it is, the new principle of “property presumption of guilt” in action! It was absolutely pointless to download the right. I no longer doubted that they would definitely "find" something on the disk.

Finally, they gave me a receipt for the seizure of the disc, wrote down the address where to send it in case there was nothing suspicious on it, and they left me alone. I mentally said goodbye to the disc. I was more worried about something else - will I have time to leave the country before the hunt begins for me? I was lucky - government agencies in America turned out to be very clumsy. Only two months later, they told me that illegal materials were found on the disc, and therefore my case has now been transferred to the prosecutor's office and they are eagerly awaiting me in the United States. Just in case, two of the FBI, in search of my modest person, came to my ex-wife in Los Angeles, which seriously scared her. So, out of the blue, a case was concocted on me. For five years I have been trying to inquire about the situation. The American side was silent. The ice broke only in the summer of 2008 - the border service informed me that she had closed the case and transferred it to the immigration and customs law enforcement service. I sent a request, and at the beginning of May 2009 I received an official answer: my case was closed. Scared - and will be? Or do they lure? Wait and see…
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  1. +7
    31 October 2013 08: 09
    I have not read such novels from the series "State and Man" for a long time.
    All Americans have some kind of mania - this is no exception.
    1. +24
      31 October 2013 09: 15
      In the English language of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is necessary to conduct a tax educational program so that American citizens (who want to) can not pay income tax. This will be the most real economic sabotage against the United States.
    2. -3
      31 October 2013 10: 47
      dumb libel of a loser Jew who could not get through the pindo camp to the trough! at first he abandoned his homeland, and now he ran back. And he decided to portray a patriot of Russia, rubbing his mattress.
      And when he left for America, he probably also spoke disgustingly about Russia.
      1. +3
        31 October 2013 16: 25
        Quote: kris
        dumb libel of a loser Jew who could not get through the pindo camp to the trough! at first he abandoned his homeland, and now he ran back. And he decided to portray a patriot of Russia, rubbing his mattress.
        And when he left for America, he probably also spoke disgustingly about Russia.

        You seem to be reading very inattentively. The author was taken away from Russia as a child. Therefore, as an adult, he simply returned. And the fact that he is quite abnormal does not negate the fact that he says some healthy things.
      2. +1
        31 October 2013 20: 35
        Quote: kris
        and now came running back. And he decided to portray a patriot of Russia, rubbing his mattress.

        And here, Mikhail, may be just the case when you should not rush to conclusions. The choice to return was deliberate, he had something to compare, from the inside, so to speak, and as in the proverb "for one beaten two unbeaten give", he perfectly understands that there is no move back. With this article alone, he did more than many of our media outlets over the entire period of its existence. For such things as this article, the United States does not forgive, I gave the author a plus.
    3. +1
      1 November 2013 04: 22
      I think that the United States is suffering from a serious psychological disorder - megalomania. And the presence of double standards speaks of a split personality. In addition, there is a persecution mania, schizophrenia and other latent forms of disorder.
  2. +15
    31 October 2013 08: 10
    So this and the fool is clear. America is not only a country of frightened idiots, it has also gotten into such a puddle with its foreign policy that if at one time I hated it as an adversary. now I just despise, like a nation, like a state. It's my personal opinion. They hang noodles on the ears of people all over the world, so even inside the country they have so lied that they believe in their own lies ...
    1. +2
      31 October 2013 10: 52
      Quote: Rurikovich
      that they believe in their own lies ...

      They have a whole story built on LIES and LYCEMERIES!

      Quote: Rurikovich
      at one time I hated her as an adversary. now I just despise, as well as the nation, as well as the state.

      - I fully agree with your opinion !!!
    2. fedorovith
      31 October 2013 11: 19
      That's right, Zadornov is right about something ..
    3. POCC
      4 November 2013 02: 00
      How they were shit, so they remained shit, I'm not talking about the people of America, but about the authorities
  3. +9
    31 October 2013 08: 10
    Yes, "freedom" ...
    I saw a movie on "Discovery" here, how some pretzels stole a boat abandoned by illegal migrants
    shout like this:
    - "Come on soon, they will go to any lengths to get the freedom they came here for!"
    So I laughed, "freedom", just limited Americans THINK that what they have in their country is the most "free freedom" -or...
  4. +6
    31 October 2013 08: 12
    The more the American learns about this, the better the rest of the non-democratic world is. hi
  5. +3
    31 October 2013 08: 13
    And the Jews, yes, we have adopted a law according to which for 1 rubles. will be fined for manifestations of anti-Semitism. Is any other nation so protected in our country?
    Who promoted this law?
    Those who have an impact on society, his opinion are the kind of people who have the opportunity to reach out to the multi-million dollar audience of the media.
  6. +3
    31 October 2013 08: 22
    The United States is a maniac state, like most of its inhabitants! They made idiots out of people, they live like pets!hi
  7. +1
    31 October 2013 08: 46
    my case is closed. Scared - and will be? Or do they lure?
    If Old Man cannot be trusted in this matter, then the amers certainly cannot. So, Seryozha, you don't need to go there anymore. Work at home and for the good of the homeland.
  8. makarov
    31 October 2013 08: 48
    "Ignorance of the laws does not absolve from responsibility", therefore, in contrast to the message sounds like this "Knowledge of the laws is exempt from responsibility."
    Not surprised at all. I myself have not paid taxes for more than 20 years, I just "scored" and that's it. Probably already accustomed to ... tax foes.
  9. Peaceful military
    31 October 2013 09: 19
    How annoying individuals using the term are socialismas an insult. As a rule, they themselves, under socialism, either did not live, or lived very well. Well, what kind of socialism in the USA? Those who lived in the USSR in the 60s and 70s understand what I mean.
    The fact that Western psychology is prone to concentration camps is no secret for a long time. The fact that whites in the states are dying out and are being oppressed, the whites themselves arranged, imposing the same disgrace in Russia against the Russians. This is some kind of self-destructive mechanism.
  10. +3
    31 October 2013 09: 40
    I absolutely agree with the author about the leak of shit, in general, everything that screams Raska-shit must be felled, it is necessary to deprive citizenship, as well as give interest-free credit for a one-way ticket to anywhere in the world :)
  11. Wild_grey_wolf
    31 October 2013 09: 42
    The USA is a country of bastards and alien to us. ... ...
  12. +2
    31 October 2013 09: 54
    The USA is an evil empire.
  13. +2
    31 October 2013 09: 58
    The article is good. I learned a lot of interesting things, but America, as a colonial country, has remained. Several families, mostly Jews, rule, and the rest of the population is slaves, before it was black, so everything is universal. Therefore, they fool them, it is easier to manage dull ones. And our man delved into and threw the tax, and this is not the most frail structure, Alcapone, by the way, was imprisoned for tax evasion. And as for anti-Simitism, it’s generally full of seams, they themselves are yelling about the Holocaust, and they themselves actually arranged the Palestinians geto, they are still shouting that this is their primordial land, if you talk like that, then the Greeks need to give all of Europe and half of Asia, the Macidonian Doodo reached.
    1. 0
      31 October 2013 11: 24
      You haven't mentioned Mongols yet ...
      Compared to Genghis Khan, Alexander of Macedon is so, the lucky punks of the yard spill.
      1. 0
        31 October 2013 11: 57
        Well Genghis Khan lived later winked
        1. 0
          31 October 2013 12: 22
          So on the topic it is not the time of their residence that is important. And the size of the conquests that can be claimed.
  14. Backfire
    31 October 2013 10: 21
    The author is cunning.

    Firstly, if you refuse to pay income tax, then in addition to the pluses - there is "additional" loot, there are also minuses - you are deprived of access to the credit and banking system.

    What this means: a loan for real estate is now 4-4,5% per annum, but this has increased, until recently it was 3,5% per annum. For a new car 0,5-2% per annum (depending on credit history and initial payment).
    For every purchase made with a credit card, the bank returns 1-3% to you !!
    In the season of sales, and especially for online purchases, a 10-15% return on every dollar spent is just a bank, excluding discounts of 40-60% in stores! Delicious, right?

    And secondly and most importantly, you need to understand that when you earn / receive, say, $ 100 in the United States, you actually earned $ 30 on the strength of the force, and the remaining $ 70 you get for the fact that the United States is the only superpower, and the dollar is still the main reserve currency. Those. you have such an income because you are in America, with all its pluses and minuses. But in which it is impossible, for example, what is happening not just in Russia, but in its capital - Moscow. Read an article about how a Caucasian beat a Muscovite, shouting that “it will be like this with all Russian pigs” - this is fresh, despite all Biryulovo:

    The most interesting thing there is not even how he beat him and for what, but how then, after all this "proud son of the mountains," the Russians released garbage for the loot, despite the fact that he tried to get rid of the same garbage in the police station and in the police. car. Well, that's right, the kid needs to fulfill his promise in relation to the rest of the "Russian pigs"
    Compared to this, all the "problems" with income tax seem childish.

    By the way, if your income is less than 35 thousand dollars a year, then the state and the state pay you extra every year. For example, when my income was about 30 thousand - the return was about $ 1200 - this money came for this amount (with two checks from the federal and state authorities). After all this, isn't it disgusting to have a good income in America and not share it with your country, with such a country?
    Especially when you compare it with Russia:
    1. Backfire
      31 October 2013 10: 29
      But what happens in such a situation with us.
      So all this still happened in our tolerant and democratic New York, a couple of states to the south, and everything would be much more "fun" and tougher.
      It's not a pity to pay taxes on such a thing:

      1. +2
        31 October 2013 10: 47
        Quote: Backfire
        What this means: a loan for real estate is now 4-4,5% per annum, but this has increased, until recently it was 3,5% per annum. For a new car 0,5-2% per annum (depending on credit history and initial payment). For every purchase made with a credit card, the bank returns 1-3% to you !!
        In the season of sales, and especially for online purchases, a 10-15% return on every dollar spent is just a bank, excluding discounts of 40-60% in stores! Delicious, right?

        The percentage is really good and the discounts are also great, but not a single businessman and even more so a corporation will sell anything to their own detriment. Once such a discount has been made, the goods are still cheaper, or the goods are on the verge of storage or sale, for which the one who sells will receive punitive penalties. And the fact that they will not be allowed to get loans is also punitive sanctions. After all, when you pay this income tax, it already brings a good share to the budget, in view of this, you can make lower interest rates: all the same, a citizen will give much more than it should be in all respects.

        So no, not tasty at all.

        In addition, there really are few people who want to admit that he fell for dumping from such a hated homeland. It will be a recognition that this person is wise, and that you can stay in your country.

        Oh yes. The one who stole five lives ahead. will also argue that in other countries it is much better than at home.
    2. 0
      1 November 2013 10: 58
      I didn't understand what it was :)
      From the series: you don't have to pay taxes in America, but you have a lot of gaster in Russia.
      A strange comparison. In Russian speaking: I compared w * ny with a finger :)
  15. Backfire
    31 October 2013 10: 54
    Quote: Sunjar
    The percentage is really good and discounts are also great, but not a single businessman, let alone a corporation, will sell anything to the detriment of himself. Once you have made such a discount, the product is still cheaper, or the product is on the verge of the shelf life or sale, for which the one who sells will receive punitive sanctions and fines.

    Yah! Punitive sanctions for "expired goods" - for example, for freshly assembled computers?
    And what about the same iphone & ipad of the latest models? Well, overdue clothing for the current season, how is it?

    And where do I give more if we have almost everything, starting with gasoline and cars is cheaper than in Europe and especially in Russia ?!

    You see, here the state and business work for the future, and they need 15% of the profit, and not 150% as you are used to. I know what I'm talking about. When yours come, you tell them about our rate of return - they spit. When you explain that what they see around and that they like so much and such a "small" (by their standards) rate of profit are interrelated and interdependent things, they start to think.
    1. +2
      31 October 2013 12: 22
      Quote: Backfire
      Quote: Sunjar
      The percentage is really good and discounts are also great, but not a single businessman, let alone a corporation, will sell anything to the detriment of himself. Once you have made such a discount, the product is still cheaper, or the product is on the verge of the shelf life or sale, for which the one who sells will receive punitive sanctions and fines.

      Yah! Punitive sanctions for "expired goods" - for example, for freshly assembled computers?
      And what about the same iphone & ipad of the latest models? Well, overdue clothing for the current season, how is it?

      And where do I give more if we have almost everything, starting with gasoline and cars is cheaper than in Europe and especially in Russia ?!

      You see, here the state and business work for the future, and they need 15% of the profit, and not 150% as you are used to. I know what I'm talking about. When yours come, you tell them about our rate of return - they spit. When you explain that what they see around and that they like so much and such a "small" (by their standards) rate of profit are interrelated and interdependent things, they start to think.

      grandmothers are being removed from all over the world !!! why not live like that?
    2. +1
      31 October 2013 12: 32
      What the hell is the perspective? This is from 17 trillion. state dog? Or a promising foreign policy? Are you surely not averse to paying taxes for the police to shoot children with toy guns, or mothers who have recently given birth, or young negroes reaching for the phone?

      But with profits, you are absolutely right. The exorbitant greed of businessmen is very annoying.
    3. +1
      31 October 2013 14: 47
      We are going to rip off not only debts from the SGA, but also interest. We believe that the moment has come ... We are Russia, China, India, Brazil, possibly Argentina. The rest will willingly join, do not hesitate. The same Germany will stand on the sidelines a bit, and then ... Of course, "that country" will not be able to return all this ocean of dough. Well, she has a lot of fortunate citizens. What is especially pleasant is that it is impossible to hide in the modern computerized world. So we will select not only movable and immovable, but also five generations will work for us in the camps. Let's arrange a kind of analogue of the Nuremberg trials, also for crimes against humanity, just not military, but economic. And it will be great ...
  16. xcvxc73
    31 October 2013 15: 28
    accidentally stumbled upon a site that allows you to challenge fines online, at the beginning I didn’t believe it, I thought it was a divorce, but I decided to try and imagine it turned out: one of the 3 fines was canceled. Hooray, I saved almost 4000 rubles. here try it yourself, modet and you will succeed. here is a link to the service
  17. 0
    31 October 2013 17: 38
    Quote: Backfire
    The author is cunning.

    ... But in which it is impossible, for example, what is happening not just in Russia, but in its capital - Moscow. Read the article how a Caucasian beat a Muscovite, shouting that “it will be like this with all Russian pigs” - this is fresh, despite everything Biryulovo:


    The most interesting thing there is not even how he beat him and for what, but how then, after all this "proud son of the mountains," the Russians released garbage for the loot, despite the fact that he tried to get rid of the same garbage in the police station and in the police. car. Well, that's right, the kid needs to fulfill his promise in relation to the rest of the "Russian pigs"
    Compared to this, all the "problems" with income tax seem childish.

    Here is your comment really crafty. If the message is put into paragraphs, then in the best propaganda style: 1) In the USA, it’s not at all as bad as the author describes. A small minus sign actually turns into huge pluses. In the US, everything is cool, unlike Russia.
    2) A link appears right there, how really everything is bad (strange awareness of events on ethnic grounds in Russia for a simple amer). Actually, the article was not about that at all, but nevertheless, nevertheless stuck this topic here. 3) Again we jump, as everything is cool in the USA. 4) Well, in the final again the stone is in the direction of Russia and again on ethnic grounds.
    All this smacks of rotten American propaganda. Better take care of your country and do not meddle in Russia. You have problems through the roof, and you all sing old songs about the "American Dream". Your "dream" has long gone rotten, and you are all trying to impose it on everyone, without even changing the packaging. The United States is a totalitarian police state, it can no longer be hidden. This is your "democracy", where people are arrested even for playing the banjo:
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. Backfire
    31 October 2013 19: 29
    Quote: Mikhail3
    We are going to rip off not only debts from the SGA, but also interest. We believe that the moment has come ... We are Russia, China, India, Brazil, possibly Argentina. The rest will willingly join, do not hesitate

    Do you know who owes the United States and all the countries you listed?
    No, of course they also owe each other, but the principal amount of debt they have is not at all to each other. Do you know in front of whom?

    By the way, if we summarize all the debts of Russia, including the debts of private companies, it turns out that Russia is already in the red. Please do not compare with the USA and the European Union. As mathematics teaches, you need to compare like that. The ruble, unlike the dollar and the euro, is not a reserve currency. And most importantly, even this surrogate money is rubles, which are essentially the same as the occupation stamps of the Second World War, and so even this surrogate money Russia can only issue the amount on which it has dollars and euros. So that.

    By the way, what does America have to do? Correctly dollars. And the money that you call "American" - dollars, they have nothing to do with America. Didn't know what? Do you even know from whom, you are going to "receive" - ​​from the owners of your "Russian" tsars as well. Well well, good luck
  20. 0
    31 October 2013 22: 25
    The article is good. America is a fair of vanity, hypocrisy and lies.