"Non-nuclear fast global strike" and Russian nuclear forces

"Non-nuclear fast global strike" and Russian nuclear forces

UAVs X-47B fit very well into the concept of a global strike. Reuters photo

A few hours before President Barack Obama called for a further reduction of nuclear weapons in Berlin, President Vladimir Putin delivered a “preemptive” counter-argument to 19 on June 2013. He stated: “We see that non-nuclear systems of high-precision weapons. In terms of their impact capabilities, they are approaching strategic nuclear weapons. States possessing such systems seriously increase their offensive potential. ”

There is no doubt that Putin primarily meant the United States. The Russian strategic community has repeatedly expressed concern that American high-precision conventional weapons may pose a danger to the country's nuclear forces. The question of "strategic non-nuclear weapons", apparently, will be one of the main themes in future arms control negotiations. Moreover, if a crisis arises in relations between the US and Russia that is serious enough to consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons, the fear of non-nuclear counter-force weapons could trigger a first nuclear strike.

In this regard, Russian officials and experts pay special attention to one American program in the field of developing conventional weapons, called “Non-nuclear rapid global strike” (NBGU), an initiative to develop long-range non-nuclear weapons capable of hitting targets at a short time.

In particular, in 2007, Anatoly Antonov, then director of the security and disarmament department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, noted that the concept of a quick global strike (as the NBGU program was called at that time) "becomes a tool for acquiring political and strategic domination in the world. "

In turn, the Obama administration states that the NBGU "will not adversely affect the stability of our relations with Russia and China in the nuclear sphere." Indeed, although both the George W. Bush administration and the Obama administration talked about the possibility of using the weapons created within the NBGU against the enemy’s nuclear forces, the only potential targets mentioned in this regard are North Korea and Iran if it becomes a nuclear power, or when such a specification was inappropriate - “destructive states” or “regional opponents” (in the jargon of the US military, Russia is called differently “almost equal competitor”). Moreover, the idea of ​​replacing a significant number of nuclear weapons with conventional ones, which never had much support in the US government, has now completely lost its popularity. To avoid ambiguities, I note: the United States has a long-term interest in creating conventional weapons for use in cases where even limited nuclear strikes are impossible, but large-scale replacement of nuclear weapons with non-nuclear weapons is a completely different matter.

Nevertheless, it is obvious: Moscow is not convinced that the NBGU will not undermine its nuclear deterrent. This raises questions: can the NBGU technically pose a threat to Russian nuclear forces, and how politically can Russia and the United States establish cooperation to strengthen mutual security?


The goal of the NBGU program is often the creation of high-precision conventional long-range weapons capable of hitting a target anywhere in the world within an hour. However, today the focus of the program has shifted towards the development of systems that do not have global coverage. At the moment, almost all funding is allocated for the creation of a "new generation" hypersonic weapon - a planning combat unit designed for flying in the upper atmosphere and accelerated by a launch vehicle to a hypersonic speed (at least five times higher than the speed of sound). In case of adopting a new generation hypersonic weapon system, it will be based on land and sea and have a range of 8 thousands of kilometers. In the last United States military budget, funding for the development of a more well-known global action system — a rocket-planning vehicle called Hypersonic 2 — after two failed flight tests, reduced to almost zero, and the project’s status has been reduced to “technology risk mitigation program” .

Currently, the NBGU program is at the R & D stage. Decisions on the adoption of this system into service yet. However, the Obama administration makes it clear that it intends to decide on its acquisition in the next few years.

When (and if) the process of making such a decision begins, the new generation hypersonic weapon will most likely not be the only system under consideration. By some indications, the Obama administration is exploring the creation of a new sea-based intermediate-range ballistic missile that could be equipped with a guided, maneuvering, but not planning warhead. Perhaps, the adoption of hypersonic cruise missiles developed under a separate program administratively unrelated to NBGU will be considered. Finally, since the Obama administration is committed to the principle of competition in defense procurement, the military industry may offer other ideas.

In addition, given the austerity measures currently being implemented in the United States, there is a possibility that the program will be closed either by the administration or by Congress. Although the Congress as a whole supports the concept of the NBGU, it has a very negative attitude towards a number of specific projects in this field (including the re-equipment of the Trident-D5 ballistic missiles for non-nuclear warheads). There are no guarantees that lawmakers authorize allocations for the purchase of such weapons. And even if the system is put into service, its deployment is likely to begin no earlier than the middle of the 2020-s.


The ongoing US debate about the use of NBGU facilities against fortified or deep-seated targets invariably raises concerns in Russia regarding the survival of its mine-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

Penetrating warheads on the means of NBGU will have one serious advantage and one serious drawback compared to air bombs, for example, GBU-57, better known as “High-Power Penetrating Ammunition”. This bomb is said to be capable of penetrating up to 20 meters of concrete and is the most effective non-nuclear concrete weapons in the US arsenal. The advantage of warheads delivered to the target by means of NBGU is much greater speed. According to my calculations, they will be able to break through from 30 to 40 meters of concrete. The disadvantage is associated with a relatively small amount of non-nuclear explosives that they can carry (probably 10 times smaller than that of GBU-57), because of which their destructive effect will be much weaker.

A penetrating ammunition can destroy a silo-based missile by breaking through the mine cover and exploding in its barrel. The protective covers of the mines of the Russian PC-20 (SS-18) missiles are reported to be 1-meter thick and consist mainly of reinforced concrete. Thus, it is very unlikely that this cover could provide protection against penetrating ammunition (whether it be an aerial bomb or a NBGU combat unit). As a result, it can be assumed that a direct hit in the launch shaft will lead to the destruction of the rocket.

It is more difficult to answer another question: if there is no direct hit, at what distance should the penetrating ammunition from the mine explode to destroy its contents? In the end, the mine is a small target, and it is difficult to hit it precisely (for example, the radius of the PC-20 shaft, according to the available data, is just the 2,95 meter).

Even without hitting the shaft, the penetrating ammunition can cause serious damage to it by breaking into the surrounding concrete or rock, where its non-nuclear charge will explode. When detonation at the optimal depth, a rather large funnel is formed. Experiments have shown that an explosion in the GBU-57 rock forms a crater with a radius of up to 8 meters, whereas the funnel when detonating penetrating ammunition delivered by means of NBGU is less than two times less. This difference suggests that, with equal accuracy, GBU-57 is likely to be a more effective means of defeating mines than the NBGU weapons (the graph shows the probability of hitting the target, depending on the accuracy of the hit for both systems).

In terms of the exact level of threat that the NBGU weapon will pose to the mines, these approximate calculations suggest that for destruction with a probability of 90% ICBM of a mine-based base, accuracy is required in the area of ​​3 meters. This accuracy can be achieved in ideal hover conditions using the global positioning system (GPS). However, in a crisis or during a war, Russia is likely to try to drown out the GPS signals with interference. In this case, much will depend on the effectiveness of US measures to counteract interference and on the possibility of equipping the NBGU weapon with additional guidance systems - both of which represent a complex technical challenge.

Another problem with the use of weapons NBGU against missile mines will be overcoming air defense and missile defense. Enhance the combat survivability of weapons NBGU will be based on its high speed. But if the speed of the penetrating ammunition when entering the target is too high (more than 1000 meters per second), when in contact with the ground it can undergo a significant deformation and even collapse, which will significantly reduce its combat effectiveness. For this reason, NBGU systems equipped with penetrating warheads will have to slow down significantly when approaching the target compared to cruising speed, which will increase their vulnerability and the possibility of their interception.

Thus, there is good reason to doubt that the weapons of the NBGU will pose a serious threat to Russian rocket mines. Of course, even in this case, such a threat may come from other types of conventional weapons. As Russian analyst Evgeny Myasnikov notes, theoretically, various types of non-nuclear warheads can be used against mines, including cumulative warheads on cruise missiles, and the effectiveness of each system should be analyzed separately. However, given the political importance of the NBGU program, the conclusion that the armaments created within its framework will not be guaranteed to endanger rocket mines are not without importance.


Hypersonic missiles X-51 under the wing of the B-52 are already being tested at the Edwards Air Force Base near Washington.

Of the approximately 1050 land-based strategic nuclear warheads that Russia possesses, about 20% are deployed on mobile launchers. Difficulties associated with the task of defeating mobile missile systems were most evident during the "big hunt for the Scuds during the 1991 war against Iraq. Then aviation The United States failed to achieve a single confirmed target hit when striking targets associated with such missiles, despite 1460 sorties carried out directly to defeat them. Since then, the effectiveness of US forces and means to combat mobile goals has improved significantly. However, there is still good reason to doubt that American intelligence and surveillance systems capable of operating from outside the theater of operations can detect and track moving missile systems with sufficient reliability to ensure their effective destruction (although, of course, due to the high secrecy of these systems, any discussion of their capabilities is necessarily very approximate).

The most promising means of tracking mobile missiles over long distances are satellite radars. Although the United States currently does not have a sufficient number of such satellites, their required number is not so large that these systems cannot be deployed. Over the past 15 years, a number of plans have been developed in the United States to create a group of satellite radars that can monitor most of the planet’s territory almost continuously. In a very significant report on the NBGU, prepared in 2008 on behalf of Congress, the National Science Council of the National Academies of the United States noted that the last of these programs, “Space Radar”, should increase the US’s ability to identify mobile targets from “episodic” to “relatively reliable. " However, in the same year, 2008, the program was closed: obviously, this happened between the end of the work on the report and its publication. To all appearances, no other replacement program appeared to her, and, given the current financial realities, it is unlikely to appear.

In the foreseeable future, the only real means of detecting and tracking mobile missiles will remain airborne: manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. However, against Russia, a huge state with a highly developed air defense system, such an approach is unlikely to be effective (especially after plans to replace aging E-8 aircraft with a single JSTARS radar monitoring, targeting and fire control system) were recently laid down. In short, if the US does not develop a reliable system for detecting and tracking mobile targets, the NBGU armament — or any other high-precision weapon systems — is unlikely to pose a serious threat to Russian mobile nuclear forces after their dispersal.


Despite all these technical arguments, the views of American and Russian strategic planners on the degree of threat that NBGU and other high-precision conventional weapons represent to Russia's nuclear forces differ significantly. In part, this is almost certainly due to the difference in the initial assumptions of each of the parties. The Russian side is obviously worried about the possibility of a sudden non-nuclear strike in peacetime, when GPS interference is not turned on, the air defense system is not on high alert, and mobile missiles are not dispersed. American experts, if they even think about the preparation of such a strike, on the contrary, should proceed from the assumption that the Russian Armed Forces will be on high alert. Practical measures are needed to create confidence on the Russian side that the NBGU system will not pose a threat to its nuclear forces.

Ultimately, the most effective way for Moscow to ensure the survival of its nuclear forces in the context of improving conventional armaments in the United States is to act on the principle of "help yourself." In particular, the analysis carried out above suggests that dispersed mobile ICBMs are more likely to survive than mine-based missiles. Moreover, if any system of conventional weapons can create a serious danger for missile mines, the problem will only worsen when equipping mine-based missiles with multiply charged warheads. For this reason, the Russian side should consider whether it is in its true interests to develop a new, heavy mine-based ICBM with a split head, or it is better to continue investing in new mobile complexes. In addition, Russia could consider the issue of transferring some small part of its mobile ICBMs to the regime of constant increased combat readiness, even in peacetime.

It is also possible to implement a number of joint measures in order to increase confidence that the deployment of the NBGU American system will not adversely affect the survival of Russian nuclear forces. One of the most effective means of building confidence would be to include all the weapons of NBGU in the standings under the new Russian-American arms control treaty. However, since the existing disagreements on the missile defense system are still not resolved, the likelihood of concluding such an agreement is small, which means that at least in the near future this way of solving the NBGU problem will not be possible.

Fortunately, there are other options for possible cooperation. The top priority is to establish a dialogue between Washington and Moscow on the NBGU. Since the program has not yet left the R & D stage, there is also political ground for Russia to explain to the United States the reasons for its concern and for the United States to develop this program in such a way that it represents a lesser threat to Russia. This does not mean that the United States should give Russia the right to veto the issue of adopting NBGU systems. The point is that the Obama administration can be flexible about how this program will be implemented.

Within the framework of this dialogue, individual confidence-building measures could also be developed, for example, data exchange, declarations and joint research. Other steps, such as launch notifications and inspections, could eliminate other potential risks associated with NBGU, including the possibility that Russia would mistakenly accept NBGU as a complex equipped with nuclear weapons.

Confidence-building measures could be legally or politically binding, and they can be reconciled in a relatively short time. Another advantage of this approach is that some of these measures are suitable for spreading to other non-nuclear forces and means, in particular, to long-range cruise missiles. The United States, of course, will not agree to establish binding limits on these weapons, however, given the work being done in Russia in this area, they are interested in increasing transparency in this area. As a result, a number of confidence-building measures, for example, data exchange, restrictions on basing, notifications of movements of relevant weapons could be mutual, and therefore, and undoubtedly mutually beneficial.

The exchange of data on high-precision weapons, including cruise missiles and NBGU systems, could cover information about their acquisition and deployment. On the first question, the parties can agree on the exchange of information regarding plans for the procurement of agreed types of high-precision conventional weapons, for example, for the next five years. It would be possible to agree on a preliminary, for example, a year, notification of changes in such plans. At the same time, three Russian analysts: Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin, Sergey Oznobishchev - proposed to exchange data on the practice of deploying high-precision weapons on ships, submarines and airplanes. This can be achieved, for example, by exchanging data on a number of types of high-precision conventional weapons deployed in certain theaters.

Collaboration measures would help resolve any technical disagreements between Russia and the United States on the threat to launching mines from high-precision conventional weapons, for example, cruise missiles or NBGU systems. In particular, in order to try to address concerns on this issue, the US Academy of Sciences and Russia could conduct a joint study. If it does not resolve the differences, joint experiments may become the next step, for example, a real explosion of such an ammunition next to a mock-up simulating a mine cover.

Confidence-building measures are useful, regardless of whether the United States and Russia succeed in concluding a new arms control treaty. Moreover, by launching a cooperation mechanism and proceeding to the settlement of controversial issues, they will increase the chances of reaching such an agreement.


There is a real danger that the situation with long-standing disagreements between the United States and Russia over missile defense will reoccur in relation to the NBGU and, possibly, other high-precision conventional weapons. The analogies are obvious here. Both missile defense and non-nuclear strategic weapons cause deep concern in the Russian strategic community regarding the survival of the country's nuclear forces. And in both cases, the consequences of this concern are reflected in bilateral relations as a whole.

If the creation of the US missile defense system will continue to proceed more slowly than expected (as evidenced, in particular, by the recent abolition of the fourth phase of plans as part of the “Phased Flexible Approach for Europe”), high-precision conventional weapons may take the place of anti-missile defense as a major irritant strategic relations of Russia and the United States. Preventing such a result, of course, is in the interests of Moscow and Washington.

Fortunately, in terms of finding solutions between the NBGU and the missile defense program, there is one major difference: the first is still at the R & D stage. The decision on adopting any NBGU systems has not been achieved, and their deployment, if it takes place at all, will begin no earlier than ten years from now. As a result, the likelihood of successful cooperation on this issue is higher than on an ABM system that is already being deployed. However, this window of opportunity will not remain open forever. Russia and the United States should use it as soon as possible.
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  1. +2
    5 October 2013 07: 23
    A hundred times already dismantled. There is no danger. Not yet. Why Americans need this toy is another matter. Like - let’s work out. Only spend money.
    1. bask
      5 October 2013 07: 33
      "Non-nuclear fast global strike" and Russian nuclear forces
      Today, 07: 19 Print

      The article is interesting and the conclusions are made correctly. I wanted to add.
      1.100% coverage of the territory of Russia radar.
      2. Development and putting on duty of missiles with nuclear warheads, short and medium range.
      3. And the creation of its own missile defense (Russian).
      1. +27
        5 October 2013 09: 07
        Quote: bask
        The article is interesting and the conclusions are made correctly. I wanted to add.

        Let me supplement the list.
        4. Development and creation of systems that allow you to quickly, and ideally, instantly disable most of the GPS satellites.
        5. The creation of layered air defense in the areas of deployment of stationary missile launchers.
        6. Development and putting on combat duty of combat railway missile systems.
        7. An increase in the number of SSBNs on alert.
        1. bask
          5 October 2013 09: 21
          Quote: tungus
          Let me supplement the list.

          I agree with you, at 100%.
          And another thing: THE SYSTEM OF THE DEAD HAND ,, OR ,, PERIMETER ,,.
          When the Americans and NATO ,,,, celebrate victory, after a non-nuclear global strike ,,,.
          It starts, the system, "Perimeter", automatically-response nuclear strike. It guarantees the launch of submarine, air and mine-based ballistic missiles in the event that the enemy destroys all points of the Strategic Missile Forces capable of issuing an attack order. It is completely independent of the rest of the means of communication and command systems, even of the ,, nuclear suitcase ,,.
          1. Guun
            5 October 2013 09: 35
            Quote: bask
            And another thing: THE SYSTEM OF THE DEAD HAND ,, OR ,, PERIMETER ,,.

            I ask those who know at least something about this system - is it in order and works?
            1. +3
              5 October 2013 09: 45
              the system is disconnected and does not work ....
              1. bask
                5 October 2013 10: 03
                Quote: Asgard
                the system is disconnected and does not work ....

                *******, the Zionists tried with Yankerami.
                And the guarantor that does not think to launch it again?
                1. +14
                  5 October 2013 11: 20
                  Quote: Guun
                  I ask those who know at least something about this system - is it in order and works?

                  Quote: Asgard
                  the system is disconnected and does not work ....

                  Quote: bask
                  And the guarantor that does not think to launch it again?

                  It depends on what to mean by the Perimeter, if there is a signal rocket, then from the words of Ascetic this is and exists on the basis of the newest Poplar. But a rocket is only part of the system, and a small part of it. Everything is much more complicated, these are launch tracking satellites and radars that continue to be built like Voronezh, even every mine with a rocket, every control and communications bunker is crammed with seismic and radiation sensors, etc. and are the cells of this system, all this is a distributed SYSTEM, the absence of an explicit center makes it not killable and if any of the links are violated, an automatic start command can go through, well, or like now with three nuclear suitcases, there are simply different ABT operating modes --- -HAND. And the article specifically speaks of the rapid defeat of nuclear weapons in mines and the sea, even if the Perimeter were turned on, then after the first global strike, there would be nothing to launch.
                  The realities have changed, the proximity of the enemy to the borders, the development of missile defense systems of non-nuclear weapons of the first strike affect the response measures, and this, first of all, should be the doctrine of the Counter-Strike and the preemptive operational use of limited or all available nuclear weapons at once, no doubt, reasoning and regrets! And the starting point should not be a consequence of radiation or earthquakes, but any "sharp" movements of our probable "partners".
                2. +9
                  5 October 2013 12: 38
                  Quote: bask
                  And the guarantor that does not think to launch it again?

                  System on the database.
                  Provides special missile regiment (Yurya). Carriers - Poplar.
                3. +4
                  6 October 2013 16: 47
                  Quote: bask
                  And the guarantor that does not think to launch it again?

                  WHY RUSSIA "DEAD HAND"?
                  KP: - At one time, in our and foreign press there were publications about the Perimeter system that existed in the USSR. And in 2009, the American magazine Wyrett told its readers that this system is functioning and is still alive. This is the rocket that, if everything is lost, takes off and gives the command to all other missiles. And they already automatically take off and hit the desired targets. The "dead hand" in the West is called this system.
                  Sergey Karakaev: - And it’s not for nothing that you eat your bread! Yes, the Perimeter system exists today. She is on combat duty. And, when there is a need for a retaliatory strike, when there is no way to bring a signal to some part of the launchers, this command can come from these missiles from the Perimeter ...
                  KP: - There was a very interesting remark by Putin at a meeting with the Valdai club. There someone says to him: "You can destroy the United States in about half an hour." But Putin thought and thought and answered: “Actually, faster” ...
                  Sergey Karakaev: - I will answer briefly: Vladimir Vladimirovich is right. But I believe that today neither Russia nor the United States are going to destroy each other.
              2. +5
                5 October 2013 10: 45
                Who said? Where does this information come from? On the Internet there is an opinion that the system is in order.
              3. +6
                5 October 2013 13: 16
                Quote: Asgard
                the system is disconnected and does not work ....

                The system has been written more than once, and apparently it works and went through modernization in 2010.
                it can be argued
            2. +3
              5 October 2013 12: 37
              Quote: Guun
              I ask those who know at least something about this system - is it in order and works?

            3. +1
              6 October 2013 21: 40
              No. Disabled at 93m. Why it is not difficult to guess, there is only one reason, as in the case of transferring the bookmark scheme to the US Embassy.
          2. +3
            5 October 2013 21: 13
            SSBN on duty come next year.
            1. Nitup
              5 October 2013 21: 29
              Quote: a52333
              SSBN on duty come next year.

              Now what are they doing?
          3. postman
            6 October 2013 23: 04
            Quote: bask
            it guarantees the launch of submarine, air and mine-based ballistic missiles if all points are destroyed by the enemy,

            -And if all the PUs are destroyed (silos, MPUs, SSBNs)?
            (to whom to give the order)
        2. +2
          5 October 2013 12: 36
          Quote: tungus
          instantly disable most GPS satellites.

          this is very problematic. For their orbits are close to geocentric (20-34tys.km). Instantly only with a huge x-ray laser ...
        3. +1
          5 October 2013 15: 08
          New developments of EW tools. This solves the problem by 80 percent, at least. And not as costly as I think.
        4. +4
          5 October 2013 23: 58
          Why fence the garden ??????? to flood a couple of missile carriers around the states, and to inform them that we’ll not let down any rockets anyway, and if something happens, we’ll blow them up on command and your FUCKING states will simply wash them off and FSE .......... ........ it was proposed by Sakharov, Stalin.
          1. AVV
            6 October 2013 01: 10
            To do this, there are mines with the corresponding filling, the waves will cover 3/4 of America at a time.
            1. rolik
              6 October 2013 02: 12
              Quote: AVV
              To do this, there are mines with the appropriate filling

              For this there is a Skiff
              1. postman
                6 October 2013 23: 04
                Quote: rolik
                For this there is a Skiff

                And what is "Skif" and where is it?
                1. rolik
                  7 October 2013 18: 17
                  Quote: Postman
                  And what is "Skif" and where is it?

                  An autonomous system (let's say a capsule) with a rocket inside. When a command arrives, the rocket starts. The capsule is unloaded from the submarine at a given point in the sea, ocean, and lies in standby mode for a very long time. It is impossible to detect if you do not know exactly where it was unloaded.
          2. 0
            6 October 2013 20: 30
            Quote: baku1999
            Why fence the garden ??????? to flood a couple of missile carriers around the states, and to inform them that we’ll not let down any rockets anyway, and if something happens, we’ll blow them up on command and your fucking states will simply be washed away

            And how do you imagine it? It is impossible to lay a nuclear-powered icebreaker, and even in the process of reaching the position it can be detected. And then - they detonate and then what? The main infrastructure will remain intact.
        5. AVV
          6 October 2013 01: 18
          Still forgotten!
          8. PU under water. For them, non-nuclear bp are not dangerous, they cannot be detected, they are difficult to destroy, and there is also the opportunity to periodically change their coordinates !!! The water column creates all these advantages !!!
          1. +1
            6 October 2013 21: 47
            We already wrote above:
            Quote: rolik
            Quote: AVV
            To do this, there are mines with the appropriate filling

            For this there is a Skiff
        6. gunnerminer
          6 October 2013 15: 54
          Let me supplement the list.

          With the modern GPV system, execution is not possible.
      2. +7
        5 October 2013 12: 26
        Quote: bask
        The article is interesting and the conclusions are made correctly.

        The article is more amateurish ...
        Here are pearls - "the new generation hypersonic weapon system will be based on land and sea and have a range of 8 thousand kilometers" ...
        "The silo covers for the Russian RS-20 (SS-18) missiles are reported to be 1 meter thick and are composed primarily of reinforced concrete."

        1. No means can penetrate further than 20-30m solid materials (steel, monolithic concrete, granite ...) being itself not deformed and damaged due to instantaneous overloads from sudden braking. Monolithic means are effective - uranium rods, tungsten arrows and something like that ...
        2. Hypersound is a fashionable tweet designed to evoke a "shake the money" target.
        Missiles with LRE and DTT being launched along a circular track, close to the trajectory of low-orbit circular satellites (70-150km) easily replace these hypothetical means. By the way, and the speeds are close ... And at the end they really penetrate to the target with hypersonic speed. And they can maneuver both in the course and in the pitch, to complicate the interception ...
        1. +9
          5 October 2013 12: 57
          Rus2012good day to you hi
          Yesterday I didn’t have time to respond normally to you regarding the use of nuclear weapons by us in the event of an open collision between our fleet and the US fleet. I had to run to work. I’ll answer here, yes dear colleagues, will forgive me? hi
          "If something swings the people's cudgel of war to the fullest! No wonder we are a nuclear power. Period!" Your quote.
          The fact that we are a nuclear power is a fact! At the expense of the folk club I somehow do not understand ???
          Suppose we mated with the states and applied Ya.O. I think that the return launch will most likely be massive, which would be for sure? In the States, people are also, and they experience the same sense of fear. They probably won’t wait for what we will do next and take action ???
          And imagine this picture. All news channels are interrupted on all TV channels about the escalation of the conflict between the opposing naval groups in the Mediterranean and a comrade in a strict suit with a metallic voice reports that our country has used I. Against the United States, about five minutes ago, and that a massive the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles, the launches were also recorded from the waters of the Mediterranean and the Norwegian Sea!
          Flight time, as stated by V. PUTIN, 30 and 15 minutes.
          Personally, I think that the people will have only one thought, where to run and where to take refuge, maybe of course there are a couple of heroes-individuals who will rush to the draft board? They hardly have time to run away! What do you think???
          1. +3
            5 October 2013 14: 08
            Quote: Arberes
            What do you think???

            It seems to everyone that they think HEAD, EXACTLY THE BRAINS IN THE HEAD and basically SILENT. AND YOU HOW?
            And what do you answer to this?
            1. +7
              5 October 2013 18: 13
              Quote: AleksUkr
              basically SILENT. AND YOU HOW?
              And what do you answer to this?

              And sometimes I think out loud! This happens to me.
              If a nuclear war starts, there will be no winners. The nuclear winter will kill everyone else.
              So that the calculations you have presented look somehow off topic?
              1. vahatak
                6 October 2013 18: 15
                Sorry to enter into another's discussion, but could not resist.
                I think that if the United States is able to defeat Russia without using nuclear weapons from both sides, then they (the USA) are not interested in turning all of Russia into a desert and try to limit themselves to neutralizing Russian nuclear weapons, but since it is technologically very difficult, then the war practically excluded. And the Americans will not use the first bomb. Without a bomb they have an advantage.
                1. gunnerminer
                  6 October 2013 20: 54
                  Sorry to enter into another's discussion, but could not resist.
                  I think that if the United States is able to defeat Russia without using nuclear weapons from both sides, then they (the USA) are not interested in turning all of Russia into a desert and try to limit themselves to neutralizing Russian nuclear weapons, but since it is technologically very difficult, then the war practically excluded. And the Americans will not use the first bomb. Without a bomb they have an advantage.

                  In addition, the United States respects private property. And the Russian Federation is the property of Her Majesty.
                  1. Nitup
                    6 October 2013 21: 48
                    Quote: gunnerminer
                    And the Russian Federation is the property of Her Majesty.

                    Rather, the USA is the property of Her Majesty, and Russia is a colony of the USA and Her Majesty, as there are signs of Russia's colonial status.
                    1. gunnerminer
                      6 October 2013 21: 54
                      Rather, the USA is the property of Her Majesty, and Russia is a colony of the USA and Her Majesty, as there are signs of Russia's colonial status.

                      Or so.
          2. +2
            5 October 2013 14: 34
            Quote: Arberes
            Personally, I think that the people will have only one thought, where to run and where to take refuge, maybe of course there are a couple of heroes-individuals who will rush to the draft board? They hardly have time to run away! What do you think???

            If a "sudden blow" - really no one will have time to understand. For everything will be done within 30 minutes ...
            On TV and on all channels they will say “Attention to everyone!”, “Air alert” - whoever understands will rush to the nearest shelter ...
            For the troops, for example - "Combat alert !, execute command -1!"
            But, everything will most likely be different ...
            There will be a "threatened period". You saw the rudiments at the beginning of the confrontation with the threat of aggression against Syria. Then a "Special Period" (martial law and mobilization) will be introduced. Well, and a blow ... Perhaps a preventive, perhaps a counter or counter-response. During all this time, the authorities will try to lead the country into martial law with all the attendant: mobilization of those liable for military service, transfer of enterprises to a special period regime ...

            Well then ...
            We have many service people who have passed through the army. There is an idea of ​​what will happen later ...
            There was an article by Pozhidaev - http://zver-v.livejournal.com/133575.html
            To some extent, a real description of the consequences.
        2. +1
          5 October 2013 20: 13
          Quote: Rus2012
          1. No means can penetrate further than 20-30m solid materials (steel, monolithic concrete, granite ...) being itself not deformed and damaged due to instantaneous overloads from sudden braking. Monolithic means are effective - uranium rods, tungsten arrows and something like that ...

          From the article
          Even without hitting the shaft, the penetrating ammunition can cause serious damage to it by breaking into the surrounding concrete or rock, where its non-nuclear charge will explode. When detonation at the optimal depth, a rather large funnel is formed. Experiments have shown that an explosion in the GBU-57 rock forms a crater with a radius of up to 8 meters, whereas the funnel when detonating penetrating ammunition delivered by means of NBGU is less than two times less. This difference suggests that, with equal accuracy, GBU-57 is likely to be a more effective means of defeating mines than the NBGU weapons (the graph shows the probability of hitting the target, depending on the accuracy of the hit for both systems).

          Now we take the formulas and consider I have no parameters for GBU-57. I will give a calculation for GBU-28 which was still studied at the academy. In calculations of the penetration rate of the steel plate of the mine, it was assumed that the speed of the bomb during a collision is 300 m / s, which approximately corresponds to the speed with a free fall from a height of 10 km.

          the maximum penetration of the UAB GBU-28 with a kinetic effect on a steel plate does not exceed 30 cm:
          1. +6
            5 October 2013 20: 18
            In the same way, you can calculate for GBU-57 knowing its parameters
            For ratings penetration armor plate the ratio was used, which is usually used in calculating the penetration of armor protection of tanks.

            Vc - warhead speed at the moment of impact (m / s)
            a is the angle with respect to the normal
            c is the relative mass of the warhead
            m is the mass of the warhead (kg)
            Coefficient of shell resistance k characterizes the quality of the armor. For cementless slabs, it is k 1800, and for cemented slabs it is k 2000-2200. In estimates for the ICBM mines, the armor projectile coefficient was assumed to be 2200.

            For calculation depth of overcoming obstacles (concrete, soil) due to the kinetic effect of the warhead, the empirical relation was used

            kn - coefficient depending on the quality of the material
            l - coefficient characterizing the relative influence of the shape of the projectile
            m is the mass of the warhead (kg)
            d - caliber (m)
            Vc - warhead velocity at the moment of impact (m /> s)
            a is the angle with respect to the normal

            in official statements of the US Ministry of Defense, it was reported that the UAB GBU-28 is capable of punching a 6-meter layer of concrete.
            We consider
            L-penetration due to kinetic effects
            h - penetration depth due to high explosive impact
            D - total penetration

            D = L + h = 4.4 + 0.95 ”5.4 (m)

            So if you count for GBU-57 knowing its characteristics, I think that
            its impact will not be revolutionary different from its predecessor
          2. Windbreak
            6 October 2013 12: 14
            GBU-57 weighs almost 14 tons
      3. 0
        6 October 2013 04: 55
        whether a hyper-rocket can deliver a local blow; I would like to listen to specialists
      4. Rusich51
        6 October 2013 12: 39
        For this reason, the Russian side should consider whether it is in its true interest to develop a new heavy mine-based ICBM with a divided warhead, or whether it is better to continue investing in new mobile systems. In addition, Russia could consider transferring a small part of its mobile ICBMs to a mode of constant high alert even in peacetime.

        There is always a way out, the main thing is not to take the word "partners" and work on our own in the development of modern technologies. This is the only way to defend your right to life.
      5. timer
        7 October 2013 00: 21
        I agree that the article is informative and interesting. It will touch upon the moment of mobile and mobile installations. It seems to me that in vain our people are wasting resources on the development of a new mine-based missile. We must continue to develop mobile systems, because they are less vulnerable in conflict.
        With regards to the NGBU, you need to think with your own head, to develop your own solution for the development of America, cheap and effective. All this hypersonic is controlled by satellites. Why would our designers not come up with a resolution to destroy satellites, then hypersonic missiles will not find their targets in our territory? !
    2. +8
      5 October 2013 07: 46
      Quote: Kibalchish
      There is no danger. Not yet.

      That's just the point for now. The development of such systems takes years, when the danger appears, it will be too late. Therefore, it is better to prepare a sled in the summer.
    3. +17
      5 October 2013 09: 12
      Quote: Kibalchish
      A hundred times already dismantled. There is no danger. Not yet.

      There is no danger while Russia itself is giving away capital and resources to America and Europe.
      A fool doesn’t need a knife ...
      Here's the latest news- "Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, former governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, buys the most expensive mansion in New York. The building costs $ 75 million, making it the most expensive mansion in New York. Previously considered the most expensive house, it was acquired by an American producer. David Gaffen for $ 54 million
      According to the source, Abramovich and his girlfriend Daria Zhukova have been looking for real estate in New York since last year. The couple have two young children who have American citizenship. "
      But if Russia becomes an independent country, then the danger will appear.
    4. FAO_48E
      5 October 2013 09: 31
      This is not just a toy, but a test platform for the development of new breakthrough technologies that can be used both in the military (intercontinental hypersonic cruise missiles) and in the civilian areas (passenger flight from New York to London, which takes 1.5 hours). The development of the Shuttle at the time also began with the fact that various outlandish (at that time) not-so-missiles-not-so-airplanes were launched from under the wing of the aircraft.

      Pay attention here to this article published in the journal "Economist": http://www.economist.com/news/technology-quarterly/21578522-hypersonic-weapons-b
      uilding-vehicles-fly-five-times-speed-sound. This article describes why the United States abandoned the idea of ​​installing a hypersonic warhead on an Minitman III intercontinental missile and now is developing a long-range hypersonic platform launched from an airplane. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) reviewed the whole issue, and came to the conclusion that, surprise-surprise (!!!), a missile equipped with a hypersonic non-nuclear warhead launched from the position area where the same missiles are based equipped with nuclear warheads will not differ in appearance from their nuclear counterparts as soon as its launch is detected by the Special Forces of the Russian Federation and / or China. Based on this, CRS concluded that despite all the confidence-building measures that could be undertaken in this area, the risk of an accidental nuclear war is too great. Therefore, it was decided to develop something that can not be confused with the mekontenental ballistic missile. By the way, it is said at the very bottom that Dmitry Rogozin said that for the Russian Federation the construction of a hypersonic missile is also one of the main priorities.
    5. +2
      5 October 2013 14: 06
      Quote: Kibalchish
      There is no danger. Not yet.

      Keyword while, the first, still wicked, rifles were inferior to the bow in all respects, and now the bow, if present in the troops, is only a special weapon for no less special fighters. Of course, I wanted the Americans to invest in dummies ... but I'm afraid it's only our dreams.
    6. +1
      5 October 2013 23: 51
    7. 0
      7 October 2013 08: 01
      Quote: Kibalchish
      A hundred times already dismantled. There is no danger. Not yet.

      Quote: From the article
      if the United States does not develop a reliable system for detecting and tracking mobile targets, weapons of the NBGU - or any other high-precision weapon systems - are unlikely to pose a serious threat to Russian mobile nuclear forces after they are dispersed.
      Because they are handsome! Get hurt, there’s no danger!
      And what if the "Syrian" scenario is implemented in Russia for every mobile installation, what ICBM, what radar will hunt a dozen different-colored Wahhabizing groups equipped with the most modern means of detection and communication?
      Quote: From the article
      if the speed of penetrating ammunition when approaching the target is too high (more than 1000 meters per second), when it comes in contact with the ground, it can undergo significant deformation and even fall apart, which will significantly reduce its combat effectiveness .... Thus, there are good reasons to doubt that that the weapons of the NBU will pose a serious threat to Russian missile mines.

      How simple it is! Since we (NATO wise men) cannot solve the problem of significant deformation of the NBGU warhead when it touches the ground, this weapon will not "pose a serious threat to Russian missile silos")).
      So I would, if there is only such a "guarantee" (we cannot solve the problem of significant deformation ...) on the part of American "friends", I would recommend to seriously attend to the concept of a preemptive global nuclear strike)).
  2. +5
    5 October 2013 07: 44
    on security and disarmament

    am I dumb? how can security and disarmament be combined? if only to force the democrats to unilateral disarmament ... but this is not real request
    1. stroporez
      5 October 2013 08: 25
      Quote: andrei332809
      How can security and disarmament be combined?
      ----- approximately the same as the "fight against corruption" and personal security and a personal car for Tolyan Serdyuk wassat ---- in Russia, everything can be combined .........
      1. +3
        5 October 2013 08: 51
        Quote: stroporez
        in Russia, everything can be combined ....

        that's for sure. if we manage to combine vodka with beer ...
  3. 1Vadim1
    5 October 2013 07: 45
    It is necessary to return railway missile systems, it is very difficult to track them even from a satellite, it is not for nothing that the Americans insisted on their destruction.
    1. +7
      5 October 2013 08: 09
      Return, return, return! Another day before yesterday !!!
    2. 0
      6 October 2013 05: 00
      yes they already return calm down
  4. +7
    5 October 2013 07: 46
    If it is impossible to stop them in terms of creating means of rapid global destruction, then it is required first of all to approve the following principle of using such weapons: "There can ALWAYS be ONLY ONE ROCKET in the air, otherwise it is automatically equated to the first strike with all the ensuing consequences."
  5. Grenz
    5 October 2013 07: 55
    NBGU can still not fully finished weapons. But given the stubbornness of Americans and brains collected from around the world, then perhaps in the foreseeable future they will create something breakthrough.
    Below are our weapons samples. Class !!! A good answer, but the trouble is all in only one copy for showing the leader at the exercises in Khmelevka.
    And in these conditions, the howl of the liberals - the crisis does not need to equip the army.
    So, on the one hand, the Americans are pressing us, and on the other, our "friends of the people" are calling for disarmament. No matter how, once again, in 1941, we don't get caught up. It's a shame.
  6. +2
    5 October 2013 08: 09
    As I understand it, this thing makes it possible to beat ours with its unbreakable missiles, for example, nuclear weapons, without letting it start, and then it's a matter of technology.
    I don’t know how this is so, but I would like for us to have a large-scale networked missile defense system. It covers the entire country around the perimeter. Let’s say several early warning stations and a bunch of mini-missile defense bases that can shoot down hypersonic missiles.
    Of course, this whole thing is duplicated.
    Then I would not be worried.
    And what would save their nuclear missile trains.
  7. +19
    5 October 2013 08: 15
    All this "Wishlist" reality is this ...
    In the Western World, the "debelization" of the population, including the scientific community, has been accomplished !!!
    In our world, it is carried out))) successfully..RAN and Institutes - END.
    HOW WE LIVE on the past potential .......
    Recall the recent past .....

    After the GRKR “Moscow” left Sevastopol and crossed the Bosphorus and Dardanelles in November last 2012, the US representatives were informed through diplomatic channels of one of the countries of Latin America that several anti-ship missiles with special combat were loaded on board the missile cruiser part. Allegedly, one of the officers of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported this information to the ambassador of this country in Ukraine, referring to his sources at the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet.
    It is difficult to say whether it was in reality or it was a leak of information that was deliberately admitted by the Russian special services, but the Americans took it seriously. Moreover, the Moscow missile cruiser, in spite of the plans announced by the Russian media for keeping a piracy watch in the Gulf of Aden, was in no hurry to leave the Mediterranean Sea.
    Meanwhile, in early December, the US Navy carrier group entered the Mediterranean Sea, led by the nuclear aircraft carrier CVN-69 Dwight Eisenhower. AUG joined the amphibious assault ship group as part of the LHD-7 Iwo Jima universal amphibious assault ship, the LSD-44 Gunston Hall amphibious assault ship, and the newest LPD-21 New York amphibious assault helicopter ship.
    As a result, a U.S. Navy grouping was formed in the eastern part of the Mediterranean, comprising 17 warships and auxiliary vessels with a total crew of about 10000, including the Marines.

    However, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, never passing Suez and not returning to Sevastopol, as the Russian media again reported, stubbornly kept close to the American compound on the border of radar visibility. The “Moscow” veteran of the Black Sea Fleet was guarded by the “Sharp-witted” patrol ship, and the cruiser “eyes and ears” was a medium reconnaissance ship.
    The Americans understood - “Moscow” came to their liking and will not go anywhere! At the same time, their reconnaissance reported - one of the multipurpose submarines of the Northern Fleet entered the training ground, but did not return back at the estimated time, contact with the boat was lost. Presumably, the submarine goes to the Mediterranean Sea.
    Not wanting to tempt fate anymore, the US Navy ships left the area of ​​combat patrol and headed for the exit from the Mediterranean Sea. When the units of the Baltic and Northern Fleet ships set out on December 17 and 18, the American squadron was already in the Atlantic on the approach to the US East Coast.
    The competent use of the INFORMATION and the forces at the disposal ... (I already wrote as it is, that only the captain of the Russian ship can change history)))
    1. -19
      5 October 2013 08: 27
      My dear! So big and believe in fairy tales!
      I have the feeling that you are holding the 1973 issue of Pravda!
      What a debelization! And the number of scientific publications from Russian science is 0.01 from the world — not I came up with.
      What are you talking about when typing this text not on a Russian computer?
      I’m just amazed that you are still there. It’s incredible.
      This is not even a cheers patriot, but some kind of mega super over blind and deaf cheers patriots.
      1. +19
        5 October 2013 09: 02
        Science, in your opinion, is based on publications? in the media?
        The ability to be "first" to be patented ????
        You have zombies of the first degree ....
        In Russia, they do not allow science to develop, I can lay out a list of scientists killed or who died by a strange death (there are People who track this matter))
        As for the computer, do you think that the Chinese will significantly move SCIENCE ???????
        You know that the program code written by Chinese programmers consists of 90% of the trash and is borrowed ....
        They are good copyists (I agree)) but what did they come up with NEW ...
        POWDER)))))))) there are big questions ???? and the most important development he received outside the modern CHINA))))
        PAPER)))) duck they would do it the same way as at the dawn of creation (when they were given the knowledge of manufacturing)) and People have already come up with machines and mechanized the process)))
        So my posts are more objective and sighted ..... There are not so many! But there is more knowledge !!!!!
        And note - I don't call anyone "stupid"))))
        1. +1
          5 October 2013 20: 33
          Quote: Asgard
          POWDER)))))))) are there big questions ??

          Chinese imperial court artisans and chemists received production technology of gunpowder in Tibet, with whom they had always been friends before, for which the great Tibetan lamas regularly shared with them ancient knowledge that they had in the Himalayan monasteries. hi
          1. Misantrop
            6 October 2013 14: 08
            Quote: old man54
            Chinese imperial court craftsmen and chemists received production technology of gunpowder in Tibet, with which they had always been friends before, for which the great Tibetan lamas regularly shared with them ancient knowledge
            ... and burned it for centuries in fireworks, unaware of other uses lol Refine, put on stream, reduce the cost of production - here they are beyond competition, but to move a fresh idea - this is not the right place ... request
        2. +2
          5 October 2013 22: 19
          By the way, about Chinese scientists — I saw on the news that Chinese scientists found out that woodpeckers are dying from a concussion — in our schools they talk about this in biology in the 6th grade. No jokes.
        3. -3
          6 October 2013 07: 39
          It is not built on publications, but this is an indicator. Are you also treating imported drugs with imported drugs?
          1. +5
            6 October 2013 13: 52
            Quote: mirag2
            It is not built on publications, but this is an indicator. Are you also treating imported drugs with imported drugs?

            Well, enough crap, then once again carry it, I worked on Soviet keyboards and ate Soviet aspirin. How to buy our rocket engines is cheaper, but as an imported keyboard, Russia’s science is in the ass. If you still do not understand, all imported products with an acute shortage will be produced in Russia.
        4. gunnerminer
          6 October 2013 15: 59
          And note - I don't call anyone "stupid"))))

          On the RKR Moscow missiles without nuclear warheads.
      2. +5
        5 October 2013 11: 49
        mirag2 (1) RU Today, 08:27 ↑

        My dear! So big and believe in fairy tales!
        I have the feeling that you are holding the 1973 issue of Pravda!
        What a debelization! And the number of scientific publications from Russian science is 0.01 from the world — not I came up with.
        What are you talking about when typing this text not on a Russian computer?
        I’m just amazed that you are still there. It’s incredible.
        This is not even a cheers patriot, but some kind of mega super over blind and deaf cheers patriots.

        Sorry to interrupt the argument. But I would like to see in the context of scientific publications in the same America. You will see that most were made by immigrants from countries ... (the list is long and Russia is far from the first place). This suggests that while they are well fed there in the USA, they will have a little pressure and they will return to their homeland. And then try to get a Green Card if you do not have a technical education, or look at what specialties graduates of American colleges give priority to. Learn so much new and interesting. Americans are also chasing iPhone 5 today (fashion), but in the USA they only stick a badge on it.
        So it’s not so simple in today's world, the time has passed when the main thing is to leave for America and you are in chocolate, especially in Europe.
        Of course, and now there the standard of living is different, but:

        "My dear! So big and believe in fairy tales!"
        I have a feeling that you are holding the 1973 issue of Pravda! "

        That you have gone too far, "Scandinavian" as economists said earlier, or if you want "European" socialism comes to an end.
        1. +6
          5 October 2013 12: 21
          Here is approximately the alignment of forces on the Scientific side of the issue .....
          look, very informative and to the point)))))
        2. -1
          6 October 2013 07: 41
          Yes, I even agree that most of them came from the USSR, Russia, and these people studied with us, and why are they not publishing their works here now?
      3. +2
        6 October 2013 04: 02
        Quote: mirag2
        What a debelization! And the number of scientific publications from Russian science is 0.01 from the world — not I came up with.

        Ha, yes you read these publications! What are they talking about?
        Quote: mirag2
        What are you talking about when typing this text not on a Russian computer?

        However, inside the "non-Russian" computer there is a processor created by a Russian scientist.
    2. 0
      5 October 2013 19: 31
      wassat I haven’t laughed honestly for a long time. People who keep all their personal billions in the West will be ordered to hit the AUG group))) what do you believe in what you wrote?
      1. +3
        5 October 2013 20: 24
        Vova was robbed of money in Cyprus, they wanted to mock in Chicago)) McCain lit him with a "black mark" for Putin and they say the fate of all colonels (Hussein and Gaddafi) awaits you) ...
        Vova immediately sent denyuzhku to the Army, began to think and push himself politically, Rosneft promised the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, wait, he was giving up to Alrosa .....
        Then, of course, this is all the GAME, Obama is bad, Putin is so-so))) he is even praised by the Western media (a bad sign)) it is a 100% traitor to Russia and the People ...

        So there’s nothing to laugh here, soon there will be no laughing matter ,,,,,
        1. Nitup
          5 October 2013 21: 10
          Vova took money in Cyprus
          And besides your words, is there any confirmation of this fact?
          Vova immediately sent a denyuzhku to the Army
          In fact, the denyuzhka to the Army was sent back in 2010, when Gaddafi was all recognized Libyan leader. In general, a big minus to you for an impudent lie
          1. gunnerminer
            6 October 2013 16: 04
            In fact, the denyuzhka to the Army was sent back in 2010, when Gaddafi was all recognized Libyan leader. In general, a big minus to you for an impudent lie

            In 2007, A.E.Serdyukov was appointed Minister of Defense. Rogozin was appointed Deputy Prime Minister in 2011, and both of them both used inefficiently.
      2. Nitup
        5 October 2013 20: 52
        Quote: lonely
        wassat I haven’t laughed honestly for a long time. People who keep all their personal billions in the West will be ordered to hit the AUG group))) what do you believe in what you wrote?

        What evidence do you have that those who command the armed forces today have billions and that they keep them in the West?
        1. Mature naturalist
          6 October 2013 00: 50
          Quote: Nitup
          What evidence do you have

          Read about GUNVOR - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunvor
          1. Nitup
            6 October 2013 00: 55
            Quote: Mature Naturalist
            Read about GUNVOR - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunvor

            Well, what do I need your Gunvor?
            1. Mature naturalist
              6 October 2013 11: 46
              There is unconfirmed information about the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. After all, you were interested in command money ...
              1. Nitup
                6 October 2013 11: 49
                Quote: Mature Naturalist
                There is unconfirmed information about the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. After all, you were interested in command money ...

                I was interested in evidence, not unconfirmed information from the American Wikipedia site.
                1. Mature naturalist
                  6 October 2013 23: 01
                  Quote: Nitup
                  I was interested in evidence

                  What is the evidence on the Internet? What are you speaking about? Evidence - in court. (Is there anything that topwar.ru is German?)
      3. Arabist
        5 October 2013 21: 37
        Omar, hello. Of course, no one will hit AUG just like that, but I'm sure that in the case of a serious swing, everyone will use it. The "elite" president may not give an order, but who will guarantee that this will not be done locally? This is Russia, here the headquarters does not decide anything. In any case, I would not want such a war, because hardly anyone will survive, and if they do, the debt will last.
      4. gunnerminer
        6 October 2013 16: 02
        I haven’t laughed honestly for a long time. People who keep all their personal billions in the West will be ordered to hit the AUG group))) Do you believe in what you wrote?

        True! How to use weapons for your children, immediate family, property? Do not use it, just tell naive taxpayers about it.
    3. gunnerminer
      6 October 2013 15: 57
      The competent use of the INFORMATION and the forces at the disposal ... (I already wrote as it is, that only the captain of the Russian ship can change history)))

      Agitation designed for the most gullible listener.
  8. +6
    5 October 2013 08: 15
    Then we must remember that there is a THIRD force !!! ??? !!! On the Earth...
    At exactly 4 a.m. on March 16 in the state of Montana, 10 Minuteman missiles with nuclear warheads should start immediately from Malmstrom air base. Their goal is South Vietnam where, for the third year already, the unsuccessful special operation of the American army lasts.
    However, the missiles did not work ....
    Indeed, a few minutes before the rockets were turned off, a strange object appeared right above the base of Malmstrom - a bright red light emanated from it. The object itself was cigar-shaped and hovered directly above the mines with rocket launchers. Sagging over the base for half an hour, the object disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. After 15 minutes, the rockets shut off.

    All this could be considered a stupid invention of retired military personnel, if not one but. 30 years after the failure of equipment at the Malstrom base, the dossier of this incident was declassified. It turned out that experts from the Pentagon were interrogating all military personnel of the 28th division. A total of 120 people were questioned, i.e. all - who was on duty that night and was responsible for launching missiles. And all these people testified of the same thing: an unidentified flying object in the sky above the base of Malmstrom - really was.
    Moreover, it turns out that on the same night, when a strange object circled around the base, exactly the same UFO was seen at other (neighboring) US Air Force bases. So at 50 kilometers at the base of the Oscars Flight, above the rocket mines, they also saw a luminous red object in the shape of a cigar. And at this base, nuclear warheads, like at Malmstrom’s base, were out of order. Another 9 Minuteman missiles failed at another EcoFlight training ground. And all this happened at the same time, at 4 a.m. on March 16, 1967.
    And the same strange object sprayed the Chebarkul meteorite into gamma radiation ....

    1. FAO_48E
      5 October 2013 10: 19
      I apologize, but this is the most that there is a spreading cranberry ...
      Quote: Asgard
      [i] Exactly at 4 o’clock in the morning on March 16 in the state of Montana, 10 Minuteman missiles with nuclear warheads should start immediately from Malmstrom air base. Their goal is South Vietnam where, for the third year already, the unsuccessful special operation of the American army lasts.
      Minuteman rockets (more precisely LGM-30A Minuteman-I and LGM-30F Minuteman-II), which were in 1967. the US Air Force Strategic Air Command carried one W56 warhead with a TNT equivalent of 1.2 megatons. An explosion of 10 such warheads on the territory of SOUTH Vietnam, FRIENDLY to the United States, would turn the country into one giant parking lot and, among other things, completely incinerate the population of a friendly country and at the same time cover about half a million American military personnel who unsuccessfully chased through the South Vietnamese jungle Viet Cong partisans simultaneously tried to block the Ho Chi Minh Trail, leading from North to South through the territory of neighboring Laos.
      Quote: Asgard
      It turned out that experts from the Pentagon were interrogating all military personnel of the 28th division. A total of 120 people were questioned,

      For the life of me, I don’t understand why the experts from the Pentagon needed to interrogate all the soldiers of the 28th division, if the Malmstrom airbase is in Montana. The 28th Division was (and still is) part of the Pensylvaniya Army National Guard. In 1967. it was in a state of very deep reserve "hibernation", in which it arrived from the end of WW2 and did not leave until the dispatch of a number of its units to Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2002. So, what relation the reserve division of the ground forces had to the launch of missiles in the air force is not entirely clear (more precisely, it is not at all clear).
      1. +5
        5 October 2013 19: 33
        wassat and you prove to our dreamers that the earth is round)) still do not prove))
        1. +1
          6 October 2013 22: 02
          judging by the minus in the forum there is a person who thinks that the earth is round))) well, who else thinks so, minus)) wassat
  9. Bator79
    5 October 2013 08: 35
    And why is there not a word in the article about our strategic submarines?
    1. 0
      5 October 2013 10: 49
      Because they are in fires, in repairs, then at the pier rot, but they are not in the sea. Even if they release one single boat on combat duty, an American immediately sits on its tail, which has long been the home of both the Kola and Avacha Gulfs.
      1. +2
        5 October 2013 11: 11
        Connoisseur? Sea wolf?
      2. -1
        5 October 2013 14: 18
        Quote: Dunno
        Because they are in fires, in repairs, then at the pier rot, but they are not in the sea. Even if they release one single boat on combat duty, an American immediately sits on its tail, which has long been the home of both the Kola and Avacha Gulfs.

        And it turns out you are not there, obviously working. Such knowledge, conclusions ... The soul rejoices that you are on the planet EARTH! And you are also a resident of RUSSIA? Lucky for all of your circle, i.e. who lives next to you ...
      3. +1
        6 October 2013 04: 12
        Quote: Dunno
        Because they are in fires, in repairs, then at the pier rot, but they are not in the sea. Even if they release one single boat on combat duty, an American immediately sits on its tail, which has long been the home of both the Kola and Avacha Gulfs.

        I wonder who can catch the tail of the Russian SSBN in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk? Be silent Dunno, for the clever you will marry.
    2. Nitup
      5 October 2013 20: 54
      Quote: Bator79
      And why is there not a word in the article about our strategic submarines?

      As well as about the promising American spaceship X-37b.
  10. +2
    5 October 2013 09: 38
    "The first priority is to establish a dialogue between Washington and Moscow on the NBGU."

    I strongly doubt that a dialogue on this issue can lead to constructive results. In the end, they are not fools in the USA either, and they won’t bind their own hands in agreements on reduction-restrictions.

    But in general, hope for God, but he yourself - do not go wrong. It is necessary to increase budget items for the development of mobile missile systems, emphasizing the development of speed and stealth of movement and launch.
  11. +2
    5 October 2013 09: 39
    Another reason to restore our 15P961 military railway missile system Well done with ICBM 15ZH61 (RT-23 UTTKh)
    otherwise they liked the mines
  12. +3
    5 October 2013 10: 09
    three Russian analysts: Alexei Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin, Sergey Oznobishchev, proposed to exchange data on the practice of deploying precision weapons on ships, submarines and aircraft. This can be achieved, for example, by exchanging data on a number of types of high-precision conventional weapons deployed in certain theaters.
    Cooperation measures would also help resolve any technical differences between Russia and the United States regarding the threat to launch mines from high-precision conventional weapons, such as cruise missiles or NBGU systems.

    Hitler also exchanged information and tried to cooperate, the result is known.
    The intentions and goals of the rulers of the USA are no different from Hitler’s and only a clinical madman can expect frankness from them.
    An even funnier attempt to entrust the Pentagon with the concern for the safety of the launch mines of Russian ICBMs.
    The only real way out for Russia is to create hundreds or even thousands of mobile launchers for launching missiles with short, medium and long range nuclear warheads, which would be enough for USAA-NATO military bases in Europe, Asia, and America.
    It is almost impossible to find mobile SRPBs on the roads of Russia among millions of cars if they are in constant motion, rather than sticking out in the parking lots.
    The life of millions of people in Russia costs more than the costs of fuel and lubricants and spare parts for tractors and trailers.
    1. +1
      6 October 2013 03: 35
      They are unlikely to go on combat patrols on highways =)
  13. Docklishin
    5 October 2013 10: 52
    Hmm. At one time, comrades Gorbachev and then Comrade Yeltsin did a lot of business. What is the destruction of missile systems on the railway platform + of their entire infrastructure. Then they were removed from duty to the Voivode. Almost sawed all the submarines. The strategists of Tu 160 were hardly scratched ... Mine complexes were leaked ... Amer had laser technology, Yak 141 and much more. China armed. Maybe someone will remember what the PLA was before the 90s ....
    A tactical medium-range weapon ... It's good that we are gradually correcting everything.
    BUT it is a shame for the additional unnecessary costs. Which could have been avoided. Recently, they showed about Ukraine .... In Nikolaev, the Americans of our brothers at one time, not childishly, divorced an aircraft carrier under construction since the time of the union. They promised to cut a lot of money for him, organized an "LLC", gave a deposit, and at the end of the work - there was no company, a soap bubble. This is what I mean - what the hell ... n written agreements on the limitation of weapons. the Americans have never followed them and will not. How long can one step on the same rake ...
  14. +13
    5 October 2013 10: 53
    the Russian side should think, whether it is in her true interest to develop a new heavy mine-based ICBM with a separable warhead, or is she better off continuing to invest in new mobile systems. In addition, Russia could consider transferring a small part of its mobile ICBMs to a mode of constant high alert even in peacetime.

    The article is large and frankly speaking on many points unprofessional. Either the author is unfamiliar with the real state of the combat support of the Republic of Kazakhstan, both the OS and the PGRK, or the article is another order against the development of a new heavy mine-based ICBM. The main idea of ​​the article is not methods of counteracting the promising American systems of the NBU, but the conclusion I quoted. By the way, regarding the increased availability of part of the PGRK. Such a thing existed while I was serving. One of the regiments of the division (in turn) was in constant readiness, and the rest in the so-called operational reserve. That is, for the PBG regiment, there were more stringent standards for bringing into the WSPG and the composition of the constantly on duty in the operating base was increased. Regarding the protection of mines and their classification according to this criterion, there is a separate topic if time will stop because the author’s numbers have nothing to do with real calculations and experiments (at one time a series of experiments called Argon was conducted at the test site). So I wanted to put a minus in the article, but given that this topic will interest users I will put a plus despite numerous inaccuracies and clearly protruding ears of our opponents
    1. +1
      5 October 2013 11: 27
      I agree with you. The author operates with technically illiterate and tense information. For example, about Russian caps of launching shafts. As far as I know, this cap weighs almost 1000 tons. And it is made not of concrete, but of armor steel. It’s probably concrete because they move, but us open up.
  15. Peaceful military
    5 October 2013 11: 13
    The threat is real in the case of a reduction in nuclear weapons, and so is a chimera.
    As a result, the likelihood of successful cooperation on this issue is higher than on the missile defense system, which is already being deployed. However, this window of opportunity will not remain open forever. Russia and the United States should use it as soon as possible.

    And this is nonsense ala gorbachev. We know that such a "successful cooperation" with the Naglo-Saxons.
  16. 0
    5 October 2013 11: 16
    Late to join the discussion of the emerging issue.
    I have such a sad opinion. We will forget about direct confrontation one-on-one, and we and they (they are the United States of America (only this way and no other way on the site you can call the birthplace of the back and head population of the territory cleared of Untermensch), and we are Rashka. the name of my Motherland. It seems that to stabilize "friendly" relations, a demarche is needed - to smash across Novaya Zemlya at the same time with a triad (in chorus, that is). Tear off one egg to the culprit!
  17. +2
    5 October 2013 11: 39
    Quote: DocKlishin
    Hmm. At one time, comrades Gorbachev and then Comrade Yeltsin did a lot of business. What is the destruction of missile systems on the railway platform + of their entire infrastructure. Then they were removed from duty to the Voivode. Almost sawed all the submarines. The strategists of Tu 160 were hardly scratched ... Mine complexes were leaked ... Amer had laser technology, Yak 141 and much more. China armed. Maybe someone will remember what the PLA was before the 90s ....
    A tactical medium-range weapon ... It's good that we are gradually correcting everything.
    BUT it is a shame for the additional unnecessary costs. Which could have been avoided. Recently, they showed about Ukraine .... In Nikolaev, the Americans of our brothers at one time, not childishly, divorced an aircraft carrier under construction since the time of the union. They promised to cut a lot of money for him, organized an "LLC", gave a deposit, and at the end of the work - there was no company, a soap bubble. This is what I mean - what the hell ... n written agreements on the limitation of weapons. the Americans have never followed them and will not. How long can one step on the same rake ...

    Oh, what a horror. Google, what we had in the new 2000, and we have today, thirteen years later - here neither America nor Gorby is involved. Just don’t rush to minus - it’s cool to me, but it doesn’t mean understanding (mutual misunderstanding), and I myself can still destroy the enemy)))) Russia, of course.
  18. +2
    5 October 2013 11: 59
    They would be silent about hypersound for now. Until now, no one has been living with a rocket for more than a minute. And when they begin to install control systems and target designations, the dances will begin here. This is more complicated than teaching a rocket to fly. It’s just that hypersound itself is unnecessary, without correction the accuracy will not be better, or perhaps worse than ballistic. Moreover, we have worked out the launches of Sineva and other missiles along a flat path.
  19. -10
    5 October 2013 12: 08
    Quote: 1c-inform-city
    I agree with you. The author operates with technically illiterate and tense information. For example, about Russian caps of launching shafts. As far as I know, this cap weighs almost 1000 tons. And it is made not of concrete, but of armor steel. It’s probably concrete because they move, but us open up.

    I see, of course, that behind your ears, part of the flag is not from an armored train. But I'm going to talk about 1000 tons with you in detail. Because like talkers like you do not prevent me from living, but from raising and teaching boys.
    Itag, it started? Or you’ll immediately go to African Americans to say hello for sausage (cookies and jam, and you won’t lure the sausages of today's bad guys) - only for intercourse (it’s impossible to say otherwise) (I'm talking about the wording) fool
    1. +2
      5 October 2013 12: 47
      And what did you mean by that. And how are you going to teach the boys and whose.
  20. +3
    5 October 2013 12: 14
    The question is not in technology. The main question in psychology: dare our leadership give a command to use nuclear weapons? Will this order be followed? I have big doubts. We’ve been zombified for more than 20 years: the main thing is personal well-being, to the country, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. don't give a damn (Protestant ethics). And it works. What is the appeal, that under the contract of those wishing to serve a minimum. The officers, drunk, are discussing not how to increase combat readiness, but which car to buy.
    Seen go to go to the partisans.
    1. +2
      5 October 2013 14: 27
      Quote: Vasya
      The officers, drunk, are discussing not how to increase combat readiness, but which car to buy.

      And how do you know so much that you discuss officers, and even drunk? Really even served in the army? THE MAIN THING - DO NOT PAIN!
      1. 0
        6 October 2013 04: 17
        Quote: AleksUkr
        And how do you know so much that you discuss officers, and even drunk? Really even served in the army? THE MAIN THING - DO NOT PAIN!

        If you talk about women - it means more sober.
        They started talking about work, which means they’ve already had a good time.
  21. cosmos-alex
    5 October 2013 12: 30
    Still, what about the "Perimeter". Earlier on the site there was information that he was again on alert (an interview with the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, it seems).
    1. +3
      5 October 2013 15: 00
      Quote: cosmos-alex
      Still, what about the "Perimeter". Earlier on the site there was information that he was again on alert (an interview with the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, it seems).

      On the database
      "They are on duty, they go to the fields, albeit to near training positions.
      Command missiles, which is probably why in all sources the Yuryansk division has been removed from the strategic nuclear forces. "
      1. +4
        5 October 2013 19: 53
        Quote: Rus2012
        Command missiles, which is probably why in all sources the Yuryansk division has been removed from the strategic nuclear forces. "

        There, in Yurye, there was one regiment (76rp) at the beginning of the 90s equipped with a 15Zh75 command missile, the remaining four regiments of the Topol PGRK. Then, in the mid-2000s, they were transferred to PGRKKR 15P175 "Sirena" (304 guards rp and 776rp) and 79rp and 107rp were disbanded. Thus, in the 8th rd there are three Sirena PGRKKR regiments on duty, that is, nine command missile launchers
        1. +2
          5 October 2013 23: 28
          Quote: Ascetic
          Thus, in the 8th rd there are three Sirena PGRKKR regiments on duty, that is, nine command missile launchers

          ... it is, dear colleague!
  22. 0
    5 October 2013 12: 30
    Quote: 1c-inform-city
    They would be silent about hypersound for now. Until now, no one has been living with a rocket for more than a minute. And when they begin to install control systems and target designations, the dances will begin here. This is more complicated than teaching a rocket to fly. It’s just that hypersound itself is unnecessary, without correction the accuracy will not be better, or perhaps worse than ballistic. Moreover, we have worked out the launches of Sineva and other missiles along a flat path.
  23. -2
    5 October 2013 12: 45
    Quote: 1c-inform-city
    They would be silent about hypersound for now. Until now, no one has been living with a rocket for more than a minute. And when they begin to install control systems and target designations, the dances will begin here. This is more complicated than teaching a rocket to fly. It’s just that hypersound itself is unnecessary, without correction the accuracy will not be better, or perhaps worse than ballistic. Moreover, we have worked out the launches of Sineva and other missiles along a flat path.

    On the floor - is it a dock? Do you know Gianni Radari?
  24. -6
    5 October 2013 12: 58
    Quote: Vasya
    The question is not in technology. The main question in psychology: dare our leadership give a command to use nuclear weapons? Will this order be followed? I have big doubts. We’ve been zombified for more than 20 years: the main thing is personal well-being, to the country, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. don't give a damn (Protestant ethics). And it works. What is the appeal, that under the contract of those wishing to serve a minimum. The officers, drunk, are discussing not how to increase combat readiness, but which car to buy.
    Seen go to go to the partisans.

    Vasya, but thirty years ago you didn’t drink, did not increase your alertness, didn’t buy a car and dreamed of joining the partisans? In my platoon, such drugs were thrown in a chlorine toilet, and then, when I became more important, they were entrusted with the most responsible thing before the system — guess three times, what?
  25. +2
    5 October 2013 14: 37
    If the Americans are developing weapons of the NBGU, then they have already found a place for him in the common system of their combat potential. Russian offshore science should deeply analyze the strategic capabilities of these weapons and outline domestic development programs and analogues of the domestic NBGU. The main thing is not to waste time in order to be at the level of repelling the threats posed by overseas "partners".
  26. +6
    5 October 2013 15: 18
    First, not only Americans will fight against us, but all of Europe (as usual).
    Secondly. How many people know where his gas mask is and where is the nearest shelter in case of a blow?
    Thirdly. Do you understand that the next government and the guarantor can simply surrender us? That is, the kamunal nishtyaks simply chopped off and in winter or two the population halves. At the same time, the army will sit exactly on the pope without an order. The global missile bomb strike is colorful, but not too effective. Do not forget, the biggest destruction in the country was carried out without a single shot from that side in the 90 years. So at the expense of this globalism is nothing more than fantasies from 60's.
  27. Avenger711
    5 October 2013 15: 47
    ICBMs with concrete warheads against nuclear ICBMs. I'll put it on the nuclear one. Airplanes that are not there, because the B-2 group does not solve, and the B-1 does not carry missiles, and should break through like the B-17 over Germany, not only through the anti-aircraft guns, but S-300, Su-27 and other charms. The B-52 is surviving in recent years, perhaps even fewer than our Tu-95, which are newer and carry X-55 missiles. Cruise missiles? What's new? Hypersound? Like China’s cancer, although air defense systems can now land objects traveling at a speed of 1 km / s and faster, the air defense system has a big plus here, their missiles do not have to fly thousands of kilometers, so any kinetic hypersonic ammunition with a range of 1000 km can be set several air defense batteries. The main thing is to be able to visit such a fast blank.
  28. -3
    5 October 2013 16: 36
    Quote: nikcris
    Quote: Vasya
    The question is not in technology. The main question in psychology: dare our leadership give a command to use nuclear weapons? Will this order be followed? I have big doubts. We’ve been zombified for more than 20 years: the main thing is personal well-being, to the country, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. don't give a damn (Protestant ethics). And it works. What is the appeal, that under the contract of those wishing to serve a minimum. The officers, drunk, are discussing not how to increase combat readiness, but which car to buy.
    Seen go to go to the partisans.

    Vasya, but thirty years ago you didn’t drink, did not increase your alertness, didn’t buy a car and dreamed of joining the partisans? In my platoon, such drugs were thrown in a chlorine toilet, and then, when I became more important, they were entrusted with the most responsible thing before the system — guess three times, what?

    What are you minus? Am I in the hole? This is about you?
  29. Vlad_Mir
    5 October 2013 17: 05
    Conclusion: to develop high-precision impact tools. Fear of an adequate non-nuclear strike will cause fear the same as that of nuclear weapons!
    1. +1
      6 October 2013 14: 38
      Quote: Vlad_Mir
      Conclusion: to develop high-precision impact tools. Fear of an adequate non-nuclear strike will cause fear the same as that of nuclear weapons!

      Wrong conclusion. The correct one is to ensure a guaranteed full-scale nuclear strike when an adversary tries to neutralize a nuclear shield. Well, besides this, develop high-precision.
  30. wax
    5 October 2013 20: 23
    I absolutely dislike two important thoughts of the author of the article:
    - no super heavy mine rocket needed
    - it is necessary to use the "window of opportunity" for negotiations on limiting the NBGU until it is created.
    - a heavily missile can launch many warheads with the necessary fuel for maneuvering and a radio-electronic defense and counteraction system
    - All negotiations of this type play a bet only to those who are ahead, and delay the response.
    Given some objectivity, the article is anti-Russian.
  31. Asan Ata
    5 October 2013 23: 49
    And you know, the Kursk was the test of the US-Russia military relationship. They accidentally (I hope) sunk it, Putin forgave it for 15 billion. In Soviet times, it would have been an act of war. Now - Hey guys, everything is ok. Psat and those, and those. This could mean that NUCLEAR WAR WILL NOT HAPPEN. The boys will just do it. That is, the principle of "no direct contact" works: and in this case, all the expenses for the goofs of the 3rd world: to sell them weapons, to wet them ultra-precise and super-fast, if that is; generally dominate.
    1. 0
      6 October 2013 04: 30
      Quote: Asan Ata
      And you know, the Kursk was the test of the US-Russia military relationship. They accidentally (hopefully) sunk it, Putin forgave it for 15 billion.

      It was after Kursk that the mass slamming of Russia by the West stopped; it was from Kursk that the revival of Russia after the Yeltsin reforms began. For Kursk, Putin was able to get a lot of Americans off, and here you are talking about some 15 billion green papers.
      1. Asan Ata
        6 October 2013 10: 37
        And minus what for? You confirm my words, yes, it was after the Kursk that a turn took place, because no one wants a nuclear war, while the States also sat down, it became scary. That's agreed.
  32. FAO_48E
    6 October 2013 05: 27
    Quote: lonely
    wassat and you prove to our dreamers that the earth is round)) still do not prove))

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with your remark ...
  33. 0
    6 October 2013 10: 04
    Finally, the question worked out in the USSR 40 years ago became topical.
    How many years have been lost!
  34. -1
    6 October 2013 10: 07
    Superheavy rocket will always be needed!
  35. -1
    6 October 2013 12: 01
    It may be more efficient to place a dozen gigaton charges on its territory and in case of aggression bring them into action, then the majority of the country's population will not feel pain or fear, and let everyone else watch how the planet turns into an asteroid belt
  36. +1
    6 October 2013 14: 57
    Quote: tomev
    most of the country's population will not feel any pain or fear
    Yes you are my friend humanist)))
  37. 0
    6 October 2013 16: 30
    Of paramount importance is the possibility of timely detection by satellites of "suspicious movement" of the enemy, as well as the availability of accurate hypersonic destructive weapons. The mobility of missile launchers will also be important at any time.
    - "The difficulties associated with the implementation of the task of destruction of mobile missile systems, clearly manifested in the course of the" big hunt for "Scuds" during the war against Iraq in 1991. Then the US aviation did not manage to achieve a single confirmed hit on the target when delivering strikes on objects associated with such missiles, despite 1460 sorties carried out directly to destroy them. "
  38. -1
    6 October 2013 16: 51
    I consider this a threat to our "national security", we need to act "preemptively" ... However, the shitcrats will not agree to this ....
  39. postman
    6 October 2013 19: 25
    <!--QuoteBegin Author - someoneFor this reason, NBGU systems equipped with penetrating warheads when approaching the target will have to slow down significantly compared to cruising speed, which will increase their vulnerability and the ability to intercept them. ] [/ quote]
    Then you can not read, author and kolipast lox (s) full (s) on the topic.
    Probably believes that the PB flying up to the target, slows down, aims and implements SELF-BINDING AT THE DEMAND REQUIRED?
    Ammunition, the action of which is based on the use of impact energy (kinetic), followed by the introduction into the obstacle and the explosion of explosives (sometimes) at a given depth, form a class of shock-penetrating explosives
    / means of destruction and ammunition, textbook, MSTU named after Bauman /