Why Europe does not intercede for Christians around the world

The tree called "Europe" has Christian roots. But about the fruits of this tree is to talk separately.

Why Europe does not intercede for Christians around the world


Today, there are more than 30 “hot spots” in the world — places where open warfare is conducted with varying intensity, for various reasons, by different forces.

For the most part, these are the undeveloped countries of Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East ... In these countries, Christians are almost always a minority, and a minority is oppressed. The local governments are not at all concerned about their position.

2010 year, North Sudan. Islamic extremists kidnapped a 15-year-old Christian girl. Mother turns to the police. Answer: first accept Islam, then contact ...

In the same year, 17-year-old girl was shot dead in Somalia for converting to Christianity ... Before that, her parents cruelly beat her, forcing her to return to Islam.

Philippines. A country whose majority of population is Catholic. However, over the past 10 years, 120 has killed thousands of people thanks to the Abu Sayyaf movement (“Sword of the Lord”). 500 thousands have become refugees. They are all Christians.


These are only separate fragments of a huge mosaic called “Modern Persecutions of Christians”. Do you think that repressions are only the increasingly echoing echo of Nero’s bloodthirsty pagan times, examples of barbarism of people who have not yet invented humanism, the Convention on Human Rights, the international legal system?

In the XXI century it is very possible to infringe upon the rights, prosecute, threaten, rape, torture, kill. The special signs of the sacrifice are the Christian faith.

Naturally, "just Christians" are not. There are Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants ... The last two groups are the most numerous in the indicated regions of the world and therefore the most persecuted and murdered.

About Catholics separately. The Catholic Church - once, perhaps, the most missionary denomination on the planet, whose fathers and abbots have traveled the globe, - is now experiencing, in principle, not the best times. One would like to say that the whole empire of the Roman throne rusted somewhere in its very core (and if we bear in mind the dogmatic teaching, then, from an orthodox point of view, the way it is). The Vatican does not have the spiritual forces to gather the "squandered congregation." He and on his native side - in Europe - the temples and basilicas turn into fitness centers. (I recall an interview with one Dutch pastor: “Yes, yes, that’s right. We now really need money from renting temples ...” What is interesting?) Believers still come to churches somewhere in Pakistan - and the indigenous people newcomers But, however, for many locals, especially when they weapons in the hands and with political ambitions, even their own Christians are like foreign intelligence. Therefore, it became possible for the head of Salawan - one of the Lao provinces - to gather local residents and read them the decree "On the prohibition of Christianity."


In India, 70% of Christians are from the untouchable caste (in this country the caste hierarchy is still stronger than any formal law). Of course, millions of people from this caste specifically converted to Christianity or Islam in order to sever any connection (primarily mystical) with “bad heredity” and start thinking about themselves and others in a completely different system of coordinates. However, caste division is so rooted in the minds of Indians that its features can be found in Christian communities. Anyway, in 2008, anti-Christian pogroms broke out in the state of Orissa, and the authorities "could not" stop the massacres for almost two months ...

And here it is necessary to pay attention to the following. The so-called “developed” countries, first of all the states of Europe and the USA, somehow react strangely to the internal policies of the countries of the “developing” countries. Europe and the United States — these most powerful Christian civilizations on the planet — are the leading ideologues of the globalization that is observed today, which, in fact, boils down to westernization. In other words, universal standards of living (how to live, why live, what is, how to dress, etc.) imposed by transnational corporations on the majority of the peoples of the Earth have been developed in the depths of the transatlantic civilization. Indians are offered as a guideline "American Dream". That is, the West is exporting its values ​​to the fullest, but for some reason nowhere does it seem to defend its seemingly faith - Christianity.


Western TNCs control major global markets. The key to economics is the key to politics. Why can't economic sanctions be applied to Pakistan, which invented the “law of blasphemy”: publicly call yourself a Christian — sit on the bunk? .. What's the problem? Council of Europe declarations are rarely read in Somalia, Eritrea, in the Maldives, in Algeria, so the situation cannot be changed by mere appeals and rhetoric. And by the way, Europe knows it perfectly. Overthrow the damned regime of Moammar Gaddafi? Talkers not a ride! Let's send the fighters there! Bashar Assad completely forgot and violates Human Rights? OK! Urgently sanctions and support for opposition forces in the country (destabilization in Syria - a little later). Egyptian Hosni Mubarak also had to transfer power to the Supreme Military Council.

Do we need to talk about the military-political and economic potential of Europe? Yes, the Armed Forces of a united Europe are largely controlled by the NATO authorities (read, the United States). Any more or less significant movements of troops on the European continent are impossible without the sanction of Brussels (the headquarters of the alliance). It is difficult to imagine any teachings of the Armed Forces of a sovereign European power proper (for example, Germany) without the appropriate permission of the American forces permanently stationed in the Old World. Well, Christian Europe military-strategically obeyed the Christian United States. But even in this case, the final product of the foreign policy of Europe should be denoted by the term “patronage” - patronage, if you will, of brothers in faith. Christianity should be, so to speak, the most “successful” religion in the world — with such an administrative resource and finances: print books, make films, generally promote missionary cultural products to world markets — in short, current globalization would have to go through under the banner adorned with the Gospel commandments ...

But ... We all know what Europe is now. Yes, yes, at an invisible depth, at the level of cultural DNA. Europe is still a Christian civilization (especially in comparison with any other world civilization). But at the level of facts of real life - to put it mildly, not remembering kinship ... Sociological polls can not but rejoice: The Pew Research Center reports that 76% of the population of Europe are Christians. This is a large percentage. There is a lot of talk about the Islamization of the Old World - in numbers it looks like this: in France, 63 million inhabitants - 5 million Muslims; in Germany from 81 million - 4 million; in the UK from 63 - 2 million. Is it a lot or a little? Purely mathematically, it would seem not so scary - 76% Christians and 6 – 7% Muslims. Then why in the traditionally Christian south of France already now the number of mosques exceeds the number of Christian churches? Moreover, many of these mosques are former churches and churches ... We have already spoken about the SPA centers, shops, fitness halls in the territory (inside!) Of the majestic cathedrals. Is it possible to present this in a mosque? First of all. This is where the dog is buried: there are very few real, real believers, or, as is customarily expressed, practicing, there are very few Christians in Europe! Most often, the name “Christian” is used to designate one’s own (usually very formal) affiliation to a particular denomination (“I pay a tax in favor of the Lutheran Church, which means I am a Christian” or “My children study in a Protestant school, I'm a Christian"). But there is no talk of any real church life, participation in the Sacraments (if they exist at all in this Christian denomination), fulfillment of the Gospel in life, sincere faith in the dogmas of the Church (in the Creed, for example). On a cultural level, yes, a person calls himself a Christian, but have you seen this person in the temple? Most likely no.

Islam is humanly, even politically, it looks stronger, more powerful than Christianity. Islam is not only a religion addressed to a free person, but it is also a completely total ideology (in Arab countries, for example), a form of organization of state power, the legal system (sharia), which are mixed with the rejection of any other religion (this is not all Muslims, of course, but on the whole the picture is exactly this: the abandonment of Islam is an insult to the whole religion, the whole society, the clan, the clan in any patriarchal traditional Muslim region. Islam is somewhat clearer, simpler than Christianity. And, judging by everything, 30 – X NUMX years Europe will be more like Saudi Arabia: mosques, minarets, hijabs ...)

Christians protest against harassment in Pakistan

So, if Europe, losing religious self-identity, is unable to revive itself, how can it help the Christians of Somalia? I am afraid that the task indicated in the title of the article is solved very simply: Europe is no longer a Christian civilization, it is a cult of personal gain, hedonism and freedom in a very vulgar sense of the word ... The leaders of the countries of Europe have moved away from domestic Christian politics - have they will they pursue a foreign policy based on patronage of christians around the world? Legalization of drugs, homosexual marriages (in the Scottish church came to the sodomite priests), the totalitarian ideology of tolerance, implying the acceptance of all these perversions and the declaration of all dissenters by the fascists ... - so who needs a doctor? Now support the same France (read NATO) Catholics somewhere in Myanmar, this may result in interference in the internal affairs of the country, and there the overthrow of the existing system, and there support for the liberal regime with all the joys of the “Dutch life” arising from it ... how many Christian aborigines will resist the “prostitute” shop-windows, coffee shops with marijuana and gay pastor. I think most will leave the temple in search of free love ...

So it’s not so bad that the hand of European politics doesn’t seriously concern the life of countries where Christian communities, although studying from Western books, are tempered in severe tests, and do not decompose in a contagious atmosphere of permissiveness (that they are hardened This is certainly a positive achievement, but does not mean that there is no need to protect Christians there).

Damaged temple in Syria

Since the beginning of the civil war in Syria, more than 80 thousands of people have already been killed. If the famous artist Vasily Vereshchagin were alive and would stay in Aleppo for a couple of days, then the painting “The Apotheosis of War. Continuation. In this insane cauldron of incomprehensible war, everyone loses life - Shiites, Sunnis, Catholics, and Orthodox ... However, it is worth noting that the purposeful extermination of Christians is under way in Syria: Muslims from nearly three dozen countries with the mission of "holy war" have arrived here. Saudi Arabia, Qatar support militant jihadists. Now is the right time: the central government is staggering, chaos is in the country, there is unrest on the streets - nothing prevents to carry out firing on the sly. Extermination is conducted precisely because of religious grounds, it’s not about who you are with, with Assad or with the opposition ... Orthodox priests are pierced with eyes, organs are cut out, and bones are broken. With the "trophies" - crosses, stoles, icons - the militants are photographed for memory. Metropolitan Aleppsky Pavel has been kidnapped, the world's oldest capital, Damascus, risks becoming the largest open-air museum of ruins ... The European Union demands tougher sanctions against the Assad regime, the United States no longer officially accepts him as head of state. The longer the instability lasts, the more victims there will be. During such periods of shaking the foundations stories always creep out the most cynical characters. It is not known who will head Syria and whether there is a place for Christians in it: the radical Muslim militants from 30 countries cannot be driven out of here with a broom, they have shed blood for this country, now it is their territory and their laws.

Burned Christian temple in Egypt. Photo RIA News

While you were reading this article, another Christian died in the world. Such is the ruthless statistics. In the era of European colonial empires, Christians were not dared to touch even the most remote, wild provinces. Yes, it was the fear of severe punishment by the metropolitan military machine. Yes, the colonists came to the natives to take, seize, take away resources: land, gold, local goods. To free people to become slaves for their plantations. The great empires, recently marked on the map, were Christian. In the minds of the Aborigines firmly entrenched: the Christian is white, white is the oppressor ... And, probably, one should not be surprised at the rejection that was so vividly manifested among the locals of the former colonies in relation to the former invaders when the empires fell apart (yes, Algerians go France, but with the feeling that everyone owes them there - for the French must compensate for the past barbarism with the current hospitality). What goes around comes around. Yes, with the conquistadors on ships sailed and paters with the Bible. But that's not good: it would be better for paters to sail on separate ships, emphasizing in every way that they do not know these guys with guns at all ... Nevertheless ... Today are Christians (descendants of those who had long ago been converted to faith - who in a word, who with a sword) - the most persecuted religious group on the planet, and those who gave them faith, should still treat them fatherly. These Christians are Pakistanis, Indians, Filipinos, Africans; they are all children of enlightened Christian Europe. And to throw your children is still somehow not evangelical ...
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  1. Scorpio
    30 September 2013 16: 47
    Europe has not been Christian for a long time. Like Russia, it is multinational, multicultural and multi-religious.
    1. +37
      30 September 2013 17: 02
      Quote: Scorpio
      Europe is not Christian for a long time

      And the United States is more likely a collective antichrist than a Christian civilization (as stated in the article). And a green piece of paper has long been a symbol of worship there. Unfortunately, it can often be observed here too ...
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. Rusich51
        30 September 2013 21: 41
        Quote: selbrat
        Quote: Scorpio
        Europe is not Christian for a long time

        And the United States is more likely a collective antichrist than a Christian civilization (as stated in the article). And a green piece of paper has long been a symbol of worship there. Unfortunately, it can often be observed here too ...

        But after all, all religions somehow coexisted until recently, and suddenly the floodgates broke through. Once the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it.
    2. +7
      30 September 2013 17: 14
      Sudan, Somalia, the Philippines ... this is somehow far and not about us, I would like to speak about our "brotherly" Ukraine, and things there will be arranged with Orthodoxy as if no worse than anywhere else. And I will get better at once the problems of Uniateism do not interest me in principle, since I consider this church to have nothing to do with Christianity (permission of same-sex marriages and other sodom). At the moment, at least three largest churches of the UOC-MP are active in Ukraine - this is understandable for the Moscow Patriarchate, then two small-town schismatic churches of the UOC-KP and the UAOC are organized in opposition to the MP and do not hide their predisposition to Uniatism. Well, and, accordingly, the Uniates themselves who are not shy in their actions, up to the seizure of Orthodox churches
      1. 0
        30 September 2013 17: 35
        Quote: seller trucks
        I would like to speak about our "brotherly" Ukraine
        And what did you mean by this, or do you have any suggestions?
      2. Corneli
        30 September 2013 19: 41
        Quote: seller trucks
        At present, Ukraine has at least three major churches of the UOC-MP - this is understandable by the Moscow Patriarchate, then the two small-town schismatic churches of the UOC-KP and UAOC are organized in opposition to the MP and do not hide their predisposition to uniatism.

        Seriously "don't hide"?) And what does "small-town" mean? according to the data for 2010, there is almost no difference (in the number of parishioners) between the UOC-MP and the UOC-KP + UAOC. Also, I can't understand how the "purely" Ukrainian churches (above) differ from the MP? Do they have a different creed? Can idols worship, in contrast to the "saints" of the MP? Well, or cheto another (you do not hesitate, list it)) Or maybe everything is a bit simpler, "bad" Ukrainians do not recognize the "main" Moscow dad and do not share with him dough tithes / donations? and bam, they immediately became "schismatics") (it is strange that they are not gays and other liberals)
        1. +6
          30 September 2013 20: 34
          Quote: Corneli
          Also, I can't understand how the "purely" Ukrainian churches (above) differ from the MP?

          from the evil one, they, what is not clear? Filaret, demon orange and schismatic
          1. Corneli
            30 September 2013 20: 52
            Quote: seller trucks
            from the evil one, they, what is not clear? Filaret, demon orange and schismatic

            laughing laughing laughing Come on....
            The glorious Filaret, until 91, 25 years was the exarch of Ukraine (and apparently suited everyone in the Russian Orthodox Church) And then the "scoundrel" was cut off)! (please read in more detail, how and why, and who, and when there was disconnected ... so as not to write nonsense) But "pomeranch" is he like a current since 2004? What does Filaret have to do with 1991? laughing
            P.S. Honestly, they made fun ...
          2. +8
            30 September 2013 21: 23
            Ukrainians in spite of Russia, even sodomites brothers.
          3. The comment was deleted.
        2. Corneli
          30 September 2013 22: 04
          Quote: Corneli
          Seriously "don't hide"?) ...

          Here she is, really, mother pricks her like eyes! And there is nothing to say, but pride is rushing over the edge, at least you can remember)
          1. +2
            1 October 2013 06: 25
            Chickens are counted in the fall! Not yet evening! Let's see what 2014 will bring you? Only there will be no one to blame but ourselves. Welcome Ukraine to the "Real World".
            1. Corneli
              1 October 2013 16: 36
              Quote: alexneg
              Chickens are counted in the fall! Not yet evening! Let's see what 2014 will bring you? Only there will be no one to blame but ourselves. Welcome Ukraine to the "Real World".

              You, as often happens on this resource, confuse the sinful with the righteous ... I tell you that the Orthodox Church needs to be cleaned (ALL!) And you tell me about the "nezalezhnaya" ... Zombies ... what can you say here (
        3. +4
          30 September 2013 23: 56
          Quote: Corneli
          Or maybe everything is a bit simpler, the "bad" Ukrainians do not recognize the "main" father of Moscow and do not share with him dough tithes / donations? and bam, they immediately became "schismatics") (it is strange that they are not gays and other liberals)

          You about Thomas, and you for yerema. And here is the loot? Do not turn faith into a booth.
          1. Corneli
            1 October 2013 08: 21
            Quote: Geisenberg
            You about Thomas, and you for yerema. And here is the loot? Do not turn faith into a booth.

            And I do not do any "booth". On what question of "faith" did the ROC and the UOC-KP disagree? On matters of faith? Or on the question of Filaret's "independence" from the Russian Orthodox Church? As for the "dough" ... the sins of acquisitiveness and gluttony in the modern Orthodox Church are far from something incredible.
            At the end of 90, personally communicated with several priests of both the MP and the KP (my friend, unexpectedly, decided to become a priest). With closer communication, I learned many things that the "parish" is not supposed to know, from internal squabbles. And there it was not only "money-grubbing" that was a problem. let's say inside the church it is well known which of the gay priests and ... they don't care! They are not deprived of their dignity, and those who try to criticize such an approach were hit on the head (and sometimes not figuratively). In general, in the Orthodox Church, there are huge internal problems, about which most of the members of the forum have no idea. And when you are indignant at what I am writing, you only confirm your ignorance.
            1. +1
              1 October 2013 12: 45
              ... With closer communication, I learned many things that the "parish" is not supposed to know ..... let's say inside the church it is well known which of the gay priests and ... they don't care! ...

              Wah, I haven’t drunk with the KGB / FSB generals yet, haven’t I learned the secrets of bloody gebni?)))
              1. +1
                1 October 2013 13: 54
                Quote: Grifan
                Wah, I haven’t drunk with the KGB / FSB generals yet, haven’t I learned the secrets of bloody gebni?)))


                Yes ... you definitely noticed! Ostap (corneli) doesn't stop ... he was everywhere, communicated with everyone. And in the following comments to the article (s) he will tell about his "awareness" and "competence". It looks like we have a pro (corneli) to suck from a finger
                1. Corneli
                  1 October 2013 16: 24
                  Quote: O_RUS
                  Yes ... you definitely noticed! Ostap (corneli) doesn't stop ... he was everywhere, communicated with everyone. And in the following comments to the article (s) he will tell about his "awareness" and "competence". It looks like we have a pro (corneli) to suck from a finger

                  laughing Have you come up with anything smarter? Straighten up and read my comments, what articles are they devoted to and where am I an "expert" there?) Do not hesitate to tell me where I was, what I was aware of, with whom I talked, otherwise I probably don't know fellow And if you don’t know what to write, but you don’t like my comment ... well, write: "I have no idea who he talked to and what he knows, but I don’t like his opinion"
              2. Corneli
                1 October 2013 16: 34
                Quote: Grifan
                Wah, I haven’t drunk with the KGB / FSB generals yet, haven’t I learned the secrets of bloody gebni?)))

                No) Do you need it? Maybe you, my dear, will be surprised, but among my acquaintances, friends, relatives there are quite a few believers ... and of different confessions. And with many I had VERY close communication, I saw and heard a lot (on this topic). I will not be surprised if you, and as the saying goes, "having a smoke" does not dream of this, which I witnessed! For example, when the "righteous" "evangelists" from Africa, the United States, when they came to Ukraine, removed prostitutes (they have such an opinion about my country ... and they don't see such a responsibility to their parishioners, so there is no such thing) Lavra directly pointed to the priest (his brothers) and directly told his "disciple", "Why are you getting along with him, he is a pedophile and ... st!" (and at the same time this body was ordained, had a rank from the UOC-MP). But here, very few people are interested, it is easier to deny everything and further "shrug" ...
            2. +3
              1 October 2013 15: 13
              Quote: Corneli
              ... On what question of "faith" did the ROC and the UOC-KP disagree? On matters of faith? Or on the question of Filaret's "independence" from the Russian Orthodox Church?

              The Orthodox Church is one, regardless of whom it obeys - all patriarchs are in a single CHURCH communion, therefore it is called the UNIVERSAL church. It is spiritual communication that determines whether you are a member of the Church, are you part of it, or not. So - the UOC-KP is not recognized by any of the existing Orthodox Churches. the so-called Kiev Patriarch himself separated himself from the body of the One Holy Cathedral and Apostolic Church. He does not consist in church communion with any of the local Churches, even the Georgian, and all the Patriarchs unanimously do not recognize such a church. How can a thinking Orthodox Christian attend the services of the UOC-KP? I can’t imagine. And the Creed is absolutely nothing to do with it. The symbol of Faith is not just a collection of letters and sounds, it is from a completely different plane, if you want. From the spiritual realm. And while this state of affairs continues, the UOC-KP will continue to be schismatic. Yes, and it was created precisely so that the Ukrainian people distance themselves from Moscow, not only the physical border, but also the spiritual.
              1. Corneli
                1 October 2013 16: 44
                Quote: Trapper7
                The Orthodox Church is one, regardless of whom it obeys - all patriarchs are in a single CHURCH communion, therefore it is called the UNIVERSAL church.

                NOBODY!!! did not dare to write that all the "srach" and rejection of the UOC-KP, in this case, only because of the dereban and "independence"! Filaret suited everyone for a VERY long time - and this is a FACT! And what happened is stupid politics, not faith! The support of the then presidents is an example of this!
                Quote: Trapper7
                So - the UOC-KP is not recognized by any of the existing Orthodox Churches. the so-called Kiev Patriarch himself separated himself from the body of the One Holy Cathedral and Apostolic Church. He does not consist in church communion with any of the local Churches, even the Georgian, and all the Patriarchs unanimously do not recognize such a church.

                Do you seriously want me to roll up a leaf for you with the churches and patriarchs / bishops who have been anathematized ?!) Do you even remotely imagine how many there were? And in the ROC as well (in the sense that if you start from the beginning, then the ROC is not a church, it is under anathema) So the key here is “existing”.
                How can a thinking Orthodox Christian attend the services of the UOC-KP? I can’t imagine

                Forbidden, do not believe me, ask those 7 millions of parishioners (as in the UOC-MP, by the way) who go to these parishes.
                And the Creed is absolutely nothing to do with it. The symbol of Faith is not just a collection of letters and sounds, it is from a completely different plane, if you want. From the spiritual realm.

                Yes, you SHO? And what do you think, in general, the meaning, symbol of faith personifies? That the main thing in the church should be the Russian patriarch? Nifiga ce is not the main thing, what for then to GENERALLY believe? belay
                And it was created precisely so that the Ukrainian people distance themselves from Moscow

                The only thing I agree on ... but only from half (the rest, you added, threw out) - this is the whole point, this is the whole w ... h! and it is THIS that the majority of "writers" -forumchan do not like it. who about Orthodoxy have an idea of ​​\ uXNUMXb \ uXNUMXbthe current in the style of puffing up for Easter ... But on the forum, such specialists are direct, so they rummage ... who is gay, who is a schismatic ...

                1. 0
                  1 October 2013 18: 40
                  Quote: Corneli
                  Do you seriously want me to roll you a sheet with churches and patriarchs / bishops anathematized ?!)

                  And here the anathema, Chesslov, did not understand. I didn’t write about the anathema like)))
                  Quote: Corneli
                  Forbidden, do not believe me, ask those 7 millions of parishioners (as in the UOC-MP, by the way) who go to these parishes.

                  I don’t know, of course, but there is one of two things - either they don’t care (they just don’t think about such matters as a single church communion), or “independence” is more important for them.
                  And by the way, just for the future, I do not say that they cannot be saved, for God saves, but the fact that the road was chosen by a curve is a fact.
                  Quote: Corneli
                  But what do you think, in general, the meaning, the symbol of faith represents?

                  "The Creed is, in short but precise words, a teaching about what Christians should believe in" (Catechism). ))))))))))
                  Corneli, I see you are an Orthodox believer, it is not appropriate for us to argue here. If I got excited somewhere and offended you - sorry. At the end of the day, you are right that all this chaos is the work of politicians, but I do not think your patriarch is right in this matter. It is my deep conviction that your Patriarch Filaret was wrong in declaring his independence from the Moscow Patriarchate. But apparently the political ambitions were higher. As for faith ... You know, the history of Israel in this case is extremely instructive. Especially that part of it, where, after the division of the Kingdoms into Judean and Israelite, the latter, wishing to distance itself from the Judean (in which Jerusalem was), also turned its gaze to the “abroad” and was very quickly destroyed, but the Judean, existed much longer. It seems to me that the analogy can be traced very clearly. Unfortunately.
        4. +2
          1 October 2013 13: 04
          Dear, this is the same desire to "empower", to be on an equal footing with the Pope, Ayatollah, Patriarch of All Russia, calling himself also the “Patriarch of All Russia-Ukraine”. So there is no difference, this is also the destruction of the union, only the Orthodox Church and that's it.
    3. +10
      30 September 2013 17: 32
      Quote: Scorpio
      Europe has not been Christian for a long time. Like Russia, it is multinational, multicultural and multi-religious.

      Well, dear man, you compared Russia to Geyropu!
      Firstly, Europe is not only non-Christian - it has long been sodomistic, through which it will perish.
      Secondly, Europeans are no longer praying to God, but to the "green devil" - Money. Cache. Bucks. Oiro.
      Thirdly, all the principles and commandments of Christianity in the "enlightened" old woman - Europe were violated exactly as long as Catholic Christianity exists there. Both within the framework of the Crusades, and beyond the framework of them, progressive Europeans mercilessly killed, robbed, raped, burned heretics, "democratized" the weaker colonial countries.
      As for the United States, this "multicultural" country was originally formed from the scum of European society. The quintessence of evil, obscurantism and the "Cult of the Colt".
      1. +1
        30 September 2013 18: 09
        and why did the author of the article decide that European Christians should help the same Christians of Somalia?
        remember how the crusaders sacked Orthodox Constantinople
        or the famous children's crusades when they were handed over to Algerian slavers by their ships
        And who needs such a salvation of the Holy Sepulcher?

        let your s * ts save with theirs new Torelian laws
        1. +10
          30 September 2013 18: 52
          With the blessing of Catholic priests, a crusade began in northern Russia, a bow to the earth to Alexander Nevsky.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. 755962
          30 September 2013 19: 58
          Everything is extremely simple ... The destruction of Christianity is one of the ways of promoting the so-called. the notorious "Dulles Plan" ...
          ..We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote tyranny of officials, the prosperity of bribe takers and unprincipledness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone, will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples - first of all, enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will cultivate all this adroitly and inconspicuously, it will bloom terry color ...

          And Christian values ​​are diametrically opposed to this doctrine ..

        2. +9
          30 September 2013 21: 34
          Scorpio, you confused something with something. Never in Russia was baptized by force. Moreover, in the rank of baptism of a baptized person, they are asked three times whether he renounced Satan and whether he was combined three times with Jesus Christ. To fix a strong-willed decision, he is invited to spit on Satan. Without this, baptism in the Orthodox Church is not valid. With Catholics, the performer of the sacrament can read everything and for everyone, and no one else's will is required.
          1. +3
            1 October 2013 03: 37
            Damn, what a beauty, I would not be an atheist would go to their sectarian office-type sinned, then a short procedure of repentance and on the way for the next sins.
            And if you are especially rich, pious, or sinful, then there probably remained indulgences, enlighten knowledgeable people whether this slaughterhouse works or not.

            That is the beauty that I strongly encouraged through life, but you have bitte money, we ask the last place in the paradise of mercy, with the Apostle Peter in chocolate, I decide at the level of purgatory. (TAKE SILVER)
            1. 0
              1 October 2013 08: 24
              Quote: abdrah
              Damn, what a beauty, I would not be an atheist would go to their sectarian office-type sinned, then a short procedure of repentance and on the way for the next sins.

              "If you have not sinned, you will not repent. And if you do not repent, you will not be saved. Therefore, sin and repent." This statement is attributed to Grigory Rasputin, the "holy devil", an Orthodox clergyman, mind you, close to the person of the Emperor, and to the Empress, again according to rumors, close beyond any measure. Well, the truth is they all ended badly, in the opinion of some, just because of this.
              So the point is not in any specific branch of Christianity, but in specific individuals. Whether they believe in the soul, or simply act as actors - by virtue of tradition, or to achieve completely earthly goals.
              1. v.lyamkin
                1 October 2013 11: 34
                Indeed, you listen to our church leaders, and I personally have the opinion that for so many clergymen, religion is just a business.
              2. +3
                1 October 2013 11: 45
                Now, if you know how to read, then read the results of the commission created by the Bolsheviks immediately after the revolution, that commission investigated the influence of Rasputin on the imperial family and the emperor personally, communication with the Germans, debauchery with the entourage of the throne (its female part). So no one, as you write the rumor, found confirmation. Although the Bolsheviks really did not like Rasputin. Therefore, if you print nonsense be at least in the subject
      3. +2
        30 September 2013 19: 59
        Bravo! Best comment! It was all this that he himself wanted to set out until he read yours!
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. -3
      30 September 2013 20: 20
      Europe has not been Christian for a long time.

      That's right. I actually don’t understand such a statement of the question. In Kenya, not long ago, terrorists or whatever, when they seized a trading center, forced the captured to read something from the Koran by heart. Those who could, they let go. Someone did not, they shot. What Europe should act could you protect something from the bible, but no, then no?
    6. +4
      30 September 2013 21: 27
      I would like to add that Europe developed only as a Christian: Protestants, Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, and many other trends of Christianity. Russia has long lived with Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. And the distribution of religions was on a territorial basis: the Volga region and the Caucasus - Islam; Eastern Siberia is Buddhism, and Orthodoxy is practically throughout Russia, Judaism in places where Jews live. We have learned to coexist all together, the essence of the Russian person (and Russians are the majority of the population of Russia) is the ability to adapt, in a good sense of the word, the ability to get along with anyone, and some kind of strictness in raising children, and we were also saved by the fact that we lived during the Soviet era behind the "Iron Curtain" and those trends in Europe and America that led to modernity did not reach us. We have preserved those Orthodox moral norms that have been inculcated for centuries. In Europe and America, Christianity has discredited itself. Same-sex marriages with the approval of the church, support for Hitler, duplicity and hypocrisy in decisions made, and allowing gays to preach are the height of blasphemy against Christianity. Indeed, even in the "Bible" it is written for what the Lord punished Sodom and Gomorrah, for the fact that it is now flourishing in Europe and America, and we are being pushed into this abyss of sin, but our brains work differently. Europeans and Americans are ruined by tolerance towards newcomers, their equalization in rights, and they feel permissiveness and begin to demand that the wearing of a cross be prohibited (in England), bell ringing, and much more. In short, the collapse of Christianity in Europe, as in the "Bible": "They replaced the truth of God with a lie and worshiped and served the creature instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever,. Amen!
      Therefore, God gave them over to shameful passions, their women replaced natural use with unnatural; likewise men, leaving the natural use of the female sex, were kindled by lust for one another, men doing shame on men and receiving in themselves due retribution for their error "(Romans 1:25:27)
    7. +2
      30 September 2013 22: 00
      Priests themselves discredit themselves! Double standards !
      Popular singer Alexander Peskov will give a concert in the Hall of Church Cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. As the artist himself said, he will not perform on this stage for the first time. Peskov’s charity concert will be dedicated to Teacher’s Day and will be held on October 3.
      Information about the event is available on the official website of Peskov. The concert will begin at 18: 30.
      On the website of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, it is noted that secular events are held in the Hall of Church Councils.
      Meanwhile, Russian singers are not the first time to be at the center of a scandal in connection with the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. So, after the arrest for the punk prayer of the Pussy Riot participants, it became known that Philip Kirkorov baptized his daughter Alla Victoria here, after which he delivered a speech from the pulpit. At that time, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin said that this incident was the abbot’s mistake.
      1. +3
        30 September 2013 22: 30
        They were surprised!
        However, in the temple itself, meanwhile, its leaders live on a grand scale, renting this temple for VIP parties.

        In this regard, let us recall the scandal that erupted around a VIP party with a sea of ​​alcohol, dancing and a social gathering in the complex of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (119019, Moscow, Volkhonka St., 15), which was organized on November 15, 2011 for the president of the company Vertu Perry Oosting is an RSVP boutique agency. The regulars of such events, invited to a fashionable party on the occasion of the release of the new Vertu constellation model (the oligarchs favorite smartphone!), Were shocked by its location - gas burners burned in front of the Volkhonka Fine Art art center, which even reminded some of them the lights of hell, they discord with the image of the main Orthodox church in Russia. Vladimir Pozner and Ivan Urgant became the leaders of the scandalous VIP party.

        1. +1
          1 October 2013 04: 04
          Something Urgant on the pozner of a peer zelo like ..
          1. 0
            1 October 2013 16: 23
            Quote: abdrah
            Something Urgant on the pozner of a peer zelo like ..

            Next to Pozner, Vertu president Perry Oosting was present at the banquet.
      2. The comment was deleted.
          1. Hon
            1 October 2013 14: 53
            And the priests do not know how they turn out to be drunk driving a car
      3. Hon
        1 October 2013 14: 54
        But Kirkorov entered the pulpit, which is strictly forbidden, but whoever dines at the girl dances her and dances
    8. +2
      1 October 2013 04: 24
      Geyropa is rather a multi-Arabian ... than a lot of confessional ...
  2. +4
    30 September 2013 16: 50
    and who will intervene? homosexuals and lesbians? so their very life is against God. the western church? so the Vatican is a hotbed of violence and debauchery. for the most part, the princes of the Catholic Church were just homosexuals and pedophiles.
    1. Corneli
      30 September 2013 19: 45
      Quote: andrei332809
      so the Vatican is a hotbed of violence and debauchery. for the most part, the princes of the Catholic Church were just homosexuals and pedophiles

      You say that simply because you do not know about our "dear" Orthodox "churchmen" (to call them believers, and even more so disciples of Christ, do not turn your fingers over). If you think that there are LITTLE sodomites and other "rainbow figures", you are the DEEPEST mistaken! It's just that it's not advertised, and that's all.
      1. 0
        30 September 2013 20: 02
        Quote: Corneli
        that you do not know about our "dear" Orthodox "clergy" (to call them believers, and even more so disciples of Christ, do not turn your fingers)

        about the faith of the priests agree. but our "shepherds" were drawn to women. this was only later, when Peter 1 brought the customs of Europe and began to intensively plant them ... and even then there were only a few who, when captured, were exiled to monasteries, where they could not indulge their unhealthy desires
        1. Corneli
          30 September 2013 20: 32
          Quote: andrei332809
          about the faith of the priests agree. but our "shepherds" were drawn to women. this was only later, when Peter 1 brought the customs of Europe and began to intensively plant them ... and even then there were only a few who, when captured, were exiled to monasteries, where they could not indulge their unhealthy desires

          Normal and now attracted to women. The priest, who has a parish, is supposed to be married (not for nothing, such a rule was invented))) But the pedo jumpers appear before (and even more so) ... this is a real fact. Maybe just due to secrecy is not too advertised.
          P.S. And it is in the men's monasteries that sodomy "blooms and smells."
          1. +1
            30 September 2013 21: 57
            And you must have been there and tried everything?
            1. Corneli
              1 October 2013 10: 10
              Quote: GregAzov
              And you must have been there and tried everything?

              I've never been to the Netherlands, but for some reason I know what kind of customs there are. But living in my own country and communicating with direct witnesses (priests) of events in our churches I can’t know anything !?
              The Orthodox Church has been rotten for 70 years, the decline of morals and the presence of unclean "priests" steeped in sin does not surprise me. With this you just have to fight and cleanse the filth. But the blunt denial of such facts and the "grunting" with or without reason has set the teeth on edge. In order to be an example to follow, you need not grovel about other people's sins and problems (and rejoice in them), but get rid of your own. This rule applies to both the church and the country. In the meantime, basically, only slogans are visible - what kind of "pure" and correct Orthodox faith and church we have, and what all the other gays and atheists are.
              My question arises, those who write this themselves when they were in church? When (holy bread) boozed for Easter?
              1. +1
                1 October 2013 11: 39
                And you yourself got rid of your Messiah you are ours
                1. Corneli
                  1 October 2013 16: 01
                  Quote: user
                  And you yourself got rid of your Messiah you are ours

                  Whom or what is "our"? recourse Sins? - No, I am a sinner, and oh, how far is I to the "disciple" (priest). "Uryakanya"? - Well, there is a bit, I try to look pragmatic. From the church? - no, I didn’t get rid of it, I believe in her, and I didn’t worry and will survive! So "what did I get rid of (good) there and what was left with" you "dissatisfied with the truth ... an open question.
                  P.S. And where does the "messiah"? Do you like walking with noodles on your ears? Or not like the truth? I didn't think of anything, I didn't exaggerate, etc., so what's the problem?
  3. kaktus
    30 September 2013 16: 51
    o The West is exporting its values ​​to the fullest, but for some reason it’s not defending its seemingly faith - Christianity.
    it is known whose slogan "Gott mitt uns"
    1. OffenroR
      30 September 2013 20: 13
      Yes, it’s known ... And this is not a Nazi slogan ... The Prussians began to use it since 1847.
  4. Gur
    30 September 2013 16: 52
    I completely agree with the article I have repeatedly raised this topic in chats in my head does not fit how all this can be overlooked
  5. -5
    30 September 2013 16: 56
    Well, the author, of course, went too far. Christians are the most oppressed. In Iraq, Muslims die in explosions, the bulk of Muslims killed in Syria. Christians invaded Iraq 2 times. In Libya, too, Afghanistan, Mali and many others.
    So, Christians are not the most oppressed, but the fact that * Christians * constantly stick their nose to the East, and then they are surprised at the response.
    1. +5
      30 September 2013 18: 00
      Christians in the East were before Muslims. In the past, the Russian Empire patronized the oppressed Orthodox peoples. Already now, by the way, it is clear that Putin is the only leader of the major powers who stands up for Christians.
    2. amp
      30 September 2013 18: 10
      Because the majority of Muslims are there. And not Christians invaded Iraq. The godless liberals invaded there.

      There is no country where Muslims are killed precisely because they are Muslims. Christians are killed only because they are Christians. And the Muslims do it.
      1. +2
        30 September 2013 18: 15
        Quote: amp
        Christians are killed only because they are Christians. And the Muslims do it.

        How can those who kill people be Muslims? This is a terrible sin. This is done by Wah Hobits, who are closer to Satanists by faith than to Muslims.
        1. +4
          30 September 2013 18: 30
          Those. you want to say that in saudi arabia the official religion is satanism? Wahhabism is practically Muslim Protestantism. Islam is an aggressive religion. She was always like that. Actually, this is due to its expansion.
          1. 0
            30 September 2013 21: 37
            You are right Protestantism. Here it is worth recalling the Protestants in France, who tens of thousands drowned in the Seine after being raped and tortured.
          2. +1
            30 September 2013 22: 36
            Quote: gorgo
            Those. you want to say that in saudi arabia the official religion is satanism?

            I think that it’s even worse than Satanism, they at least sacrifice animals, but these people are killed without hesitation.
            Quote: gorgo
            Islam is an aggressive religion.

            What kind of nonsense, in the Koran the same thing is spelled out as in the Bible, only in other words ..
        2. amp
          30 September 2013 19: 00
          Unfortunately no. In Egypt, for example, Christians are attacked by their neighbors, who are not Wahhabis.
      2. Scorpio
        30 September 2013 18: 58
        Dadad, apparently they’ve chosen to go to Iraq: atheist? - you’re going, Christian, leave.
      3. +6
        30 September 2013 19: 46
        give you an example where Muslims were killed only because they are Muslims? maybe you forgot what you did to Muslims in India7 can you give a fresh example from Burma, where representatives of the Rohingya people are killed only because they are Muslims?
        in the world there are many examples of oppression of representatives of certain religions.

        those who destroy temples, synagogues, mosques, pagodas are subhuman. There is no excuse for these bastards. All this is controlled from one center. People are specially pitted against each other.
        1. amp
          30 September 2013 21: 24
          You forgot to say that this has always been a response to the actions of Muslims. There was unrest in Burma in response to the attack on a Buddhist temple in Pakistan.
          Like not twist, and Muslims always start first.
          1. +1
            30 September 2013 22: 33
            Well, yes, of course, the Muslim Crusades must also have begun crusades against Islam. wassat
        2. Rusich51
          30 September 2013 21: 50
          Quote: lonely
          those who destroy temples, synagogues, mosques, pagodas are subhuman. There is no excuse for these bastards. All this is controlled from one center. People are specially pitted against each other.

          Adequate and competent comment +++

          That's when we will relate to each other as people, no Brzezinski will not break us.
    3. soldier's grandson
      30 September 2013 19: 15
      not only Christians invaded, many Muslims serve in NATO for obtaining Amer’s citizenship and for money, and Obama is a Muslim. so it's not fair to blame Christians for invading
    4. -1
      1 October 2013 08: 47
      Quote: Yeraz
      Well, the author, of course, went too far. Christians are the most oppressed. In Iraq, Muslims die in explosions, the bulk of Muslims killed in Syria. Christians invaded Iraq 2 times. In Libya, too, Afghanistan, Mali and many others.
      So, Christians are not the most oppressed, but the fact that * Christians * constantly stick their nose to the East, and then they are surprised at the response.
      And it depends on how you count. If in percentage terms, then Christians get disproportionately more. And in absolute numbers you are probably right.

      PS I did not minus you here. Although I consider your point of view incorrect, it nevertheless has the right to exist, and you have the right to express it.
  6. +9
    30 September 2013 16: 57
    As the nation "matures", the connection with religion is lost. I am a Christian, but you can anathematize me, only nominally. THOSE. I believe that God exists, but after the documentary "Through the Galaxy", having comprehended its dimensions, I realized that, unfortunately, he has no time for me. And the Muslim society is not homogeneous in relation to Islam. Let's say the most developed and educated countries are Turkey and Syria. is calmer towards Islam, despite the violent temperament. IMHO, essesno. But, as education (weighted average) in the country grows, so does tolerance. and in this regard, the work of amers on "shaping" the Muslim world into the Middle Ages will naturally affect the level of education. In one word, the situation will worsen.
    1. ramsi
      30 September 2013 17: 16
      you exaggerate the importance of education. Faith was, is and remains because even the laws of the universe have been accepted by us "on faith." Simply there is Faith and paganism, no matter how this phenomenon is called
      1. amp
        30 September 2013 18: 12
        Educated people will never kill other people just because they are of a different faith.
        1. ramsi
          30 September 2013 18: 22
          but they kill and not because of faith - but out of hatred, and education has nothing to do with it
        2. +2
          30 September 2013 20: 43
          Quote: amp
          Educated people will never kill other people just because they are of a different faith.

          It depends on what education is considered to be. For example, the university’s physics department and madrassas are formally considered educational centers. Do you consider educated people to be graduates of both the above organizations? Although, after opening the Department of Theology at MEPhI (!!!), I’m not surprised at anything else. Physics and Space Physics, with the Department of Theology? Meet Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Dmitrenko Valery Vasilyevich and Metropolitan Vlokolamsky Vladyka Illarion ... Beauty!
    2. Heccrbq.2
      30 September 2013 17: 22
      I'm curious, do you believe in a gray-haired old man sitting on a cloud chatting with bare heels? Or what?
      1. +3
        30 September 2013 18: 20
        Quote: Heccrbq .2
        I'm curious, do you believe in a gray-haired old man sitting on a cloud chatting with bare heels? Or what?

        I can answer you why I believe in God:
        Look at physical constants, such as the speed of light, gravitational constant, nuclear interaction, magnetic interaction. If you change at least one value by at least 1%, our whole world will cease to exist in the form of stars and planets, there will be a chaos of space and time. Who do you think so finely configured our world?
        1. +1
          30 September 2013 19: 19
          in a gray-haired old man sitting on a cloud chatting with bare heels?
          in my opinion, this is a different physical. a quantity, in another dimension, which is simultaneously everywhere and outside of time. And, I am convincing you, let us not confuse Faith with "business" based on faith, which for some reason is usually called religion. By the way, my comment turned out to be # 777 Online. That is so! recourse
        2. 0
          30 September 2013 20: 50
          Who do you think so finely configured our world?

          In this case, answer yourself to the question - who created, or "configured" God himself with your terminalology? I advise you to truthfully answer to yourself and not open a discussion - for this is an eternal ban!
          1. amp
            30 September 2013 21: 28
            I advise reading the popular literature on quantum physics. You’ll learn something that completely turns your atheistic worldview. I'm serious.

            You can start here with this video.
            1. 0
              30 September 2013 21: 37
              I advise you to read the popular literature on quantum physics

              He laughed heartily! Quantum physics, my friend, I was engaged in professionally. In particular, quantum field theory. laughing
        3. Rusich51
          30 September 2013 21: 56
          Quote: DEfindER
          Who do you think so finely configured our world?

          The laws of physics. I read string theory the other day, I could not tear myself away, captured it.
          What is God, maybe the laws of physics are god?
          1. -2
            30 September 2013 22: 13

            You have a developed imagination. Let’s say supersymmetry is something! But in general I must say that all this whim with faith goes away instantly when you start astronomy. When you imagine the dimensions of the universe, its distances and its greatness, you quickly realize the insignificance of our world .. . hi
          2. -1
            1 October 2013 08: 58
            Quote: Rusich51
            Quote: DEfindER
            Who do you think so finely configured our world?

            The laws of physics. I read string theory the other day, I could not tear myself away, captured it.
            What is god maybe the laws of physics are god?

            No, He is the legislator.
            I don’t remember who said, but something like this: "If I believe that God exists, but it turns out that there is not, I do not lose anything. But if I believe that there is no, but it turns out that He is, I lose everything." Something like this.
            1. 0
              1 October 2013 16: 33
              If I believe that God is

              Well, in that case, Mr. Revolver, answer your question: "what is faith." I would like to see how you do it.
              1. +1
                1 October 2013 19: 58
                Quote: zennon
                If I believe that God is

                Well, in that case, Mr. Revolver, answer your question: "what is faith." I would like to see how you do it.
                In details - I'm afraid that the comment format won't allow. In short, there are provisions that have no proof in reality. The statement "God is" is as unprovable as the statement "There is no God." Therefore everyone is free believe to any of these provisions. Everything else is the details.
                1. 0
                  1 October 2013 23: 01
                  I, dear Mr. Revolver, are not talking about that. The very concept of FAITH is? Well, and if it’s about God, then science has proved that speed and space are interconnected. So there is evidence! E = mc2. In other words, before the big bang there was not only matter , space, energy, but also time. And therefore God. For God there simply isn’t room left. I understand of course that you are probably an educated person about God, in general, in a moral, philosophical plan. Let's say how to measure values. Quo Vadis, and so on. Well this is another matter ...
      2. +1
        30 September 2013 20: 34
        I believe that you do not need to steal, kill .....
        1. 0
          30 September 2013 20: 51
          I believe that you do not need to steal, kill .....

          Great! But they steal and kill!
          1. ramsi
            1 October 2013 08: 37
            perhaps belatedly ... But neither dimensions, nor processes, nor laws - in any way contradict God. (He is able to change any - and we will observe and describe the "new" brilliantly arranged). Here is even your "big bang" theory - "I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end."
    3. -1
      1 October 2013 13: 08
      ... I am a Christian, but you can subject me to anathema, only nominally. THOSE. I believe that God exists, but after the documentary "Through the Galaxy", having comprehended its dimensions, I realized that, unfortunately, he has no time for me ...

      In this case, you, at best, pull on the title of agnostic but not a Christian since the key moment of Christianity is Christ who came to Earth;)
      1. Cat
        1 October 2013 13: 12
        Quote: Grifan
        In this case, you, at best, pull on the title of agnostic but not a Christian since the key moment of Christianity is Christ who came to Earth;)

        Christ did not come anywhere and nowhere - he was born of an ordinary earthly woman. And he did not call himself the Son of God, the priests did it, in the year 325, like the year AD (that is, 300 years after the death of Jesus - a genetic examination of the type was carried out, huh))))
        1. 0
          1 October 2013 15: 41
          Is this according to the Tolstoy edition of the gospel? Read the original and the Apostolic Epistles look through better;)))
  7. +2
    30 September 2013 17: 10
    Governments and the press in Europe under the Zionist heel, why would they begin to intercede for Christians ...
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +9
    30 September 2013 17: 17
    The answer is as simple as 3 kopecks. Europe and the United States cannot support Christianity because Christianity contradicts the "liberal" freedoms that they position as the only true ones. In Christianity there are 10 commandments, of which only one has not yet been openly violated - "Thou shalt not kill." All others were gradually elevated to the rank of virtue.
    Who forgot, here they are
    1. I am the Lord your God: may not you be a goddess, except Mene.
    2. Do not create for yourself an idol and any kind of likeness, spruce in heaven, and spruce on the earth below, and spruce in the waters under the earth: do not bow to them, or serve them.
    3. You did not receive the Name of the Lord your God in vain.
    4. Remember the sabbath day, let it be holy: six days you shall do, and make all your works in them, on the seventh day, the sabbath, to the Lord your God.
    5. Honor thy father and thy mother, let goodness be, and let the sun go down on the earth.
    6. Do not kill.
    7. Prelyuby not do also.
    8. Thou shalt not steal.
    9. Do not obey your friend's testimony is false.
    10. You shall not covet your wife iskrennyago not covet thy house blizhnyago or villages, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor vsyakago his ass, nor anything elika blizhnyago your essence.
    1. 0
      1 October 2013 23: 57
      Now, unfortunately, only 11 commandments are in use - "don't get caught". hi
  10. +1
    30 September 2013 17: 50
    The religion of piiii has long ruled everywhere
  11. +2
    30 September 2013 17: 56
    Why are there such problems with Christianity in Europe, the answer is obvious, religion should develop together with society and not stand still, otherwise people will find themselves another religion such as the cult of tolerance ..
    There was already a precedent in the Middle Ages, when religion was removed from power, which allowed a leap in development. And now it is noticeable that the more developed a society is, technologically, the lesser is the significance of religion. Religion should be, but only for the person himself, his soul, and should not be higher than society itself.
    And vice versa, the poorer the country and society, the stronger religious fanaticism, because people have nothing else but their religion. It is necessary to give people the knowledge to provide good work, to raise the economy of science and then, there will be no fanaticism and sectarianism in sight.
    And Christians need not be protected by the struggle of religions, because this will lead to an even greater war, but by protecting a secular man and his freedom from barbaric anti-human forces, which need to destroy civilization and not religion.
    1. +1
      30 September 2013 18: 27
      Dear friend! It is known, of course, that it was the development of a secular society and the removal of religion from power that made it possible to accomplish ... what? leap in development? In what development, dear friend? Yes, there were more cars, they began to fly higher, they rolled everything into asphalt and flew to the moon. Cool. What's next? All types of educated, such as cultural, travel the world, communicate in social networks. networks. Ahrishly cool? Progress! What's next?! And then - the price and the real picture. For cars-planes-flights - nature killed in the trash with a corresponding impact on the health of the population. For the development of medicine - new incurable diseases and a bunch of sociological problems (such as euthanasia). Education and culture are a formal cover for spiritual emptiness, cynicism and lack of spirituality. Everybody plays the guitar, everybody is a DJ, but something new Bach or Tchaikovsky is not visible. A consumer society, a dull herd of brainless educated cogs in a social machine - this is your development, brother. And it - yes - became possible only after the removal of religion "from power". A holy place is never empty. You have removed "from the power" of God (from the power over minds and souls, first of all) - get the power of the enemy of the human race.
      Shl. I'm just surprised when people call the last 100-150 years in Europe "an unprecedented leap forward". I just can't imagine how it is possible in your right mind not to see what kind of ass it all brought us ...
      1. -1
        1 October 2013 10: 06
        Quote: gorgo
        Yes, there were more cars, they began to fly higher, they rolled everything into asphalt and flew to the moon. Cool. What's next? All types of educated, such as cultural, travel the world, communicate in social services. networks. Awfully cool? Progress! What's next?!

        And then development, development and development again. What is your goal for the human race? For me, to exist as long as possible. And sitting constantly in the cradle clearly does not contribute to this. The earth will be inhabited no more than 1 billion years or maybe even less, during which time we must open a route to other stars.
        Quote: gorgo
        nature killed in the trash with a corresponding effect on public health.

        So develop environmental technologies, as even without a developed industry, any volcanic eruption, or wildfire will bring environmental problems abruptly to any enterprise ..
        Quote: gorgo
        Education and culture are a formal cover for spiritual emptiness, cynicism and lack of spirituality.

        To whom, I see that just education and culture gives rise to spirituality and high values ​​among most people, and illiteracy is just immorality and cruelty.
        Quote: gorgo
        Everyone plays the guitar, all DJs, but something new Bach or Tchaikovsky is not visible.

        If you don’t like anything from modern music, it doesn’t mean that no one likes you.
        Quote: gorgo
        Consumer society, a dull herd of brainless educated cogs in a social machine

        Much depends on education, if it is very narrow to develop a person and to cultivate a desire for personal well-being in him, to develop personal egoism, then the final product will be appropriate, and if you develop it diversely, and cultivate human and social qualities in it, then this will be a capable person for much, and from which the world will become better.
        1. ramsi
          1 October 2013 11: 00
          - how do you like that?
          Any technical device cannot have 100% efficiency. Thus, the total efficiency of these very devices is even less. Therefore, with the development of civilization, its "efficiency" tends to "0"; and taking into account wars, catastrophes, vandalism, natural disasters, etc., it is practically reduced to "no". Theoretically, such a state of affairs is possible when, almost instantly, it will be possible to process ANY resources; such is the limit ...
    2. 0
      30 September 2013 19: 24
      The strength, purity of religion in immutability, Orthodoxy is an example of this, so there is no need for religion to "develop" anywhere. The Catholic community was actively "developing" and that, because the reformers were weak people, and everyone knows the result. There is an exception, of course, Buddhism is developing, but without prejudice to themselves, this is the reason for the institution of saints who have the right to make changes. As for the precedent, the church official is an ordinary person, just as greedy for power. In the Middle Ages in Europe, power, for the most part, was in the hands of secular kings and the feudal nobility, and not in the hands of the church. The essence of the changes is that the paradigm of society has changed, a departure from the literal adoption of Christian views of the world, thereby opening the way for science, also the complete removal of the church from participation in political life. Of course, along with there were also negative aspects: naively amateurish criticism and denial of religion, which has very serious consequences, destroys the spiritual health of a person. As for the meaning of religion, what you want tit, in all the media they trumpet, advertise consumer values. In addition, there is the opposite effect when an educated person returns to religion through awareness of its need. There is confidence that with the development of science we will open knowledge that will help to make sure that religion has objective grounds. So it is not evening yet, it is too early to "bury" religion.
      1. 0
        1 October 2013 10: 21
        Quote: krpmlws
        Orthodoxy is an example of this, so there is no need for religion to "develop" anywhere. The Catholic population was actively "developing" and that, because the reformers were weak people, and the result is known to everyone.

        In my opinion, history has shown what stagnation in religion leads to. At the beginning of the 20th century, priests were so hated in Russia (which is evident from all the tales) that with the advent of Soviet power, people began to leave Christianity en masse, and a large number of churches became unclaimed. If the people had strong faith, then the revolution would hardly have succeeded, and it would not have been needed.
        Catholicism really actively developed, but until the 20th century, then it covered almost the whole world, Europe, America, Africa, part of Asia. But in the 20th century, someone started a fight against religion, against such values ​​as family, spirituality, and perhaps the Vatican itself began to decompose from the inside, and so the fruits rose ..
        Quote: krpmlws
        In addition, there is the opposite effect, when an educated person returns to religion through the realization of its necessity. There is confidence that with the development of science, knowledge will open to us that will help us to make sure that religion has objective grounds. So it's not evening, it's too early "bury" religion.

        Totally agree
        1. 0
          1 October 2013 14: 00
          In your opinion, it was that people were forcibly dragged into the church, and under the Soviet regime they seemed to be given freedom of self-determination? No. After the revolution, there was a fierce struggle with religion, churches were destroyed, priests and monks were repressed, active anti-religious propaganda was carried out. As for hatred: look at people, how much sin, we are all imperfect and priests are also simple people with their own shortcomings. It is foolish to expect angelic behavior from them. There are different people among them, including quite worthy ones, go to them. As for the strength of faith, then everything is pretty It’s not easy. Here in Tibet there was a strong faith, many monks, saints, seriously practicing. However, the Chinese came and made Tibet a part of China with all the ensuing consequences. It seems to me that the world has both a spiritual and material dimension with its own laws. It’s easy to practice and they hope that in the material world everything will work out by itself, naively. Religious practice provides a spiritual foundation that is realized on the physical even thanks to our usual activities. If ordinary activities are not enough, the result may be sad. On the other hand, one Tibetan teacher said that it is very difficult to attract ordinary Tibetans to practice, they go to temples, receive blessings, listen to the teachings, but no more for the most part. Is it not like the situation in Russia? People are alike everywhere. Of course, the Orthodox Church has responsibility for people (probably there is something to work on), but do not exaggerate it. So that Orthodoxy preserves its traditions, its spirit His great dignity, in fact, Orthodoxy thanks to this remains the soul of the world.
        2. -1
          1 October 2013 14: 17
          Regarding the development of religion. What do you mean by development? If you mean by this more active work to promote religion to the masses using some new forms and methods, returning the Law of God to school, using advertising methods that are designed to be accepted by modern people, then yes, probably there is a point in this. If you mean a change in the doctrine by development, then I categorically cannot agree. All this is fraught with when ordinary people take up business, the situation in Europe is a lesson to us.
          1. -1
            1 October 2013 14: 22
            Someone here actively minuses. As it happens, they do not give their arguments at the same time, probably they have nothing to say.
  12. Belogor
    30 September 2013 18: 04
    Of course, defending Christianity is not a trend of the present time, but to promote and patronize the LGBT community, this is relevant for them.
    1. Corneli
      30 September 2013 19: 56
      Quote: Belogor
      Of course, defending Christianity is not a trend of the present time, but to promote and patronize the LGBT community, this is relevant for them.

      And what can you say, as for me, the "liberal" values ​​of modern Western culture in PRINCIPLE with Christianity have little in common. And it's not about Orthodoxy, Catholics or Protestants ... There is a symbol of faith, 10 commandments are the same! There is no Protestant or Catholic "bible" where it is said that homosexuals are normal (well, or something like that) there are liberal politicians-common people, who put on faith (and the fact that such supposedly "Christians", so they burn in hell) ! And there is nothing bad or "wrong" in the 10 commandments, these are normal "eternal" values ​​(for any person with a healthy mind)
  13. -2
    30 September 2013 18: 10
    Why Europe does not intercede for Christians around the world

    And why should Europe protect Christians?
  14. +2
    30 September 2013 18: 16
    I think you have forgotten a little who is behind the baton (usa). They forgot about the goals that they pursue, such as: the destruction of spirituality, faith and statehood, the reduction of the population. Obtaining the optimal number and obedience to biomass. And in this case, Islam or Christianity does not matter. Christianity in this case is Orthodoxy, since Catholics have already embarked on the path of serving shit democracy.
  15. +4
    30 September 2013 18: 19
    The proprietors multinational companies, stock capital (not to be confused with hired managers) in the vast majority has nothing to do with Christians. Sorry, but for the most part they are Jews.
    And today in Europe and the USA it is financiers and big capitalists who "order" music.
    Try where to touch the synagogue. winked

    Actually, this concerns us.
    1. -1
      1 October 2013 09: 09
      Quote: Ulysses
      Try where to touch the synagogue.

      In Syria freedom fighters Islamist bandits destroyed almost the oldest synagogue in the world that has survived to this day. The Syrian government, although it expelled all Jews even before the Assad family came to power, guarded the building. And these destroyed.
  16. amp
    30 September 2013 18: 20
    Europe is gradually dying. Western Europe is already doomed. There is hope for eastern Europe, a country such as Poland, Ukraine, Belarus. Russia also looks better than Western Europe. If Russia solves a number of problems, then it will become the last bastion of European Christian civilization.

    The problems are as follows:
    1. Mass migration from Muslim countries.
    2. The problem of Russian Muslim regions, especially the Caucasus.
    3. The problem of the dominance of liberals in power.

    The last problem, in my opinion, largely gives rise to the first 2. There are still a lot of liberals in power. They are grouped around Medvedev. All these yurgens, dvorkovichs and other evil spirits. First, you need to get rid of the liberals (and Medvedev) then, ban immigration from Central Asia and Azerbaijan, and introduce a residence permit for immigrants from the republics of the North Caucasus.
  17. BAT
    30 September 2013 18: 30
    Europe has long ceased to be Christian. And she’s never been Christian. There is nothing Christian in it. One filth, sinfulness and debauchery under the guise of democracy.
  18. Russian skymir
    30 September 2013 18: 40
    So at the pope Francis on the cross, instead of the crucified Jesus, the prophet Moses grazing a flock of sheep. What is it for? Europe has denied Jesus Christ?
  19. vahatak
    30 September 2013 18: 46
    it would be better for sailors to sail on separate ships, emphasizing in every way that they don’t know these guys with guns at all ...

    "All the unarmed prophets died, and all the armed ones were successful." Nicolo Machiaveli
    1. 0
      1 October 2013 09: 13
      Quote: vahatak
      "All the unarmed prophets died, and all the armed ones were successful." Nicolo Machiaveli

      As Al Capone said: “A gun and a kind word - it convinces better than just a kind word”
  20. andruha70
    30 September 2013 18: 51
    Why Europe does not intercede for Christians around the world
    why, why ... yes because pi.ory ... and this is a direct contradiction to Christianity, and any other religion ... they can not be rainbow-against themselves-rainbow ... laughing
    1. -1
      30 September 2013 19: 52
      Quote: andruha70
      Why Europe does not intercede for Christians around the world
      why, why ... yes because pi.ory ... and this is a direct contradiction to Christianity, and any other religion ... they can not be rainbow-against themselves-rainbow ... laughing

      There is such a world religion as Buddhism, where there are no rules governing sexual life, so homosexuality is not denied and is not considered sinful. Gays, those who are religious, therefore often adopt Buddhism.
  21. 0
    30 September 2013 19: 58
    Christians are oppressed and what do you say to that http://golosislama.ru/news.php?id=10019. All are good. Evil begets only evil. I don’t want to protect or protect anyone.
  22. Avenger711
    30 September 2013 20: 41
    Russia is a secular country, I am more worried not that Christians are being killed somewhere, but how the Russians will shoot Muslims when the time comes. How the Germans were shot at one time. Not some kind of "German-fascist radicals", namely the Germans, without understanding whether he is good or bad, until he raised his hands and went under escort to rake what his comrades had destroyed, drive a bullet in his forehead, tear him to pieces shell, wind its guts on the tracks of the tank, burn it with a flamethrower. That he doesn't do this to you and your family. It is this aspect that for some reason is forgotten, who exactly does not love the white man in general and Christians in particular. Although Pakistani Christians are as alien to us as Pakistani Muslims. Let them live in their country as they please, even according to medieval concepts, let someone be executed there according to their own laws, even if these laws declare the earth flat, I am absolutely tolerant in this regard. If only bombs fell on their heads, and their lands became a burnt desert, as soon as they decide that they have any rights to Russia, because we have exactly the same right to live in a civilized manner.

    Christianity, on the other hand, discredited itself long ago, we lived perfectly well without churches for 70 years, before that the Russian peasant was also not very pious. In the 17th, as the obligation was canceled, even at the front, 90% of the soldiers were immediately slaughtered for ceremonies. And in general they have grown up to be conscious of themselves, and not out of fear of punishment in the next world. Let the priests go to hell in "Mercedes" for good money "sanctifying" planes with missiles.
    1. -3
      30 September 2013 20: 55
      Shine !!! good drinks
    2. 0
      30 September 2013 21: 45
      1Christianity (Orthodoxy) did not deny itself anything, the goals it sets and fulfills: a believer who lives a church life after death goes to heaven. 2 Yes, they lived very well: one revolution after another, terrifying disasters, terror, war, the collapse of the country .... And the reason? Well, you already pointed out: there were really few practitioners in Russia. 3 What do you mean by consciousness? Religious consciousness: the ability to understand, feel religious issues, see your sins. Consciousness comes through years of serious religious practice. 4 You apparently do not distinguish between people servants in the church and the Church as such, the real one. It is foolish to be outside the church only because someone is somehow not behaving in the same way, thereby causing irreparable damage to one’s spiritual health.
      1. vkrav
        1 October 2013 10: 42
        Quote: krpmlws
        1 Christianity (Orthodoxy) did not deny itself anything

        Well, this is "how to approach the issue" (c). Both the bearers of the idea and the intruders have discredited themselves. Moreover, I do not want to. For each city and for the majority of "priests" you can talk for hours about the activities and actions of OOO ROC, few compatible with the ideas declared by him.
        1. 0
          1 October 2013 20: 17
          vkrav: "You can talk about the majority of" priests "for hours ...", - you need to listen to all sorts of gossip and no matter how true they are? What does it give, changes, well, some of the priests, from your point of view, commit unseemly acts and what? What is it that makes you so angry? I do not like the priest, turn to someone you trust. You all want to say that the priests are bad, the church is bad, Orthodoxy
          to the dustbin of history that you are being imposed with bad religion-delirium. Separate the grains from the chaff, the priests are one, temporary, and Orthodoxy, the teaching is timeless. The priest
          a tall man, not a saint, not an angel, so it’s naive and stupid to expect ideal behavior from all of them. As everyone knows except you, there is nothing perfect in the world, so it's time you stop dribbling in other people's sins and think more about your sins.
      2. Avenger711
        2 October 2013 00: 46
        Well, if there were practitioners, the country would not collapse? The people would eat the holy spirit.

        Religion has been a keeper of knowledge for thousands of years, and the only way to keep people in an organized form, I do not think that 2000 years before. e. the Egyptian peasant understood the true role of the state, which forced them to build irrigation systems and take part of the crop, but he could understand that the power of the pharaoh comes from God, that is, something must be obeyed. And it is extremely difficult to get people to comply with laws without the threat of reprisal, in those days there were no prisons as such. No, often, of course, they simply executed, and more sophisticatedly and publicly, but you still have to catch a person to execute him, and there were so many chances to die that there were so many that there was no chopping block, no crucifix, no fire, or a stake in you’ll obviously not scare everyone’s ass. But now the times are different, the rule of law is completely in the hands of the state, and the citizen should be educated, probably not in fear of punishment, but rather press on consciousness.
    3. -1
      1 October 2013 00: 55

      I support. We must live according to the commandments, only seven, 1,3 and 4 to exclude as unnecessary.
      1. 0
        2 October 2013 09: 04
        Quote: Max Otto

        I support. We must live according to the commandments, only seven, 1,3 and 4 to exclude as unnecessary.

        You guys are interesting, as if someone is forcing you to keep ALL of these commandments. Do not believe - your right, nobody forcibly drags anyone into the Church.
  23. +2
    30 September 2013 21: 03
    -Europe and the USA - these are the most powerful Christian civilizations on the planet - the leading ideologists of the current globalization, which, in essence, boils down to westernization
    Europe is a Catholic civilization, and this is NOT completely Christianity. She long ago began to decompose spiritually, choosing comfort and permissiveness.
    The United States founded Freemasons, and I personally do not consider it a Christian power.
    It seems that Russia will remain the last center of Christianity.
    -Islam - purely human, even politically, looks stronger, more powerful than Christianity.
    The Muslim NOW lives with a dream, to kill the infidel, to end up in eternal depravity (with the guria) and devour ...
    PS Maybe it’s worth sheltering several thousand Christians from Syria and Egypt. And not Muslim migrant workers.
  24. +1
    30 September 2013 21: 37
    We can say that the war is not waged against Christians, but against their foundations, commandments!
    In the world, new values ​​are being instilled, where there is no place for pity, sympathy.
    Core value and yardstick United States dollar
  25. +2
    30 September 2013 21: 39
    Today, Christians (the descendants of those who once had long been converted to faith differently - who by word, who by sword) - are the most persecuted religious group on the planet, and those who gave them faith should still treat them like father . These Christians are Pakistanis, Indians, Filipinos, Africans; all of them are children of enlightened Christian Europe. But abandoning your children is somehow still not in the gospel ...

    The author is mistaken, Jews have ruled in Europe and the USA for a long time, and they don’t give a damn about Christianity.
    Why climb far into Asia and Africa? Near the Vatican, semi-savage Muslims Albanians and Bosniaks are destroying the oldest Christian churches in Europe in Kosovo and Bosnia with the military support of the "Christian" USA and Europe.
  26. -1
    30 September 2013 21: 45
    The only country that helped everyone for the idea was the USSR.
  27. Ragnar
    30 September 2013 21: 54
    Christianity is dying, Islam is younger, meaner ... But in principle, they repeat the actions of the same Christians from the time of the Crusades, they plant faith by fire and sword. Only for Arabs is it actually a native religion, since it is Abrahamic, originally Semitic, and alien to Europeans and us, including
  28. msv
    30 September 2013 23: 46
    Quote: amp
    Educated people will never kill other people just because they are of a different faith.

    Easy. And justifying it with their own exclusivity.
  29. msv
    1 October 2013 00: 23
    It's hard to comment on everything. Tired of minus.
    1. Here is something I have not heard, so that Muslims rolled their priests. I'm disgusting enough. As if people are not burning about their sick morality, but about an outsider.
    2. Nobody needs any religion. The article mentioned TNCs. Their task is to impose a consumer society around the world. What it begins to degenerate today is visible in Europe. Nationwide consumption does not have a core fragmented and easily manageable, bought. In order to simplify, it is necessary to break the core; in every society, these are its traditional values ​​(children, family, culture and religion). First religion, then rites and divorces, promiscuous connections, gays and lesbians. Islam, when it does its job, will join the ranks of the other faiths infected by the consumer society. Today, radical Islam is used against the rebellious, which can overshadow the traditional. Because thanks to the ignorance of the majority, it is not perceived as an antidote to radicalism.
  30. Lone wolf
    1 October 2013 07: 24
    And what will Europe do if there are only queers ?! Then they will conquer when the same ones come to their territory!
  31. Grigorich 1962
    1 October 2013 09: 18
    There is no truth in matters of faith !! And it’s easy to make enemies !!
  32. dmb
    1 October 2013 09: 20
    Why does any discussion about the relationship of various civilizations and confessions necessarily by "highbrow" commentators boil down to homosexuality and pedophilia? It seems that these two problems are the raison d'être of these citizens. The aforementioned vices are inherent in any society, just in one (USSR) they were punishable, and in others they were not. On the issue of pedophilia in the West. And at what age do girls get married in Pakistan and Afghanistan, do you know? And the fact that in the Caucasus "Persians" are associated not so much with Iranians as with lovers of boys is also news? It would be nice if lovers of such an analysis of religions found in the text of the sacred books of the main confessions (sects does not count) appeals to the indicated vices. And the last thing that the author suggests. Fuck on India, due to the fact that the rights of Christians were infringed there. And nothing that this country is sovereign, and wants to figure out how to live for its citizens. He's not proposing to fuck around Qatar or the Saudis. But in these states, Christians are treated more harshly than anywhere else. And what is bad then America, which is imposing its "democracy" with bombs all over the world.
  33. -1
    1 October 2013 12: 10
    Good day to all. I want to remind forum users about the Temple of the Hist Savior. This Temple does not belong to the Russian Orthodox Church, it belongs to the government of Moscow.
  34. +4
    1 October 2013 12: 13
    We played too much humanism, we decided that we are equal to God and pay for it. We neglected the ancestral covenants and therefore are on the verge of destruction. It is not too late to turn back. Quit all human rights treaties, from all international organizations and do only what is good for the indigenous peoples of our country.
  35. 0
    1 October 2013 12: 13
    In general, on this topic, I would advise you to read the book "Notre Dame Mosque 2042.", unfortunately now I do not remember the author, although it was written in the genre of fantasy, but this fantasy is painfully close to today's realities.
    1. 0
      2 October 2013 00: 12
      The book was written by Elena Chudinova.
  36. Peaceful military
    1 October 2013 13: 26
    And how will Europe stand up for what it destroys in itself? And in the USA the same process.
    Christian symbolism is prohibited, etc. etc. A purposeful state anti-Christian policy is being pursued to enforce sodomy, destroy the institution of the family and legitimize other abominations. It is not uncommon for preachers to be brought to administrative and criminal liability for calling sin a sin. Etc... sad
  37. Uhe
    1 October 2013 15: 55
    Once in the 9th century, Christian Franks destroyed Slavic-Saxon Europe, but now the spiral has made a revolution and actions have returned, but in the worst form.

    It is sad, in fact, because humanity does not learn anything. And again, apparently, there will be another flood and other "delights" of the destruction of another civilization on Earth.
  38. zavesa01
    1 October 2013 16: 09
    This is an excerpt from the "Word of Little Belief" by the famous church leader of the 13th century Serapion Vladimirsky:
    “For the Gentiles, not knowing the law of God, do not kill their fellow believers, do not rob, do not deceive, do not slander, do not steal, none of them withhold the things of their neighbor; but if one of them befalls trouble, then they redeem him and, moreover, give him money so that he can engage in his craft, the found (things) are announced for sale. And we, Christians, baptized in the name of God and constantly hearing His commandments, are full of unrighteousness and envy, mercy; We plunder our brothers, kill, sell to the Gentiles, insults, envy - if it were possible, we would eat each other, but God saves. A nobleman or a simple person, everyone is guided by selfish calculations, thinking out how to deceive someone ”
    Well, how do you like this revelation gentlemen Christians?

    Even intelligible legends about him have not survived, and therefore they call this god the Forgotten. No prayers are offered to him, no sacrifices are offered to him, and no public praise is given to him. You cannot ask him for anything, you cannot beg forgiveness for sins from him. One can only believe in him. And his teaching, on the one hand, is very simple, on the other hand ... Followers of the Forgotten should be guided in their actions only by their sense of duty and conscience. How much easier it is for the followers of other religions, with their clearly established lists of sins and retributions that will follow the indicated sins. With Forgotten, it's like walking on thin ice: you never know what is right and what is wrong, and you can count on, by and large, only on yourself. What is due for a sinless life? “Nobody knows that. And as punishment for bad deeds? - Eternity! Eternity alone with yourself! "
  39. 0
    2 October 2013 00: 22
    In Europe, auctioning church buildings has long been commonplace. So there’s almost no one to save there. They need to be saved. No.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"