Syria - closeup


Our delegation with Syrian women

A regular flight to the war-torn Syria leaves only once a week. We are flying with a serious overload, we are carrying humanitarian aid, and first of all, medicines, milk and baby food, banned by a number of Western countries for importation as a result of unilateral economic sanctions. At customs problems, do not miss the goods. Valentina Lantseva goes to the first battle. Returns with a victory! “I told them: These are children! Have a conscience! War!"

At the invitation of the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic and the Women's Union of Syria, a delegation of eight Russian women arrived in Damascus on a peacekeeping mission. The visit was initiated by V. A. Lantsev, the Spiritual Heritage of the Apostle Paul Foundation. Under the prayer cover of the sciarchimandrite Eli (Nozdrin), who blessed the trip, and accompanied by the confessor of the group of archpriest Father Oleg Teor, the famous Pskov priest who feeds the Russian paratroopers, a female landing force descended to the Syrian capital Damascus. The visit coincided with a period of maximum exacerbation of the conflict related to chemical weapons, when the UN commission arrived in Syria.

Our delegation is with the Patriarch of Antioch John X

Our arrival has become sensational! For Syria, on all sides taken in the grip of aggressive-minded countries, the Russians in Damascus are a sign of salvation. Receptions at the highest levels of government and clergy, conferences, round tables, meetings with refugees, visits to hospitals, schools, missions, military units, theater, and finally, a friendly meeting with the country's first lady, beautiful Asma al-Assad, in the presidential residence, in a private office Mrs. Assad. Full bowl! Russia supports Syria, Russia and Syria together, we are allies! On the visit of Russian women told on all local television channels. Already in the first days, we began to recognize us on the streets of Damascus: “Russia, Shukran! Russia Putin! Shukran! ”- the simple Syrians thanked and accepted us into their hot embraces, there was genuine love in their eyes. People came up to us and asked: “How are you not afraid to come to Syria? After all, the hunt is now going to Christians? Damascus on the open front line.


The sun rose in the east, it slowly rose from where my homeland, my beloved Russia, remained. It was already light when our plane crossed the border, and we flew over Syria. That most desired Syria, the ancient and wise grandmother of Russia, who has always lived in my heart, is also inseparable from Russia, just as the great City of the Lord Jesus Christ is inseparable from it - Jerusalem! This is all - my spiritual homeland!

Stored in the heart with a special awe and feeling of some deep delight and respect in front of more than six thousand years history this unique in all respects civilization, Syria has always seemed to me to be something extraordinarily familiar and warm.

Syria - closeup

I looked into the round window of the plane and saw the living, wounded body of the suffering Earth, the one that was chosen by God to take into their arms our forefathers Adam and Eve. The magnificent Euphrates glittered and shimmered in the sun. According to the legend in this region, where Tirg once joined with Euphrates and formed a single river, there was the Garden of Eden! Syria is a sacred land beloved by God Himself. But it is precisely because he loved more than his own life, and therefore plunges into the hearth, cleans it in the fiery furnaces. All this is painfully familiar! This is Russian destiny! Martyrdom is our common Cross!

We flew to Damascus on the day when eleven Christians and refugees from Homs were brutally decapitated by terrorists, and the Orthodox church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus in Al-Saur was seized and ransacked two days earlier, the Bible was defiled and icons were broken.

But, despite the pain and awareness of the global nature of the tragedy, the soul rejoiced, she anticipated meeting with something huge and real. And this meeting took place. God is not mocked. It is here, in the holy land of Syria, drenched in the blood of those who suffered for the Faith and Fatherland, right now, before the real threat of World War III, holiness is born! Muslims say: "If Allah wants to reward a person, he will grant him a trip to Damascus." Allah loved me, who loved Christ, and these two loves were mutual.

Umayyad Russian Sun

“Allah sees, I love Russia with all my heart! This is a country that gives the world the sun! It comes to us every day from the East. - The supreme mufti of Syria, Dr. Badr al-Din Hassoun, said when we were at his reception in his office. - Russia and Syria have a long-standing relationship - love itself has wrapped us. This is a priceless gift of heaven! There is one mysterious place in Damascus, the like of which is not in the whole world. Indeed, only the sacred land of Damascus could give birth to the world a true miracle - the great church of Christians, which in its arms adopted a mosque. This is the church of John the Baptist and the Umayyad Mosque. ”

Supreme Mufti of Syria Badr al-Din Hassoun

... Our motorcade was moving along the narrow streets of Damascus. Such a number of parks and shady gardens in the sun-scorched lands can not be found in any other city. Despite two and a half years of war, Damascus is irresistible, amazing! In all it is felt that the people are very proud of him. If there were no checkpoints with armed soldiers every hundred meters, it would have been impossible to believe that the situation in the city is extraordinary. Neat lawns, trimmed with squares, like bushes in the Louvre, almost at every crossroads fountains and fountains beat, which are a special pride of Damascus people, because the water in the desert is a sign of God's special mercy. At every corner there are cafes, shops, shops. Children play on the playgrounds and, what struck us, their parents do not even look after them. In the wartime! But this is not because parents don't care, no, children have a special honor here, for every Muslim, children are sacred. But just such is their faith. They believe in God and trust in him in everything, as they explained to us.

We were getting closer to the “old city”, there were more and more people. Working day, the city lives, on the streets of small traffic jams. Flashing past the window of a bench with sweets, selling real shawarma and felafels (the same, but with frayed fried beans), are very popular shops, which make fresh juice. In the cafe, colorful Arabian bearded men drink traditional coffee with cardamom, emotionally discuss something, smoke a hookah, and when they see us, they gladly wave back and bow. I really wanted to get out of the car and walk along the ancient back streets of Damascus, because every pebble is a tell story here. But you can not ... - safety above all.

If we talk about the age of Damascus, then archaeologists, even today, are guessing. According to some studies, it is 6-8 thousands of years. The 12th-century Arab historian Ibn Asakir claimed that the first wall built after the Flood was precisely the wall of old Damascus.

The city saw the birth, formation and death of ancient Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Persia, met the troops of Alexander of Macedon, the Roman legions and priests of Byzantium, was personally acquainted with the legendary Salah ad-Din. The city heroically resisted Tamerlane, was a silent witness of the great flowering of the Ottoman Empire. He suffered the colonial yoke of France and only in 1946, the last foreign soldier left him. Ancient Damascus was able to defend its freedom, and today it is the permanent capital of Syria. Damascus is definitely a mystical city! In his “vitality” there is something that does not fit into the framework of ordinary human logic. It is an impregnable pillar, a silent witness to the history of civilizations. That is why the people of Damascus are sure that nothing will happen to their city, because it’s not like everyone else, it’s special.

We drove onto the famous Straight Street (Via Rekta). It was according to her that young Saul, the persecutor of Christians and the future apostle, was blinded by the Lord. On one of the adjacent narrow streets show another house associated with the name of the apostle, in which lived one of the disciples of Christ - Ananias, the same one who healed Saul, and then baptized him with the name Paul. On the site of the house of Anania still stands the chapel, which bears his name. It was here that the first followers of the teachings of Christ once gathered, here for the first time they began to be called Christians, and St. Ananias is considered the first bishop of Damascus. The gospel is near - only stretch out your hand.

Interestingly, according to one of the versions, even the name of the city itself from the Hebrew “dannash” is translated as “the one who shed blood”. This toponym appeared in memory of the fact that it was here, on Mount Kasyun, at the foot of which Damascus was spread, that the fratricidal warriors were laid, it was here that the first murder in human history and the first blood was shed - the blood of righteous Abel, the first martyr and first saint in the world. And a hot, embers-like story of great confrontations burned out. The stones of this city were destined to soak up the blood of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Druze, Buddhists ...

And now mercenaries and murderers from more than 80 countries of the world are approaching the great font of civilizations in a dense ring - an unprecedented event in the history of world wars! Damascus is a great fate, tragic and beautiful.

Under the volleys of exploding shells, and on this day the government army just launched an offensive and battles were fought on many fronts, including the nearest suburbs of Damascus, we finally got out of the cars and headed towards the Umayyad Mosque! Before entering the holy of holies, we were dressed in white, holiday chitons and asked to take off our shoes.

Umayyad Mosque

Crossing over, we stepped into the inner courtyard of a magnificent and beautiful temple. I was blinded!

It was an incredible miracle! The huge space of the courtyard was all flooded with the warm glow of the setting sun. It was reflected in the vast vastness of the centuries-old polished marble floor, on which, like angels in the sky, barely noticeable in a blinding glare, then they appeared, hiding under bright rays, small children's figures disappeared somewhere. Oh god Yes, this is the “sea of ​​glass” at the throne of God, about which the apostle-seer John the Theologian testified of in Revelation: “And I saw, as it were, a glass sea mixed with fire” (Rev. 15: 2). It was right in front of us! And it was real!

In the Umayyad Mosque

Someone gently took me by the hand. I turned around and saw a tiny girl with huge olive eyes, she looked up at me and, in a small voice, babbled something in her angelic language, but I could not understand what it was. A moment later, her friends emerged from the light. Having surrounded me from all sides, everyone tried to touch and everyone was babbling something fun ... “They say they like you smiling,” finally, someone translated the words of little angels to me from the bird's language. “They were told that you are Russian, and they came to bring you love.” I looked around and saw that all our women were surrounded by a dense ring of children. But most of all the kids were admired by the orders of the father Oleg Teor and in general, I must say, the father made an indelible impression on them - they had never seen such a warrior. God, it was all incredible!

In the Umayyad Mosque

In a few minutes the whole mosque was ours! A huge, joyful family, all together, walking across the sunny sky of a warm temple, under the incessant thunder of exploding shells, we walked toward the great shrine - the honest head of the prophet and forerunner of the Baptist John ...

So, it means what love the supreme mufti told us! It turns out that you are the Umayyad Russian sun!

Jihad Love

Peering into the distant mountain range of Anti-Lebanon, I certainly hoped to see the mystery of the next century in these enticing borders. After all, somewhere out there, somewhere in these flickering distances, four Angels await their appointed hour, bound by God for a time. And the sixth angel sounded the sound, and one voice would be heard from the four horns of the golden altar standing before God, and these four would rise, "prepared for an hour and a day, and a month and a year, in order to kill the third part of the people."

Under my feet is the sacred land of Armageddon!

“We must not allow the devastation of the Middle East, in terms of the presence of Christianity. It will be a civilizational disaster. Our origins are all there, our faith is from there, ”Patriarch Kirill said at the meeting of Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches, who arrived in Moscow to participate in the celebration of the 1025 anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, with President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Having visited Syria, we saw with our own eyes that the situation of Christian communities there is extremely difficult. The region has the goal of destroying Christians, completely ousting them from their ancestral territories. More recently, there were about two million Christians in Syria. Only the Gregorian Armenian in Aleppo, there were about one hundred thousand people.

This tragic situation, which is now taking place in Syria, reflects the sad events that occur in many countries of the Middle East and in a number of other countries.

A year ago, sociologist M. Introvine noted that every year 105.000 Christians die a violent death during inter-religious conflicts, and this number is made up of only Christians killed for their faith, not including the victims of civil wars. And Cardinal Pierre Erdo stated that "there is a real danger of the disappearance of Christians as a religious minority in the Middle East." Now in Syria, in places where militants fought, it is impossible to find an undefiled Christian church.

In Iraq 10 years ago lived a half million Christians. Now there are one hundred and fifty thousand left, that is, the majority of the Christian population was either destroyed or turned out to be forced to leave the country.

We are witnessing a mass exodus of Christians from Egypt, from Libya, where there are almost no Christians left.

In Tunisia, the coming to power of the radicals led to the seizure of Christian churches. Algeria is not allowed to open churches, a law has been passed prohibiting missionary work among Muslims. Pakistan is an example of the complete lack of rights of the Christian population, its position today can be called catastrophic, and it continues to deteriorate. Christians living in Afghanistan are forced to hide their beliefs, have no legal opportunity to open churches, and church services are held on the territory of private houses.

12 March this year, one of the most influential people in the community of radical "Muslims" was made a strategic statement declaring war on Christians. Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the great mufti of Saudi Arabia, said that "it is necessary to destroy all churches in the region." The statement even embarrassed the Washington Times newspaper, whose correspondent noted: “This is not a petty radical imam who is trying to stir up his followers with a fiery speech full of hatred. This is a deliberate, balanced indication from one of the most famous leaders in the Islamic world. ” The written words come true: “They persecuted me, they will persecute you too” (John 15: 20).

On paid channels reported the danger of Islamization of society. Announced a plan to combat the notorious terrorism. Meanwhile, who are these “terrorists” and what is this “terror”? Another fable scenario faculty of the United States.

In the military unit

Recall that the term “war on terror” was advanced by Benjamin Netanyahu back in the year 1979 at the conference on international terrorism in Jerusalem (JCIT). It was there that the ideological foundations for the so-called "war on terror" were created. Later in September, the 2000 of the year was compiled by an even more damning document, notoriously known as the “Restoration of American Defense”, published by the “Project of the New American Century”, which spoke openly about the “New Pearl Harbor”. Exactly one year later, this coveted “new Pearl Harbor” happened in the form of the September 11 attacks, which launched the war against “Islam” for the sake of Israel. It's simple.

In the framework of the notorious “controlled chaos”, under the hooting anti-Assad propaganda, these terrorists invented by the special services torture and kill Orthodox priests in Syria, pierce their eyes, break bones, cut out organs from them, as was the case with the clerics of the Antioch Orthodox Church, Father Alfredo. Haddad, hieromonk Basil (Nassar). Kidnap priests, bishops, and Christian women. The leaders of the terrorist fighters directly call for the killing of priests and monks, breaking the crosses, and not leaving a stone unturned.

Today, everyone knows the facts of abduction of priests in Syria: the ruler of Aleppo Paul (brother of the Metropolitan of Antioch, John X), the representative of the Greek Orthodox Church Pavel Yaziga, the Jesuit priest Paolo Dal'Oglio.

People suffer, shrines, temples, relics, icons are destroyed. Our delegation visited the Church of the Compound of the Russian Orthodox Church in Damascus, where our confessor Father Oleg Teor managed to serve a public prayer and thus console the parishioners who do not have the opportunity to attend the Church, because worship services do not go to them or are extremely rare. Local Christians told us that Orthodox churches are subject to blasphemous plundering. Many of them are ravaged and burned - the Church of St. George, the temple of the Belt of the Virgin. About eight thousand “freedom fighters” broke into the ancient city of As-Saurd. Set fire to the church of sv. Sergius, where valuable ancient icons were kept, destroyed books, kidnapped a priest. The same was done with the Greek Catholic Church. Even the famous Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos monastery in Seydnaya, founded in the 6th century, where not only Christians but also Muslims traditionally made pilgrimages, came under fire. The most famous act of vandalism was the destruction of the monastery of St. Ilya, whose history goes back one and a half thousand years. As the abbot of the monastery Gadir Ibrahim said, the militants devastated the monastery, carried church utensils, blew up the bell tower, destroyed the altar and font. The fate of the main shrine is unknown - the miraculous icon of St. Elias, which was more than ten centuries old. The father of the monastery replied to such a monstrous action: “The servants of the“ black forces ”are able to destroy the stone, but are unable to break the bonds of fraternity and unity of the Muslims and Christians of Syria.”

Both Russia and Syria are unique countries - they have incomparable centuries-old experience of the peaceful existence of a multi-religious society. More than 20 religions are represented in Syria, and before the conflict that occurred, it was possible to live peacefully for centuries.

True orthodox Muslims today have been tarnished by the godless deeds of those who, acting under the mask of the Muslim brothers, are in fact adherents of totalitarian sects. The same goes for Christians. We see how the leaders of various charismatic sects who call themselves Christian churches provoke people to incite inter-religious conflicts. Recall the pastor from Florida, who has committed blasphemy against the Holy Book of Islam - the Koran. There are also sectarian movements that are engaged in aggressive and disrespectful activities of local Muslims among local traditions. All this, naturally, has nothing to do with either Orthodoxy or Islam.

Today it is not a secret to anyone that on the side of the so-called “Syrian opposition” only 5% of Syrians are fighting, the rest are paid mercenaries and thugs, representatives of 85 countries of the world, drug addicts, criminals, illiterate, who cannot even read people, including those who for the sake of such a case were released from places of detention and high security colonies.

Muslims of Syria, as well as Christians, became victims of monstrous aggression. The minaret of the oldest mosque in Aleppo (715 year!), One of the most important Muslim shrines of Syria, was destroyed. A casket was stolen in which a lock of Prophet Mohammed's hair was kept. Severe damage was also caused to the old quarter of Salaheddin. The world's oldest covered market, Al-Madin, has been almost completely destroyed. Another unique monument of the Middle Ages - the mosque of Mehmendar, dating back to the XIII century, was badly damaged.

Ruthless reprisals against prominent Muslim theologians are being perpetrated. Executed Sheikh Hassan Safieddin, whose severed head insurgents have been placed on the minaret. “What freedom do these people call for? They are doing unprecedented atrocities in Syrian land and serve not Allah, but Shaitan, ”the Muslim imams say, denouncing the villains.

On March 21, a dozen people were killed by a suicide bomber in the Al-Iman mosque in the north of Damascus, including the outstanding 84-year-old Muslim scholar Sheikh Muhammad Said Ramadan al-Buti. Together with the sheikh, the grandson of the theologian died from the explosion. According to Sharia law, to kill people in a mosque is an indelible sin! This once again proves that behind such crimes are not Muslims, but sectarian ministers of Shaitan. The martyr al-Buti is by no means the only major Sunni scholar who understands the essence of the ongoing conflict. Such views are shared in Syria by many theologians, politicians, military, and ordinary citizens. The supreme mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badr al-Din Hassoun, stands in the same positions, who was not even forced to change his own son’s death by the legitimate government of the country.

Syrian High Mufti Badr al-Dinh Hassun and Father Oleg Teor

At a meeting with our delegation, Badr al-Din Hassun said that today we live in an era of religious wars and, in order not to be a victim of their own incompetence, everyone should be educated in this particular area. He spoke of the paramount importance of preaching. Syria is severely wounded and its wounds should make our family unite, otherwise, Syria will be torn apart and they will come to Russia.

Badr al-Din Hassoun believes that today terrorist preparations are already being conducted against Russia. Al-Jazeera opens up broadcasting to the country, with the main message "Russia has oppressed Muslims for so many years, occupied them, occupied their lands, now it is necessary to take revenge on it and make it pay like for the Holocaust." In order to warn Russia against a strike approaching it, the supreme mufti expressed his readiness to come and tell the Russians about what is actually happening in Syria. He is ready to perform at any venues: in Orthodox churches, mosques, in universities, in stadiums. “I’m ready to go around 15 regions of Russia,” says the mufti, “I’m ready to work 24 seven days a week, 24 hours a day, to talk with each individual imam and warn everyone personally about the threat that awaits Russia in connection with the events in Syria. I will also be happy to meet Orthodox priests in order to talk and find a way to resist the evil that threatens Russia now, because we, Muslims and Christians, are serving the idea of ​​the Lord alone and for the sake of man, ”said Badr al-Din Hassun.

Umayyad Sun

And then Dr. Hassun shared with us the most intimate: “They killed my beloved son. He didn't have weapons in his hands, he was defenseless before them, in his hands he had only books. That grief of loss, which I experienced and experience, cannot be described in words. But then I clearly knew that I must do what my conscience tells me. I delivered a message on television. I called on the terrorists to stop the massacre. Live, I said that I forgive the killers of my beloved son, I forgive for the sake of Love, which may never leave our hearts. Religion is the way to live, not to kill. Any religion calling for murder is created by human thought, but not by God. Those wars that you are now witnessing in the world, hiding behind religious slogans - this is a political struggle for the redistribution of economic resources! Return God to your hearts! I pray for you who killed my son, I ask God for a miracle, I ask you to return love to your hearts! Tomorrow the sun will rise over Syria and we will say to our enemies: you wished us evil, and we answered good. You wanted to humiliate us, and we wished you to be worthy. You wanted to kill us, and we wished you life. ”

I looked at the mufti and, willy-nilly, I thought how many millions of dollars they would give for his priceless head ... But the brightly burning prayer heart is not afraid of anything. We saw that it was very hard to talk about Dr. Hassun’s son. With great difficulty, he chose words with effort, overcoming pain. It was clear that at that moment he was not just telling us about his grief, no ... it was a real prayer. His face was beautiful! The mufti's eyes filled with tears. And he cried.

Mufti of Syria Badr al-Din Hassoun

Here is such a jihad of love ...

Life for Damascus!

As long as the evening breathes cool and the shadows run away, I will go to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of incense, to finally see you, beautiful Damascus. I will look at the bright flowers of bougainvillea, at oleander and hibiscus, I will listen to what your sparkling water flows to the wind, and I will tell you my word. Your very name is close to us, like your own name: Damascus - Moscow ... God save you, Damascus!

... I stood on the observation deck of Mount Kasyun and, climbing onto the anti-tank barrier, looked at night Damascus. Great and unassailable, comfortably seated in my palms, he kindly glowed with warm lights and was glad that he was allowed to live another of the millions of days God had given him.

Yes, to you, the magnificent Damascus, not only merchants rushed - everyone wanted to conquer you: the Pharaohs, the Babylonians, Alexander the Great, called Iskander, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans - even the Crusaders and the Mongols stood at your door. Now only stones remind of them. But you, Damascus, did not bend, you became a place of true power. The solemn feeling of belonging to the great story enveloped the heart ...

As a little tomboy, the south wind played defiantly: tore a scarf from its shoulders, unraveling hair. It was so good! So free! And the soul flew over the shining city and sang a greeting song to him: “We admire you, sister! May the Lord save you, Damascus! Thousands of angels to help you and the host of heavenly forces to overcome the enemy. " We have a common destiny, and today Syria is the Stalingrad front of the war for Russia!

- Masha, you are in white and you can be seen very well from possible points of fire. Get down to the ground better, ”warned our dear companion. I had to obey and get down.

- See, in-it there ... flashes flash periodically? - I looked closer ... Indeed, Damascus exactly sparkled around the perimeter, and fires blazed in some places. - It is fighting, but we will not surrender the city.

Of course, I believed the speaker, but for reliability, Damascus was sealed with a huge cross ... This will be in Russian! So it is safer!

O. Oleg Teor with Syrian General

Eh, I’ll always think about Russia, after I’m ashamed to walk on it, it becomes ... holy ... And now, just think, - under my feet, the holy land of Aram-Damesek. So yes! Bending down, I collected a handful of pebbles so that, when I arrived in Russia, I would like to please the Motherland with a hotel from her beloved sister. Imagine how they miss each other! After all, only God can bestow such a spiritual connection. We must appreciate and take care! I brought the stones to my lips and kissed. Yes ... fragrant Eden ... backgammon and saffron, sweet flag and cinnamon with all sorts of fragrant trees, myrrh and aloe with all sorts of best flavors ... The land of Syria smelled of fuel, fuel, gas, word, anything, but not itself in my palms ... War.

Syrian soldiers appeared on the road. When they learned that the Russians were there, they hurried to greet us. Sounds of rhythmically chirping cicadas, periodically interrupted by distant explosions of shells, merged with cheers of cheers. Sounded a pleasant tie from the Russian-Arabic speech.

Warrior from Mount Kasyun - Life for Damascus!

And I still stood chained to Damascus surrounded by fire and could not tear my eyes away from it. One of the soldiers approached me himself. It was a very young boy, about seventeen. Quickly matured and matured in the fire of the obscurantist war, he immediately appeared before me in an ideal way a warrior of Syria. Seeing that I was completely in love with his city, with a feeling of pride overwhelming his soul for his Fatherland, he very seriously said:

"This is my homeland! Life is for Damascus! ”

Special operation, or how we took out secret weapons from Syria

When Israel came out of Egypt, the Amalekites rebelled against him at Rephidim. And Moses said to Joshua: "Choose us strong men, and go, fight with the Amalekites." And now the day of the great battle has come. And the soldiers of Israel stood up against the Amalekites. Moses went up to the top of the hill, and the rod of God was in his hand. And the battle began. When Moses raised his hands, offering a fiery prayer to God, he overcame Israel, and when he lowered his hands, he overcame Amalek. When the prayer of Moses was heavy, the faithful Aaron and Hur supported his hands. And Joshua laid down by the edge of the sword Amalek and his people. And Israel raised up an altar to God as a sign of victory, and called the altar "the Lord is my banner" (Ex. 17: 8-15).

The power of Israel is in God. Pray, High Israel, fight, great Russia!

A lot of foreign institutes of the decade have been working to solve the mystery of the “Russian soul”. It takes billions of dollars from the state budget. The goal is to find the heart of the recalcitrant "heartland" ("the heart of the world", according to Halford Mackinder) and plunge the spelled needle into the innermost body. Defended dissertations on Dostoevsky and Gogol; consider, calculate and count the "Russian soul" foreign pseudo-sociologists; predict, analyze, smell out pseudo-analysts; the occult gurus are shamanizing, gritting their teeth ... And holy barefoot Russia as it slapped its way to the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, commanded by her God, so the royal eternal bride will enter it. Not of this world, glorious in its saints, and will conquer the victor, he will bow down to God in his feet. All in white, sweetheart, and at the head of the crowns, the crowns! And the throne of the soul is light, the soul is bright! Russia!

No, they will understand nothing in us. As long as they do not believe in Christ, they will not understand until then. Wandering in darkness, the Russian soul is darkness. Look at our history: it is paradoxical, illogical: the real “explosion of the brain” for an inquiring mind. Of course, because the history of Russia is something else, it is more than just a chronicle of events - it is a living. Full of miracles and things that defy rational explanation, the history of Russia seems to us to be a life of a special, spiritualized space, located between heaven and earth.

Mother Alexander

Rayner Maria Rilke, who visited Russia in 1899, wrote about her as a whole individual world, incomparable and unique. The poet shared with relatives that after meeting with Russian people he “managed to feel his fraternal connection with all of humanity”. What a precise observation of the heart, because what he felt was directly related to the Russian “all-man” that Dostoevsky wrote about! Only through the Christian soul does the world open in its fullness. “All states border each other,” exclaimed R.-M. Rilke - but only Russia borders on God. ” It's true.

How are we? Russian Moses sits in a cave, his beard, darling, knee-deep, paramanushka on him like a shield, his cross like a sword, beads like a machine-gun ribbon. As he lifts his little ruts to God, oh, the history of mankind is bursting at the seams ... you know, hold on tight only, guys, the devils' grandfather drove right behind the Suez Canal, and there somewhere in the Gaza Strip and covered the tailed ones. Or what kind of Vaska-oborvashka will go to the Tsar-father and knock on the forehead of the royal king: why, they say, you are not praying, Tsar? And then it would gently and purr: "Do not boil, Ivanushka ...", but in the ear after all that is necessary and prophesies. On his own hands, Ivan Vasilyevich carried the coffin with the relics of the saints of St. Basil the Blessed, Christ for the holy fool. These ecclesiastical temples are all over Russia, saints of God and still alive.

Yes, the path to the Russian soul lies only through God the Trinity. And nothing can be done about it. But as curious people will believe in our account, here it’s all the cards and hands to them, here they will have both the “Russian soul” and poppy gingerbread, and all the riddles of the clue. But only then, the truth, no one wants to destroy us, they will love in Christ ...


Our trip has been blessed by the unforgettable and beloved father Eli, the strongest prayer book for peace, schehiarchimandrite, the confessor of the Patriarch. And this fact alone has identified a lot. The father prayed, and we were all like instruments of his prayers.

Our mission was considered spiritual. We, Russian women, went to Syria to support ordinary people, talk to local women, wanted to embrace them, tell them kind words about their belief in a quick victory. We brought special banners embroidered on this occasion to Syria, carried the August icon of the Most Holy Theotokos blessing the warriors to victory, carried several thousand belts “Living in Help”, icons of John the Russian for the Anti-Antioch Patriarchate and thousands of icons of the Savior, the Mother of God, John the Baptist, Optina elders, angels and archangels for the people of Syria. Through the prayer of Father Eli and Oleg's father, we managed to distribute all this to people for the benefit of saving their body and soul. Especially belts with a prayer to the soldiers! Snapped up the air. Orthodox shrines in Syria are very revered, despite the fact that 90% Muslims live there.

But the most amazing story ...

As soon as we set foot on the land of Syria, I told God that I should take my rosaries away from here, so that later, in Russia, to pray for our common salvation. And God heard me. A miracle happened.

In hospital

That day we visited the military hospital. The door of the chamber opens, and in the bright sunlight I see a warrior. He is lying in a hospital bed, smiling and waving happily, greeting us with his hand ... And in his hand is a rosary! I was stupefied. And he takes and stretches them to me. At that very moment I take off my Jerusalem rosary from my hand and give it to him. We exchange prayer arms and swear to one another in the face of the Most High to pray to God for the overcoming of the legions that destroy Syria. Christians and Muslims. God be resurrected!

On the same day, we get an appointment with the patriarch of Antioch, John X. I tell him about the miracle that happened in the hospital and ask for blessings to pray on these rosaries to overcome the forces of evil. His Holiness was so glad that he even had glasses with excitement sweating. Blessed very hard! God be resurrected!

Patriarch of Antoichi John X, blesses the rosary

On the same day, the reception at the Supreme Mufti of Syria, Ahmed Badr al-Din Hassoun. His rosary bears his blessing. God be resurrected!

On the same day, they brought us to the military unit, where, on the parade ground in the face of a thousand soldiers, holding a cherished prayer weapon in my hands, I told the soldiers about the miracle with the rosary. When I said that I urge to strengthen prayer and that it is prayer that today is our most powerful weapon, the soldiers, in a gesture of agreement, began to chant: "Surya! Rusia! ”,“ Serving Syria with blood and blood! ”,“ Serving Russia with blood and blood! ” It was a terrific sight! Batiushka Oleg made his way into the very depths of the warriors who were flushed with chanting and gave everyone an icon of the Mother of God. A forest of hands! And at that time, with Mother Alexandra and Sister Lyudmila, we all hoped and hoped for the people of Syria: “Save, Lord, Your people, and bless Your wealth, victories to the people of Syria to resist, and with Your Cross to live!”. Then they sang "Katyusha", "Get up, great camps", danced the Syrian dabka. Valentina Alekseevna Lantseva, the general, presented her cap, and to father Oleg - combat orders, which he took off from his own chest. Syrian warriors - brave guys! Everything is loaded like a cannonball with a lit wick. And most importantly - they are lively, kind and very sincere. God be resurrected!

Since then, I have not let the cherished rosary out of my hands. My priceless trophy! After a while, already in Russia, my spiritual father also blessed me to pray to them.

And so, the day of our meeting with Father Eli has come. We had to tell the elder about our successes, about people, about meetings, pass him obeisances, requests for prayer, hotels. Batyushka saw us from afar. He looked very happy and was extremely pleased. Viper we started to tell him about the trip, everyone wanted to share with his beloved father a piece of love brought from the holy land of Syria. And then I remembered that I have a rosary! And she decided to bless the elder to pray. I just opened my mouth and said: “Father, dear, I gave a warrior to me ...” and handed him a show of my treasure: “Bless.” But before I could finish speaking, the elder, with lightning speed, snatched my priceless trophy out of my hands ... and started off from us ... started almost at a run! I was stupefied. My little white beads flew away from me in front of my own eyes! “Batyushka,” I shouted after him, “it's from a warrior! Father, the patriarch blessed! Batyushka, and Mufti blessed! Father, all the warriors promised to pray with us! ” The old man stopped at the steps of the temple: his face sparkled with grace. He was unspeakably happy. “You pray, pray, and I will help you!” - and disappeared ...

“That's the story! - said mother Alexandra. - It turns out that the Lord sent us to Syria. It was necessary to get a weapon for a great battle for the priest. Well, now things will be! ".

A few days later, Schiarchimandrite Eli was already praying on Athos.


“Now we are fighting with the devil. Therefore, try to become more akin to each other, to become even more brothers to each other. So together we will go along the path we have chosen, together we will climb the steep path to the sweet Golgotha, ”said the elder of Athos, Paisius the Holyon, about our times.
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  1. +37
    26 September 2013 18: 49
    Thanks for the story. It remains only to habitually wish the Syrian people peace. And indeed it’s not a sin for all people to wish for peace.
    1. +13
      26 September 2013 19: 16
      O. Oleg Teor with Syrian General

      It seemed to me or does the general have Slavic roots?
      1. +11
        26 September 2013 19: 47
        Quote: klimpopov
        It seemed to me or does the general have Slavic roots?

        I also thought so ... fellow
        1. 0
          26 September 2013 23: 42
          And at first I started, and then it ceased to seem.
      2. White Guard
        27 September 2013 04: 51
        In Syria, the Arabic language, but ethnically Syrians are not Arabs, they are Aryans by origin.
      3. 0
        27 September 2013 06: 22
        Quote: klimpopov
        It seemed to me or does the general have Slavic roots?

        Advisers from the Union of the 70s, she is love and love in war.
    2. bask
      26 September 2013 19: 35
      Excellent article ++++. Marilyn Monomenova, a man of bright soul, wrote it.
      "" "Now we are at war with the devil. Therefore, try to become even more intimate with each other .... Athonite elder Paisiy Svyatorets spoke about our times." ""
      It’s better not to say that in Syria there is a battle with the (devil) and its minions.
      Once again: God forbid that the people of Syria win !!!!!
      1. Yarbay
        27 September 2013 14: 42
        Quote: bask
        Excellent article ++++. Marilyn Monomenova, a man of bright soul, wrote it.
        "" "Now we are at war with the devil. Therefore, try to become even more intimate with each other .... Athonite elder Paisiy Svyatorets spoke about our times." ""
        It’s better not to say that in Syria there is a battle with the (devil) and its minions.
        Once again: God forbid that the people of Syria win !!!!!

        One of the strong proofs that Wahhabism is a destructive ideology is that the Prophet himself warned of their appearance (peace and blessings be upon him). Probably, many have heard the hadith about how our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) foreshadowed the appearance of the "horn of the shaitan" (Islamic scholars explained that this word means a pseudo-Islamic extremist trend in Islam). Such hadiths can be found in many books, including the most reliable of them, namely in Sahih al-Bukhari, hadiths referring to the troubles coming from the East. Here are some of them.
        People from Sham (Syria, Jordan, etc.), Yemen and Najd came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and asked to make a dua for them, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "O Allah, bless our Sham! O Allah, bless our Yemen! " People said: "O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), but what about our Najd?" After the third time, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "No, there (in Najd) there will be earthquakes, trials and troubles, and the horn of the Shaitan will appear from there" ("Sahih" Bukhari, hadith no. 7094).

        As you know, Nedzh is one of the regions of Saudi Arabia.
        1. +3
          27 September 2013 15: 05
          Yarbei from all that you said - one conclusion. Only Muslims themselves, united, can repulse this evil. Russians can only assist you in this charitable deed.
          1. Rusich51
            27 September 2013 21: 02
            Quote: Sandov
            Yarbei from all that you said - one conclusion. Only Muslims themselves, united, can repulse this evil. Russians can only assist you in this charitable deed.

            I agree. It all depends on the Muslims themselves, if they do not go on about Amers and Saudis.
          2. Yarbay
            27 September 2013 22: 29
            Quote: Sandov
            Yarbei from all that you said - one conclusion. Only Muslims themselves, united, can repulse this evil. Russians can only assist you in this charitable deed.

            The conclusion is wrong!
            Wahhabis are just a tool in the hands of those who direct them and Muslims themselves would have destroyed them long ago if the support of the USA, Europe and even some circles of Russia had not!
            Wahhabis are just the tip of the iceberg!
    3. +4
      26 September 2013 21: 11
      The enemy will be defeated, victory will be theirs
      Well, by us too
    4. eplewke
      27 September 2013 14: 59
      The article is impeccable! A huge plus! The only pity is that it will not be read anywhere in Europe or America. There, Christians will at least open their eyes to what is happening. Although ... Hard to believe it.
  2. Lech from ZATULINKI
    26 September 2013 19: 03
    How is it NATALYA GROMOVA my best wishes to this woman for her staunch position.
    Postscript-some citizens of ISRAEL do not dig a hole in someone else's garden yourself get there.
    And I wish all the Syrians a speedy advance of peace on their land watered with blood of people.
    1. +9
      26 September 2013 19: 18
      actually Elena Gromova, not Natalya.
      1. Lech from ZATULINKI
        26 September 2013 19: 28
        I apologize for the carelessness.
    2. +2
      26 September 2013 22: 09
      Quote: Lech from ZATULINKI

      Postscript-some citizens of ISRAEL do not dig a hole in someone else's garden yourself get there.

      You about it:
      More than 158 thousand Christians live in Israel, which is slightly less than two percent of the total population of the country, numbering about 8! Million people (Jews - 80%, Muslims - 16,8%, Druze - 1,7%, 2% Christians and others.)
      About 5 thousand Christians live in the Old City of Jerusalem, and another 10 thousand Christians live in East Jerusalem.
      The number of Christians in Israel is gradually increasing. If in 1996 123,4 thousand Christians lived here, then by the end of 2009 there were already 151,7 thousand people. Israel is the only place in the Middle East where the growth trend of the Christian population is being monitored.
      Most Israeli Christians - approximately 74% - live in the north of the country. Another 11% live in the Jerusalem area. The Christian population lives mainly in cities; according to 2006 data, this is 98%. For comparison: up to 91% of Jews and 93% of Muslims live in cities .. So, 9% of all Christians in Israel are people aged 65 years and older (for comparison, in the Muslim community there are only 3%); 33% are young people under the age of 19, which is similar to the corresponding indicator among Jews, but significantly lower than among Muslims (52%).
      The cities of Israel with the largest Christian population are Nazareth (22,4 thousand), Haifa (14,4 thousand), Jerusalem (11,7 thousand), Shfaram (9,4 thousand). The average age at first marriage It is 29,3 years for Israeli Christians and 24,5 years for women.
      In 2011, 2596 children were born to Christian women, including Arab Christian women - 2023 children.
      The average number of children under the age of 17 in Christian families with children of this age is 2,2 children. The corresponding indicator in Jewish families is 2,3 children, in Muslim families - 3 children.
      The level of employment (the proportion of employed among people aged 15 years and above) is among Israeli Christians of this age 54,0%. The share of unemployed in the same group is 4,4%.
      Israeli Christians have the best grades when passing exams for a matriculation certificate, which is superior to that of Muslims, Druze, and Jewish schools.
      10,2% of Christian students enrolled in the first academic degree study related medical specialties (paramedical staff, pharmaceuticals, dental equipment, etc.), while among Israeli students in general, the group studying these specialties is 4,6%. The share of Arab Christian students among students of medicine also exceeds the share of students of medicine among Israeli students in general.
      63,4% among Christian Arabs studying for the first academic degree are female students, while among Israeli students in general the corresponding figure is 56,1%. Among the students for the second academic degree, students constitute 71,2% among Christian Arabs and 59,3% for Israel as a whole.
      1. Lech from ZATULINKI
        27 September 2013 03: 26
        No, dear Aron Zaavi, I'm talking about those who accuse Elena Gromova of lying, false information and other things, and trying to present us with cannibalistic bandits in Syria as a legitimate force.
        1. +4
          27 September 2013 06: 49
          The most interesting thing is that Israel received another territory on the border where Hamas will now multiply, which cannot but rejoice, sow the wind, reap the storm :-)
      2. +1
        27 September 2013 14: 09
        Interesting article +. It would be nice for the Jews to dry out and not assist the rats.

        After all, one on one will remain, in which case with the cannibals.
        1. Rusich51
          27 September 2013 21: 05
          Quote: Sandov
          Interesting article +. It would be nice for the Jews to dry out and not assist the rats.

          After all, one on one will remain, in which case with the cannibals.

          Israel does not penetrate the situation, but it is a pity - there are many of our exes there.
  3. +4
    26 September 2013 19: 17
    from the Don.
    May God grant that the words of the Syrian leader do not diverge. And the fact that the Devil walks the earth, destroying everything sacred, it was evident in Afghanistan, now Syria!
  4. +3
    26 September 2013 19: 19
    from the letter it’s immediately clear that the woman wrote, a devil is not attached to he or she
  5. +14
    26 September 2013 19: 26
    I have not read the full article yet .. (once) But photo class !! you just look into the eyes of people in the photo calm confident in their righteousness without malice and hatred .. Peace and prosperity to you the Syrian people!
    26 September 2013 19: 34
    A good article. A good letter. As I read, I calmed down as I myself do not understand. That's really nice, the Syrian people are grateful to our country.
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. Prishtina
    26 September 2013 19: 58
    Surrounding me from all sides, each one tried to touch and each one was babbling cheerfully ... "They say they like that you smile," finally, someone translated the words of little angels from the bird's tongue to me. “They were told that you are Russian, and they have come to bring you love.”

    I am 33 years old .. I served 7 years. after this quote I could not read further. a lump in my throat got up. Narrative is a huge plus!
  9. +8
    26 September 2013 20: 15
    Wow! It’s good that they love Russia at least somewhere! There are not many such places, I hope that all the same we will not abandon Syria and defend it.
    1. eplewke
      27 September 2013 15: 02
      V.V. Putin: "I will not give up Syria!" These words of our leader inspire confidence. Yes, and they show by deeds ...
  10. +5
    26 September 2013 20: 38
    I recall that it was Syria that financed during the perestroika time our films about the WWII, which revealed the military talent of Marshal Zhukov
  11. +16
    26 September 2013 20: 48
    I am not a believer, but there are tears in my eyes ... From sadness for Syria, for beautiful, peace-loving people. For our friends. Victory to you!
  12. +6
    26 September 2013 20: 56
    Yes, a strong article. I didn’t think that there are so many holy and historical places in Syria. Well, Damassk itself has been known since ancient times for Damascus steel, for example, but somehow it did not know anything about other places.
    Ehh, right now, they would help our Oslyabya and Peresvet, but the living and victory would be ours.
    1. +1
      27 September 2013 14: 13
      The most ancient lands on BV. What a pity that a rat tribe came here too. There is no forgiveness to the Amers for organizing this massacre.
      1. Rusich51
        27 September 2013 21: 08
        Quote: Sandov
        The most ancient lands on BV. What a pity that a rat tribe came here too. There is no forgiveness to the Amers for organizing this massacre.

        All BV since the days of Sumer was populated. Civilizations left material traces of their culture, which are now being destroyed by amers and their rats.
  13. 755962
    26 September 2013 21: 25
    God bless Syria!
    Russia will take part in the protection of Syrian chemical weapons at the stage of its destruction - deputy foreign minister
    Who will protect, should I speak? soldier
  14. drei612
    26 September 2013 21: 28
    There are bandits on both sides, from one of the Assad’s with chemical weapons, from the other al-Qaeda. Our presence there is now inappropriate, especially Arab friends never give loans. They did not give back the Soviet, and Putin will not give back even more so.
    1. Sergh
      26 September 2013 22: 12
      Quote: drei612
      There are bandits on both sides. On the one hand, Assad’s with chemical weapons, on the other al-Qaeda ... all the more, Arab friends never give loans. They didn’t give back the Soviet, but Putin’s will not give up all the more

      My friend, what oak are you from ...? How is it that all of a sudden, the Assad’s became bandits?
      However, did POPLLIT come in? Or I decided that YOU would break something off the loans, so do you trust? Arab friends do not give, you say?
      In copper, the Emirate Crown Prince Al Nahyan himself brought $ 5 lard.
    2. eplewke
      27 September 2013 15: 04
      Another slow-thinking Troll! How many have you got out? like mushrooms after the rain ...
    3. Rusich51
      27 September 2013 21: 12

      You are certainly wrong, and your comments offend the people of Syria, who deserve a better life.
  15. visuvius
    26 September 2013 21: 28
    Yes, a good article. The main thing is not to lose heart and fight with acupuncturers, some with a clean word, some with a sharp bayonet ...
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. Guun
    26 September 2013 21: 39
    Radicals cut out all who do not support them, Muslims, Christians - all. They disguise themselves as religion and interpret it as they want, hating into the fragile consciousness of youth hatred of others - and especially those Muslims who do not support them. They speak in the name of the Lord, but they listen to the devil. In hell they have the most place - damned hypocrites. God is one - we just call him in different ways. But our people are also on the list - Central Asia. Then Russia.
    1. 0
      27 September 2013 14: 16
      Nevertheless, the Muslims united in the forces to defeat this evil, fed by the West.
      1. Rusich51
        27 September 2013 21: 16
        Quote: Sandov
        Nevertheless, the Muslims united in the forces to defeat this evil, fed by the West.

        The Muslim world has given so much to humanity - poets, thinkers, scientists. And where is it all now. Fall into the Stone Age, and who pushes them there. Lord puppeteers from Fashington. Arabs carry chestnuts from fire for amers.
  18. +5
    26 September 2013 21: 40
    Quote: drei612
    There are bandits on both sides, from one of the Assad’s with chemical weapons, from the other al-Qaeda. Our presence there is now inappropriate, especially Arab friends never give loans. They did not give back the Soviet, and Putin will not give back even more so.

    Well, you're wrong that all the bandits are there. Small countries give loans a little when, and even these are our friends in geopolitics, and you can and should spend money on this, just like with Cuba and with Vietnam and so on. Father and mother always give money to their son, but the son does not return them. The war is going on and what are the repayments on loans, on the contrary, an infusion to maintain and maintain their interests and generally confront aggression at the global level. There are some waste, but they justify that.
  19. +6
    26 September 2013 21: 53
    26.09 13:19
    The most effective military formations of the Syrian rebels have withdrawn from the Syrian Free Army and formed their own military alliance of radical Sunni Islamists. Thirteen rebel brigades announced the formation of a new military alliance. Among them - an offshoot of al-Qaeda in Syria - Jabhat al-Nusra, and the three largest and most effective formations of the Syrian Free Army - Liwa ha-Tawhid, Liwa al-Islam and Sukor al-Sham. All three received military aid from the United States. Joshua Landis, one of the most respected American analysts on Syria, says: "These are the FSA heavyweights - and now they are signing agreements with Jabhat al-Nusra."
    The new jihadist entity calls itself the Islamic Coalition. The Islamic Coalition's Communiqué No. 1 says: "The Syrian National Coalition does not represent us, just as we do not recognize its powers." The communiqué goes on to say: "We call on all civilian and military groups to unite on a clear Islamic basis, based on Sharia, which is the only basis for the rule of law." The Islamic Coalition demands the rejection of any Western aid to the rebels. The Islamists have already launched a furious propaganda campaign against their former FSA brothers-in-arms. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria group circulated a manifesto in which it accuses FSA units of being commanded by "Blackwater mercenaries who served in the Israeli army." You can read more about this here.
    This turn in the development of events took the Barack Obama administration by surprise. Not only the alleged "allies" of the United States in Syria openly sided with the jihad, but now it is not clear who to send from the opposition to the Geneva-2 conference. Georgetown University professor Paul Pillar says: "Please - here are the radicals who have done something that could give them a place at the negotiating table - and because of their nefarious ideology, these are not the people the United States wants to sit with at the same table." The Islamic Coalition, in any case, has stated that it has not the slightest interest in Geneva II.

    However, in Syria, the farther the worse. And if Syria wins, it’s the end of the state. Well, the Islamists are not able to conduct daily, boring, but not replaceable state-forming work.
    1. Sergh
      26 September 2013 22: 27
      Quote: Aron Zaavi
      in Syria, the farther the worse. And if Syria wins,

      Aron! Why are you so scared? What kind of heavyweights are they in ?! That they themselves say so to themselves, well, the flag in their hands (not for long). Well, we ran away from the SSA, so it’s even better, but for them it’s even worse, so their age has become even shorter. But for Obama and co, this is a good lesson, let him shake his mustache and live longer.
      1. +11
        26 September 2013 22: 39
        Quote: Sergh

        Aron! Why are you so scared? What kind of heavyweights are they in ?! That they themselves say so to themselves, well, the flag in their hands (not for long). Well, we ran away from the SSA, so it’s even better, but for them it’s even worse, so their age has become even shorter. But for Obama and co, this is a good lesson, let him shake his mustache and live longer.

        I was not scared. It’s just a situation when, instead of a sneaky neighbor-enemy, an outright scumbag appears, he can not but strain.
        1. +2
          27 September 2013 01: 51
          Moreover, a scumbag with chemical weapons and they do not flinch use it against the peace-loving neighbors of the southwest.
    2. +1
      27 September 2013 14: 18
      Aaron with your lips and honey. After all, everyone understands everything, but they turn a blind eye to the crimes of rats.
      You + for sobriety.
      1. Rusich51
        27 September 2013 21: 19
        Quote: Sandov
        Aaron with your lips and honey. After all, everyone understands everything, but they turn a blind eye to the crimes of rats.
        You + for sobriety.

        I would like your rulers to understand that they put it on the wrong ones. Rats will devour everyone.
  20. +2
    26 September 2013 21: 59
    Great article. Great photos. And the people in the photo are spiritualized, in their eyes is life and not death.
  21. +2
    26 September 2013 22: 36
    Quote: drei612
    There are bandits on both sides, from one of the Assad’s with chemical weapons, from the other al-Qaeda. Our presence there is now inappropriate, especially Arab friends never give loans. They did not give back the Soviet, and Putin will not give back even more so.

    you speak like a democrat straight.
  22. +5
    26 September 2013 22: 39
    now America in the role of Satan. why in the role. Satan is
    1. +2
      26 September 2013 23: 37
      The American oligarchy is Satan, and the bearded Wahhabis are their goblins and orcs.
  23. +7
    26 September 2013 23: 06
    I read the article and I wanted to join the Syrian army in order to fight this ungodliness, the forces of good and evil converged there without exaggeration, and I believe that we together will defend the ancient land together
  24. +1
    26 September 2013 23: 34
    Why didn’t anyone answer for the shelling of the Russian embassy? Why didn’t they strike a blow of retaliation at the headquarters, or whatever they had there, so that in the future it wouldn’t be common to shoot not only at the embassy, ​​but also in the direction where the embassy is. We must learn from the Israelis, for each shelling. point strike.
  25. Prishtina
    26 September 2013 23: 40
    Quote: Aaron Zawi

    I was not scared. It’s just a situation when, instead of a sneaky neighbor-enemy, an outright scumbag appears, he can not but strain.

    The first time I read this comment by Mr. Israel winked seriously, without a second thought - usually for some reason they want scumbags.
  26. +1
    26 September 2013 23: 43
    Do not compare with Israel if that big brother will support and they themselves have a nuclear bomb (everyone knows, but they are silent). They can simply shoot at anything with impunity. And here the situation is different, then it is not we (Russia), but Syria, and we do not have the right to do something militarily, and if we don’t like it, then the excuse for the attackers is one "leave Syria and there will be no problems."
    The states, too, when they grab in the face in canura, run away and bark from there, and when the enemy weakens then they attack. The strategy of hyenas and jackals. Remember Libya when their ambassador was soaked and that they answered with bombing? That's it.
  27. +3
    27 September 2013 00: 27
    Here it is a great civilization with a history that is many thousands of years old - this is Syria! And when Putin, as prime minister, compared the international military operation in Libya with a crusade and criticized the UN Security Council resolution on Libya, Medvedev called the expression "crusades" unacceptable and said that such comparisons "essentially lead to a clash civilizations ". So I was having fun then, who did he call a civilization, with which he was afraid of collision, the USA or what?
  28. +3
    27 September 2013 01: 01
    All those who visited Syria in those days committed a civil feat! And these are not big words, this is life for life.
    Lord, give strength to all, decide peacefully, do not let another, new war flare up!
  29. +4
    27 September 2013 01: 08
    I probably have not met so much love and empathy in one article. You write more, your words as a medicine for the soul. Tears come to my eyes.
    Thank God that people like you have not been transferred to the Russian land. God bless you. God bless Syria!
    If Syria falls, then probably the time will come for four angels prepared to kill a third of the people. Our material world will lose a large number of bright souls. Heavy times are coming ...
  30. 0
    27 September 2013 01: 09
    I would like to radiate such optimism, as the author of the article managed to do. But nothing is said about the case. What will happen the day after Assad's victory? How will he resolve the issue with the Kurds who supported him? Who will give money for the restoration of infrastructure? How will the country, in which 85% of the territory is a desert, live at the moment when the next dry period began? How to prevent new speeches of the dissatisfied, after all, some "humanitarian" sanctions will most likely be organized from the West ... There are many questions, but there are no articles on this topic.

    And the most unpleasant thing is the still unsolved problem with water. The water that is - the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, their sources are under the control of Turkey, which is already analyzing the flow of its reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations. Given the rapidly growing population of Syria and the depletion of aquifers in the center of the country, this will be another casus belli.
  31. +4
    27 September 2013 07: 07
    What kind of people could put a minus to such a great article about the world and the brotherhood of two peoples?
    1. +3
      27 September 2013 14: 23
      Western fosterlings bred unmeasured
      1. Rusich51
        27 September 2013 21: 22
        Quote: Sandov
        Western fosterlings bred unmeasured

        The times of the EBN did not pass in vain; the liberalists bred immeasurably. Especially generation 90 suffers from myopia.
  32. +1
    27 September 2013 07: 15
    A sincere article. Yes, it so happened that apart from our country there is no one to protect these people ... Not that Assad is not Assad, but simply the people there who want to cut them out.
    I was at the grave of a saint and I felt such love — it touched me as it were — I still can’t understand how it could be. And for some reason I feel sorry for these people and enemies. Somehow the anger left my heart.
    And it is necessary to defend in the UN no less than at the front.
  33. Kostya pedestrian
    27 September 2013 08: 15

    n / F-14A VF-84 Executive Decision-1.jpg? m = 1306545864 [/ img] [/ center] [img]

    By the way, it will be instructive for your blacks to look at the Executive De-Life, there is a not-so-unknown and very successful person who is filming O G. Simpson, who subsequently went off the rails and stabbed his family. I’m not a forensic psychologist, but a marketer, but I had the opportunity to work on join (between) Norwegian AKer Kvaern and Irish-cattle United - UELDi called O JES and meet a couple of rather nervous unbalanced types, even finish this project with the transfer of keys Santos should not be confused with spyros. It will be interesting to see frame by frame, at first Simpson, and then the Masons in the spring (in Italian it reads like Chechnya).

    And for the Russians it will be interesting to see how the cherubim look from the Parnassus, who control them, to my great joy, far from all, in Russia, not everyone has been transferred to the castro system, as is customary for cherubs. Thanks to the Arabs for Intel.

    And send my warm greetings to Chris, is it hard for him to keep Rock alone, maybe help is needed? And then the lads are worried, all the Indians and the French took their hands. Isn't it a bit too much for a brother?

    And the Syrians are great, let the feat of the Brest Fortress serve as an example, only do not adopt the experience of waging war by Stalin - the Japanese approach, although its character deserves respect. Here, the protso needs to google about Ivan Franko and the postmark with images of Frank's monuments. So calculate how much you are in the castratic system of the Indians, and you will understand who is Alah and who is Akbar.

    [img] [/ img]
  34. Kostya pedestrian
    27 September 2013 08: 56
    By the way, for those who like to see something else in the United Russia’s badge, it will be very instructive to read the story of Alexander the Great, that he indicated the place to the Hindus, but they will answer for the goat: as they say UAZ lived, UAZ is alive, and UAZ will live, and not what glenvageny not landrovers not drown him in the mud. Therefore, the hope is in the badges that a respected person has on his chest, and not in his cassock. The cassock didn’t even save Tsar Nicholas 2, not to mention the loss in the civil war and the concessions by the gttler, such BMW x3

    1. eplewke
      27 September 2013 15: 08
      Therefore, your NIK campaign is like a "pedestrian" ...
      1. Kostya pedestrian
        28 September 2013 04: 41
        Does the port work perfectly, are all output / input signals recorded?
        Well, since air defense and a clear sky are not to your liking, then why bother drying like a Japanese to sculpt on a stone.

        Have you heard such a song by Minaev "voyage-voyage" - maybe they will reveal the secrets of the Lord to you in the church? How did they allow mediocrity to laugh at our spirit - what is only the science and cinematography of the USSR worth? Not to mention the pedagogue, which brought up so many honest, talented and cheerful people, only the service (gray cardinal) pumped up, but in Belarus we always took care of people - there were no beggars, not abandoned Ivalids, until the porch was lit.

        So much for the strength of the cassock, they walk in their circuits in front of the adjacent lords. Where is it seen that the club of the Teutonic Order officially exists in Smolensk?

        I am not a revolutionary, and I don’t earn money at the races, like the Irish, French or German, in short Celts. I prefer not to rush to the front of science into hell, and to be protected by knowledge, not by kissing the cross and whatever that means.

        So Assad is much better not to accept icons, but, for example, agree with a private agency (Narly Davidson excl., Toshiba - not a brand anymore in Asia and India - Khiva people are exposed), I apologize for dulling thoughts, so that someone should find the "missing" nuclear bomb, while the Church of the Franks (revolutions and religious fanaticism are in their blood) was breaking the USSR, and before that, and Russia, which had been exported to Europe in advance for refunding the delay in salary, and so that nostalgia would not torment - and take advantage of the conspiracy- wishing to "wish the enemy 3 times more than they wish him." For example, the Nobel Peace Prize. I think Assad deserves it, but Europe does not! So why keep someone else's evil in the house?

        PS: by the way, if you remember another Minaev's song "chew pineapples, chew hazel grouses ..." - then the Jesuits come to mind - they have something connected with pineapples. So the FSB will still owe the Belarusian GRU for revealing the secrets of divine science, if it is of course confirmed.
  35. +1
    27 September 2013 09: 48
    The author Maria Monomenova, with her publication, was able to take for granted.
    I haven’t read such soulful lines full of love and anxiety, patriotism and FAITH.
  36. 0
    27 September 2013 09: 52
    "When Israel left Egypt, the Amalekites rebelled against him in Rephidim. And Moses said to Joshua:" Choose for us strong men and go, fight the Amalekites. "And then the day of the great battle has come. And the soldiers of Israel stood up against the Amalekite soldiers."

    Who can understand and know what the text is about? Explain.
    I will be grateful.
  37. The Indian Joe
    27 September 2013 10: 36
    Russia is strong by faith! And Syria!
  38. 0
    27 September 2013 13: 21
    Thanks Maria. Very kind article. Strong people! Thanks Syria!
    Lord, grant peace and victory to the great peoples of Syria, Russia and to all who become shoulder to shoulder with us!
  39. Kononovuriy
    27 September 2013 13: 33
    ... yes, I’ll put the enemies at your foot ... The article is very good. In truth, love your neighbor as yourself. And those who destroyed temples, etc., do not live in this world for a long time. It's like two or two.
  40. Gur
    27 September 2013 18: 26
    under the hooting of anti-Assad propaganda, these very invented by special services terrorists torture and kill Orthodox priests in Syria, pierce their eyes, break their bones, and cut organs out of them, as was the case with clergymen of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, Faddeus al-Haddad, Hieromonk Vasily (Nassar). Abducting priests, bishops and Christian women. Leaders of terrorist fighters directly call for killing priests and monks, breaking crosses, and not leaving stone unturned.

    Local Christians told us that Orthodox churches are being blasphemously plundered. Many of them are ravaged and burned - the Church of St. George, the temple of the Belt of the Virgin. About eight thousand freedom fighters burst into the ancient city of As Saurd. Set fire to the church of st. Sergius, where valuable ancient icons were kept, destroyed books, abducted the priest. The same thing was done with the Greek Catholic Church. Even the famous monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was fired at in Seydnaya, founded in the VI century, where traditionally not only Christians but also Muslims made pilgrimages. The most famous act of vandalism was the destruction of the monastery of St. Elijah, whose history spans one and a half thousand years. As the abbot of the monastery Gadir Ibrahim said, the militants devastated the monastery, took out church utensils, blew up the bell tower, destroyed the altar and font. The fate of the main shrine, the miraculous icon of St. Elijah, whose age exceeded ten centuries, is unknown.

    Muslims of Syria, as well as Christians, became victims of monstrous aggression. The minaret of the oldest mosque in Aleppo (715 year!), One of the most important Muslim shrines of Syria, was destroyed. A casket was stolen in which a lock of Prophet Mohammed's hair was kept. Severe damage was also caused to the old quarter of Salaheddin. The world's oldest covered market, Al-Madin, has been almost completely destroyed. Another unique monument of the Middle Ages - the mosque of Mehmendar, dating back to the XIII century, was badly damaged.

    Ruthless reprisals against prominent Muslim theologians are being perpetrated. Executed Sheikh Hassan Safieddin, whose severed head insurgents have been placed on the minaret. “What freedom do these people call for? They are doing unprecedented atrocities in Syrian land and serve not Allah, but Shaitan, ”the Muslim imams say, denouncing the villains.

    I have no words where the Christian world is where I am in horror, but for only one monastery, we had to trample troups for half an hour, and the creatures are emptied on our heads
  41. 0
    27 September 2013 18: 33
    I express my impression with the military slogan of the Syrian soldiers: Alla !!! Surya !!! Bashar at the bass !!! Maria wrote notes for "Tomorrow" as a student. Huge professional growth plus great personal courage - terrorist geeks in Syria prey on "undemocratic" journalists ...
    1. Rusich51
      27 September 2013 21: 26
      Quote: crasever
      I express my impression with the military slogan of the Syrian soldiers: Alla !!! Surya !!! Bashar at the bass !!! Maria wrote notes for "Tomorrow" as a student. Huge professional growth plus great personal courage - terrorist geeks in Syria prey on "undemocratic" journalists ...

      I didn’t know such a correspondent; there is still gunpowder in the powder flasks. Article undoubted +.

      One thing depresses - Israel does not wisely indulge rats.
  42. D_L
    27 September 2013 18: 36
    Well done Syrians.