Our mission is not only to save Russia, but also to pass it on to descendants.

Our mission is not only to save Russia, but also to pass it on to descendants.

In the next article, the permanent observer of the resource nstarikov.ru, Evgeny Chernyshev, touched a very important and at the same time very sensitive issue.

“For a long time, almost all mass media have been promoting the installation that one should strive for a high standard of living. That it is better to have one child, but give him everything and provide this "highest standard of living." For people who want a lot of children's laughter in their home, liberals have come up with a special term to discourage the desire to have many children - "to produce poverty."

That is, under the sign of good intentions, the subtext is dragged: give birth to as few children as possible. Of course, this conclusion is masked by the wishes of a "high standard of living", but it follows inexorably. I will try to show below why this justification is not a justification, but an ideological diversion aimed at the destruction of a people.

At first glance, everything is quite logical: the more children there are in a family, the less material benefits each person has. But let's think about it.

To determine the average family income, you need to divide the total income by the number of family members. But from here, it immediately follows that there are two ways to improve the financial situation of the family:

1) increase total revenue;

2) does not increase the composition of the family (or even reduce, killing his own child in the womb).

So why do we only slip the second way? Worry about not falling into poverty? But for this you can simply increase the family income. No, the first way is deliberately “forgotten”, the emphasis is on the second way - reducing the birth rate. And this is despite the fact that those who are obsessed with money "constantly recommend" him and constantly offer people new ways to earn them. But as it comes to demographics the principle of "earn more" liberals forget completely.

And this already leads to quite definite conclusions.

Firstly, if between the “standard of living” and the children we are offered to choose the “standard of living”, then money is more important than children.

Secondly, if we are offered not to earn more, but to give birth less, it is clear that whose "Living standards" call for anxiety. About your own skin!

Thirdly, as long as hard way increase in earnings is promoted easy way failure to give birth to children, it means that we are trying to decompose from the inside.

All these conclusions directly flow from the installation "no need to produce poverty."

Of course, in the present conditions it is much easier to say “earn more” than to do. The difficult financial situation of the family is in no way reprehensible, because our salaries still leave much to be desired. But the conscious reluctance of parents (first of all, the head of the family) and to lift a finger to increase earnings, is worthy of at least bewilderment, especially in the presence of young children.

But here, too, do not condemn anyone. Cases are different. Even if the family’s income is small, there is such a way as reducing the parents' expenses on themselves, in order to give the children what they need. And it is here that the essence of the egoistic liberal worldview is manifested. I don’t remember something that the liberals urged parents to cut expenses on themselves in order to increase them on children. Save on yourself? Never! They call for one thing - not to give birth. Like, if the parents are poor, then the children will be very poor. However, it is known that in poor families there are more children (on average) than in rich ones.

Moreover, it is enough to look around to be sure: many of those who complain about their poverty are not at all so poor as not to have children. It is sometimes impossible to get to the houses because of the cars that drive all the yards. The shopping and entertainment centers are full of people. On entertainment entertainment crush. And while many complain about the "difficult life"! Perhaps it is not difficulties, but the fact that you do not want to think about anyone but yourself? Those who do not deny themselves the “small joys of life”, but at the same time justify their lack of childlessness by their unwillingness to “produce misery”, only sign for one thing: their unwillingness to cheat themselves, the beloved. This is selfishness. Hence, the reason is not in the potential poverty of their children, but in their own egoism.

Were our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers financially richer than us? Did they think first of all about their comfort, assuming it condition for the birth of children? No, they were just spiritually healthier. That is why we (or rather, they!) And mastered the sixth part of the land, intermarried with all indigenous peoples. Our ancestors did not give birth to children out of some conditions, but out of love. Because they could not otherwise. Their life was filled with a higher meaning, and not the consumption of goods, services and entertainment.

Look at Chechnya, in the Caucasus as a whole. Do they live there in luxury? Meanwhile, if the rest of Russia had overcome at least half of the “demographic gap” from the Caucasus, the problem would have been more quickly resolved. Of course, after this other problems will appear, for example, the employment of young people, etc. But fearing wolves is not going to the forest. We are being offered precisely “fear of wolves” and being cowards.

We should follow the example of Dagestanis or Chechens, not in the sense of trying to become Chechens or Avars, not of adopting Caucasian culture or customs. We must take an example in the sense that, looking at the Caucasus, remember our own roots. After all, 100 years ago in our families there were 5-7 children. Yes, today there is an acute problem of housing, which, of course, limits the birth rate. But do two or three children need a mansion? After all, there are still less than two children per woman (1,7 in 2012). Of course, there is growth, and this is good. But he has to go even faster.

The roots lie in the spiritual dimension. After all, the most important reason for the installation of little or childlessness is the unwillingness to part with life “for oneself” and to take responsibility for raising children. After all, it is much easier to lead a carefree life, getting maximum pleasure from life with a minimum of obligations. But such an approach dishonors even marriage, turning it into legalized fornication. Not without reason in the "Foundations of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church" http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/141422 It is explicitly stated that “deliberately refusing to give birth to children from selfish motives devalues ​​marriage and is an undoubted sin” (Section XII.3).

Russian proverb “love to skate - love and sleigh to carry” contains great wisdom. Do not deny yourself the pleasures - take on yourself and obligations. Enjoying a marriage - where are your children?

What do the apologists of “modern values” call for, all these “progressive” activists? They just want to "ride", "sleigh to haul" them reluctance. But if we just ride all the time, and we do not carry the sleigh, it means one thing: we are rolling down! Of course, all the fake “human rights activists” will take up this conclusion. However, you can give another example.

When we eat food, our goal is to satiate the body, i.e. satisfy the feeling of hunger. The pleasure that we get while enjoying the taste of food is optional and not at all obligatory, because you can eat very simple food. Imagine now that we only want to enjoy the taste, going to chips, chocolate and the most exquisite wines. What will happen to us? We wither and die. Our body will not survive. But why then the same can be done in marriage, enjoying the pleasures, but not joining the family? As in the case of food, the body declines, so in the case of marital relations, the soul declines. Is there a way out? It is very simple: you love to ride - love and sleigh to carry.

Our main wealth is people. What is the point of "living standards" if the number of its owners decreases? What is the use of all temporary acquisitions, if they are followed by rapid losses? Why do we need all this if, in decades, someone else speaks in our land?

Being aware of all this, we must be strengthened in our own responsibility. Our great mission is not only to save Russia, but also to transfer it to our descendants. And for this, they must first be. Such is our duty before God and the Fatherland! "

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41 comment
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  1. +10
    25 September 2013 16: 00
    Our goal is to outweigh the corrupt, enemies of the people-and then Russia is safe.
    1. +13
      25 September 2013 16: 06
      Quote: Sergey_K
      Our goal is to outweigh the corrupt, enemies of the people-and then Russia is safe.

      Why hang up? In the country, it is not enough working hands, but there were no more housing from migrant workers. Migrant workers to their historical homeland, corrupt workers - to work in little hands.
      1. +6
        25 September 2013 17: 41
        At the expense of the Gaster, I agree to throw the key to the castle to throw the border to the castle. they don’t know how to work, they just talk and steal, and at least they will show the direction of the wind.
        1. predator.3
          25 September 2013 17: 57
          Quote: Edward72
          At the expense of the Gaster, I agree to throw the key to the castle to throw the border to the castle. they don’t know how to work, they just talk and steal, and at least they will show the direction of the wind.

          And the friendship-2 was handed to corrupt officials in the hands and on felling in sunny Mordovia or the Kirov region.
      2. +2
        25 September 2013 19: 02
        Quote: GreatRussia
        Migrant workers to their historical homeland, corrupt workers - to work in little hands.

        laughing their hands got used to only one process: counting bundles of money and collecting them in cases.
        1. Arabist
          25 September 2013 19: 04
          We do not plow, do not sow, do not build, we are proud of the social system. Here is the anthem of officials.
        2. +2
          25 September 2013 19: 44
          Quote: lonely
          laughing their hands are used to only one process: counting bundles of money and collecting them in cases.


    2. +7
      25 September 2013 16: 09
      Quote: Author Nikolai Starikov
      liberals came up with a special term to discourage the desire to have many children - “to produce poverty

      As one friend of mine says, times come and go, the mother of four children, but the children stay ... For some reason, our ancestors did not think about comfort, and life did not spoil us too much, in my childhood I wore a fur coat made of "Cheburashka" and a rabbit hat, but drank natural milk ...
      1. Spectrum
        25 September 2013 16: 45
        right, otherwise, under such a pretext "to produce poverty" soon one child will not be able to afford, then what to do, not to give birth at all? and it is not mothers who breed poverty, but officials!
      2. +3
        25 September 2013 16: 49
        Quote: Vadivak

        As one friend of mine says, times come and go, the mother of four children, but the children stay ... For some reason, our ancestors did not think about comfort, and life did not spoil us too much, in my childhood I wore a fur coat made of "Cheburashka" and a rabbit hat, but drank natural milk ...


        THE USSR.
        1981 year !!!

        1. . .I live with my grandmother,
        I live with my grandfather.

        Dad and mom go to visit us.
        It has become fashionable one
        Baby have everything
        And then throw the old people!

        Pv . I don’t have a sister
        I don’t have a brother
        They say that a lot of trouble with children ...
        What will be on earth
        In the next hundred years,
        If the fashion for children will completely pass!

        2. . . Chocolate is full of house,
        Marmalade is full of house
        Putting toys nowhere long ago
        So I grow up happy
        A real dog was bought,
        He is, of course, very nice, but ....

        Pv . I don’t have a sister
        I don’t have a brother
        They say that a lot of trouble with children ...
        What will be on earth
        In the next hundred years,
        If the fashion for children will completely pass!

        3. . . Grandma wants to knit,
        Grandpa wants to sleep,
        I am alone around the yard.
        It’s a pity that without dads and moms
        Man cannot himself
        Have a brother or sister.

        Pv . . I have no sister, - 2.
        I don’t have a brother
        They say that a lot of trouble with children ...
        What will be on earth
        In the next hundred years,
        If the fashion for children will completely pass!
        1. +3
          25 September 2013 16: 55
          Quote: GreatRussia
          1981 year !!!

          Do you know who sings this? Verasa ensemble was thanked for the song “I live with my grandmother”, which contributed to the improvement of the demographic situation in the USSR. Jadwiga Poplavskaya recorded it, waiting for the child to appear and sitting in the studio on a chair, because she could no longer stand

          Her family had three children.
        2. +1
          25 September 2013 18: 38
          Thanks for the video, I can’t put the pros yet. I have not heard this song. good
      3. +1
        25 September 2013 20: 44
        A family giving birth to one child dooms him to a terrible obscurity, because the demographic vacuum that is created necessarily by someone zapolnitsa.
    3. +5
      25 September 2013 16: 24
      Og, we are being persuaded to give birth and multiply, and our children were scattered around Europe, I'm talking about businessmen, probably you need to decide first with the temporary workers and then set goals
    4. Captain Vrungel
      25 September 2013 17: 03
      The first thought about the homeland, and the second about himself.
    5. +3
      25 September 2013 18: 07
      We need vulgar advertising, girls with strapons, sorry, remove from the general review,
      Send the "most popular" politicians to hammer coal: Nemtsov, Kasyanov, Navalny, etc., the very idea of ​​liberalism is to be sent to the dustbin of history.
      Corruption - also hammering coal or steel to melt.
      Will become "metallurgists")).
      Fight the cult of money and usury, nihilism, fascism, separatism-extremism, and the like disgusting trends.
      To repulse the dollar monopoly, the Fed, and other organizations that have pretty much subscribed to Russia.

      We may not have a powerful army, but Russia will be safe already when all the nuts inside are firmly tightened. soldier
    6. Ruslan_F38
      25 September 2013 21: 14
      The article plus, who puts the cons - that is not right. I have two children, so we are thinking with the wife of another child to adopt or adopt.
    7. bilgesez
      25 September 2013 21: 20
      You need to start with Putin
    8. Heccrbq.2
      25 September 2013 22: 29
      Well, let's be honest, the fragments of the Russians are our grandfathers who won at 45, and we? , MOOLLCHIIM !!!!! People, come to your senses !!! What we are - r RUSSIAN, we Russians understand!
    9. 0
      26 September 2013 13: 02
      I specially bumped into the first comment, tk. people read from top to bottom. Everything is clear there - "kurly-murly", with proposals to "hang" and "start with oneself" to breed and multiply. In short chatter.

      And here is the specific action:

      On the state registration of genetically modified organisms, as well as products obtained with their use
      23 September 2013

      The procedure for registering GMOs in Russia has been launched, and quietly, without any fanfare, we are officially beginning to "eat" what all the indigenous blacks and Germany have refused. They don't even consider it.

      I waited a couple of days. There are no even "bubbles" in the media! Potato with legs - this is what we leave to posterity, even if we give birth.
  2. +3
    25 September 2013 16: 00
    This is our duty to God and the Fatherland! "
    Rather, a duty to yourself and your story is enough for God to hide behind
    1. +3
      25 September 2013 16: 13
      Quote: smel
      Rather, a duty to yourself and your story is enough for God to hide behind

      I would put it differently.
      There is such a wonderful proverb:
      "Trust in God and do not make a mistake yourself!"
  3. faint27
    25 September 2013 16: 03
    Our mission is not only to save Russia, but also to pass it on to descendants.

    For starters, it will be enough to stop smoking, thumping, watching a zombie man and complaining about life, well, and then what you write about! hi
    1. +11
      25 September 2013 16: 10
      Quote: sven27

      For starters, it will be enough to stop smoking, thumping, watching a zombie man and complaining about life, well, and then what you write about! hi


      1. faint27
        25 September 2013 16: 14
        photo +10500 good
      2. labendik
        25 September 2013 16: 37
        Rock, moreover, one vile pop-music everywhere, with series softening the remnants of the brain and talk shows.
  4. +4
    25 September 2013 16: 03
    "Look at Chechnya, the Caucasus as a whole. Do they really live there in luxury?"

    - Eh, but really not? Stop feeding hmm ... Kansas.
    I agree with the rest. If you don’t live for someone, then you don’t live at all.
    1. +3
      25 September 2013 16: 23
      Good afternoon!

      I can tell you no.
      1. +4
        25 September 2013 16: 51
        Quote: Ossetian.
        I can tell you no.

        Of course, I didn't mean Ossetia. But in Chechnya, I would not say that they are in trouble there. Judging by the number of paid SMS for "Heart of Chechnya", concerts of stars, skyscrapers and money that "Allah gives".
        1. +2
          25 September 2013 17: 26
          It is a pity that ordinary people suffer everywhere ... Well, nothing, patience and labor will grind everything. drinks
        2. +2
          25 September 2013 19: 06
          Quote: Stiletto
          But in Chechnya, I would not say that they are in trouble there. Judging by the number of paid SMS for "Heart of Chechnya", concerts of stars, skyscrapers and money that "Allah gives".

          laughing well yes!! just remember Allah! This is the money of the Russian budget.
          and believe me, for ordinary people, the benefit from this money is zero. Look at Kadyrov’s motorcade. The price of the motorcade is higher than the annual budget of entire regions.))
    2. +7
      25 September 2013 16: 56
      I cannot say that I really like our policy in the Caucasus - I would have acted harder in relation to the Caucasian "elite" - as in the Republics. so in the diasporas (which is especially important, they need to be crushed so that they themselves keep in check their young) ... but did you not notice that the slogan "Stop feeding the Caucasus" was invented by swamp creatives and picked up by some populists like Zhirik? This slogan is a direct path to the collapse of the country, and I do not like it even more ... and the people live there as a whole is much worse than in the rest of Russia, unemployment is much higher, largely due to the "efforts" of local clans that have seized power. if they were replaced by men like Yevkurov ... the obstacle-staff shortage is the same problem as with the rest of the Russian bureaucracy ... and such things are not done quickly, although the country's leadership is trying to do something there and there in any case, the clans have ceased to be untouchable ...
      In fairness, it should be noted that the birth rate in Chechnya and in the midst of hostilities was no less than now, and at that time their lives could not be called normal. and they didn’t feed them especially then.
      By the way, the author, of course, is right in his statements ... BUT! All this baida with "to breed poverty", "to live for oneself", we started back in perestroika, lessons in valeology were introduced. in the nineties it became almost the official policy of the state ... now a lot has changed, and such bleating is the lot of the liberal media and those who call Russia "this country". State policy has changed significantly for the better - and the increase in the birth rate is the result of this particular policy.
      1. +2
        25 September 2013 17: 33
        Quote: smile
        I cannot say that I really like our policy in the Caucasus - I would have acted harder in relation to the Caucasian "elite" - as in the Republics.

        (+) and it is also worth adding that the republics of the Caucasus are the same Russia as Moscow or the Belgorod province, albeit subsidized (in Ukraine there are more than half of them), in the event of the termination of the so-called. financing of the Russian Federation risks getting a few more "hot spots" from its side, and the United States and Co. will not let go of theirs, geopolitics, you know.
        1. +1
          25 September 2013 17: 49
          seller trucks
          I absolutely agree ... with one amendment, he doesn’t take risks, but he will definitely get it, and so we are balancing on the brink, and here these slogans are still incendiary ...
      2. +1
        25 September 2013 18: 03

        Good day Marshal !!!
        I see you again put everything on the shelves good
        1. +1
          25 September 2013 23: 36
          and be healthy, boyar!
          only I’ll tell you a secret, in fact I’m a generalissimo, and I put on these epaulets from my inherent sense of modesty ... only shhhh, don't tell anyone ... :)))

          Thank! you yourself know how to lay out the shelves no worse, only you manage to do it more correctly than me ... it's also a gift, not everyone can do that. You have a hellish endurance. Respect, without any laughter. I can’t do this ... and I don’t want to. The bad character does not allow it. :)))
  5. Avenger711
    25 September 2013 16: 06
    Still, we won’t pull more than 2-3 children per family, and the USSR didn’t. As in a strategy, investing at once with bestowal the devil knows when, almost always disadvantageously. Fertility of 2.3-2.5 children per woman, which provides a steady increase would be ideal. And you do not have to look up to grandmothers, in whom half of the children were dying, and the second half had been working on the earth since 6 years.
    1. +8
      25 September 2013 16: 33
      Quote: Avenger711
      Still, we won’t pull more than 2-3 children per family, and the USSR didn’t.

      You're lying. The USSR strove to increase the birth rate, the country lacked working hands - men were knocked out by the war, and apartments and benefits and rewards were also large.
      Where do you think the award and the title "Mother Heroine" appeared in the USSR - the highest degree of distinction of the Soviet Union established for women for their merits in giving birth and raising children
      According to the "Regulation on the title of" Mother Heroine "", it is awarded with the simultaneous award of the order to mothers who have given birth and raised 10 or more children, when the last child reaches the age of 1 year and if the other children are still alive this mother.

      Simultaneously with the Order of Mother Heroine, the Medal of Motherhood and the Order of Maternal Glory appeared. Since the establishment of the Order “Mother Heroine” in 1944 through the 80s, 324 thousand women received it in the USSR.
    2. Cat
      25 September 2013 16: 45
      Quote: Avenger711
      And you do not have to look up to grandmothers, in whom half of the children were dying, and the second half had been working on the earth since 6 years.

      Yeah ... according to the current "universal" concepts, children (and not only 6, but also 16 years old) do not just work on the ground - take out the garbage, wash the dishes after you and clean the room - and then no way. For coercion and infringement of rights. And if anyone disagrees, there is juvenile justice for those.
      As a result, instead of help with housework and housework, you get seasoned freeloaders who are taught by state forces only to demand and protect their rights (and not a word about obligations anywhere). And to parents - why such stress? Did one child, often out of stupidity, youth, and that's enough. On the crowd, iPhones and other playstations are not enough ...
  6. chushoj
    25 September 2013 16: 09
    Having children does not depend on the amount of money. The answer must be sought in the psyche of Russian. We need an ideology that will really work at every workplace of every Russian. Russian in Russia should be able to boldly and proudly say that he is Russian and he is Orthodox. In this case, the Russian will make both money and children.
    1. +1
      25 September 2013 17: 01
      1.Not in the psyche, but in psychology.
      2. Not Russians, but people who have embarked on the path of urbanization and imposed stereotypes about "success", about children who "hinder their careers" ... look, the birth rate of the European white population is much lower than even ours in the nineties
      But in general, I agree +
      1. +6
        25 September 2013 17: 15
        Quote: smile
        European white population expectancy is much lower

        This is because there uncles do not like aunts and uncles and aunts are no better.
        1. +2
          25 September 2013 18: 00
          Well, it's understandable that they are slowly turning into "nasty" ... but they had the same tendency in the nineties. although at that time Europe was greatly enriched at our expense, and homosexuals were not yet taken out on the warpath ... :))) By the way, it was taken out, when you imagine what material and political resources are involved, it becomes scary ... it also becomes clear what, what do we have in comparison with them, paradise ... back in the late nineties (I don't remember exactly the year), the birth rate not in Europe, but in the prosperous USA, exceeded ours by one and a half times, and now we have surpassed them, we have increased, they have decreased ... and after all, their white population is less than half, and we have Caucasians, whom some like to point the finger at as the "culprits" of population growth - less than ten million ...
  7. +5
    25 September 2013 16: 34
    Hello all.
    Honestly, when you have to visit large shopping centers (not in a hurry, but deliver assembled furniture to furniture stores), then looking at those masses of people who wander around all these boutiques and salons, you think:
    “Are they crying for prosperity?”
    People are told that there is so much trouble with you child, there’s a better new iPad model, or a new collection of junk, choose, take everything from life, don’t bother, live for yourself. Material is put at the forefront of everything and is the determining criterion of happiness.
    But the main thing is, in my opinion, not at all.
    What is the use of millions of people who are carriers of popcorn-hamburger ideology, thinking only of the gastrointestinal tract and warm litter?
  8. essenger
    25 September 2013 16: 43
    Well? Good luck The main thing is that Russia did not increase its territory to the south.
  9. +4
    25 September 2013 16: 49
    Exhortations about the preservation of the Russian world, children, the mission of the society did not touch anything.
    When the "Red Project" left, the whole and harmonious ideology of the life of society was gone. It was replaced by the philosophy of individualism. By the mid-2000s, it became clear that it hadn’t taken root ... or hadn’t been digested or assimilated. In any case, for me personally, heartburn is still present sad
    However, there is nothing else - no.
    I, perhaps, exaggerating and pulling: / But, IMHO, no new and correct ideology of society will appear and take root until the authorities solve the key issue of the day - the issue of property stolen from the people. The question is the strongest social stratification in Russia. The question of justice.
    The task is not trivial, and I do not know how to solve it. But you have to!
  10. +3
    25 September 2013 17: 01
    Provide the Cossacks and Russian migrants from the CIS republics, with elevated land and land, especially in Siberia and the Far East.
  11. +2
    25 September 2013 17: 11
    need to revive Russia, Slavs. And start the revival with your own families, your children
  12. +3
    25 September 2013 17: 25
    Save Russia, save Russia .. The unification of the Slavs into a single state (union of states) in the current situation is a matter of time.
    1. faint27
      25 September 2013 17: 27
      Quote: 222222
      Save Russia, save Russia .. The unification of the Slavs into a single state (union of states) in the current situation is a matter of time.

      it remains only for our presidents to convince of this laughing
      1. +1
        25 September 2013 18: 20
        Then we recall the good word of Bogdan Khmelnitsky .. Time did its job and he turned the country to Russia and thereby saved it ..
  13. +1
    25 September 2013 17: 34
    Quote: Essenger
    The main thing is that Russia did not increase its territory to the south

    Judging by the history, the south itself used to join Russia :-)
    In general, this slogan - "Our mission is not only to preserve Russia, but also to pass it on to descendants" does not bring anything good, because it calls to conserve the current situation and leave it to the descendants for permission, at first glance sounds like a good deed only if you think about it. slightly different picture ...
  14. 0
    25 September 2013 17: 38
    No need to persuade people to give birth to children, life has changed in a two-room apartment, it is problematic to have 5 children, but in the countryside, when the wife is with the children and everything, they help with the housework then this is natural. But this is not the main thing in us, there is no faith, we do not rely on what God will give, we plan our lives ourselves and in this regard the children are not in the first place, otherwise you cannot fulfill the plan. Maternal capital is not bad, but everything else is paid and not cheap, children's shoes, clothes are not cheaper than adults, education is kind of free. The medicine is free, but they don’t treat children, they took the child to a pulmonologist for a fee and passed a bunch of tests, and the free doctor writes out a slogan and says that everything is fine, and the child does not stop coughing. And they also tell us that everything is fine, only our salary has not been growing for more than 5 years. There is no certainty about tomorrow as in the USSR. Why give birth to children, where are the tasks that they need to solve, where are the ideas, work for the oligarchs? No ideology will not be children.
  15. 0
    25 September 2013 17: 46
    Quote: Alex66
    No ideology, no children

    Yes, it’s a snag here, something no one is in a hurry to proclaim the construction of a bright future in which our children will live better than us
  16. +1
    25 September 2013 18: 09
    The article is certainly correct. He himself has repeatedly expressed that nothing makes sense if there is no reproduction and population growth.
    But it’s one thing to speak, another to live up to your words. How many children does Starikov himself have? It seems far from a poor man. Or is there not enough time for three or four children?
  17. 0
    25 September 2013 18: 16
    Quote: Normal
    Our great mission is not only to save Russia, but also to transfer it to our descendants.

    but Russia is not only present-day Russia, it is much wider. here only in 25 years the cries for all kinds of independence do not fall silent, or even vice versa. It is necessary to collect Russia so that there is something to transmit to descendants
  18. +5
    25 September 2013 18: 42
    It is good to urge to have children from the point of government. But in Russia, the mother of twelve children has no money to pay for the light ... that's how it is. In Germany, you can not work with three children and live on a German allowance poorly, but according to our Russian standards, it’s generally comfortable. If the government does not know and is not interested in a mother who has given birth to 12 children, then what is the price of such calls.
    1. 0
      25 September 2013 19: 09
      Quote: shasherin_pavel
      . If the government does not know and is not interested in a mother who has given birth to 12 children, then what is the price of such calls.

      it’s just necessary to show something than that the government is working. Here and all sorts of calls are being made.
      You can give birth to 8, 10, and 12. The main thing is to make these children grow up in normal conditions.
  19. rinat1955
    25 September 2013 19: 17
    And most importantly ... well, they will give birth, and then again .... voynushka and another Zhukov blurt out "we will not stand up for the price! The women still give birth to children"
    All! COOK! for two wars they knocked out the brave Russian ... what propagates right now, that’s so .... leftovers. Nothing good will come of it all. I myself am a Tatar, but I see the future for the guys from the Caucasus. There they are not afraid to give birth and are not afraid to die ... to the heap, and the authorities are not afraid.
  20. +4
    25 September 2013 19: 29
    Guys, here we are all talking about fertility, saying the right thing, and start again with another.
    Before you write a good post, write how many children you have.

    I have three, a boy and two girls.
    And you?

    Leave the computer and go to the wife’s bedroom))))
    Prove with your body that you are a man))
    1. +1
      25 September 2013 20: 50
      Quote: Consul-t
      Prove with your body that you are a man))

      This condition is necessary, but not sufficient.
      1. +1
        25 September 2013 22: 37
        Quote: Karabin
        This condition is necessary, but not sufficient.

        Not enough .... and yet .... REQUIRED wink
    2. 0
      25 September 2013 22: 35
      Quote: Consul-t
      And you?

  21. 0
    25 September 2013 19: 41
    Fertility will increase when the thinking and actions of the rulers of Russia change!
    1. +3
      25 September 2013 20: 49
      Quote: Savva30
      when the thinking and actions of the rulers of Russia will change!

      Then the cancer on the mountain will whistle. It is hardly possible to change the formed thinking of adult uncles. To change the actions of the rulers, there is only one way - to change the rulers.
  22. +1
    25 September 2013 21: 50
    Starikov's articles began to resemble one another, regardless of the topic. Unknown liberals, you see, have formed the slogan "produce poverty" and now they are spreading it among the people through the media, conducting sabotage. Apparently, Mr. Starikov is not aware that “to breed poverty” sounded among the people, long before the ubiquitous liberals seized the national media, and even before Kolya Starikov was born. To complete the sabotage picture, the State Department, England and the 5th column are not enough. Other reasons for low fertility are not even considered. By the way, the polished patriot Starikov never mentions the names of specific liberal saboteurs. Apparently fighting with the pen against the dark forces in general is much safer than touching a specific liberal personality.
    1. +2
      25 September 2013 22: 54
      Quote: Karabin
      Apparently, Mr. Starikov is not aware that "to breed poverty" sounded among the people, long before ...

      Well, after all, Starikov is not a reader, Starikov is a writer. laughing

      Quote: Karabin
      By the way, the polished patriot Starikov never names ...

      But Starikov is not a witness in the "case." Old men are the denouncer of the vices of society, not of specific individuals. All the more so if these very "specific" individuals are endowed with power. Yes
  23. +1
    25 September 2013 21: 58
    Nikolai, as usual, gave a good analysis of the situation and a deep practical conclusion!
    1. +3
      25 September 2013 22: 07
      Quote: Betahon
      Nikolai, as usual, gave a good analysis

      Nikolai, as usual, simplified everything to certain liberals.
      Quote: Betahon
      and deep practical conclusion!

      And which one? Something I did not notice. Oh yes, after 9 months it will be seen by the surge in fertility. [
      1. +1
        25 September 2013 22: 45
        Quote: Betahon
        and deep practical conclusion!

        Quote: Karabin
        And which one?

        Probably Starikov will have a third child? So we’ll see after a certain time whether he is yapping in the service, or he’s talking.
  24. +3
    25 September 2013 23: 27
    In the world there is nothing more valuable and joyful than a child!
  25. Icestar777
    25 September 2013 23: 46
    IMMEDIATELY VISIBLE TRUE MEN'S COMPANY !!!! I liked this the most - In this case, the Russian will make both money and children. Here he will do it himself, yeah, and that, and most importantly, another. No, well, he can do and will, and then? Then, apparently, he will also walk for 9 months and give birth himself? And the fact that WE, women, today often everything, including material support for the family, everyday life, raising offspring on ourselves, because for obvious reasons we are more worried about this offspring than you, men, do you not take boys into account? You will make your "contribution" to the birth and go gogol, I say the hero of my children is full of a house, while at the same time, with extremely rare exceptions, you no longer look at a woman, but run to the left after figures unmarked, or even abandoning your own blood, unable to bear the burden of responsibility. You abuse the state for not supporting your children. And we ourselves are weak ... ny from the sofas to raise and work out the right to be called dads?
  26. Icestar777
    25 September 2013 23: 52
    The article agrees only with the title, are required to both preserve and transmit.
  27. 0
    26 September 2013 12: 16
    A common situation. Three room flat. In one room, parents. In the second, the family of one of the children is a husband, wife and child. The third room is the same. Not alcoholics. The husband is a driver, the wife is not a businesswoman. Revenues for the purchase of housing will not be enough even with a mortgage. The wife flies, the question arises: childbirth or abortion?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"