Sex education. And sexual abuse (Latvia)

Sex education. And sexual abuse (Latvia)

The school year begins. Maybe not this year, but very soon our kindergartens and school will offer new training programs. About one of them I would like to warn parents.

It was very difficult for me to make this article, I tried to make it as short as possible. For some links, especially impressionable parents should not go.

In the fall of 2012, a scandal occurred in Latvia. A year ago, the Ministry of Welfare introduced books “The Day when Karlis was Karlina” and “The Day when Ruta was Richard” to the curriculums in Latvian kindergartens, and methodological materials for teachers “Kindergartens with PeppiPrinza and PiratPrincess” were also released.

Then the parent community opposed the imposition of a new understanding of sexual differences and roles for their children. Parents won? Not yet. Welfare Minister Ilze Winkele called critics such a progressive approach "obscurantists". I have no doubt that there will be new attempts to make boys out of boys and girls. Our government voted for this program, and formally it is in force. Its practical introduction will definitely be.

Until the 20th century, education was predominantly ecclesiastical, and issues of sex education were considered from the point of view of the prevailing religious dogmas. The main thing was to convey to the child moral attitudes, moral norms, traditional family values, in the immediate sex life the priority of chastity was postulated.

In modern secular education, on the territory of the USSR, sex education was studied and introduced by pedagogical science. The main principle was "do no harm." This upbringing was carried out as an integral part of the general complex of educational activities in the family, pre-school institutions, schools, youth organizations, etc., on the basis of a unified approach on the part of parents, teachers and educators, medical workers. Had a differentiated - in accordance with the sex, age and degree of preparedness of the child (parents) - and phased (successive) character, meant a combination with a favorable moral atmosphere and hygienic conditions. Sex education methods were introduced into sex education from the upper grades of school, that is, sex education did not concern only physiological features, and sex education was introduced as a continuation of the child’s already grafted moral foundations at a more mature age.

Of course, in such a delicate matter, not everything went smoothly, pedagogical science improved, but the main ideas of morality, health, and family relations were always at its core. The teaching materials carried feelings of love and respect for the opposite sex. All school education Was built on moral examples, moral standards, collectivism and partnership.

The current new times brought new standards of education. Standards - the adopted conventions and agreements - strictly defined what the child needs and what is not needed. Sex education has become a continuous sexual enlightenment.

Since the 60 in the West, there has been a rapid departure from moral education towards a purely physiological sexual issue. And when Latvia joined Western Europe, it fell into the maelstrom of sexual freedom not only for adults, established individuals, but also for children, educated and easily manipulated by sexually liberated adults.

New standards of sexuality education are based on the development of 50-ies by Alfred Kinsey. He empirically determined that children of any age react to sexual stimuli and reach orgasm. I repeat once again - "determined by experience", "children of any age." This “gave” him the right to call the child sexual at any stage of his life. Himself Kinsey countedthat pedophiles are misunderstood and their punishment is unfair, every child has an erotic potential that can be revealed through early sexualization, by letting the child know himself, give him sexual freedom - and the sooner the better.

Kinsey’s antiscientific conclusions were repeatedly subjected to harsh criticism of specialists, but it was these conclusions that formed the basis of the standards of sex education in European and American schools. Sexualization programs are introduced by international organizations. kinsey followers. The American Council on Sexual Information and Education (SIECUS) is creating sex programs for UNICEF, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF).

Known to the older generation UNICEF is not the same world fighter for the rights of children. Recently, this international institution has become a mainstay of international birth control and depopulation. Together with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UNICEF promotes sex education programs, protecting children from parental violence, and creates a network of social services that terrorize families and select children on far-fetched pretexts. UNICEF is controlled and financially dependent on private foundations, on concerns about the large population of billionaires. Human rights defenders and the Catholic Church have long and conclusively accuse UNICEF in the campaigns of sterilization of the population under the guise of vaccination in Latin America, Thailand, the Philippines.

Directly one of our “regulators” is, for example, “Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse”adopted in 2007 year. In its articles, the Convention enshrines the right of children to sexual orientation, obliges to introduce sexual education in primary and secondary schools, and encourages the participation of children in the development of sex education programs. Next, the creation of non-governmental organizations with funding from various foundations is established, which through their specialists will solve the sexual problems of children and, if necessary, protect them together with social services.

In our case, in Latvia, sexual education is based on the programs of specialists from Scandinavia, books about Karl and Karlin are from a Danish project. In our case, social services are represented by orphan courts, which are not legal organizations and courts, despite the names. These are the usual administrative which people who do not have the status of judges, fixed by the Diet and having many conditions for obtaining it, have appropriated the right to seize children from families on far-fetched pretexts. In Latvia, such cases are no longer rare, but they are silenced, and parents and children are intimidated. Also is in neighboring countries.

The Convention offers everything possible for the use of interventions against parents, bringing to the level of chemical castration "for bruises". For the same time, children are being taken away from their parents when they begin to apply interventions - it is not yet known. At the same time, voluntary sexual use is not stopped. Children among themselves are completely free to engage in activities of a sexual nature, and adults by agreement may well use children, for example, in the theater, in scenes of a sexual nature.

Children have the right to keep and use pornography from the age of “consent”, which is different in different countries and is gradually reduced under the pressure of such a sexual approach. Age of consent to sex in Spain - 13 years; Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Hungary, Estonia - 14 years; in the rest of Europe - 15-16 years. These thresholds, according to the followers of Alfred Kinsey, still have much to reduce, and some for their complete abolition.

The meaning of a number of articles comes down to the lifting of bans on porn, sex, seduction of children by means of information. With the consent of the child, his sexual use is almost unlimited. In Convent, the rights of parents - as parents - are in fact of no interest to anyone and are not mentioned in the context of sexual prohibitions.

Now our legislators are gradually adjusting the laws of Latvia to the provisions of the Convention.

We will be reassured that sexual education is the same as sex education. But as you heard it is not. There is no talk of moral education here, but of course the immoral sexualization of children is unconditional. Until recently, "gender" was designated synonymous with "gender" and "sex." Kinsey's pedophile experiences helped his supporters divide the “sex” into a “biological” (gender) and acquired “social” (sex).

This was done with the aim of manipulating public opinion to create social gender, which can be determined at will. It helps to recognize homosexuality, bisexuality, transvestites as social sex, that is, as a norm, and now the American Psychiatric Association suggests tolerating pedophilia as a sexually normal orientation.

The trend of decreasing the age of child consent to sex at the legislative level is supported by experts from the private foundations who are heirs to the “Kinsey teaching”, because children, in their opinion, have the right to pleasure and sexual freedom, which they will be taught in kindergarten and school through textbooks with pornographic pictures and changing gender roles (10). The term Gender Mainstream is used as a general name for the sexual “Perestroika”.

Let's go to today's Europe and what awaits us

In Britain, high school students discuss conditional porn videos, learn to distinguish between a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised, some boys consider themselves gay, and some girls - lesbians. The problem of early pregnancy and abortion has worsened. After the legalization of same-sex marriages, homosexuals are given all the rights to adapt children and be educated in their spirit. Urgent etymological concepts are expanding "Family" terms.

In the British Journal of Medical Ethics give arguments that parents have the right to kill their small children (up to two years). As to two years, the person has not yet originated, and this is not a murder, but a “postpartum abortion”.

History in the US when two lesbians do from adopted son through hormones girl, briefly outraged readers News, and the state did not outrage at all. At age 14, he will have the right to determine gender. Other parents do without hormones - how long? Lesbian kisses on the lessons of sex clearance and more.

In Germany, starting with aids for kids, convince adultsthat their babies have sexuality, even babies are not sexually innocent. In elementary school, they talk about masturbation, orgasm, and a wonderful sense of attraction in homo relations. Some children are still shocked by naturalistic pictures from textbooks, but the filters taken on porn on the Internet on computers in classrooms will eventually improve the situation. Children boldly choose sexual orientation, and who did not, can be determined later - the third sex is introduced into November from 1 November - “indefinite”, it is an opportunity to choose gender at will before the onset of 18. In fact, invited to try “So” and “that way” and decide whether it is better for children to become a man or a woman in the future.

The laws in Germany arethat you cannot refuse schooling and sex education lessons in particular. For their non-attendance by your child, you will be given a fine first, and then they can quite quite put them in jail. Local social services may remove a child from your traditional view of learning policies. Parents find themselves between the "hammer and the anvil" of a society of liberal freedom.

Required clarification in pictures about the process of the birth of children, especially impressionable younger girls, this leads to a state of shock. It is not unlikely that such a way instils aversion from thoughts of heterosexual relationships in general and from the desire to have children and family in the future.

In Belgium, school regulations indicate where you can not have sex. A belgian health care system already experiencing child euthanasia procedures, because "children better understand the importance of euthanasia than adults." Children's freedom from parents becomes infinite - all are decided by some "experts", manipulating children.

In France, Corsica was chosen as a pilot region for the implementation of the “ABCGD Equality” program, which intends to combat discriminatory stereotypes of boys and girls. The program will be introduced in the senior groups of kindergartens and in the first grades of primary school. This experiment will be the subject of consideration and an example for the introduction of the program since 2014 year in all schools of France.

Как said the French education minister, “The goal of morality and the state is to tear the student out of all certainties,” and the Minister of Justice’s point of view is “to teach our values ​​in order to tear children away from social and religious determinism and turn them into free citizens!” We see where Mrs. Vinkele takes inspiration from.

В swiss kindergartens - plush imitations of the genitals and erotic stimulation.

The same ideology in the "half-night" kindergarten in Austria.

In Scandinavia in some kindergartens - dolls with no signs of gender, and younger students are taught how to handle condoms and understanding what “incest” is. The question arises: 9-year-olds need condoms in the fight against AIDS? Allegedly rumors about the traditions of incest are thereby confirmed?

Armenia too recently "rendered" in a European way.

In the Netherlands, the Marten Society promotes public approval of pedophilia and the legalization of sexual relations between adults and children. They tried to ban the organization many times, but in 2013 the court confirmed her right to exist. Hence, pedophilia as such is no longer prohibited.

"Chepek" - pedophile society in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, helps its members adapt and accept their sexual inclinations. Not surprisingly, the Czech Republic is remembered as one of the “brothels of Europe”.

Single European Minor Politiciansadvocating the legalization of incest and pedophilia also support the legalization of drugs. Almost all of them are sexual minorities.

And so it spreads throughout Europe, with each passing day more and more such news. Is this kind of "education" that our government offers us?

Good question - where is the church looking? Traditional conservative Christian denominations in several countries allow to carry out laws, resolving homobics, are silent when discussing the moral problems of children. I suppose there are some interest. When religious institutions that are obliged to stand in moral positions surrender them without a fight, only their parents are the last defenders.

And parents are forced to resist.

We all saw hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in France. They lost the first political battle. But people understood what this would lead to, which means that the desire to win from them cannot be taken away.

In Croatia, the constitutional court in May 2013 banned "sex education" in school. Thanks to the protests of the parents' community and the support of the Catholic and Orthodox churches, the constitutional court secured for parents the right to raise their children.

Under pressure from international organizations that advocate for the early sexualization of children, the Croatian Prime Minister launched programs under the pretext of "increasing preoccupation with sexual health." Under this program, adopted bypassing parents, children from 9 to 18 years should have been taught sexual health. The country's constitutional court restored the right of parents to control the upbringing of their children and prohibited such actions to bypass them. The court forced the government to consult with parent organizations before making such decisions.

Under the guise of concern about the level of teenage pregnancy, international and private organizations, in fact, deprived Croatian parents of the right to determine the value system that traditionally exists in society, and placed under the control of the moral education of children. At the same time, as a rule, the introduction of "sexual intercourse" and contraception among adolescents leads to the aggravation of the situation with both premarital pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and abortions.

Constantly put pressure on Russiabut parent committees and community organizations hard to protect children from sexual interrogation and the empowerment of social services with broad powers for the removal of children - they still face a difficult struggle.

We have someone to follow, we have something to fight for.

In conclusion

Children do not know what to defend in moral terms. The only condition for the proposed sexual life of adolescents is the presence of a condom and consent to sex. Where an adult can afford to reflect on the consequences, children after such training act without thinking. Pop culture and television contribute to the child's copying of sexual adult behavior, children's TV channels offer the only way for uncertain teenagers to exploit their sexuality. Girls are taught to think about their purpose in seducing men, to derive benefits from this. Children's beauty contests are already routine. After such educational work only rows of prostitutes will expand. Why do they need a family?

The family is systematically excluded from the nearest circle of children's authorities. Children are taught to question the moral values ​​of their families, to ignore or fear their parents. The society of sexual freedoms is not going to engage in the protection of moral norms and morals. Upbringing replaced by physiology. Early premarital relations, change of orientations carries out the transition of society from marriage and family to sexual promiscuity and temporary partnership. Immoral relationships involved in sex can only be temporary. The destruction of a family will make a flock of selfish individuals out of society.

Our government will certainly carry out programs for the early sexualization of children - and then the time will come to take to the streets. And then we will see who supports the corruption of our children. All this nastiness is gradually creeping into Eastern Europe, we are still too traditional for “Westerners,” but the breaking of children has begun. Society a year ago showed that it is not yet ready to accept educational sex European standards. And this is good. I hope our "obscurantism" will never be defeated.
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  1. +3
    23 September 2013 08: 41
    Our government has voted for this program, and formally it is valid.

    D.A.M. or D.A.M.A., it doesn’t matter to anyone at all, is it so Mr. Prime Minister ?!
    1. +52
      23 September 2013 08: 49
      So, years 20-25, and then the geyropa will turn into either Africa or the desert. They dig a hole for themselves.
      1. +21
        23 September 2013 09: 10
        Quote: a52333
        They dig a hole for themselves.

        And the Islamists will bury them in this pit!
        1. The comment was deleted.
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              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          23 September 2013 19: 36
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Quote: a52333
          They dig a hole for themselves.

          And the Islamists will bury them in this pit!

          Well, that's good. I have always believed that if Europe does not turn to Russia, then its only chance of survival is Islam.
      2. +8
        23 September 2013 09: 21
        Black humor for a normal person, and for millions of people on the planet, unfortunately - a fait accompli ...
      3. Gari
        23 September 2013 09: 32
        Quote: a52333
        So, years 20-25, and then the geyropa will turn into either Africa or the desert. They dig a hole for themselves.

        The family is just systematically excluded from the immediate circle of children's authorities. Children are taught to question their family’s moral values, to ignore or fear their parents.
        Lord where are they going
        The family unit of society was a fundamental principle of Soviet society.
        Family and Homeland - what is more important for a person - Men
        1. +8
          23 September 2013 13: 22
          Quote: Gari
          The family is just systematically excluded from the immediate circle of children's authorities. Children are taught to question their family’s moral values, to ignore or fear their parents.

          A sated society devoid of positive ideas seeks new "entertainment" for itself. And since the ideal of this society is "personal freedom", then he and on their own future do not care.
          In my opinion, this is done so that an infantile person who completely lacks traditional family, moral and moral values ​​and instead has a pleasure code in his head from childhood and is easier to manipulate for his own purposes without unlimited consumption.
          Most likely, this is just a change in the mechanism for controlling the behavior of the masses. the taboos established precisely for the old methods of manipulation are removed, as they are unnecessary, they have fulfilled their role. So all this obscenity with the liberalization of homosyat as "legal rights" is most likely just reconnaissance in front of the corral of societies under the milking of unnatural addictions, from the well-known drug addiction to still unknown addictions, for which promoters may well have business plans " non-traditional democracy "to the detriment of the traditions of democracy and popular customs.
          1. +2
            23 September 2013 19: 32
            A sated society devoid of positive ideas is looking for new "entertainment"
            This is an external manifestation. There is a deeper source, so to speak. The Finoligarchy considered that there are many of us. There is a lot of gold billion and blacks and Arabs. To reduce ALL your tools. For some it is gomosyatina, for others - jihad, for Africa - AIDS, etc. I just don't see their "inventions" for the Chinese so far.
    2. +6
      23 September 2013 09: 11
      Quote: Sibiryak
      D.A.M. or D.A.M.A., it doesn’t matter to anyone at all, is it so Mr. Prime Minister ?!

      But nothing that Putin ultimately signs laws? Is it not more suitable for Mr. Putin in this case.
      1. 0
        23 September 2013 09: 26
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        But nothing that Putin ultimately signs laws?

        The president, of course, signs laws, I do not argue with this, but the by-laws are entitled to sign the prime minister. The article refers to the Alexander program and for its approval a government decision is sufficient, i.e. issuance of a by-law! So do not blame everything bothering.
        1. +3
          23 September 2013 11: 04
          Quote: Sibiryak
          So do not blame everything bothering.

          In this case, what is stopping Putin from repealing this law, or is Putin not up to date? Your attempts to blame everything on Medvedev have already got !!! In our country, President Putin and demand from him! In this case, it’s not possible to blame Medvedev, they found Krainego. Cho for such a fashion, Putin is good, Medvedev is bad, maybe we don’t have a tendeme.
          1. 0
            23 September 2013 11: 46
            Medvedev is not bad, but he does not see several steps forward like Putin and, moreover, weakly keeps the situation under control.
          2. +2
            23 September 2013 11: 47
            Alexander Romanov, do you think that Putin has unlimited power and can do what he pleases, without reckoning with anyone?
            1. +3
              23 September 2013 12: 21
              Quote: Sunjar
              Alexander Romanov, do you think that Putin has unlimited power and can do what he pleases, without reckoning with anyone?

              But he doesn’t have a damn power or his orders and decrees are not executed. Maybe the government cannot resign? Maybe Putin will say that he doesn’t decide anything.
          3. -1
            23 September 2013 12: 47
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            In this case, what is stopping Putin from repealing this law, or is Putin not up to date?

            Maybe Putin is in the know, but there are certain procedures for repealing laws, and not just said and canceled.
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Your attempts to blame everything on Medvedev already got !!! In our country, President Putin and demand from him!

            Everyone should do their own thing and accordingly be responsible for what they have done, and when you make such statements, you become like personalities who do not bother to make hasty conclusions, such as those who, for example, were trampled into the mud and trampled on Stalin. It’s easier, isn't it Alexander ?!
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            In this case, it’s not possible to blame Medvedev, they found a krainego.

            On which ..... is he needed then at this place ??? Or that Putin should lead this boy by the handle, like in a kindergarten!
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Cho for such a fashion, Putin is good, Medvedev is bad, maybe we already have no tendema.

            And no one said that Putin is good, you yourself wishful thinking. And this whole performance called "tandem" was clearly not invented by VVP, but it works excellently for various segments of the population, I think so.
      2. +4
        23 September 2013 12: 47
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Quote: Sibiryak
        D.A.M. or D.A.M.A., it doesn’t matter to anyone at all, is it so Mr. Prime Minister ?!

        But nothing that Putin ultimately signs laws? Is it not more suitable for Mr. Putin in this case.

        Another "smart guy". Read where the author of the article comes from, and then write
      3. +4
        23 September 2013 14: 08
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        But nothing that Putin ultimately signs laws? Is it not more suitable for Mr. Putin in this case.

        What does OUR President and Prime Minister have to do with it? An uncle in general from another country also wrote about another.
        ... Posted by Maxim Vazhenin, Latvia ...
        BUT!!! my heart sank in the cold when I imagined that this could be with us.
        Thank you, mom, that I was not born in England (France, Czech Republic ....) born !!
        1. 0
          23 September 2013 14: 35
          Quote: Akhtuba73
          What does OUR President and Prime Minister have to do with it? An uncle in general from another country also wrote about another.

          Follow the link in the article and your heart can really freeze in the cold from the written!
          Constantly put pressure on Russiabut the parent committees and public organizations firmly stood up to protect children from sex enlightenment and the provision of social services with broad powers to remove children - they still have a difficult struggle.
      4. +2
        23 September 2013 20: 02
        Gentlemen, calm down! It is about the Latvian government.
    3. +7
      23 September 2013 09: 13
      If the president were to sit it (realistically), he would also sell juvenile justice in favor of western 3.14 dramas.
    4. DuraLexSedLex.
      23 September 2013 10: 55
      It was then Latvia. There are also many Russians.
    5. +1
      23 September 2013 12: 45
      Quote: Sibiryak
      Our government has voted for this program, and formally it is valid.

      D.A.M. or D.A.M.A., it doesn’t matter to anyone at all, is it so Mr. Prime Minister ?!

      Idiot Read where the author of the article comes from. Or would you just roll to Russia?
      1. 0
        23 September 2013 13: 00
        Quote: Vasya

        belay With your friends in a similar way communicate our gifted! wassat
        Quote: Vasya
        Or would you just roll to Russia?

        You need to bite when you roll negative
    6. +1
      23 September 2013 14: 31
      D.A.M. or D.A.M.A., it doesn’t matter to anyone at all, is it so Mr. Prime Minister ?!

      LADIES not in Latvia. Thanks God, this evil has been stopped for us.
      1. +1
        23 September 2013 14: 46
        Quote: alicante11
        LADIES not in Latvia.

        And we did not try to read the information on the links!
        1. 0
          23 September 2013 23: 13
          mmm ...
          But there is no link to a less yellow newspaper?

          sort of like these things should Izvestia publish ....
    7. +1
      23 September 2013 18: 57
      I read the article and was horrified. And I just want to shout: REMEMBER WHAT YOU DO !!
      it is better to live separately according to their own laws than among these "connoisseurs of human rights." I don't even want to spit in their direction.
    8. klyka1960
      23 September 2013 20: 32
      ask the Latvians.
    9. +1
      23 September 2013 22: 04
      what does the iPhone have to do with an article from Latvia? and they say about the Latvian government
  2. +7
    23 September 2013 08: 45
    Not the first attempt at a breakthrough, or rather undermining morality in Russian education and upbringing. This was done in the Soviet Union, but under the guise of "health". Valeology - there was even a textbook, Scientology and hedgehogs with it. The author and his concern is understandable. But I personally care - "Some links are better for especially impressionable parents not to follow." It looks like you are driving out of the door, and they climb through the window. Hedgehog is understandable after such "no advice" most go and see.
    I'm sorry hi first brought criticism, and then went to the links. Normal links without propaganda. I take my words back.
  3. +13
    23 September 2013 08: 46
    we are still too traditional for the "western", but the breaking of children has begun.
    I’m even afraid to imagine if this begins in Russia .. I would kill !!!
    1. +7
      23 September 2013 09: 09
      Quote: MIKHAN
      I’m even afraid to imagine if this begins in Russia .. I would kill !!!

      It will not start, the country will stand on its hind legs and not only in Saitas.
      1. Crocodile
        23 September 2013 10: 01
        In Russia, this will not work!
        Quote: Alexander Romanov

        It will not start, the country will stand on its hind legs and not only in Saitas.

        It is only amers and geyropeytsy from their children money for housing from 16 years old require!
        Russians are ready to help their children before their retirement!
        How long have passed the days when the most stable income for most families was considered a pension?
    2. +2
      23 September 2013 10: 36
      Quote: MIKHAN
      we are still too traditional for the "western", but the breaking of children has begun

      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      It will not start, the country will stand on its hind legs and not only in Saitas.

      They will be cartoons at first, but they will prepare a TV show for children, and in 10-15 years they will succeed. The principle of the 40-year camping trip of Moses. We already have dinosaurs for our children with our views. There is a very big difference in our upbringing, and the fact that they are now pushing it. Already try to contrast yourself with the TV? This is very difficult for me.
      1. +2
        23 September 2013 11: 35
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        Already try to contrast yourself with the TV? This is very difficult for me.

        can give a smaller zombie box look?
      2. +1
        23 September 2013 12: 11
        Already cooked. I have a seven-year-old granddaughter sitting for days (on the Internet!), Watching monster girls. There is only talk - do you have a boyfriend? will you go on a date ?.
        1. 0
          23 September 2013 12: 49
          Quote: Pushkar
          Already cooked. I have a seven-year-old granddaughter sitting for days (on the Internet!), Watching monster girls. There is only talk - do you have a boyfriend? will you go on a date ?.

          Put Soviet cartoons
      3. 0
        23 September 2013 13: 53
        hmm ... modern zombies allow you to set various filters, a viewing time limit (parental control) ... not to mention the computer ... I use the full program ...
      4. +1
        24 September 2013 09: 08
        I noticed this koment
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        The Principle of the 40 Years Moses Camping Trip

        and the association appeared 1945 - 1985, a difference of 40 years, or they themselves forgot during that time - who waited for relaxation.
  4. +9
    23 September 2013 08: 46
    What bills are being put forward in the parliaments of Denmark and Sweden, this is generally complete ........ I can not find the words.
    The State Duma responded to the proposal of the Scandinavian deputies to legalize incest
    State Duma deputies are concerned about reports from the Scandinavian media, according to which a number of Danish and Swedish parliamentarians spoke in favor of legalizing incest, Olga Batalina, deputy head of the lower house committee on family, women and children, said.
    “Such an initiative, formally expressed, poses a serious danger to us. What they don’t even think about in Russia today, as it turns out, is the subject of legislative initiatives by individual parliamentarians in Scandinavia, ”she said, RIA Novosti reports.

    The world is sliding into a madhouse.
    1. +3
      23 September 2013 09: 08
      Quote: Apollon
      State Duma deputies are concerned about reports from the Scandinavian media, according to which a number of parliamentarians from Denmark and Sweden spoke in favor of legalizing incest,

      Hi Apollo! A year ago, I wrote in one of my posts that soon their sons would marry their mothers. True, I thought that such ideas would come to them much later.
      1. +1
        23 September 2013 19: 04
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Hi Apollo! A year ago, I wrote in one of my posts that soon their sons would marry their mothers. True, I thought that such ideas would come to them much later.

        wassat it seems the Swedish and Danish parliamentarians are reading your comments. here and you inadvertently gave them an idea))
    2. DuraLexSedLex.
      23 September 2013 11: 12
      Well, in Scandinavia, he seemed to flourish like that. In Finland, if I remember correctly, you could still marry your own sister until it seemed to be forbidden, so the Finns went degeneration, which they sometimes talk about in parliament .
    3. +1
      23 September 2013 16: 33
      The world is sliding into a madhouse. ..Yes, he's been there a long time. And no one has any desire to get out of there. This is alarming.
  5. Valery Neonov
    23 September 2013 08: 49
    As if on the crumb something ... Geyropa was simply crazy."our" obscurantism "will never be defeated."-I'm sure about that.
    Do not forget, you were born in Russia.
    We don’t have to look to the West!
    1. 0
      24 September 2013 09: 13
      When there witches were burned from spoilage and the plague, we went to the baths.
  6. +2
    23 September 2013 08: 53
    scary to imagine such a future! And who will we look at in old age, at all homosexuals and lesbians? This is not to be allowed!
  7. +23
    23 September 2013 09: 10
    We are probably to blame ourselves ... They answered, but they liked it.
  8. +3
    23 September 2013 09: 16
    it’s time to destroy the infection in Western Europe with something like napalm, and then it pulls tentacles to us
  9. jiz sibiri
    23 September 2013 09: 25
    I don’t understand what kind of homosexuals they promote all these programs?
    1. DuraLexSedLex.
      23 September 2013 11: 14
      Well, in general, you already wrote the answer in your question, they are the most.
    2. tooth46
      24 September 2013 00: 35
      And our Duma members and other powerful people love to wander around the Geyrops. So "zachushkAli" there. An infection, it is an infection. The treatment is still possible patiently, and there the devil knows to what level these ideas have reached at the top and to what extent they have found understanding.
  10. +3
    23 September 2013 09: 30
    And our bourgeois who send children to study in London, in the course of what they can be taught in "enlightened Europe"? Or no difference, as they say show-off is more expensive.
    1. +3
      23 September 2013 10: 11
      Quote: svskor80
      And our bourgeois who send children to study in London, in the course of what they can be taught in "enlightened Europe"?

      I think that there are children to match their parents. They themselves will teach anyone and anything.
      1. Gari
        23 September 2013 10: 25
        Quote: Garrin
        I think that there are children to match their parents. They themselves will teach anyone and anything.

        Good afternoon, Garrin, okay with them, but how can we protect our children from all this, even from the Internet?
        Just yesterday, my youngest daughter asked me to find on the Internet a film, "Snow White," well, I gave a request, so what?
        There, among children’s films, a couple of these were far from being brought by children.
        Previously, who influenced the upbringing of children - family, school, yard,
        and now the Internet, without borders and restrictions
    2. 0
      23 September 2013 12: 54
      Quote: svskor80
      And our bourgeois who send children to study in London, in the course of what they can be taught in "enlightened Europe"? Or no difference, as they say show-off is more expensive.

      If you read the reviews about these "establishments", you will understand that the main thing is penetration into the "world" elite, albeit on a secondary role. And so: the prosperity of homo and sado-maso. What, or by whom (children) individual representatives of the so-called "business" if only they were recognized as equal in the West.
      It would be better to invest in domestic education.
  11. +3
    23 September 2013 09: 30
    With this kind of education, Europe will be full of loonies in 10-20 years. Vladimir Putin before the participants of the Valdai club also raised this topic, and said that in Russia he would not allow this.
  12. Perch_xnumx
    23 September 2013 09: 31
    We need a united front and immediately oppose any initiatives that perverts in power will quietly move. I have no doubt that they are in power. As soon as immediately, popular riots and demonstrations to a victorious end.
  13. +3
    23 September 2013 09: 46
    There is such a legal term in America - statutory rape (rape recognized as such by law). It applies to those who "use" youngsters by their consent. It is considered that the consent is not such if the person who gave it has not grown to consent age (age of consent). Depending on the state, this age is from 16 to 18 years old. How is this compatible with the world famous free morals in America and teenage pregnancies? That's how. If the youngsters are having fun with each other, statutory rape laws are not applied, but if one of the "participants" is an adult, it will not seem a little. Moreover, in American prisons, convicts convicted of sexual crimes against children are "loved" in the same way as in Russian ones - in all possible positions.
  14. +2
    23 September 2013 09: 52
    that you cannot refuse to attend school and sexuality education lessons in particular.

    Children do not know what to defend themselves against morally.

    Purposeful education of an amorphous society, devoid of moral support, and the reduction of its numbers. Nature has done it so, with the help of instincts, that a person would have sex for pleasure. In fact, pleasure for the sake of s.xa, and s.x for the sake of procreation (so that a person does not forget). Morality, the closer it is to nature, the stronger if this support is knocked out, jelly remains. And as the song says: "You don't need a knife for a fool, you will quietly sing along to him and do whatever you want with him."
  15. +2
    23 September 2013 10: 06
    The entire curriculum teaches young people that it is possible and even necessary to follow their base desires. Everything has been done so that from childhood, a person learns animal instincts and obeys them, degrading and turning into a moral and physical freak giving birth to their own kind. (Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Television. Laws of RITA. Inna Kazachanskaya)

    Indeed, just as a tribal horse is able to overtake a rootless horse, so clean, genetically and spiritually, nations are able to conquer the rest and are a serious threat to a handful of people who have started to rule the whole world and periodically organize campaigns to replace spiritual ideals with low and immoral ones. A video about telegonia would have gained wide popularity, since it would have opened the eyes of many representatives of humanity to the true state of things, to which ill-considered actions and the so-called mistakes of youth lead. It is much more difficult to defeat a people that is strong in spirit and has high morality than those who are subject to the corrupting influence of false ideals. (Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Television. Laws of RITA. Inna Kazachanskaya)

    Quotes by I Kazachinskaya emphasize the morality of our ancestors and the desire of "shadow puppeteers" in their own interests to make us a herd of animals (or rather degraded slaves) controlled by "shadow shepherds" To what this leads, the goal of the "puppeteers" is clear to the degradation of civilization, into the civilization of apes. Only non-humanoids can strive for such a goal! Or maybe this is so, looking at the history of mankind for many millennia in the past? !!!
    1. 0
      23 September 2013 23: 25
      don't flirt with this ... Scientologists also started ...
  16. +8
    23 September 2013 10: 09
    Stop the Earth, I will come down ...

    Chesslovo, after reading this article, I want to dig out grandfather's PPSh in the garden. And roll the forty-five out of the barn. And hollow, hollow without stopping on * Idaras with high-explosive fragmentation ...
    1. DuraLexSedLex.
      23 September 2013 11: 18
      Well, you can hammer 3.14dora-owls and what is better, I don’t want to say that, but in some ways Hitler was a professional. He didn’t like all this rag-tag, and threw it into gazenvagens. No, this does not touch his "merits" at all. .. just the methods were effective.
    2. 0
      23 September 2013 19: 07
      Quote: Jager
      And roll the forty-five out of the barn. And hollow, hollow without stopping

      I think the muzzle of forty can’t stand it. I divorced a lot of homosexuals. Then you will have to help with this matter. I think ZPU-4 is suitable for this mission))
    3. +1
      23 September 2013 21: 01
      Quote: Jager
      Stop the Earth, I will come down ...

      Chesslovo, after reading this article, I want to dig out grandfather's PPSh in the garden. And roll the forty-five out of the barn. And hollow, hollow without stopping on * Idaras with high-explosive fragmentation ...

      And what, in nature, PPSh and forty-foot are preserved?

      But seriously, this is not a method. I don’t know, maybe tolerance is contagious, and I caught it in America, but while these non-traditional people are doing it in their apartments, it's their business. By mutual consent, adults and capable persons can shove anything to each other anywhere, and at least eat one another like those Germans: That is their right.
      At the same time, my right, as a father, is not to run into the street on the fact that I can not explain to children in terms that are accessible to them by age. If they really need to arrange a parade, let them rent a closed institution such as a concert hall or stadium and arrange shows there for like-minded people, but do not force those who are nasty (for the inability to use stronger profanities).
      As for those who are trying to attach youngsters to an unconventional lifestyle, those who have no questions about the zone, to the delight of the prisoners. There, these non-traditional people will receive full pleasure through the breech. Well, society is good.
    4. ded10041948
      24 September 2013 00: 15
      Will you take a gunner?
  17. +3
    23 September 2013 10: 26
    Quote: a52333
    So, years 20-25, and then the geyropa will turn into either Africa or the desert. They dig a hole for themselves.

    The whole meanness of these programs is that they are developed by the Illuminati, who know very well that the human psyche is formed by seven-year cycles and whether the child lives in the first 7 years depends on whether he is a reasonable person! Remember, a child who lived at this age in an animal family (an example of the same Mowgli) will forever remain a beast. After seven years, falling into the human family, it is no longer possible to change him and even he will not be able to speak. And now all this knowing well, think for yourself what program they have conceived for our children! That's why they want to implement IT as early as possible ...
  18. +7
    23 September 2013 10: 26
    As one great classic said: "a ghost wanders across Europe, the ghost of a pid.ras." New Sodom and Gomorrah, but already on the scale of states.
  19. dmb
    23 September 2013 10: 27
    To be honest, I have not yet read a meaningful analysis of the reasons for such a policy by Western society. Even inveterate conspiracy theorists and catchers of Masons cannot really explain it. Let's start with the fact that this phenomenon is most widespread in the countries of the notorious "golden billion". It is unlikely that a reduction in the European population of these countries and its replacement by Asians is included in the plans of the same Masons, because then it is logical to assume that this purely European notion (the Freemasons) was conceived to establish a world caliphate, which spit on any conspiracy theorist.
    1. +1
      23 September 2013 23: 29
      Masons have nothing to do with it ...
      it's just biology - nature kills a non-viable species, in this case a subspecies is a white man ...
  20. +12
    23 September 2013 10: 29
    It turns out that the USSR was a bastion of morality and morality .... and the evil empire, as history has shown, is in the world of Anglo-Saxons ...
  21. Sergeant
    23 September 2013 10: 40
    It seems the Baltic people are bending not childishly ...
    Will they be able to resist if they themselves are in this very geyrop and are very economically dependent on it?
    One can only sincerely wish: Hold on! Do not bend!

    The article can be regarded as a warning to us .. for the future: as long as we hold on, but this monster (LGBT) will press on us for a long time and more and more ...
    Gotta hold on!
  22. +13
    23 September 2013 10: 49
    I was born in the USSR and graduated from school in the USSR, I remember the lessons of sex education in the 9 or 10 class, the girls blushed, looking at the pictures in the biology textbook, the guys giggled. And in the textbook there were innocent pictures and then sketchy, that is, the genitalia of a man and a woman. I also remember how a girl from the 10 class who became students a year older became pregnant. What a scandal! She was expelled from the Komsomol, and then from school. Now it’s scary to turn on the TV and the Internet - 3,14 doras climb from all sides.
  23. Grigorich 1962
    23 September 2013 11: 00
    Now it’s completely clear to whom we will have to fight in the future .... Satanism covers not only countries. and already entire continents ..... we will be enemies for them for sure .... however they are for us as well. On this basis we will face. we need to try hard so that this infection does not come to our families .... for children and grandchildren it’s already becoming scary
    1. 0
      23 September 2013 19: 25
      Quote: Grigorich 1962
      for children and grandchildren it’s already becoming scary

      Do not worry ahead of time.
      It is possible that the Islamists will solve this problem. Moreover, in the most radical way.
      Judge for yourself where the light from Syria will spread?
  24. vitek1233
    23 September 2013 11: 12
    Really Scary. In Europe, it seems like an epidemic has begun, quarantine is needed stop
    1. predator.3
      23 September 2013 12: 50
      Four cities: Sodom, Gomorrah, Adma and Seboim were destroyed from the face of the earth by fire from heaven. The wrath of the Lord was caused by the wickedness and hideous sins of the inhabitants of these cities. God announced to Abraham that Sodom would be destroyed, Abraham prayed for this sinful city, and the Lord promised him that he would not destroy the city if there were at least ten righteous people there. But they were not found. And this is what happened. Lot lived in Sodom, a righteous man with his wife and two daughters. The Bible further tells that the angels told Lot and his family to escape the mountain, but Lot objected to them and offered to flee to the small town of Sigor, located closer to the mountain. God agreed to Lot's offer and promised not to destroy this city “to please” him (Gen. 19: 15-23). Immediately after Lot escaped with her family, fire and brimstone poured from heaven, and everything was burned. God told them not to look back at what was happening with the cities, but Lot's wife disobeyed the ban, looked around and turned into a salt pillar (Genesis 19: 24-26.

      Maybe God will once again send fire and brimstone, this time to the heads of Westerners!
      1. +1
        23 September 2013 13: 28
        Quote: predator.3
        Sodom, Gomorrah, Adma and Seboim were destroyed from the face of the earth.

        Pay attention to where those cities were located in the Siddim Valley. Who inhabited them, who fell under the punishment of heaven? Hope to explain there is no point. Perhaps their survivors, who did not somehow get into the fire, the descendants and corrupt Europe. Where there are more descendants, there LGBT people are more developed and vice versa.
  25. +7
    23 September 2013 11: 24
    LGBT is a disease! Everyone in the madhouse !!!
    Why, when a man fancies himself Napoleon or an alien - he is treated, and when a woman - protect his (her) rights ?!
    1. +1
      23 September 2013 13: 13
      Quote: zao74
      when a woman - protect his (her) rights ?!

      So after all, a woman who imagines herself a man is also not touched.
      Probably because these are potential money lapses for conducting operations.
      They need money, not conquerors.
  26. DuraLexSedLex.
    23 September 2013 11: 25
    We will set up checkpoints ...
    1. +1
      23 September 2013 19: 08
      it’s better to mine everything around with mines that fire on LGBT
  27. +8
    23 September 2013 11: 30
    Soon you will either have to put on aluminum pants or put a frying pan in your pants.
    1. Lakkuchu
      23 September 2013 15: 00
      Quote: major071
      Soon you will either have to put on aluminum pants or put a frying pan in your pants.

      laughing Well laugh!
      1. +5
        23 September 2013 18: 05
        What else to write? There really isn’t to laugh, but you have to cry. crying but in this case, I think the pan should help. laughing soldier
        1. ded10041948
          24 September 2013 00: 23
          Especially if she should shy on a pumpkin!
      2. tooth46
        24 September 2013 00: 42
        "... in aluminum pants, belted with a crowbar ..."
  28. ka5280
    23 September 2013 11: 33
    It seems to me that the Antichrist is already on earth and he is gathering an army of darkness.
    1. +3
      23 September 2013 13: 23
      Even its geographical location is known - the territory of North America.
  29. wax
    23 September 2013 11: 38
    There was no need to break the iron curtain. Its creator looked a hundred years ahead, unlike those who came after him and looked at his feet.
    1. Raven
      23 September 2013 15: 09
      no, Peter 1 didn’t have to cut a window, but a window laughing
      1. +1
        23 September 2013 15: 13
        maybe it wasn’t necessary to chop, we borrowed what we needed, our masters weren’t bad, but beards, well, later they became fashionable again, and they weren’t so useless in our climate
        1. Raven
          23 September 2013 20: 20
          But the kick to the development of the Republic of Ingushetia was received during His reign and the Republic of Ingushetia invited European scientists, shipbuilders. etc
          1. 0
            23 September 2013 20: 56
            a kick, yes, but development or not is a moot point, and it’s extremely, especially about shipbuilding, especially in the north
            1. Raven
              28 September 2013 10: 12
              provide evidence of your innocence then
  30. +3
    23 September 2013 11: 49
    every child has an erotic potential, which with early sexualization can be revealed by letting the child know himself, provide him with sexual freedom - and the sooner the better.

    In this case, to allow sexually trained children to incest with their parents, it does not matter who becomes the initiator. Allow bestiality with cats, dogs and other domestic animals. Do not mind necrophilia. Make them LGBT people, declaring them to be an appropriate minority.
    And in general, to allow students to conduct orgies with teachers of this discipline, and even legally oblige teachers not to refuse practical classes in the classroom.
    1. +1
      23 September 2013 14: 34
      And do not forget about independent and timely laboratory work wassat
  31. +5
    23 September 2013 12: 01
    Europe is turning into a paradise for perverts: homosexuality is encouraged, pedophilia is on the verge of resolution. Then what’s the struggle for the rights of lovers of corpses and animals? How can you explain the madness,
    swept the old world?
  32. 0
    23 September 2013 12: 11
    Or maybe they thus decided to limit the birth rate, reduce their population, then pay less pensions, almost everyone will be occupied with work, pay less benefits ...
    But this is the path of Europe, but not of Russia with its open spaces and resources.
    We will go our own way and there is nothing to look at them.
    We need modern production to produce competitive products and markets.
    Then I think everything will be fine with normal work and a good salary.
    1. +1
      23 September 2013 12: 57
      If you reduce the population, then who will work?
  33. 0
    23 September 2013 12: 31
    In my opinion, it is necessary to create a social protest network so that you can gather people for demonstrations not only FOR all this muck, but also AGAINST !!!
    1. 0
      23 September 2013 23: 37
      better g * do not touch - does not stink ...
      in this case, it is better to dig a moat, surround yourself with a minefield and sanitary cordons and sit behind all these structures ...

      and to bear good and bright ... they will not appreciate ...
  34. 0
    23 September 2013 12: 48
    all around are roosters and idiots
    1. +1
      23 September 2013 12: 52
      Ek you life poked hi
      1. 0
        23 September 2013 13: 19
        I'm with sympathy drinks ,and you...
  35. +5
    23 September 2013 13: 17
    laughing I’ll look at the Baltic states - I feel sorry for her. I’ll take a closer look and yes .. with her.
  36. Jogan-xnumx
    23 September 2013 13: 22
    Oh lord! Nightmare read !!! belay May it help us ... SHOT SODOMIA GRAVERS !!! Urgently give permission to hold all gay parades, meetings and demonstrations of LGBT people! Everywhere! With the support of sponsors and lobbyists! Snipers on the roofs, machine gunners on the balconies. Fire yourself, when the target appears in the firing sector! angry
    1. +2
      23 September 2013 17: 14
      It is necessary to sell licenses for the shooting of this evil spirits, and the state’s income and people are pleased. laughing
    2. ded10041948
      24 September 2013 00: 28
      Type of fire - TO DESTROY. Patrons do not spare!
  37. 0
    23 September 2013 13: 29
    From a moral point of view, with the early sexualization of children, everything is clear. But there is also a physiological aspect. I’ll try to formulate it more clearly.
    The danger of an early awakening of sexual attraction in children is that the body is still growing, the body is still actively developing and all those life bricks - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements, instead of being directed to building the body, bone, muscle tissue, internal organs, the development of the brain, are redirected to the genitals, thereby taking away vital substances from other organs. The body sits on a fast food ration and development slows down. Mental development is also significantly inhibited.
    The optimal age when you can get married or get married: for men from 25 years, for women - from 20 years. Then the body is already fully formed and ready for procreation.
  38. Kowalsky
    23 September 2013 13: 38
    There comes a time when black is called white and white is black. I am a happy person, I lived in a time when the word "fuck" meant just a blow, and blue was the color of the sky and no one grinned at the teddy bear. In general, I believe that teaching children about gender equality should be based on the personal example of teachers - let them cut off some of the unnecessary, and explain that this is how the "middle" sex looks like. Just no words, it rolled straight from all this abomination!
    1. 0
      23 September 2013 13: 59
      Quote: Kowalsky
      "to fuck" meant just a blow, and blue was the color of the sky and no one smirked at the teddy bear.

      I agree 100%. even as you recall roosters .... a rooster is a domestic bird, and not what many might think now ...
  39. Avadra Cedavra
    23 September 2013 13: 46
    Interestingly, what is wrong with sexuality education is that the child will be better prepared for adulthood. By the way, in Russia, despite the ostentatious “fight against pedophiles”, the norms of family law allow you to marry a person who has reached the age of 14, and on the basis of clause 2 of Article 13 of the IC of the Russian Federation there is a fundamental opportunity to consolidate a lower age level, and taking into account part 2 of article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen who has not reached the age of 18 gains full legal capacity from the time of marriage. There is nothing to worry about in intimacy between individuals who have the biological ability to enter into actual marriage. For some peoples of the Russian Federation, early marriage is the norm. As for marriage, this is social atavism, dictated by religion at the time, and in modern civilized society there is no place for religious dogma. Sexual behavior is a human right and cannot be limited by law.
    PS Citizens of the Soviet Union, a stronghold of morality, showed their high culture in the late 80s and 90s of the 20th century.
    1. +1
      23 September 2013 14: 39
      Quote: AvadraCedavra
      As for marriage, this is social atavism

      In the course of your mother from Vania Vetrova flew ... It's hard for you, sympathize ...
    2. +1
      23 September 2013 14: 49
      Quote: AvadraCedavra
      the child will be better prepared for adulthood.

      and how are our tanks and grandfathers without ent education, gave birth to our parents? recourse
    3. 0
      23 September 2013 14: 51
      Quote: AvadraCedavra
      what's wrong with sexuality education

      It all depends on the age at which they begin to exercise it. The sooner the worse.
      Quote: AvadraCedavra
      family law allows you to marry a person who has reached the age of 14,

      This is based on Islamic customs. Muslims are the same citizens of the country as all others, it is impossible not to take into account their features. And you know that well.
      Quote: AvadraCedavra
      As for marriage, this is social atavism

      Living out of wedlock is wonderful. For marriage obliges to take care of a partner, of children. And out of wedlock, beauty. Our business is not to give birth, put it, took it out and run.
      Quote: AvadraCedavra
      Sexual behavior is a human right and cannot be limited by law.

      I recommend doing bestiality in public.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        23 September 2013 15: 10
        Quote: Hedgehog
        I recommend doing bestiality in public

        unfortunately already engaged
        1. 0
          23 September 2013 15: 33
          Dead chicken does not pull on bestiality. It is more necrosoo. From poverty and hunger. She suffered for a long time.
          1. 0
            23 September 2013 17: 53
            Quote: Hedgehog
            She suffered for a long time.

            a hen?
            1. 0
              23 September 2013 19: 25
              Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
              a hen?

              Well, it’s not the mother of the boy who, after all misfortunes, was fed this hen!
        2. 0
          23 September 2013 19: 12
          Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
          unfortunately already engaged

          what kind of renegades?
          1. 0
            23 September 2013 20: 54
            Quote: lonely
            it is necessary to wet such

            so their only throne will stink, out of mad pussy as our liberastnaya defended
        3. 0
          23 September 2013 20: 07
          Is watermelon weak? fool
    4. 0
      23 September 2013 14: 51
      Quote: AvadraCedavra
      As for marriage, this is social atavism, dictated by religion at the time, and in modern civilized society there is no place for religious dogma. Sexual behavior is a human right and cannot be limited by law.

      extremely interesting what does religion have to do with it, by the way, how is your sexual right limited by "legislative norms"?
      we even have chickens in the places of origin to shove and no one sits for it, but it's a pity
    5. +2
      23 September 2013 15: 11
      only there is no need to flaunt this "such behavior", to hold parades, to display on the front page in the media, if you are a fag ... then stay latent and no legislation will restrict you and I will see you in the city with a flag and a slogan do not be offended, here not Europe, I will break bones, and I can answer for a comment if there are problems!
  40. +2
    23 September 2013 14: 01
    In about 20 years, in Europe, the population will consist of white gays and perverts, and their Muslim masters.
  41. +1
    23 September 2013 14: 12
    Although the girls are the same as the boys - but to the touch they are more pleasant! laughing
  42. AX
    23 September 2013 14: 28
    As they say: - "Insanity grew stronger ..." wassat
  43. 0
    23 September 2013 14: 36
    "And so it spreads all over Europe ..."

    someone in the EU is in a hurry ... someone is already there.
    "scum" is spreading all over the world ...

    Quote: major071
    a ghost wanders across Europe, the ghost of a pid.ras. "New Sodom and Gomorrah, but already on the scale of states.
  44. eplewke
    23 September 2013 14: 57
    All buggers shovel in their pitchers !!! Zadolbali already !!!
  45. +2
    23 September 2013 15: 03
    how much can you protect the rights of these pi \ yes \ races !!!!!!! to destroy all these cocks and perverts simply so that even Russian children are not affected by this infection!
  46. +3
    23 September 2013 15: 25
    The principles of morality have been developed for centuries, and those who followed them survived. The states that sacrificed morality disappeared, of course not immediately ... Morality unites society, immorality corrupts. Let the geyropa dig a hole for herself, this is her right. Russia, with all its shortcomings, has always been more moral than any Europe, and has not lost it to this day.
  47. serge
    23 September 2013 15: 59
    The founder of delusional ideas about the so-called. "Child Sexuality" Alfred Kinsey for his research
    collected data from pedophiles and sex offenders. Pedophiles raped children
    and sent data to Kinsey, and he made conclusions. You do not even know what word to call this in (s) birth. He himself was a pervert to such an extent that he forced the employees of his "scientific" center to participate in joint orgies. And on the basis of the "scientific" works of this pervert Alfred, they are already brainwashing all the children of the white race, with the exception of the states of the Russian people - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Except for now. All this does not happen by chance, thus the plan of international Jewry is being implemented to eliminate the main enemy of the Jews - the white race. They are already slowly approaching Ukraine. As the president of the Jewish terrorist league B'nai-Brit Abi Foxman said in 1998, “... I'm talking about the death of the white race. We will completely destroy all the means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. the race is extinguished through gene mixing and virtually zero fertility .... We will personally see the end of the white race only when the loose minds of impressionable white children turn them into agents of their own destruction. "
    In the light of recent events - did the people of Ukraine think well what an approach to the West would do with their children?
  48. +1
    23 September 2013 16: 12
    the onslaught on the Slavs is increasing. Promoters of gay European "values" - to burn out with a hot iron
  49. Alikovo
    23 September 2013 16: 44
    the idiocy of the Balts is evolving.
  50. smiths xnumx
    23 September 2013 16: 52
    Two worlds, two childhoods: American school in 1957 and 2012 in eight scenarios (Galland, David)
    1 script:
    Before class began, Jack went hunting for ducks and drove into the schoolyard with a shotgun, which he put prominently in his truck.
    1957 - The deputy principal of the school approaches the car to look at Jack's shotgun, and then he goes to his car and takes out his shotgun to show Jack.
    2012 - The school is immediately evacuated, the FBI is called, Jack is dragged to prison and he will never see his truck again or his shotgun. Psychologists are called in for injured teachers and students.
    2 script:
    Johnny and Mark fight on their fists after class.
    1957 - The crowd gathers. Mark won. Johnny and Mark shake hands and become friends.
    2012 - The police are called and special forces arrive - they take Mark and Johnny into custody. They are both charged with assault and driven out of school, although Johnny started it all.
    3 script:
    Geoffrey behaves badly in the classroom and bothers other students.
    1957 - Geoffrey is taken to the director’s office, where he gives him a bashing. Then he returns to the classroom, sits quietly and no longer bothers anyone.
    2012 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin (sedative). He turns into a zombie. He then passes a test for attention deficit disorder. His family receives state benefits because Geoffrey is disabled.
    4 script:
    Billy breaks the glass in a neighbor's car and his dad sets him a belt.
    1957 - The next time Billy behaves more accurately, grows normal, graduates from college, and becomes a successful businessman.
    2012 - Papa Billy is arrested for child abuse. Billy is a shelter and becomes a member of the gang. Sister Billy tells the state psychologist that she remembers that she was also mistreated and their dad goes to jail. Mom Billy has an affair with a psychologist.
    5 script:
    Mark has a headache, and he takes aspirin with him to school.
    1957 - Mark shares aspirin with the director at the smoking area.
    2012 - The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug trafficking. Police search his car for drugs and weapons.
    6 script:
    Pedro gets a deuce in English.
    1957 - Pedro goes to study at a summer school, takes English and goes to college.
    2012 - The state authorities take on the cause of protecting Pedro. Newspaper articles across the country explain that compulsory English for graduation is racism. Human Rights Defenders (ACLUs) are suing the state school system and an English teacher who has taught Pedro. English is excluded from the list of compulsory subjects at school. Pedro still gets a diploma, but he has to earn a living by mowing the lawns, because he does not know English.
    7 script:
    Johnny takes apart the fireworks left over from Independence Day, puts them in a glue bottle for a model airplane, and blows up an anthill.
    1957 - Ants die.
    2012 - Representatives of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Department of Homeland Security, and FBI are called in. Johnny is accused of terrorism. The FBI is investigating his parents, all of his siblings are being taken away from their home and their computers confiscated. Papa Johnny is put on the list of potential terrorists, and he can never fly a plane again.
    8 script:
    Johnny falls during a break and scratches his knee. His teacher Mary finds him crying and hugs him to calm him down.
    1957 - Very soon, Johnny feels better and continues to play.
    2012 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and driven out of work. She faces three years in a state prison. Johnny has been undergoing therapy for five years.
    1. AX
      23 September 2013 17: 08
      Close to life ... Even more than ...
  51. Arabist
    23 September 2013 19: 14
    What an abomination. It's better to be a savage from Aldace Huxley's Brave New World than a progressive gay European. Truly, our Christian values ​​must be as unshakable as Russia itself.
  52. +2
    23 September 2013 20: 15
    Destruction of the family, corruption of minors.... Europe will wash itself with bloody tears....
  53. +1
    23 September 2013 21: 20
    What a dissonance between the appearance of these European gender legislators: sleek, in immaculately clean linen and fashionable clothes, with porcelain smiles on their faces - and such dirt and bestiality in their souls! Moreover, they stretch their vile lascivious hands towards children... The last Russian homeless person is a hundred times more moral than them!
  54. 0
    23 September 2013 22: 24
    Quote: dmb
    To be honest, I have not yet read a meaningful analysis of the reasons for such a policy by Western society. Even inveterate conspiracy theorists and catchers of Masons cannot really explain it. Let's start with the fact that this phenomenon is most widespread in the countries of the notorious "golden billion". It is unlikely that a reduction in the European population of these countries and its replacement by Asians is included in the plans of the same Masons, because then it is logical to assume that this purely European notion (the Freemasons) was conceived to establish a world caliphate, which spit on any conspiracy theorist.

    Everything is much simpler than it seems. Theirs is a very narrow caste, and everyone else is for them. Why at home - because the most thinking part is the Jews, they are the most dangerous. And they want to deal with the Arabs with our Russian hands. The Chinese are not dangerous to them, because they have in their blood slavish obedience to their masters, bred over centuries.
  55. +1
    23 September 2013 22: 25
    Quote: dmb
    To be honest, I have not yet read a meaningful analysis of the reasons for such a policy by Western society. Even inveterate conspiracy theorists and catchers of Masons cannot really explain it. Let's start with the fact that this phenomenon is most widespread in the countries of the notorious "golden billion". It is unlikely that a reduction in the European population of these countries and its replacement by Asians is included in the plans of the same Masons, because then it is logical to assume that this purely European notion (the Freemasons) was conceived to establish a world caliphate, which spit on any conspiracy theorist.

    Everything is much simpler than it seems. Theirs is a very narrow caste, and everyone else is for them. Why at home - because the most thinking part is the Jews, they are the most dangerous. And they want to deal with the Arabs with our Russian hands. The Chinese are not dangerous to them, because they have in their blood slavish obedience to their masters, bred over centuries.
  56. +2
    23 September 2013 23: 40
    in fact, pedophilia and incest, not to mention LGBT, are things that have long been known and tested in Europe, so there’s nothing to be surprised about...

    I was more struck by 2 other facts:
    1. justification for killing children under 2 years of age
    2. child euthanasia...

    to be honest, I don't even know what to say...
    1. +3
      24 September 2013 03: 30
      Quote: DanaF1
      to be honest, I don't even know what to say...

      Nothing better request This is the case when swearing is powerless
      1. +1
        24 September 2013 12: 51
        it's not about the mother...

        I'm trying to imagine the reaction of a normal person to this and... I can't...

        I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that someone would even think of this fool
  57. Asan Ata
    23 September 2013 23: 57
    All this is like a bad dream, it seems like it’s not happening in reality, you want to wake up, but you can’t. In reality, the devil has entered into these people. In our countries, what the hell will they do, but the whole world is sorry, there are also a lot of good people there who, unfortunately, cannot do anything, and this is their fault. If only this scum had been there, they wouldn’t have spared atomic bombs for them.
  58. Asan Ata
    24 September 2013 00: 01
    I will add: normal people in Europe now understand exactly where white is and where black is, and these are real allies, the same as the communists from Europe and the USA were in the old days. All that remains is to simply bring these people to power in their countries.
  59. Avadra Cedavra
    24 September 2013 02: 10
    Quote: Hedgehog
    It all depends on the age at which they begin to exercise it. The sooner the worse.

    What is worse?

    Quote: Hedgehog
    This is based on Islamic customs.

    Not certainly in that way. In particular, the corresponding age restrictions are not established in the laws of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (the Republic of Bashkortostan, Rostov, Novgorod and Oryol regions). As a result, marriages concluded at thirteen, twelve years old and at an earlier age may appear.

    Quote: Hedgehog
    Because marriage obliges you to take care of your partner and children. And outside of marriage, beauty. Our job is not to give birth, put it in, take it out and run.

    What prevents you from taking care of your partner or children without getting married? I’ll tell you a terrible secret: it is not at all necessary for the parents to be married to have children. Previously, illegitimate children had no rights to inherit the property of their father and other relatives. In modern Russia, illegitimate children are fully equal in legal rights to marital children. In accordance with Article 80 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents are obliged to support their minor children. It makes no difference whether children are born in marriage or not.

    Quote: Hedgehog
    I recommend doing bestiality in public.

    In Russia there are certain nationalities in whose culture bestiality is not immoral and is quite widespread among males in adolescence. In general, the actions you cited constitute an administrative offense under Art. 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (provided that the witnesses were adults).
  60. 0
    24 September 2013 10: 17
    The family is systematically excluded from the nearest circle of children's authorities. Children are taught to question the moral values ​​of their families, to ignore or fear their parents. The society of sexual freedoms is not going to engage in the protection of moral norms and morals. Upbringing replaced by physiology. Early premarital relations, change of orientations carries out the transition of society from marriage and family to sexual promiscuity and temporary partnership. Immoral relationships involved in sex can only be temporary. The destruction of a family will make a flock of selfish individuals out of society.

    And so it is.
  61. albanech
    24 September 2013 13: 42
    The article is relevant! There was already a similar article about the Scandinavian countries! Thanks to the author for informing us and warning us against danger! All the comments are interesting, but I can’t read where our dear one (you know who) is there! He needs to reduce his fees a little and try to think and present facts, read more, and not fight in verbal agony!
  62. Icestar777
    24 September 2013 23: 45
    After reading the article, I remembered the Iron Curtain with tenderness and dreamed of lifting the moratorium on the death penalty (for pedophiles and other scum..... kov)
  63. -1
    26 September 2013 08: 14
    Let them decide what is more important for them - relative prosperity in countries close to Europe (but in fact not part of it, because they are not considered full-fledged Europeans) or the right to raise their children in the way they consider fair and faithful, strong male defenders and real women guardians of the hearth. And if the latter, they move to Russia to work for the benefit of the common state and the values ​​it protects. Whining about “it’s easy to say, it’s hard to do, where should we move, you’re crazy” is on the conscience of each individual family, their children are already being taken away from them, there’s no time to make excuses.
  64. -1
    26 September 2013 19: 09
    yes...and there’s not much more to say and all that remains is to hope that in Lithuania the healthy forces will still win and not the completely sick ones