Secrets of shooting marks

Secrets of shooting marks

It so happened that after the Second World War, fire training, before that the basis of training a soldier, began to lose its former meaning. It was assumed that in modern combat, the main defeat of the enemy will be inflicted aviation and artillery, as well as guns, rockets, BMP machine guns and Tanks.

Combat practice

In the poem by the British intelligence officer and writer Joseph Kipling “The Ballad of the West and the East” there are such precise and characteristic lines: “He fired a shot once, and fired two, and a bullet whistled into the bushes. Shoot like a soldier, "said Kamal," let's see how you ride. "

The infantrymen were assigned the task of suppressing enemy grenade throwers. To solve it was supposed not so much due to accuracy, as due to the high density of automatic fire. It is not by chance that the AKM manual states that the main type of fire for it is automatic. Such installations did not contribute to the education of apt shooters.

The author knows motorized infantry, tank crews and artillerymen who, during two years of military service, fired less than a hundred machine gun shots. And this is not today, but in "stagnant" 1980-e!

In the Airborne Forces and special forces units, the situation is usually better, but even there it was far from ideal. What is clearly evidenced by the experience of hot spots. This is how Alexander Grigoriev, GRU special forces officer, describes one armed clash in Afghanistan.

16 March 1987 was destroyed by a nine-member militant group. The fire on them was conducted, it would seem, in ideal conditions - from top to bottom at an angle of 25-30 degrees from a distance of 50-60 meters.

Success factors: moonlit night, the presence of night vision devices and extremely weak opposition of the enemy due to the suddenness of actions of special forces soldiers. Despite this, each of the scouts spent at least two or three stores, that is, about nine hundred rounds of ammunition per group, which amounted to one hundred for each killed “mojahed”. Tellingly, the battle was fought not by recruits, but by well-trained soldiers, the group consisted of four officers.

Meanwhile, the consumption of ammunition - one hundred units per killed enemy - becomes almost perfect for any war. For example, in the First World War on the Eastern Front, the monthly requirement of the Russian army for cartridges was 250 million pieces. Thus, more than 12 thousands of bullets were fired at every enemy that died or died from wounds.

The Afghan experience is fully supported by the Vietnamese. American Colonel David Hackworth testifies: “In a sudden collision with an enemy, our soldiers, shooting with M-16 rifles, overwhelmingly missed the fully visible and stationary target. And it doesn’t matter whether the shooting was conducted on the move or from an ambush - the results were almost the same: five shots for six shots.

Such cases can be counted more than one hundred. The number of misses significantly exceeded the number of hits, despite the fact that usually shooting was carried out from fifteen meters or less, and in some cases from less than three meters. Shot on the spot became a legend.

Regarding the dependence of the effectiveness of fire on the range, there is no evidence in the analysis of six large and approximately 50 small operations that when shooting with M-16 rifles from a distance more than 60 meters, at least one partisan or a fighter of the armed forces of North Vietnam was killed ".

We emphasize that both experts talked about trained fighters. Why, then, do shooters confidently perform all 5 exercises on the shooting range, and sometimes they cannot hit the target at a very “childish” distance in real combat?

Blame is psychological stress. “Most often, inaccurate shooting was caused by the fact that the fire was unaffected and was carried out in a hurry. The shooter in excitement took too high, “- said Colonel Hekworth.

Motor skill

It is well known that the human psyche undergoes numerous changes in battle, however, few people realize how deep and destructive they are. According to statistics, only 25% of fighters use technical skills obtained as a result of preliminary training in real combat conditions. In combat, the human psyche changes, as if under the influence of a powerful drug.

Everything is changing - the perception of information, the decision-making mechanism, sensitivity to pain. There is a "convulsive" grip weapons. The so-called “tunnel vision” appears - the fighter perceives only the enemy as a source of immediate danger, he is not able to catch and understand any other information.

The activity of the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for abstract-logical thinking is suppressed. A person becomes unable to adequately assess the situation and its development, to consciously apply the skills obtained as a result of training.

Therefore, the only way out is to apply technical skills without the participation of consciousness. Performed reception or a sequence of techniques should be an automatic reaction of the psyche of a fighter to a change in the situation. For this, the technique being studied must become a motor skill.

It has been empirically established that in order to turn an action into a motor skill, it is necessary to perform it 5000-8000 times. This idea is not new. Back in the early twentieth century, the forefathers of Russian military psychology wrote that the principle of automatism should be the basis of combat training of personnel. But in fact, this idea is implemented in practice only in special divisions, where charters and instructions are openly reserved.

The basis of live firing systems is the desire not to overcome the natural instincts of a person in danger, but to use them to increase the effectiveness of a fighter's actions.

The main principle is the unification of education. In training, you only need to do something that is useful in the stressful conditions of a real fight. It is necessary to avoid that which can contribute to the assimilation of wrong motor stereotypes. You should not work out several different options for action, as a reaction to the same change in the situation. Under enemy fire, it’s not up to choosing from several options the optimal one, and the seconds spent on making a decision can be fatal.

It is not necessary to make any changes to the usual equipment and weapons, its state and ways of wearing. For example, it is absolutely not recommended to keep a pistol in the lap during the day and in the evening in a shoulder holster; at home, keep a pistol with an empty chamber, and on the street carry a weapon with a cartridge in the barrel. This may lead to a search (in battle!) Of a pistol where there is none, or try to charge a pistol locked with a safety catch.

And do not expect that in a stressful situation, you can figure out what is happening! In a real battle, it’s not up to performing any actions meaningfully. The fighter does only what he managed to work out in training until full automatism.

Good results are obtained by applying the basics of auto-suggestion. An important feature is that the formula used must be positive. You say to yourself “I do (something)” - even if for the time being it is not possible to carry out a proper technique correctly. In no case can not apply negative formulas like "I do not pull the trigger."

Readiness scale

The psychological aspect is closely related to the problem of readiness for a fight with the enemy. Indeed, a person is not able to constantly be in readiness of the “state of a compressed spring”. On the other hand, a surprise attack gives the enemy great advantages. Thus, a change in the level of combat readiness should be an unconscious reaction of a fighter to changes in the environment.

In the West, there is a color scale to indicate successive steps to increase alertness.

White - the lowest level of alert. You are completely relaxed and do not pay attention to the environment.

Yellow - you are in a situation of possible threat. You are relaxed, but carefully watching the environment.

Orange - you have noticed an object, possibly representing a danger. You begin to make a plan of possible actions in case of a threat from the object, closely monitoring its actions.

Red - a signal to the transition to the "red" state, usually serves some kind of action of a suspicious object. Now you are convinced of his hostility. Perhaps the situation will require the use of weapons, and all your body systems are on alert.

The action plan has already been drawn up, and now you are waiting for a signal that will give you the right to use weapons, for example, the appearance of an armed enemy. It is very important to determine for yourself this signal (“trigger button” of the reaction) in order to save yourself from having to make a decision at the moment of the attack of the enemy.

All this is a psychological basis that is to be put into practice.

Get used to the weapon

So, let's move on to this stage of preparation. The resulting machines are reduced to "normal combat." From this point on, they do not surrender to the armory! Weapon is around the clock with a fighter. It must be taken literally - either the machine is not released from the hands, or worn in the “on the belt” position. The goal - a fighter should get used to the weapon, as part of his body, it should not interfere with it under any types of daily activities.

Discharge control - permanent!

In the field, this can happen as follows: the fighters stand in a circle so that everyone can control the others. Machine guns with the barrel directed upwards. Then, all synchronously several times, they retract the bolts, press the trigger and put the weapon on the fuse.

All attempts to "play war" should be stopped in the most severe way. It is difficult, but - possible. Wearing in a convenient position for shooting, store replacement, daily cleaning and lubrication, disassembly and assembly - all this should be at the level of the subconscious, like manipulations with a spoon-fork. It must be remembered that complete disassembly should not be allowed - AKM (AKS) does not like this.

The fighter must daily, several hundred times, throw the machine at the shoulder with the aiming at the target. At first it is correctly applied so that the butt plate directly fits into the notch of the shoulder, the cheek touches the butt, the rear sight and the front sight are exactly aligned.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct stand: legs - shoulder-width apart, right shoulder raised, shoulder girdle tight, body half turn to the target and slightly tilted forward. In this position, you need to be for a few minutes so that the muscles "remember" the action.

When the rack is fixed, the target is marked (some point in space at the same level with the shooter), the eyes close, the weapon smoothly rises to the shoulder in the direction of the target. At the moment of touch, the trigger is pressed and the right eye is opened. "Smooth" front sight must "hold" the goal. This movement should be gradually accelerated, while maintaining a smoothness ...

As a rule, after three or four regular exercises, the pillar and front sight reliably “hold” the target, and no more than 0,5 seconds are spent on the “shot”.

Gradually, the exercise becomes more complicated: the goal is now at different heights - left, right and back. As soon as the eyes catch the target, they immediately close, the body turns, the machine gun is raised, and so on. From slow to fast. Ways of turns for each fighter are individual, to whom it is convenient.

Exercise, as a rule, is practiced during the "typical situations" in tactical-drill exercises. "Shooting" is carried out in motion. The main requirement - the movement should not be interrupted even for a moment. No, even the shortest stops.

Complicated this exercise by connecting acrobatics: somersaults, rolls. You can not freeze in place for a moment.

Every movement should be smooth, “shooting” should not interrupt it. If someone has targeted you, then the slightest stop is one hundred percent death. Continuity of movement gives a chance, and accurate shooting increases this chance.

After each stage, it is advisable to conduct practical shooting. In this case, a lot of fire is not required: 15-20 shots with a single fire is enough to consolidate the skill.

Targets of no more than a soccer ball are set at different distances - from 15 to 150 meters. The shooting at them was initially conducted by tracer bullets, so that every scout could see the trajectory of the bullet's flight, its height. He should automatically, by eye, determine the distance to the target and “see” the aiming point - depending on the distance.

I don’t speak specifically about the installation of the sight here, because during the transient battle no one simply looks at the rear sight, and the enemy, as a rule, does not give the opportunity to properly aim.

All these stages take place, as a rule, in fifteen or twenty days, or rather days, since the process is not interrupted for a minute. And he does not interfere with compliance with the daily routine. All the planned classes do not interfere, but on the contrary, help the speedy acquisition and consolidation of weapon handling skills at a subconscious, muscular level.

The trainees themselves are very surprised when, on the tenth or fifteenth day during the test firing, they fall into the jar from under the UZRGMs at a distance of one hundred meters with their eyes closed. This fact gives, firstly, self-reliance, self-esteem, and, secondly, it introduces an element of competitiveness among the soldiers.

Group coordination

The next and much more difficult stage is the firing coordination of the group. Among other things, it is also a very risky event, because there may be random hits on its own, unexpected ricochets ...

To prevent this, it is necessary to work out the interaction within the group to complete automatism. Train up to the "seventh sweat" until the guys start feeling each other literally with their skin, without calling out to a friend and not looking at him.

All typical group constructions, actions in one or another situation with variants should be worked out until complete automatism. It is difficult, but quite achievable. Many lives depend on the level of training of fighters, including their own. So you need to form such an understanding! Both as a part of subgroups, and in group as a whole.

A scout, throwing up a machine gun, must constantly monitor that his "shelling" sector does not fall into his own. Periodically, you need to submit the command "Freeze!" And point out errors in detail. As part of the group, allow only those scouts who have achieved the full automaticity of all maneuvers to engage in combat shooting.

... Somewhere in about a month from the beginning of training, it is possible to achieve a normal group maneuvering, a fairly tolerable shooting (80-90% shots hit the target), three times to go to combat exits - after all, during the war, no one will allow camp.

Now comes the most difficult stage of learning. Namely: to teach people not to shoot. My personal experience shows that this is the most difficult of the above. This skill is especially important for intelligence units.

What is intelligence? They passed quietly, saw the object, reported the coordinates, and also quietly left without moving either a blade of grass or a leaf. The first shot - the illumination of the group, detachment, and possibly the whole idea of ​​senior commanders. Therefore, the shooting need to develop a serious, responsible attitude. Here we apply the principle: “I don’t see, I don’t shoot, I shoot, I hit.”

I don’t say, of course, about “find and destroy” tasks. In such cases, of course, the intelligence officer must act decisively, boldly, creatively - and if you really have to shoot, then do it faster and more accurately than the enemy.

But we must remember that the scout is not an infantryman. He does not have with him boxes of ammunition, grenades. All that is - worn BC, three hundred, a maximum of six hundred rounds, six - eight grenades. And that's it! Replenish it at the expense of the enemy - this happens most often in film and adventure literature. So, you need to spend ammunition economically. Experience shows that the most optimal fire regime, with rare exceptions, is a single, two shots at a time.

It is enough to make one or two hits to reliably disable the enemy.
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  1. +22
    20 September 2013 08: 57
    well written!
    Despite this, each of the scouts used up at least two to three stores, that is, about nine hundred rounds per group
    there was a similar case. the cheats strained the head of the administration. at night they had to come to him for money. waited for them, it would seem complete control. two came down at a distance of about twenty meters from each other. they were destroyed, but like !!! I thought the third world war began. some almost all the stores were shot. some of the agglomerates got involved. then there was a breakdown of the operation. I was stunned by the fact that some served two or three contracts (although it was known before that). if there were several more Czechs on the catch, the result could be different. the division was only harmonious, people knew little of each other ... and it was very faithfully and accurately written in the article:The reason for this is psychological stress. “Most often, inaccurate shooting was caused by the fact that the fire was aimless and was conducted in a hurry
    1. +5
      20 September 2013 15: 00
      Please read the book by Baurzhan Momyshuly, called "the book written in blood".

      There, the great warrior describes fear. The soldiers were afraid then, and now, it doesn’t matter if you are a veteran or a salaga, sometimes he says fear before every attack.

      And even the lion-king of animals is afraid of being shy, Momyshuly is afraid of any creature, for the whole war he has not met a single person who was not afraid.

      That's just the point in fear, either a coward or a bold one is born. The coward is afraid and gives in to panic, and the brave one will use his fear to correctly perform the task and not die in vain.

      It's hard. I am not surprised that contract soldiers could give in to stress, is it really easy to kill a person ?! It's not a computer to fill frags.

      I would like the fighters everywhere to be taught the psychological state, taught how to overcome it, only when the fighter is mentally ready for his death (samurai technique) only then he will have nothing to lose, courage can be learned.

      It is agreed that often it is necessary to conduct a lesson in fire training, so that the machine gun really merges with the warrior.

      PySy the ancient Mongols gave small bows with arrows to three-year-old carduelis, further more bows became more deadly, this led to the warrior (man) getting used to the weapon as his hand and he skillfully controlled it, he also learned to be responsible for his weapons and for the consequences of applying it.
      1. Joffrey
        20 September 2013 15: 10
        That's right, in the 9th century Russian boys at 7 years old were put on a war horse.
  2. Wolverine67
    20 September 2013 09: 46
    ...... a good article, intelligently written, concise and to the point. There are a lot of elementary truths, but as a rule it is precisely from them that accurate shooting is formed. The people, as a rule, try after the first successes to complicate the shooting conditions, the target environment, but, as the author correctly points out, it is necessary to bring the simplest actions to automatism so that the head does not realize yet and the body does ...
  3. Poruchik_72
    20 September 2013 10: 03
    "The trainees themselves are very surprised when, on the tenth or fifteenth day, during control firing, they, with their eyes closed, fall into a jar from under the UZRGMs at a distance of one hundred meters."

    It's hard to believe...
    1. vkrav
      20 September 2013 11: 08
      And this is not a matter of faith ... This is a matter of skill. And, as the author correctly writes, habits of weapons. You may not believe further, but some (who can) even very audibly shoot in the dark, and even completely blind. Read about Margolin.
    2. jjj
      21 September 2013 20: 05
      We shot at night, without any night sights. Smashed a box of bulbs that blink in targets. Indeed, after a month of training, almost all "Marxes" became.
  4. +22
    20 September 2013 10: 20
    And we have only charters, shagistics and cleaning ... EPRST!
    Ammunition keeps everything safe and then disposed of.
    If ALL marines were prepared for firing using a similar technique,
    how many young children could be saved in Afghanistan and Chechnya!
    1. +6
      20 September 2013 15: 45

      Here amers do not spare ammo (Vietnam taught them a lot):

      6 week training at MCRD.

      This week you will sleep with your rifle, you will give your rifles names for these will be the only women who you can get through. (C)

      Actually - Weapons Training. In a week you will shoot more than a thousand live ammunition, and more than three thousand idle. This is my favorite part of training, you shot all the cartridges and say, “Give me more,” and they say to you, “Hold it, son, shoot accurately,” shot another horn, and they will give you another one. Shoot until you knock out 10 out of 10, no one is sorry for the cartridges. Recruits are fired from the M16A2 service rifle. The first week is called Snap-In Week. During this week, recruits learn to shoot from 4 key points.

      1. Standing.
      2. Sitting on your knees
      3. In the squat.
      4. Lying.

      link: marine- infantry- us
      satchel /
      1. +5
        20 September 2013 15: 58
        Quote: Ka-52
        Here amers do not spare ammo (Vietnam taught them a lot):


        when you compare your aptly sent "into milk" THREE CARTRIDGES in training, and IT doesn’t even cry - I want to howl.

        especially if you recall what this led to.
        1. +3
          20 September 2013 17: 14
          True, the saint - three sighting, three on the target at 5 meters, three on the target at 100 meters, 9 - automatic mode on a moving target at 100 meters. Then a year of work with a knife - peeling potatoes ... Cool. That was in 1990. All sorts of different coups and parades of sovereignty began, a mess in the Caucasus ... It is not surprising that the army was incapable. Hope it’s better now.
  5. Kovrovsky
    20 September 2013 10: 27
    Informative and instructive article, thanks to the author.
  6. +6
    20 September 2013 10: 42
    Believe Guood.
    Excellent ATP.
    Only the photo is strange in the title, RPKshny store and nozzle for idle))) comrade to clean then will not get tired of weapons?
  7. +7
    20 September 2013 11: 02
    Quote: Starover_Z
    And we have only charters, shagistics and cleaning ... EPRST!
    Ammunition keeps everything safe and then disposed of.
    If ALL marines were prepared for firing using a similar technique,
    how many young children could be saved in Afghanistan and Chechnya!

    Yeah, fighting in the first place, and a soldier is a defender who acts in battle and with arms in his hands, a soldier should be able to shoot only at 5 in any situation, as well as train physically, and those skills that will be directly required in battle, and not dig, do not whitewash, etc.
  8. +13
    20 September 2013 11: 03
    Saving ammo when training l / s is sharply reflected in losses in battle!
  9. SIT
    20 September 2013 11: 07
    The article describes the methodology of teaching intuitive shooting. Indeed, for reconnaissance, both military and special, this is probably the only correct method of fire training. In principle, this is how shotgun hunters shoot in years. That's just to confidently get an experienced hunter himself cuts out a box of guns and adjusts exclusively for himself and the removal of the butt left or right, and the length of the butt. But when he, looking only at the target, throws up his gun, it always turns out to be equally rested in the same place in the shoulder. Accordingly, it would not be bad for each fighter to fit personal weapons exclusively for themselves. Another aspect of intuitive shooting is the psychophysical characteristics of the fighters, namely such concepts as the leading eye and the leading hand. Usually it is the right eye and the right hand, but there are left-handed people who have both the hand and the eye left. The worst option that I really have seen in only one is when the leading eye and arm are different. It’s better not to train such IMHO intuitive shooting. He didn’t demolish me from his stupid FAMAS. But maybe there are some ways, I'm not special in psychology. The hand and eye are determined in a first approximation quite simply. A person should, on command, quickly aim with his index finger at you. Which hand to which eye he brings, those are the leaders.
    PS The soldier in the photo is so painstakingly aiming at the assault rifle with a nozzle for idle shooting, and even standing on the fuse)))))
    1. 0
      20 September 2013 13: 21
      -FAMAS ... French Foreign Legion?
      1. SIT
        20 September 2013 23: 04
        Yes, he served 1 contract in Legion etrangere, and therefore he fucked up this French crap. We then took her from him. Our M4 ate everything in a row, and his FAMAS shot only with French cartridges, even he had delays from the standard NATO ones. To hell with such a stray.
  10. +4
    20 September 2013 11: 11
    Unfortunately, we train more with a broom or with a shovel.
  11. +11
    20 September 2013 11: 35
    "But you need to remember that the scout is not an infantryman. He does not have boxes of ammunition or grenades with him. All that is - a wearable ammo, three hundred, maximum six hundred rounds, six to eight grenades. And that's it!"
    And the scouts don't need any more! The main weapon in intelligence is stealth. Ability to remain unnoticed throughout the entire assignment. If a reconnaissance group is found and the hunt has begun on it, then this is practically a "paragraph". Personally, I once had to take part in such a hunt as "game". Memories are not pleasant. The task was completed, we returned to ours (the most difficult and dangerous part of the task). We did not know that they were looking for us all this time (the group was naturally sold, it happened). Moving away from the "hunters" we used up everything that explodes completely, but the cartridges still remained. Salvation was only in the ability to find the best route and, of course, in the legs. One could apply their skill in marksmanship and eventually receive an order (posthumously), but somehow they decided to wait with this.
    Sometimes I have to listen to stories about "combat" feats and "overwhelmed" militants. Moreover, there are so many "overwhelmed" that one is amazed and their number grows depending on the amount of alcohol consumed. Anyone who actually fought will say that while you get one, you will get wet! Even with all his skill as a shooter and with ammunition.
    1. +5
      20 September 2013 17: 09
      Quote: IRBIS
      You could use your skill in marksmanship and eventually get the order (posthumously), but somehow we decided to wait with that.

      Alexander, as usual - to the point.
      To complete the task and manage to keep the beloved personnel is the best and desired result ... of our "Work".
      1. +4
        20 September 2013 21: 42
        Quote: Aleks tv

        I will add a little:

        After all, only 10 served in the tank troops.
        It was 3.5 of the year, “I don’t know where ...”.
        Army “roads” are unpredictable ...
        (Briefly wrote about this on the site, about the advantages of Mountain Tourism over Mountaineering in Army training.)
        I had to go through the VDP and jump from Teshek and Ulybaek. Retrain in the Elbrus region in DzhanTugan ... exe, and they tormented us in Dzhelchovchat at the very reluctance with a sob in me can not.
        The guys from the special forces (even from Afghanistan, there are few of them now ...) taught us briefly and capaciously:

        1.How to hold a weapon:
        Before you take up the forearm, pass your hand through the belt (inside), wrap it on your left forearm, and then attach the butt to the right shoulder. The belt should connect the trunk and body into one whole.
        Try this:
        If you lower Kalash with one left hand and again apply it to your right shoulder, then the weapon should “walk” like a poured along with the body.
        At this time, the right hand (before pulling the trigger) will show the entire Group with gestures - who should be “wetted” and in which sectors, and will even have time to make it clear to the signalman that it’s time to call the turntables to a “point” for a friendly stay.

        2.How to use weapons:
        If intuitive z.poi, and not a blunt brain, felt danger, then do so -
        Wherever you turn your head, your Kalash looks there.
        Do not need this:
        - turn your head and see something ...
        -.Evaluate what I saw ...
        - deploy the trunk ...
        - shoot, finally.
        Well, don’t ... Forget it.
        You’ll twist your head in all directions as if stung, which means that the machine should rotate in the same way.
        Your eyes and the muzzle gun compensator ALWAYS look TOGETHER at one point.
        The action scheme should be simple:
        - Saw-Shot;
        - fucked up;
        - I thought.

        It seems that he didn’t give out secrets ... I just liked the article, and it’s unclear what.
  12. +2
    20 September 2013 11: 50
    Excellent training system. Interestingly, before implementation comes? The question is rhetorical ...
  13. +2
    20 September 2013 12: 58
    Thank you for the article! +++ hi

    Eh, it would still be "OBLIGATED" to be used in training, for "SPECIALISTS" who will participate in BATTLE ... soldier
  14. +1
    20 September 2013 15: 00
    In the article, everything was taught by the old hunters - the correct butt of the gun to the shoulder and silent removal of the fuse, blind aiming, tracking the target and checking the shooting of the thrown bottle)
  15. +2
    20 September 2013 15: 42
    vidos in the subject

    The first time I saw him on Russia was the topic: weapons are outdated about Kalash Stechkin ...
    to which he replied learn to shoot correctly No. after which his student (50 kg) planted the entire horn in the target in one burst (they told him of course what kind of return would be 120 kg in you)
  16. +4
    20 September 2013 15: 52
    I think it’s not going to be a revelation (for those who are swimming) that an ordinary average-trained soldier, having got into an alteration immediately, skipped, starts shooting not like a shooting range (combining a bar, sight and target), but simply over the barrel, or even completely from the hip.
    and only dropping adrenaline, a couple of shops, begins to disassemble - and actually where he shoots.
    certainly a lot of stress.
    but unlearnedness does not go anywhere.
    I don’t know why, but the training of riflemen is not a priority at our military commanders.
    and this (as correctly described in the article), not only the shooting itself, but also the habit of weapons, and the ability to act in a group.
    a seemingly simple thing is to distribute the rifle sectors.
    it looks simple in the movie, poked his palm into space, cutting each sector, and like everyone understood everything, but try to do it in practice, at least for separation, and even in motion. and even if you have not been taught this.

    Well, the ammunition question that has gotten sore, is asked NAKHER DISPOSE of expired ammunition, if they can really be shot?

    Alas, there is no answer.
    20 September 2013 16: 17
    Yes, I agree with you, the article is excellent !!!
    So where does this really apply ??? According to some reports, only in special units, in the Airborne Forces of the Airborne Forces (the department of fire training in practical shooting) and in state of emergency and EVERYTHING !!!
    Even in constant combat readiness units there is nothing but KYA-83 AND NO, with rare exceptions. For 13 years of military service, I saw only one simulator, really working on the development by the shooter of the ability to correctly aim and produce a descent.
    And the shooting course becomes the same for all specialists. Nothing but 3 ONS (AK-1) and 2 ONS do not shoot anything !!!
    What can I say to study the Republic of Belarus with the military sideways - and then who is given in the city, but here we are talking about professional shooting ...
  18. +2
    20 September 2013 16: 22
    Quote: Poruchik_72
    "The trainees themselves are very surprised when, on the tenth or fifteenth day, during control firing, they, with their eyes closed, fall into a jar from under the UZRGMs at a distance of one hundred meters."

    It's hard to believe...

    But I believe that we were hogwarts in 1993, the KMB was trained for a month so that in the test firing almost the entire platoon was shot at 2, 3 digits for shooting from AK. It was the urgent service that taught to shoot and later become a master of sports in shooting, but of course the urgent was not infantry.
  19. +4
    20 September 2013 16: 45
    I liked the article, read it straight with the soul.
    Good to read something worthwhile.
    Thank you!

    I agree about psychology and about developing skills; examples given by the author are interesting.

    I remembered:
    For training in the Armed Forces of the USSR, a single, standard methodology worked:

    1. Getting KNOWLEDGE. - Summaries, theory, acquaintance, study.
    2. Fastening SKILL. - Many hours of training to the point of insanity. Automatism.
    3. Production Abilities. - The multilayer performance of heterogeneous actions.

    All this leads to the successful application of knowledge using LOGICAL THINKING.

    4. Birth MASTERIES.

    Mastery is the highest stage, all actions of the student are not controlled by consciousness, but are regulated by INTUITIVE THINKING.
    This is exactly when "first I do, then I think."

    This method is simple to duplication and it is possible to impose it on the training of many military specialties with obtaining the desired result (for the purposes of training).
    We drove the crews just along it.
    She helped.
  20. +1
    20 September 2013 16: 50
    Quote: Rider
    Well, the ammunition question that has gotten sore, is asked NAKHER DISPOSE of expired ammunition, if they can be actually shot? Alas, there is no answer.

    Burn zinc 3-4 then any trunk after 3-6 shots in the shoulder will fall.
  21. +1
    20 September 2013 20: 22
    Theme with a long beard!

    It is strange that not a word has been said about IPSC. After all, this is a 100% answer to the author of the topic. A solution has long been found in the world - IPSC. Practical shooting is not done in a classic shooting range, but in a 180-degree sector. In this case, shooting is carried out in motion, etc. Not only the accuracy of hitting targets is taken into account, but also the time and power of the cartridge (!). But even in peacetime, before the "Standby" team, the pulse jumps to 120 beats. By the way, the elements of the IPSC are indicated by the order of the Ministry of Defense for introduction into our army, and special forces like "Alpha" have been using it for a long time.

    This preparation allows you to make accurate accurate shots in a stressful situation in a short time.

    PS how to embed a video from youtube ???
    1. 0
      20 September 2013 20: 38
      Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
      how to embed a video from youtube ???

      Sorry, I don’t know the name ...

      When writing a message, in the upper field there is a little stick in the form of a film strip (media content), when you click on it, a window for entering information appears, where you need to copy the video link.
      If you copy the link in full, then the crap in the form "http: //" will be twice, remove one nana and everything will be in openwork.
      Itself also got smashed ...

      Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
      A solution has long been found in the world - IPSC.

      Where to find such Polygons ...
      Yes, I’m on the Army ...
  22. 0
    20 September 2013 20: 47
    Quote: vkrav
    And this is not a matter of faith ... This is a matter of skill. And, as the author correctly writes, habits of weapons. You may not believe further, but some (who can) even very audibly shoot in the dark, and even completely blind. Read about Margolin.

    I have astigmatism, I read an article in a departmental magazine (how this material got into this publication, a riddle!) Of the commander of the SPN department, And I started shooting from ax-74 on 4 and 5! In short, the reception concept is based on the psychology of a shooter, then you can imagine mentally the target, and the trajectory of the bullet from the moment of departure from the barrel to the hit of the target! And at the moment of firing, even if you don’t see the target, at that moment when you click on ck, you just imagine that the bullet hit the target! didn't get too close!
    1. 0
      22 September 2013 17: 20
      The same garbage - astigmatism, the choir shot normally. and otl., but the vague target was staggering, it was straight - infuriated, he adjusted the eyepieces - as it was clear, I see the ant on a pine from afar.
      Shooting became more comfortable.
      And in the SA, the glasses were immediately knocked out, and from the AK-47 everything was excellent, for it represented. that I shoot at my enemies (S.K.).
  23. sanecc
    20 September 2013 22: 40
    special comments, shooting, and where they are specialists, pontoons on fingers more ........ and in real life
    1. 0
      20 September 2013 23: 01
      Quote: Sanecc
      special comments, shooting, and where they are specialists, pontoons on fingers more ........ and in real life

      Vitaly Kryuchin has been promoting the IPSC theme in Russia for 10 years. A very tough uncle - he will do almost any special forces in classical exercises like "el president". Petrov (the one in the video above), by the way, was also a member of the regional branch of IPSC? but then he was expelled from there. In general, the one who sees the IPSC shooters for the first time is a little shocked.
  24. D_L
    21 September 2013 00: 29
    Nice post! Thank.
  25. +2
    21 September 2013 07: 27
    And Baba Yaga is against it! Those. someone should be a little opposed to the author, for the good of the case. So, everything written in principle is correct, but it is in principle. But in fact, training in marksmanship should be based on an understanding of its features and, as the author says, nothing more is needed, however, there is nothing in excess here. We will leave psychology alone, we will touch on the shooting itself. Why learn to shoot tracers, if their trajectory does not coincide with the trajectory of a normal bullet, the wind carries these tracers, they pollute the weapons the most. Why does the arrow determine the distance accurately, what does he want to get to the head from the AK at 300m? Everything has long been invented, the distance is determined by the ratio of the characteristic size of the target to the width of the fly. You don’t even have to think here, so everything is visible! Maybe the reconnaissance uses the assault rifle in some other way, but in the infantry we shot just like that: a 300 sight (permanent) - aim at a buckle, a 600 sight aim at a heel and it doesn’t matter an enemy from you at 50m or 500m, aiming is the same and any , the bullet trajectory crosses the target, only at different heights. Of course, it is important how to hold the weapon, what type of fire to shoot, but the most important thing is that the shooter does not shoot at the target, but at the point where the bullet and target should meet and if he cannot determine, calculate, if you want, anticipate this point , then he will not hit! But this is achieved not by the constant wearing of weapons or their daily cleaning, but by theoretical exercises and practical, preferably daily shooting, everything else is SECONDARY!
  26. 0
    21 September 2013 07: 30
    If the shooter does not know how his weapon shoots, how and where the bullets fly, then 100 rounds may not be enough for one target. Hence the braking during short-term fire contacts, the shooters are not sure that they will hit, because they don’t know, I will say more, they don’t feel weapons, therefore they are nervous and do not shoot well. At the shooting range and at the training ground, they may have hit the head or somewhere else, they also want to get into battle, but no, then the wind is not very visible, then you have to shoot up, then down and that's it, there is no shooting. That’s what it would go to, it’s necessary the arrow, first of all it will teach to BELIEVE your Weapon, in what sense? And in this, he must be sure that the bullets will go where he sent them, then it’s up to the small one, to correctly determine where to send them. Many grin, but imagine you are firing from a distance, say, at 500m, from an AK attacking an infantryman. Take aim, and he’s 2 times already flies! To get there, you must be absolutely sure that your turn will close the target width, exactly sure! When you know what kind of spot your turn is, you will fall without straining too much, and when you do not know, you will smear trying to adjust the fire and rush. This is of course a tedious business, but in the end it’s grateful, judge for yourself how we did it: at a distance of 500m, 2 black growth figures were glued on a BTR target, then shot in pairs in bursts of different lengths, and then went to watch and mark the hits, for a long time, it’s boring, but what was the effect. Because to know by instruction is one thing, and to see is another. So, we take the simplification for range, simplified where the bullets go, we remember, it remains to learn how to take the lead. There is also a nuance here, generally accepted methods call for memorizing characteristic corrections, or calculating them, but it’s difficult because there are a lot of them (different goals), plus the wind blows there, the distances are different again, as a result, they recommend 2 main ways, THOSE THOSE amendments to accompany the goal fire, or move the aiming point forward and wait until the target approaches the shot. It turns out as if active and passive methods of firing. And in fact, and in other cases it’s difficult to get there, and even save ammunition. Again, it is difficult, when accompanying shooting, you need to keep the leash of weapons, and many stop the barrel movement at the time of the shot, and with the waiting method, you need to very accurately capture the moment of the shot. So commercials are difficult. And here is our method, it’s neither the first nor the second, namely its own. It is based on what principle, intuitively, it’s easier for the arrow to take the correction with a margin, as in method 2, but not wait until the target approaches, but shoot, leading the barrel towards it, stopping shooting before it touches the aiming line, everything is on instincts, simple and reliable. Here is the whole set of methods that allowed, for a 2-week field exit with daily hours of shooting, to teach a young soldier to shoot solidly!
  27. +2
    21 September 2013 18: 15
    Well, here a lot is decided by the sighting of weapons and the use of new sights. Anyway, the fighter will not be allowed to release zinc per week. And without this, from a naked Kalash, normal shooting will not work. And to be honest, Kalashnikov is not for a well-aimed battle. Yes, it is unpretentious, it is inexpensive, it is widespread. But if you need accurate shooting, there are either body kits or other weapons. Accurate shooters from ordinary Kalash, about which many here talk, one in a hundred. The body kits will bring this ratio closer to one in fifty to forty. And if these body kits allow you to survive and win, do not spare money for them.
  28. jjj
    21 September 2013 20: 15
    And who, after the service, departed from the "cure for fear"? Drank or went to adrenaline professions?
  29. vanaheym
    24 September 2013 13: 57
    Quote: wei
    vidos in the subject
    The first time I saw him on Russia was the topic: weapons are outdated about Kalash Stechkin ...
    to which he replied learn to shoot correctly No. after which his student (50 kg) planted the entire horn in the target in one burst (they told him of course what kind of return would be 120 kg in you)

    And what is the mystery of firing a burst at the entire store at the target? Well, besides damage to the barrel by an abnormal mode of operation and burning of official ammunition?

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