Victory as a national archetype and the core of Russian culture

Victory as a national archetype and the core of Russian culture

Winning a war is the natural task of any state that considers itself sovereign. For Russia, it is also unconditional historical mission underlying our cultural code. No wonder the two World War II are so similar to each other.

The phenomenon of national unity manifested by World War 1812, of course, is our cultural archetype. Two hundred years before, in 1612, the national militia of citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky decided the fate of the country, and our ancestors in 1812 were already well aware of how to behave when uninvited Polish kings or French emperors come to your house. When the German Fuhrer granted us 120 years later, this phenomenon of a truly World War II and true national unity was reproduced and became the main ideological and moral mechanism of the Victory in 1945.

Mission of Russia: on the way of Napoleonic complexes

Since Aristotle’s training of the first European (Eurasian) emperor Alexander the Great, the project of world domination has been the only project of European political thought worthy of giving literally everything to him, making it the ultimate goal and meaning of the existence of this civilization itself. The idea of ​​a united Europe, in essence, has existed since the days of Aristotle himself, and it cannot be said that it should be especially modified there or, God forbid, developed. All Western European countries and peoples strove to implement this idea almost without exception, thereby demonstrating their pan-European nature and actual cultural integrity (uniformity). The only subject of controversy and discrepancy in European history was the question of not European unity itself, but of who would be the “unifier” and, so to speak, the “ruler” of this single European space.

Over the past two hundred years, the French, Germans and Anglo-Americans have acted as candidates for this honorable mission. There was a Napoleonic plan, there was a Hitler plan, but there were also Marshall's plan and Churchill's speech in Fulton. By the way, for some reason it is considered that the main content of Fulton's speech is the declaration of the Cold War to the Soviet Union. However, it is not. Its main content is the proclamation of a single union of free European nations, in which the British Empire transfers leadership to the United States, recognizes this leadership and calls on America to lead the fight against the USSR.

The project of a united Europe under a single management has always been and today remains in reality a project of world domination. In the second half of the twentieth century, as a result of the implementation of the Marshall Plan and the creation of the NATO bloc, a project of European unity under US control was implemented, the most important step on the way to world domination by the Anglo-Saxons was made. The united, and actually conquered Europe on the map today looks the same as in the times of Napoleon or Hitler before the attack on Russia-USSR.

In this regard, the historical fate of our country is amazing. Geopolitically, every time we are the last and insurmountable obstacle to the implementation of projects of world domination. Russia destroyed both Napoleon’s plan and Hitler’s plan. By the way, it is curious to note that in the European civilization only Russia and British-America remain untapped and not conquered.

Historically, it is no coincidence that today, as in 1812, as in 1941, again we stand in the way of the now American (Anglo-Saxon) plan of world domination. We lost the Cold War (as we surrendered Moscow to the French in 1812), but, as the great Russian military leader M.I. Kutuzov, "Russia is not lost with the loss of Moscow." So we should remember today that Russia did not fall with the fall of the USSR.

1812 – 1945. Roll call two wins

June 22 (in the current Gregorian, so-called new style) Napoleon announced to his troops a campaign against Russia, calling this campaign the “Second Polish War”. Yes, yes, on this day. We should celebrate it as a day of national testing and courage.

Despite exactly 129 years of difference, despite the industrial and political revolution in the world that separates these two identical dates, there is a lot of similarity between two wars before the literal morphological repetition. Even technically, the approach to the conquest of Russia for almost a century and a half has not changed a bit. It is no coincidence that we call both wars Patriotic. Both of them crashed into our historical memory, acquired a sacred meaning. And exactly the memory of the first invasion helped to overcome the second.

The usurper unites Europe against Russia. Both Napoleon and Hitler swiftly, in about a decade, with the help of new-fashioned ideology and revolutionary social technology, reached the pinnacle of power and conquered continental Europe. Which both times did not really mind. Both usurpers were recognized as European civilizational heroes who gained their place by the right of the strong and the worthy. Both times, England acted as an ally of Russia, whom Russia ultimately defended against invasion. And both times, England reaped the laurels of the main winner, declaring the outcome of European events precisely for her political and military victory.

Blitzkrieg kaput. It is known that Hitler hoped to win in one or two months, as in all of his previous military campaigns in Europe. But he did not invent it. The main method of Napoleon was to impose on the enemy a general battle, which the usurper won. What, in fact, is a blitzkrieg. The Russians shied away from the general battle the whole summer of 1812, then agreed to accept him at Borodino and were not defeated. After which they again dodged. The war has become protracted. Blitzkrieg failed.

Retreat. I had to retreat to Moscow - both times. Yes, Napoleon entered, and Hitler did not. There is an era difference. But the "point of no return" is one. As for the Poles - two centuries before Napoleon. No need to go to Moscow, reach Moscow, go to Moscow. Such a place. He still chose Dolgoruky. And he understood this. It is no coincidence that all kinds of Russophobia to this day personify their hatred of Russia as hatred above all of Moscow.

Scorched earth. And it was Moscow that burned for more than four days, from 14 to 18 in September of 1812. Burned out more than 5 / 6 city. The usurper was forced to move out of the Kremlin - from a completely European residence, built by the Italians. In WWII we ourselves burned and blew up our cities before the arrival of the Germans - like Moscow in 1812. To the great German annoyance and bewilderment, do not fit into the framework of German rationalism. What to do - Russian barbarians.

Guerrillas, that is to say the terrorists. The peasants and the people in general, but first of all it was the peasants who did not go under the new “power”. What seemed to the invaders was nonsense. After all, according to European understanding, what difference do you guys have, who is the boss? It turned out there is a difference. Napoleon was left without forage. The bread was simply not cleaned, but already cleaned ... destroyed. The French (and then the Germans) were killed without much talk. They gathered in the woods and from there endlessly attacked communications.

In 1812, carts were captured, and in 1941, they were “derailed”. The new “power” could not understand this phenomenon, either then or later. Hitler believed that they would rush to his feet away from Stalin, and Napoleon also came to liberate him from slavery. “Slaves”, however, acted in their own way - as truly free people. Without complexes and looking at the "civilization".

Marshal of Victory. At the beginning of the war, both times the Russians had bad control of the army, with command. Kutuzov accepted the army of August 29, Zhukov - October 10. That is, in the fall, in a difficult situation. Both essentially determined the strategy of the Victory in an essential way. There is such a thing - the Russians long harness. What looks like a crisis and is accompanied by victims is actually a unique process of collective Russian self-organization, when the army and the people, along with the leadership, become one. Both intellectually and morally. And then they win where it seems to all other Europeans is simply impossible.

Gendarme of Europe. Both times it ended with the occupation of the capital of the aggressor. And Russian control over the pan-European processes and countries - legal and deserved control. The ideology of control was different, but the essence was the same: no need to go with us to the war, otherwise you will have to live under us later.

"White Ribbons", that is, flags. The traitors both times dreamed that the European “civilizer” would finally win us, which alone can teach us, foolish, rude and wild, to live like human beings. And for the sake of this, let him blow and punish. They still dream about it.

Heroes They did not spare their belly, gave their lives for their friends. Now they are members of the heavenly host. Both times the war was popular. Holy war. The first to build a temple was the restored Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The memory of the second is still waiting for its visible Orthodox veneration.

Perhaps there are other similarities. But for the output is sufficient and these above. Our memory, which saved the events of 1812 of the year as sacred, firmly, entered the popular consciousness in 1941 with the skeleton.

Let those who think that for the sake of future successes in building a “comfortable European country” (apparently within Moscow and the Moscow region), we need to quickly forget our history, let them think about it. Well, really, why remember it - because it was not with us. That is, let's decide right away that we cannot do it like them. And if anyone comes to us, then we will surrender immediately, without nonsense. And the rest is "Putin's propaganda." However, over the course of 129 years, this “propaganda” (then “Nikolaev’s,” probably) was, as it turned out, very relevant.

Victory is not the final yet. Continuation always follows

"Tell me, uncle, it's not a gift ..." Definitely not a gift. It was not for nothing that Victory was given - both times. And the matter is not only in the fallen, in the devastation, in the exhaustion of the people's forces - and the forces of power, by the way, also.

Nothing ended in 1812. As in 1941. Fights, fights ... And then ...

Here is the magic of numbers:


Remember? The end of an era. And the temporary end of imported liberalism. The king came authoritarian. The one that marked the beginning of the Russian railways.

And more:


This is also the end of an era, only this time liberalization has triumphed - along with the change of the king from the great to the funny. If in 1825, the “modernizers” were put in place, then in 1953, another process began - the rejection of what really “tired us”. And she went to write the province. "Thaw" and vilification of the king of the previous.

Both wars left fatigue and a desire to heal, “like they have there” - for those who were defeated. Already this new generation wanted it. In general, the victory of the military began to turn into a political defeat. In 1825, of course, it was not as deep as in 1960, although the results of the Crimean War - in fact, which revealed our backlog at that time - are not brilliant. So, the way out of the 1825 situation was also far from ideal - with all his real humanism against the background of the 20th century. As the saying goes, we are not one of those Ants who were hung, but one of those Ants who were hung.

This does not mean that there is no need to win, to which many intelligent liberal voices are inclined, but he says that with Victory one must work more correctly in a historical perspective. Because Victory is by no means the end of the historical process. And you cannot get away from its dialectic - after Victory you cannot rest on your laurels, but you need to plan a real historical development. Otherwise, the return of the process of history can seriously damage the state. Victory must be able to continue in the internal life of the state and in foreign policy, and not just “freeze” in memorials and eternal glory.

The phenomenon of the Fatherland in the culture of the winners: the indisputable value

What we call the “golden age of Russian culture” has grown out of the victory in World War 1812 of the year. The core of this culture is the phenomenon of the Fatherland as indisputable value and the ability to view Russian life arbitrarily critical, but without regard to the teachings and patterns of "enlightened" and defeated Europe.

The First World War 1812 of the year was rather well analyzed by Russian historiography and, most importantly, quite powerfully reflected in Russian culture - which is worth only War and Peace. Pushkin and Lermontov as cultural phenomena also have such a reflection, and in many respects their creativity is also the result of this reflection. The fact that Pushkin gave birth to modern Russian at this particular time is not an accident and not a coincidence. The massive rejection of the "state" in the circles of the nobility at the time of the war of the French language - a powerful incentive for Pushkin's genius.

The cultural phenomenon of the Fatherland born of the 1812 war of the year, and the cultural figure of Pushkin, cultivated on this phenomenon, surprisingly combines the later senseless and merciless dispute of Westerners and Slavophiles, which still stands in the way of genuine Russian philosophical thought, replacing it with social pseudo political opposition.

Being a ruthless critic of the Russian reality, not daring to learn something (what we really need) from the West, as Peter I did (a sample of the sovereign for Pushkin), the poet is completely free from complexes in front of Europe, from blind imitation or from blind envy . This freedom of self-determination and reflection gives a feeling of a winner. The winner of the very Europe that persistently climbs to us throughout our thousand-year history as teachers and civilizers.

This is what Pushkin writes, responding to Chaadaev, a sincere admirer of Westernism and the fact that only the West has history and, therefore, the right to teach and educate us: “As for our historical insignificance, I cannot positively agree with you. The wars of Oleg and Svyatoslav, and even specific wars - this is the same life of vigorous courage and aimless and immature activity that characterizes the youth of all nations. The invasion of the Tatars is a sad and great spectacle. The awakening of Russia, the development of its power, the course towards unity (towards Russian unity, of course), both Ivana, the majestic drama that began in Uglich and ended in the Ipatiev Monastery - how is it really not a story, but only a pale, half-forgotten dream? And Peter the Great, who alone is the whole world history? And Catherine II, who placed Russia on the threshold of Europe? And Alexander, who brought us to Paris? And (hand on heart) do you not find something magnificent in the present position of Russia, something that should hit the future historian? Do you think he will put us outside of Europe? ”

The true historical significance of Pushkin’s figure, impossible without a victory over Europe “united” by Napoleon, reflexively assimilating the cultural meaning of 1812 of the year, was remarkable in his article “Pushkin on relations between Russia and Europe”, the outstanding Russian philosopher S.L. Franc. Here is what he writes in the conclusion of his article: “Dostoevsky, in his well-known pre-death speech about Pushkin, in his form, in the language of his convictions, tried to express this genuine universalism of Pushkin’s genius who reconciles Slavophilism with Westernism. He put a lot of his own in this interpretation, but, essentially, in that he caught this universalism of Pushkin, he was absolutely right. When the day of the revival of Russian culture and statehood comes, the old question of cultural relations between Russia and the West will again be before Russian society. Hopefully, it will then remember the wise and broad precepts of its greatest genius. "

The victory over the already united Europe gave our ancestors the freedom of a truly patriotic self-determination, that is, the freedom needed by the critics of their Fatherland without betraying it and denigrating them - criticizing our difficulties and problems without waiting for praise and patronage from the West that we had already defeated. The special price and value of this victory for the formation of Russian identity is understood by another our poetic genius - M. Yu. Lermontov: “Tell me, uncle, not for nothing?” And “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers about Borodin’s day.”

Without the victory of 1812, our country would have neither Pushkin, nor Lermontov, nor Tolstoy as we know them, which means there would be no great Russian literature, which in many ways replaced our philosophy, which became the real core of Russian culture and Russian of identity.

Surprisingly, it is precisely the victory over the united Europe that is “to blame” for the failure of the “Decembrist uprising,” or rather, the failure of the next palace coup and the end of an entire era of such palace coups. Practically 100 years thus regulated the participation of the national elite in power. The last December attempt at another coup failed largely due to the desire of the conspirators to do in Russia “how there”. It turned out that in the overwhelming majority of Russia, Russia doesn’t really want to “like it.”

Thanks to the victory of 1812, many in Russia have become clear that the desire to do with us “how there” actually turns out to be only a cover for seizing power and realizing the “Napoleon complex” from certain revolutionary people. It was under the influence of the educational and cultural significance of the victory of 1812 that suddenly, as Lenin wrote, “the circle of these revolutionaries is narrow and they are terribly far from the people”, because neither the broad circles of the nobility, nor the people defending the Fatherland from European civilizers, needed no "how there".

* * *

About six or seven years ago, one of our television channels showed a story in which Russian President Putin and German Chancellor Schröder spoke in a friendly manner over a beer. Then Putin’s words, which we quote from memory close to the text, seemed very curious: “Do you know, Gerhard, why do we, the Russians, work so easily with the Germans? Easier and better than with any other Europeans? "- Putin asked and immediately answered:" Because we, Russians, do not experience an inferiority complex before you, the Germans. "

Our national problem is actually the multiple complexes and “birth injuries” of our native intelligentsia, which perform the functions of the ruling class poorly. And it is truly sad that getting rid of them (complexes and injuries) is accounted for exclusively by winning the next World War — every time Russia and the Russian people face the next “civilized and cultural” Europeans on their path to world domination.
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  1. +7
    11 September 2013 07: 31
    The article is peppy. That's what I liked the most, Putin’s words that it’s easy for us to work with the Germans, because we don’t experience an inferiority complex in front of them. That's right !!! You can’t feel the inferiority complex in front of European politicians! Yes and others! Yes and in general in front of someone! This puts a step lower in the argument or dialogue in advance. The so-called peering into the eyes, ingratiating, and one’s point of view is very difficult to defend — it’s practically impossible.
    1. 0
      11 September 2013 13: 26
      ... it is easy for us to work with the Germans, for we do not experience an inferiority complex in front of them ...

      Even become more generous, stop spreading tourists from Germany on May 9 at the resorts, get closer and then (and this is right on the surface, looking at history) the alliance of Russia and Germany is able to completely FULL Europe to put in a knee-elbow position (especially small Britain and pshek) and become a real locomotive of the development of mankind, cooperating and respecting the mentality of the east in the person of China ...
    2. yan
      11 September 2013 13: 54
      We just have to face Western liberalism a sense of inferiority to experience. They should feel shame for propaganda of debauchery and tolerance
  2. Valery Neonov
    11 September 2013 07: 40
    .. "European" civilizer "" against the Russian people is like a carpenter against a carpenter!
    There is no page in History where one could read about the defeat of the Russian people by Europeans or anyone else! No and never will be! soldier
    1. Kapitanyuk
      11 September 2013 10: 16
      Crimean War, Russian-Japanese, World War I ... Continue?
      1. +8
        11 September 2013 10: 50
        The Crimean War cannot be unambiguously called a defeat - we destroyed the Turkish army and navy. In Sevastopol, a stalemate arose - comrades, the Europeans could not even capture the whole of Sevastopol, they simply could not continue the hostilities. On all other theater of operations, the coalition got a firm grudge besides, the results of the war were soon annulled ...
        Russian-Japanese confrontation than ended, remember? Yes, yes, yes, walking like a trampled Kwantung army, returning all that was lost and Japanese crying in the Kuril Islands ... Yaroslavna would have been envious ... :)))
        Write 1 MB in lost wars ... :))) How is it that you itch, the poor thing, to blurt out this ... what, you really want to spit in the direction of Russia somehow? :))) Don't, it looks unreasonable, it looks like a powerless clacking of teeth ... especially a thoughtful "Continue?" ... :))) Well, continue, be so kind ...
        By the way, the author spared the text and did not mention that we also destroyed Sweden’s most powerful military machine, which was in Europe at one time, like the Wehrmacht, at 41, and the superpower itself was reduced to the status of European backyards. We undermined the power of Turkey and thwarted its expansion by expelling it from the Balkans and from the Black Sea. So in this situation it’s quite possible for me to ask, continue? :))) ... Chaadaev you are our ....
        1. +1
          11 September 2013 11: 03
          Continue)) Remember the Seven Years' War, in which, despite the victories at Gross-Jegersdorf, Zorndorf and Kunersdorf with a subsequent visit to Berlin, nothing was achieved, just a zilch, they left, putting thousands of men in the ground. About Suvorov’s famous campaign in the Alps is just as meaningless and merciless. About the Prut campaign of Peter 1.
          And I remember well the Russian-Japanese confrontation, how it ended - the collapsed country, which was "ruled" by the tsar-rag. The greatness of a country is not measured by murders in war. And the quantity and quality of the time of peaceful life.
          1. +2
            11 September 2013 13: 36
            Let's not juggle, somehow it’s not good, or perhaps .... in the cases you have listed, We were defeated? Or a stalemate, do you think defeat? If not, then why take the discussion aside?
            The Russo-Japanese confrontation did not end with the fact that the liberals forced the tsar to abdicate, and then destroyed the country. The acute phase ended at 45 - do not remember what?
            All our wars ended with that. that the enemy received unacceptable damage and lost power sufficient to destroy our country. These are Crimeans, and Turks, and Persians, and Swedes, and Germans, and Poles, and French, and Japanese, too ... where are these powerful states that at one time threatened the very existence of our country (except perhaps the Persians)? Only in Britain we didn’t get seriously ... well, they almost never climbed into us, they always fought with us with other hands ... And the quantity and quality of peaceful life depends on how many and what neighbors you have, well, really - I do not believe you are not making the impression of a near-sighted person, at least kill .... :)))
            ... if you compare how many wars were fought in the 20th century, the United States — you wonders — they wiped our nose with a reserve ... the difference, however, is that they waged wars with predatory purposes, which we sinned extremely rarely .. ..yes and we were never a colonial power-the colonies did not rob-hence the welfare ...
            1. +2
              11 September 2013 15: 05
              We will not distort, agreed. When the latter come to us and take away the last one so that there is no hope for the future, we can fight. And the teeth of the predators to knock out, and carry out intruders to the house, all this was. And I'm proud of it - that my ancestors did just that.
              Sadly and instructively, a completely different pathological inability of those in power to draw lessons and conclusions from each war. As well as the authorities' persistent distrust of the idea of ​​arming their own people.
              I quote from the above article: "... The victory over the already united Europe gave our ancestors the freedom of truly patriotic self-determination, that is, the freedom of the necessary criticism of our Fatherland without betraying it and denigrating it - criticizing our difficulties and problems without waiting for praise and patronage ..." under every word, it is said very accurately. And food for criticism is just the reasons that led to defeats. It is necessary, it is important and useful! and shapkozakidatstvo, irrepressible boasting and the desire for a "small victorious war" can greatly ruin life.
              I think this does not amount to anti-patriotism?
              1. 0
                11 September 2013 23: 46
                So with the fact that we have not always used properly the results of wars, I do not argue. As for the ability to draw conclusions, not always, not always ... when compared with the main rivals, we generally look very good ... especially about the conclusions ... :)))
                As for the fact that ever in the last three hundred years, an armed people, which the local authorities didn’t interfere with, could influence the outcome of the war .... there were no such precedents in History ... there were none anywhere ... but an armed people very often led to terrible bloody riots and cataclysm in some states, in comparison with which Pugachevism is the top of humanism .... the only positive case is the 12 year war. It is not for nothing that our partisans are considered the most partisan in the world .... :)))) Well. yet. partly an example is the Afghan epic of the British in the 19th century. All.

                I have never been a supporter of cap-hatreds and a lover of small and large victorious wars .... and even more so, I do not equate them to patriotism ... to allow the propaganda to be accepted as a real counterbalance to an even more dangerous all-space movement - I equate. By patriotism, in no case.
                And do not ask me provocative questions - I still did not manage to survive from my mind .... :)))) +
                1. 0
                  12 September 2013 01: 10
                  I don’t remember who heard this saying: "If it seems to you that you are communicating with an idiot, then most likely he is doing the same." I do not consider myself to be idiots, as well as the participants in discussions in which I happen to participate. You, too, have the right to ask questions, as well as I have the right to assess the degree of their provocation. This is, in general, a normal way to find out positions on the topic under discussion. If the passage about anti-patriotism somehow hurt, then I apologize.
                  The Patriotic War of 1812 is remarkable, for me personally, by the following paradox - how can powerless enslaved serfs (in fact, the same slaves) suddenly suddenly see their light and perform an action characteristic of a free citizen? A slave has no homeland, he has no homeland. There is only an owner, daily rations and the amount of hated work. Plus the threat of punishment in one form or another. Well, one owner will change for another, horseradish radish is not sweeter. You look, maybe a new one and will punish less. And here, rraz and on you ... here and "the club of the people's war", and "get up, Orthodox!"
                  And the casket just opens, people were expecting the abolition of hated serfdom, the rejection of military settlements. They didn’t wait. They again deceived.
    2. -4
      11 September 2013 10: 28
      Okholon, dear. About the beaten and unbroken, I hope the proverb is known. And they beat us, and how. The battles of Friedland, Austerlitz, Narva, Alma and Inkerman, Port Arthur and Mukden (here, however, the Japanese), Tannenberg and Przemysl ... And this also needs to be known and remembered. Because a useful medicine is never sweet.
  3. 0
    11 September 2013 07: 49
    Quote: Valery Neonov
    June 22 (according to the current Gregorian, the so-called new style) Napoleon announced to his troops a campaign against Russia, calling this campaign "the second Polish war." Yes, that day.

    What nonsense. Napoleon did not declare war. And he did not cross the border on June 22, but on June 24.
    At 6 a.m. on June 12 (24), 1812, the vanguard of the French troops entered the Russian fortress of Kovno. In the evening of June 24, Emperor Alexander I was at a ball at Bennigsen in Vilna, where he was informed of the invasion of Napoleon.
    1. Valery Neonov
      11 September 2013 08: 19
      Dear, where did you find it, I will quote especially for you: .. "European" civilizer "" against the Russian people is like a carpenter against a carpenter!
      There is no page in History where one could read about the defeat of the Russian people by Europeans or anyone else! No and never will be! requestCareful, yeah!
    2. +2
      11 September 2013 08: 32
      On June 22, Napoleon appealed to the troops, in which he accused Russia of violating the Tilsit agreement and called the attack on Russia the second Polish war [83].

      At 6 a.m. on June 24, 1812, the vanguard of the French troops entered the Russian fortress of Kovno. In the evening of June 24, Emperor Alexander I was at a ball at Bennigsen in Vilna, where he was informed of the invasion of Napoleon
    3. 0
      11 September 2013 13: 18
      Damn, well, I understand that historians interpret each story in their own way, but you can find the FAMOUS facts in the history textbook, no?
  4. +5
    11 September 2013 07: 56
    "White Ribbons", that is, flags. The traitors both times dreamed that the European “civilizer” would finally win us, which alone can teach us, foolish, rude and wild, to live like human beings. And for the sake of this, let him blow and punish. They still dream about it.
    True said. Russia is ready to go to them all like a bone in the throat.
    1. +3
      11 September 2013 08: 34
      Yes. And they’ll say how they liked to speak under Gorbachev — help, tell me, direct. That is, what laws to adopt, how to live ... Maybe we can steer us, eh?
      Ugh! Bitch.
    2. +3
      11 September 2013 08: 36
      Quote: MIKHAN
      Russia is ready to go to them like a bone in the throat.

      And not only Russia. They even interfere with the memory of the USSR. It also hinders the fact that people remember their VICTORY!
      And by the way about her! Dearest!

      Donetsk region celebrated the Day of the liberation of Donbass theatrical performance, parade and smoke fireworks
      Follow the link, there are a lot of photos on page. You will not regret.
      1. +3
        11 September 2013 08: 55
        Yes, yes! They are mortally afraid of something like the USSR. Hillary Clinton even spattered almost saliva: "We will not allow the appearance of the TS! We will use our influence" - something like that. I don’t remember what about the influence she said, but said, that's for sure.
        1. +2
          11 September 2013 11: 00
          You are absolutely right — you said that they would not allow the revival of the USSR in any form. Her emotions were such that it’s obvious that they’re terribly afraid of it ... but just because they’re not afraid of anything, therefore, the revival of the USSR is quite real ... in one form or another ... especially now that even their European allies convinced of the bestial nature of the American regime. :)))
  5. eplewke
    11 September 2013 08: 57
    As long as there is a memory of that war, as long as there is pride among the people for the victory, Russia will stand. We have such a mentality, we will not give our land to anyone ...
  6. +5
    11 September 2013 08: 57
    For 130 years, they forgot how they fled from Russia, so in the 45th they reminded us, we will remind at least every century until the Europeans at the genetic level remember that the Russian people cannot be conquered!
    1. +3
      11 September 2013 11: 03
      In the fall of 41, memoirs of Napoleonic marshals became terribly popular among Wehrmacht officers. As it turned out, it was not in vain ... :))) It is time for our potential friends to turn to memoirs again, since such literature was replenished with the songs of beaten German generals ... :)))
      1. +2
        11 September 2013 13: 29
        Quote: smile
        It’s time for our potential friends to turn to memoirs again, since such literature was replenished with the songs of beaten German generals ... :)))

        From the memoirs of the German generals, you can find out that 1) frost, 2) thaw, 3) Hitler’s mediocre leadership, 4) innumerable Russian human resources, 5) the presence of felt boots in our soldiers, and so on.
        1. 0
          11 September 2013 23: 50
          Jews-commissars riding on millions of T-34s have been forgotten! :))) The Germans, by the way, didn’t have to come up with anything, the French have already come up with everything before them ... :)))) Only without commissioners ... :))))
    2. 0
      11 September 2013 13: 27
      If we continue to recall 40 million each, then soon the Russian gene will not remain
  7. dmb
    11 September 2013 10: 26
    Started for health, ended for peace. According to the logic of the authors, the people were so happy with their beloved master and serfdom that it is completely incomprehensible why peasant riots broke out in Russia every now and then. And as it was good, the gentleman went out into the yard, noticed that the yard people: Timofey Sergeytsev and Dmitry Kulikov, secretly learning to read and write from a village clerk, something was snorting at a goose feather on a piece of paper, and sent them to the stable for cutting stations. Manure must be removed, and not Volterianism involved. About the mysticism of numbers. Well, why attribute their own stupidity to Napoleon and Hitler. They obviously weren’t who or what fools, and their generals counted the time of the attack not so much by looking at the magic books, but based on the natural and climatic conditions, the condition of the roads and the types of crops.
  8. 0
    11 September 2013 10: 46
    The article has a lot of confusion and cheers-patriotism.
    The author recalls the teachings of Aristotle about the state, explaining to them the desire of Western civilization for world domination, while forgetting or keeping silent about the fact that the Soviet ideology of the 20-30s. The twentieth century did not shy away from the universal manners, speaking of the world revolution and the victory of the proletariat. ("Workers of all countries unite").
    And in general, to compare the domestic wars of 1812 and 1941-45. not entirely appropriate since there are more differences than similarities.
    Losses are incomparable, i.e. that price, measured in human lives, that is paid for victory. In the first case, we are talking about tens of thousands, in the second - tens of millions. And the main reason for this is not the "phenomenon of national unity", but the quality of the armed forces. In the 1941th century, we had one of the best armies in the world, led by talented commanders, and according to these indicators, the Stalinist Red Army was inferior at times, which resulted in the tragedy of 42-XNUMX.
    Now about the "phenomenon of national unity." Something I cannot recall that in 1812 the Russians fought against the Russians on the side of the "Great Army". There are simply no such facts. Let's take the statistics of the collaborationist movement during the Second World War 1941-45. and let us be horrified by the numbers, where the Vlasov army is only flowers. In total, according to some sources, up to 1 million. citizens of the USSR were on the side of the enemy (29th SS Grenadier Division "RONA", 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division "Galicia" (1st Galician / Ukrainian) 24th SS Mountain Rifle (Cave) Division "Karstjeger" 36- I SS Grenadier Division "Dirlewanger" 20th SS Grenadier Division (1st Estonian) SS Volunteer Regiment "Varyag" 1st Russian National SS Brigade "Druzhina" 15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps 30th SS Grenadier Division (2nd Russian) 36th SS Grenadier Division "Dirlewanger" SS Legion "Idel-Ural" SS Grenadier Brigade (1st Belarusian). And these are only SS formations, and how many served in the police in the accupted territories is generally difficult to calculate.
    In conclusion, I would like to say that history is not the basis for cheers-patriotism. What our great ancestors did is their merit. Eternal memory and glory to them. We, their descendants, need to thoroughly analyze everything, draw conclusions and try to prevent their mistakes.
    1. smiths xnumx
      11 September 2013 13: 42
      Dmitry, as not: I immediately want to remember the Moscow boyars, who swore allegiance to the Polish prince Vladislav in the Time of Troubles, but they will have to show condescension. The invitation of foreigners to the throne for Europe in those years was quite normal, and in the conditions of the Troubles of the XNUMXth century, Vladislav with some stretch can be considered just as "legitimate", or rather, lawless tsar, as Vasily Shuisky and the False Dmitry. Therefore, let's move on to the next century and consider several episodes of Russia's relations with openly hostile states at a time when it was headed by a legitimate monarch, whose rights to the throne were not disputed by anyone.
      1708 - the height of the Northern War. The army of the Swedish king Charles XII crosses the Dnieper at the Golo-vchina and invades Russian territory. And at this time, three dashing chieftains immediately rose in the rear of Peter I. Kondraty Bulavin, who had fled from the Don, moved to the capital of the Don Army, Cherkassk. Having been defeated by Ataman Lukyan Maximov, loyal to Peter, Bulavin flees to the Zaporizhzhya Sich and invites local Cossacks to join him, and at the same time turn to the Crimean Khan for help. The ataman Timofei Finenko refuses Bulavin, but the Cossacks throw him off, exchange him for Gordienko and give the Don guest a thousand selected lads. With their help Bulavin trashes and executes Maximov, takes Cherkassk, and then the fathers Drany, Naked and Bespaly who joined him capture Tsaritsyn, besiege Saratov and Azov, sometimes reaching Tambov and Penza. The letter of the Bulavins to the Turkish sultan, unlike the legendary text of the Cossacks, did not contain an offer to crush the hedgehog with his bare backside. On the contrary, the Cossacks beat the brow, asked for support against the damned and promised to help with the return of Azov. It is not known exactly how many villagers fought in the detachments of Bulavin, Gordienko and Mazepa. But in 1711, having invaded the Crimean Tatars in Ukraine, the Cossacks and the Militians had 10 thousand sabers. Since before that the tsarist forces defeated all the chieftains of Bulavin, pretty much battered Mazepa near Poltava and destroyed the garrisons of Baturin, Perevolochny and Zaporizhzhya Sich, initially it was a question of forces comparable to the main army of Peter himself, who had about 50 thousand soldiers near Poltava.
      Mazepa and Cossacks took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1711-1713, ravaging the rear of the Petrine army together with the Crimean Tatars. During the hostilities, they were joined by the Cossack garrisons of the Ukrainian fortresses Boguslav, Bratslav, Nemiroff and Novogeorgievsk. Ataman Ignat Nekrasov, a participant in the Bulavin campaign, distinguished himself by betraying the lands of his former compatriots to fire and sword. It was in his honor that the Cossacks who left for the Tatar territory were named Nekrasovites. The descendants of the Bulavinians fought on the side of the Ottoman Empire and the Crimean Khanate in almost all the Russian-Turkish wars of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, sometimes devastating villages no worse than the most ferocious Crimeans. They also did not disdain to steal the "Orthodox brothers" into slavery with the subsequent sale of goods in slave markets.
      1. smiths xnumx
        11 September 2013 13: 49
        On July 1, 1812, the creation of an independent Grand Duchy of Lithuania was proclaimed in the territory of the Vilnius, Grodno and Minsk provinces, as well as the Bialystok district. In a matter of months, a freshly baked state acquired an army led by Prince Romuald Gedrojec, in which many Russian deserters served. The army consisted of 5 infantry and 6 cavalry regiments, 3 jaeger battalions and horse artillery company. Taking into account the gendarmerie, the national guard, a special squadron of Lithuanian Tatars, Karaites, conscripts sent to Napoleonic regiments, more than 25 thousand people stood under arms. Separate Lithuanian units fought under the banner of the emperor until the abdication of Napoleon, leaving the besieged Hamburg already on the orders of Louis XVIII who replaced him.
        In full accordance with the supreme Polish-Belarusian Catholic nobility in the principality, the local Orthodox clergy acted there. Obeying the order of the head of the Mogilev diocese, Varlaam Shishatsky, the local priests took the oath of allegiance to Napoleon, and then regularly prayed for his health. Probably, as the pious fathers of the foreign Orthodox Church, who later prayed for Hitler, Vladyka Varlaam and the company also suffered from Kremlin totalitarianism and saw their deliverer in the French emperor.
        We found sympathizers for Napoleon in Moscow itself with its environs. A group of peasants led by Philip Nikitin sent the emperor an enthusiastic
        letter, welcoming him as a liberator from the landlords. Other peasants briskly joined the French looters and dragged along with them everything that lies badly. Having reached Moscow, the most market-oriented managed to settle in abandoned manor houses and, considering that now the ban on serf peasants to acquire urban houses is no longer valid, they need to get a certificate of ownership from the new authorities.
        The Old Believer merchants from the capital and Moscow region met the invaders even more joyfully. The names of Illarion Smirnov, Fyodor Guchkov (great-grandfather of the famous Octobrist and Freemason) and Peter Nasedkin have survived to our time. The latter even headed the municipal council created by the occupation administration, which for a short time became a true stronghold of Russian "democracy" in its present sense.
        Under the chairmanship of Nasedkin, in the mansion of Count Rumyantsev on Maroseyka many equally prominent merchants gathered, as well as officials, teachers of Moscow educational institutions and even a couple of footmen. However, unlike the democrats of the perestroika era, the Nasedkin company did not manage to establish cooperation with the robbers and marauders that flooded Moscow. Its owners too did not last long in Moscow.
        In Smolensk, the titular councilor Vladimir Yaroslavtsev headed a similar municipality and received 200 francs from Napoleon himself for his work for the good of a united Europe. Moscow and Smolensk municipalities diligently helped the invaders to make requisition, for which some of them thundered to Siberia after the liberation. The mayor Yaroslavtsev committed suicide in prison, and the merchant Guchkov managed to otmazatsya, and he was imprisoned only forty years later for a major theft.
        1. smiths xnumx
          11 September 2013 13: 51
          Traitors were treated more simply.
          “To the glory of our people, in all that side, the well-known traitors were some courtyard people of the retired major Semyon Vishnev and the peasants Efim Nikiforov and Sergei Martynov,” the famous partisan commander Denis Davydov wrote about the hostilities in the area of ​​the village of Znamenskoye. , killed their master; Efim Nikiforov with them killed the retired lieutenant Danila Ivanov, and Sergei Martynov directed them to the rich villagers known to him, killed the governor of the village of Gorodishche, plundered the church, dug the ashes of the landowner of this village from the graves and fired at the Cossacks. all the first scattered in that direction and disappeared, but we captured the last on the 14th. This booty was more important to me than two hundred Frenchmen! I immediately reported this to the head of the militia and prepared an approximate punishment ... The platoon moved forward and fired at once. "
          "Hussar confession. Diary of partisan actions of 1812").

          At the village of Spasskoye, the story repeated:
          "One of the prisoners seemed to Beketov that he has the features of a Russian, not a Frenchman. We stopped him and asked what nation he was? He fell to his knees and confessed that he was a former Phanagorian grenadier regiment and that he had been serving in the French service for three years non-commissioned officer. "How! - we all objected to him with horror. “You are Russian and you shed the blood of your brothers!” - “Sorry! was his answer. “Have mercy, have mercy!” I sent several hussars to gather all the inhabitants, old and young, women and children, from the surrounding villages and bring them to Spassky. When everyone gathered, I told both my whole party and the peasants about the act of this traitor, then asked them: "Do they find him guilty? All unanimously said that he was guilty. Then I asked them: what punishment do they impose on him?" Several people said - to mark him to death, ten people - to hang him, some - to shoot, in a word, they all determined execution. I ordered to move over with the guns and blindfold the criminal. He managed to say: "Lord! Forgive my transgression! "The hussars fired and the villain fell dead."

          At the same time, the so-called Bagaderan (Bogatyr) battalion, which soon grew to a regiment of two battalions, was created from Iran and deserted from Russian deserts in Iran. The Baga derans took part in several battles with former colleagues and suffered heavy losses in the battle of Aslanduz on October 19-20, 1812, and 28 soldiers who were captured were hanged. After the war, part of the surviving deserters was issued, but some remained, their ranks were replenished due to new deserters, and by 1826, when a new war with Russia began, the Iranian army again had a two-battalion regiment of up to one and a half thousand people who again took part in the hostilities.

    2. +1
      11 September 2013 14: 32
      Quote: mitya24
      ... we’ll be horrified by the numbers, where the Vlasov army is just flowers. According to some data up to 1 MLN. Soviet citizens were on the side of the enemy (29th SS Grenadier Division of the SS "RONA", 14th Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS "Galicia" (1st Galician / Ukrainian) 24th Mountain Rifle (Cave) Division of the SS "Karstjäger" 36th Grenadier Division of the SS "Dirlewanger" "...

      About 1 million - this includes ALL formations + Heavi. The last (voluntary assistants) weapons did not have and were dispersed over the Wehrmacht's formations as horsemen, builders, loaders-carriers, etc.
      In general, it is Khivi who occupy the lion's share in the million citizens of the Union.
  9. stroporez
    11 September 2013 11: 19
    the article is peppy, but long ... in the old days, Major Gryazev (our curator) said: we will win. not because of landing, but because to lose --- zapadlo. Of course, these words are thicker, but the meaning is .

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