"When it is cold in your house"

"When it is cold in your house"Former Secretary of State and one of the most well-known political strategists of the United States, Henry Kissinger, has recently, despite his age (2013 turned 90 in May), headed the 100 list of the world's leading intellectuals.

Some time ago, G. Kissinger shared his vision of the situation in the world, including in the Middle East. The conversation developed so frankly and defiantly that at some stage the anxious assistants of the political guru could not stand it and harshly asked the journalist to leave the premises.

"The United States is luring China and Russia, and the last nail in the coffin will be Iran, which, of course, is the main goal of Israel. We allowed China to increase its military power, and Russia to recover from Sovietization, give them a false sense of distance, it will speed up their collapse. We look like a sniper who pits a novice to choose weapon, and when he is just trying to do something, it turns out bang-bang. The coming war will be so severe that only a superpower can win, and that’s us, guys. That is why the EU is in such a hurry to transform itself into a full-fledged superstate, because they know what is coming and, in order to survive, Europe will have to become a single cohesive state ... "

"We told the military that we would have to seize seven Middle Eastern countries and seize their resources, and they almost completed this task. Everyone knows what I think about the military, but I have to notice that this time they executed orders with excessive zeal. It remains only the last step, Iran, - it will completely change the balance. How long can China and Russia stand aside and watch how America conducts the sweep? We will start up the Russian bear, the Chinese sickle and the hammer, and then it will have to join Israel. to him I’ll have to fight with all my might to destroy as many Arabs as possible. If everything goes well, half of the Middle East will become Israeli ... "

“Over the past decade, we have trained our young people well on action computer games. It was interesting to look at the new game“ Call of Duty Modern Warfare-3 ”(“ Call of duty: modern war-3 ”). It fully reflects what will happen in near future. Our young people are ready because they have been programmed to be good soldiers. And when they are ordered to go out and fight with crazy Chinese and Russians, they will obey the order ... "

"We will build a new world order; there will be only one superpower, and it will be a world government. Do not forget, the United States has the best weapons, we have such things that no other state has anymore, and we will introduce the world to these weapons when the time will come ... "

It was at this point that the interview was unexpectedly interrupted. Kissinger's assistants hurried to put the journalist out the door.

"It comes from the real world ..."

Senility? Do not tell me. This sudden frankness broke through Kissinger at the end of 2011 of the year, and a few months later in Moscow, 4 of March of 2012 of the year, he met with V.Putin. The conversation lasted for several hours. But Yevgeny Primakov said quite recently about Kissinger: "I consider him (Kissinger) an outstanding politician. Maybe there were only a few of them, especially in the 20th century ... First of all, it seems to me that he always comes from the real situation." So what about the insanity forget.

Nevertheless, some experts, believing that Kissinger could not, in principle, speak so frankly, speak of the falsity of this text. But, first, neither the former secretary of state, nor his entourage have never denied the existence of such a recorded interview. Secondly, below I will show that in fact Kissinger did not say anything particularly sensational.

It is no secret that the American elite is preparing for a big global war. The highest US establishment is unanimous about the need for such a war, where high-precision weapons of the sixth technological order should play a decisive role.

Questions and contradictions arise about when exactly to start such a war. One part of the American elite — the military intelligence community — assumes that the United States needs 5-7 years to best prepare for this decisive clash. Others, whose views are expressed by G. Kissinger, argue that America is ready for such a war: both economically, and ideologically, and technologically.

These contradictions are manifested on a personal level. The main strategist of the interests of the military intelligence community is still Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is also 85 years old. Both Brzezinski and Kissinger, to put it mildly, do not sympathize with each other.

In this interview, Kissinger speaks about Israel and its inevitable war with Iran with great sympathy. But a few months earlier, Zb. Brzezinski said in an interview with The Daily Beast that Israel is trying to get the US involved in a war with Iran. He further stated that "if, nevertheless, Israeli bombers head for targets on Iranian territory, then perhaps our (that is, American) fighters in Iraq will have to take to the air to intercept them."

In August, the same Brzezinski 2013 opposes the military operation in Syria. Thus, I identified with Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who wrote in a letter to Congressman Eliot Engeil on August 24 that the administration of Barack Obama opposed even limited military intervention in Syria.

Kissinger speaks of a self-evident alliance between Russia and China, opposing American global ambitions. Meanwhile, over the past ten to fifteen years, Kissinger himself has spent a lot of effort precisely to ensure that such an alliance fails. In contacts with Putin, he spoke of the growing Chinese power, "which sometimes even puts the Pentagon in a stupor." Talking with his Chinese comrades, Kissinger subtly hinted at the insecurity of the Russians.

In the autumn of 2011, the GDP announced that it would run for president again. And the first visit after that he made it to China. During this trip, despite the objectively existing Russian-Chinese contradictions, in fact, the foundations were laid of a real military-political understanding between Moscow and Beijing.

Seven targets

Kissinger mentions seven states in the Middle East whose resources should be controlled by the United States on the eve of global war. Apparently, this is Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran.

Back in 80, a plan developed by Oded Yanon, one of the leading analysts of Israel’s military intelligence, was one of the concretizations of such a strategy. Its essence was to, after crushing Israel’s neighbors, turn them into mini-states, directly or indirectly controlled by the Zionist state. This program is gradually being implemented: Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Syria, or have already collapsed or are in a state of disintegration.

Wesley Clark, the former commander of NATO forces in Europe, referred to the Clean Break report, which was prepared in 2000 by one of the prominent neo-Constitutes and future US Under Secretary of Defense Richard Perle. The document set the task of dismantling seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.

Kissinger’s remarks about the “Seven States” can shed light on the strange circumstances of the “Libyan war.”

In mid-February, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, 2011, who was due to resign a few months later, speaking to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the following: “If a new US Secretary of Defense orders US troops to be sent to a Muslim country, he should be urgently sent to a psychiatric examination. " And suddenly, literally in two weeks, Washington gave the go-ahead for direct military intervention in Libya. And this despite the fact that Gaddafi, after 11 September 2001, has de facto turned into an ally of Western countries, and the Libyan special services worked closely with the special services of the United States, Great Britain and France.

Why then did it have to be brutally murdered Muammar Gaddafi? Kissinger responds quite transparently: there is a long-term strategic program, and regardless of Gates’s words or Gaddafi’s behavior, it must be implemented.

Figures already placed

Western media in just a few hours made the main world news that allegedly in a suburb of Damascus, Gute, government forces 21 August 2013 used sarin against the civilian population, as a result of which several thousand people were injured and several hundred people were killed.

Exactly a year before that, 21 August 2012, Barack Obama publicly stated that the use of Damascus chemical weapons would become a “red line”, for which Washington reserves the right to use military force against the official authorities of Syria.

This exact coincidence of dates was a kind of “last warning” ... but to whom?

... The most active in recent months have been using the thesis "Assad uses chemical weapons against its population" Saudi Arabia and Israel. The ruling circles of the Zionist state and the Saudi kingdom have close ties with that part of the American elite, which is grouped around the Republican Party. Netanyahu openly supported Mitt Romney in the presidential election last year. The relations between Riyadh and the US Democratic Party over the past forty years resembled the state of either a cold peace or a cold war. Well, and do not forget: it is the Zionist and Saudi lobby that are the most influential outside players in the shadow corridors of power in Washington.

At the beginning of April, Saudi King Abdullah sent a written message to Barack Obama: if Syria and Iran emerge unharmed from the present standoff, then political trust in Washington in the Middle East will be completely undermined. This message has become a kind of ultimatum to the Obama administration, and not even Riyadh’s ultimatum. Without hidden, powerful support in the top American establishment, the Saudis would never have decided on such audacity.

Somewhere in February-March of this year, a very large political coalition was finally formed, which consolidated the most diverse forces. Among them are well-known Republicans, such as Senator McCain, most of the leadership of the pro-Israel lobby, leaders of the Protestant Zionists, influential neocons, other political groups that hung out around the former Bush administration, representatives of American circles who, for various reasons, maintained close intimate financial relations with Saudi Arabia and other rich Gulf countries, plus certain powers of the US military-industrial complex. Only by uniting such a coalition could defy the core of the American elite - the military intelligence community (VRS).

It was the HRV that nominated Barack Obama for US presidents in 2008, which, however, managed in the last two years to make several major mistakes in their relationship with this community.

So, who's who? formed as follows. On the one hand - HRV. Its leaders proceed, firstly, from the fact that extreme caution is needed on the BBI, since even one uncalculated step can drag the United States into an uncontrollable, catastrophic power escalation. Second, they believe that the long-term security interests of the United States are most threatened by a rising China.

On the other hand, a temporarily united (in a special network structure) part of the rest of the American establishment. The most dangerous turn in the development of the situation for this coalition is the beginning of a direct and successful negotiation process between the United States, on the one hand, and Iran, Russia and China, on the other, the formation of a new balance of forces in the region.

Therefore, in the current Syrian crisis, this coalition has three main tasks: to prevent a political settlement of Syria; not to give an opportunity to begin negotiations between Tehran and Washington; maximum discredit Obama and his administration.

The leadership of the VRS has for several years advocated the start of a new round of political dialogue with the IRI, on the assumption that it is impossible to build a new regional security system at the BWI without Iran’s participation. After the election of Iranian President H. Rouhani, such interaction became more than likely. It is clear that in this case the significance of Israel and Saudi Arabia for the USA would begin to decrease.

The most sophisticated form of political trap is when a leader finds himself in a carefully constructed zugzwang situation. In this case, any solution only worsens his position. If Obama is pushed to a military solution in Syria, the trap will shut down - a military escalation will begin, which will immediately cease to depend on Washington.

Medieval samurai taught: "In war, always get ready for the worst option!" So, in this situation, the worst-case scenario may look like this. The Americans are starting a "limited military action" against Syria. In response to the military attack on its ally, Tehran blocks the Strait of Hormuz - oil prices soar up to 200 dollars per barrel. The western economy is starting to pop. Simultaneously, there are massive missile attacks on US military bases and military positions in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. Rockets fall on the territory of Israel from Lebanon. In response, Washington and Israel begin bombing Iran’s territory, including the use of special weapons. Tehran announces the presence of several nuclear charges and the forcing of a military nuclear program. Russia and China jointly demand an end to "military aggression." Washington rejects this demand and threatens with preventive military measures all those who disagree with its policies. Global war becomes inevitable.

On the other hand, if Obama refuses a military solution to Syria, then a direct psychological war will start against him - with accusations of political weakness, criminal concessions to enemies, surrender of friends in the Middle East, etc., etc. Obama's impeachment requirements will appear, seemingly random at first, and then they will become more and more insistent.

Bandar bush

Large strategic projects almost always carry a kind of personal personality framing. The engine of this very strategic project was Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al-Saud, who heads the Council of National Security and Intelligence of Saudi Arabia. But, of course, without some of the American VIPs, he alone could not pull this task.

Prince Bandar was the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United States for more than twenty years. Due to unlimited financial resources and personal charm, he became "his" in most of the most influential American clans, especially close to the Republican Party. Got a nickname of Bandar Bush for his special proximity to the Bush family. Former American President George Bush Sr. once publicly called Prince Bandar "his son."

Since the beginning of 2013, Saudi special services have been one of the main areas of their subversive activities that have done work on accusing the regime of Bashar al-Assad of using chemical weapons. At the same time there were major punctures. For example, in February of this year, a group of “rebels” was arrested in the Turkish province of Hatay, supervised by the Bandar structures, which shipped a large shipment of sarin to Syria.

In June-July, the first phase of the operation began - the Egyptian President Mursi was overthrown. So the Saudis attacked the Muslim Brotherhood - their main political and ideological opponents in the region. Israel immediately picked up the baton, launching a powerful lobbying campaign around the world in support of the Egyptian military junta. At the same time, mass unrest began in Turkey - a tough warning to both Erdogan and those high-ranking US politicians who support him. The Qatari emir, who "fiercely disliked the Saudis and enjoyed reciprocity in this dislike," resigned early. After weakening Ikhvanov, Turks and Qataris, the main trump cards in the intra Syrian conflict were in the hands of Prince Bandar.

In the same period, Bandar bin Sultan takes on a group of influential (and tamed) American senators in Riyadh, where the situation in Syria and the situation around Iran are discussed in a closed form. Robert John Sawers, director of the British MI-6, comes to him for a rendezvous. Bandar is actively meeting with the leaders of the pro-American Arab pool in the Middle East.

In July, the Saudi intelligence chief travels around a number of European countries, and at the end of this month he arrives in Moscow to meet with GDP. And the visit to Moscow was painted in extremely secret tones.

Bandar bin Sultan promises the Russian president to buy billions of dollars of Russian weapons for 15, conclude a secret agreement on the joint management of the world oil market, eliminate competition from Russian gas in Europe, and save the Sochi Olympics from terrorists. Remember the immortal words of the classic: "And then Ostap suffered!"? Ostap Bender was meant.

In response, the Saudi Bandar demanded only one thing for Putin - Russia should refuse to support Syria. At some point, the prince even began to threaten or frighten: if Russia refuses the Saudi proposal, then “military choice cannot be avoided.”

In other words, Moscow roughly wanted to buy silver coins for 30. Of course, Bandar received a very tough, on the verge of a foul, rebuke from the Russian leader.

But what is strange is that Bandar bin Sultan himself was not upset after the meeting and was in excellent spirits.

If Saudi King Abdullah wanted to negotiate something with V.Putin, why did Bandar fly to Moscow? Why, for example, did the king not send his son, the head of the National Guard, to the much more moderate Prince Muteyib?

And here are just the eastern tricks lie. Bandar knew perfectly well that the relationship between Putin and Obama not only did not add up, but even deteriorated markedly. And this whole 31 talk of July in such a blatant form had to demonstrate GDP, which Bandar says on behalf of American official circles. Moreover, the Saudis did not hide it. Bandar told Putin that any agreement reached would be supported by Washington. That is, one of the special tasks of the Saudi prince was to try to further exacerbate relations between the leaders of the United States and the Russian Federation.

The next phase of the almost failed operation

So, strategic provocation began on August 21. However, the vague video images of the effects of the use of chemical weapons in Guta, as the British Daily Mail newspaper wrote, were difficult or impossible to verify. But here again the Israelis appeared on the scene again. It turned out that the military intelligence unit 8200 provided data "on the chemical attack of the Assad regime against civilians." What are these "facts", still no one knows. But the representative of the Israeli military intelligence Aviv Koshavi specifically traveled to Europe and the United States to share "valuable information."

It should be noted right away that Bashar Asad could not use chemical weapons against his population for at least five reasons.

First, this, sooner or later, could have a very significant effect on the reduction of the social base of support for the regime. Secondly, Syria built up its stock of chemical weapons (with the support of the Soviet Union) as a counterweight to the Israeli nuclear potential. The use of these weapons in a civil war essentially devalues ​​the strategic deterrent effect. Thirdly, over the past few months, the Syrian army has achieved a significant change in its favor of the situation on various fronts without any chemical weapons. Fourth, the use of Damascus chemical weapons against its own population would inevitably lead to a deterioration in relations with Moscow and Beijing. After all, both Russia and the PRC have obligations as great powers for global security, including for the implementation of the 1992 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Chemical Weapons. Finally, fifthly, the Assad regime would hardly have decided on such an obvious stupidity on the eve of the previously agreed arrival of UN inspectors to the country.

Despite the fact that 61% of Americans opposed the military action in Syria, the concentration of American military forces began in the Eastern Mediterranean. In Amman, August 25 held a meeting of the chiefs of staff of ten countries, whose armed forces at that time expressed a desire to take part in the intervention against Syria.

The peak of tension fell on the night of 29 on August 30, when information was spread all over the world that the US missile attack on Syria would begin at that time. But then, despite the continuation of the harsh verbal threats from the United States, the situation began to gradually discharge. Against the military operation were 12 NATO countries. The House of Commons voted against the participation of Britain in the war against Syria. In Germany, the question of a military operation was not even submitted to parliamentary hearings. Against military adventures made by the EU.

The leadership of the current US administration began to gradually realize that the so-called. The “chemical attack” is in fact a carefully thought-out provocation, including against the very current owner of the White House. To gain time, the White House appealed to Congress (which will convene only on September 9) in order to obtain legal permission to conduct a military rally against Damascus. The same factor - the delay in time - is connected with the fact that UN experts returning from Damascus will prepare a final report for the SC for at least two weeks.

The outlined detente of the situation around Syria is also related to the fact that from the very beginning, Moscow and Beijing took a tough stance in the UN Security Council. At the same time, V.Putin, as commander-in-chief, ordered the strengthening of the Russian naval grouping in the Eastern Mediterranean. And being in the Russian Far East, he said that it was the provocation that caused the aggravation of the situation in Syria.

At the same time, special representatives of the Obama team through confidential channels tried to find out and predict Iran’s reaction to a possible "limited American strike on Syria." For example, quite unexpectedly, the Sultan of Oman Qabus bin Said visited Tehran, where he met with the spiritual leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei. Rahbar harshly warned the Americans that a military action against Syria would almost immediately lead to serious regional destabilization.

In the short term, here in the Middle East, the implementation of one of two scenarios is most possible.

The first option - to some extent, the repetition of so-called. "Hormuz Crisis" December 2011. There were also numerous threats, political hysteria on the verge of paranoia, fleet movements, etc. But the blow to Iran never took place, the war was avoided.

The second, less optimistic scenario is that in the coming 7-10 days a much larger provocation may occur with the aim of forcing the United States into a military conflict in the Middle East. Moreover, such a provocation may occur not only in Syria, but also, for example, on the Turkish-Syrian border, or directed to any American base (for example, in the UAE).

In any case, as Kissinger blurted out, in the strategic scenario, it is Syria and Iran that remain the main targets for those who are trying to accelerate the approach of global war.


When it's cold in your house
When your vineyard is skinny,
Know what is sweeter than whispering love
Quiet rustling of pistachio groves.
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  1. +1
    10 September 2013 07: 22
    The diagnosis is Alzheimer's disease. Compare nuclear powers with a boy ??? Definitely with a severe form.
    1. +3
      10 September 2013 07: 51
      I agree, the old man survived from the mind. Whoever interestingly called him an intellectual, let them remember at least one battle won by the Americans. I remember the Pearl Horbor Omaha Beach, and the Order Operation, and also Vietnam. The invasion of Iraq? Saddam's army was in poor condition. They only know how to bomb, and in order to win the war you need to win on earth.
      1. serge-68-68
        10 September 2013 08: 11
        Once again I am amazed at many colleagues!
        Even if we leave aside this most vague "list of intellectuals", which they get on the basis of "citations" in the media, and in which its author - a certain judge from the United States - took a modest 70th place for himself, I will focus on these very "Kissinger quotes. ".
        They were first published in the satirical English online newspaper "The Daily Squib" in 2011 as a humorous piece. But in 2012, it was reprinted by the Egyptian "Al-Ahram" as genuine.
        Hence the conclusion: specify the primary sources and learn languages, otherwise it somehow turns out to be completely idiotic ...
        1. +9
          10 September 2013 09: 12
          Quote: a52333
          The diagnosis is Alzheimer's disease.

          Quote: Canep
          I agree, the old man survived from the mind

          Quote: serge-68-68
          were published in satirical english online

          I personally prefer to wait with criticism of the article or with its approval. Let's see how events will develop in the coming months. In the end, there are not many options, either peace and quiet, or "the boys are bloody in the eyes."
          1. +4
            10 September 2013 15: 16
            Quote: baltika-18
            I personally prefer to wait with criticism of the article or with its approval. Let's see how events will develop in the coming months. In the end, there are not many options, either peace and quiet, or "the boys are bloody in the eyes."

            I would, if it were my will, would prefer to begin a secret mobilization. For example, if I quietly transferred several defense industry enterprises to manual control, urgently created several dozens of additional air defense areas around industrial and raw materials complexes, mobilized and conducted air defense exercises, strategic nuclear forces exercises ... etc., from the quiet list, again create several new airborne brigades and special forces ... well, if air defense does not work out, it is never superfluous, but special forces need to be trained in CT operations, you can even in Syria, because our citizens go there in terrorists ....
            1. +1
              10 September 2013 19: 43
              Quote: Geisenberg
              I would, if it were my will, would prefer to begin a secret mobilization. For example, if I quietly transferred several defense industry enterprises to manual control, urgently created several dozens of additional air defense areas around industrial and raw materials complexes, mobilized and conducted air defense exercises, strategic nuclear forces exercises ... etc., from the quiet list, again create several new airborne brigades and special forces ...

              Maybe it’s easier to erase a couple of countries from the map? For example, Saudi Arabia .........
              1. +7
                10 September 2013 20: 42
                Quote: APASUS
                Maybe it’s easier to erase a couple of countries from the map? For example, Saudi Arabia .........

                By the way, I know a cool "stationery store" ... laughing
            2. 0
              12 September 2013 14: 24
              I really hope for our officials in this matter. Measures should be taken immediately. In the light of the fight against bribery and theft, to seize assets in the west. That officials defend the interests of their country.
      2. Horde
        10 September 2013 08: 35
        Quote: Canep
        let them remember at least one battle won by the Americans.

        Well, actually it wasn’t worth sinning against the truth
        Allied landing in Normandy
        Okinawa Capture
        landing of amers in Korea in Incheon
        if necessary, the amers will abandon all the troops without regard to losses, but the REST of the world will find out that the USA lost at least soldiers.

        Quote: Canep
        They only know how to bomb, and in order to win the war you need to win on earth.

        do not underestimate the bombing, for example, Yugoslavia was brought to its knees by bombing.
        1. +3
          10 September 2013 10: 43

          Well, actually it wasn’t worth sinning against the truth

          And what was the balance of forces in all these "battles"? Or, rather, "beatings".

          The only more or less normal victories of the USA can be considered an epic on Guadalcanal and Midway. And then, frankly, during the battles around the Guadalcanal, amers received many pokes from the samurai, and Midway is largely a matter of chance and luck. Not to mention the fact that, in terms of the total number of aircraft, Amers then surpassed the Japanese, taking into account land aircraft.

          if necessary, the amers will abandon all the troops without regard to losses, but the REST of the world will find out that the USA lost at least soldiers.

          Unless, of course, someone will talk about these losses.
          1. +5
            10 September 2013 14: 41
            Quote: alicante11
            And what was the balance of forces in all these "battles"?

            The ability to achieve the necessary balance of forces and means is one of the signs of an intelligent commander. This is the main task in the preparation of hostilities, and you reproach this skill with them.
            Or is it better to rush in a fork on an armored train?
            1. 0
              10 September 2013 14: 50
              Undoubtedly. But they did not achieve this by military skill, but by bluntly casting iron, which was produced more by the enemy.
              And this is not a reproach, but a statement of fact, which suggests that in the event of a war with an equal opponent, the amers will merge. As it was in the Ardennes, or in how they stamped in Italy. And if, God forbid, the enemy has at least a slight advantage, then ... let's remember the Correhidor ...
              1. +3
                10 September 2013 16: 26
                Quote: alicante11
                That's just they did not achieve this military skill

                The ability to create an advantage in strength and use it in itself is one of the hallmarks of military skill.
                Quote: alicante11
                but a blunt cast of iron, which produced more of the enemy.

                But this is a sign of a strong economy and good logistics.
                Quote: alicante11
                As it was in the Ardennes, or in how they stamped in Italy.

                Agree that you are talking about the Ardennes only what you heard from someone or read somewhere in passing. The German offensive was stopped, they failed to complete any of the assigned tasks. Refer to more specific literature, there is plenty of it now. Do not repeat wandering myths.
                Well, we ourselves have something to remember from our history. And about "trampling", and about the defense, and about the offensive. This is not just an "American feature". This enemy should not be so underestimated, fraught.
        2. +3
          10 September 2013 14: 52
          Quote: Horde
          Allied landing in Normandy
          Okinawa Capture
          landing of amers in Korea in Incheon

          And this is not a complete list.
          For those who are especially "trained" in military affairs, I explain that in terms of planning, organization and execution, such amphibious operations are aerobatics among other combat operations. To accomplish this, it is necessary to bring together so many factors that many have never dreamed of.
          I venture to incur the wrath of the patriots, but in the entire history of the wars, only the Germans and Americans managed to accomplish this on a similar scale and with a positive result. So look reality in the eyes with a sober look, without exclamations and other bursts of vests on the chest.
      3. stranik72
        10 September 2013 19: 56
        As for the assessment of the US Army, they do everything, great, we still have to grow and grow before them, for example 08.08.08/22/XNUMX, I think they did not forget the "mattresses", they would not lose the TU-XNUMX, and the SU-ki did not die (at least some) , a lot of things would have been different. The main thing in a war is victory, and no matter what methods, the main thing is to put less of your own.
      4. 0
        12 September 2013 14: 20
        The trouble is that the amers do not plan to introduce ground forces. They want to wage war at a distance, and watch the results on TV.
        We all who are in their sight, should think about the defense against corpse eaters.
    2. Horde
      10 September 2013 08: 23
      Quote: a52333
      The diagnosis is Alzheimer's disease. Compare nuclear powers with a boy ??? Definitely with a severe form.

      there is a fact that you can’t deny with your assumption about Kissinger’s disease is PREPARING the USA for war, the military budget of this country exceeds all other budgets combined, what do you think why pin + dos are so many weapons? keep in stock?
    3. +1
      10 September 2013 10: 14
      Quote: a52333
      The diagnosis is Alzheimer's disease. Compare nuclear powers with a boy ??? Definitely with a severe form.
    4. +1
      10 September 2013 21: 45
      Our youth are ready because they have been programmed to be good soldiers. And when they are ordered to go out and fight the crazy Chinese and Russians, they will obey the order ... "

      How come out and lie down. I don’t know some of them on the map where China, Russia, and even their homeland of the United States are located. We weren’t attacked by any excellent weapons, and all the seers of the world, including the United States, also say that salvation will come from Russia, and Russia will survive, yes, but before that they also said that hyperboreans (Russians) would have a hard time, but they will cope, as they always did, because behind them is the most powerful force in the world - GOD himself !!!!)))))
  2. +6
    10 September 2013 07: 26
    Like Wang’s there: but the winner is not the one ... So, strategists are fucking, a hard bummer is waiting for you.
  3. +2
    10 September 2013 07: 26
    I respect Primakov, because such nonsense as the aging Kissinger does not allow.
    It seems that this Kissinger lives in the 6th house, and not a former well-known US statesman.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  4. +2
    10 September 2013 07: 28
    Very interesting article! God forbid that Kissinger .. "exaggerated", otherwise it really smells like World War III sad
    1. +1
      10 September 2013 07: 46
      31231 Primakova respect
      Definitely, but he is a good politician, he will never say anything concrete to the public.
      Very interesting article! God grant that Kissinger .. "exaggerated"
      Kissinger is an old and experienced politician, and for the last half century has been the mouthpiece of the interests of the establishment, specifically Rockefeller, but age seems to take its toll. Bin Sultan, this jackal threat. Thank you, Shamil, for the article.
      1. Horde
        10 September 2013 08: 38
        Quote: a52333
        Definitely, but he is a good politician, he will never say anything concrete to the public.

        a Jew will not peck out a Jew's eyes, "Are you Russian? Well, and I'm American?" laughing
  5. +2
    10 September 2013 07: 54
    In my humble opinion, Kissinger just broke, because everything for which he lived was under threat: just remember Putin’s speech .....
  6. +4
    10 September 2013 08: 43
    The old man is still thinking. The truth has become long. The Americans are well aware that the development of the Arab countries is a direct threat to Israel. Even atomic weapons will not save him from the wave of the offensive. They use it as a self-propelled grenade, but I’ll also take away several enemies with me.
    The problem cannot be solved more talkatively. So war is needed. If the Americans played this game 20 years ago, then everything would have grown together perfectly. And now the mess will grow into a big massacre ...
    1. 0
      10 September 2013 09: 20
      Not. Well, okay. The war is on. But the citation is discussed in this text.
      We look like a sniper, begging a beginner to choose a weapon, and when he is just trying to do something, we get a bang-bang.
      and here Kissinger, to put it mildly, exaggerates. I agree, from the point of view of the army and navy, we are behind, but are catching up. But there is nuclear weapons, which even the patient should not forget about the head.
    2. 0
      10 September 2013 12: 07
      Do you remember a number of materials about the "new US army"? Well, about how the great psychoanalysts of this terrible superpower finally found a super-method - who can be found in the army to defeat us? And they sort of found, they say, they now have an army of victorious psychopaths ...
      That's why they 20 years ago and did not attack. If you again remember, the opinion about the Soviet army (to be honest) was like this - give me a company of Russian paratroopers and I will conquer the whole world. And the American general who said this was practically not joking. Here they are for 20 years and created their army of monsters ... Just that nothing comes of it, but you won’t wrap up the rest of the preparation! Hence the arguments at the level of a computer game - well, at least something should justify the mistakes made ...
      1. +4
        10 September 2013 12: 34
        Quote: Mikhail3
        So they are 20 years old and created their army of monsters

        Excuse me, but I saw these monsters. The American army was created in many ways by Hollywood. If a soldier, who, according to him, had several hot spots and participated in many battles, simply does not know that the bullet will ricochet from the walls, then ...
        You can force Americans to fight only in the cinema. Yes, bombardment, yes ... But under the bullets .. No. They are sitting out at strongholds in the same Afghanistan and do not rock the boat without air conditioning.
        1. +4
          10 September 2013 13: 43
          Quote: domokl
          .Bomb, yes, rockets, yes ... But under the bullets.

          The stump is clear that the Americans will only set the wick on fire - everything will go on without their direct participation.
          Everything is arranged in the following chain:
          - mattress toppers "punish" Syria bad Assad (this is the main provocation, like a shot in the crowd) - in the incipient bomb-missile confusion falls to the Jews and Turks (in the ensuing fight in the crowd no one makes out who and to whom and how) - Israel and Turkey, as "innocent victims" (and me for what?) deliver "retaliatory" blows.
          This will be a monstrous landfill, using all available weapons, as each of the parties involved will be in time trouble.
          And when puffs of smoke dissipate over the Middle East battlefield ... scary to guess ...
        2. +1
          10 September 2013 14: 30
          safe at strong points in the same Afghanistan
          and field commanders get paid not to be touched
    3. 0
      10 September 2013 13: 52
      Regular politics - divide and conquer.
  7. +2
    10 September 2013 09: 26
    The Americans themselves are apparently afraid of this war, because once again they postponed the voting time for intervention in Syria
  8. fklj
    10 September 2013 09: 35
    Our youth are ready because they have been programmed to be good soldiers. And when they are ordered to go out and fight the crazy Chinese and Russians, they will obey the order ... "

    laughing The old man is insane or cannot joke
    1. Crocodile
      10 September 2013 09: 46
      The Shtatovs have good technique, but they are weak warriors! Had to encounter several times in general exercises - cause pity! No matter how much they like dollars, they won’t die for them en masse ...
      1. fklj
        10 September 2013 10: 02
        Not only Americans. This applies to all countries of the "golden billion".
  9. +1
    10 September 2013 10: 17
    Some time ago, G. Kissinger shared his vision of the situation in the world, including in the Middle East.
    The conversation was so frank and defiant that at some point, alarmed assistants wassat political guru could not stand it wassat and they strictly asked the journalist to leave the room.

    Like this:
    Helpers are everything!
    Kissinger is nothing!

    I doubt the above is bullshit
    which was called as - "a vision of the situation in the world and, in particular, in the Middle East"
    owned by Henry Kissinger.
    1. 0
      10 September 2013 23: 00
      Quote: Sukhov
      I doubt that the above "nonsense", which was called as - "vision of the situation in the world, including in the Middle East" belongs to Henry Kissinger.

      I don’t know who it belongs to, but the fact that this is “bullshit” of the “gray mare” is beyond doubt laughing
  10. Stepnogorets
    10 September 2013 10: 39
    "Kissinger answers quite transparently: there is a long-term strategic program, and regardless of Gates' words or Gaddafi's behavior, it must be implemented."
    Even if you give all the chem. weapons and avoid bombing, anyway, the war will begin only for another reason, it will not be difficult to come up with! For example, a Turkish fighter provocateur violates air. Syrian space will be shot down, and it can already be inflated! There are many options the further the more sophisticated. We need a military bloc Russia-China-Iran-Syria-India-Brazil!
  11. +3
    10 September 2013 11: 24
    Whatever weapons they have, it is not weapons that prevail, but people who use these weapons. There is always a reaction to any action. And gentlemen, whose policies are voiced by Mr. Kissanger, can be very mistaken in considering themselves to be snipers. One thing is regrettable - their delusions can cost tens, or even hundreds of thousands of lives. And in this number of victims, these gentlemen, most likely will not enter ...
  12. eplewke
    10 September 2013 11: 49
    So all the water muddied by the Saudis. This hotbed of Wahhabis is high time to be razed to the ground! This medieval extreme region, sitting on a barrel of oil, needs to be revoluted according to the Syrian, Libyan scenario. Only now, instead of NATO, let Russia, China and India be.
  13. +1
    10 September 2013 12: 41
    In my purely subjective view, the United States will face the sad fate of all, without exception, the great empires of world history. Moreover, which is typical, the decay will be provoked from the inside, and not from the outside. Yes, we must agree that militarily there are simply no US competitors in the modern world. At the same time, the country is full of unsolvable contradictions that could potentially one day result in such KAPEC for the USA that no one would think.
  14. +1
    10 September 2013 13: 13
    Want peace, get ready for war
  15. 0
    10 September 2013 13: 48
    36 years have passed since the time of Mr. Kissinger as Secretary of State. During this time, the world has changed a lot and continues to change, and Mr. Kissinger is in fact a 90-year-old grandfather who has not been left for a long time. This interview, if it was, I think is a continuation of his writing.
    He received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to ending the war in Vietnam. An interesting way to earn the Peace Prize is to start a war, lay down thousands of people, and agree on an end.
  16. +7
    10 September 2013 14: 03
    Good day to all!
    I allow myself to disagree with the prevailing opinion of senility and other ridicule of American Jews / big politicians.
    Maybe, in addition to naked jingoistic patriotism, it is worth being much more careful, less naive, and FOREVER AND US to prepare and calculate our PLANS OF REFLECTION and COUNTER-ATTACK on "the brutal West and Israel"
    It’s probably worth considering that Kissinger, Brzezinski are not only smart experienced politicians who know how to smile and shamelessly lie without redness, they often say not only their own soaps, but only voiced, what they received as instructions from above!

    Most of the plans for influence in the world, geopolitics are not "a boyish plot of stealing apples in a neighbor's garden" but detailed multi-path TEN YEARS FORWARD plans, make them up and calculate, not fools at all.
    We are Soviet people, the USSR itself, headed by Stalin, broke and changed many plans, although in the end, not in a frontal attack but in a "blow from behind", the USSR and the Internal Affairs Directorate were "utterly defeated."
    The fact that we have so far been "allowed to live" and some unprincipled and greedy even get rich, it’s just a temporary unstable state, which at any moment, may change, very surprisingly surprising us.

    And so that our surprise would be as small as possible, Russia, the TS need a STRONG and UNITED ARMY good and the military-industrial complex, self-sufficiency, and not profitable purchases from abroad!
    I’m not talking about my native Ukraine, there’s nothing to brag about, since it spreads under SovDep and the Ukrainian military experts have actually fought more than once against their brothers, Russians, Belorussians and Kazakhs, which is very sad.

    Each of us members of the forum has his own views and opinions, it is good that we are arguing here and want to TOGETHER find answers or come to general conclusions.
    But just take and compare ALL old "psychiatric plans" to change the world from the 50-70s and look at today's reality, the end results.
    - How is it that out of all this "nonsense about the destruction of the SSR" and quarrels / carnage between Soviet people, so MANY HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED ?!

    Yes, we are still alive, but we can still defend ourselves! Nwe are already incapable of counterattack ...

    Traitors sit in the Kremlin, in the Lubyanka and other places where the country is governed, while the gullible townsfolk are once again told to us, "Here I issued a decree ...", Here we stated a complete failure to fulfill tasks ... "and other rubbish. most of the kind and blindly believing "in the king-father"again believes and nods his head.
    And when in front of the Grocery Store there will be more than one old woman asking for a serving for bread, they will stand dozens of people who are hungry and ready for everything, just to take a piece of bread for their children, then it will be too late to express your REQUESTS to the Guarantor.
    Then there will be only one proven path - Pugachevskaya, but even innocent blood will be shed!

    The question is, how do we improve life for us, without going along the Pugachevsky trail? ! Here it is necessary to think and guess, UNDERSTANDING, while there is still time for thought. good
    1. Alexander 1958
      10 September 2013 14: 24
      Quote: michajlo
      Then there will be only one proven path - Pugachevskaya, but even innocent blood will be shed!

      Very controversial offer! Most likely it will result in a riot .. Pointless and merciless .. and the worst, most likely, this will not solve the problems, but only exacerbate them - it is very likely that external forces will take advantage of this situation. Alexander 1958
    2. 0
      10 September 2013 14: 44
      Well, what is it, God forgive me?
      Why is the grocery store with a capital letter and where does the old woman come from? I have a bunch of these grocery stores in the depressed region around me, but I don’t watch a single old woman. Especially tens. Beggars are sitting at the churches, try to give them bread - instantly get into a patch of patch tongue
    3. Ruslan_F38
      10 September 2013 19: 09
      Quote: michajlo
      It’s probably worth thinking about the fact that Kissinger, Brzezinski are not only smart experienced politicians who know how to smile and shamelessly lie without redness, they often say not only their soaps, but only voiced what they received as instructions from above!

      I agree, only from whom did you receive, do not know by chance? And you, as I understand it, have an understanding - from whom did our authorities receive and are receiving instructions?
  17. Alexander 1958
    10 September 2013 14: 11
    The disagreement between Kissinger and Brzezinski does not stem from personal disagreement, although this also exists, but from the fact that they are ideologists representing different clans with different interests. Kissinger is a Rockefeller clan, Brzezinski-Rothschild
  18. +1
    10 September 2013 14: 43
    Quote: Alexander 1958
    Quote: michajlo
    Then there will be only one proven path - Pugachevskaya, but even innocent blood will be shed!

    Very controversial offer! Most likely it will result in a riot .. Pointless and merciless .. and the worst, most likely, this will not solve the problems, but only exacerbate them - it is very likely that external forces will take advantage of this situation. Alexander 1958

    Good afternoon, dear Alexander!
    I am not just a supporter of the "Pugachevskaya trail", re-read my note and its end. But as we all know, the "light lady" named "history" loves to repeat itself!
    Therefore, I believe that today it is necessary to calculate and embrace all possible options for the development of events in the post-USSR / and not only of the great Russia.

    To be ready for a different course of events and obediently follow "a bad or bloody path imposed from the outside" - in my opinion these are two different approaches to solving the problem!
    And the fact that sooner or later this choice, fate will put us of the Soviet people, I'm just sure of that
    1. 0
      10 September 2013 15: 04
      Let's arrange the dishes on the shelves. OK?
      Russia is at war with Turkey. At this moment, another impostor is announced, gathers a gang and begins to terrorize Yaik, the Urals and the Volga region. Streets and cities are named after him today. Apofigey?
      Destroys him Suvorov. Troops withdrawn from the database. Does this surname tell you something?
      PS By the way, my native city of Uralsk (before the Pugachev region Yaitsk) Zayets Pugachev could not take. The defense was commanded by Captain Krylov - the father of the famous fabulist.
  19. +1
    10 September 2013 16: 33
    Quote: nikcris
    Let's arrange the dishes on the shelves. OK?
    Russia is at war with Turkey. At this moment, another impostor is announced, gathers a gang and begins to terrorize Yaik, the Urals and the Volga region. Streets and cities are named after him today. Apofigey?
    Destroys him Suvorov. Troops withdrawn from the database. Does this surname tell you something?
    PS By the way, my native city of Uralsk (before the Pugachev region Yaitsk) Zayets Pugachev could not take. The defense was commanded by Captain Krylov - the father of the famous fabulist.

    Good afternoon, dear Nikolai!
    Sometimes I look through your notes, agree with some, but not with some. With your 2 above on my Notes, I do not quite agree, although I gave you a plus for the very desire to discuss a "dangerous topic". smile
    But in my opinion, it’s probably not worth it to simplify everything around or hide your head in the sand. Nobody will help us to ordinary people - except for ourselves. For politicians or deputies of different levels, I think that you are not hoping?
    Times are very vague, they will be even worse! This is not only my opinion, they think so and before dangers we are younger, older people warn. Here in Slovakia, these are 80-90-year-old grandparents who remember the 1st Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1939), the times of the 1st FinCrisis (1929-32), Hitler's rise to power (1933) and the Second World War (1939- 45).
    These old people directly and many times say / or shout: Why are you young (I’m 52), do nothing !? After all, now (from 2009) it is much worse than it was in the 30s, then even food packages were given to the poor, do something, otherwise there will be fratricidal trouble or the 3rd MV in 5-8-3 years (since since the first warnings) 4 years have passed, so the deadline of 2014-2017 is very real !!!

    Well, life itself personally taught me to respect the warnings of elders, they do not ask for money for advice, they just want to help! Moreover, by the way, almost all the predictions of the elders, which I had the honor to listen to, and I did not BELIEVE them, came true and they were mistaken only in small irrelevant details ...

    So what kind of respected Nikolai are you still seeing dangers or reliable ways for Russia / the post-USSR or can you advise me or us?
  20. +2
    10 September 2013 19: 38
    Quote: Ruslan_F38
    Quote: michajlo
    It’s probably worth thinking about the fact that Kissinger, Brzezinski are not only smart experienced politicians who know how to smile and shamelessly lie without redness, they often say not only their soaps, but only voiced what they received as instructions from above!

    I agree, only from whom did you receive, do not know by chance? And you, as I understand it, have an understanding - from whom did our authorities receive and are receiving instructions?

    Good afternoon, dear Ruslan!
    From whom exactly they received these instructions, what can be said today and what already tomorrow, I personally do not know by name. But if you are mistrustful of the theories of "conspiracy or secret world government" ridiculed by many, try to answer a few simple questions yourself:
    - Who benefits from this?
    - who does it / or pay for them?
    - how will it all end?

    About our government and "our others". For some reason I suppose that, for example, the Kremlin cannot (does not want) to come to an agreement with Kiev in 22 years, not because they have disputes (this is for us spectators and voters fool ), BOTH simply obediently carry out "undercover agreements" since the days of Gorby & Co.

    Because to me personally it turns out that if Russia joins Belarus and Ukraine, we get the USSR_mini (the same as during the years of the Civil War, when battles were still blazing on the outskirts). Well, USSR_mini is also VERY dangerous for the West and their leaders! After all, it was not for this that they (SovDep) destroyed the Union in 185-1991 in order to now allow it TO BE RISE AGAIN !?

    Answer me the question why in your opinion:
    - 4 Ukrainian presidents did not reunite Kiev with Moscow, contrary to their pre-election promises?
  21. amp
    10 September 2013 20: 10
    Russia should not get involved in a war, and for what.
    Let the Americans and the Israelis fight.
    1. Alexander 1958
      10 September 2013 21: 42
      If you mean with each other, I FOR 1
  22. Ruslan_F38
    10 September 2013 21: 12
    Quote: amp
    But if you are ridiculed by many theories of "conspiracy or secret world government", treat with suspicion,

    I would be glad to take it differently, if there were a couple of them, well, three, but there are so many of them replacing one another - that you can’t talk about trust. I just thought - since you speak so confidently, you will call someone other than representatives of the golden billion or the committee of three hundred. But what if?

    Answer me the question why in your opinion:
    - 4 Ukrainian presidents did not reunite Kiev with Moscow, contrary to their pre-election promises?

    You yourself have already answered, but I agree with you: SSSR_mini is also VERY dangerous for the West and their leaders! After all, it was not for this that they (SovDep) destroyed the Union in 185-1991 in order to now allow it TO BE RISE AGAIN !?

    But seriously, regarding the events that take place in the post-Soviet space, I’m close to name these scenarios as occupation and betrayal.
  23. +4
    10 September 2013 21: 23
    They are fighting against us. Indeed, Syria now strongly resembles Spain. The same civil war, the same split. Only now in the role of fascists - US-sponsored rebels and mercenaries (Arab professional mercenaries to me very much reminds me of the Condor legion in its modern form).
    If Spain had not been surrendered, Hitler would never have dared to start a war. The same is now with Syria. For Russia, it remains the last "buffer zone". Iran does not count, it will be crushed, it's only a matter of timing. I am not saying that there are “enemies all around,” but when I look at the geopolitical map, I have bad premonitions.
    Zilch all this is unlikely to end, the mechanism has long been launched (Iraq, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria again - everywhere else).
  24. +2
    10 September 2013 22: 34
    It is not for nothing that they say that the dirtiest occupation in the world is politics!
    1. vkrav
      10 September 2013 23: 05
      "Politics is the ability to wash clean with very dirty water" (C) laughing
  25. 0
    10 September 2013 23: 42
    Quote: Ruslan_F38
    Quote: amp
    But if you are ridiculed by many theories of "conspiracy or secret world government", treat with suspicion,
    ... arochka, well, three, but there are so many of them replacing one another - that you can’t talk about trust. I just thought - since you speak so confidently, you will call someone other than representatives of the golden billion or the committee of three hundred. But what if?

    Good evening Ruslan!
    I personally do not know anyone from the "golden billion" (where I am "with a cloth snout and in a kalashny row"), so I cannot personally name the name. Lists of members of different Clues, Lodges exist, are made by curious journalist and self-proclaimed analyst (not official, why?!), You can find different versions of them yourself by searching the Internet, if you don’t want to, I’ll find them for you and post links here.
    But the main feature of these "gentlemen of the rulers" is that they do not strive and even avoid any advertising, publicity, their names WHY will not be found in any rating of the richest people on the planet (although these ratings are their own agencies. smile Well, various "inflated rich" are trying with all their might to jump over the top line in such lists / ratings ... fool
    To me personally, honestly speaking "by the hair dryer" their mania for wealth, but what do they think they have the right to me and other people, to organize MY and THEIR life and decide or play where to create a war, whom to remove along with children and wife, like "an old sheep, not giving wool "and other geopolitical feints. I myself or a few people - we will not do anything, but the Russian empire was able to give birth to the titan Stalin, who, for the development of the country, "collaborated with the devil," but did not give his COUNTRY to anyone in offense and the whole world reckoned with him. I personally do not intend to go into politics, this is a dirty and vile business, but I consider it necessary to raise the self-consciousness of people so that they stop living today and evening rest, but thought what would happen tomorrow, and began not to ask BUT DEMAND FROM THE AUTHORITIES to solve the problems of the common people FIRST not aligarhof friends. Do not be afraid, when half of the country stops in a strike, then all the "anointed heads" will quickly receive an epiphany and hearing will increase for popular demands.
    I do not believe that among the Russian people there would be no new TRUE PATRIOTS AND LEADERS, and not Guarantors and Pahans.
    By the way about the lists, next week I will finish proofreading my translation from Czech of one article, where one late patriot of Czechoslovakia calmly, accessible and with data describes the preparation and implementation of the so-called "Velvet Revolution" / "KGB / StB coup" in Czechoslovakia in 1989. In it, at the end of the 2000s, he writes about the future absorption of 6-7 countries by Israel in Africa and the BV to create Greater Israel. Very accurately written 4 or 8 years ago it coincides with the aggression of the Wahhabis in Syria and the threat of direct US aggression ...
    1. +4
      10 September 2013 23: 52
      Quote: michajlo
      Speaking of lists, next week I will finish proofreading my translation from Czech of one article, where one late patriot of Czechoslovakia is available and with data describing the preparation and implementation of the so-called "Velvet Revolution" / KGB / StB coup in Czechoslovakia in 1989. In it in the 2000s, he writes about the future absorption of 6-7 countries by Israel in Africa and the BV to create Greater Israel. Very accurately written 4 or 8 years ago it coincides with the aggression of the Wahhabis in Syria and the threat of direct US aggression ...

      So put it right on the article - interesting, however.
    2. Ruslan_F38
      11 September 2013 10: 52
      Quote: michajlo
      I personally don’t intend to go into politics, it’s a dirty and mean business, but I consider it necessary to raise people's self-awareness so that they don’t live today and have an evening rest, but thought that it would be tomorrow and didn’t ask. DEMAND THE AUTHORITIES TO FIRST solve the problems of the common people not buddy-aligarhof.

      You do not live in Russia and the confidence in your "raising" of self-awareness among the citizens of Russia will be appropriate and suspicious, just like mine - no offense. Regarding requirements - how do you propose to demand? To the barricades? Russia does not need a revolution - Russia needs a deeply decent, loyal to Russia, educated, principled leader - the owner, for whom the interests of the country and everyone in it are the main value. Putin is not bad, but does not fit (unless of course he comes to his senses and understands the trash and becomes truly independent), he saturates the elites for too long and flirts, with everyone and with the whole world - for all you will not be pretty Volodya, you are surrendering don't you feel the position?
      Do not be afraid, when half of the country stops in a strike, then all the "anointed heads" will quickly receive an epiphany and hearing will increase for popular demands.
      I do not believe that among the Russian people there would be no new TRUE PATRIOTS AND LEADERS, and not Guarantors and Pahans.

      Do you need a revolution again so that a patriot was born and the situation "safely" resolved? Maybe experimenting with Russia will be enough? The patriot and the leader must come but not on the wave of riot. Don't provoke.

      Regarding the article, we read it with pleasure.
      1. 0
        11 September 2013 15: 46
        Good afternoon, dear Ruslan!

        Forced to clarify, since you did not understand my conclusions, or I did not clearly state them. smile
        We are not talking about any barricades and revolution !!! Where did you find this in my article? fool
        Do you have an understanding of this form of REQUIREMENTS as civil requirements WITHIN THE LEGISLATION?
        Have you seen how people whom their Native government wants to strip again (with new taxes, VAT, tariffs),
        - correctly and decently explains to the authorities that
        - "they bitches went too far!" and it's time to think, so the continuation will follow!
        I will explain.
        In the past 2012, in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, the authorities wanted to raise% of taxes and other things again to replenish the treasury.
        Slovaks are by nature kind and gullible people / Slavs like nicknames, although Westerners, as they themselves say, are patient because "they can chop logs on their heads"!
        They grumbled, became indignant - all the plans of the government passed, the "Narodna Rada" / words. The State Duma passed drafts of new laws, we began to pay more. fool
        The Czechs, by nature, are closer to the Germans, distrustful, not so kind and evil to the authorities.
        - In a couple of days (without corrupt deputies / prostitutes everywhere) they organized themselves, philistines, pensioners, groups of professions, supported the trade unions a bit and went to QUIET PEACEFUL and CULTURAL rallies, in short, walked along the streets and squares with flags and banners. Nowhere None of the Provocators were allowed into their ranks (the police and special services have enough of these!).
        In the Czech Republic, the atmosphere began to "heat up" the tolerant quiet consent of the people - there wasn’t.
        After a couple of days at the EXTRAORDINARY MEETING of their parliament, the government ruled on its new project, TAKEN out of the vote and the min. Finance started again thinking where to save, but not citizens, because there you can PREMATURE ELECTIONS get !!!
        Such is the specific story about Sovakia and the Czech Republic since 2012.
        Without REVOLUTIONS, BARRICADA, BROKEN WINDOWS, etc. !!! good
        You don’t think that the authorities do not care, they SHOWN popular discontent in the morning, but GRAMONTO AND THE LEGISLATION SHOULD be able to show it! And this means a personal interest in the majority and not a fuse for a few and the LAST majority of the stupid majority, They say they promised us before the election, let them fulfill ??? fool

        That's what I wanted to tell everyone that it is possible to achieve all the goals of the PEOPLE WITHOUT A BARRICADE, BREAKING SHOW-WINDOWS AND STORES!
        1. Ruslan_F38
          11 September 2013 16: 16
          Quote: michajlo
          We are not talking about any barricades and revolution !!! Where did you find this in my article? fool
          Do you have an understanding of this form of REQUIREMENTS as civil requirements WITHIN THE LEGISLATION?

          Well, firstly myself fool I have an idea about everything and the main thing is my own opinion - this is secondly. Thirdly, in your article there are provocative statements and they can be understood in different ways and as a call for peaceful protests, against which I am also against, and perceived as a call for non-peaceful protests: "
          I personally do not intend to go into politics, this is a dirty and vile business, but I consider it necessary to raise the self-consciousness of people so that they stop living today and evening rest, but thought what would happen tomorrow, and began not to ask BUT DEMAND FROM THE AUTHORITIES to solve the problems of the common people FIRST not aligarhof friends. Do not be afraid, when half of the country stops in a strike, then all the "anointed heads" will quickly receive an epiphany and hearing will increase for popular demands.
          I do not believe that among the Russian people there will not be new TRUE PATRIOTS AND LEADERS, but not Guarantors and Pahans. "

          You don’t think that the authorities do not care, they SHOWN popular discontent in the morning, but GRAMONTO AND THE LEGISLATION SHOULD be able to show it! And this means a personal interest in the majority and not a fuse for a few and the LAST majority of the stupid majority, They say they promised us before the election, let them fulfill ???

          I repeat once again - you provoke and you yourself know very well about it. Don't pretend to be a lamb. And the last thing - you come here, live here, and then you will give advice to us who are "stupid and unsophisticated" in your opinion. It is very easy to teach people to live because of the "hillock". There you learn. hi
  26. 0
    11 September 2013 20: 54
    [quote = Ruslan_F38] [quote = michajlo] We are not talking about any barricades and revolution !!! Where did you find this in my article? fool ... ... Once again I repeat - you provoke and you yourself are well aware of this. No pretend to be a lamb. And the last thing - you come here, live here, and then you will give advice to us who are "stupid and unsophisticated" in your opinion. It’s very easy to teach people how to live "hillock". There you learn. hi[/ Quote]
    Good evening Ruslan!
    Thank you for the answer. But since you yourself have your own opinion, why, you immediately call others PROVOCATORS !!! I didn’t call you. Or am I somewhere offended you, humiliated you? If so, indicate to me my mistake and I will apologize to you here on the site. what
    But if you are so "grated and have seen a lot", then maybe YOU PERSONALLY should think about how to offend someone else, knowing that the monitor you back will not return your rudeness! If you are a "brave keyboard", then everything is clear, I will not react anymore to the responses of the "remote and angry", if again you then do not start demanding an answer to YOUR EMPTY OFFENSES?
    I have already read on OUR OPEN THOUGHTS AND CONCLUSIONS here more than once from all drunken "hurray-patriots" and "citizens who are here for work ...",
    - what they say from me "pulls the swamp spirit",
    - that they say I am "shouting under the American embassy",
    - that I am "friends with Novodvorskaya"
    - and other insults
    for which, if they had dared to tell me in person, and WOULD NOT apologize for my own disgust, I WOULD HAVE THEIR ERROR OF EDUCATION AND BESCULTURE I personally explained it to myself, it is possible even with witnesses!
    On different boors and "also heroes", a good chat on the buttocks, you know, is very effective. Why then immediately their "fountain of mud" dries up ...
    So dear Ruslan I ask you to apologize for the insults (I'm a Provocateur), or DIRECTLY admit thatyou are here on the site "in execution" and you, after all, "in the Report you need to invent something", because the ram's repeated repetition of "Glory to the Kremlin helmsmen!" - probably your superiors will not understand!
    Otherwise, dear Ruslan, I can only say that so far You can only insult without evidence (because you didn’t find my notes anywhere in the text of the revolutions and barricades attributed to me by you), but you are a master at fiction and unfounded insults ...
    And the fact that I am "writing from behind the hill" at the moment, so it can change at any moment, and we may even meet in the future (not immediately tomorrow) in the vast expanses of Russia. drinks
    Sincerely, Mikhailo.