Right story. As the Japanese emperor announced the surrender

Right story. As the Japanese emperor announced the surrenderMost of the works of American historians of World War II state that the government of militarist Japan capitulated 1945 in August as a result of US atomic strikes on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At the same time, the participation of the USSR in the war in the Far East is regarded as a "secondary", if not completely, "unnecessary" action. In Japan, the Soviet Union’s joining in with the numerous requests of the allies, the United States and Great Britain, to military actions to defeat the Japanese troops is called the right forces of this country "Soviet aggression" taken against the Land of the Rising Sun that was supposedly ready for capitulation in order to "seize territories". At the same time, the fact that the Japanese government and military command were not going to capitulate after the destruction of Hiroshima by the atomic bomb is obscured.

Japanese leaders hid from the people a message about the use of the atomic power of the Americans weapons and continued to prepare for the decisive battle on their territory "to the last Japanese." The issue of the bombing of Hiroshima was not even discussed at a meeting of the Supreme Council for the leadership of the war. The warning of American President G. Truman against 7 of August on the radio about the readiness of the US to launch new atomic strikes was interpreted by the Japanese government as propaganda by the Allies.

The signing of the non-aggression pact between Japan and the USSR. 1941
Despite the atomic bombing, the supporters of the “war party” continued the training of the population deployed throughout the country to resist the enemy in case of invasion - women, children and the elderly taught methods of dealing with bamboo copies, and guerrilla war bases were created in the mountains. The creator of the kamikaze suicide squads, deputy chief of the main naval headquarters, Onisi Takadziro, categorically speaking against surrender, said at a government meeting: "Having sacrificed 20 lives of millions of Japanese in special attacks, we will achieve absolute victory."

Until recently, there were hopes of using the Kwantung Army, which retained its combat capability. An option was also considered to transfer the emperor and his family to the puppet state of Manzhou-Guo created by the Japanese after the occupation of Northeast China in the event of the landing of American troops on the Japanese islands in order to continue resistance here.

Contrary to the claims of official Japanese historians that “the USSR attack was unexpected,” in fact, Tokyo received timely intelligence information about the Yalta agreement on the upcoming entry of the Soviet Union into the war with Japan on the side of the allies. 15 February 1945, Japanese intelligence leaders informed the Supreme Council for War Leadership that "the Soviet Union intends to secure a voice in deciding the future of East Asia." A warning sounded that by the spring the USSR could terminate the neutrality pact and join the allies in the war against Japan. The next day, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Shigemitsu Mamoru told Emperor Hirohito about this: “The days of Nazi Germany are numbered. The Yalta Conference reaffirmed the unity of Great Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. ” The minister recommended that the Mikado not rely on a neutrality pact. General Tojo Hideki also warned the emperor about the possibility of the USSR acting against Japan, assessing this possibility as “50 on 50”.

In preparation for entering the war with Japan, the Soviet government sought to comply with the norms of international law. 5 on April 1945 of the year the Japanese government officially announced the denunciation of the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact of April 13 of 1941. The statement of the Soviet government indicated that the pact was signed before the German attack on the USSR and before the outbreak of war between Japan on the one hand and Great Britain and the United States on the other. The text of the statement read: “Since then, the situation has changed radically. Germany attacked the USSR, and Japan, an ally of Germany, helps the latter in its war against the USSR. In addition, Japan is at war with the United States and Britain, which are allies of the Soviet Union.

In this situation, the Neutrality Pact between Japan and the USSR lost its meaning, and the extension of this pact became impossible ...

In accordance with the article 3 of the said Pact, which provides for the right to denounce one year before the expiry of the five-year term of the Covenant, the Soviet Government hereby declares ... its desire to denounce the Covenant of 13 on April 1941 of the year. ”

Having denounced the neutrality pact, the Soviet government, in fact, four months prior to the entry into the war, actually informed the Japanese government about the possibility of the USSR participating in the war with Japan on the side of the allied United States and Great Britain. Tokyo understood this well. Already this fact makes unconvincing and helpless attempts of modern Japanese propagandists and their supporters found in recent years in our country, trying to accuse the USSR of "perfidy and perfidy."

The preparation of the USSR for entry into the war was impossible to hide. Since the spring of 1945, the Japanese leadership has regularly received from intelligence information on the redeployment of Soviet troops to the Far East. In the middle of April, officers of the Japanese Embassy’s military office in Moscow reported to Tokyo: “Every day, the 12 to 15 trains pass by the Trans-Siberian Railway ... Currently, the Soviet Union’s entry into the war with Japan is inevitable. It will take approximately two months to deploy about 20 divisions. ” The same was reported by the headquarters of the Kwantung Army.

This 6 of June 1945 of the year at the next meeting of the Supreme Council for the management of war, the assessment of the real situation did not inspire optimism. In an analysis of the situation presented to the council members, it was stated: “Through consistent measures taken, the Soviet Union prepares the ground through diplomacy in order to be able to oppose the Empire if necessary; at the same time he intensifies military preparations in the Far East. There is a high probability that the Soviet Union will take military action against Japan ... The USSR may enter the war against Japan after the summer or autumn period. "

Nevertheless, at the meeting of the council it was decided to continue the war: “The empire must firmly follow the course of the protracted nature of the war, regardless of any casualties. By the end of this year, this can not cause significant fluctuations in the enemy's determination to continue the war. ” In Tokyo, they still hoped for the United States and Great Britain to accept the compromise conditions of the world, which, in particular, provided for the preservation of Japan and Korea and Japan. On the other hand, diplomatic measures were taken to use the Soviet Union as an intermediary in the cessation of hostilities under conditions that satisfied Tokyo. However, in the “peace proposals” submitted to the Soviet government, the question of the Japanese ending the war was not directly addressed. In the USSR, naturally, they could not agree to any negotiations other than surrender, and therefore the Japanese proposals for mediation were rejected. The attempt of the Japanese government to send in July 1945 of the year to Moscow as a special emissary of an influential politician, the former Prime Minister of Japan, Prince Kono Fumimaro, was not crowned with success. 12 July in the NKID (MFA) of the USSR was sent the message of Emperor Hirohito, which said about his desire to "put an end to the war." However, the question of the cessation of hostilities by Japan was again avoided. 18 July NCID informed Tokyo: "The Soviet government does not see an opportunity to give any definite answer about the message of the emperor, as well as the mission of Prince Konoe ..."

26 July 1945, the Potsdam Declaration of the states at war with Japan was published, setting out the conditions for its unconditional surrender. On the eve of its text was broadcast on radio and became known in Japan. The Soviet government found it expedient to join the declaration, but to announce it a little later. The absence of the signature of the Soviet Union under the Potsdam Declaration gave rise to the hope of the Japanese leadership that the war would continue, because in Japan the inevitability of defeat was associated only with the entry of the USSR into it. After discussing the text of the declaration at a meeting of the High Council on War Management, Japanese Foreign Minister Togo Shigenori telegraphed Ambassador Sato Naotake in Moscow on July 27: “The position taken by the Soviet Union regarding the Potsdam Joint Declaration will influence our actions from now on ...”

In this regard, there is reason to believe that Japan’s refusal to capitulate on the terms of the Potsdam Declaration was dictated by the still persisting hopes that the Soviet Union’s entry into the war could be avoided or at least delayed by decisive diplomatic steps. concessions. Anyway, 28 July at a press conference, Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki Kantaro said about the Potsdam Declaration: “We ignore it. We will steadily go forward and wage war to the end. " Interestingly, after the war, Japanese historians tried to prove the “imperfection of the translation” of Suzuki’s statement. They argued that the Japanese word “mokusatsu” was not equivalent to the notion of “ignore”. Note that this is true, but only in the sense that “mokusatsu” is an even stronger and contemptuous expression, meaning “murder by silence”.

The position taken by the Japanese government delayed the end of the Second World War, leading to new victims and deprivations of peoples. Therefore, in strict accordance with the deadlines defined in the Yalta Agreement, the Soviet Union 8 August 1945 of the year declared war on Japan. The statement of the Soviet government said: “After the defeat and surrender of Germany, Japan turned out to be the only great power that still stands for the continuation of the war.

Soviet soldiers in Harbin.
The demand of the three powers - the United States of America, Great Britain and China - from 26 of July of this year about the unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces was rejected by Japan. Thus, the proposal of the Japanese Government to the Soviet Union to mediate in the war in the Far East loses all ground.

Given Japan’s refusal to capitulate, the Allies appealed to the Soviet Government with a proposal to join the war against Japanese aggression and thereby shorten the time for the end of the war, reduce the number of casualties and promote the early restoration of universal peace.
True to its allied duty, the Soviet Government accepted the proposal of the allies and joined the Allied states ’statement of July of this year.

The Soviet government believes that ... its policy is the only means capable of bringing the offensive of peace closer, freeing the people from further sacrifices and suffering, and giving the Japanese people the opportunity to get rid of the dangers and destruction that Germany experienced after its rejection of unconditional surrender.

In view of the above, the Soviet Government declares that starting tomorrow, that is, from August 9, the Soviet Union will consider itself at war with Japan. ”

The Soviet troops were tasked with defeating the Kwantung Army (actually a group of armies), as well as the Japanese troops in Korea, in the shortest possible time and with minimal losses, to liberate South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, torn away from Russia. This task was completed with honor. The group of Soviet troops created in the spring-summer of 1945 in the Far East numbered over 1,7 million people, about 30 thousand guns and mortars, 5250 tanks and self-propelled guns, more than 5 thousand combat aircraft. The sweeping crushing blows of the Soviet troops on the front of more than 5 thousand km made it possible to completely defeat the formations and units of the Kwantung Army. For the Japanese army, this was the largest defeat in the war. In 24 days, 22 Japanese divisions were defeated. The loss of the Japanese killed and captured amounted to over 674 thousand people.

Even before the defeat of the Kwantung Army in the morning of 9 on August 1945, the Foreign Minister of Togo was convincing Prime Minister Suzuki that the entry of the Soviet Union into the war leaves for Japan no choice but to accept the terms of the Potsdam Declaration. The influential minister-keeper of the imperial press, Kido Koichi, reported to Hirohito about the need to immediately stop the war. At the same time, fear was expressed that otherwise defeat in the war could push the masses to revolution. In an effort to avoid this, the political leadership of the country and the emperor’s entourage considered it necessary to capitulate to the Americans and the British as soon as possible in order to prevent the Soviet Union from landing on the Japanese islands. Prime Minister Suzuki, speaking out against attempts by the military to delay the final decision on surrender, said at a meeting in the presence of the emperor that "it is necessary to put an end to the war while we are dealing with the Americans."

Soldiers of the Kwantung Army surrender their weapons.
At an emergency meeting of the High Council on War Leadership, August 9, Prime Minister Suzuki stated: “Joining the Soviet Union’s war this morning puts us in a hopeless situation and makes it impossible to continue the war.”

At noon 15 August 1945, the Japanese for the first time in all history the existence of the state heard the voice of their divine monarch, who, in a language difficult for commoners, announced the decision to end the war. As a justification for the impossibility of further resistance, it was pointed out that the enemy was using a new superbomb. Thus, it was made clear that Japan does not surrender, having suffered a defeat in a fair battle with the enemy, but is forced to retreat before the overwhelming force of a weapon unseen before. In this regard, in Japan there are still those who believe that the use of atomic bombs by the Americans was "tenyu" - the will of providence, the grace of heaven, which allowed the sacred nation of Yamato to leave the war with honor, without losing face.

In reality, the inevitability of the defeat of Mikado and its inner circle was associated not so much with atomic bombings as with the participation in the war, which crushed the military power of Nazi Germany of the Red Army. In the rescript dated August 17, 1945 "To soldiers and sailors," the commander in chief of the army and fleet Emperor Hirohito of Japan, no longer mentioning the American atomic bombs and the destruction of Japanese cities, named the entry into the war of the USSR as the main reason for surrender. It was clearly stated: "Now that the Soviet Union has entered the war against us, to continue the resistance ... means to jeopardize the very foundation of our Empire."

The facts show that without the USSR entering the war, the Americans could not quickly conquer Japan, “throwing atomic bombs at it”, as American military propaganda convinced the leaflets and radio on the Japanese people. According to the calculations of the American headquarters, at least nine atomic bombs were required to ensure the landing of assault forces on the Japanese islands. After the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States no longer had ready-made atomic bombs, but the production of new ones required a long time. “These bombs dropped by us,” testified US Secretary of War G. Stimson, “were the only ones we had, and the production rates at that time were very low.” It should not be forgotten that in response to the atomic strikes, the Japanese could bring down American secret laboratories in huge quantities of bacteriological weapons accumulated in the Northeast China. This danger threatening the whole world was prevented by the entry of the USSR into the war. The former commander of the Kwantung Army, General Yamada Otozo, admitted at the trial: “The Soviet Union’s entry into the war against Japan and the rapid advance of Soviet troops deep into Manchuria prevented us from using bacteriological weapons ...”

An unbiased analysis of the military-political situation in August 1945 in the Far East makes even irreconcilable critics of the Soviet leadership admit the obvious. Thus, in a large-scale scientific study published in 2005 of the reasons for the capitulation by the Japanese government, a professor at the University of California (USA), the ethnic Japanese Hasegawa Tsuyoshi, recognizes the decisive influence of the Soviet Union’s entry into the war on the emperor’s decision to accept the terms of surrender. In the final part of his work “In pursuit of the enemy. Stalin, Truman and the capitulation of Japan "he writes:" The two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not decisive when Japan made a decision to capitulate. Despite the crushing power of atomic bombs, they were not enough to change the vector of Japanese diplomacy. This allowed to make the Soviet invasion. Without the entry of the Soviet Union into the war, the Japanese would continue to fight until numerous atomic bombs were dropped on them, the Allies landed successfully on the islands of Japan itself, or aerial bombardments continued under naval blockade, which would exclude the possibility of further resistance. "

Having entered the war, the Soviet Union made a decisive contribution to the defeat of the Japanese ground forces, deprived the Japanese leadership of the chances of continuing military operations by resorting to a bloody “battle for the metropolis”, which saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions of human lives, including the Japanese.
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  1. +14
    7 September 2013 09: 12
    The article is correct. We did everything right. Maybe the Japanese did not have "manpower" to continue the war, but they could still poison (in the literal sense) existence with any biological muck. So let the yaponophiles rage. The dog barks - the wind carries. wink

    Well, some lyrics winked
    My late grandfather participated in the Far Eastern operation. Therefore, Victory Day was celebrated twice a year. He didn’t tell much, but sometimes it broke through during the holidays ... He talked about how they were assigned to consider captured Japanese machine guns as punishment for some misconduct and how they crawled tearfully on the commander on the third day asking to save them from this torture laughing
    1. +8
      7 September 2013 14: 17
      Quote: Landwarrior
      Well, some lyrics
      My late grandfather participated in the Far Eastern operation. Therefore, Victory Day was celebrated twice a year.

      firmly shakes hands drinks

      My grandfather also participated.

      on the picture:

      Japanese merchants prepared for the arrival of Soviet soldiers in South Sakhalin, preparing posters with inscriptions in Russian and Soviet paraphernalia.
      1. Beck
        7 September 2013 19: 11
        Quote: Karlsonn
        My grandfather also participated.

        And my father participated.

        To the left are military awards, to the right are labor awards; below, their father did not wear anniversary medals.

        Among the combat medals, the third medal from the left is "For Victory over Japan"
        1. +4
          7 September 2013 20: 39
          Quote: Beck
          And my father participated.

          And you: firmly shakes hands

          Quote: Beck
          Among the combat medals, the third medal from the left is "For Victory over Japan"

          I would recognize her wink drinks

          I look friend inexorably growing up in rank, despite all the machinations lol
          1. Beck
            8 September 2013 08: 21
            Quote: Karlsonn
            I would recognize her

            Well, you would not know. This is me for the younger generation.

            And if it went that way, awkward, but boast.

            As a young junior lieutenant, the commander of an artillery platoon, his father went to the headquarters. I ran into the fascist intelligence, which came for the "language!" With one TT he clashed against three Schmeisers. He killed one scout, wounded the second, took the third prisoner. And he brought this prisoner to the headquarters, which was dragging the wounded on him. That's what I got Order of the Red Star.

            Order of the Patriotic War 2 degrees for professional excellence. When the offensive corrected the fire of our batteries. A minimum of sighting shells, the exact defeat of fortifications, the timely transfer of an artillery barrage deep into the enemy’s defense.

            Order of the Patriotic War 1 degree. Already being a captain, commander of the battery, for the reflection of the Nazi tank breakthrough. At the same time, three 76 mm guns, Zis-3, out of four were lost.

            First left medal, "For the capture of Konigsberg"second left "For the victory over Germany" , third from left "For the victory over Japan "

            Last order "Patriotic War" anniversary. My father believed that any victorious soldier was worthy of this order - for military labor, for the deeds that were simply not noted. The fourth jubilee medal "Marshal Zhukov", her father also considered fighting.

            At the very top, on the left, the order ribbon of the order "Victory". Getting it to me was worth a lot of work. The color palette of this tape includes all the colors of military orders.
        2. +1
          31 January 2014 20: 23
          Quote: Beck
          Left military awards, right labor,
          How significant this is for people of that era: in battle and in labor they were the first ...

          How the grandson of a front-line soldier shakes hands with the son of a warrior-liberator hi

          Eternal glory to the dead! soldier
    2. aviator46
      7 September 2013 22: 25
      Imperial Rescript of Emperor Hirohito

      "To our kind and loyal subjects:

      ..... The enemy began to use the newest and most brutal bombs, the power of which can cause truly innumerable damage, sacrificing many innocent lives.
      If we continue to fight, this will end not only with the final collapse and destruction of the Japanese nation, but can lead to the complete disappearance of human civilization. 
      In this situation, we had to choose between saving the lives of millions of our subjects or following the sacred spirit of the covenants of Our empire and Our ancestors.
      We have ordered the adoption of the provisions of the Joint [Potsdam] Declaration of the Powers ... "

      If the Americans, with all their might, estimated their losses at MILLION people, then the Red Army would not have reached the coast of Japan ...
      1. Hudo
        7 September 2013 23: 24
        Quote: aviator46
        If the Americans, with all their might, estimated their losses at MILLION people, then the Red Army would not have reached the coast of Japan ...

        1st Take a geographical map.
        2nd Measure the distance from Stalingrad to the Elba River. (If there is no curvimeter or compass gauge, use a trouser belt)
        3rd Measure distances Primorye - Japan.
        4th Compare the results of your measurements.
        5th Carry on that same trouser belt.
        1. +1
          7 September 2013 23: 51

          Comrade does not waste energy on the ignoramus.
          1. Hudo
            8 September 2013 00: 22
            Quote: Karlsonn

            Comrade does not waste energy on the ignoramus.

            Do not let him get away with it!
            1. +1
              8 September 2013 00: 25
              Quote: Hudo
              Do not let him get away with it!

              He’s scum and he won’t do it like that.
              As a Far East - I promise.
              1. Hudo
                8 September 2013 07: 27
                The comment was deleted.

                Mr. moderator, who deleted the comments of the windblown aviator46, don't you think that by deleting these comments after the "arguments" given by him, so to speak, "arguments" beat the beats and put them up, and their author himself was exposed in an extremely negative light, the counterarguments that broke the villain's speculations in fluff and dust just hung in the air. Indeed, in fact, the arguments of the liberal troll, beaten to smithereens, are the best argument against his own vile point of view, and removal, on the contrary, played into his hands, this reptile went into the shadows.
                I also ask you to accept this position of mine, not as a rebuke, but as an occasion for a discussion of how best to spread rot on the bastards singing from someone else's voice.
                Sincerely. hi
      2. 0
        7 September 2013 23: 50
        Quote: aviator46
        Imperial Rescript of Emperor Hirohito

        "To our kind and loyal subjects:

        ..... The enemy began to use the newest and most brutal bombs, the power of which can inflict

        troll !!!
    3. 0
      10 September 2013 23: 01
      Karlsonn,Beck... thank you for remembering. i remember too Yes
  2. +10
    7 September 2013 09: 28
    Winners always write history. Now they are trying to write it so that the USSR can simply be forgotten. More articles are needed to keep your story going. We are the victorious people, which the leaders betrayed in the 90s.
    1. aviator46
      7 September 2013 22: 44
      A report prepared for the Japanese General Staff at the end of July 1945 on the combat readiness of formations of the Kwantung Army of more than 30 divisions and brigades included in the payroll estimated the combat readiness of one division - 80%,
      one - 70%, one - 65%,
      one - 60%, four - 35%,
      three - 20%, and the rest - 15% each.
      The assessment included manning with manpower and equipment and the level of combat training.
      Oh, a mighty army!
      Of the 30 divisions, 19 divisions have a combat readiness of 15%!

      Having bypassed the border fortified areas, the Transbaikal Front advanced further in a marching formation, not meeting any resistance:
      by order of the command of the Kwantung Army, the next line of defense was located more than 400 km from the border with Mongolia.
      When units of the Trans-Baikal Front reached this defense line by August 18, the Japanese units occupying it had already surrendered, having received the Imperial order.

      So there was no "power" of the Uwantung Army mentioned in the article.
      1. +2
        7 September 2013 23: 53

        Seeding on the feat of ancestors can only pod.ok.
        Sorry you can not meet in person.
  3. +8
    7 September 2013 09: 34
    “It was impossible to hide the preparation of the USSR for entering the war. Since the spring of 1945 the Japanese leadership regularly received detailed information from intelligence about the redeployment of Soviet troops to the Far East. "... in fact, the USSR began to prepare for hostilities already in 1942. There was reconnaissance on the territory adjacent to the front line, especially engineering. Grandfather served in the 2nd Far East I got there after being wounded near Leningrad. In 1942, they strenuously built defenses in the swamps, as best they could. In the winter of 1943, while conducting reconnaissance, we found passages in the swamps. We ensured the protection of the construction of gates from scouts and saboteurs ... they were able to ensure that the breakthrough of 1945 of our tanks through the swamps to the rear of the Japanese fortified area was a shock for the Japanese.
    1. +6
      7 September 2013 16: 05
      Quote: Strashila
      in general, the USSR began to prepare for hostilities already in 1942. Intelligence was carried out adjacent to the front line of the territory, especially engineering. My grandfather served in the 2nd Far East. He got there after being wounded near Leningrad. In 1942, they built up the defense in the swamps as best they could. In winter In 1943, while conducting reconnaissance, they found passages in the swamps. They secured the construction of the gateways from scouts and saboteurs ... were able to ensure that the breakthrough of our tanks through the swamps in 1945 to the rear of the Japanese fortified area was a shock for the Japanese.

      My grandfather, 1910, served throughout the war in Zavitinsk ...
      For the entire time of the Second World War, as part of a consolidated group of operas from various police structures, the NKVD, SMERSH, they went, as they said to their families, "across the river" ...
      Eternal memory to our ancestors and the kingdom of heaven.
  4. +1
    7 September 2013 10: 07
    After this article, questions involuntarily arise about the Russian-Japanese treaty on the principle of "hikivaki" - there is no winner, no loser. We didn’t win, but the Japanese didn’t lose?
    1. +1
      8 September 2013 12: 02
      Quote: Anatol Klim
      questions arise involuntarily about the Russian-Japanese treaty on the principle of "hikivaki" - there is no winner, no loser. We didn’t win, but the Japanese didn’t lose?

      Everything is much simpler. It seems that they did not lose. It seems, as it were, "saved the face." And in real life, even though hikivakai, even though not hikivakai, but they asked for war ... is it a fact.
  5. +9
    7 September 2013 10: 11
    The USSR in 1945 could crush any country. The USSR created such an army, trained, hardened and well-coordinated that they could really stop at the English Channel if they were not told to stop. True, except for the United States. The United States was rescued and rescued by the fact that they are on another continent. In the United States, they know about this, therefore, the "Monroe Doctrine", therefore, there will be no countries with military parity and no matter which, loyal or disloyal. The USA understood the danger of spreading the influence of the USSR to the whole world. Therefore, Fulton and ideological confrontation, propaganda and information wars, bribery of the "elites" in the USSR and bringing to the leadership of outright compradors.
    1. Uhe
      7 September 2013 18: 04
      The USA did not save this, but the fact that Stalin was not a Trotskyist :), therefore, he stood for a strong Soviet state, and not for a world revolution on the bones of our people.

      It is not a secret that it was Britain and the USA that immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War were preparing to strike at the USSR, including nuclear ones. These plans are declassified, there are articles about them on the web. They did not strike because of the strength of our army and state. They considered that in order to win in the first half hour of the start of the war against us, 30% of the population should be destroyed, if I remember correctly now. That is, they wanted to wipe out all our largest cities with nuclear strikes. But, firstly, this task turned out to be not feasible, since our air defense is also not baked, and secondly, Stalin ordered Zhukov to regroup our troops so as to immediately launch a counterattack and quickly throw the "allies" into the sea, and there Britain lies. Then it would have been a matter of technology to deal with the USA. Yes, and the support among the world community we had iron, ov with their own bare hands citizens would have strangled them.

      Well, ours still competently held the Victory Parade, showed our latest weapons in the form of the IS-3. No wonder they showed them for the first time in the West, and not at home. Stalin showed that we do not have nuclear weapons - for now! - but there are trump cards in the sleeve. We understood this and convinced the English.

      We were not lucky that Roosevelt died, who was very pragmatic and even warm towards the USSR. He understood that it was necessary to be friends and work together with the USSR in order to achieve much for his country. But Truman was an ardent Russophobe and anti-communist, and he began to escalate the situation and stir up water against our country. Scum is Truman, one word.
  6. Pamir210
    7 September 2013 10: 40
    Quote: ImPerts
    The USSR in 1945 could crush any country.

    except UK and US should be added.
    1. +10
      7 September 2013 12: 50
      Quote: Pamir210
      except UK and US should be added.

      I agree, but it is easy to sweep the army groups of the USA and Britain from the face of continental Europe. The metropolis was far away. And the basis of the Red Army at that time was not just soldiers, but the battle-hardened Warriors, the strongest Army of the World at that time.
    2. +1
      7 September 2013 14: 18
      Quote: ImPerts
      Really could stop at the English Channel if they were not told stop

      Great Britain would have been saved not by the army, but by the strait. Too much effort would have to be spent on the transfer. The island army was much weaker than the Wehrmacht. And the price / quality ratio, that is, the result and the loss, was extremely disadvantageous. The Soviet Navy was weaker than the British, and if you consider the combined US and British Navy, then ...
      1. Uhe
        7 September 2013 18: 14
        We had a strong air fleet, including bombers. At sea, we, too, were not inferior to our former allies. I doubt that overcoming the strait was a difficult task for our army. In the end, no one has also lifted the blockade as a way of waging war. It was just that Stalin was a very wise man who understood that war was destructive for the USSR and would push his achievements back. Personally, I am sure that if Britain had not pushed Germany against us, the USSR would never have entered the war. After all, the war pushed us far back. Yes, the USSR became a superpower, and Britain, on the contrary, slid down, that is, they ran into what they fought for - fell into the pit that they were digging for us. But the main war that Stalin waged was a war in the minds of people all over the planet, and we won that war. Moreover, all as one living in the 40th year and recalling this, including in books, said that life has become much better. That is, the USSR not only riveted weapons, but also greatly improved the life of its population, raising its level. We not only got rid of the devastation caused by the Revolution and Intervention, but also directly proceeded to the direct construction of socialism.

        I am just absolutely sure that if there hadn’t been a war, there would have been no collapse of the USSR and the current disgrace, because there would have been no betrayal of Khrushchev, the subsequent amorphous mistakes of the highest leadership of the USSR. But for the USA, the war turned out to be a salvation and a way out of the Great Depression, during which up to 10 million citizens of this country died from hunger and gang wars. We would simply shoot up economically and politically, and they would slide into the abyss. That is why the West needed war. At least this is one of the important reasons.
        1. 0
          7 September 2013 18: 59
          Quote: Uhe
          We had a strong air fleet,

          What are you talking about? Could a total bombardment of the island be arranged? With subsequent landing on a deserted island?
          Quote: Uhe
          At sea, we, too, were not inferior to our former allies.

          How many battleships and cruisers were there? And why could the kriegsmarine and its multiple superiority in the number of submarines (compared with the USSR Navy and each of the Allied fleets) not be able to do anything with communications in the Atlantic?
          1. +1
            31 January 2014 20: 47
            Quote: ImPerts
            And why could the kriegsmarine and its multiple superiority in the number of submarines (compared with the USSR Navy and each of the Allied fleets) not be able to do anything with communications in the Atlantic?
            There is a lot of talk in the literature about the number of German submarines, but somehow on Discovery (of course, he was still a canal) I saw a program in which one surviving German submariner complained about the extremely poor quality of these fairly good projects. And the training of sailors from the middle of the 1943 was limping a lot. So, not only the quantity matter. But you obviously know this yourself. wink
        2. Pamir210
          7 September 2013 20: 58
          Quote: Uhe
          At sea, we, too, were not inferior to our former allies. I doubt that overcoming the strait was a difficult task for our army.

          at sea did not concede? is it in which reality?
          the Soviet Navy was inferior to the English fleet (it’s pointless to even talk about the United States ... by the end of the war they owned a fleet that was stronger than ALL fleets in the world (and combined) at that time.
          and the task of forcing La Manche was absolutely impossible for the USSR at that time
          1. 0
            7 September 2013 21: 46
            Quote: Pamir210
            at sea did not concede? is it in which reality?

      2. +1
        31 January 2014 20: 41
        Quote: ImPerts
        Great Britain would have been saved not by the army, but by the strait. The Soviet Navy was weaker than the British,
        Let me discuss with you. The USSR at that time possessed not weak bomber aircraft, and the crisis was over with fighters. I think, in the absence of other military threats, turning British battleships into exhibits of the Neptune’s underwater museum is not an impossible task.
        As for the United States ... In this situation (this is really "Unthinkable"), I think, it would be possible to come to an agreement with Japan (the japs ​​obviously did not resist).
    3. +9
      7 September 2013 14: 19
      Quote: Pamir210
      Quote: ImPerts
      The USSR in 1945 could crush any country.
      except UK and US should be added.
      1. Uhe
        7 September 2013 18: 17
        And after all, the most amazing thing is that nothing has changed over the millennia :))) We are building a bright future for all of humanity, uniting it on the ideas of justice and the rule of law, and the West shits us.

        The Russians began with a red banner over their regiments, and also ended with a red banner. I hope that this is not the end for us and our original red banner.
    4. +1
      7 September 2013 16: 22
      And what was the problem to roll into a cake of small brit? Well, where and when did they really fight seriously with someone? Moreover, at that time in the world after the surrender of the Reich, only the USSR had airborne troops.
      1. +1
        7 September 2013 17: 15
        Quote: Docent1984
        Well, where and when did they really fight seriously with someone?

        In Dunkirk and Africa wassat .

        Quote: Docent1984
        Moreover, at that time in the world after the surrender of the Reich, only the USSR had airborne troops.

        Your untruth! stop

        on the picture:

        Paratroopers from company F of the 2-th battalion of the 506-th parachute regiment of the 101-th US Airborne Division in an airplane on the way to Normandy.
        From left to right: William G. Olanie, Frank D. Griffin, Robert J. Noody, and Lester T. Hegland.
        1. +1
          7 September 2013 17: 24
          On photo:

          The construction of the British landing unit at the airport against the backdrop of Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Wheatley Mk.V. Wheatley bomber could be used as a military transport aircraft. He could carry 10 paratroopers with full equipment and 1135 kg of cargo in the bomb bay.
      2. Uhe
        7 September 2013 18: 25
        With the Zulus :))) Well, they still littered with the bodies of the Boers, which exceeded the number a hundred times. And then they barely won, and then destroyed all of them in concentration camps.

        There is such a historical bike from the 16th century:

        During the war in the Netherlands at the next negotiations, some Spanish comrade blurted out to Humphrey Gilbert that the Gyзовs cause was lost because Spain was fighting for the faith - and what for?
        “Yes,” said Gilbert, “the Germans for the money, the French for the glory, the Spaniards for the faith.” Who is missing.
        “What are you for?” - the interlocutor was indignant.
        - And we don’t fight at all.

        So they don’t fight, they just shit everyone sneakily, and then use the fruits of other people's labor. After all, all of their capitalism was created on theft and blood of the colonies. War for this people is a source of profit and a means to stay afloat. And in this century they behave exactly the same as in the same 16.
        1. redwolf_13
          8 September 2013 17: 05
          There is a gorgeous book by Cohn Doyle "The Boer War" and so he gave a clear definition there: "Britain does not have generals, but there are sergeants with generals' shoulder straps." He described a case during the assault on a hill where 250 drills of snipers put 2 battalions all over the place so the commander of the combined detachment of the Britons was offended by such a not gentlemanly behavior of the Boers. wink
          1. +1
            31 January 2014 20: 52
            Well that's not news. At Balaklava, about the famous "attack of light cavalry", the geeral Bosquet said, "It's great, but they don't fight like that."
    5. +1
      31 January 2014 20: 34
      Quote: Pamir210

      Quote: ImPerts
      The USSR in 1945 could crush any country.

      except UK and USA
      Yes, in the 1940, Hitler himself almost slammed this Great Britain. What can we say to 45, when they already all that they could (and what they couldn't - too), they sold to amers? Churchill tweeted so bravely, because he was sitting behind Eisenhower and Patton. He would have kept the language in one place and would not have dared to stick it out, since he knew perfectly well that the adored empire is no more than fragments of past greatness, and it is not worth standing next to the USSR.
  7. +13
    7 September 2013 11: 23
    Quote: "At the same time, the participation of the USSR in the war in the Far East is viewed as a" secondary "or even" unnecessary "action."
    This is the case now, and in the distant 45 at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences, the Americans tearfully asked the USSR to take part in the war with Japan and constantly asked Stalin to confirm the Soviet commitment to start fighting in the Far East during the 3 months after the end of the war in Europe .
    In general, an old story: "While some were hiding in the trenches of Stalingrad, the fate of the Second World War and the whole world was being decided near El Alamein."
  8. smiths xnumx
    7 September 2013 11: 45
    Let's recall the facts:
    1. Fights for the island of Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands), August 1942-February 1943. Of the 36 thousand participating Japanese, 31 thousand were killed, about one thousand surrendered. 7 thousand dead from the American side.
    2. Landing on the island of Saipan (Mariana Islands), June-July 1944.
    The island was protected by 31 thousand Japanese; at least 25 thousand Japanese civilians lived on it. Of the defenders of the island, 921 people were captured. When no more than 3 thousand people remained of the defenders, the commander of the island's defense and his senior officers committed suicide, having previously ordered their soldiers to go to the Americans in a bayonet and end their lives in battle. All who received this order followed it to the end. All the wounded, who were able to move, hobbled behind the soldiers walking to the American positions, helping each other. 3 thousand deaths from the American side. When it became clear that the island would fall, the Emperor turned to the civilian population with a decree, in which he recommended committing suicide, but not surrendering to the Americans, promising a place of honor in the afterlife next to the soldiers of the imperial army. Of the 25 thousand civilians, about 20 thousand committed suicide! People threw themselves off the rocks, dragging young children with them! The rest of the world got the names "Suicide Cliff" and "Banzai Cliff" ...
    3. Landing on Leyte Island (Philippines), October-December 1944.
    Of the 55 thousand Japanese (4 divisions), 49 thousand died. 3,5 thousand dead from the American side.
    4. Landing on the island of Guam (Mariana Islands), July-August 1944.
    The island was defended by 22 thousand Japanese, 485 people surrendered. 1747 dead from the American side.
    5. Landing on the island of Luzon (Philippines), January-August 1945.
    The Japanese garrison had a population of 250 thousand people. 205 thousand died, 9050 surrendered. 8, 5 thousand killed on the American side.
    6. Landing on the island of Iwo Jima, February-March 1945. The Japanese garrison of the island is 18-18 thousand people. 5 surrendered in captivity. Almost 216 thousand killed on the American side.
    7. Landing on the island of Okinawa.
    The Japanese garrison of the island - about 85 thousand, with mobilized civilians - over 100 thousand. The garrison was deprived of air support and tanks, but otherwise organized the defense in the same way as it was organized on the two main islands of the archipelago - mobilized as many civilians as could use on supporting roles, and created a powerful network of fortifications connected by underground tunnels. With the exception of direct hits in the embrasures, these fortifications did not take even the 406-mm shells of the main caliber of the American battleships. Killed 110 thousand people. No more than 10 thousand surrendered, almost all of them were mobilized civilians. When only the command group remained from the garrison, the commander and his chief of staff committed suicide in the traditional samurai way, and their remaining subordinates with a bayonet attack on American positions. The Americans lost 12 thousand killed.
    The number of civilian casualties is still unknown and is estimated from 42 to 150 thousand people (the entire pre-war population of the island is 450 thousand).
    I hope you will not dispute the fact that the Japanese would defend their islands with the despair of the doomed. Nevertheless, the blow of the Red Army left no chance for Japanese politicians, and they preferred to capitulate. Yours faithfully! hi
    1. +2
      7 September 2013 15: 24
      Cool informative comment! hi Plus to you!
      With all due respect to the desperate courage of the Japanese (after all, the imperial nation!) - why is there such a difference in losses?
      Was even then a military-technological advantage of the Yankees over the Japanese was so huge?
      And is there data on the losses of the Kwantung Army and the Red Army?
      1. +5
        7 September 2013 16: 11
        Quote: hommer
        And is there data on the losses of the Kwantung Army and the Red Army?

        It is canonically considered that:
        - during the Manchurian operation of Soviet troops, the Kwantung army under the command of General Otozo Yamada lost about 84 thousand soldiers and officers killed, over 15 thousand died from wounds and illnesses in Manchuria, about 600 thousand were captured, while the irretrievable losses of the Soviet Army amounted to about 12 thousand people;
        - during the Kuril landing operation, the losses of the parties are as follows: USSR - 1567 killed and wounded, Japan - 1018 killed and wounded, 50442 prisoners (the ratio of forces at the beginning of the battle: USSR - 15 000, Japan - 80 000);
        - during the South Sakhalin offensive operation 18 320, Japanese soldiers and officers surrendered, looking for losses for a long time feel The book is at home, and the Internet is buggy.

    2. +3
      7 September 2013 16: 18
      Quote: Kuznetsov 1977
      Nevertheless, the blow of the Red Army left no chance for Japanese politicians, and they preferred to capitulate. Yours faithfully!

      Recall that after surrender, more than 35.000 Japanese performed the hara-kiri suicide ceremony in the square in front of the Emperor’s palace in Tokyo, in the presence of thousands of residents, including your family and friends ...
      The motive is to prove to the Emperor that shameful surrender does not allow them (the citizens of Japan), whose lives belong to the Emperor, to remain living in shame because they could not give their lives in battle for the honor of the Emperor ...
      Since then, I have not covered this huge area with anything but small gravel chips ...
      They explain: - because this land is watered with the sacred blood of patriots.
      Quote: hommer
      Cool informative comment! Plus to you!

      We ask, dear smiths xnumx, if he has such an opportunity, to talk about the liberation of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in approximately this vein ...
      1. smiths xnumx
        7 September 2013 17: 35
        South Sakhalin (in Japanese - Karafuto, territory - 36 thousand square kilometers, population - about 400 thousand people) was defended by the Japanese 88th Infantry Division (three infantry regiments and an artillery regiment). By August 1945, there were no Japanese tank, aviation, and naval forces on South Sakhalin. The land border between the USSR and Japan on Sakhalin (140 km long) was defended by the Japanese 125th Infantry Regiment and the artillery division attached to it. In the middle part of the border (the Poronai river valley) was the Japanese Haramitogsky (Kotonsky) fortified area, with a front length of 12 km, which had 17 bunkers and more than 100 bunkers. The remaining two infantry regiments and artillery of the Japanese 88th division were located on the southern tip of Sakhalin. The command of the Soviet 2nd Far Eastern Front (Army General Purkaev) allocated the 56th Rifle Corps (Major General Dyakonov) to capture South Sakhalin, consisting of 79- 214st Infantry Division, 255th Tank Brigade, two separate tank battalions, two artillery regiments of the RGK, with the support of the 56th Aviation Division. The corps was based in the Soviet part of Sakhalin, near the land border. The Soviet 10th Corps went on the offensive at 11 a.m. on August 1945, 12, having the task of breaking through the Japanese fortified area and capturing the city of Sikuka no later than August 90 (at the mouth of the Poronay River, XNUMX km south of the border, now Poronaysk).
        (TsAMO RF, fund 238, inventory 170250, file 1, sheet 217)

        As a result, 18.320 soldiers and officers of the Japanese 88th Infantry Division were captured by Soviet troops in South Sakhalin. As guns taken 71 guns and mortars, 2.000 horses
        (TsAMO RF, fund 328, inventory 1584, file 162, sheet 27).

        As my best friend says, while living on Sakhalin, walking with the same children, he found a bunker in the forest with a skeleton chained to a machine gun.
        Shumshu Island was defended by the Japanese 73rd Infantry Brigade (91st Infantry Division) and 11th Tank Regiment (60 light tanks) - a total of 8.480 people. The Soviet landing had about a twofold advantage in artillery (including naval), overwhelming in aviation, in small arms (approximate equality in the number of rifles - 4630: 4805, absolute superiority in machine guns - 2383: 0, advantage in machine guns - 492: 312, significant the number of anti-tank rifles - 215); the Japanese have an absolute advantage in tanks (light).
        On August 20, the forces of the Soviet landing on the island of Shumshu went on the offensive and by the end of the day advanced 5 km west of the height of 171,2. During this day, the Soviet 128th Air Division attacked the Japanese bases of Kataoka (on Shumsha) and Kashiwabara (on Paramushir). At 24.00:20 on August 1945, 91, Major General Gnechko received a response from the commander of the Japanese XNUMXst Infantry Division to demand unconditional surrender.
        Soviet losses in equipment and weapons during the capture of Shumshu amounted to:
        Landing craft - 5
        Boat MO - 1
        Aircraft - 3
        Guns 45 mm - 3
        Mortars - 116
        Anti-tank rifles - 106
        Machine guns - 294
        Assault rifles - 762
        Rifle - 911
        Pistols - 74
        (TsAMO RF, fund 66, inventory 3191, file 23, sheet 154)

        On August 23, Soviet troops occupied the base of Kataoka (on Shumsha) and landed at the base of Kashiwabar on the island of Paramushir. August 5 - landing on the island of Onekotan, August 26 - on the island of Matsuva.
        On August 30, 1945, Soviet troops occupied the islands of Simushir and Urup (each with one 302 joint infantry battalion each), completing the occupation of the North Kuril Islands with units of the 101st infantry division of the Kamchatka defensive region.
        1. smiths xnumx
          7 September 2013 18: 23
          In short govr something like that ...

        2. 0
          8 September 2013 03: 01
          Quote: Kuznetsov 1977
          Soviet losses in equipment and weapons during the capture of Shumshu amounted to:
          Landing craft - 5
          Boat MO - 1
          Aircraft - 3
          Guns 45 mm - 3
          Mortars - 116
          Anti-tank rifles - 106
          Machine guns - 294
          Assault rifles - 762
          Rifle - 911
          Pistols - 74

          Pistols, machine guns are good, but the loss of personnel, civilians, as you cited in previous posts about the active resistance of the Japanese to American airborne assaults ??
          What, they preferred to give up to the Russians, but to die against amers ??

          It turns out that lions fought against amers and therefore are amers super soldiers?
          Or the Russians turned out to be super-soldiers and the Japanese preferred to surrender, while our Soviets lost machine guns, pistols not in battles, but leaving the weapon to "lie down / stand" while thousands of captive Japs were escorting lightly, and then did not find the places where these weapons were lay down ???????
  9. +3
    7 September 2013 12: 04
    The main thing is that we won and I am grateful to my grandfather both for the Victory over Germany and for the Victory over Japan Eternal memory to the Heroes !!!
    1. +3
      7 September 2013 14: 23
      History is being rewritten and this cannot but upset. Moreover, they rewrite insolently and there are people who live among us and actively contribute to this.
      If before there was a joke about Victory and Bavarian beer, now it will be a soft option. They helped us, therefore they survived, but they won (allies).
  10. +3
    7 September 2013 14: 22
    On photo:

    Arresting Japanese warehouses in the area of ​​operations of the 57th Rifle Corps of the 53th Army of the Transbaikal Front in the vicinity of the Chinese city of Fuxin. Immediately after the signing of 2 on September 1945 on the surrender of Japan and the end of hostilities, it was decided to take under control of the Soviet troops numerous military depots with food, weapons and other property located in China.
  11. +3
    7 September 2013 14: 27
    On photo:

    Captured Japanese 75-mm field gun Type 90 mounted in a special armored turret. In the Khutousky fortified area there were two four-gun batteries of this type. There were extensive underground structures under the towers, from where the munitions were delivered to the guns with special hoists.
    These installations covered the approaches to UR and the territory of the fortress itself. They fought until the very end of the assault on Khutousky UR. At least two towers were destroyed by heavy B-4 howitzers from a distance of about 4 km.
    Khutousky fortified area (虎頭 - Koto Fortress or Tiger Head fortress) is a huge complex of fortifications built by the Japanese opposite the city of Iman (modern Dalnerechensk). It is stretched for about a hundred kilometers along the front along the border, with a large number of long-term heavy fire systems with an extensive underground communications system and armed with a large number of artillery in casemates, including guns of the caliber 150, 240, 305 and 410 mm.
    The assault on the UR was carried out by the forces of the 264th Infantry Division of Major General Vinogradov and the 109th URa (commandant Colonel Vavinas) with reinforcement units, from 9 to 18 on August 1945 of the year. They were opposed, according to various sources, from one and a half to three thousand Japanese soldiers who occupied the fortifications. The garrison included units of the 5 Army, cadre soldiers of the fortress units, cadets of the Harbin sniper school, soldiers of the 15 border guard detachment, militia, including women, wives and daughters of officers, officers of the CER, Japanese colonists. The command was taken by the chief of the Northern Defense Node, artillery captain of the 15th border detachment, Oki Masao.
    On August 18, after heavy fighting, overcoming extremely stubborn resistance by the enemy, they stormed the Khutousk SD. Almost the entire garrison of the fortified area was killed in battle.
    Quote from the "Report on the fighting to eliminate the Khutou fortified area."
    “In the morning of 18.8.45. a delegation was sent with a proposal to surrender, but the head of the delegation was beheaded by a Japanese officer and the enemy began firing from surviving crossing tools and the location of the headquarters of the UR. ”

    234 Foundation, inventory of 3213, d.367. L.83.
  12. +2
    7 September 2013 14: 28
    On photo:

    Soldiers of the 5th Army of the 1th Far Eastern Front cross the border with Manchuria.
  13. +4
    7 September 2013 14: 29
    On photo:

    Fighters 355-th separate battalion of marines of the Pacific Fleet before landing in Seysin.
  14. +6
    7 September 2013 14: 30
    On photo:

    Pacific Fleet mariners on the way to Port Arthur. In the foreground, Anna Yurchenko, a participant in the defense of Sevastopol, a paratrooper of the Pacific Fleet.
    1. +5
      7 September 2013 15: 29
      Such documentary photos evoke a sense of pride in their country - the USSR! And the deepest respect for these guys and girls who have suffered so many adversities, hardships and troubles! I would like to hope that they all survived to the final victory and old age!
      1. +3
        7 September 2013 16: 13
        Quote: ia-ai00
        Such documentary photos evoke a sense of pride in their country - the USSR! And the deepest respect for these guys and girls who have suffered so many adversities, hardships and troubles! I would like to hope that they all survived to the final victory and old age!

        All photos are clickable! drinks
  15. +2
    7 September 2013 14: 32
    On photo:

    The diving bombers of the Pe-2 of the 1-th Far Eastern Front go on a combat mission.
  16. +2
    7 September 2013 14: 33
    On photo:

    Soviet soldiers on the deck of a transport ship during the transition to the island of Shumshu. Kuril landing operation. August 1945 of the year.

    Source: Kamchatka Military History Museum.
  17. +1
    7 September 2013 14: 35
    On photo:

    Company of armor-piercing senior lieutenant L.I. Derbysheva on the island of Shumshu.

    Scan U-turn in the book.

    Source: Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore.
  18. +3
    7 September 2013 14: 37
    On photo:

    Tankers overcome the ridge Greater Khingan. Manchuria, August 1945.
  19. +6
    7 September 2013 14: 40
    On photo:

    Soviet soldiers on the embankment of the Sungari River in Harbin. The city occupied by the Japanese was liberated by Soviet troops on 20 on August 1945 of the year.
    1. +3
      7 September 2013 15: 54
      Quote: Karlsonn
      Soviet soldiers on the embankment of the Sungari River in Harbin.

      The photo is just cool! Here they are-Fighters, seasoned, experienced. The photo is already sneaking through!
  20. +4
    7 September 2013 14: 41
    On photo:

    The population of Manchuria meets the Soviet military. The emergence of Soviet troops signified the end of the Manzhou-go state that existed here, formed and controlled by Japan.
  21. +3
    7 September 2013 14: 42
    On photo:

    Soviet soldiers at the captured police station of Handas. South Sakhalin.
  22. +4
    7 September 2013 14: 43
    On photo:

    The landing from the monitor of the Amur Flotilla on the river Sungari. 2th Far Eastern Front.
    This is one of the “Flurry” type monitors built before the revolution and for three decades constituted the basis of the combat power of the Amur fleet.
  23. +4
    7 September 2013 14: 45
    On photo:

    The population of the Chinese city of Dalian (Dalniy) joyfully welcomes the tankers of the 7 mechanized corps of the 6 guards tank army.
  24. +6
    7 September 2013 14: 47
    On photo:

    Negotiations of the Soviet command with representatives of the headquarters of the Kwantung Army on the conditions for the surrender of Japanese troops.
  25. +2
    7 September 2013 16: 32
    Japanese diplomats propose reducing confrontation as a status quo.
    Return to the pre-war situation and conclude a peace treaty.
    The Japanese have forgotten or do not know that the winners write the story and bargaining is not appropriate here.
    Japanese historians are trying to prove the "imperfect translation" of Suzuki’s statement, where at noon on August 15, 1945, for the first time in the history of the existence of the state, the Japanese heard the voice of their divine monarch, who in a difficult language for ordinary people announced a decision to end the war.
    Well, what’s the problem, let the language and their characters learn more deeply. am
  26. +3
    7 September 2013 16: 46
    in the event of an invasion - women, children and the elderly were taught methods of combating the use of bamboo copies; guerrilla war bases were created in the mountains
    There was a story that a Japanese man was caught in a jungle about 40 years old on one of the islands in the Pacific Ocean. They killed all the commanders and no one gave him the order to surrender. If they believed her, they could spoil a lot of blood for our allies
    1. +3
      7 September 2013 17: 28
      Quote: Denis
      There was a story that a Japanese was caught in a jungle of 40 years on one of the islands in the Pacific Ocean

      Hiro Onoda, junior lieutenant of military intelligence of the Japanese armed forces.

      In March of 1974, on the Filipino island of Lubang, on the orders of his former commander, Japanese intelligence officer Hiro Onoda, who had been here since 1944 of the year, surrendered.
      1. +2
        7 September 2013 17: 35
        there is more information:

        - In December 1974, with the help of the Indonesian Air Force, an ordinary 1 class of Teruo Nakamura was discovered on Morotai Island and captured by a detachment sent specially for its capture.
        - In 1990, in the south of Thailand, former employees of the Japanese company in Malaysia Kiyoaki Tanaka (田中 清明) and Shigeyuki Hashimoto (橋本 恵 之) were found, after the Japanese surrender, they fought with the British as part of the armed detachments of the Malay Communists. According to information received from them, after the end of World War II, at least 200 Japanese servicemen and civilians who failed to leave Indochina on time in their Malayan partisan detachments continued their “guerilla”
  27. Volkhov
    7 September 2013 17: 19
    An interesting alternative is surrender, for example, on August 1 — then the USSR’s entry into the war was inappropriate and the Kuril Islands, Yu. Sakhalin, the Japanese, Korea, the united, capitalist China — were not calculated.
    1. 0
      7 September 2013 17: 25
      VASYA, are you really from Volkhov? "Moscow" on the way
      1. Volkhov
        7 September 2013 17: 40
        Moscow Day on July 11 - which way?
        1. +1
          7 September 2013 18: 59
          Vasya, I’m not the General Staff. But she will do her job.
          1. 0
            7 September 2013 20: 45
            I'm sorry to get in winked :
            - What are you talking about?
            1. Volkhov
              9 September 2013 00: 53
              A good article was about the defense of Petropavlovsk - isn’t that the case from there?
  28. +4
    7 September 2013 17: 19
    On photo:

    Soviet landing occupies a settlement northeast of Pyongyang. August 1945
  29. +3
    7 September 2013 17: 20
    On photo:

    Scouts of the detachment of the Hero of the Soviet Union Captain S.M. Kuznetsov at Japanese banners. Korea. 1945
  30. +3
    7 September 2013 17: 22
    On photo:

    Soviet generals A.N. Tevchenko, A.D. Pritula, G.L. Tumanyan among the soldiers and officers of the allied armies who were captured by the Japanese. 1945
  31. -4
    7 September 2013 18: 42
    And yet you know, a blow from the back of an already almost defeated country does not paint us. And the massacre against the peaceful Japanese population, too.
    The Japanese could attack in 1941 and did not attack. The reasons are not so important, but if the Japanese attacked attacked in the 1941 year, the USSR would most likely cease to exist, and we would hardly write anything on the forums and blogs now. And the act made in the 1945 year does not paint either the USSR or its soldiers. This is how to get a stab in the back during a fight with another
    What have we achieved with this "victory"?
    1) We got a single large China, which for decades has become hostile, and even now not very friendly.
    2) We got a hostile Japan, which with great pleasure sided with the United States in the Cold War. The Americans skillfully fueled this by returning Japan its Pacific islands (leaving their bases there), and began to say that the bad USSR chopped off your land, taking advantage of your weakness, slaughtered the population or drove it out, and we, good and democratic, returned everything.
    3) According to various estimates, from 15 000 to 35 000 Soviet soldiers died in this war. They were already winners and had the right to return home alive.
    For what? For the sake of the liberation of China, the annexation of the breakaway parts from which he then threatened us? Yes, they surrendered to us. For Korea? Again, what is she to us? The Americans would have freed her, not now so later. For the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin? We seem to have enough land already, and how is it that “we don’t need someone else’s land” is also a lie? There is also an opinion that they helped the Americans. So the Americans also "helped" us for 4 years with the second front and we could have pulled it off for a year.
    I think so.

    PS After the war, the USSR put forward territorial claims to Turkey. The Turks, mindful of the fate of the Japanese Empire, quickly fled to NATO, so we got Jupiter missiles there as well.
    1. 0
      7 September 2013 19: 02
      You, Kibalchish, simply did not live at that time. This and calm down.
      1. 0
        7 September 2013 19: 04
        Maybe. But I don’t see the benefits for our country from that war. And it’s full of minuses. Do you think I'm wrong? Explain why without a google minus.
    2. +4
      7 September 2013 19: 07
      Quote: Kibalchish
      And yet you know, a blow from the back of an already almost defeated country does not paint us.

      If you don’t understand something, ask.

      Quote: Kibalchish
      The reasons are not so important

      Oh really?

      Quote: Kibalchish
      if the Japanese attacked attacked in 1941 year, the USSR would most likely cease to exist

      Controversial moment.

      Quote: Kibalchish
      And the act made in the 1945 year does not paint either the USSR or its soldiers.

      You do not appreciate the USSR and its soldiers and sailors with such views.

      Quote: Kibalchish
      What have we achieved with this "victory"?
      1) We got a single large China, which for decades has become hostile, and even now not very friendly.

      1) China has been our ally for almost 20 years.

      Quote: Kibalchish
      2) We got a hostile Japan, which with great pleasure sided with the United States in the Cold War.

      2) To consider future feelings of the opponent is enchanting, burn more! good
      The feelings of the Germans and allies near Stalingrad should we also take into account?
      And yet - I very much doubt the great pleasure of Japan.

      Quote: Kibalchish
      3) According to various estimates, from 15 000 to 35 000 Soviet soldiers died in this war. They were already winners and had the right to return home alive.

      3) You have to abandon you in the USA now, you look, you will make the Americans think better of your pacifism.

      Quote: Kibalchish
      For what? For the sake of the liberation of China, the annexation of the breakaway parts from which he then threatened us? Yes, they surrendered to us. For Korea? Again, what is she to us? The Americans would have freed her, not now so later. For the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin? We seem to have enough land already, and how is it that “we don’t need someone else’s land” is also a lie?

      Sorry, but this is complete nonsense.
    3. +10
      7 September 2013 19: 24
      1) If it were not for the 20 congress, China would rotate the Moon in the orbit of the USSR without equivocations and throws in different directions. Look on the Internet for Mao’s reaction to the de-Stalinization undertaken by Khrushchev;
      2) Japan is not hostile from this. Northern territories are for the Japanese, like the Falklands for Argentina and Gibraltar for Spain. This is a fetish. The Japanese have always been and will be oblique (trying to make a joke) on the USSR - Russia. The point is leadership and the role of a regional leader. Now the Japanese have another headache - China. We are out of habit and for the future when the Pacific Fleet recovers;
      3) 30.000 annually dies in road accidents, what needs to be done? No offense. The entry of the USSR into the war with Japan is part of the fee for the Yalta agreements, confirmed in Potsdam.
      And control over the Kuril Islands allowed to turn the Sea of ​​Okhotsk into the inland and now it is:
      "... - As long as Russia owns these islands, no foreign warship or submarine can enter the Sea of ​​Okhotsk unnoticed, since all this sea, with a few exceptions, is our internal waters. If at least one large island goes to Japan, then Russia will lose control over the straits and any warship will be able to get to the center of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk without Russia's permission, for example, to track submarines, - explained the representative of the military department.

      According to him, the non-freezing straits between the islands of Hokkaido, Kunashir and Iturup allow the ships of the Pacific Fleet to enter the World Ocean all year round and quickly transfer forces from Primorye to Kamchatka and back ... "

      I think so drinks
      1. +6
        7 September 2013 19: 31
        Well, the first person responded with arguments, not slogans. Special thanks for that. I like to talk to smart people, even if they hold a different point of view.
        On the merits of the question - I remained unconvinced and could argue reasonably, but I do not want to provoke srach on the forum.
        1. +2
          8 September 2013 09: 00
          Quote: Kibalchish
          Well, the first person responded with arguments, not slogans. Special thanks for that. I like to talk to smart people, even if they hold a different point of view.
          On the merits of the question - I remained unconvinced and could argue reasonably, but I do not want to provoke srach on the forum.

          Stalin signed a document that would open a second front against Japan 3 months after the victory over Germany and denounced the non-aggression pact a year before its end, it might make sense to delay the beginning of the war until 46, as the Allies did with the opening of the "second front", but ours tired of the war and wanted to end it, but the United States didn’t fight them and had to be allowed to wash in a bloodbath during the assault on the main islands of Japan. So I agree on one point about the timing of the opening of the second front, but not about the need for war with Japan. But Stalin did not want or could not be that monkey that sits on the sidelines and waits for two tigers to fight, and at the last moment gives a stick in the head to the tiger he sees fit. (But this is not our method, we should be in the center of any fight)
    4. +3
      7 September 2013 20: 30
      "Stab in the back" is June 22, 1941, from the German side.
      About how the USSR was preparing for war with Japan, it is written in detail in the article.
      And further. In the most difficult period of the Second World War (summer 1942)we kept on the DV TVD 29 sd, 3 cd, 2 td, 10 hell, 20 sbr, 20 tbr, 15 ur (source - http://www.protown.ru/information/hide/5452.html)... Japanese - "In 1941-1943, 15-16 Japanese divisions with a total number of about 700 thousand people were deployed in Manchuria and Korea." (source - Wikipedia).
      “After the Battle of Stalingrad, Japanese strategists were forced to abandon their plans to make a victorious campaign to the north and increasingly began to use the most combat-ready units of the Kwantung Army to patch holes on other fronts. In the fall of 1943, the first transfer of the best units of the Kwantung Army to the south was carried out. In 1944, one battalion was withdrawn from each division of the Kwantung Army in each infantry and artillery regiment and 1 company in each engineer battalion: all of them were sent to the region of the southern seas " (source - http://enc-dic.com/enc_japan/Kvantunskaja-armija-297/)... This is to the question of whether the Japanese could or could not attack, why not? They did not attack because there was no strength. “After the events on Lake Khasan (1938) and on Khalkhin Gol (1939), during which the Japanese side suffered significant losses, the Kwantung Army command took measures to avoid unnecessary complications with the northern neighbor. This, however, did not interfere with the continuation of active preparations for war against the Soviet Union. The headquarters of the Kwantung Army developed a plan of attack on the USSR, which was approved by the emperor at the beginning of 1940. This was the prototype of the famous plan "Kantokuen" ("Special maneuvers of the Kwantung Army"), which in a hurry the order was approved in September 1941, immediately after the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR (source - http://enc-dic.com/enc_japan/Kvantunskaja-armija-297/).
      The "almost defeated country" knew in advance where it was getting involved.
      1. +1
        7 September 2013 22: 56
        The Japanese abandoned the plan of attack much earlier when they went to Pearl Harbor. As far as I know, a plan of attack on the USSR was developed in case the Germans went to the Urals, so that the Germans did not get the whole Union.
        1. 0
          8 September 2013 00: 19
          Quote: Kibalchish
          The Japanese abandoned the plan of attack much earlier when they went to Pearl Harbor. As far as I know, a plan of attack on the USSR was developed in case the Germans went to the Urals, so that the Germans did not get the whole Union.

          My grandfather, a NKVD personnel officer, received:
          - two firearms and one knife when detaining reconnaissance groups of the Japanese, violators of the border from 1941 to 1945;
          - a number of comments, entered in a personal file, due to reports on the transfer to the current front;
          - three military orders and two medals (one - "For Courage" --- since you don't understand, I will tell you - this is the highest medal in the USSR).
      2. aviator46
        7 September 2013 23: 13
        A report prepared for the Japanese General Staff at the end of July 1945 on the combat readiness of formations of the Kwantung Army of more than 30 divisions and brigades included in the payroll estimated the combat readiness of one division - 80%,
        one - 70%
        one - 65%
        one - 60%
        four - 35%,
        three - 20%
        and the rest - 15% each.
        The assessment included manning with manpower and equipment and the level of combat training.
        Oh, a mighty army!
        Of the 30 divisions, 19 divisions have a combat readiness of 15%!
        1. 0
          7 September 2013 23: 58
          Quote: aviator46
          A report prepared for the Japanese General Staff at the end of 1945 of the year about the combat readiness of formations of the Kwantung Army from 30 with more than divisions and brigades included in the payroll estimated the combat readiness

          Ended in the graves of soldiers and officers who fell in battles in 45-m --- self-esteem rose? Was it nice?
          Once again - it is a pity that such bastards as you avoid a personal meeting.
      3. +1
        8 September 2013 11: 14
        It was possible to develop a bunch of different plans, but are they only feasible?
        It should have started with the industrialization of Manchuria in the early 30s.
        And then, they sat on the ore, and pans were collected from the population ...
        The task of Japan at that time was to seed the United States, to legitimize the entry of states into WWII.
        That's all.
    5. aviator46
      7 September 2013 23: 11
      Stalin really wanted to get a piece of Japan ... although it was an empty idea.
      If the Americans, with their thousands of ships of different classes, thousands of aircraft, a millionth army, and a 3.5 millionth reserve, estimated their losses to be MILLION people, then what did Stalin count on ??
      Drown Soviet troops in the sea .. ?? ((
      1. +1
        8 September 2013 00: 00
        Quote: aviator46
        Stalin really wanted to get a piece of Japan ... although it was an empty idea.

        What can I answer to the troll and the idiot what
        1. 0
          8 September 2013 00: 43
          Quote: Karlsonn
          What can I answer to the troll and the idiot

          But nothing. just send to the brigade with a straitjacket laughing
          1. +1
            8 September 2013 01: 11
            Quote: Landwarrior
            But nothing. just send to the brigade with a straitjacket

            better group of the Cheka headed by me. There will be more benefits.
    6. 0
      8 September 2013 12: 49
      Quote: Kibalchish
      And the act made in 1945 does not paint either the USSR or its soldiers. This is how to get a stab in the back during a fight with another
      What have we achieved with this "victory"?

      Is Kibalchish a modern image of a Bad Boy? Who else can denigrate a country that has thrown off an enemy from its land borders that has repeatedly acted as an aggressor in a common history.
    7. +1
      31 January 2014 21: 17
      Kibalchish , let me disagree with you.
      China, of course, is not our friend, but Chiang Kai-shek (and in the event of a different outcome of the war in the Far East, he would have remained in power in China) was still an enemy. Relations with China in the 50s deteriorated in no small measure thanks to Khrushchev's "wise" policies. None of the enemies would be able to support him as he did.

      Similarly, Japan has never been our friend either. In the 1941, it was not the USSR that attacked not out of altruism or an excess of pacifism, but solely for other reasons: a protracted war in China, problems with England and the USA, and the lessons of Hassan and Halkin-Gol were not forgotten either. To stick into yet another military conflict (no matter with whom - with the USSR, whether with the USA or with England - it doesn’t matter) would be the height of stupidity. And nobody wanted to go for it, even despite the fact that the Japanese General Staff never had a shortage of adventurers.

      Well, the history of how the Americans "returned" their islands to Japan and what rights the Japanese administration had to them, I remember from the 60s. The Japanese have never felt gratitude for this (yes, they do not feel this feeling for anyone at all).

      On the territory of China and Korea, it was planned to establish OUR (rather than American) bases: Port Arthur began to settle down again. And the liberation of Korea by the Americans is a direct road to our enemies.

      I don’t know about the Kuriles. But South Sakhalin is our territory, annexed by the Japanese in 1905, and its return is simply the restoration of the "status quo".

      The only thing I agree with you is the lives of the dead soldiers. And even more so in memory of their death (and they, it seems to me, knew why they were dying), it is criminally so easy for us to give up our positions in favor of the nouveau riche and the wealthy.

      I think so. Sincerely.
  32. -3
    8 September 2013 01: 13
    Imperial Japan is a purely Western project, the task of which is to connect the United States to the war. People were led by the nose, and they themselves worked to drain, sending millions of citizens to slaughter. And most importantly, after the war, received preferences!
    Did the ordinary Japanese understand all this?
    Probably not...
    “Everyone, to the best of his understanding, works for himself, and to the extent of misunderstanding, for those who understand more”
    1. -1
      8 September 2013 01: 26
      Quote: Ivan Tarasov
      Imperial Japan is a purely Western project, the task of which is to connect the United States to the war.

      If you don’t know, ask.
      1. Alex 241
        8 September 2013 01: 32
        Damn, I read, and my brain is wedging! PEOPLE WHERE AND WHERE ARE YOU STUDYING FOR? Find out the old Soviet history textbooks, at least read them! Then Liddela and Garth, World War II history, albeit Americans are well written. .e.r.de.t.m. brain.
        1. +1
          8 September 2013 06: 45
          Of course, Americans always write correctly ...
      2. 0
        8 September 2013 06: 42
        To ask you?
        1. +1
          8 September 2013 13: 05
          Quote: Ivan Tarasov
          To ask you?

          For what to ask someone, well, you all know, of course, Japan was invented in Germany, for the war with America. And they collected it in the factories of Krupp. wassat
          1. 0
            8 September 2013 19: 00
            Well, why juggle it?
            Everyone has long known who sponsored Hitler.
            Japan had the same sponsors, but unlike Germany, there was a fifth column inside the Japanese ruling elite, and it "steered" in the "right" direction.
    2. +1
      31 January 2014 21: 44
      Quote: Ivan Tarasov
      Imperial Japan is a purely Western project, the task of which is to connect the United States to the war.
      No, these are all the machinations of Martians from Alpha Centauri recourse
  33. +3
    8 September 2013 01: 36
    My grandfather, in the Red Army book on the page cover, thanks the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Generalissimo Comrade Stalin. No. 372 of 23.08.1945/278/88. 15th Khingan Rifle Division, then XNUMXth Separate Battalion of the XNUMXth Naval Infantry Brigade of the Pacific Fleet. Navy sniper. I keep, remember and proud.
  34. Alex 241
    8 September 2013 01: 42
    We all have something to remember, and something to be proud of!
    1. +1
      8 September 2013 02: 15
      Dear Alex 241.I am sorry that is not the topic. In one of your comments, Colonel Litvintsev was mentioned. Isn't Litvintsev Vladimir Afanasevich? Head of the Navy Aviation Tech School? Pioneer Resort military unit 40790.
      1. Alex 241
        8 September 2013 02: 23
        No Ilya, Litvintsev tactics teacher. Mikhail. Sergeevich.
        1. +1
          8 September 2013 02: 29
          Sorry. I really thought we were fellow soldiers. Naval Aviation. hi drinks
          1. Alex 241
            8 September 2013 02: 31
            With all due respect, soldier drinks
  35. 0
    8 September 2013 07: 53
    Like it or not, but this is also a war, only without as many casualties as with the Germans, but still, after all, the war won.
  36. Pavel. 199615
    8 September 2013 10: 07
  37. T-55
    10 September 2013 13: 05
    He served in the village of Leonidovo, the entire division was located in a Japanese military town. They lived in Japanese barracks. The warehousing warehouse was in a former Japanese bathhouse, with a swimming pool. The Japanese units formed the garrison of UR Haramitoga. I did not see chained skeletons, but the undermined pillboxes are impressive. Judging how we broke a wall of Japanese brick for a couple of hours, concrete is necessary.
  38. +1
    31 January 2014 21: 47
    An excellent article, a well-reasoned answer on the topic "the American atomic bomb made Japan surrender."

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