Two polar assessments of the military strategic operation "Danube"

In 2013, 21 in August turned 45 years of the start of Operation Danube - the most ambitious and militarily brilliant strategic operation of the Warsaw Pact troops after World War II.

Two polar assessments of the military strategic operation "Danube"

On page 296 of the book “Odessa Red Banner” (1985), it is told: “And how rejoiced the hero-city Odessa, meeting its envoys who honestly fulfilled the international duty to assist the Czechoslovak people. A sea of ​​flowers, a sea of ​​smiles ... There was a meeting in Odessa and Bulgarian soldiers returning to their homeland from Czechoslovakia. ”

The joy of the meeting was overshadowed by memories of the dead compatriots. So, a member of the Soviet crew tank Petr Demyanovich Kazarik, saving children and women who were on the road, sent an armored car into the abyss. At the same time, crew members Yu. I. Andreev and E. P. Mahotin were killed along with him. Petr Demyanovich grew up on Zaporizhzhya land in with. Split. He worked at the Zaporizhzhya electric car repair plant. The memory of the feat of Peter Kazarik does not fade. He was forever enrolled in the factory brigade, where he worked before serving in the Armed Forces. Internationalist warriors remember him.

But are those events currently being evaluated? The mighty state disappeared - the Soviet Union. Changed power. Other people came, and other ratings appeared.

As is known, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, President of the USSR M. S. Gorbachev is the direct culprit of the elimination from the leadership of the great country of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact and the countries of the socialist orientation of Europe. Accordingly, the strengthening and advancement to the east of NATO and its vanguard is the United States.

It’s impossible to say that Gorbachev did this without meeting resistance in the country. Suffice it to recall the speeches of economist I. Rodionova, people's deputy Soot Umalatova, director of the nuclear center in Chelyabinsk-70 V. Nechay, academician D. Sakharov. Finally, to give an example of how 4 in November 1991, Viktor Ivanovich Ilyukhin, head of the department for supervision over the implementation of state security laws of the USSR Prosecutor General’s Office, initiated a criminal case against Gorbachev under article 64 of the RSFSR Criminal Code (treason) of the USSR State Council decree on September 6 1991, No. XXUMX-GS “On the recognition of independence of the Republic of Estonia”. But the USSR Prosecutor General Nikolai Trubin closed the case, and after a day's 3, V. Ilyukhin was dismissed from the prosecution authorities.

Not disdained the general secretary and direct forgery in relation to his country. What 18 of June 2012 was. The European Court made a sensational decision that the “documents” provided under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, indicating that the execution of tens of thousands of Polish officers near Katyn was faked by JV Stalin and the Soviet side .

But in the article we will talk about something else. As for Gorbachev, at the last time of his reign, he cared about one thing - how to remain president, even if nominal. Having destroyed trust inside his country, he relied on support from the outside and, for the sake of it, “thinned out” our defense arsenals more than was expected of him in the West. For example, he launched the Pioneer MBR (SS-20) located in the Far East and Central Asia, although the “zero solution” from Ronnie Reagan didn’t provide for this. It looked like this.

1. The USSR was to destroy 1752 BR medium and short range RSD-10 "Pioneer", P-12, OTR-22, OTR-23 "Oka", and also to stop the production of long-range cruise missiles RK-55.

2. The United States, in return, reduced in Europe 859 nuclear carriers weapons: 108 BR "Pershing", 581 medium-range cruise missile ("Tomahawk") and 170 OTR "Pershing-1". But the United States simply took out missile weapons from Europe to America, and the USSR (under the control of the United States) destroyed everything.

3. It was necessary to mutually destroy operational-tactical missiles (OTR), starting with a range of up to 400 km (OTR-23 "Oka" for the USSR), and for the USA - 500 km.

Thus, the agreement concluded by Gorbachev before the collapse of the USSR, still binds Russia hand in hand, it does not have missiles to protect the western frontiers, liquidated workshops for their production in the cities of Votkinsk, Volgograd, Sverdlovsk, Petropavlovsk. At the same time, the United States produces Tomahawk and Cruise cruise missiles with a 1800-2200 km cruise missile, Persing-1А tactical missiles with a 700 km range (Magne, Middle River, San Diego). 1000-5000 km), tactical missiles "Lance-1" with a range of 170-200 km (450-470 km).

Not entered into the contract 1987, long-range cruise missiles, which are in service with the atomic triad - the Navy and the US Air Force. The rocket systems of England and France remained outside the framework of the 1987 Treaty (INF): the medium-range 162 BR and the Mirage and Vulcan bombers capable of carrying 128-600 nuclear charges. This is how Gorbachev went to the Nobel Prize.

Washington hinted at the possibility of temporary preservation for us, the USSR, of some strongholds in the Baltic States. Zero interest! The caressing rays of the Nobel Peace Prize covered the real horizons for him. 9 November 1989 began the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

2-3 December 1989 in the Mediterranean Sea near Malta on board the M / V “Maxim Gorky” an informal meeting was held between US President G. Bush and Gorbachev.

I wonder how this meeting was prepared. At the beginning of November 29, 1989. Gorbachev, with his wife and their attendants, left for Italy at the invitation of the President and Government of the Italian Republic. In Rome, they met with Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti and Italian President Francesco Cosiga.

30 November 1989 was published an interview with the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal Dm. Yazova, in which it was noted that the international atmosphere is now changing more and more for the better, mutual understanding and trust between states of different systems are deepening, and political dialogue is developing. An important impulse will be the upcoming meeting of the leaders of the USSR and the USA.

The second day of the Italian meeting was the culmination. Either because of the signing of a number of documents and agreements, or because of the delivery of December 1 from the pacifist organization Italian Center for Disarmament Documentation, the Golden Dove of Peace prize. Which was presented to President Gorbachev by the president of this organization, Luigi Akderlini.
And immediately the motorcade went to the Vatican City. Although the USSR did not have diplomatic contacts with the Vatican, it maintained contacts. The meeting was evidence of positive changes. "Historical"The visit of the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee to the Pope began at 11.00. Gorbachev’s conversation with John Paul II was held face-to-face, as the pope spoke Russian. Then the Pope presented commemorative medals to Gorbachev and his wife in recognition of the changes in the Soviet Union.

After the Vatican on the same day, the Soviet leader and accompanying with a stop in Milan arrived in the capital of Malta - Valletta, and the motorcade headed for Marshalokk Bay, where the Maxim Gorky ship was waiting for them.

December 2 in the presence of cruisers - the Soviet "Glory" and the American "Belknap" - negotiations began on board the Soviet ship. The first conversation was one on one with translators. There was also a meeting at the level of foreign ministers. On the second day, the third round of the meeting was held in the library of the ship. Initially, in an expanded composition, then again one by one.

December 3 joint press conference of the two presidents ended a two-day meeting. There, the Soviet and American leaders spoke about the content of the negotiations: a political decision was made to end the Cold War; disarmament; USSR-US bilateral relations; hot spots of the planet and Europe, economic cooperation between the USSR and the USA. 50 Percentage Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

On the same day, the Soviet delegation headed by Gorbachev left for Moscow.

4 December 1989 Moscow hosted an informational meeting of the leaders of the States parties to the Warsaw Pact. There, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Gorbachev, presented to the leaders of the allied countries detailed information on his conversations with US President George W. Bush.

On December 4, Gorbachev held meetings and talks with Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the GDR H. Modrow, Secretary General of the RCP, President of the SRR N. Ceausescu. Gorbachev met with General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan K. Urbanek and Chairman of the Government of Czechoslovakia L. Adamets attended N. Ryzhkov, A. Shevardnadze and A. Yakovlev. It was stated that the CPSU and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia give an identical assessment of the introduction of troops of the five Warsaw Pact states into the territory of Czechoslovakia in 1968. This action was interference in the internal affairs of Czechoslovakia, incompatible with the norms of relations between sovereign states. December 6 1989 was published in Pravda No. 340 “Statement by the leaders of Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland and the Soviet Union”: “The leaders of Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland and the Soviet Union, gathered at a meeting in Moscow on December 4 1989 g ., stated that the entry of troops of their states in Czechoslovakia undertaken in 1968 was interference in the internal affairs of sovereign Czechoslovakia and should be condemned.

Having interrupted the process of democratic renewal in Czechoslovakia, these illegal actions had long-term negative consequences. History confirms how important it is, even in a difficult international environment, to use political means to resolve any problems, to strictly observe the principles of sovereignty, independence and non-interference in internal affairs in relations between states, which meets the provisions of the Warsaw Treaty.

Soviet government statement

Czechoslovak society is in the stage of critical rethinking of the experience of its political and economic development. The process is natural, through which, in one way or another, many countries pass.

In 1968, the then Soviet leadership took the position of one side in an internal dispute in Czechoslovakia around objectively urgent tasks. Justification for such an unbalanced inadequate approach, interference in the affairs of a friendly country was seen at that time in the acute confrontation of East and West.

We share the point of view of the presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the government of Czechoslovakia that the entry of the armies of the five socialist countries into Czechoslovakia in 1968 was not justified, and the decision on it in the light of the facts now known was erroneous. ”

As Sigismund Sigismundovich Mironin notes, “there is a myth that, they say, the Soviet Union used force where care and patience were needed. No, the USSR did not hurry - on the contrary, showed slowness bordering on the criminal. Exactly! The Soviet Union suffered an unusually long time. This, I quote the Internet, “was explained by the fact that after a warm meeting with Dubcek in January 1968, Brezhnev believed him and defended before other members of the Politburo. When his hopes were not justified, it became clear that Dubcek was his personal mistake, and from the category of serious ones. And Brezhnev did not like to admit his mistakes. Therefore, from March to August, there were long, difficult, dreary negotiations with the participation of the leaders of other Allied Communist Parties. ”

At the end of July 1968, relations became so acute that a “frontal” meeting of two Politburos took place right on the border, in a small club at the Czechoslovak station Cherna nad Tissoy. The Czechs at this meeting behaved defiantly. Someone F. Krigel was especially distinguished, he did not hide his anti-Soviet convictions at all. When P. Shelest passionately announced that this “Galician Jew” was not a partner for him, the delegation of the CHR defiantly left the hall and never returned to it. Leonid Brezhnev, having forgotten about pride, had to go across the border to A. Dubcek in his car. After a difficult conversation, we agreed on a new meeting - in Bratislava, with representatives of other allied communist parties. The meeting adopted a general document with mandatory in such cases assurances of the inviolability of the socialist camp.

Behind the scenes, the CPSU delegation agreed with the Czechs to "stop the controversy." A grand rally "in defense of A. Dubcek" was organized on one of the central squares of Bratislava. Speaking from the balcony in front of tens of thousands of people, J. Smrkovsky delivered a hysterical speech, stirring up the mood of the masses against the USSR and its allies, and to heighten the effect he tore his shirt off by the light of powerful searchlights. 17 August L. Brezhnev wrote a letter to A. Dubcek in which he argued that the anti-Soviet, anti-socialist propaganda in Czechoslovakia does not stop and that this contradicts the agreements reached in Chierna and Bratislava. A. Dubcek did not respond to this letter. And 18-th Brezhnev received an already well-known letter from Johnson. "

Only then was it decided to enter the Warsaw Pact troops.

On February 15, 1989, the withdrawal of 40th Army internationalists from Afghanistan ended without honor. On February 26, 1991, a general outbreak began, also without thanks, but with claims for the damage caused, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, and Poland. As Captain 1st Rank Alexander Aleksandrovich Kalinicheko noted in his book “Through Obstacles to the Goal,” “the Soviet Navy began to take off tactical nuclear weapons from ships and submarines. A sharp decrease in the number of naval personnel carrying military service on the seas and oceans began. The targets in the homing systems of intercontinental ballistic strategic missiles were “nullified”. Soon in the Pacific navy the Sakhalin Flotilla of Dissimilar Forces, the 6th Squadron of Diesel Submarines and the 17th Operational Squadron of Dissimilar Forces were disbanded. In 1990, an exceptionally zealous executor of a criminal order ceased to exist in the 28th division of the Pacific Fleet’s nuclear submarines, although, according to his statements, 4 nuclear submarines were K-14, K-133, K-151, and K-259 "- were in combat-ready condition. In the Black Sea Fleet in the period 1991-1993 the 14th diesel submarine division ceased to exist. This happened in the Baltic and North. The unilateral reduction of 1,5 million Soviet troops began. The reduction of staff in all types of the Armed Forces of the USSR began. ”

24 December 1989 The American Times magazine has elected the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the USSR Supreme Council Gorbachev as the man of the “decade” (!!!).

Gorbachev did the same with Afghanistan. In February, 1986 in a report at the XXVII Congress of the CPSU, he told the congress delegates that a plan for the phased withdrawal of Soviet troops was worked out with the Afghan side, it will be executed immediately after a political settlement is reached. He instructed the Politburo to find a solution to the Afghan problem through political means.

However, at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU at the beginning of April 1986, when the Afghan issue was being heard, Secretary General Gorbachev supported those who spoke of the need to provide comprehensive assistance and support to the Afghan leadership. He added: “We can’t be dragged from Afghanistan by any means, otherwise we will spoil relations with a large number of our foreign friends.” 12 December 1989 in the 10.00 in Moscow opens the Second Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. At the congress, a presentation of the committee of the Supreme Council on international affairs was made and. about. Committee on the political assessment of the decision to enter the Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

The members of the committee got acquainted with the documents of the Soviet government and the Central Committee of the CPSU, the materials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and the KGB, and many people were interviewed.

As a result of a thorough analysis of the available data, the committee concluded that the decision to send Soviet troops into Afghanistan also deserves moral and political condemnation. The overall international situation in which the decision was made was undoubtedly difficult ...

Then they realized it and said: “Dear people's deputies! Politically and morally condemning the decision to enter the Soviet troops, the committee considers it necessary to declare that this in no way casts a shadow on the soldiers and officers on their way to Afghanistan. ”

25 December 1989 only “Pravda” placed “a report of the Supreme Council Committee on International Affairs” - “Resolution of the USSR Congress of People’s Deputies on a political assessment of the decision to bring Soviet troops into Afghanistan in December 1979 of the year”: “The Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR supports political assessment this decision of the Supreme Council’s international affairs committee on the deployment of Soviet troops in Afghanistan in 1979, and believes that this decision deserves moral and political condemnation. ”

27-29 December, Budapest hosted a meeting of the committee of defense ministers of the States parties to the Warsaw Treaty. The Ministers of Defense of Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union took part in it. From Czechoslovakia - Deputy Minister of National Defense, Lieutenant-General E. Lishka. The commander-in-chief of the united armed forces of the states participating in the VD is General of the Army P. G. Lushev and Chief of Staff of the General Directorate - General of the Army V. N. Lobov. The Minister of Defense of Hungary, F. Carpati, presided. At the meeting, the USSR’s readiness to accept further significant unilateral reduction of its tactical nuclear missiles in Europe was accepted with the approval of NATO countries to begin such negotiations. As subsequent events showed, the NATO countries did not go to such negotiations.

At the beginning of 1991 during the war in the Persian Gulf of the USSR, together with the countries of the world community, condemned the actions of Iraq. For many decades, this was the first time that the USSR sided with the leading countries of the world against its former allies, although it did not take part in hostilities.

In the summer of 1991, for the first time, the Soviet president was invited to the annual traditional meeting of the leaders of the seven leading countries. The meeting discussed measures to assist the USSR to overcome the economic crisis and the transition to a market economy. The deterioration of the domestic economic situation forced the Soviet leadership to make large, often unilateral concessions to the West in the hope of obtaining economic assistance and political support. Especially after the signing of 31 July in Moscow 1991. of the START-1 agreement between Gorbachev and Bush. After the meeting of the leaders of the USSR and the UK, restrictions were introduced on the BZHRK patrol routes (1990) - 3 rocket divisions deployed, armed with BZHRK ICBMs RT-23UTH (unique combat railway missile system equipped with the Molodets RT-23 UTTH missiles (according to the NATO classification) SS-24 Scalpel). Creation started in 1969.) From this point on, they were on combat duty at a point of permanent deployment, without leaving the country’s railway network.

The final verdict to the railway complexes was made by the START-2 agreement of 3 in January of 1993. According to it, all RT-23UTTHs went under the knife. After that, the United States withdrew from the treaty unilaterally.

Gorbachev has about fifty different awards. Mostly foreign, received after the collapse of the USSR. Exactly one year later, on October 15, Gorbachev is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. And 10 December 1990, he gets it. A year later, December 25 1991, Gorbachev resigned, and the red flag of the Soviet Union was lowered over the Kremlin. 26 December 1991 officially ceased to exist in the USSR.

3 May 2011 in Moscow, Russian President D. Medvedev, in connection with the 80 anniversary of his birth, presented the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called to Gorbachev. According to futurologist Maxim Kalashnikov, “it was a slap in the face for the Russian people ...”

Given the high status of the award, a number of politicians have already responded to the news of Gorbachev's award. Thus, the chairman of the Russian National Union, Sergei Baburin, said that after this the order of Andrew the First-Called loses its value for him. “Why, for services to the US, award the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, I do not understand,” the Kommersant newspaper quoted as saying. In turn, the chairman of the Yabloko party, Sergei Mitrokhin, believes that Gorbachev is entitled to such an award. “Freedom has come at a high price — at the price of the collapse of the country; one can argue about his fault, but his legacy has historical proportions,” he explained.

But the Nobel Prize and the highest award of Russia - the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First Called from Dm. Medvedev - you must take away from Judas M. S. Gorbachev ... And this is not only the author’s desire.
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  1. +11
    23 August 2013 07: 40
    the highest award of Russia - the order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called from Dm. Medvedev - Judas M. S. Gorbachev must be taken away ... And this is not only the desire of the author.

    Not only to select, but also to judge the traitor!
    1. +7
      23 August 2013 08: 01
      Gorbachev Judah, a izmenenie of the motherland to judge and publicly execute !!!
      1. +4
        23 August 2013 09: 58
        no need to execute him !! better hang by the legs so that you can spit in your face
    2. +5
      23 August 2013 09: 51
      Quote: slaventi
      Not only to select, but also to judge the traitor!

      For me, both of them, both awarded and awarded.
    3. +1
      23 August 2013 09: 53
      together with the signatory of the award.
    4. +1
      23 August 2013 12: 38
      They wanted to judge .. representatives of the organization "Pchelki" recently even showed such an initiative .. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation did not agree .. It's a pity .. He is a traitor .. He did a lot of nasty things.
    5. Owl
      23 August 2013 12: 43
      It is also necessary to deal with the one who gave the order to Hunchback (it was given and not given), a conscientious analysis of the actions of "plush Dima" - this will be a reason to judge "either a fool or a traitor."
  2. lelik613
    23 August 2013 07: 52
    What are the awarded, such and rewards
  3. +6
    23 August 2013 08: 04
    I don’t understand such a person !!! This is a louse! This is with what zeal it was necessary to drive the country into oblivion and devastation, to please the West? Is it better to be a miserable LAKEKEY in the West, always standing on half-bent, than to be the ruler of the GREAT country !?
    1. +3
      23 August 2013 09: 30
      Quote: makst83
      I don’t understand such a person !!! This is a louse! This is with what zeal it was necessary to drive the country into oblivion and devastation, to please the West? Is it better to be a miserable LAKEKEY in the West, always standing on half-bent, than to be the ruler of the GREAT country !?

      So he is a lackey and this geek was born
  4. smiths xnumx
    23 August 2013 09: 34
    - in the years 14-17, they massively deserted from the Austrian army, but did not fight for their freedom, but ate the Entente ration in the rear of the Russian Army.
    - In the 17-18 year, they rebelled, capturing the only transit highway. They did not fight against the Reds, they did not fight against the Whites. They simply held the artery floor with their control, robbing both sides. And then - having handed over the white ones to red and taking Russian gold with them, as a sign of gratitude to the Russian people - they got into the soft European mink created for them, drinking beer and stealing dogs.
    - they did not fight for their country, HANDING over the Sudeten Germans. And the Anglo-French, nothing to do with it. They only gave cowardice international status. They did not fight with Poland for Silesia - Katowice.
    They handed over everything for the opportunity to drink beer and steal dogs.
    - they did not fight, and then - when Hitler occupied them. They didn’t even shoot.
    - they, from 1938 to 1945, were plowed into the Wehrmacht. The entire most powerful industrial area - created under Austria-Hungary with the Skoda and Tatra plants - produced for the Germans tens of thousands of units of tanks, guns, millions of shells, cartridges, everything that was needed for the Wehrmacht.
    They were not released by slaves in concentration camps. They were released by Schweik. And drank beer in the evenings.
    There were NO complaints about quality, like acts of sabotage throughout the war.
    This weapon, released by Schweiks - throughout the war shot at our grandfathers and grandmothers.
    - After the war - Schweiks lived just as well. The Russians, poor Slavic brothers Ears occupied by fascist beasts spared. And do not offend.
    Those, deciding that the Russian Vanka had no brains, and does not, since he still naively believes the Schweiks, staged a mutiny in 68, which could develop into a full-fledged catastrophe of the Warsaw Bloc, with the flanks being exposed for hundreds of kilometers, with new hungry years and new tension for us and our parents. The Swiss wanted “freedom”. More precisely, they read that from the West, you can get dumps if you offer your services, proven in two world wars.
    But, then I found a scythe on a stone.
    The USSR crushed the rebellion with tanks. It is loudly said, but still. In fact, the rebellion was crushed by our Germans, who quickly and competently dealt with Schweik. Having received for this the unconscious but steady sympathy of the entire Soviet people. Until the very end of the USSR, stories were circulating about how the Germans quickly set up an ordn there. I myself am also extremely grateful to the German people, who washed away part of the negativity of the Great War with their loyalty to their allied duty.
    The Germans did not love us. But they did not betray us. They are real soldiers.
    Better to have a German enemy than a friend - Schweik.
    It was here that Schweik hated the Russians. No, not Germans, not Poles, but Russians .. They realized that they would sit in a social block under the supervision of the Germans and rivet trucks and steam locomotives for the USSR, and not cook very greetily, as in the years of civil and second world war.

    - the last drops that overflowed the cup of patience, after which I despise all these people - their participation in the sacking of the unfortunate Serbia, NEVER doing anything wrong to any Schweik.

    And when I found out that the blocking of the administrative border of Serbia and Kosovo, in the days of their independence, was carried out by Czech policemen, then decide for yourself ... Yours faithfully! hi
    1. +4
      23 August 2013 10: 22
      Quote: Kuznetsov 1977
      - they, from 1938 to 1945, were plowed into the Wehrmacht. The entire most powerful industrial area - created under Austria-Hungary with the Skoda and Tatra plants - produced for the Germans tens of thousands of units of tanks, guns, millions of shells, cartridges, everything that was needed for the Wehrmacht.
      They were not released by slaves in concentration camps. They were released by Schweik. And drank beer in the evenings.
      There were NO complaints about quality, like acts of sabotage throughout the war.

      But according to the proud recognition of one Czech, they went to work all the war in black ... As a sign of protest ... And at 44, our reconnaissance groups began to infiltrate the territory of Czechoslovakia. One of these groups was commanded by I.G. Starinov. His report has survived, in which he writes: "Not a single partisan detachment was found on the territory of the Czech Republic." They had to leave for Slovakia. The partisans were found there ...
      1. +3
        23 August 2013 14: 22
        Quote: retired
        "Not a single partisan detachment was found on the territory of the Czech Republic."

        Just as there was not a single act of sabotage or sabotage in factories that produced equipment and supplies for the Germans. And only Czechs worked at these plants.
    2. dmb
      23 August 2013 12: 27
      And Futchik was hanged, Lidice was burned as Khatyn, and the Czechs killed Heydrich. If all Czechs were Schweiks, then they would not have to send troops.
      1. +3
        23 August 2013 14: 24
        Quote: dmb
        and Heydrich was killed by the Czechs.

        Heydrich was killed by English agents. It was not a big deal - Heydrich drove a car without security and often sat behind the wheel himself. Indeed, throughout the war, the Czechs regularly riveted weapons for Germany and there were no partisans on its territory, there were none at all.
  5. +4
    23 August 2013 09: 37
    The merits of Medvedev himself are adequate to the "achievements of the humpbacked Judas"! Remember what a redistribution in the Arab world was brought about by only one decision of the President of Russia, Mr. Medvedev, that during the voting on the resolution in the UN Security Council on Libya, the Russian delegation, following the instructions of the LADY, "ABSTAINED!" It was a betrayal of the interests of RUSSIA with very big consequences!
    That is why Medvedev has such "tender" feelings for Gorbachev - for this he "praises the cuckoo ... that the rooster is the same as the cuckoo!" One field of berries!
  6. +4
    23 August 2013 09: 43
    Quote: serioga
    Sergei Mitrokhin believes that Gorbachev has the right to such an award. “Freedom came at a high price - at the cost of the collapse of the country, you can argue about his guilt, but his legacy has historical proportions,” he explained.

    Freedom of what? Your stupidity, Mitrokhin, has "historical proportions." I remember how V. Bortko beat Mitrokhin on TV debates like a kid.
  7. smiths xnumx
    23 August 2013 09: 57
    The massacre of Czechs over the Germans in 1945. There is nothing worse than the unleashed slave

    How were ethnic cleansing in humane Europe?
    They say there is nothing worse than an unbridled serf. The Czech example confirms these words in many respects. The people who surrendered without a shot in 1938, 7 years later, after the Allies liberated the Czech Republic, having paid for it with hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers' lives, carried out merciless reprisals against the defenseless German indigenous people of these places who lived on their land for centuries.

    3,5 million Germans were expelled with all mockery and torture, while tens of thousands were exterminated or brutally tortured to death.

    “The population of Czechoslovakia was especially pleased to drive captured German soldiers, civilians, women and children barefoot along the asphalt streets thickly strewn with shards of broken glass. that they had to move.
    In Prague, Czech police drove a convoy of captured Germans through broken glass to the city stadium. Many victims remained lying on the street and, without any pity, were beaten to death with batons, stones, and everything that came to hand.

    But the most persistent still got to the stadium, including one woman, judging by her appearance, about sixty years old. The militiamen had been watching her for a long time, with joyful anticipation of the moment when this woman, walking with her head held high at the head of the entire column, would finally "break" and fall. Probably, there was no longer a living space on her feet, but she continued to walk, apparently, with all her strength, gathering all her courage into a fist.

    But at the gates of the stadium, she fell to her knees, and then on her face. No one was allowed to reach out to her and help her to her feet. She was left lying in the same spot where she fell until the Czechs placed a column along the stadium arena. Then the "freedom fighters" seized the unconscious old woman, stripped her to her underwear and tied a rope to her legs.
    Having crossed the ranks of the Germans, the police ordered two teenagers aged 14-15 to fail, tied the ends of the rope to their shoulders and ordered them to drag the woman along around the stadium. When the teenagers refused, the police began to beat them until the children dragged the woman on a rope behind them. This terrible scene lasted until the woman, disfigured beyond recognition, finally found eternal peace
    … "Fast, Karl." Gebt der Wahrheit die Ehre! "- Dritter Teil, S. 120 - North Kildonon.
    Yours! hi
  8. +3
    23 August 2013 10: 01

    But the Nobel Prize and the highest award of Russia - the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First Called from Dm. Medvedev - you must take away from Judas M. S. Gorbachev ... And this is not only the author’s desire.

    Gorbachev received an order from DAM for the fact that the bloggers of his betrayal, such as DAM, are in power today. In the days of the USSR, DAM would most likely be in some kind of office below the average level.
  9. +2
    23 August 2013 10: 06
    Quote: Kuznetsov 1977
    Better to have a German enemy than a friend - Schweik.

    There’s nothing to add ....
  10. +1
    23 August 2013 10: 54
    It is a pity that no one has yet written or published the book "Gorbachev and Yeltsin - the story of the betrayal and destruction of their people"
    1. +2
      23 August 2013 11: 25
      ))) they can write and wrote, but no one will let them publish. Do not forget that the current ones were mostly proteges of EBN))
  11. +2
    23 August 2013 10: 59
    Quote: makst83
    I don’t understand such a person !!! This is a louse! This is with what zeal it was necessary to drive the country into oblivion and devastation, to please the West? Is it better to be a miserable LAKEKEY in the West, always standing on half-bent, than to be the ruler of the GREAT country !?

    There is information that Hunchback was prepared in advance for betrayal, since his youth. And something unclean with his father. That is, deliberate betrayal.
    Read the gold of the party Bunich and you will see how Gorbachev withdrew the money of the party in 1989-1990gg and you will not be so surprised at the betrayal. He calculated everything in advance and transferred the stolen egg to the West.
  12. +4
    23 August 2013 11: 18
    the article as a whole is correct, but has little to do with the headline: about the Danube operation
  13. +3
    23 August 2013 12: 27
    In the notorious town of Milovice, in the early 70s, there was a certain Farkach, the owner of a tavern, who flourished both under the Germans and under the Soviet troops. Probably now his descendants continue the family business. After 68, the Czechs showed up petty - graffiti on the walls, like "go home" - it was their aerobatics. And the Germans perfectly put in place! And how many of ours they rescued from ridiculous situations, to whom they saved their lives.
    1. +1
      23 August 2013 15: 10
      Quote: Evgeniy667b
      And the Germans put it perfectly in place! And how many of ours they helped out of ridiculous situations, to whom they saved their lives.

      I recently read it in some newspaper. 68th year. We sent a cistern to a Czech village for water. The Czechs did not give water, but on the cistern they wrote "There is no water for the invaders!" Then the Germans went to fetch water. A German officer built the entire village and ordered the Czechs to fill the tank with circles. They typed. After that, the German finally said to them: "If you once again arrange something for the Russians, we will come again ...". There were no more "protests" on the part of the Czechs in this area.
  14. +1
    23 August 2013 14: 55
    In turn, the chairman of the Yabloko party, Sergei Mitrokhin, believes that Gorbachev has the right to such an award. “Freedom came at a high price - at the cost of the collapse of the country, you can argue about his guilt, but his legacy has historical proportions,” he explained.

    what it means to make a country free, we must destroy it !! belay iron logic
    1. -1
      23 August 2013 17: 19
      Quote: lonely
      what does it mean to make a country free, it must be destroyed !! belay iron logic

      Yes it is! You yesterday, foaming at the mouth, revealed to me the "secrets" of the story about how the USSR used your resources free of charge. How obscene they have occupied you, taking advantage of the moment when your brother Turkey was busy with the war. How unfair it happened with Karabakh. As in 41-45 they used your oil ... In short, you covered Moscow's back all the way and it did not give you anything. And a bunch of emojis at the end of the quote. And after that, you still speak out against Gorbachev, against this saint and sweetest man ?! belay
  15. +1
    23 August 2013 14: 58
    I wonder what the Czechs were hoping for? NATO? So it stood quietly on the sidelines, saw what happened in Hungary, why did they step on the same rake? Well, at least the Poles had their own Jaruzelski, who did not allow anarchy, but he did trying to judge, the Czechs drank to the fullest, they thought NATO would come to their aid, ha-ha. By the way, I read somewhere that just before Operation Danube Soviet paratroopers were given blue berets.
  16. soldier's grandson
    23 August 2013 22: 58
    Quote: retired
    Quote: Kuznetsov 1977
    - they, from 1938 to 1945, were plowed into the Wehrmacht. The entire most powerful industrial area - created under Austria-Hungary with the Skoda and Tatra plants - produced for the Germans tens of thousands of units of tanks, guns, millions of shells, cartridges, everything that was needed for the Wehrmacht.
    They were not released by slaves in concentration camps. They were released by Schweik. And drank beer in the evenings.
    There were NO complaints about quality, like acts of sabotage throughout the war.

    But according to the proud recognition of one Czech, they went to work all the war in black ... As a sign of protest ... And at 44, our reconnaissance groups began to infiltrate the territory of Czechoslovakia. One of these groups was commanded by I.G. Starinov. His report has survived, in which he writes: "Not a single partisan detachment was found on the territory of the Czech Republic." They had to leave for Slovakia. The partisans were found there ...

    and the Germans still have not guessed why the Czechs went to work in black, they had serious conspiracy and this apparently caused permanent damage to the Hans
  17. 0
    26 August 2013 18: 23
    Quote: Andrey 447
    It is a pity that no one has yet written or published the book "Gorbachev and Yeltsin - the story of the betrayal and destruction of their people"

    For Benya I will not say, but for the hunchback on the site "Special Forces of Russia" there is a good series of articles by Vladislav Shved where this guano is from and floated. This is a link to one of the articles htm, others can be found further.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"