Stress under control

Long-term business trips to hot spots, daily service require a certain psychological preparation from military personnel. For example, a soldier needs to know the methods of psychological diagnosis and correction of stressful states, given the fact that he does not always have the opportunity to seek help from a psychological service.

Stress under controlAll existing stress management techniques are aimed at alleviating the effects of stress, as much as possible to reduce the likelihood of future post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As a rule, these techniques require a significant amount of time, are of low efficiency, often require the involvement of a professional psychologist and the creation of special conditions for their implementation.

Today, methods are needed for the prevention of stress, for the preparation of the central nervous system at the physiological level to the effects of various stressors. Such techniques should be easy to master, highly effective and practical. It is easier to prevent the destructive effects of stress than to deal with its consequences. Not for nothing, stress is called the "silent killer." A few years ago, on the basis of the results of the Iraq campaign, the Pentagon allocated more than 100 million dollars to develop a program specifically to prevent stress conditions.

When interviewing at seminars, students most often refer to the folk remedy for individual correction of stressful states: alcohol intake. Indeed, taking a small dose of alcohol before a stressful event helps reduce the effects and consequences of stress. Easy, but dead-end path. There are other methods of preparation for severe stress. These can be various effects with a low level of stress, for example, roller coaster rides, action films and thrillers, etc. Thus, the psyche is prepared for the effects of stronger stressors. Widely applied methods of running in stress and in combat training. When this happens a certain adaptation to stress. However, all this requires a long time. In addition, external calmness does not mean that the body’s physiological reactions to stress do not occur, with all the ensuing consequences. For example, frequently encountered recommendations of mentally losing certain stressful situations cause the same physiological reactions of the body as in a real stressful situation, since our brain is not able to distinguish a fictional situation from a real one. As it often happens that a seemingly calm person suddenly breaks down when the last straw overwhelms his patience ...

In order to reduce the impact of the upcoming stressful situation, we can recommend special breathing exercises. They are aimed at increasing the content of carbon dioxide in the blood in order to expand the blood vessels and increase blood circulation in the brain. To do this, perform a quick breath through the nose, breath and slow, portion, exhale through the mouth. Also increases blood flow and alternate inhalation with nostrils with expiratory delay and subsequent expiration through the mouth. In addition, prolonged breathing causes a significant arousal of the respiratory center, and this, in turn, enhances the inhibition process in the cerebral cortex. This circumstance explains the expediency of using breathing exercises to reduce the level of mental tension.

Stress is the result of what happens in the brain, not what is happening in the environment. Any stress is always physiological, hormonal, and psychological. Therefore, in anti-stress prevention it is necessary to pay attention to the state of the brain. Under stress, at least one half of the brain is blocked. It means that in life-threatening emergency situations, often life-threatening, we are not able to make deliberate decisions. The reduced activity of the left logical brain hemisphere and the activated emotionality of the right hemisphere can lead to a negative psychological state, up to the onset of various phobias. Therefore, there is a need to quickly align the activity of the cerebral hemispheres, to make the brain fully operational. It should be noted that the important role of the interconnection of both hemispheres manifests itself in a person with a fully functioning brain (with a developed corpus callosum and interneuronal connections of the hemispheres of the brain) in that life support systems double, intuition starts to work effectively, the speed and adequacy of response to any external and internal stimuli, several times increases resistance to intoxication due to activation of the blood-brain barrier.

There are special exercises aimed at enhancing the interaction of the hemispheres of the brain and the development of their neuronal connections. This activates the activity of the hormonal system with the release of opiates such as endorphins and serotonin. It is a complex of such exercises that is an effective means of preventing stress conditions at the physiological level. The brain receives such a powerful feeling of pleasure from these exercises that, trying to save it, it blocks all the negative information that could disturb it. In this case, all incoming information is perceived and processed in full.

Exercises are based on the principle that by activating one half of the body, we activate one hemisphere of the brain, and by activating the entire body simultaneously, we thereby activate both hemispheres of the brain. In the exercises, those parts of the body that have the largest projections in the brain (fingers and hands, toes and feet, lips) are loaded. For example, when activating the fingers and wrist of the right hand, depending on the type of exercise, 25% and more of the surface of the cerebral cortex are activated. It is necessary to take into account that there is a so-called “zone overlap”, when neurons of one projection zone actively “cooperate” with neurons of another projection zone (for example, zones of smell and vision, motor skills and logical thinking). Such physiological overlap can reach 43%.

The exercises also take into account the fact that performing complex movements is possible only with the participation of a huge number of neurons on all floors of the central nervous system - the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal lobes of the hemispheres, brain stem, etc. The more complex the new movement than the more conscious it is the greater the effect on brain function is. When performing a set of exercises, the brain's wave activity changes, a physiological state arises as after a long session of meditation.

A set of exercises with loading projection and associative brain zones is desirable, if possible, to perform the first month daily. This is the perfect option with the greatest efficiency. It is during this period that new interneuron connections arise and begin to work. In the future, it will be enough to carry out the complex once a week for one hour or as needed. The fact is that the positive physiological state of the brain caused by exercise persists for a long time (up to a week or more). Allowed to perform one or more exercises to obtain the desired effect. For example, you can simply fold the palms of the minutes on 10 – 15, which not only levels the activity of the brain hemispheres, but also normalizes the body’s acid-base balance. Putting the fingers to the forehead, for example, we thereby increase blood flow and heat in the anterior part of the brain and stop the classic stress reaction (outflow of blood from the complex thinking area of ​​the anterior part of the brain to the rear survival centers). Effective and simple stroking with warm palms of the head for 3 – 10 minutes.

One of the principles laid down in the system of exercises is that the more biologically expedient the coordination of movements is, the easier and more precise it is performed, and the more coordination contradicts the biologically established coordination, the more difficult it is. Initially, all exercises are learned and performed with open eyes, and later with closed ones, which increases the effectiveness of the exercises. It is not necessary to do all the exercises at once. In the future, you can also reduce the number of exercises while maintaining the result of their performance. Duration of lessons - 30 – 60 minutes. Each exercise is performed 10 – 15 times.

Complex of exercises

Position - sitting.
1. "Fist-edge-palm". The palm is on the table, the fingers are straight; squeeze a hand into a fist, put a palm on the edge and straighten your fingers; palm on the table, fingers straight; squeeze a hand into a fist, etc. First, do it with each hand separately, then with both hands at the same time. Complicate: the right hand begins, with one movement we connect the left hand, that is, we get asynchronous movements.
2. "Ear-nose." Use your left hand to hold the tips of your nose, and your right hand to hold your left ear. At the same time, let go of your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands with the exact opposite.
3. On your right hand, put a thumb and index finger in a ring, then a thumb — a middle finger, a thumb — a ring finger, a thumb — a little finger. On the right hand, connect the thumb - the little finger, then the thumb - the ring finger, the thumb - the middle finger, the thumb - the index finger. We connect fingers synchronously, with small pressure. Gradually accelerate the rhythm and change the position of the hands in space.
4. At the same time and synchronously with two hands we write in the air the alphabet, numbers, eights. The amplitude in the range of "head - hips".
5. We write different letters and numbers in the air simultaneously with two hands. For example, the left hand writes “0”, and the right hand writes “1”; the left one is “1”, the right one is “2”, and so on. Run from “0” to “9”.
6. We write in the air with two hands and at the same time different numbers or letters and at the same time quickly exchange them. For example, the right hand writes “1”, and the left one writes “3”, right after that the right hand writes “3”, and the left one “1”. Repeat several times.
7. At the same time, we press the fingers of the left foot and squeeze the fingers of the right hand into a fist, while making a sharp movement with the lower jaw and lips to the side; then we press the fingers of the right foot, squeeze the fingers of the left hand into a fist and make a sharp movement with the lower jaw and lips in the other direction. Do 2 – 3 minutes, gradually accelerating the pace.
8. Left hand palm over the abdomen. The index finger of the right hand lies horizontally on the upper lip, and the middle finger is horizontally on the lower lip. The mouth is ajar. Rub the upper lip back and forth. Change hands. To do on 2 – 3 minutes.
9. The index finger of the right hand on the upper lip, the middle finger of the hand - on the lower lip. Vigorously rub lips, at the same time we squeeze and unclench the fingers of our left hand into a fist and press in and out our toes. Change hands. To do on 2 – 3 minutes.
10. Hands extended to the sides at chest level, fists clenched. Rotate the fists at the same time in one direction, another, in different.
11. Connect the tips of the fingers of both hands in front of the chest. Without separating the contacts of the fingers, we fold and spread our palms, pressing in the places of the contacts of the fingers. At the same time we press and unclasp our toes.
12. Extend arms and legs in front of you. We make synchronous cross movements with arms and legs.

Position - standing.
1. Standing do circular movements or draw eights in the air with the left hand, and with the right hand we write the alphabet and numbers in the air. Change hands. Repeat several times.
2. Pre-teach 4 movements for the right hand: to the side, up, to the side, down. Repeat several times. Then we learn 5 movements for the left hand: forward, to the side, up, forward, down. Repeat several times. Now we make these movements simultaneously, each for our own hand. To do within 2 – 3 minutes.
3. Various cross movements. For example, with your right elbow, touch the raised left knee, then with your left elbow, touch the right knee. At the moment of touch, press the fingers of the feet and squeeze the fingers into fists.
4. Calling the letters of the alphabet in order, do the following at the same time:
Al - Bp - In - Gl - Dp - Eo - El - Zn - Zo - Il ...
where: l - raise your left hand up and bend the right leg at the knee;
n - raise your right hand up and bend the left leg at the knee;
0 - lift up both hands and stand on tiptoes.
Movement can be changed to any, the main thing - to preserve their diversity. You can do this exercise in a sitting position, lifting or straining only the fingers and toes.
5. Transfer your body weight to your right foot, make circular movements with your left foot, and write your name, surname, alphabet or numbers in order with your right hand. Left hand can stick. Change your arm and leg. Repeat the exercise several times.
6. For the right hemisphere of the brain, the left leg, bent at the knee, slowly and evenly rises to the “1 – 2 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7” score. When the thigh reaches the horizontal level, with the right palm press on the left knee from above, in three stages:
1: light effort with the palm on the knee on top - 7 seconds,
2-th: strong effort - 7 seconds,
3-th: lower the leg to its original position - 7 seconds.
The hand presses just above the knee. With your left hand you can lean on something or set it aside and bend at the elbow. The back is straight. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
For training the left hemisphere, the right leg and left arm are used. Repeat the same 6 – 8 times.
7. Walking in place, eyes closed. At the same time, we draw eights with our hands or we make circles with our hands in front of the chest (arms extended forward, open palms pointing forward, fingers up). Change the direction of circular movements with his hands. Make 1 – 2 minutes.
8. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, fists clenched. Take a breath. On an exhalation we squat, we take away knees in the parties, and heels come off from a floor and almost concern each other. Simultaneously with the squat, we make two jogging movements forward with open palms (fingers up). The back is straight.
9. Stand straight, spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms down. Without changing the position of the hands and crossing your legs, slowly rotate, trying to make as much as possible full turns.
10. Hands stretch forward, eyes close. Walking in place and at the same time making movements with your hands, as if you are screwing a light bulb. Change the position of the hands: up, to the sides.
11. Stretch your arms forward in front of your chest with your palms down. Step with your right foot to the side, cross your left leg with your right leg, placing it behind you, at the same time cross your outstretched arms in front of your chest, left hand from above. Return to the original position and repeat in the other direction.

If possible, perform additional exercises that do not require specially allocated time for classes:
1. "Mirror drawing." Take a pencil or a marker in each hand. On the sheet, we begin at the same time with two hands to write letters, numbers, to make identical drawings. This exercise can be complicated: with the left hand we write “0”, and with the right hand we write “1”, then with the left hand “1”, and with our right hand - “2”, etc.
2. Take a pencil or a fountain pen in each hand. Connect their tips at one point on the sheet. Start writing from one point one word at a time, with your left hand - from left to right, and with your right hand - from right to left. Let it initially be short words.
3. Take a pencil or a fountain pen in each hand and two sheets of paper. At the same time start to write with two hands any text, for example, a previously learned poem. The right hand writes from left to right, and the left hand writes from right to left. The exercise can be complicated when the right hand writes from right to left, and the left hand - from left to right. Previously, you can practice and write just short words according to this scheme.
4. Take a pencil or a round stick in each hand. At the same time, rotate the pencils in both hands with your fingers, while trying to actively use all your fingers. Rotate in one direction, another, in different directions.
5. Try writing a name with your left hand on a piece of paper at the same time, and your last name with your right hand. Then vice versa.

When performing exercises, you must follow a number of rules.
1. Exercises are not performed with poor health, illness, while taking medication and alcohol and other artificial stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, etc.).
2. Do not exercise when feeling pain!
3. Before and after doing the exercises, do not take any artificial stimulants (alcohol, nicotine, caffeine) for 2 – 3 hours. Otherwise, there is a severe headache.
4. Exercises (all or part of the complex) are performed at least 2 – 3 hours before sleep. Take into account the full moon when the cerebral circulation increases.
5. All loads (the number of repetitions of exercises and the number of additionally stimulated areas of the brain) increase gradually and taking into account good health.
6. Loading additional areas of the brain during exercise occurs gradually:
a) when performing exercises, we use background logical music (in the Baroque style, preferably Mozart) to activate the auditory area of ​​the brain;
b) use tonic odors to activate the brain's olfactory zone (lemon, jasmine, rosemary);
c) in the future we introduce other additional stimuli - taste (for example, prunes or dried apricots), tactile (for example, when performing exercises, additionally roll peas or prickly balls between the thumb and index fingers);
9. An additional burden is to perform certain exercises while standing on one leg on a bar 10 – 15 cm in height (with the eyes closed);
10. When performing exercises, a powerful additional load is loading the frontal lobes of the brain (zones of complex thinking) - in parallel with the exercises, mentally repeat the multiplication table (multiply not only to 10, but also to 20, 30 ...), multiply double digits, repeat previously learned poems and t. n.
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  1. +1
    20 August 2013 07: 43
    These tips may be relevant for senior citizens. Following the example of Chinese old qigong practitioners
  2. +4
    20 August 2013 09: 33
    Quote: Gleb
    These tips may be relevant for senior citizens. Following the example of Chinese old qigong practitioners

    But in war - as in war. Cartridges, vodka, shag in the price ...
  3. Seventh
    20 August 2013 10: 16
    Strong article))), you lie in a tent shrouded in the smell of jasmine and rosemary to the music of Mozart))) and draw with a felt-tip pen. Here people have fun.
    1. +7
      20 August 2013 14: 20
      and on the wall ears trophy from the soul of the soul delight
  4. +3
    20 August 2013 10: 34
    In the first photo, in general, fumes. I would not be able to sleep if my neighbor poked a gun at me)
    1. Wolverine67
      20 August 2013 10: 58
      .... believe me, my dear, 4-5 hour battle of medium intensity and you will sleep where you stand, even in a puddle, even in the snow, even with the "muzzle" of a machine gun in your side. In battle, there is a great stressful load, and you have to run, even if you are defending yourself, constant change of position, a tray of b / p, loading cartridges, crawling and bending over, overcoming obstacles, etc. ... in general, it turns out a very good physical activity, of course, due to the adrenaline rush, you don't notice it at first, but then fatigue and apathy come. So the body requires restoring forces - sleep! ... after the fighting, everyone slept very well, "like children in a kindergarten." but the fact that the guys are sleeping in unsuitable conditions, so most likely either between transitions, or you cannot leave the position ...
      1. +2
        20 August 2013 11: 35
        you’ll sleep where you’re standing, even in a puddle even in the snow,
        I especially remembered it! I really woke up in a puddle) but in the snow constantly
        1. +3
          20 August 2013 12: 20
          Quote: Gleb
          really happened in a puddle woke up)

          Yes, the climate there is such, his mother ittit.

          the snow will fall at night, and it will thaw in the morning.
          you get up and well ... uh, ass - wet.
          hence boils boils. Well, constant aches in the joints.
          Here they are treated by the dear 40 * and they also relieve stress.
          and red eyes do not turn yellow.
          1. +1
            20 August 2013 13: 35
            yeah ... ass froze

      2. +2
        20 August 2013 16: 48
        Yes, where does the tired-not tired. Sleeping with a machine gun in your hands in which a horn is inserted is from the realm of fantasy. What are they doing in this form?
        And the charter on this issue has its own opinion.
      3. MAG
        20 August 2013 21: 15
        Somehow we slept in old trenches waist-deep in water in May and the stress was removed with grass, it soothed alcohol we did not drink because anger appeared and began to mutuz each other))) although when my partner and I took out a box of cucumber cologne, we capitalized))) the end of December did not everyone is drowning asleep "puzzle" and we are lying and singing songs are hot for us))))
    2. -1
      20 August 2013 20: 00
      plus-for the trunk aimed at the "neighbor"
  5. +3
    20 August 2013 10: 51
    this is accepted in the west (a personal psychoanalyst and all sorts of nonsense), from my own experience I know no exercises are needed, it is better to sit together after leaving, remember who did what, laugh, in general it all depends on what kind of person comes to the army when conscripts 2- x year olds served them after the battle it was necessary to "fumble" more at grandfathers and no one heard about stress, and even now, although the smaller boys have become such a problem, there are other people in Russia
    1. Wolverine67
      20 August 2013 11: 17
      ..... I don’t know about you, but in our country no one fumbled at any grandfathers, the only duty of the spirits was to stand eternally on the nightstand, i.e. they invariably carried an internal outfit, and it was not a form of exploitation, but a form of their protection, they took care of them because of their youth, since in an outfit it means you don't go to a home. And service, etc. in combat conditions they did everything by themselves, they sewed, washed, etc. Yes, and I can not imagine the rotting of spirits by grandfathers, when everyone has weapons at hand, here it is not far from excesses, which by the way happened in Afghanistan at first, only then a special form of "bullying in war" was developed, when the grandfather was just an older friend and really took care of the young more ...
      1. 0
        20 August 2013 11: 30
        Well, there is no question of washing and darning, this has never happened, but "fumbling" is another concept, and the young people, on the contrary, did not want to stand on the bedside table, but strove to leave. and it's not about how who served, but about the fact that no one was involved in psychoanalysis and nothing was normal
  6. +3
    20 August 2013 13: 15
    The strangest thing after a battle (not the first) is that people communicate very actively and laugh at each other. Stress is relieved of course by vodka, but it is worth a little overdoing and be sure someone breaks. Well, after the first battle, if you invite the fighters to do breathing exercises, they might accidentally shoot them.
  7. +5
    20 August 2013 15: 42
    "In order to reduce the impact of the upcoming stressful situation, special breathing exercises can be recommended."

    The author has absolutely no concept of a stressful situation. He would have suggested ananism to get out of it.
  8. +2
    20 August 2013 16: 12
    the article is of course far from reality, but the author still wanted to help, we won’t scoff
  9. +1
    20 August 2013 21: 13
    I saw this psychological relief. I know a dozen people who have passed Chechnya.
    Sick on the head 9 out of 10. It's in the books to write, and you try to relax after the fight.
    1. +5
      20 August 2013 22: 18
      and I’ve been serving with them for 10 years, and for some reason there’s no abnormal among us
      1. +2
        21 August 2013 19: 30
        Quote: kot11180
        and I’ve been serving with them for 10 years, and for some reason there’s no abnormal among us

        Here's how lucky you are.
        Isn’t anyone screaming at night? Dreams do not torment? people don’t drink? Do not torment depression and aggression?
        No need to tell me, after one business trip, for seven years I had one dream every night.
  10. schta
    21 August 2013 14: 34
    at least from exercises will not be worse.)))
  11. 0
    21 August 2013 20: 35
    nonsense of the American gray mare watered by moonshine !!!!
    The most reliable remedy for combat stress is the mood to destroy the enemy !!! If you think that you are killing a person, immediately order a box for yourself. and after fighting 250 spirits and a woman, best of all loved and desired. The one you defended, even though it is far away ....
  12. 0
    21 August 2013 22: 46
    I'm not a big fan of any psycho-analytics there, but - did anyone try, so at random, a few exercises from the article? Not? So try it. This, of course, does not exclude the people's commissars and other things, but nonetheless effective.
  13. +1
    25 August 2013 15: 34
    The article is too abstruse.
    What do you need to relieve stress while "working"?
    To get drunk in the trash and "flood a lot" for six hundred minutes, that's what you need to relieve stress.
    Then the head will hurt and you will forget about any stress.

    In general, I always rzhu about our "rehabilitation" after business trips:
    They will send you to the hospital-sanatorium.
    Like there, in comfort and peace, you will forget about all kinds of shooting mountains.
    Well, yes, how ...
    You fall into the ward, and there, besides you, there are 3 more like you, and even zakomyh on joint "work" ... what could be the conversation among themselves? It is clear about what.
    So the folk method remains - half a liter, but it does not help everyone.

    But if in the ward of "Miss Beauty" lived ... hmm. probably would not think about anything.
    There would be a complete "rehabilitation".
    wink joke.

    In general, this is a serious question.
    1. +1
      25 August 2013 15: 37
      Quote: Aleks tv
      What do you need to relieve stress while "working"?
      As Kuzmich used to say "And then vodka and women, and better all together ..."
  14. grck170
    9 September 2013 23: 00
    Well, yes, we are all "thieves" here, everything "smelled", "spilled", went on business trips and came back ... We are not afraid of any stress, because they are afraid of us ...

    It’s about preparing the jerks for real hell, some basics, a base from which one could push off so that the l / s does not crouch or start firing at its own.

    Now the recruits have different brains - all around iPhones and "androids" ... And if there is at least a little bit of benefit from these Macedonian drawings, these techniques must be studied and tried.
    Otherwise we'll stay in our "old school" - with a bottle of alcohol.
  15. +1
    14 September 2013 21: 10
  16. Gorelnik
    3 May 2014 18: 23
    We have to work on this. Everyone's brains are different. Someone they will boil soon, someone no time.
  17. 0
    5 February 2016 22: 50
    And how did our grandfathers cope in the trenches for 4 years? soldier It seems that if I start to pull myself by the ear and nose after the fight, then they will definitely commission me for a clean one and will be sent to the "durka" wassat ... vodka is better :)
    1. 0
      April 4 2016 01: 06
      Someone like that, my grandfather did not drink, only when I asked about the war I was silent more than I spoke about it, but most of all I remembered that I was calm as a boa constrictor.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"