Russian traditions of education of mountain peoples

How Yermolov taught the Chechens to steal people

The mountaineers were captured by one major and demanded a ransom of ten thousand rubles from Yermolov himself, as the governor of the king. Not that slaughtered.
Having finished reading the letter, Yermolov, without interruption, ordered to bring into the yard of the house where he was holding the bet, all the old people who turned up, first of all from the richest courtyards, and who were more noble from them. Thirty people were brought.
"Tell me - there won't be a major tomorrow with me - I will hang these all up."
The elders turned green. Yermolov knew. A parliamentarian rode away. By evening, he returned: the ransom was reduced to one hundred rubles, apparently for self-esteem.
“And I can hang everyone,” - Yermolov turned his hand around the village.
More people did not kidnap him. He was cruel. Hanged.

Russian traditions of education of mountain peoplesAlexey Petrovich Yermolov put a lot of effort into restoring order in the Caucasian possessions of the Russian Empire, his victories over the rebellious highlanders brought him the deserved glory of one of the most successful military rulers of the region.

And more than once during the years of the Caucasian war 1829-1864. Russian soldiers recalled Yermolov, not doubting that with him this war would have been victoriously completed in a few years.

Lieutenant-General Yermolov was appointed commander of the Caucasus 29 June 1816. He was the ambassador extraordinary in Persia, the commander of the Separate Georgian Corps and the head of the civil part in Georgia, the Astrakhan and Caucasus provinces.

Although the Caucasus was called “warm Siberia” (as a place of exile), Yermolov was delighted with this appointment, as it allowed him to act independently in many respects. Sending a general to the Caucasus, Alexander I said: "After Kutuzov, Barclay and Bagration, I have no other commander." Thus, he paid tribute to the merits of Alexei Petrovich. The resolute general reached the zenith of his career, and in Russian society they informed each other: “Yermolov became proconsul of the Caucasus.”

The emperor demanded from Yermolov the earliest possible delimitation of land from Persia under the Gulustan peace treaty of 1813, while Alexander I allowed some concessions to the Persians, if only the matter ended peacefully. The general was also instructed to conquer as many Caucasian peoples as possible and, if possible, by peaceful means. As you know, Alexander I did not like violence and was known as a liberal.

10 October 1816 Yermolov arrived in Tiflis. At the time of his arrival, Russian forces in the Caucasus numbered about 45000 infantrymen, more 6000 cavalrymen and 132 guns. Of all these troops, only a third could be directly on the line guard - the military border with the mountaineers, while the rest was scattered around cities and other settlements of the Caucasus.

Upon assuming office, Yermolov left to inspect the borders of the territory entrusted to him. He sent out officers of his headquarters to different regions of the Caucasus, while he himself visited the Elisavetpol 'region, the Karabakh and several other khanates. Karabakh made a depressing impression on Yermolov: most of the families were either captured by the Persians, or fled to the neighboring lands, fleeing from the oppression of Mehdi Khan. In addition, Yermolov met with Shirvan khan and Sheki khan Ismail.

To all of them, the general made it clear that the time of their rule had passed, and for himself he concluded that most of the khans should be removed from power because of their unreliability.

As for borders, in a report to the tsar from 9 in January 1817, Mr. Yermolov reported that the borders with Persia are almost not protected.
However, measures to strengthen the borders had to be postponed, since 17 on April 1817 of the city of Yermolov left with the embassy in Persia. July 26 Yermolov arrived at the residence of the Shah. Began difficult negotiations. Shah demanded the return of the Persian lands, taken away in the last war. Yermolov was strongly opposed. Persia had to choose: either a conflict with Russia and a new war, or a rejection of all sorts of claims. After much thought, the shah decided to keep the peace. Yermolov, in turn, insisted on the establishment in Persia of Russian trade societies, offices and consulates, and demanded the return of Russian prisoners. In general, the general was pleased with the embassy. First, he managed to save all the lands that had been ceded to Russia in the Gulustan tractate 1813. Secondly, he established acceptable relations between Russia and Persia, postponing the war for nine years.

For this successful 8 embassy in February 1818 of Yermolov was promoted to general of infantry. Having secured the Caucasus from external danger, Yermolov began to strengthen the Caucasian line, since many fortresses and posts did not correspond to their purpose. Chechens and Dagestanis lived against the left flank of the Caucasian line.

The Chechens were especially cruel: they did not recognize any authority and no laws. The commander-in-chief demanded complete submission from Chechnya, but they attacked so often that by 1818 the Cossacks, who lived along the Terek, were afraid to leave the fortified stanitsa. Yermolov decided to press the Chechens deep into their forests and mountains. Namely, transfer the line of fortifications from the Terek River to the Sunzha River. When transferring the line to Sunzhu, Russia transferred troops to more favorable lands (first of all, in terms of climate), in addition, it contributed to strengthening the protection and improving communications with Georgia.

Even before Alexei Petrovich, a Nazranovsky redoubt was built on Sunzha, covering the road from Mozdok to Georgia. In the summer of 1817, the general ordered the construction of the Pregrand Stan fortification (built by October of the same year). This event was a direct pretext for the indignation of the highlanders. The Chechens began to show concern, their Russian troops successfully beat off their raids, but they could not prevent them. In the capital, Yermolov was accused of provoking raids in order to strengthen his own influence in the Caucasus. But in St. Petersburg they did not understand that the main type of "fishing" in the mountains was robbery, and the highlanders lived, guided by customs, which scientists would later call "raiding economy".

Russian also prevented rob, which caused discontent of the mountaineers. Russia had to either leave or eliminate the predatory nests in the Caucasus. The third option did not exist, the "peaceful re-education" of the Highlanders was impossible.

Constant raids of the Chechens forced Yermolov to begin military actions with Chechnya. Leaving the necessary garrisons in the fortifications and posts of the Caucasian line, he was in May 1818. concentrated in the village of Chervlenaya about 5000 people. May 24 troops crossed the Terek and entered the Chechen lands.

Passing Terek, the troops rose six miles from the Khankala gorge, which was considered impregnable. The mountaineers sent elders to Yermolov, to whom he said that he would not punish them for raids if they ceased, and also demanded hostages. 10 June 1818 was founded the fortress of Grozny. It was located very well, as it closed the Khankal Gorge, the most convenient road from the Big Chechnya. The Chechens realized that they would deal decisively with them, not allowing them to rob and kill, and then they began to attack Russian posts.

Yermolov announced that those who want to live peacefully on Russian territory will be provided with protection and peace, but if they contribute to the raids, he will send them back to the mountains. The general said bluntly: “It is better to leave the bare steppes from Terek to Sunzha, than to endure the robbers in the rear of our fortifications.” He also demanded the extradition of Russian prisoners, and threatened death for non-execution. In support of his words, the commander-in-chief demolished several villages that had been seen as aiding the robbers, and resettled their inhabitants for Sunzha. After that, it was announced that the village, through which the residents freely let the bandits through, would be exterminated.

Chechens were looking for an alliance with the neighboring peoples - Dagestanis. Only one Dagestan ruler - Mehdi-Shamkhal Tarkovsky supported Russia. Major General A. Pestel commanded the Russian troops in Dagestan. With the detachment in 2000, a man began fighting — he captured the city of Bashly, but a trap was waiting for them there: Avar Khan Ahmet gathered people who were ten times larger than the Russian detachment. For five days, Pestel’s detachment fought encircled, escaped, losing about 500 people killed and wounded.

Then it was impossible to wait, and Yermolov gathered a detachment from Grozny, and on October 25 marched to the city of Tarki.

Mehdi-Shamkhal was looking forward to the Russians, as rebellious neighbors threatened him with reprisals.

For his dedication to Russia, Yermolov rewarded Shamkhal: after the suppression of unrest, he was given control over a lot of land taken away from recalcitrant khans.

Ahmet Khan Avar sent a letter to the General with assurances of friendship, but soon the papers were intercepted, indicating that the Khan was ready to cooperate with the Persians. And Yermolov, of course, rejected such a false "friendship."

11 November 1818. Yermolov led the troops to the village of Cengutai. By evening, the detachment went to the mountain, where they were hiding up to 15000 gangsters; they started shelling Russians. The soldiers wanted to storm the mountain on the move, but Yermolov applied a roundabout maneuver, sending a detachment of troops to get around the enemy from the flank. By the evening of the next day, the mountain position was occupied, and there were no losses from the Russian side at all. The troops descended into the valley, where Ahmet Khan’s headquarters was located in the village of Paraul, but he did not take the fight and fled into the woods.

Then Yermolov 14 November approached the village of Big Cengutai, owned by Ahmet Khan's brother - Hasan Khan. The mountaineers strengthened on the ridge near the village. When the battle broke out on all fronts, the position was suddenly shrouded in mist surging from the neighboring gorge. Yermolov ordered to cease fire and storm enemy trenches. The blow was so unexpected that in 5 minutes half of the enemy's trenches was captured almost without loss. The mountaineers understood that the attempts of armed resistance would be broken, and the rebelliousness was severely punished. Therefore, many leaders of childbirth after that came to the commander in chief with expressions of submission.

Yermolov forgave everyone, but warned that inevitable punishments would follow the new speeches. So ended the first trip to Dagestan.

In Chechnya, unrest continued. It became clear that the Grozny fortress alone would not deter the Chechens. Measures were taken to strengthen our position on Sunzha. Almost all Khankal gorge was cleared from the forest. Beyond the gorge lay the valley where the main villages of the Chechens were located. As a result, most of them had to submit, now the path to their land was open. So, literally with one ax, a victory was won over the mountaineers.

1 July 1819 Yermolov arrived in the village of Andreevskoye, where he planned to build a fortress. Meanwhile, the mountaineers began to gather strength to attack Grozny and cut off the Russians from the Terek. Yermolov, in order to prevent an attack, ordered Major General Grekov to invade Chechnya. In early August, 1819, the general marched, and at this time the Avar Khan, gathering about 6000 people, approached the fortress of Sudden. 29 August Ermolov made a fortress to meet the enemy.

At the village of Bautugay, Russian troops clashed with the mountaineers and pushed them aside. The troops occupied the Bautugai and heights near the village. For four days, Yermolov fired at the highlanders, and on September 3 they faltered; Avar Khan and his brother fled to the mountains. Yermolov made an attempt to overtake them, burned several villages in the mountains and returned to the fortress of Sudden. In the autumn it became aware of the unrest among the akushintsy. Initially, Yermolov sent a paper to the Akushians, where he called for loyalty to Russia, but no response was received, and the general continued the fighting.

In early December, 1819, the troops went ahead. Without a single shot, the height of Kalantau was occupied, where a 1000 man with guns was left to cover. The main forces went to the village of Urum, where the rebellious akushintsy settled. General Madatov managed to drive the bandits out of the village, but they disappeared into the mountains. December 18 Yermolov withdrew troops from Urum and stopped in a cannon shot from the enemy advanced. Prince Madatov occupied the surrounding heights, preventing the Highlanders from retreating, and Russian artillery forced the enemy to leave the fortifications. The soldiers seized the cliffs above the road and fired from them running akushintsev. Cossacks pursued the highlanders. The victory was won in two hours, and the losses in this battle amounted to all 4 killed and 26 injured.

This victory pacified the Akushians, which made it possible to lift the blockade from the Chirakh post. Let's talk about the feat of defenders of Chirah. The December morning, the gangsters crept up to the post and cut out the sleeping 80 people, others managed to hide in a protected position. For several days the detachment steadfastly resisted the superior enemy in strength (there were 5 – 6 thousands against approximately 400 Russians). The highlanders captured officer Shcherbina and tortured him to death in front of the defenders of Chirch. All attempts to take reinforcements by storm were repulsed. During the three days of the siege, the garrison ran out of water to quench their thirst - they ate gunpowder. But help came and the blockade was lifted.

Of the defenders of Chirach, only 70 people survived, and only 8 is intact. Headquarters Captain Ovechkin survived with numerous injuries and received the rank of captain and the Order of St.. Vladimir IV degree.

December 29 The 1819 Commander-in-Chief went to Derbent to appoint the Russian administration in most of the territory of Dagestan instead of the recalcitrant Khans. Highlanders were completely broken and did not oppose this.

In general, the first three years of Alexei Petrovich’s activities in the Caucasus can be described as very successful.

Following the Roman rules: "divide and rule" and "let them hate, if only they were afraid," Yermolov pacified many recalcitrant tribes (and, first of all, Chechens and akushintsy).

Often he acted cruelly, but this was justified by the conditions of the Caucasian war. By the beginning of 1820, General Yermolov managed to gain a foothold on the shores of Sunzha, under his command the Russian troops put an end to the independence of the Mekhtuli khanate, conquered Tabasaran and Karakaytag. So the victory of Russian weapons ended the first stage of the conquest of the North Caucasus. All these victories were won by incomparably small forces against the significantly higher number of insurgent detachments and with minimal losses, which for many years strengthened the high reputation of Russian weapons in the Caucasus.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. volkodav
    13 August 2013 09: 30
    Well, why now it is necessary to drive teams of specialists, when you can burn a couple of villages from "Buratino" and that's it
    1. +9
      13 August 2013 09: 58
      Then Yermolov 14 November approached the village of Big Cengutai, owned by Ahmet Khan's brother - Hasan Khan. The mountaineers strengthened on the ridge near the village. When the battle broke out on all fronts, the position was suddenly shrouded in mist surging from the neighboring gorge. Yermolov ordered to cease fire and storm enemy trenches. The blow was so unexpected that in 5 minutes half of the enemy's trenches was captured almost without loss. The mountaineers understood that the attempts of armed resistance would be broken, and the rebelliousness was severely punished. Therefore, many leaders of childbirth after that came to the commander in chief with expressions of submission.

      The only way! Only decisively and toughly. Other is regarded as weakness. And if you flirt so it is generally ...

      Well, why now it is necessary to drive teams of specialists, when you can burn a couple of villages from "Buratino" and that's it

      And the most nasty thing in our country, this question is raised once in 50 years and arises very sharply. There is experience. Are there gangsters in the village? So the local shelter. Pinocchio to fit and that's it ... You don’t even have to shoot! A friend told me how the old people in Grozny got scared in 1995 when they flipped the heaters (well, they just drove the trash out) ...
  3. Yarbay
    13 August 2013 09: 36
    and why deleted my koment ??
    Weak to answer ??
    How much can you write the same thing about the same ones?
    1. biglow
      13 August 2013 10: 45
      Quote: Yarbay
      and why deleted my koment ??
      Weak to answer ??
      How much can you write the same thing about the same ones?

      they write about Ermolov because he deserves to be remembered, His actions in the Caucasus saved many lives. Since the bandits stopped robbing and killing ....
      1. Yarbay
        13 August 2013 12: 32
        Quote: biglow
        they write about Ermolov because he deserves to be remembered about him

        I have nothing against Ermolov!
        Unsubscribed below!
    2. dmb
      13 August 2013 11: 18
      Greetings Alibek. In principle, all topics are repeated. In particular, in this article I am interested in a previously unknown portrait of Yermolov. It would be interesting to know his story. But I did not like the article very much. You don’t understand, whether the author expresses his thoughts in the language of that era, or whether he quotes contemporaries of Ermolov, then it would be correct to refer to sources. Not seeing your comment I can not judge him. Try to present it in a more acceptable form, maybe then a topic for discussion will appear.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. Guun
          13 August 2013 21: 15
          Hello dear Alibek. Sadly, you're right. But the military from Israel thoroughly studied its history (Hero of the Soviet Union Baurzhan Mamyshuly). Somehow they showed on TV where a Jew alone said that if we had such a person we would print the most expensive bill in his portrait. At such a pace, losing allies is a short-lived affair. Respect the heroes of the Empires and the USSR, but not in Russia, but abroad.
          1. Yarbay
            13 August 2013 22: 10
            Quote: Guun
            Somehow they showed on TV where a Jew alone said that if we had such a person we would print the most expensive bill in his portrait.

            I’m a little ashamed that I didn’t know about this hero before, I think many users really don’t know!
            I completely accidentally heard about him from one of your fellow countrymen and began to search, read! The more I learned, the more I admired him!
            Senior Lieutenant commanded a regiment near Moscow !!
            Panfilov celebrated his talent!
            Honorary commander of one of the revolutionary regiments of Cuba, in my 51st! In Israel, officers must have studied his book!
            The man is very interesting and fighting !!
            Even after the war he was not given a general !!
  4. +1
    13 August 2013 11: 18
    Everyone understands strength, but uses weakness
  5. +11
    13 August 2013 11: 22
    And now Chechens cut out 400 policemen a year from the Russian regions who are taken to them as sacrificial bulls on a business trip. In our time, Ermolov would have been imprisoned and made a private, and for all his services to Russia, they would have been called a rapist and a murderer, like Colonel Budanov, the soldier decided to protect, threatened the "peaceful" residents so that the sniper would be given, he punished all the boys who died from her rifle, but he was imprisoned for the murder of the maniac Kungaeva, who in one day killed 18 soldiers and officers of the 160th Tank Regiment exclusively in the groin and eyes. But "Khan the murderer" is a Hero of Russia (who killed the first Russian at the age of 16, he is now 36, that is, in 93 when there was no war, he killed him in peacetime). Instead of putting things in order there, our leadership floods them with the money of the Russian regions, they staged the genocide of the Russians in the 90s, they helped the Germans in the Second World War, and RUSSIA-GENEROUS SOUL for murderers-sadistic-rapists creates heaven on earth. God forbid to come to power will not "tolerate" who for all the killed and for show on the camera of the dismembered Russian guys will present the bill.
    1. Yarbay
      13 August 2013 13: 06
      Quote: Alyoha
      . In our time, Ermolov would have been imprisoned and made privates, and for all his services to Russia would have been called a rapist and murderer, like Colonel Budanov,

      No need to compare Ermolov with Budanov!
      it is unethical!
      Budanov raped and killed the girl with particular cruelty and, in addition, beat the subordinate officer brutally, then threw him into the pit !!
      1. +12
        13 August 2013 13: 20
        Aren't you chicha? Because these are chichi fairy tales invented. The materials of the criminal case do not mention rape, but it was necessary to give her to the whole division (to those who would not disdain, for that matter) she killed 18 people, this is only proven. And what to do with a murderer ?! To jail or what? So that she came out in 3 years and gave birth to the same 20? What would she teach them !? How to kill Russians !? We need an "iron curtain" over Chechnya for one killed Russian 50 chichi at the stadium, and everything would be human. And then they only know how to kill and rob. It is necessary to burn this maniac mentality out of their heads, they live on their necks and bull.
        1. +1
          13 August 2013 13: 44
          We need an "iron curtain" over Chechnya for one killed Russian 50 chichi at the stadium

          say it right. the Nazis did the same, for one killed German soldier they shot 50 people without trial and want to be on the same line? please, no problem. go and get it. how will you live after that, do you even think about it?
          1. soldier's grandson
            13 August 2013 19: 17
            want, they are worth it
        2. Yarbay
          13 August 2013 13: 45
          Quote: Alyoha
          . The rape is not mentioned in the materials of the criminal case, but it had to be given to the entire division (for those who would not disdain, for that matter)

          I’m talking on the basis of the criminal case !!
          Quote: Alyoha
          She killed 18 people, it’s only proven

          You're lying!!
          Not one proven murder on this girl was not!

          Quote: Alyoha
          What to do with a killer ?!

          According to law!
          1. +9
            13 August 2013 13: 54
            Quote: Yarbay
            You're lying!!
            Not one proven murder on this girl was not!

            Alibek hi For prosecutors, notches on the butt are few, but enough for fighters!
            Quote: Yarbay

            According to law!

            If you had caught an Armenian with a bunch of nicks on the butt, you would have also said by law the fighters around you, well, so without a croak?
            1. Yarbay
              13 August 2013 16: 39
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              If you had caught an Armenian with a bunch of nicks on the butt, you would have also said by law the fighters around you, well, so without a croak?

              you know my answer and it cannot be different!
              I believe in God and am afraid of Him; I cannot torture anyone!
              But there wasn’t even a rifle with nicks!
              1. volkodav
                20 August 2013 13: 27
                yes on ..x burn all Czechs and that’s all, but what the hell .. chur..ok defends, so this is nothing new, AND STILL GOD, do not touch, we know how afraid you are of him
          2. +9
            13 August 2013 19: 24
            Quote: Yarbay
            Quote: AlyokhaA how to deal with a killer ?! According to law!

            With such under the law ??? The Caucasus recognizes only one law - force and cruelty (I know firsthand - my brother seized part of the 1st campaign and the 2nd, was injured, told a lot of things). Maybe according to the law, Russian women were raped and beaten to death in the mountain villages, and when ours came in and saw dead Russian women on the streets with sticks clogged in the vagina, after such a sight, any normal Russian peasant has one reaction - to interfere with such evil spirits with clay, which was done. Or maybe according to the law in Budenovsk during capture hospital(not a military unit, for this "heroism" was not enough) more than 100 people were killed, including women, children and the elderly. And there is no other way in the Caucasus - either we or us !!! But we STRONGER!!!
      2. +8
        13 August 2013 19: 17
        Quote: Yarbay
        Budanov raped and killed the girl with particular cruelty

        Girls give birth and raise children, and this is a sexless filthy creature. Budanov did absolutely right. If our military had acted in this way more often and used Yermolov's "pedagogical" experience, today we would have seen a completely different Caucasus. Exactly I am one of the normal Caucasians, but I am not sorry for the "animals". What do we have as a result of impotent policy in the Caucasus - in addition to the unstable Caucasus itself, there are also incidents like Kondapoga. In the north of Russia, with a predominance of the Russian population, this is wild, we must not allow a repetition of such cases, and in case of repetitions, strictly suppress it according to the laws of wartime.
  6. +9
    13 August 2013 11: 46
    That’s the whole secret of educating the Caucasus - Aleksey Petrovich Ermolov!
  7. Powder donut
    13 August 2013 12: 55
    A good article, something like this began to enter the second Chechen when they were able to throw away pink snot about civilians. And now in the Caucasus they understand they will be sick, they will forget how everything was and they will have to rebuild the cities anew.
    We must not forget the Caucasus; we must feel a strong hand on our scruff, and not the trembling drunken hand of Borka drunk.
  8. optimist
    13 August 2013 13: 00
    It is a pity that this and similar articles are not read by our beloved "guarantor" - a great lover of all blackberry rasiyans ...
    1. Powder donut
      13 August 2013 17: 16
      Well, where did you get that? Please explain to me! Our guarantor is a pragmatic, I'm not a fan of Putin. But in my opinion he holds Chechnya by the typewriter and everyone understands this there.
      I have always held the opinion of whoever drinks the girl and uses it.
      1. optimist
        13 August 2013 19: 29
        Quote: DonutPowder
        But in my opinion he holds Chechnya by the typewriter and everyone understands this there.

        It just seems to you so ... Ask who is guarding him in Moscow ... From the Russians ... Look at the behavior of these "animals" in Russian cities. And you will immediately understand who is holding whom and for what !!!
        1. Powder donut
          14 August 2013 00: 45
          The Russian man is very calm and very restrained, very often, it is perceived as a weakness ... like he would endure everything ... But here's the thing, although you don’t want about the Russian rebellion and other things that got your teeth on edge, you noticed that the latter time, the people cultivate hatred of blacks and indiscriminately through the forces of the media. Opinion polls are conducted, they write about the performances of fans ... Black is exposed as animals that do not deserve a kind word. This is already splashing out on the streets, they are more afraid of us than we are of them. And still the pendulum continues to spin. Among them, there is an opinion that without a weapon it is not necessary to go out on the street, as they can be severely beaten and with a knife you have at least some chances. You noticed how you started cleaning markets in Moscow from visitors. The cops laughed and 3-4 thousand sellers in the market got money (bought for sure) and also a thousand sat at the end of the camp.
          Now attention is the question of what do you think the Kremlin will do? will run after the Nazis shouting: "Guys, guys, what are you doing, let's not" Or will they try to lead this movement within reasonable limits? Pragmatists sit in the Kremlin
          ps FSO protects our Guarantor
  9. +5
    13 August 2013 13: 10
    Yermolov's Testaments - to life!
  10. +7
    13 August 2013 14: 28
    In Asia, and not only, the Force was always respected, especially in the Caucasus.
    Israelis quietly demolishing the homes of terrorists. But we can’t - genocide of the local population.
    Since 1989, the robbery and extermination of the Slavic population in Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the Caucasus (in ALL republics) began, the destruction of industry is a division of the Russian heritage.
    Now they are coming to us. And here the surviving Slavic immigrants, who have already seen the death of their relatives and friends. Left for nowhere, saving their lives, without money sent by the state, in the form of officials.
    The Orthodox Church abolished blood feud, but does not prohibit collecting debts. An eye for an eye ... And they already feel, otherwise they would not have fled from Russia.
    I don’t know how YOU have in the regions, but everything is quiet and calm. Everyone knows their place. Maybe because the native lands are far away? (Although the Chinese are on foot for a day). Or maybe it depends on the local population ??
    The larger the settlement, the more selfishness.
    The basis of the Russians is a community (mutual assistance).
    All egoists, perverts, liberals, illegal migrants, etc. (not corresponding to the Russian rules of conduct) have already gathered in the Moscow principality. Maybe fucking?
    i am a community
    1. Guun
      13 August 2013 21: 23
      Quote: Vasya
      Since 1989, the robbery and destruction of the Slavic population in Kazakhstan began

      Do not write nonsense. Seeing everything yourself is one thing, but listening to fairy tales is completely different, which supposedly came from Kazakhstan (but it turned out to be Uzbekistan or from somewhere else). Do not write such a heresy about Kazakhstan, more Russians in Ukraine and the Baltic states are being squeezed than ours. How many are in the bodies - I have never heard with my colleagues about the murder of Russians in Kazakhstan, because we live best friends side by side, and such a lie is simply offensive to any Kazakh. Do not forget for Russia now Belarus and Kazakhstan are the closest.
      1. +3
        14 August 2013 01: 04
        We are bordering with Kazakhstan and I know firsthand how Russians survive from the original Russian city of Uralsk, founded by Cossacks, so save your stories for those who did not encounter the queues of Russian people in the departments of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, who were forced to leave Kazakhstan precisely. And I am quite able to distinguish a Kazakhstan passport from an Uzbek or Tajik one ... So, not everything is so weird in Kazakhstan, if people are forced to leave for Russia from there.
  11. Lakkuchu
    13 August 2013 15: 26
    An article for schoolchildren .. for Russian schoolchildren.
  12. +5
    13 August 2013 18: 59
    I can not help but write a comment about Alexei Petrovich Ermolov.
    Ermolov had a peculiar appearance resembling something lion's: huge growth, heroic build, large features under a cap of thick hair, shifted eyebrows with a deep fold between them gave his face a stern expression, small fiery gray eyes looked strictly and definitely.

    An excellent portrait of Alexei Petrovich Ermolov by George Dow. Military Gallery of the Winter Palace, State Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg).

    Until the very 1991 year, the bust of Ermolov, as the founder of the fortress of Grozny, stood in the center of the city, however, behind two rows of barbed wire, because they constantly tried to blow him up. Yermolov’s statement went around Grozny that Chechens cannot be re-educated, they can only be destroyed. Belongs to the legendary general or not - I can not say.
    But he spoke with the Highlanders in their language - the language of power. He was respected and hated. They hated Russia, but respected the Russians, thanks to him.
  13. soldier's grandson
    13 August 2013 19: 12
    Quote: Yarbay
    Quote: Alyoha
    . The rape is not mentioned in the materials of the criminal case, but it had to be given to the entire division (for those who would not disdain, for that matter)

    I’m talking on the basis of the criminal case !!
    Quote: Alyoha
    She killed 18 people, it’s only proven

    You're lying!!
    Not one proven murder on this girl was not!

    Quote: Alyoha
    What to do with a killer ?!

    According to law!

    But what was the law with Budanov?
  14. rodevaan
    14 August 2013 04: 22
    Yes, we do not have enough Ermolov now, oh, how we do not have enough. And this does not mean that there are no such officers and generals - they just would not let the bureaucratic thieves and lawlessness get out of hand, who flirt with all sorts of diasporas who give big kickbacks to the pockets of "servants", that is, enemies of the people (sorry, I will call things by their proper names ). And such people are disadvantageous to the authorities and are naturally hated by the savages, with whom they fight not with shitty tolerance and pedico-flirting, but with their own savage medieval methods, for savages understand and respect only tough and inevitable force.

    Until all this continues, time will tell.
  15. rodevaan
    14 August 2013 04: 45
    And what to talk about at all - somehow I drove to a friend in a military unit when he was in the army. While he was waiting for him at the checkpoint, a sailor-dag sat next to him. Well, it became boring, we started talking about this and that. Although in Russian with an accent, he understood everything and spoke well. Well, of course, the matter of the national question was touched. Well, he began to talk about Russians - they say, why are you boiling, why are you dissatisfied? It’s your own fault, you behave like women, you don’t want to fight back, keep quiet when you are bullied. This behavior dishonors a man in the Caucasus (and is it only in the Caucasus? In my opinion, everywhere) - it is despised and there is no respect for such people. That says the first. The second - power - in unity. We say, one and the other for one mountain, if our offended. And you have FSUs if they beat a Russian. The rest passed or turned their faces away. He tells you how anyone behaves here - that’s how they behave as they want. Who is to blame? We? No, he says - you yourself are to blame.

    So I wanted to object to him - but what to object to? He was telling the truth - isn't that so? Is this not the case? While we ourselves will behave like a lo-hee, and silently look at the chaos of individual wild scumbags - this will happen. On household soil. On the road, on the streets.
    Slavs, it’s time for us to stop fooling around and become not a wretch of the west, but self-sufficient strong people.
  16. 0
    14 August 2013 12: 16
    But I don’t know the history of this award badge.
    If someone knows, enlighten.
    1. rodevaan
      15 August 2013 02: 25
      Quote: radio operator
      But I don’t know the history of this award badge.
      If someone knows, enlighten.

      - This is some kind of homemade. There were no such state awards. Now why just do not stamp, each village slaps his badges ...
  17. +2
    14 August 2013 12: 32
    According to the inexorable logic of Russian history, a genuine restoration of Russian statehood should symbolically be expressed in the restoration of the monument to Yermolov in the city founded by him - Grozny. Moreover, I think it should be a monument to Yermolov with his sons. Indeed, few people know that from three so-called “kebin” marriages with Chechens, Alexei Petrovich Ermolov had four sons. All of them continued the work of their father and served Russia faithfully on the battlefield. Elder Bakhtiyar (in holy baptism - Victor), Umar, baptized by Claudius, and Allahr - in the baptism of Northerners. Another son of the general - Peter Alekseevich Ermolov, died very young in the rank of non-commissioned officer of the Tenginsky regiment.
    All of them fought in the Caucasus, Victor rose to the rank of lieutenant general, Claudius resigned as major general, and Severyan became colonel. Ermolov married all of them, from all he waited for his grandchildren.
    There is no doubt that not only Yermolov personally could be proud of such sons, today both the Russian and Chechen peoples can rightfully be proud of them.

    This bust was installed by personal order of Beria in 1949 on Chernyshevsky Street in Grozny. Blown up in 1989 year.

    And this bust is set in Stavropol.
    How long? The Chechen component in Stavropol, as well as in the Stavropol Territory as a whole, is growing steadily.