Are we Malorossians or Ukrainians?


He wrote under the pseudonym Boris Bashilov (1908 – 1970) - a Russian émigré political essayist. The text first appeared in the Russian Brazilian magazine Vladimirsky Leaf in 1952.

In front of me on the desk is my family coat of arms. After escaping from the USSR and many years of wandering around the world, I accidentally found his image in Buenos Aires with a Russian engineer engaged in heraldry. Above the knight's helmet - magnificent ostrich feathers, on a blue shield - a crescent below, on the right and left - golden stars, a feathered arrow flies into the upper crescent.

If you unfold the “Little Russian coat of arms” of Modzalevsky on the corresponding page, then you will find out that this coat of arms belongs to the descendants of Ivan Yurkevich. The genus of Ivan Yurkevich is one of the oldest clans of Little Russia. The members of our clan are famous not only for their feats of arms in the struggle against the Turks and the Crimean Tatars. Even more, our clan is famous for its successes on the basis of Russian enlightenment. One of the pioneers of the family was the closest assistant to the Kiev Metropolitan Peter Graves, the first professor of philosophy of the Kiev Academy. But almost all the enlightenment of Minor and Great Russia has its origins in the Kiev Academy. My ancestor was one of those people whose works built the general Russian culture. And so it has been in our family always for centuries. Some participated in the construction of Russian culture, others defended all-Russian culture from the Turkish sultans, the Crimean khans and the Polish kings. So it was before Bohdan Khmelnytsky; it was so on the Pereyaslavskaya Rada, when one of the Yurkeviches, swinging the curve of a Cossack saber, shouted along with the others: “Volim under the Tsar of the Moscow Orthodox! Volim! ”

From the time of Petro Mohyla, to this day, our clan has been an active participant in the construction of the Russian national state! Love for Little Russia, for its historical past has always been combined with love for the Russian state. There were military men in our family, there were philosophers, there were modest imperceptible workers, but there were never supporters of the separation of Little Russia from Russia.

Professor of the Moscow University P. Yurkevich was one of the fierce fighters against materialistic philosophy. No wonder Lenin in his books with such rage attacked him. My father, the director of a teacher's seminary, went with Kolchak to Siberia and died in Chita. My cousins, naval officers, all took an active part against the Bolsheviks. Neither Petliura nor Skoropadsky seduced them, they felt like Russians and fought not against the Russians, but against the Bolsheviks. One of the cousins ​​raised on bayonets in a battle near Kiev, the others emigrated from the Crimea with Wrangel. When I was abroad, I found many more relatives abroad than I had in Russia.

I am telling all this to prove that as a descendant of an ancient Little Russian kind, as a descendant of one of the creators of Little Russian and Russian culture, I have the right to discuss the future of Ukraine no less, and more than all current Ukrainian separatists, abhorring the name of the Little Russians. Overwhelmed with ferocious malice towards everything "moskalskomu", these people absolutely do not know any genuine stories his people, nor the origin of the words "Little Russia", "Little Russia", "Ukrainian" and "Ukraine".

"Ukrainians" for some reason do not like the word "Little Russia". I do not like the word "Little Russia". But these words were not invented at all by the “Muscovites”, but by the inhabitants of Red Russia. These words are widely used by Bohdan Khmelnitsky in his Belotserkovny Universal in 1648 year.

“... You all have little Russians to inform you about this ...” “Who of you loves the integrity of the homeland of your Ukraine, the Little Russia ...” In the letter of the Zaporizhzhya Sich to Bogdan Khmelnitsky, written by 3 on January 1654, we find the following lines: “And the idea Vashj dob manage and Buda and vsem narodam malorossiyskim on both storonam Dnieper buduchim, under the patronage and Velikoderzhavneyshago Presvetleyshago Russian monarch, zaslushny be priznaem and give our a military parade vam and bysto that matter are not allowed, and signified it finished, yak best polze homeland Mal Russian. " The term Little Russia, Little Russia originated in 1335, when everything was "Muscovite", the Moscow Principality, like the others, was under the Tatar yoke. Little Russia, Little Russia called the principality of Galician and Volyn prince Yuri the Second. And Yuri the Second called himself "the prince of all Little Russia." "Muscovites" to create the name "Little Russia" have nothing to do. Recently, this term has been the domain of only poetry and royal title. And everyone — and the inhabitants of Little Russia, like Big Russia — equally considered themselves Russians.

Nothing, of course, offensive in the name of "Little Russia" or "Little Russia" no. In one of the issues of the Vladimirsky Leaf, published in Brazil, we find the following information about the origin of the name “Little Russia”: “The countries where the people came from — their national cradle — were called small in history. The great ones are the center of territorial completion of state consolidation or colonies, which have reached a particularly magnificent flourishing, wealth and power. Hence, Small Greece (Athens) and Great Greece (Hellas), Great Italy (after Rome), Small Poland (Krakow) and Great Poland (Warsaw), Small Russia (Kiev) and Great Russia (Moscow). ” As we can see, the author of that certificate writes, Semyon Vityazevsky, the name “Little Russia” or “Little Russia” does not contain anything offensive or disgraceful for the inhabitants of southern Russia. Little Russia is the cradle of the Russian people; it is not for nothing that Kiev is “the mother of Russian cities”, from here “the Russian Land went to be”. The name “Little Russian”, if it is possible to speak about preference at all, is more honorable than “Great Russian”, because it means literally: Little Russia is the first Russian, the most ancient in its genealogical root, in its direct line.

The name of our people Russian is known from the deepest antiquity ... "We are the only Russian people!" Little Russia is a tribal concept. Ukraine stands for nothing but the outskirts, the marginal lands of the state. Anyone who is even slightly familiar with the history of the Russian state, with documents written at a time when they had never heard of our separatists, when no one had heard of any “Ukrainian people”, he often knows that in these old state papers The following expressions are used: Ryazan Ukraine, Voronezh Ukraine, Kursk Ukraine, Siberian Ukraine. In the old song of Siberian explorers, folded at the time when Yerofei Khabarov conquered Amur, it is sung: “As in the Siberian in Ukraine Yes in the Daur side ...” From the song, as you know, especially from the old one, you cannot throw out the words. How, interestingly, modern separatists will explain these words? Indeed, at that time no Ukrainians lived in Dauria. And Siberian Ukraine simply meant marginal Siberian land. Little Russia, of course, can be called Ukraine, and Little Ukrainians Ukrainians. And Kiev, in case of success, the separatists can rename, of course, Skoropadsk, Petlyurovsk or Benderovsk. But from this Kiev will not cease to be Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Little Russia - is the ancient original name of a certain part of Russia. And there is no point in denying us, Little Russians, the historical name of our Homeland. Separatists can call themselves whatever you like. These people, although they are called “professors-professors” and “master-masters”, do not give themselves an account of what the word Ukraine actually means and that Little Russia.

Yes, I am a little Russian. I am the first Russian, the most ancient Russian. Maybe my ancestor during Igor nailed his shield on the gates of Constantinople. Why should I change the true name of my ancestors to something new, which the founders of separatism invented? Why should I consider Muscovites to be enemies, the Moscow culture hostile, when all of Moscow’s culture emerged as a thin stream from the ancient Kiev Academy and when one of the Yurkeviches was the first Russian and Russian philosopher.

Not for that, my ancestors folded their heads in battles with the Turks, Tatars and Poles, died on convict galleys in Turkey, in the dungeons of Polish castles, not for that they fought near Poltava on Peter’s side, and later fought on the Borodino field so that descendants In the hard times for them, they abandoned the entire national heritage of their ancestors. In the name of what to do it? In the name of having the opportunity to become an assistant to the pan-minister in fake Ukraine, a toy of political forces hostile to Russia? Long live Little Russia - the ancient ancestral home of great Russia, which is now bleeding in the arms of international Bolshevism! I lived under the rule of the Bolsheviks for twenty-four years and did not see the national hostility of the Little Russians to the “Muscovites”. And when the great war breaks out against the Bolsheviks, all the faithful sons of Russia will gather under the banners of the Russian Liberation Army: Great Russians, Little Russians, Belorussians, Georgians, Tatars, Armenians - all who want to be the son of a free great country, and not a small separatist stable. And our first bullet and the first blow with a saber will be on the heads of the Bolsheviks, and the second bullet, the second blow with a saber will be on agents of foreign intelligence who dream of becoming ministers of states not dependent on Muscovites but dependent on foreigners. We, Little Russians, do not want to be a toy at all in the hands of “master lords” and “professors professors” alien to us in the maintenance of foreign intelligence services.
81 comment
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  1. +35
    29 July 2013 14: 29
    “Ukrainians” for some reason do not like the word “Little Russia”. I do not like the word "Little Russia".

    I don’t give a damn what Ukrainians like there, to myself I can say that 100% is a Little Russia with roots from Storozhenets and Donetsk.
    1. +53
      29 July 2013 14: 37
      Quote: seller trucks
      “Ukrainians” for some reason do not like the word “Little Russia”. I do not like the word "Little Russia".

      I don’t give a damn what Ukrainians like there, to myself I can say that 100% is a Little Russia with roots from Storozhenets and Donetsk.

      I believe that we are the ONE people. Russia Ukraine Belarus. And everything else is from the evil one .. And all this division into different states is essentially artificial. And it is supported only by political elites and few nationalists .. but neither of them are clearly not friends with their heads.
      1. +23
        29 July 2013 15: 00
        I have repeatedly expressed myself at similar discussions on the topic of Russian peoples, but I will not be too lazy and will repeat:
        "... And in general, the concept of" Ukrainian "people is not correct and historically does not correspond to reality (I do not take Westernism into account), just as the concept of" Russian "people is not correct. It would be more correct to say" Russian "peoples as part of the Great Russians, Little Russians and, of course, Belarusians "
        1. +1
          29 July 2013 16: 06
        2. +19
          29 July 2013 16: 54
          Quote: Author Boris Yurkevich
          One of the ancestors of the clan was the closest assistant to the Kiev Metropolitan Pyotr Mogila, the first professor of philosophy at the Kiev Academy.

          I would like to have a great ancestor, but we must be more precise. Associate of Peter the Grave could not be a professor at the Kiev Academy, because she received such status much later. You have to understand that time. Poles after the union virtually banned the Orthodox Church. There were a couple of semi-underground bishops with a no less semi-underground metropolitan; schools were everywhere Jesuit with a minimum of Orthodox elementary schools. Only King Vladislav allowed the Tomb to work officially as the Orthodox Metropolitan. The grave created a school, which under it received the status of a college - a secondary school (the only Orthodox!) - and a bursa with it. Moreover, the school worked according to the Jesuit model, the Russian language was forbidden in it not only in teaching, but also in communication, only Latin was allowed.

          Quote: Author Boris Yurkevich
          These words are widely used by Bogdan Khmelnitsky in his White Church Universal in 1648.
          "... All of you Little Russians know about that ..." "Who among you love the integrity of the homeland of your Ukraine Little Russia ..."

          Some murky source is quoted. The fact is that at that time the self-name of Russia was not yet used, and, moreover, little Russia with all its derivatives. They said: Russia, Russia, Little Russia, Little Russia. You can read about this from N.I. Kostomarov in "How long ago Little Russia began to be written by Little Russia, and Russia by Russia" Zemsky Cathedrals, "Charlie", M. 1995, p. 448-455
          As it could be read in the extract from the Pereyaslav Rada (318 pp. Complete collection of the laws of the Russian Empire, published in the early 19th century).
          [img = left] [/ img]

          (I don’t understand why I can no longer insert a picture from my computer, where the necessary is emphasized and the picture is clickable. There is in my profile on page 9)

          Pronunciation "Russia" Romanovs, apparently, adopted from the Poles, well, and the Galitsa, who deliberately distorted.

          I am closer to the position of the great philosopher Ivan Solonevich, who wrote about himself: "I am Russian, from Belarusian men."
          1. +5
            29 July 2013 17: 16
            Thanks for the educational program
          2. Ilya Katasonov
            30 July 2013 01: 33
            About who and when Russia began to speak instead of Russia.
            In several books he met the theory that after the marriage of Ivan III to Sophia, the Paleologus began to use the name of Russia in the Greek manner - Russia.
            But it was used at that time very rarely.
      2. FATEMOGAN
        29 July 2013 16: 12
        Quote: Mitek
        I believe that we are the ONE people. Russia Ukraine Belarus. And everything else is from the evil one .. And all this division into different states is essentially artificial. And it is supported only by political elites and few nationalists .. but neither of them are clearly not friends with their heads.


        I completely agree with you, we are the ONE, but the most divided people on the planet, and I don’t understand why we cannot help the forces in Ukraine that advocate the unification of our countries, our common civilizational choice. The mattresses, not embarrassed or not particularly hiding, share this, so you should not pay attention to possible squeals from the liberal camps of our countries and sponsor parties, organizations, people who advocate and who, besides words, are trying to do something in this direction. In the meantime, unfortunately, the situation in Ukraine is very accurately illustrated in the picture ......
        1. -11
          29 July 2013 16: 29
          Quote: FATEMOGAN
          , we are the ONE, but the most divided people on the planet, and I don’t understand why we cannot help the forces in Ukraine that advocate the unification of our countries

          Now just in Kiev, from conversations on this subject I understood one thing. The bulk does not want to unite. In any case, as I say, A Slavs are generally scattered around the world, half of Europe is Slavic state. I can even say that in Slovenia the language is clearer than Ukrainian. I don’t understand 75% here, if I don’t understand what the speech is about if the wife who translates the TV set is beautiful, but I'm afraid that this is not true.
          1. FATEMOGAN
            29 July 2013 20: 18
            Quote: atalef
            Now just in Kiev, from conversations on this subject I understood one thing

            What you hear on TV became Ukrainian not so long ago, because if they do speak it, then the Westerners do not speak that way in eastern Ukraine, as far as I can judge from my experience, I have relatives there, I come from time to time. There are many words from Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, and therefore difficult to understand. I'll tell you a case, at one time I finished sailing in Lithuania, so we had one uncle who turned nationalistically, he taught us navigation and navigation. He decided that there are many borrowed Russian words in the naval terminology, he took and came up with his own terminology, he even published a dictionary. Here he is giving lectures, and the whole group cannot understand what he is talking about, then I went to the sidekick's father with the notes, he was a captain for ten years already, he is Lithuanian himself, looked at the notes so carefully and says - I don't know what language these words are written, but they are not used on ships, that's right. So I'm talking about the same thing, if on TV they speak "Ukrainian", which you do not understand, this does not mean that everyone, throughout Ukraine, speaks it and does not want to live with Russia.
            1. +1
              29 July 2013 22: 59
              Quote: FATEMOGAN
              Oh, what do you hear on TV, Ukrainian became not so long ago

              7 years ago it was the same in Ukrainian. I remember laughing at a terminator speaking Ukrainian

              Quote: FATEMOGAN
              and in the east of Ukraine they don’t talk like that, as far as I can judge from my experience, I have relatives there, I come from time to time.

              I don’t know, I can only talk about Kiev. They speak a lot of Ukrainian and in shops too. As in restaurants and McDonald's. They start in Ukrainian, they see that you get lost (it’s me to myself) who switch to Russian. For 7 years (which was not) in Ukrainian began to speak an order of magnitude more
              Quote: FATEMOGAN
              So I'm talking about the same thing, if on TV they speak "Ukrainian", which you do not understand, this does not mean that everyone throughout Ukraine speaks it and does not want to live together with Russia.

              Yes, I don’t speak at all for all of Ukraine or its separate parts. I say what I hear myself (and I don’t understand Ukrainian on TV). My wife has a lot of relatives, they talk (about relations with Russia) about the language, I wrote purely my feelings.
          2. +2
            29 July 2013 21: 40
            Quote: atalef
            The picture is beautiful, but I'm afraid this is not true.

            All mask reset.
            There is no doubt who you are. You are the enemy!
            1. -1
              29 July 2013 22: 38
              Quote: ATATA
              All mask reset.
              There is no doubt who you are. You are the enemy!

              Less pathos. I absolutely vseravno enter Ukraine in the CU or the EU. I say what I hear from relatives of my wife (Ukrainian) while currently in Kiev.
              After meeting with Yanukovych, Putin did not even shake his hand.
              As a result of these meetings, Ukrainian political scientists concluded that Putin has so far failed to persuade Yanukovych to change his Ukrainian choice. Sociological group "Rating" claims that Ukraine's accession to the CU is supported by only 40% of its population, and this number is steadily declining. The rest are in favor of integration with Europe, while only 26% of Ukrainians are against such an alliance with their western neighbors.

              so whether I’m an enemy to you or not --- I feel the same way about the drum.
              1. +3
                29 July 2013 22: 52
                Quote: atalef
                so whether I’m an enemy to you or not --- I feel the same way about the drum.

                1. We haven’t drunk together yet on this YOU don’t go.
                2. But I don’t, on this and said bluntly.
                And besides, as always lying. You absolutely care.
                Once again a quote from your ideological leaders.
                And we will drive the Slavic "B_Y_D_L_O" far to the north ...

                These are the words of the Sanhedrin rabbi Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Chabad Moshiach.
                This major figure of Zionism died in 1994, so this is not a legend of the old days, but the modern politicians of Zionism and their guides.
                Who you are.
                Quote: atalef
                After meeting with Yanukovych, Putin did not even shake his hand.

                I wouldn’t shake the hand of the traitor!
                A strong enemy can be respected, but a traitor cannot!
                1. -5
                  29 July 2013 23: 06
                  Quote: ATATA
                  then the words of the Sanhedrin rabbi Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Chabad Moshiach.
                  This major figure of Zionism died in 1994, so this is not a legend of the old days, but the modern politicians of Zionism and their guides.
                  Who you are.

                  I wonder what north I need to steal my Ukrainian wife? Probably to the north of Israel - that's how I live there.
                  In general, you don’t even want to answer. How was a forest dog (judging by (avatar) and remained. But now where are the chicken brains?
                  1. +4
                    29 July 2013 23: 10
                    Quote: atalef
                    How was a forest dog (judging by (avatar) and remained. But now where are the chicken brains?

                    But thanks for that.
                    Insults from the enemy, sweeter than praise from a friend.
                    Which once again confirms that you do not care. laughing
                    And what about your avatar, a bloodsucker?
              2. fokino1980
                30 July 2013 09: 10
                Well, the basic principle of a true "Ukrainian" has begun - Usrus - but I won't give in !!!! laughing
        2. FATEMOGAN
          29 July 2013 16: 38
          Natalya Vitrenko recently gave another interesting interview on political confusion in Ukraine and the unification of our countries. He talks about interesting things, including a charter between Ukraine and Americosia, which has an interesting fad about Ukraine’s entry into NATO in the future, both Bendera and the regionals with the Communists signed this charter .... It's nice to listen to it, people don’t for a word in his pocket, he doesn’t lisp and does not speak snotty-politically correct phrases, cuts the truth of the uterus !!!

      3. +4
        29 July 2013 17: 12
        The topic is as old as the world and discussing something else I don’t see much sense. Everything is clear to the smart, but it is not necessary for fools. Throwing beads ..... the occupation is not grateful.
        1. FATEMOGAN
          29 July 2013 19: 59
          Quote: piotr534
          The topic is as old as the world and discussing something else I don’t see much sense. Everything is clear to the smart, but it is not necessary for fools. Throwing beads ..... the occupation is not grateful.

          While people think so, youth mattresses will be so brainwashed that it won’t seem enough, as a result, we will get ossified russophobic maniacs, as in Poland. It is necessary to act on the field of propaganda, to act without delay, without stopping, and at any opportunity. What you understand does not mean that others understand it, if in Ukraine at the official level all our common achievements are hushed up and problems are hypertrophied, again again mostly contrived.
      4. 225chay
        30 July 2013 09: 48
        Quote: Mitek
        I believe that we are the ONE people. Russia Ukraine Belarus. And everything else is from the evil one .. And all this division into different states is essentially artificial.

        Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians - SLAVES!
    2. Vovka levka
      29 July 2013 14: 52
      Quote: seller trucks

      I don't care what Ukrainians like there

      The trouble is that it doesn’t give a damn about everything, it also concerns other peoples.
      1. +12
        29 July 2013 14: 57
        Quote: Vovka Levka
        The trouble is that it doesn’t give a damn about everything, it also concerns other peoples.

        the term "Ukrainian", "Ukraine" appeared at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, such a state did not exist until the end of the XNUMXth century.
        1. +17
          29 July 2013 15: 45
          You can even say more.
          When the First World War began, the Austro-Hungarians, as was customary everywhere at that time, began to drive everyone who had the nationality of the enemy country to concentration camps.
          Many Westerners, of course, did not want to sit in the camps and came up with a "trick with their ears" - they say we are not Russians, but Ukrainians, a completely different nationality, and even put forward this resolution to the Austro-Hungarian Parliament - on the establishment of a new nationality.
          Such a feint was all the more easy to crank out, since the experience of mimicry already existed - just as the adoption of Uniatism was an escape from Poles' repressions to Orthodoxy.

          But why then this Ukrainians did not die out - this is already a question for psychologists (or psychiatrists).
          In addition, the Ukrainian idea was continued to be actively promoted in Soviet times, before the war (no matter how anyone claims the opposite), it was not Ukrainian nationalists who were repressed, but their opponents.
          1. +9
            29 July 2013 16: 07
            Quote: Andrey_K
            In addition, the Ukrainian idea continued to be actively promoted in Soviet times.

            Andrei, you’ve done well, say everything correctly, as much as the Bolsheviks did for the advancement of Ukraine, no one could and no longer will do naturally in the framework of the Union Republic.
    3. +5
      29 July 2013 15: 12
      Sorry, Vitaly.
      Donetsk is Novorossia, as I know. And Storozhenets? By the name of the city on the guard of western Ukraine. Beauty was in the USSR! The difference in the births of a father and mother in a thousand kilometers was not considered a difference for declaring different nationalities!
      1. +4
        29 July 2013 15: 22
        Donetsk is New Russia, as I know. What about the Storozhenets? By name, the city is on the guard of western Ukraine.

        The Storozhynets was first mentioned in a letter from Moldavian ruler Roman II of 18 on February 1448 as a guard post on Siret, which probably gave the name to the city.

        I have, by the way, a Moldavian surname, characteristic of this region, by blood, I even have an Austrian one. By the way, people don't like Bandera in the city, my aunt's husband was an employee of the NKVD, he told how they were smacking at the windows from the "trunks".
    4. Luna
      29 July 2013 16: 38
      Quote: seller trucks

      I don’t give a damn what Ukrainians like there, to myself I can say that 100% is a Little Russia with roots from Storozhenets and Donetsk.

      And I do not care about your spit.
      I am Ukrainian with Kharkov roots and I am not interested in the phantom pains of some. Be today Ukraine with Russia and no one would be picked by a little Russian or a Ukrainian. For me, the meaning of Ukrainian is equivalent to Siberian, Pomor, Karelian, the same Cossack (Don, Kuban, Tersky). I understand this as belonging to a certain territory of vast Russia and NOTHING MORE.
      Yes, even call a pot, but the virus of separatism was, is and will be regardless of the name. For this, they are probing the people of the Siberian republics, the Far Eastern ones, "enough to feed the Caucasus" ... maybe we’ll come up with a clue for the Tatars, they also want to do it.
      While the country was strong and there were no questions, it gave a slack and climbed shit from all the cracks. And not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also in the USA, Spain, Belgium, and the same Belarus, where the brainwashed by Litvinism and other crap.

      If the problem was only in the name, then the British would have fixed it long ago, ordering the Scots to be called English.
      1. +3
        29 July 2013 16: 54
        Quote: Luna
        I am Ukrainian with Kharkov roots and I am not interested in the phantom pains of some.

        This happens

        Quote: Luna
        Be today Ukraine with Russia and no one would be picked by a little Russian or a Ukrainian.

        The most ancient Ukrainians lived on the shore of the Hyperborean Ocean 140000 years ago ... In August 2011, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine awarded Vladimir Bilinsky, the author of the book “The Country of Moxel, or Muscovy”. A work on the history of Russia states that Ukrainians and Russians have different roots. Moreover, the northern neighbors are supposedly not Slavs at all. Bilinsky claimed that he wrote his work for more than 30 years and only finished at the beginning of the 90 of the last century. And published. And I’m sure: his “work” is capable of turning the history of neighboring Russia. Rave? But no ...
        Bilinsky in his book assures: Russia cannot be called a Slavic state. Because the ancestors of modern Russians are Finno-Ugrians, who only ruled the descendants of the Kiev princes. “She has nothing to do with the Slavs. Absolutely. Zero, ”says the author, who received the Ivan Franko Prize from the State Radio and Television of Ukraine. For the best scientific work.

        not i started it
        1. +1
          30 July 2013 04: 45
          The Russians in the language have no Finnish or Hungarian elements other than northern Finnish-Hungarian place names, which are easily explained by the Russian colonization of the north and the Volga. The Turks have Greek place names, but they are not Greeks,
          Americans - Native American. This is the effect of colonization. But the Turkic toponyms of central and western Ukraine are very difficult to explain - what and when did the Ukrainians colonize on their own territory?
    5. +8
      29 July 2013 17: 20
      Something Donetsk spat.
      -Mitek: I believe that we are ONE people.
      Entirely and completely. Three nations-ONE people. A colleague-Belarusian wife - "ear". The daughter was recorded as "Russian" (1981). And EVERYONE took it quite calmly.
      At the Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1303, while considering the establishment of the Galicia-Volyn church metropolis, it was decided to call the then Kiev and Galicia-Volyn principalities Mikra Russia, "Little Russia" (in Russian they began to call "Little Russia"), i.e. . “Russia is OLD, primary, basic, oldest”), and Zalesye and Novgorodshchina - Megale Russia (“Great Russia”, which meant “Later Russia, derivative, NEWLY FORMED”). Since in Byzantium it has long been used to name the Dnieper Slavs the words with the root “grew” (“the people of Ros”), it was reflected in the term Russia, which was finally established at the end of the XV century. In the likeness of Malaya Hellas (Peloponnese, Athens) and Big Hellas (Crimea, Chersonese, present-day Abkhazia and other Greek colonies). That is, the Greek world outside the Balkan Peninsula and the Peloponnese.
      Several variants of the origin of the name "Ukraine".
      1.From the GENERAL SLAVIAN “ukraine” (border region), which was first applied to the border territories of Kievan Rus - the Pereyaslav Principality and later subsequently extended to neighboring territories. Mention of borderline "Ukraine" is found in numerous chronicles.
      2.Ukraine - the so-called southeastern Russian lands of the Commonwealth. This name has never been official; it was used only in private life and became common in folk poetry. The borders of the lands that were known under the name of "Ukrainian" are difficult to determine, especially since this name was not stable and at different times embraced a different space. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron.
      3. The name of Ukraine comes from the word “land”, “country” that is simply “country”, “land inhabited by its people”, and “Ukrainian” meant “compatriot” - in Ukrainian the prefixes “v” and “u” are interchangeable and in meaning they correspond to the Russian "c."
      4. On the map of Russia, published in Amsterdam in 1645, a region with the name “Okraina” is located, located between Ryazan and the Sea of ​​Azov. The designation "Okraina" is located directly on the territory of modern Lugansk region of Ukraine and Rostov, Belgorod, Kursk, Lipetsk, Voronezh regions of Russia. There is also a special map of the lower Dnieper in 1648 called “Delineatio Generalis Camporum Desertorum vulga Ukraina.
      And the name "Ukrainians" began to appear in the XVIII-XIX centuries. The reason for this was the choice of the name "Russia" as the new name for the Moscow kingdom, which was then actively reformed and expanded by Tsar Peter I. The name "Rusyns" is still preserved as the name of the East Slavic ethnic group living in western Ukraine, in Slovakia and some others countries.
      1. +1
        29 July 2013 20: 15
        Quote: knn54
        At the Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1303 during the consideration of the establishment of the Galicia-Volyn church metropolis

        This is Svidomo propaganda or just a lie. There were no "considerations" under Metropolitan Maxim. Metropolitan Maxim in 1299 moved the choir to Suzdal, and the metropolitan see to Vladimir. And everything was calm, at the end of his life he even made a trip to Volyn. There was a slight hitch after his death in 1305, when not a nominee from the Russian Church was approved in Constantinople, but an applicant from the Volyn prince, who arrived there first. However, Metropolitan Peter was accepted, although not immediately, he moved to Moscow, where he was buried. Numbered among the saints. At that time, no one "considered" dividing the Russian Metropolitanate. There were short times, as, for example, partly under Cyprian, when there was one metropolitanate and two metropolitans. In fact, they ruled that way, one in Russia, and the second in Lithuania. The metropolis was divided only in 1458, when Pope Callistus III, traitors living in Rome, expelled for treason during the Union of Florence, respectively from Moscow false patriarch Isidore, from Constantinople false patriarch Gregory Mamma, sent false metropolitan Gregory the Bulgarin with their letters. The Lithuanian prince accepted him. And the Patriarch of Constantinople was then a little not up to it - the Turks had just captured Constantinople. "History of the Russian Church" by Metropolitan Macarius. I can give pages, although the table of contents is easy to find.

        Quote: knn54
        the term Russia, which finally established itself at the end of the XV century

        Is it at 14 ..? Enchanting nonsense. At least give a link. I have a link in my message above, where it’s quite a separatist, and not some Moscow, Kostomarov makes this statement utter idiocy.

      2. 0
        30 July 2013 11: 42
        Quote: knn54
        Mention of borderline "Ukraine" is found in numerous chronicles.

        the Pole Hrushevsky and his companions tried very hard to do this, replacing the term "outskirts" with "Ukraine" in archives and libraries
    6. DAOSS
      29 July 2013 17: 31
      You would first carefully read someone who writes this mud !!! Some kind of immigrant for a grant brings you all kinds of crap, but you give him the advantages !!!
      Another attempt to rewrite history for himself, and in order to add weight to his words, he devoted 5 paragraphs to his "great" ancestors !!! Fu! it was disgusting to read!
      With the same success, I can dash off the report that a historical error has occurred and according to historical research, it is precisely the current territory of Ukraine that should be called Russia, because Kievan Rus was born here, and the territory of present-day Russia should be called: Little Russia (Rostov, Voronezh, Volgograd), New Russia (Moscow, Novgorod), North Russia (Peter, Murmansk), Zakudykygoryrossia (Ural), Chertigerossia (Far East), and so on, depending from desire, mood and the amount of money that I will be paid for such a HERESY!
      But that's not all, Pretending to be Mongol, I can paint that there is no Russia, and all this is primordially Mongolian territory! Or I will become a Turk and write a book about how the descendants of the Mongols took away the primordially Turkish land (Crimea and Tavria) where the Turks lived before the birth of Christ and there were no "whites" there and this territory was called Crimea-Tukrkodal, Tavria-Turduzmek.
      And the Crimean Tatars, on the basis of deep excavations, will prove that they are, in fact, the very first people on earth and the ark did not moor to Mount Ararat, but to Ai-Petri, which means that the whole modern world since the time of the Flood is a country of Tatars-Il-Bek-Stan .
      In general, as you know, you can write so much crap that nobody will figure it out and everyone will choose for himself which one is more advantageous to him and will dance from her.
      For reference: I was born in Donetsk, my mother is from Poltava, my father is from the Urals, but if someone calls me some kind of Little Russian, he will get it in my head!
      I am Ukrainian according to my passport, Russian by blood, by definition a Slav, but by the spirit of a Soviet person!
      1. Povit
        29 July 2013 20: 56
        I am Ukrainian according to my passport, Russian by blood, by definition a Slav, but by the spirit of a Soviet person!

        But intellectually, he’s an unwise person. He collected everything to heap, who is angry with someone, not happy with something or what’s in his head — porridge. I completely agree with the author. If the Princes, Kievan Rus would have held power in their hands and Ukrainians, but there would be Rusichs. Hatred for masks - banal envy reaching to the point of absurdity, right up to the change of nationality of substitution and manipulation of history, ordinary separatism, the betrayal of our blood brothers.
    7. Yoshkin Kot
      29 July 2013 17: 34
      seller trucks, you know, I am Russian and you are not my brother! for the right hand cannot be the brother of the left! we are flesh from flesh one organism
      by the way, not my brothers, ukrointsy enemies
    8. The comment was deleted.
    9. 0
      29 July 2013 17: 37
      Hello Little Russians!
    10. 0
      29 July 2013 20: 26
      As far as I remember from the course of school history Little Russia called the region, conquered and annexed to Russia, and then to Ukraine. This merit is Count Potemkin. The entire Black Sea coast, areas bordering Russia, is all Little Russia. What Ukraine was like at that time (before these regions joined it) can be seen in historical sources.
    11. +1
      29 July 2013 20: 58
      My friend is Ukrainian, he says to himself that he is a crest, and he also likes to repeat that Ukrainians are more Russian than Russians themselves and it’s scary to be proud of it, and I’m proud of him.
  2. Nevsky
    29 July 2013 14: 30
    Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Mariupol, Berdyansk, Crimea and Sevastopol, Russian cities sleeping under sweet hypnosis on a slow fire of assimilation ...

    There is Western Ukraine, actually Little Russia (Nadnipryanskaya Ukraine), and Novorossia (Tavria), which was completely built by Count Vorontsov.

    1. Nevsky
      29 July 2013 14: 57
      Who set the minus? Reply !!! Are these cities not Russian? I was in all. They are no different from Rostov and Belgorod, both in language and in morals. I didn’t even write Kiev deliberately, unfortunately we lost it, the Westerners dominate there. :(
      1. MG42
        29 July 2013 15: 25
        Minus did not set. But in Crimea, too, it is full of Crimean Tatars, for example, in Simferopol ..
        here is the official census data there below the table with the national composition since 1989 there were 1,9% of them, in 2001 there are already 12,1% how many of them in 2013 are a question, somewhere every fifth ..

        Quote: Nevsky
        I didn’t even write Kiev deliberately, unfortunately we lost it, the Westerners dominate there. :(

        Dual power is now in Kiev, since the official authority with Donetsk registration balances the attempts of zapadentsev ..
        Quote: Nevsky
        Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporizhia

        These are the "strongholds" of the Russian language in Ukraine ... Odessa is a very beautiful city with a peculiar linguistic flavor ..
        1. +10
          29 July 2013 15: 41
          These are Russian cities. nor were founded by Russian tsars and built by Russian people for the needs of Russia.
          1. MG42
            29 July 2013 16: 08
            Quote: vostok1982
            These are Russian cities. nor were founded by Russian tsars

            As for Donetsk, it was the village of Yuzovka. John Hughes began construction of a metallurgical plant on the territory of the village of Aleksandrovka in 1869 ... Together with the construction of a plant and mines, a <working> village begins to be built ..
            John Hughes of the Foggy Albion Welsh Industrialist .. bully
            In 1924, Yuzovka was renamed the city of Stalin, and since 1961, it is already Donetsk.
            1. +2
              29 July 2013 17: 28
              Quote: MG42
              As for Donetsk, it was the village of Yuzovka. John Hughes began the construction of a metallurgical plant in the village of Alexandrovka in 1869 year ..

              And about this, he (Hughes-Hughes) had some ordeal with getting the "Royal favor" at the beginning of work, until he realized that he needed to "butter up" the court officials.
              And so began the glorious history of one of the most Russian cities (and the region as a whole) of Ukraine ...
              And notice the word Russiandeliberately not enclosed in "quotes" ...
              1. MG42
                29 July 2013 17: 46
                In 1814, in the city of Merthyr Tyddville, one of the largest and richest industrial cities in South Wales, the metallurgical region of England, the future founder of the Novorossiysk Society of Coal, Iron and Rail Production, the founder and managing director of a rail plant in the South of Russia, John James, was born Hughes (born John James Hughes, in modern transcription - Hughes). Who knows how the history of Donbass would have developed without the participation of a Welsh industrialist?

                John Hughes was born into the family of an engineer who was at the head of one of the metallurgical plants of the city of Merthyr. John received a home education and in his youth already worked under the supervision of his father, who at that time worked as an engineer at the Seyfart factory. Having familiarized himself with metallurgy in practice, John Hughes subsequently transferred to the Abby Vale factory.
                After some time, Hughes founded his own mechanical production in New Port. He quickly sets the case, revealing the talent of the organizer of production and inventor. For the first time in England, John Hughes sets up a direct-acting lift. At the end of the 50s, he entered the job as an engineer at the Millwill Iron Rolling Plant, and in 1860 he became its director. During this period, "Yuzov" carriages for long-range heavy guns were produced - the famous brainchild of the Vali inventor. Hughes also devotes much time to developing armor formulations for cladding ships and forts.
                In the same 60s of the XIX century, the Russian government, preoccupied with the problem of booking warships, was looking for material and contractors in Western Europe suitable for these purposes. In this regard, the Admiralty conducted a series of tests of armored steel of French and English production. The products of the Millville plant, which was managed by Hughes, successfully passed the test. Russian military officials recognized it as the most durable and reliable.
                John Hugs himself first came to Russia at the age of 55, a mature personality, with rich life and work experience.
      2. +4
        29 July 2013 21: 50
        Quote: Nevsky
        I didn’t even write Kiev deliberately, unfortunately we lost it, the Westerners dominate there. :(

        There are not zapadentsy gospodstvodyat, and the Zionists!
        And we will drive the Slavic "B_Y_D_L_O" far to the north ...

        These are the words of the Sanhedrin rabbi Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Chabad Moshiach. Goi, read and finally understand that Rav. Speaking about Khazarstan, Khodos does not exaggerate at all !!! The Palestinian genocide is not somewhere out there, but HERE! We are the Palestinians! This is us genocide! This Zion squeezes us from the light and is seen in a birch coffin!
        And the Zapadents are just mankurts and duped, obedient puppets in their hands!
  3. +5
    29 July 2013 14: 30
    Some kind of double feelings after reading, on the one hand, there is a feeling that something is missing somewhere and it seems like a shame, and on the other hand, stop - is this not another attempt to distort history and decompose other people's things into general shelves.
    ... I don’t know, I didn’t put anything in the article
  4. +11
    29 July 2013 14: 34
    Correctly and historically true. Only who will listen and read it? Clever and educated, this is already clear, but you can’t prove anything with the scandalized fascist bastard.
    1. fokino1980
      30 July 2013 09: 22
      Cruel but fair !!! No one was left with brains! They build their state on the basis of historical illusions and fabrications! am
  5. avt
    29 July 2013 14: 38
    request Long-known things. This is a discovery only for the great-bouquers and banderlogs, and then only for that of their young overgrowth of kinship that does not know. And their ideologues, cunningly twisted, know this very well - otherwise they didn’t create a new Ukrainian history with such tenacity and did not drive adherents into the head. After all, they are no longer ancient Rus - ancient Ukrainians. laughing
    1. +4
      29 July 2013 15: 33
      Quote: avt
      Long-known things. This is a discovery only for the great-bouquers and banderlogs, and then only for that of their young overgrowth of kinship that does not know. And their ideologues, cunningly twisted, know this very well - otherwise they didn’t create a new Ukrainian history with such tenacity and did not drive adherents into the head. After all, they are no longer ancient Rus - ancient Ukrainians.

      It so happened request , as soon as Russia “happens” a historical period of problems and failures, “centrifugal processes” of Ukraine’s alienation immediately begin. And on the contrary, when Russia enters the peak of power, Ukraine comes “to warm up near Big Brother.” Our peoples have already gone through, and a repetition follows ...
  6. Nevsky
    29 July 2013 14: 43
    The tragedy of the Russian people in Berdyansk, South-East of Ukraine, all in one video, the population of 120 thousand people.

    In the video, the former mayor of the city and the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, a Russian man Valery Alekseevich Baranov , speaks at a rally dedicated to the day of the Ukrainian flag. Sheer fetishism. Speaks in Russian, in front of Russian-speaking residents. A unit that reminds about Ukraine: harem pants for boys, ribbons for girls, of course the flag of Ukraine, and the host of the event (the protocol obliges the Ukrainian language). Oh yes, if the residents go home and turn on the TVs, then the Ukrainian-language channels will remind you that they are in Ukraine and Ukrainians.

    P.S. Students and state employees took part in the mask, i.e. public sector workers.
    1. +2
      29 July 2013 15: 16
      Quote: Nevsky
      Oh yes, if the residents go home and turn on the TVs, then the Ukrainian-language channels will remind you that they are in Ukraine and Ukrainians.

      And not all residents of Ukraine watch Ukrainian-language channels, since the availability of satellite broadcasting and the Internet are becoming wider ...
    2. +4
      29 July 2013 16: 18
      The people follow the flag like at the funeral of their "beloved" mother-in-law
  7. +2
    29 July 2013 14: 48
    I don’t understand what the Bolsheviks have to do with it, they just didn’t get any attention to where or in Little Russia.
    1. -1
      29 July 2013 16: 36
      Quote: Pashhenko Nikolay
      I don’t understand what the Bolsheviks have to do with it, they just didn’t get any attention to where or in Little Russia.

      In truth, say that. In the USSR, all nationalities lived together. I want it to be like that again. So the author went too far with a bullet and a saber over the Bolsheviks, here our roads diverge. I support everything else.
      1. +2
        29 July 2013 21: 40
        The author may have gone too far.
        but you don’t overdo it.
        There is no need to paint a blissful picture of the USSR as a problem-free society. I do not like it when Soviet history is denigrated. But it is no less annoying when it is embellished. There were enough problems in the USSR, and nationalism was one of them. Including Ukrainian nationalism. He once served as an urgent in the SA, and came across manifestations of nationalism. And not only in the army I encountered. It is not true that there was no nationalism in the USSR. I have no doubt that many will readily minus me. Especially those who only went to kindergarten in the USSR, or know about it from their fathers and mothers. And I remember very well my Ukrainian fellow soldier, a resident of Kiev, who, being in the office at the headquarters, wrote to me how perfectly his "nenka" would heal if it separated from Russia, and that Russia lives only due to the fact that it is fed Ukraine. I didn't mind him. But I listened attentively and remembered everything. And I also remember an Odessa citizen who, apart from the Russian language, did not know anything else, but openly despised the natives of Russia and called them nothing more than "katsapi".
  8. +3
    29 July 2013 14: 52
    Little Russia - the ancient ancestral home of great Russia

    but here I am sorry I do not agree, this is not an ancestral home, but a part of Russia: Great Russia, Red Russia, Little Russia. And one more "Kievan Rus" is a term that appeared in the XNUMXth century, such a state did not exist.
  9. 0
    29 July 2013 15: 00
    Interesting. And I thought that this term appeared in the time of Catherine the Second. It meant the difference from the New Russia. That in the Ukraine did not enter the western lands, Galicia, etc.
  10. +2
    29 July 2013 15: 10
    Ukraine means at the edge. It is better to be Little Russia than the extreme, which is always to blame. It is a pity that because of someone’s black ambitions in the revolution and civil war, so many people died and many patriots of tsarist Russia were deprived of their homeland, the destinies of people were torn. Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians all came out of the same nest, that is, Kievan Rus, and as long as we quarrel, we need to unite. Yes
  11. burhan
    29 July 2013 15: 15
    Definitely, Little Russians!
  12. sashka
    29 July 2013 15: 16
    How interesting. It’s not even clear where to start .. Ukrainians weren’t initially. The question is closed ... Who and where did this crap come from or appeared. The main thing is to blame everything on the Russians ..
  13. Vlad_Mir
    29 July 2013 15: 23
    "Little Russia", Little Russia "are consonant with the word" Russia ", which speaks of the same roots and origins. For any Svidomo - this is an ideological failure! Who will allow that! Divide and rule is the main thing! Finding differences is the main task!
    1. sashka
      29 July 2013 15: 30
      Quote: Vlad_Mir
      For any Svidomo - this is an ideological failure!

      Yes ... In full. And Words are what interesting ..
  14. sashka
    29 July 2013 15: 40
    Maybe Amer development "". Great and Mighty ..
  15. sashka
    29 July 2013 15: 44
    I wonder why the word "" has become a dirty word .. "Moderators" prefer not to answer .. I wonder ..
  16. +2
    29 July 2013 15: 45
    If the last paragraph were cut out of the article, it would have turned out to be a glorious hymn to the great Russian people. And so the article "minus".
  17. DAOSS
    29 July 2013 15: 46
    You would first carefully read someone who writes this mud !!! Some kind of immigrant for a grant brings you all kinds of crap, but you give him the advantages !!!
    Another attempt to rewrite history for himself, and in order to add weight to his words, he devoted 5 paragraphs to his "great" ancestors !!! Fu! it was disgusting to read!
    With the same success, I can dash off the report that a historical error has occurred and according to historical research, it is precisely the current territory of Ukraine that should be called Russia, because Kievan Rus was born here, and the territory of present-day Russia should be called: Little Russia (Rostov, Voronezh, Volgograd), New Russia (Moscow, Novgorod), Severo-Russia (St. Petersburg, Murmansk), Zakudykygoryrossia (Urals), Chertigerossia (Far East), and so on, depending from desire, mood and the amount of money that I will be paid for such a HERESY!
    But that's not all, Pretending to be Mongol, I can paint that there is no Russia, and all this is primordially Mongolian territory! Or I will become a Turk and write a book about how the descendants of the Mongols took away the primordially Turkish land (Crimea and Tavria) where the Turks lived before the birth of Christ and there were no "whites" there and this territory was called Crimea-Tukrkodal, Tavria-Turduzmek.
    And the Crimean Tatars, on the basis of deep excavations, will prove that they are, in fact, the very first people on earth and the ark did not moor to Mount Ararat, but to Ai-Petri, which means that the whole modern world since the time of the Flood is a country of Tatars-Il-Bek-Stan .
    In general, as you know, you can write so much crap that nobody will figure it out and everyone will choose for himself which one is more advantageous to him and will dance from her.
    For reference: I was born in Donetsk, my mother is from Poltava, my father is from the Urals, but if someone calls me some kind of Little Russian, he will get it in my head!
    I am Ukrainian according to my passport, Russian by blood, but Soviet-style by spirit!
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            29 July 2013 17: 08
            Well, you and .... why do I need such "brothers" Slavs? The country has enough of its imbeciles ...
            1. +2
              29 July 2013 17: 17

              Well, as it so
  18. +2
    29 July 2013 15: 52
    Malorosy, Ukrainians, Russians - the roots are the same - we are Slavs!
    1. +2
      29 July 2013 16: 14
      Quote: ShadowCat
      Malorosy, Ukrainians, Russians - the roots are the same - we are Slavs

      Ukrainians claim that they are descendants of the Scythians, Sarmatians and Trypillians, they even have a special "Ukrainian gene"
  19. Mr. Truth
    29 July 2013 15: 54
    Little Russia is even better than something "At or on the edge of something."
  20. +6
    29 July 2013 15: 56

    Little Russia is part of great Russia. We are one people. Right Little Russia. Article plus.
  21. +6
    29 July 2013 16: 00
    In due time V. PIKUL's book "I HAVE HONOR" was published. From not for the first time I learned that in pre-revolutionary RUSSIA, the primary military rank was not assigned to an OFFICER, if he did not provide his pedigree to the seventh generation. Regardless of origin ... whether you are from the middle class or the nobility! They were gradually forced to be a patriot of a kind and state. And so it was until 1916, when the shortage of officers at the front became catastrophic ... Now they make of us "IVANOV, who do not know their kinship. Using the fact that I could send inquiries, in many ways I have restored my pedigree. My roots begin in Zaporozhye slash along both lines ... My ancestors were among the first Ukrainian Cossacks who came to the Kuban ... according to my passport I am Russian, in spirit I am an Orthodox Kuban Cossack ... And if there is anything in the blood of another, and then only a little - Serbian Surname - Ukrainian-Moldovan-Russian ... in all three languages ​​has the same meaning! So who am I ?!
    Yes, I just don’t want to rack my brains over this question ... the answer has long been found - I AM SLAVAN !!! Like Ukrainians and Russians, that is, Little Russians and Great Russians ... Belarusians (like my grandchildren now!). just sinning now, in an enlightened time, wondering ... who am I? It’s very bitter to understand ... to know ... that the capital of Russia was the glorious city of KIEV ... now the capital of Ukraine ... which often began to just front with RUSSIA!
    Surely the SLAVES HAVE NOT LEARNED HISTORY TO ANYTHING ?! Our strength is in unity, not in disconnection. It is not in vain that the WEST has vowed to do everything possible and impossible, but never to allow the unity of two kindred peoples ... In such cases, you always have to do the opposite ... vice versa.
    So let's do it ... to spite the enemies of the Slavic peoples!
  22. +3
    29 July 2013 16: 27
    Yes, good already. All the same - we will be together. Not during our lifetime, so with grandchildren Ukraine will embrace Russia and Belarus. Otherwise, it cannot be ... a generation with brainless democrats will leave and people will again think - "why are we divided?" I was afraid that twenty, twenty-five years after the separation and the Russian speech would not be heard in Ukraine and the attitude would be the same as we have towards the Poles. But no, young people born already in the Nezalezhnaya are drawn to Russia. Probably this is genetics. So everything will be fine. Stop swearing, it's all in our power
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. +2
    29 July 2013 17: 03
    All my service took place in the Far East and Transbaikalia. The westernmost city for me was Kazan (on a business trip). And by the will of fate, my elder was studying in Kharkov, the year before last being in Moscow (on Afghan affairs), I decided to go to Kharkov by train. Through Kursk, Belgorod, on the crossroads, so as not to lose time. As if to communicate with the people. And what he noticed, the farther away from Moscow the people are kinder or friendlier. Just like in Soviet times. No sidelong glances, hissing in the wake, name-calling, etc. I arrived in Kharkov and there’s no difference from Kursk, just a softer talk, but all the same. I thought it would be hard, but everyone speaks Russian, and all the signs are also in Russian. I didn’t notice any difference. True, my comrade Lviv political finished, said that there are other mores. Yes, and with me, in Termez, one lieutenant was from Lviv, and he was somehow intolerant of the Russians. I did not understand him. Panslavism in its reactionary form is, as it were, unnecessary, and the unity of the Soviet Slavs without any division, today, is simply an urgent necessity. As in that parable about a bunch of branches, you won’t break everything, but break it all one by one.
  25. -1
    29 July 2013 17: 05
    Please DO NOT call us malorosami .... even if it is your way. Our point of view is slightly different, and this is what the Russian living in Ukraine tells you. The author of the article - Yurkevich - is the Ukrainian surname? This is not even funny ....
    1. Avenger711
      29 July 2013 18: 20
      Nobody calls you Little Russians, because you are Galician. If you want, go to hell, but leave to Little and New Russia, which you won in general in the 18th century. The Poles will quickly show you your place.

      And do not talk about the names, you have in Galicia so generally judging by the names of the Japanese or the French live.
      1. +4
        29 July 2013 20: 52
        The level of communication and intelligence does not allow this user to go down to the answer. Excuse me.
        1. Avenger711
          30 July 2013 02: 41
          Nobody needs your answer here. Historically, no mentions of the mythical "Ukrainian people" are known in history, only little growers, simply h_o_kh_ly.
  26. +6
    29 July 2013 17: 19
    I had written in my passport in Soviet times - Ukrainian, and I calmly took this as the norm, but now ... I now think that I am MALOROS !!! Russian, I am from the outskirts of RUSSIA !!! I do not want to have at least something in common with the obscurantists of my small homeland !!! Although the facts are exaggerated in this article, he is still right. My ancestors, the Cossacks, no less than he did in the military field for Russia and considered themselves RUSSIAN in spirit and blood.
  27. 0
    29 July 2013 17: 52
    Quote: DAOSS
    Some kind of immigrant for a grant brings you all kinds of crap, but you give him the advantages !!!

    Our, as far as I know, grants are not paid. And mattresses for such an article, on the contrary, can lower all sabaks (although he wrote in Soviet times). Actually, I think that a person belongs to that nationality whom he considers himself to be, even if it is an artificial entity (with reference to Ukraine, it will become natural over time). It all depends on the purchased installations. I recall one story about the development of Siberia by the Cossacks. A detachment of Cossacks advanced into some kind of wilderness and donkey. Steel naturally marries local women (Mongoloid race). Over a generation, two offspring also had a Mongoloid appearance, but the main culture and language remained Russian, which they considered themselves to be Russian. And my conscience and language will not turn around to say something against such people. In our time of mixed marriages, this is especially true.
  28. 0
    29 July 2013 18: 05
    What grants? Please note that the article was written in 1952 year. Then the Ukrainian SSR was part of the USSR and no one could even imagine that Ukraine would be a separate state from Russia and Belarus ...
  29. +2
    29 July 2013 18: 09
    Russians - by nationality, Little Russians, and modern - Ukrainians - by place of residence (such as Novgorodians, Kuban, Pskov).
  30. +5
    29 July 2013 18: 26
    stop But what difference does Little Russia or Ukraine! This part of the territory of Europe was sold together with a people who would hoard themselves! A smart little top in a smirk kicks !!! Divide and rule! Let the lackeys bite, leash would pay taxes, but bribes! There is no money in the country! They are surrounded by the masters of life! I see all this and know firsthand when I come from Russia to the homeland of the wife of Crimea. People plow, if there is work, for 150 - 200 greens and consider this a high, (do not drag Kiev here)! And most importantly, the country has long split into two camps, but another thing is interesting: People everywhere are already very dissatisfied with the authorities - and this is serious! Especially the southeast, the Russian-speaking part of Ukraine, people just fucked up! And you’re all lousy about the bath! Nothing depends on the name of the country, that’s who steers - they need to ask questions and with partiality !!! And our people, Slavs !!! drinks
  31. Luna
    29 July 2013 19: 20
    Quote: seller trucks
    In August 2011, the State Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine awarded Vladimir Bilinsky, the author of the book “The Country of Moxel, or Muscovy”. A work on the history of Russia states that Ukrainians and Russians have different roots.

    So what? Bilin historian? No, he is an engineer, who got itch of a pysmenny in one place, because there is a hunt to eat, and you will not roam about retirement. Such urban madmen in Ukraine "I want to row a gati" and I will not reshape my brains to show all my bebiks my "fairy".
    Read how they crushed Kievan Rus when it came to Poland. Then even Orthodox priests went over to Uniate, but History put everything in its place.

    I often come across statements like yours and even more radical - when we join Ukraine, we will replace the Ukrainians (name) with young Russians and it will be all happy.
    This is a path to a certain part of the population of Ukraine (and not necessarily in Banderstat) who does not understand this action, which will become the first step to the latent resentment and mournful songs about "rottenness". Do we need it? Moreover, the root of evil is in another plane, and not in the name.
  32. -1
    29 July 2013 19: 23
    but I do not care Ukrainian or Little Russian. I am a native of Donetsk. Born in Makeevka, father's grandmother and grandfather — she dispossessed Greek from Starobeshevo, grandfather - Ukrainian from a remote village. another grandfather, from Belarus, by the way, from western, all his sisters went to church, and he, grandfather, a communist since 1933. Grandmother, his wife, Ryazan, also died with the Communist Party Party membership card at the age of 92. In 1910, my great-grandfather, Ivan Efimovich Parshkov, left Skopinsky county of the county of Ryazan province in the Donbass. I think all this is stupid and far-fetched.
    1. 0
      29 July 2013 19: 33
      Politics, her mother! There is nothing to be done! ... And Belarusian women are beautiful !!!
      1. +1
        29 July 2013 20: 22
        women are all beautiful, regardless of age and nationality or race. and what, yours or my mothers are old and ugly? albeit old, but my mother is the best, even though she is 76.
    2. Povit
      29 July 2013 21: 46
      but I don’t care, I am Ukrainian or Little Russian

      But the matter is not in the name. It’s buried deeper here. If we are all Russians, a logical question arises? Why the hell do you want to fence a garden, why are there three states for one nation? There are one people, one story, three states. And there are all sorts of tales about great ukrov and unworthy ugrofin who supposedly do not have the right to be called Russian. Here there is fuss and it is not at all harmless .
      1. 0
        7 August 2013 19: 46
        we understand this, and I don’t need to explain it. I am over 50. My daughter lives in Norilsk. the grandson is also in Norilsk. so what?
  33. +3
    29 July 2013 19: 37
    everything is right - Little Russia and Little Russians. Little Russia. This traces the fact that this is part of the great Russian people - Belarusians, Little Russians and Great Russians - all are triune Russian people. Therefore, everything according to Bismarck’s word is annihilated, the Russian word is etched from the heads of the Little Russians, a new story is planted, new heroes who are actually often antiheroes, get rid of parts of a single people, rely on young people who are duped. Our task is to maintain this unity at all costs, for this is the guarantee of our survival. They will kill us alone - only together we will be strong. We must be prepared in the territory of Little Russia for all kinds of provocations and skillfully resist them. And Great and Holy Russia will rise again.
  34. +3
    29 July 2013 19: 42
    malorosy ..... no matter the Slavs we all .... the terrible time has gone ... they are trying to quarrel, crush, drive a wedge between us ... God forbid that there is enough wisdom not to tell our peoples about all this honor
  35. heathen
    29 July 2013 21: 27
    From the very beginning, weak attempts were made to justify themselves, hiding behind great ancestors. And later, after reading to the end, everything became clear. Support a person who is an admirer of Vlasov
    And when the great war breaks out against the Bolsheviks, under the banners Russian Liberation Army all faithful sons of Russia will gather

    there is not the slightest desire.
    And for some reason it seems to me more and more that this little article is just a finely conceived destructive provocation, designed to push the foreheads of everyone who considers himself a Great Russian, Little Russian, and Ukrainian.
  36. 0
    29 July 2013 21: 28
    Who then were and what deeds became famous? Epic hero Ilia Muromets, the first chronicler Nestor, Grand Duke Yuri Dolgoruky, whose name is associated with the founding of Moscow and statesman Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin. And why do they all rest in the Kiev Lavra?
  37. +2
    29 July 2013 21: 39
    There are such concepts as Small and Great Homeland. I hope everyone understands. The same analogy with the concepts of Little and Great Russia.
  38. Invictus
    29 July 2013 23: 24
    I would like to clarify that the Rusyns (s) used to be the national ethnonym or self-name in Ukraine, and the term Little Russia (Little Russian) has a church-clerical origin, and the people did not call themselves that. The term Little Russia is a tracing-paper from the Greek Lesser and Great Greece. The very word Ukraine (in the annals of Oukraine) first appears in the pre-Mongol period in one of the annals in relation to the lands of the Pereyaslav principality. Ukrainians, this term appeared only in the 19th century, and even T. Shevchenko did not use it. The Great Russians themselves didn’t call themselves that, but preferred Russian. By the way, Rusyns live in Transcarpathia, who refused to be recorded by Ukrainians. Personally, I am against the term malorosa, but I would like the return of the ethnonym Rusyns, as our ancestors called themselves for more than 900 years. Do not believe me, go to the Parliamentary Library in Kiev and work with the primary sources. It makes no sense to change the name to Little Russia from Ukraine, since the word Ukraine itself is even ancient and, moreover, it is popular, but I would agree to Russia.
  39. 0
    29 July 2013 23: 36
    I alone noticed that the author is an adherent of the Russian Liberation Army. Toba ROA, which means Vlasov. And polemicizes in absentia with Ukrainians-Bandera-Petliurites-Hetmanians accusing them of separatism, although the same Banderaites were never part of Russia, and the Hetmans and Petliurists appeared when Russia was no longer there. So, the author is fighting with the separatists, and at that time Ukraine and Russia were in the same state, somehow strange.
  40. +5
    29 July 2013 23: 54
    Some kind of ZHIDOVSKY Woodpecker divided the SLAVIC Russia ... And we are fighting someone who and where ... OUR FORCE Unity ... BEAT THE JEANS SAVE RUSSIA !!!
  41. Avenger711
    30 July 2013 02: 42
    Please note that the text of the 17th century does not lie close to mov, but it is very similar to modern Russian.
  42. +3
    30 July 2013 04: 35
    A. Duma traveled to Russia in 1850, not a single Ukrainian, only Little Russia. Gogol has only a Cossack and Little Russian, even has a picture of a Little Russian woman in Ukrainian national clothes of 1830, in my opinion, Venetsianov ...
  43. +1
    30 July 2013 10: 02
    In the division of Slavic peoples, divisions by faith played an important role.
    The Ottoman Empire carried out the forced conversion to Islam of the conquered peoples in the Balkans. No less cruel was the conversion to the Catholic faith during the Austro-Hungarian expansion in the same Balkans.
    Slavic peoples were divided not only by state entities, but also by religious.
    The Ukrainian people did not bypass this problem: some Orthodox Christians split into the Moscow Patriarchate, and some into the independent Kiev Patriarchate. In western Ukraine, some profess Catholicism, and some secondary autocephalous, Greek Catholic and other church formations do not contribute to the national and religious integrity of the Ukrainian people . With the economy, too, not everything is just part of Ukraine sees itself in alliance with Russia, and part does not escape into Western civilization.
  44. +3
    30 July 2013 10: 32
    All Soviet life I did not understand the difference between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. So, administrative entities, but after the "sovereignization" of the USSR, what began to happen there causes, at least, bewilderment.

    Judging by the comments, adjusted for the intellectual level of the site, the understanding that WE ARE ONE PEOPLE, present (differences in the name are easily settled over a glass of tea). There is understanding, but results in the EU.

    The question is something else. Will the trappers surrender power in a "square" without a civil war? Somewhere in the discussions I met that in (on?) Ukraine there is no real uniting political force because people are simply destroyed using administrative and power resources. Those. Mazepa-Bendera use the methods of their founders.

    Political steps on the part of Russia are being taken (but! Nothing personal). No one ever told Ukraine - no. But, comrades, you yourself, and no one else, must take real action. This is YOUR cross, and carry it to YOU.
  45. +1
    30 July 2013 11: 24
    Well, it is clear that the division of the once united Russian people into three parts is a Zionist project. And they will try to divide us into the Urals, Siberians, Pomors, etc. We need to confront here, and reunite our country. soldier
  46. +1
    30 July 2013 11: 40
    Quote: FATEMOGAN
    Quote: Mitek
    I believe that we are the ONE people. Russia Ukraine Belarus. And everything else is from the evil one .. And all this division into different states is essentially artificial. And it is supported only by political elites and few nationalists .. but neither of them are clearly not friends with their heads.


    I completely agree with you, we are ONE, but the most divided people on the planet...

    The most divided people on the planet are Koreans ... Ah, well, even Judean children. But these are also the most united. Well, no need to click.
  47. +2
    30 July 2013 12: 18
    The first step towards unity will be the establishment of a PRO-RUSSIAN power in RUSSIA.
    1. pavlo007
      30 July 2013 16: 18
      Plus stop walking from !!!
      What kind of return of occupied Little Russia can be discussed when Great Russia itself was occupied by the Zionists.

      As for the terms Ukrainian and Maloros, everything is simple here - if you recognize yourself as Ukrainian, then this is nothing more than a statement of the fact that you betrayed your homeland, that’s all.
      The feeling of being a Ukrainian is not a nationality - it is a demonstration of a political position.

      PS Tell your friends, does anyone doubt that if Putin was at the time of the collapse of the country on the territory of the so-called. "Ukraine" and there he started a political career, now would he jump in trousers and shout "glory to the heroes"?
      We feel what is happening a little differently than Putin, Yanukovych, Tymoshenko. For us, this is the homeland, but for them it is nothing more than a business project.
  48. 0
    30 July 2013 15: 24
    Boris Yurkevich:"Yes, I am a Little Russian. I am the first Russian, the most ancient Russian ..."
    Yeah, the same eggs, only a side view.
    The article put a minus, since the author is essentially a latent nationalist and an ardent anti-Soviet, moreover, advocating the unity and brotherhood of peoples. This is a pathology, such "two by two" will never converge. Either he is not at ease, or - "cunning" very much, so much so that "he deceives himself and suffers through it."
  49. 0
    30 July 2013 16: 47
    My ancestors from the Principality of Galicia. Until the mid-90s, the family kept an old portrait (lost at 98m, during the time when the parents tried to take the apartment) of the ancestor in military armor. In troubled times, they mixed with the clan of a captured Polish officer, and from there a new branch went.
  50. So_o_tozh
    30 July 2013 17: 32
    Never and nowhere will not a single Ukrainian say that he is a little Russian or a crest, although as they say that a crest is a Ukrainian abroad. The word "maloros", regardless of what is being invented here, is unambiguously perceived negatively in Ukraine everywhere, because it sounds humiliating. Regarding history, now Ukraine is a separate independent state and it is time to put up with it, then that the territory has grown well, thank you comrade. Stalin and Khrushchev (our man). The realities of life are such that in Ukraine everyone wants to live like in Europe, because we are in the center of Europe and everyone sees how Europeans live, Russia is clearly not an example in this. For 20 years of independence, a new generation has grown up, which has the side that we used to live in one country. Yes, we live badly even in comparison with Russia, but these are our problems and we have to live with it. Is it strange how to read something over unite and live better immediately, that the Germanic peoples also unite France and Germany? Or has Austria become Little Germany? Or Maloprussia? We ourselves need to understand ourselves, to reconcile the East with the West in Ukraine, to become strong ourselves, and only then think about the union of equals, and not like in 1648. when Khmelnitsky united with Russia, and it turned out that they fell into bondage to the king.
    1. pavlo007
      31 July 2013 17: 24
      Guys, I don’t really have any complaints - give back what the Communists pinched from Russia (including Kiev) and go to hell at least.
      But so you want to set aside someone else's. You’re calling yourself trouble yourself - it’s a no-brainer that as soon as Russia gets on its feet, a military conflict over the return of Crimea and other things is inevitable. You understand, but Yatsk greed will probably lead you to snow removal work in Siberia in the future, then you’ll still be offended :)

      PS Regarding the grown cattle, I completely agree, but never mind - occupational therapy and work on the construction of fortifications on the border with China will be conducted with the dull.
  51. Stalinets
    31 July 2013 02: 46
    Little Russians!!!!! Yes
  52. 0
    April 12 2024 16: 27
    Непонятны претензии к большевикам: хотелось бы понять кого автор к ним относит !