Kinetic shells and rockets


The basis of modern ground forces is armored vehicles, presented tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, whose weight has already exceeded 70 tons, respectively (Abrams M1A2 SEP v2, Challenger-2, Merkava-Mk.4) and 40 tons (Puma, Namer). In this regard, overcoming the armor protection of these vehicles is a serious problem for anti-tank ammunition, which includes armor-piercing and cumulative shells, missiles and rocket-propelled grenades with kinetic and cumulative warheads, as well as striking elements with an attack nucleus.

Among them, the most effective are armor-piercing sub-caliber shells and rockets with a kinetic warhead. Possessing high armor penetration, they differ from other anti-tank ammunition with their high approach speed, low sensitivity to the effects of dynamic protection, relative independence of the guidance system weapons from natural / artificial noise and low cost. Moreover, these types of anti-tank ammunition can be guaranteed to overcome the active protection system of armored vehicles, which are becoming increasingly common as an advanced line of interception of striking elements.

Currently, only armor-piercing sabot shells are adopted. They are fired mainly from smooth-bore guns of small (30-57 mm), medium (76-125 mm) and large (140-152 mm) calibers. The projectile consists of a two-bearing master, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the barrel bore consisting of sections separated after departure from the barrel, and the striking element - an armor-piercing rod, in the nose of which a ballistic tip is installed, in the tail end - an aerodynamic stabilizer and a tracer charge.

Ceramics based on tungsten carbide (density 15,77 g / cc) and metal alloys based on uranium (density 19,04 g / cc) or tungsten (density 19,1 g / cc) are used as the material of the armor-piercing rod. The diameter of the armor-piercing rod ranges from mm 30 (obsolete models) to mm 20 (modern models). The higher the density of the material of the rod and the smaller the diameter, the greater the specific pressure the projectile exerts on the armor at its point of contact with the front end of the rod.

Metal rods have much greater bending strength than ceramic, which is very important when the projectile interacts with the shrapnel elements of active protection or throwing plates of dynamic protection. At the same time, the uranium alloy, despite its somewhat lower density, has an advantage over tungsten - the armor penetration rate of the first is more by 15-20 percent due to the ablative self-sharpening of the rod in the process of armor penetration, starting with the speed of the 1600 impact of m / s provided by modern cannon shots.

Kinetic shells and rockets

Tungsten alloy begins to show ablation self-sharpening, starting at a speed of 2000 m / s, which requires new ways to accelerate projectiles. At a lower speed, the front end of the rod flattens out, increasing the channel of penetration and reducing the depth of penetration of the rod into the armor.

Along with this advantage, the uranium alloy has one drawback - in the event of a nuclear conflict, neutron irradiation penetrating the tank induces secondary radiation in the uranium that affects the crew. Therefore, in the arsenal of armor-piercing shells, it is necessary to have models with rods made from both uranium and tungsten alloys, designed for two types of military operations.

Uranium and tungsten alloys also have pyrophore - the ignition of heated metal dust particles in the air after armor penetration, which is an additional damaging factor. This property is manifested in them, starting with the same speeds as the ablative self-sharpening. Another damaging factor is the dust of heavy metals, which has a negative biological effect on the crew of enemy tanks.

The leading device is made of aluminum alloy or carbon fiber, the ballistic tip and the aerodynamic stabilizer are made of steel. The master device serves to accelerate the projectile in the barrel bore, after which it is discarded, so its weight should be minimized by using composite materials instead of aluminum alloy. The aerodynamic stabilizer is exposed to heat from the powder gases formed during the combustion of the powder charge, which can affect the accuracy of fire, and therefore it is made of heat-resistant steel.

The armor penetration of kinetic projectiles and rockets is defined as the thickness of a plate of homogeneous steel, installed perpendicular to the axis of flight of the striking element, or at a certain angle. In the latter case, the reduced penetrability of the equivalent thickness of the plate is ahead of the penetrability of the plate, installed normal, due to large specific loads at the entrance and exit of the armor-piercing rod to / from the sloped armor.

When entering sloped armor, the projectile forms a characteristic roller above the penetration channel. The blades of the aerodynamic stabilizer, when destroyed, leave a characteristic “star” on the armor, by the number of rays of which it is possible to determine the belonging of the projectile (Russia has five rays). In the process of armor penetration, the rod is intensively grind down and significantly reduces its length. When leaving the armor, it elastically bends and changes its direction of movement.

A typical representative of the next-to-last generation of armor-piercing artillery ammunition is the Russian 125-mm snapshot of the second-round snapshot 3BM19, which includes the 4Ж63 sleeve with the main propelling charge and the 3BMXNNXX sleeve, which contains additional propellant charge and its own design and subdivisions of the design of the design of the original projectile and the 44BM3M sleeve containing the extra propelling charge of the projectile charge, and the 42BMXNNXX sleeve containing the extra propelling charge and the design of the projectile and the projectile of the projectile, which contains an additional projectile charge and its own design of the projectile, which contains an additional projectile charge and part of the design of the design of the design of the projectile and the 2BM46M cartridge containing the extra propelling charge of the projectile. Designed for use in gun 1А90МXNUMX and newer versions. Shot dimensions allow you to place it only in the modified versions of the automatic loading of tanks T-XNUMX.

The ceramic core of the projectile is made of tungsten carbide, placed in a steel protective case. The master device is made of carbon fiber. As the material of the sleeves (except for the steel pallet of the main propellant charge) used cardboard impregnated with trinitrotoluene. The length of the sleeve with the projectile is 740 mm, the length of the projectile 730 mm, the length of the armor-piercing rod 570 mm, diameter 22 mm. The weight of the shot is equal to 20,3 kg, sleeves with a projectile 10,7 kg, armor-piercing rod 4,75 kg. The initial velocity of the projectile is 1750 m / s, armor penetration at a distance of 2000 meters along the normal 650 mm of homogeneous steel.

The latest generation of Russian artillery The main propellant charge is fitted into the 125IX3 "Ozone-T" sleeve.

The dimensions of the new shells coincide with the dimensions of the Lekalo projectile. Their weight is increased to 5 kg due to the greater density of the material of the rod. For acceleration of heavy projectiles in the barrel, a more bulk main propelling charge is used, which limits the use of shots, including Lead-1 and Lead-2 shells, only with the new 2А82 cannon, which has an increased charging chamber. Armor penetration at a distance of 2000 meters along the normal can be estimated respectively as 700 and 800 mm of homogeneous steel.

Unfortunately, the Lekalo, Lead-1 and Lead-2 projectiles have a significant structural disadvantage in the form of centering screws located along the perimeter of the bearing surfaces of the driving devices (visible in the figure are the projections on the front bearing surface and points on the surface of the sleeve ). The centering screws are used to stably projectile in the barrel, but their heads have a destructive effect on the surface of the channel. In foreign designs of the last generation, precision screw rings are used instead of screws, which five times reduces barrel wear when fired by an armor-piercing sabot projectile.

The previous generation of foreign armor-piercing piercing shells is represented by the German DM63, which is part of the unitary shot to the standard 120-mm smooth-bore NATO gun. The armor-piercing rod is made of tungsten alloy. The weight of the shot is equal to 21,4 kg, the weight of the projectile 8,35 kg, the weight of the armor-piercing rod 5 kg. The length of the shot is 982 mm, the length of the projectile 745 mm, the length of the core 570 mm, diameter 22 mm. When firing a gun with a barrel length in 55 calibers, the initial speed is 1730 m / s, the speed drop on the flight path is stated at the level of 55 m / s for every 1000 meters. The armor penetration at a distance of 2000 meters is normally estimated to be 700 mm of homogeneous steel.

The latest generation of foreign armor-piercing piercing shells refers to the American M829-X3, which is also part of the unitary shot for the standard 120-mm smooth-bore NATO gun. Unlike the D63 projectile, the M829А3 projectile armor-piercing rod is made of uranium alloy. The weight of the shot is equal to 22,3 kg, the weight of the projectile 10 kg, the weight of the armor-piercing rod 6 kg. The length of the shot is 982 mm, the length of the projectile 924 mm, the length of the core 800 mm. When firing a cannon with a barrel length 55 caliber, the initial speed is 1640 m / s, the speed drop is declared at the level of 59,5 m / s for every 1000 meters. The armor penetration at a distance of 2000 meters is estimated at 850 mm of homogeneous steel.

When comparing the latest generation Russian and American subcaliber shells, equipped with uranium alloy armor-piercing cores, one can see a difference in the level of armor penetration, largely due to the degree of lengthening of their attack elements - 26-multiple at the core of the Lead-2 projectile and 37-multiple at the rod projectile M829A3. In the latter case, a quarter is provided with a large unit load at the point of contact between the bar and armor. In general, the dependence of the value of armor piercing projectiles on the speed, weight and elongation of their striking elements is presented in the following diagram.

An obstacle to an increase in the degree of lengthening of the striking element and, consequently, the armor penetration of Russian projectiles is the automatic loader device, first implemented in 1964 in the Soviet T-64 tank and repeated in all subsequent models of domestic tanks, which provides for horizontal projectiles may exceed the internal width of the shell, equal to two meters. Taking into account the diameter of the liner of Russian projectiles, their length is limited to the value of 740 mm, which is 182 mm less than the length of American projectiles.

In order to achieve parity with the cannon armament of a potential enemy for our tank building, the priority task for the future is the transition to unitary shots located vertically in the automatic loader, whose shells have a length of at least 924 mm.

Other ways to increase the effectiveness of traditional armor-piercing shells without increasing the caliber of the guns have practically exhausted themselves due to restrictions on the pressure in the barrel charging chamber developed during the combustion of the powder charge, due to the strength of the weapon steel. During the transition to a larger caliber, the dimensions of the shots become comparable to the width of the tank hull, forcing the projectiles to be placed in the aft niche of the tower of increased dimensions and a low degree of protection. For comparison, the photo shows a shot of caliber 140 mm and a length of 1485 mm next to the layout of the shot caliber 120 mm and a length of 982 mm.

In this regard, in the USA, the MRM-KE active-rocket projectiles with kinetic warhead and the cumulative warhead MRM-KE have been developed in the USA as part of the MRM program (Mid Range Munition). They are fitted into the sleeve of a standard 120-mm cannon shot with a propellant charge of gunpowder. In the caliber shell shells are located radar homing head (GOS), the striking element (armor-piercing rod or shaped charge), impulse trajectory correction engines, booster rocket engine and tail unit. The weight of one projectile is 18 kg, the weight of the armor-piercing rod 3,7 kg. The initial speed at the level of the muzzle is 1100 m / s, after the completion of the work of the booster engine, it increases to 1650 m / s.

Even more impressive figures were achieved in the framework of the creation of the anti-tank kinetic rocket CKEM (Compact Kinetic Energy Missile), whose length is equal to 1500 mm, weight 45 kg. The rocket is launched from the transport and launch container using a powder charge, after which the rocket is accelerated by an accelerating solid-fuel engine to a speed of almost 2000 m / s (Mach 6,5) in 0,5 seconds. The subsequent ballistic flight of the rocket is carried out under the control of the radar homing and aerodynamic control surfaces with stabilization in the air with the help of tail tails. The minimum effective firing range is 400 meters. The kinetic energy of the striking element - the armor-piercing rod at the end of the jet acceleration reaches 10 mJ.

During tests of MRM-KE projectiles and CKEM missiles, the main drawback of their design was revealed - unlike sub-caliber armor-piercing projectiles with a detachable master, inertia flight of attack elements of a caliber projectile and a kinetic rocket is assembled with a large cross section and increased aerodynamic resistance, which causes a significant drop in speed on the trajectory and a decrease in the effective firing range. In addition, the radar homing, pulse correction engines and aerodynamic control surfaces have low weight perfection, which makes it necessary to reduce the weight of the armor-piercing rod, which negatively affects its penetrability.

The way out of this situation is seen in the transition to separation in flight of the caliber shell of the projectile / rocket and armor-piercing rod after the completion of the rocket engine, by analogy with the separation of the master and the armor-piercing rod, which are part of the sabot projectiles, after their departure from the barrel. Separation can be done using expelling powder charge, triggered at the end of the upper stage of flight. The reduced GOS should be located directly in the ballistic tip of the rod, while the flight vector control must be implemented on new principles.

This technical problem was solved in the framework of the BLAM (Barrel Launched Adaptive Munition) project to create small-caliber guided artillery shells, made in the Auburn Adaptive Aerostructures Laboratory of the AAL Adaptive Aerostructures Laboratory of the United States Air Force. The aim of the project was to create a compact homing system, combining in one volume a target detector, a controlled aerodynamic surface and its drive.

The developers decided to change the direction of flight by deflecting the projectile to a small angle. At a supersonic speed, deviations in fractions of a degree are enough to create a force capable of executing a control action. The technical solution was proposed to be simple - the ballistic tip of the projectile rests on a spherical surface, which plays the role of a spherical support; several piezoceramic rods arranged in a circle at an angle to the longitudinal axis are used to drive the tip. Changing its length depending on the supplied voltage, the rods deflect the tip of the projectile at the desired angle and with the desired frequency.

The calculations determined the strength requirements for the control system:
- acceleration acceleration to 20 000 g;
- acceleration on the trajectory to 5,000 g;
- projectile speed up to 5000 m / s;
- tip deflection angle to 0,12 degrees;
- the drive response frequency up to 200 Hz;
- drive power 0,028 watts.

Recent advances in the miniaturization of infrared radiation sensors, laser accelerometers, computational processors, and lithium-ion power sources that are resistant to high accelerations (such as electronic devices of guided projectiles — the American Excalibur and the Russian Krasnopol ”) make it possible to create and Adoption of kinetic shells and missiles with an initial flight speed of more than two kilometers per second, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of anti-tank combat ripasov, and will eliminate the use of uranium as a part of their submunitions.
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  1. -1
    29 July 2013 09: 17
    Not bad, but I won’t put a plus - for advertising at the beginning of the article.
    1. +10
      29 July 2013 09: 57
      And I'll put it. If you are talking about this:

      "Today you can successfully sell your World of Tanks account,"

      then the advertisement was automatically added by the site and the author of the article has nothing to do with it.
      1. 0
        29 July 2013 10: 34
        In other articles, I did not find a single advertisement in a similar place, accordingly I considered it to be an advertisement of the author.
      2. +1
        29 July 2013 18: 41
        Quote: Straus_zloy
        the author of the article has nothing to do with it.

        The author or "automaton" does not matter. WOT on the rights of advertising can "stick" at least somewhere.
        The developers decided to change the direction of flight by deflecting the projectile to a small angle. At a supersonic speed, deviations in fractions of a degree are enough to create a force capable of executing a control action. The technical solution was proposed to be simple - the ballistic tip of the projectile rests on a spherical surface, which plays the role of a spherical support; several piezoceramic rods arranged in a circle at an angle to the longitudinal axis are used to drive the tip. Changing its length depending on the supplied voltage, the rods deflect the tip of the projectile at the desired angle and with the desired frequency.
        in the period up to 2020, the creation and adoption of kinetic shells and missiles with an initial flight speed of more than two kilometers per second, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of anti-tank ammunition, as well as eliminate the use of uranium as part of their striking elements.
        At such a speed, a similar steering wheel will be able to change how efficiently the trajectory in the range of cm see or maybe METR?
        Doubtful pleasure at "short" distances.
        1. Andreas
          29 July 2013 19: 43
          The maximum response frequency of the control tip is 200 times per second. Those. at a distance of 2000 meters, he will be able to deflect the end point of the projectile at a distance of about 10 meters, at a distance of 200 meters - 1 meter, etc.

          The BLAM guided tip was created by the Air Force program primarily for use with 20-30 mm aircraft cannon shells. It was not adopted because of its large length (about 100 mm) relative to the length of these shells. But in the case of scrap with a length of 800 mm and a diameter of 20 mm, such a tip will fit just right.
  2. +6
    29 July 2013 10: 14
    You cannot stop flying scrap. Everything ingenious is simple.
  3. Vlad_Mir
    29 July 2013 10: 40
    An interesting article, understandable even to an unprepared reader!
  4. +1
    29 July 2013 11: 00
    Excellent thank you.
  5. Constantine
    29 July 2013 11: 06
    Informative. thank hi
  6. 0
    29 July 2013 11: 36
    Interesting. Along with crew training, mobility, rate of fire and guidance systems, much depends on the shot. But typos about smooth-bore from 30 to 152 mm, about the length of the shot on 10 mm more than the length of the projectile are unpleasant.
  7. +2
    29 July 2013 14: 10
    And that the uranium rod has only 1 drawback?))) Iraqi mutant children and irradiated tankers would dispute this moment bully
    1. Andreas
      29 July 2013 14: 52
      There are at least two disadvantages:
      - induced secondary radiation upon exposure to neutrons from a nuclear explosion;
      - chemical toxicity to the body by inhalation of uranium dust (heavy metal after all).

      The third drawback is the native radioactive radiation of depleted uranium, which is 99,99 percent of the non-radioactive isotope U-238, which is equal to radioactive radiation, for example, natural granite, which also contains the radioactive isotope U-235 in small amounts.

      A radiation dose can be obtained only for at least 250 consecutive hours holding all 5 kg scrap from an alloy of uranium (98,5%) and titanium (1,5%) next to it. And the inhaled uranium dust after breaking through the armor weighs several grams, i.e. radiation dose can be accumulated in 250000 hours, i.e. 10416 days or 28 years, in other words - to retirement. After that, cancers (with a probability of 50 percent) of cancer of the internal organs.

      Although in the course of intense hostilities you can become a member of several penetrations with crowbars of your tank’s armor and swallow multiple times more uranium dust, thereby reducing this period to 14 years, 7 years, 3,5 years and so on.

      By the way, the layout of the "Armata" in comparison with the "Abrams" and "Leopard-2" more than threefold reduces the risk of inhaling uranium dust after breaking through the armor - the entire crew in the new Russian tank is located in the hull, where, according to the latest statistics, only 23 percent of hits shells.
      1. 0
        29 July 2013 18: 37
        Quote: Andreas
        By the way, the layout of the "Armata" in comparison with the "Abrams" and "Leopard-2" more than threefold reduces the risk of inhaling uranium dust after breaking through the armor - the entire crew in the new Russian tank is located in the hull, where, according to the latest statistics, only 23 percent of hits shells.

        This is for now.
        Then this place can become the main one.
  8. +4
    29 July 2013 14: 57
    And why not just come up with something to soak a person!
    1. Andreas
      29 July 2013 15: 17
      Depleted uranium is used because of its relative cheapness - over 70 years of the nuclear arms race and the operation of nuclear power plants in the USA and Russia, it has accumulated in the amount of several hundred thousand tons in the form of waste from the enrichment of natural uranium (by extracting the radioactive isotope U-235).

      And its analogue - tungsten - still needs to be mined and smelted, which is an order of magnitude more expensive than just taking depleted uranium from the storage and smelting scrap for shells from it.

      Everything will change when switching to higher-speed BPSs with an initial speed of at least 2500 m / s, when the tungsten starts to self-sharpen (as well as the uranium alloy at 1750 m / s). Tungsten in the form of single crystals will be used more favorably due to its increased efficiency when breaking through armor, even taking into account the higher price.

      In this case, chemical toxicity to humans by inhalation of dust of heavy metal (uranium or tungsten) will be fully preserved am
      1. M. Peter
        29 July 2013 18: 00
        Quote: Andreas
        Everything will change when switching to higher-speed BPSs with an initial speed of at least 2500 m / s, when the tungsten starts to self-sharpen (as well as the uranium alloy at 1750 m / s). Tungsten in the form of single crystals will become more profitable due to its increased efficiency when breaking through the armor, even taking into account the higher price. Moreover, the chemical toxicity to humans by inhalation of heavy metal dust (uranium or tungsten) will be completely preserved

        Here you read and the impression is coming together that we are all humane, we don’t want people to poison us with uranium, although we still want to destroy it. smile
        1. Alex mall
          4 September 2013 08: 44
          Yes, spears with swords, whatever one may say, are cheaper and not so unhealthy :) At least uranium dust is not swallowed, it will pierce all business smile
      2. 0
        29 July 2013 18: 28
        Quote: Andreas
        Everything will change when switching to higher-speed BPSs with an initial speed of at least 2500 m / s, when the tungsten starts to self-sharpen (as well as the uranium alloy at 1750 m / s). Tungsten in the form of single crystals will be used more favorably due to its increased efficiency when breaking through armor, even taking into account the higher price.

        In this case, chemical toxicity to humans by inhalation of dust of heavy metal (uranium or tungsten) will be fully preserved am

        Why wait ?!
        Why not apply the Israelis' notion of programmable deformation of depleted uranium scrap?
        Put on tungsten caps, put them on top of each other on the tip of the "scrap" by diffuse welding - here you have "self-sharpening" at lower speeds.
        1. Andreas
          29 July 2013 18: 52
          In the process of overcoming the active, dynamic and armor protection of the tank, the striking element of the BPS - "scrap" experiences bending loads from shrapnel, thrown plates, when entering / exiting from homogeneous armor or from each of the reflective screens of composite armor. In this setting, a welded type-set structure will by definition be less durable than a cast or pressed by powder metallurgy method.

          In addition, the scrap is intensively grinded off in the process of breaking through the armor; at its maximum thickness, a "stub" of less than half of the original length emerges into the armor space. Therefore, the uranium part, self-sharpening at the achieved speeds, will still be more than half the length of the scrap.
    2. Alex mall
      4 September 2013 08: 40
      Well, that's right, it is true. It would be better to think how to improve and ennoble a person’s life in every way. But, unfortunately, a person by nature is a beast with two legs and thinks more about destroying his own kind than about peace and prosperity.
  9. 0
    29 July 2013 14: 59
    Well, what the hell was it to shove WoT ads into an article?
    1. Andreas
      29 July 2013 15: 22
      Advertising is the prerogative of the administration of the portal
  10. +1
    29 July 2013 15: 26
    The topic is interesting. Especially interesting about the steering tip. But just what will happen to him before hitting the target? armor-piercing rod will have to pierce it (tip) and only then the armor?
    1. Andreas
      29 July 2013 16: 32
      When it gets into the tank, everything that does not belong to the armor-piercing rod — a ballistic or guided tip, an aerodynamic stabilizer — is destroyed into small fragments, thrown to the sides and is not an additional obstacle for the rod.
      For the American M823A3 BPS, the total length of these "parasitic" (at the time of contact with the armor) elements is 124 mm with the length of the rod itself being 800 mm.
    2. +1
      29 July 2013 18: 22
      Quote: bazilio
      The topic is interesting. Especially interesting about the steering tip. But just what will happen to him before hitting the target? armor-piercing rod will have to pierce it (tip) and only then the armor?

      New reincarnation of the tip (cap) of Makarov.
  11. 0
    29 July 2013 18: 32
    Something CKEM rockets remind me of ???
    Baaa ... Yes, it's almost our latest generation anti-aircraft missiles!
    Well in kind! How alive!
    It’s also a powerful booster block, and then they fly like crowbars with rudders.
    Yes, and in hypersound.
  12. 0
    29 July 2013 19: 54
    expensive projectile succeed. this is no longer a premium price tag, but an ultra-precise and expensive missile. Usa draws a denshka, and we earn, we don’t pull the shell, and yet we also need to learn how to shoot them.
    1. Prohor
      29 July 2013 20: 41
      Pumping oil and gas out of a hole in the ground is no less profitable than drawing dollars. The thing is the ability and desire of the state to collect taxes, spend them for the good of the country and look a little further than their nose.
      I have a feeling that just a little more, another two or three years - and we will be left behind forever.
      1. Alex mall
        4 September 2013 08: 54
        Our state has neither the skill nor the desire. There is only an indestructible thirst to get drunk, financially, in the sense, while you are sitting at the post, ugh, you rejoice for the benefit of yourself, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And look at the Fatherland and look beyond the nose. For their century and century of children and grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren, enough is enough for them. The backlog is very big, everything is true and if something else is fixable in the very near future.
  13. Shumer
    29 July 2013 20: 38
    Hmm, it symbolically turns out - our distant ancestors fought with arrows, darts, spears, etc. - and here we are again back to this, only arrows from uranium, tungsten, ceramics ...
  14. vim3
    30 July 2013 15: 42
    Good article, expertly written and "quite accessible to the common mind of a person."
  15. 0
    30 July 2013 16: 54
    It’s pinned that the characteristics of “Lead-1 / -2” coincide with the German DM63! good Well, at least here, the "bicycle" is not invented !! hi
  16. +1
    9 August 2013 18: 46
    Good article! Two pluses! If the author still gave a small addition on promising ammunition for such a 152mm smoothbore gun and added information on tests of the BOPS on the LMW it would be excellent! (If he had information on these issues)
    1. +1
      9 August 2013 18: 52
      Quote: alexpro66
      promising ammunition for such a 152mm smoothbore gun and would have supplemented with information on tests of BOPS on the iron ore

      Why are you embarrassed? You have information, enlighten visitors to VO.
  17. 0
    25 August 2013 13: 19
  18. 0
    April 6 2016 08: 40
    An ammunition of a new design of kinetic action has been developed.
    The main advantages of the proposed armor-piercing projectile is that:
    - Constant readiness for a shot without carrying out any scheduled maintenance
    - Possibility of long-term storage of the projectile without losing its combat qualities
    - The striking factors of this projectile are particles of armor, scattering in all directions in the tower space. After penetration of armor, fine dust particles are formed, which ignite and serve as an additional damaging factor.
    - Also, after breaking through the armor, heavy metal dust enters the airways of the tank crew and causes additional damaging effects.
    - An armor-piercing kinetic projectile has a high flying speed, is independent of artificial and natural interference, is insensitive to the action of dynamic protection and has a low cost.
    - They are guaranteed to overcome the system of active protection of armored vehicles.
    - Easy to manufacture in mass production
    An armor-piercing projectile is a consumable and its price is negligible compared to ATGMs or air defense missiles.
    One of the main goals in the war is to inflict irreparable military damage and significant economic damage to the enemy. Figuratively speaking, we are destroying military equipment worth several million dollars with an armor-piercing shell worth three copecks.
    When firing from a tank gun or artillery system with an armor-piercing projectile, enemy tanks are guaranteed to be destroyed at a visual observation distance, that is, up to 30 000 m, in the case of firing from a hill to 40 000 m.No army of the world has such cartridges and such a projectile.
    When firing from a tank gun or artillery with an armor-piercing projectile, at an angle of elevation of the barrel 45 0, the range of the armor-piercing projectile will be 250 - 300 kilometers, while the altitude of the armor-piercing projectile will be 30 000 - 40 000 meters, while it’s flying across the entire track the speed of the projectile does not change, and even at maximum distance it is able to hit armored vehicles.
    When firing armor-piercing shells at aerial targets, it is possible to destroy aircraft at altitudes up to 40 000 m.
    At this altitude, it is now possible to destroy air targets only with air defense missiles. It is clear that the cost of an air defense missile is much more expensive than an armor-piercing projectile.
    When using an armor-piercing projectile in the Navy when they hit the connection of the ships of the Navy with armor-piercing shells at an aircraft carrier, they will turn it within a few minutes into a flaming torch.
    More details can be found:
    Pastukhov Evgeny Grigoryevich