Russians are coming! Russia through the eyes of foreign authors


“They occupied his mind and pacifist ideas, and he diligently
read the magazine "Massis" and Leo Tolstoy ".
Francis Scott Fitzgerald "On This Side of Paradise."

On the cinema screens - the fantastic action movie "Pacific Rim". The plot will not retell - it is fairly standard and comes down to the fact that a strong, kind, muscular American again saves the world from alien monsters. But there is a very remarkable detail in the film - a couple of Russian super warriors, more precisely a brother and sister - Alexey and Sasha Kaydanovsky. It immediately becomes clear that the author of the script is well acquainted with the “Stalker”, where one of the roles is played by Alexander Kaidanovsky. Our compatriots are beauties, a man with an indispensable, I would say, a textbook beard. And in one of the dialogs, a meaningful phrase sounds: "Russians can get everything." It was not at all about some trivial clothes or even food, but, actually, a nuclear bomb.

So, Russia and the Russian theme on the screen, in literature, in memoirs. What does an average, more or less educated American know about our country? Or, say, a European? Dostoevsky - Dyagilev - Gagarin. "War and Peace", "Swan Lake", "Solaris". And yet - the myths about the rescued princess Anastasia, the bloody horror stories about Comrade Stalin and the legends associated with Siberia. What is most surprising and frightening foreigner? First of all, space. Even from the point of view of a resident of the USA, accustomed to his cowboy prairies, the “Russian field” is something unimaginable. And a resident of a small, cozy doll Europe is completely scared, especially in winter. In the memoirs of Catherine the Great there are lines dedicated to the first impression of the endless Russian road: "We all drove and drove along the snowy plain."

Russia is sometimes perceived as a world of enchanting luxury and boundless, most often wild, untrodden roads. In this regard, recall the French computer game 'Syberia', which takes place on the territory of semi-fantastic Russia. We are confronted with the civilization of steam engines, mechanical dolls, old “merchant” taverns, wrought vignettes of the Modernist style that have survived to this day ... Life seemed to freeze at the turn of the century, and we plunge into a certain fantasy, mythological world. Although the name of the half-abandoned mining town - Komsomolsk - tells us that even the socialist industry was once in this land ... The perception of the Russian world, like fairy tales, like legends, is an old story. Most of the memoirists, describing Muscovy, the Russian Empire or, say, the Soviet Union, were amazed at the beauty and splendor of palace decorations (or, alternatively, Stalin's skyscrapers), as well as the desire of the Russian people to dress “in people” in their very best attire.

Russians are coming! Russia through the eyes of foreign authors

Here, for example, the collection "Foreigners about ancient Moscow." We read what the Europeans of the XVI-XVII centuries thought and saw as Muscovites. The Dutch merchant Isaac Massa, who was fortunate enough to see the confluence of the smart people at the entrance of the Danish duke to Moscow, wrote: “A huge crowd of people represented a wonderful spectacle. Almost all were dressed in gold brocade and multicolored silks. All the streets of Moscow were filled with people dressed in festive clothes; there were many women in the crowd, adorned with pearls and hung with precious stones. ” On this red and gold background, the high-ranking guest dress was more than modest: "His (Duke-Avt.) Dress was made of sleek black velvet and the same raincoat lined with gold and pearls." While the black velvet fashion was dictated by the Spanish court, in Russia nobody was in the business before! Unprecedented luxury, the possession of fantastic wealth, which is not and can not be among the European kings, impressed the guests of the capital. The German Heinrich Staden, describing the ceremonial vestments, limited himself to a brief comment: "... in diamonds and gold."

“The luxury of furniture and costumes was striking in its strangeness: the view was amazing,” adventurer and traveler Giacomo Casanova left such a comment about Catherine’s Petersburg. The Italian guest was struck in Russia by the combination of oriental luxury with Versailles chic, and the impassable street dirt and bumpy roads with the glitter of precious parquet floors. Catherine Casanova was first seen at one of the usual balls, where, according to the Italian, up to ... six thousand people were invited (even the most luxurious events at the French court had never been so crowded). Marquis Astolphe de Custine, who visited Nicholas Russia in 1839, subsequently wrote: “The Russian people are sensitive to everything beautiful: their customs, furniture, utensils, outfits, appearance — everything is picturesque ...”. In de Custine's book, we again find a description of fabulous riches, which, however, “border on the Russians with the inability to live,” with servility and humiliation before the tsar-father. The modeller Elsa Schiaparelli, who was famous in 1930, visited the Soviet Union in the pre-war years, wrote that Russians are Oriental people and therefore look ridiculous in European attire, and the Kremlin looks like fabulous palaces and does not look like “Louis XIV style” at all. However, she added that everyone, from young to old, is addicted to parachuting. If we analyze all the statements of foreigners about Russia, it turns out to be a rather monotonous picture - a mixture of envy, mistrust, admiration and fear.

Speaking of fashion designers. The great couturier Paul Poiret, who is considered to be the ancestor of modern fashion, considered Russian culture to be one of the most amazing and mysterious. He brought samples of folk costumes and embroideries from his voyage across Russia to use them for his creations. Monsieur Paul was fascinated by the works of Lev Bakst and Dygilev's ballet. The so-called "eastern line" appeared in Puare after the triumph of Shakherazada by Mikhail Fokin. He was interested in Russia and another genius of Parisian couture - Yves Saint Laurent, who created the Russian Seasons collection in 1976 year, where high fox hats, so popular later in ... USSR, first appeared. Remember the cap of the protagonist in the film "Irony of Fate"? And, of course, in this collection there was no shortage of red boots, colorful scarves and gold embroidery. Russia is strongly associated with luxury. Gianni Versace, who made costumes for Maurice Béjart's ballet “Leningrad Souvenir”, created a remarkable and typical image of a girl doll. High kokoshnik, bright shawl, and at the same time - the wide crinoline of the XIX century. So, Russia is a fairy tale, luxury, a combination of Western fashions with Oriental motifs and - traditionalism, sustainability, striving for immutability.

When drawing the image of a Russian person, a Western writer or, say, the author of the script, most often relies on myth-making. The English Virginia Woolf in the novel “Orlando” describes the love of her hero and Russian mistress, who arrived with the father-diplomat for the coronation of James I. The girl's name is amazing, as is the situation: “Marusya Stanilovsk Dagmar Natasha Liana from the Romanov family”, which for brevity For some reason they call ... Sasha. So, we have London at the beginning of the 17th century. A passion for the Muscovite is possible only against the background of a cruel frost and bitter cold, which England has not yet known. Russia = Winter. And again we see high caps, incalculable, inconceivable wealth, a mixture of forest wildness and aristocratic grace in the spirit of Natasha Rostov. The writer, without knowing Russia at all, habitually confused those fairy tales and symbols that she knew well from books or from gossip. She endows the Moscow noblewoman with strange skills: “Sasha did not like to talk about her former life, and then she told how she heard a distant wolf’s howl in Russia in winter and showed how it sounds.” Russia is a country of revived, more precisely, never-dying fairy tales.

Cinematographers are not far behind either. What film can we take, everywhere we will meet furs, bears, magnificently furnished ballet, hussar mentics and Cossack caps - in memory of the 1812 year, winter, loving empress in wide fizhmah and powdered wig. Gold, boyars, Chekhov, cosmodrome. And, of course, vodka. Interestingly, in the West, Catherine II is well known and loved, but at the same time, for them she is no more than a collective image of the “Russian Tsarina”. If we analyze all the screenshots dedicated to her, then we can see that in this figure there is sometimes a lot of Elizaveta Petrovna (spontaneity, disorder, passion for night feasts and libations). This is a kind of generalized-approximate zarina, luxurious, slutty and at the same time - like a man recklessly brave. The story of Mother Catherine through the eyes of a foreign author is always a love story on the verge of a foul, on the verge of decency. No wonder, in one of the publications, the famous song of the group 'Boney-M' - 'Rasputin' turned out to be dedicated to ... Catherine the Great's lover. Western music critic, without going into historical details and other "little things of everyday life", attributed Gregory Rasputin to the gallant century. However, quite recently, at the exhibition “Catherine II and Frederick II in Cinema,” the Russian sightseer seriously asked: “What, Rasputin was Catherine's lover?” What really makes fun of Hollywood?

In this regard, an interesting old film "Eagle" with the participation of the brightest silent film star - Rudolph Valentino. This is a free version of Pushkin's “Dubrovsky”, where the main character wears Circassian, not forgetting, however, about the dress coat. So, one of the actors in the picture is a certain queen, zarina. By the grip - a cross between Elizabeth and Catherine, she wears a military uniform, but in combination with a long skirt (referring to Catherine's uniform dresses). At the same time, the action of the picture takes place exactly in the Pushkin era, that is, historically - in the time of Alexander I or Nicholas I. But since Russia is a fantasy space, the zarina in the film is invented, fabulous. Like, for example, the king in Cinderella or the king Saltan.

What else is popular? The novel by Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" - one of the most sought-after scenes in the history of cinema. In terms of the number of movie incarnations (around 30), it can be compared to it, perhaps, Hamlet or, say, The Three Musketeers. Over the years, Anna Karenina was played by leading actresses - Greta Garbo, Vivien Leigh, Sophie Marceau, Jacqueline Bisset, Keira Knightley. Of course, the world shown in all these pictures is very far from the reality described by Leo Tolstoy, and the deep philosophy of the novel easily and without loss for the western audience is reduced to a personal tragedy of the main character. The last film adaptation - with Keira Knightley - does look like a gorgeous theatrical production, where the scene is even more conditional than even some Middle-earth or, for example, Narnia.

An interesting and paradoxical film adaptation of “Eugene Onegin” with Rafe Fiennes. It looks like a regular costume project, while, as always, illiterate. So, not satisfied with the annoying, familiar “Kalinka-raspberries”, the authors include in the narration ... the Soviet song “Oh, viburnum blooms” - Tatiana and Olga Larina sing it as a salon romance. But at the same time, the filmmakers unfold in front of us is not at all fabulously mythical, but a realistic, European world, as if it were a screen version of the novels of Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte. And Onegin is not here "like a dandy", but a real dandy. Not an imitator, what were the Russian bar-anglomany, but the real carrier of dendist habits and ideas about life.

Let us now recall the plots of the Third Reich films devoted to the “Russian theme”. So, the Kreutzer Sonata and the Station Warden (beards, vodka and hussar mentik, of course, have a place) were made on the Goebbels studio of UFA. The film Favorite of the Empress, devoted, by the way, to Elizaveta Petrovna, was very popular, and the biographical tape “This delightful ball night ...” was timed to coincide with the centenary of the birth of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The meaning of all these films is to show that a person with a delicate soul and significant talents is doomed to torment in the Slavic, Russian world. This is precisely related to the teachings of Alfred Rosenberg about the “Nordic component,” as the engine of progress in the sciences and arts. Therefore, the role of suffering Tchaikovsky was played by the reference German handsome Hans Shtyuve. At one time, as part of the Moscow-Berlin exposition of 1996, many articles in German were published on the Nazi perception of Russian culture. For example, the German journalist gave a description of the theatrical productions of Chekhov's plays, carried out in the Nazi period. Thus, the central actor of the play “The Three Sisters” was the “Aryan” Baron Tuzenbach, who is literally killed by the “Slavic chaos” represented by the staff captain Salty.

During the Cold War, many iconic paintings were created about the confrontation between cruel, empty-headed, violent homo-sovieticuses and bright, pure, boldly patriotic Americans. It was straightforward, slogan propaganda, and it simply does not have the right to exquisite shades and subtle nuances. The inhabitants of the United States were systematically taught to hate and fear the "reds" - wild demi-humans waving banners and a nuclear bomb. So, the Soviet boxer Ivan Drago in "Rocky IV" is a mixture of cruel, soulless Robot with a poster Komsomol member.

Blond, powerful, merciless, with a steel look, looking to the Bright Future, superman Drago, nevertheless, loses in the ring to the “simple American guy.” The Soviet boxer performed by Dolph Lundgren is solid, stupidly aggressive and looks like a programmed killer car, and therefore doomed to failure. The creators wanted to show that the Russian, socialist world is the same colossus with feet of clay, like Drago. Aggression - a lot, meaning - a little. The perestroika “thaw” and the rapprochement of America with the USSR reflected in the created cinema images. A positive handsome man appeared immediately - policeman Ivan Danko from the “Red Heat” ...

However, shot at the end of 1990-x, “Armageddon” shows us a drunk, overgrown ... cosmonaut Lev Andropov in a characteristic hat with earflaps and in a stale t-shirt with a red star. He does not at all look like a proud conqueror of star spaces. Before us, rather, the image of not sober plumber, who manages all his onboard equipment with wrenches and weighty fist. Well, it was a kind of Hollywood reaction to collective self-abasement, adopted in Yeltsin Russia.

... Of course, demanding a thorough knowledge of Russian culture and Soviet realities from American and French filmmakers, or, say, from English writers, would not be entirely correct. Yes, every nation has its own vision and its own myths - sometimes we also think that all Americans put their feet on the table, and the Germans inflate with beer and pick "Sweet Augustine." And the fact that the brother and sister Kaydanovsky look like typical Hollywood supermen in the blockbuster “Pacific Frontier” cannot but rejoice — after all, not the monsters, from whom again the world must be saved and the not drunken drunkards controlling the rocket under vodka stoparik. Depict supermen, it means respect. Or again afraid?
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  1. +44
    26 July 2013 16: 04
    Furs, bears, caviar. This is all that the Americans have never owned - that’s the image of Russia - the image of envy.
    Well, what does their cinema do with its people? I don't associate Americans with supermen, because this mass of people is always saved by one or two heroes without a clan or tribe. And who are they saving? They are plump and pig-like consumers, choking on popcorn with shouts of "Oh, my God!" Well, they have something to be proud of hi
    1. S_mirnov
      26 July 2013 17: 18
      You should not be overjoyed that the Hollywood films mentioned the Russians in a positive light (how positive is the fact that the Russians serve under the command of an American black colonel). Russian mercenaries under the American command in my opinion is no reason to be proud.
      Yes, and this is rather an exception, we were simply written off from the category of possible opponents. But in all Hollywood films, any policeman knows - about a year to take the atomic bomb - but of course in the Russian Federation or Ukraine, where after the collapse of the USSR you can buy anything. This creates the idea that the Russians cannot control their nuclear weapons and that they need to take nuclear weapons from them before they sell everything to Benladen.
      Recently I watched a film about Russian submariners with David Dukhovny (I didn’t remember the name), so the Russians are sailing on an ancient diesel submarine with a nuclear missile, led by the old captain of the epileptic who is constantly jamming whiskey, and even remained in the Navy thanks to the blat, after some flight with victims.
      The pride of our country should be a strong army and navy led by determined patriots, a developed industry, research institutes and institutes with learned nuggets, and healthy, educated youth. That's what you should be proud of, not American blockbusters!
      And there are talented scientists, here is an example
      the Americans are just introducing the Shkodin engine, and in our country it’s unnecessary!
      Here's a domestic sniper:
      only the army buys bourgeois farts. (however, maybe something has already changed since the video was published, who knows, tell me)
      1. +15
        26 July 2013 20: 11
        This is how Americans see us (disgusting deceitful video) Since the end of World 2, they have always cultivated in their citizens the thought of the Russian threat, that we are uncontrollable animals, capable of nothing. The main dogma of American politicians is America, the navel of the earth, doing only noble and good things, and Russian - pigs capable of only vile attack, drunk .....
        1. +5
          27 July 2013 10: 53
          You need to watch the correct version and there will be no butthert!
          The film "The Ghosts of Tom Clancy's Alpha Males".
      2. +3
        27 July 2013 14: 46
        Quote: S_mirnov
        Russian mercenaries under the American command in my opinion is no reason to be proud.

        You didn’t understand what you were watching. The film specifically says that before the trouble, all countries united and created giant robots that defended their country. But then a common decision was made on the barrier and all the giant robots were reduced to one unit in Singapore. Because the film is made in the USA, the American manages the robot division, it would be naive to see Russian or Chinese in the leadership there. And now with regards to the crews. Russia, Australia, China and the united Japan-USA, all large countries washed by the Pacific Ocean are presented in a positive light. Full international, so to speak, what reproaches to Guillermo del Toro may be? Incidentally, he was a Mexican and could push the Mexican crew into the plot, but he did not. And the movie is great.
        1. Samminosh
          27 July 2013 20: 00
          The Russians are sitting on the largest and most obsolete robot, after which they traditionally die. As always.

          But there is clearly no reason to be proud.
    2. +18
      26 July 2013 17: 32
      Well, these dumb Americans! For so many years and even centuries (!) It’s not possible to understand who such a Russian is! Well, they are stupid ...
      1. +11
        26 July 2013 18: 44
        Quote: Apologet.Ru
        Well, these dumb Americans! For so many years and even centuries (!) It’s not possible to understand who such a Russian is! Well, they are stupid ..

        Mikhail Zadornov definitely agrees with you!
      2. +3
        26 July 2013 20: 29
        Quote: Apologet.Ru
        Well, these dumb Americans! For so many years and even centuries (!) It’s not possible to understand who such a Russian is! Well they are dumb

        The idea of ​​Russians in America is formed by hollywood, and as a rule, authors are very distant (from all Russian) people.
        It is very rare to meet a real understanding foreigner, usually all the victims
        propaganda discovering the Russian people.
        1. +5
          26 July 2013 21: 14
          Quote: APASUS
          As a rule, authors are very distant (from all Russian) people.

          And the image is created by migrants - losers - they could not rise either in Russia, but in the USA they became "second-class people." Here are fairy tales.

          Quote: APASUS
          forms hollywood

          You know, when the film "War of the Worlds Z" was released, I decided to read the book of the same name, on which this film is based. In this, if I may say so, "work" - all good and fluffy, but Russian ... If you don't want to ruin your mood - do not read. It's disgusting - such tales were not invented even in the Cold War.
          1. +1
            27 July 2013 01: 34
            However, judging by the book, Russian brains were enough to crush zombies with tanks, and not like the Yankees ... the shells ran out and they dump the namps.
      3. S_mirnov
        26 July 2013 21: 18
        "Well, these Americans are stupid!" - unfortunately I cannot agree. For it was the Americans who were able to destroy the USSR, and not vice versa. recourse
        The one before laughing at the Americans is to look around and scratch your turnips! To ask, for example, the question of why energy carriers are in our country, and America consumes 50% of the world's energy? Why is our economy tied to the dollar? Why are the economic reforms carried out in our country written in English?
        1. +3
          27 July 2013 08: 40
          As one politician put it, "America can only be destroyed by the Americans themselves." Russia was lowered not by the Americans, but by Russian politicians who are greedy for dollars and crap, when you can not hide your covetousness, but, on the contrary, be proud. The Americans themselves did not expect such an outcome from us, but the Gorbo-Yeltsyds could do what Hitler could not. Only after smelling and tasting their chocolate, we were able to understand that our Soviet ice cream and our chocolate are the best in the world, and learn that the advertised miracle of Western machines breaks down just like ours. Well, as for the economic reforms written in "English", Peter also carried out reforms in the "Hoglandic manner".
          1. +2
            27 July 2013 09: 11
            Quote: shasherin_pavel
            Russia was not lowered by the Americans, but by Russian politicians, greedy for dollars, and crap democrats, when you can not hide your extortion, but rather be proud of it.

            So let's not blame everything on the Russians, otherwise, as a victory in the Great Patriotic War - so all the nations won, as the collapse of the union - so the Russians are to blame, are there many Russians among the "Russian" oligarchs?
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. 0
      27 July 2013 08: 56
      "One or two heroes without clan and tribe." Indeed, in the same "Rocky" - Italian Silyvestre.
  2. +12
    26 July 2013 16: 04
    Russians are coming!!! Pampers soon !!! Late ... Damn and come on fig Vanka? Now you can’t save the cologne ... wassat
    1. +3
      26 July 2013 18: 44
      Now you can’t save the cologne ...

      Not cologne, a colleague, but petroleum jelly Yes ...
      1. 755962
        26 July 2013 19: 45
        Russians are coming!!!

        let them fear the unpredictable Russian Ivan ...

        And reckless and even worse ..
    2. +10
      26 July 2013 20: 02
      Quote: seasoned
      Russians are coming!!!

      This will be the first phrase in Russian that they hear .... laughing
      1. +8
        26 July 2013 20: 11
        But what will happen after vodka and balalaika
        1. +7
          26 July 2013 20: 22
          And in general, as it is somehow fuller and shorter wink
          1. +2
            26 July 2013 21: 19
            Quote: Tersky
            And in general, as it is somehow fuller and shorter

            Tersky! I saw a scanned document with a friend.
            On the Soviet uniform is a map of the Earth.
            On the map in place of the United States - the strait to them. Stalin. Explanation of the author - "planned geographical changes when using ... (some kind of device)". I will finish with a pen - "Agreed"
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +8
              26 July 2013 21: 39
              demotivator. just demotivator. sorry ...
  3. +7
    26 July 2013 16: 04
    Represented by supermen, then respected. Or are they afraid again?

    And now, in my opinion, they are standing at a fork in the road - either to be afraid, or to respect.
    But it seems so far more afraid. Well, it's your own fault.
    1. +20
      26 July 2013 17: 37
      Of all the countries of the world, P. Indostan openly admits his opponent as an equal and is truly afraid and hates only one country - Russia ...

      1. Jin
        26 July 2013 18: 46
        Quote: Apologet.Ru
        Of all the countries of the world, P. Indostan openly admits his opponent as an equal and is truly afraid and hates only one country - Russia ...

        + But * shit on what they recognize and what not. The point is that they do not want to compare with this. We are a great nation, with a long history and traditions. They are a rabble mix with God forbid 200 with a small summer history ... Such an alignment is gobbling them, it’s gobbling
      2. +4
        26 July 2013 19: 15
        One such video will "open the eyes" of Indos about the "mysterious Russian soul" more than all Hollywood "Russian" video fairy tales ...
        1. rolik
          26 July 2013 22: 40
          Quote: Apologet.Ru
          One such video will "open the eyes" of Indos about the "mysterious Russian soul" more than all Hollywood "Russian" video fairy tales ...

          It is useless for them to reveal anything, there is a clinic. You just need to stop paying attention to them and their minions, and go your own way. Let them yap.
    2. 101
      27 July 2013 00: 05
      I’ll tell you the terrible truth Nobody is afraid of us Before, they were afraid Now they look with contempt and wonder why they were afraid We were an undeserving respect for the USSR for the Americans, it seemed to us a serious opponent, and after we were blown away it is not clear to them why they clatter with us That's the truth
      1. +2
        27 July 2013 00: 12
        Quote: 101
        I’ll tell you the terrible truth Nobody is afraid of us Before, they were afraid Now they look with contempt and wonder why they were afraid We were an undeserving respect for the USSR for the Americans, it seemed to us a serious opponent, and after we were blown away it is not clear to them why they clatter with us That's the truth

        Russia is still respected only because they are afraid. And they are afraid because there is still something to be afraid of. First of all, they are afraid that it is impossible to count us on modern supercomputers ...
        1. 101
          27 July 2013 19: 38
          That’s what’s the strength, then the hero’s, however
  4. +4
    26 July 2013 16: 05
    And also, we have bears walking the streets!
    And Lev Andropov in a T-shirt with a red star and a cap with earflaps, bust ...
    1. avt
      26 July 2013 16: 18
      Quote: krez-74
      And also, we have bears walking the streets!

      Quote: orff
      Furs, bears, caviar

      And the balalaika ?! I ask, where is the balalaika ?! laughing
      1. +3
        26 July 2013 16: 20
        what Most importantly forgot ... Balalaika!
      2. Jin
        26 July 2013 16: 44
        And here they are our Russian folk balalaika winked Let's "trick" if faq drinks
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +3
          26 July 2013 17: 17
          And the samovar from which we drink vodka every day? They also forgot about the samovar with vodka. drinks
          1. Dober
            26 July 2013 20: 17
            Quote: Canep
            And the samovar from which we drink vodka every day?

            And boots? Why no one talks about boots, which we don’t take off at all. Only sometimes we change to bast shoes. But this is rare - in Russia there are always snowdrifts everywhere. laughing
            1. +5
              26 July 2013 20: 33
              Quote: Dober
              Quote: Canep
              And the samovar from which we drink vodka every day?

              And boots? Why no one talks about boots, which we don’t take off at all. Only sometimes we change to bast shoes. But this is rare - in Russia there are always snowdrifts everywhere. laughing

              Come on about felt boots, before leaving in the promised in severe frosts I always went in felt boots, I was given them at work, great shoes
            2. POBEDA
              27 July 2013 14: 51
              Well, boots? Is there at least one normal person who does not have felt boots in the country? That's right, boots are a great thing in the country or in the village! Get out on the frost in a quick way? And you get into boots for 2 seconds, and HEAT !!!! And then in 2 seconds you get out. Very comfortably!

              And put the samovar in the summer in the fresh air! Drink tea from the heart with apple jam on the open veranda so that the rain passes, the lilac blossoms and the birds chirp ... Beauty!

              And you say a hamburger with Coca-Cola .... some nonsense.
              1. POBEDA
                27 July 2013 15: 01
                For some reason, it did not stick immediately
          2. +5
            26 July 2013 21: 21
            Quote: Canep
            from which we drink vodka every day?

            We do not just drink it from a samovar - at first we put frozen vodka in the form of bars of ice into it, drown and drink :)
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. Jin
          26 July 2013 18: 01
          The standard Central Russian instrument - a balalaika is shorter ...
          1. +1
            26 July 2013 18: 07
            Quote: Jin
            Standard Central Russian instrument

            Two monitors, two cartridges - the third in case of misfire, two barrels what What due to the fact that the picture is not inserted, I decided to shoot computers laughing
            1. Jin
              26 July 2013 18: 14
              Something like that laughing

              Two in Monica, control in the system ...
      3. stroporez
        26 July 2013 17: 28
        yes yes .......... balalaika theme --- not disclosed wassat
        1. 755962
          26 July 2013 20: 04
          Quote: stroporez
          balalaika theme
      4. 755962
        26 July 2013 20: 02
        Quote: avt
        And the balalaika ?! I ask, where is the balalaika ?!

        There she is from the back next to the barrel of vodka)))
    2. +2
      26 July 2013 16: 27
      Quote: krez-74
      And also, we have bears walking the streets!
      And Lev Andropov in a T-shirt with a red star and a cap with earflaps, bust ...

      Cupid hi
      And in the film, by the way, our guy rescued these greenhouse heroes more than once.
      I also remember there was in the 90s the film "The Russians"; it seems that there our sailor (if I remember everything) thrown ashore, and hiding from the "wild" Americans, is found by a couple of Yankovsky teenagers. They meet, feed him hot dogs, generally give him bread and circuses, we like it. I forgot the ending, but I remember exactly that our evil commissars returned for the prodigal sheep, and as a result, as a result of getting rid of the blinders, he did not want to return.
      In general, they showed us clogged and driven. The same can be said about almost all the films. Either clogged and driven, or stupid and rude. The choice is not great.
      Represented by supermen, then respected. Or are they afraid again?

      Fear ? So respected.
      1. +3
        26 July 2013 16: 43
        They are afraid of us, since we are as unpredictable for them as aliens from outer space! They don’t know us ... And how to know us if we do not know ourselves!
        1. +3
          26 July 2013 18: 17
          Hello Cupid!
          How can you know yourself if you still don’t know how to play the balalaika! Shame and disgrace! I still haven’t come to me in St. Petersburg to drink vodka from a samovar. Shame! In general, we do not correspond well to the ideas of the Americans about us.
          1. 0
            27 July 2013 14: 04
            belay This is my omission! God willing, I will be corrected!
        2. +5
          26 July 2013 18: 26
          Quote: krez-74
          They are afraid of us, since we are as unpredictable for them as aliens from outer space! They don’t know us ... And how to know us if we do not know ourselves!

          Solidarity good
    3. Arrogant
      26 July 2013 16: 55
      Bears will always be our symbol)))
    4. 0
      27 July 2013 15: 11
      Quote: krez-74
      And also, we have bears walking the streets!

      And they steal vodka!
  5. +14
    26 July 2013 16: 06
    For me, it’s better "a mixture of a cruel, soulless robot with a poster Komsomol member" than a glamorous gayropean or a fat, stupid Amer.
  6. Fedych
    26 July 2013 16: 20
    Their opinions about us imposed by their media are similar to ours, the so-called patriotic media. Both there and back, there are many beautiful, but naive people. They are used by Komomnyaki Westerners, both mutually, primitively and in consumer terms. Neither the Russian-Russian people, nor the American authorities of their countries ever asked anything, but used them as manure and biofuel for their mutually utopian programs. V.V. Putin - for the first time in many decades, trying to break into the mass and moronic consciousness of the crowd with thought, meaning, arrangement. But nobody accepts it in Russia either, as an act of urging for real action in its own semantic, working, spiritual, intelligent, socio-political bureaucratic place. Well? - talk about others!
  7. gura
    26 July 2013 16: 22
    From Minsk. Earlier, in the USSR, the phrase was popular - "They are afraid, then they respect!" It seems to me that now, at the political level, another principle operates - they do not respect, but they are afraid. They do not respect - in some countries, city dwellers, at the commune level, make decisions not to sell property to Russians. After all, as a rule, not the most law-abiding people emigrate to the West. Friends from Atlanta, who have lived there for 24 years, say via Skype that in conversations the so-called. ordinary Americans, there were unfriendly notes. Especially after Boston. They don't care about Chechnya, for them everything is Rasha. And they are afraid because of the unpredictability of the Kremlin. Although, why should they be afraid? Relatives of the Russian leadership, (including the Duma, the Senate), starting from the districts, and stolen money for a long time in the "damned" West, rotting, as we were taught! There are 100 thousand Russians in London, mostly corrupt officials! And the mayor of London is strenuously inviting new ones through the media. Where is the Russian Stabilization Fund? So, they have nothing to fear.
  8. +1
    26 July 2013 16: 22
    Yeah .. here they are brainwashed there (in the West) .. Zadornov is right .. !!!
    1. 101
      27 July 2013 00: 13
      Okay, at least Zadornov talks about America to some. There is nowhere else for the poor to know. Laughter and only If there is no way to go yourself, read about America other than Zadornov.
  9. +3
    26 July 2013 16: 28
    The very phenomenon of the emergence of the image of "Superman" in American society suggests that this society lacks passionate and strong personalities promoting the order of things.
    In the words of the hero Al Pacino (film "The Smell of a Woman"): "You will stand in a long, gray line of American men for Central American happiness."
    The society that they built rejects them. But, and strives at the same time, in fantasies.
    Compensatory reaction.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +2
    26 July 2013 16: 34
    Represented by supermen, then respected. Or are they afraid again?

    I believe that they cannot respect. Something was hammered into their brains. They are afraid, they are afraid.
    And we need their fears to be in our hands!
  12. +1
    26 July 2013 16: 39
    Of course, to demand from American and French filmmakers or, say, from English writers a thorough knowledge of Russian culture and Soviet realities would not be entirely correct.

    And it would be necessary !!!
  13. Natalia
    26 July 2013 16: 42
    Drawing the image of a Russian person, a Western writer or, say, the author of the script, most often relies on myth-making.

    They use not myth making they are cunning. They all know how we look, how people live with us ... we have been visiting each other for a long time. It’s just that they made us Western in our films the way we are, because we will turn out much better than them, that's why they paint: a bear on the Red Square with a balalaika under the Christmas tree drinks vodka (yes, they plowed, they’re just tired of it).
    In general, I prefer to watch our films, they cling to the soul. How to create a good movie and not spend billions of dollars, ask people like Alexey Balabanov about it ....
    1. Jin
      26 July 2013 16: 54
      Quote: Natalia
      Natalia (1)

      How to attach a photo, colleague? I click on the link to add from the computer, but in the end only the text ...
      1. Natalia
        26 July 2013 17: 54
        Quote: Jin
        How to attach a photo, colleague? I click on the link to add from the computer, but in the end only the text ...

        Click [reply], eight icons appear above the text, click on the fourth [picture], [Insert a link to an image or select an image from a computer] appears, select select from a computer, and then where you need to take a picture from there and take it .)
        1. +1
          26 July 2013 17: 57
          Quote: Jin

          How to attach a photo, colleague

          Eugene, yes, you will switch to chrome or run the computer settings recovery program. Maybe some kind of failure
        2. Jin
          26 July 2013 18: 53
          Quote: Natalia
          Click [reply], eight icons appear above the text, click on the fourth [picture], [Insert a link to an image or select an image from a computer] appears, select select from a computer, and then where you need to take a picture from there and take it .)

          Thank you, I realized this ... But I had to figure out a bit in the Browsers, but you can see the chrome, here it’s use, it explains the glitches with the site ...

          Master Yoda love
    2. Hon
      26 July 2013 17: 20
      Quote: Natalia
      How to create a good movie and not spend billions of dollars, ask people like Alexey Balabanov about it ....

      Have you seen the "GRUZ-200"?
      1. Natalia
        26 July 2013 17: 56
        Quote: Hon
        Have you seen the "GRUZ-200"?

        I watched it, an extremely tough and frank film ... but it does not change the essence.
      2. +4
        26 July 2013 18: 03
        Not a movie, but a slop. A rare thing. With this film, Balabanov killed himself as a director. IMHO.
        1. Natalia
          26 July 2013 18: 56
          Quote: Rattenfanger
          Not a movie, but a slop. A rare thing. With this film, Balabanov killed himself as a director. IMHO.

          You are too impressionable.
          1. +3
            26 July 2013 20: 39
            Not at all. I just do not have various perversions.
    3. serge
      26 July 2013 22: 42
      Unfortunately, Balabanova will not be asked about anything ...
  14. +2
    26 July 2013 16: 42
    Russians associate with them
    And all sorts of sausage emigrants are very fond of watering our homeland with feces.
    Threat Ivan Drago Delivers)))
  15. +1
    26 July 2013 16: 43
    In my opinion, the image of the Russians created by the Hollywood propaganda will not disappear from the head of the western inhabitant for a long time. And the current policy of these countries says that the other one will not be much better either.
  16. +1
    26 July 2013 16: 48
    Quote: Ivan79
    Represented by supermen, then respected. Or are they afraid again?

    I believe that they cannot respect. Something was hammered into their brains. They are afraid, they are afraid.
    And we need their fears to be in our hands!

    This is what we use .. A consumer society has been created there .. There is no flight of soul and scope there.
  17. Jin
    26 July 2013 16: 52
    Why are photos not attached ??? Did the guys not run into such nonsense?
  18. pa_nik
    26 July 2013 16: 54
    Quote: gura
    And they are afraid, because of the unpredictability of the Kremlin.

    And who is there to be afraid of !? request This is the Kremlin "twist-twirl-deceive I want" the whole world and everyone! And only America - wow !!! Stands on the edge of democratic values! God forbid the Kremlin will lead itself "so not democratically". It will be ay-yay. And with human rights they have no harmony and dabble with chem-bio labs around their country. Everything!! We got it. Where are our plans of sixty years ago and later ones to curb this Russia !!! We are pulling matches - who to once again throw to break through the vast expanses of this "dense" country. Maybe it will turn out better than the hitler with the French and all those who came before them !? And Russia stands for itself, is not afraid ... Still, these people are strange in this inexplicable country ...
  19. +3
    26 July 2013 16: 55
    We are the richest Russians in the world.
    Most of the world's population never had, or even saw, woolen and fur winter clothes, skates, skis, ice slides, ice rinks in yards, etc.
    In most houses in Europe, America, Australia, Asia there is no heating, at best the rich have fireplaces and electric furnaces, and in our most miserable hut there is a stove.
    This poor brotherhood envies us, fears and hates us.
    1. gura
      26 July 2013 17: 28
      You would at least hint a little that a joke. And then they might think that they envy the wretched huts with a stove! Especially the impoverished brethren in Scandinavia! Almost a pole - but there’s no clothes!
      1. Htuek
        26 July 2013 22: 00
        And tell us about a rich fraternity. Cheto as problems with gas in the winter. So for them it is an emergency, but for us they only swear. And in what western country is there central heating?
      2. 0
        27 July 2013 13: 07
        Quote: gura
        You would at least hint a little that a joke. And then they might think that they envy the wretched huts with a stove! Especially the impoverished brethren in Scandinavia! Almost a pole - but there’s no clothes!

        There is some truth in every joke.
        Russia is incomprehensible to outsiders, they are not able to understand how we managed not only to survive in an almost cosmic climate, but also to create the greatest self-sufficient civilization in the world, based not on the robbery of colonies, but on the results of our own work.
        No people in the world have ever reached such heights of spirit as the Russian.
        What can the West counterpose to us, cunning, meanness, treachery, vile secret intrigues, backstabs.
        All these current contenders for world domination will not have the courage even for one Russian infantry platoon.
        I caught myself thinking that I would not want to be the target of a Russian tank attack, and even if I had the whole battalion with support units with me, we would not be a serious obstacle for these fast-moving armored monsters with red stars. And it was not at all the firepower of the Russian combat vehicles ... I saw through the binoculars the faces of the Russian tankers sitting on the towers of their tanks: in these faces there was absolute confidence that any enemy would be defeated. And this is stronger than any caliber.http: //
    2. +1
      27 July 2013 09: 00
      Around Australia in a bear fur coat, it's only Defoe's Robinson Crusoe walked in fur on the equator, well at least he didn't have a stove in his house. Although it must be said about England, the inhabitants of the mistress of the seas preferred to sleep under huge feather beds, than to heat the house at night, even at the end of the 20th century. Fireplaces were burned only during the day, as coal is very expensive. But with the advice, in every yard they built a hockey rink for the winter, what it was, now we live (I almost wrote "RICH", but there is the root of the word "God") greedier ... but we do not build free ice rinks. One person told me, in 1978, that in Brazil, children go to football for free, and they have the first places in the stands.
      1. 0
        27 July 2013 17: 52
        Quote: shasherin_pavel
        Across Australia, in a fur coat from a bear, it was only Defoe Robinson Crusoe who walked on the equator in the skin, it was good even though he did not have a stove in the house

        Actually, I was ironic over our media, which are trying to fit our lives into the lives of the inhabitants of warm countries.
        The elephant and the polar bear cannot change their places of residence, and if they do, the elephant will become wooly and the polar bear will become bald so as not to die.
        Change the climate of southern and western countries to Russian and they will also spend half of the income on heating residential and industrial premises, on clothes for the cold seasons, on snow removal, on protecting the foundations and foundations of roads from freezing, and their entire high standard of living will be instantly covered.
  20. +7
    26 July 2013 16: 56
    After reading I recall M.Yu. Lermontova (Hero of our time), “Hadji Murad” L.N. Tolstoy ... Not one of the Western authors wrote so with RESPECT about the enemy.
    The West, especially now, simply cannot live without the image of the enemy. First Slavophobia, then Russophobia ... But not without exception - the MAIN positive Russian hero - E.B.N, who unleashed a war in the Caucasus and shot the Parliament from tanks. These are their criteria.
    PS The Soviet film adaptation of works about Sherlock Holmes is still the best in world cinema.
  21. 0
    26 July 2013 17: 02
    The article is somehow one-sided. As if we, apart from clothes, have nothing more to "visit" them soldier
  22. Jin
    26 July 2013 17: 05
    Thank you for prompting me to do without you ...
  23. Jin
    26 July 2013 17: 20
    Damn there is who from the admins ???? Why is it difficult to tell what for such a glitch? "Select from computer / upload / add" and figs there! What a glitch ??? The photo is not attached ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      26 July 2013 17: 23
      Quote: Jin
      Select from the computer / download / add "and figs there! What a glitch ??? The photo is not attached ..

      All fasten, as you see, there may be problems on your part
      1. Jin
        26 July 2013 17: 30
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        All fasten, as you see, there may be problems on your part

        Sash, damn it, how is mine? I follow the link: Add a file from a computer, it loads, appears in a comment, I write a text, I press "Add", and a comment without a photo. I've already reduced the file size ... by the way, this is not the first time this garbage. Firefox browser, but I don't think I'm here alone under it what
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          26 July 2013 17: 33
          Clean cookies, it can help if you don’t switch to chrome. I’m going out of chrome now. There have been no complaints so far. request
          1. Jin
            26 July 2013 17: 36
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Clean cookies

            With this order, everything is clean, I follow the computer as if I were following the barrel (that is, I follow it well) ... right now I'll try to go under the chrome, x / z, damn it, what the hell, breaks off ... sad
            1. 0
              26 July 2013 17: 41
              Try to insert the video or reload it on the video
              1. Jin
                26 July 2013 17: 58
                I walked in all in "chrome" like this, right now I'll try to blacken it.
              2. Jin
                26 July 2013 17: 59
                Oops! Stopped throwing ... In short, in, under the chrome and nothing more ...
                1. 0
                  26 July 2013 18: 01
                  Quote: Jin
                  Oops! Stop throwing ..

                  Well, goodies, post your picture wink
                  1. Jin
                    26 July 2013 18: 12
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    Well, goodies, post your picture

                    Posted above ... Russian balalaika) Our answer to Chamberlain, Mlyn laughing hedgehog faq
                    1. 0
                      26 July 2013 18: 14
                      Quote: Jin

                      Posted above there

                      Saw laughing
                      1. Jin
                        26 July 2013 18: 23
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov

                        smile drinks
              3. Jin
                26 July 2013 18: 02
                Quote: Jin
                Try to insert the video or reload it on the video

                Everything works, under the chrome. ATP, the matter of firefox was ...
              4. The comment was deleted.
            2. Dober
              26 July 2013 18: 14
              Here, from the "Red Fox" came out.
              Check your browser for these or similar cookies. They absolutely MUST NOT be there !!! (Circled) Browse - Google.
              In others, it looks different.
              1. Jin
                26 July 2013 18: 24
                Quote: Dober
                Here, from the "Red Fox" came out.
                Check your browser for these or similar cookies. They absolutely MUST NOT be there !!! (Circled) Browse - Google.
                In others, it looks different.

                Thank you, dear, here the glitch is different, figured out, but still a huge ATP! Useful for the future, God forbid!)))
                1. Dober
                  26 July 2013 18: 59
                  Quote: Jin
                  Useful for the future, God forbid!

                  You are welcome! But "I whisper in secret" - if such appear on your computer (on your braz), then to the site you cannot get there in any way. Only through the removal of these and some other "unpleasant" things.
                  Who and for what purposes sends such cookies to the computers of members of the forum, it is necessary to explain? Look at their names "DIE" in translation "death" ...
                  1. Jin
                    26 July 2013 20: 25
                    Quote: Dober
                    But "I whisper in secret" - if such appear on your computer (on your braz), then you will not be able to get to the site in any way. Only through the removal of these and some other "unpleasant" things.

                    Accepted, execute.
      2. Jin
        26 July 2013 18: 08
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Alexander Romanov

        That's it, Sasha, thanks, everything’s okay under chrome, it’s already unusual somehow after firefox, a little differently ...
        1. +1
          26 July 2013 18: 09
          Quote: Jin
          thank you

          No problem soldier
  24. fastblast
    26 July 2013 17: 22
    In the mid-60s, good films were born in America, deep and multidimensional, but with the advent of blockbusters in the film industry, art for Americans died.
  25. pa_nik
    26 July 2013 17: 32
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    test insert

    First accidentally caught photo? laughing
    1. 0
      26 July 2013 17: 35
      Quote: pa_nik
      First accidentally caught photo?

      Yes, but I deleted already, they’ll not get it right laughing
  26. +1
    26 July 2013 17: 34
    Quote: Fastblast
    In the mid-60s, good films were born in America, deep and multidimensional, but with the advent of blockbusters in the film industry, art for Americans died.

    And what kind of films we made .. Now you’re looking at some kind of surrogate you already know how it will end .. Films as well as books should take a good movie. .The son is now watching a stupid western cartoon .. (there is probably 21 frames ..) I say, look ours and I will look with you .. it's useless ..
    1. fastblast
      26 July 2013 17: 51
      Yes, ours in this regard lasted longer, almost to the 90s, although already from the beginning of the 80s underground slag began to appear ...
      And now, what do we see? And we see cheap and one-time (semi-one-time) empty video materials with a completely linear scenario.
      Films have no souls now, no.
      Most importantly, you are right, modern films do not include the human thought process, and for the most part, they even turn it off!

      About stupid Western cartoons, I generally said nothing, you can not show this to children.
  27. serge-68-68
    26 July 2013 17: 35
    In 2005, I took part in a round table in Lithuania. First, the former vice-speaker of Latvia spoke - she timidly tried to apologize for the strong Russophobia and fear of the famous cry "Russians are coming!" Then a Pole spoke - the vice-mayor of Krakow. Not exactly to the text, but it sounded something like this: “Right now a woman appeared in front of me and said that“ the Russians are coming ”- it’s very scary ... And I’ll tell you that if I go out into the street of Krakow and shout“ Panova! Russians are coming! Then they will shout joyfully in response - let them go, they are carrying money! "
    Why am I all this? - At the household level, when all kinds of paralytic politicians do not intervene, people have nothing to share. They will agree.
  28. +3
    26 July 2013 17: 36
    Russia can not understand with its mind, it is not possible to measure the common yardstick ...
    1. Dober
      26 July 2013 18: 35
      And why there is no PATRIOTIC continuation -

      ... "She has a special become.
      You can only believe in Russia! "

      / F.I. Tyutchev. 1866 /

      I have always loved Russia
      'Cause she loved me
      And never part
      I am with my sweet Fatherland.

      And I'm glad to shout to her - Vivat!
      And I am glad to scream - Russia is glory!
      I'm your protector and soldier
      My beloved power.

      I could understand you with my heart
      My Russia is dear
      When I had to leave
      Leaving you for a long time.

      I traveled then half the world
      What does Homeland mean - I know
      And my lyre fell silent
      When I was in a foreign land.

      / Yu.M. Olkhin /
  29. +3
    26 July 2013 17: 39
    Dear author, what are you talking about? Which screenwriters, which, to Benina's mother, literary writers? With the collapse of the USSR and the dispersal of Langley's "Russian department," there were no specialists in Russia left in Pin_dostan at all, not excluding higher educational institutions. The last practicing Sovietologist was perhaps Robert Gates.
    A vivid example of a "specialist" in Russia / USSR-black-tailed monkey with a cropped tail African American Condoleezza Rice (condom, Liza, rise!), confused Andropov and Stalin. What classics are there with the inner world of GG and the contextual thought of the work ...
  30. +8
    26 July 2013 17: 44
    Russian family in the view of the Americans.
    - Honey, I'm home!
    - Why so late?
    - On the way the bear sprained his leg - I had to solder vodka.
    - Sit down! Let's drink vodka.
    “Mom, I'll go play with the bear.”
    - Well, just drink vodka first.
    - And where is our grandfather?
    - He has been waiting in line for coupons for coupons for a second week.
    “It's good that he drank vodka before that.” And you don’t sit idle - go drink vodka too.
    -Okay, go take a walk, son, and do not forget to write a report to the KGB in the evening! And on the way home do not forget to buy vodka - it ends.
    - Darling, something's hot. Please turn off the nuclear reactor.
    - Now I’ll finish the vodka and turn it off, but for now, play the balalaika
    1. Dober
      26 July 2013 18: 43
      Quote: Rattenfanger
      Russian family in the view of the Americans.

      Fuck, class! good laughing wassat
      Well, everything is just like in our family ... fellow I just need to add that after each phrase there is a "bunch" in the form of "shiet", "beech" and "faking" laughing
      Like that -
      What a bitch! Now, just drink up this fucking vodka and turn off this fucking nuclear reactor.
       And you bitch while play there fucking balalaika.
    2. rolik
      26 July 2013 22: 48
      Quote: Rattenfanger
      Russian family in the view of the Americans.

      laughing laughing laughing good good laughing
      I’ll go drink vodka))))))))))))))))))) !!!
    3. +2
      27 July 2013 02: 35
      Quote: Rattenfanger
      Russian family in the view of the Americans.
      I almost laid out the same thing, let me think I’ll go over the countersinks at the posts. And on those already laid out. Okay, I'll go look out the window at the Kremlin and admire it. laughing
  31. 0
    26 July 2013 17: 49
    Something Sadness attacked me ..... memories .. winked Oh Russia mother ... !!
  32. Jin
    26 July 2013 18: 05
    Hmm, guys, don’t pay attention, I don’t have any kind of growth here ... I'm trying to deal with browsers, something is buggy by quiet sadness)))
  33. Vlad_Mir
    26 July 2013 18: 06
    Whatever they write or talk about Russia, it all comes down to one thing - to propagate the American way of life!
  34. +9
    26 July 2013 18: 14
    Dear Galina, thanks for the article, but I'm afraid you are far from understanding how in the West (I will take North America) Russians are perceived, apparently due to the fact that they never lived in the West. I think for a start it is necessary to divide the population of the West into layers, since in the understanding of different layers Russia is perceived differently. There is only one layer - ordinary hard workers who have never left their side (you will be surprised, many do not even have passports!) For them are Russians ... on the drum, they don’t know ANYTHING about them, despite the films, etc. If you meet such a person in a tavern, he / she, the narrow one that you are a Russian, will drink with you with pleasure, talk about this, that is, they will perceive you as a neighbor living across the road. Geography is tight - somewhere in the north. And such are the majority.
    Layer two (you revealed it a bit in the article, they know a little more about Russians), Russians are associated with: vodka, snow and cold (including communication), by the way, the truth is, the vast majority of Russians living in the West are unfriendly (even in relation to to compatriots), manners are rude. Balalaika and dancing bears - perhaps not. With better geography, they know that this is a big country and that on the one hand is Europe and on the other is China.
    Layer three. People who know even more about Russia, possibly have worked with professionals, familiar with products manufactured in Russia, etc. Russians for them are very intelligent and educated people who work a lot and are not afraid of hard work (in North America, a lot of Russians are employed at a construction site and truckers in trucks). Every second is a great hockey player. The Russians make excellent weapons and devices, which, despite their cumbersome appearance, work perfectly and never break. Russians make cheap cars that break down, but very cheap. Geography is even better, besides there is even an understanding that Moscow and Russia are two different things. Russians prefer strong drinks.
    There are still layers, but these three are the main ones.
    Here's a look "from the inside".
    1. +1
      26 July 2013 18: 29
      And add from myself to your koment hi : MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS AND WOMEN love ALSO WITH US! good
    2. rolik
      26 July 2013 22: 50
      Quote: CAPILATUS
      . With better geography, they know that this is a big country and that on the one hand is Europe and on the other is China.

      You speak with geography ??? Well, yes, yes, with geography in America everything is super. Especially among presidents lol
    3. +1
      26 July 2013 23: 08
      You are big +! I will gladly subscribe to your every word - in fact, the majority of Americans, and Europeans too - are not evil people, they do not hate Russia and Russians. What we see in films and other products of Western mass culture is the essence of propaganda, by the way, many people in the West are already quite tired of it, sometimes to such an extent that people themselves are beginning to become interested in real Russia, since the "iron curtain" is in the past, there is the Internet and our compatriots are actively present in it. Plus, many foreigners come to us, including students - I myself observe a bunch of American and European students at Moscow State University all year round (though there are a lot of them in the summer wink ) And nothing - they are very willing and friendly to communicate with ours, and after all, these people are not just foreigners but their future intellectual elite, so there are positive changes, and over time, I hope, there will only be more.
      And we, Russians, I think we need to stop being offended that we are not portrayed there, the main thing is that we are portrayed in a positive light)). Do not forget that Russia is a separate huge civilization with a rich culture, ancient history and a powerful language. Even if the West really wants to understand and learn us, then it will take him a long time)))
      1. +2
        27 July 2013 07: 35
        Quote: Albert1988
        most Americans and Europeans too - people are not evil

        Ordinary Americans may not be evil, but their leaders want to get our natural resources, as the Americans say - "It's nothing personal, just business!" And when the state orders these "ordinary" Americans and Europeans to come to Russia to kill, plunder, rape, as has happened repeatedly. And there is no need to campaign here, what kind and good people they are, the parents of the murderer and rapist also tell tales in court about their kind and good son. On behalf of these "good-goers" they destroyed Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, now they are killing the Syrians.
        1. 0
          27 July 2013 17: 53
          Let's just say those who come
          Quote: Setrac
          kill, rob, rape
          are not ordinary Americans, but specially trained and trained professional killers. As a matter of fact, the professional army in the USA and Europe was created only to make it easier to carry out interventions - ordinary amers and Europeans will no longer just go to kill someone at the behest, and if they do, then many of them will start to oppose it, which means society learns about what is going on in the war without any Manning, and you yourself understand the Vietnamese scenario, so "ordinary American guys" are hardly enemies to us, but their "rambs" with "captains americans" that they serve in their army are really real a threat
    4. serge
      26 July 2013 23: 21
      In Europe, the attitude towards Russians is about the same as in America. Hard workers, as a rule, are interested, and the image of the Soviet Union played an important role in this. It is easy and simple to communicate with techies with higher education. The middle class is more distantly held, the most dumb and hostile part of it is the creative intelligentsia. You feel the most sincere love for Russians when you go to European shops (if it’s not Germany, where they don’t like anyone, it seems).
  35. Smersh
    26 July 2013 18: 20
    After all the wars lost by the west by us, they fear us the most
  36. 0
    26 July 2013 18: 23
    Good article! Thank!
  37. +1
    26 July 2013 18: 33
    The most gratifying thing is that the Russian man is smarter, kinder, more compassionate than all those who try to put us in an unfriendly light, for me it’s their inferiority and nothing more, it’s hard to be with someone who is much better than you, and horror stories in packs, that’s causing trouble laughing
  38. Master Taiga
    26 July 2013 18: 36
    It is foolish to make up an opinion of Russians on a single idiotic comic book movie. Alas, no setback. To the author minus.
  39. ed65b
    26 July 2013 18: 41
    I started reading the article, well, I think now, judging by the beginning, the author will unfold. it all came down to an excursion into the history of fashion. A toy dragged to what? such toys are darkness about Russia, for example, the mega-popular Command & Conquer, the equally hyped Company of Heroes: Eastern Front, and about shooters you can only envy any actions in Russia, or Russians as the main character or his opponent. In general, the article was not inspired. But Ivan Drago is handsome, unlike the author.
  40. +5
    26 July 2013 19: 09
    "The advantages of communicating online are that you are Russian.
    1. Everyone thinks you have a tame fighting bear.
    Cons from being Russian.
    1. You DO NOT have a tame war bear !! "
    In general, the demand for "Russian" in the world is huge. A skillful, strong, merciless fighter, an infinitely inventive, unpredictable and invincible person. The Russian is predictable only in one thing - he will not fight for evil for anything. And there is no need to offend the weak with him. Oh, don't! And if this creepy guy is forced to turn to friends ... laughing This is how we have always been perceived. This "Ivan Drago" is not an image of a Russian in the West, it is a manipulative object of fooling, which by the way did not work very well.
    And our grief is ... that "You DO NOT have a tame fighting bear !!"
    1. 0
      27 July 2013 11: 21
      This can be fixed, there are bear nurseries, half a thousand rubles from you and the ability to raise a bear in the Russian fighting style.
  41. Consmo
    26 July 2013 19: 15
    And here is Kamarinskaya on the balalaika, as it should.
    A Kamarino man walked around and took off his pants and runs along the street.
    (Russian army in the Vatican) L'armata Russa in Vaticano

    Balalaika for 23-50 seconds.
  42. +1
    26 July 2013 19: 28
    However, shot in the late 1990s, Armageddon shows us a drunken, overgrown ... cosmonaut Lev Andropov in a characteristic cap with earflaps and in a stale T-shirt with a red star.

    But just envy of our astronauts, who did what they could not.
  43. Rezun
    26 July 2013 20: 38
    You must step, step!
    Show amers via RT "Hot Snow" or "Descended from Heaven"! A couple of months will come to their senses ...
  44. +8
    26 July 2013 21: 32
    Not everything is so badly described by the author at the end, but there are also such nonsense of schizophrenics, though from Canada-
  45. +2
    26 July 2013 22: 03
    Oh, I’ll go and give the bear vodka, otherwise the poor thing freezes.
    1. 0
      26 July 2013 23: 09
      Isn't it easier to turn on the reactor?
  46. 0
    26 July 2013 23: 23
    Quote: JonnyT
    This is how Americans see us (disgusting deceitful video) Since the end of World 2, they have always cultivated in their citizens the thought of the Russian threat, that we are uncontrollable animals, capable of nothing. The main dogma of American politicians is America, the navel of the earth, doing only noble and good things, and Russian - pigs capable of only vile attack, drunk .....

    Of course, in fact, it’s nonsense, but only in the human factor (it runs from the machingan and not only)), and the development of technology will probably be like that in the near future, which has almost come for these technologies. everything that is shown already works, albeit in experimental versions, everything can be viewed on YouTube too. and pipilats naughty without reloading with heavy bursts, and this is not even a small thing, but a mikrashka caliber for such ammunition))
    1. 0
      27 July 2013 11: 25
      The beast does not run to the catcher now))) Smiled.
  47. The comment was deleted.
  48. +1
    26 July 2013 23: 35
    A few drawings almost in topic

  49. +1
    26 July 2013 23: 38
  50. 77bor1973
    26 July 2013 23: 53
    The most interesting thing is that the Americans themselves do not understand in their culture, the most educated know the name Shakespeare and are familiar with some of his works.
    1. ratuld
      27 July 2013 07: 22
      Well this is a fact !!!
      Somehow I was just recently shell-shocked
      asked the American graduate student in St. Petersburg about Tarantino Coen ....
      ... the future degenerate spy looked at me with such eyes - that I thought that maybe I'm not talking about that America.
      And there is another ... the other place.
  51. +1
    27 July 2013 01: 05
    One of the latest “masterpieces” in describing the image of a Russian is the Yusov film “Warrior”. There is an image of a Russian, an invincible MMA fighter named (ATTENTION!) - KOBA! The prototype of a fighter named Koba, played by Kurt Angle, is a multiple world champion in martial arts Fedor Emelianenko. For this role, Kurt Angle studied all the fight tapes of Fedor Emelianenko, lost 14 kilograms of weight and studied Russian for three months. Koba also enters the ring to Vladimir Vysotsky’s song “Fasicky Horses.”
    1. 0
      27 July 2013 11: 15
      Oh how Fedor scared them
  52. +1
    27 July 2013 04: 56
    Considering that, starting from the 15th century, all sorts of “trustworthy” travelers, having heard plenty of drunken Polish merchants in the taverns of the city of Krakow, described Russians in their “works” as people with wolf heads and people growing on trees, for some reason I I’m not surprised that nothing has changed, except that the stories have become less stupid and a little more believable, at least much more difficult to check for outright lies... The “enlightened” geyropa was still dark, obscurantist and uneducated (mostly its popular mass), and has remained so to this day....
  53. ratuld
    27 July 2013 06: 51
    Oh !!
    The theme is eternal...
    Lump in throat.
    No one has sung better than Bashlachev...
    "the menacing ringing of Russian bells..."
  54. +2
    27 July 2013 09: 08
    Oh, these superheroes for me, but life is real, here we had to call superheroes for help against the Russians, superheroes didn’t come to the rescue, so we watch a video of how Americans fall under attack

    especially watch this fight to the end

  55. +2
    27 July 2013 09: 21
    You shouldn’t put the whole West under the same level.
    Vysotsky sang, and in Italy, and in France, and in America, people “drowned” in the sounds, in the voice... then they translated. And I know that to this day in some universities songs by Vladimir Semenovich are a manual on the Russian language.

    And where there is earflaps, vodka, wolves, Grigory Melikhov with painted lips, this is not their perception of Russia. This is a request for horror stories.
    1. ratuld
      27 July 2013 10: 55
      We don't touch their sensitive breasts.
      Don't forget - it's THEY who live on our territory - it's them who use - Alaska-Hawaii-California.
      They are the ones who mock us along with the lackeys, the Kohanim.
      And by the way, WE are more THEY - they THAN THEY THEMSELVES.
  56. +1
    27 July 2013 09: 25
    Quote: ratuld
    No one has sung better than Bashlachev...
    "the menacing ringing of Russian bells..."

    “Can you feel with your livers the menacing laughter of Russian bells?” - They feel it when it props up!!!!
  57. +1
    27 July 2013 09: 30
    here's another one...about American superheroes
    1. ratuld
      27 July 2013 09: 58
      Tear !!! Their creatures...
      Tearing with your teeth...
      Macaques are genetic...
  58. +3
    27 July 2013 09: 50
    Why should we look back at the Americans in particular and the West in general?
    We did our own thing in Syria and with Snowden - the attitude immediately changed. So you shouldn’t give a damn about them. From the big bell tower. soldier
  59. 128mgb
    27 July 2013 10: 04
    The title of this article cannot be translated into English. God forbid the American senators and congressmen read it. There are a lot of skyscrapers in the USA.
  60. Taurus
    27 July 2013 10: 56
    It is written ornately, as verbiage is supposed to tweet, but I didn’t understand the meaning of the writing. What to talk about?
    1. 0
      27 July 2013 11: 19
      A typical article by a culturologist, no, of course I understand that most people only like short slogans and chants; many people don’t have enough strength to comprehend a complex sentence with an adverbial phrase (for example, Gorbachev), but why criticize if you can read it again for comprehension?
  61. Larus
    27 July 2013 12: 10
    The Americans stupidly turned their attention to our market and now there are Russians in many films. They simply earn money, thereby attracting the audience
  62. +2
    27 July 2013 14: 48
    I don’t understand the desire of some Russian filmmakers to copy expressions and entire phrases from Hollywood films. Why such a humiliating imitation? The history of our cinema shows that a huge number of wonderful films have been created in our country, which have received a worthy assessment from the international film community. In the modern history of Russia, we have missed movies that would show the Russian character, the greatness of Russia. Think about it, gentlemen, filmmakers!
  63. soldier's grandson
    28 July 2013 01: 31
    Quote: pa_nik
    Quote: gura
    And they are afraid, because of the unpredictability of the Kremlin.

    And who is there to be afraid of !? request This is the Kremlin "twist-twirl-deceive I want" the whole world and everyone! And only America - wow !!! Stands on the edge of democratic values! God forbid the Kremlin will lead itself "so not democratically". It will be ay-yay. And with human rights they have no harmony and dabble with chem-bio labs around their country. Everything!! We got it. Where are our plans of sixty years ago and later ones to curb this Russia !!! We are pulling matches - who to once again throw to break through the vast expanses of this "dense" country. Maybe it will turn out better than the hitler with the French and all those who came before them !? And Russia stands for itself, is not afraid ... Still, these people are strange in this inexplicable country ...

    Why should they be afraid of the Kremlin, what a delusion, there’s a red-haired Tolyan sitting there, and ladies, and there’s also in the government
  64. Danielb
    28 July 2013 14: 06
    this was already clear before.
  65. GOOD07
    29 July 2013 00: 59
    Handsome Russians! Especially when at home you are being bullied by all sorts of idiots. Be careful not to burst from pride :)))))

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"